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Program Presentation:


The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering – PPGEE (in Brazilian Portuguese abbreviation), from the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB (in Brazilian Portuguese abbreviation), was approved by CAPES (Brazilian's government agency for graduate school) and started its activities, at the academic master's degree, on January 1st, 2011, with the participation of 10 professors from the Department of Electrical Engineering – DEE, and collaborating professor, Cursino Brandão Jacobina, from the Federal University of Campina Grande. Today, the Program has 14 professors, including permanent staff and collaborating professors.


PPGEE has been previously coordinated by professors Fabiano Salvadori, Juan Moises Villanueva, and Nady Rocha, the last one having started in August 2016, to date.

The Program was created to perform research and technological development in the Energy System Concentration Area. This area was initially divided into two lines of research: Energy Systems Optimization and Energy-Efficient Electro-Electronic Systems. Recently, there was a need to separate the optimization line into two lines of research. Thus, since July 2016, with the approval of the new PPGEE Resolution No. 33/2016, the Program started to have three research lines, namely: a) Energy Systems Optimization, b) Electronic Systems and Automation, and c) Power Systems.


Concentration Area:

Energy Systems.


Lines of Research:


Energy Systems Optimization:

This line of research has the goal to develop researches that involve system modeling, static and dynamic simulation using numerical and analytical methods through advanced computational techniques, to allow the evaluation and optimization of these systems. Such researches are applied in the solution of problems related to the electrical energy sector, in the following topics:


Electronic System and Automation:

The line of Energy-Efficient Electro-Electronic Systems and today known as Electronic and Automation System aims at studies, research, and innovative propositions that promote the improvement of the energy efficiency levels in electro-electronic systems, both residential and industrial. The research is oriented on developing low-consumption systems and optimization of existing systems. Some topics in this line that will guide its goals are:

Power Systems:

This line aims to develop research involving system modeling, static and dynamic simulation using numerical and analytical methods through advanced computational techniques, to allow the evaluation and optimization of these systems. The researches will be oriented in the following topics:


PPGEE provides 5 laboratories for research and development practice, assisted by technicians, in addition to state-of-the-art equipment and instruments for applied research development. The currently available studies and research infrastructure on the master's course provides:


RFWild Laboratory:

The laboratory has about 85m², the RFWild is dedicated to research and development of RF circuits (Radio Frequency) with low power consumption. The laboratory offers software (CADENCE, ADS), and hardware infrastructure (Micromanipulator, PNA-X 4 ports, signal analyzer, noise source, low noise amplifiers) for the design and characterization of RF integrated circuits. The permanent members of RFWild have a solid background in the area of characterization and modeling of semiconductor devices, and our expertise is used to improve the Figure of Merit (FOM) of the circuits we design.


Electrical Systems Optimization Laboratory (LOSE, in Brazilian Portuguese abbreviation):

The Laboratory has approximately 85m², LOSE is a research laboratory, which is distinguished for working in the study and development of strategies of driving electric machines, static converters; control systems applied to distributed generation and accumulators connected to the power grid. That way, it works in the lines of power electronics, electric machines, renewable energy sources, with a focus on solar and wind power, and smart power networks. Besides that, it has 5 doctoral researchers working at UFPB, in addition to national and international collaborators.


The main equipment is:

2   Variac Autotransformers with 15 kVA power;

3   Digital Oscilloscope, Number of Channels: 4, Bandwidth: 200MHz;

4   Personal Computers Core 2 Duo;

4   Digital Power Meters;

3   Three-Phase Variac Autotransformer with 5kVA power

1  Three-Phase Transformer with 3kVA power

6   Inductors with 6mH

6   Inductors with 2mH

3   Single-Phase Variac, Input 220V- Output 0~250V- Model TDGC2-1KVA

1   Static Power Converter Bench key IGBT 1200 V/50 A com 6 branches, equipped with current and voltage sensors, and DSP.

1   Static Power Converter Bench key IGBT 1200 V/50 A com 12 branches, equipped with current and voltage sensors, and DSP.

2   Static Power Converter Benches key IGBT 1200 V/50 A with 4 branches, equipped with current and voltage sensors, and DSP.

