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  • Hallyu in a multidimensional perspective: an analysis of academic, government and industry dimensions.
  • Date: Aug 16, 2024
  • Time: 09:30
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  • This dissertation introduces the Hallyu, a term created by the Chinese media in the late 90s and currently used to define the popularity of South Korean celebrities and cultural products. This phenomenon transmits Korean standards, behavioral codes, consumer preferences, fashion, cuisine and language. Considering the economic returns and promotion of improving national image, it has been explicitly adopted by South Korea since the 2000s, reinforcing the government's neoliberal economic agenda and cultural nationalism. In this regard, the research question is “what are the effects of Hallyu as an international cultural phenomenon?” The purpose is the analyze of repercussion of the phenomenon on three sectors (1) Academic, remarking its effects on Brazilian and South Korean academia; (2) Government, through the analysis of the South Korean government's involvement with Hallyu and its use as a political instrument (especially in South Korean cultural diplomacy); and in (3) Cultural Industry, introducing the development of this sector based on Hallyu and how cultural products develop images and disseminate imaginaries about South Korea. With the purpose of analyze the Hallyu from a multidimensional perspective, a bibliographical and documentary research was adopted, demonstrating the essentially qualitative nature of this study. To investigate the impact of the Korean Wave on the South Korean Academy, bibliographic research on the Web of Science platform was contrasted with studies by Hong, Park and Park (2017), Yoon and Kang (2017) and Hong et al. (2019). Subsequently, a bibliometric study was conducted on the Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da Capes and articles available on the Web of Science and Google Scholar platforms to analyze the effects on the Brazilian Academy. The historical construction of government institutions and cultural industries involved in the Korean Wave was obtained through a literature review. Data on exports of Korean cultural products and analysis of the South Korean national image were obtained from websites and reports produced by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS), the Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) and the Korea Foundation for International Cultural Exchange (KOFICE). As a result, in the academic aspect there is an impact on study topics and academic production in South Korea and Brazil. In the government sector, it was concluded that the Korean Wave was used as a South Korean public diplomacy mechanism and a state policy, explaining the institutional organization which for formulate and implement cultural policies. Finally, for the South Korean cultural industries, it was also found that the popularity of cultural products also depends on unique and peculiar factors in the consumers countries. Hallyu represents significant changes in the relationships of access, consumption, production and distribution of information, furthermore a redefinition of cultural identity for the international public.
  • Vatican Foreign Policy Analysis and Pope Francis' Diplomacy: a case study on the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Date: Jun 28, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Pope Francis and the political structure of the Catholic Church based in Vatican City State play an important and unique role in international politics. This has been particularly demonstrated in recent times, with the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent vaccination campaigns. This work aims to study the nature and the behavior of papal diplomacy and Vatican foreign policy in the midst of the aforementioned health crisis from the perspective of Foreign Policy Analysis, the case study on religion and International Relations and a analysis of the leadership profile of Pope Francis.
  • Date: Mar 20, 2024
  • Time: 16:30
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  • How does the securitization process of the New Cangaço take place in Brazil? This question guides this research, since New Cangaço, a violent social phenomenon in Brazil, represents a threat to public and national security, involving patterns of armed and violent conduct against civilians and security forces to carry out major robberies in small and medium-sized towns. These groups show transnational tendencies, which has aroused national political concern. In this sense, Bill of Law No. 610/2022 aims to bring the actions of New Cangaço under Brazil's counter-terrorism legislation, making it possible to analyze the criminal manifestation from the perspective of international security. Based on this, this study analyzes the case based on securitization theory, seeking to understand how New Cangaço has been constructed as a terrorist threat. The objectives include reviewing the securitization process focused on drug trafficking, presenting the New Cangaço as a manifestation of organized crime in Brazil and describing the securitization process through Bill 610/2022. The data was collected from the legislative production on terrorism and the aforementioned Bill, parliamentary speeches, online journalistic articles and specialized publications on the criminal actions of New Cangaço, including data from the Brazilian Public Security Forum. The analysis was conducted using a methodology based on the theory of securitization, which is based on discourse analysis. The geographical cut-off was determined by the origin of the phenomenon and the legislative process, while the temporal cut-off (2000-2023) covers the first criminal manifestations of New Cangaço groups and the development of security discourses.
  • Date: Mar 7, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This dissertation looks at the ways in which media companies in Brazil evaluate the existence of the BRICS, a coalition currently made up of ten developing countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa being the five that make up the acronym - as a geopolitical alliance, with the aim of identifying the prevailing feeling (positive, negative or neutral) in their editorial lines. To achieve this goal, editorials from three of the largest newspapers in circulation in Brazil: Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo and O Globo, from 2009 to 2019, were analysed using the textual analysis software Iramuteq, based on the theoretical assumptions of Bakhtin's Discourse Analysis and the methodological assumptions of Content Analysis developed by Laurence Bardin. The research revealed that the initial hypothesis, suggesting an essentially negative approach by the media towards the BRICS, was partially validated. While one of the newspapers adopts a critical stance, the other two present more balanced views, demonstrating greater plurality of opinions and editorial approaches than expected.
  • Date: Sep 28, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This research analyzes the occurrence of Lawfare phenomenon in Operation Calvário, strictly in the judicial stage of the seventh phase that became known as “Juízo Final”. During the study, the Lawfare phenomenon was conceptualized, from its historical aspect, conceptions to strategies and dimensions. The seventh phase of the Operation Calvário was described, along with its objectives, targets and adopted measures. Additionally, an analysis of the findings in this phase was carried out, from the point of view of the conception, strategies and dimensions of the Lawfare. This analysis correlates the aspects of the competence of judgment, legality of decisions and media exposure, focusing on the study of the character of former governor Ricardo Coutinho. This subject is of relevance and is studied at a multidisciplinary level, as the practice of Lawfare phenomenon hurts the parity of arms in the judicial process, affronts democracy and affects the rule of law. To evaluate whether there was political persecution in the judicial stage of the seventh phase of Operation Calvário in the face of former governor Ricardo Coutinho, the Content Analysis methodology was applied, whose observation was made on judicial decisions and journalistic articles. In the end, the hypothesis of the existence of Lawfare phenomenom, backed by the subversion of law, relativization of rights and constitutional guarantees, in addition to the offense to democracy, pillar of the rule of law.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The disruption in the communicative model, caused by the technological revolution of recent decades, in addition to elevating internet users to a position of protagonists in the circulation of information, has fostered the amplification of visceral, extremist and denialist discourses, triggering a progressive lack of interest in the truth of facts. In the political field, this phenomenon, called post-truth, perfected a surreptitious kind of democratic erosion, which acts to delegitimize the electoral process based on the cognitive manipulation of voters through the propagation of misleading content. Starting from these premises, the present study aims to conceptualize the informational disorder from the analysis of the TSE jurisprudence, related to the 2022 elections. The problem that arises can be synthesized in the following question: what are the main parameters pointed TSE, in the 2022 Elections, as necessary for the characterization of informational disorder with electoral relevance? The hypothesis is that, given the legislators inertia, the ascending institutional crisis and the serious democratic risks arising therefrom, the TSE adopted a more proactive stance in the 2022 Elections, assuming responsibility for setting the standards of electoral information disorder. The justification for carrying out this study is demonstrated, firstly, in its actuality and in the scarcity of academic research under this approach. Secondly, the research represents potential importance for society due to the prominence of discussions about the TSE's role in combating disinformation in the 2022 election campaign, especially because it means a paradigm shift in relation to the 2018 Elections. As for the methodology, the study is characterized by a qualitative approach, using the technique of surveying bibliographic and documentary data, as well as normative, jurisprudential and statistical analysis. This is a study with epistemological purposes, as it involves analysis and apprehension of concepts related to the researchobject, and it is also an exploratory research, as it seeks to describe and explain the main parameters extracted from the TSE jurisprudence, and interdisciplinary, as it performs the integration of constituent parts of Political Science and Law. The study confirms the existence of a common hard core revealing a conceptual evolution of the electoral disinformation institute.
  • Brazilian foreign policy: an analysis of the energy agreements signed between Brazil and African countries (1990-2022)
  • Date: Aug 29, 2023
  • Time: 19:00
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  • The subject of energy security has always had prominent positions in the internal and external policies of countries due, on the one hand, to its importance for socioeconomic development, on the other hand, the problems it causes in the form of conflicts and environmental degradation. As one of the essential elements in a State, efficient energy policies become an indispensable part, making the rulers feel the duty to provide them to the population and their companies to guarantee the smooth functioning of society. In this, foreign policy emerges as a means by which States make articulations to obtain the necessary supply of energy. In view of this, this dissertation presents an analysis of energy issues within the Brazilian Foreign Policy for Africa, in the light of the agreements signed between Brazil and African countries (1990-2022). For that, an analysis of the content of documents of energy agreements raised on the Concórdia platform (MRE/BRASIL) was carried out, as well as the applications of descriptive techniques of Enetrix data, technological innovation via the web used for analysis of international cooperation in energy (Gesene /UFPB). The work resulted in relevant findings to understand the Brazilian Foreign Policy for Africa, referring to the chronology and typology of agreements, partnerships and priorities built, performance of different governments, as well as objectives and interests in energy security issues, such as (1) the guarantee of sovereignty over natural resources, (2) the role of renewable and non-renewable matrices and (3) the search for sustainable development, in the established adjustments aimed at Brazil's cooperation in energy matters on the African continent.
  • Date: Aug 28, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • International migrations have been a recurrent phenomenon all over the world. It also happened throughout the history of Brazil, in different cycles and moments. International migrations to Brazil were encouraged and discouraged through regulations established by the government. In this context, this study has the general objective of analyzing changes in Brazilian migration policy, and specifically from 1988 to 2017. It is based on the hypothesis that Brazilian migration policy has an incremental pattern most of the time, with a moment of rupture and change. Thus, concepts related to migration and the conceptual and methodological contribution of public policies will be used. As a background to understand the present, the main normative aspects of Brazilian migration policy in the last two hundred years will be addressed, using governments as a chronological line; as well as the theory of incremental and punctuated equilibrium as instruments to understand periods of stability and changes in regulations; in order to understand the period from 1988 to 2017.
  • Date: Aug 25, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The formation, radicalization and consolidation of the progressive Church in Brazil from the 1940s to the 1960s found in the Brazilian rural environment both an object of reflection and a target for action. The structural problems of the countryside, such as illiteracy, poverty, hunger, land and work were themes of strong theoretical and practical attacks by this sector of the Church. The Catholic Church has always been involved, directly or indirectly, in the structural conflicts of the nation, predominantly on the side of the rural elites and, to a lesser extent, on the side of the masses of workers. The positioning of this sector of the Church on the side of the oppressed of the land in Brazil and in the state of Paraíba, legitimizing their actions and helping the different social movements, also happened through a movement of awareness and training of clerics and lay people, aiming to help the struggle of the rural workers. Even from the 1980s onwards, when a conservative reaction in the Catholic Church organized an offensive against the work of progressive sectors, a strong involvement of clerics and lay people with rural workers in Paraíba can be noted. The present work departs from this relationship between the Progressive Church and rural workers in Paraíba from the 1980s onwards to understand the political thought and political praxis of Father José Comblin in the state of Paraíba, emphasizing his formative work with the laity through the expansion of the the Theology of the Hoe method for the experiences of the Rural Seminary and the Center for Missionary Training. In this perspective, they unfold from this general objective: 1- to identify their contributions in the formation and political action of rural workers in Paraíba and the Northeast and 2- from their praxis to collaborate in the identification of a lineage of Catholic progressive thought in Brazil . In order to reach the methodological proposal of thinking about political thought, we will use a documentary research, as well as semi-structured interviews carried out with contemporaries of Father Comblin. As probable results, we emphasize, a priori, that understanding the political thought of this notorious intellectual will help us to understand, under new lenses, progressive Catholic thought at the time in question.
  • Governance and internationalization of criminal organizations: the expansion of the 'Primeiro Comando da Capital' to Europe
  • Date: Aug 24, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • he process of internationalization of criminal organizations, based on the study of the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) expansion to Europe. It starts from the hypothesis that governance is a fundamental variable, although not sufficient, to make the process of internationalization of organized crime viable. In this sense, the research findings demonstrate that the imposition of rules and the standardization of ideas carried out by the PCC allowed the control of the members as the faction expanded in the Brazilian prison system to key countries for drug trafficking, such as Paraguay and Bolivia. Likewise, the creation of drug market governance mechanisms gave the group the necessary legitimacy to carry out business and win partners outside its home state, such as Bolivian cocaine producers and European mafias. Finally, the governance of civilians in Baixada Santista and, to a lesser extent, in the Solimões Route and on the border with Paraguay were also fundamental for the group to carry out the logistical role of the routes between South American drug producers and ports for export to Europe. This expansion process enabled the presence of PCC members and partners in European territory and consolidated its proto-mafia status once and for all, thus highlighting the importance of continuous analysis of governance mechanisms for a better understanding of the gang's next steps
  • DISCOURSE AND CONTRADICTION: The Narrative Dispute Between the TSE and olsonarism on Twitter
  • Date: Aug 23, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The technological revolution of the second half of the 20th century brought profound transformations to contemporary society, improving quality of life, expanding access to information and political participation. However, this technological progress has also brought challenges. Misinformation has become a serious problem on social media platforms. Examples such as the election of Trump in the US and Brexit in the UK have shown how disinformation can influence democratic processes. In Brazil, the Superior Electoral Court faces difficulties in dealing with misinformation, especially during election periods. As democratic institutions try to combat the spread of fake content, political polarization has intensified, with the strengthening of digital populism. In this context, this research explores the discursive dispute over the credibility of the Brazilian electoral system on Twitter. The hypothesis suggests a predominance of attacks on trust in the system, especially in relation to alleged electoral fraud. This occurs through the boosting of disinformation by Bolsonarism. In addition, TSE initiatives on social networks can become a battleground for engagement on both sides. This work examines the role of the Superior Electoral Court in facing disinformation and analyzes the main narratives in dispute during the 2022 elections. Using a mixed methodological approach, the research conducts a literature review on the platformization of politics and the emergence of the extreme right. It also examines the TSE's strategies against misinformation. Categorical content analysis is applied to tweets collected during the 2022 electoral cycle, seeking to identify the disputed narratives between supporters and critics of the electoral system.
