UFPB › SIGAA - Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas João Pessoa, 19 de Setembro de 2024

TRADUÇÃO (BACHARELADO)/CCHLA. - João Pessoa(João Pessoa)


Course  Level  Graduate


Last News

  Informações sobre a colação de grau
  Defesas 2023.2
  Homologação Inscrição Chapa Eleição da Coordenação de Tradução
  Edital de eleição para nova coordenação (2023/2025)
  Processo Seletivo Empresa Júnior



The undergraduate course in Translation, offered by Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), has as its main objective to promote professional translator qualification, encouraging practices that are in tune with the society's needs.


Curriculum completion

Minimum: 8 semesters

Maximum:12 semesters


Working languages

Languages of translation practice are yearly defined by the course faculty among English, French, German and Spanish. This means that translation practice will be in one of these languages to Portuguese. Taking into consideration the current capacities of the department, the working languages have been English <-> Portuguese.


Foreign language classes start at B1 level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


Number of Admissions: 30, every year in the first semester.


Course Goals:

General objectives:

To facilitate the development of translation competence, enabling the graduating professional to enter the Translation market and to autonomously continue their learning in search for expertise in the area.

Specific objectives:

To reflect upon the importance of language as a resource for intercultural mediation in human society, and the importance of professional translation activities, developing specific competences to a better accomplishment of individual or group assignments;

  1. To read, analyze, revise and produce texts in different varieties and contexts of language;
  2. To use computer resources as online dictionaries, databases, search tools and language processing apps to be applied in multiple types of media;
  3. To translate texts in various fields of knowledge;
  4. To develop the interest for research, exercise autonomy and improve problem solving skills in the realm of translation;
  5. To render  quality, punctual and ethical translations;
  6. Offer translation models to incentivize new practices among translators, and the active participation in forums for discussions of topics related to translation and the spread of progresses made in the field;
  7. Contribute to the improvement of the tools used in the work of a translator;
  8. Establish a good support system to the development of researches in the field and strengthen initiatives of preexisting research groups in the national and global scenarios;
  9. Strengthen the training of researchers with a specific focus on translation for future work in higher education in the field of translation;
  10. Contribute to the creation of a hub to the studies of translation, meeting the expectations of the overtly expanding area of Translation Studies in the country.



The course faculty is composed of professors from the Department of Intercultural Mediation (translation and applied foreign language courses) and the Department of Portuguese Language and Linguistics (Portuguese language courses).

Translated by Plantão da Tradução

Título do Profissional:
Alternative Page:
Phone/Extension: No available at this moment
E-mail: No available at this moment
Course Vice Coordination : TANIA LIPARINI CAMPOS
Phone/Extension: No available at this moment
E-mail: No available at this moment
CNPQ's Knowledge Area:
Ciências Humanas
Course Modality:

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