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  • Date: Jul 31, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The development of Education in and for Human Rights is partly consolidated based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - UDHR (UDHR, 1948), the Federal Constitution of 1988 (Brazil, 1988), the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education National - LDB nº 9394/96 (Brazil, 1996), the National Curricular Parameters - PCN (Brazil, 1997), the National Human Rights Plan - PNDH-3 (PNDH, 2010) and, finally, the National Education Plan in Human Rights III- PNEDH (PNEDH, 2007), as normative instruments that support HRE practices in the educational system in Brazil and, in Chile, human rights education is consolidated by the Ley General de la Educación, Ley 21042, creating the Chilean Public Education system, Curricular Framework of Fundamental Objectives and Mandatory Minimum Contents (OFCMO), Transversal Fundamental Objectives (OFT) and the development of public policies on the subject. Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR (UN, 1948, [.s.p.]), establishes education as a human right, as it enables the full development of human beings. At the same time, the same declaration in its preamble states that it is through education that the culture of human rights, as a common ideal, should reach peoples and nations, and thus, respect for Human Rights will be able to develop - DH and freedoms. This research aims to carry out a survey of Education legislation in and for Human Rights in the cases of Brazil and Chile in order to establish comparisons on the regulatory frameworks and paradigmatic cases of teacher training in these countries. The research has a qualitative approach, being exploratory, descriptive and comparative. This is a documentary research, which seeks evidence about Human Rights Education in the documents created by Brazil and Chile that give shape and support to Human Rights Education practices in their respective education systems, at federal, state, municipal and municipal levels. provincial. This strategy raises and offers a comparative systematization of the chosen categories, through content analysis. Content analysis is developed in three phases: (a) pre-analysis; (b) exploration of the material; (c) data processing, inference and interpretation (Bardin, 1977, p. 95). The programs, resolutions and legislation seek to promote the implementation of human rights education in the Brazilian education system through content that gives form and political strength to the State's action in promoting human rights, especially education, this content was highlighted as essential by Benevides, pointing out that we can say from the point of view of legal pedagogical devices in Brazil and Chile that they have been successful in promoting and advancing Human Rights Education.
  • Date: Jul 30, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This research addresses the challenges and perspectives towards the end of the Paraíba Judicial Asylum, in accordance with Resolution No. 487, of February 15, 2023, of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), which advocates the gradual closure of Custody Hospitals and Psychiatric Treatment (HCTP), intended for the hospitalization of people with mental disorders in conflict with the law. Secondary objectives include contextualizing institutional aspects in light of Brazilian anti-asylum legislation; describe – through dialogues based on the oral memory of the participants in this process – the main mechanisms of understanding regarding the end of the Paraíba Judicial Asylum and reflect on the challenges and perspectives for the end of this institution. To this end, methods such as documentary analysis participant observation at the Paraíba Forensic Psychiatry Penitentiary (PPF/PB) and semi-structured interviews were used. The analysis of the data found allowed us to draw a profile of the inmates, providing an understanding of the characteristics that shaped the prison scenario of the institution's first and most recent patients. The study investigates several aspects related to the end of the Judiciary Asylum, through dialogues with different actors involved in the process, including professionals from the institution and representatives from the legal sphere. Furthermore, the work addresses mental health as a fundamental human right, analyzing the role of the Unified Health System (SUS) in consolidating this right, the paradigm shift proposed by the CNJ Resolution and the challenges faced in overcoming the institutional model current. Finally, the study concludes that, despite the advances achieved, there is still a long way to go to guarantee full deinstitutionalization and respect for the rights of people with mental disorders in conflict with the law.
  • CONDEMNATIONS OF WOMEN FOR DRUG TRAFFICKING: an analysis of judicial narratives in Paraíba in the light of Feminist Criminology
  • Date: Jul 25, 2024
  • Time: 18:00
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  • The Brazilian judiciary, insofar as it is part of the complex of institutional actors known as the criminal justice system, is directly involved in the criminalization processes that result in phenomena such as the hyper-incarceration of women. Studies and data focused on the issue of mass incarceration of women indicate that the highest incidence of crime among women deprived of their liberty is related to drug trafficking (DEPEN, 2021). It is with these clues in mind that the purpose of this study was to investigate how the judicial narrative surrounding the criminalization of women convicted of drug trafficking is constructed. This was an engaged bibliographical and documentary study, whose methodological proposal was aligned with the feminist way of understanding the making of a situated analysis. Thus, the research was based on Feminist Criminology, since this is the field that favors an analysis that takes into account possible links between violence-gender-justice. It was therefore from the perspective provided by this theoretical framework that we analyzed 34 judgments handed down in 2021 by the Specialized Criminal Chamber of the Paraíba Court of Justice, in which women were convicted of drug trafficking. In order to do this, it was also necessary to understand the structures that mobilize criminalization processes, their purposes and their pillars of support, with a special focus on the judicial structure, its discourses and its role in these criminalization processes. The analysis of the material gathered made it possible to construct two categories of questions: how does the judge attribute the crime to the woman? What is at the heart of the condemnatory discourse? Through the repetition of these questions in each decision investigated, it was observed that the authorship of the crime is often attributed to the woman through a discursive operation that appeals to the genderal construction of social roles according to which women are expected not to differ from the fate of their partners. We also observed the total erasure of the narratives of the women on trial, consistent with the purpose of neutralization that extends from the procedural game, with the absence of reference to the arguments and evidence of the defence, to the neutralization of the women themselves who were thus convicted. Finally, it was possible to reaffirm that the core of the condemnatory judicial discourse can be detected in the very colonial, misogynist and racist origins of the criminal justice system.
  • THE MOST CUTTING COLOR”: Dialogues on the Racial Issue at the Center for Psychosocial Care, João Pessoa, Paraíba
  • Date: Jul 25, 2024
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Discussing issues related to the black population in the Brazilian diaspora has always been a process that demands historical, social and psychological deepening, and when we direct this look at the so-called madness and its "care" devices, this deepening is intensified. More than 300 years ago a process of enslavement was already underway, even after abolition the bodies of black people are still destined for overcrowding in hostile environments. When it comes to health and public health, data from the Ministry of Health (MS) infer that the black population is the one that most makes up the Unified Health System (SUS), while at the same time it is the most neglected. Madness, the so- called madness, embraced with the eugenics movement in Brazil, found a racist "justification" for cramming black people into asylums, composing, as Lima Barreto said, "a courtyard where black was the sharpest color." In the 70s, this stage of terror was claimed and the Psychiatric Reform (PR) emerged, a struggle that sought the dignity and human rights of people in mental suffering, therefore, in the moment understood after PR, we are faced with services that replace the hospital-centered and asylum-based model of care. The Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS) is one of the substitute services that receives people who have been deinstitutionalized, and those who are now in psychological distress. That said, the main question of this study is to discuss how racial crossings are presented within the CAPS III of João Pessoa, Paraíba. How the team understands the demands arising from racism, how racial issues are presented in spoken and unspoken ways, how the "users" perceive and understand the racial discussion within the CAPS. To this end, it is a field research, which had as reflexive bases authors such as Frantz Fanon, Abdias Nascimento, Neusa Santos, Lélia González, Clóvis Moura, researchers of AMMA PSYCHE AND NEGRITUDE and databases such as VHL, Scielo, Lilacs. As participants, as a team: there were 8 professionals, 5 women and 3 men, aged between 25 and 63 years; in self-affirmation regarding color/race, 4 people identified themselves as white, 3 brown and 1 black; Considering how long these professionals have been in the service, there is a variation of at least 9 months, and at most 19 years. As people accompanied in the service: 6 women, aged between 23 and 55 years, 5 of them are unemployed, 1 has a self- employed job as a seller of beauty products; when it comes to self-affirmation regarding color/race, 1 of them identifies as white, 1 brown, 2 brown, and 2 black; Considering the time in which they have been monitored by the service, there is a variation between 03 months and 12 years, with most of them being followed for more than 5 years; Considering housing, 05 participants have a house, 1 of them lives on the streets. Finally, a process of silencing, negligence, omission and lack of commitment of the service to the mental health of the black population is inferred. The inequities found are inequities that have persisted for more than decades, and that perform the care devices in the city of the colonized
  • Date: Jul 24, 2024
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Some lives are seen and treated as more important. This is evident when bringing up issues of race, class, gender and sexuality, even when these are interconnected - as in the black body that menstruates in a situation of economic vulnerability. Considering that discourses of power legitimize inequality and violence against subjects who do not fit into certain categories (being male/white/cis/hetero/rich) they stand out negatively, not being characterized as important - but as “deviant beings”. Bearing in mind the existing hierarchy in the way of treating some bodies, the main objective of the present work is to analyze the scenarios of precariousness regarding self-care, such as menstrual poverty, in order to observe to what extent such precariousness is associated with the power that regulates lives under a racist and sexist logic. It is in this context that we also end up discussing and problematizing the social identity of this body that is already born under stigmatizing labels. To deal with the social imaginary, there is reference to the philosopher and historian Bronislaw Baczko, for whom such a concept would be a set of collective representations that serve the interests of those in power. Regarding social representations, in addition to the performance treated by Judith Butler as a norm, the reference to sociologist and anthropologist Erving Goffman is also relevant, whose speech is about how some behaviors are adopted to escape stigma. To understand the impacts that this imaginary generates on the identity of black people, one of the authors worked on, in addition to Frantz Fanon, is the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Neusa Santos and also the psychoanalyst Virginia Leone Bicudo, authors who speak about the search for the ideal of whiteness. In addition to citing the social images created by white people about black women, something so exquisitely worked on by Patricia Hill Collins and bell hooks, another key reference is the psychologist Cida Bento - who talks about the power of whiteness that remains in the face of a daily signed pact of unconscious way. In the field of studying identity, especially social identity, four authors were brought to bring this understanding: Stuart Hall, Zygmunt Bauman, Antonio Ciampa and Claude Dubar. And in an attempt to bring an understanding of what power is, how it moves and for what purposes, in addition to Michel Foucault, also Achille Mbembe and Sueli Carneiro - a reference in the speech about racism as a device of power. In addition to bibliographical research, the application of semi-structured interviews was also used as an important methodological technique to expose essentialities retained in the interviewed bodies, allowing an analysis of a racist biopolitics that interferes with the identity of the subjects. From these perspectives, the research presents itself as qualitative, basic and exploratory, using oral history and CDA as methods for carrying out data analysis. The results we intend to achieve are a reflection on lives limited by being in a place of exclusion in a regulated society.
  • Date: Jul 16, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • “Na Escola, com Respeito” Project is an initiative of Centro de Apoio Operacional às Promotorias de Defesa da Criança, do Adolescente e da Educação (CAOCAE), fom Ministério Público Estadual da Paraíba (MPE-PB) and by 2022 it emerged in promoting the "Programa de Práticas Restaurativas no Ambiente Escolar" environment to cities level in Paraíba, however it focused on performing training courses on the topic of restorative practices too at other times in its trajectory. The scope of this study was to analyze the memories of the work of the “Na Escola, com Respeito” Project (2018-2022), considering the promotion of restorative practice programs in the school environment, from Education in Human Rights perspective. With this, the memories of this Project dialogued with the Education in Human Rights theoretical field, aiming to reflect on its struggles, lessons and inspirations. The methodology used in this research was the qualitative approach, with the adoption of thematic oral history, using semi-structured interviews, with the collaboration of teachers who experienced the training course in 2018, in Patos-PB, and justice prosecutors who participated in the Project. In addition to oral sources, documentary sources were used. Scholars such as Zehr (2020a), Evans; Vaandering (2018), Ferreira (2016), Santos (2007), Pollak (1989), Le Goff (2013), Bosi (2023), Zenaide (2014), Candau (2007), among others supported the discussions and reflections. It was understood the inclusion of theoretical and practical aspects of restorative justice in the education field contributed to modify its own assumptions and concepts, promoting new perspectives in the school environment. Studies on memory revealed it as an effective means of highlighting Human Rights essence in realities of struggles for rights, combating forgetfulness and silencing, encouraging active participation and democratization, benefiting actions connected with these values, thus being able to cooperate in the dissemination of Human Rights culture, which favors Education in Human Rights. Therefore, the study of part of the trajectory of “Na Escola, com Respeito” Project, focused on the analysis of their memories, offered subsidies to reveal, understand and publicize the promoted restorative practices and the peacebuilding circles have the integration potential to Education in Human Rights, due they share values that are harmonious with Human Rights. Furthermore, the proliferation and acceptability of this Project, due its results and implications in the political and social fields, revealed strategies and experiences for the defense and promotion of Human Rights, which is suitable for alignment with Education in Human Rights, being understood links that aim to awake and boost the interest in training and public policies compatible with human rights culture.
  • SEXUAL BODIES IN PRISON CAMPS: reality of non-cisheterosexual inmates at Roger Prison in João Pessoa – PB
  • Date: Jul 1, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The study carried out aims to investigate the possible effectiveness of "LGBT Wings" in prisons, focusing on the specific reality of the Roger Prison in João Pessoa, Paraíba, as a measure to mitigate necropolitics directed at non-cisheterosexual bodies by the State. The research seeks to understand the process of oppression and marginalization faced by LGBTQIAP+ individuals in prison, analyzing their daily experiences and the impact of segregation within the prison system. Based on a literature review study, based on theorists such as Agamben, Butler, Foucault and Zaffaroni, among others, the work is structured into three main chapters. The first chapter historically contextualizes the construction and operation of prisons as instruments for strengthening punitive power, especially in relation to deviant bodies categorized as "dissident" or "impure". The second chapter addresses the relationships between biopower, standardization of sexual binarism and the normalization of cis-heterosexual identities, situating the non-cisheterosexual body as an "enemy" to be neutralized and excluded. In the third chapter, the results of the research are presented, based on documentary analysis focused on the LGBT Wing of the Roger Prison. This chapter not only documents the conditions observed, but also critically analyzes the effectiveness of segregation as a measure of protection and mitigation of violence faced by the LGBTQIAP+ community in the Brazilian prison system. The dissertation aims to confirm the hypothesis that the "LGBT Wings" can represent an advance in the protection of the human rights of this community within prisons; however, it also recognizes the significant challenges associated with the effective implementation of these inclusive policies, with the consequent perpetuation of the stigmatization of these subjects. Furthermore, the study highlights the ongoing need for public and social policies that not only ensure physical safety, but also promote dignity and respect for gender and sexuality diversities, aiming to transform prison structures in order to combat institutionalized homotransphobia by the State and naturalized by society.
  • Knowledge and formative practices in human rights education and popular education: the case of Associação Casa dos Sonhos and the Quilombola Community of Matão, Gurinhém-PB. 2024
  • Date: Jun 28, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • his work has the general objective of analyzing the pedagogy of the formative and educational process between the knowledge and practices of the Quilombola Community of Matão, Gurinhém - PB and the Casa dos Sonhos Association, through the conception of Popular Education in Human Rights and as specific objectives, to conceptualize knowledge and actions in the educational processes in an Afro-centered perspective of Quilombola Education based on the experience of the NGO Casa dos Sonhos e Comunidade do Matão, Gurinhém-PB, based on Education in Human Rights and Popular Education, identifying the educational processes in an Afro-centered perspective of Education Quilombola from the experience of the NGO, considering the perception of its subjects. It has as a theoretical contribution the thought of Freire (1996) for Popular Education and the references of Education in Human Rights in the Brazilian legislation, such as the National Plan of Education (2010). Methodologically, the research has a qualitative, interdisciplinary nature and is based on dialectics. The analysis of documents such as the NGO norms and the Brazilian legislation for Human Rights Education is used as a data construction instrument. Content analysis was the method chosen to analyze the data obtained. It is expected that the research will lead to an important discussion regarding the popular knowledge acquired in the education processes in the non-formal field of education, as is the case of the researched NGO and quilombo.
  • OAB GOES TO SCHOOLS: childhood and adolescence in conjunction with human rights education
  • Date: Jun 18, 2024
  • Time: 09:30
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  • The general objective of this research was to understand the protection and defense of the State for children and adolescents in Brazil with regard to sexual violence, considering the interface of this problem with Education in Human Rights from the Social Project “OAB Goes to Schools ” as a theoretical-methodological action for human rights education. We sought to identify/characterize the project as a purposeful instrument for human rights education and its impact in public schools from the perspective of combating sexual violence. The concept of childhood and adolescence was discussed based on the Historical-Cultural Theory in Vygotsky (2001;2021) and the condition of its protection by the Brazilian state. Reflection was made on the interface of protection mechanisms, the defense network and actions to promote children's human rights around sexual violence. The locus of the research was the Municipal Schools of Elementary Education Governador Leonel Brizola, Tempo Integral José Américo and Elementary Education Cónego João de Deus, and the dynamics of execution and experience of the pedagogical workshops applied in the years 2018 and 2019, by understanding the ex -students from the 8th and 9th years and workshops, who participated in the activities carried out. The research adopted a qualitative and procedural bibliographical, documentary and field research study on the topic, prioritizing the analysis of gender, violence and abuse and sexual exploitation as forms of sexual violence, human rights of children and adolescents, education in human rights and ECA . Next, a documentary analysis was carried out on what concerns Human Rights and the topic of sexual violence, as well as public policies in the field of education and combating sexual violence and the actions of the OAB goes to Schools project in promoting and defending of rights. We carried out semi-structured interviews and applied exercises/drawings with those involved to collect their perspectives on the execution and impacts of the project in schools and then carried out the analyses, as proposed by Bardin (2011). The data obtained indicates that the project as Human Rights Education contributed to training those involved in autonomy and resistance. And, finally, we point out our considerations about carrying out this project as a theoretical-methodological tool for promoting and protecting the fundamental human rights of children and adolescents, citizen training on their rights and empowerment to identify situations of violence.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 13:00
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  • In this paper, we seek to understand the contributions of black intellectuals to the decolonization of human rights in the field of education, based on an analysis of their trajectories in the Graduate Program in Human Rights at the Federal University of Paraíba. To do this, we start from a historical and conceptual perspective that problematizes colonization as a process of racism, epistemicide and violation of the rights of native and African peoples and points to aquilombamento as an alternative for resistance and affirmation of black identities. Next, we present the trajectories and epistemic insurgencies of some black intellectuals who stood out in the abolitionist struggle in the construction of critical and emancipatory thinking on the racial question in Brazil. In methodological terms and as a field research technique, semi-structured interviews were conducted with graduates. Our reflections sought to make it possible to discuss black belonging, identities and epistemologies, thinking about the social place of black people in Brazil. From a theoretical and epistemic point of view, based on authors such as Stuart Hall, Alex Ratts, Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves and Joel Bonnemaison, we discussed our understanding of the territorial formation of a people in order to bring in elements that underpin the coloniality of knowledge, using as a point of reflection the analyses made by black authors from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, such as Lélia Gonzalez Conceição Evaristo, Beatriz Nascimento, Thula Pires, Silvio de Almeida and Munanga, who bring the centrality of the racial - and decolonial - discussion as a way out of the identity crisis that surrounds Afro-Latin American people. We conclude that there has been significant progress in academic production on racial issues at the PPGDH-UFPB, but that there are still challenges to consolidate a black epistemological perspective that recognizes and values ancestral knowledge and the collective experiences of black subjects in the construction of knowledge.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 12:30
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  • Affirmative actions are compensatory and reparatory public policies that seek to promote social inclusion and material equality for certain social segments that have been inferior and weakened throughout social history. Affirmative actions aim to reveal structural inequalities and their impacts on education and the world of work, creating opportunities to compensate for the processes of social and educational exclusion of the Afro-Brazilian population as a way of eliminating the processes of social discrimination and racism that affect the most vulnerable layers vulnerable people in society. The research starts from the existence of racial discrimination, making the Brazilian State responsible for creating public policies to promote racial equality, as a way of overcoming the slavery legacy and the historical omission of the Brazilian State, promoting and implementing the constitutional principle of material equality. The objective of the research is to analyze the implementation of racial quotas in higher education and in a limited way to study access and retention in undergraduate courses at the Center for Science, Technology and Health/CCTS, at the State University of Paraíba, from the year 2021 to the year 2023. This is a qualitative research within the scope of the PPGDHUFPB in which it aggregates bibliographical and documentary data (administrative, legislative and academic) relating to indicators of access, adaptability and permanence of university students specifically at the Center for Science, Technology and Health, Campus VIII, of the State University of Paraíba, identifying its possibilities of guaranteeing the right to education with the social inclusion of black and brown people in higher education, as a way of combating racial discrimination, strengthening commitments for the affirmation of Human Rights, the realization of rights fundamental principles and constitutional principles of material equality, human dignity and the implementation of the Democratic Rule of Law in the country, proclaimed by the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The work concludes that the implementation of the public policy of racial quotas in public higher education at UEPB encourages the recovery of the historical debt that Brazil owes to the black population, effectively complying with constitutional precepts.
  • Date: Feb 27, 2024
  • Time: 09:30
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  • The present study presents a new social movement that has emerged over the years, notably related to a new professional category composed of application delivery workers. This movement gained visibility with the advancement of technology, through the delivery service and, especially, with the malicious humanitarian event of the covid-19 epidemic, because society had to exercise social isolation, leaving only for essential activities and the delivery service was enhanced, causing attention to be focused on this category of professionals who embittered invisibility. Within this context, the present study aims to investigate interdisciplinary elements that permeate Human Rights, given that one of the main flags of struggle of application deliverymen, is in relation to the conquest and maintenance of labor rights that imply in conditions worthy of work inverse reality of what we have with the uberization of labor relations. In this way, we can list as the objective of this research the task of investigating whether the new social movement of application deliverymen develops, in their daily lives, socio-educational practices that promote an education in human rights. To this end, the qualitative method will be used with a descriptive and exploratory purpose, through bibliographic research with literature review, through the analysis of books, legal articles, legislation, in addition to the mapping of news on the world wide web (internet) related to the social movement of application delivery workers. Then it will be possible to answer questions about the formation of social movements, the occurrence of a socio-educational practice focused on human rights in the context of such a social movement.
  • From Ponta de Gramame Farm to Territories and conflict in the State of Paraíba: ethnic, cultural and social diversity
  • Date: Jan 31, 2024
  • Time: 16:00
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  • The struggle for land, territory and housing marks the history of subordinate groups in the state of Paraíba. They are indigenous people, quilombolas, traditional communities, family farmers, landless people and families who live on the outskirts of cities. The struggle of these groups involves organized social and pastoral movements such as the Pastoral Land Commission, the movement of landless rural workers – MST, Movement of People Affected by Dams – MAB, Association of Support for Settlements of Afro-Descendant Communities - AACADE, Movimento Indigenous and housing movement. In this research we specifically deal with the struggle of the Ponta de Gramame community for land regularization in the territory they occupy. We highlight their organization, the violence they suffer from the state and private agents, in addition to the organizational and production capacity that sets the group apart, including providing quality food at fair prices in the city of João Pessoa. We also deal with the legislation and legal possibilities for urban and rural land regularization, not only for the Ponta de Gramame community, but with reference to the groups that were mapped during the research. This is research into human rights and public policies, of an interdisciplinary nature, highlighting the theoretical-methodological contributions of geography, law, history and anthropology. We carry out bibliographical and documentary research in judicial, extrajudicial and legislative records, as well as field research. We take as a basis the epistemologies of the south from the perspective of Santos (2007) and in this author's words we can affirm that in Brazil, social injustice persists largely due to the concentration of land and the subordination of groups in the countryside and in the city. Agrarian and urban reform are bottlenecks that need to be resolved so that we can guarantee human rights in the country. In this “game of forces” the map of conflicts over land/territory in Paraíba results from the capacity for articulation and mobilization of subjects who fight and resist the deterritorializing attempts of hegemonic groups. In relation to the community of Ponta de Gramame, the 24 years of struggle reveal that in the resistance for the right to land, the community created links with that territory, through agricultural activities, solidarity relationships, equitable division of plots for family reproduction. The narratives manifest a journey together in hope for the title to the land, but also carry the pain and marks of investments in the power of the henchmen, the police, the Falcones and the successive eviction orders promoted. A correlation of forces that reveal the inequality and complexity of the relationships that are established in the territory.
  • The pedagogical practices of social movements as an action of education in and for human rights: the experience of the Children's Cirandas of the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB)
  • Date: Dec 19, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This paper relates and discusses the concepts of popular education and human rights education, where the latter inherits from the former the vocation for social transformation that is so present in the daily life of social movements. The research describes the trajectory of the Movement of Dam-Affected People (MAB), presents the political-pedagogical practice of Cirandas Infantis (Children's Circles), and analyzes the activities developed in this space with the aim of raising the discussion of understanding it as a practice of human rights education in the non-formal sphere. To this end, Latin American and Brazilian theoretical references are mobilized, such as Paulo Freire with regard to popular education, Maria da Glória Gohn and Miguel Arroyo and their writings on social and popular movements, Maria Nazaré Zenaide and Thula Pires on human rights and the need to racialize the debate around it. We analyzed videos from MAB's YouTube page, booklets produced by the Movement as well as documents produced at the cirandas themselves, with the aim of analyzing the methodology the Movement uses to promote children's cirandas. The recognition of the pedagogical practices of Social Movements, specifically the Cirandas Infantis, as a practice of education in and for human rights is only possible from the systematizations and publications of the Movement itself and of Roseli Caldart, Ana Aparecida Alberti, who also figure as the theoretical reference of this work.
  • Date: Dec 18, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The present study and the research that supports it aim to present the dimension of the individual and singular experiences lived by black women in the construction of a freer and fairer society that guarantees them emancipation and freedom from systems of power and oppression that are urgent for them. With this, we draw attention to the awakening of the mobilization of a social and political conscience that needs to announce that we are all equal and that we equally deserve to guarantee our rights effectively. In this context, we have many hands in this construction, and given this observation, we anchor ourselves in memory to compose lines that portray the current contexts in which black women are inserted. We will bring strong names of women who resisted scenarios of exploitation and violence, encouraging us not to give up on ourselves. We will present epistemologies developed in the bodies of these women, black intellectuals who teach us through their experiences, producers of knowledge that sees in intersectionality and the black feminist movement the possibility of improving conditions that are not favorable to those crossed by gender, race and class. We will address the power systems of racism, sexism and capitalism as producers of inequalities and violence within the domestic context in the face of the crime of femicide. And, finally, we will seek to verify whether black women are the main victims of feminicide in João Pessoa – PB. To this end, we used the type of Afro-descendant methodology, placing the writer in close proximity to the subject subjects of the empirical excerpts, who in turn were found through the use of inductive and applied methods, as it is possible, through data collection, to create of universal thinking and knowledge of issues surrounding the theme, as well as through descriptive-exploratory research that allows the discovery of new panoramas about the analyzed group, using bibliographic, field and documentary research for this purpose, with the documents analyzed in the field, ratified by renowned theoretical references. The research carried out in the field resulted in the analysis of 15 legal cases involving the crime of feminicide, where color/race, level of education and schooling and neighborhood of origin and occurrence of the crime were essential requirements for obtaining the research results, which by In turn, they show, despite the inconsistencies, that the women victims of feminicide in João Pessoa – PB, in the 2018-2021 four-year period, are part of the black ethnic-racial group and were low-income and poorly educated women.
  • FILMING, POSTING AND PUNISHING: proximities and contradictions between discourses criminology in the context of the pandemic
  • Date: Dec 15, 2023
  • Time: 16:00
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  • Engagement, algorithms, feeling of anonymity and fake news. These and other expressions have gained strength in studies on media criminology. After all, amidst the development technological, the media updated its strategies to promote the construction of enemies, maintain power relations and preserve the profitable industry of violence, culminating in new challenges for legal regulation and public policies. During the coronavirus pandemic, it is clear that the increase in the protagonism of the internet and the rain of subinformation and misinformation on social networks contributed to inflate the population's feelings of fear and insecurity. Such factors, linked to the health crisis and the sociopolitical context of Brazil, further externalized the punitive anger inherited due to the impact of liberal and positivist criminologies in the country. Looking closely at this scenario, the work explores the headlines and comments of two YouTube videos about the cases of health professionals accused of simulating the application of the Covid-19 vaccine. Thus, under the inductive method and the theoretical foundation of critical criminology, the objective of this research consists of explore the criminological characteristics that permeated punitive discourses in that panorama. Using Discourse Analysis (DA) as an interpretation technique, the results demonstrate that the digital environment consolidates punitivism in new ways, but uses old discourses, who insist on rejecting critical thinking and its commitment to human rights.
  • Date: Dec 15, 2023
  • Time: 09:45
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  • For the international community, the phenomenon of lawfare, as a tool of the law for the destruction of a political enemy, occupies more and more space in the debate on human rights. The destruction of a political enemy through the use of laws and the violation of human rights was a resource widely used in the Brazilian context in the trials that led to the conviction of President Lula - in the cases of the Guarujá triplex and the transfer of the Atibaia ranch – whose evidence points to a scenario of violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, especially in relation to the infringement of the principle of the presumption of innocence and the temporary ineligibility of the defendant. Considering the relevance of this theme and seeking to answer the research question (How did the United Nations Human Rights Committee interpret the trial of President Lula, based on indications of lawfare and the loss of citizenship?), the aim of this study, as a general objective, was to analyze the incidence of lawfare in the process involving President Lula and the cases of the triplex and the Atibaia ranch, with the denial of citizenship attested by the verdict of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, published on April 27, 2022. Methodologically, this research was a documentary analysis, referenced by the abovementioned verdict. As for the preliminary results, this verdict reaffirms that there has been a violation of human rights and a denial of President Lula's right to citizenship.
  • Date: Dec 14, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This Dissertation analyzes the attempt to implement the Northeast Nuclear Power Plant project in Itacuruba/PE, Sertão de Itaparica, and the likely socio-environmental and cultural impacts resulting from this measure. The idealization of the mega-enterprise is based on the desire for rapid economic development that disregards the ecological risks caused. Thus, the appropriation of traditional territories is investigated as a neo-extractivist strategy for installing macro projects, also disregarding the human rights violations of Traditional Peoples and Communities (PCTs) present in the region. The research also aims to identify how the search for economic development, through the installation of mega works, reflects in the weakening of environmental justice and the consequent erasure of the memory spaces of the PCTs. It is understood that the neo-extractivist influence strongly contributes to the perpetuation of a colonialist ideal of natural exhaustion and appropriation of territories, so that the project in question directly influences the violation of human and territorial rights of the impacted PCTs. The (neo)extractive scenario presented developed especially in Latin American countries; whose role imposed by central countries is to export primary products (until they are exhausted) and host macro developmental projects. For the analysis of the case study, the inductive method and qualitative research were adopted. Furthermore, exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, bibliographic and documentary research is developed. It is reiterated that the theoretical framework is mainly constructed from works by Latin American authors and that the data analysis technique adopted is content analysis.
  • THE NEW INDUSTRY OF MADNESS: Analysis of Human Rights Violations Based on the National Inspection Report on Therapeutic Communities
  • Date: Dec 14, 2023
  • Time: 08:30
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  • The issue of drugs has been part of society since the beginning of humanity; in the evolution of capitalist society, different forms of intervention emerged, such as prohibitionism and proposals related to health. In Brazil, this issue began to be treated as a public health issue from the 2000s onwards, through the formulation of a specific mental health policy to assist people with problems related to the use of alcohol and other drugs. A policy based on care in the territory, with guidelines aligned with the principles of Psychiatric Reform (PR), and it adopts Harm Reduction as a guiding principle. However, some institutions that offer treatment to this population do not align with the guidelines established in the PR and the Comprehensive Care Policy for users of alcohol and other drugs, the so-called Therapeutic Communities (TCs). TCs are private or philanthropic institutions, which offer treatment based on users' social isolation, work, discipline and spirituality (IPEA, 2017). Despite going against the grain of psychiatric reform (COSTA, 2020), these establishments were, paradoxically, included in public policies on drugs, benefiting from public funding. Thus, in this work our aim was to understand, based on the national inspection report on therapeutic communities (FCP, 2018), how TCs are legitimized and aligned with what is set out in theoretical and normative frameworks and which human rights of users are violated when they undergo treatment in these institutions. The report is the result of a national inspection carried out by the Federal Council of Psychology (FCP) in partnership with other public bodies of the health and justice system in 28 CTs, in 12 Brazilian states, in 2017. To support the study, a bibliographic review was carried out based on books, scientific articles, theses and dissertations researched on online platforms such as: CAPES journal portal, Redalyc, SCIELO; documentary research of the main regulatory frameworks that deal with drugs and mental health in Brazil and critical analysis of the report. The analysis of the report was divided into five categories, namely: 1) asylum nature versus care in the territory; 2) harm reduction versus abstinence versus prohibitionism; 3) mortification of the self and control of bodies; 4) access to rights and the psychosocial care network and 5) work. Through the analysis, it was possible to observe that TCs are asylum institutions, as they do not prioritize care in the territory, resembling mental hospitals. Treatment is based on abstinence with a prohibitionist approach and disregards harm reduction. Users are deprived of exercising their rights and accessing RAPS as well as other policies. TCs use religion and moral doctrine to adjust individuals to society, causing them a permanent process of self-mortification. Work is used as a mechanism of punishment and also of exploitation of both users and volunteers. We conclude by pointing out that TCs violate human rights, produce subjective (and also physical) death, they are not health establishments nor do they align with the assumptions of PR. And despite the accusations contained in the report, the State continues to economically promote this type of institution, supporting the maintenance of a “new” industry of madness.
  • ETHNIC-RACIAL EDUCATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS FROM LAW Nº 10.639/03: a study of the reality of public schools in the municipality of Cajazeiras-PB
  • Date: Dec 13, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The objective of this study is to analyze the process of implementing Law 10,639/03 in elementary schools in the city of Cajazeiras-PB and its relationship with Human Rights Education. Specific objectives were defined to discuss the challenges for the implementation of Law 10,639/2003 and related anti-racist regulations in municipal schools, considering their relationship with Human Rights Education and understanding how teachers and students perceive the issue of ethnic-racial education at school and how to enable educational strategies and actions to strengthen black identity and combat racism. The methodology is qualitative in nature, having as theoretical references the authors Munanga (1999, 2005, 2009), Hall (2000, 2020), Gomes (2008, 2012), Candau (2008, 2010, 2012, 2013), Barros (2016), Moreira (2009), Adesky (1997) among others. The field research was carried out in seven schools in the municipal education network of Cajazeiras-PB. To collect data, semi-structured interviews were carried out with students and teachers in the 9th year of Elementary School II (Final Years). The collected data were interpreted based on Bardin's (2010) content analysis. The theoretical findings of the research suggest that in the municipality of Cajazeiras a systematic process of implementing Law 10,639/2003 was not carried out, noting that the school remains a space where racism is perpetrated and reproduced according to the patterns of Brazilian society. The results also point to the absence of references for the articulation between ethnic-racial education and human rights education in these spaces.
  • Date: Dec 13, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Brazil is the third country in the world that incarcerates the most, behind only China and the United States. In the last twenty years, female incarceration has nearly quadrupled. Such imprisonment is a reflection of a patriarchal culture, which cuts across the class, gender, and race of these women. The racial profile, indicating that the majority of incarcerated women are black or brown, appears in the SISDEPEN data. Other studies also show that incarcerated women have unfavorable social and economic conditions. They are criminally responsible and mostly for the crime of drug trafficking. Once deprived of liberty, they end up suffering double punishment. The first for the crime they committed and the second for violating the social role that is expected of them: beautiful, modest and homely women. Therefore, when they commit certain crimes, they are judged for subverting gender roles, since historically crimes are linked to male culture and the ideal of masculinity, in which strength, virility and courage make up this universe. In this sense, for committing such subversion, they are morally, socially and legally condemned, also suffering a gender punishment that goes beyond the deprivation of freedom. In addition, women are treated as if they were men, since prison structures are not adapted to their special gender conditions. Historically, prisons were designed for men. Thus, the objective of this work is to understand the invisibility of women deprived of liberty from the violation of the human rights to education and health, in prison systems, as a result of patriarchy. The hypothetical-deductive method was used. Documentary and bibliographic research was used. The material analyzed consisted of semi-structured interviews and oral narratives with women deprived of liberty present in other studies. Using the content analysis advocated by Laurence Bardin (2016). Thus, it is concluded that women who serve a custodial sentence are not only punished for having broken the law, they are punished for having "violated" and "broken" in some way, with the contract of social adhesion of patriarchy. After all, by denying them rights such as health and education, they are depriving them of the opportunity to transform their lives during and after incarceration. More than that. They are being denied the chance to live and be themselves and not to be in the service of patriarchy. Women who enter prison but don't know if they will ever get out of it. After all, the prison floor does not reflect the law, but pain and suffering. Justice is symbolized by a goddess. But in the field of law and public policy, it is still men who call the shots.
  • Between Narratives and Memories: Dwellers in the Streets and the Denial of the Right to Education (2005- 2023)
  • Date: Nov 30, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The reminiscences of the city about the denial of the right to education, in the light of the narratives of homeless people (HP), weave the threads of memories that unfold in the course of this study. Therefore, the objective is to analyze the impacts of segregations for these non-existent existences in light of official Brazilian data, considering the meanings and significance of education for young and adult individuals living on the streets of João Pessoa, PB. Regarding the methodological approach, Oral History (OH) guides the path of narratives and the production of reflections that will point us toward understanding the importance of building emancipatory educational perspectives with and for the street. Along this journey, in addition to oral sources (testimonies and memories), written sources (bibliographic and documentary) and iconographic sources were used. From a Freirean perspective and with the contributions of Benjamin (2013), Le Goff (1990), and Portelli (2016), issues and concerns are discussed, which will be presented in this research, also implying the search for alternative Human Rights Education for this historically marginalized population group, with a focus on the resistance processes of urban guerrillas, constrained by exclusions and silencing. The study points us to the relevance of problematizing and understanding inhabiting, existing, and resisting in urban spaces.
  • THE CONDITIONS OF INCARCERATION IN THE PRISON UNIT FEMININE OF CRATO/CE: a study of feminine particularities in light of human rights
  • Date: Nov 30, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This study is a dissertation linked to the Postgraduate Program in Human Rights, Citizenship and Public Policies at the Federal University of Paraíba, which aims to reflect on the conditions of incarceration in the Women's Prison Unit of Crato/CE based on a study of female particularities in the light of human rights. Specifically, it seeks to discuss female incarceration as a social and legal phenomenon, covering the consequences of the origin of the custodial sentence in the penitentiary system, the fundamental guarantees ensured in the national and international legal system and the criminological aspects of incarcerated women in Brazil; characterize the female penitentiary system in the Municipality of Crato/CE with a focus on analyzing the physical structure of the penal establishment, the effectiveness of the rights of incarcerated women and the existence of penitentiary and assistance policies; and to investigate the conditions of female incarceration in the Women's Prison Unit of Crato/CE based on the medical records of incarcerated women to obtain sociodemographic and criminological information, as well as reports obtained by employees of the penal establishment for assistance and structural data and for policies public penitentiaries. The hypothetical-deductive method was used in the development of the research, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, divided into two stages: bibliographical research with documentary research and field research. To this end, 100 prisoners' medical records were analyzed, observation in the prison unit and interviews with the 6 employees of the penal establishment were carried out, a relevant step as it provided contact with the aforementioned female prison unit. The data obtained in the research were interpreted and analyzed based on Lauren Bardin's content analysis technique (2011). The research results demonstrate that the majority of women incarcerated in this penal institution have a low level of education, brown skin color and single marital status. Attributes similar to national data (SISDEPEN, 2022). From a criminological perspective, more than half of women are deprived of their liberty as a result of drug trafficking, a predominant crime in the scenario of female incarceration nationwide (SISDEPEN, 2022). Although there is assistance support and positive actions in the penal unit investigated, there were significant absences in meeting the particularities of those incarcerated, including aspects of motherhood, health and the structuring of this prison unit.
  • TERRITORY AND HUMAN RIGHTS: The original culture from differentiated teaching at the indigenous state school Pedro Poti, Baía da Traição / PB.
  • Date: Nov 29, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The research entitled TERRITORY AND HUMAN RIGHTS: Native culture through differentiated education at the Pedro Poti indigenous state school, Baía da Traição / PB, deals with indigenous education in the Potiguara territory, on the north coast of Paraíba. We sought to analyze the legal frameworks that support indigenous education, which is pertinent to differentiated education and ensures the transmission of the memory and territorial rights of indigenous peoples. The spatial focus of the study is the Pedro Poti State Indigenous School for Primary and Secondary Education, located in the municipality of Baía da Traição, but precisely in the São Francisco village, which is considered to be a teaching reference for this ethnic group. Thus, this research is justified by the need to record the ancestral cultural practices present in the Potiguara indigenous culture, integrated into the curriculum of the Pedro Poti school, observing how these educational practices strengthen the continuous process of ethnic identity of this group. We started with the following research question: How do the processes of transmitting knowledge of indigenous culture occur, based on the cultural practices emphasized in the differentiated school curriculum at the Pedro Poti Indigenous School? We sought to answer the following secondary questions: What are the regulatory frameworks relating to human rights and the differentiated education of the Potiguara indigenous peoples? How does the school develop pedagogical practices relating to the conquest of Potiguara territory? The theoretical basis of this work results from the study of the main authors: Barcellos (2012), Bergamaschi and Medeiros (2010), Le Goff (1990-1924), Marques (2009), Moonen and Maia, (2008), Molina, Sá (2012), Nascimento (2012) and Silva (2015), making this research enriched with their studies and dialogues on the legal and conceptual assumptions about the education of Indigenous Peoples, Potiguara indigenous school education and the organizational forms of their territory. This is a qualitative study, developed in four stages: Participatory, Documentary, Interdisciplinary and Field Research, with managers, teachers, students and elders as research subjects. After analyzing the documents and the fieldwork, it was clear that Indigenous Peoples, in their struggle to guarantee human rights, have been included in the government's public agenda, seeking to make their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights effective and guaranteed. The Potiguara Indigenous People of Paraíba, since the ratification of their Indigenous Lands (TIs), have been achieving and strengthening their demands for specific and differentiated education, which has been a strong instrument for strengthening Potiguara Indigenous Culture in the territory.
  • DIVERSITY, FITNESS AND RESISTANCE: Reflections on the Inclusion of Afro-Brazilian Religions in João Pessoa Municipal Schools
  • Date: Nov 27, 2023
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Religious education in schools is still a compulsory subject in the curriculum, but it is optional for students or their guardians. Conceptually, the proposal of this subject in schools refers to the mediation of awakening in students the foundations, customs and values that make up the different religions existing in Brazilian society. In this scenario, the general objective of the research was to analyze the perception of religious education teachers in elementary schools in João Pessoa about the application of the subject's guidelines and the approach to Afro-Brazilian religions. To this end, the methodology adopted consisted of a field study, carried out in 5 municipal primary schools in the city of João Pessoa, located in different poles, with 5 religious education teachers, who answered 14 questions about their practices, the school and the students, as well as the relationship with themes related to Afro-Brazilian religions. Data was then analyzed by comparing the results with the literature, legislation and other guidelines relating and/or pertinent to the subject and the proposed debate. The results of the survey revealed various aspects in the categories analyzed, starting with the training of the teachers, all of whom were service providers, with an average experience in the subject of between 2 and 9 years, only one of whom had a degree in Religious Sciences. Regarding the selection of content, the teachers said they used a variety of sources, based on authors who discuss the subject and guidelines given by the Municipal Coordination of Religious Education, highlighting the deficiency due to the lack of textbooks for the subject. As for the legislation that determines the teaching of Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture, the teachers showed superficial knowledge and ways of applying it. With regard to welcoming students who practice Afro-Brazilian religions, the professionals showed little interest in the subject and a generalized approach. Regarding their own practices, the teachers believe they have an inclusive attitude and promote knowledge about diversity. They also said they had the same perspective on the school's practices. Finally, all the teachers cited interference from parents and some schools as the main factor behind their resistance to dealing with content related to religions of African origin in the classroom. It can be concluded that the scenario observed is quite fragile and has a great deal to do with the stance adopted by teachers based on the guidance they receive, so that, given the change in policies adopted to develop the subject, this universe can be violently modified and adhere to practices that no longer promote or strengthen with the necessary conviction the importance of respect for religious diversity. Thus, although we have seen a scenario that allows for the optimistic construction of future perspectives on religious education in schools and the inclusion of Afro-Brazilian religions in this space, we still don't have ideal practices, which require a series of interventions so that they can be improved and come closer to the purposes of religious education.
  • The cultural dynamic in the education of the deaf: challenges and possibilities through human rights education from an intercultural perspective.
  • Date: Nov 20, 2023
  • Time: 09:30
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  • ABSTRACT The research aims to investigate the cultural dynamics between deaf and hearing people in an educational environment. Other objectives of this research include: understanding the deaf culture and identity to reflect upon deafness as a cultural difference; analyzing the role of Education in Human Rights for the development of a discrimination-free society towards deaf people; and establishing the challenges and opportunities for the education of deaf people through intercultural learning. In this regard, the research is based on the works of Brito (2021), Crespo (2009), and Lanna Júnior (2010) in order to comprehend the structure of disabled people as a social movement in pursuit of the recognition of their rights and in their struggle against discrimination, especially the participation of deaf people and their specific claims, which were mainly focused on the combat against audism and recognition of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). This research endorses the sociocultural view of deafness defended by Sá (2002) and Gesser (2012), who perceive the deaf person through their cultural difference and feeling of belonging to a group and takes as reference the works of Goldfeld (1997) and Skiliar (2010) in relation to the situation of education of the deaf in Brazil. The concept of a deaf person belonging to a minority group permits the recognition of their rights based on difference, especially quality education in accordance with the principles and objectives intrinsic to an education in human rights. In addition, this research is based on the studies of Benevides (2000), Carbonari (2010), Viola (2010), and Zenaide (2007) to understand the meaning of an education in human rights, and it was substantiated by Candau’s studies (20212) of interculturality, who distinguishes intercultural education as a potential means to decrease long-term discriminatory practices against deaf people and to achieve a more just society. From a methodological point of view, this research can be classified as essentially qualitative, descriptive and exploratory, based on the objectives defined within the research, following the deductive method, and composed of the following steps: bibliography and field survey. To understand the process of cultural dynamics in a classroom, the field survey was conducted through semi-structured interviews with students, professor and libras interpreters from technical and higher education courses at the Federal Institute of Paraiba (IFPB). The data was analysed in the light of the hermeneutic – dialectic method. Based on the studies carried out, it is possible to conclude that there is still a lack of knowledge and interest in learning about deafness, which leads to the isolation of deaf students. It was also verified that, in addition to the communication barrier, the barrier of a lack of understanding must be overcome.
  • Date: Oct 30, 2023
  • Time: 14:30
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  • This work will seek to understand how Human Rights education and law 10.639/03 contribute to the construction of a black youth identity among quilombola students from the “os Rufino” community, in the backlands of Paraíba, when implemented in Basic Education. The aforementioned Federal Law established the mandatory teaching of African and Afro-Brazilian history and culture in primary schools. In this sense, there was an urgent need to make the general objective of the work understand how education in Human Rights and law 10.639/03 contribute to the construction of a black youth identity among quilombola students from the “os Rufino” community, backlands of Paraíba, when implemented in Basic Education, in order to awaken positive references in black students for the formation and strengthening of their self-image. Furthermore, try to identify if there are and what educational practices schools are developing in light of human rights education and Law 10,639/2003. The study was descriptive and exploratory, and sought to characterize the quilombola community “os Rufino” and its specificities, since the quilombo is the main focus for carrying out the methodological procedures of the work with a critical analysis of the problem, assuming a qualitative approach and using the dialectical deductive method, which made it possible to establish a relationship between the universe studied and the subjects, based on a literature review focused essentially on public policies on Education in Human Rights, studies on ethnic-racial issues, with field research having as a collection instrument, semi-structured interviews with young quilombola students, teachers and members of the Education Department of the Municipality of Pombal, based on their reflections on reality. As a result of the research, it was possible to see that within the municipality of Pombal the reception of the law has already undergone great development and that young quilombolas, even if late, managed to acquire, through their experiences, their identity, and with investments in teacher training, teaching materials and pedagogical strategies would make it possible to transform classrooms into spaces of appreciation and respect for Afro-Brazilian cultures.
  • The historical construction of the African Charter of Human Rights and of the People: a study on how the African societies influences the African Regional System of Protection.
  • Date: Oct 27, 2023
  • Time: 09:30
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  • The present thesis aims to understand the elaboration and constitution of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, also known as “Banjul Charter”. It was evaluated which cultural influences from the African society had repercussions on this important document and assigning to this Charter unique features compared to other constitutive instruments from different regional protection commissions. For this purpose, the definitions of culture, territory, power, and society under the perspective of historical anthropology and human geography were consulted, focusing on the construction of an illustrative portrait of ancestries and particularities which constituted the Banjul Charter. This thesis main objective is to demonstrate that cultural relationships of social and political parties, as well as different territorial formations, have influenced the elaboration of the African Charter. The methodology used was literature survey, with a historical-critical method, from resources of bibliographic references and historical documents, allowing the creation of a scenario capable of conveying information on the relations among traditions, beliefs, and social habits that impacted the composition and interpretation of the articles within the African Charter, in addition to this document’s impact on the development of international rights, beyond its delimitation, in the African continent. The results of the survey highlight the strong influence of cultural traditions widely practiced in the African continent on the establishment of rights and duties related to human rights in the Banjul Charter. Furthermore, the outcomes of the colonial domination period have led to over-protective features of the African Commission associated with the inviolability of the territories from the State Parties and the exacerbated preservation of sovereignties over the assurance of fundamental rights. Based on the performed studies, it can be concluded that the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights and the African Commission, as a whole, were developed with profound influence of their social culture together with their recent history as an instrument for affirmation of liberty and heterogeneity of the continent.
  • Date: Sep 29, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The present research was carried out between a period of six months (june to december 2022) and is entitled EDUCATION IN HUMAN RIGHTS AND POPULAR EDUCATION AT UFPB: a study about PET/Conexões de Saberes is part of the Master's course of the Postgraduate Program in Human Rights, Citizenship and Public Policy – Federal University of Paraíba. Line of Research 2 – Education in Human Rights. Its central objective was to analyze Human Rights Education and its relationship with Popular Education at the Federal University of Paraíba, through the experience of the PET/Conexões de Saberes Project Access and Permanence of Young People of Popular Origin at the University Diálogos-Universidade-Comunidade . The structure of the work is organized as follows: presentation of the methodological path; Public policies of affirmative actions for access and permanence in higher education in the light of Saviani (2006), Brandão (2006), Paula (2009); Conceptions of popular education and human rights education in the light of Zenaide (2010), Calaça (2016). Godoy (2007); Reflections on the relationship between human rights education and popular education in the extension of the Federal University of Paraíba methodological path in the light of Melo Neto (2014), Zenaide (2018), Godoy (2007); And the conditions of access and permanence at the university based on the actions of the pet/knowledge connections. In order to respond to the outlined objectives, a qualitative, bibliographical and documental research methodology was drawn up – by surveying the extension activities of the Education Center of the Federal University of Paraíba that address Popular Education and Human Rights Education, and field through the application of a research questionnaire directed to PET/Conexões de Saberes scholarship holders. In all, 10 (ten) scholarship holders participated in the research and, based on their responses and the dialogue with the previously outlined theoretical foundation, it was possible to understand the importance of the Program in terms of access and permanence of young people of popular origin in the university, elucidating the importance of university extension to take the knowledge built academically, beyond the university walls, promoting the integral, political and citizenship formation of individuals, based on the concepts of Popular Education and Education in Human Rights.
  • Date: Sep 28, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This research is based on theories from several authors, such as Sánchez Romero, Álvarez, Saffioti, Bandeira, Almeida, Passinato, Santos and others, who address issues such as gender violence, patriarchy, women's human rights and legislation defending women's rights. women in Brazil. The general objective of this research is to analyze violence against women in the light of human rights, focusing on the performance of the Specialized Police Station for Women's Assistance (DEAM) in the city of Teresina, Piauí. And the specific objectives are expected to: Study the evolution of Human Rights and the emergence of women's rights; Examine Public Policies in Brazil aimed at combating violence against women; Analyze the network to combat violence against institutionalized women in the state of Piauí and; Characterize the operation and service of the Police Station Specialized in Assistance to Women (DEAM) in Teresina, PI. As for the methodology, the study is qualitative in nature and involves data collection through interviews with 20 women at DEAM in Teresina, PI. In addition, records of observations at the police station, literature review and bibliography on the subject will be used. The research is characterized as a case study, aiming to deepen the understanding of the specific aspects of Teresina's DEAM in relation to Human Rights. The results revealed the challenges and advances in combating this problem, highlighting the importance of the human rights of women victims of violence in building a more just society. The police station's analysis highlighted its multidisciplinary and sensitive approach, which is fundamental in protecting victims and raising public awareness. The victims are predominantly white, with educational qualifications and children, although there are cases of greater social vulnerability. The Maria da Penha Law demonstrated effectiveness in DEAM, providing specific procedures and referral to support networks. Despite obstacles, DEAM and the Maria da Penha Law represent crucial policies. Proposed improvements include a multidisciplinary team, continuous studies of the law and practical training. The survey also identified needs such as effective emotional support and accessible communication for victims. Social, cultural and institutional factors influence the perception of victims. Partnership with other institutions is vital, but bureaucratic challenges persist. Public awareness and access to information are crucial.
  • Gender and sexuality in transgressive youth's self-afirmation at Atheneu UN Simulation: analysis under the principles of Human Rights Education
  • Date: Aug 31, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This study aims to analyze, from the perspective of the principles of Human Rights Education (HRE), the process of self-affirmation of transgressive gender and sexuality identities in the Atheneu UN simulation, made possible in the context of the UN Simulation program, developed by high school teachers and students at Centro de Excelência Atheneu Sergipense, a public institution of integral and secondary education that developed the largest UN simulation in Brazil, located in Aracaju/SE. The categories of gender and sexuality are analyzed in an intersectional dialogue (Akotirene, 2019) by decolonial researchers, Lugones (2014); Louro (2014, 2018) and Gomes (2018), and the concept of systemic-inertial racism (Santos, 2022). By transgressing youths in this work are understood as those who break the normativity established by a sociocultural imposition, forged in coloniality as natural, placing in the position of Other the one who opposed the colonial Eurocentric hegemony, by Miranda (2022); Lisbôa (2022); Pires (2022); Medeiros and Nolasco (2022); Lima and Nascimento (2022), and Lelis (2023). Reflecting on the constitution of youths (Pais, 1990), and on their processes of self-assertion, which, diverging in relation to androcentrism and compulsory heterosexuality, are subject to various forms of violence in an educational environment, with consequent damage to their schooling (Abglt, 2016). Faced with this problem, two major premises are assumed: first, that an educational environment guided by the premises of EDH tends to minimize discriminatory situations, including those due to prejudice against sexual and gender diversity and their oppressive intersections (Akotirene, 2019). For promoting, in a transversal way, respect for sexual and gender diversity, and human dignity as legitimate performances of transgressive youths in tune with Human Rights in educational processes, in a post-structuralist perspective through the pedagogy of decolonial transgression, studied by Odara (2020); Miranda (2022); Medeiros, Nolasco (2022); Jesus, Prado (2022), and Pires (2022). Second, HRE occurs, even if implicitly, in UN simulations, since such simulations not only illustrate the functioning of that international organization, but are structured in order to educate for coexistence through dialogue and respectful negotiation, including in conflict situations. This research is based on Foucault’s theory in its critique of heteronormativity and androcentrism that organically compose society (whose culture establishes this sexual pattern as the natural element for affective interpersonal relationships and for the occupation of public and political spaces, regulating them ); and, in this wake, in the ideas of Louro (2013, 2014 and 2018) and Jesus (2013, 2014), in their critique of a universal and essentialist gender identity, and in transgender theory from the perspective of transgender people in their process of self-affirmation (Brzuzy; Nagoshi; Terrell, 2012), who understand how sociability spaces can act, restricting subjectivities. As specific objectives, firstly, we investigate the school markers that exclude transgressive youths in terms of gender and sexuality in that school; then, it reflects on the potentiality of the UN Simulation as a strategy for education in Human Rights in the school context. With regard to the UN Simulation Program at Atheneu Sergipense, its actions and results are discussed and, in this context, the process of self-assertion of transgressive youths is examined. In view of this, methodologically, the research is developed through two empirical studies whose results are triangulated: in the first, direct observation of the event held at that institution is carried out to identify the main characteristics and dynamics that make up the simulation; in the second, teachers (one of whom is a director of the institution) are interviewed using a semi-structured script; and students (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, cisgender, transgender, undefined, non-binary, and others - LGBTI+), who participated in the observed simulation, in order to understand how students perceived their inclusion in the activity and transgressed at school, in their self-affirmation process. The observed data support the content analysis (Bardin, 1977) of the transcribed statements. The results indicate that, despite many contradictions and ambiguities, in an ambivalent relationship with the UN Simulation: in the case of Atheneu UN, I concluded that this was a program that placed the student in a position of protagonism in teaching beyond the learning environment. In it, in 2022, young people proposed their ideas in a space that the school provisionally guaranteed so that, through UN simulations, self-affirmations of transgressive youths in gender and sexualities would occur.