  • Date: Jul 28, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The present investigation aims to enquire how the adoption of the BrahMos cruise missile by the Indian Navy reflects India's maritime thinking doctrine and strategy. The study seeks, therefore, to answer the following question: How does the adoption and operationalisation of the BrahMos cruise missile reflect the Indian Navy's Sea Control and Sea Denial strategy and doctrine? To develop the analysis, a Case Study was conducted, in which the Process Tracing technique is applied. The case study analysed the historical aspects that were identified as the most relevant to the changing maritime strategic thinking of the Indian Navy. How domestic and international contexts have shaped national interests, Indian national security policy, its joint and maritime doctrine and strategy. Given all this educational (strategic) framework, the means acquired, by purchase or development led to an adaptation to maritime strategic thinking, to the adoption and operationalisation of the embarked BrahMos, reflecting a strategy of Control and Sea Denial. Julian Corbett's Theory of Naval Warfare was chosen as the basis of the study as it deals with the suitability of means to the strategy adopted by a navy. Also, for doing a more robust literature review on what is Control and Sea Denial, to understand the application of the concepts used in Indian maritime strategic documents. The documentary and factual support to the research is done by using specialised literature data extracted from the maritime strategic documents - Indian Maritime Doctrine 2004 and 2009, and Indian Maritime Strategy 2007 and 2009, also international reports like The Military Balance and SIPRI Yearbook have been used. The research concluded that the adoption and operationalisation of the BrahMos cruise missile by the Indian Navy represents adequacy of means to the maritime strategy of Control and Sea Denial presented in its strategic documents.
  • Date: Jun 27, 2023
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Coalition Presidentialism and the use of Provisional Measures by the Executive Branch, and the impact of Constitutional Amendment No. 32, of September 2001, continue to be relevant themes in the Brazilian political debate. Literature addresses authors such as Schumpeter (2017), Abranches (1988), Dahl (2015), Figueiredo and Limongi (2001, 2003, 2006), Teixeira Júnior, et al, (2017), Octavio Amorim Neto and Paulo Tafner (2002), between others. The complex decision-making process on the part of the Legislative and Executive Powers, in a scenario of high political fragmentation, gives rise to a scenario of ideological and political conflicts, mainly regarding the performance of the Executive vis-à-vis the Legislature, especially in relation to guarantees constitutional provisions that were fulfilled after the Federal Constitution of 1988, where the Executive uses means of legislative action that guarantee decision-making centralization. Methodologically, a comparative analysis was carried out, whose strategy was based on a survey of the literature on coalition presidentialism, addressing the confrontation of authors' understanding with manifestations of repercussion in Political Science. In this work, I sought to demonstrate coalition presidentialism from the perspective of political, administrative and social decisions by political leaders and the use of Provisional Measures in this process, which constitutes instability both in the political game and in the performance of the Powers.
  • Date: May 19, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Oil is one of the main raw materials and the world's most important source of energy in today's globalized economy, and is essential to the industrialized and technological world. Oil stands out among other natural resources and is therefore at the core of many clashes between national states, as illustrated by the relationship between Guinea-Bissau and Senegal. These countries envisioned the expansion of oil activity, and formally signed an agreement in 1993, on which occasion they shared 15% of the profits obtained with the exploitation to Guinea-Bissau and 85% to Senegal. The contractual clause has stirred up controversy between these countries, which have renegotiated the rights over the area in several rounds of meetings. This study proposal focuses on understanding this political-economic context and the dynamics surrounding the negotiations between Guinea-Bissau and Senegal, which cover gas production, economic prospects, and the forecasts of entry into the hydrocarbon market. For the development of this research, we opted predominantly for the descriptive method of technical approach of ibliographical research, by consulting books and articles in physical and virtual media. The collection of information will be descriptive, giving preference to open interviews, with the primary purpose that this theme is relevant to question to what extent the oil, as a development protagonist, has interfered in the foreign policy of Guinea-Bissau and Senegal.
  • Date: Mar 31, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The present master’s thesis deals with the foreign policy of an important actor in international relations and an international organization with a security bias, led by this actor, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The importance of analyzing the foreign policy of the Donald J. Trump administration takes place in the conjuncture of the development of this policy, as the former president put into perspective the leadership of the United States in some international organizations, among them NATO. In this regard, the research question is: what is NATO's place in US foreign policy? In this way, the master’s thesis will analyze the US foreign policy actions regarding the Alliance during the Trump administration, with the aim of understanding the influence of the Americans and the reason for a possible redirection in the American agenda for this organization. The methodological path that will be used will be based on the model proposed by Hermann (1990), with the objective of evaluating the existence of any change in relation to the US foreign policy agenda for NATO, when compared to the pattern developed after the Cold War, situation in which there will be a degree of framing of the change, within the possibilities addressed by Hermann. For the purpose of analyzing the framework of change, statistical data provided by NATO were used, together with the theoretical framework constructed with regard to the analysis of Trump's foreign policy.
  • Protection in the regions of origin: the case of Ethiopia
  • Date: Mar 31, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Poor countries hosts the major portion of refugees worldwide, still Europe has taken for itself the “refugee crisis” dicourse. In this regard, there is a notable pattern: poor countries shelter them while rich countries pay for their protection in the “regions of origin” (HYNDMAN, 2020). Thus, we must look critically into how the model of burden sharing has been allocated in the North-South context, chiefly after Global Compacts on Refugees implementation, which encourages funding into host countries in an attempt to share responsibility for refugees among all States. Ethiopia is one of pilot countries for this approach, as it is one of whom hosts a huge amount of displaced people and, therefore, key-piece to maintain them in the African continent. For this, will be substantial to look through the citizenship concept in a biopolitic perpective in order to analyze the refugee while a non-citizen. Based in this previous context, this reaserch is oriented by the following question: what are the implications of discussing the figure of the refugee through the concept of citizenship in the context of protection in the regions of origin? Therefore, this research is qualitative, case-oriented, the Ethiopia. The method of approach employed is hypothetical-deductive and the research is bibliographical, substantiated by secondary sources.
  • Legislative, women and politics: comparative study of bills presented by Brazil and Argentina
  • Date: Mar 31, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This research aims to analyze the projects presented by the Chambers of Deputies of Brazil and Argentina with themes related to women, between the period of 2011 to 2021. The objective is to understand who are the main authors and parties that plead for women's policies, and what are the areas that have more projects presented, under the assumption that the female presence in spaces of power favors the gender agenda. To this end, a survey of legislative proposals that address the issue of gender will be carried out, and for the fulfillment of this purpose, the following steps will be made: I) carry out a survey and analysis of the projects presented in the period from 2011 to 2021; II) verify the authorship of the projects by gender and parties, identifying the existence of joint action by parliamentarians; III) indicate the area of activity of the project being processed; IV) indicate whether it has a positive or negative content according to the feminist agenda. After mapping and processing the data, it will be possible to verify the causal relationship between the variables proposed in this research, identifying which of the two countries most debates and produces about gender in the Lower House, what types of discussions are being raised and, if it promotes or eliminates inequalities.
  • Prison violence against the LGBTQIA+ population in Brazil: an introductory study
  • Date: Mar 29, 2023
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The aim of this work is to elaborate a state of the art of research on the condition of the LGBTQIA+ incarcerated population in Brazil. It is already possible to verify the existence of numerous studies that have been produced recently, especially in the 2000s. However, there is no synthesis that can aggregate data collected in different regions of the country, official data and reports from different non-governmental organizations . Our intention is specifically to consolidate these data in a work that serves as a diagnosis of the conditions suffered by a population that until recently did not exist in statistics.
  • Date: Mar 27, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • In the context of a potential Soviet invasion in the 1980s, China's Central Military Commission approved a new strategic directive known simply as "Active Defense." In 2015, the strategic notion of Active Defense, a pillar for the expansion of Navy operations, was updated for more distant waters. This paper aims to analyze how a case of military innovation from China's submarine force contributes to the operationalization of the Active Defense strategy. The introductory chapter presents the theoretical framework used, addressing the debate on military change, its strands and the chosen model. The next chapter focuses on China's strategic environment, presenting the geopolitical setting, the evolution of the post-1980 Active Defense guidelines, and Chinese surface capabilities. In the final chapter, we examine China's submarine capabilities, what they represent for Active Defense, and classify the object of study according to innovation theory.
  • Chinese Foreign Policy in the Era of Xi Jinping
  • Date: Mar 24, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This research contemplates contemporary Chinese foreign policy, specifically Xi Jinping's foreign policy. Starting from the question: how is Chinese foreign policy thought in the Xi Jinping Era and how does it come to fruition? It aims to identify and understand the Xi government's foreign policy, how it materializes in practice and its consequences for Chinese international relations, more specifically to describe the decision-making process in Chinese foreign affairs; to determine the role of the leader in China's FP; analyze the formulation, continuity and change in Xi's policy, and indicate the specific case of Chinese foreign policy applied to the South China Sea and the Belt and Road initiative and its consequences. For these purposes, a qualitative methodology will be used, focusing on the theories of Foreign Policy Analysis and Comparative Historical Analysis, bringing two case studies. This work aims to result in a comprehensive and multilevel analysis of Chinese foreign policy, considering actors and structures.
  • Date: Mar 15, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Events such as the Ukraine War illustrate the relevance of hypersonic missiles as part of a country's fighting power. In this context, how do China's hypersonic missiles add to its deterrence capacity? This paper analyses what contributions these weapons add to China's conventional and nuclear deterrence. Our hypothesis is that hypersonic missiles contribute towards increasing the credibility of deterrence, assisting in the execution and operationalization of denial and punishment strategies. In order to achieve our objective, we extract vital characteristics and understandings from the deterrence debate and current literature on hypersonic missiles, which will be used to support our analysis of the topic in the Chinese context. Methodologically, we employ a qualitative approach and structure the research as a single case study, using the deterrence debate as the theoretical foundation for analyzing data collected from primary and secondary documents from China. At the end of the paper, we analyze China's context from three deterrent strategies: nuclear deterrence by punishment, conventional deterrence by denial, conventional deterrence by punishment.
  • Date: Mar 15, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Events such as the Ukraine War illustrate the relevance of hypersonic missiles as part of a country's fighting power. In this context, how do China's hypersonic missiles add to its deterrence capacity? This paper analyses what contributions these weapons add to China's conventional and nuclear deterrence. Our hypothesis is that hypersonic missiles contribute towards increasing the credibility of deterrence, assisting in the execution and operationalization of denial and punishment strategies. In order to achieve our objective, we extract vital characteristics and understandings from the deterrence debate and current literature on hypersonic missiles, which will be used to support our analysis of the topic in the Chinese context. Methodologically, we employ a qualitative approach and structure the research as a single case study, using the deterrence debate as the theoretical foundation for analyzing data collected from primary and secondary documents from China. At the end of the paper, we analyze China's context from three deterrent strategies: nuclear deterrence by punishment, conventional deterrence by denial, conventional deterrence by punishment.
  • K-Pop Industry: promotion strategies through the Public Diplomacy of the South Korean Government
  • Date: Mar 3, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The theme of this dissertation is the K-Pop Industry and South Korean Public Diplomacy, focusing on the strategies for promoting the national brand by the government. The theme's relevance is given by the expansion of the Korean Wave, with the export of cultural products from South Korea. Along with this factor, there is an exponential increase in the consumption of these same products, which impacts the emergence of Korean studies on how the motivations for these results work. In addition, the need to explore other views on this vast industry and the importance of increasing these studies in Portuguese for the Brazilian academy. The methodological bases applied are a mix of bibliographical research, such as documentary research, articles, documents (historical and governmental), books and theses on the subjects discussed in each chapter. They were constituted to serve as a lens of knowledge about the developments in South Korean society of the practices raised. With this, the overall objective is to explore the relationship between the K-Pop Industry and South Korean Public Diplomacy to promote a national brand. The specific objectives that deal with the Republic of Korea branched out to: expose the experience of Confucianism and its roots in the territory; outline the cultural policies and legal concepts of Public Diplomacy; contrast the formatting of the K-Pop Industry and government promotions. The data point to the diversity that the government employs Public Diplomacy for the positive promotion of its image, based on that Industry on the Korean Wave. This whole construct reflects in the improvement of the ROK's political-commercial relations with the international community, where Wave's cultural products, presented as part of foreign policy, to conquer other objectives and mediate part of international relations.
  • The Formula for Success: How incumbent candidates spend campaign resources in Brazil (2010-2018)?
  • Date: Feb 27, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The literature on campaign spending is the central point in electoral disputes, undeniably money has a positive effect on the vote of candidates in the electoral race (PARANHOS, GUIMARÃES and NASCIMENTO, 2018; FISHER and DENVER, 2006; GUIMARÃES et al., 2019; SOUZA, 2019; SAMUELS, 2001a; SPECK; MANCUSO, 2017; FIGUEIREDO FILHO, 2009). Based on this premise, this work proposes to answer the following question: What is the effect of incumbency in the composition of campaign expenses for federal deputies in Brazil? We aim to analyze the composition of expenses (traditional and modern) in the election from the perspective of re-election. Our hypothesis is that: the incumbency changes the composition of campaign expenses. Methodologically, we will use descriptive statistics, OLS linear regression. For this, we will use a time series of three elections 2010, 2014 and 2018. The results indicate that: 1) The 2014 election was the election with the highest spending volume; 2) that challengers spent less on modern spending than incumbents and 3) challengers were more efficient in their campaign spending
  • The Formula for Success: How incumbent candidates spend campaign resources in Brazil (2010-2018)?
