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  • MORE THAN A "PIECE OF CLOTH": An Ethnography of the Religious Practice of Wearing the Islamic Headscarf among Muslim Women in Northeastern Brazil.
  • Fecha: 27-jun-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This study aims to investigate, through an anthropological approach, the use of the Islamic veil by Muslim women from the Northeast of Brazil. Given the growing number of Muslim converts from the Northeast, the study focuses on researching the practice of wearing the Islamic veil by Muslim women from the Northeast in Brazil and around the world, proposing to map and discuss different categories of anthropological analysis and the nuances of the Islamic religious experience of Muslim women who wear the veil (or not) in their daily lives. As part of the scholarly research, the aim is to analyse theoretical and methodological questions about different approaches to research among Muslims, theoretical concepts that enable the application of the ethnographic method, and new categories of analysis - such as the Islamic socio-technical network and its relevance for promoting the growth of Muslim reverts in the region. This study analyses the discourses and statistics collected through face-to-face and online interviews with twenty-six Muslim women. The ethnographic method of analysis is used to understand the meanings and behaviours of veiling among Muslim women in the Northeast. The study will also engage in a dialogue with various authors, constituting a multidisciplinary study, in order to understand the theological, historical and cultural context that shapes the thinking of north-eastern Muslim women and is reproduced in their discourses. The research will show that North Eastern Muslim women wear the Islamic veil as a sign of belonging, identity and faith, to make modesty and obedience to religious rules (as they understand and interpret them) a religious behaviour. It is proposed that this research will contribute to the understanding of the meanings of the Islamic headscarf in the Northeast of Brazil, generating reflection, critique and action among and for Muslim women from the Northeast of the world.
  • Respeito é pra quem tem. Sou “beradero” da linha do trem: a construção da identidade cultural “beradera” na cidade de Porto Velho/RO.
  • Fecha: 29-feb-2024
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • In this study, I propose to reflect anthropologically on the processes of construction and shaping of the "beradêra" identity in Porto Velho, Rondônia. The research was conducted in the city of Porto Velho, the capital of the state of Rondônia in the Western Amazon, and took shape from the general objective of investigating the socio-historical processes of "beradêra" identity construction. Porto Velho has a history marked by multiple migratory processes, driven by its different "economic cycles." This reality permeates the constitution of memory and identity in the region, in a constant state of dispute and reworking. Considering these issues, a focus is placed on the cultural movements in the city, which become part of this memory dispute, influencing the redefinition of the term "beradeiro," historically used in a pejorative sense. For the development of the research, I used ethnography through anthropological analysis, resorting to participant observation and field participation, as well as the life history approach. Participant observation occurred through my involvement in cultural and political movements related to the "beradêra" identity in the city of Porto Velho, allowing me to recognize the research interlocutors, with whom narrative interviews were conducted, from the position of a "native." The material collected during the fieldwork was subjected to hermeneutic analysis, and from the reflections, three chapters were developed: 1 - Porto Velho: winding between tracks, waters, and highways: socio-historical reconstitution of the processes of official narratives of the constitution of the State of Rondônia; ; 2 - Little flour, my broth first; 3 - "Beradêro" Movement or "Beradêro" in Motion. The research showed how cultural movements played a significant role in transforming perceptions and meanings attributed to the term "beradeiro," thus shaping the identity and representation of individuals who self-identify as "beradêros" in the region. This identity should be observed not only as an aggregate of social interactions but also through the political and strategic use of the diacritical signs of this identity.
  • Birth routes: gender and gestational itineraries in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago
  • Fecha: 29-feb-2024
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This research reflects notions about care and its flows. Based on the experiences of pregnant women on the Island of Fernando de Noronha traveling to the mainland for births, I carry out ethnographic analyzes based on a theoretical-methodological framework arising mainly from the anthropology of health, body and gender, but also from autoethnography, to find in care, the common space intersected by gender and work. Here I take methodological dives that made it possible to continue the research even when I was dedicated to caring for my mother, following an important health event that left her bedridden. Therefore, this research proposes to think about how certain involuntary flows, such as pregnant women leaving the island to give birth, relate to risk management, care and reproductive governance.
  • Suicide and racism: an anthropological reflection on "ideation" and "suicide attempts" by black women hosted at CERIR João Balula, João Pessoa/PB
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2024
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • This paper addresses the relationships between the practices of racism and suicide in the black population, with an emphasis on black women based on research carried out at the João Balula State Reference Center for Racial Equality, linked to the State Secretariat for Women and Human Diversity – SEMDH. The problematization of the relationships between these terms – racism and suicide – is central to criticizing the processes of colonization and racialization of everyday practices, as well as understanding the impact of these processes on the life trajectory of black women. Anthropologically, these relationships are considered historically and socially constructed, producing social, racial and gender inequalities. The choice of CERIR João Balula sought to focus on the processes of transforming public policies into practices when it comes to racism, emphasizing the multidisciplinary perspective of the service team. The objective was to identify the impacts caused to black women from the experience of racial injury, involving personal and social relationships and the existence of suicide ideation or attempts reported by them. Initially, we sought epidemiological information about suicide and tempting practices consolidated by the Health Department of the Municipality of João Pessoa, taking into account the issue of race/color. Then, in addition to field observation, six interviews were carried out with black women and four interviews with professionals from the aforementioned Center. The information that women make suicide attempts compared to men in João Pessoa was confirmed. From the interviews, professionals state that the service is a way to combat structural and institutional racism, which permeates social relations. They narrate the personal experiences of black women in Brazilian society, bringing episodes related to their experiences since childhood, marked by the crime of racism and other forms of violations and violence, as triggers for suicide ideation and attempts. The narratives record the suffering and pain caused by racist practices, investing in the body – hair, thinness, skin color – to ideations and suicide attempts.
  • QUILOMBOLA WOMEN: the ethno-racial self-affirmation in the community of Caiana dos Crioulos – PB
  • Fecha: 30-nov-2023
  • Hora: 08:30
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  • In this dissertation, I present the experiences and narratives of the quilombola women from Caiana dos Crioulos, located in the municipality of Alagoa Grande, in the Brejo Paraibano region. Throughout the ethnographic work, I sought to observe and analyze how the dynamics of ethnic-racial affirmation occur within the community. The analysis considered the relationship between the body and the territory, highlighting the social and political leadership roles of women within the quilombola context, in harmony with the mother-centered approach of African Womanism. To do so, the research was supported by the concept of "escrevivências," as proposed by Conceição Evaristo, as a way to address the management of quilombola being and living, considering the intersections of their identities and experiences.
  • Umbanda kitchen and healing work: ethnographic experiences in Umbanda terreiros in the semi-arid northeast
  • Fecha: 10-nov-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • In this research, it is understood that it is in the culinary where an indispensable part of the religious principles that structures relationships within the Umbanda terreiro is centered, as well as understanding ritual cuisine in constant movement, considering ritual food as a language and act of resistance. In addition to its physical dimension, as a space where ritual foods are produced for the deities and members of the terreiro, the Umbanda kitchen is also a space for the construction and circulation of knowledge and memories that are evoked and shared among the members of the terreiro. Food, thus, symbolically delineates the boundaries that participate in the construction of the group's own identity. In this context, the symbolism of food, the ancestral memories that are evoked from them in healing work and food as a marker of the identity of terreiro people are subjects of interest in this research. The focus is especially on the ritual and sacred space, responsible for preparing this food considered sacred in the culinary at the terreiros. This work has the following objectives: to understand the Umbanda kitchen and the healing works - those aimed at caring for the physical/spiritual health of the terreiro's children and clients. To better understand the dynamics of this universe, we opted for an ethnographic methodological approach, where participant observation, interviews, field diaries and mapping were possible. Through the methodology, it was possible to understand the subjective universe of Terreiro de Umbanda Caboclo Oxóssi, where it was possible to identify the ritual processes around the Umbanda kitchen and the sharing of experiences and memories through the sacred food.
  • Domestic organization, women and their technical skills: an ethnography among Potiguara domestic groups from the Jaraguá village (Paraíba)
  • Fecha: 31-oct-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This is a thesis that describes and analyzes the daily experiences of women in the Potiguara village Jaraguá, which belongs to the indigenous land of Monte-Mór, located in the municipality of Rio Tinto, North Coast of Paraíba. I tried to observe the technicaleconomic transactions carried out by these women within diverse environments, which are constitutive parts of their territory. Such activities are the result of choices and strategies organized to meet the needs of domestic groups (family groups of three generations, with cooperation between their members and obligations of reciprocity), properly forming a domestic ecology. The technical processes that constitute this ecology are centered on individual and collective experiences in mangroves, floodplains and remnants of the Atlantic forest, as well as in urban contexts, allowing the development of skills and the acquisition of knowledge about very diverse techniques and materials, from the improvement of local traditional knowledge. In these terms, I tried to understand how women carry out their activities and move. I was able to identify that they interpret gender responsibilities by updating their forms of participation in domestic maintenance, coordinating tasks inside and outside the home. This is confirmed by the responsibilities they assume in their daily lives, expressed in the set of decisions they need to make, in the agreements they make with family members and in the reconciliation of tasks. During the thesis, questions emerge related to the different social positions that women from the Jaraguá village assume in their daily lives, thus acting in the social, economic and technical spheres that contribute to the sustainability of life, through care. The core of the thesis concerns the idea that domestic organization is made up of complementary activities, in which men, women, young people and children assume different, similar or equal roles, which intertwine. Such knowledge and practices seem to be an important key to understanding the different ways of perceiving and inhabiting the world, for these women.
  • Between Barra and Bacurau: paths of an anthropology of cinema
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This dissertation presents a visual ethnography which aims to build dialogues between Filmic Anthropology (FRANCE, 2000) and Anthropology of Cinema (REYNA, 2017; HÍKIJI, 1998, CANEVACCI, 1984). In this way, I discuss the possible overlaps between the two languages, which overflowing the borders between science and art, real and imaginary, in the search for the construction of the meanings of the film Bacurau (Kleber Mendonça Filho; Juliano Dornelles, 2019) together with the village of Barra, where the film was made. In this regard, I also investigate the consequences of the encounter happened between the film and the village: how do the residents' experience with the film add up to the life stories of the inhabitants? How is the village reflected in the film? My research field was mediated by a handy-cam, which was my eye partner, looking into conversations made on terraces and dining tables, as well as following the daily tasks of some village workers, which generated 10 hours of film material. Here the film is understood as an observation tool, as a maker of social realities and producer of knowledge about the world. In this case, it is both: the materialproduced by the relationship with the field, and part of the field that this research focuses on, the film Bacurau. Finally, I come across processes in which fiction impacts reality and the opposite too, shifting and constructing perceptions of the world.
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This masters thesis aims to understand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural and indigenous communities in the Southern Coast of Paraíba. The research seeks to grasp how these communities organized material, symbolic, and subjective production and consumption within the pandemic context. Initially, the study highlights the different overlapping layers that intersect these territories: historical land conflicts, the current advancement of real estate speculation and neoextractivist boundaries, various structural violences, and the intersection of COVID-19 with other diseases or sociopolitical factors that intensify the virus spread. In contrast, through a multispecies ethnography, the thesis demonstrates that in the face of these challenges, both the Barra de Gramame village and the Tambaba Settlement were unique in confronting the pandemic and its hardships. Our hypothesis is that the low number of infected individuals and the absence of COVID-19-related deaths were a result of consolidating multispecies alliances, particularly between women and plants, with their backyards serving as the locus of this production.
  • The Drama: An anthropological analysis of the women’s theater in Praia da Pipa
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2023
  • Hora: 17:30
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  • This dissertation analyzes Drama - a manifestation of Brazilian popular culture staged by women, who come together to represent, sing and dance themes of local society and the collective imaginary - in order to reflect with these women, through their staging and performances, on expressions of gender violence. How and to what extent this violence performed relates to the colonial process that preceded the transformation of the place, Pipa beach (RN), into an international tourist destination? Images recorded on video linked to the methodologies of visual anthropology are mobilized to carry out field research supported by a relationship of local insertion built since 2017. The research thus seeks to reveal and better understand the relationships between Drama and the condition of women in our society, from the perspective of an anthropology of theater and performance.
  • Hunter is like a Maracajá cat": A study on the role of hunting activity among the Tabajara people of the South coast of Paraíba.
  • Asesor : FABIO MURA
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Hunting activity is an essential factor for us to understand how traditional and sometimes even secular knowledge is transmitted from generation to generation through mutual sharing between ethnic groups or even residents of a given territorial space. Therefore, this work has as its main objective the analysis of the hunting technique on the southern coast of Paraíba, focusing mainly on the territory traditionally occupied by the Tabajara indigenous people.Having this ethnic group as the main focus of observation and analysis, the aim was precisely to show how in this traditional territory, technical, moral and cultural knowledge is passed from person to person through hunting. When we speak technically we say about hunting specifically, morals we highlight the notion of forms of behavior in certain spaces of the territory and about the connection of respect to enchanted spiritual beings, and the sense of cultural defined here, it is about how hunting and its knowledge shared constitutes a notion of creativity in the creation of cultural and identity expressions of this people in the process of recognition and territorial demarcation before the Brazilian state.
  • INVENTING GODDESSES / ANOTHER RELIGION: The meanings elaborated by feminist pastors and sex/gender dissidents
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2023
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This work aimed to note, through an approximation witch pastoral, the meanings elaborated by feminist reverends and sex/gender dissidents, which are aligned with the progressive evangelical field. For this, this research sought to approach the pastors Ana Ester, Alexya Salvador and Odja Barros who have been working in affirmative churches, places where LGBTIQA+ people can be an active part of the ecclesial body. The pastors themselves are part of the movement, Ana Ester and Alexya Salvador, who claim to be lesbian and transvestite, respectively, while pastor Odja Barros, even though she is heterosexual, acts as a feminist and ally of the cause. Thus, by defining their actions through an agenda of affirmative faith and feminists, there was a need to understand the relationships they establish between religiosity, gender and sexual diversity. A topic that is being debated, given the clashes promoted by conservatives and evangelical fundamentalists, in a context where the boundaries between politics and religion are controversial. Therefore, this dissertation seeks to understand how the transformations that these women seek to develop re-elaborate the meanings of the Christian tradition, in the face of patriarchal and oppressive logics. For this, this study prioritized the production of an ethnography that took place virtually, glimpsing the conceptions given through research on netnography. The techniques used prioritize the monitoring of social networks, the application of interviews, focusing on life stories and pastoral activity, as well as the analysis of the material and productions of these pastors available on the internet, that is, videos, sermons, texts and books. Finally, through this information, a reflection was made on the subject in anthropological terms, in relation to the field of gender and sexuality, and the Anthropology of Religion.
  • Street Art in Recife as a way of building Resistance and Black Identity
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2023
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • The main objective of this research is to interpret aspects of the street art cultural movement (pixo and graffiti), starting from the analysis of the production of Afro-centered political resistance through art and the perspectives of black artists who practice and observe it, in the center history of Recife, — being them Brós, Nathê, Mosca LDT, Luther. Therefore, the research began with the ethnography of the urban context of the historic center in search of the works of these artists. Using the methodology of Afrocentricity, this work gathered works and analyzed interviews to understand them, which, together with other historical sources and with black intellectuals, provided the necessary material for the elaboration of a social history of resistance and black identity of the Afrocentricity movement. contemporary street art in the historic center of Recife.
  • SHE'S IN LOVE, NOW WHAT? Anthropological reflections on the sexuality of women with intellectual disabilities
  • Fecha: 25-ago-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This dissertation presents reflections of the research that deals with women with intellectual disabilities (ID) and their experiences related to the field of sexuality. It has as its background the studies on sexuality and disability in anthropology. The objective was to verify and understand how sexuality is present in the daily lives of these women. The study enters the universe of six adult women with ID attending an NGO that serves people with disabilities, located in the city of João Pessoa. Participant observation techniques, interviews, and focus group were used for the development of the research. From the observations and monitoring during the ethnographic field, it was possible to observe that there is a strong tendency to the infantilization of these women by the family group and also by the professionals, which interferes with the ability to assign them autonomy and decision-making power in issues relevant to love relationships, which allows us to think that the capacitist assumptions also act in this field. On the other hand, in the interaction with women with ID, the issues related to sexuality appeared and were very revealing, indicating that not only do they exist but deserve to be further studied, because it is a universe still little explored.
  • Fecha: 25-ago-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The present work is the result of an ethnographic research carried out with people from the black population of Brasília, whether born there or not. The objective of the research and analyses presented here has it roots in years-long concern involving the situations of racial and gender violence present in the country and which also make themselves active through urban mechanisms in the country's capital. The fieldwork included interviews conducted remotely and in person during the years affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, analyses of literary and artistic works and an analysis of the way the black population of Brasília experiences the city, through data produced by the government and events that reached the media. This work allowed me, together with my interlocutors, to analyse constructions of the local cultural imaginary about the black person, the construction of the being and affections of the black person in the face of the situation of racialisation and dominance of whiteness in the country and in its capital.
  • Strategies of domination, disciplinary work and sociability in a women's prison
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2023
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The existence of prisons is based on the unequal distribution of power, and its functioning is regulated by a set of normative devices (formal and informal laws and rules) as well as by the interaction between multi-situated actors, who participate in or represent different institutions and systems of power - legal, prison, educational, health, etc., in addition to persons deprived of their liberty. The objective of this study is to analyze the prison as a space for sociability, considering the dynamics and rules that characterize social relations within a penal unit destined for women, serving a custodial sentence in a closed regime. The locus of the research is the Flores of Amélia Penitentiary (fictitious name), where an ethnographic study was carried out, based on direct observation with a field diary, semi-structured interviews with professionals from the prison system and incarcerated women, between March and June of 2022. Secondary data on the prison population, on penal legislation and other documents provided by the Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration of Paraíba are part of the analyzed corpus. During the field research, the work imposed itself as a key element to understand the sociability of inmates within the penal unit, since it determines how many times she can leave her cell per day, where she can circulate, when and with whom she can interact. The opportunity to work in the internal environment of the prison is of great importance, as it represents, in addition to the possibility of remission of the sentence, a means of having some recourse - which may be the only way to have access to goods not provided by the State in the event of not having have contact with the family. It is effectively a privilege enjoyed by few, either because there are few vacancies, or because the inmate's behavioral history may not be perceived as adequate for the job by security agents and managers. It is not enough to want to work to redeem the sentencing, “you have to want to change”, which is why the maloqueira are passed over to the detriment of those who have “good behavior”. On the one hand, there is a work ethic that rewards and grants privileges to those who are subject to the rules of good behavior, conferring a social status of “ “prisoner of trust”. On the other hand, there is a continuous moral work that is done by disciplining behaviors, so that the prisoners are subject and enter prison discipline. “Without discipline, nothing is achieved!” Receiving the administration’s “vote of confidence” to work means obedience and a certain submission to the ‘rules of the place’, even if only in a performative way. In the opposite direction, those women who resist the daily disciplining of prison are overdetermined by the disqualifying look that makes them inferior. The maintenance of the job requires, therefore, more than knowing how to do and carry out the assigned task properly, as it demands assuming the dominant values and engaging in symbolic performances and exchanges with the security and surveillance teams, which, in other terms, , strengthens the punitive, moralizing and disciplining bias of the custodial sentence for women in conflict with the law.
  • University Extension Policies, Culture and Territories: Ethnographic Design as a subsidy for public policies
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This research seeks to reflect on how digital democracy and ethnographic design can generate extension actions that are able to articulate with partners from different sectors of society (public managers, social movements, NGOs, OSCIP's, companies, etc.) interinstitutional and intersectoral dialogue in the expectation of finding solutions that enable the execution of social public policies, through democracy, that integrate the multiplicity of social needs, strengthen the spirit of identification with the territory and citizenship in the citizens by these actions reached. This proposal is justified by the need to understand how the construction of digital platforms in university extension based on ethnographic design can favor social participation, effectively contributing to the sustainability of territories. In this sense, we understand the role of the university as an articulator and interlocutor of the processes of advances in society
  • The dialogical interlocution in the Extension Policy: an analysis of the program "UFPB no seu município"
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • BARBOSA, Emerson Lopes. The dialogical interlocution in the Extension Policy: an analysis of the program "UFPB no seu município". João Pessoa, 2023. Dissertation (Master’s in Anthropology) – Center for Human Sciences, Letters and Arts, Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, 2023 This research presents a study on the extension network of the program "UFPB no seu município," aiming to map its characteristic elements and validate the concept of dialogic interlocution. The research used a qualitative and immersive approach to identify established relationships, compare the level of interactions, evaluate the impacts on micro-regions, investigate local development actions, and analyze evidence of promoting a culture of social impact. The research showed that the program's actions have brought significant benefits to local communities, contributing to improving their quality of life. Possible measures for local development were identified, and the importance of "dialogic interlocution" was emphasized as a means to establish more collaborative inter-institutional/inter-sectoral relationships between educational institutions and local communities, highlighting the formulated immersive methodology and its replicability in other educational institutions. The research contributed to strengthening university extension as a process of joint knowledge construction and promotion of social transformation. However, the research recognizes limitations and suggests future research to improve university extension practices and strengthen partnerships between academia and communities.
  • “Just know who passes!”: an anthropological analysis of Food Security of CECAF-JP family farmers marketers
  • Fecha: 17-feb-2023
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • This work is the result of an ethnographic research carried out with the marketers-family farmers of the Central de Comercialização da Agricultura Familiar (CECAF) in the city of João Pessoa, between the end of 2021 and the first half of 2022. The objective was to investigate whether the marketers-family farmers of the CECAF suffered from the contradictions of capitalism, expressed in the difficulty in ensuring their Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) in times of economic crisis and pandemic, even producing and selling food in natura. In order to understand how the dismantling of Food and Nutritional Security policies at the national level, which reached its peak with the deactivation of the National Food and Nutritional Security Council (CONSEA), impacted family agriculture in the local context of Paraíba. To this end, an ethnographic and qualitative research was developed, using as main research tools: observational participation, interviews and field notebook. The research locus were the CECAF and CONSEA-PB. Thus, it was found that even though the Paraíba state government acts in the sense of maintaining and expanding the SAN policies, it was observed that its actions have limitations in scope and budget, given the absence of support from the federal government. Besides, the market-keepers-family farmers of the CECAF, even though they report experiencing difficulties due to the economic crisis and the pandemic, with reduced income in many cases, argue that they have been able to guarantee their own FNS. This, even though they have had to make changes in their food consumption, inserting a larger than usual amount of ultra-processed products in their diets.
  • “Just know who passes!”: an anthropological analysis of Food Security of CECAF-JP family farmers marketers
  • Fecha: 17-feb-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This work is the result of an ethnographic research carried out with the marketers-family farmers of the Central de Comercialização da Agricultura Familiar (CECAF) in the city of João Pessoa, between the end of 2021 and the first half of 2022. The objective was to investigate whether the marketers-family farmers of the CECAF suffered from the contradictions of capitalism, expressed in the difficulty in ensuring their Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) in times of economic crisis and pandemic, even producing and selling food in natura. In order to understand how the dismantling of Food and Nutritional Security policies at the national level, which reached its peak with the deactivation of the National Food and Nutritional Security Council (CONSEA), impacted family agriculture in the local context of Paraíba. To this end, an ethnographic and qualitative research was developed, using as main research tools: observational participation, interviews and field notebook. The research locus were the CECAF and CONSEA-PB. Thus, it was found that even though the Paraíba state government acts in the sense of maintaining and expanding the SAN policies, it was observed that its actions have limitations in scope and budget, given the absence of support from the federal government. Besides, the market-keepers-family farmers of the CECAF, even though they report experiencing difficulties due to the economic crisis and the pandemic, with reduced income in many cases, argue that they have been able to guarantee their own FNS. This, even though they have had to make changes in their food consumption, inserting a larger than usual amount of ultra-processed products in their diets.