1   OPAL Real-time simulator.

1   Power Generation Kit with a squirrel cage induction motor e um doubly-fed induction generator with 500W power.


The Systems and Active Structures Laboratory - LaSEA:

The LaSEA has approximately 85m², and was designed by professor Cícero da Rocha Souto - DEE/UFPB and started in 2010 to develop scientific research that relates to systems and/or generalized active structures. Systems can be considered to be from an element in its macro form of matter to a functional device such as a sensor or actuator. Active structures can be considered as elements that are endowed with some "intelligence" and that can react when stimulated.

 The LaSEA has a multidisciplinary nature because it involves research related to Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Materials Engineering, however, its main focus is on research related to Electrical Engineering since it deals with active systems excited or captured by electrical stimuli. In general, materials and devices are used in LaSEA researches that, when stimulated externally, react by returning the energy absorbed in another energy type. This behavior, usually intrinsic to the material, can be seen, for example, in piezoelectric and form memory materials. For this reason, research is usually motivated by practical applications allowing inclusion into several engineering areas. Among the ongoing researches can be highlighted those of the line of electric power generation using piezoelectric materials, those of the line of development and characterization of piezoelectric sensors and actuators and with materials with shape memory, those of the line of human rehabilitation with intelligent actuators, those of the line of development and characterization of electric and thermoelectric motors using special materials.


Microengineering Laboratory:

It has approximately 40m². The main objective is to be a space for those interested in conducting basic and applied research in its lines of action, making available equipment, electronic components, technical staff, and a suitable environment for research. Considering this objective, the scientific and technological repercussions of the laboratory output are both in scientific articles publications and innovation and patent deposits. The Microengineering Laboratory's main lines of action are in autonomous electronic systems, ranging from the powering of microelectronic devices through energy harvesting (Energy Harvesting) to the full development of complex electronic systems based on off-the-shelf integrated circuits. In particular, it develops applications in the line of Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things (IoT), and LP-WAN, currently LoRaWAN, focusing on environmental monitoring systems, pollution, and Smart Cities. The Microengineering Laboratory is associated with the National Institute of Science and Technology for Micro and Nanoelectronics Systems, INCT NAMITEC (in the Portuguese abbreviation).

Through the performance of researchers and undergraduate research students, Masters and Ph.D., with scholarships sponsored by NAMITEC, the Microengineering Laboratory was equipped with several instruments and equipment to carry out its research. Moreover, it was also funded by several other research projects promoted by CNPq, FAPESQ-PB, and CAPES (Brazilian Research Funding Institutions), enabling the development of technological research as well as scientific research.


This laboratory has the following pieces of equipment (quantity, description):

1   3D-Printer                       CUBEPRO     401733

1   Vector Signal Analyzer (VSA). Manufacturer KEYSIGHT, model N9000B

1   Logic Analyzer with 64 channels. Manufacturer: AGILENT, model 16822A

1   PCB (Printed Circuit Board) Printer LPKF PROTOMAT E33

1   Rework Station DK-850 DIGITAL

1   Welding Station 960 DIGITAL

1   Vaccum Gripper DK381

1   Welding smoke extractor TS-193

4   Power Supplies Minipa MPL-3303M 4 U1242B Handheld Digital Multimeter, 4-digit

1   Oscilloscope Agilent MS0-X 3024A

1   Oscilloscope Agilent DS0-X 2012A

1   Function Generator Agilent X33220A

1   Function Generator Agilent 33210A

1   Function Generator Agilent 33521A

1   Handheld LCR (L – Inductance, C – Capacitance, and R – Resistance) Meter U1733C 100 Hz/120 Hz/1 kHz/10 kHz/100 kHz

1   Nobreak Microsol STAY 700

1   Digital Clamp Meter Minipa AC Clamp Meter ET-3120

1    Laser Distance Meter FLUKE  414D

10   Desktop computers


Laboratory of Computational Intelligence Applied to Automation:

The research activities developed by the GICA-EE group aim to elaborate tools based on applied computational intelligence to solve optimization and decision support problems in electric sector activities. The laboratory has approximately 85m², it is dedicated to research, academic education, and technology development in the area of Computational Intelligence, including several techniques: Evolutionary Strategies, Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Networks, Intelligent Hybrid Systems, and Statistical Models. The GICA-EE aims to design new models and build intelligent decision support systems to solve problems in the automation and energy sector, where needs are identified such as classification, clustering, planning, optimization, prediction, control, and industrial automation, image recognition, data fusion, and signal estimation. So, the impact of this group will result in benefits and opportunities for technological development for undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students of Electrical Engineering, as well as companies operating in the sector.

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Coordination Department of the Program