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  • The Teaching of Zoonoses in an One Health Context
  • Fecha: 28-jun-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • One Health is a new paradigm defined as an integrated scientific perspective on human, animal, and environmental health, associated with the adoption of effective public policies for the prevention and control of health issues across all environments, from local to global levels. Among the health issues analyzed within this paradigm, zoonoses are diseases transmitted from animals to humans. Alterations in the balance of human, animal, and environmental health can provoke the emergence, re-emergence, and transmission of these diseases. Actions based on this approach require close interdisciplinary integration at administrative organizational levels and citizen involvement through scientific and educational policies. This study aimed to develop One Health education through inquiry-based learning and the application of citizen science. The investigative activity was implemented with a 2nd-year high school class at EEEM Santos Dumont, in the Indústrias neighborhood of João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil, one of the areas most affected by Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis. In the context of zoonotic diseases, students were encouraged to question, problematize, plan, and construct their own knowledge using active methodologies. The project was divided into three stages: In the first stage, a pre-test questionnaire was administered, revealing that 87% of the students identified the term zoonoses, 58.8% recognized dogs as reservoirs of the protozoan causing leishmaniasis; only 22.7% knew how to prevent the proliferation of the sandfly mosquito; 86.3% identified rabies, 71.3% leptospirosis, 65% leishmaniasis, and 58.8% scabies as zoonoses. Following this, we presented the concept of One Health using Steven Soderbergh's film "Contagion" (2011) and a questionnaire to explore the interactions between the environment, animals, and humans. In the second stage, we conducted a study on zoonoses through research and flipped classroom methods, formulating hypotheses on the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis in the Indústrias neighborhood. Using a local news report and academic papers, it was possible to hypothesize the relationship between deforestation, animal health, and human health. Through flipped classroom activities, students researched and presented on major zoonoses. Subsequently, students participated in an investigative activity by collecting data and recording stray animals using the geoprocessing application Viconsaga, where 82% of the students spotted dogs and cats, and 13% had seen pigs. The field class activity highlighted the proximity of the Xém-Xém forest to the school and community, with students reporting sightings of wild animals.
  • Fecha: 29-abr-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Teaching genetics has posed a challenge for some teachers due to the difficulty in establishing a strong connection between what is taught in the classroom and the students' context. An alternative to address this issue is the creation and use of technological resources. To analyze this alternative, we proposed understanding genetics content autonomously and investigatively through the use of blogs and podcasts for 3rd-grade high school students. The research nature employed here was action research, utilizing the scientific method for qualitative and quantitative approaches, with data collection conducted from August 1st to October 13th, 2023, involving 117 students from a full-time school in Pernambuco. To better analyze the obtained data, we administered a pre-test questionnaire to diagnose the students' prior knowledge and a post-test questionnaire for result comparison. The results demonstrated that investigative processes for building blogs and podcasts, as well as the conducted investigative workshops, are alternatives to be adopted in the classroom to enhance understanding of genetic concepts. The application of pre and post-test questionnaires was crucial for identifying the impact of the adopted methodology on student learning. In the post-test, the methodology's impact was also observed through comments and positive acceptance of the activities, as well as word-of-mouth dissemination to other students in the school. As a product of this research, a user manual was produced with planned and developed lessons, described as sequentially organized lesson plans to facilitate implementation.
  • Fecha: 28-mar-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Adolescence is characterized as a challenging and intense stage, marked by physical and emotional transformations. It is beneficial for a support network from family, school and healthcare teams to provide support to these young people. During this period, sexuality emerges in all its nuances and with it the challenges intensify, especially when these young people are inserted in an environment of social vulnerability. And in this context, the family is not always prepared to help, as sexuality is full of myths and taboos. Thus, the school plays a fundamental role in disseminating, in a scientific way, this topic. In the dissemination of knowledge, digital media are important tools and the podcast is a digital teaching resource capable of contributing to the learning process, as it is easy to access and allows for continuous content renewal. This work aims to develop awareness on the topic of sexuality through the production of podcasts for scientific dissemination to students at the Antônio Correia de Araújo Elementary and Secondary School, located in the municipality of Camaragibe/PE. For this, the work had three stages: Application of a questionnaire to search for information about the students' prior knowledge on the topic of sexuality, choice of content for the interviews and research in various sources to understand the topic, construction of the interview script, recording, publishing on podcast platforms. These steps were carried out by a group of previously selected students. From there, the interviews were shown to other students in the same class, with the aim of generating a debate on the topic. In the end, the students created a digital and physical catalog containing the podcast episodes and the access link to them in QR Code. Thus, the present work proposes the use of digital technology as a facilitator of knowledge dissemination, promoting investigative teaching and youth protagonism.
  • Fecha: 28-mar-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Adolescence is characterized as a challenging and intense stage, marked by physical and emotional transformations. It is beneficial for a support network from family, school and healthcare teams to provide support to these young people. During this period, sexuality emerges in all its nuances and with it the challenges intensify, especially when these young people are inserted in an environment of social vulnerability. And in this context, the family is not always prepared to help, as sexuality is full of myths and taboos. Thus, the school plays a fundamental role in disseminating, in a scientific way, this topic. In the dissemination of knowledge, digital media are important tools and the podcast is a digital teaching resource capable of contributing to the learning process, as it is easy to access and allows for continuous content renewal. This work aims to develop awareness on the topic of sexuality through the production of podcasts for scientific dissemination to students at the Antônio Correia de Araújo Elementary and Secondary School, located in the municipality of Camaragibe/PE. For this, the work had three stages: Application of a questionnaire to search for information about the students' prior knowledge on the topic of sexuality, choice of content for the interviews and research in various sources to understand the topic, construction of the interview script, recording, publishing on podcast platforms. These steps were carried out by a group of previously selected students. From there, the interviews were shown to other students in the same class, with the aim of generating a debate on the topic. In the end, the students created a digital and physical catalog containing the podcast episodes and the access link to them in QR Code. Thus, this work proposes the use of digital technology as a facilitator of knowledge dissemination, promoting investigative teaching and youth protagonism.
  • Fecha: 28-mar-2024
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • The issue of sexuality is something inherent to human life and includes bodily, subjective sensations and emotional disorders that manifest themselves throughout life, varies between people and is beyond reproduction. In Biology, there are two ways of perceiving/teaching about sexuality, the biological-centered and preventive approach that emphasizes biological aspects of sexuality and the biopsychosocial that presents broader concepts about sexuality. It was emphasized second model, as sexuality is understood as a natural phenomenon, being expressed in multiple forms, in different stages of life, in different contexts and subjective realities, social and cultural. Inquiry teaching plays a crucial role in sexuality education, enabling students to explore STI prevention, contraception, sexual health and relationships to promote critical skills, informed decision making, and understanding the complexities of human sexuality, contributing to a more open, inclusive and contextualized. The objective of this TCM was to develop the theme of education sexual activity through group dynamics workshops from an investigative perspective, allowing students to explore concepts, social norms, and gender issues through research, discussions and critical analysis, enabling them to make informed decisions and promoting a comprehensive understanding of sexuality. The project was developed at ECIT Cristiano Cartaxo, located in the city of Cajazeiras/PB, with three second grade classes high school, totaling 18 students aged between 16 and 18. The work presented applied nature, quantitative-qualitative approach of the participatory research type. The strategies methodologies involved: meeting with parents/guardians, application of a questionnaire diagnosis and active methodologies based on group dynamics workshops. The work started from an initial understanding of what students know as sexuality and education sex through the application of a diagnostic questionnaire to, from this point on, begin the execution of activities with the construction of a coexistence contract and the dynamics with focus on the biopsychosocial aspect. Quantitative and qualitative data were obtained from the application of the diagnostic and qualitative questionnaire based on image, audio, videos and texts. The information relating to the questionnaire was tabulated in spreadsheets to be analyzed regarding participants’ responses to the collection instrument. The speeches of participants were categorized and analyzed from the perspective of content analysis of Bardin. Through group dynamics workshops, participants realized how complex It is adolescence because it is a unique period for each person. Furthermore, the focus biopsychosocial brought a new dimension of learning in which students correlated biological aspects with social, economic, cultural and psychological. The culmination was the result of debates throughout the dynamics workshops in group that involved work carried out by the students themselves related to IST themes and contraception, myths and truths and female empowerment. The activities carried out were compiled into a digital booklet, which will help high school teachers to work on theme sexual education through active methodologies emphasizing the role of the student as the protagonist of learning.
  • Fecha: 27-mar-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This research aims to investigate the biology and characteristics morphological characteristics between three adult species of the genus Aedes and morphological characteristics between larvae and pupae of the genera Aedes, Culex and Anopheles using the 5E investigative methodology (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate), involving second grade students from High school. The research follows a descriptive and explanatory model with a qualitative. A diagnostic questionnaire was used to assess the level of knowledge of students about Aedes mosquitoes. At each step developed, it can be observed from the prior knowledge of students, followed by the elaboration of hypotheses and production of knowledge, until the production of products that can disseminate knowledge produced in the classroom for the entire community in which the school is located. Methodologies activities such as brainstorming, flipped classroom, dialogued expository class, playfulness through didactic card games and the use of technologies in application development, in which students from the IT Technician course developed an application about the genre Aedes titled "Aedes OB", whose acronym “OB” refers to the municipality of Ouro Branco, to bring knowledge to the population, highlighting biological information about the vector and through map of the city, highlight the most vulnerable points of mosquito proliferation as well as methods of combating and preventing the vector, paths built within the five steps which gave rise to the Didactic Sequence. The application of the methodology allowed the production of a teaching guide that can be published and made available to basic education teachers, on the ProfBio UFPB portal through the products tab, licensed with a Creative license Commons, whose attributions: Free, Non-Commercial and No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND), so that other teachers can use this product, not only with investigative classes on the Aedes mosquitoes, but adapt to involve students in other fundamental themes importance for the production of knowledge, so that they can be protagonists not only in production of knowledge, but demonstrate the individual potential of each student in areas such as technology and art.
  • Fecha: 27-mar-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • There are many challenges in teaching practice when it comes to plant biology. You students do not perceive plants as living beings, much less their importance in environment, making the study of vegetables boring. This predisposition recognizing plants and their importance is defined, by many authors, as “botanical imperception”, making it necessary to analyze and reflect on this theme. So, rethink new teaching strategies that bring students closer to their reality becomes essential for meaningful learning in biology. In view of a effective, relevant and active learning, which promotes engagement and protagonism student in the construction of scientific knowledge, teaching through investigation, through Attributing meaning to learning provides favorable conditions. It was aimed, with research, develop botany teaching strategies that enhance significant and contextualized learning in the ecosystem of the region where the study was performed. The research was developed at EEMTI Governador Adauto Bezerra, located in the city of Crato, Ceará, with a target audience of 25 2nd grade students year of high school. To conduct the research, the observation method was used participant. A didactic sequence provided knowledge a little more about the biome where they are located and encouraged students to take a stance investigative approach, favoring the teaching of botany. Research has shown that there are limitations related to students' knowledge of botany, however the proposal of investigative classes generated interest and a more attractive relationship between teaching and learning, by encouraging the student to seek knowledge in a pleasurable way, leading them to overcome limitations imposed by traditional teaching models.
  • Teaching-learning of plant biology through the construction of an illustrated guide and a blog about the native flora of the Sítio Fundão State Park, Crato-CE
  • Fecha: 27-mar-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • There are many challenges in teaching when it comes to plant biology. Students do not perceive plants o living beings, much less their importance in the environment, making the study of plants boring. This predisposition not to recognize plants and their importance is defined by many authors as "botanical imperception", and it is necessary to analyze and reflect on this issue. Therefore, rethinking new teaching strategies that bring students closer to their reality is essential for meaningful learning in biology. With a view to effective, relevant and active learning, which promotes student engagement and protagonism in the construction of scientific knowledge, inquiry-based teaching, by giving meaning to learning, provides favorable conditions. The aim of the research was to develop strategies for teaching botany that foster meaningful and contextualized learning in the ecosystem of the region where the study was carried out. The research was carried out at the EEMTI Governador Adauto Bezerra, located in the municipality of Crato, Ceará, and was aimed at 25 students in the second year of secondary school. Participant observation was used to conduct the research. A didactic sequence allowed them to learn a little more about the biome in which they live and encouraged the students to take an investigative stance, favoring the teaching of botany. The research showed that there are limitations related to students' knowledge of botany, but the proposal for investigative lessons generated interest and a more attractive relationship between teaching and learning, by encouraging students to seek knowledge in a pleasurable way, leading them to overcome limitations imposed by traditional teaching models.
  • Fecha: 27-mar-2024
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Getting students to learn content is perhaps one of the biggest challenges in teaching. For this to happen, it is necessary not only to capture students' attention, but also to make them understand the relevance and assimilate this knowledge. Content about the cardiovascular system is considered difficult for high school students to understand. The cause of this difficulty may be related to the way the content is explored in the classroom, which is often far from the previous knowledge brought by students. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop an investigative didactic sequence through coexistence situations that allow the application of activities and contextualization of information about the human cardiovascular system, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge about cardiovascular health and prevention of cardiovascular diseases , in addition to promoting awareness about the signs and symptoms of these diseases. This research was developed at Escola Cidadã Integral Prefeito Joaquim Lacerda Leite, São José de Piranhas/PB with 23 students from 2nd grade A. This work was conducted using the methodological approach of action research, in which “knowing” and “acting ” happens simultaneously in a dialectical relationship about the social reality triggered by the research process. The methodological strategies involved 3 stages (pre-intervention, intervention and post-intervention) with the final product being the production of a didactic-pedagogical instrument, in the form of a learning guide aimed at high school teachers, offering new possibilities for acquiring knowledge. content about the human cardiovascular system committed to dynamic and meaningful learning.
  • Fecha: 26-mar-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Awakening student protagonism for meaningful learning is a challenge for contemporary education. Along with inquiry-based teaching, students can read the world widely. This interpretation of reality is provided by the interconnection of knowledge, through interdisciplinarity, perspective that can be applied to studies of the Caatinga. This job aimed to identify and analyze the contributions of interdisciplinarity in order to give new meaning to Caatinga teaching, with a focus on research-based teaching. The study was held at Escola Professor Manuel Leite, located in Salgueiro-PE, with a class of the III Module of the Travessia Program. To carry out the research predominantly qualitative, a survey test was applied, which dealt with investigate students’ knowledge in relation to the Caatinga, to guide activities, where a guided investigation was used, with the aim of to seek answers to the questions that were proposed. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires, conversation circles, debates and reports, which presented the students' performance in relation to the problems, the ability to correlate interdisciplinary knowledge and skills inherent to the investigative process. The activities were carried out in the spaces schools, as well as in spaces outside it. The information collected was organized and analyzed according to Bardin's Content Analysis technique. To the didactic sequences to which this work refers were divided into five stages, which address different themes aimed at a holistic understanding of the biome worked. It was noted that the students were able to understand the variety biological aspect of the Caatinga, as well as the importance of its conservation. Still, the students demonstrated satisfactory understanding regarding the peculiar aspect of precipitation, recognizing the biological adaptations necessary for biota survival. Finally, students were able to identify the abiotic factors that characterize the Caatinga and their socioeconomic implications for local populations. In relation to the soils of the Caatinga, it was clear that the students are able to make a concise distinction between conserved soils and anthropized, pointing out problems directly linked to anthropization in Caatinga environments, as well as highlighting situations present in their daily lives. The last didactic sequence ended with a report on the traditional use of resources of the Caatinga and its need for conservation. The final evaluation took place with the application of a rubric, where students assessed themselves in relation to the entire educational process. It was concluded, therefore, that interdisciplinarity in education environment is viable and enriching, expanding students' relationship with the environment and promoting the appreciation of the Caatinga. It was found that the joint among education professionals is fundamental to the success of the approach, which it must be investigative and take into account students' prior knowledge. Furthermore, school is a promising space for the development of Education Environmental, awakening social values, knowledge, skills and attitudes towards reflection on the social role of students in environmental issues. Finally, it was developed, as an educational product, a website with a portfolio of activities investigative, with an interdisciplinary approach, focused on the study of the Caatinga.
  • SKIN AGING: a proposal for an investigative approach in the light of meaningful learning
  • Fecha: 25-mar-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The skin is the largest organ in the human body, whose function is to protect us from the elements. environmental factors and contribute to the proper functioning of our organism. In this body, manifest the first signs of aging, where changes appear easily perceived by people. The approach to skin aging as a phenomenon biological is relevant, considering that it allows a link with some topics of Biology in High School. Therefore, the objective of this study was to promote among students the understanding of this topic, with the provision of a didactic sequence manual for teachers and an e-book for basic education students. To this end, the activities of the research were developed with students in the third year of high school at Escola State Normal Dom Expedito Eduardo de Oliveira, located in Patos-PB, in the school year of 2023. The research was qualitative in nature and used the action research methodology, which offers participants the dialogical construction of school knowledge with civic practices. For data collection, resources such as questionnaires, continuous observation with notes in the research professor's logbook, photo records and clouds of words. The study was developed in two stages, in the first one a questionnaire was applied diagnosis and in the second, activities were developed in a didactic sequence investigative research using active methodologies. The data obtained from the diagnostic questionnaire presented the students' prior knowledge about the skin and aging, necessary to identify students’ weaknesses on the topic and direct strategies to explore certain themes in the Sequence in more detail Investigative Didactics, including some of the theories that explain the phenomenon of biological aging. The use of diverse teaching strategies made it possible to development of skills, of which, through the analysis of images and models didactics, students presented hypotheses to associate the signs and causes of aging to the constituent elements of the skin. Furthermore, the activities developed at SDI have been carefully planned to promote meaningful learning, aligned to the research-based teaching approach. For the students, it was an experience enriching, which allowed the exercise of essential skills for scientific training, such as critical thinking, collaboration and communication. Of the proposed activities, the case studies made it possible to apply the knowledge developed and exercise autonomy, curiosity and the ability to compare with everyday situations. The research resulted in the production of educational materials that combine theoretical knowledge and contextualized about anatomy, histology and physiology of young skin and the process of aging. The application of the activities validated the theory of meaningful learning and the research-based teaching as effective approaches in the construction of biological concepts of attractive and engaging way for students.
  • TEACHING THROUGH RESEARCH AND STUDENT PROTAGONISM: theoretical and practical knowledge about native bees
  • Fecha: 22-mar-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Bees belong to the Kingdom Animalia; Phylum Arthropoda, and are considered invertebrate animals of the class Insecta. Their bodies are divided into three parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. Bees belong to the order Hymenoptera, with around 115,000 species described to date. Bees are fundamental in the process of pollinating plants. Some species such as the Apis genus, have a stinger. Other species such as the native bee species, are stingless bees (ASF). Bees have been greatly harmed by the actions of men, who destroy their habitat through burning and deforestation and even in the search for honey. Individuals with knowledge about native bees are hard to find, despite the fact that bees are fundamental to the environment. The aim of this research was to develop students' sense of leadership and inquiry-based teaching through activities involving native bees, while highlighting the importance of bees in the environment through the pollination process carried out by them. With this in mind, work was developed with 28 students from the 2nd year of high school, at ECIEEFM José Vitorino de Medeiros, located in the municipality of Sossêgo, in the state of Paraíba. The theoretical-methodological basis for this research was qualitative research. The data was collected using a diagnostic questionnaire administered to the students, as well as through participant observations during the research process, through a focus group. To this end, theoretical studies were developed in line with practical lessons on native bees. To develop the activities, ten guiding questions were used to come up with a hypotheses. Active methodologies were used and include inverted classroom, practical lessons on native bees, genus Apis, and wasps, as well as the construction of a meliponary at the school, which served to bring students closer to native bees and to promote better teaching and learning through the activities carried out. Students were placed as leaders throughout the construction process of the meliponary which will promote further studies on environmental education at the school. Activities were developed as part of an investigative didactic sequence (SDI), which was transformed into a Teaching Guide to be used by other basic education teachers. The activities provided the students with opportunities to develop leadership skills throughout the course of the lessons. Students also benefited from being immersed in the investigative teaching that was carried out. In line with this, the students were able to develop the necessary knowledge that can be used inside and outside of the school setting. This research makes us realize that it is possible to develop practical activities with students, while allowing them to be leaders and multipliers of learning in their communities.