  • Law 13.431/17 and the garantee of the rights of children and adolescents: from protection to no revictimization
  • Date: Aug 31, 2023
  • Time: 11:00
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  • Violence against children and adolescents has its origins since the formation of the first societies, however, in the last centuries attention has been given to these individuals and more and more attempts are made to recognize and guarantee the rights for a full physical and psychological development. In view of this perspective, this research witnessed the analysis of the historical context of the guarantee of rights to children and adolescents who are victims or witnesses of violence and the witness of the adoption of protected listening, as well as the implementation of the Integrated Assistance Centers, instituted by Law nº 13.431 / 2017, as a means of preventing the revictimization of this child and youth audience. The research sought to address the innovations brought by Law nº 13.431/2017, with the objective of analyzing the guarantee of the Rights of Children and Adolescents who are victims or witnesses of violence; examine the methodology and procedures adopted by the protection network and justice system for listening and protected testimony, as well as the importance of implementing the Integrated Service Centers and; to verify how the adoption of non-violent communication and respect for constitutional guarantees, such as the right to memory and oblivion, in the search for the truth, resulted in a lower incidence of revictimization among children and adolescents involved in this environment. The research is qualitative and of a bibliographical and documentary nature, using written and digital material sources, such as scientific works already published on scientific dissemination platforms and data on violence against children and adolescents. As for the results obtained, it was possible to verify a large increase in the violation of the rights of children and adolescents throughout Brazil in the years 2021 and 2022. The analysis of such data is extremely important to understand the phenomenon of violence against children and adolescents in Brazil. Brazil, but also impacts on the development of adequate and effective public policies, programs and services to face and combat the violation of the Human Rights of this children and youth public. The importance of the procedures adopted in specialized listening and special testimony was demonstrated as effective means of preventing revitalization, and therefore, the sanctuary of Law nº 13.431/2017.
  • DO YOU KNOW WHAT CANNABIS IS? never seen nor eaten, I only dare to speak
  • Date: Aug 31, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The present work aims to carry out an analysis of the Brazilian legal progress in the paths of decriminalization and legalization of the cultivation of Cannabis (popularly known as marijuana) for therapeutic purposes. Given the relationship of prejudice associated with the use of Cannabis with the poorest economic classes, we will make a historical-memorialistic rescue about this association. In this rescue, we will show the importance of marijuana in the traditions of black and indigenous peoples, who ended up being marginalized and subjugated for using the plant. We will also deal with the universe of multi-species, encouraging the preservation of biodiversity and respect for all forms of life. The specific objectives that permeate the work are to show the importance and benefits of using Cannabis for therapeutic purposes; to present the problems and disrespect for human rights faced by society due to the lack of specific and efficient legislation on the use of Cannabis for therapeutic purposes, as well as to analyze the legal, medical and social discourses regarding the use of Cannabis for therapeutic purposes. Observing Cannabis in its multipluralities will give us new perspectives to face it without the prejudices established by the prohibitionist policy on drugs, thus guaranteeing the effective application of human rights. As for the proposed methodology, this will be of a qualitative, explanatory, bibliographic and documentary nature. In this research, we will dare to speak of a plant through testimonies that thrill and struggles that have made public policy in Brazil. To accomplish this, we will exclusively interview the authors of the first lawsuit in the state of Paraíba to achieve the right to individual marijuana cultivation. We will also interview the lawyer who represented them in the judicial process and the doctor who provided the report indicating Cannabis for health treatment to the applicant. The data collection technique used will be the semi-structured interview, which aims to allow both the freedom of expression of the interviewees and the maintenance of focus by the interviewer. In view of this, they were elaborated from a script of open questions, with the possibility of including additional questions, so this technique allows greater flexibility to those involved. The results indicate that although with many contradictions and national legislative slowness, advances are occurring in Brazilian states, where they are creating laws that encourage the study and research, as well as the distribution of Cannabis for therapeutic purposes by the Unified Health System. In addition, there has been a significant increase in social participation regarding the discussion and defense of the theme, increasing the number of Associations that have the right to distribute plant derivatives. With the increase in these discussions and the dissemination of information, the number of lawsuits filed in the Judiciary has increased, in order to achieve the right to the individual use and cultivation of Cannabis and its derivatives for therapeutic purposes. That said, studying and discussing Cannabis for therapeutic purposes is necessary to demystify prejudices and foster equal access to the plant for all who need it.
  • Unidunidê: identities, juvenile-ethnocide and the Youth Ministry in the defense of the Human Rights of young people in Piauí
  • Date: Aug 31, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • We can understand youth as just an age group, a transition from childhood to adulthood, or a vital state of mind. Gathering these understandings, the research proposed to understand the phenomena of youth and fill a historical gap about the action of the Pastoral da Juventude in the defense of the Human Rights of young people in Piauí, based on the founding pedagogies and theologies of this pastoral, and also to analyze the phenomenon of violence, which in recent decades has been challenging contemporaneity, and which profoundly affects the population between the ages of 15 and 29, where the greatest cases of “youth-ethnocide” in Brazil are concentrated. With the growth of violence among young people, mainly due to exogenous causes, which is directly linked to various social indicators such as social inequality, high poverty rates, drug trafficking and, in contrast, a deficit of public policies aimed at For this age group, a result of the culture of violence and necropolitics, the discussion that took place concludes that this violence has defined sex, color and social class – young people, men, blacks and the poor. Faced with this devastating scenario, which presents Brazil in seventh place in the world ranking as the country that most kills its youth, in 2008, at the 15th National Assembly of Youth Pastorals in Brazil, the National Campaign Against Violence and Extermination was proposed of Youth, in order to promote political training and grassroots work, mass actions and dissemination, in addition to monitoring the media with the aim of denouncing human rights violations, based on the pastoral project “A Juventude wants to Live.” In this way, the catalyzing nature of social movements and the active participation of the Pastoral da Juventude in defending the lives of young people from Piauí was once again evidenced. Thus, the general objective of the research was to analyze the violation of the human rights of poor and black youth in the State of Piauí, considering the phenomena of violence and criminalization and the action of the Youth Ministry in the defense of young people (1970/2019) ; specific objectives: to relate the historical milestones of youth ministry with the dimensions/generations of human rights; study the phenomenon of violence and criminalization of the young, poor and black population in Brazil and Piauí; understand the role of the State in combating violence against youth; to reflect the actions of the Pastoral da Juventude in the realization of the rights of the youths from the perception of the youths of this organization. From this perspective, the methodology used was the quantitative and qualitative categories, listening to 8 groups of young people from the Pastoral de Juventude - PJ. In this listening, through the instruments of the focus group, the inductive method was used. Data from the Map of Violence and the Public Security Secretariat of the State of Piauí were also compared, in a time frame of a decade, from the years 2009 to 2019. Oral history permeated part of the methodology of the dissertation and integrative literature review, primary and secondary sources, with emphasis on the years 2009 to 2019 (before the Covid 19 pandemic), a period of effervescence of discussions and the protagonism of youth in relation to public policies in the Brazilian state
  • Unidunidê: identities, juvenile-ethnocide and the Youth Ministry in the defense of the Human Rights of young people in Piauí
  • Date: Aug 31, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • We can understand youth as just an age group, a transition from childhood to adulthood, or a vital state of mind. Gathering these understandings, the research proposed to understand the phenomena of youth and fill a historical gap about the action of the Pastoral da Juventude in the defense of the Human Rights of young people in Piauí, based on the founding pedagogies and theologies of this pastoral, and also to analyze the phenomenon of violence, which in recent decades has been challenging contemporaneity, and which profoundly affects the population between the ages of 15 and 29, where the greatest cases of “youth-ethnocide” in Brazil are concentrated. With the growth of violence among young people, mainly due to exogenous causes, which is directly linked to various social indicators such as social inequality, high poverty rates, drug trafficking and, in contrast, a deficit of public policies aimed at For this age group, a result of the culture of violence and necropolitics, the discussion that took place concludes that this violence has defined sex, color and social class – young people, men, blacks and the poor. Faced with this devastating scenario, which presents Brazil in seventh place in the world ranking as the country that most kills its youth, in 2008, at the 15th National Assembly of Youth Pastorals in Brazil, the National Campaign Against Violence and Extermination was proposed of Youth, in order to promote political training and grassroots work, mass actions and dissemination, in addition to monitoring the media with the aim of denouncing human rights violations, based on the pastoral project “A Juventude wants to Live.” In this way, the catalyzing nature of social movements and the active participation of the Pastoral da Juventude in defending the lives of young people from Piauí was once again evidenced. Thus, the general objective of the research was to analyze the violation of the human rights of poor and black youth in the State of Piauí, considering the phenomena of violence and criminalization and the action of the Youth Ministry in the defense of young people (1970/2019) ; specific objectives: to relate the historical milestones of youth ministry with the dimensions/generations of human rights; study the phenomenon of violence and criminalization of the young, poor and black population in Brazil and Piauí; understand the role of the State in combating violence against youth; to reflect the actions of the Pastoral da Juventude in the realization of the rights of the youths from the perception of the youths of this organization. From this perspective, the methodology used was the quantitative and qualitative categories, listening to 8 groups of young people from the Pastoral de Juventude - PJ. In this listening, through the instruments of the focus group, the inductive method was used. Data from the Map of Violence and the Public Security Secretariat of the State of Piauí were also compared, in a time frame of a decade, from the years 2009 to 2019. Oral history permeated part of the methodology of the dissertation and integrative literature review, primary and secondary sources, with emphasis on the years 2009 to 2019 (before the Covid 19 pandemic), a period of effervescence of discussions and the protagonism of youth in relation to public policies in the Brazilian state
  • Date: May 29, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This research discusses the trajectory of women organized in popular neighborhood groups, having as its object the fight for rights in a perspective of the affirmation of human rights for women in their daily lives. Its general objective is to understand how the popular educational action of the SEDUP Association with women, in its interface with the Education in Human Rights, influences the autonomy and expansion of a culture of human rights for women. The specific objectives were to map the educational activities developed with women in the low-income communities of Guarabira; to verify to what extent the informative/formative activities developed with the groups strengthen their social participation; and to observe if the human rights themes present in the educational activities contribute to the expansion of a culture of rights for women. The study was carried out with women from the working-class neighborhoods of Mutirão, Nordeste and Conjunto Nossa Senhora Aparecida of the city of Guarabira in Paraíba in the period from 2018 to 2022. It is guided by the perspective of historical and dialectical materialism as a method of investigation and analysis of social reality, as suggested by Saffioti (1992), when investigating the trails of the dialectical method and the particularities of oppression and exploitation of women, warning us about patriarchy, capitalism, and racism. This is a qualitative research, carried out with twenty women belonging to the Women's Collectives. It is supported theoretically and methodologically in the field of studies and researches of feminist social movements, reflecting with the thought of women's and feminist movements and the historical struggle of women for rights in Brazil in interface with popular education and education in human rights, dialoguing with the discussions of Teles (1999), Ávila (2005; 2009; 2016), Zenaide, Dias and Ferreira (2016), Freire (1980; 2006; 2011) and Moreira (2021). Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews, focus group, observation of the formative processes and analysis of documents from the reports of the meetings and popular education practices of the Associação Serviço de Educação Popular (SEDUP). As a result of the research, I conclude that the educational work with the groups generates impacts in the lives of women regarding their critical awareness of the world, reverberating in their participation in public spaces for the guarantee and expansion of rights, having as reference the agendas of women's struggles, considering the reality of their communities. We conclude, therefore, through this dissertation that the educational actions carried out by the SEDUP Association in these years under study have awakened a participative culture among women, provoking their protagonism in the guaranteeing of human rights that reflect in their daily lives and in their citizenship.
  • ETHNIC-RACIAL RELATIONS: an analysis of intersectional aspects in organ and tissue transplant care
  • Date: Apr 27, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Tracing a correlation between the health of the black population and transplantation of organs and tissues has become a challenge, since studies in the area are scarce and the literature consulted showed that the main factors that affect the performance of transplants are beyond In addition to biological causes (age, ethnicity, compatibility/blood type and time on dialysis), there are aspects linked to ethnic and racial relations that imply graft survival. Thus, in this highly qualitative study, I discussed the health of the black population and the intersections of race/color in the organ transplant service, with the aim of understanding how the expressions of racial inequalities and their intersectionality impacted the health-disease process of users the organ and tissue transplantation service attended at the Renal and Liver Transplant Outpatient Clinic of the Walter Cantídio University Hospital (HUWC); In addition, I performed a description of the trajectory of access to the organ and tissue transplantation service during the Pandemic proliferated by the COVID-19 Virus, I elaborated a socio-racial profile of the users of the organ/tissue transplantation service, and, in between the research findings I correlated the intersections of the race/color item in the access and/or permanence in the organ transplant service. Regarding methodological aspects, I used the following research techniques: simple observation, semi-structured interview and documental analysis. To do so, I had as a theoretical basis the following scholars on ethnic-racial relations, collective health and human rights, such as: Guimarães (2005), Munanga (2006), Schwarcz (1998), Werneck (2007), Almeida (2019) and Mbaya (1997). In short, I deduced that there are disparities in access to the transplant service, with the black population being the target of institutional racism that operates structurally in the capitalist social formation and strategically works as a defining mechanism of social places. Since the old inequalities arising from the slave colonial period are re-edited and have resulted in profound violations of human rights, which tear apart and weaken the population minorities that use the health policy.
  • Date: Mar 31, 2023
  • Time: 16:00
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  • The prison, created as a device of enclosure and social control, is also a place of rights violations. The field of human rights has developed studies and research that have guided reports-denunciations at the same time that it has proposed humanizing policies for prison administration. The challenges in the field of Human Rights Education have ensured, in the spaces of deprivation and restriction of freedom, the construction of knowledge and educational practices directed to a liberating perspective. The research adopted a critical perspective of human rights and prison education based on Freirean references, as a way to unveil in the gaps the possibilities of an emancipating education beyond the bars. The present study is the result of a decade of experience as an educator in prison education in the State of Paraíba, finding and building spaces of creation and resistance. The research aims to understand the contribution of education in prisons from the point of view of human rights, from the analysis of pedagogical productions created in the prison classroom, focusing the investigator's look on the cognitive process experienced by the students in the enclosed classes, valuing their meanings and forms of expression. To this end, we carried out a qualitative research that focused on the content analysis of the pedagogical letters. It is hoped that this research work will contribute to the understanding of the crossing of Human Rights in Education in Prisons (DHEP).
  • Date: Mar 31, 2023
  • Time: 16:00
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  • The prison, created as a device of enclosure and social control, is also a place of rights violations. The field of human rights has developed studies and research that have guided reports-denunciations at the same time that it has proposed humanizing policies for prison administration. The challenges in the field of Human Rights Education have ensured, in the spaces of deprivation and restriction of freedom, the construction of knowledge and educational practices directed to a liberating perspective. The research adopted a critical perspective of human rights and prison education based on Freirean references, as a way to unveil in the gaps the possibilities of an emancipating education beyond the bars. The present study is the result of a decade of experience as an educator in prison education in the State of Paraíba, finding and building spaces of creation and resistance. The research aims to understand the contribution of education in prisons from the point of view of human rights, from the analysis of pedagogical productions created in the prison classroom, focusing the investigator's look on the cognitive process experienced by the students in the enclosed classes, valuing their meanings and forms of expression. To this end, we carried out a qualitative research that focused on the content analysis of the pedagogical letters. It is hoped that this research work will contribute to the understanding of the crossing of Human Rights in Education in Prisons (DHEP).
  • "Through her Eyes". Travestite Memories in the Promotion of Human Rights.
  • Advisor : SVEN PETERKE
  • Date: Mar 30, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This research examines the importance of the right to memory in the promotion of human rights (Decree No. 7.037, of December 21, 2009 - National Human Rights Program - PNDH-3). To do so, it investigates the contribution of Oral History as a strategic method for the production and formation of a human rights culture, based on diversity. In this sense, the elaboration produced about and by LGBTs (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites, and transsexuals), in a historical, political, and theoretical integrated formation of human rights, is discussed. These are thought of less as autonomous disciplines, in the context of formal education, and more as formative axes, whose dimensions intersect, in the face of experiences lived by socially vulnerable groups. The subject of the research is a transvestite person, and its object are her oral reports, present in the collection "TransHistórias," of the Museum of the Person. Through a methodological path that analyzes the production of disadvantaged groups "against the waste of experience" (SANTOS, 2017), it focuses, next, on the experience of public debate on human rights agendas highlighted by the organized social movement, in two contexts: either treated by the public power as negotiable, in a democratic environment, or as an opportunity for consolidation of an anti-democratic agenda. Therefore, the act of remembering (GAGNEBIN, 2010), that is, the permanent movement of dispute between remembrance and forgetting, is pointed out as a strategic resource for the consolidation of democracies, against discourses that aim to destabilize it. The violence in the transvestite experience continues to be analyzed, from the analysis of the Life History report of a transvestite, from the analytical category "solidarity" (HONNETH, 2010), in order to deduce how the solidarity relations between the interlocutor and other transvestites appear in her memories. The hypothesis is that experiences of solidarity among them help in mitigating violence. The conclusion is that the strategy of sharing, through their memories, experiences of violence, and how they deal with it, are perceived by the interlocutor as effective means of mediating social conflicts.
  • "Through her Eyes". Travestite Memories in the Promotion of Human Rights.
  • Advisor : SVEN PETERKE
  • Date: Mar 30, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This research examines the importance of the right to memory in the promotion of human rights (Decree No. 7.037, of December 21, 2009 - National Human Rights Program - PNDH-3). To do so, it investigates the contribution of Oral History as a strategic method for the production and formation of a human rights culture, based on diversity. In this sense, the elaboration produced about and by LGBTs (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites, and transsexuals), in a historical, political, and theoretical integrated formation of human rights, is discussed. These are thought of less as autonomous disciplines, in the context of formal education, and more as formative axes, whose dimensions intersect, in the face of experiences lived by socially vulnerable groups. The subject of the research is a transvestite person, and its object are her oral reports, present in the collection "TransHistórias," of the Museum of the Person. Through a methodological path that analyzes the production of disadvantaged groups "against the waste of experience" (SANTOS, 2017), it focuses, next, on the experience of public debate on human rights agendas highlighted by the organized social movement, in two contexts: either treated by the public power as negotiable, in a democratic environment, or as an opportunity for consolidation of an anti-democratic agenda. Therefore, the act of remembering (GAGNEBIN, 2010), that is, the permanent movement of dispute between remembrance and forgetting, is pointed out as a strategic resource for the consolidation of democracies, against discourses that aim to destabilize it. The violence in the transvestite experience continues to be analyzed, from the analysis of the Life History report of a transvestite, from the analytical category "solidarity" (HONNETH, 2010), in order to deduce how the solidarity relations between the interlocutor and other transvestites appear in her memories. The hypothesis is that experiences of solidarity among them help in mitigating violence. The conclusion is that the strategy of sharing, through their memories, experiences of violence, and how they deal with it, are perceived by the interlocutor as effective means of mediating social conflicts.
  • THE GENOCIDE OF THE BLACK POPULATION AS A STATE POLICY: a case study of the Jacarezinho massacre
  • Date: Mar 30, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The policy of segregation and extermination of the black population has been adopted by Brazil since the colony, with racism being one of the main constituent elements of the Brazilian social structure. The methods of making black bodies die were only modernized and institutionalized, with the Criminal Policy representing, today, the most effective way of depositing in the black, poor and marginalized, the justifications for their annihilation. The police is not the only instrument used by the State to achieve its punitive power, but, alongside the prison, it is one of the most efficient and aggressive. This is what the data reveals, with the murder of black people representing 80% of deaths in police operations in 2019 and black people being 2.6 times more likely to be murdered than white people. In May 2021, the State once again took its policy of killing a poor community, under the justification of combating crime. He entered the Jacarezinho favela, in Rio de Janeiro, and killed 28 people, leading to the biggest massacre ever carried out in that city. It was because of these facts that this research was designed, with the general objective of analyzing police lethality against the black population in Brazil, using the Jacarezinho massacre as a reference, which was done through the case study strategy. For that, specifically, we sought to discuss criminal policy in Brazil from criminological concepts, through the theoretical framework of critical criminology. Then, through bibliographical and documentary research, police lethality in Brazil was discussed from a racial perspective. And finally, seeking to achieve the proposed general objective, it was debated, as a case study, the police slaughter committed in the Jacarezinho favela. With that, considering the need for a change in the structure of Brazilian society, especially in public security policies, this research sought to expose the relationship between police lethality, as an instrument of state policy, and the racial issue. And he was able to verify, in the course of the discussion, that the violence perpetrated by the State through police institutions is the result of a governability supported by racist biases, with the black, poor and peripheral, considered subject subject to the violent control of the State, without the consideration of the basic norms for the protection of human rights inherent to any citizen.
  • THE GENOCIDE OF THE BLACK POPULATION AS A STATE POLICY: a case study of the Jacarezinho massacre
  • Date: Mar 30, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The policy of segregation and extermination of the black population has been adopted by Brazil since the colony, with racism being one of the main constituent elements of the Brazilian social structure. The methods of making black bodies die were only modernized and institutionalized, with the Criminal Policy representing, today, the most effective way of depositing in the black, poor and marginalized, the justifications for their annihilation. The police is not the only instrument used by the State to achieve its punitive power, but, alongside the prison, it is one of the most efficient and aggressive. This is what the data reveals, with the murder of black people representing 80% of deaths in police operations in 2019 and black people being 2.6 times more likely to be murdered than white people. In May 2021, the State once again took its policy of killing a poor community, under the justification of combating crime. He entered the Jacarezinho favela, in Rio de Janeiro, and killed 28 people, leading to the biggest massacre ever carried out in that city. It was because of these facts that this research was designed, with the general objective of analyzing police lethality against the black population in Brazil, using the Jacarezinho massacre as a reference, which was done through the case study strategy. For that, specifically, we sought to discuss criminal policy in Brazil from criminological concepts, through the theoretical framework of critical criminology. Then, through bibliographical and documentary research, police lethality in Brazil was discussed from a racial perspective. And finally, seeking to achieve the proposed general objective, it was debated, as a case study, the police slaughter committed in the Jacarezinho favela. With that, considering the need for a change in the structure of Brazilian society, especially in public security policies, this research sought to expose the relationship between police lethality, as an instrument of state policy, and the racial issue. And he was able to verify, in the course of the discussion, that the violence perpetrated by the State through police institutions is the result of a governability supported by racist biases, with the black, poor and peripheral, considered subject subject to the violent control of the State, without the consideration of the basic norms for the protection of human rights inherent to any citizen.
  • Date: Mar 8, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The Covid-19 pandemic was a critical moment that humanity went through, however, along with it, the scientific community was hand in hand to minimize the crisis and the discovery of a targeted vaccine for a disease that until then had not been known. Adequate treatments, on the other hand, it was only known that the closing of borders, social distance and the use of a mask were the only allies to fight this incipient battle. Alongside the related events, the present study intends to analyze the Covid-19 pandemic in the world and in Brazil and, if the actions of the federal government were in accordance with the measures adopted with the necessary scientific technicality, as well as in accordance with international legislation of Human Rights to life and health, precepts these signatories for Brazil. The digression carried out throughout the research can be seen that the federal government, in the figure of the then president Bolsonaro, exceeded several limits, whose denialist behaviors adopted led to the excess loss of almost 120 thousand lives, according to the study of Jurema Werneck and, according to the study by Pedro Hallal, there were approximately 450,000 lives lost, since the president assumed an anti-politics when he denied the decimating potential of the pandemic crisis, as head of state, he gave several negative examples, namely: he was against the use of a mask, against social isolation, disdained the use of the vaccine and encouraged the use of medication that was declared to be ineffective for the treatment of the disease, which even caused serious side effects. Furthermore, from a lexicographic perspective, the statements made by the then president about Covid-19 had a dramatic impact on combating the biggest health crisis that Brazil and the world have faced
  • Date: Feb 28, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This dissertation proposed to identify and discuss the impacts of the experience of a group of young people from Parque Genibaú in the city of Fortaleza (Ceará), who proposed to organize a Culture Circle, as an experience and initiative of social movement to develop actions in the local community. Therefore, we sought to address the following question: Considering the experience of the Proletarian Culture and Organization Circle - CCOP of Genibaú Park in the city of Fortaleza, what are the signs of youth protagonism, social pedagogy and Freirean thought and its contribution in the process of socio-educational training of Proletarian and Peripheral Youth? In order to work on this research question, we approached the theoretical basis and the discussions around Human Rights Education in the context of a scenario of rights crisis, and also the concepts of Culture Circle, Knowledge Production and Conscientization, based on Paulo Freire's thought. As methodological path, we used lenses of reading of reality used by the Christian Working Youth movement, developed by Joseph Leo Cardijn: the See, Judge, Act. A bibliographical research was also carried out, with a survey of the Freirean texts related to the theme, such as Conscientization; Education as a Practice of Freedom; and Pedagogy of the Oppressed. In the documental analysis we took the texts produced by the members of the CCOP (Proletarian Culture and Organization Circle) during the period of performance. In the field research, the participants of the CCOP were invited for semi-structured interviews, which were analysed with a qualitative approach, according to the conception of HAGUETE and MINAYO. And finally, we used the Dialogical Discourse Analysis - DDA, as conceived by Bakhtin, i.e., where the concepts of enunciate, subject, dialogism, discourse and genres of discourse have a predominant role in the development of research.
  • ETHNIC-RACIAL RELATIONS AND POPULAR EDUCATION: an analysis of the implementation of law 10.639/2003 in Youth and Adult Education at the Maria Júlia Maranhão Penitentiary -PB
  • Date: Feb 28, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The present research had as its main objective, an analysis of the implementation of law nº 10.639/03, considered an instrument for an anti-racist education, from the perspective of Popular Education based on the Human Rights of incarcerated women, EJA students at the Maria Julia Maranhão Penitentiary , in João Pessoa/PB. We draw as specific objectives the discussion of EJA in the context of female incarceration, having popular education as a possibility of an education that takes into account the human rights of incarcerated women, in addition to pointing out the need for a reflection on the pedagogical practice of educators in this complex. The discussion surrounding the theme of ethnic-racial relations has its genesis perceived a long time ago, and it is from these discussions and constructions that we advance in some methodological and theoretical aspects, such as the sanction of a public policy, institutionalized as Law nº 10 .639/03, which is configured as an instrument to guarantee affirmative action, based on the intention of breaking with regard to racial discrimination committed for centuries, especially within educational institutions, where the study of these issues has always been excluded. Based on the concept of education brought by Freire (2019) and its relationship with Human Rights, as based on Adams and Pfeiffer (2019), supported by the qualitative research methodology divided into three stages: bibliographical, documentary and fieldwork, the The objective of this study is structured in the discussion of the legal apparatuses that foment the educational policies, such as UNESCO, LDB 9396, National Education Plan and the National Curricular Parameters, in order to verify how the theme of the ethnic-racial relationship is brought in the base of the legality, and thus, to perceive how the educator is supported regarding this discussion.In order to verify, analyze and perceive the educational process, the locus of this research is the Maria Júlia Maranhão Penitentiary and the research subjects are the teachers who teach in this space. With the help of tools such as the semi-structured questionnaire, we seek to apprehend how the theme is inserted in Youth and Adult Education, in the concept of Popular Education (MELO NETO, 2004) and how it manifests itself in the human and pedagogical formation of the trainer individual. Interviews were carried out with teachers from the Júlia Maranhão Women's Penitentiary school. The interviews portray the pedagogical work of the teachers, the educational perspectives, the understanding of Law 10.639/03 and ethnic-racial relations. by professionals.
  • Date: Feb 16, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This dissertation analyzes the application of Law 10639/03 in the pedagogical practices of teachers in a school in the State of Pernambuco, as a theoretical-methodological strategy for the incorporation of an Education for Human Rights focused on respect and the positivization of ethnic-racial diversities , including the black population. This Law included in the official curriculum of the Brazilian Public Education Network the mandatory theme “Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture” and, despite its importance for the construction of a humanized and anti-racist education, its implementation has proved to be ineffective. to change educational indicators (IBGE, 2018). We start from the premise that the school is a public space for reflection and reconstruction of pedagogical practices that favor an anti-racist culture in human rights. In view of this, it is necessary to investigate the real effects of adopting this instrument in anti-racist education for human rights in public schools. Thus, this research has the general objective of analyzing how the guidelines of the Political-Pedagogical Project (PPP) of a public school in Pernambuco (named with the pseudonym “Esperança”), on the one hand, and the practices of teachers who work there, on the other hand, another, consider the teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture. Methodologically, it is a case study, whose data were generated from documentary research (more specifically, from the school's PPP); observation of school activities by the researcher; and the participation of nine professors in interviews and focus groups. Data were interpreted following the content analysis protocol (BARDIN, 2011). As a result, the document analysis showed that, although Law 10639/03 was mentioned in the school's PPP, its discussion did not take place with all school actors, excluding students and the community. Observation showed that ethnic-racial education was bureaucratized and treated in a folkloric way, on isolated days and periods (such as the 20th of November), conserving mentalities to be criticized and outdated. The analysis of the interviews showed four categories, interpreted in the light of the theoretical articulation between anti-racist education and Human Rights: a) Marks of structural racism in the contradictions of everyday life; b) Unpreparedness of professors; c) Isolated and folkloric treatment of the contents of Law 10639/03; and d) Political Pedagogical Project of the Esperança school. The focus group analysis corroborated the results obtained from the interviews: teachers were immersed in ethnic-racial conflicts that marked their identities, without a critical view of racism in initial or continuing education; they restricted ethnic-racial education to the contents of History and Geography and opposed affirmative policies compensating for the effects of structural racism. Without critical pedagogical materials to study on the subject, there was a folkloric and bureaucratic treatment of Law 10639/03. Therefore, it was concluded that the non-implementation of Law 10639/03 produces violations in the promotion of anti-racist education in human rights at Esperança school. It is suggested a greater production of research focused on the study of teacher training both in universities, as well as in postgraduate courses and in schools, so that their experiences contribute to the scientific production on anti-racist policies implemented in Brazilian education, enabling the construction academic knowledge committed to the realization of human rights.
  • Pedro Ivo Nogueira Loureiro
  • “QUEM DESCE O MORRO NÃO MORRE NO ASFALTO”: Uma análise social das vítimas dos atropelamentos de pessoas nas rodovias federais da região metropolitana de João Pessoa-PB
  • Date: Feb 15, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This research consists of a reflection on violence in traffic based on pedestrians being run over, from the perspective of pedestrian human rights. The general objective of the research consists of a social analysis of victims of pedestrians being run over on federal highways in the metropolitan region of João Pessoa-PB. For the purposes of this study, the events that occurred between the years 2019 and 2021 will be analyzed, from social, economic, political and human rights perspectives. Specifically, in this study, the socioeconomic profile of those involved in pedestrian accidents was identified based on statistical data produced by public agencies responsible for registering accidents; Aspects related to the infrastructural and socioeconomic conditions of the region under analysis were also observed as possible aspects that enhance pedestrians being run over, within a power structure and, finally, the socioeconomic consequences experienced by the families of victims of pedestrian accidents were reflected. The design of this research was bibliographical, documental and field ex post factum, with a mixed focus. The documentary research identified quantities, patterns, qualifications of those involved, presumable causes and critical points of accidents, in addition to the structuring aspects of the environment. After data collection, according to the categorizations of the content analysis, we extracted data in several bodies responsible for the records. The overall results show that of the 23 pedestrians analyzed, only 1 had a white person as a victim; the others were identified as brown or black. With regard to gender, only 3 accidents had women as victims and, regarding the location of the event, all of the accidents analyzed occurred in places that border popular neighborhoods in the metropolitan region of João Pessoa. A relevant data that corroborates the perception of the naturalization of death in traffic is that, in 56% of the accidents, the driver of the vehicle that hit the vehicle was not located; neglecting to help the victim, which triggers the crisis of values in society reflected in traffic.
  • Date: Feb 14, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This dissertation aims to reflect on the meanings of the right to the city from the practical appropriation and forms of uses that young people involved in the Hip Hop MC's Battles of the metropolitan region of the city of São Luís-Ma make of their spaces in urban centers, observing their educational experiences and the condition of these young people as subjects and conductors of political projects. The study starts from the experiences of two Batalhas, Batalha Itinerante and Batalha do MB, both carried out by young residents of the peripheries that happen without fail in public and common spaces and bring together some aesthetic expressions of Hip Hop culture, such as improvisational duels, duels and break-dancing presentation, poetry performance, DJing etc. We question how young people construct meanings in relation to this event, and in which aspects their aesthetic expressions are related to an education in human rights. We had as objectives to describe the dynamics of organization and duels of the battles of MC's, to discuss the youth category allied to the spatial dimension and to reflect on the educational experiences and meanings of the right to the city in the dynamics of these meetings. The theoretical framework of the study was situated between the critical theory of human rights (FLORES, 2009; SANTOS, 2014; SOUSA JUNIOR, 2019) of urban sociology and sociology of youth (LEFEBVRE, 2001; CASSAB 2021; PERALVA, 1997) and education in/for human rights (CANDAU, 2008; BRANDÃO, 2009). The adopted methodology was the ethnography GEERTZ, 1978; MAGNANI, 2002) which enables the use of the research subjects' narratives as a necessary path for the construction of data, in which it is possible to resort to a set of techniques such as observation, field diary, maps, cartographies, photographs, interactions, aiming at bring the set of signifiers in terms of which events, facts, actions and contexts are produced, perceived and interpreted. We conclude that the right to the city Achado na Rua is the right to freedom of occupation and production of spaces. The city as a public space through the experiences of the Battles of MC's gains a real meaning and the aesthetic and political expressions for the right to inhabit it becomes itself an educational process, of construction, learning and formation of the subjects who participate in them.
  • Date: Feb 14, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This dissertation aims to reflect on the meanings of the right to the city from the practical appropriation and forms of uses that young people involved in the Hip Hop MC's Battles of the metropolitan region of the city of São Luís-Ma make of their spaces in urban centers, observing their educational experiences and the condition of these young people as subjects and conductors of political projects. The study starts from the experiences of two Batalhas, Batalha Itinerante and Batalha do MB, both carried out by young residents of the peripheries that happen without fail in public and common spaces and bring together some aesthetic expressions of Hip Hop culture, such as improvisational duels, duels and break-dancing presentation, poetry performance, DJing etc. We question how young people construct meanings in relation to this event, and in which aspects their aesthetic expressions are related to an education in human rights. We had as objectives to describe the dynamics of organization and duels of the battles of MC's, to discuss the youth category allied to the spatial dimension and to reflect on the educational experiences and meanings of the right to the city in the dynamics of these meetings. The theoretical framework of the study was situated between the critical theory of human rights (FLORES, 2009; SANTOS, 2014; SOUSA JUNIOR, 2019) of urban sociology and sociology of youth (LEFEBVRE, 2001; CASSAB 2021; PERALVA, 1997) and education in/for human rights (CANDAU, 2008; BRANDÃO, 2009). The adopted methodology was the ethnography GEERTZ, 1978; MAGNANI, 2002) which enables the use of the research subjects' narratives as a necessary path for the construction of data, in which it is possible to resort to a set of techniques such as observation, field diary, maps, cartographies, photographs, interactions, aiming at bring the set of signifiers in terms of which events, facts, actions and contexts are produced, perceived and interpreted. We conclude that the right to the city Achado na Rua is the right to freedom of occupation and production of spaces. The city as a public space through the experiences of the Battles of MC's gains a real meaning and the aesthetic and political expressions for the right to inhabit it becomes itself an educational process, of construction, learning and formation of the subjects who participate in them.
  • Maria da Penha goes to schools: an analysis of the teaching of the law to protect women in the light of human rights education
  • Date: Dec 15, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The present dissertation analyzes the experience of teaching the Maria da Penha Law, through the interdisciplinary project Maria da Penha goes to schools, as a theoretical-methodological strategy for the incorporation of an Education in and for Human Rights, in the municipal schools of João Pessoa. It seeks to understand Violence against Women in Brazilian society based on gender relations, identifying the main reasons and emergencies of the Maria da Penha Law in Brazil and Paraiba, in addition to reflecting on the relationship between the theoretical foundation of the project and the Human Rights Education developed with adolescents, based on the experience carried out at the Dom Helder Câmara school. To achieve this objective, qualitative research is used, relying on bibliographic sources in order to explore the contributions that already exist in the field of the debate on Gender and Education in and for Human Rights, in order to produce a systematic analysis of the works that approach the subject, such as Lynn Hunt, Heleieth Saffioti, Joan Scott and Maria de Nazaré Tavares Zenaide. For the documentary analysis, structuring documents of public policies for women in Brazil and in João Pessoa are researched, especially those that discuss education and gender policy such as the 13.566/2018 Law, the National Education Plan and the Municipal Plan to Combat Violence against Women. And the field research is carried out, based on semi-structured interviews with education professionals from Dom Helder Câmara school. Regarding to the technique of analysis of data from the interviews, in order to understand and interpret the resulting material, we will use content analysis, proposed by Bardin (2011). With this research, we intend to analyze the Maria da Penha goes to Schools project as a propositional instrument for human rights education, and its incidence in schools, based on this preventive process, in order to change this current culture, patriarchal, unequal and violent for women.
  • "THAT'S REPULSIVE FOR A MAN, IMAGINE FOR A WOMAN": Sensationalist media, war on drugs and criminalization of women in Paraíba.
  • Date: Dec 2, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The involvement of women in drug trafficking is currently one of the biggest contributors to the high number of female incarcerations in Brazil. Informal control is a key factor in criminalization processes, especially regarding “female criminality”, swallowed and suppressed in the face of a prohibitionist populist rhetoric aimed at the persecution and annulment of those who are the enemies of a social order. The sensationalist media, as a subject that integrates the tangle of sources of informal control over these women, based on discourses that inflame the unrestrained and irrational application of penal norms and greater incarceration, contributes to their criminalization processes becoming increasingly ever stronger. In this sense, this dissertation has the general objective of investigating the stigmatizing media discourses produced by the sensationalist media and what is its role in the production of criminalization processes of women supposedly involved in drug trafficking, also having specific objectives of analyzing the criminalization processes media and the stereotypes produced, and how this contributes to the criminalization of women, discussing the war and drugs in Brazil, observing the characteristics of the Criminal Drug Policy with a focus on issues related to gender, problematizing narratives conveyed through a television newspaper from Paraíba “Correio Verdade”, to verify the political and ideological positions that accompany the discourses that relate women to drug trafficking. To this end, thirteen videos of news published by a Paraíba newspaper in 2020 were selected, which composing the corpus of this research, were categorized, transcribed and used for the analysis and investigation of the discursive elements that are present in the presentation of the news. The debates presented from the investigation of the content of the videos are predominantly made up of a critical theoretical framework, where the categorization of the videos is aimed at exploring theories of Critical Criminology. In general terms, it was observed that the sensationalist media, from the stigmatized representation of supposedly criminal women through the use of moral and economic values linked to gender, with the incidence of race and class factors, contributes to a process of female criminalization, intensifying a systemic selection of these women and encouraging human rights violations based on a marginalizing criminal policy.
  • From the body in prison to prison in the body: Electronic anklets and human rights in Brazilian scientific literature.
  • Date: Nov 30, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Electronic anklets were inserted into the Brazilian legal system in 2010, supported, among other arguments, by the narrative that they would be more “humanitarian” punitive instruments compared to prison and that they would contribute to the reduction of the prison population, the reduction of expenses of prisons and the rehabilitation of convicts, in a context of collapse of the Brazilian prison system. However, data from the National Penitentiary Department on the Brazilian prison system (BRAZIL, 2022) demonstrate that there were no significant impacts on the announced objectives, making it necessary to investigate the real effects of adopting this instrument in Brazilian criminal policy, especially on people subjected to the penal system. This dissertation has the general objective of analyzing, through a systematic literature review, the Brazilian scientific production regarding the use of electronic anklets in the period from 2010 to 2021, to problematize how the debate on human rights has appeared in studies. In searches in the databases Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, PEPSIC, BVS, Scopus Preview, SciELO and Google Scholar, 49 articles considered relevant for this study were obtained. A significant prevalence of qualitative research with bibliographic and/or documentary procedures was identified (38 articles) to the detriment of field research (11 articles). Among the field surveys, only 6 conducted interviews with monitored subjects. After a thorough reading of the materials, five theoretical categories were created, with a view to exploring and problematizing the discussions presented in the articles in light of the theoretical articulation between Critical Criminology and Human Rights: a) Human dignity and fundamental rights and guarantees; b) Social control through the penal system; c) Resocialization; d) Gender issues; and e) What emerges despite the lack: the monitored subjects' perception of anklets. The analysis reveals that concepts such as “human dignity”, “humanization” and “human rights”, as well as “efficacy”, “utility” and “resocialization”, are abstractly invoked to legitimize the social control undertaken by electronic anklets, while its effects on the lives and rights of people selected by the punitive system are often disregarded in debates on the aforementioned criminal public policy. It is argued that the dignity of the human person and human rights need to break the merely discursive and rhetorical sphere and produce concrete effects in the lives of people subjected to the penal system. It is concluded that ankle bracelets produce human rights violations, violence and stigmatization that do not represent any humanization of punishment, and that they have operated as effective instruments for the expansion and technological updating of penal control in the capitalist system. Furthermore, it is suggested a greater production of research aimed at listening to the monitored people so that their experiences contribute to the scientific production on the Brazilian electronic monitoring policy, enabling the construction of academic knowledge committed to the realization of human rights.
  • Gender and incarceration: implications of patriarchy in the imprisonment of women
  • Date: Oct 31, 2022
  • Time: 19:00
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  • Data from INFOPEN (2017) show a 656% increase in incarcerated women in the period between 2000 and 2016. Furthermore, analyzing the profile of the female prison population in Brazil, it appears that more than 60% are young, black and were targets of the Penitentiary Policy for involvement with drug trafficking, more than 50% have a low level of education, come from marginalized social classes and are also mothers, which suggests the crossing of structures of oppression in the lives of these women. Therefore, the phenomenon of incarceration is investigated in the present study, through the analytical category, patriarchy, as a structure of social organization of male domination, oppression and exploitation of women, and gender, taken, according to Joann Scott (1995), as an element that structures society, based on the differences perceived between the sexes and also presents itself as a primary way of constituting power relations. In this sense, the general objective of this study is to understand the relationship and implications of patriarchy in the processes of female criminalization and in the incarceration of women. The research makes use, therefore, of the study of cases of women in prison, especially those who receive legal assistance from the Public Defender's Office of the State of Paraíba, in the Regional Female Penitentiary of Patos. From a historical and intersectional analysis, we sought to understand, in the first four chapters, the relationship between patriarchy and the impact on the incarceration of women. Subsequently, in chapter five, the analysis of the data collected from women in prison was carried out, in order to verify how the female prison population is presented and to understand the processes of female criminalization, based on critical criminology, feminist criminology, feminisms criminology and feminist theories. In order to deepen the categories of analysis, I used feminist methodologies, which, for Bruschini (1992) are much more than data collection techniques, they represent the need to place gender and power issues at the center of academic debate. The method of approach is hypothetical-deductive, starting from generalizations (increase in female incarceration in Brazil, since the 2000s) and then to the observation of localized phenomena (female incarceration in the Female Penitentiary of Patos/PB). Twenty women in a closed regime, in this Penitentiary, participated in a virtual semi-structured interview using the Google Meet platform. Priority was given to those receiving legal assistance from the DPEPB. It was possible to verify that the processes of criminalization of women and female incarceration are phenomena crossed by patriarchy. It was possible to understand the close relationship between patriarchy, criminalization processes and the incarceration of women and how this power structure impacts on the selectivity of women by state control agencies and on the imprisonment of this social segment.
  • APHRODIASPÓRICA SOCIAL JUSTICE: thinking about alternatives to developmental logic based on the performance of the Black Valorization Group of Cariri
  • Date: Sep 12, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Much can be discussed about the consequences of developmentalism, but the imposition of a unique sociocultural and historiographical vision as an epistemological and ontological paradigm to establish all known civilizing, political, economic, legal, ideological, environmental and cultural order is the main point that is intended to be problematized in this dissertation. In this sense, the present research criticizes the developmental logic based on racialized coloniality in the first chapter and, in contrast, presents in the second chapter other cosmoperceptions, of Afro-Diasporic and Afro-Amerindian roots, such as Maat, Ubunto, Carta Mandinga, Quilombismo, Pachakama, Pachamama and Good Living, opening paths to think about the centrality and valorization of life in its multiple dimensions. In the last topics, the performance of black movements in Brazil and Ceará is approached until reaching the Cariri region of Ceará, focusing on the performance of the Grupo de Valorização Negra do Cariri (GRUNEC), evidencing how much the black agency of these movements has mobilized the structures in search of a break with the developmental logic. The theoretical-methodological contribution covers theories by Rodney, Mbembe, Césaire, Quijano, Mignolo, Sueli Sousa, Milton Santos, among others to criticize the development, in addition to the works of Krenak, Bispo, Cunha Junior, Abdias Nascimento , Goés, Acosta, among others. /as intellectuals to think about different (a)civilizational frameworks and values in Amefrican perspectives, as taught by Lélia Gonzalez. Based on the bibliographic analyzes and discussions carried out, in the last chapter of the dissertation, a parallel is drawn with the investigation of GRUNEC's performance carried out through field research, participant observation and interviews, addressing the fundamentals, values and the Group's ideals, as well as its achievements and challenges in facing structural racism, realizing the particularities of the Cariri region of Ceará. In the end, it is intended to emphasize that the black agency has presented paradigms to achieve social justice, not that “white justice”, criticized by Fanon, which negotiates rights through the narcissistic pact of whiteness, explained by Cida Bento, but an aphrodiasporic , forged by the historical resistance of the black movements.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2022
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This dissertation dwells on the crime of unlawful sexual intercourse, or zinà, from Islamic Criminal Law, an offense which criminalizes any sexual relation, consensual or not, which does not fall within the established legal framework which allows this act, namely: marriage, the semblance of marriage or ownership of a female slave. The misdeed in question, which is appointed in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the two main sources of this religious legal system, can be subdivided in two species: fornication, for non-married persons, and adultery, for extramarital sexual relations. The penalties for each of these illicit acts are, respectively, 100 lashes and death by stoning. The criminalization of sexuality found in the situation studied disproportionately affects Muslim women, despite divine guidelines not distinguishing between genders, and, in light of that, the present research aims to determine whether it is possible to overcome the criminalization of illicit sexual intercourse through an intercultural dialogue between International Human Rights Law and Muslim Law. To this end, the first chapter is dedicated to understanding how this religious legal system is internally organized, the origin of this crime and the role played by Muslim women in the umma, or Muslim community. The second chapter, in turn, is dedicated to making a theoretical outline of the definitions of fundamentalist theologies, to analyzing the criminalization of adultery in other religious strands and to understanding how female sexuality is controlled both throughout the formation of criminological thinking and within two fundamentalist and traditionalist theologies: Islamic fundamentalism and Christian fundamentalism. The third chapter, lastly, analyses the areas of conflict between International Human Rights Law and Shari'a, reports occurrences of zina in contemporary times, with special attention to the reality of Pakistan, both through doctrine and documents from non-governmental organizations, and finally lists possible reforms to the criminalization of illicit sexual intercourse. This is a qualitative research whose theoretical place is interdisciplinary. Regarding its goals, it is exploratory, and explanatory, developed through the review of literature and the documental analysis of regional and global International Human Rights charters and Islamic legal sources. By the end of the study, it is concluded that, theoretically, overcoming the criminalization of zinà is possible, but not feasible, given the status of divine law associated with its origin and the fundamentally patriarchal structure upon which classical fiqh was based at the time of the consolidation of Islamic legal thinking. However, intra-religious alternatives for the reinterpretation of penalties and evidence supporting this crime, especially those offered by pluralist and progressive theologies, among which Islamic feminism stands out, prove to be effective in promoting the Human Rights of Muslim women and in protecting their sexual autonomy, if effectively implemented.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The present dissertation is a study about Female Consecrated Religious Life, understood as a social, religious and cultural phenomenon, which has its origins from the V century of Christian era, assuming some models during the centuries, as: Traditional Female Religious Life; Female Religious Life after II Vatican Council and Contemporary Female Religious Life. The purpose of this project is to analyze the life of religious women and their performance from II Vatican Council in the ecclesial context of Paraiba´s Archdiocese, between 1970s and 1990s, their subversive memories and intersections with human rights. In this sense, the study is in Education in Human Rights scope, in the perspective of memory and truth right. To achieve this objective, it used qualitative research, relying on bibliographic and documentary sources, analyzing Church documents; Religious Women Minutes and Reports, in the Ecclesiastical Archives of Paraiba´s Archdiocese, among others. The studies of Le Goff (2005); Pollack (1992); Halbwasch (1990); Eclea Bosi (1994); Valeria Rezende (1999); Caroline Cubas (2014); and Ivone Gebara (2022), among others, contributed to the analysis. From the observation of Religious Woman´s actions and engagement in different scenarios, we concluded there is still a silencing about Feminine Religious Life and a historiographical oblivion. It was verified Religious Woman´s actions were confronted by repression regime, with their resistance and subversion acting.
  • (IN)CAPABLE BODIES: content analysis of the regulations of the inclusion policy for people with disabilities in Brazil (2015-2021)
  • Date: Aug 31, 2022
  • Time: 13:00
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  • With the Brazilian Law of Inclusion, we see in Brazil a policy based on the recognition of Disability and state intervention to reduce the social barriers that prevent independence, at the same time that socio-political crises occur in the country, which amplify the neoliberal discourse of cutting spending on social policies. We question, how neoliberalism fosters the regulatory structures of this inclusion policy created from the law. With the general objective of analyzing the materialization of the neoliberal discourse in the content of the regulations by the national executive power of the inclusion policy for people with disabilities in Brazil in the period from 2015 to 2021, we describe in the first chapter the methodology of thematic content analysis, in the second, the context of public policies for people with disabilities in Brazil, In the third, we study the construction of the category disability in the historical-social process with emphasis on the forms of representation, guardianship, definition (medical and social) and feminist studies, and in the fourth, we analyze the content of the regulations in the meanings assigned to Disability, Functionality, Assistance and Inclusion. Through the theoretical assumptions of class struggle in Marx, Foucault’s biopolitics and Clara Valverde's "Radical Empathy" in the proposed documentary analysis, we come to the conclusion that despite principles to expand the number of subjects and distinct body realities, the reduction of the contingent of beneficiaries is advocated to reduce public spending. Based on independence, the policy leaves people with disabilities who are dependent vulnerable to poverty, indigence and labor precarization, without access to broad assistance and a care policy.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The present research was carried out in the quilombola community of Cruz da Menina, located in the municipality of Dona Inês/PB. From the reality experienced in the community, we seek to analyze the process of construction of ethnic territorialities from the perspective of Human Rights and the struggle for quilombola territory in order to identify their territorial dynamics. As well as understanding the participation of quilombola women as community leaders in the struggle for territory and their main challenges in the various spaces of political representation outside and within the community. We start from a qualitative approach, through a bibliographic survey, field work and documental research, carried out in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, as well as in institutional sites that we access legislations, decrees, conventions that regulate and deal with the legal-political process. of Quilombola lands. We use the concepts of territory and territoriality from the dialogue with RAFFESTIN (1993), BONNEMAISON (1999), HAESBAERT (1999), FREDRICH (2018) and MARQUES (2015); on quilombola women, we support FIABANI (2017) and DEALDINA (2020); about quilombo we discuss from with RATTS (2006), NASCIMENTO (2021) and ALMEIDA (2010); colonialism, coloniality of power and decoloniality: QUIJANO (2005), CÉSAIRE (2020); decolonial black feminism, gender coloniality, intersectionality we trimmed in VERGÈS (2020), CARNEIRO (2011), CRENSHAW (2002), LUGONES (2014), AKOTIRENE (2019); Regarding the discussion on Human Rights, we use HUNT (2009), PIRES (2017), FLORES (2009), Amefricanidade GONZALEZ (2020), memory we use BOSI (1994), HALBWACHS (1968) and racism from the perspectives presented by KILOMBA (2019), ALMEIDA (2018). We carried out fieldwork through the script of semi-structured interviews, seeking to obtain information through the memory and reality of the present time of the women of Cruz da Menina. From the reflections carried out, we consider that the State has not complied with the guarantee of the territorial rights of the quilombolas, as well as other public policies that ensure the physical and cultural reproduction of these groups. The allocation of resources is scarce, being insufficient for these communities to maintain themselves in traditional territories.
  • ATLANTIC CROSSROADS: rebuilding possibilities for protecting the sacred territories of communities of African origin.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2022
  • Time: 18:00
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  • This work has as a phenomenon the right to protect the sacred territories of traditional communities of African origin. It’s general aim to analyze, in the light of the critical theory of Human Rights and decolonial practice, the possibilities and limits of legal protection to the sacred territories of the communities of terreiro, considering the concepts of self-definition, identity and territoriality established in Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the situation of legal uncertainty in the territory experienced by the Umbanda community “Filhos do Oriente Maior”, in the city of Açailândia/MA. It's about research qualitative, that having as support sources bibliographics, documents and the field research, developed at Centro Espiritualista Filhos do Oriente Maior, using semi-structured interviews as a data collection instrument. The theoretical framework adopted is aligned with decolonial thinking, not limited to thinkers of the modernity/coloniality group, understanding decoloniality as a project of deconstruction and reconstruction of knowledge that inverts the colonial logic of subalternizing, silencing and making invisible the knowledge produced by colonized peoples. Thus, we used the concept of amefricanities, listed by Lélia Gonzalez (2020), miscegenation, established by Kabengele Munanga (2020), myth of racial democracy, highlighted by Abdias Nascimento (2016), corporeality, outlined by Beatriz Nascimento (1989) and Luiz Rufino (2019). Finally, it was found that Modern Law, with a Eurocentric matrix, reproduces the coloniality of power, implying limitations in the application of legal instruments protecting the territorial rights of terreiro peoples, since communities of African origin are based on a cosmology different from the civility concepts of possession and property and the body/mind duality.