  • "It's the reflection of my life in that drawing": an (ethno)graphy of the uses and meanings attributed to things with wheels in the sociocultural practices of an urban public space and its surroundings in João Pessoa - PB
  • Fecha: 10-feb-2023
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The work presented in this dissertation is the result of research carried out from a participant observation, using the resources of the field diary and graphic diary. Thus, I produced a series of drawings of the uses and meanings attributed to various wheeled instruments (wheelbarrows, freight carts, refrigerator carts, warehouse carts, supermarket carts, etc.) of different social actors (marketers , customers, freight forwarders, street sweepers, collectors, homeless people, etc.) within the scope of a public market and an occupation of collectors of reusable and recyclable materials, both located in the Estado's neighborhoods at the city of João Pessoa-PB. This work enters the field of Urban Anthropology and Visual Anthropology, rethinking the possibilities of creation and invention that are intertwined in doing (ethno)graphic work. From this perspective, in the paths lived in the city, lives were intertwined, in the company of the other and can be seen from the circulation of instruments with wheels in their daily lives of different social actors. According to this bias, the written work was produced from a multi-sited ethnography and an ethnographic action, with the objective to think about the context of these instruments with wheels in the urban public space and its surroundings, which I call a to-do-city-within-wheels. In this way, this ethnographic research sought to follow the circulation of carts in the urban space associated with sociocultural practices, using drawing as an ethnographic method, life's stories, informal conversations and theoretical anthropology references. Thus, theoretical perspectives on the notions of urban public space, city and everyday life are discussed (AGIER, 2011; PAIS, 1998; PROENÇA, 2002); graphic diary and ethnographic drawing (AZEVEDO 2016; KUSCHNIR, 2016); movements, flow, technique and symbolic representations (MAUSS, 1974; LEROI-GOURHAN, 1993; INGOLD, 2012); writing, creativity and visual arts (LE GUIN, K., 1986; WAGNER, 2012); and finally, market fairs and public markets (VEDANA, 2008; TAVARES, 2005; NASCIMENTO, 2016), theories which served to guide the writing of this anthropological research of the uses and meanings of instruments with wheels in a public market in João Pessoa-PB (Brazil).
  • Vivendo na cidade: uma etnografia sobre grupos domésticos potiguara em Mataraca (PB)
  • Asesor : FABIO MURA
  • Fecha: 23-dic-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • em breve
  • João Pessoa's Concrete on the networks of Porto do Capim: territorial conflicts, domestic groups and community organization
  • Fecha: 20-dic-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The riverside community of Porto do Capim, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, has a wealthy trajectory of formation and defense of its own territory, especially against the João Pessoa City Hall. Taking shape from the 1930s/40s, the community receives different flows of people and over time understands such diversity as a constituent part of its identity from the relationship with the tide (ASSAD, 2017). From these questions, the present work proposes to bring some reflections on the formation of the riverside identity among the residents of Porto, constituted from the daily relationship between the domestic groups and the groups with the environment. For this, we consider the concept of dominialization (BARBOSA DA SILVA & MURA, 2018). From this flow of people, ideas and materials, we want to bring light to some dynamics that guide the formation of this identity and the relationship between it and the struggle for the permanence of the community in its territory . This is because the community is currently in the process of dispute with the João Pessoa City Hall, which plans to remove the community for the construction of tourist facilities.
  • O concreto de João Pessoa sobre as redes do Porto do Capim: conflitos territoriais e identidade no contexto da cidade
  • Fecha: 20-dic-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The riverside community of Porto do Capim, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, has a wealthy trajectory of formation and defense of its own territory, especially against the João Pessoa City Hall. Taking shape from the 1930s/40s, the community receives different flows of people and over time understands such diversity as a constituent part of its identity from the relationship with the tide (ASSAD, 2017). From these questions, the present work proposes to bring some reflections on the formation of the riverside identity among the residents of Porto, constituted from the daily relationship between the domestic groups and the groups with the environment. For this, we consider the concept of dominialization (BARBOSA DA SILVA & MURA, 2018). From this flow of people, ideas and materials, we want to bring light to some dynamics that guide the formation of this identity and the relationship between it and the struggle for the permanence of the community in its territory . This is because the community is currently in the process of dispute with the João Pessoa City Hall, which plans to remove the community for the construction of tourist facilities.
  • Fecha: 29-nov-2022
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • The present work, extracted from the ethnographic research carried out in in a female prison located in a large northeastern city, in a research with children and on maternity, aims to observe the social interaction between the children and their imprisoned mothers, but also with the other social actors that they met in that prison unit on the family's visiting day, Sunday. The anthropological research was carried out with women who are serving time or awaiting trial in a closed regime. Therefore, the presence of children and their families is intertwined with the type of women's prison regime. The work discussed the perceived gifts, the feelings extracted from the prison, bodies that speak, that are silent, but that communicate. The methodological resources used in the research were direct observation, informal conversations, drawing, field notebook and memorization. Children, who emerge from research, emerge as social actors. In the field, forms of conception of the prison were revealed, such as: the one elaborated by the institution, the one invented by the children's families, above all, by the maternal grandmothers for the young children, but also, I presented the perception of the big children. I observed some signs of resistance in the prison, a way of reinventing family life, such as sheets that lined the floor of the visiting area. In them, aspects of home, sacredness, territoriality were observed, which re-signified that hostile space. I presented the magazine of children's bodies, the punishments of mothers who reflect on children for being without the right to visit. Emerged from the research, shared motherhood, matrifocality, the form of care for the new generations of that group. Finally, Sunday is the day of a great meeting, a way of resisting the mortification of the self caused by the prison system, a day of celebration, a day of family fraternization, it is a day of the family, it is a way for those couples to re-socialize, unconsciously if they reinvent themselves despite the obliteration of their identities, especially that of the mother. Prison chaos erupted, “doing nothing” as ways of intensifying the reprimand. The great meeting carried out during the visit was observed as the great and only form of resocialization of the sentence found in that prison, carried out by those displaced families who, unconsciously, humanize the sentence, evoking the state's duty of resocialization.
  • The Warao and Interculturality: Proposals for a migrant indigenous school education from ACP/Roraima
  • Fecha: 30-sep-2022
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Since 2014, Brazil has experienced the arrival of Venezuelan indigenous groups. The flow begins to intensify in 2016 and the largest number corresponds to indigenous people of the Warao ethnic group, coming from the Orinoco river delta, northeast region of Venezuela. The border through which they enter the country is located in the municipality of Pacaraima/RR. Upon arriving in Brazil, part of these groups move to other regions of the country, but the state of Roraima continues to have a strong presence of indigenous Venezuelans, either from new groups that arrive or from groups that remain in the state since their arrival. The permanence of these groups arouses several discussions and the number of children and adolescents of compulsory school age who were not being attended led to the filing of a Public Civil Action (ACP) in 2018, brought by the Federal Public Ministry, whose defendants are the Federal Government, Funai, the State of Roraima and the municipalities of Boa Vista/RR and Pacaraima/RR. The objective is to make the defendants adopt the necessary measures for the provision of school education to the Venezuelan indigenous peoples residing in Roraima. In this dissertation, I seek to understand how school attendance for indigenous Venezuelans is thought, from the positions of the social actors involved, through the analysis of the set of documents that make up the ACP-Warao/RR.
  • Fecha: 12-sep-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The present ethnographic study was developed with the collective Slam Dandaras do Norte, provoked by the approach to the poetic and political work of the organizers of the slam, which is located in the city of Belém-PA. This study aims to present through spoken poetry, which is present in the slam universe, how women's experiences appear in the Dandaras do Norte slam created by women and for women. Thus, the ethnography developed seeks to: a) present the path, approach and insertion into the group as a researcher and member; b) analyze through the poetry of Dandaras their life experiences, which are the most varied, taking into account the intersectionalities and c) point out the Dandaras do Norte slam as a marker of the Dandaras protagonism and in defense of mostly excluded groups. This research is justified due to the dimension of the poetry battles that are circumscribed in several Brazilian cities, but, above all, by the character of the poems produced, from the self-affirmation of life experiences. This study was carried out between March and December 2021, through virtual means due to the pandemic and through face-to-face meetings with the resumption of some presentations by the collective.
  • Fecha: 06-sep-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The present work aims to understand the use of social media as a possibility of building networks to support the exercise of motherhood of autistic children and autistic mothers. I also seek to understand the construction of support networks for the exercise of breastfeeding of autistic children, the understanding of relationships, tensions related to motherhood and autism. This is a study with ethnographic framework, whose methodological choice was directed due to the social isolation caused by the covid-19 pandemic. This work consists of a qualitative analysis performed from a universe of 10 participating women, among these, 6 are also autistic. The work, an ethnography for internet, was consolidated based on participant observation through social media, especially Instagram, but also on Youtube, Podcasts and other digital platforms, open conversations carried out through Instagram's own chat tools and interactions also by WhatsApp and Email, in addition to the use of field notebooks. The study was supported by discussions about disability studies, as well as on theories of care, studies on motherhood and also on autism, some aspects wrapped up in feminism, support networks and the use of social media. When inquiring about the construction of support networks circumscribed to digital, but with the possibility of extrapolating the online, maternity was found as a vector of composition of forces in the face of the difficulties faced by mothers and children, in addition to conflicts amid the social and political misaffairs around autism. Motherhood appeared as a place of solitude, but also as a political place, of representativeness, of resistance to unite subjectivities and foster the feeling of belonging.
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The Warao migration flow to Brazil revealed the presence of the group in João Pessoa/PB at the end of 2019. Directed in the search for a way to survive and continue with their existences, they meet with the State that will trace their destinies and routes towards the implementation of their social rights. In this path, I analyze social constructions coming from discourses of the media, civil society, and public agents about this population and the way these will reflect in the implementation of public policies thought to the specificities of what I analyze under the idea of a "social problem". The investigation goes through the understanding of the concept of the State that relates to them, the identity of the public agents involved, and the mechanisms and technologies of government used in the management of this population. The history of the group is revealed from the point of view of the logic of the expulsions, which, due to the continuity of the evictions even in the Brazilian context, will promote the crossing of other borders. The Warao temporality will show conflicts with public agents who base their actions on the need to guarantee their human rights, but who secure their borders against possible threats. To obtain the data that I present in this research, I proceeded with the analysis of documents contained in judicial and administrative proceedings and public civil inquiries, interviews, reports, participant observation in shelters, extension projects and meetings with public agents involved in the solution of the demands in João Pessoa-PB.
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This research aims to understand the relationships of sociability that young students establish during the experience of collective housing in a student residence maintained by a Federal Institute in a city in the countryside of Piauí. I try to understand their trajectories of arrival at the student residence and their motivations for this choice beyond economic issues as well. In the face of the impossibility of a physical field, since with the pandemic, the residence-school was closed, contact with interlocutors was brokered by digital communication and information technologies -TIC'S, and three physical meetings, making me reflect on the limits and reaches of ethnography in pandemic times. Ten students of both genders attended this research, among residents and ex-residents, as well as three professionals from the institution who work directly in the management and organization of student housing. The data obtained during the research indicated the process of consolidating student assistance on campus and the strategies of coexistence and overcoming difficulties of students during their stays in the student residence. I verified in the speeches of my interlocutors the existence recognition importance of a student residence as an action that guarantees their access and permanence to integrated high school and higher education, offered by the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Piauí - IFPI, Uruçuí Campus, in addition to the resignification of space and relationships that are established by them in the place.
  • “We fight for dignity. Who does not for their rights?” Domestic workers in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the city of São Luís-Maranhão
  • Fecha: 26-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This work addresses the conditions established for domestic workers in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, in the city of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil), counting from the declaration, in Brazil, in March 2020, of the health emergency situation, until July 2022. From the perspective of health anthropology and the theoretical contribution of black and decolonial feminist thought, this research addresses how the experiences of this historically vulnerable professional category have been given in the context of living with a contagious and evolving disease uncertain, which has caused numerous impacts on the health and organization of people's daily lives, although in a different way and equally different intensities, considering the temporality of the pandemic with its curves of deaths and new infections. The Union of Domestic Workers of Maranhão (Sindoméstico-MA) was the gateway to make contact with women domestic workers and one of the privileged fields of observation. The methodology included visits to the union, participation in activities and semi-structured interviews carried out with women who currently guide this space and non-unionized workers, but who use the services offered by the union. Round tables, campaigns and meetings were also followed through the social networks of organizations of domestic workers in Brazil and abroad. The claim for the guarantee of labor rights arose evidently in the countryside. As a result, in the pandemic context, the lack of access to social security - a set of public policies initiated by the Public Powers, which has the duty to ensure access to rights related to health, social security and social assistance - is observed in a more accentuated way. , which calls our attention to think about the precariousness of working conditions established for domestic workers in the current scenario. The research also made it possible to access the memory about the trajectories, experiences and narratives of the lives of domestic workers in São Luís do Maranhão.
  • Covid-19, An Unwelcome Visitor: The daily life of Long-Stay Institutions for the Older Adults in the Outback of Pernambuco, in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
  • Fecha: 25-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The research entitled "Covid-19, An Unwanted Visitor: The Daily Life of the Long-Stay Institutions for the Elderly in the Outback of Pernambuco, in the Context of the SARS- CoV-2 pandemic" aimed to observe the daily life of the Long-Stay Institutions for the Elderly, in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, sought to know who the residents of this space were, and to understand if the pandemic moment brought impacts to the routine of the residents and other members of a public Institution, located in the Sertão do Moxotó , in the State of Pernambuco. Analyzing the main strategies used for prevention and combat to avoid the entry of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the institution, researching the repercussions of the new routines of the established care networks. In addition to focusing on the perceptions of the actors who participate in the institutionalization process, as a way to demystify the institutional universe that permeates the lives of the elderly, employees and family members
  • SOCIABILIZING AT HOME: An anthropological analysis of the sociability of children and adolescents in institutional care in times of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Fecha: 25-ago-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The present dissertation aims to investigate the forms of sociability that children and adolescents in institutional foster care build within this context in times of the Covid-19 pandemic in a host institution in the state of Paraíba. While social isolation is something that was new to us in times of pandemic, for children and adolescents who live in an institutional shelter this is not new, since despite what is provided for by law for the promotion of the right family and community coexistence, the truth is that children and adolescents, despite being inserted in the city, are isolated from it. Since their departures from the institution are always limited and accompanied by an employee of the institution, thus making these subjects in times of a pandemic live what I call "double isolation". The ethnographic research carried out in a Casa de Acolhimento in the Metropolitan Region of João Pessoa, in Paraíba, had 15 children and adolescents as main interlocutors and was carried out throughout the year 2021.
  • Fecha: 23-ago-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Transnational events, which took place in the 1990s and were organized by the UN, opened space for a period of active and reactive politicization of the notion of gender and reproductive and sexual rights. Studies identify the moment as a new temporality, marked by the creation of conditions for the renewed and simultaneous eruption of anti-gender politics. Due to the massive occupation of the extreme right in public institutions, such as the Legislative Houses, in Latin American countries, such as Brazil, the anti-gender offensives have assumed places of relevance in contexts of political transition. Paying attention to the absence of studies aimed at understanding how offensives are constructed and pulverized in local contexts, this research will be concerned with taking stock of the antigender crusades found in the City Council of João Pessoa (CMJP) from the year 2016 to 2022. It will also deal with presenting the institutional flows and the processing of bills in the Legislative House from an ethnography of legislative processes, using action documents and records found in the Legislative Support System (SAPL). As a result, I present an analysis about the attempts to approve bills on the prohibition of neutral language in the municipality of João Pessoa, exposing the bureaucratic procedures and the political and discursive maneuvers used in favor of their approvals, understanding that this issue has become one of the current and constantly attacked themes by neoconservative, religious or secular alliances.
  • Fecha: 25-jul-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The work analyzes the case of the Tabajara people of Paraíba, an ethnic group that was considered disappeared since the 19th century and that, from 2006 onwards, began an ethnic mobilization for the recognition of their identity by the Brazilian State and the demarcation of their lands. To this end, the dissertation is divided into five chapters: in the first, through the analysis of three historical situations experienced by the group, a reconstruction of how its official disappearance took place; in the second and third, through micro-history, family trajectories of some indigenous people who received lots in Jacoca were remade; in four, the distribution of power in the municipality of Conde, stage of the Tabajara ethnic mobilization is described; in the fifth, the mobilization carried out by the Tabajaras families is analyzed, focusing on the familie’s right to return to the traditional territory and the redefinition of social control of their environmental resources.
  • “Between the Emergency and the Strategic. Between the Pandemic and Pandemonium”: The National Articulation of Cultural Emergency and the Aldir Blanc Law.
  • Fecha: 21-jul-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The following dissertation aims to present and discuss the actions carried out by the political organization Articulação Nacional de Emergencia Cultural, which emerged and articulated itself through digital platforms in the context of the pandemic situation caused by the SARS- CoV-2 virus, known as COVID-19. 19. The actions developed by the organization were monitored in the period corresponding to March 2020 to August 2021. The research focused on the process of processing of Bill No. 1.075/2020, which was implemented through Law No. 14.017/ 2020, known as the Aldir Blanc Cultural Emergency Law, this being the central agenda of political mobilization in the area of the movement of cultural agents during the research period, as well as the organization. In this way, we sought to understand, as the main objective, the articulation of the movement and its mobilization strategies due to the constitution of regulatory policies for the implementation of actions in the face of the situation of public calamity in Brazil, as well as through the political clash in the sector. culture in the government of Jair Bolsonaro. As specific objectives, we highlight the analysis of the organization of a cultural political movement in the context of a pandemic, the mobilization in the constitution of an emergency policy for the sector, the articulation actions carried out by the digital environment such as mobilization and political pressure and the negotiations and strategies policies due to the approval of the bill in the National Congress. From the conception of the articulation movement, an agenda of actions was organized that became a priority in the cultural sector in the pandemic context through web conferences, sectoral meetings, regional meetings and etc. The monitoring and analysis of the research were carried out digitally, both in terms of the constitution of the research field and in terms of the methods applied. The research focused on monitoring the national scenario, especially in the actions developed within the scope of the National Congress. However, it sought to bring together different analytical levels, also bringing descriptions of subjects and data on a local scale, referring to the municipality of Olinda and the state of Pernambuco, scales that are connected in an articulated political field (TURNER, 2008).
  • Brazilian citizenship and the construction of black people through legal rhetoric in Brazil.
  • Fecha: 30-jun-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The notion of citizenship linked to equal rights has little to say. It is necessary to go deeply and check on what bases this notion is based. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze the legal process of construction of Brazilian citizenship, whose questions have an extremely negative impact on the black population, especially if we take the text of the 1824 and 1891 Constitution and related legal provisions, to compare with the contemporary moment. The intent is to demonstrate, through a documentary analysis - ethnography in archives and media - the conditions for the production of these legal statements in a given historical context, in dialogue with the subjects who produced them and imbued with moral values and configured in power relations. As the notion of citizenship is marked by an idea of a universal person supported by law, which, consequently, starts to exclude a portion of the population from social life and the guarantee of behaving and circulating as a rights holder, part of the speeches and practice legal entities have been putting black people in limbo, considering them a “person” in a very particular way, having also been property. In this movement, the concept of device will be expensive in the present investigation, as it apprehends the link between living beings and the context in which they live, resulting in the process of knowledge-power of constitutional statements and later theories (of men of science), the reverberate over the black population and, consequently, in the construction of a certain identity.
  • When I saw myself as a black woman: the identity’s formation of light-skinned black woman and the strengthening of the black cyberactivist movement in Paraíba
  • Fecha: 28-abr-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The research aims to discuss the concepts of black identity, race, miscegenation and cyberactivism in an anthropological perspective, with the objective of understanding the strengthening of the cyberactivist black movement, from the formation of the identity of black women with light skin (mixed race). Mixed-race black women who produce digital content and cyberactivism in the cities of João Pessoa, Campina Grande and Santa Rita, na Paraíba, were interviewed. The methodology used was virtual ethnography, or online ethnography, with the research being conducted on the digital platform Instagram, understood as a social network. Therefore, the research aims to investigate the problem of the identity of mixed-race women who, in a social and family context, permeated by racism and the myth of Brazilian racial democracy, join the black cyberactivist movement, in the moment they identify as black.
  • When I saw myself as a black woman: the identity’s formation of light-skinned black woman and the strengthening of the black cyberactivist movement in Paraíba
  • Fecha: 28-abr-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The research aims to discuss the concepts of black identity, race, miscegenation and cyberactivism in an anthropological perspective, with the objective of understanding the strengthening of the cyberactivist black movement, from the formation of the identity of black women with light skin (mixed race). Mixed-race black women who produce digital content and cyberactivism in the cities of João Pessoa, Campina Grande and Santa Rita, na Paraíba, were interviewed. The methodology used was virtual ethnography, or online ethnography, with the research being conducted on the digital platform Instagram, understood as a social network. Therefore, the research aims to investigate the problem of the identity of mixed-race women who, in a social and family context, permeated by racism and the myth of Brazilian racial democracy, join the black cyberactivist movement, in the moment they identify as black.
  • Fecha: 07-mar-2022
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • This dissertation aims to raise a discussion about gender disparity based on the analysis of Breakdance rehearsals and competitions. Being the hip hop movement related to the youth culture from the big urban centers, the activity and its participants obtain fundamental relevance in terms of the socializing dimensions of the street world. The Covid-19 pandemic comes with a dilemma for many researchers, which is to think about their study field and extract something during the social isolation period. In this specific case: how to investigate a street phenomenon through the internet? Given this context, the study reflects on the interaction and approximation young girls (b-girls) built through social media.
  • The risks of care: experiences of nursing professional in the COVID 19 pandemic
  • Fecha: 07-mar-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Since March 2020, Brazil has been going through one of its most difficult historical periods. As the months went by, the Covid-19 pandemic was no longer just a serious problem from a health point of view, but exposed much more complex structural issues, including some that had remained practically marginal until then. In this context, the nursing professionals, who had already been working in very complicated conditions due to the lack of salary recognition and adequate working conditions, were directly impacted by the problem. The work experiences of these professionals during the pandemic in the city of João Pessoa are the theme of this work. Responsible for the direct care of infected patients, the narratives of the nurses' experiences are the point from which the story of the pandemic is being told here. Over eight interviews carried out remotely, these care professionals reported the events that occurred during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the hospital services where they work in João Pessoa, in the state of Paraíba. Issues such as risk, illness, lack of adequate working conditions and the intensification of the dimensions of the care process at a time of complete social vulnerability were identified as aggravating factors in this period.
  • Experiences of illness by Covid-19 among women domiciled in João Pessoa/PB: experimenting with languages
  • Fecha: 04-mar-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This research is aimed at understanding and analyzing the experiences of illness caused by Covid-19, experienced by women living in the city of João Pessoa, in the state of Paraíba/Brazil. Declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020, by the WHO (World Health Organization), this research is located within the framework of Covid- 19, a disease caused by infection by the new coronavirus (Sars-Cov-2). I seek to understand, from the Anthropology of Health and Visual Anthropology, the way in which falling ill by Covid-19 is experienced, meaning and reflected by these women. I analyze how the infection by Sars-Cov-2, acted and still acts today, in the illness and "post illness" in the lives of these women, considering the possibility of the development of physical and subjective "sequelae", caused by virtue of of infection by the new coronavirus.
  • Fecha: 25-feb-2022
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • The present work aims to bring forth a discussion concerning how masculinity aesthetics are perceived, constructed and undertaken by youth through social media. In here, we are regarding Millennials and Gen Zers as “youth”, groups that are also known as digital natives of first and second generation. It is from them that the figure of the digital influencers, interlocutors of this research, emerges in society. Thinking of the reach and the role that online content producers (influencers) have in a consuming society, we try to draw a line of understanding about how and to what extent these professionals contribute to the construction of new aesthetic identities of masculinity. As this is a research on digital influencers, we took the digital platform Instagram as our field, where we observed the profiles of every interlocutor, their posts, interactions with their followers and brief interactions via private messaging; we have also used Google Meet for longer interviews. In our final considerations, it is possible to understand the role digital influencers have in the construction of new forms of masculinity in the consuming society, mainly with regards to Millennials and Generation Z, demographics that were addressed in this research.
  • STAY AT HOME? Anthropological study on the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the meetings between the Street Clinic and homeless people.