  • Fecha: 22-mar-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The Caatinga Biome presents a functional spectrum that includes several traits, effects/responses to the environmental filters to which it is subject. These traits range from anatomical characteristics, morphological, physiological and structural responses to plant versus plant interactions environment. The vegetation of the Paraíba cariri presents several adaptations to drought and served as perfectly to analyze students' conception of the Caatinga, using teaching strategies through investigative activities that enabled a meaningful learning. The present study aimed to improve the design of students about the adaptations of caatinga plants to drought based on the experiences of students linked to the field class. This research was carried out in a public school state, located in the district of Santa Luzia do Cariri (Paraíba), having as subjects of survey 60 students in the 2nd year of high school. The research followed the assumptions of the Base National Common Curricular (BNCC) and the Common Curricular Parameters (PCN), with the purpose of expanding students' knowledge about local biodiversity (cariri Paraíba). In this research, an investigative didactic sequence was carried out, which generated as a final product a teaching guide obtained from a field class in Serra do Jatobá, where the region's vegetation and its adaptations to drought were observed. This guide is intended to help biology teachers combat students' botanical imperception from of native specimens from Paraíba cariri with a focus on morphophysiological characteristics and their potential of ethnobotanical studies. The field class provided students with a better visibility of this biome and proved to be an effective tool for teaching biology. To the creation of the product, it was necessary to carry out an assessment of the prior knowledge of the students based on a survey questionnaire, analysis of their perception based on drawings and photographic records captured in the field class and debates on species of plants in the region, making this biome a learning environment. Considering that this research aroused greater interest in the discipline, as well as contributing to the improvement of teaching-learning of students, by improving their conceptions about vegetation to from what is around you. It is concluded that the use of active methodologies, teaching by investigation, student protagonism, are essential in the study of biology, especially in botany discipline, as they helped to combat the botanical imperception of students who is located in the Caatinga, and teachers are expected to be multipliers of the product generated here.
  • INSERTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM: Pedagogical and practical strategies for life
  • Fecha: 22-mar-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Environmental issues make up the repertoire of emerging themes linked to the current civilization crisis, revealed by socio-environmental imbalances in the face of man-made transformations of the natural environment. School education, the disseminator of human knowledge and a space for the construction of science, is confronted with the need to discuss the relationship between society and nature. Environmental issues deserve to be highlighted in the basic education curriculum, which must be linked to the students' contexts. The aim of the study was to include Environmental Education in the school curriculum, integrated into the Formative Itineraries by means of an Elective Curricular Unit, working on environmental issues in secondary education. This is a qualitative-quantitative study whose methodological strategies involved bibliographical, exploratory and participant research, developed with students in a basic education school in Rio Grande do Norte. The activities were mediated by active methodologies, based on thematic workshops, an inverted classroom, field studies and the problematization methodology, with contextualized studies to address ecological concepts and contemporary environmental issues, with a view to building an elective curricular unit for secondary education. The data was obtained by analyzing official documents, applying questionnaires, participant observation, various records and focus groups. The themes raised, the perceptions and understandings expressed by the students and the analysis of the current curriculum structure supported the development of the elective curriculum unit. The structuring axes of this development involve teaching by investigation and life projects. The participatory processes involved in the construction and implementation of the curricular unit contributed to the students' comprehensive education in terms of environmental awareness and the exercise of citizenship, revealed by the attitudes expressed, such as: recognition of initial limitations, interest in the subject in class and the search for viable alternatives to environmental problems. Topics such as: water pollution, heat islands, soil and air pollution, sewage dumping, inappropriate waste disposal, the global climate crisis, adaptations and precautions to tragic events and the urgent need for a paradigm shift in our relationship with the environment were addressed. The students came up with questions, pointed out important points and theorized in order to build arguments to explain scenarios from their reality. The research experience is systematized in a "Portfolio", presenting the path, methodology and knowledge produced in the activities. It is a didactic-pedagogical tool to support primary school teachers in introducing environmental education into the school environment.
  • INSERTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM: Pedagogical and practical strategies for life
  • Fecha: 22-mar-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Environmental issues make up the repertoire of emerging themes, linked to the current civilizational crisis, revealed by socio-environmental imbalances in the face of man-made transformations in the natural environment. School education, a disseminator of human knowledge and a space for the construction of science, confronts the need to discuss the relationships between society and nature, leading to environmental issues that deserve to be highlighted in the basic education curriculum, in conjunction with students' contexts. The study aimed to insert Environmental Education into the school curriculum, integrated into the Training Itineraries through an Elective Curricular Unit, working on environmental issues in High School. This is a qualitative-quantitative research whose methodological strategies involved: bibliographical, exploratory and participatory research, developed with students, in a basic education school in RN. The activities were mediated by active methodologies, based on thematic workshops, flipped classroom, field studies and problematization methodology, with contextualized studies to address ecological concepts and contemporary environmental themes, from the perspective of building an elective curricular unit for the high school. Data were obtained from the analysis of official documents, application of questionnaires, participant observation, various records and focus groups. The themes raised, the perceptions and understandings expressed by the students and the analysis of the current curricular structure supported the preparation of the elective curricular unit. The structuring axes of this development involve teaching through investigation and life project. The participatory processes that involved the construction and implementation of the curricular unit contributed to the comprehensive training of students with regard to environmental awareness and the exercise of citizenship, revealed by the attitudes expressed, such as: recognition of initial limitations, interest in the topic in classes and search for viable alternatives to environmental problems. Topics such as: water pollution, heat islands, soil and air pollution, sewage dumping, inappropriate waste disposal, global climate crisis, adaptations and precautions to tragic events and the urgency in changing paradigms about our relationship were addressed. with the environment. The students created questions, indicated important points and theorized in the construction of arguments to explain scenarios of their reality. The experience in the research is systematized in a “Portfolio on the Implementation of Environmental Education in the New Potiguar High School”, as a didactic-pedagogical instrument to support basic education teachers in the insertion of environmental education in the school space, presenting the route, the methodology and the knowledge produced in the activities.
  • Fecha: 22-mar-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • In pedagogical practice, one of the biggest challenges for teachers is to link theory and practice in order to make the content as interesting as possible for students. At the same time, making them protagonists of their learning through research-based teaching is a need whose difficulty is significant - especially in the post-pandemic return - and, even more so, when it comes to biochemistry content, considered difficult to learn . The literature points out that practical classes in the laboratory can minimize such difficulties, however, data from the 2022 School Census indicate that the science laboratory is present in only 38.8% of public high schools, which is an aggravating factor in the teaching process and implies the need for the teacher to develop new strategies that seek effective student learning. In this context, the present work aimed to present the teaching of biomolecules linked to cooking, proposing practical classes that integrated the content covered in the classroom with effective student practice, in which students had the opportunity to view the content in a playful way, through the research-based teaching. This alternative didactic approach to traditional practice permeated our questioning about whether such an approach is actually more constructive than the traditional one. To this end, the work had a qualitative character and was developed in a class of 27 students from the 1st year of high school at the Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Carlota Barreira, located in the city of Areia – PB. The pedagogical strategies were based on investigative teaching activities that sought to improve the teaching-learning of biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) in high school – when compared to traditional teaching, and student protagonism. Therefore, the school spaces used were the classroom itself and the school kitchen, where activities based on the proposed recipes were developed. The results of this work were evaluated through continuous evaluation throughout the process and the results obtained through questionnaires. Analyzing the results obtained through the methodological path developed and the pedagogical practices applied, it can be concluded that the intended results - such as the increase in student protagonism in classes, the approximation of classroom content to reality and the association between theory and practice through experimentation in cooking - have been achieved. Using food as a learning tool offered a tangible connection between theory and practice. As a product and result of this work, a teaching guide was produced which, by presenting the teaching of biochemistry linked to culinary practice, seeks to be an additional aid to high school Biology teachers.
  • Fecha: 22-mar-2024
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Biochemistry, a science that investigates and studies the molecular nature of vital processes, is an area of ​​Biology that is difficult to understand for most students, as it addresses content considered abstract, making it necessary to use new teaching strategies that promote learning experiences for the student’s comprehensive training. In this sense, the present research aimed to develop investigative activities through the STEAM approach (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) based on a disease with high prevalence worldwide, Diabetes Mellitus (DM). The locus of study was the Salgueiro High School Reference School (EREMSAL), located in the urban area of ​​the municipality of Salgueiro-PE and the target audience for carrying out this work were students belonging to the 1st grade of the New High School. The methodology used to apply the STEAM approach was Project-Based Learning (PBL), causing students to be encouraged to solve problems and challenges. Previous knowledge was taken into account and the class was divided into teams that followed an investigative path. In the first phase of the project, for example, the understanding of the problem situation and the generation of ideas took place. The second phase corresponded to the construction of the theoretical basis on the subjects, with research, experimental workshops and the production of prototypes. In the last stage of applying PBL with the STEAM approach, the scientific dissemination of results and evaluation took place. In this way, during the project stages, students played a youthful role, building concepts regarding Biomolecules in an integrated way with Diabetes. Furthermore, the biological knowledge studied was applied in the production of artifacts, representing the mechanisms involved with DM, the Lipids, Carbohydrates and Proteins, in addition to structures and aspects related to DNA. The form chosen for the scientific dissemination of results was the construction of a podcast/videocast where students became enhancers of scientific dissemination, playing an active role in the construction and dissemination of knowledge, exercising citizenship and critical sense. The evaluation took place according to each stage of the project, such as partial deliveries, records in the logbook and application of a rubric, making it possible to verify active and significant learning in which not only biochemical concepts were worked on. , but also socio-emotional aspects, such as resilience, empathy and respect. It was also possible to verify that the use of projects leads to social awareness, making students see the importance of scientific knowledge in solving or mitigating real problems. Finally, an E-book “Study of Biomolecules from an integrated perspective on Diabetes and the STEAM approach” was created with experiences and collaborative learning strategies that aim to promote protagonism and the development of investigative skills in high school students, also corresponding to to material that can be used by teachers in their classes to promote learning in Biology.
  • Fecha: 21-mar-2024
  • Hora: 18:30
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  • Snakes are animals with an elongated body, characterized by the presence of scales, absence with legs and that move by crawling. These beings are classified as belonging to the Class Reptilia, Order Squamata and Suborder Serpentes. Biology and Zoology are areas of study dedicated to understanding animal life in its various aspects, in the case of snakes, study the anatomy, physiology, behavior and ecology of these animals. Ophidians are often labeled as dangerous and evil beings, contributing to the existence of fear or aversion which, associated with the lack of knowledge of people, has had negative consequences for the conservation of these reptiles. With the intention of promote teaching about snakes in Biology classes, from the perspective of teaching by investigation, this theme was chosen as support for the development of strategies innovative and production of active methodologies with a focus on meaningful learning and student protagonism. The study was developed at Escola Cidadã Integral Técnica State Henrique Fernandes de Farias, from the state public education network, located in the city from Curral de Cima/PB, with 31 students from the 2nd year of Technical High School. For development of this study, we opted for a qualitative-quantitative approach, focusing in participant observation, starting with a survey of students’ previous conceptions through a survey questionnaire with the intention of verifying students’ knowledge in relation to snakes. The data collected served as a basis for the elaboration of three investigative didactic sequences, used during didactic intervention aiming to promote student learning about snakes. The first sequence sought to rescue the students' prior knowledge about snakes and promote appropriation of basic concepts about these reptiles. The second consisted of applying the active methodology flipped classroom, deepening the study of snakebites through research, in addition to Myth or Truth interactive game application about snakes, with the intention of deconstructing myths and prejudices about these animals. The third consisted of an interdisciplinary approach involving the Biology component and the disciplines Social and Scientific Innovation and Education Technological and Media aspects of the IT technical course in the application of the methodology maker culture, in which students focused on research and creation of materials information about snakes. Three weeks after the intervention, a second questionnaire with the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the approaches developed. It is evaluated, the from observation and collected data, that student participation and involvement improved with the application of strategies, which allowed for a new meaning and expansion student perceptions regarding the importance of snakes for the ecosystem and health public. At the end of the execution, all strategies produced were gathered into a guide didactic, aimed at basic education teachers, as a resource to contribute to the process of teaching-learning about snakes.
  • Fecha: 21-mar-2024
  • Hora: 08:30
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  • Contents linked to Genetics are generally not well understood by high school students and the lack of connection between these contents and their reality ends up creating obstacles for the teaching-learning process. Blood Systems are sets of one or more antigens capable of promoting the production of specific antibodies and which are related to various biological events. This work seeks to create strategies that facilitate the teaching and learning process of genetics through the use of active methodology, teaching through investigation and the association of genetic concepts with blood systems (ABO and Rh). In order to produce meaningful learning, a didactic sequence was constructed with playful and investigative activities that bring genetic content closer to situations present in everyday student life. Next, we discuss the constitution and structuring of the DNA molecule, the role of the genome and epigenome in gene expression, we contextualize the study of genetic concepts based on the presentation of blood systems and we discuss the biological reasons for the need for compatibility between donors. and recipient for the success of transplants. To this end, qualitative, descriptive research was carried out. All activities were applied to students in the 3rd year of high school at EEEFM Gentil Lins located in the municipality of Sapé/PB. The results obtained demonstrated that students behave in a more participatory way when active methodologies and contextualization of the content studied are used in situations present in their daily lives or biological facts that involve collective well-being. It was also possible to prove that meaningful learning occurs more efficiently when new content is presented using knowledge already acquired. As a product of the research, a teaching guide was produced aimed at high school teachers with the aim of facilitating the delivery of these contents and optimizing their learning.
  • Fecha: 21-mar-2024
  • Hora: 08:30
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  • Contents linked to Genetics are generally not well understood by high school students and the lack of connection between these contents and their reality ends up creating obstacles for the teaching-learning process. Blood Systems are sets of one or more antigens capable of promoting the production of specific antibodies and which are related to various biological events. This work seeks to create strategies that facilitate the teaching and learning process of genetics through the use of active methodology, teaching through investigation and the association of genetic concepts with blood systems (ABO and Rh). In order to produce meaningful learning, a didactic sequence was constructed with playful and investigative activities that bring genetic content closer to situations present in everyday student life. Next, we discuss the constitution and structuring of the DNA molecule, the role of the genome and epigenome in gene expression, we contextualize the study of genetic concepts based on the presentation of blood systems and we discuss the biological reasons for the need for compatibility between donors. and recipient for the success of transplants. To this end, qualitative, descriptive research was carried out. All activities were applied to students in the 3rd year of high school at EEEFM Gentil Lins located in the municipality of Sapé/PB. The results obtained demonstrated that students behave in a more participatory way when active methodologies and contextualization of the content studied are used in situations present in their daily lives or biological facts that involve collective well-being. It was also possible to prove that meaningful learning occurs more efficiently when new content is presented using knowledge already acquired. As a product of the research, a teaching guide was produced aimed at high school teachers with the aim of facilitating the teaching of these contents and optimizing their learning.
  • Fecha: 20-mar-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Sea turtles are on the list of endangered animals, they are animals vertebrates belonging to the oldest lineage of living reptiles, which contribute to the balance of the marine ecosystem, for the health and maintenance of coral reefs, estuaries and sandy beaches. Pollution of the seas, the slaughter of females and collection of eggs, the capture through fishing gear, vehicle traffic in spawning areas are examples of threats to these reptiles. In Rio Grande do Norte (RN), the municipality of Maxaranguape has beaches with occurrences of laying and spawning of sea turtles of the hawksbill turtle species (Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and olive turtle (Lepidochelys olivácea), with a record of conservation actions carried out by local entities. This research aimed to develop, based on biology teaching, educational activities Environmental focused on the conservation of sea turtles in the municipality of Maxaranguape, RN. The study, characterized as qualitative and quantitative, was carried out with high school students secondary education in a public basic education school. The methodological strategy was to participant research, and data were obtained from participant observation, application questionnaires and conversation circles. The activities took place during classes of the academic year in 2023, in which studies on the conservation of sea turtles were organized in a Didactic Sequence, under the research-based teaching approach, with active methodologies, with the following pedagogical strategies: dialogued exhibition, classroom of flipped classes, field studies and seminars. Students actively participated, played a leading role in carrying out studies and research, building arguments and deepening their conceptions about environmental conservation aimed at preserving sea ​​turtles. Contents such as: turtle life cycle, main threats to their conservation, and conservation actions were worked on from a research perspective scientific context contextualized to the students' reality. The research path was systematized in an educational product entitled “Educational Guide for Turtle Conservation Marinhas de Maxaranguape, RN” guiding studies and actions that encourage environmental awareness regarding the conservation of turtles in the municipality, generating knowledge about its ecology, biology and socio-environmental importance for biodiversity, local culture and the marine environment. It is also the purpose of study to make this guide available to basic education teachers, presenting suggestions for a pedagogical path in approaching the conservation of sea turtles in high school biology classes.
  • Fecha: 20-mar-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Advances in knowledge about immunology have encouraged the creation and improvement of several vaccines that contribute to the control of infectious diseases, constituting an important collective health tool. The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered expectations for scientific research in search of vaccines, seen as the most effective alternative in combating the health emergency. Therefore, approaching these themes during biology classes through investigative teaching and active methodologies can promote more meaningful learning and contribute to reducing students' susceptibility to non-scientific information about immunity and vaccination. The general objective of this work was to develop a teaching sequence on the immune system and vaccines through investigative teaching for the development of a teaching guide. It constituted a qualitative-quantitative and participatory research, submitted and approved by the Research Ethics Committee, carried out at the Pedro Pascoal de Oliveira State School, in Juazeirinho/PB, with 29 students from the 1st year of high school, between March and November of 2023. An Investigative Didactic Sequence (SDI) was carried out using the following methodological procedures: application of a Student Diagnostic Questionnaire (QDD), word cloud, conversation circle, flipped classroom, Participatory Integrated Panel (PIP), lecture, creation of models and didactic models, collective elaboration of national vaccination calendars, in addition to the creation of a didactic board game. Data analysis and discussion occurred in a qualitative and quantitative manner throughout each stage of the work. Data from the QDD, word cloud and conversation circle demonstrated that students had prior knowledge, although insufficient, regarding some content. The flipped classroom and PIP promoted investigative teaching and active methodologies that enabled students to identify the organs, tissues and cell types involved in the classification and physiology of immunity. The creation of models, didactic models, as well as the didactic game allowed students to take a leading role in developing pedagogical materials for teaching and learning about the immune system and vaccines. Holding a lecture and video exhibition about the PNI, as well as preparing basic vaccination calendars through tabulation on a poster, enabled the promotion of strategies that facilitated the recognition of the safety and effectiveness of vaccines for public health. This set of activities stimulated the practice of teaching through investigation and student protagonism through active methodologies, implicit objectives within the general proposal of this work, as well as the achievement of its general and specific objectives. From this perspective, this research had as its product a descriptive didactic guide on SDI applied as a pedagogical tool for knowledge about the immune system and raising awareness among students about the importance of vaccination. This work constitutes a contribution in this sense, but more studies need to be carried out within this perspective so that more materials on teaching the immune system and vaccines are produced and made available to teachers who wish to compensate for the superficial approach to this topic perceived in textbooks.
  • Fecha: 20-mar-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Advances in immunology have fostered the creation and improvement of several vaccines important for the control of infectious diseases. The Covid-19 pandemic triggered many discussions about vaccines, seen as the most effective alternative in combating health emergencies of this nature. The recognition of science on the relevance of these immunizers, essential aids of the immune system for the combating vaccine-preventable diseases, constituting a collective health tool and health security for humanity. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss these topics in biology classes and, for this, teaching through investigation is highlighted as a perspective teaching system capable of promoting significant learning in this sense, and can contribute to reduce students' susceptibility to unscientific information about immunity and vaccination. In this sense, the general objective of this work was to develop a sequence didactics on the immune system and vaccines through investigative teaching for the development of a didactic guide. It constituted a qualitative-quantitative and participatory research, carried out at the Pedro Pascoal de Oliveira State School, Juazeirinho/PB, with 29 students from the 1st grade of high school, between March and November 2023. The Investigative Didactic Sequence (SDI) used the Student Diagnostic Questionnaire (QDD), word cloud, conversation circle, room flipped class, Participatory Integrated Panel (PIP), lecture, making models and didactic models, collective elaboration of national vaccination calendars and creation of didactic game. The results were discussed and analyzed in a qualitative and quantitative way throughout of work. The QDD, the word cloud and the conversation circle constituted viable activities to diagnose the students' prior knowledge, which proved to be incipient and pointed to the need for intervention. The flipped classroom and PIP are activities promoters of investigative teaching and active methodologies that enabled the identification of structures involved in anatomy, physiology and classification of immunity. The making of models, didactic models and also a didactic game promoted protagonism students, generating pedagogical materials that facilitate the teaching and learning process. The lecture and video exhibition about the PNI, as well as the creation of a poster of national vaccination calendars constituted strategies that facilitate the recognition of action, safety and efficacy of vaccines. Furthermore, this set of activities encouraged teaching practice through investigation and student protagonism, through active methodologies, implicit objectives within the general proposal of this work. Consequently, it enabled the development of a final product: a descriptive teaching guide on applied SDI, a pedagogical tool that can be used by teachers interested in developing activities to deepen knowledge in immunology and encourage awareness student about the importance of vaccination. Finally, this work consists of a contribution, but more studies need to be carried out from this perspective, so that and new materials on teaching the immune system and vaccines were made available, helping teachers who wish to deepen the approach to this theme perceived in an incipient way in textbooks.