  • Date: Aug 26, 2022
  • Time: 10:30
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  • The first AIDS cases appeared in Brazil in the mid-1980s in a political context marked by resistance from left-wing groups and social movements fighting for the defense and guarantee of social rights. In Paraiba, the NGO Center for Guidance and Development of Struggle for Life (CORDEL VIDA) has activities that go beyond 15 years of activities to fight and defend the human rights of people living with HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), showing thus, as an important space for research, resistance and construction of re-existences. Based on systematic violations of rights and the need to reframe the traditional conceptualization of human rights, popular legal advisors emerge carrying out work that, in addition to legal assistance, also builds a political and educational process, in which, in particular, the role of popular education and human rights education based on resistance to the frequent human rights violations suffered by subaltern groups and, in this case, violations suffered by people living with HIV. The present investigation aimed, therefore, to develop a process of identification and analysis around the strategies adopted by CORDEL VIDA in legal-political actions to defend the human rights of people living with HIV, inspired by the principles of popular education, carried out by the advisory popular legal issues in health, seeking to take them as knowledge of experience made in popular education and their respective impacts on the realization of human rights of these people in João Pessoa. It is a research with a qualitative approach, being also: i) bibliographic, in order to analyze and know the existing theoretical contributions in the investigation field; ii) documentary, from the access to reports of executed projects, photos, and other documentation that allow the identification of adopted strategies; and iii) in the field, based on semi-structured interviews, in order to investigate the impacts arising from the legal-political strategies adopted by the popular legal advice on health of the NGO CORDEL VIDA. The investigation process enabled important results not only to the academic environment, but also to CORDEL VIDA itself, providing the study and improvement of the effectiveness of the strategies adopted until then. Finally, it was possible to observe the political and legal importance of CORDEL VIDA from the execution of its projects on the most diverse fronts of action, whether in schools, on the streets, in legal services or in the workshops/courses held. On all these fronts, the presence of popular education was clear and formidable, not as a methodology, but as a principle of its action in the process of building knowledge from a horizontal relationship between educators and students; in legal assistance services based on the application of the principles of popular legal education; in encouraging and promoting advocacy and political advocacy in defense of human rights; and in the empowerment of the people who participate in its activities that allow them to become protagonists in the defense of their rights.
  • Date: Aug 26, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Initially, it should be noted that Public Security and the Armed Forces still contribute to the maintenance of a very strong sexist and sexist culture. However, in the opposite direction of this movement, we come across cases of trans men and women who, after being inserted in the institutions belonging to that system and, in an act of, above all, courage, decided to adapt their bodies to the gender to which they identify. . The present study, although embryonic, has as general objective to analyze the insertion of transgender people in the Public Security System and Armed Forces from a perspective of Sexual Rights as Human Rights, resulting in public policy prospects for this portion of the population. so that we can have concrete and uniform legal support on the matter. As specific objectives, we seek to understand the concept of gender and its interlocution with Queer theory; reflect on the historical process related to transphobic violence; analyze the legal framework regarding the admissibility of trans people in these bodies and the implementation of resources that help access to LGBTQIA+ Human Rights, as well as describe and analyze the experiences faced by the trans population who changed their gender after being inserted in the scope of the institutions that make up the public security forces. In the methodological field, a qualitative approach was chosen, divided into three stages: literature review, document analysis and field research. At the end of the study, we will analyze the results of the research, comparing them with the theories studied in a sociological, Human Rights and Law perspective with the purpose of promoting applied research in this field of activity, aiming, above all, to contribute to the implementation and elaboration of public policies aimed at guaranteeing the rights of transgender people in the Public Security System and Armed Forces.
  • Date: Aug 25, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The approach to a reflective group with male perpetrators of violence concerns an ethical-political commitment founded with the aim of breaking with gender violence. It consists of considering men within a relational perspective, in which their figure is essential for the construction of an effective public policy for the end of violence against women, through the process of resignifying the behavior of men who commit violence. In this sense, the present research has the general objective of analyzing gender violence from the perspective of male perpetrators of violence against women. For that, it is a qualitative research developed through the documentary analysis of three documents of the reflexive group “Projeto Reflect”. From the structural and compositional perspective of the program, we use the “project opening form” responsible for creating and specifying their respective practices, justifications, objectives, target audience, bodies involved, description of activities and factors and risks of the respective proposal . From the aspect of effectiveness/results of practices, the "Report of project results between the periods of 2018 (year of its creation) to 2022" was analyzed, as well as the "Report of activities developed in the 'Reflecting Project' from the Specific Supervised Internship I of the year 2019”, under the institutional prism (who executes the project; responsible promoter; responsible facilitators; period of execution, total of workshops, number of participants; and age group, total of evasion and recidivism numbers) and practical (description of activities and organization of results by facilitators in the supervised internship). To complement the data, we applied an open questionnaire with the coordinator of the reflexive group and another with the person(s) responsible for the development of group activities, aiming to understand how the performance unveiled in the “Reflecting Project” works, in practice, and to correlate information from documents and speeches, with what has been discussed in the literature on reflective groups. The analysis of the results was based on the document analysis model developed by Cellard (2008), from four perspectives: Structure, activities and dynamics developed, organization and results achieved, and group performance. Furthermore, the need for an effective public policy to combat gender violence permeates the use of reflective groups with a gender perspective as an additional instrument in the construction of this policy of deconstructing hierarchies. However, as relevant as the performance of the “Reflecting Project” is, it has a theoretical and practical construction focused on psychological aspects and not from a gender perspective, even though it adopts certain guiding concepts. Being, therefore, incapable of intending the intricacies of gender violence.
  • Human development and social reintegration: reflections on education in prisons in the state of Paraíba (Brazil)
  • Date: Aug 24, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The general objective of this research was to analyse education offered in prisons in the state of Paraiba and its effectiveness for avoiding a return to the system of criminal justice for people who, in some way and even with some kind of limitation on their liberty, return to social conviviality. The person who is deprived of his liberty has the right to access, in the prison itself, public policies of education, whose educational processes, as important representations of State actions which promote, in principle, the social reintegration of men and women prisoners. As a material representation of the very right to education, these educational processes are highlighted as tools for the development of these diverse individuals and, consequently, possess a relevant connexion with the social reintegration of the imprisoned person. However, despite its centrality, the debate concerning its effectivity is relevant to avoid the return to the system of criminal justice of people who, in some way, even with limitations on their freedom of movement, returned to social conviviality. To that end, this study verified by means of bibliographic research, the production of primary data during fieldwork research and documental analysis anchored in statistical studies and documents collected from different institutions, how education in prisons in Paraiba, with regard to its sufficiency and the possibility of producing concrete effects, impacts the social reintegration of imprisoned persons. Thus, initially, a bibliographic survey demonstrated that educational processes in prisons, given the instrumental character of education, when developed in isolation and without connecting it with other actions directed to health, nutrition, work, income, training, professionalization, etc. and for want of a dignified environment with regard to its material conditions and social interactions, as public policy, are not sufficient for the social reintegration of people deprived of their liberty. And more, based on objective facts and primary elements, it also became clear that in Paraiba, when faced by the current infrastructure and its scope in relation to the prison population which it should serve, education in prisons in the state of Paraiba cannot be considered effective for avoiding the return to the system of criminal justice of ex-prisoners from that same system.
  • Cyberwars and the Humanitarian Protection of Their Victims: Between conceptual controversies and the desire for international public policies
  • Date: Aug 23, 2022
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This dissertation analyzes the possible situations of cyber warfare from the perspective of the protection of victims by International Humanitarian Law (IHL). In a trend of digitalization and global dependence on cyberspace, which may have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic scenario, the vulnerabilities of the virtual environment were highlighted, showing this as a potential zone of military operations. Attacks carried out in cyberspace can have different origins, such from States, terrorist organizations, activists, ordinary citizens, etc., and can sometimes be used by governments to strategically assist traditional warfare domains and/or coadunate as “acts of war”. As a complex, uncertain and hard to monitor environment, it is conducive to violations, especially of human rights and international law. In this perspective, this research starts from the delimitation of the situations called cyberwarfare as a matter of humanitarian concern, going through the identification of concepts such as cyberspace, cyber operations, cyberattacks, etc., in an attentive way to the consequences and victimizations of these wars for legal purposes. More and more States have developed offensive cyber capabilities, leading to questions about the degree of human damage offered by actions of a non-kinetic nature and the possible evaluation of these under the conventional regulation of international armed conflicts. In view of this, it is aimed to discuss to what extend cyber operations amounting to, or conducted in the context of, an international armed conflict – cyber wars – can receive the humanitarian legal treatment corresponding to its protective essence. The hypothesis is that the cyber warfare situations described here do not occur in a legal vacuum, and that the operations within its scope are partly regulated by IHL, although insufficiently, especially from an operational perspective. It uses the dialectical method to understand the phenomenon, and qualitative approach to investigate the information and interpretations regarding cyberattacks and IHL. Based on the literature review procedure and documentary research, the doctrinal discussions on events in international practice that permeate the risks of cyber operations and the possibility of adapting the precepts of jus in bello are observed, as well as the positions papers and opinions issued by States, international organizations, and by the International Committee of the Red Cross. It is concluded that humanitarian principles can offer an elucidation of the “gray zone” that underlies the States behavior in cyberspace in the context of international security. However, the potential human cost that cyber operations have taken on points out that other impasses – such as the attribution of State authorship – show the need for better guidance and adoption of international public policies for cooperation on its use, with attention to possible victims and for subsequent State responsibility.
  • MEMORY, JUSTICE AND REPAIR TO THE RUPTURES PROMPTED BY THE BRAZILIAN STATE IN THE PERIOD 1961-1985: an analysis based on the identity of Elizabeth Teixeira's family.
  • Date: Aug 16, 2022
  • Time: 13:00
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  • The phenomenon studied deals with the identity construction of a family victim of the Brazilian military dictatorship, which became a symbol of resistance in the struggle for rights in the countryside, be it the family of Elizabeth Teixeira. Thus, the general objective of the work is to analyze - based on the historical and memorialistic study, as well as human rights - the ruptures promote by the Brazilian State in the period 1961-1985, regarding the identity of their families. It is known that injuries to human rights have been many and attempts to repair have taken place. However, damages are sometimes greater than repairs, especially when it comes to non-material damage, such as that of an identity nature. In the case of Elizabeth Teixeira, a fragmented family nucleus can be observed as a direct result of the violations experienced during the dictatorial period. After the murder of trade union leader João Pedro Teixeira, Elizabeth took up the struggle in defense of agrarian reform in Brazil, becoming a reference for peasant (female) resistance. In turn, like this one, each of her twelve (12) children had their identities somehow modified or silenced. Therefore, the specific objectives are: (i) to infer, based on the doctrine and through the interviewees' conceptions, how the identity relations of the family members were constituted; (ii) to investigate the relationship between the identity ruptures experienced in the family in the context of human rights; (iii) to analyze how the State behaved in the face of the identity (de)construction of the Teixeira family victim of the military dictatorship, with emphasis on the Amnesty Law, núm. 6.683, of August 28, 1979. Methodologically, at first, the methodological history used is presented. In chapter II, a theoretical analysis is carried out on the essential concepts of the research, which are memory, history and identity, also carrying out the connection of this content with the family constitution in the dictatorial period in the southern cone (Brazil and Argentina) in particular. In Chapter III, a biographical investigation of Elizabeth Teixeira is made, portraying her social and affective role, under the gaze already in old age. Chapter IV is intended for the narrative of Elizabeth's sons and daughters. Still in this chapter, it reflects on the perspective of the Amnesty Law and other reparatory attempts that eventually came to fruition. By way of conclusion, the main theoretical concepts weighted to the data obtained are related, highlighting, also, the existing identity damage, the effectiveness of the repairs already attempted, as well as those that can still be undertaken.
  • THE PLACE OF HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION IN THE LAW COURSE: a discussion around the experience in the training process at the Universidade Regional do Cariri - URCA (Multi-institutional Campus Humberto Teixeira - Iguatu/CE)
  • Date: Aug 12, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The present text presents our investigation in the field of education in/for human rights in the context of higher education, more specifically in the Law course. Our general objective was to identify in the Law course of the Regional University of Cariri - URCA (Multi-institutional Campus Humberto Teixeira - Iguatu / CE) the presence, in the teaching of human rights, of educational practices that strengthen humanizing and dialogic training processes in defense of human dignity. As specific objectives we had: to present how human rights training in Law courses historically occurred; to characterize the concepts of humanization, dialogic relationship and educational practice in the context of training in human rights; and, finally, to examine the impacts of educational practices, in their challenges and perspectives in promoting and strengthening (in the course of Law), a dialogical and humanizing formative process in the defense of human dignity. The research was justified by the need, from a local reality, to deepen the theme and to be able to discuss the dialogic relationship between the work of professionals with the construction/change/improvement of a training in/for human rights inspired by humanization and in promoting human dignity. Based on the theoretical survey on the subject, we highlight the need to present some aspects that may contribute to a rethinking of Latin American legal education, such as interdisciplinarity, the study of law from a local reality, the incorporation of popular knowledge, the association of teaching with praxis. The epistemological crisis experienced in legal education, the lack and fragility of humanizing and dialogic practices, the predominance of a “banking” concept of teaching (from the Freirean perspective), among other issues, led to questioning the educational practices used until then in Law courses. The role that education and, consequently, the university has was worked from the pedagogical and social thought of professor Paulo Freire, as well as from the studies of Mikhail Bakhtin, Martin Buber, Maria de Nazaré Tavares Zenaide and Giuseppe Tosi, among others. The research is still divided into two other stages: the first consists of a document analysis, mainly, of the Pedagogical Project of the Law Course of URCA; the second consists of a qualitative transversal field research, focused on looking around the practical reality of the theme in the law course. Research data were analyzed based on Bardin (2004) content analysis, promoting a dialogue with the theoretical frameworks worked on In relation to the results obtained, it was observed that education in/for human rights at the URCA campus Iguatu is a process under construction, showing an ethical positioning of the course aimed at promoting human dignity, citizen education and professional ethics. However, institutional, academic, financial and motivational challenges significantly impact for the EDH presence in education to be effective. Currently, research and extension are the main avenues for EDH, with a lack of educational practices focused on the teaching field.
  • Date: May 31, 2022
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Brazil is marked by serious violations of human rights during the military dictatorship period, established in April 1964 and lasting until March 1985. Thus, there were 21 years of crimes that afflicted humanity, and the country was even condemned by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) in two specific cases: the repression of the Guerrilla of Araguaia, which occurred between 1967 and 1974, considered by the Court to be a practice of genocide, and the murder of Vladimir Herzog, which took place in 1975. This work is aimed at purpose of discussing democratic openness in Brazil, seeking dialogue in the realization of fundamental rights, placing the State with full capacity to protect the individual and collective rights of citizens. The research is being developed from the bibliographic review, of works and authors that deal with the theme of the work, using the historical method, necessary above all to the study of the main types of rule of law. Homeland and foreign authors are essential to elucidate the fundamentals, such as Giuseppe Tosi (2014) and Marcelo Torely (2014), who maintain the importance of elucidating the serious violations of human rights, practiced by abuses of power in authoritarian regimes, with the purpose to create societies with the right as a way of promoting peace. The documentary analysis is present and verses on the documents of the National Information Service that are available on the website of the National Archives, as well as consultations on the documents of the PC do B, the Tribuna da Luta Operária magazine, resolutions, congresses, official newspapers of the time in Paraíba. In addition to the testimonies of the militants from 1975 to 1985, as an important part of data collection, for field research. Due to the pandemic, as well as the interviewees 'advanced age, the information used will be obtained through digital interviews based on the participants' reports. Predominantly the interpellation of the research is qualitative, in view of the need to deepen the documents that until recently were under secrecy, said to be confidential, with little-known and explored information.
  • Date: May 31, 2022
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Brazil is marked by serious violations of human rights during the military dictatorship period, established in April 1964 and lasting until March 1985. Thus, there were 21 years of crimes that afflicted humanity, and the country was even condemned by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) in two specific cases: the repression of the Guerrilla of Araguaia, which occurred between 1967 and 1974, considered by the Court to be a practice of genocide, and the murder of Vladimir Herzog, which took place in 1975. This work is aimed at purpose of discussing democratic openness in Brazil, seeking dialogue in the realization of fundamental rights, placing the State with full capacity to protect the individual and collective rights of citizens. The research is being developed from the bibliographic review, of works and authors that deal with the theme of the work, using the historical method, necessary above all to the study of the main types of rule of law. Homeland and foreign authors are essential to elucidate the fundamentals, such as Giuseppe Tosi (2014) and Marcelo Torely (2014), who maintain the importance of elucidating the serious violations of human rights, practiced by abuses of power in authoritarian regimes, with the purpose to create societies with the right as a way of promoting peace. The documentary analysis is present and verses on the documents of the National Information Service that are available on the website of the National Archives, as well as consultations on the documents of the PC do B, the Tribuna da Luta Operária magazine, resolutions, congresses, official newspapers of the time in Paraíba. In addition to the testimonies of the militants from 1975 to 1985, as an important part of data collection, for field research. Due to the pandemic, as well as the interviewees 'advanced age, the information used will be obtained through digital interviews based on the participants' reports. Predominantly the interpellation of the research is qualitative, in view of the need to deepen the documents that until recently were under secrecy, said to be confidential, with little-known and explored information.
  • Date: May 31, 2022
  • Time: 09:30
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  • The present work has as its theme the Education in Human Rights in basic education, presenting the context of high school integral education schools. The general objective of this study is to analyze the pedagogical practice of integral education in João Pessoa Citizen Integral Schools, observing the approximations and displacements with Education in Human Rights in the formulation of its Political Pedagogical Projects (PPP). As specific objectives, we seek to contextualize the EDH and the integral education policy at national and state level; investigate the integral education politics of the State of Paraíba and discuss and analyze the guidelines of the Pedagogical Political Projects of the Integral Citizen Schools in the city of João Pessoa and their interface with Human Rights Education. Therefore, we raise the following question: how does Human Rights Education impact on the Political-Pedagogical Projects of Integral Citizen High Schools in the city of João Pessoa? In order to answer this question, to carry out this investigation, we resorted to documental research having as sources the legislation relevant to the implementation of schools and their Pedagogical Political Projects, in addition to the National Plans for Education in Human Rights and other educational legislation in the State of Paraíba. In addition, the research was accompanied by a literature review relevant to the topic under study, highlighting the literature on Human Rights Education and Full-Time Education. For data analysis, we opted for Laurence Bardin's content analysis, as it provides a qualitative analysis of the information. Our research concluded that, despite the normative existence of legislation that deals with an EDH proposal for Integral Citizen Schools, there were few advances and achievements in the formal curricular proposals in the educational establishments analyzed.
  • Gender and Politics in Contemporary Brazil: Misogyny and Human Rights Violations in Dilma Rousseff's Path
  • Date: Dec 16, 2021
  • Time: 19:00
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  • Misogyny targets women who enter territories historically reserved for men, who take positions of power over them, thus violating the patriarchal social structure that separates the attributions of men and women, where men would have the “natural” right to control over women. However, misogyny has been disseminated by common sense and even in academia, in a broad sense, as the hatred of women for being women. Likewise, gender has been simplistically defined in terms of biological differences between men and women. In carrying out a gender analysis in this study, encompassing misogyny and human rights, by examining the case of the impeachment of the President of the Republic of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff (2016), it is understood that the relationships between men and women are historical-cultural constructions, and in turn, conditioning in the elaboration of discourses and images that integrate the political universe. In the pursuit of this Dissertation, we initially present Dilma Rousseff’s political history since her participation in the fight against the military dictatorship in 1964 until the impeachment in 2016. To identify the misogynist practices, a dense description (Clifford Geertz) of the impeachment backstage was elaborated, portrayed in the documentary film The Trial (O Processo), directed by Maria Augusta Ramos and released at the Berlin Film Festival in 2018. The speeches by both male and female federal deputies during the impeachment vote, which lasted nearly ten hours, were scrutinized by a discourse analysis (Foucault and Orlandi). And, finally, the narrative of impeachment according to Dilma Rousseff's interpretation was presented, based on her statements during her self-defense in the Federal Senate, as well as on her own published article: Misogyny and media manipulation. Through this study, it is possible to verify that misogyny constituted a strong component for the implementation of the impeachment. Nonetheless, surpassing that event, it became evident as an element deeply rooted in the cultural formation of Brazilian society. This is a concerning issue in the construction of a more democratic society because it involves practices that violate Human Rights. And, therefore, it requires intense and constant confrontation by social movements, in order to formulate Public Policies for the expansion of women's rights.
  • Date: Dec 16, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Over the years, restorative justice has gained ground as an alternative to the way traditionally adopted by society and the State itself to deal with situations that have generated damage, especially in the criminal sphere. Based on this information, this work proposed to discuss how restorative justice developed and, supported by human rights, has been encouraged in projects promoted by the Judiciary, with the objective of analyzing the effectiveness of its application in cases received by the 2nd Vara da Infância e Juventude of João Pessoa-PB. To reach the main objective, other more specific ones were traced, being distributed in each of the three chapters of the work: to structure a conceptual panorama and potential positive points when opting for restorative justice; demonstrate the relationship between restorative justice and human rights and; point out how their practice takes place within projects headed by the judiciary. Based on research developed by scholars of restorative justice, especially Zehr and Achutti, a bibliographical research was carried out with the aim of, understanding what it is about and how it works, to build theoretical support to discuss the effectiveness of its application in cases of the court selected for the study. In order to achieve this purpose, it was decided to start by discussing what restorative justice is all about, going through its intrinsic relationship with the issue of human rights and ending with the exposition of its practice. The chapters, therefore, were structured in such a way as to allow the aforementioned evolution of the discussion, the first being aimed at understanding restorative justice, with its subjects and object, showing the general benefits that it proposes to create. The second chapter shows in a clearer way how restorative justice is related to human rights, both because it allows greater exercise of citizenship and because it aims to ensure the guarantee of the rights of the subjects involved in the event that generates the damage. The last chapter, finally, deals with the application in real projects, focusing on the experience observed in the 2nd Vara da Infância e Juventude of João Pessoa-PB. Opting for the use of a qualitative method, it was intended, based on the cases that reached the court, to gather relevant information for the improvement of the public policy of restorative justice, already defended in Resolution 225/2016 of the Conselho Nacional de Justiça. It was realized that until then there was no institutionalized program to determine the application of restorative justice practices in cases received by the studied court, but the situation has been changed and culminated in the creation, in 2021, of the State Center for Restorative Justice of the Court of Justice of Paraíba.
  • Date: Dec 16, 2021
  • Time: 11:00
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  • The Juiz das Garantias institute, inserted in the legal system by Law 13.964/2019, which informs the improvement of the Brazilian criminal procedure, was subject to constitutional review and its effectiveness has been provisionally suspended until the full consideration of the STF. In this context, this research aims to study the constitutionality and conventionality of the institute, as well as whether it improves our procedural system. The insertion of the Juiz das Garantias is considered the biggest change in the Brazilian criminal process in more than 80 years and redesigns the dynamics of criminal prosecution, with the promise of improving the impartiality of the judge. The theoretical thread of the research is the Constitutional and Democratic State of Law, with contributions to the study of comparative law and theories of social psychology. It is a descriptive and exploratory research, with a qualitative approach, with a hypothetical-deductive method through bibliographic and documentary procedure. As a conclusion, it will be presented that the institute improves the system, but presents provisions of dubious constitutionality. It is understood that there is a fertile field to be developed in the scope of the academy, mainly because it was verified that the associations representing the state and federal magistracy were the first to argue the unconstitutionality of the Judge of Guarantees. Ultimately, this fact portrays the octogenarian struggle against an inquisitorial criminal process, created from the criminal process in Italy of Mussolini, with a fascist matrix, where the search for real truth legitimized the judicial role; these days, the vigilante judge.
  • Date: Dec 16, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Mediation is a consensual and fast expedient of resolving negotiable conflicts between the parties. Its main purpose is the treatment of conflicts through the restoration of dialogue between those involved and, as a consequence, reestablish the character of citizenship inherent in the relationships between subjects who live and share similar conditions of power from the moment the suitors exercise autonomy to resolve controversy, thanks to favoring communication in the context of mediation. Thus, community mediation, which is mediation practiced within the community, becomes an education tool in Human Rights for generating a culture of peace and recovering the dignity of the individuals involved in the conflict. The present project has the hypothesis that community mediation is a learning process in Human Rights and aims to analyze community mediation as a mean of mediators’ informal learning in Human Rights through the management of mediation cases developed at Centro Comunitário “Francisco Vieira”, at Bayeux/PB. For that, as specific objectives, it is intended: a) to characterize community mediation as a conflict resolution strategy, foccusing on mediators; b) discuss community mediation as an informal educational practice; c) to identify values associated with Human Rights in community mediation practices; c) to characterize community mediation as a form of human rights education; d) discuss elements associated with mediators’ learning in Human Rights in the mediation processes that take place at the Francisco Vieira Mediation Center in Bayeux-PB. In order to comply with such objectives, the qualitative research method, of a deductive-inductive nature, uses the case study as a technique that triangulates observation of one mediation meeting; data from semi-structured individual interviews; and a focus group session with mediators, concerning their experiences on guiding community mediation and their human Human Rights’ learnings. By situating the work of the mediators in its contexts (the Nucleus, the neighborhood, the community and its history), the content analysis of utterances was supported in the reality experienced by the participating subjects. The main result achieved was the identification of mediation principles that induce mediators and mediators to learning in Human Rights, both from their initial training for the exercise of the task and from their experiences in this work of facilitating communication between the parties by the mediators (at). In the final considerations, community mediation is highlighted, which, in addition to providing opportunities for conflict resolution through dialogue, also seeks social pacification, recognition of rights and restoration of human dignity and becomes a true learning context in human rights , in particular for mediators who collaborated with this study, who, in their experiences, found the practical effectiveness of the principles of community mediation and, in it, the work of the mediator in facilitating the communication through dialogue, empowering themselves in this work.
  • New High School in Brazil and young and Adult Education: challenges and Limits for the right to education and the construction of a culture of human rights
  • Date: Dec 15, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • In this study, the object is to analyze the reflection of the Secondary Education Reform for the learning of Youth and Adults, as subjects of Youth and Adult Education (YAE), from the perspective of building a culture of Human Rights, with the specific objectives of identifying the changes and continuities of New High School in the context of Brazilian education; understand the meaning of the education reform for YAE and analyze how Law No. 13,415/2017 reflects on the construction of the culture of Human Rights of Youth and Adults. Therefore, the following research question is raised: What are the challenges, limits and possibilities, in order to build a culture of Human Rights in the context of New High School in Youth and Adult Education? In order to answer this question, the research is anchored in the perspective of an exploratory and explanatory analytical research, of a qualitative nature, based on the dialectical method, as a way to provide more familiarity with the problem and identify determining factors for the occurrence of the phenomenon analyzed. From a methodological point of view, in this research, which also involved conducting field research, documentary sources, literature review and semi-structured and recorded interviews were used as a technique for data collection. The study allowed an understanding related to the advances, limits and possibility of the New High School, having as reference two public schools of the state education network of Paraíba. The results allowed to identify numerous challenges and weaknesses that are present in the daily lives of schools, from the approval of the Secondary Education Reform to the present day, particularly in a pandemic scenario, being possible to say that it does not dialogue with previous reforms, nor does it consider the advances already achieved in this stage of education, in order to break certain limits for the realization of an Education in Human Rights.
  • Date: Dec 15, 2021
  • Time: 08:00
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  • This study seeks to analyze the conflict between the human rights to freedom of expression and information in the context of the phenomenon of political disinformation in Brazil. Recent historical events have established a communicative framework, in the democracies of several countries, marked by the use of technologies as a reach platform, and disinformation as a political weapon. To conduct the research, the inductive method of analysis was adopted. The applied methodology consists of interdisciplinary bibliographic research on the relevant subject, the study of judicial decisions from Brazilian higher courts, review of journalistic articles that portray specific events related to the subject, and a critical analysis of bills that aim to regulate communication in social networks in Brazil and confront disinformation. Furthermore, the research is based on the hypotheses that (i) enlightened understanding currently represents an indispensable element for the construction of citizenship and democratic functioning, and (ii) that it is possible to mitigate the effects of political disinformation in Brazil through policies aimed specifically at confronting political disinformation. The research has three development chapters. After introduction, the first chapter addresses historical aspects related to the human rights conflict in question. Here basic concepts are established, such as enlightened understanding for Robert Dahl, political truth for Hannah Arendt, and public opinion for Walter Lippmann. Historical events of the 20th century that elucidate the trajectory of the phenomenon of disinformation until it reached over into 21st century politics, both in Brazil and in other countries, are also explored. In addition, this chapter also addresses social phenomena related to the human psyche, which are the effects of the Echo Chamber and Confirmation Bias, which have direct repercussions on disinformation and contribute to its aggravation. The second chapter deals with the legal aspects of the conflict, especially with regard to the notion of truth in law as a value subject to legal protection in the 21st century. It also addresses the mechanisms available in the Brazilian legal system to hold agents who operate with disinformation tactics accountable. In this chapter, the theoretical analysis is based on concepts of jurists such as Conrad Hesse, Paulo Gonet Branco, Gilmar Ferreira Mendes, among others. The third chapter is specifically concerned with analyzing public policies, their main types in the specific context and how they can be instrumental in mitigating the problem of misinformation and the conflict of human rights. Based on the concepts of public policies outlined by Leonardo Secchi and adopting the criterion of regulation as the guide, the chapter is structured by analyzing policies that have Public Administration branches (legislative, executive and judiciary) as policy makers. These include legislative proposals, measures for media education, promotion of independent fact-checking agencies, and monitoring disinformation by the electoral justice system. At the end, conclusive considerations are drawn about the issues dealt with and the hypotheses formulated.
  • Date: Dec 15, 2021
  • Time: 08:00
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  • This study seeks to analyze the conflict between the human rights to freedom of expression and information in the context of the phenomenon of political disinformation in Brazil. Recent historical events have established a communicative framework, in the democracies of several countries, marked by the use of technologies as a reach platform, and disinformation as a political weapon. To conduct the research, the inductive method of analysis was adopted. The applied methodology consists of interdisciplinary bibliographic research on the relevant subject, the study of judicial decisions from Brazilian higher courts, review of journalistic articles that portray specific events related to the subject, and a critical analysis of bills that aim to regulate communication in social networks in Brazil and confront disinformation. Furthermore, the research is based on the hypotheses that (i) enlightened understanding currently represents an indispensable element for the construction of citizenship and democratic functioning, and (ii) that it is possible to mitigate the effects of political disinformation in Brazil through policies aimed specifically at confronting political disinformation. The research has three development chapters. After introduction, the first chapter addresses historical aspects related to the human rights conflict in question. Here basic concepts are established, such as enlightened understanding for Robert Dahl, political truth for Hannah Arendt, and public opinion for Walter Lippmann. Historical events of the 20th century that elucidate the trajectory of the phenomenon of disinformation until it reached over into 21st century politics, both in Brazil and in other countries, are also explored. In addition, this chapter also addresses social phenomena related to the human psyche, which are the effects of the Echo Chamber and Confirmation Bias, which have direct repercussions on disinformation and contribute to its aggravation. The second chapter deals with the legal aspects of the conflict, especially with regard to the notion of truth in law as a value subject to legal protection in the 21st century. It also addresses the mechanisms available in the Brazilian legal system to hold agents who operate with disinformation tactics accountable. In this chapter, the theoretical analysis is based on concepts of jurists such as Conrad Hesse, Paulo Gonet Branco, Gilmar Ferreira Mendes, among others. The third chapter is specifically concerned with analyzing public policies, their main types in the specific context and how they can be instrumental in mitigating the problem of misinformation and the conflict of human rights. Based on the concepts of public policies outlined by Leonardo Secchi and adopting the criterion of regulation as the guide, the chapter is structured by analyzing policies that have Public Administration branches (legislative, executive and judiciary) as policy makers. These include legislative proposals, measures for media education, promotion of independent fact-checking agencies, and monitoring disinformation by the electoral justice system. At the end, conclusive considerations are drawn about the issues dealt with and the hypotheses formulated.
  • The combat of human trafficking in the State of Paraíba: the contributions of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the light of the pertinent publico policies
  • Date: Nov 26, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Human trafficking is a highly complex crime whose confrontation involves a series of challenges and agents, including the Brazilian Public Prosecution Office, whose performance is analyzed in this dissertation. Therefore, the study initially discusses the meaning of human trafficking, given that this crime is characterized by a series of conceptual problems. Then, the research seeks to understand, based on public policies, how the fight against human trafficking in Brazil should work. For that intent, the study analyzed — not only from the perspective of criminal repression but also of prevention and protection — the structure that is present in international documents and in the National Policy Against Human Trafficking. Subsequently, the study discusses which agents and institutions are involved in this fight, among which the attributions, responsibilities and capacities of the Public Prosecution Office were emphasized in this context, especially in the state of Paraíba, between the years 2016 to 2019. This exploratory study is being methodologically instrumentalized from the dialectical method, as it enables a better appropriation of reality when considering the complexity of situations, which is a fundamental premise for dealing with human trafficking. In addition, the study has qualitative and descriptive approaches and an empirical stage — the field research — through structured interview, with open questions, to prosecutors of the Public Prosecution Office of the State of Paraíba (MPPB), prosecutors of the Federal Public Prosecution Office (MPF) as well as of the Public Prosecution Office for Labor (MPT). Data analysis was performed through the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2011), which allowed the creation and appreciation of five categories especially focused on crime prevention and the protection of victims of human trafficking. The overall results show that the three branches of the Public Prosecution Office have sought to develop works that prevent crime and protect the victim, in different proportions, nonetheless. The MPPB initiated activities focused on the subject only in 2018, which totals few, but continuous actions to address this crime. Furthermore, it has sought to train civil servants and members of the office to deal with this issue. The MPT works diligently with several tools to prevent this crime, such as the use of busdoors, social media sharing and investment, with resources for judicial convictions of companies that violated labor rights, in projects aimed at training children, adolescents and young people, aiming to reduce the social vulnerability in which they are inserted. In addition, the MPT seeks to act in an intersectorial way to confront crime and it has a strong critical sense of the improvements to be made regarding this crime. Finally, the MPF was the branch that presented clarification activities, closer to the population, with interviews on popular channels. However, few projects were carried out by the MPF at a local level in the state of Paraíba. The study concludes that, despite the existence of important projects, actions and works being developed in the state of Paraíba, greater interest as well as personal and financial investment are still needed so that the fight against this crime can evolve.
  • HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF YOUTH AND ADULT EDUCATION: a study on the Thematic Groups of the National Association of Post-Graduate Studies in Education - ANPED
  • Date: Nov 26, 2021
  • Time: 09:30
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  • This research aims to analyze the challenges and perspectives of human rights education in the context of youth and adult education through the study of the work group18 of the National Association of Post-Graduate Studies in Education (ANPEd). To do so, we adopted the concept of education from Paulo Freire's theoretical perspective, which aims to enable the liberation of the individual from injustices and the oppressive reality through conscientization. The students who are members of the Youth and Adult Education modality had their right to education infringed upon, since they were unable to become literate or finish their schooling process at the appropriate age. The Education in Human Rights enables students in Youth and Adult Education to have a new vision on human rights, making them realize that such rights contribute to the knowledge of their dignity and their condition as subjects of rights. In this way, it is opportune to investigate the research presented in the GT nº 18, at the ANPEd meeting, held in 2018, direct reflections of the current understanding, both academic and social, about the education of young and adult people and their contributions to the feeling, thinking and acting about public policies in Human Rights education in the education of young and adult people. Thus, a qualitative approach is adopted, the instruments for the generation of data are the bibliographic and documental research and the data will be analyzed in the light of the set of techniques called content analysis. We conclude that there is still a considerable amount of researchers in the field who can, if they get together in national networks, institutionally integrate the work of ANPEd and, through GT 18, contribute to it by providing new directions to the education of young people, adults and the elderly, taking as a foundation the valuable lessons offered by the Education in Human Rights, which reveals itself as a valuable ally in the confrontation of several educational problems that keep on reaching the Education of Young People and Adults, such as the absence or low investment by the public administration; the lack of both initial and continuing education for educators; inequality; dropout; the juvenilization of the public; the lack of specific pedagogical equipment; the low self-esteem of the students; tiredness; insufficient time for attention to studies; frequently inadequate methods used that end up hindering learning and increase several other challenges that are still not being faced.
  • The rejection of humanitarian aid as a violation of human rights? A political-legal analysis of the blocking of the humanitarian aid offered to Venezuela in February 2019
  • Date: Oct 28, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This dissertation analyzes the legality and legitimacy of the rejection of humanitarian aid offered to the Venezuelan government in February 2019 in the city of Cúcuta, Colombia. The occurrence gained international repercussions by counterposing humanitarian and human rights issues to the guarantee of state sovereignty, marked by the frustrated attempt to send humanitarian assistance from the United States and Brazil to Venezuelan territory at the request of Juan Guaidó, opposition leader. Thus, the hypothesis to be verified is the legality and legitimacy of the blockade of humanitarian aid ordered by President Nicolás Maduro, since the donor countries acted driven by political interests, which would mischaracterize the humanitarian assistance offered. Aiming to enable said investigation, it was initially necessary to thoroughly study the fact that gave rise to this research, namely the blockade of the Las Tienditas cross-border bridge in Cúcuta, Colombia, a city that borders Ureña, belonging to Venezuela, in February 2019. After presenting the situation that is the target of doubt, in order to seek legal grounds for the solution of the problem, the concepts and foundations of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law are studied, guiding the international relations of Public International Law. It is noted that both are still ineffective in expressly regulating the humanitarian treatment of domestic conflicts, leaving only analogy as an instrument of legality. In turn, moving on to the political sphere, the study sought to find the political foundations for what happened, verifying that the current relations between Venezuela, Brazil, and the United States stem from a series of events involving disputes of interests. In the end, the hypothesis raised initially was proven to be true, i.e., the legality and legitimacy of the Venezuelan border blockades preventing the entry of humanitarian aid sent by the United States and Brazil, since it was proven that the Americans had in fact introduced political issues to be accomplished with the successful delivery of the assistance, a politicization that mischaracterizes it and jeopardizes the whole legitimacy of the humanitarian relief structure. As for the methodology adopted, it follows the hypothetical-deductive method, making an analysis of the general framework to understand the Venezuelan crisis, combined with the raising of hypotheses that were verified during the work, complemented with the qualitative approach and the bibliographic-documentary procedure. Furthermore, as to the objectives, it will be descriptive and explanatory, since data was collected to verify the causes of the existing phenomenon. At the end of this research it was concluded that the politicization of humanitarian aid practiced by the United States guaranteed Venezuela the recognition of the legality and legitimacy of the rejection of aid through the closing of borders, not being this act a violation of human rights. However, it was also found that the way President Nicolás Maduro reprimanded the opposition civilians was a demonstration of excessive use of force and, as such, a violation of essential human rights.
  • WOMEN WHO LOVE WOMEN: Human Rights, Territories and Visibility
  • Date: Oct 25, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Male cultural supremacy is constituted as a patriarchal, heteronormative power that despises so-called deviant sexualities. The networks of power and domination, which dictate the entire social game, frame lesbian women as characters who occupy spaces of exclusion, factors that can be enhanced when analyzed in parallel with the categories of race and class. This study is linked to a line of research focused on territories, human rights and sociocultural diversities, which proposes to investigate the social processes of disputes around territory and justice, the society-nature relationship, in the demarcation of sociocultural differences, diversity and construction of human rights and citizenship. In this view, we sought to investigate how lesbian invisibility in institutional public spaces affects the guarantee of Human Rights for this social segment in Brazil. The general objective of this study is to analyze the construct of lesbian invisibility from the articulation with the categories of culture and territory, seeking to understand the injunctions between these and the Human Rights violations suffered by this social segment. As specific objectives we chose: To understand the intricacies of gender asymmetries, in the systematic production of power, and its relationship with the constitution of spaces; to analyze the reports collected in the field research, through interviews with lesbian women from Paraíba, bringing the experiences and observing, from these experiences, how invisibility has been constituted and what are the effects on access to public policies and guarantees of Rights Humans from this social segment in Paraíba; finally, register what these women have done to break the cycle of invisibility that surrounds them, in the production of social visibility. This scientific research will proceed with the investigation in order to obtain specific and structured knowledge about the guidelines that guide the theme, in the form of a qualitative approach. To analyze the construct of the visibility of lesbian women in institutional public spaces, providing greater familiarity with the researched problem, the research is exploratory and explanatory in nature, involving interviews with people who experience lesbianism. As for science, the research was divided into theoretical and empirical. Our methodology is also characterized by interdisciplinarity, the deductive method was used in the presentation of explanations based on theories of law, geography, anthropology, sociology, political science, culture, gender and sexuality, in the critique of heteronormative binarism, thus starting from the general to the particular, in understanding the factual reality of the experience of lesbian women. The importance of presenting to the "voices" directly affected by Brazil's noisy misogynist policy is a means of bringing visibility to the segment, giving space, authority and freedom so that their stories, with the most varied contexts and subjectivities, are heard and affirmed academically.
  • ASPECTS OF DOMESTIC AND FAMILY VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN THE CITY OF GUARABIRA/PB: determining factors and preventive strategies for coping with it.
  • Date: Sep 30, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Misunderstandings about the complex web of factors and conditions that lead to domestic and family violence against women (VDFM) reveal themselves as one of the main obstacles to the effective treatment of this problem, sometimes making public policies that do not consider the peculiar condition innocuous women within gender relations. No wonder that, despite the more rigorous treatment that has been given to the VDFM, especially after the advent of the Maria da Penha Law (Law No. 11.340/06), and its constant updates, what is observed is that, instead of recrudescence of the rates of such criminal practice, according to statistics gathered by the DataSenado, in partnership with the Observatório da Mulher against Violence, there was an increase from 69% to 82% in the perception of the increase in cases of aggression against people female between the years 2017 to 2019 in Brazil. From this results the need to have a different treatment and a specific look around this issue, since the triggers that trigger the VDFM arise from factors that are historically-culturally linked to gender asymmetries molded within a patriarchal ideology. Despite the recognized efficiency of repressive confrontation, based on the arrest of the aggressor and the application of urgent protective measures, however, from the data presented above, it is clear that this method alone has not had the expected deterrent effects. In this vein, the present research has as its general objective to propose specific actions to fight this crime, based on the specific objectives, which consist of identifying the profile of the raped woman as well as the determining and recurrent factors that favor the practice of VDFM in the city of Guarabira/PB. Regarding the methodological path, this study presents itself as a bibliographical and documentary research of a qualitative nature, elaborated through the inductive method, in which we analyzed 44 testimonies, contained in the database of the Pje System of the Court of Justice of Paraíba, provided by women who were victims of domestic and family violence during the base year 2020 within the aforementioned municipality. From our investigations, we could see that in addition to the legal methods of confronting the VDFM, based almost exclusively on the punishment of the aggressor and the granting of urgent protective measures, it is necessary that the strategies fall on the causes of the VDFM and not on the effects of this (aggression), which will only be possible through massive and transversal information policies of deconstruction of the social model imposed by the culture of patriarchy, which reproduces the gender asymmetries and the multiple forms of violence resulting from it.
  • Transversalité: axe de l'Éducation aux Droits Humains à la licence en Droit
  • Date: Sep 29, 2021
  • Time: 09:30
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  • La transversalité caractérise une épistémologie qui articule la pluralité et le croisement des différences et singularités culturelles inhérentes aux transformations sociales, dans une position polique-pédagogique qui vise à décoloniser le curriculum et même l'université. En effet, elle ne se limite pas à un critère d'organisation du curriculum. Cependant, cette perspective rencontre des obstacles dans l'enseignement juridique brésilien contemporain. Les cours de droit de premier cycle, chargés de former des diplômés qui contribuent à la réalisation de la justice sociale et à la promotion de la dignité humaine, au contraire, perpétuent l'héritage socioculturel abondant et exclusif de l'enseignement juridique, de l'enseignement supérieur et de l'histoire politique brésilienne elle-même. Dans le domaine de la formation aux Droits de l'Homme, il y a incontestablement une nécessité de sens innovants et flexibles qui encouragent l'enseignement supérieur pour des juristes attachés aux valeurs intrinsèques à ces Droits, plaçant l'altérité au centre des politiques publiques éducatives en général et des pratiques universitaires en particulier. La recherche vise à analyser les conséquences de situer la transversalité, à partir de Warat — de ses propositions de carnavalisation et de surréalisme juridique — comme une catégorie qui permet la convergence entre les Directives de Curriculums Nationales pour les cours supérieur en Droit (DCND) et les Directives Nationales pour l'Éducation en Droits de l'Homme (DNEDH), inspirant une Éducation aux Droits de l'Homme (EDH) intentionnelle dans les cours de droit. Pour ce faire, à partir de cette perspective transversale, catégorie directrice de l'étude, nous avons analysé le contexte socioculturel et historique de l'enseignement juridique au Brésil; nous avons discuté la notion de transversalité dans les DCND; nous avons compris la transversalité comme le principe directeur de l'EDH dans l'enseignement supérieur; nous examinons les possibilités de dialogue entre les DCND et les DNEDH; et nous avons évalué les contributions de Warat à l'effectuation de la transversalité dans le dialogue possible entre ces deux documents examinés. L'étude est donc une recherche qualitative avec une procédure bibliographique-documentaire dans la sélection, le traitement et l'analyse des Directives référencées qui constituent le corpus de la recherche. Nous utiliserons l’analyse de contenu française pour évaluer la transversalité des documents. Pour finir, nous démontrons, avec le soutien de la critique de Warat, que la transversalité est la catégorie axiale de la convergence de l'Éducation aux Droits de l'Homme dans l'éducation juridique: laquelle, à son tour, manque d'une profonde réorganisation pédagogique pour assumer explicitement et délibérément les principes de l'EDH dans la licence en Droit.
  • Citizenchip after prision? - A case study on the Espírito Santo state social office
  • Date: Sep 24, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Prisons present themselves as maintainers of over-incarceration and precarious conditions that violate human rights, while at the same time proposing an alleged correction of individuals through practices of resocialization in prison, especially through work. However, on a daily basis, prisons isolate people without the prospect of building the future with citizenship, political emancipation, critical thinking and support from the public authorities during prison terms and after achieving freedom. It is at the time of this return to social life that the Espírito Santo Social Office operates — the object of study of this research — providing assistance to the “egress”. This policy aims to promote qualified care for them and their families, directing them to assistance in areas such as work, education, health and other social policies. After five years of service from this public equipment, which was pioneered in that state by the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and created by the State Secretariat of Justice of Espírito Santo (SEJUS / ES), this work aimed to analyze the main fundamentals and mode of operation of the Social Office of the State of Espírito Santo. To achieve this goal, this study uses the qualitative research and traced a methodological path based on a literature review, which focused on the theoretical assumptions of Critical Criminology, and on field research, through a semi-structured analysis with two managers and four technicians from the Social Office. An analysis of the collected data was carried out through its organization into five categories, which were defined by the number of outstanding themes in the respondents' answers and are as follows: 1) history and characterization of the Social Office; 2) execution of activities; 3) the policy for referral to work; 4) support network for the “egress”; and 5) resocialization through work. The results showed that the execution of activities allows for a unique service with the referral to specific demands of the person served, nevertheless, the Office has limitations following up after that point, which is the orientation given by the manuals that guide the policy. It was also pointed out that, despite companies contracted by the public administration being legally obliged to hire “egress” people, these companies commonly resist and delay the start of work for those people, even in the short pool of available vacancies. In addition, it was observed that the referral to the care network for social assistance, which is responsible for the effective care of the "egress" people, does not occur satisfactorily due to limitations in the mobilization of the network on the Office part and the weaknesses of the public agencies responsible for the distribution of social policies. The last category unveiled, as a result, that the public servants believe in the labor policy as a path to resocialization, pointing out hiring as a way to avoid recurrence, a correlation which this research demonstrates to not be confirmed. Finally, this study concluded that, notwithstanding the identified limitations, the Espírito Santo Social Office has carried out a work of great importance in this purpose of access to citizenship and the realization of human rights for people “egress” from the prison system.
  • IDENTIDADES (TRANS)VIADAS: existências banidas e a luta contra as violações naturalizadas, um estudo na cidade de Campina Grande – PB
  • Date: Sep 15, 2021
  • Time: 16:00
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  • The disparities found between cisgender individuals and those who do not fit the imposed social behavior, such as the case of transsexuals, demonstrated in the legal and social spheres, reflect on their experiences of oppression. The way society is organized establishes a structure of violence in which transgender people will have to deal with the lack of respect for their dignity in accessing rights and social inclusion. Considering these assumptions, this study analyzed the repercussions of the right to a social name and the rectification of name and gender for the transsexual, from the perspective of Human Rights, as mitigating mechanisms for discriminatory processes. The objectives that motivated this research were: to Analyze, in a historical perspective, the lives of transsexuals and describe, through a timeline, the way in which transsexuality was perceived in society, according to the project of bourgeois eugenic power, of the antiquity to modernity; Discuss the role of Human Rights and protective means aimed at this minority, at the national level, affected by violence, to make considerations about the performance of Human Rights in the global scenario, based on data on the processes of violence suffered by transsexual people; Present data on violence against trans people in Brazil and the impact of cultural discourses on actions of stereotyping and hate against trans people; To investigate how the applicability and respectability of the use of the social name and the rectification of name and gender occur, through interviews carried out with transsexuals in the Espaço LGBT Luciano Bezerra Vieira, when understanding the terminological distinctions on the normalization of gender, identity and difference, aiming to deconstruct socially established stereotypes. This study is relevant due to the fact that it denounces violence and gives visibility to transsexuals, bringing to light the reality of prejudices experienced daily by these individuals whose living conditions are affected in the most diverse possible perspectives. The research was a qualitative approach, exploratory in nature, using the inductive method, with a literature review based on authors such as Foucault (2018, 2019), Butler (2019), Miskolci (2012), Hall (2009, 2016), Bento (2006), among others, and used the Constitution, the Civil Code and data from Associação Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais - ANTRA (the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals - ANTRA). A field research was carried out, with semi-structured interviews, at Centro Estadual dos Direitos de LGBT e Enfrentamento à LGBTfobia (the State Center for LGBT Rights and Fighting LGBTphobia), located in the city of Campina Grande - Paraíba. The interviewed subjects were transsexuals assisted by the Espaço, who aim to carry out the procedures for rectification and/or documentation of the social name. The general results show that the reality of daily violations related to transsexual people is circumvented by structural aspects of a segregating society, which impedes access to dignifying basic rights, as well as perpetrates the absence of a quality transsexualizing process and reveals low social insertion in collective spaces that continue perpetuating discourses of dehumanization to those who break with normativity. Key-words: Identity; Transsexual; Banishment; Violations.
  • Date: Aug 20, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Participatory democracy constitutes, in Brazil, a constitutional project to which the historic struggles of popular mobilization, especially during the National Constituent Assembly, contributed decisively. However, despite such seed crystallized in the Letter of 88 itself, the factual concreteness demonstrates the existence of countless actors hindering not only the multiplication of channels of dialogue with society, but the construction of a broad democratic process. In this sense, this research seeks to understand, from the analysis of the trajectory of Decree No. 8,243/14 (responsible for instituting the National Policy for Social Participation - PNPS and the National System for Social Participation), which are the major challenges currently encountered in its implementation. of participatory democracy in Brazil. Therefore, the research is divided into three stages. In the first, we study the concept of democracy and its representative and participatory modalities, examining the way in which the participatory paradigm was inserted in Brazil. Then, the study of the constitutional provisions related to the expansion of community participation and also the integrality of Decree No. 8,243/14, both in its formulation and in its final text, starts. The third and last moment of the research, in turn, turns to the study of the media, political and ideological bombardment faced by the aforementioned normative in search of its delegitimation, understanding the performance of such actors not as directed to a specific diploma, but, yes, as a symptom of a larger process: the weakening (or extermination) of popular participation in Brazil. In this sense, the methodological aspects involve the adoption of the qualitative approach and the dialectical paradigm as an epistemological assumption, as well as the case study as a method of designing and planning the operations necessary to carry out the research.
  • Date: Jul 29, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
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  • With the increase in Venezuelan immigration to Brazil, whose peak was in 2018 which, the brazilian government had to face a situation that demanded an immediate response in order to support the people who entered, as well to manage the situation along the state of Roraima, the main spot of entrancy because the northern border with Venezuela. That was how Operação Acholhida began, whose National Interiorization Program is part of the action plan. In this sense, the paper aims to investigate the particularities of the migratory process of venezuelan women, and in wich way has a impact on the reach of citizenship and the fulfillment of Human Rights, especially through the insertion in the world of work. To this end, it builds a geopolitical overview for understanding the roots of venezuelan migratory reasons that aims to give an overview of the roots of Venezuelan migratory motivations and the context in which Brazil found itself for the reception of these people. Analyzes national public policies directed at this population from 2018 and the form adopted for territorialization. Reflects on narratives of venezuelan women living in Paraíba and the construction of territoriality. The theoretical-methodological way was based on the Critical Theory of Knowledge in line with the approach of Cultural Geography in its humanistic perspective. It is an interdisciplinary research based on decolonial thinking, especially in Quijano (2005), Mignolo (2005; 2017), Lugones (2014) and Grosfoguel (2009). The concepts of territory, deterritorialization, territoriality, borders, and geopolitics were worked from Haesbaert (2004), Bonnemaison (2002) and Raffestin (1993); for the historical aspects of Brazil and Venezuela, Santos (2020), Souza (2016), Amenta (2010) and Maringoni (2009) were used; as for oral history, it was based mainly on Magalhães (2017); on migration and female mobility, Moreira (2019), Stolz (2014, 2017), Lugones (2014), Dulce (1999, 2007) and Silva (2017) were used; finally, the aspects of Operação Acolhida, Pacific and Silva (2019) were the main authors used. It is based on qualitative data and bibliographic- documentary research. In addition, it is anchored in field work with semi-structured interviews with three venezuelan women and with three representatives of organizations in the migratory sphere in the state of Paraíba. It was concluded that, despite being scarce, the national and international legislative apparatus recognizes violence against women in the migratory process as a violation of Human Rights. The resistance and courage shown in the narratives of Venezuelan women in field research are also a result of the violence they are subjected to, such as silencing, a difficulty in accessing work, the restriction of work to certain areas and the document bureaucracy that needs to be dealt with, become an obstacle to the guarantee of other rights. Therefore, specific public policies for these women are necessary, in order to provide instruments for the achievement of their rights. In addition, the research pointed out the importance of the political-social study involving Venezuelan migration, so that the study does not become depoliticized and becomes stuck with aspects of violence, as a remedy. In Paraíba, the National Interiorization Program, part of Operação Acolhida, has proven to be essential for the insertion of these people into Brazilian society.
  • The “place” of Human Rights education in History Teaching: a look at post-BNCC textbooks
  • Date: Jul 29, 2021
  • Time: 14:30
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  • The work proposes a reflection on the possible representations, present in textbooks on the history of integral citizen schools in the State of Paraíba, in the metropolitan region of the city of João Pessoa, in relation to Education in Human Rights. Therefore, our intention with this work was to contribute to new perspectives of DH and EDH in textbooks for a school education project aimed, above all, at the opportunity of a Culture of Human Rights. In the research methodology, we opted for content analysis, by Laurence Bardin: the history textbook brings countless work possibilities for an EDH in the school environment. The general results allowed us to verify that the notion of Human Rights appears in a diffuse way in the textbooks, with thematic axes very evident in some contexts and not in others. Thus, how would the "place" of the DH be configured in the contents and texts of these online study platforms, or even in the remote education process, while the pandemic lasts?
  • Date: Jul 29, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Female imprisonment rates have grown exponentially in recent years. Women who populate prisons in Brazil fit into a certain profile: they are young, black, with little education and are responsible for crimes related to drug trafficking. This last fact is quite significant and has motivated researchers to try to understand the aspects that characterize the insertion and the role of women in illegal drug trade, also problematizing, at times, its relationship with the exacerbated growth of female imprisonment in Brazil. In this sense, this study aims to analyze, from a systematic review of the literature, Brazilian scientific production regarding the relationship between women and drug trafficking in the period of time that goes from 2006 to 2020. For this purpose, the following databases were used: CAPES' Journal Portal, PEPSIC, BVS, REDALYC and SCIELO. As a result, 31 articles were considered relevant for this study. The South and Southeast regions were responsible for 81% of published research, in addition to being the regions where 66% of the authors reside. The journals where studies are published belong mostly to the fields of Psychology, Public Health and Interdisciplinarity, and present a high level of quality, given that 23 articles have "qualis A". 85% of the authors are women. Debates have been predominantly based on critical theoretical references. Eight theoretical categories were created to explore and problematize the discussions presented in the articles from a Critical Criminology perspective. The study noted that the female population addressed in the studies is the population that experiences a situation of evident vulnerability, and belongs to lower social classes and is the target of the punitive system. It is argued that it is not possible to have a single conception of women perpetrators of crimes, in such a way that makes it necessary to overcome the victims versus protagonists dichotomy, considering that the contexts in which these events occur are complex and plural. The social, historical, cultural and gender backgrounds have affected women more intensely, eventually driving them to enter the illicit substance trade market, which allows them to immediately solve the most urgent needs for sustenance, care and protection. Women's role in the illicit drug trade takes place mainly in subordinate roles, because it is structured according to society's standards for gender. The understanding is that, since they generally work in positions of greater exposure, women are more vulnerable to criminalization, which explains the growth of female incarceration. In conclusion, the study argues the defense of public policies aimed at the decriminalization and legalization of illicit drugs and for liberation. Considering the need to expand publications on women and drug trafficking, the study suggests greater investment in scientific production in the North, Northeast and Midwest regions. Finally, the power of the productivity of women researchers is recognized.
