

Imagem de apresentação do programa


About PPGCR – Graduate Program in the Religions Sciences



A group of professors belonging to Religare Group of Research CR and Studies on Religiosity boosted the project for the creation of PPG-CR, which gathers researchers enrolled at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) since 1999. For 10 years (1996-2006), the group produced, published, and advised various academic works. However, the year of 2005 was a milestone at the existence of the future PPG-CR, meeting the demands of the Permanent Comission for Religious System of the Secretary of Education of the State of Paraíba, which demanded a training program for Religious Education teachers. Therefore, the 1st Specialization Program in Religions Sciences (lato sensu) was born, approved by Resolution no. 40/2004 of CONSEPE and begun in April 2005. Such a program boosted the creation project for the stricto sensu graduate program. PPG-CR was created under Resolution no. 03/2006 of CONSEPE and acknowledged by the Scientific Technical Council of CAPES, in a meeting held on July 12, 2006. The first group started in March, 2007.



The religious phenomenon is one of the four pillars of human culture, whereas the other three are Philosophy, Art, and Science. And, at the teaching institutions in which the science is reached, the same should happen with the Religions, a cultural patrimony of all peoples, and, as such, matter of studies and research. Knowledge opens door, but religious fundamentalism is extremely harmful to the individual and to the society. It promotes intolerance, difficulty in the relationship among groups, destroys the integration and mutual respect, it does not admit divergent opinions, and considers its perspective safe from mistakes. However, from the assumption that: Ignorance is the mother of intolerance, and the most consequent manner of overcoming ignorance, that is, unawareness, and therefore forge the religious tolerance, is to foster knowledge. In this sense, the Federal University of Paraíba created the Graduate Program in Religions Sciences aiming to contribute to the construction of a harmonic society, tolerant to the different, and based on ethics and respect to minorities.



The Graduate Program in Religions Sciences seeks to:

Train teachers to teach at elementary, high, and higher school

Train researchers to assist governmental or non-governmental bodies

Train consultants


Coordination (2020-2022):

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Maria Lúcia Abaurre Gnerre

Vice-coordinator: Prof. Dr. Fernanda Lemos




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Coordination Department of the Program