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The modality of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) unfortunately has, in its students, the stigma of people who only crave the documentary issue translated into their school completion certificate. Despite this stigma, strengthened by high dropout rates and low learning and performance rates, it is possible to have quality education in EJA. For this, it is important for the teacher to make learning meaningful, in addition to promoting and valuing the protagonism and prior knowledge of students. Biology, as an experimental science, can be configured as an attraction for these students to relate their empirical knowledge with scientific knowledge and thus participate in the learning process. In this way, the main objective is to promote the teaching of the microbiota and its relations with man, using the melodic metric of cordel and investigative teaching as a way of stimulating scientific literacy. The target audience of the research is composed, at first, by 123 students from the Module II classes of EJA Médio, corresponding to the 2nd grade of High School, enrolled at the Souza Brandão State School, located in Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE. The methodological course will be based on the foundations of qualitative research, through bibliographic research and participatory research. Data were collected through the application of questionnaires and participant observation during the workshops, one on the elaboration of verses and rhymes used in cordel and three on microorganisms. This methodology aimed to encourage student protagonism, since some verses were produced by them at the end of each workshop and the thought that all microorganisms are bad for our health was also demystified. The knowledge of the microscopic world, the notions of hygiene as a prophylactic means and the production of foods good for our health (probiotics) through microscopic beings through the workshops, gave subsidies for the students to prove the importance of human beings in the world. pedagogical, a digital booklet was made in PDF, also available in QR Code format.
  • Experience in remote teaching of didactic sequence in the approach of the environmental sustainability theme for students of the third grade of high school in a school public
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The theme Environmental Sustainability has been addressed in textbooks, in ecology content, in a superficial way, not being contextualized by biology teachers. In this context, we developed a Didactic Sequence (DS) to address Environmental Sustainability, encouraging the engagement of students in the search for solutions to local environmental problems, promoting an investigative character in the construction of knowledge. The research was carried out with students from the 3rd grade of high school classes at the Deputado Antônio Cabral school, located in the neighborhood of Valentina Figueiredo, in João Pessoa, Paraíba. An SD containing four stages (three remote stages and a hybrid stage) addressed environmental Sustainability. In the first stage, an online tool (Padlet) was used to investigate students' perceptions of Environmental Sustainability. In the second stage, a directed study was carried out with a focus on the textbook. In the third stage, students researched other sources (articles and websites). In the fourth stage, the students were asked about environmental sustainability at the school, carried out in loco observations and exposed them to the school community. The results showed that at the beginning of the SD 67.9% of words, phrases, referring to the students’ perceptions, were related and contextualized with Environmental Sustainability, and 32.1% were distant from the theme and/or were not contextualized. In the in loco observations at the school, the students identified situations and suggested actions to be adopted aiming at environmental sustainability. The students presented to the school community (students from other classes and teachers) their research, observations, reflections and suggestions for actions to be taken such as recycling, planting a vegetable garden, reducing energy waste and awareness campaigns. At the end of the SD, 72.7% of words and phrases were related and contextualized with Environmental Sustainability and only 27.3% were distant from the theme or were not contextualized. The results showed that research-based learning stimulated communication, argumentation and problem solving in students. A manual of sustainable practices was produced, containing interactive activities, as an instrument to support the development of Didactic Sequences, helping in the teaching-learning process.
  • Remote teaching experience of didactic sequence in approaching the environmental sustainability issue for students of the third grade of middle school of a public school
  • Fecha: 30-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The theme Environmental Sustainability has been addressed in textbooks, in ecology content, in a superficial way, not being the theme contextualized by biology teachers. In this context, we developed a Didactic Sequence (DS) to address Environmental Sustainability, encouraging the engagement of students in the search for solutions to local environmental problems, promoting an investigative character in the construction of knowledge. The research was carried out with students from the 3rd grade of high school classes at the Deputado Antônio Cabral School, located in the neighborhood of Valentina Figueiredo, in João Pessoa, Paraíba. An DS containing four stages (three remote stages and a hybrid stage) addressed environmental Sustainability. In the first stage, an online tool (Padlet) was used to investigate students' perceptions of Environmental Sustainability. In the second stage, a directed study was carried out with a focus on the textbook. In the third stage, students researched other sources (articles and websites). In the fourth stage, the students were asked about environmental sustainability at the school, carried out in loco observations and exposed them to the school community. The results showed that at the beginning of the DS 67.9% of words, phrases, referring to the students‟ perceptions, were related and contextualized with Environmental Sustainability, and 32.1% were distant from the theme and/or were not contextualized. In the in loco observations at the school, the students identified situations and suggested actions to be adopted aiming at environmental sustainability. The students presented to the school community (students from other classes and teachers) their research, observations, reflections and suggestions for actions to be adopted such as recycling, planting a vegetable garden, reducing energy waste and awareness campaigns. At the end of the DS, 72.7% of words and phrases were related and contextualized with Environmental Sustainability and only 27.3% were distant from the theme or were not contextualized. The results showed that research-based learning stimulated communication, argumentation and problem solving in students. A manual of sustainable practices was produced, containing interactive activities, as an instrument to support the development of Didactic Sequences, helping in the teaching-learning process.
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2022
  • Hora: 17:30
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  • The knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system is important for the youth realizes the changes that occur in their body; be able to perform a family planning; and protect himself from Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). The young people usually have a lot of doubts about the human reproductive system and most of the time they are not able to discuss freely at home, seeking for information, often, with people who have limited knowledge, mistaken, or out of the context such as friends, neighbors, and even in television shows. Also, some teachers, despite of considering a relevant topic, have present difficulties of discussing it in the classroom. To fill this gap between the young and scientific knowledge about the human reproductive system, the school, especially the Biology teacher, has the role of being the mediator in the acquisition of the knowledge by students. Given this issue, the present work aims to develop didactic strategies to be used in remote, hybrid or face-to-face Biology lessons about the human reproductive system, aiming at student protagonist through of the active methodologies, in addition to identifying their previous knowledge about the theme, stimulate their critical reflection, help them to understand the anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system in order to avoid unplanned pregnancy and STIs, and to evaluate the acceptance and satisfaction of the learners regarding of the strategies used throughout the research on the discussed topics through remote teaching. In the work, the participatory method was used and has as theoretical-methodological assumptions the foundations of the qualitative approach, being developed through of the remote classes, using the Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (DTIC) as a means of communication, interaction and scientific investigation. Its target audience was students from four classes of the 3rd Grade of High School, regularly registered in a state school called State School Normal Padre Emídio Viana Correia, located in the city of Campina Grande - PB. The corpus of the work was collected through synchronous lessons taught by Google Meet, in which students performed activities such as: questionnaires, mural, audio recording and presentation, using the following DTIC (Google Forms, Padlet, Podcast and PowerPoint), also were applied questionnaires to understand the students' prior knowledge (Pre-test) and post (Post-test), besides a semi-structured questionnaire about the learner satisfaction concerning the methodologies applied during the classes. The perception regarding the interaction of students with the teacher in remote classes was satisfactory, some had good prior knowledge about the topics covered, there was student protagonism when information on some topics were discussed, collecting information on the internet in real time and the questions formulated they were not restricted to the directing questions contained in the didactic sequences. There was shyness when discussing some specific topics, such as anatomy of the male reproductive system and the stages of human development. The students thought that the face-to-face meetings would be better but they were satisfied with the dynamics of the classes via remote meeting, they reported that they understood the content and liked the activities offered. At the end of the work was developed a “Guide of Didactic sequence on the Human Reproductive System” to assist the Biology teacher in the teaching-learning process.
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2022
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • Teaching about fungi in basic education is almost always carried out in a fragmented, decontextualized and superficial perspective. In this way, this work presents itself as a contribution to this problem and was developed at the Benedita Targino Maranhão State School of Elementary and High School with classes of EJA (Youth and Adult Education) of cycles V and VI Medium, through new practices and pedagogical strategies for the teaching of Biology in the Mycology area, aiming, from the students' prior knowledge, to promote meaningful learning in the classroom, demystifying the negative perceptions about fungi. Therefore, the objective of this work was to develop and apply a didactic sequence about fungi, using active teaching methodologies that promote student autonomy and raise awareness about the importance of the topic. For this, qualitative research was carried out, in which the forms of data collection were conversation circles, participant observation and focus group. The sequence developed was contextualized with the daily life of EJA students in order to promote scientific literacy and break with the purely traditional, content and technical teaching. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, activities were adapted so that they could be carried out remotely and, if there was an opportunity, in person. In view of this scenario and limitations, 12 of the 45 students in the chosen groups responded to the first application of the questionnaire and 4 students responded to the second application of the questionnaire. Thus, after the application of the didactic sequence, there was a significant improvement in the percentage of correct answers in the questionnaires, compared between the first and the second application. This improvement shows that it is possible, through active teaching and learning strategies, to promote and encourage student protagonism in the area of mycology in High School in EJA classes.
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Even though Biological Evolution is a fundamental theme of biology, its teaching in contemporary times sets a great challenge. The problems that hinder the comprehension of biological evolution are centered on the persistence of a content teaching approach, in the absence of diversified methodologies. Considering this problem, we aimed to produce workshops guided by the Protocol for the Development of Pedagogical Workshops by Scientific Inquiry - PROPIC that allows optimizing the teaching and learning process of biological evolution. To achieve this objective, we used the following activities: Debates prior to the activities to obtain subsumers and the formation of wordclouds, which guided us in our workshop preparation processes; to highlight the space-time context giving concrete milestones of events that allow the dimensioning of geological time and tectonics of continental plates through dynamics; workout similarities between related taxa extinct and living, display videos that show the processes of artificial and natural selection; evaluation of the workshops execution through forms. Finally, the results show that the use of workshops specifically focused on the study of biological evolution can be valuable in the teaching-learning process and allows participants to have better understanding on how the biological evolution process occurs and how it relates to human activities. Based on this pertinence, we have formulated a workshop guide aimed at teaching biological evolution.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND IMPACT ON ECOSYSTEMS THROUGH STORIES IN AUTHOR COMICS: an investigative and critical approach in the municipality of Itabaiana - PB
  • Fecha: 23-ago-2022
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • The present research work aimed to promote the construction of scientific knowledge with basic education students about pollution and anthropic environmental impacts on ecosystems in the municipality of Itabaiana - PB, using the theoretical methodological framework of Science Teaching by Investigation and Environmental Education criticism, using the creation of comics as a didactic-methodological strategy. The work proposal emerged from the observation of teaching practice in teaching situations, where the methodologies adopted did not promote student protagonism. Therefore, it was realized the need to analyze and re-signify the relationship, human beings and the environment, in view of the environmental impacts caused by human activities. The methodological approach is characterized as a qualitative research, in which it will make use of theoretical-methodological assumptions of action research elements. The target audience was 42 students from E.E.E.F.M. João Fagundes de Oliveira, in remote teaching a group of 12 students and 30 students in person, all from the 1st grade of high school. The first stage took place with the application of the initial assessment questionnaire with the objective of diagnosing the students' perceptions about the environment, environmental impact and Environmental Education. From the collection and analysis of data, a predominance of the perception of the environment as a “biosphere” in the context of remote teaching and the environment as “nature” for face-to-face teaching was observed. Next, the activities foreseen in the Investigative Teaching Sequence were developed, characterized by research, construction and validation of hypotheses and presentation, with application of knowledge through the construction of Comics related to the study themes of each group. Finally, the author's Comics were analyzed in the light of political-pedagogical macro trends in Brazilian environmental education according to Layrargues and Lima (2014). Evidence shows that the methodology used in the identification of environmental impacts from the assumptions of critical EE and Science Teaching by Investigation promoted student protagonism with the construction and reconstruction of knowledge, providing opportunities for participants to develop and acquire skills and competences related to methods of thinking and doing science. In general, there is a need for EE practices beyond the walls of the school, in order to contribute to the formation of students not only to pass entrance exams and ENEM, but also to provide opportunities for the development of aspects related to the citizenship. Finally, it is expected that the educational product, the result of this research, will help teachers in the application and development of pedagogical practices related to EE in a critical perspective.
  • Fecha: 19-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • Experimental classes have been used to awaken the student's interest in scientific investigations; stimulate personal initiative and decision making; as well as improve the ability to observe and record information. For this reason they were introduced to the curriculum of comprehensive schools in Paraíba with Decrees No. 36,408/2015 and No. 36,409/2015. With the decrees, although there is a requirement for students to perform experimental activities in their curriculum, there was not enough financial support for schools to adapt their physical spaces and purchase equipment and materials to perform them. As an example, there are some comprehensive public schools in the interior of Paraíba where there is still a lack of materials that hinders the realization of several practices. Therefore, thinking about reducing educational deficits and stimulating the learning and permanence of hearing impaired students in schools, we used 3D models with subtitles in both libras and Portuguese to stimulate the investigation of biological structures; together with the school community we promoted the dissemination of deaf culture in the school through lectures and mini courses; We recorded videos of participating students performing signs in libras to better disseminate the words used in the models; we prepared a manual with explanations of how to apply the teaching models in order to provoke learning by investigation in an inclusive way; and we generated QR Codes to explain and disseminate the signs used in the manual. The making of the models allowed us to start assembling a didactic laboratory inside the school. The methodology had a qualitative and descriptive approach. The activities were carried out through hybrid teaching, with students from the 3rd grade of high school at ECIT José Paulo de França in the city of Mari-PB. The presentation of these models occurred during the synchronous lessons of remote teaching and in the face-to-face lessons of hybrid teaching. The models presented and shown during the classes were improved by the students from their investigations about the theme at work, which directed them to a more active and investigative learning. For a better understanding and to help hearing students in the process of accepting the differences and the deaf culture, workshops were held in Libras with asynchronous and synchronous classes through the Google Classroom and Meet platforms. At the end of the interventions the manual, in the form of an illustrative e- book, described the entire methodological process applied. It was assembled with tips and photos of the assembly of the models, explanations regarding their improvement by the students, and application procedures. The manual also has QR Codes that direct the reader to a video explaining the sign in pounds for each structure pointed out in the model that is being observed. Besides the models being instruments provocateurs of learning, the emphasis of the e-book is on sharing materials that will contribute to the teaching-learning process of hearing and non-listening students.
  • Fecha: 19-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • Experimental classes have been used to awaken the student's interest in scientific investigations; stimulate personal initiative and decision making; as well as improve the ability to observe and record information. For this reason they were introduced to the curriculum of comprehensive schools in Paraíba with Decrees No. 36,408/2015 and No. 36,409/2015. With the decrees, although there is a requirement for students to perform experimental activities in their curriculum, there was not enough financial support for schools to adapt their physical spaces and purchase equipment and materials to perform them. As an example, there are some comprehensive public schools in the interior of Paraíba where there is still a lack of materials that hinders the realization of several practices. Therefore, thinking about reducing educational deficits and stimulating the learning and permanence of hearing impaired students in schools, we used 3D models with subtitles in both libras and Portuguese to stimulate the investigation of biological structures; together with the school community we promoted the dissemination of deaf culture in the school through lectures and mini courses; We recorded videos of participating students performing signs in libras to better disseminate the words used in the models; we prepared a manual with explanations of how to apply the teaching models in order to provoke learning by investigation in an inclusive way; and we generated QR Codes to explain and disseminate the signs used in the manual. The making of the models allowed us to start assembling a didactic laboratory inside the school. The methodology had a qualitative and descriptive approach. The activities were carried out through hybrid teaching, with students from the 3rd grade of high school at ECIT José Paulo de França in the city of Mari-PB. The presentation of these models occurred during the synchronous lessons of remote teaching and in the face-to-face lessons of hybrid teaching. The models presented and shown during the classes were improved by the students from their investigations about the theme at work, which directed them to a more active and investigative learning. For a better understanding and to help hearing students in the process of accepting the differences and the deaf culture, workshops were held in Libras with asynchronous and synchronous classes through the Google Classroom and Meet platforms. At the end of the interventions the manual, in the form of an illustrative e-book, described the entire methodological process applied. It was assembled with tips and photos of the assembly of the models, explanations regarding their improvement by the students, and application procedures. The manual also has QR Codes that direct the reader to a video explaining the sign in pounds for each structure pointed out in the model that is being observed. Besides the models being instruments provocateurs of learning, the emphasis of the e-book is on sharing materials that will contribute to the teaching-learning process of hearing and non-listening students.
  • Fecha: 19-ago-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The understanding and appropriation of knowledge about the biogeochemical cycles addressed during high school faces the lack of student base, especially in Chemistry. Understanding biogeochemical cycles involves recognizing the elements that compose/form organic matter (living beings), their renewal, assimilation or disposal and the interdependence between them, thus constituting a cycle. In addition, it is difficult for students to recognize that metabolic processes (aerobic respiration, fermentation, photosynthesis, and chemosynthesis) constitute forms of recycling of matter developed by different forms of life. To face these difficulties in teaching this subject, we developed a hybrid investigative strategy (remote and face-to-face), contextualizing the biogeochemical cycles in family farming, with a view to promoting greater student involvement in learning about this topic. The research was carried out at Ideal Colégio e Curso, in Santo Antônio, Rio Grande do Norte, where about 22% of students live in rural areas, living directly with socio-environmental issues related to the countryside; carried out with 2nd year high school students. As qualitative research, we followed the methodology of participatory research and the data were obtained from the answers to the questionnaires and from the content analysis of the records of the arguments during the synchronous or face-to-face meetings. The work was organized in 3 stages, totaling six classes of 50 minutes/each. In the initial remote interaction, the students answered a questionnaire to gather information about their previous knowledge about biogeochemical cycles and family farming, which was reapplied at the end of the work. In the second and third stages, students were invited to play a leading role in carrying out a set of activities/challenges on biogeochemical cycles in the context of corn/beans intercropped agriculture, developing hypotheses and, later, consulting systematized information in the textbook, in scientific articles and specialized videos, comparing them with their initial hypotheses. Finally, they presented and discussed their findings and conclusions as a group. We obtained a total of 34 responses in the questionnaires. In the arguments built for the hypotheses of the problematization in question, through the analysis of Toulmin's Argumentation Pattern, we identified which justifications and supports were present, being able to consider that the arguments produced have a good quality, and some are more improved than others of according to the combination of components. The Scientific Literacy indicators were analyzed in the proposed arguments and activities, along with the integration of the CTSA. It was still possible to observe the students' involvement with the proposed activities and the gain in arguments to understand the phenomena.
  • Fecha: 18-ago-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Learning about the immune system adds skills enabling the student to have a scientific literacy that promotes competence in exercising citizenship and health promotion. The subject has a high level of abstraction required for demonstration and understanding of immunological processes, structures and components. This can often compromise the teaching and learning, if the teacher does not seek the most efficient didactic ways to develop this theme. Through analogy teaching with an investigative approach, it is possible to try to soften the abstraction and promote the development of relevant skills consistent with the theme. This research aimed to develop an investigative teaching sequence (ISD) with the theme of the immune system through analogies and investigative approach with the production of a comic book (comic). The target audience were students of the 3rd grade of high school in the State School Professor Paulo Freire, in the city of Baía Formosa-RN. The research was carried out in the period from July to August 2021. The SDI consisted of 11 steps, considering the study about defense cells and their actions against the new coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) in analogy to the Justice League comic book. The application was remote since classes were suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The virtual environment used was Google Meet. As products of this research, we have the comic book, produced by the students, from the script, the creation of the characters, structuring and editing, thus having an active protagonism. In addition, a methodological guide was elaborated, with the intention of registering the didactic steps for the use of comics in the proposal presented here. After the research is completed, a few copies of the comic will be printed and donated to the library of the school. It is expected that the proposed didactic path will lead to the development of abilities related to the theme and regarding health education, as well as being a didactic path for the teaching and learning process involving the immune system, contributing to the qualitative formation of the student and with pedagogical possibilities for teachers who work with the theme.
  • Fecha: 17-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Adolescence is a period marked by psycho-emotional conflicts and relevant physiological changes in the integral formation of young people, being essential at this stage the access to reliable knowledge and information about their sexuality, consolidated through various manifestations, with unwanted consequences. From this perspective, the school represents a privileged space for the development of work in sex education, which is a guiding process for student attitudes, and it is up to the teacher to facilitate the construction of this knowledge. As sex education is a process that aims to guide the human being to responsible practices, in the field of sexuality, both individually and socially it is understood that its study needs a different approach. The present work aimed to develop didactic-pedagogical strategies to promote sex education in high school aiming to guide responsible practices in adolescence as prevetion of early pregnancy and STI acquisition. The work was carried out with students from the senior year of high school at the Estevam Marinho State School of Elementary and High School, located in the municipality of São Gonçalo-PB, from June to September 2021. The methodological procedures were divided into five stages and remotely through Google Meet, Google Classroom and WhatsApp involving the application of questionnaires, dialogued classes, lecture and workshop to prepare an e-book. Aiming to help Biology teachers' praxis, a Methodological Guide was produced that may serve as a compass in the study of sex education. It was observed that the applied didactic sequence provided advances in the development of learning, creativity, autonomy and student protagonism, and thus, allowing reflection on the importance of this strategy for a more accessible and dynamic learning about sex education.