  • Date: Jul 29, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This study aimed to analyze from the public health actions if the goal two of objective number five agreed in the Millennium D eclaration, referring to universal access to reproductive and sexual health, was implemented in the health care of women and girls undergoing abortion using a field research in the Regional Hospital of Floriano - Piauí, evaluating, for this, the medical records of patients seen in the year 2020. The research focused on cases of induced abortion in which there is resistance from society in recognizing the woman's right to decide about her body, denying them the guarantee of access to health when they are forced to seek alternative and unsafe methods to induce abortion disrespecting the mentioned objective of the Millennium Goals, of which Brazil is a signatory. In possession of the information provided by feminist theorists and by the international treaties of human rights that deal with the subject, a survey of data of the actions of public health in Brazil was carried through to inquire if the goals of the objectives agreed in the Millennium Declaration had been implemented in the attendance to the health of women and girls in situation of abortion. To this end, qualitative and quantitative research was conducted using secondary data from the medical records of girls and women receiving abortion care at this hospital in 2020. Since the research involves human beings, it was submitted and approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) via Plataforma Brasil. The text was divided into three chapters, in which the first deals with the identification of patriarchy and the relationship with the reproductive and sexual rights of girls and women; in the second chapter we verified the access to health as a matter of public right supported among other international treaties, by the Millennium Declaration, and in the third chapter we analyzed the realization of the right to health of girls and women in the southern region of the state of Piauí with the discussion of data obtained in the field research. The results found offer realistic data on the subject and can subsidize more efficient public policies for the care of girls and women, improving maternal health, reducing, consequently, maternal mortality and, above all, promoting the debate in favor of the realization of the right of choice of girls and women.
  • Date: Jul 28, 2021
  • Time: 16:00
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  • The scenario of violence in Brazil comes from its colonization process, in which, over time, situations took on new formats, requiring a configuration for public security in our country, formed from institutions such as, a priori, the National Guard to the formation of police institutions in their various instances. In order to protect the State, the police was being shaped from a truculent idea of maintaining order through the use of force, which required the inclusion of public policies that could raise awareness, sensitize and train more prepared police officers through the so-called Human Rights Education. In this sense, this dissertation has as subject the civil police of the State of Paraíba and as research object the training in Human Rights of the Police Training Courses held by the Police Education Academy of Paraíba - ACADEPOL, between the years 1988 to 2014. The objective was to analyze the configuration of the teaching plans of these formations, identifying the presence of elements of Education in Human Rights, mainly in the training programs carried out from 2003 when the National Curriculum Matrix - NCM was created to guide the training actions of professionals in the area. Public security is becoming a milestone in the formation and training of the Security Forces. To fulfill the proposed objectives, we used qualitative research based on a document and bibliographic review, added to a semi-structured interview guided by a questionnaire applied to civil police officers online. We identified positive and negative continuities and ruptures during these formations, which helped us bring meaningful contributions to future learning processes from this combination between what is written and what was experienced by the subjects. The research pointed out that the inclusion of Human Rights in training programs was only introduced after the Federal Constitution of 1988. In the state of Paraíba this training only took place from 2003. After the approval of the PLNDH, PNEDH, NCM, we also pointed out the importance of curricular components of Human Rights in the continuing education courses of the Civil Police of the state of Paraíba. As a result, it was possible to present a scenario that has already been modified, given the more conscious reports, as well as the adherence to courses on Human Rights in recent years by civil police officers presented in the ACADEPOL reports. However, a collective work for the insertion of culture in and for Human Rights still needs to be more appropriate so that it becomes naturalized not only in discourse but also in practice.
  • Date: Jul 28, 2021
  • Time: 13:30
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  • This research aims to investigate the possible similarities between the discourse of media pastors Silas Malafaia and Marco Feliciano in the fight against LGBT Human Rights and the working strategies of fascist policies. Therefore, we discuss the trajectory of LGBT Human Rights at the UN, in order to present its definition and enable the understanding of the object which the discourse of media pastors seeks to combat and annihilate. We argued about the process of depathologizing homosexuality and its decriminalization as fundamental to the achievement and maintenance of LGBT Human Rights. We examined the conservative religious movement in Brazilian politics as seen to better support our analyses. Finally, we presented a discussion, while we elaborate our analysis, about the similarities of the pastors' discourse with the working strategies of fascist policies. The interest in the subject was due to the directions taken in recent years by national politics, where the conservative discourse of religious bias has played a role of notable influence, especially during the 2018 presidential election in Brazil, and the need to analyze the subject under a scientific approach, in order to contribute to the strengthening of the guarantee of Human Rights. This is a descriptive-qualitative research to be conducted by Content Analysis. The analyzes were supported by authors such as Stanley (2018), Konder (2009), Baczko (1985), Klemperer (2009) Kershaw (2008), Lacerda (2019), Bobbio (1990), Silva (2019-2021), among others that dialogue with the theme. As the object of study, we had the speeches of the mentioned pastors collected from different sources in the virtual environment, such as: social networks, online magazines, news sites, among others. During the research, it was possible to confirm the existence of similarities between the discourse of the pastors and the working strategies of fascist policies.
  • The territorialization of agrarian property in the South Coast of Paraíba: a study case on the Arcanjo Belarmino Popular Settlement.
  • Date: Jul 28, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This research seeks to analyze the process of territorialization of agrarian property in the South Coast of Paraíba from the emergence of the Arcanjo Belarmino Popular Settlement, located in the rural area of ​​the municipality of Pedras de Fogo - Paraíba, created from the occupation of the Mamoaba farm, occupation that is carried out and organized by the Landless Rural Workers Movement – ​​MST. We present a research linked to the Postgraduate Program in Human Rights, Citizenship and Public Policy offered by the Federal University of Paraíba – UFPB. We use as theoretical reference authors such as Marés (2003); Marques (2015); Marques (2014); Silva (1997); Martins (2010); Motta (2001), Le Goff (1990); Julião (1962), Morissawa (2001), Rodrigues and Muniz (2017) and Comparato (2013), among others. In this context, we present the historical evolution of private property – land – as a right and the advance of territorialization in the South Coast of Paraíba, in addition to the constitutional evolution of the legal institute of the social function of land. Furthermore, we interpret the legal provisions and contradictions that dispose about the public policy of agrarian reform and access to land as an essential asset for the promotion of the right to life. We present the formation of the Mamoaba farm as a private property, its ownership chain and the main social, economic and political elements that gave rise to the occupation of this space by the Landless families on July 17, 2017. We also analyze the judicial process arising from the conflict between Mamoaba Agro Pastoril and the Landless families, comparing the speeches of the parties involved. At the end, we present the ways in which the MST and the Landless families act in order to remain on the land, living, producing and resisting. From a methodological point of view, the research is based on a bibliographic research realized through the material available in public and private collections, fieldwork and documental research developed at the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform – INCRA, Court of Justice of Paraíba – TJPB and MST. Interviews were conducted with members of the political direction of the MST of Paraíba and families living in the occupation. The research has an interdisciplinary character and dialogues with various areas of knowledge, such as: Law, History, Sociology, Geography and we consider that the Brazilian State, by not implementing the Public Policy for Agrarian Reform, opens up as an alternative the action of social struggle movements for land and agrarian reform, as the case of the MST, promoting and carrying out the role of the state, seeking to democratize access to land through its occupation of large estates, claiming this right and demanding action from the public power to guarantee alternatives for families without land and guarantee law enforcement with regard to fundamental, social rights and the social function of land itself.
  • ELECTORAL PROCESS, DEMOCRACY AND THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION: study on Twitter in the 2018 Brazilian elections
  • Date: Jul 27, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This research has as its object of study the behavior of Jair Bolsonaro against his main opponent, Fernando Haddad, in Twitter, during the period from August 16, 2018, when formally started the electoral campaign, until he was elected president on the 1st of January 2019. The choice of this social network was made for two reasons: first because it is an indexable platform that allows research and second because it is the "official" tool of several government officials to increase their diplomatic relations and communicate with the population of their country. In this context, from a methodological point of view, it was decided to divide the data collected on Twitter into two categories: in the first phase of the research, an analysis of the general aspects of the Twitter platform was carried out, comparing the volume of tweets published, according to the days of the week and the month, in addition to the type of platform used for these posts, the response in total numbers through retweets and favorites, as well as the efficiency of each publication of both, candidate Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) and candidate Fernando Haddad (PT) with the aim of understanding their behavior on social networks; in the second phase of the research, Twitter contents were separated based on (i) tweets about corruption; (ii) security tweets; (iii) tweets about education; (iv) tweets about Civil Rights. Having said that, this study analyzed the behavior of candidates on the social network during the 2018 elections, in order to answer the following questions: to what extent did the use of social networks contribute to the democratic process and human rights in presidential elections? How to guarantee, in an electoral process led by social networks, respect for the right to information as a fundamental human right? What legal/political mechanisms must be observed to inhibit the authors of tweets and fake news contents in the 2018 elections? For theoretical foundation, were used authors such as Bobbio (1998, 2003, 2006a); Bonavides (2000); Casara (2018); Castells (2009); Comparato (2017); Empoli (2019); Everett (2017); Ferrajoli (2016); Foucault (2013); Gontijo (2004); Klein (2008); Levi (1999); Tiburi (2018); Tosi (2020); Paiva (2008); Rawls (1997); Wolton (2012); Santos (2017); among others. For the legal basis, the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 was used; the International Human Rights Treaties; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and the 1993 Vienna Declaration. The work was divided into three chapters: In the first chapter we seek a relationship between social networks, democracy, electoral process and Human Rights; In the second, aspects of the electoral process and its dynamics in the 2018 political situation were analyzed; and finally, we analyzed the social network of the candidates who reached the second round of the dispute in order to understand the different communication strategies adopted during the campaign period.
  • Date: Jul 26, 2021
  • Time: 18:00
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  • Venezuela has been suffering an economic and political crisis for several years, which intensified with the fall in oil prices in 2015. Since then, there have been shortages of basic commodities, currency devaluation and thousands of Venezuelans have chosen to leave their country in search of survival and employment, as the salary in Venezuela was not enough to cover the basic needs of a family. This research investigates the public policies for the reception of Venezuelan immigrants in Paraíba and their impact on the employment situation of these migrant arrivals through the process of internalisation in the Casa do Migrante, located in the municipality of Conde, PB, about 21.5 km from the capital of Paraíba. The study also aims to understand the phenomenon of international migration, the motivations for choosing Brazil as a destination country and, especially, how the arrival of Venezuelans to the state of Paraíba occurred, since there are no borders with other countries and the state is more than 5,000 km from Roraima, the main route of entry of these people into Brazil. In this way, the advances in the defence of the human rights of migrants and refugees were verified, verifying the gaps and deficiencies in the treatment given to these people in Brazil, considering the binding norms of international law, as well as the applicability of the law to national norms: the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Refugee Statute, the Migration Law and the Consolidation of Labour Laws. In addition, the theme is related to aspects of the world of work of these people, addressing their labour and employment relations and the current labour situation in which migrants live in Paraíba since 2018. The methodology presented is qualitative investigative with an exploratory study with a descriptive approach through interviews with six Venezuelans, three men and three women who arrived in Paraíba through the process of internalisation with temporary accommodation in the house of the migrant Conde-PB. This study concluded that the main motivation for entering Brazil is the search for work, and the arrival in Paraíba, through internalisation, is facilitated by the fact that the state has a shelter with temporary housing. In addition, the state fails in the reception, as it does not guarantee public policies to migrants that facilitate their access to formal work, not providing adequate reception.
  • Date: Apr 8, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This master’s dissertation is the result of theoretical research in the Master's Degree in Human Rights, Citizenship and Public Policies at the Federal University of Paraíba. Its aim is to understand how Human Rights Education dialogues with Youth and Adult Education in the context of Rural Education, in order to contribute to a human, integrative and emancipatory formation of its subjects, understanding how Human Rights Education is a fundamental tool for the achievement. This is a bibliographic research, based on the works of Caldart (2012, 2015) Freire (2016, 2014, 1993), Brandão (2012), Oliveira (2015), Arroyo (2014, 2012, 2004), Ramos, Moreira and Santos (2004), among others who made it possible to deepen and critically reflect on the theme in question. Initially, some reflections are made regarding the historical path of rural education for young people and adults, a path that goes until its consolidation and recognition as public policy. Then, this research addresses the meanings and origins of Alternation Pedagogy in Brazil, considering it as an adequate and effective pedagogical tool for Rural Education, followed by a discussion about Human Rights education as an instrument for the realization of a citizen, emancipatory and democratic education. At the end of this study, we can affirm that Youth and Adult Education in the countryside faces several challenges since its genesis, such as the closing of schools, the absence of appropriate teacher training, a specific curriculum that works with local, cultural, political realities and integrating to the rural population and that consider alternation pedagogy as a pedagogical tool in the educational process in order to provide integral education and in a perspective that transcends formal education and is economically viable in order to guarantee students conditions for the continuity of their studies. The Bill 6498/2016 presented by the Chamber of Deputies in order to recognize Alternation Pedagogy as an official possibility of teaching in rural schools will certainly bring greater legal certainty and guarantee state resources for the viability of this type of teaching.
  • STATE COUNTER-REFORM AND MENTAL HEALTH POLICY: a study at Children's Psychosocial Care Centers in the state of Paraíba
  • Date: Mar 30, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Public health and mental health institutions represent a fertile field marked by conflicts that have become a strong object of profitability for the capital. The Brazilian context in recent decades is marked by a counter-reform process in which the State itself is the main capitalist instrument for dismantling the advances achieved since the Sanitary and Psychiatric Reforms, proposed in the 1970s, which culminated in the consolidation of SUS in the face of a perspective of health as a universal right and the ideals of the anti-asylum struggle. This occurs, therefore, since the arrival of the neoliberal ideology on Brazilian soil, passing through the specificities of the governments of FHC, Lula, Dilma, and Temer. Currently, in Bolsonaro’s government, successive attempts to reduce the State and strengthen the private sector have been orchestrated, sometimes more clearly than others, depending on the particularities of each government. Considering this adverse scenario, the present study has as main objective the analysis and about the conditions to guarantee the effectiveness of the offer of the Mental Health Policy in the state of Paraíba regarding the care of CAPSi. The methodological path followed, in the search for understanding this problem, took place, at first, from a literature review, in which we recall how the arrival of the neoliberal ideology in the country was configured, and also how it was managed by the governments that have followed from the mid-1990s to the present, emphasizing their inflections in health and mental health policies. Through the theoretical framework of dialectical historical materialism, supported by qualitative research, as a way of valuing objective and subjective aspects, a study was carried out with 9 professionals working in 3 CAPSi in the state of Paraíba. The empirical material was produced based on questionnaires and semi-structured interviews conducted in the period between August and October of 2020. The analysis of the material was based on the Content Analysis technique proposed by Bardin, which resulted in two thematic units: 1) the objective conditions for the implementation of the mental health policy, which imply the financing, structuring and multidisciplinary teams of CAPSi; and 2) subjective conditions, which include the results of working conditions, the anguish and uncertainties arising from the context of the pandemic, the relationship between mental health and human rights and the identification of who these users and family members are in an intersectional way. This study enabled an understanding about the advances, limits and possibilities through the CAPSi towards the consolidation of the Psychiatric Reform with regard to the deinstitutionalization and overcoming the biomedical model. However, the results allowed us to identify numerous challenges and weaknesses that are present through the precariousness of these Centers, the working conditions of the technical team, professional relationships and institutions before mental health and human rights and, in particular, a perspective beyond the critical, sensitive look, towards who these children and adolescents are and also their family members and caregivers in our neoliberal, patriarchal and racist capitalist society.
  • Date: Dec 16, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Social violence, present in our daily lives, has the most varied origins, among them the consumption of drugs, making it clear that repressive strategies did not have the intended effects. The Education Program of Resistence to the Drugs and Violence – PROERD, brazilian version of the DARE program in the United States of America, presents itself as an educational and preventive alternative to the use of drugs and violence. In this master's thesis, we propose to answer the following problem: Could the transversality of Education in Human Rights offer theoretical and methodological contributions to PROERD from the perspective of building a culture of human rights? For this, we established as a general objective to analyze PROERD, through its Curriculum for children of the 5th year of elementary school, under the perspective of a public policy of confrontation and prevention of drugs seeking to investigate possible clues of the transversality of Education in Rights Humans that assist in the construction of a culture of human rights and as specific objectives, we have: a) Conceptualize PROERD within the field of public policies to confront and prevent drugs in Brazil, investigating the role of Instructor PROERD as a social educator; b) Delimit the field of public policies on Education in Human Rights, discussing its historicity, plans, guidelines, concepts and principles; c) Analyze the PROERD Curriculum for the 5th year of elementary school seeking to investigate and identify in it clues of the transversality of Education in Human Rights, thus establishing its correlation with Human Rights, which allow it to contribute to the construction of a culture of Human Rights. The methodology is configured as a research with a basic-strategic purpose, a qualitative approach and a descriptive-explanatory objective, which uses the inductive method, with procedures for the collection of bibliographic and documentary data and data analysis based on critical pedagogy. The theoretical referentialresorts authors such as Abramovay (2012), Arendt (2004), Balestreri (2003), Beato Filho (1999), Benevides (2003; 2007), Candau (1999; 2000; 2008; 2013), Cerqueira (1996; 2001 ; 2002), Dias (2007; 2010), Freire (1986), Macedo (2008), Magendzo (2002; 2007), Martins (2009), Minayo (1993), Nogueira (2010), Perovano (2006), Piaget ( 1977), Rabenhorst (2008), Rateke (2006), Rodino (2009), Sader (2007), Silva e Tavares (2013), Tavares (2007), Tosi (2016) and Zenaide (2008), among others. As a result, we obtained the conceptualization of PROERD in the field of public policies to confront and prevent drugs in Brazil, the delimitation of the epistemic field of public policies on Education in Human Rights and the identification of clues of the transversality of Education in Human Rights in the analyzed curriculum. In conclusion, we can state that PROERD is a public policy on drugs, of educational and preventive nature, which dialogues with Human Rights content through the transversality of Human Rights Education, thus helping to build a culture of Human Rights.
  • Date: Dec 14, 2020
  • Time: 14:30
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  • The Child and Adolescent Statute has just completed 30 years in force. Along with the 1988 Constitution itself, it came to confirm, in Brazil, the denominated doctrine of Integral Protection to children and adolescents. A new paradigm, in contrast to the previous formulation of the Irregular Situation. It is innovative to consider such actors as subjects of law and no longer merely an object of tutelage, as people in development and creditors of priority and integral care in relation to their basic needs. Another novelty emerges, the socio-educational measures, as an institutional response to the conducts of adolescents who violate recognized norms of social coexistence. Less retribution, more inclusion, guided by the preponderance of pedagogical aspects, in its application. Among these, due to severity, in apparent contradiction with the new model, the socio-educational measure of internment stands out, which implies the deprivation of freedom of adolescents and young people, excluding them, almost completely, from contact with the outside world, and imposing a rigid system of discipline on it. Attentive to this aspect, it is questioned whether, in fact, the celebrated paradigmatic change occurred, or in other words, whether, with the internment, the intended objectives of social inclusion were achieved. In order to carry out this research, of an eminently qualitative nature, the discourse of the young man who was discharged from the hospitalization measure was used, in particular, those “served” by the Justice System of Goiana, Pernambuco, especially during the researcher's professional performance, as Judge of Childhood and Youth and of the Execution of socio-educational measures of deprivation of liberty, collected through the interview strategy, covering three different subjects of this universe: (a) young people who followed life in freedom; b) young people who have been imprisoned again; and (c) relatives of young people murdered after leaving. Each participant contributed voluntarily with their narratives, being guaranteed the ethical aspects that involve the research with human beings, such as risk reduction, the right to withdraw and, in particular, the confidentiality of their identities, including with the adoption of fictitious names in the presentation of data. Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, we worked with theoretical constructions of various disciplines and sciences that deal with the phenomenon of deviation, incarceration and prison institutions and their consequences, notably the theoretical perspectives of the “Labeling Approach” and the Critical Criminology. The data was analyzed and interpreted based on the categorization of information contained in the narratives and experiences of the interviewees in comparison with the legal, theoretical and praxis of the current socio-educational model. Finally, among other discoveries, it is possible to consider that, in a clear identification of the inaugural aspirations, included in the Human Rights postulates and the Constitution, the segregating “treatment” provided for in the Statute of Children and Adolescents and in the Law of the National Service System Socio-educational (SINASE), and implemented by several bodies and entities, each in its own way, and in its own compartment, represents a reproduction, with a new approach, of the traditional authoritarian forms of repression, exclusion and even extermination. In the company of this inference, the understanding is confirmed that Education and Social Inclusion of young people and adolescents, in an integral and priority way, and in a country that proposes to be plural and democratic, does not match the deprivation of liberty.
  • Date: Dec 1, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Abstract: What is meant by Democracy has varied in time and space, in terms of its details and manifestations, but has it core in affirming the equality and freedom of the individuals who form the Society. We identified that the new technologies and the relationships influenced by them modified social interactions, transforming, consequently, popular manifestations and, finally, Democracy itself. We understand as Digital Instruments for Democratic Participation (IDPD): social networks, applications, digital communication platforms applied to social interaction. In order to face these changes, we applied two classification formats: one relating to the forms of popular representation and participation and the other to the quality and intensity of Democracy. New technologies create and modify relationships and become modifiers of society, their occurrence and their use and admission as a social and political vector is a consequence of their adoption by the population. The question is how these digital technological instruments of democratic participation can play an important role in the democratic game, whether in Brazilian or Italian society. The methodology used in this dissertation is the theoretical-discursive, which uses a critical approach, clarifying the reasons and possible applications, as well as possible consequences, positive or negative, of the use of these instruments in the intensity and quality of democratic participation. The objective is to map what already exists in a regulated way in Brazil in the three branches, as well as to identify difficulties for a broader adoption in order to increase democratic participation, including recognizing the risk of spectacularization and decay in a Plebiscitary Democracy. Examples of Digital Instruments for Democratic Participation - IDPD to be analyzed are Mudamos+ (RJ-BR), which works with the Popular Initiative, and the Rousseau Platform (Italy), which until then basically worked for referendums, referenda and consultations. In the development of the research, we will critically point out its characteristics, its implementation, the inherent advantages and risks. Finally, we will indicate some forecasts in view of the scenario that is being built in politics in view of the impact of new technologies.
  • Date: Dec 1, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • 10.900 State Law, of May 31 of 2017, instituted at Paraiba´s State ambit, the Programa Jovem Consciente, that has the purpose to educate youth to the citizenship exercise. Starting by the interest of studying education for citizenship theme, associated to the job as Law Advisor of Astsembleia Legislativa da Paraíba, the idea of researching about the state cited law had emerged. In this manner, this study has the objective to analyze the Programa Jovem Consciente, as public politic in education of human rights to youth at para Paraiba´s State ambit, considering its construction and regulation. Initiating by the education of human rights research, at national ambit and Paraíba, passing by the citizenship study and of the youth as citizen, comprehending the present time history as possibility space of its effectuation, aiming to achieve the purposed objective. The methodology attends to a qualitative research that uses the oral history procedures, that base the project with semi-structured interviews, that compose the study oral sources, jointly with the law documents, that comprise the written sources. To the source analysis, were used studs of Candau (2007), Carvalho (2018), Ferreira (2012) e Bobbio (2004), and others authors, having the citizenship, the human rights, the youth and present time history as study northing concepts. Were verified that the Programa Jovem Consciente hadn´t been applied until present time, showing to be one more law non-actualized. Were pointed the necessity of modifications in the law text and the dialog with others social agents, listening to the application owner of the education public politics to the citizenship and the youth movements, objecting the Programa has its effectiveness and can develop its change potential and emancipator character that the education in human rights promotes.
  • NOT TO BE BANDIT: child labor and the stigma of poverty.
  • Date: Nov 26, 2020
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The respective Master's dissertation focuses on the study of child labor and its interface with the infraction, starting from the understanding that child labor and the infraction are correlated expressions of the social question, both generated by capitalist society and, therefore, sequels arising from the inherent class contradictions and struggles. Based on the observation of professional practice, we sought to identify the role of the State historically from the socio-cultural, economic and legal elements that involve the problem presented above and the policies for protecting and combating child labor. Said research was carried out in the municipality of João Pessoa, in the state of Paraíba / Brazil, with the Social Assistance Policy as the locus of the research, the subjects of the research were the adolescents who are in compliance with socio-educational measures under the Freedom regime Assisted - LA and in Provision of Services Provided to the Community - PSC from the Specialized Social Assistance Reference Centers - CREAS, these services are inserted in the protection network of the Social Assistance Policy through the Social Development Secretariat - SEDES. The instruments and techniques of data collection used are spreadsheets, reports, baselines, data for measuring service and accompanying the fulfillment of socio-educational measures, information systems such as SisPETI, CadÚnico, Monthly Service Record - RMA, CensoSuas, SINASE and information built from the professionals and technicians who accompany children and adolescents from child labor, accompanied by the SCFV, as well as the adolescents in compliance with a socio-educational measure accompanied by the CREAS, in the day-to-day operations.
  • Human rights in youth and adult education as a foundation of citizenship
  • Date: Sep 30, 2020
  • Time: 19:00
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  • The present study aimed to understand how Youth and Adult Education contributes to the realization of the human and social right to quality education, based on the assumption of the need for access and permanence of this subject in the schooling process. To achieve this general objective, we started with a discussion on Youth and Adult Education as a human and social right, reflecting on the conditions of access and permanence of students of Youth and Adult Education in public schools in the municipality's public school. Igaracy-PB in the schooling process. Then, Human Rights Education was presented as an instrument for social transformation in the education of Youth and Adults. The research has a qualitative approach, supported by the life history method, bibliographic, documentary and field research. The instruments for the generation of the data were the semi-structured interview and the questionnaire with the (05) students who are aged between (25) and (55) years old, graduates of the Youth and Adult Education in Citizen School Integral Joselita Brasileiro located in the municipality of Igaracy-PB. The data were analyzed in the light of the set of techniques called content analysis. The results show that the conditions of access to education are mostly linked to economic and subsistence issues, that the main reasons for dropping out of school are related to work and pregnancy, and that among the difficulties reported by the interviewees about permanence, are : timetable, shift, fatigue and distance from school.
  • Date: Sep 30, 2020
  • Time: 18:30
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  • The present study analyses the phenomenon of women mass incarceration and seeks to understand the exercise of motherhood in the Brazilian prison system, from the perspective of house arrest and the right to family life for women incarcerated with their children. The incarceration of women is a problem thar increases dramatically in the country. Between 2000 and 2016, the women prison population increased by more than 600%, according to data present in the lastest Prisons of Penitentiary Information – Infopen, placing Brazil in the fourth position among the countries that most incarcerated women in the world. As a result, the reflection on the Human Rights of women prisoners and their right to family life has been the subject of constant debates in the Brazilian legal system. In a recent decision, the Supreme Federal Court, provoked by sectors os the civil society, granted Habeas Corpus 143.641 and defined thar pregnat women, mothers of children up to 12 years old incomplete and mothers of people with special needs, being under the punishment os provisional imprisonment, they have the right to substitute such imprisonment for the house arrest, at least until their case is finally judged. Thus, in the work it is analyzed how the Habeas Corpus os the Supreme Federal Court protects an important legal asset of the child, which is the coexistence with the maternal figure and demonstrates that it is necessary to observe the child’s right to maintain the intrafamily bond with the convicted mother, avoiding the rupture of the naturally established bonds between mother and child. In addition, it is noted that Supreme Federal Court’s decision also included cases of women arrested for involvement in drug trafficking, responsible for the highest percentage of women prisons incarcerated. Thus, the methodology used in the production of this dissertation was the qualitative approach, with documentary survey and jurisprudential investigation. The research is based on the principles of Critical Criminology and analyses the tendency of the Court of Justice of The States of Paraiba and Pernambuco regarding compliance with Habeas Corpus 143.641, investigating whether the constitutional remedy is being duly complied with. From the analysis of the discourse present in the jurisprudence of the Courts and the legal and non-legal foundations presented in the decisions, as well as the observation of the social varitions and the arguments contained in the precedents provided by the Courts themselves, the possible extrication of women is investigated, due to of house arrest guided by Habeas Corpus and if this type of arrest really serves the effective exercise of maternity by the custodians, maintaining the bond of coexistence with their children.
  • Date: Sep 30, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This work initially analyzes the historical trajectory of the concept of tolerance and its philosophical dimension indicating how it was related to religion and to the idea of creating, among individuals, conditions for the coexistence of different beliefs. Then we demonstrate how tolerance had its concept amplified on the contemporaneity’s scope, covering the coexistence between the subjects in its multiple forms and of being and living in society as well. The idea of tolerance has evolved, thus, assuming the condition of cornerstone of a free and pacific life. Likewise, this work indicates how tolerance requires the contribution of recognition through the rescue of the notions of identity and alterity. Lastly, by taking the totalitarianism as the expression of intolerance, violence and barbarity, this work demonstrates how tolerance can be constituted as an antidote against the extreme phenomena and mainly how tolerance is imposed as a fundamental instrument to historical affirmation and, above all, to the realization of human rights
  • Public policies for the enclosure of criminal organization inside João Pessoa´s prison system: an analysis from the perspective of dynamic security.
  • Date: Sep 30, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Throughout the course of human history, the way to punish offenders who violated current rules has always sparked controversy. At the end of the 18th century, prison was consolidated as the main penalty, gradually removing corporal punishment. In most countries, incarceration has always been antagonistic to the preservation of human rights. In Brazil, systematic violations of human dignity within the prison system have created an environment favorable to the emergence and expansion of criminal organizations, which challenge the state's sovereignty. This type of criminality started,in the late 1970s, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, with the Comando Vermelho. In 1993,inspired by Cariocas, the First Command of the Capital emerged in São Paulo. These two models influenced the creation of other organizations in the national territory,generating concern for the public security of the Federation's entities. This dissertation,focusing on the context of the State of Paraíba, aims to discuss the application ofdynamic security as an instrument for preserving human dignity and confronting organized crime in the prison context. The focus of this model is to promote the securityand stability of prisons, through positive interaction between civil servants and prisoners, creating a relationship of trust and mutual respect. With this, the agents come to have effective knowledge about the behavior of each prisoner, increasing the ability to predict risk situations. In this sense, the priority is not only focused on physical security, on bars, padlocks and cameras, but also on prevention based on harmonious relationships and the provision of essential services. Considering the need to assess the appropriate conditions for implementing this security model, an analysis of the profile of the Brazilian prison population was carried out, especially with regard to the main prison units in the municipality of João Pessoa-PB. Statistics showed overcrowding,lack of human resources, lack of public policies and essential services related to the areas of education, health and work. Furthermore, the criminal selectivity of the Brazilian public security policy was evident, given that the majority of prisoners are young, black, with low education and prosecuted for crimes related to drug trafficking.For this reason, in order to introduce dynamic security in the Paraiba prison system, it is necessary to overcome challenges, such as the change in the doctrine of the management of the units, for the time being very focused on the concepts of the police forces, restructure the staff, design new penitentiaries with compatible spaces, attract public policies from other spheres to the prison routine. The work that follows was developed through a qualitative approach, making use of the scientific dialectical method, through bibliographic and documentary technical procedures. The literature used was constituted as interdisciplinary, with theorists from the areas of Law,Criminology, History and Sociology.
  • Date: Sep 30, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This work discusses the presence of black women in the Chamber of Deputies, focusing on the 2014 elections, the first history of Brazil and containing a self-declaration of color / race of the candidates, and on the statistics of 2018, which elects the largest female bench in Congress history. Institutional racism is a strong barrier for black women and men to occupy spaces of power. Access is hindered, not by written and visible rules, but by formal obstacles and information present in social relations that are reproduced in institutional and public spaces. The dominant statistics that associate a woman with the private / domestic space and the man with the public sphere are not allowed to understand under-representation of black women in politics. It was necessary to include the categories race and class as markers that influence the electoral race. It is known that the reasons for this underrepresentation permeate culture, the economy and social life as a whole and are always reproduced, anchored in values of exclusive ideological systems such as patriarchy, racism and capitalism. An analysis of the race category as a product of European coloniality, in Latin America, bet found by Aníbal Quijano (2005). Despite the importance of the concept of coloniality of power, this concept alone does not explain the subordination of women of color, and it is also necessary to focus on the categories of gender, race and class, in an articulated way. Thus, a perspective of this work was decolonial, we prioritize authors from the global South. As an instrument for data collection, searching for black application records on the TSE website, research by the NGO, Feminist Center for Studies and Advisory (Cfemea) and the Inter-Union Parliamentary Advisory Department (DIAP). We also conducted interviews with black women, who reached parliamentary terms in 2014 and 2018. The results show that the intersection of race and gender contributes to a greater disadvantage in the electoral race for black women, due to the cycle of vulnerability in which they are inserted, for them , the sociopolitical impasses for access to politics will be more accentuated, which will result in the non-formulation of public policies for this group, which has, in a continuous way, human rights violated and denied. Analysis widely formulated and discussed by black feminist theorists, such as: Lélia Gonzalez (1988), Beatriz Nascimento (1985), Sueli Carneiro (2003), Djamila Ribeiro (2017), Angela Davis (2016), bell hooks (2018), Grada Kilomba (2019).
  • OBSTETRIC VIOLENCE AND PROCEDURES FOR TEACHING PURPOSES: Conflicts between women's right to autonomy and medical education
  • Date: Sep 30, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Obstetric violence is defined as physical, psychological and/or verbal violence committed to women during pregnancy, delivery and/or postpartum by health professionals. Among some types of this violence, there is the one carried out for didactic purposes, i.e., that committed with the purpose of demonstrating some conduct to the graduate medical student, resulting in a violation to the human rights of pregnant women in detriment of a didactic practice. Thus, the objective of this dissertation was to analyze obstetric violence committed for didactic purposes, its relationship with the educational background of the medical undergraduate student, and human rights education. Its specific objectives were: to contextualize obstetric violence, defining it and observing it as a reality in our country; to analyze if and how obstetric violence occurs for didactic purposes in public maternity hospitals in the State of Paraíba; to observe if the medical course's teaching regulations are related to Human Rights Education and provide a basis for the protection of women's rights. The research had a qualitative approach, supported by bibliographic and documental research in which we identified documents that guide teaching based on the culture in/for human rights. As an instrument for data collection we used two types of electronic questionnaires, elaborated through the "Google Forms" tool, in which they were answered by doulas and women who were already pregnant. The data were analyzed in light of the set of techniques called content analysis. As results we observed that of the 10 (ten) doulas that answered, 6 (six) affirmed that they had already witnessed some act of obstetric violence committed in the presence of medical students and these acts happened at the most 3 (three) years ago. As for the women who were already pregnant, of the 22 who responded, 13 classified their experiences of childbirth and cesarean sections as regular, bad, or very bad. Of these, 10 (ten) said they had medical students during their delivery and 8 (eight) said they were not comfortable with their presence. It is important to mention that in these cases episodes of obstetric violence committed in the presence of the students were reported. Thus, we denote that, in spite of the fact that there are documentary materials that guide the formation of the medical student in a culture in/for human rights, the behaviors taught in practice go in the opposite direction to the protection and autonomy of women.
  • CULTURE AND RESISTANCE: The struggle of LGBT artists in João Pessoa
  • Date: Sep 29, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • his research “Culture and Resistance: The struggle of LGBT’s artists in João Pessoa” had the general objective of understanding and analyzing the exercise of culture as resistance and struggle of LGBT’s artists from the municipality of João Pessoa. As a result, the following specific objectives were intended: 1 - To formulate a conceptual discussion of the LGBT identity based on culture and the critical perspective of human rights; 2 - Identify individual artists and LGBT artistic groups in the city of João Pessoa, elaborating a profile of these people and their cultural productions, understanding art as a human right; and 3 - Analyze in the speeches of these artists elements of resistance, fight against discrimination and search for social recognition. For the writing of the final dissertation, a theoretical discussion was made about the LGBT identity from the culture and the critical perspective of Human Rights. Then, a field research was carried out in order to identify individual artists and LGBT artistic groups in the city of João Pessoa, elaborating a profile of these people and their cultural productions, and understanding art as a human right. Finally, open interviews were carried out with LGBT's artists from the city of João Pessoa, in order to understand elements of resistance, fight against discrimination and search for social recognition through art, being analyzed using the content analysis technique. With the research and analysis of the results, it is concluded that culture and art are, in the trajectory of LGBT artists, essential to resist the manifestations of violence and access social recognition.
  • Education for disabled persons as a human right: conditions of access and permanence in Postgraduate Programmes of the Federal University of Paraiba.
  • Date: Sep 29, 2020
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Historically, disabled people have been suffering social discrimination, prejudice and social exclusion. This reality, has endured many decades, but began to face changes amidst the 20th century, when the State takes measures to address the claims and pressure of the political movement led by disabled people and their families. Through social fights, disabled people have conquered the right to education, which was originally conceived based on segregation and exclusion practices, forcing disabled people to adequate themselves to the dynamics of the school environment, while their own learning capacity was disbelieved. Although the right to an education based on the inclusive education paradigm was earned, access and permanence are still, currently, challenges to disabled individuals, majorly represented by the difficulties in access to post-graduation programs. Thus, this study aims at comprehending the inclusion process of disabled students among strictu sensu (masters and doctorate) Post-graduation Programs at Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) since the implementation of the National Policy of Special Education in the perspective of inclusive education, due to the fact that UFPB has a significative number of disabled post-graduation students: there are 14, admitted in 2018 and 2019. The specific objectives of this study are hereby described: To comprehend both the advances and setbacks in educational policies aimed at disabled people sustained by the National Policy of Special Education, at the perspective of inclusive education; To discuss the National Policy of Special Education’s effectiveness of application in the perspective of inclusive education to the inclusion, access and permanence of disabled students enrolled in strictu sensu (masters and doctorate) Post-graduation Programs at Federal University of Paraíba; To identify how the Federal University of Paraíba, as a public institution of higher education, guarantees the human right of permanence and citizenship conquering through educational access to disabled student enrolled in strictu sensu (masters and doctorate) Post-graduation Programs. This study has a qualitative approach, supported by the interpretative analysis methodology, of exploratory and descriptive character, based on bibliographical, documental and field research. The data collection instrument utilized was the semi-structured interview. The gathered data was analyzed at the light of the dialectic-hermeneutical method. The data consists of the discourses of disabled students, post-graduation programs’ coordinators, and the accessibility and inclusion policy’s management staff at the Vice-Rectory of Post-Graduation; as well as national and international files that have guided the elaboration of inclusive public policies. Theoretical support was thus provided by Figueira (2008); Silva, A. (2018); Santana (2016); Comparato (2007); Glat (2007), which made possible to analyze the categories of access and permanence, and to identify the challenges to the elaboration of an inclusion policy specifically regarding the University’s post-graduation programs. This study aims at providing guidance to the construction of a policy to the inclusion and access of disabled people to post-graduation programs.
  • Date: Sep 29, 2020
  • Time: 10:00
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  • his work aims to discuss the territorialities of Tabajara indigenous women in the State of Paraíba, seeking dialogue with the categories of identity, gender and memory. To systematize this study, a bibliographic review was carried out on the following concepts and authors: Territory: Ratzel (1990), Raffestin (1993), Santos (2000), Haesbaert (2002; 2004), Mura (2015) and Marques (2015). We draw a parallel between territory / territoriality and identity, taking as a theoretical basis the concept of identity with questions based on Hall (2006). To discuss indigenous feminism we anchored in: Aguilar (2013), Akotirene (2018), Crenshaw (2002), Gargallo (2014), Sacchi (2014), Gromkow (2012) and Segatto (2003). We approach the concept of collective memory based on Bosi (2006), Le Goff (1996) and Halbwachs (2006) The methodology used was based on participatory research, based on Marcos (2006) and Brandão (2007). Primary data obtained in the field through semi-structured interviews and based on the history of the present time were used. The interviews were directed to the subjects of this research, the Tabajara women, at the time when we carried out field activities, using as a technique, notes in a field notebook based on the participant observation. The affirmation of the political space occupied by women among the Tabajara has provided a better view of the participation of women in the political life of their people. The Tabajara are in a process with regard to their organizational dynamics. However, they are constantly expanding due to the actions they claim, such as the territorial demarcation with the presence of women, in the village Barra de Gramame, village Vitória and the deterritorialized women. The Tabajara memory is present in practices, way of life, painting, manipulation of medicinal herbs, ceramics and also in oral history passed down between generations. The history of the Tabajara people, as well as the other people des-re-territorialized by colonization, is one of human rights violations, however these violations affect women's lives more profoundly due to their ethnic, social and gender condition.
  • Date: Sep 28, 2020
  • Time: 18:30
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  • The Federal Constitution of 1988 guaranteed all individuals a series of rights aimed at protecting the development of their identities and personalities. Under this approach, each and every citizen, being understood as the main reason for the State's existence, must have their individual rights and guarantees respected. However, transsexual individuals do not enjoy the full citizenship that was granted to them by the constitutional text because their human rights are violated on a daily basis, notably the right of self-determination, the right to be recognized socially and legally as they perceive themselves. In Brazil, there is still no specific federal law regulating the issue of transsexuality and its legal and social consequences. Given this, the present research sought to analyze the socio-legal aspects that involve transsexuality and the search for its depathologization, as well as trying to highlight the need for civil and legislative recognition of the rights of these subjects, especially the self-determination. For that, the studies of Foucault (1985) were used to address human sexuality, Butler (2003) to discuss the concept of gender, Swain (2001), Bento (2008; 2017) and Louro (2004) to understand the theory queer and transsexuality, among other authors. In order to illustrate the local reality, public policies for the protection and promotion of diversity developed by the municipality of João Pessoa-PB were made. The research had a qualitative approach, supported by bibliographic and documentary research, proceeded through direct observation. It was concluded that the heteronormative-scientific discourse that deals with transsexuality as pathology is no longer supported, and it must be understood from the perspective of the subject's gender identity. In addition, João Pessoa's local diagnosis revealed that the municipality has an effective and commendable network of public policies aimed at the transsexual population and LGBTQIA + as a whole, being a reference for the whole of Brazil.
  • Date: Sep 28, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The work presents an interdisciplinary approach regarding the performance of the Public Defender of Paraíba in the double degree of jurisdiction with the instances of the Paraíba judiciary, dealing with the matter of precautionary arrests. The research aims to find answers to identify how the Public Defender's Office carries out its activities at the state level. It is a documentary research to be carried out with an emphasis on the area of human rights, focused on scientific discussions from the legal sciences, criminology, criminal policy, sociology, philosophy and theory of law. In view of the high number of people serving deprivation of liberty, which in the state of Paraíba, as well as in the national average, represents about 40% of the prison population, the notorious impacts of super incarceration and the recent debates on the possibility of imprisonment after the second instance judgment, there is a need for an in-depth investigation of the proposed theme. With this, it is intended to establish some conclusions about the activities performed by the Public Defender of Paraíba to provide protection to the constitutional guarantee of the presumption of innocence of part of the population of Paraiba considered to be underfunded. To this end, it was initially planned to contextualize the political-criminological aspects resulting from liberal, authoritarian and totalitarian models. Then, through a doctrinal discussion, from the perspective of Ferrajoli and Bobbio's juspositivist approach, the main topics about guaranteeing the presumption of innocence and its connection with the high rate of precautionary prisons in the Brazilian criminal process will be studied. Then, an attempt will be made to formulate a concept on the Public Defender's Office, as an institution responsible for providing full and free legal assistance, and, on its functions, as an institution essential to the jurisdictional function of the State, in particular on its performance in court. in the double degree of jurisdiction. Finally, an analysis will be made of the numbers of habeas corpus filed by the Public Defender of Paraíba in order to revoke preventive prisons in order to be able to conclude more precisely about the efficiency of the institution's performance in relation to the matter that was defined by the present study. Through a methodological construction oriented towards the preparation of an essentially documentary research, it is intended to carry out a descriptive and analytical analysis so that the phenomenon that appears as an investigated object can be described. Thus, it is intended to reach conclusions regarding the performance of the Public Defender's Office of the State of Paraíba as responsible for providing full and free legal assistance at the state level and whose primary function is to defend fundamental rights of the most needy population in the state, in particular, from the enjoyment to the presumption of innocence on the part of those assisted who are in the course of judicial proceedings of a criminal nature.
  • Labor Reform: Analysis of the processing of Law 13.467 / 17 and its implications for the consolidation of a Democratic Rule of Law
  • Date: Sep 21, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This study aims at describing the developments amongst Brazil`s Legislative and Executive branch which resulted in the approval of the Labor Reform and the new labor legislation in November of 2017 – Law number 13.467/2017 –, and to underline labor discussions at the light of the Human Rights` perspective. Imposed by the business sector as an economic measure to guarantee the workers job security, as well as - according to employers` justifications - to increase the number of job opportunities, the reform promoted the alteration of more than 100 articles that constituted the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), resulting in a deregulation of the labor hiring model, which previously assured – minimally – juridical and social security to Brazilian workers. Thus, the study gathers a theoretical approach to democracy, citizenship and human rights, discussing liberal State reforms, which eliminate primary investments and promote the extinction of both governmental subsidies and public policies as resolution to economic issues, without measuring the social impacts of the implementation of a minimal State. According to this research, these measures deepen social inequalities in a delicate moment in global history in which work relations face profound transformations. Therefore, this study contextualizes, historically, the surge of labor protection laws in Brazil, as well as discusses citizenship and the access to fundamental rights, as the right to a professional occupation, guaranteed in Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988. Additionally, the study aims at bringing to discussion the nation’s political moment in which the Labor Reform was approved, through a theoretical dialog about how the law went through the National Congress. Through the analysis hereby presented, this study aims at stimulating a critical reflection about the courses of new work relations proposed by the Labor Reform, given that studies point at the generation of precarious work stations, besides a social setback that was previously considered impossible to occur, given our constitutional social rights and International Pacts. Additionally, the present work incorporates the first impressions on the pandemics that paralyzed both the Western and Eastern world during the first semester of 2020.
  • Date: Aug 21, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The main international human rights treaties represented major advances in the promotion of universal rights inherent to the human person. However, in Brazil, the adaptation to the Human Rights pacts took place late, after years of exception regime. Brazil is one of the world leaders in the ranking of incarceration of people, with prisons that are true deposits of human beings. The violence promoted by the State itself, not only in prison, but during the execution of prisons by its security forces, is something that is present in daily life, especially in the poorest communities. Its Penal Procedure Code was for years based on the supremacy of the ius puniendi over the right to freedom and the presumption of innocence, in a model incompatible with the fundamental precepts of international treaties and its own Constitution. In a contributory action to the paradigm shift, since 2015, the National Justice Council implemented the custody hearings project, in which every person who is deprived of their liberty, must be submitted to the presence of a judicial authority within up to 24 hours. , for analysis and observance of the circumstances and legal aspects of the prison, in addition to facing situations of violence and torture eventually committed by public officials. With this project, Brazil has adapted to the International Human Rights Treaties, even though its legislation still faces congressional inertia regarding the institute's regulations. If, on the one hand, criminal prosecution became more humanized, the custody hearings institute began to suffer systematic attacks from the media, society, representatives of classes linked to public security and parliamentarians against its implementation. In the State of Paraíba, the hearings were implanted in August 2015 initially in its Capital, being gradually expanded to the Counties of the interior. Despite its recent implementation, the institute has already presented impressive results in the Brazilian penitentiary system, results that we will seek to show, based on information obtained from the agencies that act directly in the conduct of hearings, also observing what is in fact proven through the numbers and what is a fallacy among the defenders and critics of the institute. As a research field, we have the city of João Pessoa and the surrounding cities of Cabedelo, Bayeux and Santa Rita, identifying and analyzing the information from the hearings that took place between 2015 and 2020, on various aspects and information, positioning us not only as observers, but with the experience of participating as an enforcer of criminal law and a defender of Human Rights.
  • Date: Aug 14, 2020
  • Time: 14:30
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  • This article aims to analyze the relationship between the process of elaboration of reading and writing of youths and adults of popular origin, their discursive emancipation, and the guarantee of access and permanence in university beneath the perspective of Human Rights. It's theoretical contribution is based on Freire's thought (1970) and Bakhtin's (1992) conceptions. Methodologically the research has a qualitative, interdisciplinary character, and it has based on dialectics. We use as an instrument of data construction the verbal protocol applied via focal group composed of five youths and adults, cursists, and ex-cursists of the PET/Conexões de Saberes Project Pre-university Course of the Federal University of Paraíba, which constitutes the field of research of this study. Content analysis was the method chosen to analyze the data obtained, which show as a result that the work with reading-writing-rewritten takes the to a process of discursive emancipation and that this emancipation is based on five aspects, namely: the mobilization of the enunciated, the appropriation of the discourse, the reframing of ideas, the author/interlocutor relationship. In addition, we observe that these elements are mobilized and articulastes within the discourse according to the defense of a point of view, which will always point to the fifth element of emancipation authorship, this, in our view, is the materialization of discursive emancipation itself. This, in turn, materializes in the various genres of the discourses that flow the emergency of verbal interaction through the dialogical relations that we build in society.
  • Date: Jul 30, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This study aims to identify, characterize and analyze the presence of Social Solidarity and Politics from a Freirean perspective in the activities of the Committee Love for Life (COMAV), located in the Municipal School of Elementary School II Fenelon Câmara, which is located in the neighborhood of Geisel in the city of João Pessoa/Paraíba/Brazil. We pay attention to the experiences of the boys and girls who participate in COMAV as an emancipatory experience in the context of Human Rights Education. The theoretical proposal that guides the study is based on Paulo Freire pedagogy in its dialogue with Popular Education, Human Rights Education and Critical Social Pedagogy. The path of this scientific investigation has been built through participant observation, document analysis, and interviews with students, educandas and educators, with the main focus on reflection around the actions developed by COMAV inside and outside the school space. To this end, the historical-social context of public policies with children and adolescents, the construction of conceptions of social and political solidarity in the pedagogical thinking of Professor Paulo Freire, and the identification and characteristics of COMAV's actions were presented. These actions were thought in the light of the theoretical-methodological principles of Popular Education, Human Rights Education and Critical Social Pedagogy. In this sense, we present the possibilities of feeling, thinking and acting in social and political solidarity of Freire inspiration as a presence that sharpens the creativity, curiosity, criticality of the protagonic role of adolescents in the public school space.
  • Identity, territoriality and the land regularization process of the Quilombola Community of Mituaçu - PB
  • Date: Jul 30, 2020
  • Time: 14:30
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  • The recognition of the right to land for the Remaining Quilombos Communities is ensured under the terms of art. 68 of the Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act - ADCT of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Despite the significant legislative advance, several legal, political and governmental strategies, marked by structural racism, lead to the State's inability to promote land regularization in these territories. The struggles involving the realization of this right reveal the colonial structures of exercise of power present in the State and in its organs, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, which seek to devalue the trajectories of resistance that these communities have led to have their rights guaranteed. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the strengthening of ethnic identity and quilombola autonomy from the process of land regularization in Mituaçu - PB. It’s specific objectives are: to study the process of building the subjects' identity and ethnic territoriality, to analyze the effectiveness of public policies, national and local, of territorial development, how they interfere the structure of the quilombola territory and also to evaluate the mobilization and political participation residents in claiming their land. The work brings a discussion about constitutional protection to the territory, considering it as a Human Right for Traditional Communities. The theoretical-methodological construction of the analysis is based on the humanistic cultural approach influenced by the critical theory of knowledge. The research was anchored in qualitative data based on the bibliographic and documentary review, based on interdisciplinarity, since it searches in several scientific fields, such as Geography, Law, Sociology and Anthropology, for its foundation. We conducted fieldwork and semi-structured interviews, in addition to photographic, audio and field notebooks to reinforce the understanding of the territorial dynamics and the struggle for land in Mituaçu - PB. We conclude that the process of land regularization of Mituaçu, despite the inumerous dificulties it faces, appears as a “new” element that has aroused in some residents the need to reaffirm their histories, not only in an inert movement to recall historical facts, but of build new dynamics and interpretations about their identities and their territories, involving processes of resignification from an awareness about racism, the modes of oppression and legal, social and economic invisibility to which they were subjected for centuries, allowing them to create an identity in the discordant sense of the colonial logic, from a critical conception that has made this process of political struggle for land to make possible relationships and interactions between the group in order to guarantee its autonomy.
  • Judicial activism; Educational public policies; Human right to education
  • Date: Jul 29, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This paper seeks to analyze the activist performance of the Federal Supreme Court with respect to educational public policies on the human right to education between 2005 and 2020. This is research with a predominantly qualitative and procedurally bibliographic and documentary approach. It stands out, the development of judicial activism as a worldwide phenomenon, characterizing its multiple dimensions in the Brazilian context, choosing to approach it according to institutional theory, in its political-institutional aspects, without disregarding the legal-normative aspects. It points to a concept of educational public policies, connected to the human right and fundamental to education, given that the latter as the object of disputes, suffers numerous influences in its content, meaning and contours, opening space for a performance of jurisprudential accommodation. It demonstrates how the judicial activism of the Brazilian Court is manifested in the educational public policies of the human right to education, it uses its praxis as a basis considering the dialogues aspects with the other social and political powers and actors. In conclusion, the activist practice of the Brazilian Court has contributed to the debate on the extension and maintenance of the content, meaning and contours of the human right to education within the Brazilian institutional dynamics.
  • OPPRESSION, ACTIVISM AND LGBT + CITIZENSHIP: Analysis of the institutionalization and implementation process of State Law N. 10.895/2017-PB
  • Date: Jul 27, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Sexual and gender diversity is a current aspect in the manifestation of the human subjectivities and its sociabilities, as several historic records testify that, in spite of the patriarchal structure – and, therefore, cis-heteronormative – widely imposed on the majority of the historicized people, accompanies the very notion of humanity a verification of the existence of dissenting subjects, with regard to what, is currently denominated sexual orientation and gender identity. In the face of this, it prevailed and remains opposed with intense discrimination of structural order, a phenomenon that is also under the neologism of LGBTphobia, which, despite the absence of broader official statistics, results in a great number of murders, aggressions and other violations of the human rights of the LGBT+ segment. Actions of discrimination and intolerance result in the stigmatization and dehumanization of those who dare to transgress, in respect to themselves, places that for long have been delimited for the maintenance of the privileges of those who benefit with the permanence of an exclusionary social structure, which standardizes human desires and affections. This work, supported by the trend of critical pedagogy and under the method of content analysis, aims to discuss a current normative in the state of Paraíba, which is, the Law n. 10.895/2017-PB, known as the Law of the Posters against LGBTphobia, which is considered to be an instrument to combat the discrimination against the population concerned. For this purpose, this phenomenon will be discussed, implemented by means of actions and omissions, as well as regarding the performance of the LGBT+ militancy, from the international conjecture to the situation in the state of Paraíba, in order to combat the violations perpetrated and in the quest for full citizenship. Aiming to carry out the analysis situated in the Law of the Posters against LGBTphobia 13 people were interviewed, from the Law-proposer, to institutional agents related to the object of research and representatives of some LGBT+ militancy entities of Paraíba. It was found that the normative in question has great relevance in promoting the LGBT+ citizenship and education for diversity. It also confirms that in the current scenario of worsening of the Brazilian democratic crisis, the significance of the exercise of resistance on the part of the LGBT+ militancy is substantially raised so that this population, so precariously assisted, is not deprived of the advances already achieved.