  • Fecha: 24-feb-2022
  • Hora: 16:30
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  • This research aims to outline the consequences of the covid pandemic for street clinics attending to homeless people on the streets of João Pessoa, Brazil. The investigation intends to understand the macropolitics implemented during the pandemic and then analyze the micropolitics of the local reality of the homeless population. It is an ethnographic fieldwork carried out while accompanying the care provided by the itinerant clinic and its van, from preventive care until the early stages of vaccination. This ethnography has dedicated itself to the urban intricacies, healthcare attendance and the corporealities of homelessness, all of which highlight the scope of invisibility experienced by this population. Several inconsistencies are perceived between the public policies regarding the virus and the homeless population, such as “stay at home” and “wash your hands”. The fundamental premise of this research is the antagonism which permeates the fight against the pandemic and the structural suffering constantly endured by those living on the streets, who are also marked by infirmities already present and reunited within their vulnerable bodies in a real syndemic.
  • Fecha: 24-feb-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This research investigated, through ethnographic research, agroecological production and consumption at the Ecovárzea fair (Association of Agriculturists and Agroecological Farmers of Várzea Paraibana) located at the Federal University of Paraíba, in the city of João Pessoa/PB. The purpose of this work was to understand how Ecovárzea, through the production and commercialization of agroecological products, exists in this hegemonic food scenario. Faced with a context in which Agribusiness, nutritionism, supermarkets, capitalist logic, the acceleration of space/time in modernity and the insertion of women in the labor market have contributed to traditional food knowledge (of production and consumption), environmental preservation and the autonomy of all beings are in decline, being replaced by the food industry. Thus, this ethnographic study made use of the concepts of Life Ecology and Lattice (Ingold 2000; 2012) to analyze this process. Looking at food through its potential for resistance and overcoming the nature/culture dichotomy in formulating a new perspective on the world. Thus, the objective of this work is to apprehend how customers, farmers, the UFPB (Federal University of Paraíba), social movements and the style of the fair contribute to this movement.
  • COOKING THROUGH THE XUKURU TERRITORY: Cosmological and identity constructions from food practices.
  • Asesor : FABIO MURA
  • Fecha: 23-feb-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • Food permeates a large part of human relations and is accessed daily through the relations of senses and the most basic needs of the human body, expanding into social relations in the formation of identities. In the case of the Xukuru people, food is central as a way of life, permeating all their knowledge traditions and relationships between humans, the environment, and enchanted beings. This research was conducted in the Xukuru territory, from a methodology of a sensitive committed anthropology, with data from my experiences in the Xukuru kitchens since 2016 and with fieldwork until the year 2021, visits in which I could follow the home and event kitchens, and understand how relationships with food begin in farming, expanding into cosmological relationships throughout the Xukuru life cycle. My main research point is the Xukuru community Caxo da Boa Vista, which practices experiences with agriculture, food, and spirituality, which are absorbed in the Xukuru Life Project. The cosmological constructions have food as the main element of integration between bodies, environment, and spirituality. This is reflected in practices based on knowledge derived from the science of the woods, which becomes the Xukuru epistemology about their relationship with sacred nature and is institutionalized as the Xukuru Life Project. This article seeks to understand how these knowledge traditions are formed, understanding the cultural flows that permeate the formation of sub-traditions of knowledge, as suggested by Barth. These cultural flows are added to the experiences and senses, which incorporate meanings and identity of the food practices, in a creative process of technical constructions with constantly changing cosmological construction processes.
  • Bolsa Família Program and Emergency Aid: An ethnography on income transfer and concepts of poverty in Santa Helena/PB.
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2021
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This work focuses on the observation of the phenomenon of Poverty through the conceptualization and analysis of the use of the noun that identifies it, the “Poor”. Through an accumulation of experiences and online and offline ethnographic work within the municipality of Santa Helena, Paraíba, the work proposes a dive into the universe of people who are beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program and who reside in this municipality to understand what is said and meaning when this term is used, both from the perspective of the beneficiaries and from the general approach of the State in its actions. The advent of the Auxílio Emergencial overflows the look of research, pointing out divergences and convergences between the Cash Transfer Program and the emergency policy.
  • Fecha: 26-ago-2021
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • This master's thesis carries out a study, from a feminist and gender-focused standpoint, about women taking up important spaces in the football of João Pessoa-PB, specifically the fields and in the grandstands. The research begins on the football field and is designed through a historical journey on the presence of women in the women's football of the capital of Paraiba, visiting what is understood as the first signs of assembling an organization, until arriving at the present day of this discipline. Then, on the grandstands, the research analyzes the presence of women in protagonism spaces within the "torcidas organizadas", which are associations of football fans in Brazil. To that end, we chose two of Botafogo-PB club's "torcidas organizadas", one from the shaded side of the grandstands of Almeidão Stadium, in João Pessoa, the "Império Alvinegro 1931 - A Resistência", and another one from the sunny side – the "Torcida Jovem do BotafogoPB". Our purpose is therefore to identify whether, even with women taking up these spaces, patriarchal and sexist constructions still remain. Therefore, a discussion around the concepts of gender, patriarchy, sexism, and feminism is needed, founded on Beauvoir (1967), Louro (2001), Butler (2003), Bourdieu (2002), Foucault (1988), among other female authors. We used the methodology of participant observation, based on what Magnani (2002) proposes, and virtual ethnography (CANCLINI, 2015; MORSE, 1998), due to the need for social isolation triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic which made it impossible to carry on with the research on-site. For the study, we built profiles of the female directors of the chosen "torcidas organizadas", based on interviews already taken before the pandemic and retaking others online in order to deepen the data. The final results point out that women taking up markedly masculine spaces in football is a reality that has come to remain, but is in a constant process of construction, considering that it is a daily contribution to end sexism in football. Feminism, in this perspective, gains the force of change and restructuring of a scenario that changes daily with the presence of women. The stories of women who have used this feminism to break down the barriers that sexism imposes in football reflect the need to insist on fighting for all of us.
  • In the beat of brega funk: the passinho dance-off in João Pessoa/PB
  • Fecha: 20-ago-2021
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • This dissertation addresses the passinho battles that happened in the city of João Pessoa-PB in the period of 2019 and 2020. The passinho battles emerged after the rise of brega funk, a rhythm from Pernambuco. To observe this youth practice, I chose two battles: the Batalha de Mangabeira 7 and the Batalha do Busto. I used participant observation and analysis of the speeches of the young people who attend the battles. I dialogued face-to-face and online due to the Covid-19 pandemic and observed the use of media and social networks by young people who consume brega funk. The guiding theoretical discussion was based on studies of urban anthropology (Magnani 2005), (Velho 1978), youth cultures (Souza 2007), (Pereira 2017), music (Fontanella 2005), (Vianna 1987) and communication (Janotti 2011), and (Soares 2017). The results reveal that from the battles young people create sociability networks, music and dance are shown as important pillars in juvenile sociability, and that the passinho battles have become a moment of leisure. They also point out that, through the battles, young people give new meaning to city spaces that are used by other groups with generational, class and economic differences. Based on their musical preference, young people mold themselves to common styles and consumption, create an aesthetic guided by the consumption of music, and give visibility to their creativity around this musical genre, which also reverberates in popularity on social networks. The occupation of these city spaces also shows discourses of disapproval and criminalization of the practices of passinho and the subjects that participate, however, young people have potentiated their talents and creativity through dance and occupied physical and virtual spaces through brega funk.
  • Politics of Hope: An Anthropological Overview on Regulation and Associations for Cannabis Therapeutics in Brazil
  • Fecha: 19-ago-2021
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This research has a qualitative nature, an ethnographic theoretical-methodological approach and fulfills its exploratory character, with the objective of apprehending the struggle and movement that has taken place in Brazil, around the regulation of access to products made from cannabis, for therapeutic purposes. This study focuses on a panoramic perspective, about what has been done in the political field and experiences, in relation to the subjects who are involved in this cause. Since mid-2013-2014, the fight for marijuana regulation has been highlighted in the country, due to the anguish and need of mothers and families who have discovered the alternative of cannabis therapy to treat various pathologies of their loved ones, however the complexity and challenges that result of national drug policy has hampered recognition and Other advances for cannabis, as a medicinal, therapeutic plant. I direct my observation from the construction of a biosocial network, initially formed by mothers and families, and then composed of activists, doctors, lawyers and other subjects active in the cause. This netwthe distinct work carried out by patient associations, whose common priority and objective is the provision of information, reception and guidance to subjects who seek this therapeutic route alternative. From the ethnographic follow-up of two mothers and six associations, 3 in person in the state of Paraíba and Bahia, the rest occurred remotely due to the pandemic context, I conducted semi-structured interviews and applied a questionnaire to the association’s participants, collecting information about the history of its foundation and performance of social work. In light of the theoretical contribution, these subjects have carried out a policy of hope, where all actors are interconnected for the same objective: to have democratic access to health care and quality of life. The autonomy of their choices is marked both by moral and social deconstructions, and also reflected in the search to learn and deepen themes that are admittedly taboo to our public policies, such as the case of drugs. The division between the criminal and health spheres has complex challenges for the regulatory advances of cannabis, suggesting the stage for several conflicts and developments, which this study is dedicated to bring and add to this reflection.
  • SCHOOL IN PROJECT: Trajectories and constructions of educational protection among the Potiguaras of Paraíba.
  • Fecha: 17-ago-2021
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This work aims to analyze the educational projects in which the Potiguaras were submitted, especially from the SPI period onwards. This is a research in the archives made available by FUNAI and in the SPI's online collection available at the Museu do Índio. Therefore, the work provides a description of the collected documents and discusses the educational projects of religious missions, official bodies and other educational institutions that were within the circuit circumscribed in the indigenous territory. Indigenous populations start to give new meaning to the schools of these education projects in which they will always look for ways to resist the silencing of their identities. The documentation and literature consulted place the tutelary practices in the context of the different political and social moments in which the Potiguaras indigenous populations were inserted. The trajectories analyzed show the resistance and struggle of the Potiguaras in the face of these tutelary projects, as well as the unfolding of these processes from the colonial period to the present day, in view of the public policies implemented after the 1988 constitution.
  • Stories of possible worlds: an ethnographic study on ecological life transitions
  • Fecha: 10-ago-2021
  • Hora: 11:00
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  • This ethnographic research identifies and describes ways of life that present themselves as alternatives, or refuges for "living in the ruins of capitalism" according to Ana Tsing. The fieldwork involved interviews with 40 people, followed by detailed ethnographic work with two interlocutors. The research pointed out that these people, who were born and/or grew up in large urban centers, have gone through ecological life transitions that influence their entire lifestyle, including their spiritual beliefs, health practices, food, and the construction of their homes. I classify these transitions as processes of ontological shift, in which an ecological worldview stands as the primary lens of understanding one's own being and its relationship to the world. The results indicate that these transitions are continuous, and always carry with them elements of the perception of life and of the person from before the transition process. As in a spiral, a new lifestyle takes shape as dualities such as mind/body and nature/culture are collapsed; as the impermanence of things and life as an eternal becoming is understood; as concepts such as health, spirituality, and ecology merge; as life is understood to emerge from the encounter between different lines of movement of beings and materials. The emergence of the covid-19 pandemic during the course of the fieldwork reinforced the need for the creation of refuges inspired by other ecologies in order to make the Anthropocene as brief as possible.
  • Images and memories of those affected by the dam: articulations with social movements and public policies in the Cajá resettlement of Itatuba-PB, Brazil
  • Fecha: 09-ago-2021
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This dissertation proposes an approximation between the fields of visual anthropology and social public policies. It presents an approach to the collective memory of a riverside community affected by a dam, today known as the "agrovila" or resettlement of Cajá, municipality of Itatuba, in the agreste region of Paraíba. Its general objective is to research visual and oral memories of the riverside territory in conjunction with the demands of the resettled community, identified by the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB). Based mainly on surveys of documents, photographs, audiovisual materials and oral reports, the research sought to reconstitute the recent history of Cajá resettlement, through a long-standing relationship established with 14 local families by the researcher, whose family also belonged to the former community. With greater emphasis, therefore, on qualitative methodologies, a combination of open interview techniques and life stories, analysis of photographs and videos, netnography and autoethnography, the work seeks to address local memories in the face of territorial reconfiguration caused by resettlement. It also analyzes the implementation of the Acauã dam as part of the State's water security policy, linked to the national development project. Finally, it demonstrates how meeting the demands of the resettled community had to be conducted by the Public Ministry and, even so, after about twenty years, difficulties persist in the implementation of social public policies in the place, amid the findings of diaspora, restrictions on agricultural and breeding activities, demobilization of the Association of Small Farmers, among other various effects caused by resettlement. The creation of an ethnographic collection with hundreds of photographs accompanied this Dissertation, as ways to support the right to memory of the residents of Sítio Cajá, affected by the Acauã dam.
  • Title: Inhabiting the Casa da Baixa Costura: an ethnography on new technologies of affection in the Ballroom paraibana scene.
  • Fecha: 31-may-2021
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • This is an ethnography about a house. The house is a place of affection and refuge. It is in it that they are constructed as identifications of the relationships of affection that we propose to understand. The relationships are mainly based on the idea that new configurations of parenting and coexistence can be conducted based on the new technologies of affection. Thus, we will enter the world of Casa da Baixa Costura and its position in the scene of the houses and the Ballroom scene along the lines of a regional and contemporary conception. From the technologies of affection, thought in Foucault's, through the powers of the image and the body and the understanding of a possible organization of the relationships between socially excluded and marginalized couples due to their gender dissidences, we experience a field extremely fertile and meaningful research. Held in Paraíba between the years 2020 and 2021, our research found an expressive methodological in the image to support the description of field actions, which in turn was replete with performances and the use of bodies and art as elements of this scene. The Casa da Baixa Costura is a strong and expressive collective, which during the research process was composed of 22 members and aggregates and composes the Ballroom North / Northeast scene. Its organization works well along the lines of the first ones founded in the seventies and eighties , and takes for itself a characterization that brings it closer to its regional reality. In the research, during the field production, we found that the main element in the relationships inside the house is formed by these new possibilities of affection - new in the biographical trajectory of the participants, although part of a tradition of organization and mutual support. The research, traversed by a pandemic, needed to be rethought mainly with regard to the writing processes, like a storm that reaches the house and demands that it be restructured and reformed in some aspects. Thus, we can say that inhabiting Casa da Baixa Costura was a privileged experience from the point of view of observation for research, however, more than that, being part of the house as an inhabitant was something transcendent to research.
  • “When pain strikes”: an anthropological study of women living with fibromyalgia
  • Fecha: 31-may-2021
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • The present study addresses the illness caused by fibromyalgia from an anthropological perspective, since the disease as well as the body are social constructs. Considered an eminently female disease, marked by the incorporation of pain, fibromyalgia is an invisible phenomenon to the care and life policies, which motivated to investigate the relationships between the onset of the disease and the personal and social context of women. The research was developed from the female perspective, addressing the narratives about the experience with the disease. The field research began in 2019, at the rheumatology outpatient clinic of Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley, using observation in the outpatient waiting room and on social networks WhatsApp and Instagram, as well as at the interlocutors' residence. The research continued until 2020, with the advance of the pandemic. Ethnographic interviews were conducted with nine women with fibromyalgia in which they narrate how illness is related to their living conditions, in which the relational dimension draws attention due to social ties, gender hierarchy, working conditions and violence social. From the incorporation of pain, they develop metaphors of discontent when they characterize pain modulations, especially as a “pain that attacks”. The coping processes involve medicalization and other alternative therapies (psychologists, acupuncture, physiotherapy), family strategies and social activism in the struggle for recognition and social rights. Women recognize how the bodily limits caused by the disease result in seclusion and rupture in their professional and life trajectories. Finally, from the context of the pandemic of COVID-19, the repercussions of this health crisis on the daily lives of the interlocutors and agencies developed by them were portrayed.
  • Fecha: 31-mar-2021
  • Hora: 09:15
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  • The present paper entitled FROM THE BRICK WALL TO THE DIGITAL WALL: THE ASCENSION OF GRAFFITI IN FORTALEZA AND ITS PERSPECTIVES IN PANDEMIC TIMES comprises the report of an ethnographic research that took place in a multisituated way in the city of Fortaleza, in the physical environment and in the digital environment, through the Instagram social network, addressing the activity of graffiti artists in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Starting, in the first section, from a historical recovery that leads to contemporary graffiti, this qualitative type investigation incorporates aspects pointed out by interlocutors, heard through semistructured interviews, in a dialogue with the bibliographic research. It continues, in the following sections, inserting the difficulties of conducting a research in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, simultaneously working on techniques designed to accompany the displacement of artistic productions from the city walls to the virtual space, in an observation provided by Instagram. At the end, two central aspects of the theme are discussed in the transition from 2020 to 2021: the difficulties in carrying out a project designed to take place through a face to face immersion in Praia de Iracema, constantly postponed due to the health protection measures adhered by the Government of the State of Ceará and, secondly, the exposure of the perceptions obtained in the virtual media trying understand the ways used for the maintenance of artistic works by graffiti artists who use Instagram. This work has as main objective to perceive and discuss the difficulties faced by these artists after the fateful arrivel of the pandemic, which requires confinement as the main containment measure. In this context, we intend to discuss the relationship between graffiti artists and the State, through the analysis of the text and the developments of the Public Notice Arte Urbana na PI, 2020, in the context of the emergency state, examining the elements of social control present in this type of government initiative and, in another aspect, the strategies used by graffiti artists to give continuity to the promotion of their art. Starting from DIÓGENES and seeking to understand cyberspace with RIFIOTIS, the method used, which underlies the procedures described above, was that of virtual ethnography. The study concludes by verifying aspects related to social control present not only in the public administration pathways, but also by the automated directions of digital media, and, at the same time, registering the incidence of numerous forms of attempted freedom found in the investigation, such as retourning to the streets during the lockdown, contradictorily less subject, in the circumstances of isolation, to the repression of the police, or the diffusion of content on social networks as an apparently safe space.
  • Fecha: 12-mar-2021
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This work aims to understand the experiences and practices of health professionals who work in the palliative care patients ward at Hospital Napoleão Laureano (HNL), a reference in the treatment of people with cancer in the State of Paraíba. It is a qualitative research, based on participant observation from the perspective of “hospital ethnography”. In view of this, the work provides a description of the field and discusses how health professionals elaborate the meaning of the death of patients who are / are considered “out of therapeutic possibility” (FPT) and how they understand the work of care together to them. The experiences and practices of health professionals lead to thinking about technical aspects as well as highlighting intersubjective dimensions in the meeting of professionals with patients, with their families and in the dialogue with personal experiences of life and death. The consulted literature situates the practices analyzed in the context of the various social movements that have emerged around the world in favor of improving the dying and autonomy of the dying space “a good death”. The demands created by these movements contemplated the individual and his social right to the process of dying, pointing to changes in the process of contemporary death aimed at people under palliative care.
  • Outlined Bodies: An anthropological study on the experiences of women with sickle cell trait in Paraíba
  • Fecha: 10-mar-2021
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This dissertation is an anthropological study about the relationships between body, race and the experience of women with the Sickle Cell Trait. It sought to understand the repercussions of the sickle cell trait in the lives of women of reproductive age (19 to 49 years) in the state of Paraíba and the overlap in their subjectivities, in social, affective and family relationships, as well as, regarding the experience / effectiveness of their reproductive rights. In addition, it seeks to identify the health care they receive in the Unified Health System - SUS, with a view to unveiling the subjective universe of women with sickle cell trait. This is an ethnographic research, which involved eight interlocutors from six cities in the state of Paraíba. The method used was the one mediated by the tools of Information and Communication Technology (Field research has observation in events and interviews, when it was mediated by the tools of Information and Communication Technology), due to the context of the Coronavirus pandemic, with intersectionality as an analysis category to reflect on issues related to race, class, gender and generation have been constituting factors that aggravate the experience of women with sickle cell trait. The relevance of this study is to produce anthropological knowledge from the local experience, showing the experiences of women with the sickle cell trait (The relevance of this study is to produce anthropological knowledge from the experience of women, showing their experiences with the sickle cell trait, with the health care received and with the reproductive becoming.), being able to subsidize other studies and research, as well as to expand the information on TF, and on public health policies directed to the people affected by the Sickle Cell Disease.
  • Fecha: 26-feb-2021
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • It is a qualitative research with an ethnographic theoretical-methodological approach, registered in the field of Medical Anthropology, which aims to understand the construction of meaning to the crisis in mental health and the experience of caring for suffering. The fieldwork was carried out through the collection of life narratives and in-depth interviews of three people living in the city of João Pessoa, PB, with trajectories of illness in the field of mental health. The idea of a crisis in mental health was used by the interlocutors to name a list of experiences that involved suffering that bordered on the unbearable, and related to moments that were mixed up with other biographical crises. It was identified in the process of illness and in the experience of suffering social crossings with issues of gender, race, sexuality, class and generation The results also pointed to the development of strategies by the subjects to deal with suffering, reestablish satisfactory life conditions and prevent new crises, which dialogue with the biomedical and psychosocial care offered by mental health equipment, but also produce new forms of self-care. Through the itinerary in search of care and the articulation of the multiple actors, environments, objects and speeches that are part of it, the construction of meaning to the crisis proved to be anchored in the experience itself, which, although embodied and singular, shows results also with broader social logics, making possible a dialogue with sociopolitcal economic contexts and larger scale social crossings.
  • Fecha: 16-feb-2021
  • Hora: 17:00
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  • This research has as its central focus to analyze the effectiveness of public policies to encourage the commercialization of family farming, based on the interpretation of the meaning attributed to CECAF-JP by the farmers who work there and how the pandemic was dealt with by both farmers and management. The methodological path was based on data collection, considering observation in the field, interviews with female and male farmers and the management, as well as the subjects life reports, seeking to realize and understand their points of view as they report and explain. Authors who approach the themes of this dissertation such as Andrade (2020), Buainain et al (2003), Hincapié (2015), Nascimento (2018), Ramírez (2010), Sambuichi (2017, 2020), Schineider (2003, 2020), Souza (2007), Zuñiga (2020), like many others, composed the theoretical framework that supports this study. We could see the importance of policies to encourage the commercialization of family farming such as PNAE, PAA, and PNAPO and their potential for policies to fight hunger, especially in pandemic times. It was also noted the importance of CECAF in terms of fulfillment with what is proposed and how the management contributed by supporting farmers in facing the pandemic from the construction of a sales website. We were able to understand what the space represents for them, in which they mainly attribute the meaning of family, of home. Therefore, we understand CECAF as a reference model when it comes to adequate trading spaces, considering that it serves farmers in the process of direct access to the market, with the necessary conditions to provide quality of life for both consumers, and mainly, for family farmers.
  • “Today we play the way people wants”: cavalo marinho, performance and process in the speech of its participants.
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2020
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • In this dissertation, we would like to point out the interactive relationship established between the cavalo marinho and its social, historical, and economic backgrounds as the main factors for the transformational process of this cultural manifestation or brincadeira. Based on an exposition of its main characteristics and a further description of the context that surrounds it, we present a comparative analysis that unfolds the dialog between performative action and labor work, social relations, entertainment, social critics, local economy, ethical and aesthetic values of the social actors involved. Finally, by researching the contemporary conjuncture of cavalo marinho, we expose a series of significant changes that have proposed new scenarios and challenges for its participants.
  • Live the bear without scarf, without document! Playing Ala Ursa at the João Pessoa Carnival.