  • Date: Feb 27, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The literature on campaign spending is the central point in electoral disputes, undeniably money has a positive effect on the vote of candidates in the electoral race (PARANHOS, GUIMARÃES and NASCIMENTO, 2018; FISHER and DENVER, 2006; GUIMARÃES et al., 2019; SOUZA, 2019; SAMUELS, 2001a; SPECK; MANCUSO, 2017; FIGUEIREDO FILHO, 2009). Based on this premise, this work proposes to answer the following question: What is the effect of incumbency in the composition of campaign expenses for federal deputies in Brazil? We aim to analyze the composition of expenses (traditional and modern) in the election from the perspective of re-election. Our hypothesis is that: the incumbency changes the composition of campaign expenses. Methodologically, we will use descriptive statistics, OLS linear regression. For this, we will use a time series of three elections 2010, 2014 and 2018. The results indicate that: 1) The 2014 election was the election with the highest spending volume; 2) that challengers spent less on modern spending than incumbents and 3) challengers were more efficient in their campaign spending
  • Security and defense: Venezuela's contemporary geopolitics
  • Date: Feb 16, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The present dissertation presents the theme of security and defense in the contemporary geopolitics of Venezuela, raising the following question: the presence of great world powers active in Venezuela, and their war potential, would threaten the Brazilian strategic environment? Answering this question is the hypothesis that the bellic capacity of foreign powers operating in Venezuela, specifically Russia, China and Iran, is a threat to the Brazilian strategic environment. Especially in the event that this influence is retaliatory to the United States, which can cause instability in the region. The general objective of this work is to question whether there is a threat of armed conflict for Brazil, due to the presence of foreign bellic powers in Venezuelan territory. The specific objectives proposed, aim to: verify the historical issues of Venezuela and understand the Bolivarism and socialism in the 20th century; study the potential opportunity for foreign military powers to access the South American continent; and, finally, it is necessary to verify if the presence of international military powers, and their position in Venezuela, reveal a real risk to the Brazilian strategic environment. The research is qualitative, considering the dynamic relationship between the real world and the researched subject, using documents, reports, interviews and other means available for this purpose. The importance of this body of work to the academic community lies in the possibility and the need to know and expand, with new research, the defense, and security agenda. And bring information that supports new perceptions on the subject, which will result in application of new security and defense policies in the Brazilian strategic environment. The research concludes that the presence of foreign military powers in Venezuela brings concern to the region and to the international community
  • WHEN INSTITUTIONAL RESTRICTIONS FIND IDEATIONAL CHANGES: Speeches on the link between security and climate change at the United Nations Security Council
  • Date: Feb 15, 2023
  • Time: 13:30
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  • The present work seeks to investigate whether the P5’s discourses on the nexus between security and climate change influence the identification of institutional changes in the UNSC. We believe that P5’s discourses are important to facilitate or restrict the discussion of proposals for institutional changes. In these terms, we follow the hypothesis that the discourses that propose the adaptation of existing activities influence institutional change in the UNSC in an evolutionary sense. Thus, we initially discuss how Discursive Institutionalism, from its specific focus on the role of ideas and discourses, offers a robust theoretical and conceptual framework to explain institutional change. Furthermore, we present an overview of ideas and discourses on climate security to support our discursive analysis of the P5's position in the discussion of the nexus between security and climate change in its agenda. The work ends with a final analysis of how institutional change is framed in discourses on climate security: whether it be around the institutional enlargement of the UNSC in a “conscious but measured response” by France, the United Kingdom and the United States; or in favor of maintaining a static and reactive stance by the UNSC in a climate “non-response” by China and Russia. Thus, we conclude that it would be possible to identify an incremental change in the cognitive/cultural dimension of the UNSC through symbolic bricolage, while it would not have been possible to carry out a substantive bricolage to change the other regulatory and normative dimensions of the UNSC, due to the Chinese and Russian ideational power over the idea of the nexus between security and climate change in the UNSC.
  • Date: Nov 30, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This paper deals with the impact of fake news and misinformation on the 2018 presidential election in Brazil and the first two years of The Government of Jair Messias Bolsonaro, as well as the elements of dedemocratization as a symptom of the advance of ultraliberalism, neoconservatism and religious fundamentalism. It seeks to point out how the organization of new rights contributed to the rise of bolsonarism, its origins, language and relationship with a sour propaganda machine to spread hatred, chaos, attack the political system, democratic institutions and democracy. It also seeks to discuss the creation of the so-called "Office of Hatred" as a fascist strategy of democratic corrosion. Investigated by the CPMI of Fake News and the Supreme Court (STF), this digital militia based in the Planalto Palace, was financed with public money as also denounced by the press. This work is qualitative. Bibliographic and documentary sources were used for its elaboration.
  • The Masterplan: analysis of the power relations between the Executive, Legislative and society in the agenda-setting process of the Masterplan in Rio de Janeiro
  • Date: Nov 17, 2022
  • Time: 08:30
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  • The Rio de Janeiro Master Plan has been debated since 2019, with an expected completion date of 2022. This has been a relevant instrument for Brazilian Urban Planning, built together with the executive power, legislature, and society, from public hearings. This thesis sought to analyze how the relationship of the Master Plan of Rio de Janeiro between the Executive and Legislative powers has been built to identify which of these spheres of power have the most significant influence on its development. To achieve the proposed objectives, quantitative methods were adopted with Social Network Analysis to define the network level, the centrality of the actors, and the degree of intermediation between them. Structured interviews were carried out with the Master Plan Special Commission members and other actors who set the commission's agenda. Data analysis was mediated by the GEPHI software, which enabled the study of networks and the construction of the graph. Qualitatively, the minutes of public hearings and Master Plan Committee meetings were analyzed, dialoguing with bibliographic and documentary sources. It was possible to verify that the Executive Power presented greater control over the themes of the Master Plan, with the Secretary of Urban Planning being the central actor of the network.
  • The role of Political Parties in the Political Judicialization Process (2019-2021)
  • Date: Aug 30, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The present study aims to analyze the process of judicialization of politics from a quantitative and qualitative survey of the actions of constitutionality control, particularly the Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality (ADI) and Claim for breach of fundamental precept (ADPF) , aimed at suspending the applicability of decrees issued by the Federal Executive filed by political parties with the Federal Supreme Court (STF), specifically observing the first years of Jair Bolsonaro's government. The research hypothesis, supported by the data collected and analyzed, indicates that opposition parties tend, systematically, to use the STF arena as a means of interposing vetoes to government actions, provoking the Judiciary to debate issues that would be proper to the debate. political sphere in the parliamentary orbit, but who do not find in Congress a forum capable of providing the fullness of the rights and guarantees of minorities and of frank debate on presidential decrees. Through numerous regimental and political devices that allow the control of the agenda by governing coalitions in Congress, and also by the correlation of forces of the benches, there is a tendency to restrict the ability of opposition parties to publicly debate the contents of decrees, execute control, produce parliamentary obstructions and vetoes. The opposition's inability to contradict the government in the parliamentary sphere has led the parties to fight in the Judiciary as well. The monitoring of the filing and processing of ADIs and ADPFs in the sense of contesting presidential decrees published by Jair Bolsonaro indicates that the opposition parties face at the same time the attempt to interpose a veto in Congress and in the Supreme Court, indicating a path of judicialization of the policy, giving authority to the Judiciary to face issues that are often essential for analysis by the Legislature. The power of agenda of the governing coalition and the negative correlation of forces for the oppositions can be some of the possible explanations of this process that results in the appeal to the judicialization of the politics.
  • The role of the Women's Bench: an analysis of legislative production related to women (2011-2021)
  • Date: Aug 30, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This work aims to analyze the performance of women parliamentarians in the Federal Chamber in the face of propositions of gender-related issues, from 2011 to 2021. Based on the specialized literature, the study is hypothesized that the female presence in the spaces of power favors the promotion and defense of public policies aimed at women. To this purpose, a survey was carried out of the proposals of individual and collective authorship of the federal deputies. Then, they were divided into sub themes in order to facilitate empirical analysis. After mapping and processing this data, our results showed that female parliamentarians presented the largest number of projects related to women's rights. Among the pre-established sub-themes, the women deputies devoted much of their production to public policies aimed at combating violence against women. In addition, the increase in the women's bench during the analyzed period accompanied the growth in the quantity of proposals, reinforcing the connection between descriptive representation and substantive representation.
  • Limits of Brazil's Transitional Justice: An Analysis of the Herzog's Case
  • Date: Aug 29, 2022
  • Time: 15:00
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  • A period of authoritarian rule leaves wounds that do not heal spontaneously, requiring a series of measures aimed at strengthening the newly established democratic regime and protecting human rights. This dissertation aims to analyze the Brazilian transition from the Herzog Case, considering the decision of the Inter-American Court that condemned and held the Brazilian State responsible, taking into account the moment of opening, in the tutelary exit of the Dictatorship and the granting of Amnesty under the regime's terms, in addition to the interpretation of the Supreme Court (STF) on the reception of the Amnesty Law. In this sense, the problem is present between the relationship of the lack of accountability of the agents of the dictatorship and an incomplete consolidation of Brazilian democracy. Therefore, we aim at a Case Study of the Brazilian transition taking the Herzog Case as a central reference, but first delving into the historical and political context of the period that marks the end of the authoritarian regime. Through the research, the objective is to point out as repercussions on Brazilian democracy arising from the experience with the justice of transition visas the authoritarian raptures present in our history, as well as to identify and understand how the national Amnesty relates to cases of human rights violations, specifically in the Herzog Case and an evaluation as a result of the Brazilian case's failure to hold the regime's agents accountable and judge, an axis that can be considered central to a well-applied transitional justice experience. Therefore, the dissertation that follows uses a qualitative approach in a Case Study, through researches in bibliographic sources and official documents, also, interdisciplinary bases were sought to carry out the analyzes with the main focus on political science, history and law.
  • Date: Aug 26, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The present study aims to investigate, expose and analyze the concept of sovereignty of the Dutch theorist Herman Dooyeweerd, having as hypotheses that the author represents the resumption of the concept in political thought after its decline in the 20th century. We defend here that the theory of spheres of sovereignty, from which Dooyeweerd rescues the theme of sovereignty, offers a contribution in relation to the problem of the original jurisdiction of jurisdiction, the legitimacy of power, the origin of this power, its limits and prerogatives, and their ownership. In our view, the concept of spheres of sovereignty is a valuable contribution to contemporary political science. There is in it a way of analysis for the problem of sovereignty and the limits of the exercise of political power, which bequeaths to the theorist of the 21st century a system that proposes greater coherence with reality, solving the problem of abuses of power and liberties. For this, an exposition of the history of the concept of sovereignty is developed, since its prehistory, in the Low Middle Ages, when the term had not yet been coined, remaining sovereignty as a notion, passing through the first uses of the term and the transformations of its meanings and applications, from its contexts, and reaching its end, with the proposals of its abandonment in the 20th and 21st centuries, when it seems to have reached its end and disuse, losing its relevance and pertinence in the theoretical and practical. Then follows an exposition of the intellectual context of the author in question, from the historical moment that his country lived to his biography and formation of his thought, with the exposition of fundamental concepts for the understanding of his theory. Then, his understanding of the concept of sovereignty is analyzed, from his criticism of the traditional concept, as treated in the history of political and legal thought, to his understanding of the concept and proposal of the new concept of spheres of sovereignty, not sparing the philosopher of the criticisms of which he was and is the target or of those that may still be made of him. Finally, it will be concluded what relevant contributions his concept of spheres of sovereignty brings to political thought in the 21st century, a context in which international organizations, human rights and international law increasingly prevail.
  • The Director Network: Social Network Analysis of the agenda setting of the Rio de Janeiro Master Plan.
  • Date: Aug 25, 2022
  • Time: 08:30
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  • This dissertation aims to identify the political entrepreneurs of the current revision of the Master Plan of the City of Rio de Janeiro, in order to detect which social spheres such entrepreneurs come from and what are the relations of these actors. To identify, map and analyze the political entrepreneurs, quantitative methods were adopted with the Social Network Analysis to define the network level, the centrality of the actors and the degree of intermediation between them, and also qualitative methods with interviews with members of the Special Commission of the Master Plan and other actors that act in the agenda setting of the commission. In view of this, it was verified that in the network of the Master Plan of Rio de Janeiro, four political entrepreneurs were found, two of whom are councilmen, one holds the position of Municipal Secretary and the fourth is a representative of the private sector, which imposes the verification that, despite being a legal requirement in the Master Plan, popular participation does not have many representatives in its decision-making core.
  • Date: Jun 10, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The research in international literature to understand how the knowledge about policies, institutions and ideas in one political atmosphere is used in the development of those in another political setting has been growing recently. Therefore aiming to contribute to Brazilian literature the dissertation focuses on the understanding of how international organizations impact the behavior of countries. The analysis is carried out by studying the effects produced by the evolution of the training architecture for peace missions at the UN on the Brazilian agenda of training human resources for peace operations. This study seeks to identify the theoretical expectations of the international diffusion of policies analyzing the empirical evidence, having the following research question: How the evolution of the training architecture for UN peace operations, occurred from the Brahimi report, have impacted the Brazilian training agenda for peacekeeping operation in the period between 2004 and 2017? Based on international policy diffusion theory and punctuated equilibrium model, we argue that the data support the hypothesis that emulation is the primary mechanism of policy diffusion from the UN peacekeeping training architecture to Brazilian peacekeeping training agenda, generating institutional and procedural changes. It indicates paths for future research, presenting a possibility of using the international diffusion of policies and their causal mechanisms to analyze the relations among UN and their member states.
  • Date: Jun 8, 2022
  • Time: 17:30
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  • This research questions whether countries that receive larger amounts of Official Development Assistance (ODA) have a greater probability of convergence to the guidelines advocated by the United Nations (UN) to implement, monitor and review the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their organizational arrangements. As a general objective, it seeks to verify whether there is a greater probability of finding the guidelines disseminated by the UN in the organizational arrangements adopted by countries that receive larger flows of ODA than in countries that receive smaller flows or that do not receive ODA. For this, data were extracted from the organizational adaptation processes of 113 countries through the Voluntary National Reviews (VNR). To operationalize the concept of policy convergence, a convergence variable to the UN guidelines was created based on data collected from three variables on the participation of actors in the organizational arrangements of the countries: participation of non-governmental actors, participation of high-level members of government and participation of subnational governments. The binary logistic regression technique was adopted, in which the ODA flows received by the countries and the levels of convergence to the UN guidelines in the organizational arrangements were related. As a working hypothesis, we have that countries that receive larger amounts of ODA are more likely to converge to the guidelines advocated by the UN in their organizational arrangements. Among the results found, the working hypothesis was confirmed (not rejected), since the results of the binary logistic regression indicated that countries that receive higher amounts of ODA are more likely to present a medium-high convergence to the UN guidelines when compared to countries that receive smaller amounts of ODA or that do not receive foreign aid. The conclusion points to the importance of observing how relatively more vulnerable and more dependent countries may be more susceptible to the adoption of certain policies.