  • “IT HAS A LOT OF BRIDGE, VIADUCT AND HIGH BUILDINGS TO CURE THEIR ILLNESS”: A study of Internet users' speeches on the suicides of non-heterosexual people in a social network
  • Date: Jul 22, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Suicide is a big problem of public health today. This phenomenon has been responsible for the death of more than 800,000 people worldwide each year (OPAS / OMS, 2016). However, little is said about this topic, especially because of its taboo social status. Because it is a multifactorial phenomenon, it receives interference from various factors, from the individual to the social. Vulnerability to this phenomenon is not linear and consistent, there are groups that are indicated as most vulnerable to this phenomenon among them are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transvestite, Transgender, Intersex - LGBTI +. The disparity between non-heterosexual and heterosexual persons with regard to propensity for suicidal ideations and attempts is well documented in the scientific literature. However, many people consider this theme as "less important", as a way of getting attention or as a search for "more rights than others". Thus, the aim of this study was to understand the discourses of Internet users about stories about suicide and nonheterosexual people shared by two journalistic pages in a social network. This is a digital ethnographic research using the technique of content analysis by thematic categorization. Four categories were found: 1) Gender Binarism, 2) Religious Bias, 3) Incentive / trivialization of suicide and 4) Victimism. The results point to the lack of knowledge of Internet users about suicidal behaviors, the stigmatization of subjects attempting suicide and the presence of religious and biologizing discourses to support prejudice against LGBTI + people. Thus, it was demonstrated the need to put into practice human rights guaranteed in the normative texts based on the elaboration of public policies and coordinated actions between the different areas.
  • The campaign by access to the right to health throught the therapeutic use of Cannabis Sativa in the state of Paraiba
  • Date: Jul 6, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This research treats of the topic of therapeutic use of cannabis for people with neurological disorders and other pathologies. The general objective of this study is evaluated analyze the campaign for access to the human entitlement to health through the therapeutic use of cannabis in the state of Paraíba, through the movement headed by the Paraiba families that culminated in the founding of the Cannabis League, amid their achievements and difficulties. To this end, it is intended as specific objectives: to contextualize the entitlement to health as a human entitlement at the international and national ambit in order to situate health and medication policies, identifying limits and impasses to the access of these policies by the individual; to substantiate historically the use of cannabis as a therapeutic substance, the impasses in face of the prohibitionist perspective of drug policy converging to the emergence of campaign and movements for the decriminalization of drugs; and to reconstitute the process of struggle of family members for the entitlement of children and relatives with neurological pathologies to access the human entitlement to health through cannabis, since the judgment of Public Civil Action no. 0802543-14.2014.4.05.8200, filed on July 31 from 2014, until the moment of institutionalization of this movement, giving rise to the Cannabic League in Paraíba, an entity that acts in the promotion and protection of the human entitlement to health. The research is based on a critical perspective of human entitlements, health and medication policies and the social movement for access to the therapeutic use of cannabis. Treat of a qualitative research in compliance with the hermeneutic dialectical method in order to analyze the contradictions between the affirmation and the effectiveness of the entitlement to health, from the perspective of the subjects involved in the process, using the semi-structured interview as a research resource and the thematic analyze of the contents (BARDIN, 2016). The study ends with the creation of the Cannabis League in Paraíba for the effectuation of the human entitlement to health through the therapeutic use of cannabis
  • Protecting lives and reassuring rights: Integral Protection‟s practices in the Death Threat Protection Program for Children and Adolescents in the state of Paraíba.
  • Date: Jul 1, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This study aims at analyzing if the Death Threat Protection Program for Children and Adolescents (PPCAAM) of the state of Paraíba, Brazil, actually promotes Integral Protection as established by the Children‟s and Adolescents‟ Statute (ECA). The present study describes the historical paths to the consolidation of children‟s and adolescents‟ rights, through an analysis of both national and international main guidelines that have based the Integral Protection Doctrine, the Convention and the Declaration of Rights of the Child as well as the Federal Constitution of Brazil of 1988 and the Children‟s and Adolescents‟ Statute of 1990. This study highlights the debate over contributing factors to lethal violence against children and adolescents, by gathering statistical data from the Adolescents‟ Homicide Index (IHA) and the Violence Map, whilst discussing Capitalism and the State, Education on Human Rights and Public Policies. In order to do as described, PPCAM‟s creation and current functioning as an institutional policy to tackle children and juvenile lethal violence in the state of Paraíba were contextualized by gathering national and other states‟ data on children and juvenile protection. This consists of a qualitative study of an exploratory level, based on the dialectical method. Gathered data was analyzed using Bardin‟s (1977) content analysis technique, which was utilized on both the documental analysis of the Individual Assistance Plan (PIA), Field Notes/Attendance Records, as well as on 07 (seven) semi-structured interviews with members of PPCAM‟s professionals. As part of this research‟s corpus, 06 (six) case studies have been selected, conditioned by the type of protection as well as their attendance to the program, from 2013 to 2018. Three major factors were identified as contributing to the denying of Integral Protection of the PPCAAM in the state of Paraíba: the program‟s national execution by presidential decreet; the lack of available places on the highly complex state network, specifically designated to the program; and the actual denial of certain fundamental rights, which harms Human Right‟s principles of integrality, interdependency, and indivisibility. The study proposes alternatives aimed to contribute to improving PPCAMS‟s execution in the state of Paraíba, whilst primary information regarding the program is gathered, enabling further discussions.
  • “WHAT DID THAT BOY DO MY GOD?”: Reflections on lynching in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza (2010-2018)
  • Date: Apr 30, 2020
  • Time: 10:30
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  • Considered as a cathartic form to break the violence circle, reestablish the social order and pacify, even temporally, the anguish and the anxieties that involves our community, the lynching is a rhizome of the modernity that signalize the destructive potential and purifier that a rite can assume on human sociability. In the same way, this work makes clear my effort to get in touch with a possible understanding of the reality of lynching in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza between 2010-2018. While I am searching violence, I start to realize how I am a subject subjected in this eugenic project denominated Brazilian colony. The studied period stands out by the intensification of violent sociability because of the homicide levels, robbery and theft, territorial disputes between gangs, etc., establishing a sacrificial crisis in this region, which tends to result in a cathartic revival. According to my analysis of the content on local virtual news from Ceará: Ascefort, Aracati Notícias, Blog do Fernando Ribeiro, Diário do Nordeste, G1 Ceará, O Povo, Portal Interbuss, Tribuna do Ceará e TV Diário; I could see recurring characteristics of the lynching that were reported by the media during the period studied. As a result of the reflections developed during this master thesis, I had the understanding that the lynching is not a sign of the absence of State institutions, impunity or insecurity, but it is included in the context of State politics that administers, organizes and controls affection, life and death of humanity as a species, selectively reaching certain subjects.
  • HUMANOS, ARTISTICAMENTE, HUMANOS: as expressões da loucura como saber trágico de vidas excluídas pelos domínios da razão
  • Date: Feb 28, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Contra o “perigo” de uma “humanidade irracional” vinculada a uma imagem de barbárie, é construído, na cultura ocidental, um processo civilizatório sob o farol de uma lógica imunitária de aniquilamento das “desmedidas sociais”. Não apenas por meio do direito, mas reforçado por uma biopolítica ao avesso que tem por fim confinar ou excluir os germes infecciosos das “doenças sociais” – entre elas a loucura –, legitima-se uma condição subumana a indivíduos despersonalizados em busca de uma “saúde social” inumana. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal apresentar os discursos da loucura provenientes de expressões artísticas de internos do Hospital Psiquiátrico Colônia Juliano Moreira em João Pessoa-PB como alternativa à dominação excludente dos discursos médico-científicos. Especificamente, os objetivos do estudo são: (1) apresentar e analisar os discursos das produções artísticas de indivíduos internos do Hospital Psiquiátrico Colônia Juliano Moreira em João Pessoa-PB; (2) refletir sobre a construção histórico-filosófica de um modelo de dominação científica da razão moderna que aniquila expressões trágicas; (3) criticar o modelo biopolítico exercido na modernidade pela dinâmica do paradigma imunitário; (4) dar visibilidade a essas expressões na aproximação com a comunidade local, em particular acadêmica. A metodologia utilizada é qualitativa com análise de imagens em movimento cruzada com análise discursiva genealógica de Foucault para o corpus audiovisual e textual coletados através das técnicas de observação e pesquisa documental. A partir dos resultados obtidos, tornou possível inferir que as expressões artísticas de homens e mulheres considerados “loucos e loucas” que estiveram internadas no Hospital Psiquiátrico Colônia Juliano Moreira em João Pessoa-PB, reverberaram um saber trágico cuja potência tornou possível apresentar uma via de fuga que atravessa o confinamento territorial proporcionado pelo biopoder para uma construção biopotente – inclusiva e autodeterminada – na formação de uma cultura de e para os Direitos Humanos fora da redução epistemológica da saúde mental.
  • Date: Oct 2, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho busca contribuir com a compreensao do processo de democratizacao do acesso ao curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB) a segmentos populacionais sub-representados nessa graduacao – grupos baixa renda, preto(a)s, pardo(a)s, indigenas - a partir das acoes afirmativas implantadas institucionalmente em 2011 (RES. 09/2010 CONSEPE) e fortalecidas em 2012 pela Lei Federal no 12.711/2012. O estudo parte da ideia de que Medicina e um curso com elevado prestigio social, conforme estudos de Costa (2017) e, portanto, sempre foi povoado por extratos sociais economicamente privilegiados, o que o faz um terreno fertil para uma investigacao dos impactos trazidos pelas acoes afirmativas. Objetiva-se analisar as mudancas e reconfiguracoes provocadas no curso pelas cotas a partir da analise de documentos institucionais como tambem da perspectiva discente. Sao objetivos especificos da pesquisa (1) Identificar politicas ou acoes institucionais de acesso e/ou permanencia dos segmentos populacionais beneficiados pela politica afirmativa; (2) Averiguar acoes no curso de Medicina relacionadas as questoes etnico-raciais; e (3) Investigar desigualdades socio-etnico-economicas no alunado medico. A metodologia teve uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa, envolvendo a analise documental, identificacao das acoes na UFPB e no curso de Medicina, e aplicacao de entrevistas semiestruturadas “on line”, conforme Flick (2009, 241-243), junto aos discentes e egresso(a)s, valendo-se da analise tematica de conteudo de Bardin (2016) para interpretacao dos dados.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2019
  • Time: 14:30
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  • No Brasil do ultimo seculo, a historia da loucura tem no carcere um importante alibi social e propulsor de discursos periculosistas. Nessa centuria, a impulsao da engrenagem se intensifica na medida em que o uso de drogas se apresenta como fundamental componente a incluir o manicomio judiciario na agenda de guerra as drogas. Na presente pesquisa, expusemos o contexto judiciario em que o consumo de substancias psicoativas repercute na determinacao judicial de cumprimento de medidas de seguranca no Instituto de Psiquiatria Forense da Paraiba. Nosso objetivo foi compreender como o uso de drogas torna-se elemento de formacoes discursivas que, em nome do controle sobre a periculosidade, instam autoridades judiciarias a submeter o sujeito ao tratamento penal compulsorio. Selecionado o periodo de 2002 a 2017, em primeiro plano, obtivemos resultados quantitativos sobre a realidade judiciaria-manicomial no estado, com base em dados coletados de 256 processos criminais. Por meio de filtros seletivos dentro desse universo, no segundo momento, debrucamo-nos sobre 12 processos que nos mobilizaram a analisar os discursos em torno da triplice interface uso de drogas / prisao / psiquiatria, que resultam na determinacao da medida de seguranca de internacao. Almejamos compreender os discursos que orientam e subjazem as relacoes de poder, tao individualizantes quanto totalizadoras, na construcao do itinerario institucional de seguranca para o qual concorre o debate sobre o uso de drogas. A despeito de, pela atual lei de drogas, tal comportamento nao mais ensejar pena de prisao - realidade a qual se somam os efeitos do trintenio da reforma psiquiatrica brasileira que pouco se voltou aos loucos infratores -, o escape ao manicomio judiciario parece inevitavel para a historia e sedutor para as autoridades judiciarias. Por meio de seis categorias nomeadas situacoes-limite, acompanhadas de questoes orientadoras, analisamos discursos que orbitaram em torno dos seguintes temas: detracao penal, laudos periciais, alcool e outras drogas, defesa tecnica, divergencia entre direito e psiquiatria, e responsabilidade da familia. Apresentaram-se mais contradicoes do que solucoes. Abriram-se caminhos que nos mostraram que o itinerario institucional de seguranca ao qual e submetida a pessoa em medida joga, perigosamente, com tempo, palavra e sujeito em foucaultiano discurso ubuesco. Desse labirinto propusemos saidas estrategicas que perpassam, afora as reflexoes teoricas, as lutas pela garantia de direitos humanos dessa populacao duplamente assujeitada.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O objetivo deste trabalho e analisar, a luz Educacao em Direitos Humanos, a mediacao transformativa de conflitos por mediadores sociais de uma escola publica em Fortaleza- CE, no tocante ao empoderamento dos sujeitos atraves do dialogo, para responder a duas perguntas centrais: diante dos conflitos ocorridos na escola, quais os efeitos da Mediacao Transformativa Escolar? A mediacao fomentou uma cultura de dialogo e propiciou o empoderamento da comunidade escolar? A abordagem metodologica adotada foi qualitativa e se adotou, como estrategia de pesquisa o estudo de caso. Para o levantamento dos dados utilizou-se de entrevistas, grupo focal, pesquisa documental e diario de campo. Quanto ao tratamento, as entrevistas e o grupo focal tiveram seus registros em audio transcritos literalmente e os documentos da escola foram integralmente lidos e fotocopiados. As anotacoes do diario de campo foram manuscritas e utilizadas como memoria da pesquisa. Para responder as questoes de pesquisa, analisaram-se experiencias em uma escola publica no Ceara que lidava, a epoca da coleta de dados, com a mediacao de conflitos, de modo a estabelecer, por essa via interventiva, segundo a interpretacao aqui desenvolvida, uma educacao em e para os Direitos Humanos. Analisou-se como, atraves da mediacao, processos de resolucao de conflitos conduziram a dialogicidade e ao empoderamento dos seus participantes, como preveem as diretrizes politicas e educacionais de uma educacao voltada para os Direitos Humanos. Presumindo-se que uma dissertacao no campo dos Direitos Humanos deva colaborar com processos que concorrem para a dignidade da pessoa humana, observou-se que esse metodo pacifico de resolucao de conflitos tornou-se politica publica na escola quando se verificou que as estrategias de seguranca publica tradicionais em face da questao da violencia, nao surtiam os efeitos desejados. Assim, apesar de todo esforco para a implantacao de uma cultura de paz no Estado do Ceara, os conflitos que convergem para atos violentos ainda chegam a escola, que, bombardeada intra e extramuros, precisa desenvolver estrategias de sobrevivencia local. Nesse contexto, a historia das politicas publicas para prevenir/gerenciar conflitos no contexto cultural brasileiro evidenciou ser a mediacao um modo mais eficaz e educativo. Na escola pesquisada, a percepcao dos conflitos manteve-se, mas a forma de supera-los tornou-se mais educativa: a mediacao entre pares, que, como mostram os dados de entrevistas, grupo focal e observacoes, aperfeicoou os meios de resolucao dos conflitos. Por isso, o empoderamento e o protagonismo estudantil foram percebidos nos achados dessa pesquisa, pois os adolescentes participantes do caso de mediacao escolar demonstraram mudancas internas e externas. Na analise de um caso de mediacao horizontal, reconheceu-se o empoderamento pelo dialogo, uma vez que os mediadores proporcionam as partes voz no processo de resolucao, incentivando-as a chegarem a um acordo, trazendo, por conseguinte, uma melhora no clima escolar e na convivencia. Percebe-se tambem que, na atividade de mediadores, discentes exercem seus papeis como cidadaos ativos, conscios de que sao sujeitos de direito, a partir do momento que se conhecem e reconhecem no outro a extensao do dano causado, o foco nao esta no conflito em si, mas nos sujeitos nele envolvidos .Desse modo, a mediacao transformativa de conflitos escolares, cujo foco recai da recomposicao das relacoes humanas, concatena-se com a educacao em direitos humanos, uma vez que proporciona processos dialogicos, diminui o autoritarismo do poder verticalizado existente e gera empoderamento dos sujeitos como cidadaos ativos.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho aborda o fenomeno da expansao/democratizacao do ensino superior com foco nos seus desdobramentos ate o final de 2010. Pergunta-se em que medida o processo de expansao do ensino superior brasileiro representou efetiva democratizacao? Considera-se democratico o ensino superior cujas oportunidades de acesso sao iguais para todos e a populacao universitaria retrata adequadamente a diversidade da sociedade. Nesse sentido, faz-se uma analise do contexto atual do ensino superior, das razoes para democratizar, das origens e carater elitista da educacao superior brasileira, da Reforma Universitaria de 1964 e dos desdobramentos do processo de expansao do acesso apos a redemocratizacao brasileira. Com base nesse referencial, objetiva-se analisar os desdobramentos da expansao/democratizacao do ensino superior (2003-2010) no municipio de Santana da Mangueira/PB. Para alcanca-lo, contextualiza-se historicamente o processo de expansao do ensino superior brasileiro e discute-se a ampliacao do acesso ao ensino superior brasileiro (2003 - 2010) no municipio de Santana da Mangueira/PB a partir dos dados educacionais do CENSO demografico brasileiro no periodo de 2002-2010. Trata-se de uma pesquisa social qualitativa de estudo de caso, com a qual pretende-se aprofundar o conhecimento de um fenomeno social bem delimitado, numa realidade empirica particular, ou seja, num tempo e lugar especificos, onde observar-se-a a fluidez do marco teorico escolhido.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2019
  • Time: 09:30
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  • O estudo apresentado aqui articula e questiona dois conceitos que ocupam um espaco fundamental no mundo contemporaneo - Direitos Humanos e Desenvolvimento Sustentavel. O questionamento vem a partir do conceito indigena de "bem viver" que entende que ao discutir o futuro do planeta, essa discussao nao pode ser reduzida a relacao entre seres humanos e meio ambiente. No centro da discussao e uma compreensao amplo do conceito de direito a vida que abrange todas as formas de vida - humana, animal e vegetal. Defendemos que o direito a uma vida digna inclui tudo que tem vida. Nesse sentido, em consonancia com o bem viver, argumentamos para uma educacao em e para os direitos humanos e da natureza como base para um desenvolvimento sustentavel. Para tanto, analisamos tres documentos recentes concernentes direitos humanos: o Plano Nacional de Direitos Humanos, na sua terceira versao, data de 2010 (PNEDH-3); O Plano Nacional de Educacao em Direitos Humanos, lancado no ano de 2007 (PNEDH); e as Diretrizes Nacionais para Educacao em Direitos Humanos, do ano de 2012. Tambem foram objeto de analise a AGENDA 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentavel e AGENDA 2030 para Educacao. O estudo do conceito de Bem Viver e de desenvolvimento contido nele, partiu de autores latino-americanos e foi relacionado com o conceito de desenvolvimento que embasa os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel. A pesquisa e essencialmente qualitativa, bibliografica e documental entendendo os documentos como artefatos produzidos por humanos em determinada conjuntura para comunicar algo. Ao mesmo tempo, se classifica como sendo um estudo exploratorio cuja finalidade e clarear conceitos e tambem critica-los. Para a analise dos dados lancamos mao da tecnica da hermeneutica dialetica. Concluimos que o conceito de desenvolvimento que emerge da analise de bem viver possui uma visao holistica e harmoniosa dos elementos, que garante um processo de desenvolvimento para toda a coletividade planetaria. Ao contrario, na Agenda 2030 o sentimento individualista se faz presente numa perspectiva claramente antropocentrica. Consequentemente, uma educacao em e para os direitos humanos e insuficiente para garantir o futuro da vida planetaria: para isso, defendemos uma educacao em e para os direitos humanos e da natureza.
  • Date: Jul 29, 2019
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Esta dissertacao "Educacao Popular como expressao da Educacao em e para os Direitos Humanos no Servico de Educacao Popular" tem como objetivo geral, analisar a relevancia da Educacao Popular enquanto expressao das lutas e da educacao para os direitos humanos na regiao do brejo paraibano na decada de 1980, embriao em tempos de resistencia e lutas emancipatorias. Como objetivos especificos, o trabalho pretende aproximar conceitualmente a educacao popular da educacao em e para os direitos humanos a partir da abordagem da pedagogia critica como expressao da resistencia a opressao, da educacao politica para os direitos sociais e da educacao emancipatoria; realizar uma analise das violacoes aos direitos humanos e da questao social como expressao das contradicoes sociais numa conjuntura de transicao politica entre o periodo de 1975-1985 na regiao do brejo paraibano; e analisar a experiencia de educacao popular desenvolvida pelo Servico de Educacao Popular - SEDUP na decada de oitenta. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, envolvendo a pesquisa bibliografica, documental e de campo, junto ao Servico de Educacao Popular - SEDUP, com sede em Guarabira/PB. A pesquisa documental busca identificar informacoes factuais em documentos do acervo do SEDUP em Guarabira e dos acervos pessoais dos educadores populares. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados foi adotada a entrevista semiestruturada com cinco educadores do SEDUP durante o periodo de 1975-1985. Como instrumento de analise de dados foi adotada a tecnica de analise de conteudo tematico realizada a partir de leitura flutuante e de categorizacao tematica a posterior das narrativas.
  • Date: Jul 26, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Este estudo teve como objetivo geral analisar a luz dos Direitos Humanos os estigmas e o racismo ambiental na Comunidade Colonia Getulio Vargas situada na Zona de Amortecimento da Unidade de Conservacao Estadual da Mata do Xem-Xem, no municipio de Bayeux/PB. Como objetivos especificos buscou-se investigar a politica de isolamento compulsorio no Brasil a partir do Leprosario Colonia Getulio Vargas, identificar as demandas por justica ambiental e interpretar a relacao de identidade dos moradores da referida comunidade com o territorio da reserva ambiental, onde se desenvolveu um estilo de vida e ideias sobre sua apropriacao. Em relacao aos procedimentos metodologicos para a sistematizacao deste trabalho, este se deu em tres momentos complementares a revisao documental, a pesquisa bibliografica e a pesquisa de campo. Recorremos a historia do tempo presente por meio da oralidade, fazendo uso da entrevista semiestruturada e das anotacoes em cadernos de campo. A pesquisa empirica apontou que a populacao tem um sentimento de pertenca a esse territorio, eles apresentaram nas narrativas uma memoria permeada por estigmas em torno da doenca “lepra”/hanseniase. As vivencias junto a comunidade me fizeram entender que o racismo ambiental se expressa atraves das injusticas ambientais, da exclusao social, dos estigmas sobre o antigo Leprosario, e, sobretudo, no preconceito mencionado por representantes do Estado em relacao as praticas da Jurema Sagrada.
  • Date: Jul 25, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Buscamoa analisar o processo de construcao da identidade territorial dos trabalhadores rurais do Assentamento Serra do Monte, como fator de fortalecimento ao Direito Humano a terra e ao cumprimento de sua funcao social. A escolha desse assentamento se deu em virtude da sua formacao haver ocorrido sem a participacao de movimentos sociais, fato que trouxe questionamentos sobre as relacoes identitarias no territorio. Utilizamos como referencial os conceitos de territorio, territorialidade e identidade territorial por intermedio dos autores Raffestin (1993), Haesbaert (2004), Almeida (2012) e Bonnemaison (2002). Pautamo-nos em uma abordagem cultural humanistica e numa perspectiva bibliografica e documental e realizamos trabalhos de campo, imprescindiveis para a investigacao, dialogando com Rodrigues (2007), Oliveira (2006), Marcos (2006), Kaiser (2006) e Serpa (2006). Utilizamos registros de audio, documentacao fotografica, caderno de campo e instrumentos de coleta semiestruturados e, para reforcas a compreensao sobre a ocupacao do territorio, utilizamos a cartografia social como ferramenta, baseada nas leituras de Gorayeb e Meireles (2014) e Acselrad (2013). Analisamos a formacao, a dinamica do assentamento e as relacoes dos diversos grupos existentes, entre si, e com o territorio. Percebemos que o acesso a terra continua nao sendo reconhecido como um direito humano autonomo e que o Judiciario Brasileiro fundamenta suas decisoes na defesa absoluta da propriedade. Concluimos que a identidade territorial e fator determinante para promover e fortalecer o direito humano a terra e proporcionar o cumprimento de sua funcao social, porem, dos cinco grupos existentes, apenas dois demonstram identidade com o assentamento. A identidade territorial se apresentou atraves dos vinculos criados por meio da manutencao de suas tradicoes, sua cultura, das relacoes com os espacos geosimbolicos, compreendendo suas memorias mais significativas, dos lacos familiares e pelo que a terra lhes proporciona, apesar das dificuldades enfrentadas.
  • Date: Jul 23, 2019
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Date: Jul 22, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O presente trabalho e objeto da conclusao da pesquisa de campo que se deu no Centro de Reeducacao Feminino Maria Julia Maranhao, unico presidio feminino de Joao Pessoa. Esse trabalho possui como tematica central um estudo sobre as relacoes entre genero, maternidade, direitos humanos e sistema prisional, buscando compreender a situacao das mulheres maes encarceradas que viveram com seus filhos (as) no espaco da prisao. Desse modo, o estudo tem como objetivo analisar a trajetoria de vida e as implicacoes da violacao de direitos, gerados pelo (nao) exercicio da maternidade de mulheres que tiveram seus filhos no sistema prisional. Tratou-se, portanto, de uma analise sobre a situacao das mulheres em privacao de liberdade, e de como se deu o processo da maternidade dentro do espaco prisional, a fim de compreender e verificar se as maes presas tiveram seus direitos violados e negados, e se ainda conseguem exercer a maternidade apos a separacao. Para tanto, levamos em consideracao os dados recentes do Ministerio da Justica (2018) e do Sistema de Informacoes Penitenciarias – InfoPen (2018) que apontam nos ultimos anos o crescente numero de mulheres aprisionadas que tiveram filhos dentro do espaco da prisao. Neste sentido, optamos por estudo de carater exploratorio descritivo, em que foi utilizados alguns elementos da etnografia como a observacao participante e o diario de campo. Entrevistamos nove mulheres que viveram com seus filhos (as) no espaco prisional, e construimos metodologicamente esse trabalho a partir das seguintes etapas: pesquisa bibliografica do objeto de estudo, visitas ao campo, observacao, levantamentos, e entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas, que formaram os dados analisados qualitativamente no estudo. Conforme apontam os resultados, observamos nas historias de vida narradas pelas entrevistadas que todas trazem trajetorias marcadas pelo sofrimento e por relacoes conflituosas no ambito familiar. Alem disso, alguns relatos apontaram que maior parte mulheres e seus filhos (as) nao tiveram seus direitos resguardados e sofreram graves violacoes de direitos humanos no espaco prisional. Algumas reeducandas afirmaram que conseguem ter contato com seus filhos (as) apos a separacao, mas asseguraram ser muito dificil poder exercer a maternidade estando presa. Conclui-se, portanto, que se faz necessario garantir a essas mulheres e seus filhos os seus direitos, via acesso as politicas publicas, dentro e fora da prisao, possibilitando os meios necessarios para que estas possam ter outra perspectiva de vida quando sairem do carcere e assim poderem reestabelecer uma relacao saudavel e segura com seus filhos (as).
  • Date: Jul 9, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A educação para as relações étnico-raciais, obrigatória em toda rede de ensino brasileira desde os anos 2000, reflete muitos anos de luta por políticas públicas para a igualdade racial, por parte dos movimentos sociais negros no Brasil. O asseguramento de uma educação que contemple a história e a cultura da África e dos afro-brasileiros nos conduz a um novo patamar de Cidadania, onde são reconhecidos e valorizados saberes tradicionais afro-brasileiros como, por exemplo, o saber tradicional da Capoeira. O presente trabalho investiga as contribuições pedagógicas possíveis da prática da Capoeira para a socioeducação de adolescentes em conflito com a lei. A Capoeira é tomada nesta investigação enquanto uma Pedagogia Social, capaz de educar em e para Direitos Humanos, colaborando com a socioeducação desses jovens e com a realização de uma educação para as relações étinico-raciais. Buscou-se apresentar a Capoeira como manifestação histórica, política e identitária afro-brasileira e algumas de suas interlocuções factíveis com a Educação em Direitos Humanos. Uma síntese da situação dos Direitos Humanos dos adolescentes em conflito com a lei no país e a descrição e análise da prática da Capoeira no Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo de Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE completam o corpo do trabalho. A pesquisa tem caráter exploratório, é do tipo qualitativa, valendo-se de dados bibliográficos, documentais e empíricos. A Fenomenologia e a Etnometodologia foram utilizadas como referências para as escolhas do percurso metodológico e para as reflexões epistemológicas. O trabalho apresenta referências da Sociologia, Antropologia, Educação, Direitos Humanos, Psicologia, e História, dentre outras disciplinas, constituindo-se como uma pesquisa do campo interdisciplinar. O referencial teórico situa-se nas chamadas epistemologias do sul, onde a noção de "sul" reflete os desafios e perspectivas do chamado "terceiro mundo". Neste trabalho, foram consideradas as especifidades das unidades de internação quanto aos aspectos relacionados à educação e aos direitos humanos de adolescentes privados de liberdade.
  • LAICIDADE DO ESTADO E ENSINO RELIGIOSO NO BRASIL: Trajetórias, Desafios e Perspectivas
  • Date: Jul 9, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O ensino religioso nas escolas públicas do Brasil é uma problemática atual e de debate complexo em virtude do caráter laico do Estado e das tradições históricas da escola, no que se refere ao ensino confessional. A questão que impulsionou tal estudo foi identificar quais barreiras jurídicas e educacionais fragilizam o ensino religioso e de que forma este ensino desconfigura a laicidade do Estado. A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os entraves e as efetivações na promoção desse componente curricular segundo as instituições nacionais envolvidas nos debates deliberativos sobre o ensino religioso e os seus documentos norteadores. Dentre os principais teóricos sobre a Religião, a Laicidade do Estado e o Ensino Religioso, na perspectiva dos Direitos Humanos, dialogamos com Eliade (1989), Cecchetti (2016), Reimer (2013), Giumbelli (2001) e Santos (2014). entre outros. A abordagem teve caráter qualitativo; o método descritivo com perfil bibliográfico, de campo e documental, e foram utilizados como instrumentos de coleta de dados: a entrevista semiestruturada, o diário de campo e os documentos norteadores do ensino religioso cujas análises foram realizadas pela técnica de análise de conteúdo e análise argumentativa. As conclusões da pesquisa revelaram que o ensino religioso é um território de disputas ideológicas (ameaçado e ameaçador) no contexto histórico e político que expressa as ambiguidades da relação Estado, Igrejas e Sociedade e sinaliza a fragilidade da laicidade brasileira. O estudo também mostrou que os entraves de natureza jurídica e educacional só poderão ser superados com base nos ideais de tolerância e respeito às diversidades. Por fim, vale salientar o importante papel que as instituições e a sociedade civil têm na garantia dos direitos de valorização da liberdade e pluralidade religiosa.
  • Date: Jun 5, 2019
  • Time: 15:00
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  • A afirmacao dos direitos humanos depois da Declaracao Universal dos Direitos Humanos de 1948, comecou a ser pensada a partir de um novo paradigma: a ideia de dignidade humana como eixo central das relacoes sociais, sendo esta nova ordem, protegida por sistemas internacionais com formacao global e regional. No Brasil, alguns tratados e normas internacionais foram ratificados sobre a materia, no intuito de garantir e uniformizar a protecao dos direitos humanos. Todavia, ha a divergencia entre o que e aplicado juridicamente na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos com o entendimento postulado pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Assim, como problema de pesquisa, questionou-se em que medida o entendimento do STF diverge da jurisprudencia da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos no que tange a responsabilizacao individual pela pratica de "crimes de lesa-humanidade" por agentes do estado? Como a decisao do STF, referente a interpretacao da Lei de Anistia, repercute na inaplicacao da responsabilizacao individual dos perpetradores da violencia em periodos de ditadura militar? Considerando o que seria o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos e a Justica de Transicao, seus efeitos e resultados, bem como, as diversas politicas publicas de resgate a memoria e conhecimento da historia durante o periodo do arbitrio militar na consolidacao de uma democracia investigou-se os reflexos do entendimento formulado pelo STF sobre os crimes de "lesa-humanidade" e a Lei de Anistia brasileira.
  • Date: May 2, 2019
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Este trabalho conta a historia de vida de Nina Kelly, cinquenta e nove anos, travesti, transformista, costureira, destaque de escola de samba. Nascida no interior da Paraiba, migrou para a capital ainda adolescente, onde se estabeleceu. A narrativa foi construida com base numa metodologia interdisciplinar, elegendo o genero textual da entrevista comentada como metodo de producao discursiva. Posicionamos os estudos sobre direitos humanos entre a teoria literaria, historia, geografia, psicologia e direito. Como fontes primarias de informacao, manejamos, alem da entrevista semiestruturada, fotografias, videos e objetos de recordacao que compoem o acervo pessoal da sujeita. A perspectiva de Maurice Halbwachs nos oferece o conceito de memoria enquanto construcao social, de modo que o individual e o coletivo se cruzam em nossas lembrancas. Assim, atraves das reminiscencias de Nina, pretendemos mergulhar na memoria social da comunidade sexo-genero dissidente em Joao Pessoa.
  • Date: Apr 8, 2019
  • Time: 11:00
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  • Date: Mar 29, 2019
  • Time: 18:00
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  • A presente dissertacao tem por escopo, partindo da analise de uma producao teorica da criminologia critica e do acumulo teorico da economia politica da pena, analisar e demonstrar o entrelacamento entre a formacao do modo de producao capitalista e a origem da pena privativa de liberdade com a atual crise estrutural do capital e o encarceramento em massa das ultimas decadas. A pena de privacao de liberdade, ate 1970, mantinha-se com indices estaveis em todo o planeta. A tendencia era que a aplicacao da pena de prisao fosse destinada para casos especificos, utilizando de outros instrumentos de controle social para a contencao e vigilancia das pessoas marginalizadas. No entanto, este cenario muda radicalmente. O carcere como pena passa a ser empregado, inicialmente nos Estados Unidos, a partir de meados da decada de 1970, como a principal punicao do Estado para os que fossem rotulados como criminosos, tendo como consequencia o aprisionamento de milhoes de pessoas – em sua maioria, negras e pobres – de 380 mil em 1975 para quase 2 milhoes em 2000 (WACQUANT, 2007). Essa ansia punitivista nao tardou a chegar ao Brasil. A partir da decada de 1990, com grande acentuacao no ano de 2006 em diante, a populacao prisional brasileira cresceu em niveis nunca antes vistos – de 380 mil em 1990 para mais de 725 mil em 2016 (INFOPEN, 2017) –, marcada pela seletividade que e caracteristica do sistema penal em todos os paises. Sao investigadas, ainda, como as teorias e praticas economicas e criminologicas repercutem no Brasil, sem esquecer que as especificidades historicas latino-americanas tornam o sistema penal ainda mais letal aos corpos das pessoas pobres e negras. O metodo de abordagem que sera utilizado na presente pesquisa e o materialismo historico dialetico, sendo este o norteador da analise da dinamica de funcionamento do sistema penal e suas interfaces com o sistema socio-economico. Buscamos analisar alguns conteudos observados neste processo: hiperencarceramento, desconstrucao do Estado de Bem-Estar Social, seletividade penal, politicas economicas neoliberais e racismo como categorias analiticas presentes na discussao teorico-cientifica da pena dentro da contemporaneidade. Conclui-se que as determinacoes socio-economicas, adotadas como resposta a crise estrutural do capital, tem causado o fenomeno do aprisionamento de milhoes de pessoas, atuando de forma mais ou menos violenta a depender das particularidades socio-historicas de cada pais.
  • INCLUSÃO DA CRIANÇA COM AUTISMO: Estudo das Tecnologias Assistivas para Ambientes Digitais de Aprendizagem.
  • Date: Mar 21, 2019
  • Time: 09:30
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  • O direito a educacao da pessoa com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) reflete movimentos de combate as injusticas socioeconomica e cultural que, historicamente, afetam as pessoas com deficiencia, cenario que se buscou modificar a partir do paradigma dos direitos humanos, sendo o Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) um dos mecanismos criados para garantir igualdade de oportunidades, isto diante de necessidades educacionais personalissimas que encontram na tecnologia novas possibilidades. Disto, apresenta-se como problema de pesquisa: - Em que medida as tecnologias assistivas viabilizadas pelo acesso a internet contribuem para o processo de aprendizagem da crianca autista na Educacao Infantil e como estao sendo efetivadas as politicas publicas de direitos humanos para a inclusao destas pessoas no ambiente escolar? Como justificativa social, a pesquisa visa identificar falhas e melhorias na politica publica destinada a inclusao social, gerando reflexos no exercicio de cidadania e efetividade de direitos humanos de pessoas autistas, ao mesmo tempo em que revela a importancia de promover uma educacao em/para direitos humanos. Ainda, busca-se trazer uma reflexao acerca da atuacao do professor de educacao inclusiva, com reflexos na atual politica da Educacao Especial, fomentando-se o respeito a diversidade e combate a normatizacao do ―diferente‖. Igualmente, evidencia-se relevancia juridica em funcao do Estado brasileiro ter assumido compromissos internacionais, constitucionais e infraconstitucionais, produzindo-se conhecimento acerca da eficacia social das declaracoes normativas. Como objetivo geral, analisa-se se/como as politicas publicas destinadas a insercao de tecnologias assistivas na escola promovem inclusao e se existe reverberacao no processo de aprendizagem da crianca autista a luz do paradigma da educacao inclusiva. Destaca-se como aporte teorico a Teoria da Redistribuicao e do Reconhecimento, a Teoria Socio-Historica e a Teoria da Constitucionalizacao Simbolica. Assim, pretende-se contribuir para o debate sobre a regulacao da tecnologia a luz dos direitos humanos envolvendo o direito a educacao da pessoa com deficiencia. Em relacao ao metodo, optou-se por uma pesquisa exploratoria, com abordagem mista (qualitativa e quantitativa). Ja em relacao ao delineamento, realizou-se pesquisa bibliografica, documental e empirica, com estudo de caso e metodo observacional conjugado com coleta de dados por aplicacao de questionario, sendo sujeitos seis professores de educacao inclusiva que atuam em salas de recursos multifuncionais. Adotou-se analise qualitativa com a correspondente interpretacao dos dados, com acoes desenvolvidas em tres etapas: reducao, exibicao e conclusao/verificacao. Conclui-se que as tecnologias assistivas que conformam ambientes digitais de aprendizagem se apresentam como mais um instrumento para o processo de ensino-aprendizado do autista, bem como que existem acoes do Poder Publico municipal para realizacao do AEE com uso destas ferramentas, contudo, ainda ha necessidade de mitigar o fosso inclusivo diante de problemas na eficacia social normativa, que visa produzir aprendizagem significativa no processo de desenvolvimento do autista.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2019
  • Time: 09:30
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  • O presente trabalho, intitulado: “EDUCACAO EM/PARA OS DIREITOS HUMANOS: o que nos ensinam os livros didaticos de Historia?”, se volta para a analise de alguns livros didaticos de Historia adotados pelas escolas publicas de Ensino Medio no Vale do Mamanguape/PB, com o fim de compreender a maneira como os mesmos tem problematizado temas relacionados a Educacao em/para os Direitos Humanos. O livro didatico, objeto de nossa pesquisa, e uma ferramenta relevante capaz de contemplar uma EDH para a Cidadania, pois e empregado de maneira sistematica pelo/a educador/a e largamente adotado como elemento basico na organizacao do trabalho pedagogico. Muito mais do que simples material didatico, o livro se configura como um instrumento politico-ideologico, um espaco que sofre a acao de um complexo processo das relacoes e interesses de varios grupos sociais. No percurso da pesquisa, foram utilizados dois procedimentos metodologicos que se complementaram na acao de investigacao. Sugestoes do metodo de analise de conteudo, de Bardin (2016); e o metodo de Analise de Discurso, de Orlandi (2000). A abordagem metodologica escolhida e, portanto, de natureza qualitativa. A pesquisa realizada permitiu uma grata constatacao: o fato dos Livros Didaticos (ao menos os examinados) conterem inumeras possibilidades para a realizacao da EDH. Tentamos aponta-las na medida do possivel. Os resultados obtidos, de modo mais abrangente, permitiram o questionamento de nossa concepcao previa a pesquisa, em parte impregnada de discursos circulantes na Educacao Basica, de que Livros Didaticos nao propiciariam a EDH. E claro que os resultados sao relativos e demandam novas pesquisas, pois ha Livros Didaticos e Livros Didaticos, textos e textos. Se comprovamos que os LD (ao menos os examinados) propiciam a veiculacao dos DH e a EDH, por que ela nao se concretiza nas Escolas? A reflexao leva a outro patamar de consideracoes, as praticas educativas e a um problema talvez anterior: a formacao dos/as professores/as (formacao inicial). Desse modo, os resultados obtidos suscitam uma reflexao de maior alcance: como os textos didaticos poderiam instituir melhor o discurso dos DH em um momento em que se tenta desconstrui-lo? Por que ele nao tem forca instituinte como o discurso autoritario? E preciso analisar melhor os nucleos discursivos das formacoes ideologicas autoritarias e refletir sobre os argumentos/contra-argumentos discursivos necessarios para sua refutacao, em prol da Cultura de/para os Direitos Humanos. A intencao deste estudo foi deixar ao leitor, principalmente aos educadores comprometidos com uma educacao voltada para o respeito a uma Cultura dos Direitos Humanos, a tarefa de empreender o enfrentamento de territorios pouco explorados na area educacional, no que diz a EDH – para, desse modo, internalizar a necessidade de um posicionamento mais politizado frente aos instrumentos utilizados no cotidiano educacional. Esta dissertacao de mestrado e mais um passo na busca, empreendida com tantos brasileiros, de manter nosso otimismo, nosso entusiasmo de que uma EDH e possivel e necessaria, mesmo diante dos ultimos retrocessos em face da luta pelos Direitos Humanos. Isso porque um debate academico acerca da Educacao e dos DH contribui diretamente na formacao dos individuos que participam deste sistema de interacao. Espera-se que a garantia de uma EDH nao so traga uma maior efetividade das pessoas como sujeitos de direitos, mas tambem possa contribuir para um melhor entendimento das multiplas faces da dignidade humana.
  • Date: Dec 14, 2018
  • Time: 15:30
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  • A educacao em direitos humanos no ensino superior tem sido considerada no conjunto das normativas educacionais e internacionais como de fundamental importancia na formacao de cidadaos eticos, comprometidos com o respeitos aos direitos humanos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo geral analisar como a educacao em direitos humanos esta inserida no Ensino Superior no Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia da Paraiba (IFPB), campus Campina Grande.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2018
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Em virtude da crescente demanda da criminalidade entre os jovens brasileiros, o governo Federal, em 2012, criou a obrigatoriedade dos estados e municipios em adotar o Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo-SINASE. Diante disso, o presente estudo tem como questao central de pesquisa: qual a efetividade da Rede na construcao de Politicas Publicas municipais frente ao processo de Socioeducacao no municipio de Cabedelo na Paraiba? Dessa forma, o escopo geral da pesquisa e verificar como vem sendo efetivado o trabalho do SINASE, em termos de politicas publicas para as juventudes, no municipio de Cabedelo-PB, a luz do paradigma da protecao integral. A pesquisa cientifica e, quanto a abordagem do problema, qualitativa, quanto aos procedimentos, e documental e de campo, em que serao feitas observacoes e aplicacao de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os representantes locais, participantes da Rede, do referido municipio. A analise e interpretacao dos dados sera atraves da analise de conteudo. Espera-se, com essa pesquisa contribuir com o processo de insercao social dos adolescentes e jovens em conflito com a lei, articulando a pesquisa com acoes de politicas publicas no ambito local conjuntamente com as acoes do SINASE.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A exploracao do trabalho infantil e uma fonte de violacao de direitos humanos das criancas, a qual acarreta profundas mudancas na organizacao de suas vidas, principalmente quanto aos estudos e lazer. O Estatuto da Crianca e do Adolescente – ECA (BRASIL, 1990) surgiu em consonancia com a Convencao sobre os Direitos da Crianca (ONU, 1989), a fim de desconstruir a cultura da exploracao como algo arraigado ao imaginario nacional, promovendo a cultura da protecao integral a estas pessoas em desenvolvimento e conferindo a elas o status de sujeitos sociais e de direitos. Neste contexto, a presente dissertacao teve por problema norteador: como a exploracao do trabalho infantil historicamente se apresenta no Brasil e como se deram as mudancas referentes ao tratamento destinado as criancas no contexto posterior a Convencao sobre os Direitos da Crianca e ao Estatuto da Crianca e do Adolescente? Assim tambem, problematizamos: de que forma o Servico de Convivencia e Fortalecimento de Vinculos vem sendo implementado em Joao Pessoa a partir da perspectiva do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos da Crianca e do Adolescente? O objetivo geral foi analisar o Servico de Convivencia e Fortalecimento de Vinculos enquanto uma politica de direitos humanos que busca enfrentar a exploracao do trabalho infantil a partir do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos da Crianca e do Adolescente. Para tanto, desenvolvemos pesquisa de campo junto ao Servico de Convivencia e Fortalecimento de Vinculos em cinco Centros de Referencia de Assistencia Social em Joao Pessoa, bem como no Centro de Referencia Especializado de Assistencia Social, com a feitura de entrevistas semiestruturadas, para que pudessemos verificar se, na pratica, a politica de enfrentamento a exploracao do trabalho infantil esta sendo efetivada na cidade.
  • EM NOME DO PAI: Memórias do projeto em Direitos Humanos “Nome Legal” do Ministério Público da Paraíba (2011 – 2015)
  • Date: Aug 29, 2018
  • Time: 14:30
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  • O Nucleo de Paternidade Permanente (NUPAR) “Nome Legal” do Ministerio Publico da Paraiba (MPPB) surgiu a partir de 2015, como forma de efetivacao e institucionalizacao das praticas do projeto de mesmo nome, sendo este ultimo criado em razao do numero alarmante trazido pelo Censo Escolar do CNJ em 2011, de que 5,5 milhoes de criancas nao possuiam o nome do pai no registro civil. O objetivo do estudo e analisar o NUPAR, considerando as memorias dos participantes, relacionando-as com as acoes desenvolvidas pelo Ministerio Publico, bem como a perspectiva de familia e paternidade, a partir de um projeto em direitos humanos. Com relacao a metodologia, constituiu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, que se utilizou dos procedimentos da Historia Oral, realizando entrevistas semiestruturadas. Apesar do regramento internacional na protecao dos direitos da crianca desde 1924, o Brasil foi um retardatario neste aspecto, pois so regulou a crianca e o adolescente, como sujeito de direito dotado de protecao integral, com a Constituicao Federal de 1988, consolidando-se no Estatuto da Crianca e Adolescente (ECA), em 1990. Percebe-se, com a analise do projeto, que a atuacao ministerial extrajudicial e de grande relevancia na efetivacao e na consolidacao dos direitos da crianca e do adolescente, sobretudo em razao do desgaste proveniente da judicializacao. A memoria, a partir de Le Goff (1990), Pollak (1992), Leal (2016), entre outros, em “parceria” com a historia oral e a historia do tempo presente foram imprescindiveis instrumentos de investigacao e compreensao neste estudo, pois contribuiram com a construcao de uma historia mais completa e equanime, sem manipulacao ou imposicao de esquecimentos, atribuindo importancia a todos os acontecimentos. Assim, conclui-se que a atuacao ministerial - e a forca tarefa montada pelo MPPB - foi responsavel direta pelo resgate da figura paterna na vida de criancas e adolescentes, contribuindo para uma mudanca de paradigma em relacao a paternidade, baseada (prioritariamente) no afeto, colaborando assim, para a ressignificacao gradativa do modelo patriarcal de familia, apesar deste ainda possuir raizes solidas.
  • Date: Aug 27, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Apos 17 anos de aprovacao da Lei nº 10.216/2001 e mesmo com a veiculacao do Brasil a Convencao Internacional sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiencia e a posterior publicacao da Lei Brasileira de Inclusao, a capacidade das pessoas em sofrimento mental autoras de crime continua desconsiderada, sendo-lhes destinada como tratamento, em regra, a internacao em manicomios judiciarios. Outro agravante e que nao ha previsao de limitacao temporal maxima e sua liberacao e condicional, dando margem para a perpetuacao do enclausuramento, com a institucionalizacao e o rompimento de vinculos familiares, e para a vinculacao da pessoa que porventura seja desinternada a este sistema. Frente a invisibilidade e ao abandono desta populacao, busca-se nos principios da Reforma Psiquiatrica e na trajetoria do movimento da luta antimanicomial elementos para analisar o processo de desinstitucionalizacao das medidas de seguranca, com foco nos casos de pessoas que permanecem na Penitenciaria de Psiquiatria Forense do Estado da Paraiba (PPF/PB) com sentenca de desinternacao prolatada. Como metodos de coleta de dados, parte-se da pesquisa documental, da observacao participante na PPF/PB e da realizacao de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Ja para a interpretacao do material coletado, recorre-se a analise qualitativa e a analise de conteudo, com a definicao das seguintes categorias analiticas: processos de institucionalizacao, acesso ao direito e a justica, Reforma Psiquiatrica antimanicomial e desinstitucionalizacao das medidas de seguranca. Com o trabalho empirico, constata-se que este sistema dissemina-se sobre a vida das pessoas submetidas a medida de seguranca, de modo que compromete o processo de desinstitucionalizacao e produz uma relacao de dependencia institucional. Ao investigar as percepcoes das/os profissionais, restam nitidas as distintas nocoes acerca da categoria desinstitucionalizacao e a manutencao de uma relacao de tutela e preconceito com as pessoas submetidas a medidas de seguranca. Conclui-se que este sistema funciona na contramao da Reforma Psiquiatrica antimanicomial, tendo em vista estar ancorado nas nocoes de periculosidade e inimputabilidade, que dificultam a garantia de direitos como a liberdade, o acesso ao direito e a justica. Assim, urge considerar a capacidade destas pessoas e transformar a forma como o Estado, as/os profissionais e a sociedade relacionam-se com a loucura.
  • Dorgival Renê Tolentino Leite
  • Date: Aug 27, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A Seguranca Publica no Estado Democratico de Direito se apresenta como um dos instrumentos de acao voltado para a defesa da ordem social e dos direitos de cidadania. Neste contexto, a atividade policial deve atuar, tambem, como semeadora e protetora dos direitos humanos, ao mesmo tempo que pode ser fator de desenvolvimento social, ja que contribui para a manutencao da ordem publica, bem como do funcionamento de todas as outras pastas publicas, bem como dos demais sistemas, que impulsionam as mais variadas relacoes sociais, sejam economicas, trabalhistas, assistencialistas, educativas e sociais. Pretende-se trazer como tema de estudo a relacao entre o processo educacional em torno desses profissionais, bem como as possiveis mudancas ocorridas com advento do estado democratico de direito apos a Constituicao Federal de 1988. A relacao desse processo de formacao tendo como resultado a atividade policial nas ruas, propiciara analisarmos os parametros educacionais presentes durante o ensino policial, em que pese a necessidade de reconhecer seus acertos, assim como apontar suas falhas, a fim de se aprimorar suas acoes, sempre com o objetivo de garantir uma melhor prestacao de servicos para a sociedade em geral. E nessa perspectiva que o projeto se propoe a desenvolver um estudo acerca da formacao educacional dos Policiais militares na Paraiba, com enfoque no Curso de Formacao de Soldados da Policia Militar da Paraiba – CFSD/PB, com o objetivo de entendermos a efetividade da educacao em direitos humanos neste processo de ensino, considerando que esta disciplina tem o condao, reformular conceitos e imprimir o respeito a cidadania e aos direitos fundamentais, sejam relacionados a sociedade, bem como aos proprios policiais. Desse modo, o estudo permitira compreender as aplicacoes ou nao dos documentos normativos e da politica de direitos humanos que tratam da educacao em direitos humanos numa perspectiva internacional ate a estadual, bem como, analisar a relacao entre os paradigmas e a forma de proceder a formacao desses profissionais, articulando o desempenho de sua atividade-fim com a promocao dos direitos humanos e da cidadania. A pesquisa sera exploratoria com a utilizacao de tecnicas de pesquisa capazes de se averiguar as questoes apontadas no decorrer do trabalho. Para tanto, apos a pesquisa bibliografica e documental, serao aplicados questionarios mistos com os docentes e discentes responsaveis pelo ensino dos direitos humanos, ocasiao que, apos uma analise quanti e qualitativa dos referidos dados, constataremos os aspectos atinentes a formacao policial, quando o assunto e a existencia ou nao de uma educacao em e para os direitos humanos.
  • Date: Aug 27, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Esta pesquisa se dedica ao estudo das possibilidades e limites da participacao popular nos conselhos gestores de seguranca publica, debrucando-se sobre a experiencia do Conselho Estadual de Seguranca Publica do Para (CONSEP-PA) na efetivacao de politicas publicas de seguranca que estejam aliadas as caracteristicas do Estado Democratico de Direito e a defesa dos direitos humanos. Embora a Constituicao de 1988 nao tenha realizado mudancas estruturais no campo da seguranca publica, havendo muitas continuidades do modelo aplicado durante a ditadura militar, a participacao social foi inserida como um dos eixos de transformacao e consolidacao da democracia no Estado brasileiro. Desde entao, varios espacos de debate foram sendo estruturados – como foruns, conferencias e conselhos – que apostam na participacao da sociedade como um caminho para a qualificacao das politicas de seguranca, a exemplo do CONSEP-PA, que e o orgao superior de deliberacao colegiada sobre o tema da seguranca publica no Estado do Para e conta em sua composicao com representantes da sociedade civil desde a sua fundacao, em 1996. Assim, a pesquisa tem como questao central identificar se a participacao social nos conselhos gestores de seguranca publica vem conseguindo contribuir para a efetivacao de uma institucionalidade democratica na gestao publica, com capacidade de inducao de politicas de seguranca publica que provejam a garantia de direitos a todos os grupos sociais. O desenvolvimento da dissertacao e composto pela seguinte estrutura: no primeiro capitulo serao abordados os modelos e as politicas de seguranca publica implementadas, a nivel federal, pelos governos brasileiros desde 1964 ate os dias atuais; no segundo capitulo sera pontuada a questao da participacao popular na gestao de politicas publicas, e como esta participacao vem acontecendo no campo da seguranca; e no terceiro capitulo se fara um estudo sobre a experiencia do CONSEP-PA, com olhar especifico sobre a participacao da sociedade civil no planejamento, efetivacao e controle das politicas de seguranca. Sobre a metodologia utilizada, a abordagem qualitativa norteia a presente pesquisa, a qual sera desenvolvida especialmente por meio da pesquisa bibliografica e documental (legislacao, regulamentacoes e atas das reunioes), realizando-se tambem entrevistas semiestruturadas com integrantes do Conselho estudado.