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Carnival is a national celebration that involves all Brazilian society, spontaneously or not. There is another structural order in which diverse popular manifestations appear; among them, the Ursa Wing. It is a performance show found notably in Paraíba and Pernambuco (Brazil), which takes place during the carnival and pre-carnival period. The Ursa Wing (or La Ursa) bears the main figure of one or more young people dressed in clothing and mask representing a Bear. Their companions carry a bowl to collect gifts, form a percussion musical group (batucada) and continue walking and dancing through the streets and public spaces, interacting with those they meet along the way. Through a qualitative approach of the ethnographic type, with free interviews, oral reports, audiovisual records and direct and participant observations on the preparation and performance of Ala Ursa Sem Lenço, Sem Document for the carnival of 2019, this research seeks to understand the relationship of the members of this group with the neighborhood of Roger (headquarters of the group) and with the city of João Pessoa. In addition to contributing to understanding the relationship of the groups of Ala Ursas maintain with the city from the Carnival Tradition of João Pessoa, seek to understand the symbols of the SLSD Bears and highlight the organization and production of the 2019 Carnival group. The theoretical references are based on the studies of carnival, ritual and the Ala Ursa manifestation itself, in addition to the city as a festive territory. We realized that the group reinforced markers of ethnicity and social class in its aesthetics and language, and the liveliness of the revelry revealed in the presentations on the beaches, main avenues, streets and squares of the city, strengthens the popular cultural resistance of Roger, neighborhood of origin of the city. group. Thus, Ala Ursa Sem Lenço, Sem Documento also reaffirmed its presence in the city's festive scene, contributing significantly to the socio-educational processes, artistic languages, and self-esteem of its members. It was noticed that the bears (adults and children) of the fun occupy an important space in the local collective imagination, they act as a symbol of cycle renewal associated with the public's fun and fear; being that the Little Bears are more connected to “dancing the Bear” and positive affections of the children of the public, while the Adults to virility and prestige accompanied by responsibility and alcoholic drink. The group is also a powerful political and social instrument in the neighborhood, a space for the construction and re-signification of black individual and group identities; challenging the dominant social structure every year, denying that it is the only form of organization.
  • Fecha: 04-ago-2020
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • This work aims to analyze the networks of sociability, leisure and enterprises that are established among the residents of the Intermares neighborhood, in the city of Cabedelo (metropolitan region of the city of João Pessoa) in the state of Paraíba. This ethnography intends to report how cultural interactions are formed between two distinct cultures: The local culture (native) and the culture of immigrants (here called foreigners). The tensions resulting from this “cultural shock” and, consequently, the webs of interactions inherent to this reality, as well as its consequences in the formation of the neighborhood's identity, constitute themselves as subjects of this research. We use, as theoretical assumptions, contributions from authors affiliated to the fields of Cultural Studies and Urban Anthropology such as: Gilberto Velho, Nobert Elias, Stuart Hall, among others - who conceptualize the notions of identity and sociability, considering the relevance of these concepts in discourse and practices developed within the group of foreigners studied here. We approach these groups and social institutions, cultural processes and spatial dynamics in the contemporary urban context, with an emphasis on territorialities and discussions on urban requalification processes, as well as in the analysis of sociability, entrepreneurship and leisure networks. We understand that “foreigners” play an extremely relevant role in the social life of Intermares neighborhood - permanently resignifying its economic and cultural structure. As a corpus, we chose data collected during field observations and also audio and video recordings made during immersions in the research in question. This ethnography is basically structured in four chapters, where I discuss the cultural conflict in the neighborhood of Intermares-PB that is established between the native culture and the culture, which I refer to here, "foreign". In the first part, I try to demonstrate how the neighborhood is organized and structured, in addition to addressing the research subjects. In a second step, I describe the tensions between natives and foreigners, analyzing the relations that are established between foreigners and the local culture based on commercial relations. In the last part, I try to go deeper into the ethnic / racial and identity issues, in order to reach the conclusion about the profound cultural changes introduced in the neighborhood due to the presence of foreigners and their social / cultural / economic practices.
  • Gender, Childhood and School: Ethnographic Perspectives on Teaching Work With kids
  • Fecha: 15-abr-2020
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • How does the teaching activity organize the conceptions about gender and sexuality put by children in their narratives and observations about the adults’ world? This central question guides this dissertation, which aims to study the conceptions about gender and childhood present in the initial schooling process of a public school in the municipality of Mamanguape, located on the North Coast of the state of Paraíba, Brazil. The research consisted of an analysis of the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP), formal interviews, informal conversations and field observations of everyday school life, in order to examine the notions of “care” and “needy”, “gender” and “generification”, and the sexual division of labor among teachers, as well as their professional training. It results, therefore, in the understanding of teaching activity as a didactic space, producer of reflexivity, discourses and subjectivities about children's bodies and the social context where they live, established from daily debates about boys and girls, games, violence and care, without ignoring, for this, the active presence of children themselves.
  • Gender, Childhood and School: Ethnographic Perspectives on Teaching Work With kids
  • Fecha: 15-abr-2020
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • How does the teaching activity organize the conceptions about gender and sexuality put by children in their narratives and observations about the adults’ world? This central question guides this dissertation, which aims to study the conceptions about gender and childhood present in the initial schooling process of a public school in the municipality of Mamanguape, located on the North Coast of the state of Paraíba, Brazil. The research consisted of an analysis of the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP), formal interviews, informal conversations and field observations of everyday school life, in order to examine the notions of “care” and “needy”, “gender” and “generification”, and the sexual division of labor among teachers, as well as their professional training. It results, therefore, in the understanding of teaching activity as a didactic space, producer of reflexivity, discourses and subjectivities about children's bodies and the social context where they live, established from daily debates about boys and girls, games, violence and care, without ignoring, for this, the active presence of children themselves.
  • Novas Jornadas Entre o Virtual e o Físico: Ressignificação dos Espaços Através do Pokémon Go
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A pesquisa consiste em uma etnografia com a comunidade gamer do jogo para celular Pokémon Go. O intuito é tentar entender a sociabilidade do grupo junto com uma nova perspectiva de olhar a cidade intermediada pelo espaço virtual. Tentando assim compreender como o jogo consegue ressignificar os espaços urbanos para os jogadores, que o enxergam de modo particular, através de esculturas, monumentos, igrejas, grafites, entre outros, que são justamente os pontos de parada do jogo e os ginásios, muitas vezes em lugares que fogem da rota diária das pessoas. Isso porque o Pokémon Go não existe só no celular, é uma intersecção entre o espaço físico e o espaço virtual, uma vez que ele utiliza o mapa da cidade onde o jogador está inserido, dessa forma o jogo muda o jeito como os jogadores lidam com o espaço, trazendo uma nova forma e concepção de se apropriar socialmente do espaço físico.
  • Emotions and Urban Sociability An ethnography about the Timbó Community, João Pessoa - PB
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2020
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • This work is an ethnographic research that seeks to analyze the sociability of a peripheral community in the city of João Pessoa - PB. The research universe studied is the Timbó Community, located in the Bancários neighborhood, south of the city, which is sited in an area of increasing real estate appreciation in the city, which influences urban and social reconfiguration processes that permeate the daily lives of residents. In this context in which the Timbó Community is circumscribed, the objective is to understand the sociability that characterizes living in Timbó, in order to identify the emotional culture and the codes of moralities that constitute the experience of the resident and make up the Timbó place - place of belonging and personality where close and lasting affective bonds are preserved and exercised. The analysis was based on the discussion of the feeling of belonging, of the personality, of the homophilic networks and of the social markers of differentiation as elements that configure the relationships that are established between the residents of the community. These elements inform the emotive culture and the codes of morality in force and contribute to a unique way for the resident to understand himself and the other relational from Timbó, a place where he is inserted and builds an individuality. The ethnographic data produced in the field work thus reveal the personal logic that guides the form of sociability in Timbó and provides elements of solidarity and conflict present in everyday life, such as differentiation strategies, mutual assistance, accusations, justifications and forms of conflict management, which are present in the sociability of the Timbó Community and be discussed in this work
  • Fecha: 27-feb-2020
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This work intends to understand the conception of inheritance and heredity from families affected by mucopolysaccharidosis, a rare genetic disease of high prevalence in Cariri Paraibano. Genetically, the disease is attributed to consanguineous marriage or marriage between cousins, with a higher concentration in the region where the research was carried out. The interest arose from questionings that it would be an "inherited" disease - that is, having a strong bond with kinship and how this bond interferes in the family organization. The objectives were: to understand the perception of genetic and social inheritance/heredity of families affected by Mucopolysaccharidosis in Cariri Paraibano. As for the specific objectives: to verify the relationships between family members and the patient after the positive diagnosis; to identify the family perceptions about the disease and its hereditary character; to identify the repercussions on the personal and family trajectory from the disease and its hereditary character; to analyze the daily changes in the lives of the family members of those affected. Methodologically, the field work was carried out in two expeditions, to talk to the families and people with mucopolysaccharidosis. The first expedition was carried out together with my advisor and we visited 11 cities scattered throughout the Cariri region. In the second expedition, I visited two cities, Serra Branca and Taperoá, due to the large number of families affected and with the objective of deepening the investigation started by getting to know how the family constitution happened, by assembling genealogies of the families, it was also possible to meet new interlocutors who were not identified in the first trip to the field. In total, 16 families were visited and semi-structured interviews were carried out, 13 of them in the first expedition and 3 new families in the second, making it possible to meet members of these families. The interviews varied according to the situation of each family, so that sometimes only the fathers and/or mothers were the agents of dialogue when the children were children, and when they were already adults they spoke for themselves, but with the company of some other family member. Among the families, the significant aspect to be pointed out concerns the value of blood attributed to the passing on of the disease, not to kinship, characterized by having the "same blood". Those families that took kinship as a reference was in the sense that: "it is only family when the same blood runs in the veins," and that blood in the veins that shares the risk of illness in the family. The inheritance could also be manifested from the understanding of the heredogram performed by the geneticist, which would be an instrument to point out the kinship relationship, but for the interlocutors it made no difference, because the kinship was built from a social normative, in which it would be defined by a proximity in relationships. Another way of understanding kinship would be with a historical notion in the territory in which the family originally settled and there they were putting down roots and little "mixing", thus preserving the surname and the genetic material in the same territory that started as farms and became a city. Finalizing the data presentation, the inheritance of risk and family reproduction emerges as a theme well understood by one of the interlocutors in order to understand and help problematize what it would be like to live with the risk of developing a rare genetic disease, the mucopolysaccharidoses, bringing a contrast of this interlocutor with the other participants in the group who did not question or did not place the risk as a fundamental point for the construction of their families. The mucopolysaccharidoses are understood by the interlocutors as inheritances that can arise from blood relationships, but these relationships are rarely admitted, because social rules prevail over genetic knowledge. In addition, inheritance can be understood from the territory that makes a direct connection with the names of the families and their residence in places that became cities. Finally, inheritance can also be understood as a risk in family construction, since it can affect the possibility of having a child with mucopolysaccharidosis or not, and this condition entails several changes and brings several dilemmas about family formation.
  • Environmentalist Circuits and Zero Waste Strategies in Florianópolis
  • Fecha: 18-feb-2020
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • This research investigated, through ethnographic research, what we call environmentalist circuits in the city of Florianópolis/SC. Such circuits are constituted by groups engaged in communitary waste management, communitary composting, in movements in defense of agroecology, ecosocialist movements, also counting on people who participate in specific actions in favor of the environment and in actions carried out by Instituto Lixo Zero Brasil and by other public and private entities in the city. On June 4, 2018, through decree No. 18,646, the mayor of the city instituted the Florianópolis Capital Lixo Zero Program, a fact that prompted us to seek a better understanding of what has been called the zero waste concept or strategy to think about the ways they did this concept be mobilized as a social policy and how this policy resulted in socio-cultural processes that involve political dynamics and actions of different florianopolitan groups and social strata. Our ethnographic study used concepts from urban anthropology (Magnani, 2014) and anthropology of public policies (Hincapié, 2015). In the process, we try to understand certain expressions of subjectivity of the population of Florianópolis and which events, paths and trends linked to the issue of sustainability and solid waste management, prior to the Capital Lixo Zero Decree, could have enabled its conception and the transformation of an apparently utopian aspiration into something achievable, from the interface with the State, with the public power or with institutions of organized civil society.
  • Fecha: 14-feb-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The present work, extracted from the ethnographic research carried out in in a female prison located in a large northeastern city, in a research with children and on maternity, aims to observe the social interaction between the children and their imprisoned mothers, but also with the other social actors that they met in that prison unit on the family's visiting day, Sunday. The anthropological research was carried out with women who are serving time or awaiting trial in a closed regime. Therefore, the presence of children and their families is intertwined with the type of women's prison regime. The work discussed the perceived gifts, the feelings extracted from the prison, bodies that speak, that are silent, but that communicate. The methodological resources used in the research were direct observation, informal conversations, drawing, field notebook and memorization. Children, who emerge from research, emerge as social actors. In the field, forms of conception of the prison were revealed, such as: the one elaborated by the institution, the one invented by the children's families, above all, by the maternal grandmothers for the young children, but also, I presented the perception of the big children. I observed some signs of resistance in the prison, a way of reinventing family life, such as sheets that lined the floor of the visiting area. In them, aspects of home, sacredness, territoriality were observed, which re-signified that hostile space. I presented the magazine of children's bodies, the punishments of mothers who reflect on children for being without the right to visit. Emerged from the research, shared motherhood, matrifocality, the form of care for the new generations of that group. Finally, Sunday is the day of a great meeting, a way of resisting the mortification of the self caused by the prison system, a day of celebration, a day of family fraternization, it is a day of the family, it is a way for those couples to re-socialize, unconsciously if they reinvent themselves despite the obliteration of their identities, especially that of the mother. Prison chaos erupted, “doing nothing” as ways of intensifying the reprimand. The great meeting carried out during the visit was observed as the great and only form of resocialization of the sentence found in that prison, carried out by those displaced families who, unconsciously, humanize the sentence, evoking the state's duty of resocialization.
  • " A dor e a delícia de ser o que é": uma etnografia sobre mulheres em situação de rua na cidade do Recife-PE.
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2019
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • The lifting of the Saint: Tradition of knowledge and religious practices among the Quilombolas of Mituaçu-PB
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The thesis focuses on the analytical description of the religious practice of Levante do Santo or Levantamento do Menino Deus, in the remaining community of the quilombo of Mituaçu, located in the municipality of Conde, southern coast of Paraíba, Brazil. The phenomenon is an oral practice with a Catholic denomination occurring annually between the end of December and the beginning of January. Using a processual approach, the thesis aims to understand how knowledge is transmitted in such local domestic groups. In addition, it illustrates how Levante do Santo crosses the line of the domestic group through a direct and indirect coordination of a wide network of social actors made up by Catholicism, Pentecostals and neo Pentecostals protestant religions. Considering this specific network dynamic, while tradition is under a reworking process, neo Pentecostal and Pentecostal religions are quickly gaining believers in the locality. Given this relational context, it is possible to observe moments of tension and change in secular practice. During the literary and documental research, there were no findings narrating or presenting the Levantamento do Santo tradition, specially when considered the ethnographic sources or the material about Mituaçu and Gurigi, both quilombola’s communities located in the same area. That said, all the stages of this work were built from reports of residents and former local residents related with Levanttamento do Santo or with lapinha in different moments of the interlocutor’s life trajectories. Lapinha is a religious dance performed in the Christmas period and, comparing both phenomena, some of the fundamental processes that make up the practice in question were visualized. Considering the subjects and their practices, it involves the donation of the image by the female line of descent, the construction of the kindred and tradition of knowledge, and changes and their continuities and discontinuities.
  • Caminhando com a Jurema: Etnografia de itinerários rituais afro-indígenas no litoral norte da Paraíba.
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • "Pra onde vai todo esse sangue na menopausa?": uma análise antropológica dos sentidos da menopausa entre mulheres em Rio Tinto/Paraíba.
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Arriving, staying and (perhaps) leaving: an ethnography of young adolescents institutionalized in João Pessoa/PB
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This paper proposes an ethnography of young adolescents institutionalized in João Pessoa / PB, who are there due to protective measures for having their rights violated, according to the “Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente”. The field research was carried out in a foundation maintained by the Catholic Church, where were sheltered thirteen young female adolescents, interlocutors of this work, besides the caregivers / educators and five children, whose mothers are the young adolescents. The objective was to reflect and understand about their arrival at the shelter, their permanence and exit possibilities, which may occur with the return to their families or when they reach the legal age of eighteen. The field revealed that the permanence of young adolescents in the institution is surrounded by relatedness connections, both regarding caregivers and missionaries who participate in their lives, especially during leisure time, as well as between them, where family arrangements are created. In addition, the relationship with the institution permeates the dichotomy between protection and control, in which institutional and gender violences are reproduced as regards control over contact with their families of origin, and the control of bodies and sexuality. Finally, the possibilities of leaving for family reintegration showed that despite the distance promoted by the institution, staying with their families still represents the main desire of the interlocutors, together, to a lesser extent, with the desire to build new configurations from the moment they achieve adulthood.
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This dissertation aims to understand the process of “being a man” among the Calons in Rua dos Ciganos, on the North Coast of Paraíba. I analyze, therefore, the formation of the adult calon man through the experience and learning in the practice of certain fundamental knowledge for the formation of the Honor, one of the main elements of valorization of the Calon masculinity. To fulfill this objective, I initially reflect on the methods used in research with children and adults, refuting the idea that researching children would require specific methods. Then, I analyze the generational boy-man transition through the agglutination of three fundamental values (Prosperity, Promotion and Provision), demonstrated especially during the moments of celebration. Finally, it will be demonstrated how Local Knowledge is taught as / in practice to children and used to performatically communicate feelings and create communities of affection.
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2019
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • From July to September, a musical community is formed in Rio Tinto, composed of martial bands, brass bands and music bands, during the Civic-Military Parades of the Fatherland Week and band meetings held in other cities after the Seven. of September. This dissertation discusses a particular fanfare, Fanfarra Antônia Luna Lisboa, belonging to the school of the same name of the municipal school system, about the conflicts that arise from the search of these young people to express themselves, with their musical tastes, uniforms and performances in the context of traditionally contained festivals. It results from interdisciplinary research, from visual anthropology and studies of rituals and performances, to a study involving youths, memory, music, body and gender, which leads to an interconnection with other methodologies, such as participant observation itself, deferred observation, film anthropology and shared anthropology. Thus, we seek to understand what is the "carnivalization" in Fanfarra, identifying and comparing the similarities and differences of Fanfarra in its most different performance situations, whether in rehearsals or civic parades in Rio Tinto and other cities, mediated by the composition and reflection on sound and images.
  • Ethnography of cinematic memories in the valley of Mamanguape-PB
  • Fecha: 23-ago-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This research seeks to ethnographically address the memories related to cinema experiences in small towns in the interior of Brazil, specifically in Mamanguape and Rio Tinto, north coast of Paraíba state. Film screenings at Cine Eldorado and Cine Orion in the second half of the twentieth century are still alive in the memories of locals, currently shared through the world wide web. Methods and concepts associated with visual anthropology (photo and video elicitation, film analysis, virtual ethnography) are articulated with reflections pertinent to the history of cinema to question the experiences of expectoriality in interior cinemas and their specificity as expressions of modernity and coloniality. The anthropology dedicated to the study of cinema, such as MasimoCanevacci and, more recently, Rose Satiko, adds to the ethnographic perspective of approaching the memories of former workers and public of the interior cinemas, with which an ethnographic film was made, designed on the basis of participatory camera (Jean Rouch) and direct cinema notions. Thus, this dissertation seeks to dialogue with authors and postcolonial critiques in the consideration of cinema and modernity, reflected in the experience of the subjects approached in relation to their previous experiences in the old (now deactivated) local cinemas. The approach of cinema as a technical image, in VilémFlusser's sense, was also relevant to think about the duration of cinema from contemporary screens of computers and smartphones. How, therefore, the cinema contributed, in the mid-twentieth century, to “modernize”, “enchant” or “catechize” a population composed largely of rural and indigenous workers, admitted to an industrialized urban work regime (marked by a factory)? To what extent, then, can thinking of film projections and receptions in small cities allow us to elaborate critical dimensions of living conditions in postcolonial societies?
  • O Belo e suas torcidas: um estudo comparativo sobre as formas de pertencimento que cercam o Botafogo da Paraíba.
  • Fecha: 03-may-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A pesquisa dialogou mais fortemente com três grupos distintos de torcedores do Botafogo da Paraíba com o objetivo de realizar um estudo comparativo sobre eles. O objetivo era mostrar que aquilo que a mídia, certas instituições governamentais, forças policiais, entre outros, chamam genericamente de “torcida de futebol de um mesmo clube” não é nunca uma unidade, não é nunca algo homogêneo, livre de tensões ou rivalidades internas. Mas, ao contrário, as diferentes identidades torcedoras que cercam um mesmo clube vão criar seus próprios territórios, seus próprios lugares antropológicos, suas próprias relações de alianças e de rivalidades, que estarão a todo momento sendo mediadas, reforçadas e modificadas, a depender do contexto. As torcidas do Botafogo-PB, pois, pensadas sempre no plural, foram analisadas a partir de suas diferenças, de suas fronteiras, de suas alteridades, apresentando assim uma realidade extremamente heterogênea, bem diferente daquela comumente alardeada. Registrese, por fim, que a dissertação foi escrita após quase dois anos de pesquisa etnográfica, com o campo de pesquisa sendo alargado à medida que o trabalho se desenvolvia. Começou no próprio Estádio Almeidão e em seu entorno, acompanhando os torcedores, conversando com eles em meio ao ritual de jogos dentro de casa; depois ganhou João Pessoa, observando as circulações desses torcedores pela cidade-sede do clube analisado; e num terceiro momento foi pensado o torcedor para além de sua própria cidade, quando realizaram-se viagens com esses distintos grupos para acompanhar jogos fora de João Pessoa e até mesmo da Paraíba.
  • Trajectories, self- perceptions and affective-sexual experiences of women who have relationships with transgender men
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This study proposes to think about the sexual affective trajectories of women who are engaged in relationships with transsexual men, considering how they perceive themselves, their sexuality, their desires, against the backdrop of this relationship. For that, a group (online) was composed of women who are related to trans men, who live in different regions of the country. Seeking to understand what they share with each other regarding their affective and sexual experiences, from the group and beyond, formal (interviews) and informal conversations were conducted in an individualized way with six interlocutors, whose trajectories are the basis of this study.
  • "Quem ama homenageia" Rituais, performances e emoções em velórios em Santarém (PA)
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2018
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Entre o pensar e o fazer objetos: Um estudo sobre os atos e gestos técnicos de artesãos e designers.
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2018
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Curtir ou não curtir: Experimentações a partir do Tinder
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar experiencias vivenciadas atraves do Tinder, aplicativo para dispositivos moveis usado para a busca de relacionamento afetivo-sexual. A partir de um estudo etnografico que envolveu ambientes online e off-line de investigacao, realizado principalmente com seis homens e seis mulheres que buscavam pelo sexo oposto no aplicativo, procurou-se observar como este se insere na dinamica de suas relacoes interpessoais e interfere em suas estrategias de sociabilidade e vivencia da experiencia afetivo/sexual. Tendo por base a dinamica de uso do aplicativo, analisou-se o percurso do contato com o outro atraves do aplicativo e seu entrelace com motivacoes, expectativas, projetos e dinamica de vida dos usuarios/as. Em dialogo com um instrumental teorico que atenta para a agencia do individuo no mundo da vida, partiu-se do principio que, por um lado, plataformas digitais como o Tinder sao recursos tecnologicos que configuram formas especificas e diversas de interacao com o outro, inseridas numa dinamica mais flexivel e rapida caracteristica da contemporaneidade. Por outro, tais dinamicas estao permeadas por especificidades culturais, elaboracoes pessoais e projetos relacionados com interesses e expectativas diversas dos usuarios/as e de seus interlocutores/as, o que cria uma constante indeterminacao nas relacoes ali constituidas. Assim, verificou-se que o Tinder figura como uma alternativa a mais e um meio ativo nos devires da busca pelo outro, integrando um movimento de procura e afastamento, de negociacao e tensao, que comporta tanto expectativas de afinidade e reciprocidade nas trocas intersubjetivas, estas testada desde o inicio do contato, como a valorizacao da autonomia e da escolha como cernes do projeto individual.