  • Date: Feb 24, 2022
  • Time: 14:30
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  • The external action of subnational governments has different motivators and occurs in specific areas. The international action of these governments has become intense in recent decades due to a greater ease in approaching and dialoguing with countries and external institutions. The existing asymmetries among the federated units lead subnational governments to seek a more direct international action in the political, economic, cultural, environmental, educational areas, among others, dealing directly with foreign actors, bringing local interests to the international scene. One of these forms of partnership with foreign actors can be considered a Decentralized Cooperation. Based on the fact that Decentralized Cooperation has characteristics of the cities or regions that develop it, and considering the relevance of understanding the reality of a northeastern municipality, this study on the Decentralized Cooperation in Education existing between the Municipality of João Pessoa and the US Consulate General in Recife is justified. The partnership seeks to strengthen the teaching of the English Language through the professional development of English teachers in the municipality, among other joint actions. With this perspective, this research started from the following question: how did the international cooperation in education between the municipality of João Pessoa and the US Consulate General initiate and what are its results? The relevance of this study, therefore, is visualized by the significant local, regional and national particularities contained in the proposal, in addition to the lack of studies in this sense in Brazil's Northeastern Region, more precisely, in the State of Paraíba. A research methodologically based on the use of a literature review on International, Decentralized and Educational Cooperation is proposed, in addition to a case study with the achievement of empirical expedients, proceeding with interviews to understand the phenomenon. Thus, this study seeks, initially, to understand the processes of decentralized international cooperation in education, and then to approach the developed cooperation between the two actors and identify how it was established. Finally, highlighting the main results and challenges faced in the municipality or for those involved in the project. In the end, it is evident that the Consulate, through this cooperation, was also able to achieve its goals of propagating the English Language and North American culture, in addition to maintaining important ties with its partners. In addition, we emphasize how this cooperation was a pioneer and considered important for the actors whose objective was to further develop education in the municipality of João Pessoa in the English language, however, challenges arising from the context and the structure itself are some of the discussed aspects, as well as the continuity of the partnership.
  • Democracy who? The influence of political regime and globalization on economic growth. Comparing emerging and consolidated democracies.
  • Date: Feb 24, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This research aims to analyze the relationship between the variables democratic regime, economic growth and globalization in Latin American countries, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and, Russia in the years 1990-2013. The main objective of the research is to ascertain whether there is a relationship between the three variables within the proposed time frame. The research will adopt a quantitative empirical strategy, seeking to estimate the levels of causality between the dependent variables (interest and control) and the independent variable. A balanced panel data with 1219 observations will be adopted. In addition, the research will use secondary data from repositories and international organizations.
  • Women, Feminism and International Relations: The Case of the South Korean “Women of Comfort” Reparation Movement.
  • Date: Dec 13, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • During the 1990s, Imperial Japan actively participated in several conflicts stimulated by the desire to expand the territory to East Asia. Two conflicts drew worldwide attention: the Second Sino-Japanese War - a conflict of regional scope; and the Asia-Pacific War - also known as the Pacific War, the latter was one of the fronts of operations in World War II. In the invaded territories, Japanese soldiers sexually abused local women and, in an attempt to "solve" this problem, the Japanese military leadership implemented the so-called "comfort system", which consisted of "recruiting" women and taking them to places that were occupied by the Japanese so that they could “comfort” the military through sexual relations. It was, therefore, a system of sexual slavery that lasted from 1937 to 1945. After the end of the war, there were almost 50 years of silence about this system. As survivors, they began to go public and report what they suffered, starting a movement that to this day fights for a weapon for the survivors and for their voices to be heard. Thus, the compensation movement has impacts on relations between the United States - especially between South Korea. This research seeks to analyze the case of the South Korean Women of Comfort Reparation Movement and how the case helps to understand the silencing women in international politics. The Movement and its actions show both the silencing and the responses of women, which can be better understood from the Feminism of authors such as Cynthia Enloe, analyzing the common woman and her impact on international politics. In this way, Enloe allows us to look beyond the State, into the State, and analyze how gender impacts political experiences.
  • The Horizontal Accountability Exercised by the CCAI About the Intelligence Activity Performed by Abin in the Period 2007-2014
  • Date: Oct 29, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The effectiveness of the accountability performed by the CCAI represents an indispensable condition to ensure the legitimacy and legality of the State Intelligence activity in a democratic environment. A qualitative research is proposed, through a case study of the unique type, to analyze the effectiveness of the accountability of Congress, carried out in the dimensions and limits of the control and oversight exercised by the CCAI on the Intelligence activity carried out by Abin, in the period between 2007 and 2014. The analysis of the conceptual framework and historical trajectory in the process of creation and institutionalization of Intelligence activity and the congressional accountability mechanism showed that Intelligence institutions, in general, escape de jure de facto control in democracies that are still in the process of consolidation. Precisely because there are incidents in their institutional architectures (either in the way they are organized or in the content of their practices) and the survival of authoritarian legacies, which are strongly reactive to parliamentary control. Based on the assumptions of democratic theory and the literature on intelligence, which underpin the performance of horizontal accountability in the face of government secrecy, the following criteria were chosen as parameters of analysis: normative proposals; control and inspection procedures adopted; and composition. We conclude that the dimensions and limits of the effectiveness of external control and congressional oversight of the CCAI over Abin, the horizontal accountability exercised by the CCAI is of low effectiveness, proving the hypothesis raised. We note the need to implement an institutional reform in the Commission's composition rules, which contemplates technical expertise and strategic incentives that promote parliamentary interest and political will.
  • The Councilman Apprentice Internship-Visit Program as an instrument to promote political participation in the City Council of João Pessoa/PB.
  • Date: Oct 29, 2021
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Political participation is a fundamental element in the composition of democracy. Its field of research is wide and growing, including due to evidence of new forms of political action not directly related to the electoral moment. Thus, it is possible to observe the emergence of new forms of participation and their modalities or the re-signification of old ones. In this path, the dynamics of a modality of access to politics can be observed - the internship-visit programs within the scope of the Legislative branch -, which can represent the expansion of spaces for political participation. This work addresses the case of the Councilman Apprentice internship-visit Program within the City Council of João Pessoa/PB, with the aim of understanding its operation and examining it as an instrument to promote political participation in the Municipality of João Pessoa/PB. The approach was qualitative, with a case study carried out with the verification of bibliographic basis for the debate on political participation in the context of democracy in the contemporary world, with exploratory analysis of the Councilman Apprentice internship-visit Program, including legislative and normative documents, as well as semi-structured interviews with individuals who participated in the experience provided by the Program between 2015 and 2019. It was verified if there is any correlation of the data obtained with the concepts of political participation exposed and worked on in this research. In this context, it was observed that the Councilman Apprentice provides participants with opportunities to experience activities that correspond to political participation, especially in the context of representative democracy.
  • "THE DUST OF OUR PAST": sociopolitical profile of the Legislative Power of the State of Paraíba (1990 to 2018)
  • Date: Oct 28, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Who has access to the Legislative Power of the State of Paraíba? Which socioeconomic background provides success in the electoral and parliamentary arena of Paraíba? Are there differences in social composition between the parties? Based on these questions, this research seeks to identify, map and analyze the sociopolitical profiles and trajectories of the Paraíba state deputies elected between 1990 and 2018, in order to apprehend provisions common to these representatives. Both the quantitative methodology was adopted, based on the analysis of descriptive statistics, with information from TRE-PB and TSE, and the prosopography as a research technique and sociological analysis to understand any sociopolitical changes in terms of political recruitment. The proposition of our work is that the study of those elected to the Legislature can contribute to a better understanding of changes in the society-State relationship.
  • inside the engine of the Union: an analysis of the European Commission and the processes related to its democratisation
  • Date: Sep 30, 2021
  • Time: 09:30
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  • The European Union is currently a political and economical actor in the international context that cannot be ignored. Unable to be defined as a common international organisation or a state in the modern sense of the word, the structure of the Union establishes a political system that can be interpreted as a “new type”. In this context the present work aims to research the democratisation process of this new political entity in the course of the changes of its Treaties, focusing on its bureaucracy, the European Commission. Thus four objectives are set: to research the historical evolution of this new political system; to explain the theoretical models, on which the analysis of this work are based; to present the competences of the Commission and some cases, in which it behaved as a political actor rather than a technical organ; and to analyse the institutional changes that influenced the Commission and the effects that were observed by the citizens with regard to the perception of this phenomenon. In order to achieve these objectives, the specialised literature of this scientific field and the statistical data published by the European organisations are used. On the basis of the adaption of analytical models of the Political Science, related to the theories of democracy, and with the help of the process tracing technique, it is demonstrated how democratic progresses could be observed in the functioning of the Commission. This work consequently represents both an introduction to the theme of the democratisation of the European bureaucracy, and a contribution to the related debates.
  • Date: Sep 29, 2021
  • Time: 16:00
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  • China can currently be considered as the engine of world economic growth due to its rapid development and economic and industrial expansion in recent decades. This scenario of growth was also accompanied by a large exploitation of natural resources, environmental destruction and pollution and high energy consumption from coal. The country's position in the environmental discussion was considered disruptive by some authors, for supporting positions characteristic of the discussion on the environment, such as the right to development and the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities". However, in recent years the country has established robust goals for reducing pollutants and the use of non-renewable energy, introducing low-carbon energy as one of the pillars of its new concept of development. This paper seeks to answer what factors have contributed to the evolution of China's position in the environmental debate. After presenting the central problem, two factors are attributed to these changes of China’s positioning. The first one is the launching of its great strategy for peaceful rise in 2002 and the second, the increase of the innovative capacities of the country that in the last decades, transitioning from a copying economy based on the use of natural resources, to an innovative economy capable of producing new technologies, including environmental ones. Finally, it is argued in this paper that China, as opposed to having a disruptive position, has undergone a process of evolution of its environmental positioning, supported by its emergence as an economic and technological power.
  • The Trump Strategy for Foreign Investment: from NAFTA to USMCA.
  • Date: Sep 28, 2021
  • Time: 17:00
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  • Donald Trump fulfilled a campaign promise by opening the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to renegotiation. Although the country is the largest exporter of capital in the world, the level of protection offered to investors has been reduced in the new agreement called the USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement). This contradicts the United States' record of defending an agenda of investment protection and liberalization. The objective of this thesis will be to trace the negotiation process and the strategic logic behind this change of position conducted by the new administration. The case study will be carried out by means of a bibliographic and documentary review that will allow mapping both the previous historical path and the most recent negotiation process. The working hypothesis is that the renegotiation has as objective to reverse the alleged redirection of jobs of which the president, curiously agreeing with sectors of the American left, accuses NAFTA. Through a very sophisticated adjustment to the wording of chapter 14 of the USMCA, the United States seeks to restrict the application of investment clauses to sectors that for reasons intrinsic to their economic nature could not return to operate from the United States, such as the petrochemical, utilities and infrastructure sectors. On the other hand, some adjustments seek to respond to criticisms that have been made to the investment treaty regime, in general, and to NAFTA itself, in particular, since the 1990s. These reforms seek to reinforce the State's right to regulate for the benefit of its population and prevent it from being held responsible for mere breaches of profit expectations in investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) procedures. Despite accusations of having put several economic sectors at risk with no prospect of benefits for the country, it was possible to identify a clear strategic orientation in the process of negotiating the investment chapter of the new agreement.
  • Religious Actors and Peacebuilding: the Catholic Church in Peace Agreement Process in Colombia (2012-2016)
  • Date: Aug 30, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The 21st century has witnessed a growing importance of religion in the academic literature of International Relations, especially when playing relevant roles in the themes of peace and violence. At this conjuncture, Colombia emerges as a central actor, in which a myriad of actors finds themselves in conflicting disputes, but also seeking peace. Within this context, the current research presents the following issue: "How do religious actors, in particular the Catholic Church, influence the process of building peace in Colombia?" The hypothesis suggests that the Catholic Church, as part of an epistemic community of religious actors and historically active in the peace process, serves as an intermediary of local knowledge and behavior aimed at theological approaches capable of influencing the peacebuilding process in Colombia. The timeframe of the study covers the first negotiations until the signing of the Havana Agreement, that is, from October 2012 to September 2016. The research is divided into three chapters: chapter 1 presents the relationship between Religion, Peace Studies and Epistemic Community, in order to build a theoretical basis capable of providing guiding concepts for the following chapters; chapter 2 provides the historical context of the Colombian conflict, identifying the roots of the violence and the implications for the main points of the Havana Agreement; finally, chapter 3 centers the debate on explaining the role of religious actors involved in the peacebuilding process and presents the activities of Catholic religious actors as an epistemic community in the dynamics of peacebuilding in Colombia. The research results demonstrate that the activities of the Catholic Church are based on religious knowledge and expertise, added to its experience as a mediator of international conflicts, influencing the process of peacebuilding in Colombian society.
  • Date: Aug 26, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The post-Cold War scenario was an important catalyst in the search for changes in the way military affairs and operations were conducted, given that the threat to States was no longer focused specifically on a country to be something more diffuse, difficult to identify, as the challenges presented by transnational crime and terrorism. Through Defense Transformation greater attention was given to joint military operations in order to advocate integration between the different branches of the Armed Forces. In this context, there is a tendency of change regarding the adopted defense planning model. It used to plan focusing on a particular threat, however, more and more countries have opted for the adoption of Capabilities-Based Planning (CBP), a methodology that, among its characteristics, promotes greater interoperability (systems, units or forces capable of exchanging services and/or information). The objective of this research is to understand how this joint planning methodology contributes to improve interoperability, based on the analysis of experiences in Australia and Canada, with the aim to provide inputs for thinking about the case of Brazil. The development of the study was based on the hypothesis that this improvement takes place through the intensification of organizational integration, which occurs through the deepening of joint structures, provided by the instruments of the joint systematics. The progress of the investigation was guided by a methodological strategy, structured from the Comparative Study method and the tools of cross- case analysis, the study of few cases (small-n) and the Most Similar System Design. From the study of the experiences of Australia and Canada, it was possible to conclude that the CPB promotes a joint perspective that influences the entire defense structure, from the ministerial level to the service level. Adopting a top-down approach, standardizing the taxonomy of the process, creating permanent joint commands, and military capabilities being jointly planned and developed are some of the contributions of the CBP to the interoperability and jointness process. These results allowed to conclude that Brazil, a country in the initial phase of its implementation of the CBP, can incorporate many of the lessons bequeathed by these countries, in order to develop a process that is less affected by the rigid structures of defense
  • Peace and Security in Central Asia: Terrorism and Counterterrorism on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization agenda.
  • Date: Aug 17, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The present work addresses issues as terrorism, counterterrorism and regional security and presents the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and its measures taken regionally and internationally within its context. The innovation that this dissertation brings is its critical look at the counterterrorism actions taken by the member countries of the organization that, in some points, are at odds with what is aimed at by the SCO. Terrorism and counterterrorism are not new issues on the security and defence policy agenda. In recent decades, and especially after the attacks of September 11, 2001, in the United States of America, it was possible to notice that terrorism stood out as an object of study. Terrorist groups and organizations have become one of the main threats faced by the international community. This led States and organizations around the world to invest billions of dollars in defensive measures, aiming the strength of counter-terrorism policies and ensuring greater security at their borders. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (OCX) emerges within a complex context of pervasive threats and plays an important role in policy formulation in the areas of defence and security of its member states in the Central Asia region. The organization's approach consists of seeking to defend regional stability and security, respecting the territorial integrity of its members, through regional elaboration of common counterterrorism policies. Thus, it is possible to notice progress in generating greater security in the region, but this does not mean that this security will remain for the long term, as many combatants and terrorist organizations that were previously present in the region are now seeking refuge in other conflicts that represent their causes and they may eventually return to their homelands with more training and improved tactics and carry out attacks.