  • Resistir e re-existir na epidemia: um estudo com as mulheres cuidadoras de crianças com syndrome congênita do Zika no interior da Paraíba
  • Date: Aug 23, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Em abril de 2015 foi confirmada a circulacao do Zika virus no Brasil, tal fato foi tratado como algo de menor potencial ofensivo se comparada a Dengue, velha conhecida dos brasileiros. So apos a confirmacao de seu vinculo com o aumento de casos de microcefalia no nordeste do pais. A epidemia de foi contada a partir dos mais diversos locais de fala, o objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o discurso do estado brasileiro sobre este evento e compara-lo com as narrativas de mulheres cuidadoras de criancas nascidas com a sindrome congenita do Zika. Para tanto, realizamos consultas a documentos oficiais, como protocolos, resolucoes, leis e decretos verificar o conteudo, a forma com foi construida a narrativa hegemonica sobre a epidemia e foram previstas acoes estatais em documentos e dispositivos legais editados durantes o surto; investigar qual a narrativa que estas mulheres trazem em relacao a estes eventos e o seu perfil sociodemografico, e por fim verificar onde ha pontos de encontros e desencontros entre o previsto e o vivido no que diz respeito as acoes no campo da saude e assistencia social.
  • Date: Aug 23, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Este trabalho traz um estudo sobre linchamento virtual, decorrente da pratica de exposicao sexual nao consentida no ciberespaco no contexto pos-moderno. Partindo de uma analise historica, observou-se o papel social da mulher em seus multiplos territorios ate seu deslocamento natural para o ciberespaco, um ambiente alternativo que e uma consequencia do acelerado desenvolvimento tecnologico que marcou o final do Seculo XX e o inicio do Seculo XXI. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi discutir sobre os principais impactos sociais do linchamento virtual por meio da pratica de pornografia nao consensual no ciberespaco, analisados numa perspectiva multiterritorial e de genero. Foi realizada uma analise generica acerca da estatistica violenta envolvendo mulheres no pais, em especial, a partir dos dados coletados da ONG Safernet, que atua na promocao e defesa dos Direitos Humanos na Internet. O estudo mostrou que, nas relacoes sociais dos individuos, as novas dinamicas que envolvem genero, violencia e tecnologia passaram a integrar o debate a respeito da manifestacao da sexualidade feminina no ciberespaco, seus limites e suas condicoes, que a justica popular, na pratica dos linchamentos virtuais, decorrente da pratica de pornografia nao consentida, manifesta-se de forma diferente dos tradicionais linchamentos publicos e que o estigma de inferioridade e de subordinacao social da mulher ainda e visivel e presente nesse tipo de violencia. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho exploratorio, com abordagem qualitativa e descritiva, para cujo desenvolvimento foi empregado o metodo da analise de conteudo proposto por Bardin, com a categorizacao de dados. Os resultados obtidos das amostras coletadas de manchetes jornalisticas divulgadas no Facebook apontaram que se persiste em culpar a vitima quando ha linchamento virtual devido a violencia oriunda da exposicao intima nao consentida, em especial, quando essa exposicao advem da pratica de sexting, assim como uma manifestacao critica de rejeicao social ao agressor e ao atual sistema de justica na tutela dos Direitos Humanos das mulheres no ciberespaco.
  • Date: Aug 16, 2018
  • Time: 13:00
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  • O presente trabalho faz um estudo sobre o direito humano a saude pelo uso medicinal/terapeutico da Cannabis no Brasil. E necessario que haja esse estudo interdisciplinar para que as pessoas conhecam sobre as dificuldades que varios brasileiros estao tendo para com o acesso aos remedios derivados dessa planta. O objetivo geral do trabalho consiste em tratar o acesso ao uso medicinal/terapeutico da Cannabis no Brasil como um direito humano a saude. A hipotese do trabalho e no sentido de que ao concretizar o acesso ao uso da Cannabis para fins medicinais esta se efetivando um direito humano a saude. Com relacao a metodologia de trabalho foi realizada uma ampla revisao bibliografica, estabelecidas categorias de analise, tais como Direito a Saude como Direito Humano; Acesso aos medicamentos como elemento do Direito a Saude e, por fim, acesso a Maconha Medicinal como Direito Humano de Acesso a medicamento e autonomia do tratamento, permitindo com base nelas produzir um Estudo de Caso da Liga Canabica paraibana, pela observacao das suas acoes e entrevistas de alguns dos seus membros. Sao analisados na presente pesquisa autores, legislacao e acoes judiciais que tratam sobre a Cannabis para fins medicinais/terapeuticos. Para saber sobre a trajetoria da Liga Canabica Paraibana foi necessario realizar uma pesquisa de campo para entrevistar dois integrantes dessa associacao sem fins lucrativos. Essas pessoas sao usuarios da maconha para fins medicinais/terapeuticos e vem lutando ha anos por uma regulamentacao desse uso no Brasil. Quanto ao problema da pesquisa, ha uma necessidade por parte das pessoas vulneraveis - doentes e enfermos - para com o uso medicinal/terapeutico da maconha no nosso pais, nesse sentido, indaga-se: como deve ser tratado o direito humano a saude pelo uso medicinal/terapeutico da Cannabis para as pessoas que comprovar a necessidade para o uso no Brasil? Justifica-se a pesquisa pela ausencia de estudo especifico interdisciplinar sobre essa tematica no Brasil. Estudar sobre a maconha no Brasil e controverso e por isso e necessario estabelecer um dialogo com a coletividade para com uma mudanca cultural. A Paraiba e pioneira quando o assunto e uso terapeutico/medicinal da Cannabis e a UFPB e uma instituicao que vem abrindo espaco para a pesquisa, a informacao e reflexao sobre o uso dessa planta. A luta, atualmente, e pela efetividade do direito humano a saude pelo uso da Cannabis, logo, o estudo sobre esse uso e relevante para a sociedade, para o Programa de Mestrado e para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa sobre esse polemico tema.
  • Date: Dec 5, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Este estudo toma por pressuposto que a Educacao em/para os Direitos constitui-se como importante ferramenta para subsidiar a pratica pedagogica docente em escolas publicas de nivel medio, e que e na cotidianidade escolar que se dao os contundentes encontros/desencontros de ideias e posicionamentos sobre “esses tais direitos humanos”. Identificamos que, as vezes, os temas concernentes aos Humanos emergem no ambito escolar a partir de linhas de raciocinio e de criterios cientifico-argumentativos bem fundamentados; noutras vezes, surgem apenas com perspectivas eivadas no senso comum que podem ser, em alguns casos, resquicios vivos de um passado recente de ditadura civil-militar no Brasil. Acreditamos que esse senso comum se caracteriza como alicerce de resistencia aos Direitos Humanos no percurso da historia, mas tambem acreditamos que o senso comum pode servir ao aprendizado na medida em que ele e identificado, compreendido e posteriormente superado. O universo dessa pesquisa foi representado pela Escola Liceu Paraibano, localizada no municipio de Joao Pessoa - PB. O corpus da amostra constituiu-se com 09 colaboradores desta instituicao, sendo 07 docentes (com abrangencia multidisciplinar), 01 interprete da Lingua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) e 01 gestor escolar. Destacamos como objetivo principal desta pesquisa a busca por compreendermos a cotidianidade escolar, sob a otica dos docentes e gestores (as), como lugar de reproducao sistemica de embates e aprendizados sobre EDH. Optamos por uma abordagem do metodo qualitativo com aporte em Minayo (2008), com enfase na categoria da “Analise de Conteudo” em Bardin (1979), cuja aplicacao foi viabilizada a partir da pesquisa de campo, que teve como instrumentos de coleta de dados entrevistas, aplicacoes de questionarios semiestruturados e observacoes do cotidiano dentro e fora de sala de aula. No primeiro momento da pesquisa, discorremos sobre os conceitos e historicidade dos Direitos Humanos, considerando sempre tambem as perspectivas de teorias criticas apresentadas em Comparato (2005); Herrera Flores (2009) e Tosi (2005) e ressaltamos que a oferta e promocao de uma educacao digna vao alem do enfoque juridico-constitucional conforme Bobbio (1992). Em seguida, justificamos os “porques” da importancia da EDH no cotidiano escolar em Silveira (2014); McCowan (2005), dentre outros e os pontos e contrapontos entre ciencia e senso comum em Alves (1981); Saviani (1996); Morin (2005). Por fim, os dados foram transcritos e analisados, a luz das teorias supracitadas. Temas que sao indissociaveis dos DH foram abordados como, por exemplo, as percepcoes de “senso comum” sobre os DH, a influencia da(s) midia(s) e tecnologias na escola, bullying, valorizacao, reconhecimento e a condicao de vulnerabilidade do professor no ambiente de trabalho, etc. Constatamos que ha iniciativas de EDH na Escola Liceu Paraibano. Porem, o engajamento, sob o prisma multidisciplinar, necessita ser mais enfatizado por que a EDH e justamente isso, um desafio para o hoje.
  • O que resta do latifúndio: Justiça de transição no meio rural paraibano.
  • Date: Nov 30, 2017
  • Time: 15:00
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  • A presente dissertacao “O que resta do latifundio: justica de transicao no meio rural paraibano” faz uma analise da implementacao dos mecanismos de justica de transicao para o caso de graves violacoes de direitos humanos cometidos durante o periodo de 1946 a 1988, em especial as violacoes cometidas pelo Estado durante o Regime Militar, contra os movimentos de camponeses por melhores condicoes de vida, trabalho e acesso a terra, conhecidos como ligas camponesas. O trabalho se orienta pela perspectiva da justica de transicao como momento de elaboracao do passado, que se vale da busca pela verdade e valorizacao da memoria com finalidades de erradicacao dos aparatos de violencia Estatal. No caso do campo brasileiro verifica-se que e preciso entender que essas violacoes eram causadas por uma estrutura que juntava interesses privados para controle do aparato pulico, o latifundio, estrutura que se fortalecer apos a ditadura militar, quando as ligas camponesas foram colocados na ilegalidade. A pesquisa qualitativa com amparo bibliografico e documental, analisa apuracao de graves violacoes de direitos humanos atraves da implementacao dos mecanismos justransicionais no meio rural paraibano, com a finalidade de entender o tratamento dado pelo Estado a essas violacoes, para isso e feito estudo do trabalho das comissoes de reparacao e comissoes da verdade instaladas no pais e a relacao do contexto do passado de violencia contra os camponeses com o atual atraves do relatorio sobre violencia no campo da Comissao Pastoral da Terra entre os anos de 1086 - 2016 para entender os desdobramentos da transicao para a democracia no campo.
  • Da Lei de Anistia (1979) ao Programa Nacional de Direitos Humanos - PNDH - 3 (2009): Políticas da Memória como Contribuição à Educação em Direitos Humanos
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 17:00
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  • O periodo ditatorial, iniciado em marco de 1964, com o golpe civil-militar, e finalizado em janeiro de 1985, estabeleceu violacoes aos Direitos Humanos e contribuiu para o esquecimento de memorias. Nesse sentido, reconstituir a memoria desse periodo recente elucida o que esta obscuro, promove a justica e fomenta uma educacao para o “nunca mais”. Nessa perspectiva, a presente pesquisa propoe a investigacao das politicas de memoria desenvolvidas no periodo de 1979 a 2009, considerando-se dois importantes documentos legislativos: A Lei da Anistia (Lei nº 6.683/79) e o Programa Nacional de Direitos Humanos-3 (PNDH-3/2009), tendo como objetivo analisar essas politicas e suas contribuicoes para a Educacao em Direitos Humanos, considerando que trazem aportes para o avivamento de memorias. Trata-se de um trabalho qualitativo, conduzido por fontes escritas: documentais, legais e bibliograficas. Para fundamentar o estudo, buscou-se o auxilio de autores como Halbwachs (2006), Viola (2007, 2010), Germano (1993), Silva Filho (2009), entre outros, bem como, de documentos e de leis que contribuiram para a promulgacao de tais politicas. Por meio desses conhecimentos, constatamos as contribuicoes das politicas da memoria para a disseminacao da educacao em direitos humanos, compreendendo que essas politicas, desenhadas atraves de movimentos sociais e de reivindicacoes populares, podem constituir-se em importantes instrumentos para o desvelamento da memoria e para que o silencio e a impunidade sejam rompidos, abrindo caminhos para uma educacao para o “nunca mais”.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 15:00
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  • O Incidente de Deslocamento de Competencia (IDC), inserido no ordenamento juridico brasileiro pela Emenda Constitucional n.º45/2004, atraves do §5º do art. 109 da Constituicao Federal Brasileira, preve a federalizacao do julgamento em casos de comprovada inercia do poder publico local em apurar graves violacoes aos direitos humanos previstos em Tratados internacionais dos quais o Estado brasileiro seja signatario. Nesse contexto, a presente dissertacao tem como objetivo a avaliacao do IDC como mecanismo efetivo na defesa de graves violacoes dos direitos humanos em sua pioneira aplicacao ao caso do advogado e defensor dos direitos humanos, Manoel Mattos, que foi assassinado ao denunciar a atuacao de grupos de exterminio que contava com a participacao de agentes do poder publico e buscava promover uma “limpeza social” na divisa entre os municipios de Pedras de Fogo (PB) e Itambe (PE), conhecida como “fronteira do medo”. Para subsidiar tal proposta, foram abordados, por meio de pesquisa bibliografica e documental, temas relacionados a participacao de agentes publicos nos grupos de exterminio desde a epoca da ditadura militar, as politicas de protecao aos defensores de direitos humanos no Brasil, ao funcionamento e aplicacao do IDC aos casos submetidos ao Superior Tribunal de Justica (STJ) e, detalhadamente, ao caso Manoel Mattos. Igualmente, para aproximar o tema do trabalho a realidade investigada, foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa com onze entrevistados diretamente envolvidos no caso e uso de dados quantitativos, atraves da analise dos indicadores de politicas publicas nesses dois municipios. Os resultados demonstram que o IDC aplicado ao caso se traduziu em um efetivo mecanismo de defesa dos direitos humanos, na medida em que foram preenchidos os criterios para a federalizacao, possibilitando a persecucao penal e a promocao da justica atraves do julgamento e condenacao de dois reus que planejaram e participaram da execucao de Manoel Mattos e o fim da impunidade historica dos grupos de exterminio, sobretudo na Paraiba. Para alem do julgamento, o caso se transforma em um paradigma, no momento em que traz debates a diversas instancias, resgata a valorizacao dos defensores de direitos humanos e mantem o compromisso brasileiro junto a comunidade internacional de direitos humanos.
  • Límites y Posibilidades del Estado Plurinacional Boliviano: Una mirada desde el Beni
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 15:00
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  • La elección de un representante indígena y, concomitantemente, la introducción de la Constitución de 2009, representaron un cambio en la historia política y social del Estado boliviano. El liderazgo indí-gena estableció el Estado Prurinacional de Bolivia, tratando de refundar la estructura del Estado a la luz de la descolonización y la plurinacionalidad. Por lo tanto, la agenda política del gobierno de Evo Morales busca superar las relaciones de dominación y exclusión de la identidad indígena, que se re-monta a la época colonial. La disertación tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre Collas y Cam-bas en la ciudad de Trinidad, Beni, donde se llevó a cabo el trabajo de campo, teniendo en cuenta uno de los pilares del gobierno, la descolonización. Por lo tanto, el Viceministerio de la Descolonización actúa como el principal apoyo para la comprensión de la relación entre los pueblos. Se emplea la pers-pectiva de la insurrección, de Michel Foucault, y la colonialidad del poder, de Aníbal Quijano. El es-tudio tiene como objetivo contribuir a la reflexión crítica de la escena política boliviana y la compren-sión de sus identidades indígenas, como parte del movimiento que busca ampliar la base epistemológi-ca alternativa del conocimiento y del ser.
  • Um sonho afogado: ditadura civil-militar e movimento estudantil no Estado da Paraíba - O caso de João Roberto Borges de Souza (1967-1969)
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 15:00
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  • O Brasil sempre enfrentou uma luta entre dois projetos que se digladiam a partir da instalacao do regime republicano: um projeto nacional desenvolvimentista e outro projeto liberal conservador. A disputa entre esses dois projetos se espalha em todos os campos, seja ideologico, politico, economico e social. A Guerra Fria iniciada pelos Estados Unidos dividiu o mundo ao defender uma Doutrina de Seguranca Nacional para combater aqueles que pensavam diferente do sistema capitalista, em especial, os comunistas que ganhava corpo em varios paises no campo politico. No Brasil, desde o fim da 2ª Grande Guerra Mundial, militares do alto escalao que estiveram naquela guerra participaram, nos EUA, de cursos de formacao politica, economica e estrategias para combater o inimigo interno. Apos varias tentativas de interrupcao do processo democratico brasileiro, finalmente, em 1964, conseguiram dar um golpe civil-militar e instalar uma ditadura que perseguiu militantes comunistas e das forcas progressistas que apoiavam o governo deposto de Joao Goulart. Em consequencia desse golpe, o movimento estudantil universitario da Paraiba, analisado nesta pesquisa dentro do periodo de 1958 a 1969, mostra como foi desarticulado pelo governo autoritario e reorganizado por meio de suas entidades (UNE, UEEP, DCE, DA) e liderancas, dente as quais destacando-se a figura de Joao Roberto Borges de Souza, estudante de medicina na UFPB, vice-presidente da UEEP, presidente do DA do seu curso, preso varias vezes, sendo que numa delas, em 1969 no Recife-PE, sofreu tortura fisica e psicologica. Menos de seis apos estar em liberdade respondendo a inquerito policial, Joao Roberto foi se esconder na zona rural do municipio de Catole do Rocha-PB, onde, dias depois, foi encontrado afogado pelos moradores da comunidade de Olho D´Agua. A familia e os seus companheiros de geracao sempre buscaram o direito a verdade como instrumento para persecucao dos fatos ocorridos antes e depois da sua morte. O conceito do direito a verdade, um dos pilares da justica de transicao, sera tambem estudado por esta pesquisa.
  • A EDUCAÇÃO NA SOCIOEDUCAÇÃO: um olhar para as ações educativas no contexto da medida socioeducativa de internação numa unidade de privação de liberdade
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Esta dissertacao propoe-se a investigar a educacao no ambito da socioeducacao, pois se trata de um estudo das acoes educativas no contexto da medida socioeducativa de internacao numa unidade de privacao de liberdade. O objetivo proposto foi analisar a educacao no contexto de uma unidade de internacao da Fundacao de Atendimento Socioeducativo – FUNASE. O termo socioeducacao aparece no texto do Estatuto da Crianca e do Adolescente – ECA, relacionado ao paradigma da protecao integral e as medidas socioeducativas que aparecem vinculadas a promessa de atendimento das necessidades pedagogicas do adolescente e podem ser aplicadas aqueles que se envolveram em ato infracional. O ECA estabelece medidas socioeducativas aplicaveis aos adolescentes que praticam ato infracional, conduta descrita como crime ou contravencao penal, mas que, em razao da inimputabilidade atribuida a essa faixa etaria, tem nas medidas socioeducativas um meio para que o adolescente tenha oportunidade de construir um projeto de vida diferente daquele que convergiu para a infracao. Nesses estabelecimentos educacionais, os adolescentes sao internados para cumprir a medida privativa de liberdade que lhes fora imposta. O texto legal nao especifica em que consiste a medida socioeducativa de internacao nem o que caracteriza esse estabelecimento educacional. Diante disso, e articulado aos estudos realizados na Linha de Pesquisa e area de concentracao do PPGDH-UFPB, Politicas Publicas em Educacao em Direitos Humanos, a pesquisa procurou aporte na legislacao nacional e no campo teorico para dialogar sobre os processos educativos que se estabelecem nessa instituicao chamada de educativa e, principalmente, na escuta e interpretacao das vozes dos adolescentes socioeducandos inseridos na medida de internacao da unidade investigada. A partir dessa articulacao, da teoria com as observacoes empiricas, registros e entrevistas com adolescentes e profissionais da instituicao, a pesquisa permitiu identificar as aproximacoes e distanciamentos entre a realidade de um estabelecimento educacional de socioeducacao e o que preceitua a legislacao e documentos oficiais brasileiros, a exemplo do texto do Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo – SINASE. Adolescentes sao sujeitos de direitos e, nessa etapa de desenvolvimento, necessitam de protecao integral e que lhes sejam asseguradas as oportunidades e facilidades de desenvolvimento fisico, mental, moral, espiritual e social, em condicoes de liberdade e de dignidade, cabendo a familia, ao Estado e a sociedade em geral promover a efetivacao desses direitos. O SINASE estabelece que a medida socioeducativa de internacao representa um espaco de oportunidades e garantias de direitos que assegurem os processos educacionais necessarios para o desenvolvimento dos socioeducandos, sendo necessarias politicas publicas que assegurem a estrutura orcamentaria, fisica, material, humana e formacao necessarias a uma instituicao e estabelecimento educacional.
  • “Oxum está vendo isso aí”: trabalho e questões de gênero no Terreiro Santa Bárbara e Mestre Zé dos Anjos em Campina Grande -PB
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho consiste em um esforco de construir uma narrativa de cunho etnografico entrancando questoes que miram no debate sobre genero, a partir da experiencia espiritual/politica/academica que teve inicio em maio do ano de 2013 em terreiros de Umbanda e Jurema de Campina Grande, enfocando principalmente na constituicao e dinamica de um dos terreiros mais antigos e tradicionais da cidade, o Terreiro Santa Barbara e Mestre Ze dos Anjos, localizado no bairro da Ramadinha II, que e onde desenvolve-se a pesquisa. A proposta metodologica se constroi no campo e com ele, utilizando alguns instrumentos de pesquisa combinados: a observacao participantecom registro em diario de campo; a historia de vida tematica ou historia de vida topica; e a entrevista semiestruturada. Esta, objetivando registro da trajetoria de vida da lideranca do referido terreiro, Mae Carminha da Ramadinha, Ialorixa e Juremeira conhecida e respeitada dentre a comunidade de religiao Afro-amerindia da cidade e regiao. Enquanto percurso de escrita, opto por seguir a trilha da producao do saber situado, e sendo assim, assumo a escrita em primeira pessoa como opcao politica e epistemologica, assim como percebo como absolutamente necessaria a exposicao do meu processo de insercao no campo, em suas dificuldades, surpresas, fissuras e contradicoes. Uma das questoes teoricas abordadas neste trabalho intenciona discutir como operam, no terreiro - espaco de uma realidade tao diversa e delicada - as engrenagens do discurso genero, aqui entendido como um marcador social da diferenca que se intersecsiona com classe, raca, religiosidade, geracao. Por fim, faco uso do conceito de divisao sexual do trabalho, um processo discursivo, social e politico, que fixou historicamente o lugar do domestico como naturalmente feminino, para assim, discutir alguns aspectos constatados em campo, como por exemplo, quando no trabalho ritual e somente as mulheres que pesa a responsabilidade de assumir o lugar da cozinha e todas as funcoes relacionadas ao ambito domestico, espaco essencial para todos os processos ligados a religiao, porem, pouco abordado nos estudos sobre as religiosidades afro-amerindias.
  • Os Movimentos Sociais Urbanos e a Luta pelo Direito à Cidade: uma análise do Varadouro Cultural (João Pessoa - Paraíba)
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Ao longo dos anos o espaco foi sendo produzido, reproduzido e apropriado pelos homens para satisfacao de suas necessidades e, principalmente, para a reproducao da vida. Por meio do trabalho esses homens foram interagindo com a natureza modificando-a e, desse modo, tornaram-se produtores nao so dos bens necessarios a sua sobrevivencia, mas, principalmente, do espaco. A adocao do modo de producao capitalista (e o avanco nos meios de trabalho que ele proporcionou) provocou alteracoes na reproducao das relacoes sociais e de producao. O espaco passou a ser tratado como mercadoria, vendido de acordo com as regras do capital privilegiando, assim, os mais ricos em detrimento dos mais pobres modificando, significativamente, as configuracoes espaciais. A cidade, forma mais aparente do espaco urbano, deixou de ser espaco de convivio e tornou-se locus do consumo, colocando cada vez mais distante os donos dos meios de producao dos que so possuem a forca de trabalho para vender. Nesse contexto, emerge o direito a cidade. Um direito humano que atua como convite a retomada, de maneira coletiva, dos espacos das cidades. Fundamental para alcancar exito, nesse quesito, e a atuacao dos movimentos sociais urbanos. O intuito da pesquisa foi, portanto, analisar o movimento social (Varadouro Cultural) enquanto instrumento de luta pela efetivacao do direito a cidade. Os objetivos foram compreender as nuances do processo de formacao do espaco e da cidade; estabelecer a relacao entre o movimento estudado e os novos movimentos sociais urbanos; identificar, por meio de dois coletivos membros do Varadouro Cultural, as acoes que relacionam-se diretamente com a conquista do direito a cidade. Os procedimentos metodologicos aplicados consistiram em pesquisas bibliograficas e documentais relacionadas a tematica e pesquisa de campo que incluiu observacoes em diario de campo, registros fotograficos e coleta de dados e informacoes a partir de entrevistas, relatos e conversas informais com membros do movimento e moradores dos bairros onde o Varadouro Cultural desenvolve suas acoes. A Historia Oral e o vies antropologico do “olhar, ouvir, escrever” tambem foram instrumentos metodologicos utilizados para o desenvolvimento da dissertacao. A pesquisa, subdividida em tres capitulos, visou, a partir da discussao a respeito da formacao do espaco e da atuacao de um movimento social urbano, contribuir e explorar as possibilidades de implementacao do direito a cidade em Joao Pessoa.
  • Educação Popular em Direitos Humanos: A Fundação Margarida Maria Alves e o Curso de Formação de Juristas Populares
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a contribuicao historica e pedagogica da experiencia de educacao em direitos humanos desenvolvida pela Fundacao de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos Margarida Maria Alves (FDDHMMA), atraves do Curso de Formacao de Juristas Populares. Tentamos entender a opcao feita por essa instituicao pela tematica que vem se mostrando, ao longo dos anos, de fundamental importancia. Atraves da memoria dos movimentos sociais no Brasil e na Paraiba e de como se deu a construcao historica dos Direitos Humanos, situamos o Centro de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos da Arquidioceses e a Fundacao Margarida Maria Alves nesse contexto historico e social, bem como as transformacoes decorridas em todos esses anos de existencia, mostrando, ao longo das decadas de atuacao, como foi se dando a opcao pelo trabalho com a educacao em direitos humanos. Contextualizamos como a Educacao em Direitos Humanos se da na America Latina e Brasil e a relacao com a Educacao Popular em Direitos Humanos atraves da perspectiva critica. Investigamos e analisamos o Curso de Formacao de Juristas Populares, sob uma perspectiva critica da Educacao em Direitos Humanos. Desenvolvemos essa pesquisa, atraves do metodo da teoria Critica do conhecimento, na perspectiva de ampliar e possibilitar maiores informacoes no que se refere ao objeto deste trabalho. O metodo qualitativo e utilizado para contribuir em fundamentacoes e percepcoes criticas e dialeticas, por entender que o contexto politico, social, cultural e economico das/os participantes do curso vem adquirindo novas figuras, conceitos, nuances e territorialidades. O Curso de Formacao de Juristas Populares da FDDHMMA constitui elemento importante para a implementacao de politicas publicas para educacao em direitos humanos, tendo em vista que e realizado ha mais de 16 anos, ja tendo formado mais de 200 liderancas populares. Tambem conta muito o fato de a FDDHMMA ser reconhecida como importante na defesa dos direitos humanos no estado da Paraiba, a qual em 2017, completa 23 anos de existencia.
  • Educação em Direitos Humanos e o Debate de Gênero no Sistema Público de Ensino Básico de Cajazeiras - PB: um Estudo sobre a (In)efetividade das Políticas Públicas Municipais em Educação
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Considerado o historico de violacoes de direitos de certos grupos sociais com base nas diferencas sexuais e de genero, em especial mulheres e pessoas LGBT, nao e dificil perceber que a estrutura excludente que opera e reforca o tratamento discriminatorio destes grupos encontra nas instituicoes sociais, especialmente nas educacionais, o apoio necessario para perpetuar tais formas de agir e pensar. Ponderando nossas vivencias escolares frente ao condicionamento das identidades e sexualidades a um modelo binario e heteronormativo, alem da aproximacao com o tema na producao academica e a constante discussao sobre como a escola deve se posicionar diante do novo paradigma das diversidades, escolhemos aprofundar os estudos sobre a otica das politicas publicas em Direitos Humanos, sabendo que sao estes instrumentos essenciais para a transformacao social, de forma que, nesse aspecto, nossa pesquisa voltou-se ao campo das politicas publicas em Educacao em Direitos Humanos. Dessa forma, a presente dissertacao teve como objetivo principal averiguar a efetividade das politicas publicas de educacao no campo do genero e da diversidade no municipio de Cajazeiras, ante a inclusao dessa tematica em seu Plano Municipal de Educacao e outras acoes nesse sentido desenvolvidas no sistema escolar municipal. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um estudo qualitativo, com a realizacao de entrevistas nao estruturadas, com 13 sujeitos, entre representantes de movimentos sociais, do poder executivo e legislativo, sendo 05 deles professores do proprio sistema municipal, pesquisa documental, bibliografica e de campo, atraves da observacao escolar, sendo a interpretacao dos dados feita pela tecnica da analise de conteudo. Foram analisadas as politicas de genero e diversidade no municipio e sua influencia sobre o curriculo escolar, em especial o reforco ou desestimulo de certas praticas e preconceitos baseados no genero e na sexualidade, discutindo a qualidade dessas politicas no contexto da educacao municipal. Identificando como resultado principal a existencia de politicas fragilizadas com reflexos na atuacao de alguns educadores, mostrando que ainda ha muito que se trabalhar nesse sentido. Por fim a pesquisa realizada aponta novas perspectivas de ampliacao no sentido de compreender como sera desenvolvida a formacao continuada em genero e diversidade dos docentes municipais prevista no PME.
  • A atuação da ONG Amazona – Associação de Prevenção à Aids na Comunidade São Rafael: o (des) fazer juntos à luz da educação em Direitos Humanos
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A perspectiva deste estudo refere-se a Dissertacao de Mestrado vinculada ao Programa de Pos Graduacao em Direitos Humanos, Cidadania e Politicas Publicas da Universidade Federal da Paraiba, a qual versa analisar - A atuacao da ONG Amazona – Associacao de Prevencao a Aids junto a Comunidade Sao Rafael: o (des) fazer juntos a luz da educacao em Direitos Humanos, propondo compreender a insercao da educacao nao formal e da Educacao em Direitos Humanos no pratica destas organizacoes junto ao publico jovem. Sendo assim, temos como Objetivo Geral: Analisar a atuacao da ONG Amazona junto a comunidade de Sao Rafael com vistas a formacao de liderancas juvenis a luz da educacao em Direitos Humanos. E como Objetivos Especificos:- Identificar e avaliar as iniciativas de educacao nao-formal em direitos humanos, desenvolvidas junto aos adolescentes e jovens da comunidade Sao Rafael, pela ONG Amazona;- Investigar como a partir da atuacao da ONG Amazona, surge uma organizacao comunitaria - Centro Popular de Cultura e Comunicacao - CPCC , uma organizacao liderada por jovens; o que motiva estes jovens para desenvolver um trabalho comunitario; qual perfil dos jovens fundadores da organizacao e os objetivos/missao da organizacao; - Analisar os significados de EDH internalizados pelos jovens, educadores, formadores e gestores, sobre a educacao em direitos humanos, enquanto pratica da Amazona e do CPCC. O referencial metodologico para essa investigacao constitui pesquisa qualitativa de carater exploratorio e descritivo, tendo como ponto de partida o levantamento bibliografico e a revisao de literatura da producao academica sobre o tema; insercoes documentais e empiricas, envolvendo na realizacao de entrevistas e grupo focal liderancas comunitarias, jovens entres eles liderancas juvenis que atuam junto ao CPCC. A dissertacao assim, pretende oferecer contribuicoes teoricas e praticas ao trabalho da Organizacoes Sociais (Amazona e CPCC), apontado as suas acoes pedagogicas e os conteudos trabalhados que contribuem para a formacao da juventude e de liderancas juvenis e a relacao destas acoes com a educacao em direitos humanos, que foram e sao construidas atraves das necessidades presentes na realidade social na comunidade.
  • A Lei nº 10.639/2003 e a Educação em Direitos Humanos em Prol da Cidadania Intercultural na Escola Quilombola Antônia do Socorro Silva Machado
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 08:00
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  • A presente dissertacao aborda a construcao de uma educacao para as relacoes eticno-raciais e em direitos humanos na Escola Quilombola Antonia do Socorro Silva Machado (EQASSM, localizada no municipio de Joao Pessoa/PB). O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi compreender como a educacao para as relacoes etnico-raciais - estabelecida na lei n° 10.639/2003 - esta sendo incluida no projeto politico pedagogico(PPP) e desenvolvida no cotidiano escolar em prol do fortalecimento da cultura em direitos humanos. O caminho percorrido para chegar a este objetivo foi investigar a proposta de uma perspectiva intercultural, buscando compreender os limites e as possibilidades da educacao quilombola, a partir da visao dos sujeitos envolvidos, identificando os impactos dos projetos educativos de Direitos Humanos e de Relacoes Etnico-Raciais no enfrentamento do racismo e na valorizacao da cultura afro-brasileira no espaco escolar. Esta investigacao utilizou como fundamentacao teorica principalmente as ideais de CANDAU (2006, 2008, 2009, 2012), SACAVINO (2008, 2009), FREIRE (1987, 2004, 2009), MUNANGA (2005), GOMES (2005, 2010), SANTOS (2001, 2002, 2003), a fim de compreender a construcao da educacao para as relacoes etnico-raciais no ambiente escolar quilombola a partir da perspectiva teorica do multiculturalismo interativo - da interculturalidade - que consiste no reconhecimento da infinita pluralidade dos saberes e da necessidade de valorizacao dos mesmos para realizacao de acoes verdadeiramente emancipatorias. A partir da metodologia da pesquisa qualitativa, o estudo utilizou o diario de campo, o questionario, a observacao nao-participante e a entrevista semi-estruturada como instrumentos de coleta de dados. Os pressupostos teorico-metodologicos deste tipo de pesquisa justificam a utilizacao desses variados instrumentos e servem de base para a interpretacao e analise de dados. No desenvolvimento realizou-se um dialogo entre os projetos educativos - especificamente o projeto quilombola - e algumas praticas pedagogicas da escola, a fim de identificar os limites e as possibilidades para a construcao de uma educacao escolar quilombola e uma cultura em direitos humanos no cotidiano escolar. Nesse sentido, identificou-se que a EQASSM ainda tem muito a melhorar em termos de construcao coletiva, democratica e envolvimento com a comunidade, porem esse processo requer tempo, dialogo, construcao, de ambas as partes.
  • Cárcere e Infância: o direito das Crianças de Mães Encarceradas
  • Date: Jul 28, 2017
  • Time: 09:30
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  • A presente pesquisa teve como escopo analisar a realidade vivenciada pelas criancas, filhas de maes presidiarias ante a aplicabilidade dos direitos da crianca junto ao carcere feminino de Joao Pessoa/PB. Com a promulgacao da Constituicao da Republica Federativa do Brasil de 1988, a Doutrina da Protecao Integral foi recepcionada pelo ordenamento juridico brasileiro que reconheceu e assegurou a todas as criancas os direitos inerentes a condicao de pessoa em desenvolvimento, observando-os, particular, em favor das criancas que permanecem com suas maes nos estabelecimentos prisionais femininos. O presente estudo teve por objetivos: analisar, criticamente, a Politica de Atendimento as criancas e adolescentes filhos de maes presas; abordar o prazo de permanencia das criancas com suas maes presas nos estabelecimentos prisionais para fins de refletir acerca do descumprimento do principio penal da intranscendibilidade penal minima; verificar os reflexos do carcere sobre o desenvolvimento cognitivo, psiquico e moral infantil e retratar a realidade das criancas, filhas de maes presidiarias, no Centro de Reeducacao Feminino Maria Julia Maranhao. Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo descritiva-empirico, com delineamento qualitativo, cujo percurso metodologico iniciou com uma pesquisa bibliografica, a qual subsidiou a pesquisa de campo, que por meio das tecnicas de observacao e de historia de vida, chegou-se a producao de dados qualitativos, os quais foram analisados a partir de uma categorizacao previamente observada, estabelecendo-se quatro categorias analiticas: as condicoes de vida das criancas no carcere; os direitos das criancas; a separacao e a vida dos filhos pos-carcere e a vivencia da maternidade no carcere. Por intermedio dos relatos das gestantes e das maes com filhos que ja haviam passado pelo processo de separacao, os resultados obtidos foram interpretados e versaram sobre a realidade das criancas no sistema prisional quanto a observancia e garantia de seus direitos, assim como os reflexos da permanencia no carcere para o desenvolvimento infantil. Alem de que, essa tecnica associada a observacao originaram dados de suma relevancia para testar a hipotese, qual seja: a nao observancia e nao aplicabilidade dos direitos da crianca por parte do sistema prisional, desvendando uma realidade vivida pelas criancas de maes encarceradas em que ha um efetivo descompasso entre o que e vivenciado pelas criancas e aquilo que e determinado pelo ordenamento juridico que interfere de forma direta para o desenvolvimento pleno e saudavel durante a infancia
  • Ouvidoria Universitária: estudo de sua autonomia e caráter democrático
  • Date: Jul 28, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O presente trabalho tem por objetivo compreender o papel das ouvidorias universitarias das instituicoes federais de ensino superior do pais, sua insercao no contexto de democratizacao e seus desafios no tocante a autonomia. Neste sentido, faz-se necessario vislumbrar como tais institutos podem contribuir para a transparencia, maior participacao social, controle e maior credibilidade das instituicoes federais de ensino no Brasil. Partimos do entendimento da democracia como algo fragil e tenazmente combatido durantes seculos e da concepcao aristocratica de democracia em que o povo e a propria soberania popular era tratada como irrelevante. O aprofundamento do dialogo teorico nos levou a uma analise mais plural de democracia e a tese de que nao ha incompatibilidade entre a democracia elitista e as novas arquiteturas de participacao popular. Tais argumentos proporcionou uma analise da realidade politica brasileira, convergindo para a questao central do alargamento dos instrumentos de participacao popular no pais. Demonstramos como os novos atores sociais contribuiram para a formacao dessa arquitetura de participacao popular e sua importancia para o avanco da gestao democratica no campo da administracao publica..A partir dessas analises convergimos para nosso problema central da pesquisa ou mais precisamente para o estudo do importante instituto de democracia participativa criada a partir dos anos 90 nas universidades brasileiras, as ouvidorias universitarias. Detectamos suas potencialidades e limites e questionamos sua principal caracteristica , a falta de autonomia plena como instrumento de fragilidade . Utilizamos no processo de pesquisa o estudo documental e bibliografico existente sobre o tema, alem das legislacoes de criacao das ouvidorias universitarias brasileiras e as cartas dos encontros do Forum Nacional de Ouvidores Universitarios. Concluiu-se que a questao da autonomia plena das ouvidorias e algo ainda a ser construido e passa pelo fortalecimento dos respectivos institutos e por um processo de escolha do ouvidor mediante eleicao direta das comunidades universitarias.
  • Quilombos do Sertão: uma análise sobre as lutas por território doas/as comunidades negras de Catolé do Rocha - PB
  • Date: Jul 27, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A luta por territorio e o acesso as politicas publicas assumem amplitude e diversidade no que diz respeito aos grupos etnicos, fruto do conjunto de lutas dos movimentos sociais que reivindicam seus direitos. A discussao etnica e racial se manifesta com a organizacao e reivindicacao dos territorios etnicos pela demarcacao de suas terras tradicionais, a exemplo das comunidades negras que reivindicam seus territorios de “liberdade”, os quilombos. Nesta pesquisa objetivamos analisar o processo de luta pelo territorio das comunidades Negras situadas no sertao paraibano, especificamente no municipio de Catole do Rocha – PB, considerando os dispositivos legais e constitucionais que fazem referencia a esses grupos. Utilizou-se como aporte teorico-metodologico autores como Amado ( 1995) ,Albuquerque Jr ( 2015), Rodrigues (2001), Marques ( 2008), Galliza (1979), Arruti ( 1995) , Santos ( 1987), Reis (2015), Haesbaert ( 2004), Gonh (1997), dentre outros. O trabalho de campo foi um instrumento indispensavel para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, segundo autores Brandao (2007), Queiroz (1991). A construcao desta dissertacao inicia-se com a caracterizacao do espaco geografico, social e politico das comunidades situadas no sertao, em seguida construimos sistematicamente a trajetoria das quatro comunidades negras pesquisadas: Pau de Leite, Sao Pedro dos Migueis, Lagoa Rasa e Curralinho/Jatoba. Por conseguinte foi realizado um debate sobre a implementacao das politicas publicas, direitos humanos e a discussao de genero a partir da vida das mulheres negras, elucidando suas resistencias, trajetorias e historias. Como resultado das investigacoes foi possivel perceber que embora as comunidades tenham os indicios de ocupacao historica quilombola, a exemplo da manutencao dos costumes, memoria, cultura e ter acionado instancias juridicas, os caminhos percorridos para a legalizacao do territorio sao tortuosos e demorados e muitas vezes ineficientes, causando sempre movimentos de desarticulacao politica nas comunidades.
  • Territórios em Conflito na Região Cariri Paraibano: análise na perspectiva dos Direitos Humanos
  • Date: Jul 25, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • As comunidades rurais de Olho D’agua do Padre, Caititu e Catonho sao constituidas predominantemente por agricultores familiares que, historicamente, residiram e construiram suas relacoes economicas, culturais, sociais e simbolicas no territorio pertencente ao municipio de Sume, no Cariri Paraibano. Em decorrencia da revisao dos limites territoriais ocorrida no ano de 2010 houve alteracoes no ordenamento territorial dos municipios de Sume-PB e Serra Branca-PB e as citadas comunidades passaram a integrar o territorio administrativo de Serra Branca-PB. Esta mudanca se deu sem que os moradores assim desejassem, sem consulta-los e sem que estes reconhecessem como pertencentes ao municipio de Serra Branca, a partir de entao teve inicio o conflito territorial e identitario que se estende por sete anos. A partir destes enunciados analisamos os elementos constituintes da identidade territorial dos moradores e sua relacao com os direitos humanos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho interdisciplinar, sendo a historia oral a principal fonte de dados, os quais foram analisados a luz da teoria critica. A perspectiva dos direitos humanos aqui defendida baseia-se na compreensao que nao basta existir a positivacao de direitos para que ocorra a violacao, nem tao pouco a existencia desses direitos por si so asseguram a efetivacao e cumprimento dos mesmos, que se concretizam nas resistencias e lutas sociais. Entendemos que processos complexos como este afetam as relacoes locais, desconsiderando os saberes historicamente constituidos e negando as identidades esta se legitimando uma desterritorializacao simbolica, atraves da desagregacao social e de fragilizacao das relacoes comunitarias. A reterritorializacao significa a busca por uma condicao mais digna de existencia no meio rural, com acesso aos servicos basicos de saude, assistencia tecnica, mobilidade e principalmente respeito a identidade territorial. O atual ordenamento juridico brasileiro nao preve consulta popular como alternativa a resolucao de conflitos territoriais intermunicipais, o que dificulta o acesso das pessoas que os vivenciam aos bens basicos para exercicio da cidadania. Por fim, propomos uma politica publica que preze pelos principios democraticos e participativos nas decisoes sobre conflitos territoriais como o aqui detalhado, discussao que inclui os povos diretamente atingidos pelos conflitos territoriais e identitarios sobre seu processo de territorialidade.
  • Date: Jul 24, 2017
  • Time: 14:30
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  • A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo averiguar a proposta para o processo de justica de transicao brasileiro por intermedio do controle de convencionalidade da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, que vem sendo articulado, internamente, a partir da atuacao persistente de membros do Ministerio Publico Federal. Examina-se que no ano 1979 foi editada a Lei n.º 6.683 (Lei de Anistia), a qual perdoou os delitos politicos e conexos executados no interim da ditadura militar. No dia 24 de novembro de 2010, a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, ao analisar o caso da “Gomes Lund e outros versus Brasil”, decidiu que a Lei de Anistia nao pode valer, visto que viola preceitos de direitos humanos. Assim, impos a Republica Federativa do Brasil a obrigacao de investigar, julgar, e, se cabivel, punir os responsaveis. Esse sentenca nao foi acatada, apesar de o Estado brasileiro reconhecer a jurisdicao obrigatoria dessa Corte desde o ano de 1998. Analisa-se que, diferentemente do Poder Judiciario dos demais paises da America do Sul, o Judiciario brasileiro nao aplica o controle de convencionalidade que a Corte Interamericana determina. Assim, permanece prejudicado o processo de justica de transicao para democracia. Nao obstante as dificuldades impostas, o Ministerio Publico Federal, visando promover os direitos a verdade, a memoria e a justica, e, consequentemente, fortalecer a cidadania e a democracia brasileira, vem buscando, com fundamento no controle de convencionalidade, responsabilizar os agentes de Estado perpetradores de violacoes contra os direitos humanos no periodo ditatorial. A pesquisa do tema se justifica por ser relevante socialmente, uma vez que interpretar a lei de anistia a luz da Convencao Americana de Direitos Humanos, possibilitando o exercicio do controle de convencionalidade, se trata de uma questao significativa para a efetivacao da justica de transicao e, por conseguinte, para o desenvolvimento da democracia. A pesquisa em foco e teorico-discursiva, essencialmente bibliografica e jurisprudencial, e faz uso do metodo de analise documental. No tocante a tecnica de pesquisa, utilizou-se a tecnica de Documentacao Indireta, uma vez que se trata de uma pesquisa bibliografica. Em relacao a analise de dados, foram utilizadas tecnicas comuns a pesquisa documental. De inicio, far-se-a um estudo a respeito da justica de transicao, observando seu conceito e seu processo em alguns Estados, como comparativo ao brasileiro. Posteriormente, analisar-se-a, brevemente, o contexto historico da ditadura militar brasileira. Em seguida, examinar-se-a o controle de convencionalidade como instrumento de justica de transicao na America Latina. A pesquisa findara com o estudo reflexivo sobre a atuacao do Ministerio Publico Federal diante da necessidade de promocao dos direitos a verdade, a memoria e a justica na Republica Federativa do Brasil.
  • Educação em Direitos Humanos no Contexto das Relações Étnico-Raciais: desafios e perspectivas no encontro com a pedagogia freireana
  • Date: Jul 20, 2017
  • Time: 15:00
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  • O presente estudo de carater qualitativo, tem por objetivo compreender a relacao dos sujeitos com a educacao em direitos humanos que prioriza a conscientizacao e a ressignificacao como uma formacao permanente do ser. Para isso e necessario o entendimento do valor e viabilidade da proposta teorico-metodologica freireana como um caminho para um estudo critico e conscientizador. Oferecendo uma introducao as discussoes sobre as politicas publicas de acoes afirmativas como uma forma de resgate a dignidade humana dos negros. Investigando e contribuindo com novas praticas pedagogicas. Nesse sentido, a metodologia adotada esta ancorada nos aportes teoricos de: Freire (1987; 1994; 1996; 1997; 2000; 2003; 2014), Munanga (2004; 2005), Carvalho (2005), Nascimento (2003), Poutgnat (2011), Santos (2007), Silva (2005), entre outros. Para alcancarmos os objetiuvos propostos, tracamos uma metodologia especifica durante toda a pesquisa. Primeiro foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliografica ampla focada em materiais ricos na tematica estudada: artigos, livros, jornais, revistas; em um segundo momento realizamos uma pesquisa documental revisando marcos legais, investigando, entre eles a Constituicao Federal de 1988, a Lei ° 10.639/2003 que estabelece a obrigatoriedade do ensino da historia e cultura Afro-brasileira e Africana, e apos toda investigacao teorica, realizamos a pesquisa participativa, onde aplicamos o questionario e debatemos a tematica com os/as professores/as envolvidos/as, e trabalhamos com as oficinas pedagogicas com os jovens da instituicao, onde a todo momento estabelecemos uma relacao entre a teoria e a pratica. Dessa forma, a presente pesquisa procurou contribuir com o pensamento que acredita na necessidade continua do repensar nossa historia, a fim de buscar solucoes coletivas para o racismo, este grande problema que vivenciamos dia-a-dia, e que afeta diretamente mais da metade da populacao brasileira. Compreendemos que a medida que as discussoes sobre a Educacao Antirracista, acirram-se por todo territorio brasileiro, principalmente nos movimentos negros, indigenas e de mulheres, novas ideais e praticas estao surgindo e promovendo o crescimento social e humano como medidas solidas, conduzindo toda nossa nacao pelo caminho da cidadania na sua totalidade, sem distincao de raca, cor, genero ou condicao social. Necessariamente este fato traz significativas implicacoes para o processo formativo de educadores e educadoras.
  • Disciplinamentos, saberes e normatizações: o domínio sobre o corpo, sexo e sexualidade da mulher prostituta
  • Date: Jul 20, 2017
  • Time: 15:00
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  • O presente estudo discute os aspetos ligados ao trabalho das prostitutas e as condicoes dignas do exercicio profissional. Possui como proposta abordar e discutir politicas publicas relacionadas a categoria das prostitutas, bem como, os direitos e os interesses politicos que norteiam as demandas desse grupo. Coloca, em pauta, questoes relacionadas a regulamentacao do trabalho das prostitutas e as possiveis alteracoes no quadro socioeconomico em que elas estao inseridas. Para tanto, analisa os disciplinamentos, os saberes e as normatizacoes que incidem sobre o corpo da mulher. Discute, ainda, o corpo da mulher prostituta inserido num panorama desigual da relacao de genero, de violacoes de direitos e intervencoes sobre a sexualidade feminina. Trata-se de pesquisa do tipo descritivo-empirica, com delineamento qualitativo, cujo percurso metodologico iniciou com pesquisa bibliografica. A analise foi feita com base em documentos de entidades e ONG’s , voltadas para a protecao dos interesses das prostitutas e dos direitos a sexualidade. Conclui-se que o atual modelo de regulamentacao abolicionista adotado no Brasil precariza as relacoes sociais e vulnerabiliza, ainda mais, as condicoes de trabalho da prostituta.
  • Coturno rosa e ordem unida? uma análise da homofobia entre policiais militares na Paraíba
  • Date: Jul 20, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • E sabido que as relacoes homoafetivas sempre foram alvo de preconceitos e estigmatizacoes em diferentes sociedades. Tal fenomeno levou-nos a agucar a curiosidade teorica a partir de nossa experiencia profissional, posto que, trabalhando como policial militar foi possivel observar situacoes proprias de uma profissao marcada pela virilidade e pelo machismo, instituindo a predominancia de uma crenca masculina com forte vies estigmatizador. Assim, a presente dissertacao teve por objetivo analisar os comportamentos de um grupo constituido por policiais militares do Estado da Paraiba que apresentam orientacao homoafetiva, diante dos padroes de masculinidades institucionalizados e legitimados na corporacao, por meio das suas normativas, em especial, o Decreto nº 8.962 de 11 de marco de 1981, o qual dispoe sobre o Regulamento Disciplinar da Policia Militar do Estado da Paraiba e da outras providencias. A pesquisa teve carater de um estudo qualitativo, com niveis de campo, documental, bibliografica, de inspiracao etnografica, utilizando um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada e para a interpretacao dos dados utilizei a analise do discurso. Trabalhei o processo de dominacao masculina, estabelecendo-se as diferencas entre os sexos segundo as distincoes biologicas, instituindo-se uma valorizacao do masculino em detrimento das caracteristicas relacionadas ao “ser mulher”. Ademais, discuti sobre as formas de exercicio da austeridade moral quando da confirmacao da proibicao dos comportamentos homoafetivos, a performatividade do policias militares frente a obrigacao de corresponder ao habitus militar, como tambem, as acoes de resistencia a normalizacao de suas condutas norteadas pela virilidade. Por ultimo, analisei as entrevistas realizadas com os policiais de diferentes unidades operacionais da Paraiba, constatando que aqueles estilizam seus corpos de forma a atender as performances de genero impostas segundo o sexo biologico, reproduzindo a heterossexualidade compulsoria. Entretanto, foi possivel identificar parodias ao habitus militar por parte de policias militares homoafetivos, como resistencias as normativas institucionais.
  • "Corpos TRANS-Tornados": Um estudo sobre as Transsexualidade e o projeto e o Projeto de Lei 50021/2013 (Lei João W. Nery)
  • Date: Jul 20, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A heteronormatividade e caracterizada por um regime normalizador que impoe que todas as pessoas devem organizar suas vidas atraves do “modelo heterossexual” de sexualidade. Tal ordem e reproduzida nos varios ambitos sociais, passando a influenciar inclusive o nosso ordenamento juridico. As pessoas transexuais, atualmente, sao vitimas desta ordem social heteronormativa, tendo os seus direitos fundamentais negados pelo Estado. Foi pensando em resgatar esta minoria social de tamanha marginalizacao que os deputados federais Jean Wyllys e Erika Kokay criaram o Projeto de Lei 5002/2013, em tramite no congresso nacional, desde 2013. Tambem conhecido como “PL Joao W. Nery”, em homenagem ao primeiro homem trans brasileiro cirurgiado, surge como a primeira legislacao no ambito federal a tratar do direito a identidade de genero, contemplando o acesso aos tratamentos hormonais, a cirurgia de redesignacao sexual (gratuitamente atraves do SUS e sem necessidade de laudo psiquiatrico) e tambem a mudanca do prenome civil em cartorio, sem necessidade de autorizacao judicial. Os objetivos que nortearam o presente estudo foram: analisar a construcao historica dos conceitos de “transexualidade” e “genero”, utilizando uma perspectiva queer; investigar os aspectos civilistas da mudanca de nome da pessoa transexual bem como suas consequencias no ambito juridico e social; e por ultimo, avaliar a relevancia do papel do Estado enquanto instrumento de garantia ao acesso das pessoas transexuais aos procedimentos cirurgicos e tratamentos hormonais, atraves do Sistema Unico de Saude (SUS). A metodologia aplicada foi pesquisa de campo bibliografica e documental. A interpretacao dos dados foi amparada na analise de discurso conforme Michel Foucault. A pesquisa em questao, evidenciou que, se faz de grande importancia a aprovacao de uma lei que contemple os direitos das pessoas transexuais em ambito federal e que, alem disso, existe um grande abismo entre a implementacao de tal legislacao e a concretizacao da mesma no cotidiano das pessoas a quem se destina.
  • A ESCOLARIZAÇÃO DE ADOLESCENTES PRIVADOS DE LIBERDADE: Desafios e Perspectivas Para a Educação em Direitos Humanos
  • Date: Jan 25, 2017
  • Time: 14:30
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  • O presente estudo aborda a escolarizacao de adolescentes privados de liberdade, submetidos a medida socioeducativa de internacao. A historia brasileira e marcada pela negligencia, abandono e violencia contra a infancia, cujo novo paradigma se deu com a afirmacao, no plano internacional, da Doutrina da Protecao Integral a Crianca e ao Adolescente, implementada no Brasil a partir de 1990, com o advento do Estatuto da Crianca e do Adolescente. Contudo, o numero de adolescentes privados de liberdade, cumprindo medida socioeducativa de internacao, quadruplicou nos ultimos quinze anos, ultrapassando os vinte e tres mil em 2013, o que demonstra a importancia desse trabalho. Segundo o referido estatuto, durante o periodo de internacao sera obrigatoria a atividade de escolarizacao. A educacao figura, pois, como elemento central na ressocializacao dos internos. Nesse sentido, a Educacao em Direitos Humanos – cuja pedagogia e pautada na defesa e promocao dos direitos humanos, no empoderamento e formacao do sujeito de direitos, e na construcao da cidadania ativa, visando a transformacao social – e chamada a dar sua necessaria contribuicao na escolarizacao desses adolescentes. Assim, este trabalho visa avaliar se o processo de escolarizacao desenvolvido na principal unidade de internacao de adolescentes do estado da Paraiba esta de acordo com as diretrizes para a Educacao em Direitos Humanos e a legislacao vigente. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa participante no Centro Socioeducativo Edson Mota, localizado na capital. Inicialmente, conheceu-se e descreveu-se como se desenvolvem suas atividades pedagogicas. Identificou-se diversos fatores que interferem, positivo e negativamente, nesse trabalho pedagogico, distribuindo-os em oito categorias de analise preestabelecidas. Avaliamos, por fim, essa atividade educacional, adotando-se como referencial teorico os principios, as diretrizes e as prescricoes legais que fundamentam a Educacao em Direitos Humanos. Descobriu-se, entre outros, que, especialmente nesse contexto socioeducativo, a instituicao de ensino nao e a unica responsavel pelos bons ou maus resultados da escolarizacao. A pesquisa nos trouxe algumas respostas, mas fez emergir novas inquietacoes. Apesar dos estudos realizados nessa area, o assunto ainda merece aprofundamentos academicos, com o intuito de contribuir com a efetividade das politicas publicas educacionais, inseridas no contexto das medidas socioeducativas privativas de liberdade.