  • VIROLOGY TEACHING IN EJA: Application of a didactic sequence as a way to promote student learning and protagonism
  • Fecha: 01-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Virology is an area of biology that studies viruses and its importance is related to microbiology and pathology. The present research presents the proposal of teaching virology in the EJA, having the didactic sequence as a way to promote the learning and the protagonism of the students. In this sense, we opted for the construction of a newsletter that sought to explain, from the experience that the students had in the didactic sequence, some concepts of virology in a more attractive way and with a simpler language. Thus, the objective of this research was to develop a didactic sequence in virology in the education of young people and adults in high school and from this, produce a collaborative newsletter. The research took place in 2021, with the high school Cycle VI class of EJA, initially formed by 16 students from the State School of Elementary and High School Demétrio Toledo in the city of Juripiranga - PB. The research was developed with the hybrid teaching model with the use of digital information and communication technologies (TDIC), which allowed a closer approximation of the objects of study and a production with alternative materials. The investigative proposal present in the research is a qualitative approach based on an action research in a cooperative way during biology classes, with emphasis on virology. Thus, the concepts and contents were included in the didactic sequence of the research, so that the methodological procedures were carried out in 4 stages. In this sense, in the methodological stages, we sought to suggest pedagogical practices to work on virology, always focusing on the importance of scientific research and the role of students. For this, a diagnostic activity and a post-test questionnaire were carried out, whose results were obtained from the comparison of the questionnaires applied to these students. The results showed the feasibility of the didactic sequence, which showed an improvement in the understanding of students in the study of viruses, although some difficulties observed in the post-test questionnaires may be linked to concepts that were not developed with due specificity and detail in the DS. In this sense, it is necessary to use innovative methodologies for teaching, in order to encourage students to think and produce new knowledge, contextualizing and problematizing their reality, such as the practice of carrying out a Didactic Sequence (SD) product of this TCM.
  • Fecha: 28-jun-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The motivation is something that should be present in everyone's life, and it could not be different in the student's life and it is up to the teacher to offer a new way of teaching so that the student is motivated to learn, in this sense, this research brought through an investigative proposal, put the student as the center of learning and awaken in this, the motivation for it. This work was developed with students of the 2nd grade of high school in the Augusto dos Anjos State School of Elementary and Secondary Education, in the city of Mari-PB, whose general objective was to "develop a Didactic Sequence (DS) through an investigative and contextualized approach in an attempt to facilitate learning about the disease-transmitting insects in the urban area". This is a quali-quantitative research with an exploratory approach. The SD was organized in seven stages that included: 1- Survey of previous knowledge; 2- Application of the pre-test questionnaire; 3- Search for information; 4- Expositive and dialogued class; 5- Field class; 6- Sharing knowledge; 7- Application of the post-test. Next, there were expository classes and dialogues with the objective of systematizing the knowledge and solving existing doubts through guiding questions. It was proposed that the students do field research in their own homes, gardens, backyards, for possible observations of insect breeding sites and the relationship between garbage and diseases. From there, the students formed research groups to deepen the theme and then to present the results of the research, which was done through Google Meet (note that the whole process occurred remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic) with the use of Power point. The PADLET tool was also used as a way to check what was learned, in which the students could answer questions about the theme. At the end, another questionnaire (post-test) was carried out, in order to analyze the efficiency in the application of the didactic sequence and in the appropriation of the proposed knowledge. Activities were carried out individually and in groups. WhatsApp groups were also used to answer questions. The results obtained were satisfactory, analyzing the pre-test and the post-test we could verify that there was learning and motivation to carry out the proposed activities. In all the stages we tried to stimulate the students' participation, insert different methodologies, and discover the investigative and protagonist side of these students. We noticed that the use of differentiated methodologies favors learning, investigation, and student protagonism. It was possible to notice a greater motivation on the part of the students after the application of the SD. As a final product, we organized a DS manual with all the steps and suggestions for using different methodologies so that it can serve as a didactic resource model for other teachers to guide themselves in order to generate a more effective and enjoyable learning experience for their students.
  • Fecha: 27-may-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Scientific knowledge has been more and more produced and used by humankind to explain phenomena, solve problems and to technology development. Despite the growing impact of science on society, biology teaching has been characterized mainly by the transmission of information without the understanding of nature of science. Several studies show that a meaningful learning, able to develop critical and active students, is potentialized by their engagement in investigative activities that provide and approximation with typical scientific ideas and tools, making them scientific literate. From this perspective, this work aimed to develop Sequences of Investigative Teaching (SIT) with a growing degree of complexity and intellectual freedom about the subjects of sense and perception, together the promotion of scientific literacy in high school students. The main objective was to organize theses sequences in the format of a handbook, allowing their applications by other teachers. This work was performed in two high school classes (2nd and 3rd years) of a public school in the municipality of Natal - RN trough six remote and one presential meetings. Data were collected about all student production and their interaction in the meetings. A quali-quantitative approach and participative research were adopted to analyze the observed phenomena. An analysis of the quantitative and subjective aspects of the student’s production resulted in thematic categories, which were compared with the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA, 2015 edition) framework of knowledges and competences. The activities reached an investigative attribute since the students engaged in problematization and search for answers. Despite these results, it was found students’ difficulty with the typical methods and procediments of science. This teaching proposal can have promoted the acquisition of these knowledges. The learning about sensory systems, sensation and perception resulted in an improvement in the understanding that the brain has a major role in these physiological processes. The model development trough SIT was found an excellent strategy to improve the organization and expression of students’ ideas. We also found that they were able to mobilize the knowledge acquired in previous classes to solve new problems. According to these findings, it has occurred some (re)signification of essential knowledge to the development of scientific literacy, what agrees with some education specialists’ postulates about the necessity of a long-term training in order to promote a real conceptual and attitudinal change.
  • Fecha: 06-may-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The Brazilian Biomes are almost always seen without their proper contextualization, leaving the student limited to memorizing concepts and visualizing some images, without relating them to the environment around them. The goal was then to develop field classes, as a didactic modality, making it an investigative tool that would provide students with a direct contact with their object of study, allowing them to build their own knowledge about the Caatinga and the Atlantic Forest, the only Biomes in Rio Grande do Norte. Besides diagnosing the students' knowledge about these environments, it can be characterized through research and contact with the fauna and flora (face-to-face and virtual) and also promote Scientific Literacy (CA), enabling, at the end of the process, to establish connections between the object of study and their daily lives. Given this scenario, the present work was carried out with 16 students from a third grade class of the Desembargador Vicente Lemos State School, in Senador Elói de Souza/RN. Qualitative and quantitative research was used as necessary approaches to understand the perceptions and participant observation to obtain data from the students about Biomes of RN. The data were collected from the application of two didactic sequences (DS) that were conducted remotely by Google Meet application, with synchronous and asynchronous moments in the period from February to September 2021, which were recorded, transcribed, analyzed, categorized and interpreted. The sequences had an emphasis on field classes, face-to-face and virtual, with the development of scripts for face-to-face field trips by students individually or in pairs, respecting the protocols established by the decrees of the Health Secretariat of RN. The students explored the surroundings of their homes, having as orientation a collectively produced script, besides searches in video sites, about the studied environments, in which they could feel inserted. At the end of the activities, an evaluation questionnaire was applied to assess what they had learned. During the process, the student protagonism was evidenced in the production of the scripts, with the teacher acting as a mediator, and the students being active players in the process, aiming to verify the students' perception during and after the journey about Caatinga and Atlantic Forest. During the execution, a page was created on Instagram and as a final product a Teaching Guide of a "virtual field class", all mediated by the use of ICTs (YouTube, Google Meet, Google Forms, Instagram, Padlet, Poll Everywhere®, Playposit and WhatsApp). We conclude that the students were enthusiastic about doing the field classes and the internalization of knowledge was present in the answers of the evaluative questionnaire, as well as during the whole process, evidenced by the chain of ideas brought to the discussion, in which the central problems brought new elements to the debate and the curiosity in searching for answers was always present throughout the process.
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The Biology curriculum for high school brings the teacher the challenge of working with different concepts and knowledge about a whole range of living beings, processes and mechanisms that, many times, are far removed from what the student observes in their daily lives. For the teaching and learning process to occur efficiently in the discipline of Biology, the teacher must implement activities that include learning through investigation, promoting the formation of concepts, understanding the dynamics of scientific work, the development of critical thinking and reflection about natural phenomena, encouraging students' autonomy in the learning process. This work aimed to investigate the contributions of the use and creation of comic books for teaching and learning about Biological Evolution. The study was conducted through a qualitative approach and participatory research principle, emphasizing the understanding and explanation of the dynamics of social, holistic and individual relationships in human experience. The study was carried out at the Adalgisa Teódulo da Fonseca State High School, located in the municipality of Itaporanga – PB. The sample consisted of 25 students distributed in the three classes of the 3rd grade of regular high school in the morning shift. The study on biological evolution, with an investigative character, was carried out based on the HQ teaching strategy, where students had contact with the content in an attractive and participatory way for the construction of knowledge about evolution. The research data were collected through the application of a pre-test and post-test questionnaire, containing open and/or closed questions and the analysis of investigative activities proposed to students. The pre- and post-test open questions allowed for richer and more varied answers, and the closed ones made it easier to tabulate and analyze the data. The data obtained from the comparison of student performance in the pre-test and post-test were tabulated and organized in spreadsheets, using Microsoft® Excel 2010 software for later construction of graphs. The analysis of the pre- and post-test allowed us to conclude that the application of DS containing active methodologies (HQ), enabled students to improve their knowledge of biological evolution.
  • THE URBAN SPACE OF THE CITY OF CARUARU-PE: Living Laboratory for Ecological Studies through Active Methodologies
  • Fecha: 25-feb-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Biology teaching, as a science, requires an innovative pedagogical approach that goes far beyond the excessive memorization of contents. Current pedagogical demands require that teaching-learning take place in an investigative manner, contextualized, and integrative way. Thus, the dynamics of relating school knowledge with the student's daily life is a challenging task for the biology teacher and the urban area where the students live, can be a very enriching knowledge construction space for the integral formation of the learner. The study aims to build ecological knowledge through active methodologies in high school, having as a field of study the different urban spaces in Caruaru-PE city. The research procedures occurred in accordance with health protocols to combat COVID-19 contamination. The research is qualitative and quantitative, and its research strategies was exploratory and participatory approach. The activities were carried out with the students of the first-year high school class at the school named Nelson Barbalho High School, located in Caruaru city. The activities were based on teaching by investigation, adopting the precepts of scientific literacy as a guiding axis. Were developed environmental studies in urban places, exploring topics such as: deforestation, sanitation and solid waste treatment, environmental conservation of green places and ecosystem services that were worked through hybrid teaching and with active methodologies. Visits took place in urban environments (following Covid-19 security protocols), debates were held, and texts were read, working ecological concepts directing critical analyzes and intervention proposals. Data were obtained through conversation circle, participant observation, focus group, annotations. The research took place continuously, as well as from the systematization of results and content analysis. The research enabled the socio-environmental characterization, geographic, demographic, political and environmental aspects of Caruaru city. It generated educational indicators in different urban places, from which the thematic axes of ecological studies developed during the research were defined. The initial expectation was achieved, and the experience reaffirmed the feasibility of using active methodologies as a teaching tool in ecology. The study will culminate in the elaboration of a Pedagogical Guide to be made available in institutional repositories to subsidize ecology classes for basic education which emphasizes the potential of active methodologies to produce knowledge contextualized and investigative manner in basic education.
  • EATING BEHAVIOR AND SEDENTARISM: A practical application of the scientific method in high school
  • Fecha: 24-feb-2022
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Meaningful learning is that which goes beyond mnemonic practices and takes place in a consistent and relevant way in the subject's life. One of the ways to develop knowledge is through active methodologies that can be represented by scientific investigation, where there is a systematic search for the student's protagonism, grounding their knowledge through their discoveries. This work presents the structuring and application of a didactic sequence for the discussion of healthy habits, highlighting them as one of the necessary conditions to achieve a satisfactory quality of life and also proposes the structuring of a manual that will guide the biology teacher in the execution of the plan and that may be adapted for other content. The contents covered were: food, nutrition, general aspects of a healthy life; digestive systems, locomotor and chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), aiming to implement with the school community, a work to analyze the importance of a balanced diet and the practice of physical activity. The basic contribution of the research was qualitative. As for the method used, it is what we call action research. The activities took place remotely, since we had been working in the modality of remote emergency education, since March 18, 2020 due to the social isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The work with the students started through informal conversation and survey, followed by a pre-test. At first, it was observed that they had prior knowledge regarding healthy living habits and a balanced diet, but such knowledge needed guidance so that the understanding could be expanded. The pre-test indicated a deficiency in terms of understanding how the body uses energy from food. Another aspect observed refers to the lack of immediate identification of which foods were building, energetic and those rich in fiber. In addition to the fact that many students are unaware of the composition of the digestive system and its physiology. Finally, the initial data collected still detected some doubts about the structure and classification of muscles, the relationship between sedentary lifestyle and CNCDs. After the development of the activities proposed by the didactic sequences developed, it was verified in the post-test significant changes in the obtained results, demonstrating that the developed work was successful in the teaching-learning process. We found that there was a considerable increase in the understanding of metabolism, and it is possible to see that they began to understand a little better the function of the component structures of the digestive system and their respective functions, as well as they began to understand the dynamics of the muscular system, in addition to relating to more significantly the issue of a sedentary life with obesity and related diseases. It should be noted that the proposal presented here is intended to enable a better performance of students in classes by introducing activities that encourage them to express what they think about the topic discussed and that they change from mere spectators to questioners of the surrounding environment, in addition to seeing biology and its themes, not with something distant, but that it has direct meaning in our everyday actions.
  • Fecha: 23-feb-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Knowledge in Botany must go beyond the content commonly studied at school, especially in high school. It should be seen and used as a support to introduce the student to the place where he lives. In view of this, improving the way in which the flora of the Caatinga biome is worked, seeking new active and investigative methodologies end up being a means of achieving learning. Allied to this, the power of involvement that popular songs cause in listeners and which today, unfortunately, are not so disseminated by the media and which are often restricted to works focused on regionalism. In this case, in particular, songs that mention various plant species typical of the biome in focus. In this way, the present research aimed to know and deepen about the vegetables found in the Caatinga Biome known by the students in order to provide support for the creation of a printed catalog, a specific Blog about some vegetables worked with the students and that appear in popular songs and finally a game entitled “Trail in the Caatinga”, where the participants find QR codes that will lead them to the information contained in the blog during the game. In order to carry out the research and all other phases of the work, high school classes from the Methódio de Godoy Lima Reference School in High School in Serra Talhada - PE were chosen. Initially, students answered a questionnaire using Google Forms remotely, serving as an assessment of prior knowledge on the subject. Then, the work of involving the students through the chosen songs began. As the songs were being presented to the students, the vegetable discussed in it was already going to a certain group as research material to compose the printed catalog and the Blog “Botanical Songs”. The research carried out, as well as all the use of media to carry out all the work flowed very well, since due to the pandemic period experienced, even in person, they did not object to the use of computers and cell phones. After all the research on plant species, the phase of creating information for the blog and the printed catalog began. Then, the pages containing the vegetable information were compiled into a QR code and included in the pedagogical game. It was very easy to see the students' affinity with the theme when the songs were used as a 'bridge' between the content and the making of the products. The material produced will serve as a teaching resource for that school.
  • Fecha: 22-feb-2022
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • This work aimed to evaluate the teaching-learning of ecology using a fragment of Atlantic forest as a learning space and teaching by inquiry as an active methodology. The forest fragment locus of the study was Mata de Jaguarana, an urban forest reserve located in the city of Paulista/PE. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the teaching-learning process was carried out in a hybrid way, with remote and presential moments. The investigative activity was carried out by students from a third year high school class from a public school located near the mentioned ecosystem. They were asked to answer a problem situation related to the Jaguarana forest. To do so, they carried out several activities, from observing the forest in loco to delivering an open letter to the Municipal Secretary of the Environment. We can affirm that the students solved the problem situation in an active and protagonist way, strengthening their socio-environmental competence and their performance as citizens. They also advanced in the scientific literacy process by strengthening skills such as critical observation, reading, explanation, discussion, and communication of data or information. We understand that the development of procedures and values from the active methodology used was as important to the teaching and learning process of Ecology as the approach of concepts, since we found that students developed more interest, curiosity, creativity, motivation and teamwork with the implementation of the proposal. From this work, an educational guide called "Environmental Detective" was created, which can be used as a didactic resource by other teachers as an innovative tool in practical Ecology classes.
  • Fecha: 10-feb-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • In Youth and Adult Education (YLE), environmental issues are dealt with within the contents of ecology, in general, in a content-based way and disconnected from reality. EJA students, in general, are unmotivated and behave as spectators before the knowledge that is transmitted to them. The teacher is challenged to promote teaching strategies that motivate them to participate in the learning process, relating the content studied to their daily lives. In this study, the fanzine represented the key pedagogical strategy through which the students expressed, in textual or artistic form, the knowledge they had learned. The research aimed to build scientific knowledge about anthropic environmental impacts, using active methodologies and the "fanzine" as a learning expression. The activities were developed with twenty EJA students from a public school in the Agreste Pernambucano region of the state of Pernambuco. The didactic-pedagogical strategies were mediated by digital information and communication technology (ICT) tools in order to produce a zine. The research data were obtained by means of participant observation, recordings in notebooks, in classes, and debates interpreted in the light of Bardin's content analysis. We studied 80 fanzines with a theoretical deepening of the contents: pollution, environmental degradation, environmental impacts and sustainability, treated in a scientific and contextualized way, linked to emerging environmental issues in contemporary times, awakening the sense of socio-environmental co-responsibility and contributing to the formation of ecological subjects. The systematization of the activities developed during the research resulted in a collection of fanzines as a way to express knowledge and know-how, focused on environmental issues. It is hoped that this research integrates the scientific enculturation process in Youth and Adult Education, strengthening autonomy, critical thinking, interdisciplinarity, communication and the construction of new values based on living with the environment.
  • Making Botanical Models as a proposal for protagonism and student learning in high school
  • Fecha: 31-mar-2021
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • The teaching of Biology is of fundamental importance for the student to be aware and prepared for the challenges of making individual and collective decisions regarding health, life and the environment. Currently, there is a lack of interest by students in the contents of Biology, mainly in the field of Botany, caused, perhaps by the lack of laboratories, training courses for teachers and by the absence of dynamic, playful and investigative classes promoted by the teacher in the teaching schools. public. One of the ways to minimize the problem of teaching botany is the use of didactic models, as it allows working on playfulness and making classes more attractive, promoting the role of students. Therefore, this work aimed to awaken the interest of high school students, from the public network, to the contents of Botany through the making of didactic models with modeling clay and making them protagonists in the construction of those models, in an investigative approach and playful. We divided the third grade students of João da Cunha Vinagre State High School, located in the municipality of Conde-PB, into two groups by lottery: the experimental, composed of four classes and the control formed by two classes and they did not participate in the didactic model making workshops, they only had the explanatory and explanatory classes. The students of the experimental group with the collaboration and supervision of the teacher made the models. During the development of the work, a questionnaire (pre-test and post-test) was applied, aiming to analyze the students' previous knowledge and, those acquired after the interventions with the use of didactic models. The post-test showed some satisfactory responses in relation to the pre-test, mainly in relation to the increased interest in Botany and in the recognition of the internal structures of the xylem, phloem, periderm and Caspary stretch marks. Considering that the present research aroused greater interest in the discipline as well as contributing to the improvement of the students' learning process, it is concluded that the use of models made with modeling clay and CD boxes are efficient for the understanding of internal root tissues and stem and can serve as an inspiration for other professionals to apply in their schools, because as a product we set up a manual for making the models as well as a kit containing ten root models and ten stem models to be used in other classes, as well as by other teachers.
  • The Teching of Ecology through the Science, Technology, Society, Environment (STSE) Approach: using Methodology of Problematization for Active Learning
  • Fecha: 24-mar-2021
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • One of the challenges of teaching action is to overcome traditional teaching approaches, by the adoption of methodologies that promote active learning, in which the student plays a leading role in the production of his knowledge. The study aimed to develop ecological knowledge focused on environmental impacts in a Science, Technology, Society and Environment (CTSA) approach. This research had a qualitative character and was carried out in a state high school, in the city of João Pessoa-PB, specifically in a class from the 3rd grade of high school. As an investigation strategy, participatory and exploratory research was adopted, mediated by the problematizing methodology of the Arco de Maguerez. Data were obtained through participant observation, interviews, questionnaires and a focus group. The teaching activities were carried out from a didactic sequence with different pedagogical strategies, in order to lead students to active behaviors when contemplating the different learning styles. The ecological themes were treated in an investigative way from the perspective of the CTSA approach in which the students played a role in developing operations of thinking characteristic of the procedures of the scientific method. It was evidenced that contextualized studies, mediated by active methodologies, generate motivation in the student and build competences and skills in their training processes. The activities carried out and systematized will be consolidated into an educational product in the form of an Investigative Teaching Sequence (SEI) with a CTSA focus for teaching Ecology.