  • Peace and Security in Central Asia: Terrorism and Counterterrorism on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization agenda
  • Date: Aug 17, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The present work addresses issues as terrorism, counterterrorism and regional security and presents the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and its measures taken regionally and internationally within its context. The innovation that this dissertation brings is its critical look at the counterterrorism actions taken by the member countries of the organization that, in some points, are at odds with what is aimed at by the SCO. Terrorism and counterterrorism are not new issues on the security and defence policy agenda. In recent decades, and especially after the attacks of September 11, 2001, in the United States of America, it was possible to notice that terrorism stood out as an object of study. Terrorist groups and organizations have become one of the main threats faced by the international community. This led States and organizations around the world to invest billions of dollars in defensive measures, aiming the strength of counter-terrorism policies and ensuring greater security at their borders. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (OCX) emerges within a complex context of pervasive threats and plays an important role in policy formulation in the areas of defence and security of its member states in the Central Asia region. The organization's approach consists of seeking to defend regional stability and security, respecting the territorial integrity of its members, through regional elaboration of common counterterrorism policies. Thus, it is possible to notice progress in generating greater security in the region, but this does not mean that this security will remain for the long term, as many combatants and terrorist organizations that were previously present in the region are now seeking refuge in other conflicts that represent their causes and they may eventually return to their homelands with more training and improved tactics and carry out attacks.
  • Political representation and representativeness of women in the Legislature of Paraiba.
  • Date: Mar 25, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The low representation of women in the Brazilian Legislature is a phenomenon already established by official data and specialized literature. Although the problem is officially admitted, including the adoption of an affirmative policy, the Law nº. 9.504/97, “quota law in politics”, which is aimed a percentage of 30% of applications for one of the genders, but it is interpreted as the establishment of this percentage for women’s applications. Tied to this low representation is the issue of feminist representation regarding the guarantee of rights for women. These rights are won in the chash fought in the public sphere, more precisely in the Legislature which is made up of few women. Based on this premise, from the Case Study of the current legislature of Paraiba, in which of 36 seats, only 5 are occupied by women, this work intends to evaluate the phenomenon of Political Representation and Representativeness of Women in Paraiba, taking as research sources 2,398 propositures of states representatives elected in 2018. For this, a descriptive research was carried out, with a qualitative approach and use of documentary and bibliographic research technique for data collection, treatment and analysis, anchored in the method of Content Analysis proposed by Bardin (1995). Regarding the analysis of data, specifically, the content of the proposals of state officials indicates that the female performance in the Legislative Assembly of Paraiba, in the current legislature, is sometimes figurative. Representatives of traditional political groups use wives, daughters and mothers to make up the quota for women, specifically to ensure the maintenance of power through these successions. In the new political groups, this action is militant, in the sense of defending actions contrary to those touted by traditional political groups, that relegate women to a secondary and supporting role in the political process, representation of women in politics.
  • Populism and democracy: Progress, limits and contradictions of the Evo Morales government (2000-2019)
  • Date: Mar 25, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The main objective of this reasearch is to review the political debate about populism and democracy in order to properly analyze the government of Evo Morales, wich seeks to overcome the crisis of the old oligarchic of bolivian political system. This reserach begins its analysis in 2000, to understand the determining elements for the consolidation of Evo Morales, who remained in power for a long period of time. It will be analyzed the Evo Morales government until 2019. In addition, to study his profile; thus also, change the structures of the republican state, with colonial formation, structured by a white and segregationist oligarchy that reinforced the exclusion of ethnic groups. The result, therefore, was the Plurinational State determined the emergence and consolidation of social movements and their participation in relation to the State. The following work seeks to examine the diferente democratic and antidemocratic charactirists of the Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) government to understand the conditions in which the State restructures itself based on the inclusion of the social bases, through the consolidation of a populist government and its process of cooption in the representation system that ended up consolidating na aliance with the old oligarchic bourgeoisie of the country.
  • Date: Mar 11, 2021
  • Time: 17:00
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  • This dissertation discusses the energy cooperation carried out by Brazil in the energy area between 1990 and 2020, with special attention to the international acts signed in that period. Taking into account that each government of that period has particularities in relation to the realization of foreign policy, this research is structured around two main axes: to assess which are the main characteristics of the international acts signed by Brazil that deal with energy; and understand how these numbers are in line with what is said about the foreign policy of each government. The methodology used involved the construction of an original database, as well as the application of descriptive statistics and content analysis techniques. regarding chronology, typology, places of signature, signatories and partners in carrying out the acts. Data were found regarding the chronology and typology of the acts, places of signature, signatories and partners in Brazil. The findings also indicate that in general the signing of international acts was a reflection of the way in which Brazilian governments conducted their foreign policies.
  • Date: Mar 11, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This paper aims to analyze the effects that the 3 pillars of the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) had to encourage the promotion of food security in the signatory countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The provisions on export subsidies, market access and domestic support have fostered intense debates in the specialized literature and their effectiveness in increasing the capacities that peripheral states have to implement measures to defend their food security and the development of their agricultural sector consists of a sensitive point of divergences. The persistence of commercial advantages for developed countries has had a direct impact on the variability of prices and supply of agricultural products in global markets. In view of the persistence of distortive protectionist measures triggered by large food exporters, the axiom defended by the WTO to promote food security, based on the expansion of agricultural trade flows to increase the availability of food and recipes to provide national food assistance programs, has encountered difficulties to perform. Considering that there are contradictory theses about the potential intervention of the agricultural liberalization model advocated by AoA for food security, the conduct of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was considered pertinent to test the WTO hypothesis represented by its axiom in defense of the free trade. SLR consists of a method capable of translating and systematizing a large amount of information in order to contribute with answers to questions related to the effectiveness and testing of chains of causality. The result of the research allowed us to verify that the regulation of the pillars of the AoA did little to change the capacity to apply distortive policies in developed countries and increase the policy space of developing and less developed countries to promote their food security.
  • Analysis of the impact of President Donald Trump's leadership style on Washington's foreign policy towards Pyongyang
  • Date: Feb 26, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Is it possible to extract personal characteristics of President Donald Trump by analyzing the content of his interviews? From these personal characteristics can sketch a leadership style and know his influence in the decision making process? Objectives: This research examines the personal characteristics and influence of Donald Trump's leadership style in the decision-making process in the foreign policy of the United States of America. Method: The president's personal characteristics and leadership style will be studied from the perspective of the leadership traits analysis model suggested by Hermann (2005a; 2005b; 2005c). 155 spontaneous responses to interviews distributed in four years of the presidential term were encrypted and checked using the ProfilesPlus - LTA Classic software, extracting the leader scores in seven traits (belief in ability to control events, need for power, distrust, self-confidence, conceptual complexity, in group bias and task orientation) that, systematized according to the ATL model, answer three central questions of the leadership style: does the leader respect or challenge restrictions?; is the leader open or closed to contextual information?; what are the motivations of the leader?. Results: Based on the framework about the leadership style, the research follows in assessing the impact of this style and its characteristics in the decision-making process within a case study of Washington's foreign policy towards Pyongyang. Donald Trump had distinctive traits in PWR and IGB, and an opportunistic leadership style.
  • INTEREST RATE AS A PUBLIC POLICY INSTRUMENT: analysis of its consistency for price stability in Brazil
  • Date: Feb 19, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The present work aims to analyze the consistency in the use of the short-term interest rate in Brazil, as one among other public policy instruments directed at stabilizing the general price level. The interest rate adjustment by the Central Bank of Brazil is a government tool classically used to fight inflation, given its potential to induce a contraction in the population's consumption, resulting in a fall in prices. However, the literature on government instruments highlights that public policies are not always compatible with their objectives. This is especially reinforced by Tinbergen, who popularized the concept of inconsistency to characterize this situation. In turn, the theorist Hood also contributed to the literature, warning that not only public policy influences social behavior, but also the reverse, as the decisions taken by the authorities require some information about the current situation in society. Based on this, the present manuscript proposes to empirically ascertain whether the use of the interest rate by the Central Bank of Brazil is actually associated with a lower inflation rate between the years 1999 and 2019. Based on a theoretical synthesis between Tinbergen and Hood, this hypothesis is tested using simple Vector Autoregression models, whose role is to estimate the interdependence relationship between inflationary behavior and the interest rate instrument. Finally, the paper concludes that there is not enough evidence in favor of the research hypothesis. That is, this Central Bank tool is not consistent with its purpose of stabilizing the general price level.
  • "Democracy and autocracy in the work of Florestan Fernandes"
  • Date: Dec 14, 2020
  • Time: 14:30
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  • This dissertation seeks to demonstrate the relevance of Florestan Fernandes and his analyzes regarding the development of dependent capitalism for the critical examination of Brazilian democracy, as well as its respective particularities. To this end, it analyzes eight works, namely "Social changes in Brazil", "Society of classes and underdevelopment", "Dependent Capitalism and Social Classes in Latin America", "The Bourgeois Revolution in Brazil", "Notes on the Theory of Authoritarianism" ”,“ Brazil on hold: small political writings ”,“ What is revolution ”and“ Power and counterpower in Latin America ”. We believe we can access in these works the fundamentals of Florestan Fernandes' interpretation regarding the heterogeneous historical situation of Brazilian democracy, the result of the different situation that we find in a dependent capitalist country. The objective is to present Fernandes' path in the studied works, relating, author, historical context and work in order to elucidate the contributions that the mentioned intellectual can make in the understanding of the historical processes of consolidation of national democracy from the particular socio-historical conditions of Brazilian society.
  • The Black tide Phenomenon: incidents caused by oil ships analysed under the view of the world system theory.
  • Date: Dec 10, 2020
  • Time: 11:00
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  • The "black tide" phenomenon is caused by the spill of large amounts of oil on mares and coasts, caused by incidents involving oil tankers, the vast majority. The use of this modal for the transportation of oil and its derivatives presents risks and its use in large quantities, if access to this energy resource by importing countries is necessary. The consequences of this phenomenon are immeasurable and highly dangerous for the marine environment. Through the perspective of the World System Theory, the present research analyzes how the occurrence of these phenomena can be directly related to the systemic positioning of importing and exporting countries that determine the relations between the Center and the Periphery. Therefore, the main objective is to analyze, based on the World System Theory in its environmental aspect, the percentages and fifty incidents involving oil tankers and the oil that occurs between 1979 and 2018, based on data such as the ship's flag. , place of incidence of the black woman, number of incidents per year, as well as the causes of the incidents and the existing international regime, to then understand their relationship from the perspective of the Center and the Periphery. A research allows to understand the environmental aspects in the Theory of the World System and, as the Center and Periphery relations, become a process of self-reinforcement of the systemic position.
  • Date: Nov 3, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This dissertation analyzes the relationship between Executive and Legislative in the State of Paraíba, with regard to legislative production in the period from 2003 to 2018, in order to verify the supposed imposition of legislative agenda by the Executive, in addition to examining the position of the Legislative before the governor's claims. The State Constitution of Paraíba reproduces several requirements of the Federal Constitution, some of which enable the Chief Executive to act actively in legislative production. Among them, the exclusive role of legislative initiative stands out, the power to present a draft constitutional amendment, a complementary, ordinary and delegated law, in addition to the power to veto and issue provisional measures, the latter being a specific prerogative the state of Paraíba and only five other states. The research analyzed the legislative behavior of the Chief Executive and the relationship with the state parliament, in order to verify if there is an effective proactivity of the state governor in the legislative production, providing an imposition of agenda by the Executive. For the development of this research, files, minutes and data available in the Legislative Process Support System (LPSS), Legislative Diaries and specific bibliography on the topic will be used. According to the examination of the data obtained, it appears that the state executive makes use of the legislative instruments at its disposal, however it did not impose its agenda. The legislature presented itself as a body that approved the governor's claims and acted discreetly in the lawful function.
  • Date: Oct 9, 2020
  • Time: 16:00
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  • In view of the urgency of actions aimed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, especially with regard to the role that technologies, mostly considered within the energy sector, could play in mitigating the effects of climate change, in the present work the research focused on the projects implemented through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in order to analyze what role this mechanism played in the transfer, development and innovation of renewable technologies in Brazil. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain a general picture of the projects implemented worldwide and to analyze the panorama of the projects implemented in the country, as well to understand the CDM as a potential technology transfer tool and to understand the role of the CDM in the development and national technological innovation in the manufacture of wind turbines. Then, a qualitative research is carried out, based on empirical data, proposing an exploratory analysis of the literature that addresses the issue of technology transfer through the CDM, also considering documents and reports from the UNFCCC and the main international institutions linked to the climate change regime as well as applied research through a survey. Therefore, it appears that the CDM, as a market mechanism, was not the main tool responsible for the development and innovation of renewable technologies to Brazil, however, it can be seen that it proved to be effective in stimulating technology flows to the country, potentially contributing to the increase of foreign wind turbine manufacturers in its territory.
  • Date: Aug 7, 2020
  • Time: 13:30
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  • O fenômeno da "maré negra" é caracterizado pelo derramamento de grande quantidade de petróleo em mares e costas, ocasionados por incidentes envolvendo navios petroleiros, em sua grande maioria. A utilização desse modal para o transporte de petróleo e seus derivados apresenta riscos e sua utilização em grande quantidade se dá pela necessidade de acesso a esse recurso energético pelos países importadores, em maior parte, os países do Centro. As consequências de tal fenômeno são imensuráveis e de alta periculosidade para o meio ambiente marinho. Através da ótica da Teoria do Sistema Mundo, a presente pesquisa analisa como a ocorrência desse fenômeno em determinados locais pode estar diretamente relacionado ao posicionamento sistêmico dos países importadores e exportadores que determina as relações entre Centro e Periferia. Sendo assim, o objetivo principal é analisar, a partir da Teoria do Sistema Mundo em sua vertente ambiental, os cento e cinquenta incidentes envolvendo navios petroleiros e o derramamento de petróleo a partir de dados como bandeira do navio, local de incidência da maré negra, número de incidentes por ano, bem como as causas dos incidentes e o regime internacional existente, para, então, entender a relação dos mesmos sob a perspectiva Centro e Periferia. A pesquisa permite compreender os aspectos ambientais na Teoria do Sistema Mundo e como as relações Centro e Periferia se moldam em um processo auto-reforçador de posição sistêmica.