  • Padrões Internacionais de proteção aos Direitos Humanos e as reconfigurações dos direitos territoriais no Brasil: mediações, interações e tensionamentos
  • Advisor : GIUSEPPE TOSI
  • Date: Jan 16, 2017
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Os padroes internacionais de protecao geralmente sao produtos do reconhecimento institucional de determinado tema como um problema do qual as agencias internacionais devem se ocupar por dizer respeito aos direitos humanos. Tao complexos quanto o processo de conformacao e aceitacao internacional desses padroes, sao as iniciativas institucionais e os arranjos sociopoliticos construidos com o objetivo de que eles repercutam internamente. Para compreensao desses arranjos, tem sido cada vez mais importante observar a atuacao dos movimentos transnacionais da sociedade civil que incluem os proprios sujeitos sociais que demandam reconhecimento e protecao normativa internacional, alem de organizacoes de defesa dos direitos humanos e intelectuais dedicados a causa. Essa e a tematica sobre a qual versa a presente dissertacao de mestrado. Por meio da analise das relacoes entre a constituicao de padroes internacionais de protecao aos direitos humanos de povos indigenas e tribais e a ordem juridico-politica brasileira, o objetivo geral da pesquisa cujos resultados sao ora apresentados foi compreender as repercussoes do processo de conformacao desses padroes internacionais de protecao na reconfiguracao dos direitos territoriais de povos e comunidades tradicionais no Brasil.
  • LEI MARIA DA PENHA E GARANTIA DE DIREITOS HUMANOS: Uma análise a partir de João Pessoa – Paraíba
  • Date: Sep 30, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O presente estudo, ancorado em abordagem feminista e com contribuicoes dos estudos queer, caracterizando-se como uma pesquisa exploratoria, de cunho predominantemente qualitativo e descritivo, se propoe a analisar quais os avancos e entraves da Lei Maria da Penha (11.340/2006) para garantia de direitos humanos, a partir da cidade de Joao Pessoa - Paraiba. Para desenvolver tal pesquisa, efetuou-se a aplicacao de um questionario para feministas de diferentes coletivos da cidade de Joao Pessoa, as quais foram convidadas porque estiveram envolvidas em uma pesquisa que avaliou a resolutividade dos servicos de atencao as mulheres em situacao de violencia em Joao Pessoa e em outros quatro municipios da Paraiba, o qual resultou na construcao de um livro intitulado “Mulheres em Situacao de Violencia: olhares feministas sobre a Rede de Atendimento” (FERREIRA, BARBOSA e OLIVEIRA, 2015). A partir deste material, foram analisados os avancos e entraves da legislacao embasando-se no territorio em questao. Pode-se afirmar que a Lei Maria da Penha surge trazendo em seu bojo a mensagem de que “a violencia contra as mulheres nao e mais aceita socialmente” (OLIVEIRA e TAVARES, 2015, p. 23). Tomando como base o contexto pessoense, pode ser elucidado que essa Lei trouxe muitos avancos em prol da garantia de direitos humanos, indo a contra mao de ideologias propagadas pela sociedade patriarcal e a principios perpetrados por um Estado hegemonico burgues, racista e machista. Construida com embasamento feminista, essa legislacao traz a visao da violencia domestica com a inclusao de mulheres trans e independe de orientacao sexual, buscando nao so a punicao do agressor, mas tambem a protecao da vitima, a prevencao e a coibicao da violencia. Alem de proporcionar uma crescente visibilidade da problematica da violencia domestica, essa Lei cria servicos especializados para atender as vitimas. Em contrapartida, alem de encontrar dificuldades para implementar tais acoes, os maiores entraves da Lei Maria da Penha para garantia de direitos humanos estao na cultura patriarcal e machista, no sistema capitalista e na estrutura do Estado. Pode-se verificar que essa legislacao se apresenta como avanco e deve ser mantida e fortalecida, pois e um marco para os direitos das mulheres. Devido a configuracoes complexas e multidimensionais do fenomeno em questao, considera-se que o desenvolvimento das alteracoes emergentes no campo dos direitos humanos so ira acontecer atraves de uma transformacao completa das bases materiais e culturais que sustentam a sociedade, sendo preciso consolidar uma cultura e educacao em direitos humanos, por intermedio de multiplos espacos e de uma mudanca no sistema economico e politico.
  • Militância no Facebook como Enfrentamento ao Discurso do Ódio Análise da página de Jean Wyllys no combate à homofobia na web
  • Date: Sep 30, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar, dentro de uma perspectiva sociocultural, o combate a homofobia atraves da internet, tendo como objeto de estudo as redes sociais do atual Deputado Federal, Jean Wyllys de Matos Santos, tentando entender e explicar a importancia da web como dispositivo de reverberacao e extensao do mundo “real”. Como fontes serao utilizadas postagens no facebook oficial do Deputado Federal pelo PSOL-RJ, Jean Wyllys de Matos Santos relativos ao combate a homofobia, a luz de leis e principios da Constituicao Federal do Brasil e tratados internacionais, como a Convencao Interamericana de Direitos Humanos e a Declaracao Universal de Direitos Humanos. O objetivo e localizar principios da isonomia e da dignidade humana, que se refiram, diretamente ou por alusao, ao direito de exericio da orientacao sexual de forma livre e igualitaria. O corpus da pesquisa tera foco em localizar mensagens que promovam o respeito aos direitos humanos e nas relacoes sociais. Atraves da busca da utilizacao do meio on-line para promover reeducacao e respeito social, o trabalho objetiva explicar como os posts sao vitrine do movimento que utilizar o ciberespaco como um eco da vivencia do “real”, propagando a luta contra atos homofobicos no Brasil. Para isso, tambem sera necessario caracterizar a homofobia na web, isto e, o discurso do odio aos Gays, Lesbicas, Bissexuais e Transgeneros. O motivo de se colocar o deputado como objeto de analise advem dos seguintes motivos: Jean e o primeiro congressista assumidamente gay no Brasil. Desde as suas propostas de campanha, passando pelo seu primeiro mandato, em 2010, e os projetos de leis idealizados ou co-produzidos pelo deputado, Jean sempre colocou como front a bandeira da igualdade e a liberdade pela orientacao sexual. Seu ativismo, dentro e fora da web, fez o deputado alvo de muitas criticas e polemicas em sua vida pessoal e publica. Autointitulado como “progressista”, Jean traz a pauta assuntos considerados tabus na sociedade brasileira, tais como o casamento homoafetivo, familia homoparental, legalizacao da maconha e do aborto, dentre outros. Por limitacoes de tempo, o recorte temporal levara em consideracao os dois ultimos anos (bienio 2014-2015). As bases teoricas que fundamentarao a pesquisa sao a teoria queer e conceitos epistemologicos pos-estruturalista, embasados por autores como Butler e Foulcault. Para explicar a internet como um fenomeno social e as mudancas que esse advento trouxe a sociedade, recorreu-se ao sociologo Pierre Levy e Manuel Castells. A analise do conteudo das postagens traz bases teoricas de Bourdieu e Orlandi. O trabalho tambem conta com revisao bibliografica de autores renomados no que tange a area dos direitos humanos, a exemplos dos especialistas Antonio Cancado Trindade, Oscar Vilhena, Jose Augusto Lindgren, Flavia Piovesan, Rosa Maria Godoy, Daniel Sarmento, entre outros.
  • Formação em Agronomia na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Pato Branco e Saberes Discentes sobre Direitos Humanos.
  • Date: Sep 23, 2016
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Durante seculos a educacao para o trabalho se perfez na dinamica social, concomitantemente a pratica laborativa, por meio de um processo de aprendizagem informal, ao passo em que a educacao institucionalizada cabia o preparo dos grupos de comando. Porem, com a expansao do capitalismo surgiu a necessidade de mao-de-obra treinada e a escola assumiu o papel de agente de preparo para o trabalho. A reestruturacao do ensino manteve a segregacao: propos uma escola adestradora para os trabalhadores e outra, formativa, para a burguesia, sustentando a divisao entre preparar para o trabalho intelectual ou para o manual. Na sociedade neoliberal, herdeiro desse processo, ainda que sob outro vies, o projeto hegemonico de educacao privilegia o produtivismo desenvolvimentista – atendendo ao mercado –, sem contribuir para uma formacao reflexiva, emancipatoria e de resistencia em relacao as desigualdades. Todavia, atores contra-hegemonicos tem pautado, com sucesso, o debate sobre o tipo de formacao que as instituicoes de ensino privilegiam e as razoes da opcao adotada. Cumpre, entao, as instituicoes de ensino definir se implementam um programa de educacao que visa apenas ao desenvolvimento economico ou tambem ao humano. Nessa esteira, esta pesquisa investiga, a luz dos referenciais para a educacao em direitos humanos no ensino superior, as relacoes entre a formacao profissional, considerada a partir do curriculo e das praticas dos cursos de graduacao e pos-graduacao em Agronomia da Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana –Campus Pato Branco (UTFPR-PB), e os saberes discentes sobre direitos humanos, na busca pela compreensao do projeto de educacao empreendido no locus da pesquisa. Para tanto, analisamos a relacao entre educacao superior, educacao profissional e tecnologica e educacao em direitos humanos; historiamos o surgimento e as transformacoes da UTFPR; examinamos o estatuto da educacao em direitos humanos em documentos institucionais da UTFPR; caracterizamos os saberes discentes dos cursos de graduacao e pos-graduacao em Agronomia da UTFPR sobre direitos humanos, no contexto das praticas pedagogicas desenvolvidas no Campus Pato Branco; e cotejamos a analise documental e a descricao dos saberes discentes acerca dos direitos humanos com as categorias historicidade, contradicao e totalidade. Fundamentamos a pesquisa, filosofica e epistemologicamente, no materialismo historico dialetico, articulando a investigacao da problematica com o exame dos fenomenos que a envolvem. Elaboramos, assim, um estudo de caso quantiqualitativo, estruturado atraves de revisao de literatura; de pesquisa documental, mediante avaliacao de documentos institucionais e normativas nacionais; e de pesquisa de campo, com aplicacao de questionarios e realizacao de entrevistas. Da analise dos dados constatamos que os sujeitos da pesquisa tem conhecimento minimo sobre direitos humanos, advindo de fontes alheias a universidade. Por fim, ao conjugar a analise dos documentos institucionais com as respostas aos questionarios e entrevistas, apreendemos que os cursos nao sistematizam a educacao em direitos humanos em seus curriculos e que tampouco sao promovidas acoes que visem difundi-la, revelando projetos de ensino voltados para o desenvolvimento economico, mas carentes de acoes de desenvolvimento humano.
  • As praticas pedagógicas em Educação para os Direitos Humanos no Cotidiano da Escola Municipal Zumbi dos Palmares.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2016
  • Time: 16:00
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  • O presente trabalho teve por objetivo investigar os impactos das praticas pedagogicas da Educacao em/para os Direitos Humanos na prevencao e enfrentamento da violencia no cotidiano da Escola Municipal Zumbi dos Palmares, em Joao Pessoa-PB. A abordagem metodologica adotada foi do tipo qualitativa, a partir de um estudo de caso, associada a analise documental e bibliografica. Referencia-se na concepcao da dimensao pedagogica dos Direitos Humanos enquanto campo prioritario para a difusao teorica, historica e metodologica dos Direitos Humanos, destacando, neste contexto, a perspectiva intercultural dos Direitos Humanos. Paulo Freire, dentre outros grandes pensadores dos Direitos Humanos, conduz o eixo nucleador do aporte teorico que ousa pensar a historia como possibilidade e nao como determinacao, e a escola como espaco de producao de conhecimento. Apresenta a construcao, no Brasil, das politicas publicas para os Direitos Humanos: a introducao dos Direitos Humanos como tema transversal no ensino formal do Brasil, a incorporacao dos principios da Declaracao Universal dos Direitos Humanos na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educacao Nacional (LDB nº 9.394/1996), assim como a regulamentacao da Educacao em/para os Direitos Humanos pelo MEC (Resolucao/CNE/CP nº1/2012). Aponta o desafio de transpor o discurso do dialogo e do respeito a dignidade humana para alem da teoria e do espaco da escola, numa realidade marcada pela violencia e exclusao social. Finalmente, defende que a Educacao em/para os Direitos Humanos, direcionada a emancipacao dos sujeitos, extrapole a condicao de intencao politica pedagogica da escola para tornar-se um direito social e humano sistematizado a partir das praticas pedagogicas no cotidiano escolar.
  • Uma análise Foucaltiana do racismo punitivo no Brasil: A construção simbólica de um Direito Penal do inimigo
  • Date: Jul 29, 2016
  • Time: 15:00
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  • O presente trabalho tem por objeto a relacao do racismo punitivo no Brasil correlacionando com uma construcao simbolica do direito penal do inimigo a partir dos conceitos e relacoes de poder de Michel Foucault. O objetivo do trabalho e a realizacao de uma analise da punibilidade no Brasil, demostrando que ha uma seletividade na punicao penal, principalmente direcionada aqueles em que a sociedade considera perigoso, transformando esse individuo em um inimigo social, revelando uma construcao simbolica de um inimigo penal. Foram analisadas as teorias Foucaultianas de poder e racismos de direitos apoiada na pesquisa de outros autores que defendem a da existencia uma estrutura punitiva racista no Brasil, alem da contraposicao daqueles que negam essa possibilidade. Critica-se a Biopolitica e suas novas formas de poder, as quais geram o racismo de direitos que se apresentam em formas de politicas criminais e discurso de defesa social. O trabalho teve como resultado que o pais cultiva uma construcao cultural da delinquencia e ha um desrespeito aos Direitos Humanos, quando a aplicabilidade seletiva da punicao. Tambem ficou demonstrado alem da associacao da condicao social e da cor da pele para as desigualdades de efetividade penal, ha um cuidado maior de separacao social daqueles que ja cometeram algum delito como uma forma de prevencao para futuros crimes. Conclui-se que a sociedade brasileira impoe identidades, marginalizando aquelas designadas como negativas e que podem por em risco sua organizacao, fundamentado um racismo punitivo o autorizando como instrumento simplificador ou “segregador” de direitos e das relacoes sociais presentes numa sociedade contemporanea.
  • Em nome do Estado: Crimes de tortura e violações de Direitos Humanos contra paraibanos(as) durante a Ditadura Civil-Militar.
  • Date: Jul 29, 2016
  • Time: 15:00
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  • O ano de 2014 marcou os 50 anos do golpe civil-militar no Brasil. Tal constatacao nao se destacou tao somente pelo “triste aniversario” do tema em discussao, mas, sobretudo, pela quantidade de revelacoes que surgiram/surgem sobre os 21 anos em que os militares estiveram no poder. Nessa perspectiva, problematizar os crimes de tortura e graves violacoes de direitos humanos empreendidas “em nome do Estado”, durante o periodo da ditadura civil-militar, torna-se fundamental para que um passado atroz, truculento e barbaro, nunca mais volte a se repetir. O crime de tortura, enquanto fenomeno social, sempre esteve presente ao longo da historia da humanidade. Grande parte dos regimes autoritarios implantados no continente latino-americano apos 1962 se fundavam na Doutrina da Seguranca Nacional, formulada nas academias militares norte-americanas no final da Segunda Guerra Mundial e no inicio da Guerra Fria. Em nome dela, graves violacoes de direitos humanos foram empreendidas, mortificando direitos e desrespeitando a condicao de ser humano. Nesse sentido, considerando a necessidade da construcao da memoria coletiva no contexto paraibano durante a ditadura civil-militar, este trabalho dissertativo problematiza a tortura e as violacoes de Direitos Humanos empreendidas contra paraibanos que lutaram tanto no Estado da Paraiba quanto em outros estados brasileiros pela restituicao da democracia, no sentido de da visibilidade a participacao desses sujeitos na historia nacional do pais. Para realizacao do estudo foram analisadas legislacoes internacionais sobre o combate a tortura, os Relatorios da Comissao Nacional da Verdade, da Comissao Estadual da Verdade e da Preservacao da Memoria do Estado da Paraiba, as producoes bibliograficas da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos, entre outras fontes documentais. A dissertacao tem como objetivo investigar os tipos de tortura e de violacoes de direitos humanos empreendidas contra paraibanos durante a vigencia do Ato Institucional nº 5 e as consequencias e os impactos na vida desses e de suas familias. Considerando as peculiaridades do objeto de estudo adotamos o tipo de abordagem qualitativa. Corresponde a uma pesquisa de levantamento e exploratoria.
  • Exumando Verdades: As vítimas insepultas do Regime Militar do Estado da Paraíba
  • Date: Jul 29, 2016
  • Time: 10:00
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  • O presente estudo se propoe a analisar os casos de desaparecimentos politicos ocorridos no Estado da Paraiba durante a Ditadura Militar e sua possivel relacao com as acoes dos orgaos de repressao. Primeiramente, parte de uma breve abordagem sobre o periodo que antecedeu o golpe militar para, posteriormente, analisar como se deu o governo militar no pais. Em seguida, trata da evolucao normativa dos instrumentos de justica de transicao, dando enfase a sua importancia no processo de recuperacao da memoria historica e reconciliacao nacional. Por ultimo, faz uma analise da atuacao dos orgaos de repressao no Brasil e no Estado da Paraiba, almejando encontrar alguma relacao com os desaparecimentos forcados elencados no relatorio da Comissao Estadual da Verdade. Para consecucao de tal intento, buscou auxilio em fontes bibliograficas, sitios eletronicos, pesquisa documental e entrevistas. Como objetivos do estudo, temos: Examinar a atuacao dos orgaos de repressao e dos grupos de resistencia no Estado da Paraiba; investigar os pontos de convergencia entre os desaparecimentos de pessoas, a participacao em grupos de resistencia e a acao dos orgaos de repressao, bem como contribuir com o resgate da verdade historica que permeia o desaparecimento dos paraibanos, vitimas insepultas da Ditadura Militar e, consequentemente, colaborar com a historia da Paraiba. A dissertacao pretende contribuir ainda com o aprofundamento das discussoes a respeito da atuacao dos orgaos de repressao e dos grupos de resistencia.
  • A saúde no âmbito prisional feminino: análise acerca da implementação da Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Pessoa Privada de Liberdade no contexto de João Pessoa/PB
  • Date: Jul 29, 2016
  • Time: 09:30
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  • O presente trabalho possui como intento o desenvolvimento de uma analise acerca da implementacao do Programa Nacional de Saude no Sistema Penitenciario oferecido junto ao carcere feminino de Joao Pessoa/PB. Trata-se de um estudo, situado no ambito das ciencias sociais, o qual foi realizado junto a Secretaria de Estado de Saude, Secretaria de Estado de Administracao Penitenciaria e Centro de Reeducacao Feminino Maria Julia Maranhao, com o intuito de identificar impasses e possibilidades no que tange ao planejamento, execucao e monitoramento da politica de saude enderecada a populacao carceraria feminina de Joao Pessoa. Para tanto, o percurso metodologico contou com uma pesquisa documental de dados oficiais, bibliografica e de campo. Assim, por meio da realizacao de entrevistas semiestruturadas, chegou-se a producao de dados qualitativos, os quais foram de suma importancia, possibilitando articular discursos institucionais das Secretarias, no que se refere a gestao e planejamento dos servicos de saude com experiencias rotineiras dos profissionais do Programa de Saude Penitenciaria, em nivel de execucao. Os resultados nos ofertam dados que nos permitem descrever situacoes faticas no tocante a execucao da Politica de Saude Penitenciaria
  • Date: Jul 28, 2016
  • Time: 17:00
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  • Os fluxos migratorios sao um fenomeno constante na historia da humanidade, que sao potencializados por diversos fatores, tais como a globalizacao e o complexo ciclo de crise economico-financeira. O Brasil, visto hoje no cenario mundial como pais emergente, tem sido cada vez mais procurado por imigrantes em busca de melhores condicoes de vida. Estes sao atraidos por expectativas positivas e enxergam aqui oportunidades de emprego, acolhimento, tolerancia e mudanca de vida. Porem, nem sempre o esperado e concretizado, pois, apesar de ser signatario dos principais tratados internacionais de direitos humanos e dos avancos no trato deste assunto, ainda existem diversas falhas na gerencia dos migrantes em nosso pais. Ainda ha casos corriqueiros de um grande contingente de bolivianos, principalmente os que se encontram em situacao irregular, trabalhando em condicoes analogas a escravidao e sofrendo diversos tipos de violacoes de Direitos Humanos. Dai advem o interesse pela compreensao do posicionamento brasileiro quanto ao enfrentamento a estas situacoes degradantes. A hipotese levantada neste trabalho e a de que isto decorre devido a varios fatores, dentre eles, destacam-se a ausencia de politicas publicas direcionadas e a incoerencia entre a teoria e a pratica. Desta forma, serao averiguadas as razoes da inexistencia no Brasil de uma Lei de Migracoes atualizada e do seu posicionamento contrario a ratificacao da Convencao da ONU sobre a Protecao dos Direitos dos Trabalhadores Migrantes e Suas Familias. Alem disso, sera verificada a maneira que as instituicoes e sociedade civil atuam para a protecao destes migrantes laborais. Ao final, este estudo pretende trazer os limites, desafios e avancos que o Brasil possui na construcao de uma politica migratoria satisfatoria.
  • A Ressignificação da Identidade Quilombola na Comunidade de Paratibe, João Pessoa - PB: uma análise a partir dos processos de resistência
  • Date: Jul 28, 2016
  • Time: 16:00
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  • O presente trabalho trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa que visa realizar a analise da resignificacao da Identidade Quilombola da Comunidade de Paratibe – PB, a partir das politicas publicas para quilombolas no Brasil. Visamos compreender como a questao da identidade e atribuida e ressignificada no processo de luta e resistencia etnica desta comunidade pela demarcacao definitiva do seu territorio ancestral. Nesse sentido, nosso objetivo e compreender como essa comunidade constroi e reconstroi a identidade enquanto quilombolas, por meio, da relacao historicas com o territorio que ocupa e por meio do discurso do outro, produzido pelo discurso juridico, por orgaos publicos e pela producao academica sobre a tematica nos ultimos 10 anos. Buscamos entao analisar os mecanismos legislativos no campo internacional, nacional, estadual e municipal que garantem o direito reivindicado pela comunidade quilombola em questao. Realizamos para essa pesquisa uma serie de entrevistas com pessoas da propria comunidade, com agentes sociais externos participativos ONGs e Orgaos Publicos, no intuito de complementar a analise do discurso do outro. Assim, objetivamos compreender como foi sendo construida a identidade do povo de Paratibe por meio da emergencia etnica, nesse aspecto, lancamos nossos olhares sobre a construcao dessa identidade no campo da Educacao e no proprio espaco territorial da comunidade de Paratibe por entendermos que a Educacao e o Territorio em um quilombo urbano contribui na formacao do processo identitario, sendo ele, garantia de permanencia e identidade para esse grupo quilombola paraibano.
  • Educação no Campo e Direitos Humanos: uma proposta contra hegemônica aos sujeitos do campo.
  • Date: Jul 28, 2016
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Esta pesquisa tem como tema, a “Educacao do Campo e Direitos Humanos: uma proposta contra-hegemonica para os sujeitos do campo”, com vistas a acessibilidade de todos rompendo com o paradigma historico de uma hegemonica, que do ponto de vista do acesso, da continuidade e da qualidade social do ensino tem demonstrado de forma sistematica, que esse direito vem sendo negado aos trabalhadores do campo. Isso, de certo modo, os impede do direito de acesso ao conhecimento pleno, como sujeitos de sua propria historia. A partir da problematica apresentada delimitamos como objeto de estudo deste trabalho a caracterizacao daquilo que foi hegemonico e contra-hegemonico na historia da educacao do campo no Brasil abordando suas principais manifestacoes no periodo dos anos 1980–2016, recorte temporal e conclusivo desta pesquisa. Como objetivo geral pretendeu-se identificar os processos hegemonicos e contra-hegemonicos que atravessam a educacao do campo, buscando compreender em que medida se efetiva os principios fundamentais dos direitos humanos. E como objetivos especificos buscou-se reconhecer os processos hegemonicos e contra-hegemonicos, na educacao, e nos direitos humanos dos sujeitos do campo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza bibliografica, apoiada em Minayo (2012) voltada para a valorizacao, e a interacao das relacoes humanas e sociais pensada de forma a provocar o debate sobre a importancia da educacao contra hegemonica para o campo. Para tanto, buscou-se apoio em varios autores, dentre eles Boaventura de S. Santos (2012), Paulo Freire (1967), Hobsbawm (1995), Thompson (1987), Foucault (1991) e outros. Esta pesquisa fundamentou-se nas seguintes fontes documentais: PRONERA e PRONACAMPO; Relatorio do PIDESC 1996/1992; Censo escolar 2012-2013, Constituicao Federal de 1998, LDB Nº 9394/96, Diretrizes Operacionais da Educacao do Campo/2008, e o Programa Nacional de Direitos humanos – 1; 2 e 3 (extraidas dos sites oficiais, dos Institutos e Ministerios do Governo Federal como: INEP; IBGE; IPEA; MDA; INCRA; MEC/SECADI e SDH), as quais puderam auxiliar na analise dos processos hegemonicos e contra-hegemonicos das acoes relevantes na educacao do campo e nos direitos humanos. A analise exploratoria das fontes bibliograficas e dos institutos oficiais do governo indicou a existencia de uma educacao ainda bastante hegemonica, e violacao dos direitos humanos em todos os espacos sociais, inclusive nos limites da propria escola. Neste sentido a pesquisa reconhece a necessidade de superar os desafios, e reafirma a indivisibilidade dos direitos humanos, que deve afirmar-se como meio de luta contra todas as formas de injusticas presentes na sociedade. Em ultima analise acredita-se que este trabalho podera auxiliar nos debates futuros acerca da educacao do campo, no sentido de contribuir com o processo de emancipacao dos sujeitos do campo. Palavras-chave: Educacao do Campo e Direitos humanos, Hegemonia e Contra-hegemonia, Rupturas e Permanencias.
  • Date: Jul 28, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar as politicas publicas sobre a inclusao educacional das criancas autistas na rede de ensino publica da cidade de Joao Pessoa – PB. Para tanto, foram realizados breves comentarios acerca da evolucao conceitual do autismo ao longo dos anos, tendo como inicio a sua caracterizacao primaria como sintoma da esquizofrenia, partindo, em seguida, para Leo Kanner, psiquiatra austriaco cuja pesquisa foi marco historico para o autismo, uma vez que, a partir de seus estudos, o autismo deixa de ser apenas um sintoma e passa a ser definido como sendo um Disturbio Austistico do Contato Afetivo. Em seguida, ainda na evolucao conceitual, sao abordadas as novas denominacoes que o autismo passa a ter com a evolucao dos estudos ao longo do tempo, quais sejam sua definicao como Transtorno Global do Desenvolvimento, segundo o CID-10, Transtorno Invasivo do Desenvolvimento, segundo DSM-IV e, o mais atual, Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo, a partir do lancamento do DSM-V. Prosseguindo, foram feitos comentarios acerca das politicas publicas referentes as pessoas com deficiencia no ordenamento juridico patrio, uma vez que aqueles diagnosticados com autismo sao consideradas como tal, desde o advento da Lei 12.764/2012, que instituiu a Politica Nacional de Protecao da Pessoa com Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Tais comentarios acerca das politicas publicas se fizeram necessario para que fosse obtida a base juridico-legislativa acerca dos institutos que protegem os autistas e o seu respectivo direito a educacao, bem como a maneira pela qual se da sua inclusao educacional em meio ao ensino regular. Com a base legal formada, partiu-se para a visitacao nas escolas da rede publica municipal de Joao Pessoa, com a realizacao de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com as gestoes e professores das salas de atendimento educacional especializado, objetivando que tais profissionais relatassem suas experiencias no que tange a inclusao educacional dos autistas nas respectivas escolas. A realizacao das visitas e entrevistas foi de suma importancia para realizar uma analise sobre como esta sendo feita a inclusao das criancas autistas no ensino regular, tomando por base o levantamento juridico feito anteriormente. Por fim, houve a realizacao da analise qualitativa e quantitativa dos dados obtidos atraves de pesquisa.
  • Date: Jul 27, 2016
  • Time: 17:00
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  • A atual conjuntura social e caracterizada por um aumento significativo nos indices de criminalidade, demandando uma atuacao cada vez mais efetiva dos orgaos responsaveis pela seguranca publica. Nesse contexto, as policias militares sao apontadas pela midia e organizacoes de defesa dos Direitos Humanos como uma das instituicoes que mais violam esses direitos fundamentais. Um dos motivos argumentados que resultariam em tais violacoes e a militarizacao da policia e consequente autoritarismo presente em suas praticas, o que revela a necessidade de se investigar tal fenomeno. Sendo assim, para se compreender efetivamente a instituicao, faz-se necessario conhecer tambem os pontos de vista dos seus integrantes. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa investiga as percepcoes dos policiais militares da Paraiba acerca do que representa o militarismo para eles e para a organizacao. Questiona-se, pois, a dualidade existente entre os discursos de manutencao do militarismo e o discurso da desmilitarizacao, de modo a identificar e relacionar entre si as percepcoes e posicionamentos dos policiais militares sobre o papel do militarismo para a instituicao, seus aspectos positivos e negativos. Assim, o estudo se caracterizou como uma pesquisa de campo e documental de cunho qualitativo, sendo realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com trinta policiais militares, sendo vinte pracas e dez oficiais. Com base na literatura que aborda o tema, partiu-se da hipotese de que os policiais militares, em sua maior parte, sendo esta composta majoritariamente por pracas, veem o militarismo como um modelo inadequado para uma efetiva prestacao dos servicos de Seguranca Publica, uma vez que se encontra preenchido por relacoes de dominacao que impedem a configuracao de uma policia realmente cidada. Como resultados, a hipotese pode ser comprovada, sendo revelada ainda uma evidente distincao entre os modos de ver o militarismo dos pracas e dos oficiais. Os primeiros o rejeitam amplamente enquanto os ultimos apenas sugerem uma adaptacao da organizacao ao contexto democratico, sem, contudo, retirar a estrutura militarizada.
  • Sujeitos de Direitos ou Sujeitos de Tutela? Memórias de Jovens Egressos sobre o Acolhimento Institucional em João Pessoa (2010-2015)
  • Date: Jul 27, 2016
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Apesar de constantemente revisitada, a tematica da institucionalizacao de criancas e adolescentes apresenta-se ainda como objeto de investigacao. A excepcionalidade e a provisoriedade da medida de acolhimento sao sistematicamente descumpridas, devido as multiplas dificuldades que as familias enfrentam ao tentarem reaver o cuidado dos seus filhos. Como resultado, a permanencia de uma relevante parcela dessa populacao nos abrigos tem sido prolongada ate o seu desligamento por maioridade civil. Quando o abrigo nao realiza o trabalho de preparacao gradativa para o desligamento, a insercao dos jovens egressos na sociedade pode ser dificultada. Assumir praticas educativas que sejam orientadas pela educacao em direitos humanos promove a formacao de individuos que protagonizem sua propria vida. A partir das categorias de analise da memoria testemunhal, emancipacao e autonomia, objetiva-se reconstituir as memorias das vivencias de jovens egressos das unidades de acolhimento institucional de Joao Pessoa/PB, analisando a leitura que fazem da preparacao para o desligamento por maioridade e da formacao de sujeitos de direitos. Para a analise dos dados, utilizaram-se estudos desenvolvidos por Freire (1967; 2013) e Foucault (2011; 2012), entre outros. Metodologicamente, este trabalho constitui-se em uma pesquisa qualitativa que utiliza os procedimentos da Historia Oral e cuja discussao e resultante da analise de entrevistas semiestruturadas, que compoem nossas fontes orais, e da consulta a processos de medidas protetivas arquivados na 1ª Vara da Infancia e Juventude de Joao Pessoa/PB, nossas fontes escritas. Concluiu-se, com base nas categorias de analise da memoria testemunhal, emancipacao e autonomia, que os jovens egressos das unidades de acolhimento foram marcados, em suas trajetorias de vida, por experiencias que favoreceram o seu desenvolvimento e ampliaram horizontes existenciais. Contudo, na maioria dos casos, o trabalho em prol da autonomia e protagonismo dos jovens foi prejudicado pela ausencia de uma intencionalidade educativa e de uma sistematizacao de praticas pedagogicas no cotidiano dos servicos; pela baixa qualificacao e rotatividade dos profissionais e pelas falhas articulatorias da rede de protecao. Visto que a incorporacao pratica de principios educativos de direitos humanos ja e conquista concretizada no campo teorico, sao precisos, agora, investimento e compromisso, para que esses principios sejam incorporados ao fazer diario da politica publica do acolhimento institucional.
  • Alexis de Tocqueville entre o Antigo Regime e a Sociedade Democrática: O papel da religião e dos liames sociais.
  • Date: Jul 26, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A presente pesquisa visa compreender o pensamento etico-politico de Alexis de Tocqueville, no que diz respeito ao papel dos liames sociais no seio da democracia, realizando, para tanto, a partir da experiencia feita pelo jovem Alexis nos Estados Unidos no inicio da decada de 1830, uma relacao entre a sociedade francesa do Antigo Regime e a sociedade democratica americana. O interesse nessa discussao advem justamente da necessidade de aprofundar de modo critico ate que ponto os liames sociais podem ser considerados um fator de importancia no desenvolvimento de uma democracia mais ativa e participativa. Intenciona-se, igualmente, compreender como os liames sociais podem ser gerados e mantidos dentro de um regime democratico, nao obstante a apatia social e o individualismo, que tantas vezes sao responsaveis pelo isolamento dos cidadaos nos tempos modernos. Tal situacao e capaz de provocar como consequencia o surgimento de uma sociedade de massa, a qual ja nao e mais capaz de pensar e agir por si mesma, tornando-se, portanto, passiva e suscetivel ao comando de uma verdadeira “tirania da maioria”, como assim denominou Tocqueville, o que constitui um grande risco para a democracia. Se por um lado o Estado democratico necessita encontrar uma harmoniosa relacao entre a igualdade e a liberdade (dois dos principais temas do pensamento tocquevilleano) a fim de evitar o despotismo democratico, por outro, apresenta-se uma possibilidade de reconhecer-se em maior equilibrio por intermedio de um principio de carater relacional, que tenha como escopo e perspectiva o resgate dos liames sociais que possam servir de base para manutencao de uma sociedade civil cada vez mais participativa no exercicio de uma cidadania ativa. Nesse aspecto, o papel dos liames sociais sera aprofundado a partir, tambem, das contribuicoes do principio da fraternidade, que e parte constitutiva do tripe revolucionario frances, com potencial para fornecer subsidios a conducao dos conflitos sociais dos sistemas democraticos contemporaneos, atraves de um especifico aporte politico-relacional. Para Tocqueville, o processo de formacao da cidadania deve avancar e se desenvolver no intuito de encorajar os homens a combater suas proprias tendencias individualistas. Diante disso, o resgate e reforco dos liames sociais em uma democracia podem inspirar e desenvolver um importante papel.
  • A internacionalização dos Direitos Humanos como cidadania universal.
  • Date: Jul 25, 2016
  • Time: 16:00
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  • A modernidade ocidental que marca a passagem do sudito ao cidadao, na substituicao de Estados Absolutistas por Estados Liberais, inicia a era da subjetivacao dos direitos expressa na doutrina dos Direitos Humanos. O sec. XX que marca a crise da modernidade ocidental, evidencia, atraves da experiencia do Totalitarismo, as limitacoes de um conceito de cidadania exclusivamente estatal. A necessidade de se evitar que experiencias totalitarias se repitam, levou a Sociedade Internacional, no pos-Segunda Guerra, a construir uma etica das relacoes internacionais baseadas nos direitos humanos. A assimetria entre esses atores internacionais desnuda as limitacoes da internacionalizacao dos direitos humanos. Sem a democratizacao politica dessas relacoes o discurso dos direitos humanos perde efetividade e levantam-se vozes que denunciam o imperialismo da modernidade ocidental travestida na retorica humanista dos direitos humanos. Em um quadro internacional complexo, onde a ideologia jusnaturalista e liberal dos direitos humanos e obscurecida pelo ceticismo negativo do realismo politico, a cidadania supraestatal se apresenta como uma possibilidade em construcao. O estudo dos casos brasileiros na Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos e um recorte epistemologico que visa a cotejar a viabilidade do conceito de cidadania supraestatal democratica, conceito que ainda vive a sua infancia conceitual e politica em uma era marcada por crises e transformacoes sem um horizonte nitido.
  • Das intervenções internacionais à responsabilidade de proteger: Análise da justificabilidade política, ética e jurídica das operações bélicas para proteção dos Direitos Humanos
  • Date: Jul 22, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • As guerras travadas com fins humanitarios carregam em si um aspecto controverso por representarem, durante seu transcurso, o dispendio dos proprios direitos humanos. Em torno desse contraste, ganham relevo intensas discussoes a respeito das justificativas dadas a promocao de intervencoes armadas, dirigidas a protecao dos direitos humanos, contra Estados soberanos que se tornam palco de genocidios e campanhas de limpeza etnica contra suas populacoes, praticamente a revelia dos mecanismos internos de controle. Com efeito, o ativismo humanitario que ganhou forma na decada de 1990 trouxe a tona novas configuracoes ao tradicional modelo de intervencao, principalmente no que se refere a percepcao do peace enforcement a luz da doutrina Responsibility to Protect. Do descaso dos lideres mundiais com a guerra civil na Somalia ao bombardeio aereo das potencias ocidentais contra os genocidas no Kosovo – operacao esta, ressalte-se, articulada sem autorizacao do Conselho de Seguranca da ONU – emerge a seguinte indagacao: realmente existem razoes admitidas politica, moral e juridicamente que legitimam um dever de intrusao da comunidade internacional nos assuntos domesticos dos Estados, visando por termo a crises humanitarias sistematicas? Esta e, na verdade, uma questao polemica que envolve pontos ainda sem consenso que inquietam as opinioes dos internacionalistas, como a universalidade dos direitos humanos, a necessidade de redimensionamento da soberania e a eficacia da norma proibitiva de guerra. Levando em conta a relevancia desses topicos, o presente trabalho visa, bibliograficamente, expor e analisar algumas das principais justificativas atribuidas a tais intervencoes belicas, ressaltando os seus aspectos politicos, morais e juridicos (capitulados nesta ordem). A partir da investigacao das justificativas mais comumente alegadas pelos interventores ate os dias atuais, pretende-se melhor contribuir a formacao de um senso critico sobre a razoabilidade esperada para as justas causas das guerras no futuro.
  • Salve a Jurema sagrada- Identidade e Direitos Humanos na religiosidade afro-ameríndia em Campina Grande - PB.
  • Date: Jul 21, 2016
  • Time: 17:00
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  • O presente trabalho tem por objeto a formacao da identidade cultural e politica da Jurema Sagrada, uma forma de religiao hibrida, que reune elementos europeus, africanos e amerindios, no contexto do espaco urbano do municipio de Campina Grande/PB. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa baseou-se em levantamento bibliografico e etnografia, onde se buscou, a partir da observacao e do uso da historia oral, a construcao de uma narrativa da experiencia religiosa e politica do povo de Jurema campinense, em oposicao a sua representacao negativa nos discursos religioso, medico e juridico. O trabalho se pauta, ainda, na perspectiva dos saberes subalternos, corrente intelectual que propoe uma inflexao politico-epistemologica, com vistas a elaboracao de uma teoria critica dos direitos humanos desde o olhar dos sujeitos e grupos sociais historicamente marginalizados, como proposta de superacao das disjuncoes da modernidade e das concepcoes classicas de direitos humanos, notadamente eurocentricas e voltadas a legitimacao do capitalismo como sistema economico e politico, e que falham em sua intencao de universalidade, a qual tambem e objeto de critica na pesquisa. Analisou-se, ainda, a efetividade pratica dos direitos e politicas publicas voltadas ao povo de Jurema, onde se constatou que as insuficiencias da abordagem teorica classica dos direitos humanos repercutem tambem em sua aplicabilidade real, sendo necessaria, portanto, a sua reinvencao a luz das experiencias dos sujeitos e grupos cuja cidadania fora negada, para que se possa construir uma pratica efetivamente universal de direitos humanos.
  • Discursos Médicos e Jurídicos sobre maconha no Brasil e na Paraíba: os contradiscursos no debate sobre as políticas de drogas à luz dos Direitos Humanos
  • Date: Jul 21, 2016
  • Time: 10:00
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  • O presente trabalho trata-se de pesquisa quali-quantitativa que visa realizar a analise critica dos discursos que fundamentam a atual politica de drogas a luz dos direitos humanos. Acreditando na relacao entre saber, poder e verdade, estudaremos o entrelacamento destas categorias na estruturacao dos discursos sobre drogas no Brasil e na Paraiba – com especial enfase na analise discursiva dos saberes medicos-juridicos – e a partir de uma critica as violacoes de direitos humanos imposta pelo proibicionismo as drogas, buscaremos analisar discursos insurgentes a este modelo autoritario de gestao dos corpos e dos usos e costumes sobre drogas. Partimos da hipotese de que a atual politica de drogas se tornou um dispositivo estruturado em praticas que violam direitos humanos. O objetivo que permeia este trabalho e o de critica ao paradigma hegemonico proibicionista a nivel nacional em dialogo constante com a realidade local paraibana, que o faremos a partir da critica a falsidade de suas funcoes declaradas, ao seu resultado de criminalizacao da pobreza e aumento de violencia policial de do trafico, a dificuldade de se efetivar o direito a saude de pacientes medicinais, entre outros males documentados ao longo deste trabalho. Para realizar tal intento catalogamos varios dados disponiveis na internet, oficiamos a orgaos publicos na busca de compreender as possibilidades discursivas de enfrentamento e critica a atual politica de drogas.
  • A razão Metonímica, e o multiculturalismo e as políticas públicas - O exercício dos Direitos Fundamentais pelas minorias étnicas e culturais: a experiência dos remanescentes de quilombos no Estado da Paraíba.
  • Date: Jul 18, 2016
  • Time: 18:00
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  • As acoes afirmativas constituem um conjunto de politicas que visam efetivar a igualdade, materializando-se por meio de acoes que se destinam a grupos historicamente discriminados e, portanto, expostos a uma condicao de maior vulnerabilidade. A Constituicao de 1988 estabeleceu a constituicao dessas politicas em relacao as populacoes vulneraveis, minorias, entre elas as comunidades remanescentes de quilombos, destinatarias da protecao conferida pelo art. 68 do ADCT. O presente artigo pretende analisar aplicacao deste dispositivo as comunidades remanescentes de quilombos no Estado da Paraiba e, em especial verificando o historico da constituicao desse direito, desde o periodo constituinte, passando pelo historico da legislacao infraconstitucional e dos programas criados para protecao territorial e politicas publcias a essas comunidades, ate o atual "Programa Brasil Quilombola", coordenado pela SEPPIR. Pretende, ainda, estudar os efeitos dessas politicas publicas na realidade das comunidades da Paraiba. Analisara o historico e a situacao das Comunidades Remanescentes de Quilombos no Estado da Paraiba, bem como a implantac das politicas publicas para essas comunidades. Por fim, tratara da atuacao da Procuradoria Regional do Cidadao na Paraiba, ao promover o projeto de atuacao finalistica denominado “Politicas Publicas para as Comunidades Remanescentes de Quilombos da Paraiba” que tem por objetivo promover a discussao, implementacao e monitoramento dessas politicas no Estado, constituindo, para tanto, um locus em que seja possivel, para as comunidades, participar das discussoes e ver atendidas as suas demandas, promovendo, assim, a transformacao da realidade social e construindo a tao esperada igualdade.
  • A Inserção da Polícia Militar no Estado Democrático de Direito: há compatibilidade?
  • Date: Jun 21, 2016
  • Time: 16:00
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  • A presente dissertacao avaliou se ha efetividade na insercao da policia militar no estado democratico de direito, onde foi feita uma breve analise historica do surgimento dos direitos fundamentais e da Policia Militar nas constituicoes brasileiras; num segundo momento, analisou-se a legislacao brasileira sobre os fundamentos estruturais das Forcas Armadas e da Policia Militar, fazendo um comparativo das suas formacoes como instituicao, bem como uma observacao nas estruturas das instituicoes civis de seguranca publica e as da policia militar, verificando suas distincoes. Em decorrencia dessa analise, falou-se sobre o Ciclo Completo de Policia como possivel alternativa para o sistema de seguranca publica do Brasil, demonstrando, para tanto, os modelos de policia utilizados em outros paises como referencia para as modificacoes a serem feitas no modelo brasileiro. Como parte desta analise estrutural da seguranca publica brasileira, fez-se um comparativo entre os agentes de seguranca publica civis e os policiais militares, observando que os direitos e garantias fundamentais previstos na Carta Magna de 1988 para uma das categorias nao sao assegurados para a outra, apesar de fazerem parte do mesmo sistema de seguranca publica e serem da mesma modalidade de funcionarios publicos. Quanto aos procedimentos metodologicos utilizados na pesquisa, foi feita uma mesclagem entre a pesquisa bibliografica, documental e de campo; para a realizacao da pesquisa de campo, foi aplicado um questionario junto aos Policiais Militares da Paraiba pertencentes ao Centro de Educacao da PMPB, para alem da visao teorica buscar a impressao daqueles que vivenciam no seu cotidiano a realidade da instituicao militar, utilizando como base das perguntas o que fora descrito nos capitulos desta dissertacao. Assim, buscou-se tracar um itinerario historico e legislativo para verificar todos os aspectos relacionados a Instituicao Policia Militar desde a sua formacao como estrutura de seguranca publica, bem como diante do objetivo de respeito aos direitos fundamentais dos cidadaos previstos na Constituicao Federal de 1988, tentou-se observar se o proprio policial militar e visto como uma pessoa detentora destes mesmos direitos de cidadania, tanto do ponto de vista legal, quanto na visao dos policiais. Logo, como resultado final, percebeu-se apesar das mudancas ocorridas com a Carta de 1988, nao houve evolucao significativa do campo da Seguranca Publica. Tanto no aspecto estrutural, que nao possui coerencia com os modelos contemporaneos de policia utilizados por varios paises, como tambem por manter uma estrutura militar para cuidar de uma atividade de cunho civil como e a Seguranca Publica. Observou-se tambem a Lei Maior de 1988 distingue dois tipos de cidadao, o “militar e o civil”, haja vista que em varios momentos as leis brasileiras classificam o policial militar como uma pessoa diferente das demais e, consequentemente, suprime direitos que sao garantidos a todos os demais cidadaos, tanto no aspecto de pessoa comum, como no de agente publico. Faz-se necessario repensar a legislacao brasileira para que a Policia Militar seja efetivamente inserida no Estado Democratico de Direito, de forma que tal instituicao se adapte ao modelo de policia contemporaneo e nao seja uma estrutura a margem dos direitos que estao previstos na Carta de 1988, pois a classificacao do policial militar como um cidadao diferente dos demais aumenta inclusive o afastamento existente entre os agentes responsaveis pela preservacao da seguranca publica e o proprio cidadao detentor deste direito, alimentando a filosofia de “combate ao inimigo” que ate os dias atuais ainda existe dentro da filosofia de formacao do policial militar que, legalmente falando, nao se sente um cidadao brasileiro.
  • Date: Sep 11, 2015
  • Time: 17:00
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  • Em tempos em que a modernidade nasce fluida desde sua concepção, de visibilidades das sexualidades ditas disparatadas, heréticas, a família também se transformou. Diante desta realidade, é cada vez maior a visibilidade no cenário social brasileiro da configuração familiar homoafetiva. Estas famílias são o pilar de nossa pesquisa: que tem pretensões de refletir sobre a dinâmica parental das famílias homoafetivas compostas por lésbicas, travestis e mulheres transexuais, bem como gays e homens trans que são responsáveis pelo cuidado, educação e afeto de crianças e adolescentes e como essas identidades e condições dialogam com o processo de criação e educação das crianças e adolescentes. Para tanto, utilizamos do aporte teórico-metodológico da Teoria Queer, que lida com conceitos pós-identitários, desconstrutivistas e propõe que se repense a constituição de identidades cristalizadas. No estudo apresentamos uma reflexão sobre a analítica queer e essa mudança de foco no debate das identidades e sexualidades, deslocando o debate de uma visão binária para investigar as performances que constroem novas formas e representações familiares e sociais. Neste cenário,abordamos as considerações a respeito dos discursos construídos ao longo da trajetória de vida de mães e pais Lésbicas, Gays e Transexuais . Neste estudo articulamos questões teóricas presentes no campo dos estudos de gênero, estudos queer, transfeministas e a antropologia social, bem como os pressupostos legais nos quais se baseia o Direito de famílias.
  • Direitos Humanos e Fatores de Identidade em Cabo Verde
  • Date: Jul 31, 2015
  • Time: 17:00
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  • Resumo Essa pesquisa elege o seu objeto a nação cabo-verdiana e tem por objetivo analisar o processo multifacetado de construção da nacionalidade cabo-verdiana no período 1980-1992, levando em consideração as questões da identidade, constitucionalidade e direitos humanos. Cabo Verde, por ser um arquipélago que foi povoado por dois povos, duas raças, duas culturas distintas(africana e europeia) busca ainda, no presente século, um consenso identitáriode “comunidade imaginada”.Assim, diversos elementos identitários são apontados para definir “o que é ser cabo-verdiano”. O corpus da pesquisa incide sobre os símbolos nacionais de dois momentos específicos da recente história cabo-verdiana, as aproximações africanas (1975-1980) e as aproximações europeias (190-1992) bem como as perspectivas políticas de dois intelectuais dos referidos períodos, Aristides Pereira (momento africano) e Carlos Veiga (momento europeu). As referências teóricas para o trabalho em curso se aglutinam em torno das reflexões de Benedict Anderson, Stuart Hall e Charles Taylor que pesquisam a nação, a identidade e multiculturalismo
  • Date: Jul 31, 2015
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar, através de discursos contidos em depoimentos policiais e processos judiciais, as motivações dos homens do município de Iguatu, o qual se localiza no sertão do Estado do Ceará, para a prática de violência contra a mulher na esfera conjugal. Analisamos as supostas justificativas alegadas pelos homens que agrediram suas companheiras e os símbolos de masculinidade que permeiam a violência conjugal. A presença do amor\afeto enquanto substrato das relações conjugais, a dominação masculina, os símbolos de masculinidade, as práticas do homem do sertão, bem como a legislação interna e internacional que tutelam o direito da mulher foram temas discutidos neste trabalho para alcançar o perfil e as motivações do homem em situação de violência, à luz de uma ótica masculina. Apresentamos as influências sociais e culturais e como elas se manifestam na formação dos símbolos masculinos que marcam a violência conjugal.
  • A CAMINHADA DO PRIMEIRO CENTRO DE DEFESA DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS NO BRASIL: Terra, Justiça e Liberdade semearam a revolução da fé na Paraíba
  • Date: Jul 31, 2015
  • Time: 14:30
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  • O estudo propõe-se a investigar os caminhos e as consequências críticas do movimento da Igreja Católica, juntamente com a sociedade civil, na visibilidade e atuação do Centro de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos da Arquidiocese da Paraíba (CDDH). Em 1975, o Arcebispo da Paraíba, Dom José Maria Pires, criou o CDDH como órgão aditivo e auxiliar na missão evangelizadora da Arquidiocese. Com isso, fortalecia a Teologia da Libertação, permitindo que a Igreja estivesse ao lado das lutas e reivindicações dos mais pobres (especialmente camponeses), dos excluídos socialmente e dos perseguidos politicamente pelo regime militar. A entidade era pioneira no Brasil e produziu, já no ano seguinte, as primeiras Fichas de Atendimentos (destacando, principalmente, casos jurídicos diversos, penal e previdência social). No entanto, somente em setembro de 1979 é que foram aprovados os pressupostos, definições e objetivos; os critérios para o funcionamento e tarefas, além de ter sido escolhida sua equipe de organização. Em 1995, quando Dom José se aposentou, o CDDH da Arquidiocese da Paraíba passou a ter uma nova denominação: Fundação de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos Margarida Maria Alves (FDDHMMA). No entanto, os documentos referentes aos anos de atuação do Centro, entre 1975 e 1994, estão preservados no Arquivo Eclesiástico da Paraíba. Foram catalogados – e colocados à disposição dos pesquisadores – a documentação jurídica e financeira, atas, legislações, correspondências, relatórios, artigos (alguns, inclusive, anteriores à data da criação), celebrações litúrgicas, projetos, fotografias e recortes de jornais e revistas. Através da análise documental, é possível constatar a necessidade de uma (re)significação do papel do CDDH, cuja caminhada, à luz do Evangelho e dos ensinamentos de Cristo, ressalta a defesa da dignidade humana; numa singular contribuição ao discurso político e ao empoderamento dos setores mais pobres e excluídos e em amparo à promoção e à efetivação dos direitos humanos. Durante o regime militar, a práxis de religiosos e leigos (agentes pastorais, advogados e camponeses da Paraíba) fortaleceu a conquista da posse da terra, na Paraíba, e deu visibilidade à denúncia da violação dos direitos humanos no Brasil. Posteriormente, com a conquista da democracia, a política libertadora do CDDH serviu como um importante referencial, para o exercício da cidadania plena no País
  • Date: Jul 31, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • As questões relativas às populações tradicionais, na perspectiva dos Direitos Humanos constituem um relevante tema no âmago da sociedade brasileira, sobre tudo no contexto atual. Assim, no intuito de contribuir para uma investigação mais profunda sobre os grupos étnicos esta dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo analisar o processo de construção da territorialidade étnica dos quilombolas da comunidade Ipiranga. A comunidade ora investigada está localizada no município do Conde, na mesorregião da Mata Paraibana. Nessa investigação, inicialmente, registramos a trajetória de luta do povo negro no Brasil, mediante sua resistência e a conquista de direitos. No que concerne a comunidade Ipiranga, buscamos analisamos o processo de ocupação tradicional de seu território, bem como as formas de uso tradicional desse território, tais como a agricultura, a pesca e a caça. Além disso, enfatizamos o processo de luta e resistência vivenciados pelos habitantes para não serem alijados de seu território tradicional. Como desdobramento desse processo de luta, discutimos o significado do autorreconhecimento enquanto quilombolas e a importância dos elementos culturais, como o coco de roda Novo Quilombo, na construção da identidade étnica. Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, trabalhando na perspectiva da interdisciplinaridade, realizamos uma revisão da literatura sobre a temática em documentos e bibliografias. O trabalho de campo também constituiu uma etapa vital da pesquisa por nos permitir a elucidação os objetivos investigados na comunidade. Os capítulos que integram esta dissertação foram construídos com base nessas metodologias. Assim, a investigação nos possibilitou afirmar a importância do território para a reprodução social e identidade étnica da comunidade. Nesse sentido, chamamos à atenção para a morosidade dos processos administrativos de regularização fundiária no país e a necessidade de ampliação e efetivação das titulações dos territórios quilombolas.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2015
  • Time: 11:00
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  • O presente trabalho trata da educação em direitos humanos, tendo como objeto de análise a escola pública, especialmente, experiências de educação em direitos humanos, criadas a partir do Programa Mais Educação do Ministério da Educação, realizadas em João Pessoa e sistematizadas em monografias do Curso de Especialização em Educação Integral e Direitos Humanos do Núcleo de Cidadania e Direitos Humanos da UFPB, no período de 2013-2014. O trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar a produção discente do Curso de Especialização Educação Integral em Direitos Humanos, de modo a compreender a inserção da educação em direitos humanos no Programa Mais Educação. Como objetivos específicos, pretende-se: contextualizar e sistematizar a proposta pedagógica do Curso de Especialização Educação Integral em Direitos Humanos do NCDH-UFPB; mapear as problemáticas pesquisadas nas monografias relativas aos direitos humanos e analisar a perspectiva teórica e metodológica adotada nos estudos monográficos em relação à educação em direitos humanos. Como metodologia, o estudo se pautou por uma pesquisa qualitativa através da análise bibliográfica e documental do Curso de Especialização Educação Integral em Direitos Humanos. A inserção dos direitos humanos em programas de educação integral favorece a transversalidade no currículo na educação básica.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2015
  • Time: 10:00
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  • O tema da dissertação pautou-se em analisar as ações de prevenção à violência e educação em direitos humanos, envolvendo instituições e demais segmentos sociais, a partir da atuação do Centro de Atendimento as Vitimas de Violência – CEAV na cidade de Bayeux-PB. Pretendeu-se fundamentar o fenômeno da violência urbana para contextuar suas expressões na cidade de Bayeux-PB no período de 2009-2012; contextualizar a criação do CEAV em Bayeux- PB, situando o fenômeno da violência no município, as demandas em direitos humanos e a rede de articulação de instituições e entidades; analisar o processo de intervenção social do CEAV-Bayeux, os problemas diagnosticados, as estratégias, o perfil do público, o serviço prestado de natureza jurídica e psicossocial, os resultados e impactos e mapear junto ao CEAV as ações de educação em direitos humanos com escolas, associações de bairros , conselhos de direitos no período equivalente a 2009-2012, envolvendo a rede formal de ensino e cidadania e não-formal. A metodologia foi desenvolvida através de uma abordagem bibliográfica e documental, todavia, pelo caráter interdisciplinar utilizou-se dos conceitos da Teoria do Direito, Teoria dos Direitos Humanos, Sociologia e da Ciência política. O trabalho de pesquisa se caracteriza por um estudo de caso qualitativo, tendo como campo empírico o município de Bayeux na Paraíba, abordando: I) o perfil das vitimas e das circunstâncias geradoras da violência; II a atuação das instituições públicas, envolvendo o CEAV e órgãos parceiros, como o Ministério Público e a Polícia Federal e Civil, os Conselhos de Direitos e demais entidades. Enquanto estudo de caso qualitativo, a pesquisa documental procurou identificar elementos que possam oferecer um entendimento das contribuições das ações do CEAV- Bayeux para a proteção, apoio e assistência das vitimas de violência e crime. Além da observação direta junto ao CEAV onde coordenei as ações tecemos a centralidade do exercício de pesquisa na localização, sistematização e análise dos documentos do centro, objeto da pesquisa.