  • Curtir ou não curtir: Experimentações a partir do Tinder
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar experiencias vivenciadas atraves do Tinder, aplicativo para dispositivos moveis usado para a busca de relacionamento afetivo-sexual. A partir de um estudo etnografico que envolveu ambientes online e off-line de investigacao, realizado principalmente com seis homens e seis mulheres que buscavam pelo sexo oposto no aplicativo, procurou-se observar como este se insere na dinamica de suas relacoes interpessoais e interfere em suas estrategias de sociabilidade e vivencia da experiencia afetivo/sexual. Tendo por base a dinamica de uso do aplicativo, analisou-se o percurso do contato com o outro atraves do aplicativo e seu entrelace com motivacoes, expectativas, projetos e dinamica de vida dos usuarios/as. Em dialogo com um instrumental teorico que atenta para a agencia do individuo no mundo da vida, partiu-se do principio que, por um lado, plataformas digitais como o Tinder sao recursos tecnologicos que configuram formas especificas e diversas de interacao com o outro, inseridas numa dinamica mais flexivel e rapida caracteristica da contemporaneidade. Por outro, tais dinamicas estao permeadas por especificidades culturais, elaboracoes pessoais e projetos relacionados com interesses e expectativas diversas dos usuarios/as e de seus interlocutores/as, o que cria uma constante indeterminacao nas relacoes ali constituidas. Assim, verificou-se que o Tinder figura como uma alternativa a mais e um meio ativo nos devires da busca pelo outro, integrando um movimento de procura e afastamento, de negociacao e tensao, que comporta tanto expectativas de afinidade e reciprocidade nas trocas intersubjetivas, estas testada desde o inicio do contato, como a valorizacao da autonomia e da escolha como cernes do projeto individual.
  • "Eu vim buscar macaxeira e inhame": Uma experiência entre beneficiárias do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA) em Rio Tinto/PB
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2018
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • A Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional é objeto de amplo debate a respeito dos principais objetivos de planejamento e construção das políticas públicas no Brasil. O Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA) foi criado em 2003, no início do governo Lula, como parte do programa Fome Zero. Dentre os principais objetivos, a ação busca assegurar o acesso aos alimentos por pessoas que vivem em condições de insegurança alimentar e/ou nutricional, estimulando também a agricultura familiar por meio de compras governamentais de alimentos. A modalidade “compra com doação simultânea”, parte do que forma o PAA, foi a ação a qual tive a oportunidade de conhecer e vivenciar. Durante o desenvolvimento deste trabalho - entre os anos de 2017 e 2018 - me propus a acompanhar o movimento do Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (CRAS) do município de Rio Tinto/PB, no intuito de observar as diversas relações que se passam dentro deste órgão e de analisar os sentidos associados à prática das políticas sociais. A etnografia realizada contribuiu para a coleta de dados, partindo da convivência e da execução do programa junto ao grupo de beneficiárias e servidoras do CRAS. Apresentando as formas de atuação e as relações entre os atores estatais e a sociedade, procuro destacar algumas discussões relacionadas à visibilidade de gênero, matricialidade sociofamiliar, pobreza e vulnerabilidade. Apesar de conceitualmente impreciso, o termo vulnerabilidade social reforça o entendimento a respeito dos diversos fatores que fragilizam os sujeitos no exercício de sua cidadania. Esse acompanhamento efetivo de um programa voltado à segurança alimentar e nutricional tem como suporte analítico as questões referentes às tecnologias e aos dispositivos de governo, biopoder e biopolítica. As políticas de Assistência Social podem ser pensadas como uma rede, em que uma ação estará ligada a outras. Portanto, ao pesquisar o/no PAA e adentrar a vida comum dessas mulheres beneficiárias, pude conhecer de que maneira tais ações estão ligadas à gestão da vida do seu grupo familiar.
  • ARENAS DA VIDA: O Discurso Jurídico sobre a pessoa e a vida dos embriões In Vitro
  • Fecha: 28-ago-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O direito, enquanto campo de produção de conhecimento, não se perfaz pronto e acabado numa norma ou julgamento do tribunal, mas ele é produzido no dia a dia das relações sociais e culturais. Isso é facilmente perceptível quando trazemos à tona a forma como o discurso jurídico se apropriou das categorias de vida e pessoa para ter condições de julgar a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 3510, que tratou sobre a autorização das pesquisas com células tronco embrionárias. A importância desse julgamento que aconteceu em 2008 foi perceber o conjunto de estratégias que foram criadas dentro do discurso a partir de elementos culturais e sociais, para criar e delimitar espaços sociais para a aplicação da categoria de vida e pessoa, bem como outras categorias que foram sendo colocadas em discussão, como o aborto, morto, DNA, alma e útero. Diante disso, o problema da pesquisa repousa em verificar a dinâmica social e antropológica que perpassou o acionamento dessas categorias no discurso jurídico e como isso permite ver um conjunto de interações e conflitos que envolvem valores e servem de base para o fortalecimento de relações sociais existentes ou surgimento de novas dinâmicas. Ademais, estava em jogo nesse caso, um objeto que era o embrião in vitro que reunia em si elementos da natureza e cultura, logo assumindo um caráter híbrido que levou ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) a criar a primeira audiência pública da sua história, precisando, para tanto, chamar a sociedade e principalmente pesquisadores para que pudessem fornecer elementos necessários, a fim da produção de uma decisão que colocasse um ponto final a grande pergunta que permeava o julgamento: A extração de células tronco embrionárias e a consequente morte do embrião in vitro é prática de aborto? Teria vida o embrião in vitro? Seria o embrião in vitro pessoa? É nesse cenário turbulento que está situada minha pesquisa. Assim, para a coleta dos dados procedi com uma etnografia documental pautada no levantamento de todos os documentos que fizeram parte do julgamento e extraindo. A pesquisa trouxe como um dos resultados a maneira em que o discurso jurídico se apropria de determinados valores para lidar com situações que não se limitam ao âmbito da natureza ou cultura, além de apresentarmos uma forma de engrenagem social que fortalece valores tradicionais a partir de uma lógica discursiva de modernidade e avanço cientifico.
  • Disease without a cure, it lasts for a lifetime": ethnographing the experience of women mothers of children with Sickle Cell Disease in the state of Paraíba
  • Fecha: 27-ago-2018
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • This dissertation aims at presenting the ethnographic research developed in the Master Degree in Anthropology. The goal of this study is to understand the experience of disease and care among mothers of children with Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) who access the Newborn Screening Service in the Ambulatório do Complexo Pediátrico Arlinda Marques (Ambulatory of the Arlinda Marques Pediatric Complex) in the city of João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil. Some reflections are brought on how mothers face the illness of their children, focusing on the attitudes held by each of them as “mother of a child with SCA.” One needs to understand how they develop caregiving attitudes toward their children, and reflect about how these mothers give meanings both to the experience of the children‟s disease and the care for them. Zago (2004) points out that in Brazil, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), SCA is the most common genetic disease, still poorly understood, that affects more acutely the Afro-descendant and dark-skinned (parda) populations – the poorest part of the society. Regarding to the literature on the mentioned disease, Silva (2013), Ramalho (2007), Neves (2014; 2015), Diniz (2005; 2006), and Zago (2001, 2004) have shown that people affected by SCA or with Sickle Cell Trait (SCT) are engaged in a daily struggle to get treatment, medication, assistance and respect. One of the most important contributions of this work is to bring out a little information on what these women are facing, because there is no exposure of how they are dealing with that disease, or how they walk a long journey in search of knowledge about the topic. The record of everything that leads to transformations in these women‟s way of life has been brought here, because the discovery of the disease shocks them. This reality has been perceived during the fieldwork, and it gives information about the impacts of SCA on the lives of these women who discover themselves as mothers of children with hemoglobinopathy. Thus, the information obtained may contribute to the developmen public policies to improve the care provided to the SCA patients and their relatives.
  • Participatory inventories: a possibility for social mobilization.
  • Fecha: 23-ago-2018
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This work, the result of the reflection about the production of participatory cultural inventories in Patrimonial Education actions, analyses the scope and limits of the inventories in the policies of cultural preservation, from five experiences of participatory actions, as follows: Do Buraco ao Mundo (From the Hole to the World); Registro do Ofício e Território do Alto do Moura (Registration of the Office and Territory of Alto do Moura); Inventários do Vale do Mamanguape (Inventories of the Vale do Mamanguape); Pamin (Programa Patrimônio e Interatividade – Heritage and Interactivity Program). In 2016, the IPHAN (Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional – National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute) launched the Manual de Aplicação do Inventário Participativo (Manual for the Application of Participatory Inventory). This free access and readable didactic material has become a safeguard instrument for cultural heritage. It aims at the social mobilization by sensitizing the culture holders to their local cultural references. It is an awakening to the importance of the cultural patrimony that in some cases is so naturalized in their communities that it becomes invisible in the social context in which it is produced. From the initial reflection about the scope and limits of the methodologies of inventories in the policies of cultural preservation, we can draw some conclusions from what has been revealed in these five experiences of participatory actions, considering that both inventory and participation are exercises of power, in which the action of the inventory represents a power that comes from above. This happens because there is an incentive and interest for these actions to happen, through culture preservation policies. The participatory action however represents a power that comes from below – the forgotten and unattended segments of the public policy landscape – causing a tension between the actors involved in this process.
  • "Nossa luta não é em vão": As experiências das pessoas com albinismo na busca por visibilidade
  • Fecha: 23-ago-2018
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Entre crises, cobranças e transições: Um estudo antropológico das experiências de mestres em formação
  • Fecha: 23-ago-2018
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • BODIES THAT CARRY: Port Loaders working on the bank of the Tapajós River, Santarém, Pará
  • Fecha: 20-ago-2018
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Having the body as the object of study, the dissertation aims to understand anthropologically the bodily experience and sociability of men who carry and unload burdens and use their own bodies as means and main instruments for carrying out their professional activities. The empirical research was carried out in the city of Santarém Pará, it's main interlocutors being the port porters, affiliated to the Association of Shippers of the Fluvial Terminal of Passengers and Freight of Santarém, Pará, based on field observation and semi-structured interviews. The loading activities, in this context, are carried out only by men: they require great efforts, techniques and specific bodily abilities, given the nature, weight and loads they have to support. Some of them can carry up to 150 kg without instrumental support and on their bodies themselves, and even bigger wheigt when they potentiate their bodies by pulling the loads with the help of reels. The working hours are at least 10 hours a day, alternating between loading, rest and waiting time.
  • Fecha: 15-ago-2018
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Starting from three women, residents of the community of Porto do Capim, located in the center of the city of João Pessoa, this study aims to make an ethnography of the female body circulation through the city. The written work was produced after a field methodology that sought to be present in the ways of these women, circulating with them in their spaces of occupation in the city, along with informal conversations and interviews. They are women with low purchasing power and therefore are forced to walk and / or work on the streets and to use public transportation to move around. Believing in circulation and flows as a source of power in the city, I propose to think of the city-making through the experiences and stories of these women, giving visibility to their urban experiences that sometimes increase when they are in the streets, creating affections and sensibility that are felt in their bodies, to understand these women's city. Understanding that the city has its subjectivities created through the flows of the subjects themselves, and that this also produces so many other subjectivities in these subjects in the city, I analyze here the relation body-city, as a constant exchange, in which one influences the other, in the construction of the corporations of these women. In this perspective, I make a research about the specificities of being women in public spaces, such as fears and insecurities that are felt daily in their female bodies, and how these women end up creating bodily habitus from these external experiences to remain minimally safe in their daily walk, from my point of view, by itself an act of daily resistance.
  • Fecha: 07-jun-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Bearing in mind the magnitude of the changes resulting from the implementation of the Transposition of the São Francisco River in the Northeast of Brazil, this thesis aims at describing and reflecting upon how these changes affect the everyday life of rural families (famílias sitiantes) displaced from the Sítio Riacho Boa Vista in the sertão of Paraíba. Thus, in order to understand these changes, we conducted a review of anthropological literature that discusses the sociocultural impacts caused by the implementation of large governmental projects. Hence, through this study, it was possible to understand that the life trajectory of these rural families was affected by several situations imposed by a compulsory displacement and that these families have been seeking resistance strategies to keep their way of life.
  • "Vinha caminhando a pé, pra ver se encontrava uma cigana de fé": o culto aos espíritos ciganos no Catimbó/Jurema do Ylê Axé Nagô Ôxaguiã (Caicó - RN)
  • Fecha: 30-may-2018
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Presentes no ocidente desde meados do século XV, aqueles que hoje se reconhecem etnicamente, ou são reconhecidos, como “ciganos”, ocupam no imaginário do outro, “nãocigano”, imagens diversas e às vezes dicotômicas. Se por um lado são vistos como sujos, fedorentos, ladrões, vagabundos, e trapaceiros – como mostram diversas pesquisas etnográficas - por outro, são seres metafísicos, detentores de conhecimentos mágicos e de dádivas divinas, capazes de acessar através do jogo de cartas, ou da palma da mão, facetas do passado, presente e futuro. Também poderiam curar, amaldiçoar, enfeitiçar e atuar sobre a vida de quem quer que seja, estando eles - os ciganos - vivos ou mortos, operando milagres em seus túmulos, ou se fazendo presente enquanto espíritos, em centros Kardecista, Tendas ciganas espiritualistas, templos do Vale do Amanhecer, em terreiros de Umbanda e até mesmo nos de Jurema Sagrada/Catimbó. Nesta dissertação, buscamos refletir acerca das operações de construções sociais e imagéticas de conhecimento sobre a etnia cigana no culto aos espíritos/entidades ciganos(as) da Jurema Sagrada/Catimbó em um “terreiro” que também se denomina como de Candomblé, levando em conta os marcadores de diferença “raça” e “religião”, e a relação simbólica e material entre os espíritos/entidades, que são cultuados neste espaço, e “médiuns juremeiros(as)” de duplo pertencimento religioso. Tomando para a nossa analise os registros do nosso diário de campo, “pontos cantados” - ou “toadas” -, e as transcrições de entrevistas coletadas junto aos juremeiros do Ylê Axé Nagô Ôxáguiã, em Caicó/RN. Com isso, objetivamos compreender de que maneira os religiosos realizam os seus rituais, (re)significam culturas e apropriam-se destas em suas práticas sagradas.
  • Fecha: 23-may-2018
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Esta dissertação tem como objetivo identificar e analisar as estratégias de venda de mercadorias em três setores1 específicos da feira livre da cidade de Itapororoca, interior do estado da Paraíba. O recorte etnográfico foi feito a partir dos setores de frutas, verduras e roupas, mais precisamente, feira de frutas, feira de verduras e feira de roupas, respectivamente. A abordagem teórica fundamentou-se em autores como Agier (2011), Gonçalves e Abdala (2013), Leite (2001), Magnani (1996, 2002), Machado (2013), Paz (2016), Silva (2015), Sato (2012), Simmel (1983), Vedana (2004, 2008, 2013, 2017) e Velho (2013, 2011). Na perspectiva da Antropologia Urbana, o trabalho dá ênfase às discussões sobre as apropriações do espaço público e as sociabilidades e estratégias de venda em feiras livres. A pesquisa qualitativa teve como principal método a descrição etnográfica que utilizou também a câmera fotográfica como técnica de pesquisa. O intuito foi observar e compreender as práticas sociais e atividades desenvolvidas pelos feirantes percebendo as estratégias de venda que são utilizadas para oferecer mercadorias em cada um desses setores. O foco da pesquisa se restringiu à observação das relações sociais entre feirantes e fregueses, aqueles que vendem e que compram na feira. A feira livre acontece semanalmente nos dias de segunda feira e atrai um público diversificado vindo de todo o município e cidades circunvizinhas. O espaço público da feira encanta todos aqueles que passam por ali com sua variedade de mercadorias, cores, cheiros, sons e sabores, além de ser palco para diversas manifestações sociais, religiosas, culturais e políticas. É nesse contexto heterogêneo de pessoas, mercadorias e manifestações culturais, que os feirantes fazem uso de estratégias variadas para vender suas mercadorias, e ao mesmo tempo, reforçar os laços de sociabilidade com os fregueses.
  • “LEÕES” DA SPORTMANIA: Um estudo sobre a formação e a sociabilidade de uma torcida organizada do Sport Club do Recife
  • Fecha: 04-abr-2018
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Esta dissertacao tem como objetivo o estudo etnografico sobre a formacao e a sociabilidade de torcedores organizados do Sport Club do Recife. O objeto de estudo e a torcida organizada SPORTMANIA, que surgiu na decada de 1980, foi extinta na decada de 1990 e ressurgiu no final dos anos 2000. A pesquisa foi realizada com participantes da primeira e da segunda formacao da torcida, num total de 10 interlocutores (nove homens e uma mulher) a partir da observacao participante e de entrevistas semiestruturadas complementares. O campo etnografico compreendeu basicamente o estadio Adelmar da Costa Carvalho na Ilha do Retiro, as demais dependencias do clube e a residencia de alguns torcedores. Ainda, como campo de interacao com os interlocutores, podem ser citadas as vias digitais, como e-mails e aplicativos de mensagens via celular. Nesses espacos, observou-se socializacao, interacao, conflitos e hierarquias que permeiam as relacoes dos torcedores rubro-negros. As reflexoes sao embasadas em um aporte teorico que inclui Simmel (1950) para pensar conflito e sociabilidade, Magnani (2002) para pensar circuito e espacos de sociabilidade, e Levi-Strauss (1986) para problematizar o totemismo, dentre outros autores. Nesse contexto, destacam-se as caracteristicas do pertencimento a SPORTMANIA em ambas as formacoes da torcida, como tambem o significado e a importancia que os torcedores atribuem a ter um “leao” como mascote do time, levando-se em conta os contextos pernambucano e brasileiro. A importancia desta investigacao etnografica reside no estudo do fenomeno de ressurgimento da torcida em pauta, atestando que a formacao da torcida se fundamenta no desejo de torcer pelo time, encontrar os amigos e se socializar.
  • O arco e flecha como construtores do mundo: A prática tradicional do kyudo e do Potiguara na Paraíba
  • Fecha: 23-feb-2018
  • Hora: 13:00
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  • Esta dissertação se insere no campo de estudos da técnica, do manejo e da performance mediante a análise dos processos de construção do arco e da flecha Potiguara e do Kyudo, a arqueria tradicional japonesa. Nesta perspectiva, a presente pesquisa se estruturou a partir de uma indagação central: Como os arcos e flechas Potiguara e do kyudo atravessaram os tempos e continuam as suas práticas nos dias atuais? A reflexão antropológica subjacente ao estudo é a relação entre continuidades e mudanças, tradição e ressignificação. Neste sentido, o objetivo geral delineado foi compreender como os arcos são construídos, e como ocorre a interação entre os arcos e os artesãos; os arcos e os arqueiros; a partir de uma aproximação etnográfica junto a dois grupos: os artesãos das aldeias das Terras Indígenas Potiguara e seus arqueiros, e entre os praticantes de Kyudo. A metodologia utilizada consistiu em um conjunto de procedimentos, tais como: l. Levantamento bibliográfico e histórico sobre os samurais e a imigração japonesa para o nordeste do Brasil e dos guerreiros potiguara; artesãos e arqueiros envolvidos com a prática do arco e flechas; 2. Mapeamento bibliográfico sobre o estado da arte no campo dos estudos da técnica, do manejo e da performance; 3. Pesquisa de campo etnográfica entre 2016 e 2017 envolvendo diversas observações, descrições e diálogos colhidos entre os artesãos e praticantes do arco e flecha que possibilitou dialogar com as teorias antropológicas no campo da técnica, do manejo e prática como eixo de reflexão. O trabalho foi dividido em três tópicos: no primeiro há uma abordagem geral sobre a questão do arco e flechas; no segundo situo a questão do conhecimento, natureza e a poética concreta da construção dos arcos; e no terceiro e último, analiso a relação entre corpo e o arco e flechas tendo como base de apoio os estudos produzidos no campo da antropologia visual. Neste caso, analiso a prática do arco e flecha nos Jogos Indígenas Potiguaras e os Festivais do Japão, em João Pessoa em 2016 e 2017, respectivamente. Para além desta dissertação a aproximação etnográfica realizada junto aos dois grupos potencializou a produção de um vídeo e um acervo fotográfico sobre a forma de construção e manuseio dos arcos. O estudo sinalizou para a ressignificação contemporânea do arco e flecha enquanto um processo de esportização. Antes de ser um trabalho conclusivo, o estudo do arco e flechas entre estes dois grupos, buscou ser um trabalho mais reflexivo e, sobretudo, provocativo e aberto a novos caminhos a serem traçados para uma compreensão maior da relação técnica, manejo e performance.
  • A dona da festa toda: artes e astúcias sobre ser drag queen em Recife – Pernambuco
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Fecha: 31-ago-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This dissertation discusses the phenomenon known as self-mutilation. It is a practice usually linked to young people, mostly teenagers, and female, who have as one of their characteristics the fact that people hide their signs. Silenced in faceto-face everyday, self-mutilation, however, is visible and present in social networks, especially in WhatsApp. The research presented here followed this phenomenon, from the insertion of its researcher in several groups of WhatsApp and, to a lesser extent, of Facebook. Self-mutilation has an anti-structure, anomie aspect. The conduct of being cut is even represented in music as an "emergency exit". A selfmutilator can spend weeks without cutting himself and for some reason injure himself in a higher sequence than he or she may be coerced to stop cutting himself, can do therapy, substitute self-mutilation for some other conduct, among other attitudes. Trying to make a static picture about self-mutilation does not seem advisable, since one who cuts himself is often flirting with instability, flight, despair, appeal to pleasure etc. What can you expect from a WhatsApp group for people who practice self-mutilation? There are a group of people who are fleeing from a host of other socialities that do not behave. I have said that the people with whom I live are fleeing from various socialities, even though they refer to and see "society" as a villain. In WhatsApp groups for people who cut themselves I see a place of refuge, where what guarantees acceptance is the condition of equality against selfmutilation. In these spaces people present themselves and represent themselves differently than when they are outside the group. In these groups, self-infiltrators are inventing their sociality through their agency, an agency that they call diffuse or negative by the very fact that, in their representations, self-perpetrators often associate their practice with suicide, suffering, and other afflictions.
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O presente trabalho tem como tema a Economia Solidária e a Bodega Nordeste Vivo e Solidário como experiência empírica a ser analisada, um empreendimento produtivo solidário que faz parte da Rede Bodega, uma rede de economia solidária do estado do Ceará, que agrega artesãs e artesãos, agricultoras e agricultores de cinco grupos situados em diferentes municípios. Pretendo interpretar os significados atribuídos por três mulheres de tal empreendimento à noção de solidariedade e às relações existentes entre os grupos que o integram, assim como suas vivências práticas neste empreendimento solidário. Para isto, elejo como foco empírico dois grupos da Prainha do Canto Verde que integram a unidade sediada no município de Aracati, a Bodega Nordeste Vivo e Solidário, que é formada por 54 grupos que trabalham com agricultura familiar, artesanato, serviços alimentícios e de hospedagem. Em vídeos divulgados pela Rede Bodega, assim como em seu discurso institucional, a solidariedade é enfatizada como ponto fundamental ao fortalecimento dos grupos e à realização de uma economia baseada em princípios de solidariedade, em oposição a uma economia de mercado, que visa o lucro e se baseia em grande parte em relações sociais de exploração. Desta forma, buscarei compreender as representações de alguns de seus membros sobre os elementos e símbolos que os unem para que trabalhem e se identifiquem como integrantes de um mesmo projeto, a Rede Bodega, que tem como um de seus principais pilares a solidariedade. Metodologicamente opto por uma abordagem etnográfica em que me pauto por uma pesquisa com procedimentos qualitativos de coleta dos dados, com ênfase na pesquisa de campo, na observação e nas entrevistas abertas, com foco prioritário na compreensão das narrativas de vida de três integrantes da Bodega Nordeste Vivo e Solidário.