  • The displacement and judgment of political decisions by the Brazilian Supreme Court: an empirical analysis of direct actions of unconstitutionality between 2010 and 2019.
  • Date: Jul 1, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Since the re-democratization, the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF), has assumed remarkable institutional roles foreseen in the Federal Constitution from 1988. Over time, the Supreme Court's decisions started to have greater repercussions on the political scene. Many studies in the field of political science have been developed with the aim of understanding how institutions in Brazilian constitutional democracy are related. To this end, the Supreme Court has become an institution widely used by national literature in political analysis, with a special focus on the form and frequency that political agents call the Court and how it judges actions that make up the Brazilian Institute for Concentrated Control of Abstract Constitutionality, highlighting Direct Actions of Unconstitutionality (ADIs). The actions that make up concentrated control directly interfere in national political life, as they allow the maintenance and even exclusion of legislative norms and governmental acts from the Brazilian democratic system. In the analysis of these actions, some authors have argued that the STF has acted with restraint in deciding actions of political impact. Other studies, however, have pointed out that institutes internal to the Supreme Court allow individual ministers to act to impact political decisions. The present work has the following problem: what is the pattern of displacement and judgment of political decisions by the STF, in the context of ADIs, between the years 2010 and 2019? ADIs are adopted as an analysis variable because they allow the removal of norms of the legal democratic order, and also because they make up the majority of concentrated constitutionality control actions in the period considered. Descriptive in character, the present work adopts as instruments of descriptive statistics the measures of central tendency (mean and median), the measure of dispersion (standard deviation), and the measure of position (relative frequency distribution), in order to understand the problematized phenomenon. From the survey of data on the ADIs assessed and decided, the interpretations on the displacement and the judgment of political decisions by the STF are studied. With the analysis of the pattern of displacement and judgment, the objective is to understand how the Supreme Court processed and judged the ADIs, between 2010 and 2019, studying how the literature has interpreted the Court's performance, and discussing whether there was a restrained performance Court in the period considered. The analysis of data and literature seems to suggest that, in the context of ADIs, between 2010 and 2019, the STF attributed mostly final decisions to the processes filed by governors and associations in matters of administrative law, interfering more in state organizational matters and associations than federal, partisan and confederative issues. Furthermore, most of the final decisions were collegiate and did not assess the merits of the actions. The STF acted with restraint. Still, the demonstration that most internal decisions in the ADI processes were monocratic, and that ministers use internal institutes to promote political impact, may suggest a huge power of ministers, individually. In this sense, the ministers, individually, were not restrained in their performance.
  • Date: May 13, 2020
  • Time: 15:30
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  • The survey analyzes the impacts of the 2015 and 2017 electoral reforms on the proportional elections of 2018, focusing the examination on four main changes in the electoral dispute: the requirement that only candidates who obtain an individual vote equal to or greater than 10% of their state's Electoral Quotient can occupy the seats won by the party/coalition; the inclusion of parties/coalitions that did not reach the Electoral Quotient of their district in the distribution of leftovers or averages; the ban on electoral coalitions for proportional elections from 2020. From a simulation exercise with the 2018 electoral results, we see that, without the coalitions, we would have less party fragmentation, measured by the Effective Number of Parties (NEP), however, only one party would no longer have representation in the Chamber of Deputies. On the other hand, simulating the isolated inclusion of each of the new rules: the “toll” of 10% of the Electoral Quotient as a minimum individual vote for the election of candidates and the inclusion of parties / coalitions that did not reach the Electoral Quotient in the distribution of leftovers , we see that, in isolation, these changes did not significantly change the composition of the Chamber. Finally, we see that of the 30 parties elected in 2018, only 11, by 2030, would meet the requirements of the performance clause, showing a propensity to reduce the fragmentation of our legislature.
  • Date: Apr 20, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The observation of Brazil’s regional inequalities is the starting point of this survey. The theoretical framework is rooted in Gramsci, analyzing Brazilian reality and its shapes, which will be entitled Northeastern Subalternity, in contrast to the hegemony by the Center and the South of the country. The aim of this study is to expose a historic, politic, economic, social and cultural issue intertwined with the development of Brazilian capitalism and the revolution of the Brazilian bourgeoisie, in other words, the Brazilian Northeastern Question. Hence, categories and concepts of the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci will be presented, such as Integral State, Passive Revolution, Intellectuals, and mainly, Hegemony, Subalternity and Southern Question. This research will try "translate" the latter with the intention to comprehend the importance of transposing this issue to the reality of Brazilian Northeast Region, understanding the Class Struggle in this spot. This survey intends to highlight that the Brazilian Northeastern Question, as an issue of this work, is not a static problem. Thus, it is a phenomenon that begins in the early of 20th century and spreads until nowadays, yet not in the same way. The Brazilian Northeastern Question reaches many scopes - political, economic and cultural, among others -, however, this study intends to analyze its influence on soccer, since it is a sport of the masses and one mean of expression of the national culture. In this manner, besides tracing the history of Brazilian Northeast in its multiple frames and the history of Brazilian Northeastern people as a social subaltern group, the path of the most popular sport of Brazil and how it is interconnected with the Northeastern Question will also be traced.
  • Date: Mar 31, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • A presente pesquisa tem por finalidade analisar a evolução da Política Externa Brasileira para a África portuguesa no período de 1953 a 1964. Buscou-se, mais especificamente, identificar os atores domésticos que influenciaram nas relações diplomáticas brasileiras no processo de descolonização das colônias portuguesas na África. No primeiro momento, observou-se o histórico das relações entre Brasil e Portugal de 1910 a 1953, tais relações culminaram com a assinatura do Tratado de Amizade e Consulta (1953). Em seguida, procurou-se analisar a política externa do Governo Juscelino Kubistchek e a influência do luso-tropicalismo de Gilberto Freyre sobre a política africana brasileira. Por fim, examinou-se a Política Externa Independente dos Governos Jânio Quadros e João Goulart, com a finalidade de observar as diretrizes condutoras da política externa no tocante ao processo da descolonização africana. A PEI apresentava-se a favor da emancipação dos territórios não autônomos o que sinalizava uma ruptura com a tradicional aliança com os portugueses, todavia, as tentativas de distanciamento não prosperaram e a PEI acabou sendo interrompida pelo Golpe Militar de 1964. A tomada de poder pelos militares restaurou, no primeiro momento, o apoio à política colonial lusitana. Para a realização da pesquisa, utilizou-se a metodologia qualitativa, com ênfase no método histórico, através do qual, a investigação científica se debruçou sobre a literatura existente.
  • Aplicabilidade da Cláusula Democrática do Mercosul: O caso de suspensão do Paraguai
  • Date: Mar 31, 2020
  • Time: 10:00
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  • A Cláusula Democrática do MERCOSUL trata-se de norma fundamental do bloco, prevista primeiramente no Protocolo de Ushuaia, assinado em 1998. O fundamento da cláusula decorreria da premissa de que o pleno funcionamento das instituições democráticas constitui pressuposto para o ingresso e permanência no bloco. A presente pesquisa pretende analisar a aplicabilidade desta cláusula através da análise do primeiro caso concreto em que foi invocada. O caso ocorreu no ano de 2012, onde, durante a realização da XLIII Cúpula de Chefes de Estado do MERCOSUL, decidiu-se pela suspensão do Paraguai após os Estados membros concluírem que o processo de impeachment do Presidente paraguaio, Fernando Lugo, não teria obedecido a princípios democráticos. Concomitante à aplicação da penalidade ao país, os demais países membros aprovaram a adesão efetiva da Venezuela ao MERCOSUL. Uma vez que o ocorrido suscitou alguns questionamentos e controvérsias, esta pesquisa pretende identificar e analisar algumas das variáveis que podem ter impactado no processo decisório que culminou na decisão de suspensão política do Paraguai. A análise a ser realizada tem como pano de fundo o debate teórico acerca do novo regionalismo e processos de integração. A pesquisa será construída a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, bem como leitura das normas relacionadas ao objeto.
  • Date: Mar 31, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Dado o padrão de descentralização do federalismo brasileiro os entes subnacionais, especialmente os municípios, expandiram significativamente sua participação na oferta de política pública a partir da Constituição de 1988. A capacidade gerencial dos governos locais, portanto, se constitui importante vetor para a qualidade das políticas ofertadas aos munícipes. Assim, que fatores influenciam a qualidade da educação fundamental de cidades inseridas em ambientes federativos com assimetrias socioeconômicas, como o Brasil? Este trabalho, à luz da perspectiva teórica da descentralização endógena, buscou responder esta pergunta mensurando possíveis efeitos do gasto público municipal com educação fundamental sobre o desempenho médio das avaliações do Saeb e do rendimento dos discentes das 223 cidades da Paraíba, entre os anos de 2008 à 2017. Para tanto, utilizou-se dados em painel para o método de Primeira Diferença, Efeito Fixo, Efeito Aleatório e regressão Quantílica. Os resultados sugerem como o efeito do gasto público municipal per capita eleva a proficiência dos discentes, reduzindo também as taxas de reprovação e abandono.
  • Date: Mar 31, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Nossa pesquisa analisa a atuação da Frente Parlamentar Evangélica (FPE) da Câmara de Vereadores do Recife durante a 16ª legislatura (2013-2016), quando teve 11 dos 39 vereadores da Casa. O objetivo declarado da frente era defender os valores cristãos e da família, e combater as drogas. A indagação que moveu este trabalho foi: qual a influência da religião sobre os mandatos dos membros da FPE? Para respondê-la, sob a perspectiva teórica da conexão eleitoral, analisamos os Projetos de Lei Ordinárias (PLOs) e as Emendas Parlamentares propostos por seus integrantes, para classificar sua produção legislativa e identificar o peso das bandeiras defendidas, além de observar o quanto dos projetos tornaramse lei. Além disso, analisou-se os posicionamentos adotados pelos vereadores da frente em plenário. Os resultados indicaram um padrão de comprometimento moderado com as causas da FPE, além de uma atuação legislativa desigual por parte de seus membros.
  • Apartados: Refúgio entre Regras e Fronteiras
  • Date: Mar 30, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A pesquisa aborda a questão dos refugiados sob três níveis, o sistema internacional, o Estado (Brasil) e o indivíduo, de acordo com o modelo das três imagens de Waltz (2004). O objetivo principal foi analisar como se delineiam as relações de poder entre estes lugares, com base nas considerações de Certeau (1982). Assim, pretende-se abordar a construção do Regime Internacional de Refugiados enquanto uma estratégia, que parte de um lugar formal e tem caráter normativo, bem como problematizar a forma pela qual este Regime é territorializado na legislação doméstica brasileira atualmente. Também objetivou-se compreender o papel do refugiado enquanto sujeito histórico, cujo poder é categorizado como tática, pois parte de um lugar informal e caracteriza-se como uma reação ou subversão ao lugar formal. A metodologia foi essencialmente qualitativa, consistindo em análises bibliográficas e documentais, além disso foi utilizada a metodologia de entrevistas orais semiestruturadas, cujo planejamento e análise tiveram sua base em Meihy (2005; 2015), junto a refugiados venezuelanos acolhidos pelas Aldeias Infantis SOS, em João Pessoa-PB. Foram realizadas e analisadas doze entrevistas, das quais onze foram com refugiados e uma com uma representante da instituição Aldeias SOS, em João Pessoa-PB. O trabalho permitiu compreender melhor como se constroem as três perspectivas dessa relação, com destaque para a visão dos refugiados que contribuiu com novos e importantes aspectos sobre a assistência oferecida no Brasil.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • A Bancada Evangélica na Câmara dos Deputados, organizada como a Frente Parlamentar Evangélica do Congresso Nacional durante a 55º Legislatura (2015-2019), com 199 Deputados Federais e 4 Senadores em sua composição, conquistou muito poder nos últimos anos, em especial após o pleito de 2014, com um grande capacidade de pressão para aprovação de projetos de sua pauta, fazendo o uso da política como uma via de afirmação da moral cristã sobre costumes privados. Este grupo conquistou muita influência nos últimos anos por meio de uma estratégia eleitoral que maximizou o número de Deputados Federais eleitos alinhados a suas crenças cristãs por meio do sistema proporcional e uma atuação parlamentar em aliança com outras bancadas, especialmente a da segurança pública e a do agronegócio, além do uso meticuloso de regras presentes no Regimento Interno da Câmara dos Deputados. A análise de sua atuação em projetos de lei publicamente patrocinados por esta frente parlamentar mostrou o alinhamento dos mesmos com uma pauta conservadora nos costumes e liberal da economia. Em um aprofundamento maior do estudo, foram consideradas três votações paradigmáticas na Câmara dos Deputados que evidenciam um alinhamento entre seus membros em torno da redução da maioridade penal, do impeachment de Dilma Rousseff e da reforma trabalhista, com um grau de coesão menor neste último. Para esclarecer os posicionamentos deste grupo e traçar tendências futuras, finalizo o trabalho com observações sobre o “Manifesto à Nação”, documento publicado no final da 55ª Legislatura pela Frente Parlamentar Evangélica. O estudo do modo como estes parlamentares foram eleitos e seu comportamento no Congresso Nacional é de grande importância para a compreensão do cenário político brasileiro, com mudanças que estão em curso e possíveis alterações legislativas por vir.
  • A mudança da postura estratégica da Turquia na Guerra Civil da Síria: explicando o uso da força a partir de dinâmicas domésticas e estruturais.
  • Date: Feb 14, 2020
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Este trabalho pretende analisar a mudança no comportamento estratégico da Turquia na Guerra Civil da Síria. Entre 2016 e 2018, suas Forças Armadas realizaram duas ofensivas militares naquele país, com o intuito de conter as ameaças à segurança nacional, embrionadas no contexto desse conflito. No entanto, tal conduta contrasta com abordagem até então adotada. Embora tenha cogitado, em outras ocasiões, empreender incursões em solo sírio, Ancara preferiu uma exposição menos arriscada que se centrava no emprego da proxy war (guerra por procuração). Diante desse quadro, esta pesquisa se ancora na premissa de é o uso da força pela Turquia representa uma ruptura com sua postura estratégica Sendo assim, o objetivo consiste em explicar essa inflexão com base em um referencial teórico que mescla os modelos da Escolha Racional e da Política Governamental, desenvolvidos por Allison e Zelikow, com o realismo neoclássico. No quesito metodológico, o trabalho emprega a abordagem qualitativa e se estrutura como em um estudo de caso focado no próprio caso.