  • A democracia participativa e seus reflexos para a efetividade dos Direitos Humanos
  • Date: Jul 31, 2015
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, que tem como intuito estudar a contribuição da democracia participativa para a efetivação dos direitos humanos no Brasil. Após uma análise histórico-conceitual da distinção entre direitos humanos e direitos fundamentais e uma discussão sobre a relevância do constitucionalismo no processo de transição democrática brasileira, são apresentadas as principais formas de democracia: a representativa, a participativa e a elitista. Em seguida, se investigam os instrumentos de democracia participativa existentes no Brasil dentro dos três poderes: Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário. Os instrumentos de participação popular analisados, nos seus aspetos positivos e negativos, são os seguintes: Consulta prévia, audiências públicas, iniciativa popular, plebiscito e referendo (Poder Legislativo); Conselhos de gestão, direito de petição, Ouvidor (ombudsman) (Poder Executivo); Ação popular; representação ao Ministério Público, ação civil pública (Poder Judiciário). Procura-se identificar as contribuições desses instrumentos de participação popular para a efetivação dos direitos humanos no Brasil, após a Constituição de 1988. A conclusão a que se chegou foi que a democracia participativa brasileira possui algumas limitações, que dificultam a proteção aos direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos. Apesar disso, no entanto, ela continua sendo um dos caminhos mais promissores e indispensáveis para a efetivação dos direitos humanos e a consolidação do Estado Democrático de Direito no nosso País.
  • A Educação em Direitos Humanos na Educação Básica: a inclusão da disciplina de EDH no Colégio Marista Pio X
  • Date: Jul 31, 2015
  • Time: 07:00
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  • A pesquisa analisou as políticas normativas que orientaram a Educação em Direitos Humanos (EDH) no plano global, regional e nacional, bem como a aplicação destas no âmbito da Educação Básica na Rede Marista de Educação e, a forma como vêm sendo trabalhadas pelos professores no componente curricular da EDH no Colégio Marista Pio X. Procurando compreender os aspectos fundamentais da história da Rede Marista de Educação Básica, buscamos apreender o contexto histórico-educacional do Instituto Marista com as ações de direitos humanos e investigar os elementos relacionados à prática pedagógica e curricular da disciplina de educação em direitos humanos no Colégio Marista Pio X. Para alcançar esse fim, construímos uma linha do tempo com as normativas internacionais, chegando até a política de Educação em Direitos Humanos no Brasil. Utilizamos as categorias a priori de análise histórico-educacional de espaçostempos (“arquitetura escolar”, território, lugar, simbologia), currículo (Giroux), inédito viável e emancipação (Freire) e a interculturalidade (Candau). É neste contexto que se localizam os documentos oficiais do Instituto Marista e da União Marista do Brasil – UMBRASIL, em especial, o Projeto Educativo do Brasil Marista e as Matrizes Curriculares Maristas, ambos de 2010; referências importantes para a inclusão da Educação em Direitos Humanos como disciplina curricular na Rede Marista de Educação Básica, chegando à questão central de nossa pesquisa, de caráter bibliográfico-documental, quando analisamos a experiência da EDH no Colégio Marista Pio X, em João Pessoa (PB), ministrada no 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental desde 2012. A partir das premissas levantadas, encontramos alguns pressupostos de que os documentos fundantes do Instituto Marista demonstram o compromisso com a defesa do direito à educação como direito humano fundamental; nas ações pedagógicas e de gestão desenvolvidas no âmbito do Colégio Marista Pio X, antes das normativas legais de EDH, já estão presentes concepções e práticas fundadas nos Direitos Humanos que estimulam a participação cidadã de sujeitos de direitos. A relevância da temática proposta justifica-se diante da urgência de educar em/para direitos humanos, adotando uma perspectiva teórica intercultural, de visão crítica dos processos, do currículo e do sujeito. Como instrumento de análise comparativa desta pesquisa, cotejamos os documentos de referência no Plano de Ação do Programa Mundial de Educação em Direitos Humanos da ONU para a Educação Básica, bem como a proposta curricular e metodológica do Instituto Interamericano de Direitos Humanos – IIDH e os documentos da política nacional em EDH. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam uma coerência nos princípios da EDH com os princípios educativos da Rede Marista de Educação Básica, e também a necessidade de se avançar em suas práticas socioeducativas presentes nas atividades pastorais, culturais e esportivas, que vivenciam a dimensão da educação em direitos humanos como processo sistemático e multidimensional.
  • Date: Jul 30, 2015
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Esta pesquisa trata-se do estudo das memórias de uma experiência educacional vivenciada na Escola Municipal Dr. Antonio Pereira de Almeida, localizada no Município de Santa Rita/PB, desenvolvida no período de 2005-2010, tendo como objetivo reconstruir a memória dessa experiência, na perspectiva de reconhecê-la/identificá-la como sendo uma experiência de Educação em Direitos Humanos (EDH), contribuindo para a compreensão sobre o tema e auxiliando no processo de efetivação da EDH. Trata-se de um trabalho qualitativo, voltado para a valorização e o reconhecimento da memória educacional, pensada de forma a provocar o debate sobre a importância da Educação em Direitos Humanos, a fim de auxiliar educadores, pesquisadores e aqueles que se interessem pela temática da reconstrução da memória, compreensão e valorização das experiências educacionais de EDH. Para tanto, buscou-se o auxílio de autores de diversas áreas, entre eles: Freire (1987, 1993, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2011, 2012), Benevides (2000 e 2007), Bobbio (2004), Candau (2008), Delgado (2010), Halbwachs (2006) e Le Goff (1994). A pesquisa fundamentou-se em fontes documentais e orais, apresentou a experiência educacional desenvolvida naquela instituição de ensino, a partir do olhar dos seus atores. Levou-se em consideração que educar em/para os direitos humanos não significa “receber” conteúdos, mas, compreender essa educação como um processo construído e reconstruído por cidadãos capazes de transformar a sua realidade, sendo a escola um espaço importante para assegurar o direito à identidade humana, promovendo a construção de uma sociedade melhor. Acredita-se que o resultado deste trabalho poderá contribuir para o fortalecimento da educação em direitos humanos nas instituições de ensino formal. Logo, a partir do referido estudo, podemos afirmar que a experiência educacional desenvolvida na E.M.E.F.A.P.A é um forte indicativo de que a EDH é uma prática real, possível e necessária.
  • Assédio Moral e Homofobia: Evidências da Discriminação no Ambiente de Trabalho.
  • Date: Jul 30, 2015
  • Time: 14:30
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  • O assédio moral é um fenômeno precedido pela desvalorização da vitima pelo agressor, que ocorre quando o individuo é categorizado por um grupo que não respeita as diversidades. Consideradas violações de direitos humanos, o assédio moral e a homofobia incluem desde a negação de oportunidades de emprego e educação até exclusões, humilhações agressões físicas, podendo chegar até o limite do suicídio ou homicídio. O presente estudo teve por objetivos: investigar situações de assédio moral, discriminação e homofobia vivenciadas no ambiente de trabalho; observar as características das pessoas envolvidas em situações de discriminação, assédio moral e homofobia; e identificar consequências da prática do assédio moral, da discriminação e da homofobia na vida das pessoas inseridas neste estudo. Estudo exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, se deu através de entrevistas com roteiro semi-estruturado. A análise do material empírico se deu por meio da análise de conteúdo da qual emergiram quatro categorias: (I) Subjetividades e Fragilidades nas relações: a expressão da sexualidade incomoda colegas de trabalho, que fazendo juízo baseado em estereótipos, pressiona os indivíduos a “sair do armário” para que sejam vitimas de preconceito; (II) A Dominação da Discriminação: por se tratar de ações subjetivas, sutis e veladas, o numero de vitimas que recorrem a denuncias sobre essas ações é muito baixo. Destaca-se entre os principais fatores para esse baixo índice o medo de represália e a dificuldade de reunir provas, dando às vitimas do assedio moral e da homofobia uma sensação de impunidade de seus agressores; (III) As Evidencias da Discriminação: começa com uma piada, uma brincadeira e depois toma proporções desastrosas. O assedio moral e a homofobia no ambiente de trabalho é um reflexo da sociedade machista e patriarcal, que humilha e exclui aquele que é considerado diferente, desvalorizando o individuo; (IV) As Consequências da Discriminação: o assedio moral e a homofobia pode acarretar prejuízos severos que se somatizam em sua saúde física com Hipertensão, cardiopatias.
  • Direito humano à memória da educação de adultos no Brasil autoritário: documentos legais e narrativas de ex-participantes do MOBRAL (1967-1985).
  • Date: Jul 30, 2015
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O período de privação de liberdades e direitos, estabelecido com o Golpe Civil Militar de 1964, contribuiu para que memórias fossem ―esquecidas‖ e/ou ―silenciadas‖. Nesse movimento subjetivo e seletivo da memória, que tanto pode ―lembrar‖ quanto ―esquecer‖, o direito humano à memória da educação de adultos no Brasil autoritário é colocado em evidência. Nessa perspectiva, a presente pesquisa de Mestrado em Direitos Humanos/PPGDH/UFPB, da Linha de pesquisa Políticas Públicas em Educação em Direitos Humanos, propõe reconstituir a memória educacional do Movimento Brasileiro de Alfabetização (MOBRAL), a partir da análise de documentos legais e institucionais que apresentam narrativas de ex-participantes desse movimento. Com esse intuito, o processo metodológico adotado é o da pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizando-se da análise do discurso para a interpretação das memórias e dos dados coletados. Para fundamentar o estudo, recorremos a autores como Le Goff (2012), Halbwachs (2006), Bosi (1994), Pollak (1989), Silva (2003), Galzerani (2004), no que se refere à memória. Acerca da interface entre Direitos Humanos e o direito à memória, tivemos por fonte os estudos de Barbosa (2007), Comparato (2007), Ferreira (2007, 2014), Sader (2007), Silva; Tavares (2010), Silveira (2007), Viola (2007, 2010), a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos (1948), o Plano Nacional de Educação em Direitos Humanos (2007), entre outros. Sobre o MOBRAL, nos reportamos a Paiva (1973); Freire (2011, 2013) e Jannuzzi (1983), bem como a documentos institucionais do movimento. Já o contexto histórico do início dos anos de 1960 aos anos de 1985 foi compreendido a partir das lentes de Saviani (2008), Germano (1994), Romanelli (1983), Cunha e Góes (1985). Com a reconstituição das memórias do MOBRAL, constatamos que o regime militar negou aos educandos adultos o direito a uma educação crítica e questionadora, restando-lhes uma educação incompleta ou ―pela metade‖, ressentida de saberes e fazeres pedagógicos voltados para a emancipação por meio da palavra. Tiveram negado o direito a uma educação libertadora, inspirada na pedagogia freireana de emancipação pela conscientização/ação. Nessa configuração, o MOBRAL representa um retrocesso na história da alfabetização de adultos.
  • The teaching-learning process of Education in Human Rights in the Urban Projovem Programme offered in prison units in João Pessoa/PB
  • Date: Jul 27, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This research proposes to analyse the implementation of education in human rights in the prison context. To that end, it identifies the treatment given to themes related to human rights in the pedagogical activity developed in the curricular component denominated “Citizen Participation”, a constituent element of the integrated curriculum of Projovem Urbano, a programme offered in its prison format in the interior of three different penal establishments situated in the city of João Pessoa, state of Paraiba, as a pioneering experience. Based on a normative demarcation of the international and national legislation, the study identified the condition of education as a human right and also the right to education for persons in situations of privation of liberty, referring to the format of youth and adult education in which the teaching-learning processes are offered in the interior of Brazilian penal institutions. Turning our attention to one of these programmes in particular – the Projovem Urbano programme – we analyse one of the axes of the integrated curriculum, whose methodological proposal is differentiated in such a way as to identify convergences in relation to that education recommended in the National Plan of Education in Human Rights. Hence, making use of participant observation of formal classes, of preparations and of the result of the activity denominated “Community Action” and, principally, by means of questionnaires applied to those learners taking part in the Programme, we analysed the treatment given to the themes related to human rights and, therefore, whether education in human rights is effectuated in the educational experiences studied, apperceiving this fact employing three categories: education as a right; access and permanence in the teaching-learning process; and learning, based on its identifications. We observed that if the experiences of offering the Projovem Urbano programme in prison spaces are responsibly managed, they have the potential to become an innovative and inclusive public policy, in the prison context: that the dimension of Citizen Participation presents a potential for implementing education in human rights, although requiring reformulations when offered in the prison situation; and that confusions and distortions concerning the conception of education as a right cannot transform it into a synonym of approval with respect to all the minorities including persons deprived of liberty.
  • Date: Jul 27, 2015
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Os conselhos de políticas públicas são, geralmente, espaços de interlocução entre Estado e sociedade, cujos objetivos são a democratização da gestão das políticas públicas e o controle social sobre os governos. São órgãos colegiados, permanentes e deliberativos (ou apenas consultivos). No Brasil, já existem conselhos constituídos em âmbito nacional, estadual e municipal, nas mais diversas áreas. Entende-se que os conselhos de políticas públicas agregam características da democracia representativa, participativa e deliberativa. Apoiado nesta premissa, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise da importância do Conselho Nacional de Direitos Humanos no fortalecimento da democracia no Brasil no período de 2009 a 2012. Esse conselho é um dos mais antigos do país, pois foi criado em 1964, quinze dias antes do golpe militar. Por isso, indaga-se: em que medida o Conselho Nacional de Direitos Humanos é um instrumento de fortalecimento da democracia no Brasil no período de 2009 a 2012? A fim de responder tal questionamento é adotada a pesquisa qualitativa, através dos métodos: hermenêutico e análise de discurso. No estudo foi realizado o percurso histórico da democracia como regime político, com o objetivo de examinar, sobretudo as principais características da democracia representativa, participativa e deliberativa. Verificou-se a institucionalização e o papel do Conselho Nacional de Direitos Humanos na participação social no Brasil. Enfatizou-se o histórico e a atuação deste conselho na promoção e proteção dos direitos humanos no Brasil. Através das análises das atas, do regimento interno, dos relatórios e da legislação de funcionamento do conselho foi possível a observação do processo argumentativo, fundamento da teoria deliberativa, através dos atos de fala e dos discursos políticos produzidos pelos participantes das reuniões desses espaços, bem como verificar a participação e atuação dos conselheiros. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que esse conselho foi um instrumento de fortalecimento da democracia representativa, participativa e deliberativa no período analisado; demostram, no entanto, que muito ainda poderá ser feito para aumentar a efetividade da democracia nesse órgão, tais como: aumentando a maior autonomia dele em relação ao governo e envidando esforços para a criação e fortalecimento dos Conselhos de Direitos Humanos nos Estados e Municípios.
  • Literatura e Direitos Humanos: Uma crítica social em Os Brutos de José Bezerra Gomes
  • Date: Jul 27, 2015
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Pressupondo a arte como um sistema simbólico de comunicação inter-humana, que tem uma função mobilizadora e, portanto, agrega consequências políticas. Neste trabalho, pretendemos problematizar a relação da história, a literatura e os direitos humanos a partir da obra Os Brutos (1938) de José Bezerra Gomes (1911-1982). Com o objetivo de identificar os aspectos presentes na narrativa que retratam a sociedade e a cultura local, trazendo à tona as representações de desigualdade e exclusão sociais constituídas no corpo das práticas exercidas pela cultura patriarcal, captadas pelo autor e dramatizadas no romance. A obra analisada está inserida no gênero literário conhecido como ficção regionalista de 30. Os romances desse segmento literário tinham como característica principal a aproximação da ficção com a realidade e o compromisso com a veracidade dos fatos, o segmento é considerado por Antonio Candido como o ponta pé para o despertar da consciência social no campo da literatura brasileira. O discurso literário de José Bezerra Gomes, situado numa investigação crítica e social, sob a perspectiva de denúncia, que abarca o diálogo entre a história e a literatura, foi a base para pensar esse trabalho como uma possibilidade para os direitos humanos. Compreende-se que o saber literário a luz das interpretações do Brasil descortina verdades, e tem conexão com as práticas simbólicas e políticas de poder que constitui e faz parte da construção de identidades e formação dos sujeitos.
  • Sujeito, Direitos humanos e Cidadania Coletiva: o direito ao trabalho decente como garantia da dignidade do indivíduo.
  • Date: Jul 23, 2015
  • Time: 15:00
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  • O presente trabalho tem por objeto a relação do direito ao trabalho com a dignidade da pessoa humana a partir dos conceitos de sujeito de direito, cidadania coletiva, direitos humanos e trabalho decente. A dissertação busca defender a possibilidade de universalização do direito ao trabalho decente respeitando o estágio de desenvolvimento de cada povo. É um estudo bibliográfico criticando a perspectiva liberal e ocidental dos direitos humanos e contrapondo uma perspectiva intrercultural destes direitos como caminho para sua universalidade. Foram analisados os argumentos daqueles que defendem a possibilidade de efetividade imediata do direito ao trabalho decente, comparando estes argumentos com aqueles defendidos por quem entende o direito ao trabalho decente como mera norma de natureza programática. Critica-se a divisão dos direitos humanos em dois pactos internacionais, um tratando dos direitos civis e políticos e o outro tratando dos direitos econômicos sociais e culturais, reafirmando a indivisibilidade destes direitos. O texto critica a perspectiva liberal que tem no mercado capitalista o seu fundamento e contrapõe uma perspectiva intercultural que tem na economia solidária uma de suas hipóteses de universalização do direito ao trabalho decente. Conclui-se que não há obstáculos absolutos a possibilidade de universalização do direito ao trabalho decente, mas isto depende de uma mudança fundamental no sistema político, econômico e cultural, hoje hegemônico.
  • Date: Jul 20, 2015
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Neste trabalho, estudou-se a aprendizagem da democracia em contexto de Conselho de Classe, segundo as orientações da Pedagogia Institucional (PI), de modo a demonstrar a viabilidade de uma Educação em Direitos Humanos (EDH) pelas práticas pedagógicas daquele modelo. Levantou-se a hipótese de que é possível a aprendizagem da democracia no Conselho de Classe, desde que se levem em conta as práticas e formações da EDH, como também, os princípios fundamentais e dispositivos da PI. Para avaliar tal hipótese, considerou-se que Direitos Humanos (DH) e a democracia caminham juntas e evidenciou-se como aporte a Educação em Direitos Humanos (EDH), a partir de sua definição, seus fundamentos, sua construção histórica e de seus desafios, (BITTAR, 2007, 2009; BENEVIDES, 2007; CARBONARI, 2007; COMPARATO, 2010; DALLARI, 2007; VIOLA, 2007,); como proposta pedagógica para a aprendizagem de uma cultura democrática na escola, (ARAÚJO, 2002; BOBBIO, 2000, 2004, 2006; BRANDÃO, 2013; CELLIER, 2000; PERRENOUD, 2005; ROSENFIELD, 1999; SAVIANI, 2009; TOSSI, 2013). Por outro lado, aponta-se a contribuição da Pedagogia Institucional (PI) através dos princípios e dispositivos, tendo como principais teóricos (ANDRADE, 2009; CAMINHA, 2012; HÉVELINE; ROBBES, 2009; IMBERT, 1994; OURY; SANCHES, 2002; VASQUEZ, 1967; 1977; PAIN, 2009, 2010, 2012;) que concorrem para uma EDH como prática democrática viável dessa articulação. A metodologia utilizada consistiu em um estudo de caso, para investigar a aprendizagem da democracia que apresentavam práticas escolares envolvendo o conselho de classe segundo a PI: a primeira, registrada em documentário de uma escola privada da França; a segunda, registrada em vídeo de uma escola pública na Paraíba, Brasil. Disso, o resultado obtido foi: é possível a aprendizagem da democracia, assim como a sua construção nos espaços da escola (entre eles, o Conselho de Classe segundo a PI), valor intrinsecamente associado aos direitos humanos, com a participação das pessoas nos processos decisórios possíveis de ser compartilhados.
  • Date: Jul 17, 2015
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O presente estudo analisa o papel do cliente no crime de tráfico de crianças, para fins de exploração sexual, sob a perspectiva da multidisciplinaridade. Esta justifica-se por ser um fenômeno complexo e multifacetado, tendo como determinantes fatores de ordem política, socioeconômica, cultural, jurídica e psicológica. A finalidade do trabalho é demonstrar que a demanda, especificamente de um dos seus componentes, o cliente (demanda consumidor), é um dos principais responsáveis pela propagação do crime de tráfico de crianças para fins de exploração sexual. Deve, portanto, ser compreendido no sentido de se criar medidas de prevenção geral e individual do crime, bem como efetivar políticas públicas que não foquem unicamente os traficantes, e protejam melhor os direitos humanos das potenciais vítimas, mas também na conduta do cliente. Para isso, é feita uma análise sobre o crime de tráfico de crianças para fins de exploração sexual; o processo de mercantilização do corpo no delito em pauta, equiparando o tráfico de crianças para fins de exploração sexual a um mercado em processo de crescimento; as consequências dos atos exploratórios para a vítima, que, além de outras perdas, acarreta na violação do direito à dignidade; as políticas públicas existentes relacionadas ao enfrentamento do fenômeno; e, finalmente, o arcabouço legislativo internacional e interno referente à temática.
  • CONDOMÍNIO FAMILIAR Informal: uma etnografia das estratégias de reprodução de famílias trabalhadoras no processo de urbanização de João Pessoa - Paraíba
  • Date: Dec 15, 2014
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Esta dissertação analisa a situação empírica de um processo de organização da convivência de famílias residentes no Bairro de Água Fria. Essas famílias, ali estabelecidas em área até recentemente rural, permaneceram enquanto a cidade avançava sobre esse espaço. A resistência ao deslocamento pela urbanização e a posterior gentrificação do bairro deu-se ao longo de décadas garantindo a permanência dessas famílias populares no seu local de origem. No que aqui se conceituou como condomínio familiar informal, a concepção e a conquista dos direitos não estão dissociados da vida cotidiana e nela se desenvolvem paulatinamente. A conquista do direito à cidade promove a construção empírica e conceitual dos Direitos Humanos e sua efetivação se concretiza, mais especificamente, no direito à moradia e ao trabalho no interior do bairro e em outros espaços urbanos, assim como ao acesso aos serviços públicos e direitos sociais em geral. Na trama complexa do cotidiano das famílias do Condomínio, observou-se que a individualidade, os laços de parentesco e a convivência compartilhada constituem, no microterritório, experiência de efetivação dos direitos e deveres por eles intuídos e estabelecidos, a partir da prática de vida e de suas convicções em discordâncias/acordos que, no decorrer do tempo, se tornaram convenções e regras de vida (ainda que muitas vezes apenas tácitas) no âmbito das famílias consanguíneas ali residentes e nas suas relações com a vizinhança.
  • Date: Dec 12, 2014
  • Time: 16:30
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  • Date: Dec 11, 2014
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Date: Dec 11, 2014
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Em Joao Pessoa, a tendencia a substituicao do padrao horizontal de edificacoes (casas) pelo uso de edificios, em especial na regiao litoranea e na zona sul, vem conduzindo a apropriacao do espaco urbano pelo negocio imobiliario, de forma que tem havido uma destinacao desproporcional dos riscos ambientais em desfavor das populacoes mais pobres e, dentre estes, grupos etnicos. Diante do crescimento da capital paraibana, a resistencia de uma comunidade em especial tem se colocado como um importante obstaculo perante o qual tem precisado se dobrar o poder financeiro local. Paratibe e um territorio negro com quase duzentos anos de ocupacao ininterrupta, que agora vem sofrendo ameacas. Nos ultimos anos, os moradores mobilizaram essa memoria historica para a garantia do direito a terra e a regularizacao fundiaria. A exemplo do que acontece no ambito do movimento agrario nacional, se o anseio redistributivo classicamente associado a modificacao da estrutura territorial privada e ao atendimento dos preceitos constitucionais que instituem a funcao social da propriedade motivou a organizacao de diversos movimentos civis reivindicatorios no contexto pos-88, tambem o componente etnocultural tem inspirado a luta pela conquista da terra na Paraiba. Assim, o caso de Paratibe tornou-se emblematico em meio as pautas de reivindicacao dos quilombos na Paraiba.
  • A arte censurada: teatro e ditadura no estado da Paraíba nos anos de 1964 à 1984.
  • Date: Dec 5, 2014
  • Time: 16:00
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  • O texto apresenta dois capítulos escritos e dois roteirizados. o primeiro capítulo trata da ditadura e censura teatral no Brasil, e o segundo da ditadura e censura teatral na Paraíba, o terceiro caminhos para presentificar o passado e o quarto ditadura e teatro no estado da Paraíba de 1964 à 1984.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar como as experiências articuladas da Educação Física Escolar e do Esporte Educacional, com jovens e adultos em situação de privação de liberdade, têm contribuído para a promoção dos direitos humanos e a educação para a cidadania, adotando como campo de pesquisa a Escola Estadual Gregório Bezerra na Penitenciária Juiz Plácido de Souza - PJPS, em Caruaru-PE. Identificamos como o direito à educação e ao esporte, presentes nos instrumentos de proteção internacional e nacional de direitos humanos, estão sendo incorporados e implementados na Política Penitenciária Nacional através do envolvimento interministerial entre Educação, Esporte e Justiça. Nosso marco teórico construído ao longo do trabalho junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direitos Humanos, Cidadania e Políticas Públicas da UFPB, estão referenciados no diálogo entre a Pedagogia Crítica através da concepção de Paulo Freire, no Brasil, e Abraham Magendzo, no Chile, e sua inter-relação com a Educação em e para os Direitos Humanos. Em nossa metodologia utilizamos um estudo descritivo de caso, com recorte temporário da gestão penitenciária de 2012-2014, envolvendo dados quantitativos e predominantemente qualitativos. Utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados, além da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com as gestões da escola e da penitenciária, com o professor de educação física, e a aplicação de questionários abertos e de múltipla com os alunos em privação de liberdade da PJPS. Para análise dos dados utilizamos a técnica da análise de conteúdo, com a sistematização de categorias analíticas em quadros. Nossos resultados com o estudo nos levaram a compreender que a Educação Física Escolar contribui efetivamente na aquisição de valores necessários para formação da cidadania e a promoção de uma cultura de direitos humanos. Observamos também, que o Esporte pode contribuir na prevenção da violência e na promoção da saúde, atuando como um mecanismo pedagógico na perspectiva de uma Educação em Direitos Humanos. Entretanto, a Educação em prisões apresenta lacunas pedagógicas, nas metodologias, no currículo e na valorização dos profissionais envolvidos com o processo de ressocialização. Torna-se emergencial a construção coletiva de uma proposta pedagógica para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos em espaços de privação de liberdade, respeitando as especificidades de cada componente curricular, e as limitações de educar no cárcere. Palavras-Chave: Educação Física, Direitos Humanos, Educação de Jovens e Adultos.
  • Memorial das ligas camponesas: preservação da memória e promoção dos direitos humanos.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2014
  • Time: 15:00
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  • O estudo buscou analisar a atuacao do Memorial das Ligas Camponesas na preservacao da memoria e promocao dos direitos humanos. Utilizou-se fontes bibliograficas, sitios eletronicos, pesquisa documental e pesquisa de campo com a metodologia da historia oral, que proporcionou uma visao mais aprofundada sobre o que representa este Memorial na vida dos seus idealizadores, atuais integrantes, e moradores da Comunidade Barra de Antas. Fez-se um esboco do nascimento dos direitos humanos economicos, sociais e culturais que, no plano mundial, nasceram tardiamente em relacao aos direitos civis. Tratou-se tambem da politica direcionada ao Direito a Memoria e a Verdade, que se fortaleceu com a aprovacao do Programa Nacional de Direitos Humanos (PNDH-3), e a criacao da Comissao Nacional da Verdade, que vem tentando reparar o sofrimento causado as vitimas do regime civil-militar com o esclarecimento dos fatos que comprovam a violacao de Direitos Humanos por motivacao politica. Realizou-se uma investigacao historica sobre a origem das Ligas Camponesas no Nordeste. A expansao, acoes e conquistas das Ligas do Engenho Galileia, em Pernambuco, e de Sape, na Paraiba, foram analisadas ate o Golpe Civil-Militar de 1964, quando estas foram eliminadas. Reconstruiu-se a historia do Memorial das Ligas Camponesas, de 2006 ate os dias atuais, especialmente, a partir dos depoimentos de pessoas que participaram do seu nascimento e que atuam nas suas atividades. Constatou-se que o Memorial das Ligas Camponesas nao e apenas um espaco de memoria ou um patrimonio historico, mas um espaco de formacao identitaria, politica e de luta pelos direitos humanos, sobretudo em Barra de Antas. Verificou-se que a violencia ainda e forte no campo brasileiro e que, apesar dos avancos, existem entraves para a efetivacao da Reforma Agraria no Brasil. Apesar de democratica, a Constituicao Federal nao esta presente em sua plenitude no cotidiano de todos brasileiros (as), especialmente dos que vivem no campo.
  • Proteção às crianças e adolescentes em processo de escolarização à luz dos direitos humanos: o serviço de convivência e fortalecimento de vinculos.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2014
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Este trabalho teve como objeto de análise as medidas de proteção social na sua relação com o processo de escolarização de crianças e adolescentes, e como objetivo principal analisar os efeitos do Serviço de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculo para crianças e adolescentes, no processo de escolarização dos alunos(as) da Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Arnaldo Bonifácio, na comunidade rural de Odilândia, no município de Santa Rita/PB. Tomando os princípios e o referencial teórico dos direitos humanos como referência, o estudo buscou analisar os possíveis avanços na escolarização de crianças e adolescentes que frequentam os SCFV, (anteriormente denominado de “jornada ampliada”, “ações socioeducativas” e de convivência do PETI” ou ainda “serviço socioeducativo e de convivência”) de modo a analisar sua contribuição para assegurar a inserção, reinserção e permanência dos alunos na escola. Ao todo, 12 sujeitos participaram desta pesquisa, sendo seis crianças e adolescentes e seis educadores. O instrumento utilizado foi a entrevista semiestruturada e, com ela, foi possível produzir dados sobre a vivência cotidiana desses sujeitos com os Programas PETI e Projovem Adolescente. Além de entrevistas, o estudo também fez uso de documentos institucionais para facilitar a análise dos dados, como relatórios de planejamentos referentes ao SCFV (dados do Sistema de Proteção Brasileiro e Programas de Transferência de Renda), à escola (dados de frequência, aprovação, reprovação e evasão de alunos) e ao IDEB (resultado da avaliação da Provinha Brasil aplicada com alunos da 2º série e a Prova Brasil para alunos do 5º e do 9º ano na escola Arnaldo Bonifácio). A pesquisa teve caráter qualitativo e adotou como referencial teórico-metodológico o pensamento crítico e os pressupostos dos direitos humanos, como: democracia, cidadania plena, direitos ao desenvolvimento humano e intelectual, e às políticas sociais. Para tanto, adotou os seguintes indicadores de análise: inserção, permanência, e frequência na escola e no SCFV; índices de aprovação, reprovação e interesse dos alunos na escola; e a intersetorialidade entre as políticas. Os dados relativos às entrevistas, assim como todos os documentos, foram sistematizados e analisados a partir da técnica de análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (1977). Por fim, no ponto concernente às dificuldades encontradas na escola, ficou evidente que o conjunto de medidas e as estratégias governamentais, como os programas PETI e Projovem Adolescente, em Odilândia, não resultaram no equacionamento dos problemas relacionados à escolarização de crianças e adolescentes, apresentando, inclusive, desconexão e desarticulação com a realidade da comunidade rural nas atividades desenvolvidas, descaracterizando ações de caráter preventivo e antecipatório, e não garantindo a sua permanência na escola o seu afastamento definitivo do trabalho. Palavras-chave: Processo de escolarização. Serviços de proteção infanto-juvenil. Trabalho infanto-juvenil.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O aborto é uma discussão extensa e antiga que atravessa as diferentes áreas do conhecimento, abrangendo as teorias feministas, de gênero e da sexualidade. O presente trabalho faz uma análise dos diferentes processos políticos acerca das leis sobre aborto no Brasil, tendo o Congresso Nacional como o principal cenário que concentra as maiores controvérsias acerca da questão. Para melhor compreendermos a atual conjuntura, é feita uma passagem pelas proposições legislativas da década de 1940 até os dias atuais no âmbito da Câmara Federal. Sob uma perspectiva antropológica, podemos dizer que se trata de uma realidade de todas as sociedades, pois é parte do processo de desenvolvimento da reprodução humana, a diferença reside em como cada sociedade lida e normatiza a sua prática. A partir do panorama das práticas abortivas no mundo, constatamos que a maior quantidade de abortos que ocorre no mundo são nos países que criminalizam a sua prática, em sua maioria em situação de ilegalidade. De uma década para a outra a discussão do aborto só se amplia e vem ocupando cada vez mais o espaço público. Porém, uma característica típica dos anos 2000 está sendo o crescimento de proposições que objetivam aumentar a pena do aborto, como também criar novos tipos de crime relacionados à sua prática no Brasil, o que gera um cenário constante afronta aos direitos das mulheres. Entre os principais protagonistas que assumem a discussão pública do aborto, há as diferentes organizações feministas, instituições religiosas e profissionais das diversas áreas do conhecimento, e as ideias que permeiam o Congresso Nacional, representam algumas dessas forças políticas, bem como, é possível identificarmos os temas que concentram as maiores controvérsias acerca da discussão. Vem ocorrendo mudanças no campo da representação religiosa no Congresso Nacional, e as vertentes evangélicas vem apresentando um crescimento do número de parlamentares. O que está diretamente ligado com o poder de intervenção das representações religiosas nos processos de disputas eleitorais e da relação inconstitucional da religião hegemônica cristã nas estruturas do Estado. Ademais, não há um posicionamento único das igrejas frente ao aborto, e a Igreja Católica permanece como instituição que apresenta um posicionamento de completa condenação a qualquer forma de aborto, o que não representa a mesma realidade no curso da sua história. Vivemos em um país que dentre todas as suas contradições, em nome da proteção “a vida” gera-se uma máquina de matar pessoas, e os temas relacionados a perspectiva sagrada da vida, subsidia os discursos religiosos e as proposições legislativas. Ser a favor da vida, presume-se, é concordar em reduzir os números de abortos e de mortes de mulheres vítimas da prática insegura e ilegal. Para que possamos enfrentar as realidades sociais geradas em torno do aborto, é preciso descontruirmos os mitos que foram criados historicamente, e apropriarmo-nos dos conceitos que possam esclarecer e possibilitar uma melhor compreensão sobre a questão do aborto como tema que excede o direito.
  • Educação de Adultos em Tempos de Violação aos Direitos Humanos das Palavras Freireanas “Grávidas de Mundo” para as Palavras “Ocas de Vida” do Mobral
  • Date: Aug 29, 2014
  • Time: 13:00
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  • A presente pesquisa propõe analisar a cartilha: Roteiro de Alfabetização do MOBRAL, de 1978, em confronto com a proposta educacional de alfabetização freireana. Quando a proposta de alfabetização funcional do MOBRAL desconsiderou a conscientização e politização das aulas de alfabetização, limitou o educando, jovem e adulto, a ser apenas a pessoa “alfabetizada”; situação que negou a educação como direito humano, pois “conceber a educação como direito humano diz respeito a considerar o ser humano na sua vocação ontológica de querer ser mais” (SACAVINO, 2007, p. 458). Dessa forma, buscamos na análise dessa cartilha, bem como nos estudos bibliográficos e documentais sobre a pedagogia freireana, os direitos humanos, o contexto histórico brasileiro do início dos anos 1960 até a criação do MOBRAL, na ditadura militar; os indícios da violação à educação enquanto direito humano. Por isso, o método indiciário constitui nosso caminho metodológico. Dessa forma, realizamos um estudo comparativo entre a proposta alfabetizadora freireana e o Programa de Alfabetização Funcional do MOBRAL, em que nos reportamos à cartilha: Roteiro de Alfabetização, ao Documento Base do MOBRAL, bem com aos estudos de Freire (1967; 1973), Germano (1994), Jannuzzi (1979), Saviani (2008), Cunha; Góes (1985), entre outros estudiosos. Nos rastros deixados na Cartilha, Roteiro de Alfabetização, do MOBRAL, de 1978, encontramos os sinais de uma experiência de educar para o nunca mais. A pesquisa constatou que as palavras “alfabetizadoras” do MOBRAL não consistiam nas palavras grávidas de mundo, como foi na perspectiva freireana, mas em palavras esvaziadas de significado social, palavras ocas de vida, que desconsideraram o saber popular, as situações de exclusão e a capacidade de transformação da realidade através da leitura de mundo em articulação à leitura da palavra.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2014
  • Time: 10:00
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  • O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para o estudo dos fatores historicos, politicos e juridicos pelos quais o Brasil e o unico pais, entre aqueles da America do Sul que viveram sob ditaduras militares, no qual os agentes do Estado que cometeram graves violacoes aos direitos humanos durante o regime autoritario (incluindo-se crimes contra a humanidade) nao sao criminalmente punidos. A fim de alcancar esse objetivo, o trabalho aborda o “Caso Guerrilha do Araguaia” como base para a analise do modo conflitante pelo qual quatro instituicoes – a mais alta corte de justica brasileira, o Supremo Tribunal Federal, e o Estado brasileiro, de um lado, e a Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil e a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, de outro – compreendem a Lei da Anistia brasileira (Lei nº 6.683/1979). As interpretacoes antagonicas da mencionada lei colocam a Justica de Transicao brasileira e o Sistema Interamericano de Protecao dos Direitos Humanos em lados opostos, especificamente no que se refere ao tema da revisao da Lei da Anistia para efeito de punicao criminal. Apos a analise minuciosa das posturas assumidas pelos atores em jogo e os principais aspectos juridicos da questao, chega-se a conclusao de que o Governo brasileiro, por nao processar nem punir aqueles agentes de Estado criminosos – obrigacao pela qual foi condenado na sentenca emitida pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos – tornou-se culpado por ato ilicito internacional, fato que poe em duvida um dos aspectos fundamentais da Justica de Transicao brasileira.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2014
  • Time: 10:00
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  • O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para o estudo dos fatores historicos, politicos e juridicos pelos quais o Brasil e o unico pais, entre aqueles da America do Sul que viveram sob ditaduras militares, no qual os agentes do Estado que cometeram graves violacoes aos direitos humanos durante o regime autoritario (incluindo-se crimes contra a humanidade) nao sao criminalmente punidos. A fim de alcancar esse objetivo, o trabalho aborda o “Caso Guerrilha do Araguaia” como base para a analise do modo conflitante pelo qual quatro instituicoes – a mais alta corte de justica brasileira, o Supremo Tribunal Federal, e o Estado brasileiro, de um lado, e a Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil e a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, de outro – compreendem a Lei da Anistia brasileira (Lei nº 6.683/1979). As interpretacoes antagonicas da mencionada lei colocam a Justica de Transicao brasileira e o Sistema Interamericano de Protecao dos Direitos Humanos em lados opostos, especificamente no que se refere ao tema da revisao da Lei da Anistia para efeito de punicao criminal. Apos a analise minuciosa das posturas assumidas pelos atores em jogo e os principais aspectos juridicos da questao, chega-se a conclusao de que o Governo brasileiro, por nao processar nem punir aqueles agentes de Estado criminosos – obrigacao pela qual foi condenado na sentenca emitida pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos – tornou-se culpado por ato ilicito internacional, fato que poe em duvida um dos aspectos fundamentais da Justica de Transicao brasileira.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2014
  • Time: 10:00
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  • A reserva de vagas com recorte social e étnico-racial para os Processos Seletivos, como uma política afirmativa instituída nas instituições educacionais, foi uma das conquistas mais marcantes dos movimentos sociais nos últimos anos. No ano de 2010, foi aprovado o instrumento que criou a Modalidade de Ingresso por Reserva de Vagas para acesso aos cursos de Graduação da UFPB e oficializado com a publicação da Resolução n.º 09/2010, com previsão de reserva de vagas com recorte social e étnico-racial para os Processos Seletivos, com entrada prevista para o vestibular de 2011. Assim, o estudo em tela tem como objetivos: discutir o processo de implantação da Modalidade de Ingresso por Reserva de Vagas (MIRV) para acesso aos cursos de Graduação na Universidade Federal da Paraíba, descrevendo os desdobramentos da execução dessa política, bem como analisar a intersecção entre as Políticas de Ações Afirmativas na UFPB e os documentos normativos que tratam das Diretrizes Nacionais para a Educação em Direitos Humanos e das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, fazendo um paralelo com as propostas pedagógicas dos cursos de Direito, Medicina, Engenharia e Pedagogia, buscando averiguar se houve alguma mudança significativa nas práticas pedagógicas. Esta pesquisa está inserida na interface do campo de estudo nas áreas de Educação e de Direitos Humanos, e que assume metodologicamente uma natureza quanti-qualitativa tendo em vista a perspectiva de analisar as práticas vivenciadas dentro da instituição pesquisada, estabelecendo referências entre a proposta apresentada pela universidade e o desenvolvimento da política de cotas. O escopo analítico desse estudo utilizou-se da analise documental, onde os dados levantados foram classificados-indexados. Nesse sentido, foram levantados, nos instrumentos e nas fontes documentais as evidências expressas nos dados disponibilizados pela universidade estudada, os rebatimentos institucionais e acadêmicos que a implantação da modalidade de ingresso por reserva de vagas teve sobre a estrutura de funcionamento da instituição nos primeiros três anos de implementação da referida modalidade. Os resultados da pesquisa sinalizam que o sistema adotado admitiu o acesso dos cotistas à universidade, proporcionando a redistribuição do bem cultural, que é o acesso à educação, sem, contudo, prever ações concretas que possibilitassem à sua permanência ou que contribuíssem para o combate ao racismo e à discriminação e para o reconhecimento da política como um direito. . Palavras-chave: Ação afirmativa. Educação em Direitos Humanos. Política de Cotas. UFPB.
  • A Corrupção no Brasil e a Atuação do Ministério Público.
  • Date: Aug 18, 2014
  • Time: 14:30
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  • O estudo analisa o fenômeno da corrupção no Brasil e a atuação do Ministério Público nacional visando o seu combate, no período de 1988 até os dias atuais (2014). Realizou-se uma investigação sobre a origem, constituição e formas de expressão da corrupção no cenário público nacional, além da reconstrução histórica do fenômeno através do método teórico-descritivo. Com o fito de identificar os mecanismos de combate à corrupção, foi demonstrado como se estrutura o Estado Democrático de Direito nacional. Foi destacada a importância da cidadania como forte instrumento no combate ao fenômeno. Ao fim da démarche, analisou-se a instituição do Ministério Público e sua atuação no combate à corrupção. Com efeito, foram demonstrados que vários são os caminhos que podem ser trilhados para a construção de uma luta eficaz contra este mal, tão presente em nosso contexto societário. Nesse sentido, a dissertação tem por objetivo principal estudar a atuação do Órgão do Ministério Público brasileiro no combate à corrupção, além de verificar como essa Instituição tem atuado e se tem realizado suas prerrogativas de forma diligente. Eis, em resumo, a natureza, o conteúdo e a finalidade desse trabalho de investigação.
  • Criminalização das vítimas do tráfico de órgãos pela legislação brasileira à luz do principio da isonomia.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Sem resumo
  • Análise do curso preparatório para agentes de segurança penitenciária feminina e sua relação com a formação em direitos humanos.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar o curso preparatório para Agentes Penitenciárias Feminina, realizado na Paraíba entre 2008 e 2013, e sua relação com a formação em Direitos Humanos. A metodologia utilizada compreendeu-se em pesquisa bibliográfica nos mais diversos livros, artigos científicos, teses e dissertações que tratam do assunto; pesquisa documental na Escola de Gestão Penitenciária; e, entrevista com 10 Agentes Penitenciárias que trabalham no Centro de Reeducação Feminino Maria Júlia Maranhão (CRFMJM). A coleta dos dados foi realizada entre os meses de outubro de 2013 e fevereiro de 2014, as entrevistas foram gravadas, os dados foram organizados e analisados considerando a técnica da análise de conteúdo discutida por Bardin (2002). O trabalho foi organizado em quatro capítulos: o primeiro, abordou questões sobre o sistema social da prisão e o trabalho dos servidores penitenciários; o segundo tratou sobre educação para os servidores penitenciários, considerando as orientações de alguns documentos legais; o terceiro discorreu sobre a Educação em Direitos Humanos no processo de formação dos(as) Agentes Penitenciários; e, no quarto tem-se as reflexões acerca da análise dos dados coletados. Assim, a sistematização da discussão dos dados permitiu-nos concluir, em linhas gerais, que o curso informou mais do que formou as agentes acerca de suas funções na prisão e não teve como objetivo maior formar as agentes considerando os princípios de Direitos Humanos. Por isso, propomos uma metodologia à luz da Educação em Direitos Humanos nos processos de formação dos Servidores Penitenciários. Palavras-chave: Agentes Penitenciárias, Formação, Direitos Humanos, Educação em/para Direitos Humanos.
  • Enfretamento a tortura na atuação da polícia militar da Paraíba: dos mecanismos de controle às sentenças criminais contra polícias militares.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2014
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A pesquisa analisa o fenômeno da tortura na atividade da Polícia Militar da Paraíba a partir de sentenças criminais do Tribunal de Justiça da Paraíba contra policiais. A abordagem histórico-crítica justifica o argumento principal de que a reforma constitucional e estrutural da Polícia Militar da Paraíba, adaptando-a ao Estado Democrático de Direito, é essencial para o enfrentamento à tortura na segurança pública. A pesquisa tem os seguintes objetivos: descrever os aspectos históricos e legais da tortura; examinar as políticas públicas de enfrentamento à tortura no Brasil e na Paraíba, enfatizando o Programa Nacional de Direitos Humanos e o Sistema Nacional de Prevenção e Combate à Tortura; analisar os aspectos críticos na prevenção e combate à tortura na atividade policial militar, enfatizando os mecanismos de controle. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, realizada através de inserções bibliográficas, documentais e empíricas, com ênfase em dados quantitativos e qualitativos. A pesquisa documental envolveu a análise de dez sentenças judiciais do Tribunal de Justiça da Paraíba contra policiais militares por crimes de tortura. A pesquisa comprova que a tortura persiste na atividade da Polícia Militar da Paraíba, especialmente porque a reforma das instituições, preconizadas pela Justiça de Transição, ainda não se efetivou na segurança pública. Palavras-chave: Democracia. Tortura. Segurança Pública. Polícia Militar.
  • JUVENTUDE E EDUCAÇÃO EM DIREITOS HUMANOS: uma relação presente no currículo do ProJovem Urbano de João Pessoa
  • Date: Jul 29, 2014
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Juventude e Educacao em Direitos Humanos: uma relacao presente no curriculo do Projovem Urbano de Joao Pessoa” propoem a compreender a insercao da Educacao em Direitos Humanos no curriculo do Projovem Urbano de Joao Pessoa, que faz parte da modalidade EJA da educacao basica. Para identificar as acoes pratico-educativas em direitos humanos, tomamos como campo empirico o Nucleo do Projovem Urbano de Joao Pessoa que funciona na E.M.E.F. Prof. Durmeval Trigueiro Mendes, situada no bairro do Rangel, na Zona Oeste do municipio de Joao Pessoa/PB. A coleta de dados da pesquisa teve recorte temporal de 18 meses durante a execucao do programa, que aconteceu entre maio/2012 e dezembro/2013. Os objetivos do estudo foram: Analisar o curriculo do Projovem Urbano que faz parte da Politica Nacional de Juventude na educacao basica e sua relacao com insercao da Educacao em Direitos Humanos, na educacao prevista pelo Plano Nacional de Educacao em Direitos Humanos e pela resolucao nº 1/2012 do Conselho Nacional de Educacao, que define as diretrizes nacionais da Educacao em Direitos Humanos no Sistema Educacional Brasileiro; Construir a trajetoria historica do Projovem Urbano em Joao Pessoa, tendo como foco os seguintes itens: historico do programa, perfil dos jovens participantes, desenho curricular e sua relacao com a pedagogia freireana e educacao em direitos humanos. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com a enfase em dados quantitativos e qualitativos, realizado atraves de insercoes bibliograficas, documentais e empiricas, envolvendo educadores(as), educandos(as) e gestor escolar municipal que atuaram junto ao Projovem Urbano de Joao Pessoa. Como resultados da pesquisa, verificaram-se diversos pontos de convergencias entre o Projovem Urbano, a Educacao em Direitos Humanos e a pedagogia freireana, com destaque para a Educacao como ato de liberdade, proposta de Paulo Freire e principal fio condutor entre a Educacao em Direitos Humanos e o Projovem Urbano. Outro resultado e o reconhecimento dos jovens como sujeitos de direitos e a afirmacao de uma consciencia cidada; o desenvolvimento de processos metodologicos participativos e o fortalecimento de praticas individuais e sociais que gerem acoes e instrumentos em favor da promocao e da defesa dos direitos humanos. A dissertacao pretende oferecer contribuicoes teorico-praticas ao trabalho do Projovem Urbano de Joao Pessoa, apontado de forma clara a localizacao dos conteudos, por unidade formativa, e suas acoes pedagogicas com educacao em direitos humanos presentes no curriculo oficial e as acoes apontadas pelos educadores(as) construidas atraves das necessidades presentes na realidade social na comunidade escolar.
  • Crime de desaparecimento forçado de pessoas: análise à luz da justiça de transição no Brasil.
  • Date: Jul 25, 2014
  • Time: 17:00
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  • Este trabalho tem como objeto o estudo do crime de desaparecimento forçado de pessoas à luz da Justiça de Transição no Brasil, especialmente o estudo do mecanismo de submissão de casos de desaparecimento forçado ao Poder Judiciário. Utiliza-se como método a análise de documentos internacionais (tratados) e obras teóricas. O primeiro capítulo analisa os principais tratados internacionais sobre o tema e a jusriprudencia da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos. No segundo capítulo analizam-se os projetos de lei que proõem criar um novo tipo penal de desaparecimento forçado de pessoas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, além de entender o conceito de crime permamente e de crime continuado. No terceiro capítulo é analizada a prática quanto ao desenovlimento de uma Justiça de Transiçõo no Brasil que contemple o crime de desaparecimento forçado como um crime permanente e imprescritível. Conclui-se pela defesa da possibilidade jurídica de julgamento por graves violações dos direitos humanos, epecialmente do crime de desaparecimento forçado de pessoas, durante o período do regime militar brasileiro.
  • Date: Jul 25, 2014
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O Brasil é reconhecido positivamente por suas importantes contribuições no processo de construção da normativa internacional de promoção e proteção dos direitos humanos. Participou ativamente do processo de elaboração da Declaração Universal e dos principais Pactos e Convenções Internacionais de Direitos Humanos. É portador de expressivo prestígio internacional neste campo ao ser considerado confiante interlocutor multilateral.Ademais, a politica externa brasileira passou a ser regida, desde 1988, por uma Constituição Federal inovadora, a qual estabelece, dentre outros, que as relações internacionais brasileiras devem ser submetidas ao princípio da prevalência dos direitos humanos, os quais, por legitima força constitucional, impõem-se sobre quaisquer outros interesses, ainda que também legítimos. Neste contexto, o Brasil passou a integrar o Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU a partir de sua instituição, em 2006. A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo analisar a postura brasileira junto ao Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU, durante o período de 2006 a 2011, os primeiros dois mandatos do Brasil neste órgão multilateral. A questão central é: a atuação da política externa brasileira no Conselho encontra-se em sintonia com o princípio da prevalência dos direitos humanos em suas relações internacionais? Parte-se da hipótese de que, apesar de evidenciadas ontradições na postura brasileira no âmbito do Conselho de Direitos Humanos, especialmente quanto aos votos do Brasil diante de situações de violações de direitos humanos em países específicos, sua atuação corresponde, em parte, às exigências do princípio supracitado. Nesta direção, estruturou-se a presente dissertação em quatro capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, trata-se de apresentar uma descrição histórica da atuação do Brasil no processo de construção do Sistema Global de proteção e promoção dos direitos humanos, além de apresentar os principais desafios do Brasil para promover a efetivação, internamente, dos direitos que ajudou a construir. No segundo capítulo, busca-se descrever o Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU, suas características, sua configuração institucional, suas atribuições e composição, bem como seus métodos de trabalho, objetivando-se contextualizar a atuação brasileira. No terceiro capítulo, apresenta-se o princípio constitucional da prevalência dos direitos humanos nas relações internacionais, o qual servirá de lente a partir da qual a atuação do Brasil no Conselho será analisada, para, em seguida, analisar a atuação do Brasil no Conselho de Direitos Humanos durante a vigência de seus mandatos (2006 a 2008 e 2009 a 2011), especialmente quanto à sua participação nas votações referentes à adoção de novas normas internacionais de direitos humanos, à situação dos direitos humanos em países específicos, nas sessões especiais, nas sessões de revisão periódica de outros países, bem como as iniciativas brasileiras no Conselho. A metodologia utilizada é essencialmente bibliográfica-documental, baseada em publicaçõessobre a temática, bem como na análise das atas das sessões do conselho, em Genebra. PALAVRAS - CHAVE: Direitos humanos. Sistema Global. Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU. Atuação do Brasil(2006 a 2011).