  • A princesa, a gata e a borralheira: imaginários, construções e desconstruções de casamentos
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2017
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • A questao inicial desta pesquisa foi “por que as pessoas se casam?”, especificando um pouco mais, cheguei ao questionamento de “por que as pessoas se casam dentro de um modelo de ritual demonstrado pelo mercado de casamentos?”, o que levou a pergunta “o que justifica o alto gasto neste dia unico?”. Uma possibilidade de resposta foi atraves da exploracao de “imaginarios” compartilhados, entendidos como percepcoes sociais, formas de ver o mundo a partir de sentimentos, vivencias e memorias. Historicamente o ritual do casamento envolve, para alem das questoes de consumo, relacoes de genero. Ha a construcao social de que “toda mulher deveria ter que desejar se casar”, assim como “todo homem deveria fugir deste compromisso”, sao dois estereotipos para uma mesma logica de dominacao heteronormativa que os opera, ambos precisam ser rompidos. Os potenciais de submissao e de empoderamento feminino estao em uma linha tenue, sempre negociada na instituicao casamento. Busco complexificar uma concepcao de “princesa” associada a imagem de “noiva” geralmente percebida sob os signos do romantismo, passividade e ingenuidade, mostrando sentidos diversos de feminilidade e a pluralidade de experiencias. Atraves dos ensaios que compoem esta dissertacao, apresento uma experimentacao narrativa antropologica, que reflita sobre possibilidades de produzir conhecimento, tocando a concepcao de autoantropologia. O objetivo e valorizar sentidos dados pelas interlocutoras e interlocutores ao ritual que vivenciam. Como rituais nao sao estaticos e nem os discursos que o perpassam, nenhuma inquietacao e conclusiva, espero que as reflexoes apresentadas no interior desta pesquisa possam estimular outras producoes antropologicas.
  • "Povo de ilha": Dinâmica territorial, identidade e Tradição de Conhecimento no Porto do Capim - PB
  • Fecha: 25-ago-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho investiga os processos de constituição da comunidade do Porto do Capim e as relações que os seus habitantes desenvolvem com variados elementos nos ambientes ali existentes, considerando os contextos social, ecológico e a dinâmica territorial envolvidos na construção deste local. Deste modo, busca compreender os processos envolvidos na constituição de uma tradição de conhecimento, nos termos propostos por Fredrik Barth, que compõe o universo de referências materiais e morais da comunidade do Porto do Capim. A comunidade do Porto do Capim situa-se na margem direita do rio Sanhauá, um dos afluentes do rio Paraíba do Norte, local de nascedouro da cidade de João Pessoa, e surge a partir da ocupação daquela área, por volta da década de 1950, sobretudo por famílias de pescadores e coletores de mariscos que moravam em bairros próximos ou nas ilhas fluviais dos arredores, bem como de trabalhadores do porto que havia no local. Desde o final da década de 1990 esses habitantes convivem com a ameaça de serem removidos do lugar, para a construção de obras e projetos visando o turismo. Surge, então, a indagação de que mais do que práticas e formas de utilização do território local, pode-se abarcar de maneira mais ampla uma identidade e uma tradição de conhecimento que advém das vivências no estuário do rio Paraíba do Norte, conforme revelado nesta pesquisa. E que, neste caso, está vinculada aos diversos contextos que envolvem o uso, ocupação e significação desses espaços. A partir da presente pesquisa, pôde-se observar que os quadros identitários, as formas de interpretar o mundo e de se estar nele, junto a um composto moral que os acompanha, ou seja, a bagagem cultural de um indivíduo é construída de forma processual, a partir das interpretações e experiências vivenciadas e de suas interações nos ambientes.
  • O Indígena frente às políticas de inclusão digital: uma análise de processos sociotécnicos entre os Pataxó da Aldeia Velha no extremo Sul da Bahia
  • Fecha: 22-ago-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O presente trabalho busca compreender como são construídas as relações técnicas entres os indígenas Pataxó da Aldeia Velha, extremo sul da Bahia, e projetos de inclusão digital. Partiu-se da análise das atividades de dois projetos, um governista (ProInfo) e outro tido como alternativo (Bailux), para entender as cadeias operatórias dos atores envolvidos e investigar como as técnicas são apropriadas e como os significados dos objetos técnicos são reelaborados de acordo com as experiências ecológicas dos seus usuários. Dentro dos processos sociotécnicos estudados, os dados apontam para a política como uma técnica importante, servindo como um meio de mobilizar ações para a garantia de recursos. É através das tecnologias da informação e comunicação, como smartphones, computador, redes sociais, que estas técnicas são concatenadas possibilitando uma amplificação das habilidades dos atores, bem como uma amplificação da organização social da aldeia.
  • Domestic ecology and knowledge transaction between potiguara domestic groups from the village Jaraguá de Monte-Mór, PB
  • Fecha: 16-ago-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This dissertation aims to describe and analyze the domestic ecology among domestic groups (Wilk, 1984) of Jaraguá de Monte-Mór village, PB, taking into account how people relate to environments in which they are inserted (Silva, 2009). It is also intended to analyze how the transaction of locally constructed knowledge takes place. The theoretical and methodological assumption is the existence of cultural stocks (Barth, 2000), different from social actors (based on age, sex, occupational insertions, etc.), made up of flows of cultural materials (ideas, Knowledge, techniques, etc.) also varied, as we could observe. For its development, data were collected on the activities carried out by the members of two domestic groups (formed by extended families of at least three generations), in which we investigated the material and immaterial aspects of production and transactilon of knowledge, as well as the reference moral frameworks and the cooperation between them. The data show that the individuals interact with the environments when performing activities diversified in their daily life, integrating knowledge, techniques, materials, etc., from their experiential baggage. This procedure occurs with the development of different insertions of people's actions and the uses that they develop, which are fundamental for the identity and experiential conformation of individuals and their domestic groups. From this, it is understood that the interaction with the environments occurs through the knowledge originated not only from the experience in the search for resources, but from a care that generates a relation of responsibility and belonging, a domestic ecology that includes the capacity to deal adequately with the environmental characteristics and to develop the proper management of the elements present in the territory.
  • THE BARÃO'S WORKERS: a dialogue about images, memories and existence conditions of the Brazilian workers based on the case of Rio Tinto in the 20th century
  • Fecha: 09-ago-2017
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Through the exercise of a visual and dialogical anthropology with a group of retired workers from Rio Tinto, PB, residents in Barão do Triunfo street, this research aims to elucidate aspects related to the processes of constitution and preservation of the worker's memory, and the particularities of this case of labor exploitation in the region. An example of a system of domination promoted by autarchy, marked by a strong control of the workers everyday, the Rio Tinto factory nucleus reveals specificities in its constitution that can be better described and clarified by the investigation of the memory of the local proletariat. In addition to understanding the particularities of Rio Tinto's workers existence, as it is apprehended and described by the protagonists of this history, the research also aims to probe the knowledge about methodologies that may contribute to the study of similar topics.
  • "É de raiz: expressões e sentidos do forró pé-de-serra"
  • Fecha: 30-may-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A produção cinematográfica na Paraíba: Um diálogo imagético entre duas gerações de Cineastas
  • Fecha: 03-may-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Resumo: Esse trabalho visa realizar uma reflexao etnografica sobre a producao cinematografica da Paraiba a partir da articulacao entre identidade, memoria e subjetividade. Ao analisar a producao de quatro cineastas paraibanos pertencentes a duas geracoes diferentes (decada de 1980 e a atual) procura-se refletir como se articulam as narrativas cinematograficas destes realizadores, as condicoes sociais de producao em cada geracao especifica e as diferentes representacoes identitarias possiveis neste cenario. Assim, apos uma breve contextualizacao da producao audiovisual na Paraiba, pretende-se analisar um corpus de filmes que representem uma perspectiva dessa producao e dialogar com as diferentes esteticas, narrativas e metodologias que estiveram presentes no contexto da producao cinematografica local.
  • Fecha: 23-feb-2017
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • O trabalho visa contribuir para reflexões no campo das Ciências Sociais no que cerne aos debates em torno da saúde e maternidade. A pesquisa iniciou após o grande índice de bebês nascidos com microcefalia, tendo como epicentro a região do Nordeste do país. A mídia tanto regional e nacional quanto internacional tem noticiado o balanço diário do “surto” revelando-se um problema de saúde global, passando de 500 casos de bebês com malformações cerebrais somente em Pernambuco, segundo dados do Ministério da Saúde (abril/2016). Pesquisadores interessados no tema, buscavam compreender a principal causa da doença considerada até então como um mistério para a ciência, e entre as hipóteses hoje já comprovadas, evidencia o vírus do Zika transmitido pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti. A epidemia vem mexendo com a dinâmica de várias esferas como políticas, socioambientais, econômicas e religiosas. Mulheres, mães de bebês com microcefalia em Pernambuco têm se organizado em movimentos como a “União de Mães de Anjos” (UMA), construindo redes de apoio e solidariedade, compartilhando experiências sobre o cuidado com os “anjos” ou “crianças especiais” (como denominam seus filhos), além de reivindicarem numa linguagem de direitos auxilio junto ao Estado e órgãos competentes. Neste sentido, esta etnografia foi produzida a partir de três encontros da UMA os quais participei, ocorridos entre fevereiro e dezembro de 2016. Partindo de três trajetórias de vida de mães de crianças diagnosticadas hoje pelo campo biomédico como “Síndrome Congênita do Zika vírus” (SCZv), estabelecendo relação com as interlocutoras tanto no âmbito online (Whatsapp, Facebook, instrumentos utilizados por elas para comunicação entre si e apropriados por mim) e na dimensão off-line (encontros presenciais). Volto-me a entender as representações entorno do bioativismo materno, a fim de apreender as produções de sentidos e significados oriundos das concepções e experiências materna.
  • "Segura na mão de Deus e vai...": etnografia dos rituais de despedida na cultura fúnebre do Crato-CE/Brasil
  • Fecha: 01-sep-2016
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • "Relações de Gênero e Poder das Mulheres Evangélicas"
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2016
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Entre curtidas e comentários: uma netnografia sobre a sociabilidade travesti no Facebook
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2016
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O objetivo desse trabalho foi elaborar uma netnografia, partindo do metodo etnografico para compreender como quatro travestis dao significado aos seus corpos atraves da performance dentro e fora do Facebook. Desse modo, procurou-se compreender os elementos simbolicos comos quais elas significam seus corpos para dar forma e auxiliar na construcaode suas identidades virtuais. Os dados apresentados nesse trabalho sao resultadosde uma pesquisa elaborada atraves de entrevistas presenciais e tambem por meio do Messenger do Facebook durante o periodo de janeiro de 2015 a abril do ano de 2016. Embora cada travesti possa perceber como e o seu proprio corpo, a fotografia para elas pode ser considerada como um instrumento que facilita na construcao do feminino que pretendem representar. Nesse contexto, o genero da identidade travesti nao e simplesmente uma performance no sentido de acao teatral que escolhem para encenar, o que as travestis representam e um, ou ate varios “femininos” que elas constroem ao usar suas fotografias como autorepresentacao de suas identidades.
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2016
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This dissertation discusses the criticisms made of electronic forró involving musicians, culture secretaries, university professors, event producers and lovers of electronic forró. Based on the postulates of such authorities, the work aims to understand the forms and meanings of the criticisms of electronic forró, understanding its meanings and meanings. More than pointing distinctions, it is up to us to understand what pillars such criticisms are based on. For this, we resort to the three most frequent criticisms that refer, in turn, to the issue of origin, the objectification of women and commodification. From these questions, we will understand how the question of taste is constituted in an important prerogative for such positions to be realized. Thus, an attempt is made to understand how and why these criticisms are often used to delegitimize electronic forró and its cultural importance. From this script, we show how these spaces of criticism and observation of the phenomenon (origin, objectification of women and commodification) come together to produce a discourse based on agents and specific sectors of society about electronic forró in a context of dispute for meanings and representation.
  • ENTRE “PAPUDINHOS” E “NOIADOS”: Uma etnografia sobre o cotidiano e sociabilidades em espaço de consumo de substâncias psicoativas na região Central de Cabedelo/PB
  • Fecha: 24-ago-2016
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Esta dissertacao teve como objetivo o estudo etnografico sobre cotidiano e praticas de sociabilidade em um espaco conhecido como ponto de encontro e consumo diario e intenso de bebidas alcoolicas, o “CTI”, localizado no centro da cidade de Cabedelo/PB. Trata-se de um espaco frequentado por pessoas moradoras da vizinhanca, trabalhadores da regiao e pela populacao em situacao de rua, em sua maioria, pessoas em estado de vulnerabilidade social, economica, emocional e/ou de saude. A pesquisa foi realizada em torno do mercado publico, concentrando-se na praca Venancio Neiva, bares e calcadas da regiao. Contou com a participacao de 31 interlocutores frequentadores desse espaco e foi realizada atraves da observacao participante e 06 entrevistas semiestruturadas complementares. A partir da imersao em campo etnografico, observou-se os modos particulares de apropriacao do espaco publico atraves de praticas, interesses e identidades distintas que, por sua vez, apontam para o estabelecimento de normas, conflitos, hierarquizacoes e formacao de grupos de frequentadores. Nesse contexto destaca-se o consumo de substancias psicoativas, principalmente o “burrinho” (cachaca) e a “pedra” de crack, como elemento de status e ordenador das relacoes sociais, juntamente com outros aspectos, que atuam no processo de estigmatizacao de determinados frequentadores.
  • A CASA DA UMMAH: comunidades religiosas islâmicas sunitas no Nordeste do Brasil – Paraíba e Agreste de Pernambuco
  • Fecha: 12-ago-2016
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Investigar, nas comunidades islâmicas sunitas na Paraíba e no agreste de Pernambuco, através de aportes antropológicos, como são construídas as identidades muçulmanas e de que modo esses indivíduos reversos se percebem enquanto participantes da comunidade islâmica transnacional, a Ummah. Por meio da observação participante e da análise do discurso dos adeptos da religião islâmica, compreender como se dá essa experiência religiosa de “ser muçulmano” no nordeste do Brasil. Compreender a partir das categorias teológicas islâmicas do Tawhid/Taweed e da Reversão os modos de assimilação e compartilhamento das práticas da comunidade de fé transnacional, as redes e fluxos dessas comunidades em seus trânsitos de fé e suas novas configurações a partir do contexto brasileiro por esses indivíduos. Foram realizadas incursões ao campo de pesquisa nas cidades de João Pessoa (PB), Caruaru (PE) e Canhotinho (PE) na busca pelo discurso e práticas desses muçulmanos. Entendeu-se que a assimilação da religião e sua vivência enquanto membros da comunidade de fé islâmica se dão por meio da construção de uma identidade religiosa e identificação doutrinária no que diz respeito às práticas rituais e vivências compartilhadas nos espaços sacralizados e na sociedade.
  • "Torégira: Performance Ritual em um Quilombo-Indígena.”
  • Fecha: 13-jun-2016
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • O foco da dissertacao e o contexto ritual que chamo toregira, realizado pelo “quilombo-indigena” Tiririca dos Crioulos, localizado no municipio de Carnaubeira da Penha, estado de Pernambuco. O objetivo foi compreender as dinamicas de cuidado entre diferentes materiais (Ingold, 2012) e o processo de reafirmacao etnica que reverberam desse ritual. O toregira ora se aproxima e ora distancia aspectos do universo catolico afroindigena, dependendo das relacoes tracadas pelas liderancas, alem de possibilitar experiencias potenciais e afetacoes entre pessoas, plantas e entidades. Historicamente vem sendo adaptado as situacoes sociais e aos fluxos materiais desta localidade, podendo gerar bem-estar e o enfrentamento de alguns problemas da vida. O toregira expressa a elaboracao da identidade etnica deste quilombo-indigena, que possui em sua historia experiencias de estigma associadas a atributos negativos e que atualmente sao ressignificadas atraves da articulacao de suas identidades, a partir do acesso as politicas publicas ligadas a demarcacao territorial e a salvaguarda do Patrimonio Cultural. Esta etnografia tambem revela a transformacao da metodologia de pesquisa e de quem a realiza, articulando arte e antropologia atraves da mediacao das relacoes interetnicas por meio de interacoes artisticas e da organizacao dos dados atraves do uso de imagens, produzidas pelos proprios interlocutores (as) e outros pesquisadores (as). Interacoes artisticas que ampliam as narrativas etnograficas, as possibilidades de relacoes com o campo e as expressoes de identidades.
  • "Índio é índio, onde quer que ele more": uma etnografia sobre índios Potiguara que vivem na região metropolitana de João Pessoa
  • Fecha: 06-may-2016
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • O objetivo desta dissertação é compreender as redes de relações sociais construídas por indígenas Potiguara na região metropolitana da cidade de João Pessoa, Paraíba, com o objetivo de interação na espacialidade urbana que envolve as cidades de Bayeux, Santa Rita e João Pessoa, a capital paraibana. Essa dinâmica territorial ocasiona contatos interétnicos com os mais diversos atores sociais, instituições de ensino e órgãos indigenistas, tais como a FUNAI e SESAI, cujas relações subsequentes geram articulações, desavenças, conflitos e também novas formas de interatividade. Nesses fluxos de pessoas entre a aldeia e cidade, os Potiguara deslocam-se de um local a outro de forma dinâmica, havendo uma cooperação entre aqueles que residem na cidade e os que permaneceram na aldeia em consonância aos seus sentimentos de pertencimento, moral do reconhecimento (Cardoso de Oliveira, 2006), sendo as fronteiras étnicas acentuadas em determinadas situações. Os Potiguara trouxeram suas bagagens experienciais da aldeia e circulam pelas cidades, produzindo suas redes a partir das interações vicinais e de amizade proporcionada por ações de gentileza num campo de ajuda mútua e por parentes que, conforme o ponto de vista dos interlocutores, estão “espalhados” em vários pontos do espaço urbano. E nessa circulação dos indígenas, os laços de parentesco e amizade vão se fortalecendo e produzindo ramificações que extrapolam os limites da espacialidade urbana. Desse modo, nas interações construídas pelas redes de relações sociais, a reciprocidade constitui-se como um elo que aproxima amigos, vizinhos e parentes, criando um processo contínuo de produção e reprodução dos materiais culturais que manifestam seus sentimentos de pertencimento. Este estudo está focado em dois casos empíricos que é o de Dona Maria das Neves Santana e de José Ciríaco Sobrinho (Capitão) que estão localizados em cidades circunvizinhas, a saber, Bayeux e João Pessoa, respectivamente. No estudos desses casos buscou-se reconstituir suas redes de relações sociais. Suas chegadas à cidade foram motivadas por circunstâncias distintas, em um caso constituir família e no outro a busca pelo trabalho, estabilidade financeira e consequentemente construir um grupo doméstico. Além desses dois casos também concentrei minha atenção para as relações sociais de seis jovens indígenas Potiguara que estudam na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) e que ao longo do tempo construíram uma rede de solidariedade na capital, intensificando, quando necessário, a pertença étnica.
  • Politica e Devoção na Festa de Nossa Senhora da Conceição no Porto do Capim, João Pessoa (PB)
  • Fecha: 15-abr-2016
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A presente dissertação tem como propósito a discutir as relações entre religiosidades, política e disputa pelo território em contextos urbanos a partir do estudo da festa de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, na região do Porto do Capim, em João Pessoa. Tomando como base uma perspectiva processual, no trabalho descreve-se a produção da festa, suas relações materiais e simbólicas com a Igreja, com o Estado e com movimentos sociais a partir do engajamento de sujeitos variados tanto no espaço festivo quanto em outros espaços de interlocução e disputa política. Inseridos em um contexto de disputa pela sua permanência no espaço que ocupam há pelo menos seis décadas, os moradores do Porto do Capim apropriam-se da festa como um espaço para negociação e exposição de suas demandas, e consolidação de uma memória enquanto grupo específico. Nesse ínterim, também estabelecendo jogos e arranjos através da criação de redes e parceria através da festa que têm como objetivo maior a mobilização em favor de sua permanência no território.
  • Fecha: 11-abr-2016
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A importância de se fazer pesquisa com a população cigana tem sido uma preocupação de vários estudos desenvolvidos no Brasil na última década, fazendo com que tenhamos uma maior perspectiva ao contextualizar os lugares nos quais essas populações se localizam e como se situam no território, visto que há distinções em termos de ocupação e apropriação dos lugares. Deste modo, quando tratamos do estado da Paraíba1, onde é desenvolvida essa pesquisa e mais especificadamente em Sousa, cidade localizada no sertão, podemos observar que as famílias ciganas que então vivem neste local são atravessadas por narrativas semelhantes e que na prática constituem um circuito territorial bastante amplo, mas que, no entanto, ainda na sua maioria são desconhecidos pelo Estado e munícipios, continuando numa situação invisibilidade política, cujas primeiras discussões sobre os direitos sociais só tiveram início a partir dos anos 2000, através das primeiras demandas e reinvindicações que chegam ao governo federal em Brasília. Esse cenário de mudança, nos leva a questionar em que situações alguns grupos tem a necessidade de colocarem sua origem étnica em circunstâncias de visibilidade ou camuflamento, e de que modo isso é acionado em momentos de ‘parada’ e ‘mobilidade’, o que torna importante as narrativas e as memórias dos atores em campo. Assim, muito mais do que usar rótulos de “nômades ou sedentários”, a identidade cigana aqui pensada se constrói em processos sociais – de relações de parentesco, relações interpessoais com seus vizinhos e relações com aqueles que não são ciganos – gerando situações que demandam do pesquisador o esforço de percepção, descrição e problematização das experiências vividas e observadas.
  • Da Arte de se tornar judeu: Interpretando estratégias identitárias vivenciadas por comunidades judaicas em Campina Grande-PB
  • Fecha: 01-abr-2016
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A presente dissertação abre um debate acerca do processo de formação de fronteiras étnicas e religiosas em/entre três comunidades judaicas atuantes no município de Campina Grande/PB, chamando atenção para determinados elementos e estratégias do cotidiano que operam como verdadeiros marcos de diferenciação e afirmação identitária. Por meio da descrição de eventos comunitários (reuniões, ritos e festividades) e da reconstrução narrativa de determinadas histórias de vida de indivíduos em suas interações sociais no espaço familiar e religioso, o trabalho analisa como a histórica “resistência cultural judaica” se traduz em pequenos detalhes de pensamento e ação que revelam diferenciadas “artes de se tornar judeu”.
  • Processos identitários em relação com o espaço: o caso do sítio Engenho Velho em João Pessoa
  • Fecha: 11-mar-2016
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Processos identitários em relação com o espaço: o caso do sítio Engenho Velho em João Pessoa
  • Fecha: 11-mar-2016
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Engenharia Erótica, Arquitetura dos Prazeres - cartografias da pegação em João Pessoa
  • Fecha: 07-mar-2016
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • O trabalho visa contribuir para o crescente debate nas ciências sociais a respeito das interações entre pessoas e lugares a partir da proposição de reflexões etnográficas sobre as narrativas e experiências eróticas de homens engajados em uma rede de trocas afetivas e sexuais a que chamam “pegação”. Essa rede é conformada por uma multiplicidade de agentes e circuitos que se distribuem entre o público, o privado, o comercial, o virtual e o doméstico. Os circuitos que conformam a rede podem ser definidos a partir domínios e modelos de relação que, ainda que se entrecruzem e sobreponham constantemente, configuram maneiras específicas de entender os significados produzidos na experiência. Ao longo do trabalho busco descrever e analisar encontros produzidos a partir de espaços como banheiros, praias, cinemas pornôs, saunas, sites e aplicativos para dispositivos móveis. As análises sinalizam para o modo como o espaço e os marcadores sociais da diferença estão imbricados, produzindo relações e significações mútuas a partir de economias eróticas que valorizam e (re)produzem expectativas sobre gênero, raça, classe e gerações a partir de estratégias de diferenciação e fragmentação do espaço para públicos e interesses diferenciados.