  • "Vigiar e Lucrar: Regulação de Internet e Capitalismo de Vigilância no Brasil"
  • Date: Sep 30, 2019
  • Time: 15:30
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  • Esse trabalho se debruca sobre o fenomeno contemporaneo do capitalismo de vigilancia. A analise parte de multiplas interpretacoes do fenomeno da vigilancia e suas contemporaneas interseccoes economicas para lancar um olhar analitico sobre o fenomeno no pais a partir do comportamento regulatorio no campo da internet na ultima decada. A ampla digitalizacao e automatizacao contemporanea de processos e rituais, invade rotinas, corpos e mentes, assim como afeta os rumos, escolhas e imaginacoes que as populacoes tem e terao diante de si. No primeiro capitulo e feito um panorama contemporaneo dos estudos de vigilancia. No segundo capitulo e discutido o conceito capitalismo de vigilancia, a ascensao dos dados como ativos economicos, a opacidade das grandes plataformas de internet e os fenomenos de reificacao societaria por vias informatizadas. No capitulo 3, me detenho sobre os numeros e natureza do ambiente regulatorio da internet no Brasil a partir de dados de monitoramento de proposicoes legislativas das casas congressuais no campo da internet e das tecnologias da informacao. A analise aponta para uma tendencia de aprofundamento das estruturas de sustentacao do capitalismo de vigilancia no Brasil assim como um acirramento dos embates e da centralidade de suas respectivas contestacoes. Embora o debate tenha avancado tanto na academia quanto em setores da sociedade civil, o comportamento legislativo da sinais de retrocesso quando visto a partir da perspectiva da garantia de direitos fundamentais na rede, que sao confrontados por atores e instituicoes alinhados a narrativas punitivistas e mercadologicas.
  • An analysis of the concept of sustainable development by comparing international agendas: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI)
  • Date: Sep 30, 2019
  • Time: 10:30
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  • The purpose of this study is to compare the sustainable development conceptions of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals agendas and the Inter-American Development Bank's Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative by comparing their indicators. The choice of indicators for the analysis was based on the fundamental role played by this tool in the translation of the concepts adopted in theory by the agendas, objectively defining the actual commitments to be made by the cities / countries. To make it possible to compare the two ESCI and SDGs development agendas, a literary review was carried out on the two key points of the paper: the concept of sustainable development and the importance of indicators for measuring social phenomena. Linked to these two points, we present the concepts adopted by the agendas, and explain the process of construction of the indicators used by each of them. For the indicator tables, a comparison standard was established that made possible the more detailed study of each one of them, helping to identify the common and divergent points presented by ICES and the SDGs and also in the analysis of their contents individually. As a result of the analysis, despite having the same object and departing from a similar conception of the understanding of sustainable development, the agendas presented a low convergence between their contents. In addition, it was observed that both agendas, in general, comply with their preliminary concept of SD proposed by presenting indicators compatible with their purposes.
  • O Discurso do Brasil na OEA (2000 - 2017): uma abordagem foucaultiana
  • Date: Jun 13, 2019
  • Time: 17:00
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  • Este trabalho propoe uma analise do discurso brasileiro na Organizacao dos Estados Americanos no periodo correspondente a 2000 e 2016. Destaca-se como corpus os discursos proferidos pela delegacao brasileira nas Reunioes Gerais Ordinarias, disponiveis em atas oficiais. Busca-se compreender os enunciados brasileiros e responder quais sao as regularidades e rupturas. Para tal considera-se a conjuntura internacional, domestica e institucional, bem como leva-se em conta a conformacao discursiva da OEA e as relacoes de poder-saber que compoem este tecido discursivo. Enquanto objetivo especifico, pretende-se uma analise da dinamica das relacoes do Brasil na OEA, o que direciona a pesquisa a um olhar ao desempenho da politica externa dos Estados Unidos que responda em que medida ha um tensionamento. Utiliza-se a abordagem da Analise do Discurso pautada nas reflexoes de Michel Foucault, com o intento de observar a acao discursiva do Brasil no orgao multilateral em uma perspectiva apoiada na materialidade linguistica, fazendo uso das chaves-teoricas: enunciado, formacao discursiva (FD), sujeito, discurso, acontecimento. Analisa-se a Questao das Ilhas Malvinas, as correlacao entre as pautas democracia, seguranca e integracao regional, por fim a discursivizacao acerca do “Impeachment de Dilma Rousseff” ou “Golpe de 2016”. Ao fim aponta-se a existencia de uma regularidade a despeito da mudanca de gestao; uma diversificacao em relacao aos conteudos tradicionais da PEB; a regencia do MRE na conducao da politica externa; e desigualdade de genero na composicao do quadro da delegacao.
  • Diplomacia solidária em Saúde Global: Estratégias políticas que geram normas jurídicas
  • Date: Mar 29, 2019
  • Time: 16:00
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  • Neste trabalho, a partir de um panorama teorico geral da assistencia ao desenvolvimento em relacoes internacionais, almeja-se investigar justamente a formacao de uma vertente diplomatica cada vez mais especializada em temas de saude no cenario acima delineado. Embora tambem abranja aspectos mais tradicionais de uniformizacao tecnica e normativa, bem como de seguranca sanitaria preventiva e reativa, tal conceito destaca-se notoriamente no universo da assistencia oficial ao desenvolvimento de cunho tecnico e economico/financeiro com um componente mais intenso de solidariedade, alem de concretizar-se em mecanismos e resultados ineditos e promissores. Dessa forma, busca-se investigar nesse cenario a formacao historica e conceitual dessa diplomacia voltada a governanca em saude global, situando-o no ambiente da teoria das relacoes internacionais, como fenomeno politico que se consolida neste ainda inicio do Seculo XXI.
  • Date: Mar 29, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Ha pouco mais de cem anos atores no plano internacional passaram a deliberar multilateralmente sobre o controle de substancias de efeitos psicotropicos, muitas delas utilizadas ha milenios pela humanidade. Nascente com carater regulatorio, o sistema internacional de controle evoluiu para um formato proibicionista e repressivo, que preve a criminalizacao do uso e trafico de substancias. Esta abordagem, reforcada pela ideia de guerra as drogas, difundida e normatizada a partir de um movimento top-down, encontrou terreno fertil no ambiente domestico dos paises, tornando-se assim a abordagem predominante no trato com drogas. Porem, e amplamente reconhecido que esta abordagem gera consequencias nao-intencionais/custos. Dentro deste contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho e apontar possibilidades para que as politicas sobre drogas se aproximem de uma abordagem que esteja em consonancia com criterios ligados a ideia de paz positiva, contrapondo-se a logica de violencias da Guerra as Drogas. Para tanto, este trabalho explora as consequencias nao intencionais da abordagem proibicionista a partir de uma analise interpretativa fundamentada nos Estudos para a Paz, especialmente sob a otica galtunguiana de violencias. Em seguida, a partir de uma logica bottom-up de politica, na tentativa de entender a resposta local para a tematica, a questao da luta pelo acesso a cannabismedicinal e trazida ao debate. A analise mostrou que o modelo de politica de drogas defendido pela associacao da sociedade civil ‘Liga Canabica da Paraiba’ pode oferecer indicios de caminhos opostos as politicas sobre drogas violentas vigentes e na direcao da paz. Como conclusao, pode-se dizer que o acolhimento, a inclusao, a participacao e o dialogo estao entre as principais ferramentas para retirar o estigma da tematica, dirimindo aspectos de violencia cultural envolvidos e possibilitando uma transformacao criativa em direcao a paz sobre drogas.
  • A AGROECOLOGIA COMO ORIENTAÇÃO POLÍTICA NO MST: Caminho para emancipação nacional popular ou para o transformismo?
  • Date: Mar 29, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A partir do arcabouco teorico gramsciano, propomos a analise do projeto de Reforma agraria formulado pelo Movimento de Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra (MST), em especial de sua recente ressignificacao representada pelo adjetivo “Popular” acompanhado de uma nova matriz de producao: a agroecologia. Para tanto, os conceitos de Vontade coletiva nacional popular, Revolucao passiva e transformismo, formulados por Gramsci nos Cadernos do Carcere, apoiam a pesquisa na perspectiva de que o processo de transicao para a nova matriz produtiva pode ser lido enquanto um aprofundamento na construcao da autonomia do Movimento como organizador de parcelas expressivas das classes subalternas no campo, ao mesmo tempo em que seu alinhamento politico ao governo de um aliado historico, o PT, determina relacoes, compromissos e trajetorias que o aproximam do transformismo. Para isto, buscamos na literatura e na documentacao produzida pelo MST, mediante uma abordagem teorico-politica e historica das condicoes objetivas e subjetivas, lancar luz sobre as relacoes de forca envolvidas na construcao nacional de seu projeto de Reforma Agraria de base agroecologica, bem como sobre os caminhos e obstaculos para sua implantacao. Neste sentido, consideramos tanto os entraves estruturais que se sobrepoem ao desenvolvimento do projeto, como as contribuicoes que oferece em carater inovador.
  • Avaliando a Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento: análise dos efeitos do Mais Médicos para o Brasil nos municípios da Paraíba
  • Date: Mar 27, 2019
  • Time: 13:30
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  • Os estudos sobre Cooperacao Internacional sao abundantes nas Relacoes Internacionais. A pratica pode ser considerada um instrumento estrategico na promocao do desenvolvimento internacional, e recentemente tem ganhado destaque as iniciativas que partem do Sul. Ainda que pesem tais consideracoes, e importante ressaltar a baixa incidencia de estudos que se voltem a analisar os resultados produzidos por tais arranjos. Ao se considerar a politica externa como um tipo de politica publica, e possivel perceber as praticas da Cooperacao Internacional como sujeitas ao escrutinio de metodologias tradicionalmente voltadas para a analise de politicas publicas nacionais. De tal modo, o presente trabalho busca lancar mao da averiguacao do modus operandi de um importante e estrategico projeto de cooperacao internacional em saude – o Programa Mais Medicos para o Brasil (PMMB) – a luz da avaliacao do Ciclo de Politicas Publicas. O esforco analitico de criar instrumentais de analise de projetos de cooperacao internacional e, por fim, ilustrado a partir da observacao pratica de alguns resultados do PMMB na organizacao dos sistemas e servicos de saude em municipios do Estado da Paraiba. A partir da analise realizada, e possivel identificar um incremento positivo na quantidade de medicos atuando na Atencao Primaria a Saude na maioria dos municipios observados, alem de um relativo desempenho positivo na reducao das Internacoes por Condicoes Sensiveis a Atencao Primaria e aumento das consultas de pre-natal. Palavras-Chave: Cooperacao Sul-S
  • Date: Mar 25, 2019
  • Time: 15:00
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  • A desigualdade de genero na politica ainda e uma realidade comum em diversos paises democraticos. No Brasil, o sistema eleitoral utiliza cotas eleitorais de genero buscando nivelamento do jogo politico. Esta pesquisa pretende analisar a baixa representacao politica das mulheres na democracia brasileira, a luz das deputadas federais da 55ª legislatura (2015 – 2019). Os dados utilizados sao do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral e Camara dos Deputados e compoe o perfil politico-partidario das mulheres eleitas ao cargo de deputada federal na eleicao de 2014. A analise e feita via estatistica descritiva e consiste em identificar nesse perfil fatores, de trajetoria politica, vinculos familiares (capital politico familiar) e contexto partidario, os entraves sociais e institucionais enfrentados pelas mulheres que explicam em parte a desigualdade de genero na politica.
  • Uso de Armas de Destruição em Massa em atentados terroristas (1970 - 2017): Uma análise fundamentada na metodologia de Kjell Hausken
  • Date: Mar 25, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Neste trabalho, foi realizada a analise do uso de Armas de Destruicao em Massa, tambem conhecidos como agentes Quimicos, Biologicos, Radiologicos e Nucleares (agentes QBRN) em atentados terroristas cadastrados na Global Terrorism Database. Foram investigados 433 casos ocorridos entre 1970 e 2017. Alem da analise descritiva destes eventos, foi apresentada a proposta de criacao e utilizacao de uma variavel independente (Efetividade) baseada na metodologia similar de Kjell Hausken. Constatou-se que a maior parte dos ataques terroristas que utilizou agentes QBRN resultou em um baixo numero de mortos ou de feridos. Esta observacao foi confirmada pela utilizacao da variavel Efetividade, que demonstrou que o perfil geral de um evento que utiliza um agente QBRN e pouco efetivo. As variaveis estudadas: tipo de agente QBRN, localizacao geografica, tipo de alvo e disponibilidade do material empregado comportaram-se de maneira independente. Nao foi observada variacao relevante no perfil qualitativo ou na Efetividade de ataques terroristas realizados apos 2001, quando comparados com o periodo anterior (1970 – 2000).
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  • Date: Feb 27, 2019
  • Time: 10:00
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  • “MANDA QUEM PODE? A influência do perfil dos líderes de bancada na disciplina de proposições na Câmara dos Deputados (2007-2014)”
  • Date: Feb 13, 2019
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Qual o efeito dos lideres na disciplina de proposicoes legislativa na Camara dos Deputados? As regras internas na Camara dos Deputados permitem aos parlamentares brasileiros uma serie de oportunidades para modificar proposicoes em transito na Casa. As iniciativas podem ser apresentadas individual ou coletivamente, tanto para suprimir, substituir ou modificar itens especificos do texto original. O objetivo desse trabalho e verificar se o perfil dos lideres das 53ª e 54ª legislaturas possuem um efeito no voto das bancadas em apreciacao de itens destacado para votacao em separado (DVS). A hipotese e que a credibilidade do lider exerce um efeito positivo na manutencao dos itens. Para testar essa hipotese sera utilizada estatistica descritiva e inferencial.
  • Acordos Internacionais de Investimento, Propriedade Intelectual e Saúde Global: Políticas de Controle do Tabaco e o ODS 3.a.