  • Fecha: 16-dic-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • From the zygote, in a process of cell division and differentiation, all cells that make up living organisms are formed. In these early stages of life, cells have unique capabilities, with the potential to differentiate into any existing type and are called stem cells. Despite being a recurring theme in the media, due to its applicability in health, this subject is little explored in high school books and classes in the discipline of Biology, lacking greater focus due to its relevance. Thinking of a proposal for school work with the potential to attract the attention of students, giving them more access to the theme stem cells, as well as the use of new technologies, it was based on the creation of an educational application. In addition to the application's proposal to make the topic more accessible, it can also promote the student's role, since the use of this technology favors self-teaching, based on reading and problem solving. Thus, the present work started with the making of the application, followed by its evaluation by students and professors who make up the three high school grades. Participated in the research 28 students from the public state network of Paraíba, EEEFM José Pinheiro (Campina Grande-PB) and ECITE Monsignor José da Silva Coutinho (Esperança-PB). In relation to teachers, 20 master's students from the Professional Master's Program in Biology Teaching - PROFBIO, from different Brazilian states participated in the present work. After making the educational application, entitled “Unraveling the stem cells”, the link to access was made available via email and social networks (whatsapp) to the study population, as well as online forms for evaluating the capacity and potential of the application about stem cells. Students and teachers received the link concurrently and had two weeks to carry out the evaluation. The results obtained by analyzing the responses of the students, it was considered the use of such methodology as positive for the cognitive aspect, as well as, in the construction of essential aspects in the formation of the student such as, socialization, interaction, protagonism, motivation, cooperation and interactivity. As for the teachers, they evidenced the instrument as of extreme power to enrich the classes that approach the chosen theme. These findings were confirmed by the comments of students and professors who evaluated positively and satisfactorily the effectiveness of such a tool in the teaching of biology. It is hoped that the software presented here, can serve as an enhancement of educational activities and that it can inspire several colleagues, from the most different areas, to elaborate, search, innovate their classes, transmitting in the best possible way the knowledge so desired by our students, preparing them to exercise citizenship.
  • TEACHING AND LEARNING ABOUT EVOLUTION: An analysis of conceptual evolution in the classroom
  • Fecha: 14-dic-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • In this research, we investigate how the effective practices regarding teaching strategies concerned with promoting conceptual changes, underpin, and influence the development of the teaching and learning process of Evolutionism. Thus, we used the analysis of conceptual evolution in the classroom, within the context of basic education based on teaching strategies aimed at conceptual change. Before the intervention process, we surveyed previous conceptions to identify different conceptions about Biological Evolution, differentiating the scientific conception from non-scientific conceptions present in everyday life, which made it possible to identify possible conceptual inaccuracies. After the survey, there was an intervention process subsidized by teaching by research through an Investigative Teaching Sequence (SEI) as a didactic proposal to provide the Conceptual Evolution. Divided into 7 (seven) classes that sought to articulate the explanation of the concepts, the promotion of cognitive conflict for the restructuring of the concepts, and the construction of knowledge from the proposal of teaching by an investigation. These classes were structured based on the procedure of proposing problem questions, raising hypotheses, and systematizing knowledge through readings, discussions, and guided debates. We used to carry out these classes: projection of thematic images and cartoons; internet searches; dynamics for survey and discussion of concepts; practice for testing hypotheses and discussing concepts; besides texts for systematization. From the analysis of the results, it was possible to perceive the conceptual evolution from the accommodation of the scientific explanatory model in the students' conceptual network, with the complete conceptual exchange. Thus, in the three questions in the questionnaires, the presence of accommodation stands out. In the first question, regarding the concept of Biological Evolution, 45% of the students accommodated the scientific explanation. In the second question, alluding to the concept of adaptation, 55% of students accommodated the scientific explanatory model. However, it was in the third question, which dealt with the concept of Natural Selection, that the greatest accommodation of the scientific explanation was noted, observed in 65% of the respondents. Still, was observed the partial assimilation of the scientific explanation, present in the answers of 25% of the students who answered the first question about the concept of Biological Evolution. These students, who during the intervention process, reproduced the scientific discourse, but, in the answers of the post-test questionnaire, they made an explicit part of the non-scientific discourse present in their previous conceptions. Therefore, we conclude that the option for an Investigative Teaching Sequence can constitute an appropriate instructional strategy for the construction of knowledge and the promotion of conceptual evolution. Thus, confirming what the results obtained during the teaching and learning process indicate, the methodology used here showed that most results reaffirm the presence of conceptual evolution, from the partial assimilation of the scientific explanatory model or the presence of accommodation of scientific explanation in the students' conceptual network.
  • Fecha: 10-dic-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Education is undergoing transformations motivated by the technological revolution, which is undeniably changing the way of teaching and learning. However, this revolution is not yet present in our schools, which for the most part still have traditional teaching as a paradigm. In seeking to contribute to the teaching of biology, especially in botany classes, we developed a pedagogical strategy guided by the principles of active methodology and the inverted classroom, which advocate the role of the mediating teacher and the use of new Digital Information Technologies and Communication (TDIC) in favor of teaching-learning. The research was carried out at Olavo Bilac State High School in the city of Sertânia-PE and counted on the participation of students from the second grade D (2D), which applied the principles of the inverted classroom methodology, and the second grade E (2E), which stayed with the traditional methodology (control group). The use of different methodologies was intended to compare the results of teaching efficiency between one practice and another. To compare the methodologies, we used the data provided by (pre-test) and (post-test), as well as the observations from the field notebook. Regarding practices, a strategy was applied in class D that allowed students, even at a distance, to have early access and interaction with the content, leaving the classroom to deepen it through discussions between colleagues and practical group activities. . Whereas, in class E, the same subjects were addressed, but based on traditional methodology. Taking into account only the statistical data, it is impossible to say that one methodology stood out from the other. However, with regard to involvement with the theme, active participation and the protagonism of students, the active methodology proved to be more relevant, since the pedagogical tool used was an Instagram application, which was part of the students' daily lives, facilitating interaction between students. teacher-student-content. In addition, instagram provided students with active participation in research, production and sample results, making them active subjects in their teaching-learning process. We created as an end product of our work, an E-book containing information about our pedagogical practice and suggestions on how to use Instagram as a pedagogical tool.
  • TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM: Alternative for teaching Botany in High School
  • Fecha: 30-nov-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Plants are the living beings that characterize biomes and are present in our daily lives, being essential to the maintenance of life on the Planet and their study has used for other areas as interdisciplinary content. Botany teaching today is marked by a series of obstacles and difficulties, not only on the part of the students, but also mainly by the teachers. Bringing the student to understand the importance of the study of botany can generate an advance in the understanding of plants in their environmental, educational and social context. Observing textbooks with a traditional approach, the difficulty of teaching and learning botany in high school, the use of memorization of concepts is related to the subject. Currently student inserted in a new context as a digital native, an educational digital game was developed and used of the Platform genre, that is, the narrative, the phases, the challenges and a quiz, which are inserted in the creation of the game called The Botany Game, with an initial question of the research, What is the function of flowers ? Teaching begins investigative for the development and use of the game, with the construction of an initial scenario of the game universe, a biome with deforestation and erosions, this being the narrative created by the teacher to develop the investigative teaching by the students and establish the relationship of the flowers with this game scenario. One hundred and forty-one high school students from the Paraiba Education Institute participated in the research, being divided into a control group and an experimental group. Therefore, action research done by collecting quantitative and qualitative data with the completion of questionnaires answered by students, analyzed in categories to understand the data in a statistical and comparative way between groups. The necessary data for the didactic development of the game with its phases, characters and challenges, bringing playfulness to the classroom and seeking to carry out the learning of Botany in a more pleasant and interactive way with this active methodology. Resulting in a greater interest of young people in this area of knowledge and a better acquisition of botanical content through this methodological alternative with the use of technology in the classroom.
  • Fecha: 30-nov-2020
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • This research addresses the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC); development and application of a digital game as a pedagogical resource; and analyzes, from the use of these resources, their contributions in the teaching-learning process of the students, as well as, their relevance in the educational process, acquisition of knowledge of the contents of Biology. The challenge for the teacher and the school today is to structure the teaching-learning process by updating methodological knowledge in order to allow / use a better understanding and assimilation of the studied contents. Technologies in everyday school life have been introduced as an attractive way for new generations, thus providing a more meaningful learning. The main objective of the research is to develop and apply a digital game in 2D format and evaluate its applicability as an auxiliary instrument in the teaching-learning process. The proposed theme for the development of the digital game is aerobic cellular respiration, considered as abstract content and difficult to understand. The methodological strategy was action research with a qualitative / quantitative approach of an exploratory and descriptive character. The research involved 30 students aged between 15 and 18 years from the 1st to the 3rd grade of regular high school at the State School of Elementary and High School Professor Getúlio Cesar Rodrigues Guedes, in the municipality of Pedras de Fogo - PB. The intervention was stimulated by strategies that include internet research, workshops and short courses aimed at producing a technological product. The results were obtained through observation, notes and questionnaires and served to prove that the intervention mediated and stimulated by means of digital technologies is stimulating to students. The work culminates with the production of a digital game called ATP race available for smartphones on google play and a guide for using the Gdevelop-5 application, which was used to develop the research.
  • Fecha: 29-oct-2020
  • Hora: 14:15
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  • It is well known that some terms of genetics, such as phenotype, homologous chromosomes, heterozygote, dominant alleles, among others, are difficult for students to understand, so that there is a greater interest by them in the contents of biology and understanding of concepts, the teachers must promote different methodologies in addition to lectures and dialogues, so that they promote the protagonism and cognitive skills of students. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop a didactic sequence using didactic games as a facilitating tool for teaching and learning the basic concepts in genetics. This research took place in the year of 2019 with a class of the 3rd grade of integral high school, consisting of 22 students, aged between 17 and 19 years, in a state public school in the municipality of Esperança-PB. For this report of didactic intervention that fits in the action research, using as a scientific method the qualitative and quantitative approach of the results through the use of questionnaires, participant observation and bibliographic review, 27 classes of 50 minutes were used. One week after the execution of the expository and dialogued classes, a pre-test questionnaire with 12 objective and discursive questions was applied to 21 students. The result revealed that among the research participants, traditional classes were not enough to guarantee students' understanding of the basic concepts in genetics. In another stage, the room was divided into five groups, and each received an investigative script to guide the making of playful games. In this phase, the teacher acted as a mediator and the students as protagonists, through readings, research, discussion, creativity and interaction. Thus, five games were produced: Memorizando Genética; Show of Genetics, Playful Genetics, Mix of Genetics and Genetic trail with description and rules. Each team presented their game, followed by a moment of interaction with the class. In the final phase, a perception questionnaire was applied via the Google platform, which showed the acceptance of students for this activity, and a better performance in learning. As a product of this work, an Didactic Sequence of an investigative nature was elaborated using the production of games as a didactic strategy, which can be used and adapted for teachers of biology and other areas. Therefore, the use of games in the classroom was extremely relevant, since, through this innovative practice, it was possible to stimulate communication, argumentation and problem solving within the classroom, as well as encouraging protagonism and students' cognitive ability.
  • Fecha: 27-oct-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The environmental degradation caused and accelerated by urbanization has clear signs that we need to review our relationship with the environment. Any activity that man performs in the environment causes an environmental impact, which unfortunately, most of it is negative. Consequently, there is an increase in the number of diseases in the population, caused by arboviruses such as dengue, zika and chikungunya, transmitted by Aedesaegypti, which has been spreading through tropical and subtropical regions with great intensity. To advance on this problem, environmental education is used as an instrument for the involvement of the school community. In this perspective, this research aimed to develop, through Environmental Education (EA), methodologies for teaching biology related to combating dengue, zika and chikungunya, through a Didactic Sequence (SQDD). Specifically, to identify students' previous knowledge about AE and diseases caused by Aedesaegypti for subsidiary the construction of a manual; Develop an SQDD focused on EA and its relationship in combating arboviruses; apply to students and validate a SQDD; build a manual of educational practices to promote new habits that reflect environmental awareness and that contribute to the endemic control of dengue, zika and chikungunya. For this, a pre-test and a post-test were carried out with students of the 2nd grade of High School, where the results were obtained from the questionnaires and their participation in the execution of different activities. The results inherent to the viability of the didactic sequence that shows an improvement in the students' understanding of the environmental relationship and the arbovirores. The students' statements showed an expansion of concepts, as well as in the post-test records. The students were able to broaden concepts, express that combating arboviruses requires care for the environment, that a partnership between the government and the population is of paramount importance to combat the problem. A Manual of Educational Practices was produced in this research. It presents the didactic sequence, performed by the students. Through this process, students get to know their community and experience Environmental Education through the fight against dengue, zika and chikungunya.
  • Fecha: 30-sep-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The teaching and learning process requires the teacher to use active strategies and methodologies that motivate and provide students with the development of skills and abilities that can permeate the objectives of the curricular subjects and place them in a context of protagonist with regard to the construction of the knowledge and improvement of scientific literacy. This research had as its general objective: To develop the construction of videos as a teaching strategy, generating learning and enhancing scientific literacy. The research took place in a state school in the municipality of Queimadas-PB, with the participation of twenty-three high school students and it was an exploratory, descriptive research with a quali / quantitative approach, with predominance of qualitative aspects. Among the procedural methods of research, action research with triangulation stands out based on participant observation, pre-intervention and post-intervention questionnaires and the realization of a focus group. The students were divided into four groups, each with a theme: chemical and physical properties of water, mineral and distilled water, lactic acid fermentation and ethanol fermentation, about which they developed educational videos. For this, they dialogued through meetings, WhatsApp groups and made visits to institutions that allowed to contextualize the content covered in each of the four videos developed. The results obtained revealed that from the construction of educational videos in biology, students were able to enhance and develop indicators and increase levels of scientific literacy, improve competences and skills in other disciplines according to reports and observations. In this perspective, it is concluded that the construction of videos, constitutes as a teaching strategy capable of placing the student in the role of protagonist of his learning, when making use of active methodologies, requiring the use of scientific literacy tools, strategy that can be applied to the teaching of biology and extend to other high school subjects.
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2020
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • Signifying the learning of Plant Biology is a challenge in teaching Biology. Several authors bring to light the aversion related to teaching and learning this curricular component, both in higher education and in basic education. This is the result of our historical distance with the natural environments that, as a consequence, brought us away from botanical knowledge. The use of practical classes has great potential, both bringing us closer to this knowledge, as well as assisting the teaching and learning process in botanical content, in addition to providing the student with a leading role through active methodologies. The methodology of the project was of a qualitative nature, influenced by the Research Action. With the objective of signifying botanical learning, five practical classes were applied with a total of 38 students, from two classes of the second year of high school, from the State School of Elementary and High School Carlos Chagas, linked to the public network of Paraíba. The contents discussed were: Seeds, Germination, Roots, Stems and Leaves. For data collection, questionnaires were applied (pre-test, post-test and post-test 2), notes taken by students during the realization of practical classes and participant observation. After analyzing the data, the contribution of practical classes in botanical learning was observed, in addition to its potential as an active methodology. During the interventions, student leadership was observed, reflected in their active participation during the conduct of practical classes. In the analysis of the tests, the progression of knowledge learned among the participating students was noticeable. The students evaluated the activities as positive, indicating the influence of the methodology. The actions developed and executed during the pedagogical interventions formatted the content of a booklet with the proposal of practical classes, based on active methodology, composing a didactic sequence, problematized in order to propose investigations in the teaching of contents in botany. This material will be made available through the PROFBIO - UFPB online repository, to serve as a contribution to Biology teachers.
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • In face of the currently social difficulties, its absolutely necessary that education contributes more efficiently not only to students’ formation as well as a consciousness and actives citizens. In addition, it is expected from professionals and researchers in education the development and improvement of innovative methods on learning. These methods should allow learners’ curiosity and help them to build their learning and not just be observers on this process. In this perspective, several technological resources may be incorporated in the classroom including films and videos production with scientific content.The present dissertation aims to compare the efficiency in learning based on two strategies: 1) the expositive classes and 2) an active methodology consisting of investigative activities resulting on short animated videos production using a photographic technique named Stop Motion. More specifically, we compared the development of attitudinal, conceptual, and procedural dimensions of the knowledge between the two methodologies. This is research action based on a qualitative/quantitative approach. Data collection was based in different techniques: participant observation, pre and post questionnaire, focal group and check list. The research was developed with eight six graduating High School students in a Public School in the city of Campina Grande state of Paraiba. There was no difference in the conceptual learning between the two methodologies carried out, however, the active methodology was more valuable in many procedures’ application and attitudinal parameters execution, such as; interest, autonomy, tolerance, consciousness and collaboration. As a product of this research we developed a Didactic Guidebook to assist teachers. The product can be adapted to different realities and teaching levels.
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Scientific literacy presupposes a critical questioning of knowledge, whether scientific or not. Seeking to stimulate the ability to interpret phenomena while enabling the student to apply knowledge in problem solving and decision making. In this sense, the purpose of the present work was to develop the capacity for critical reading and autonomy, so that students could develop the necessary tools at school, capable of being taken to non-formal teaching spaces, stimulating conscious and reflective interaction in their community. For conducting the research, active methodologies were applied and the development of projects and research that dealt with contents associated with regional biodiversity. This theme was chosen considering the relevance of the subject in the formation of students' cultural identity and the possibility of exploring prior knowledge, to promote scientific literacy, which led to significant learning. The conduct of the research coincided with the period of the Scientific Initiation elective course and lasted for six months. During this period, three phases of the research were carried out: planning, process and products. The planning phase consisted of developing activities that stimulate students' reflection and autonomy on the diversity and classification of living beings. In the process phase, project writing activities, data collection and analysis and work writing were carried out; and, in the product phase, blogs, comics, pamphlets and a fossil workshop were developed by students and applied to all classes in the first year of high school. These actions demonstrated the students' ability to put into practice the concepts visualized in the classroom for their own benefit and that of the community. As a result, scientific literacy was expressed by students when they demonstrated their ability to understand the language of science with criticality and autonomy in the course of conducting research on regional biodiversity. This ability was assessed and measured by comparing the information collected in questionnaires and focus groups, carried out at the beginning and at the end of the research. it was used as parameters of scientific literacy, axes and indicators available in Sasseron (2008). Therefore, the initial objectives of scientific literacy were achieved through the study of regional biodiversity, perceived when comparing the results collected at the beginning of the research with the results collected at the end of the research. The investigative activities applied in this research were recorded in a manual of pedagogical practices, where the experiences can help teachers to teach investigative classes with regional resources, promoting scientific literacy. And from this experience, new scientific literacy activities in high school classrooms can be developed through the use of active, investigative and research methodologies.
  • ACTIVE AND INVESTIGATIVE STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING THE DIGESTORY SYSTEM: experience with the Technical Course on Nutrition and Dietetics",
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • It is inherent to the Natural Sciences to reduce the distance between the student and scientific research therefore this student would become active when searching for strategies to solve problems. Hence, it is essential to adopt diverse ways of teaching that cater to the varied demands of the classroom, always considering equal opportunities and equity rights. Simultaneously, the organization of classes is usually a challenge for the biology teacher, since in the same proportion that this subject drums up fascination, it generates demotivation in many students. Recent studies demonstrate that inadequate methodologies in teaching the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system result in disinterest and the absence of building new knowledge. Therefore, an effective approach needs to foresee the construction of the problem and its introduction to the student, as well as considering his previous knowledge, applied to the problem, under the teacher's mediation. This research aimed to develop active and investigative didactic strategies for teaching anatomy and physiology of the digestive system and the feeding process in the second grade of the mid-level technician in Nutrition and Dietetics course at Centro Estadual de Educação Profissional (CEEP) Professor João Faustino Ferreira Neto – Natal/RN. The foundations of the quali-quantitative approach were used as theoretical-methodological assumptions, and action research as a methodology. Among the performed procedures, participant observation of the classroom was present on a daily basis; diagnostic questionnaire (used as a pre-test and post-test); audio and video classes recordings (with subsequent transcriptions); focal group; in addition to varied field notes. The classes had discussions, practices and diverse experiences involving the contents of the digestive system, such as the use of concept maps, construction of three-dimensional models of organs and comparison of food labels, so that these activities were carried out as teaching through research. The use of these methodologies was effective during the teaching-learning process, as it minimized the difficulties of the students regarding the understanding and perception of their own organisms, in particular the structures that are part of the digestive system. In addition, the students' prior knowledge of the subject was reframed, increasing the supply of knowledge and the development of skills. By correctly understanding the functioning of the digestive system, students were also able to realize the importance of a healthy diet for the maintenance of the body's health status. As a result of the carried out activities it was organized a Guide of Didactic Strategies for Teaching Anatomy and Physiology of the Digestive System and the Food Processing, which will be available to teachers in the area of Natural Sciences, especially those who teach Biology classes in High School.
  • Fecha: 30-jul-2020
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • Parasites are frequent in places with low HDI, Paraíba has high rates, the adoption of strategies that work to minimize these rates are very interesting for the formation of citizens. Recognizing the need to provide more attractive, contextualized methodologies that promote the active participation of young people in the construction of knowledge, the study sought to observe the collaboration of the construction of didactic games in the understanding of parasitic infections by high school students. The study resorted to qualitative and quantitative procedures that were carried out by applying objective questionnaires and conversations carried out before and after the didactic activity. The results showed the stimulus to questioning and participatory capacity, a greater amount of correct answers was observed in the objective questionnaires. The students considered the methodology used motivating and facilitating the understanding of the contents studied in the classroom, in this way there was an increase in the participation and learning of the developed theme, causing a greater understanding of the theme addressed. The methodology used enabled greater socialization of knowledge and understanding of the scientific method. The work showed that the use of active methodologies are significant strategies for better assimilation of knowledge.