  • Fecha: 02-mar-2016
  • Hora: 18:00
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  • Esta dissertacao e resultado de uma pesquisa que busca abordar como a atuacao missionaria da Missao Novas Tribos do Brasil (MNTB) se processa nos dias de hoje. Tem-se em vista que a atuacao missionaria configura um cenario complexo que envolve os povos indigenas num longo tempo e que por isso sua reflexao e importante na construcao de um entendimento mais claro dos processos que envolvem a realidade de tais populacoes no contexto brasileiro. Para isso, meu foco etnografico foi justamente a MNTB, mas, por outro lado, ao perceber a relevancia que a antropologia tinha para esta Missao, compreendi que era necessario parti da percepcao de que o conhecimento antropologico tem se disseminado para alem do espaco academico, sendo hoje parte de outras esferas de atuacoes, onde este e acionado como saber que, entre outras expertises, possuiria os instrumentos para lidar com a diversidade e propiciando a capacidade de se compreender grupos humanos distintos. A partir deste quadro, o objetivo foi buscar descrever como os missionarios, mais especificamente os filiados a MNTB, tem se utilizado de um conhecimento baseado na antropologia na sua atuacao com povos indigenas, refletindo primeiramente sobre a historia das missoes de um modo geral e mais especificamente da MNTB para que possamos construir um conhecimento mais processual dessa atuacao. Chegou-se tambem a uma enfase sobre questoes de ordem politica e as relacoes de poder que estao envolvidas nesse universo, visto que a atuacao missionaria e parte constitutiva de um campo de atuacoes indigenistas. Desta forma, buscamos mapear e refletir sobre como e onde a antropologia e usada no trabalho missionario e assim visibilizar as potencialidades e limites desse fazer antropologico, que, como colocam os proprios missionarios, e pensado enquanto “uma antropologia aplicada” ou uma "antropologia pratica". Nesses termos, e privilegiado aqui o ponto de vista de meus interlocutores.
  • Refletindo sobre a domesticação: afetos e relações de poder entre sujeitos humanos e não humanos no interior da Paraíba
  • Fecha: 26-feb-2016
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Focando processos domesticatórios, o presente trabalho busca compreender como se constroem os modos de relação e interação entre animais humanos e não humanos, nos espaços rurais no interior da Paraíba. A pesquisa revelou que tais relações e interações são definidas por configurações baseadas em princípios hierárquicos, onde as dimensões técnica e emocional-afetiva desempenham um papel fundamental. Por sua vez, nestas configurações, são as interações individualizantes (centradas nas relações concretas entre espécimes e não entre espécies genéricas) que permitem a formação de uma escala valorativa na regulação das relações. Isto favorece posicionamentos de proximidade física e emocional durante o manejo, além de estratégias de distanciamento (sempre físico e emocional) para a comercialização e o abate. Dessa forma, afeto e técnicas de uso e de alienação não se colocam como elementos contraditórios entre si, mas como componentes complementares.
  • Consumo como experiência social: experimentações, vivências e práticas da cultura pop em um coletivo juvenil
  • Fecha: 04-sep-2015
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • A arte naïf de Militão dos Santos: uma aproximação etnográfica
  • Fecha: 04-sep-2015
  • Hora: 10:30
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  • em breve
  • Fecha: 03-sep-2015
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • No decorrer das últimas décadas, um novo elemento tem surgido ou sido adotado por diversos grupos étnicos ou minoritários no Brasil, o museu de gestão comunitária. O museu teria sido “descoberto pelos índios” (FREIRE, 2003) como uma potencial ferramenta de reconstrução da memória, contribuindo no processo de reelaboração e fortalecimento da identidade étnica, mobilizador político e educacional. A proposta da presente pesquisa antropológica tem por campo a experiência museológica indígena vivenciada pelos Jenipapo-Kanindé, grupo indígena localizado no município de Aquiraz, Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza. Assim, o Museu Indígena Jenipapo-Kanindé trata-se de uma experiência museológica idealizada e gerida pelos próprios membros da comunidade, com o apoio de parceiros especialistas e indigenistas. Inicialmente, se pressupõe que esse elemento seja adotado pelo grupo como um mecanismo de defesa e reforço da afirmação da etnicidade deste grupo indígena. Em busca da melhor compreensão deste recente fenômeno sociocultural e político no cenário indígena cearense, se fará uso de bases teóricas antropológicas e breves abordagens museológicas que auxiliem a reflexão sobre a temática proposta nesta pesquisa. Para isso, conceitos como de grupo e identidade étnica, memória, museus históricos e ecomuseus serão essenciais para o cumprimento do objetivo deste trabalho. Quanto à metodologia adotada, esta consiste na observação participante, referindo-se a participação em eventos organizados por esse grupo indígena e dos demais eventos que estes foram convidados a participar e que tenham relação e relevância para a temática. Além de uma série de visitas realizadas à comunidade com o propósito de se observar o cotidiano deste grupo com o museu, com o intuito de obter informações por meio de conversas, entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações. Realizou-se pesquisa, também, através de vídeos, áudios, fotografias e matérias jornalísticas.
  • Por trás das grades: Um olhar antropológico das práticas sexuais de adolescentes privados de liberdade em João Pessoa/PB
  • Fecha: 21-ago-2015
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Este trabalho dissertativo traz discussoes antropologicas acerca do modo como os adolescentes em cumprimento de medida de privacao de liberdade no Centro Socioeducativo Edson Mota- CSE, localizado em Joao Pessoa, PB, se percebem nas suas relacoes sociais estabelecidas em seu cotidiano a partir do aprisionamento, e como lidam com questoes relativas a sua sexualidade, tendo em vista que estao inseridos em uma instituicao arraigada de dispositivos de controle, disciplina e exercicio de poder. A falta de elementos especificos no Estatuto da Crianca e do Adolescente-ECA que garantam o exercicio da sexualidade desses adolescentes, gera inumeras discussoes sobre o que de fato se constitui como direitos ou como regalia para esses individuos. Por meio do trabalho etnografico, com a utilizacao das tecnicas da observacao participante e de dialogos informais estabelecidos com os internos, evidenciou-se que tais individuos exercem sua sexualidade, seja ela legalmente ou nao, segundo os tramites institucionais. O trabalho de campo junto a analise teorica revelaram que por tras das grades de uma prisao e sob o olhar panoptico estatal, esses adolescentes vivenciam sua sexualidade controlada, direcionada aos espacos e as formas pre-determinadas. Nessa perspectiva, ao longo desta dissertacao, busca-se apresentar, sobretudo, os desafios e embates teorico-metodologicos de um fazer antropologico no campo da sexualidade de individuos privados de sua liberdade.
  • Fecha: 07-ago-2015
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho assinala como vem se construindo a identidade cigana atualmente na cidade de Patos, sertão paraibano, tomando como referência uma unidade doméstica, cujo chefe Sr. S. é o mediador dessas relações entre os ciganos e não ciganos. Através de suas narrativas de vida, recuperamos nas vias dos discursos que entrecruzam a história oficial, costurando à trajetória familiar. A memória coletiva não só recria identidades, quanto reconfigura espaços de sociabilidade e organiza os discursos. A intenção é perceber e compreender, como vivem e acionam o tempo de andanças, enquanto referência para seguir recriando a identidade, quais os elementos diacríticos são ressaltados e quais valores evocados para representar essa identidade étnica distinta. Os processos de recuperação desta identidade serão analisados, através da relação com o corpo e a memória, encarando-os como principais veículos de propagação das significações que motivam suas experiências individuais e coletivas.
  • Fecha: 13-jul-2015
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Este texto dissertativo pretende descrever e analisar as práticas que constituem a dança Cambinda na cidade de Taperoá, interior da Paraíba. Portanto, busca-se perceber como esta performance e suas variadas evocações são sentidas pelos habitantes deste município. A Cambinda conecta passado, presente e futuro. Aprofunda em seus entrechos de transmissão um universo de conhecimentos e habilidades específicas. Por ela, e através dela, o sentido do termo “tradição” adquire uma conotação polissêmica sendo utilizada e interpretada de diversas maneiras pelos diferentes atores. Nesse sentido, serão apresentadas as Cambindas Novas e sua construção como parte integrante de um conjunto de manifestações populares evocadas como pertencentes a uma parentela negra, os conhecidos Levinos. Para tanto, se torna imperativo destacar que é preciso perceber como as práticas e disputas em torno das noções e do sentido atribuído a “tradição” e a própria Cambinda são categorias preciosas pelos atores que participam do universo das manifestações populares taperoaenses. São categorias de disputas por prestígio que por sua vez envolvem as dinâmicas territoriais daquele contexto. O saber dançar/contar o que é Cambinda tem sido uma atividade articulada pelos sujeitos como enunciações provocadas em distintas escalas sociais. Trata -se de uma tradição de conhecimento que provoca e mobiliza redes de afinidades, parentesco e alianças políticas. Este trabalho se debruça essencialmente no modo pelo qual este saber específico é manejado pelos atores da ação.
  • Fecha: 03-jul-2015
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O culto da Jurema Sagrada é compreendido aqui como uma tradição de conhecimento que procede da articulação de diferentes fluxos culturais, resultante de uma práxisritualística cujos sujeitos operam com criatividade e fluidez. Este organiza um mundo dinâmico e complexo, e que, dentro dele, há lugares privilegiados que enunciam o seu universo cosmológico, chamados de Cidades da Jurema, e que fazem referência aos espíritos dos mestres juremeiros, no qual o município de Alhandra (PB) polariza parte destas manifestações em nível regional. Ela engloba também uma ideia totalizante em que se encontra todo o seu conhecimento, a ciência da Jurema, que é operado pelos cientistas, pessoas de notório saber dentro do culto que a aplica em curas físicas e espirituais, dentro do que os juremeiros chamam de trabalho de ciência. Tradição esta composta por inúmeros sujeitos que imprimiram aqui o seu legado na memória coletiva local. Assim, este trabalho pretende realizar uma etnografia das narrativas, a partir das memórias acerca de um destes espaços que se insere neste campo religioso – a Cidade da Mestra Jardecilha. O lugar está diretamente associado às práticas religiosas desta importante mestra juremeira, que, mesmo não estando viva, marca um espaço que ainda concentra as memórias dos juremeiros, e que está carregado de afetividades múltiplas. Com isso, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo contemplar parte da história de vida da Mestra Jardecilha, investigando a dinâmica dos seus trabalhos espirituais, a sua influência como liderança religiosa na região, e as representações subjetivas do lugar onde os realizava, através dos relatos dos sujeitos que o vivenciaram de alguma forma. Soma-se a isso, a possibilidade de estudar a categoria nativa de ciência, que é constantemente evocada pelos juremeiros como este saber que contempla todos os seus ensinamentos, apresentando-se como um elemento de fundamental centralidade entre eles. Desta forma, a metodologia desenvolvida aqui foi uma articulação entre levantamento bibliográfico, observação participante e entrevistas temáticas, tanto sobre a história de vida da Mestra Jardecilha, como também acerca da ciência da Jurema, com intuito de ter um panorama, o mais diverso possível, dos universos representativos dos juremeiros, em decorrência das transformações que vêm passando atualmente este campo religioso no referido município, que é considerado como a “terra da Jurema”.
  • O FEITO & O OLHADO: Performances da aflição e a liturgia popular dos corpos em afecção
  • Fecha: 12-jun-2015
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar o percurso da aflição manifesto em fluxos e agenciamentos terapêuticos dos interlocutores pesquisados, tendo como pano de fundo a religiosidade popular, e o recorte específico da benzeção no catolicismo popular e as religiões de matriz africana. O percurso da aflição refere-se ao contexto onde os sujeitos deliberadamente cruzam fronteiras no campo religioso e se inserem no plano ritual relativo à cura e resolução dos problemas cotidianos. As formas de inserção dos sujeitos em contextos rituais variam de acordo com o comprometimento segundo as agências procuradas e que demonstram os fluxos entre as agências e o pertencimento dos primeiros, como Performance. A perspectiva da performance acionada para analisar o agenciamento das aflições tem como o referência o esquema sobre a função ritual do sistema Transformação e Transporte, elaborado por Richard Schechner, o qual dialoga com a formulação de Victor Turner sobre o *corpus* Ritual Ndembu Ritual de Aflição/Ritual de Iniciação. Os regimes discursivos ou de experiência ritual *feito* e *olhado* traduzem uma diferenciação elementar quanto à i) noção de corpo e pessoa, ii) natureza e etiologia da aflição (modelo etiológico) e iii) aos procedimentos relativos ao tratamento da aflição (modelo terapêutico). O *sistema transportação-transformação* de Richard Schechner oportuniza identificar duas pistas de análise fundamentais para os modos de engajamento dos sujeitos abordados, no contexto dos agenciamentos terapêuticos: I) Uma diferenciação dos modos de relacionamento consciente com a ação, um “gradiente de concentração [no] e controle, domínio do contexto ritual” e II) que os agentes especialistas da cura, considerados aqui, oferecem propostas de rearranjo experiencial a partir da reorganização ou reenquadramento do vivido pelos sujeitos num cenário específico que lhes é proposto, por *liturgias ou* *serviços públicos *curativos; ou seja, há um vínculo sólido entre *liturgia e drama(turgia)*, como já previra Victor Turner.
  • Dietética Natural: Mulheres, ecologismo e espiritualidade na cozinha da Nova Era
  • Fecha: 12-jun-2015
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Etnografada a partir do encontro das cozinhas Natural e Moderna, uma casa de cura terapêutica nasce como representação de um conflito sócio-ecológico que opera na formação de diferentes modalidades de *expertise* culinárica. Entre ‘modernos *chefs* naturalizadores do paladar humano’ e ‘abertas cozinheiras de pés descalços’, percorremos o caminho entre a produção e a comensalidade de alimentos naturais na pormenorização da histórica exclusão da alma feminina do recinto culinárico (DORIA, 2013), concomitante à análise crítica da anti-ecologia da dietética moderna. Sensibilizada por uma prática baseada na *abertura* e na *atenção*, a prática terapêutica alternativa busca conferir legitimidade ao *devir* feminino, no enfrentamento de um conflituoso *habitus *culinárico moderno colonizador do espírito (e corpo) humano, conservador da atual condição da *gastro-anomia* moderna (FISCHLER, 1979). Horizontes teóricos distintos, da perspectiva do *habitar *(INGOLD, 2011) e da *acctância *(LATOUR, 1994), foram reunidos de forma a compor uma análise compreensiva da prática vegetariana, complementada por dois empreendimentos etnográficos paralelos, entre produtores de alimentos orgânicos no Brasil (ENCA) e na Espanha (WWOOF), de modo a problematizar as novas responsabilidades emergentes no *devir* ecológico contemporâneo, quando este se dedica à “cozinha para o outro”.
  • Fecha: 27-feb-2015
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O objetivo geral desse trabalho se insere, de modo mais amplo, no leque de discussões que focalizam festas brasileiras e que estão na pauta das preocupações em reconhecer a centralidade da festa na vida social e, ambiguamente a ausência de um estatuto próprio para ela. Nessa perspectiva, tratou-se, especificamente, de investigar uma festa que ocorre anualmente no interior da Amazônia Paraense – A “Festa do Sairé”- realizada há mais de 300 anos em vários pontos da bacia do rio Amazonas e no entanto, hoje ela acontece somente no distrito de Alter do Chão/Pará. No caminho percorrido constatou-se o engendramento de múltiplos cenários onde operadores simbólicos, imaginário social e práticas sociais cumprem papel fundamental na apreensão de como a festividade funciona, bem como a produção de noções de tradição, performance, alegoria, identidade, hibridismo e patrimônio cultural. A postura de investigação empírica se deu a partir de um ensaio etnográfico, no qual privilegiou-se as falas e as ações dos sujeitos designados de “pequenos e/ou esquecidos” do palco celebrativo da festa, resultando na construção cartográfica dos afetos produzidos em campo e abrindo espaço para a experimentação da noção de rizoma nos termos de Deleuze &Guattari (1995). Tais percursos permitiram apontar que a disputa pelas representações simbólicas e materiais em torno da Festa do Sairé são acompanhados por múltiplos agenciamentos, as quais se sobressaem a construção imagética do lugar – a mise-en-scène amazônica, a fabricação cultural das identidades – a alegoria da cultura e a imaginação dos atores sociais – a poética-estetizante.
  • "Sou Salobra": Travestilidade, Lazer e Sociabilidade no Litoral Norte da Paraíba
  • Fecha: 24-feb-2015
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A dissertação aqui apresentada tem como objetivo contribuir para as reflexões sobre experimentações corporais, modos de vida e sociabilidades travestis em contextos não metropolitanos, colaborando assim para a ampliação e complexificação da literatura até então disponível sobre o tema, especialmente no campo das ciências sociais. De maneira específica, neste trabalho discutimos a experiência do gênero articuladas às constantes redefinições espaciais que cortam e borram definições estáticas entre masculino e feminino; urbano, rural e indígena; homem e mulher; mostrar e esconder; visível e invisível. As situações e reflexões etnográficas têm como base o intenso trabalho de campo desenvolvido desde o período de graduação a que se deu continuidade e aprofundamento durante o curso de Mestrado em Antropologia no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. São essas articulações e ‘desfazimentos’ que inauguram a possibilidade de invenções de gêneros e lugares salobros, borrados, mistos e misturados.
  • Fecha: 20-feb-2015
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho objetiva interpretar os ciclos de vida dos ciganos Calon e a concepção de infância no grupo residente no Vale do Mamanguape, no litoral norte da Paraíba. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, realizado por meio de uma pesquisa etnográfica feita durante quinze meses. A análise também aborda os fluxos presentes na “Rua dos ciganos”, no município de Mamanguape-PB, onde o campo de pesquisa se desenvolveu. A metodologia utilizada tem por base a etnografia, além de uma pesquisa bibliografia sobre antropologia da criança, etnicidade e grupos ciganos. Foi realizada uma observação participante, nos moldes antropológicos, durante as incursões ao campo empírico, conjuntamente a algumas técnicas da antropologia da criança (grupo focal e desenhos temáticos) e a técnica de entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado. A pesquisa nos permitiu conhecer a dinâmica vida cotidiana entre os Calon do Vale do Mamanguape, as rotas e fluxos de pessoas e objetos que compõem esta dinâmica. Sobretudo a pesquisa voltou-se para a concepção/vivência da infância entre os ciganos, ou seja, como são concebidos os processos sociais de crescer e se reconhecer Calon, em oposição ao mundo não cigano.
  • Medos corriqueiros e vergonha cotidiana: uma análise compreensiva do bairro do Varjão/Rangel, João Pessoa, PB
  • Fecha: 06-feb-2015
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Este trabalho tem por objetivo uma análise compreensiva do bairro do Varjão/Rangel da cidade de João Pessoa, Paraíba, como espaço de sociabilidade urbana de intensa pessoalidade sob a ótica da antropologia das emoções. O bairro é considerado como um dos mais violentos e problemáticos da malha urbana da cidade. Teve-se por hipótese a questão dos medos corriqueiros e da vergonha cotidiana como emoções centrais e organizadoras da cultura emotiva do bairro, bem como das ações dos moradores do mesmo enquanto unidades interacionais em relação a si mesmo, ao outro morador, ao bairro e à cidade. A proposta metodológica de cunho etnográfico, no interior de uma perspectiva simbólico-interacionista, foi realizada a partir de um trabalho de campo que combinou estratégias de observação participante e de entrevistas diretas. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram uma lógica societária hierarquizante e excludente como elemento central na cultura emotiva da cidade de João Pessoa em relação aos bairros populares, dos quais o bairro trabalhado faz parte. Neste sentido, a dupla nominação do bairro aqui analisado, entre o oficial Varjão e o oficioso Rangel, demonstra o impacto das disputas morais em torno do processo de moralização e modernização do espaço urbano local, bem como reflete o estigma, a vergonha cotidiana e os medos corriqueiros de uma identidade ambígua e ambivalente, a do bairro do Varjão/Rangel. O morador do bairro, socializado em um ambiente comunicativo tenso e caracterizado por uma identidade deteriorada, assume a perspectiva de um “outro generalizado” que o percebe como um personagem potencialmente perigoso e que contamina a cidade como um todo. Esta lógica de classificação e argumentação da cidade sobre o bairro é assumida pelo morador do Varjão/Rangel, que, por sua vez, na intenção de salvaguardar a sua fachada, acaba caindo em um jogo de disputas morais cuja lógica de desculpas e acusações transforma todo morador do bairro, inclusive ele mesmo, em um personagem estigmatizado.
  • A arte é para todos’: patrimônio, tradição de conhecimento, processos sociotécnicos e organização social do trabalho entre os artesãos do Alto do Moura (Caruaru/PE)
  • Fecha: 11-sep-2014
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertacao e fruto da pesquisa, desenvolvida nos ultimos dois anos, como estudante de mestrado no Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Antropologia da Universidade Federal da Paraiba. Nela abordo como a tradicao dos artesaos do Alto do Moura, Caruaru/PE, e construida e utilizada para demarcar distincoes sociais do grupo e entre seus integrantes. Observo a tradicao sobre diferentes aspectos enquanto elemento instrumental para sua visibilidade externa, sob a qual e demonstrada como patrimonio. Assim, considero tanto as praticas elaboradas por politicas publicas, mas tambem como os artesaos elaboram estrategias para demonstrar sua tradicao. No entanto, essa tambem demarca distincao nos posicionamentos sociais pelos artesaos que demonstram uma hierarquia social atraves de categorias proprias. Aqui, a tradicao e o elemento definidor que diferencia os que sao mantenedores da tradicao e a modificam. Entretanto, essa distincao e interna a comunidade organizada por grupos domesticos, demarcando a identidade atraves de sua tradicao. Destarte, no trabalho parti da necessidade de descobrir a tradicao reivindicada pelos artesaos do Alto do Moura, para contemplar a necessidade de sua definicao para que eles possam elaborar o pedido de Registro de sua tradicao como patrimonio cultural nacional.
  • Prazer e risco. Um estudo antropológico sobre práticas homoeróticas entre mulheres em João Pessoa, PB.
  • Fecha: 11-sep-2014
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A presente dissertação de mestrado teve como objeto de análise as percepções de risco em relação ao HIV/AIDS e DST entre mulheres com práticas homoeróticas, residentes em João Pessoa, Paraíba. Para tanto, o foco da análise recai sobre os diálogos que são produzidos entre os dispositivos de controle e normalização das relações afetivo-sexuais, políticas de moralidade e a instância da micropolítica das emoções como discurso ou prática discursiva. Esta experiência se organizou a partir da minha vivência acadêmica no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, no período de 2012 a 2014, quando estive organicamente vinculada ao Grupo de Pesquisa em Saúde, Sociedade e Cultura, sob orientação da Profa. Dra. Mónica Franch. O universo de investigação desta pesquisa se constitui por mulheres que reivindicam e que demandam por reconhecimento de suas performatividades identitárias por participarem do Movimento LGBT local, bem como por aquelas mulheres que experimentam suas práticas sexuais se deslocando pelas diversas possibilidades de experimentação. A organização do trabalho de campo foi desenvolvida dentro dos marcos epistemológicos da etnografia, como prática e experiência, e os resultados foram produzidos por meio de situações de observações participantes em espaços de sociabilidade urbana, constituição de rede de relações e entrevistas. O trabalho de campo se desdobrou, ainda, em um hospital, assim como em participações nas atividades desenvolvidas pelo Movimento LGBT e por instituições governamentais estaduais e municipais. Os resultados etnográficos produzidos sinalizam que a noção de risco nas práticas homoeróticas entre mulheres adquirem características mais amplas que a meramente epidemiológica, apontando, assim, para o modo como se articulam estilos de vida, visões de mundo, projetos individuais e coletivos e as negociações cotidianas que estas mulheres conduzem nos campos de possibilidades da sociabilidade urbana contemporânea.