  • Date: Oct 30, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O objeto deste estudo reside na densa relacao entre a adocao de acordos internacionais para proteger o investimento estrangeiro e as obrigacoes estatais no campo da Saude Publica. Detidamente, demonstra-se em que medida tres elementos-chave dos acordos internacionais de protecao ao investimento (AIIs) impactam a discricionariedade dos Estados na adocao de politicas de controle do tabaco. A pesquisa contribui com esse debate por duas vias. Primeiramente, investiga os eventuais efeitos que as clausulas que incidem sobre protecao a propriedade intelectual (PI) e a arbitragem investidor-Estado impoem sobre o policy space dos Estados para atingirem um alto nivel de compliance com a Convencao-Quadro para Controle do Tabaco (CQCT). Concomitantemente, como resultado da investigacao, apresenta os Modelos Alternativos de AIIs (Alternative Model BITs) como os mais adequados para a implementacao da Lei de Embalagem Padronizada (Plain Packaging Act), diretriz enfatizada pela CQCT e reforcada pelo Objetivo do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel (ODS) 3.a. Para tanto, a revisao da literatura especializada foi realizada atraves de uma estrategia sistematica de pesquisa destinada a compilar e avaliar areas-chave relacionadas a busca pelo equilibrio entre protecao ao investimento estrangeiro e a consecucao de politicas de controle do tabaco. Para alcancar os objetivos propostos, foi efetuada uma comparacao entre o US 2004-2012 Model BIT, o Uruguai-Suica BIT, o Hong Kong-Australia BIT e os capitulos de protecao ao investimento do TPP e KORUS (que sintetizam o modelo padrao) e os Alternative Model BITs (modelos brasileiro e indiano de AIIs). Por fim, foi desempenhada uma analise especifica de dois casos: Australia e Uruguai v. Philip Morris. A analise produzida atestou que o Modelo Padrao de AIIs provoca o que vem sendo intitulado de regulatory chill, mitigando o policy space dos Estados para implementarem politicas de saude publica com custo-beneficio social comprovado. Entendeu-se, ainda, que as metas do ODS 17 fortalecem o argumento por tras da necessidade de disseminacao do Modelo Alternativo Brasileiro e impulsionam a internalizacao da Lei de Embalagem Padronizada ao promoverem uma nova abordagem para o desenvolvimento, alinhada com o aparato do Modelo.
  • Mudança institucional e emendas ao orçamento da União: avaliando o impacto da EC n. 86 de 2015 (Orçamento Impositivo Flexível)
  • Date: Oct 10, 2018
  • Time: 15:00
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  • As instituicoes sao as regras do jogo que buscam minimizar os custos das interacoes sociais tornando os comportamentos mais previsiveis ao definir o calculo estrategico dos atores quanto a busca de seus interesses. Visando o aperfeicoamento de sua funcao reguladora da acao coletiva algumas instituicoes sofrem modificacoes ao longo do tempo; contudo, essas mudancas institucionais provem alteracoes substantivas no padrao comportamental dos atores? Lancando um olhar sobre a arena legislativa, este trabalho busca identificar as nuances do novo arranjo institucional no processo de orcamentacao do Brasil (orcamento impositivo flexivel) e as possiveis modificacoes no padrao de apresentacao das emendas parlamentares. Recorrendo as tecnicas quantitativas de avaliacao de impacto, procura-se identificar o efeito da nova configuracao da elaboracao orcamentaria sobre as emendas apresentadas nos anos de 2012 e 2016, comparando o antes e o depois da entrada em vigor daquele novo arranjo institucional.
  • Participação e contrato na teoria política de Carole Pateman
  • Date: Oct 5, 2018
  • Time: 10:30
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  • A presente dissertacao analisa duas principais obras de Carole Pateman: “Participacao e Teoria Democratica” e “O contrato Sexual”, demonstrando a relevancia de suas teses para analisar criticamente a democracia contemporanea e a continuidade das estruturas patriarcais que possibilitam e naturalizam as desigualdades de genero. A discussao da primeira obra passa pela observacao das diferencas entre a liberdade moderna e a antiga, atraves do olhar de Benjamin Constant e suas consequencias para o tipo de democracia a ser adotada em cada sociedade. Atraves da critica de Pateman aos teoricos contemporaneos da democracia voltamos aos primeiros autores que pensaram o governo representativo e como estes enfatizaram a necessidade de incentivar a participacao popular nas decisoes politicas, uma vez que a participacao atuaria educando os sujeitos para se tornarem cidadaos plenos. Atualmente, a critica participacionista perdeu espaco para o deliberacionismo, que tem potencial critico limitado, por nao questionar o sistema como um todo, como tambem passou a ser utilizada como sinonimo de participacao. A segunda obra faz uma revisao das teorias classicas da fundacao da sociedade civil e seu carater patriarcal. O contratualismo que surgiu para se opor ao patriarcalismo classico – poder paterno –, o adotou para preservar a dominacao dos homens sobre as mulheres. Para Pateman, a concepcao classica de propriedade na pessoa, originada na obra de John Locke, atuaria como uma justificativa para o emprego e a subordinacao civil. O contrato sobre a propriedade na pessoa, tanto no contrato de casamento, quanto no contrato de trabalho, tem o elemento de preservacao da submissao. Ambas as obras propoem fazer a critica da dominacao e da subordinacao civil, atraves da promocao da autodeterminacao dos sujeitos, homens e mulheres, mais capazes a exercerem o autogoverno. Por fim, considerando os temas debatidos, vemos que a baixa representacao formal feminina em esferas institucionais e uma das consequencias da sobrevivencia do contrato sexual.
  • Em busca do tesouro perdido: mapa dos estudos sobre cultura em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais
  • Date: Apr 30, 2018
  • Time: 17:30
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  • A pesquisa busca identificar como o tema da cultura e estudado no Brasil em Ciencia Politica e Relacoes Internacionais (CPRI). O objetivo e identificar as caracteristicas dos artigos cientificos produzidos no tema, especialmente do ponto de vista teorico-conceitual e metodologico. Assim, descreve-se a producao academica na area desde 1990. Para tanto, e realizada revisao de literatura sistematica, atraves do estabelecimento de criterios de selecao e analise dos estudos. A pesquisa constata, entre outros fatores, a predominancia de estudos que nao utilizam conceito de cultura, que nao explicitam de metodologia e que possuem foco na tematica especifica de cultura politica. Ainda, se presencia no tema diferenca entre os estudos em Ciencia Politica e Relacoes Internacionais. Torna-se clara a necessidade de maior interdisciplinaridade no tema, assim como reflexao conceitual e metodologica na literatura produzida.
  • O interessado dá um jeito: a relação entre ambição política e alocação de emendas individuais no Brasil
  • Date: Apr 30, 2018
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Qual o efeito da alocacao das emendas individuais sobre a ambicao politica dos Deputados Federais brasileiros? Com o objetivo de responder esta questao, esta dissertacao busca estimar o efeito da alocacao de emendas individuais sobre a ambicao politica dos parlamentares brasileiros. A investigacao se deu sobre a 54a Legislatura (2011 e 2015) da Camara dos Deputados, e abrange dados sobre as emendas individuais, o resultado de votacao dos deputados e sua experiencia na Camara dos Deputados e em cargos eletivos no Executivo. Metodologicamente, foram utilizados estatistica descritiva e multivariada para testar a hipotese de que a concentracao de emendas individuais exerce um efeito positivo sobre escolha de ambicao politica. Os resultados encontrados revelam que a correlacao e positiva, porem, a baixa significancia estatistica do modelo levou a rejeicao da principal hipotese. Este trabalho contribui ao testar pressupostos da literatura acerca da escolha de carreira dos parlamentares, e sua alocacao de emendas individuais.
  • 'Violento é o Estado!': violência política nas práticas anarquistas contemporâneas
  • Date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Time: 15:00
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  • O presente trabalho investiga o uso da violencia politica em praticas anarquistas contemporaneas. Foram apresentadas e discutidas as reflexoes mais importantes no debate acerca da violencia, entre as quais as de Walter Benjamin, Georges Sorel, Carl Schmitt e Hannah Arendt, para, em seguida, desdobrar e ampliar a critica de Luis Felipe Miguel acerca da tendencia da Teoria Politica Contemporanea de eliminar a violencia e o conflito do debate e da reflexao. Para isso, introduziu-se no debate a critica pos-estruturalista dos autores Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Gilles Deleuze e Jaques Derrida, visando apresentar uma apreensao da violencia capaz de reafirmar sua irredutibilidade na pratica politica sem, contudo, glorifica-la. A critica pos-estruturalista nao apenas permitiu perceber as formas sutis e insidiosas da violencia politica, alem dos seus aspectos mais evidentemente institucionais, como tambem possibilitou reinserir o uso da violencia politica e das praticas anarquistas no debate politico. Nesse sentido, o trabalho investigou as praticas violentas do anarquismo classico e contemporaneo tais como os Black Blocs, Zonas Autonomas Temporarias (TAZ), acao direta, sabotagem e a propaganda pelo fato, que desempenham, ha seculos, um papel irredutivel de resistencia contra a repressao e a violencia estatal. Por fim, a partir do classified counts approach de Charles Tilly, o trabalho buscou comparar os repertorios confrontacionais das manifestacoes de junho de 2013 do Brasil com os recentes protestos contra a cupula do G20 de 2017 em Hamburgo, com o intuito de contribuir para uma melhor compreensao das chamadas Jornadas de Junho e dos acontecimentos politicos recentes no Brasil.
  • Compliance no regime internacional de refugiados em face de movimento extraordinário de refugiados: a postura adotada pelo Grupo de Visegrado
  • Date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Time: 15:00
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  • O presente trabalho visa analisar se em situacoes de fluxos extraordinarios de refugiados e migrantes economicos para Estados que integram uma area de livre circulacao de pessoas, podem estes adotar medidas restritivas de ingresso e permanencia em seu territorio sem que isto afete sua compliance com o regime internacional de refugiados. Para tal fim, utilizou-se o comportamento dos paises do Grupo de Visegrado como estudo de caso. Na tentativa de identificar se suas condutas podem ser reputadas como falta de compliance ao aludido regime, ou se as medidas por eles adotadas encontram algum amparo legal, houve o cuidado de tracar inicialmente a historia e evolucao do regime dos refugiados, fazer uma abordagem paralela com o regime de Direitos Humanos (a luz da teoria do complexo de regimes), considerar o contexto normativo da Uniao Europeia, e finalmente a propria pratica dos paises integrantes do Grupo de Visegrado. Ao final, chegou-se a conclusao que, levando-se em consideracao a avaliacao dos outros agentes, as condutas do Grupo de Visegrado vao de encontro nao so ao que preceitua o regime de refugiado, mas tambem o regime de Direitos Humanos. Por outro lado, por se tratar de uma situacao excepcional, e pertinente a alegacao dos membros do V4 de que essa situacao afeta sua ordem publica e sua seguranca nacional, podendo ser invocada a excecao do paragrafo 2.o do artigo 33 da Convencao de 1951.
  • O Emprego do Poder Aéreo contra o Estado Islâmico na Operação Inherent Resolve
  • Date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Time: 10:30
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  • O presente trabalho tem como objeto a Operacao Inherent Resolve (OIR), concebida para derrotar o Estado Islamico, grupo insurgente que consolidou o dominio sobre territorios no Iraque e na Siria entre 2013 e 2014. Como objetivos, esta pesquisa busca identificar qual o referencial teorico que explica a conducao dos ataques aereos de responsabilidade da OIR, bem como refletir sobre os limites do poder aereo em contrainsurgencia. Para isso, foi necessario percorrer tres etapas. A primeira consiste na revisao das concepcoes de insurgencia e contrainsurgencia, de forma a compreender a atuacao do ISIS e como este pode ser combatido, levando em consideracao as possibilidades de emprego do poder aereo. Na segunda etapa, tem-se a apresentacao das tendencias e perspectivas teoricas do poder aereo, na qual foram discutidos autores como Boyd, Creveld, Lambeth, Warden e Pape. Em seguida, conforme o metodo de congruencia, foi elaborado um modelo de analise baseado nas teorias de Warden e Pape, no qual foram destacadas as variaveis que auxiliaram na identificacao de qual destas teorias explica melhor a conducao dos ataques aereos pela OIR durante o recorte temporal selecionado, que abrange o periodo entre outubro de 2014 a janeiro de 2017. Na ultima etapa, foram analisados os atributos da OIR, como a estrategia, os ataques aereos, as missoes conduzidas e o efeito buscado por estas, de forma a compara-los com os pressupostos teoricos destes autores. Nas consideracoes finais, foram reiterados os resultados da pesquisa, que apontam uma maior proximidade da conducao da OIR com a teoria de Pape, segundo a qual o poder aereo e melhor empregado para exercer coercao por meio da negacao, sendo mais aproveitado principalmente em missoes de apoio aproximado contra alvos no campo de batalha, como visto nos bombardeios da OIR.
  • É DANDO QUE SE RECEBE? Evidência Empírica do Efeito da Despesa de Pessoal para o Sucesso Eleitoral do Executivo Estadual Brasileiro
  • Date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Nos estados brasileiros as despesas de pessoal refletem uma maior absorcao de responsabilidades com a provisao de bens e servicos publicos, retirando da alcada federal o onus dessa prestacao. Por sua vez, a expansao dos gastos com o funcionalismo publico, mesmo contrariando preceitos da Reforma Administrativa ou limites da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, pode estar associada a formacao de ciclos politicos, que levam os governantes a aumentarem o dispendio publico ou manipularem variaveis fiscais em periodo eleitoral, a fim de conquistarem o sucesso nas urnas. Nesse sentido, este trabalho visou mensurar como a despesa de pessoal pode influenciar a chances de reeleicao do governante estadual ou do grupo politico no poder, no periodo entre 1998 e 2014. Para realizacao da pesquisa foram utilizados dados de natureza fiscal (despesas com saude, educacao), politicos (ano eleitoral, partidos politicos) e socioeconomicas (PIB per capita) como variaveis de controle. Quanto a variavel de interesse, propos-se uma proxy em que as despesas com pessoal correspondem a folha de pessoal dos servidores ativos das administracoes estaduais e do Distrito Federal. O metodo probabilistico da Maxima Verossimilhanca (logit) foi escolhido para o teste de hipotese e os testes de Hausman e Wald, para um melhor ajustamento do modelo econometrico. Os resultados confirmaram que o gasto com pessoal influenciou positivamente as chances de reconducao estadual no periodo avaliado (1998-2014), ou seja, o crescimento da folha de pessoal aumenta em 37% a probabilidade de reeleicao do governador/grupo politico. Os coeficientes variacao absoluta do PIB per capita e variacao absoluta da educacao per capita, corresponderam ao sinal esperado (positivo). Quanto a variacao absoluta da saude per capita, este controle alem de nao ser estatisticamente significante, apresentou um sinal da relacao causal diferente do esperado. Dessa forma, conclui-se que a expansao da folha de pessoal nos estados foi interessante em termos eleitoreiros.