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2020
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • Information and communication technologies, from the use of the internet, have brought many changes over time in the ways of interacting and learning. Social interactions gain more space every day and communication between teacher and student is no longer limited to the classroom, demonstrating that these interactions also pass through the environment in which communication occurs, in the way in which the student interacts with problems, subjects, information and cultural values and the mechanisms used in the classroom. In this scenario, challenge arises for the educational sphere in the sense of seeking new methodologies that are related to the current perspectives. The National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) refers to the need for students to understand these technologies, their languages, ways to interact from them, to the best of their ability, acting critically, solving problems in the most diverse spaces, that is, digital culture. Therefore, we chose to work with social networks, through a private group, created on the Facebook platform. The theme of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) was applied, using teaching strategies based on Sociointeraction, the Active Methodology and the Investigative approach, in order to expand the possibilities in the construction of knowledge between students and teacher. The main objective of this work was to promote learning about STIs, using a social network (Facebook), in a public school in Paraíba, resulting in the elaboration of an Illustrated Pedagogical Guide as a tool to support the teaching work. The most appropriate methodology for this purpose was the qualitative research, of the school ethnography type, due to the interaction of the researcher with the researched object, and had as sample, two classes of third grade of High School, totaling 49 students. Data were obtained through questionnaires applied at the beginning and at the end of the research and through participant observation during the application of teaching strategies. They were examined by frequency and simple percentage, in addition to content analysis. The application of the research, from Facebook, resulted in an adhesion of more than 80% of the students, demonstrating the potential of this tool in the approximation of the contents, besides collaborating in the interaction between them in the activities. Therefore, it is concluded that this work favored learning about STIs and, above all, contributed to scientific literacy and the development of student leadership. In this way, it is considered that the methodology constitutes an important product for teaching, as its application has proved to be efficient in the study of the presented theme.
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The present study was based on the development of pedagogical intervention actions in biology classes, in the contents of botany, in high school with the objective of using didactic resources that would provide an effectiveness of learning in the teaching process, such as the production of a carpotheque and a didactic guide, because the quality of teaching botany is considered inefficient, unattractive and the use of active methodologies could contribute satisfactorily to improve the performance of students in the teaching-learning process. Thus, the use of teaching strategies through practical classes, with a contextualized approach, were ways of contributing to the construction of knowledge and the promotion of effective learning. The work was carried out in a public school, in the city of Campina Grande, state of Paraíba, having as target audience, the students of three classes of 2nd grade of High School. Data collection was organized through questionnaires applied in the initial and final stages of the research, in addition to direct observations during classes and during activities. The research process happened with the execution of practical activities and in groups, in a didactic sequence, which allowed the student to develop his autonomy in the learning process, with practices that involved the participation of students in the classroom. The carpotheque was built with the student's main role, performing the collection of botanical material and subsequent description. The carpotheque was a didactic resource proposed by that work, as well as the production of a didactic guide. The results showed that students had an effective participation and considered practical activities relevant to their learning, as well as that the use of methodologies that bring students closer to plants contributed to this learning. The execution of the research also allowed a reflection on the need to use methodologies that promote greater interest in students during the learning process.
  • Use of active methodologies in teaching Entomology in high school
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The current Biology Teaching demands teachers innovating in their pedagogical practice using active methodologies that contribute effectively to the teaching-learning process. In this context, there was the planning of a didactic sequence that sought to promote Scientific Literacy through teaching by investigation and that contributed to the construction and dissemination of scientific knowledge about insects. Thus, with this research, it was intended to improve the teaching on Entomology in High School from the use of active methodologies. Thus, a didactic sequence was planned and applied with a class from the 2nd year of regular high school at the Francisco Apolinário da Silva State Elementary and High School, located in the municipality of Areial, state of Paraíba, targeting 31 students. The work is an action research of an applied nature with a qualitative and quantitative approach. As a tool for obtaining data, a pre-test questionnaire was applied that analyzed the students' prior knowledge, as well as a post-test questionnaire that was applied after the strategies and methodological approaches used and, thus, it was possible to evaluate the effectiveness activities produced and applied with students in the teaching-learning process. Activity planning included: (1) practical activities, (2) field activity, (3) laboratory activity with an investigative approach and (4) poster making to compose a mural about insects and socializing the theme. As a result, most of the responses obtained through the questionnaires were categorized by content analysis. It was evident that students developed skills to manipulate, question, investigate, organize and communicate and that there was a greater learning about the morphological characteristics of insects relating them to their eating and living habits, as well as the ecological, economic and medical importance of insects. Thus, it was found that when studying insects within a context that involves their ecological relationships, using active methodologies, opinions of a predominantly negative character as those evidenced in some pre-test responses are diluted, yielding space for opinions that incorporate the ecological aspects of insects. Therefore, after the active methodologies used in classes, greater learning took place, since the post-test responses showed an evolution in the levels of Scientific Literacy. The students provided more complex answers, as well as, adequate explanations of the scientific concepts, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of insects, thus reinforcing the importance of using active methodologies in Biology classes as a way to improve the teaching of Entomology in High School. The planning and application of the didactic sequence resulted in a final product that accompanies this research. Thus, the product that consists of a didactic sequence, will serve as a didactic resource that will assist teaching practice, through the suggestion of activities to develop the content of Entomology in High School through active methodologies. Thus, the didactic sequence will facilitate the teaching-learning process of the theme through an investigative and contextualized teaching
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2020
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Biology teaching currently faces the challenge of modernizing in a world in constant transformation, especially concerning the development and use of new educational technologies. The use of new learning methodologies in Biology classes is an active tool for student-centered learning. This work was developed at the Federal Institute of Paraíba (IFPB) and aimed to evaluate the process of producing short didactic videos by students from the Vocational Course in Mechanics at the high school level as a tool for active learning in Biology classes. The research’s approach was characterized as qualitative and quantitative, as participant in terms of procedures, as action-research in terms of objectives and as field research in terms of object. Face to face activities and virtual environments were used to guide students in the stages of video production. Students were assessed through pre-test, post-test, participation questionnaire and self-assessment forms. The developed activities improved student skills such as teamwork, interaction to solve problems, organization, cooperation, interest, and responsibility. The video production made it possible to design Cine-Bio, a didactic platform hosted at IFPB’s João Pessoa campus official video channel and made available to any interested user. As a product of this research, a methodological guide was generated to produce short videos to be used by teachers and their students. The active participation of students in the production of videos has shown that this tool is suitable for student-centered learning.
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The theme of this research work is the importance of using mobile media as a support tool in the process of teaching and learning botany for high school students. This work intends to make an analysis of how the cell phone or smartphone can be used as a didactic tool to aid in the acquisition of knowledge about plants, for this purpose, making use of the cell phone for the didactic practice of plant photography by students, seeking to awaken in them the awareness of the importance of preserving plants. This research has a qualitative and quantitative approach, of the applied type, with the participation of 30 students of the second grade, from a state public school in Paraíba. Throughout the work, the students assumed the role of protagonists, through the resolution of problems proposed and/or raised during the activities, culminating in a meaningful learning, once a list of the students previous knowledge and the new knowledge constructed with the practical reality in their lives. Finally, the students made a guide for identifying plants with the photos obtained by them during field classes and in their places of residence. The research shows that, despite being part of all aspects of the students’ lives, the plants are unnoticed, even by students who live in rural areas, because when asked about the importance of studying the plants, none of the interviewees gave answers, that the study of plants is very important, this attracted a lot of attention. The research also showed that, with the aid of the cell phone, the botanical blindness of the students who were part of it was at least mitigated, as an increase in the number of plants recognized by the students was perceived.
  • Fecha: 28-jul-2020
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Faced with the need to renew teaching approaches and in order to meet the needs of students and the guiding documents of basic education, this research aimed to investigate how the process of building an illustrated glossary, by high school students from a public school, can contribute to improving the teaching of terminology in Biology content. Starting from a closer contact with the scientific language, contributing to the student’s scientific literacy and motivating the search for information and knowledge construction in an investigative way. The application perspective of this research is an investigative approach to teaching, placing the student in the position of protagonist, capable of arguing, reflecting and building knowledge. This work is justified by the difficulty of the students, who often complain about the terms used in Biology classes. The applied methodology was based on the theoretical assumptions of Quali-quantitative research, through bibliographic research and participant observation. The study area was the Domingos José da Paixão State Elementary High School and the target audience was high school students. Thirty students participated in the research by signing the terms of free and informed consent term. A pre-test was applied and after the pedagogical interventions were carried out, a post-test. The proposal included the selection and drawing of scientific terms from the contents of Botany and Zoology, so that students could research the origin and definition of each term, each representing an image, preferably produced by the student. During the research phase, a field class at the Arruda Câmara Zoobotanical Park was held, in order to complement the research and contribute to the production of the images. At the end of the research, the works were presented by the students and subsequently gathered in a single glossary, which can be consulted and expanded whenever a new term unknown by the students appears. Upon completion of the presentations, the students performed a self-assessment and highlighted the relevance of the activity for their learning. Subsequently, post-tests were applied. The results were quite positive, both in quantitative aspects, percentage increase in number of correct answers from the pre-test to the post-test, but also due to the change in attitude, the greater involvement of students in classes, the expansion of scientific vocabulary, which began to be used more and more safely. The objectives were certainly achieved, to a greater or lesser extent, but they were met with satisfaction. The final product was developed and will be able to provide support for other teachers to apply the same methodology, adapting to different contents according to their objectives, highlighting the role of students and valuing investigative teaching. It was a very positive experience and produced deep reflections among the students and also the teacher, who, mediating the execution of the work, had the opportunity to reflect and rethink her pedagogical practice.
  • MANUAL OF DIDACTIC SEQUENCES: An investigative approach, dynamic and contextualized biology teaching
  • Fecha: 24-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Amid great technological evolution, a big increase in information access and a fast flux of data, a low interest by the students about Natural Sciences is noticed. Searching improvements in methodological proposals, it is proposed in this article to develop of a didactic sequences manual, aiming at a better learning of Biology contents in high school in the Young and Adults Education modality, containing five didactic sequences, that approach, the themes of Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology, using active methodologies, stimulating the student's to the leading role and exploring the investigative bias. The activities were realized in the school “Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Áudio Comunicação” from João Pessoa, in two classes from the fifth cicle, with 15 students in class “A” and tem stundents in class “B” class (control), in the Young and Adults Education modality. The methodology followed the qualitative aspect, inside the research-action model and quantitative aspect, where the effiency evaluation of the proposal was made through analyze of pre and post tests, among other activities realized inside the classroom. In the activities, diversified didactal ressources were used such as experimental classes, movies exibition, analyzes of labels and leaflets and scientific dissemination texts. The data that were obtained through the tests, along with the classroom observation confirmed the dificulties that the students demonstrated related to biology contends. The prevalence of a tradicional model that prestiges the teaching by memorizing, makes it harder to reach a deeper learning and the contextualization of the worked themes, making the presencial classes uninteresting and pointless for the students. Starting from the application of the classes proposed in the manual, the students came across with a new reality, where they were stimulated to look for the construction of knowledge through an investigative process, taking on the lead role of their actions. It was possible to watch a behavior changing by the students, internalizing this new culture, taking to positive results in the sense of learning of the worked content aspects, but also in the improvement of de argumentative ability, in the capacity of working autonomously, and comprehending and contextualizing the themes with their daily routine without mention their knowledge sistematization. The results indicate that, in the goups A and B (control), the dificulties had persisted inherent to the expression of ideas and concepts in the writen form. When compared to the abtained average in the pre and post test, it was verified that, in group A, where the manual metodologies were applied, there was an increase of 118% on the grades, reaching an average of 6,5 points, while in group B, the increase was of 50%, reaching an average of 4,4 points. With this, we can conclude that the proposal was efficient and supplied the proposed objectives, in the meaning of approaching the cientific knowledge, giving practical meaning to it, and providing an improvement with the students learning, which started to assume the lead role in the process, showing the relevance of the metodological path to the construction and re-meaning of knowledge, respecting and giving value to their histories and personal knowledges.
  • Fecha: 23-jul-2020
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • The educational guidelines for Youth and Adult Education (EJA) signal the identity of this type of teaching and point to the need for a specific pedagogical model that is consistent with the profile of students and their life paths. The curriculum must be flexible and consider meaningful content for young people and adults. The approach should promote motivation and provide adequate mediation for students to actively participate in the teaching and learning process. The literature shows a contextualized and investigative approach, generating significant and transformative learning. Reflecting on these conceptions and in search of a pedagogical proposal aimed at EJA students, it is that this work presents Cardiovascular Diseases. This theme, combined with teaching by research, is proposed as a way to support and contextualize the teaching of Biology, providing meaningful content, in dialogue with the experiences and interests of students. Thus, the present work seeks to analyze the contribution of an investigative approach, contextualized, interdisciplinary and integrated with the didactic unit of human physiology for the teaching of Biology in Youth and Adult Education (EJA). The target audience are students from the VI cycle of EJA from a school in the state of Paraíba, located in the capital. The methodological approach is qualitative and descriptive as to the nature of the data, collected through structured questionnaires and participant observation. Pre-test questionnaires were applied in order to verify the students' perceptions regarding their own level of knowledge and / or difficulties in the listed themes. These initial data supported the direction of the investigative didactic sequence, in addition to being a comparative parameter after the activities. After the execution of the proposal, post-test questionnaires were applied in order to raise the relevance of the didactic sequence produced. The results pointed to the effectiveness of the investigative and contextualized strategy adopted. The contextualized theme, exposure to the school community, group work, the investigative approach and the articulation of different languages and other subjects, were factors that demonstrated positive effects on learning, favoring the integration of contents and interdisciplinarity. Students demonstrated motivation, leadership and autonomy in the construction of knowledge. They positively evaluated the proposed theme and the methodological approach used. They revealed, through their perceptions and attitudes, the development of significant learning and the potential to multiply the knowledge built by acting as health promoters and transformers of their reality. This process proved to be effective in bringing to the student the feeling of belonging to the school, of school and social insertion. Students felt valued individually and collectively as an EJA modality. The product from this work is presented in a didactic manual format, with a detailed description of the activities. Thus, this pedagogical experience can be shared, serving as a contribution to teachers interested in the investigative approach and / or who work in teaching and learning in Biology at EJA.
  • LEARNING THROUGH COMICS: a proposal methodology for the Teaching of Biology
  • Fecha: 23-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The research emerged from the verification that the teaching of Biology, in some pedagogical situations, presents itself unrelated to the student's daily life, promoting inefficient learning. This is due to the fact that the contents are taught in a fragmented way, not associating concepts with processes, in most cases, the student ends up memorizing terms instead of understanding them. This scenario cannot remain as students need essential knowledge for the citizenship exercise. Accordingly, the research is based on the construction of knowledge with the use of Comic Books (HQ) built by the students themselves, with the following objectives: to evaluate whether the method of self-construction would allow students to know what is necessary for them to develop their own learning, raise awareness to study Biology creatively; encourage the habit of reading and motivate them to understand Biology. The study is based on qualitative, documentary and bibliographic research. Two questionnaires were applied: one to assess previous knowledge and the other to know the content design and whether there was an incentive to read critically and creatively and the data analyzed through content analysis. It was developed at EE Jerônimo Gueiros (Natal / RN) with 32 students from 1st grade classes and took place from May to December 2019. The Comics production took place from the choice among the themes presented during the research groups period. They built 17 illustrations involving the themes of DNA or RNA molecule and ecology and 18 HQ with the themes: DNA and RNA, Replication and transcription, Photosynthesis, Respiration and Biomass. The scripts were carried out with the guidance of questions present in the Didactic Sequences answered by the students when investigating the contents. In the analysis of the questionnaires was verified that the reading habit was increased, that the students felt more motivated to study the subject, this motivation being triggered by the construction of the HQ. During the discussions while building the HQ, there was mutual collaboration, with reflection exercise and argumentation, especially related to what would be in the script. Finally, at the end of the activities there was an exhibition of Comics produced by students on a panel. As a product of this project, a guide was prepared presenting the experience and practice of using HQ in the teaching of Biology, which has the following title: “Guide to Didactic Sequences: a methodology that promotes the teaching-learning of Biology, through Comics” . It was concluded that, when working with HQ, students were sensitized to see Biology in a critical and creative way, being motivated to build their own learning. Finally, one can think that the use and creation of HQ favors learning and it can be used as an entertaining methodology in which the students themselves, when building their own ideas, through investigation and leadership, have their learning improvement.
  • Fecha: 22-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Nowadays, the active methodologies application is valuable to transform educational practices to facilitate the learning process. According to the official documents (PCN‟s, LDB, BNCC) that guide the teaching process, concerning Science and Biology teaching especific objectives: to promote teaching-learning situations where students have the opportunity to become protagonists in their own educational process; promote knowledge production to contribute to comprehend the world and its changes. At this point, the educational games application, as an active methodologies‟ tool which enables critical and creative teaching strengthening, to promote the scientific knowledge and improvements in the results of knowledge‟s comprehension construction, concerning the student in the process‟ centre. This paper purposes to analyze the pedagogical efficiency by educational games‟ application, as an active methodology, to promote literacy in Biology‟s teaching-learning in basic education. The research is a quali-quantitative that aims to guide by action research, which has investigated on the pedagogical games‟ contribution as a didactic tool in the learning promotion and in the improvement of the scientific literacy students levels in the third grade. High school grade. Data has been collected through questionnaires, participant observation, focus group and record in field diaries and treated based on content analysis. The activities‟ development and games‟ application to develop high school Biology content. Research has demonstrated that the importance to apply educational games is relevant to scientific literacy levels improving, to be considered one of most building knowledge effective means. The production of a didactic game process. Futhermore, in the knowledge construction, motivation and the cognition development by offering meaningful learning by approaching content in a contextualized and funny way. Moreover, to contribute to improve performance in the classroom and to a reflective and critical educational process in the educational practice. As a result, concerning the activities made, a Biological Sciences Educational Games has been produced, consisting of educational games and an academic portfolio. The portfolio contains the pedagogical path that involved this research, as well as the theoretical approaches that supported the production of games. Such products constituted the school's pedagogical collection, and will be available to other Science and Biology teachers in basic education through the national repository
  • Fecha: 20-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The topic of sex education in Brazil is still surrounded by taboo numbers. The search for work to prevent teenage pregnancies and to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs), therefore, comes up against several difficulties in the face of the growing conservative movement in the country. Thus, an emancipatory approach to sex education allows to educate and become the protagonist of their decisions. For this accomplishment, you can use the active methodologies and digital information and communication technologies (TDIC) in the classroom. Due to the relevance of the theme and the importance of offering the public an accessible and interactive product, work is promoted that leads to information on preventing early pregnancy and STIs through a digital channel, or blog, a tool that it allows the dissemination of information to everyone connected to the Internet. In this way, you seek to foster the protagonism and investigate the studies of the 3rd segment of Youth and Adult Education, at the Henrique Vieira de Melo Municipal Integrated School, located in São Miguel de Taipu-PB, on the subject. For this, it made use of the active methodology, through action research, in the search for data and in the elaboration of strategies, such as the use of didactic sequences, workshops, diverse discussions, besides the creation of blogs. The use of the questionnaire, pre-test and post-test was important, as well as the debates in the classroom during the realization of the didactic sequences and the workshop. After the research was carried out, it was noticed that the blog fulfilled its function of disseminating information on pregnancy and STI prevention to school students and the whole community.
  • Fecha: 29-nov-2019
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Durante as aulas de botânica tem sido cada vez mais difícil prender a atenção do aluno, e assim, tornar a aprendizagem significativa. Conforme relatos, o avanço exacerbado das mídias digitais, em todos os espaços de convivência, inclusive no escolar, além da forma tradicional e descontextualizada, na qual as aulas de botânica são ministradas, tem sido aspectos dificultadores do processo de construção do conhecimento. Nesse contexto, o desafio de encontrar alternativas para transformar essa realidade, recai para o professor, que deve repensar a sua prática e buscar estratégias metodológicas e ferramentas pedagógicas inovadoras que despertem o interesse dos discentes, e ao mesmo tempo, contribua para a construção de uma aprendizagem significativa. Nesse cenário, desenvolver trabalhos que utilize ferramentas presentes no cotidiano do aluno, como uso das TICS tem sido uma das estratégias adotadas para tentar atrair a atenção do aluno durante as aulas. Partilhando dessa ideia, foi produzido o blog, intitulado “flora de são João do Sabugi” objetivando facilitar o ensino e a aprendizagem dos vegetais, bem como desenvolver um sentimento de valorização e conservação da caatinga sabugiense. Analisando o pré-teste, percebeu-se que os alunos tinham pouco conhecimento sobre a diversidade de plantas da caatinga, assim adotou-se a estratégia de desenvolver o ensino de botânica utilizando elementos da flora local, como forma de promover a aproximação do discente com seu objeto de estudo, presente no seu cotidiano, e consequentemente, despertar seu interesse. Após a realização das ações interventivas, aulas dialogadas e de campo, desenvolvimento de oficinas, constatou-se um aumento do conhecimento em relação as variedades de plantas pelos alunos, fato verificado pelo maior número de espécies citadas no pós-teste. O contato presencial com as plantas, ocorrido in loco, para captura dos registros fotográficos, por meio do celular, contribuiu para aumentar o conhecimento sobre o tema abordado, bem como apresentar alternativas prazerosas do uso do celular, como ferramenta educacional. Logo, o blog “flora de são João do Sabugi”, por ser um trabalho cooperativo, apresenta-se como uma alternativa de se trabalhar a botânica de forma prática e investigativa, cujo processo de confecção, ofereceu aos alunos, oportunidades de participação a socialização do conhecimento em diversas experiências do seu dia-a-dia, aproximado- os dos conteúdos de botânica, promovendo a socialização do conhecimento e a interação entre professor e alunos, entre eles mesmos, e com eles e seu lugar de vivência, contribuindo para uma aprendizagem dinâmica, contextualizada e produtiva.