  • Experiência à flor da pele: estudo antropológico sobre pessoas com psoríase
  • Fecha: 10-sep-2014
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • O presente trabalho aborda a experiência da doença na vida social das pessoas com psoríase atendidas no Centro de Referência de Apoio e Tratamento aos Portadores de Psoríase, localizado no Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley - HULW, na capital da Paraíba. A psoríase é uma doença sistêmica inflamatória crônica, não contagiosa, que afeta a pele, couro cabeludo, as unhas e ocasionalmente as articulações, caracteriza-se pela presença de manchas vermelhas, espessas e descamativas na pele. O interesse pela experiência da doença situa este estudo no âmbito da antropologia da saúde, especificamente abordando o significado do adoecer no cotidiano das relações sociais das pessoas com psoríase, além das noções de itinerários terapêuticos. Uma das mais fortes características dessa doença é a cronicidade, termo utilizado pela biomedicina e no âmbito das ciências sociais para designar “doenças de longa duração”, que compreendem os processos de adoecimento cuja cura é inexistente, mas que possuem tratamento e controle das implicações. O estigma é um dos aspectos relatados, já que as lesões podem trazer prejuízos à qualidade de vida, seja pela coceira que pode estar presente, seja por lesões em lugares visíveis da pele, podendo assim, comprometer a autoestima e a interação com outras pessoas. A pesquisa é desenvolvida sob o olhar da antropologia da doença, que entende a relação saúde/doença e o papel assumido pela biomedicina na sociedade contemporânea. Para tanto, utiliza-se o enfoque etnográfico, através de técnicas de investigação, que envolvem entrevistas qualitativas com os portadores de psoríase e alguns familiares.
  • Ritmos, tempos medidos e tempos vividos: uma etnografia do tempo escolar
  • Fecha: 09-sep-2014
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • A REINVENÇÃO DA INFÂNCIA: o Programa Bolsa Família e as crianças da comunidade de Feira Nova (Orobó) no agreste pernambucano
  • Fecha: 07-ago-2014
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Relationships and disjunctions between Recyclable Material Collectors Associates/Cooperators and the so-called “street collectors” in the city of Fortaleza – Ce
  • Fecha: 03-jul-2014
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • It is estimated that there are approximately 8000 scavengers in the city of Fortaleza, of which about 90% are "street scavengers", that is, whom are not associated with organized groups (IMPARH, 2006). This observation inspired the formulation of the research problem, which seeks to reflect on similarities and differences in the profile of the collectors in the city of Fortaleza classified as "associated" and "street" ones. Such considerations are the result of research conducted with each of these groups, initially, a cooperative of waste collectors and then a space for the sale of recyclable materials and socialization of street collectors in the city center. The methodology for data collection was based on participant observation, interviews and urban routes (MAGNANI, 2005). It was possible to observe, amongst the associated scavengers, a heightened environmental awareness, result of lectures, short courses promoted by religious bodies, municipality, NGOs and their relationship with the National Movement of Recyclable Materials - brokered by external entities - and a still shy speech about building a common identity of worker and environmental agents. Regarding street pickers, the field observed showed a more marginalized profile, a higher rate of crime, drug use, individuals showing a fragmented identity and the absence of a marked link between "I" and "we". Finally, I analyzed the relations and disjunctions among "associated" and "street" scavengers in the routine of their work and within a broader context of the discourse of public policy.
  • "Tá certo, professora Helena!": Reflexões sobre socialização em uma pré-escola em João Pessoa
  • Fecha: 16-jun-2014
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • "Curtindo, Pegando ou Largando": relacionamentos e sociabilidades no forró contemporâneo
  • Fecha: 04-jun-2014
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • O presente estudo parte do pressuposto de que a música e a sociabilidade estão interligadas, havendo entre elas uma troca, uma intercomunicação. Buscamos compreender como o grupo de forró (banda) em evidência na atualidade, Wesley Safadão e Garota Safada (re)interpreta os relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais em seus enredos de sexo e romance na contemporaneidade. Para tanto, há que se compreender diferentes facetas do forró, que além da música, envolve dança, espaços de socialização, e um contexto de produção e performatividade peculiares para na interação do show/festa. Percebe-se que muitos têm voltado sua atenção para tal produto cultural, levantando críticas quanto ao seu conteúdo e sua qualidade e gerando uma tensão no mercado musical, além do próprio campo acadêmico que têm proporcionado diferentes olhares sobre o forró eletrônico. Fazendo uso de observação participante, percebemos que a experiência do show daquela banda tem particularidades, envolvendo um circuito do forrozeiro (público) e diferentes formas de “curtir” e se relacionar, considerando tanto a sociabilidade festiva quanto a mensagem das músicas. Através da análise do conteúdo de dois shows da Wesley Safadão e Garota Safada, em formato de DVDs (“Uma Nova História”, 2012 e “Garota Vip”, 2013), procuramos identificar os relacionamentos afetivos-sexuais nas nuances “Curtindo, Pegando e Largando”, percebendo como essas letras representam tais relações e identificando elementos recorrentes, percebendo tendências e temáticas reforçadas nos shows como idéias compartilhadas e reconhecidas pelo seu público, para quem “curtir, pegar-largar” refletem sua percepção das modalidades de relações afetivas e sexuais experimentadas ou idealizadas no cotidiano e na festa.
  • "Vida Cansada": cotidiano e trabalho no universo do mototáxi em Campina Grande-PB
  • Fecha: 30-may-2014
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • Diante da diversidade profissional encontrada no meio urbano, esta dissertação tem como objetivo refletir sobre o surgimento e perenidade de uma recente categoria sócio-profissional, -o mototaxista-, apresentando como foco um grupo específico de mototaxistas da Cidade de Campina Grande- PB. Subsidiado pelo método etnográfico, este trabalho foi construído a partir de observação participante de um Ponto de mototáxi, entre novembro de 2012 e agosto de 2013. O Ponto XXX, situa-se na RuaVenâncio Neiva, Centro da cidade, pertencendo ao grupo dos “mototaxistas das motos brancas”, ou seja; aqueles que possuem cadastro na Secretaria de Trânsito e Transporte Público de Campina Grande (STTP-CG). Buscando apreender as diversas situações encontradas no cotidiano desses trabalhadores, a pesquisa voltou-se aos discursos dos mototaxistas, abordando as condições que motivaram seu ingresso no sistema, seu cotidiano nas relações com a família e nas relações de trabalho com clientes, associados, colegas, patrões, órgãos e agentes públicos. Buscamos perceber as tensões e conflitos decorrentes da relação cotidiana entre a "liberdade" -principal representação- justificando sua permanência nessa atividade "cansada" e as restrições às suas atividades, vinculadas à insalubridade no trabalho, à violência urbana, as regulamentações de trânsito, aos constrangimentos nas relações com os clientes e os estigmas recorrentes desta atividade.
  • Fecha: 30-may-2014
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Esta dissertação traz algumas reflexões acerca das percepções de profissionais da saúde sobre a vida afetivo-sexual de sujeitos que vivenciam o sofrimento psíquico. Os dados apresentados são resultados de pesquisa etnográfica realizada em um hospital psiquiátrico da cidade de Maceió-AL, nos meses de dezembro a julho de 2013, tendo como principais interlocutores os profissionais que compõem os setores de enfermagem, terapia ocupacional, serviço social, nutrição, psicologia e psiquiatras. O estudo buscou dialogar com os dados apreendidos em campo através do cotidiano vivenciado na instituição. Um dos principais aspectos ressaltados nesse trabalho são os estigmas que conduzem a vida dos sujeitos diagnosticados com transtornos mentais, considerando principalmente o lugar deslegitimado do sujeito institucionalizado, de maneira a ser assujeitado, controlado e castigado por suas ‘desordens’. Os dados de campo apontam para a ideia naturalizada de anormalidade, essa que se torna latente quando pensada frente às expressões afetivo-sexuais dos sujeitos tidos como ‘loucos’. As práticas sexuais são reprimidas (heterossexuais, homossexuais, masturbação) e a gravidez é evitada com mecanismos de contenção física e a gerencia de medicamentos. A hiperssexualidade, por exemplo, é uma das categorias acionadas quando se pensa nas expressões das sexualidades dos pacientes. As estratégias frequentemente utilizadas envolvem a infantilização ou a punição, através da Emergência Psiquiátrica, quando os pacientes insistem em desobedecer as regras. Adjetivos de ‘namorador’ ou ‘namoradeira’ são os mais utilizados para se referir aos pacientes, vistos a partir de uma perspectiva das sexualidades ‘animalescas’. Por sua vez, os pacientes desenvolvem modalidades de resistência ao modelo controlador existente, recorrendo aos recantos escuros do hospital para encontrarem-se. Destarte, esta investigação exibe alguns elementos que nos ajudam a problematizar padrões normativos de sexualidade, assim, discutindo como esses protótipos interferem no julgamento moral acerca das manifestações dos sujeitos em sofrimento psíquico.
  • Kapinawá é meu, já tomei, tá tomado: organização social, dinâmicas territoriais e processos identitários entre os Kapinawá
  • Fecha: 29-abr-2014
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação é fruto de pesquisa, desenvolvida nos últimos dois anos, como estudante de mestrado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Nela abordo a construção da identidade do povo indígena Kapinawá, que tem seu território situado entre três municípios pernambucanos: Buíque, Tupanatinga e Ibimirim. Observo quais são as relações que configuram uma determinada organização social (filiação, alianças matrimoniais, localização das residências, etc.), e as dinâmicas de conformação do território, que vieram a possibilitar uma posterior reivindicação pela identidade étnica e território propriamente “kapinawá”. Para compreender como se constroem estas relações sociais e o território refleti sobre as relações de trabalho e produção e a relação com o ambiente em que as famílias estão inseridas, que possibilitaram perceber uma série de dinâmicas constitutivas de sentimentos de pertença e alianças políticas. A partir dai busquei identificar e analisar como se constrói uma tradição de conhecimento, que somada aos aspectos elencados acima, é um dos elementos que possibilitou a integração dos diversos agrupamentos familiares do entorno da Serra do Macaco que se organizaram pela reivindicação da identidade étnica Kapinawá, se diferenciando dos demais agrupamentos de seus arredores. Na pesquisa fiz um recorte de análise mais detido na parte do território que ainda não está regularizada, e encontra-se em processo de reivindicação para tal, chamada pelos indígenas de “Área Nova”
  • RITUAIS DA DOR (uma análise do grupo Mães na Dor de João Pessoa - PB)
  • Fecha: 10-dic-2013
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • As sociedades ocidentais têm conhecido um significativo aumento da violência urbana. Na sociedade brasileira, esta tem sido um dos assuntos mais recorrentes nos meios de comunicação, na Academia e, ainda, como objeto de mobilização social. Em resposta a essa violência, a sociedade civil elabora mecanismos, os mais variados, de resolutividade dos seus danos e malefícios, tais como formação de ONGs, grupos terapêuticos, e grupos de pressão, cujo objetivo é direcionar as instituições governamentais, sobretudo as jurídicas, ao pleno cumprimento de suas finalidades. Na cidade de João Pessoa, Paraíba, existe um Grupo, denominado “Mães na Dor”, formado por mães, enlutadas, que perderam seus filhos em virtude da violência. Elas mesmas transformam sua dor, seu pesar, sua saudade, em luta por justiça e pelo fim da violência urbana. O que, inicialmente, chama a atenção no grupo estudado, é que a dor dessas mães que perderam seus filhos constitui o elemento catalisador para transformar o sentimento de perda em forças para sair às ruas em passeatas, clamando por Justiça e Paz. Manifestações são elaboradas e articuladas de formas diversas, pois, conversam com as autoridades, vão ao fórum criminal, ao Tribunal de Justiça, para falar acerca da dura realidade que atingiu a todas elas: a violência. Em seus discursos elas narram como suas vidas foram marcadas pela violência que recaiu sobre seus filhos, vitimando-os. Essa dissertação aborda as relações entre luto, justiça, vergonha, humilhação, no seio do grupo “Mães na Dor”. É uma pesquisa de caráter etnográfico, que faz uso, sobremaneira, do diário de campo e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Analiso, entre outros, o conceito de violência e sua compreensão. A violência deflagra o processo de perda. Porém, são as emoções daí decorrentes, o luto, a vergonha, a humilhação, o sentimento de injustiça, que constituem as lentes através das quais a existência e a prática do grupo “Mães na Dor” são lidas. De modo que, apresento aqui, o resultado de minhas incursões como pesquisadora participante no referido grupo. Neste sentido, o campo das emoções tem relevância por salientar o quanto é importante à constituição de laços sociais e redes de solidariedade entre mães que compartilham a mesma dor e por ter afetado, também, a mim, enquanto, pesquisadora, mãe e atriz social.
  • A CARNE ESTIGMATIZADA: criação de suínos no Curimataú paraibano
  • Asesor : FABIO MURA
  • Fecha: 16-sep-2013
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • em breve

  • Não Escuto, Não Falo, Não Quero: A sociabilidade na Associação de Surdos de João Pessoa-PB
  • Fecha: 13-sep-2013
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Este trabalho discute formas de sociabilidade de um grupo de surdos na cidade de João Pessoa-PB, por meio de atividades interativas proporcionadas pela Associação de Surdos de João Pessoa-PB (ASJP-PB). Desse modo, buscamos compreender a importância de festas realizadas por esse grupo neste local, a forma como se apropria dos espaços urbanos da cidade para práticas de lazer, entretenimento, intercâmbio de ideias, entre outras formas de convivência social. Neste contexto, também procuramos discutir a importância da língua de sinais enquanto expressão corpórea que possibilita o reconhecimento da pessoa surda na sua sociabilidade elaborada cotidianamente.
  • "A capoeira é tudo que a boca come": representações sociais no batizado e troca de cordões no grupo Gangara
  • Fecha: 12-sep-2013
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A capoeira na atualidade se consolida como forma de conhecimento sistematizado de coesão relativa, que tem em redor de si tradições e elementos da vida social brasileira. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de conhecer como, através da capoeira, as práticas corporais constituem-se em elementos formativos de identidades, compreender como estas práticas revelam elementos presentes na sociedade e inscritos no espírito da capoeiragem. Se objetiva aqui também: mapear a memória e a ancestralidade na capoeira; investigar como através da corporeidade a capoeira se estabelece enquanto tradição e conhecimento organizados, especialmente na particularidade do grupo Gangara na Bahia, e por fim analisar o batizado e troca de cordões como situação social. Para o acesso aos elementos etnográficos foram utilizados como ferramentas metodológicas o levantamento bibliográfico, entrevistas semiestruturadas e a observação participante. Após o percurso de análise observamos que o corpo funciona como principal catalizador das disputas e estruturação de valores sociais. A ritualidade se estabelece como demarcadora e identificadora de saberes e forma de atualização de reminiscências sociais, configurando tradições através do agenciamento da memória coletiva, por sua vez mobilizada por meio da corporeidade desenvolvida pelos capoeiristas.
  • “A BUSCATIVA NA RUA E DA RUA: uma análise antropológica da rede de atendimento às crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua no município de Campina Grande/PB”
  • Fecha: 06-sep-2013
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • A dissertacao “A Buscativa na Rua e da Rua: uma analise antropologica dos programas de atendimento as criancas e adolescentes em situacao de rua no municipio de Campina Grande / PB” procura averiguar o cotidiano de educadores sociais que atuam em organizacoes governamentais com criancas e adolescentes em “situacao de rua” e analisar suas concepcoes e representacoes sobre esse publico infanto-juvenil. O proposito e compreender o olhar destes atores sociais, mais especificamente, as causas que atribuem a existencia desse “problema social” e, a partir dai, refletir sobre o papel da rede de atendimento neste contexto especifico. Para conhecer como operam estes programas que fazem parte da rede de atendimento, foi realizado um estudo etnografico do dia a dia desses educadores na rua e suas relacoes com as criancas e adolescentes que eles atendem. Considerando-se o conjunto de representacoes e concepcoes apresentadas, identificou-se o seguinte modelo figurativo desta realidade social: “criancas e adolescentes em situacao de rua sao vitimas e/ou delinquentes”; “sao consequencia da politica socio-economica de exclusao social”; “sao filhos de pais pobres e de “familia desestruturadas”. Com a intencao de alcancar o objetivo proposto, por meio da observacao participante, os educadores sociais de rua foram acompanhados de perto, e, por meio deles, buscou-se compreender, de certo modo, o universo infanto-juvenil “de rua” e “na rua”.
  • Luta Camponesa e Processo Identitário em Mamanguape-PB: o caso de Itapecirica
  • Fecha: 30-jul-2013
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O presente trabalho foi resultado de uma experiência de campo na autodenominada Comunidade rural de Itapecirica, situada no município de Mamanguape, Litoral Norte do Estado da Paraíba. A comunidade é constituída por cinquenta e duas famílias que também se autodefine como pequenos agricultores. Estão presentes na memória social e histórica do grupo representações sobre as Ligas Camponesas; a atuação do INCRA e principalmente a luta pela terra. Nesse sentido aspectos morais, pedagógicos, políticos e econômicos concorrem para uma história particular que distingue a comunidade da sociedade mais abrangente. Esses elementos que são de ordem material e simbólica implicam, segundo critérios do grupo, para uma construção identitária. Nesse sentido, os mais velhos, detentores do discurso ―mítico‖, são responsáveis pela socialização de sua história para as gerações mais novas se utilizando de uma dinâmica pedagógica caracterizada pela tradição oral. Portanto, a pesquisa teve como objetivo mapear as relações sociais e os mecanismos de reprodução social e econômica.
  • As Filhas de Pascoal: nova ruralidade e permanência no campo entre jovens agricultoras no interior de Pernambuco.
  • Fecha: 18-jul-2013
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • em breve

  • DOS PRAZERES NARCÍSICOS À CENA VOYEUR: Performances eróticas e enlace de corpos virtualizados no site Cam4
  • Fecha: 08-jul-2013
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Neste trabalho analisamos o modo como diferentes configurações de gênero são acionadas na construção de performances em um site de integração de webcams. Ambicionando compreender os processos de fabricação do corpo-sexuado no palco dessas interações virtuais, descrevemos um conjunto de exibições matizadas por acentuado apelo erótico, sinalizando como determinadas representações coletivas emanam de formas estratégicas de exibição do corpo, bem como dos enunciados da audiência, que dialoga através de um sistema de mensagens instantâneas. Evidenciamos que a construção das performances guarda relação com quadros de classificação que garantem inteligibilidade às interações entre distintos agentes, fazendo emergir construtos simbólicos associados às preferências sexuais e configurações identitárias assumidas pelos usuários. Tais processos são analisados a partir de uma articulação entre os estudos de gênero e a antropologia da performance, com vistas à reflexão sobre as representações coletivas materializadas pelo corpo no universo espetacular da encenação erótica, sobretudo no que diz respeito ao processo de fabricação simbólica do sexo a partir da ação coerciva do gênero.
  • Fecha: 19-jun-2013
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • Esta pesquisa parte de uma reflexão acerca da proposta do Decreto no 3.551 que institui o registro de bens culturais de natureza imaterial constituintes do patrimônio cultural brasileiro e que, de certa forma, tem alargado os significados da categoria de patrimônio. Assim, esta dissertação investigou o processo de construção da realidade social do que vem a ser constituído e definido como patrimônio cultural significativo, tendo como referência os processos em disputa de controle do espaço, em torno do Centro Histórico de Fortaleza. Tomou, especificamente, como terreno empírico para análise e compreensão antropológica o caso dos moradores do Poço da Draga que têm residido no bairro Centro por mais de 70 anos. A categoria de patrimônio aqui é pensada etnograficamente tendo como referência o ponto de vista desses moradores, seus usos e suas narrativas no espaço do bairro central.
  • A Reinvenção da Dádiva: desenvolvimento regional, economia solidária e responsabilidade socioambiental no Banco do Nordeste do Brasil.
  • Fecha: 13-may-2013
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • em breve.

  • Memórias e Imagens em confronto: os Xucuru-Kariri nos acervos de Luiz Torres e Lenoir Tibiriçá
  • Fecha: 30-abr-2013
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • em breve.

  • O CAC faz você dançar - uma etnocartografia das performances masculinas no bairro do Rangel em João Pessoa-PB
  • Fecha: 02-abr-2013
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • em breve

  • Plateias da Morte: discutindo o fim da vida em comunidades e Velórios Virtuais
  • Fecha: 13-mar-2013
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Esta dissertação versa sobre as maneiras com que a morte vem sendo tratada na
    virtualidade através de comunidades virtuais de Redes Sociais que catalogam
    perfis de pessoas que já morreram e em sites de empresas funerárias que
    viabilizam a transmissão de Velórios Virtuais. 
    Nestes espaços, trata do corpo morto no ambiente virtual como vetor de
    significações e representações da vida e da morte: primeiramente, o perfil na
    rede social Orkut como representação do indivíduo e de sua corporeidade; por
    último, do corpo morto no momento do velório, transmitido para a virtualidade
    através dos Velórios Virtuais. Comporta, também, uma netnografia, ou seja, uma
    etnografia virtual das comunidades "Perfil de Gente Morta" e "Velórios Virtuais" do Orkut, analisando a forma com que a
    virtualidade tem abarcado o tratamento do fim da vida e a discussão da morte,
    através de uma antropologia da morte.
  • Fecha: 01-mar-2013
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • O estudo traz uma reflexão sobre o Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – SAMU
    192 do Município de João Pessoa, Paraíba, a partir de uma etnografia realizada no
    serviço, junto aos atores que o compõem: médicos, enfermeiros, técnicos de
    enfermagem, técnicos telefonistas, condutores, coordenadores e demais
    administrativos. Trata-se de contribuir para a antropologia como disciplina que vem
    explorando campos da saúde, enquanto uma tendência atual que busca incluir os
    profissionais de saúde na condição de nativos, desenvolvendo as relações sociais,
    sentidos e prática que têm lugar neste contexto. Através da observação participante
    e de trocas com os profissionais interlocutores buscou-se compreender a rotina e a
    cultura institucional do serviço, o trabalho e as relações sociais entre as
    categorias profissionais, a visão do serviço do ponto de vista de seus atores e a
    interação destes com a população que o demanda. Metodologicamente, a etnografia foi
    realizada na sede principal do SAMU, durante os plantões diurnos, entre os meses de
    janeiro e julho de 2012. As observações foram realizadas nos diferentes setores do
    serviço, assim como dentro das ambulâncias e nos atendimentos na rua. Dentre os
    aspectos revelados pela etnografia, chama atenção a constituição do SAMU como um
    mundo em si mesmo, sua linguagem e sua “roupagem”; a forma de lidar com a rotina de
    atendimentos e de espera dentro da base, assim como os espaços de convivência, que
    instituem relações como as de hierarquia e disputa de poder, os conflitos. Ainda um
    elemento de análise interessante foram as discrepâncias entre o SAMU interno
    (relações sociais entre os profissionais) e o SAMU externo (a interação com a
    população e demais serviços).
  • Pelas Beiradas: Duas décadas do ECA em Catingueira - PB.
  • Fecha: 26-feb-2013
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Esta dissertação é composta por quatro grandes movimentos interdependentes, uma conversa sobre assuntos vindouros e uma meditação final. Inicio fazendo uma breve introdução ao tema geral. No primeiro movimento, apresento a cidade de Catingueira, a partir de onde reflito sobre a teoria, sobre minha abordagem metodológica, sobre o que experimentei em campo e das inspirações que me advieram de meus interlocutores, tanto dos pensadores locais quanto dos autores acadêmicos, alumiando ainda a corrente à qual me filio, qual seja, a Antropologia da Criança. No segundo movimento, me debruçarei sobre algumas questões ligadas aos direitos das crianças, considerando que ele é fruto das lutas nacionais e internacionais; abro-o contando como me defrontei com essa questão dentro de um circo popular em Catingueira; justifico a escolha da temática, mostrando como o direito se representa ao imaginário das pessoas da cidade referida; destaco o papel e a importância do Conselho Tutela, do CMDCA, enfatizando o processo de eleição dos conselheiros, a visão que se tem destes no município e um pouco do que se entende por direitos de crianças. No terceiro movimento, mostro ideias sobre a política pública para as crianças, descrevendo algumas ações municipais; ainda tratarei da participação política das crianças na cidade, defendendo que sua visualização se dá pela ocupação dos espaços sociais, onde se pode observar sua capacidade de propor soluções criativas para os problemas que as circundam. No quarto movimento, relatarei o resultado das várias sentadas que fiz à beira do gramado de futebol, mostrando muitos dos aprendizados que lá podem ser possíveis às crianças e aos adultos, com destaque para a luz que o referido espaço pode lançar sobre os direitos infantis no cotidiano.  Finalizando, retomo e reafirmo alguns dos achados feitos meditando sobre alguns dos pressupostos que ficaram subjacentes a esta pesquisa.