  • Fecha: 27-sep-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Compreendendo que a escola deve ser um espaço de produção científica e considerando que ela vive em um déficit de interação com as tecnologias, se faz necessário que existam mudanças na sua forma de encarar a formação científica ofertada aos alunos de educação básica. Mas, como se pode esperar uma mudança de paradigma do ponto de vista educacional no Brasil, se as escolas de educação básica, em sua maioria, estão desconectadas do mundo tecnológico contemporâneo, virtual e acessível? Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo elaborar e utilizar um aplicativo para dispositivos móveis, como ferramenta didática, para ministrar aulas de Botânica, onde se possam abordar de forma investigativa os conteúdos sobre os principais grupos de plantas do Reino Plantae; estimulando assim, o desenvolvimento de competências importantes na formação dos indivíduos, como a autonomia, a inclusão tecnológica, a investigação científica e o interesse pelas atividades propostas pela escola. O trabalho foi realizado na Escola Coronel Luiz Ignácio Pessoa de Melo, localizada na cidade de Aliança-PE, com 36 estudantes da 2ª série do Ensino Médio. A metodologia seguiu uma sequência didática norteadora deste trabalho, que foi desenvolvida ao longo do curso e finalizada nos meses de maio a julho de 2019. Possuindo cinco etapas assim definidas: Primeira etapa: Apresentação do App e Questionário Inicial; Segunda etapa: Atividade “Chave simplificada para identificação de plantas”; Terceira etapa: Atividade “Fotoidentificação de plantas”; Quarta etapa: Exercícios no APP e a Quinta etapa: Jogo didático e Questionário final. Em cada uma das etapas foram organizadas aulas expositivas e dialogadas sobre os grupos de plantas, para que os estudantes tivessem uma proximidade maior sobre os grupos de plantas e as suas principais características. Os resultados do questionário inicial mostraram que 94,4% dos estudantes nunca utilizaram m aplicativo para fins de estudo; como também que 41,7% dos participantes responderam não saber identificar os principais grupos de plantas, enquanto que 51,3% afirmaram conseguir identificar as plantas. De modo simplificado, o uso de um aplicativo para orientar o ensino promoveu sua eficácia através do crescimento dos índices de acerto das respostas dos exercícios (70%), o que caracteriza uma aprendizagem substancial. Também demonstrou-se que é possível que professores que não conhecem de linguagem de programação podem encontrar meios de criar seus próprios aplicativos, estimulando o ensino e a aprendizagem dos estudantes, além da interação entre os mesmos. A utilização de aplicativos como estratégias diferenciadas, traduzidas em metodologias ativas pode estimular de forma significativa tornando todos protagonistas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.
  • Fecha: 26-sep-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O estudo da fauna sinantrópica é extremamente necessário para que possamos compreender as relações estabelecidas entre as espécies e o ser humano. De posse desse conhecimento, podemos fazer interferências e estabelecermos um convívio de forma harmoniosa com esses seres, destacando a sua importância e os seus serviços ambientais prestados por estas espécies para com o homem. Baseado nessas considerações, a presente pesquisa objetivou conhecer, a partir do olhar estudantil e profissional, qual conhecimento os mesmos já detinham a respeito da fauna sinantrópica. Para isso, por meio de metodologias ativas foram desenvolvidas sequências didáticas procurando envolver o protagonismo dessas duas categorias, fazendo com que os mesmos se sintam parte integrante do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Para tanto foi realizado um estudo de caso, em uma abordagem qualitativa, cuja pesquisa teve como lócus a Escola Estadual Padre Ibiapina, no bairro de Mandacaru, no município de João Pessoa-PB, e contou com a participação dos alunos da 2ª e da 3ª séries do ensino médio; quanto aos profissionais, a pesquisa se desenvolve junto aos professores do mestrado profissional no ensino de biologia em rede nacional (PROFBIO) e contemplando professores de biologia da rede pública estadual e particular do ensino médio no Estado da Paraíba-PB como também de outros Estados do Brasil. Os resultados permitiram apreender informações referente ao objetivo da pesquisa, por meio de aplicação de um questionário estruturado na ferramenta Google Formulário aplicado junto aos profissionais com fim de buscar a sua aplicabilidade dentro da sala de aula e um outro aplicado junto aos estudantes visando qual seu saber a respeito do objeto pesquisado. A partir da experiência dessa pesquisa, percebe-se que o tema fauna sinantrópica ainda passa despercebido dentro dos conteúdos da biologia por ambas categorias, mesmo nos dias atuais, tendo as cidades sendo abrigo para grande parte da fauna silvestre e que já desperta o interesse por parte de alguns cientistas como sendo ela um laboratório para pesquisar a evolução e uma nova ecologia dos animais.
  • Aprendizagem significativa de conceitos biológicos potencializada pelo uso de mapas mentais e quadros conceituais ilustrados e evidenciada na produção de mapas conceituais
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O papel do professor enquanto facilitador do processo de aprendizagem é imprescindível. Para tanto, é necessário um amplo conhecimento de instrumentos de avaliação e de aferição de aprendizagem a fim de se verificar as corretas atribuições de significados aos conceitos ensinados. Além disso, o profissional da educação tem o desafio de introduzir novas tecnologias no processo de ensino visando o envolvimento e protagonismo dos estudantes em situações que tornem sua aprendizagem atrativa e significativa. Este trabalho se pauta na teoria dos mapas conceituais de Novak e na teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel e tem como objetivos o uso de mapas mentais e quadros de conceitos ilustrados como ferramentas facilitadoras e motivadoras em sala de aula visando uma aprendizagem significativa e a utilização de mapas conceituais para evidenciar a ocorrência dessa aprendizagem. Para isso, essas ferramentas foram inseridas na realização de uma série de sequências didáticas envolvendo alunos do ensino médio de duas escolas de João Pessoa-PB abordando conteúdos de biologia considerados, por eles, mais complexos. A aprendizagem desses conteúdos foi avaliada por meio de pré-testes, pós-testes e mapas conceituais. A análise dos mapas conceituais foi feita por meio de uma tabela de pontuação padronizada segundo os critérios propostos por Novak. Os resultados dos pré-testes e dos pós-testes nos evidenciaram a influência positiva dessas ferramentas indicado melhoria na motivação e na aprendizagem dos estudantes. Os resultados da análise dos mapas conceituais nos evidenciaram até que ponto essa aprendizagem foi significativa. Para a produção de mapas conceituais e mapas mentais digitais, foram criados tutoriais para utilização de dois softwares gratuitos. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho resultou também na produção de um material de apoio ao professor contendo tutoriais e técnicas para produção e utilização de mapas mentais, mapas conceituais e quadros ilustrados além de sugestões de aplicação dessas ferramentas em sala de aula.
  • Um proposta didática para o ensino médio sobre serviços ecossistêmicos no controle de insetos
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2019
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Os insetos correspondem a cerca de 54% de todas as especies conhecidas e sao importantes na polinizacao, ciclagem de nutrientes e controle biologico de pragas. Alguns sao vistos como nocivos por serem vetores de doencas aos homens e animais ou por atacarem plantas, ou seus produtos, causando grandes prejuizos para a economia. Ao estudar Ecologia no Ensino Medio, mais especificamente a estrutura de ecossistemas, conhecer a dinamica de especies de insetos que estabelecem interacoes com plantas agricolas e de seus predadores naturais, contribui para o estudante entender sua importancia e adotar atitudes que visem preservar os ecossistemas e agroecossistemas.Com esse foco, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo principal analisar uma proposta didatica dirigida ao ensino de elementos de Ecologia, em Biologia, por meio de atividades envolvendo o estudo de servicos ecossistemicos prestados pelos insetos e outros agentes, no controle de pragas em lavouras de subsistencia. A proposta foi aplicada em uma turma do 2º Ano do Ensino Medio de uma instituicao estadual de ensino, no municipio de Bananeiras-PB. Foram realizadas aulas expositivo-dialogada e um estudo dirigido para motivar os alunos e prepara-los para as aulas praticas, destinadas a captura de insetos. As capturas dos insetos foram feitas em plantacoes de milho, fava, feijao, batata-doce, mandioca, quiabo e hortalicas. Os animais capturado foram mortos por compressao no torax ou por imersao em alcool 70; foram desidratados, alfinetados, classificados, etiquetados e acomodados em caixa entomologica. Na caixa entomologica os especimes foram organizados em grupos de acordo com habito alimentar. Assim criou-se quatro grupos: predadores, parasitoides, pragas e polinizadores. Na etapa final os estudantes realizaram uma serie de perguntas com as respectivas respostas para serem utilizadas na producao de uma cartilha. Os resultados foram avaliados com base nos produtos gerados pelos estudantes, como relatorio, cartilha, video e colecao entomologica, entre outros, observando-se, ainda, elementos mais subjetivos, como participacao nas atividades, motivacao e interacao com o professor, entre os estudantes e com o conteudo trabalhado. Desse modo, observou-se a participacao ativa dos estudantes, na busca de conhecimentos relativos a aspectos morfologicos, ecologicos e economico. A forma como as atividade foram conduzidas e os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o metodo contribuiu eficazmente para os estudante aprenderem as caracteristicas gerais dos insetos, conhecer o papel eles exercem nos ecossistemas e entender que e necessario preserva-los para que possamos continuar usufruindo dos seus beneficios.
  • TRABALHANDO COM MODELOS DIDÁTICOS: Correlacionando processo de duplicação do DNA com a divisão celular e os aspectos citogenéticos da meiose com as leis de Mendel
  • Fecha: 30-jul-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Uma das grandes dificuldades enfrentadas pelos professores de biologia no ensino medio e fazer com que assuntos que exigem dos estudantes imaginacao e abstracao para compreensao de certos processos biologicos, muitas vezes por envolverem estruturas microscopicas e moleculares, sejam compreendidos de uma forma satisfatoria. Modelos didaticos sao ferramentas onde o professor pode utilizar de materiais concretos que representem estruturas microscopicas e moleculas do meio intracelular, com o objetivo de facilitar os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Embora existam alguns estudos propondo a confeccao de modelos para o estudo da reproducao celular, especificamente os aspetos citogeneticos sao pouco abordados nestes modelos Na perspectiva de somar contribuicoes a esta abordagem metodologica, este trabalho se propos a experimentar a confeccao e utilizacao de modelos que associem o processo de duplicacao do DNA com a divisao celular, assim como a identificacao das leis de Mendel nos eventos citologicos da meiose e sua correlacao com a variabilidade genetica na formacao de gametas. Este projeto foi desenvolvido com estudantes do 1º ano e 3º ano do ensino medio de uma escola publica do municipio de Parnamirim no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Este estudo foi realizado nas seguintes etapas: investigacao de um possivel conhecimento previo de aspectos citogeneticos associados aos processos de divisao celular; exposicao teorica dos temas; realizacao de oficinas para construcao de modelos que foquem a associacao do processo de replicacao do DNA com a divisao celular; confeccao de modelos que correlacionem a divisao por meiose com as leis de Mendel e uma avaliacao final da aceitacao dos estudantes em relacao a metodologia proposta e compreensao dos temas abordados. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a utilizacao de modelos e uma excelente ferramenta didatica para melhorar a interacao e participacao dos estudantes nas aulas, motivando-os a ter uma compreensao em relacao aos conteudos propostos nas oficinas. Na analise do nivel de satisfacao dos estudantes, em relacao a ambas as oficinas realizadas, foi observado que todos (100%), tanto os estudantes do 1º como 3º, afirmaram que a realizacao de oficinas com modelos tornou as aulas mais interessantes, melhorando o interesse no assunto. Diante destes resultados, foram elaborados roteiros de ambas as oficinas didaticas para serem disponibilizados como ferramentas metodologicas para professores do ensino medio de biologia.
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2019
  • Hora: 15:30
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  • O ensino de Microbiologia possui extrema importancia, pois esta ciencia e uma area do conhecimento que estuda, em sua essencia, bacterias, fungos, leveduras, virus e esta relacionada a saude, a higiene, interacoes com o meio ambiente, e aos avancos da biotecnologia merecendo um olhar especial no Ensino de Biologia. Atualmente, as aulas de Biologia sao majoritariamente ministradas de forma tradicional e sempre vinculando os microrganismos apenas as doencas, entre as quais estao as Infeccoes Sexualmente Transmissiveis (IST) que apresentam tambem, outras problematicas, como preconceitos e disseminacao de informacoes erroneas. Por se tratar de seres microscopicos e com ausencia de estrategias de ensino aprendizagem eficientes, o ensino de microbiologia se torna muito abstrato para os alunos, sendo necessario o desenvolvimento de atividades que proporcionem o ensino efetivo e o protagonismo dos alunos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo promover estrategias que visam a aprendizagem significativa sobre o ensino de Microbiologia utilizando atividades praticas com tecnicas e materiais alternativos. As atividades foram desenvolvidas com alunos da turma do 2º ano do Ensino Medio, de uma escola estadual do Rio Grande do Norte, com aplicacao de questionarios previos e posteriores; adequacao, producao e semeadura de meios de cultura alternativos; observacao de microrganismos ao microscopio; ministracao de aulas sobre os sistemas genitais; dialogos sobre IST e uso de preservativos, caracterizacao e confeccao de modelos dos microrganismos causadores das IST; e palestra com profissional de saude para ratificar as acoes anteriores. A avaliacao dos dados ocorreu de forma quantitativa e qualitativa atraves dos resultados dos questionarios e a interacao dos alunos com o tema durante a apresentacao dos seminarios, discussoes em sala de aula e aulas praticas. Os resultados no pos-teste, nas questoes de 1 a 4 identicas ao questionario do pre-teste, apresentaram um aumento nos assertos, principalmente na questao 2 em que 95% assinalaram corretamente em que os microrganismos sao causadores das IST; na questao 5, 75% dos alunos afirmaram ter obtido esclarecimentos; alem do vocabulario mais cientifico e assertivos dos alunos nas respostas. Esses resultados corroboraram a importancia dos temas e que com aplicacoes de estrategias alternativas despertam o interesse e o entrosamento entre os alunos. Ao orientar os jovens, a escola estimula o desenvolvimento dos mesmos, contribuindo positivamente para uma sociedade melhor.
  • A representação teatral como um recurso didático para o ensino da Genética no ensino médio: síntese proteica
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O trabalho de pesquisa ora apresentado busca trazer mais um componente metodologico que facilite o ensino e a aprendizagem da disciplina de genetica no Ensino Medio. O componente foi a representacao do tema sintese proteica atraves de uma esquete teatral, onde a validade metodologica foi testada em quatro turmas das series finais de duas escolas publicas, Lyceu Paraibano e Centro de Formacao de Professores polo Mangabeira e duas escolas privadas, Colegio e Curso Via Medicina e Evolucao Colegio e Curso, apelando para que o envolvimento do aluno no processo de producao, leitura, montagem e atuacao na peca, torne o conteudo mais atraente e a aprendizagem mais significativa. A experiencia de se trabalhar o tema da sintese proteica com estudantes do ensino medio permitiu identificar dificuldades de compreensao pelos estudantes no que diz respeito ao desenrolar sequencial do processo e do compartimento celular onde ocorrem as etapas. Diante disso, foi elaborado um texto de uma peca abordando a sintese proteica, buscando, sempre que possivel, uma linguagem mais informal, mas sem comprometimento da informacao cientifica. O esquete teatral ressalta o DNA como a molecula responsavel pela informacao genetica, e as principais etapas que determinam o fluxo dessa informacao, iniciando com a transcricao do DNA e finalizando com a traducao do mRNA, inserindo as interacoes moleculares envolvidas no processo de formacao de um polipeptidio. Uma estrategia utilizada e de grande aceitacao foi a instituicao de pseudonimo para as moleculas e organelas que surtiu efeito positivo. Por exemplo, trocar DNA por Dnaldo, subunidade menor do Ribossomo por Ribosomagro, RNA transportador por Ronaldo motoboy, RNA Mensageiro por Ronaldo carteiro, RNA ribossomal por Ronaldo leitor entre outros, de uma maneira rimada nos moldes de um cordel. Tal estrategia criou um clima propicio a aceitacao da proposta metodologica. O instrumento avaliativo de carater quantitativo e qualitativo evidenciou resultados positivos, em relacao a uma melhor compreensao do processo de sintese proteica. Foi observado que os alunos, em sua grande maioria, abandonaram a postura passiva e receptora e passaram a apresentar uma acao ativa e emissora interagindo no processo e melhorando na compreensao das etapas que envolvem o conteudo da sintese proteica, apontando para a validade dessa proposta metodologica.
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2019
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • A Expressao Genica engloba uma serie de passos que vao desde a sintese de uma molecula de RNA, a partir de uma sequencia de bases na molecula de DNA (gene), ate a sintese de uma proteina, a partir dessa molecula de RNA (RNA mensageiro). Apesar de ser o dogma central da biologia, grande parte dos alunos de ensino medio nao compreende esse processo. Diante dessa realidade muitos professores tem feito a opcao por ferramentas pedagogicas alternativas, como os jogos didaticos, que podem facilitar o entendimento auxiliando o processo de aprendizagem. A literatura indica que o uso de atividades ludicas favorece a aquisicao e internalizacao de conhecimentos, alem de promover alegria e prazer nos discentes, sendo, portanto, uma importante estrategia para o ensino e aprendizagem de conceitos abstratos e complexos. Com o objetivo de compreender a contribuicao do uso de um jogo didatico na apreensao de conceitos relevantes ao conteudo expressao genica, seus efeitos no desenvolvimento de habilidades e competencias, e seu aperfeicoamento, foi apresentado um jogo didatico e aplicado em uma turma de 39 alunos do terceiro ano do ensino medio, de uma escola publica localizada na 7ª Gerencia Regional de Educacao -Itaporanga - Paraiba. Inicialmente, os alunos responderam a um pre-teste para sondagem dos conhecimentos previos. Em seguida, foi apresentado o jogo, com suas regras e os seus conceitos presentes, atraves de uma aula expositiva. A aplicacao envolveu uma disputa entre 19 equipes. Ao final do jogo, foi aplicado um pos-teste e um questionario para avaliar o grau de satisfacao dos alunos. Na aula seguinte, foi feita a sistematizacao do conteudo, abordando, principalmente, os erros cometidos durante o jogo e as indagacoes feitas durante a aplicacao. Analisando os resultados do pre-teste e pos-teste, notou-se a melhora no total de acertos da maioria das questoes do pos-teste e, somado as respostas do questionario, constatou-se que o impacto do uso do jogo da expressao genica foi positivo para o processo ensino-aprendizagem. Ao final, foi produzido um manual com orientacoes para a construcao do jogo e sua aplicacao, alem da indicacao sobre os principais conceitos trabalhados.
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2019
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • Para uma mudanca no ensino e na aprendizagem de Botanica no ensino medio, foi desenvolvido na EEEFM Rio Branco, Patos – PB, aulas teoricas, praticas e de campo com enfase no ensino de plantas medicinais com os objetivos de facilitar o ensino e a aprendizagem dos vegetais, resgatar a sabedoria popular e instigar a curiosidade para as tecnologias digitais da informacao e comunicacao. Inicialmente, percebeu-se que os alunos nao detinham conhecimentos significativos sobre a diversidade de plantas medicinais presentes na flora brasileira, fato comprovado pela analise do pre-teste. Apos as aulas de intervencao realizadas pelo professor, os alunos conseguiram obter um maior conhecimento das variedades de plantas com propriedades medicinais. Durante o trabalho foi produzido um blog com o nome “Raizeiros das Espinharas” e uma colecao botanica sobre as plantas com potencial medicinal. O contato com as plantas para a confeccao das exsicatas e durante a realizacao das fotos pelos alunos com o uso do seu celular para a construcao do blog e da colecao botanica permitiu que eles aumentassem o seu conhecimento sobre o tema abordado. Portanto, o projeto proporcionou o ensino de Botanica de forma contextualizada, pratica e investigativa, oferecendo aos alunos oportunidades de participacao e vivencia em diversas experiencias do seu dia a dia.
  • EDUCAÇÃO SEXUAL: Estratégias Metodológicas para o Ensino Médio
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A sexualidade e um fenomeno inerente a vida de todas as pessoas, por ser universal e, ao mesmo tempo, singular a cada individuo. A construcao da sexualidade advem de seus aspectos individuais, sociais, psiquicos e culturais. Na adolescencia as transformacoes morfologicas e fisiologicas que ocorrem no corpo dos jovens favorecem a descoberta da sexualidade. Por isso, a importancia de desenvolver praticas de educacao sexual que permitem dialogar, trocar experiencias e informacoes, assim como, promover uma maior autonomia quanto a sexualidade, alem de contribuir com a saude dos adolescentes. No entanto, devido a falta de formacao continuada e a inseguranca dos professores, este assunto acaba sendo abordado de maneira superficial. Portanto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal, propor estrategias metodologicas, construidas a partir de vivencias pedagogicas no espaco escolar, para auxiliar docentes da educacao basica a trabalharem educacao sexual no ensino medio. Para isso, atraves de uma abordagem qualitativa baseada na pesquisa participante e direcionado a duas turmas da terceira serie do ensino medio de uma Escola Estadual de Joao Pessoa-PB, desenvolveu estrategias metodologicas de aprendizagem ativas, voltadas ao ludico e ao protagonismo do aluno. As informacoes obtidas atraves dos questionarios e da observacao das acoes desenvolvidas foram analisadas por meio da tecnica chamada analise de conteudo. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 56 alunos, em sua maioria meninas, entre 16-20 anos de idade. 51,79% (29) dos alunos ja tiveram sua primeira relacao sexual, 62,07% (18) usaram camisinha na sua primeira relacao sexual, mas 55,17% (16) deles responderam que nao costumam usa-la. Foi observado que uso do preservativo esta relacionado a protecao a gravidez e doencas/infeccoes, enquanto que o nao uso relaciona-se a utilizacao de outro metodo contraceptivo ou simplesmente porque nao gostam. Verificou-se que os alunos apresentaram maior facilidade no entendimento dos conteudos da anatomia do sistema genital humano, que os de fisiologia. Atraves da “Dinamica com Post it: Sexo e Sexualidade” foi observado que eles nao mostraram uma compreensao clara do que sejam sexo e sexualidade, apresentando diversas concepcoes do que esses conceitos representam. Atraves da “Dinamica Coisa de homem/menino x Coisa de Mulher/menina” e da analise de tres musicas percebeu-se que os alunos possuem representacoes sociais de genero voltados principalmente aos aspectos corporais e comportamentais de cada genero. Por meio da atividade “Metodos contraceptivos e IST” desenvolvida em parceria com uma profissional da saude, foi possivel apresentar as principais IST e os metodos contraceptivos mais usados pelo publico adolescente, alem de ensinar a maneira correta de usar o preservativo masculino, como forma de sensibilizacao dos alunos que possuem comportamento de risco. Por meio do QAM foi possivel perceber as razoes pelas quais os alunos consideram importante a promocao de atividades de educacao sexual na escola, o que eles mais gostaram e menos gostaram nas atividades desenvolvidas neste trabalho e quais os conteudos que gostariam que fossem abordados. Sendo assim este trabalho pode ser utilizado como subsidio, auxiliando outros professores na abordagem de educacao sexual por meio da utilizacao das estrategias na forma de um manual de sequencia didaticas.
  • Melhoria na qualidade do processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem por meio da introdução de aulas práticas e metodologias ativas nas aulas de Botânica no Ensino Médio
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O ensino dos conteudos de Botanica, que sao vistos de forma geral somente atraves do livro didatico, tem levado a uma carencia de abordagem, com momentos considerados ate desinteressantes para estudantes e professores. A preocupacao deste trabalho sobre o ensino de Botanica precisa ir alem da simples utilizacao de informacao presente nos livros didaticos e nas fontes virtuais, utilizando-se mais de aulas praticas especialmente em campo, resgatando, em alguma extensao, a relacao homem-natureza, alem do uso de metodologias diferenciadas, em que venham a relacionar com temas da atualidade, assuntos que extrapolam e complementam os conteudos curriculares, esperando assim uma contribuicao para o aumento do interesse e do aprendizado de todos os participantes desse processo. Este trabalho sugere algumas aulas extraclasse, praticas e metodologias ativas em virtude das dificuldades relacionadas ao ensino-aprendizagem de Botanica numa perspectiva de melhorar o interesse dos alunos de um modo geral, nessa area do conhecimento. Desenvolvendo um ensino significativo sendo dinamico, contextualizado, prazeroso e experimental, que desperte nos estudantes, a importancia dos conhecimentos cientificos e da Botanica para o cotidiano de todos. O trabalho foi realizado na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Medio Padre Roma, em Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, tendo como publico alvo, os discentes da 2ª serie do ensino medio. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de questionario, como pre-teste e pos-teste, (para a diagnose) alem de observacoes e a aplicacao de atividades diversas como praticas interdisciplinares envolvendo a participacao dos estudantes. As seguintes atividades que tiveram os estudantes como protagonistas, foram organizadas em modulos-aulas, com acoes de uso de metodologias ativas: pratica interdisciplinar sobre a germinacao das sementes e o desenvolvimento das plantas, a construcao de um album fotografico, a partir de imagens geradas pelos estudantes, aulas praticas em sala de aula como a dessecacao de uma flor (identificando as pecas florais) e o uso de jogos didaticos (biominos, cartas de baralho, tabuleiro em trilha). Os dados do questionario revelaram o pouco interesse e ate certo desconhecimento dos discentes sobre os conteudos de botanica. A partir desse cenario foram iniciadas as atividades praticas, diferenciadas, com o intuito de informar e sensibilizar os participantes sobre a importancia das plantas para a manutencao da vida e em consequencia melhorar o interesse de todos pela Botanica. Apos a realizacao das atividades observou-se a mudanca significativa nas concepcoes dos estudantes em relacao aos conteudos de Botanica, passando os mesmos a reconhecer que as plantas possuem importante papel ecologico e economico, alem de desmistificar a ma impressao anteriormente constatada. Foram visiveis a motivacao e o interesse dos estudantes durante as atividades, o que se traduziu efetivamente em resultados positivos alcancados. Foram obtidos como produtos neste trabalho, uma fototeca, um album fotografico, jogos didaticos, quiz em powerpoint, alem de uma cartilha detalhando as atividades sugeridas e, algumas dessas, realizadas na obtencao dos produtos gerados. A utilizacao de estrategias diferenciadas, traduzidas em metodologias ativas pode estimular uma aprendizagem significativa, tornando todos protagonistas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2019
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • No ensino medio, alguns objetos do conhecimento explanados nos livros didaticos, sao um tanto negligenciados ou abordados sem o merecido aprofundamento, o que pode desencadear uma baixa compreensao dos mesmos por parte dos educandos. Imunologia e um conteudo explorado de forma fragmentada, como um excerto de temas como histologia ou sistema circulatorio, quando, em verdade, trata-se de assunto relevante para a apropriacao de conhecimentos sobre doencas, fisiologia e ate mesmo, citogenetica. Uma ferramenta que tem se mostrado util na construcao da aprendizagem acerca de temas em biologia, e a ludicidade, em especial, os jogos digitais. Bursa, trata-se de um jogo digital caracterizado como um “serious game” (jogo serio), onde o docente, a partir desse produto, tem a oportunidade de explicar os processos imunitarios de forma integrada com o desenvolvimento de habilidades dos discentes, assim promovendo o levantamento de dados a respeito da eficacia de tal produto, mediante aplicacao em turmas de ensino medio e dentro de uma abordagem CTSA (Ciencia, Tecnologia, Sociedade e Ambiente). A construcao do jogo foi realizada numa IDE (ambiente de desenvolvimento), a qual, para jogos, apresenta um leque bastante diversificado. O projeto utilizou a IDE “Unity” e a ferramenta “Construct2” que permite uma iniciacao em programacao para quem nao tem tanta pratica na area. O trabalho contou com o apoio do analista de sistemas Euripedes Hallyson da Silva Campelo, que teve participacao extremamente relevante na construcao e desenvolvimento do jogo. O produto conta com uma plataforma movel com fases distintas, relacionadas aos tipos de imunidade e fases-bonus, onde processos imunitarios intermediarios deverao ser executados.
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2019
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Partindo do pressuposto do desafio da comunicacao, a habilidade de se expressar e ser compreendido, promove o professor ao status de comunicador, dessa forma necessita desenvolver a capacidade de argumentar para envolver a plateia, os estudantes, em seu discurso. Um recurso utilizado na argumentacao e a analogia, principalmente no ensino de ciencias, pois esse recurso tem a capacidade de aproximar uma informacao conhecida de um conceito novo, facilitando a construcao do conhecimento no aprendente. Este trabalho pretende analisar o uso de analogias presentes no conteudo referente a fisiologia humana em livros de biologia, distribuidos atraves do Programa Nacional do Livro Didatico (PNLD) para que possa servir como um recurso que auxilie na utilizacao do livro didatico, consequentemente, melhorando a qualidade da educacao nas escolas publicas do Brasil. Inicialmente, foi realizada a analise critica das analogias existentes nos livros, com a classificacao segundo o sistema proposto por Ferraz e Terrazzan. A partir dessa analise, foram apresentadas indicacoes para que o professor possa fazer uso da analogia de forma intencional e sistematica, ao inves de utiliza-la apenas de modo espontaneo ou automatico. Foram analisados 10 livros didaticos nos quais foram identificadas um total de 33 analogias, distribuidas entre os conteudos de introducao ao estudo de fisiologia, uma analogia, sistema digestorio, sete analogias, sistema cardiovascular, tres analogias, sistema imunitario, tres analogias, sistema urinario, seis analogias, sistema nervoso, seis analogias, sistema locomotor, tres analogias, sistema respiratorio, uma analogia, sistema endocrino, tres analogias. Apesar de alguns autores se utilizarem das analogias para clarificar as ideias e os conceitos abordados nos conteudos referentes a anatomia e fisiologia humana, nao o fazem de forma sistematica, tampouco discorrem sobre a desconstrucao dessas analogias, assim como nao discorrem sobre a utilizacao de analogias no manual do professor, salvo os casos de 2 livros, colecoes e autores diferentes, que enfatizam a importancia das analogias como recurso didatico. De acordo com os dados obtidos da analise dos livros didaticos e das producoes academicas de pesquisadores dedicados ao tema analogias, e possivel afirmar que as analogias aproximam um dominio conhecido a um dominio desconhecido que se deseja construir, para tanto utilizando um analogo conhecido e realizando a desconstrucao da analogia ao final, para que o analogo nao assuma o lugar do dominio.
  • Fecha: 22-jul-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A aprendizagem de genetica na educacao basica tem sido um dos grandes desafios no ensino de Biologia. Os avancos da ciencia e do desenvolvimento tecnologico estao cada dia mais proximos de professores e estudantes, trazendo desafios conceituais para a realidade da sala de aula. Tal cenario tem suscitado intervencoes pedagogicas que permitam o envolvimento, a motivacao e a interatividade entre os estudantes e o professor, mas sobretudo, a apropriacao significativa do conhecimento. Diante dessa realidade, esse trabalho objetivou desenvolver um software de jogo educativo para auxiliar o ensino de conceitos basicos de genetica de forma interativa, vinculado ao modelo didatico-analogico como organizador previo de facilitacao da aprendizagem em uma escola Publica de Pernambuco. A principio, neste trabalho foram aplicadas duas oficinas pedagogicas com roteiros investigativos, utilizando como instrumento um modelo de cromossomos construido com materiais reciclaveis em que foram explorados conceitos basicos de genetica mendeliana. A partir dos resultados das oficinas, com participacao ativa dos estudantes, criou-se um software, desenvolvido a partir da plataforma Construct 2 que teve por objetivo explorar de forma ludica e dinamica os assuntos previamente explorados nas oficinas. A oficina 1 que explorou os conceitos Genotipo, Fenotipo, Cromossomos homologos, Cromatides irmas, Alelos, Locus, Homozigoto, Heterozigoto, Dominancia e Recessividade, foi aplicada em 78 grupos de alunos de 2ª e 3ª serie de 8 turmas diferentes. Os resultados mostraram uma exatidao em torno de 80% em ambas as series. A oficina 2 que explorou conceitos de Divisao celular, Meiose, Diploide e Haploide, Celula Somatica, Celula Germinativa, Genotipo, Fenotipo, Cromossomos homologos, Cromatides irmas, Alelos, Locus, Homozigoto, Heterozigoto, Dominancia e Recessividade foi aplicada em 40 grupos constituidos apenas das turmas de 2ª serie que apresentaram exatidao media de 77%. A analise do desempenho dos alunos nas oficinas mostrou que a aplicacao na 2º e 3º serie foi eficiente e dependeu em parte das escolhas que os alunos faziam no roteiro investigativo. A avaliacao do jogo a partir da aplicacao em grupos de trabalho permitiu identificar que o resultado possibilita aprendizagem interativa, prazerosa e facilita a compressao de conceitos, contudo precisa ser aprimorada com maiores desafios e melhores cenarios, reduzindo a quantidade e posicionando melhor o texto. A partir dos resultados obtidos identificamos que a utilizacao do recurso didatico cromossomos reciclados como instrumentos em oficinas investigativas foi uma excelente estrategia pedagogica para aplicar os conceitos de genetica mendeliana e de divisao celular. O processo de construcao e aplicacao de um jogo levou os estudantes a se apropriarem dos conceitos de forma mais dinamica e divertida. E importante evidenciar, tanto a melhora na aprendizagem do conteudo abordado, quanto no interesse dos alunos em relacao a disciplina de Biologia. Conclui-se, portanto, que o ensino de Genetica aliado a praticas interativas, ocasiona melhor rendimento dos estudantes e provoca maior interesse pelas aulas e de aprendizagem do conteudo.
  • INVESTIGAÇÃO NO ENSINO DE BIOLOGIA: abordagem diferenciada para aulas práticas em uma escola de ensino médio - Mogeiro-PB
  • Fecha: 19-jul-2019
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • A escola, nos dias atuais, enfrenta grandes desafios perante uma sociedade que se torna, cada vez mais, midiatica e imediatista. Enquanto muitos professores ainda se encontram num contexto analogico, acorrentados as praticas ou metodos arcaicos tipicos de uma metodologia na qual o professor e o unico detentor do saber, este Trabalho de Conclusao de Mestrado (TCM), tem a oportunidade de contribuir com o trabalho docente e formar jovens cidadaos protagonistas da producao de seus conhecimentos. Objetivou-se desenvolver a investigacao cientifica com estudantes do ensino medio para aperfeicoar o ensino-aprendizagem nas aulas de biologia; Incentivar a busca do conhecimento nas aulas de Biologia, atraves do protagonismo dos estudantes do ensino medio; Inovar a pratica pedagogica no ensino de Biologia na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental Otavia Silveira; Promover a interdisciplinaridade atraves dos momentos de construcao do conhecimento com os professores do ensino medio, e Identificar a importancia do uso de materiais simples nas aulas de biologia, encontrados no dia-a-dia para facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O TCM foi desenvolvido utilizando-se a abordagem qualitativa, o metodo Etnografico, com enfase na Etnografia Escolar. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida, inicialmente, com 90 estudantes das tres Series do Ensino Medio da Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Medio Otavia Silveira (EEEFM Otavia Silveira) em Mogeiro/PB. A avaliacao dos alunos participantes das praticas experimentais se deu durante o processo como um todo, a partir das interacoes em grupo e com as discussoes e correlacoes entre teoria e pratica. Para coleta e analise dos dados da pesquisa foram levadas em consideracoes, as notas obtidas pelos alunos participantes durante o periodo de tres bimestres (abril a dezembro) de 2018 e o resultado final dos mesmos, categorizados da seguinte forma: insatisfatorio (entre 0,0 e 4,9), parcialmente satisfatorio (entre 5,0 e 6,9) e satisfatorio, (entre 7,0 e 10,0) na nota final em Biologia. Os estudantes das tres Series do Ensino Medio realizaram atividades de acordo com alguns conteudos especificos distribuidos da seguinte forma: na primeira serie, as atividades praticas foram: Transporte Passivo, Teste do iodo e Microscopia; na segunda serie, foram: Album virtual vegetal, Extracao de pigmentos, Fermentacao, Exsicatas e Caixa entomologica didatica, e na terceira serie realizou-se a pratica da Extracao de DNA vegetal. Os estudantes participantes apresentaram, de forma eficiente, as habilidades propostas nas praticas e foram aprovados na disciplina Biologia em 2018, conforme comprovado no sistema SABER da Secretaria de Educacao da Paraiba. Conclui-se que vale a pena destinar horas planejando e pesquisando metodologias ativas. O professor e mais do que “passador” de conteudo, pois deve ser questionador, instigador e fomentador de conhecimento. Como produto das atividades praticas realizadas, confeccionou-se uma cartilha ludica. Espera-se que esse recurso didatico ajude nos planejamentos de outros professores de Biologia no dia-a-dia. A esse desejo de sempre melhorar a pratica docente apontou-se, tambem, a importancia do Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Biologia – PROFBIO, que agregou o conhecimento academico dos profissionais de ensino com seus desejos de fazer uma educacao biologica prazerosa e eficiente.
  • Fecha: 17-jul-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A criacao de um protocolo que vislumbra a operacionalizacao desta ferramenta e uma iniciativa necessaria ao campo das ciencias biologicas, bem como a educacao. Para tanto, objetivou-se desenvolver protocolo metodologico relacionado a implementacao de oficinas pedagogicas no ensino e aprendizagem em biologia com investigacao cientifica. Trata-se de estudo metodologico de desenvolvimento de protocolo estruturado em tres estagios, quais sejam, a) Primeiro estagio: construcao do roteiro preliminar do protocolo; b) Segundo estagio: ajustes do roteiro por meio da revisao integrativa da literatura e determinacao das etapas essenciais e aconselhaveis; c) Terceiro estagio: validacao do conteudo do protocolo por meio da avaliacao dos juizes expertises no ensino em Biologia. Os dados da revisao integrativa e da validacao dos juizes foram tabulados com auxilio do Microsoft Office Excel®, para Windows 8 e o programa estatistico utilizado foi o Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS) versao 21, com uso de estatistica descritiva e inferencial, por meio de frequencia absoluta e relativa, Indice de Validade de Conteudo (IVC≥0,80), teste Quiquadrado e Exato de Fisher, com significancia considerada para valores ≤0.05, medida de confiabilidade atraves do Alfa de Cronbach (α). A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comite de Etica em Pesquisa sob parecer n. 3.290.764 e CAAE n. 10604219.4.0000.5188. O protocolo apresenta tres fases e 20 etapas, quais sejam: a) Fase I: Caracterizacao e diagnostico (escolha do tema, escolha do local, visita preliminar, caracterizacao do publico-alvo, direcionamento da avaliacao, avaliacao diagnostica, buscada estrategia com indicacao do estudante, relevancia da tematica na estrutura curricular, interdisciplinaridade e busca de subsuncor); b) Elaboracao e implementacao da oficina (construcao coletiva da oficina, problematizacao, disponibilidade de recursos, previsao da necessidade de confeccao dos materiais, locomocao, dimensionamento de pessoal, aplicacao da oficina, avaliacao do objetivo pretendido e da oficina pelos participantes); e c) Analise dos dados (caracteristicas dos dados coletados e tecnica de analise). A revisao integrativa ocorreu com 25 estudos elegiveis, com sete publicacoes em 2017 e treze na regiao Sul. Os ajustes do protocolo permitiram vislumbrar nove etapas essenciais e onze aconselhaveis. Houve associacao estatistica entre visita preliminar com problematizacao (p=0,031) e avaliacao da oficina (p=0,009), bem como busca da estrategia com indicacao do estudante com construcao coletiva da oficina (p<0,0001) e problematizacao (p=0,040), direcionamento da avaliacao com caracteristicas dos dados (p<0,0001) e tecnica de analise (p<0,0001). Na rodada Delphi I, a analise de confiabilidade gerou α=0,96 para clareza, α=0,95 para relevancia e α=0,95 para precisao. O teste de confiabilidade para o protocolo geral indicou α=0,98. Na etapa Delphi II, geraram-se α=0,94 para clareza e α=0,93 para precisao. A avaliacao global manteve-se com o α=0,98. Todas as etapas tiveram concordancia no criterio relevancia ≥0,80. As reformulacoes qualitativas do protocolo conforme as sugestoes dos juizes para IVC≤0,80 em todos os criterios analisados estiveram relacionadas a modificacao de termos em desuso. Concluiu-se que houve o desenvolvimento satisfatorio do protocolo com base na experiencia profissional, com respectivos refinamentos e validacao de conteudo, indicando um produto confiavel, claro, relevante e preciso.
  • A BIOTECNOLOGIA NO COTIDIANO ESCOLAR: percepção e difusão de conceitos
  • Fecha: 16-jul-2019
  • Hora: 15:30
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  • A Biotecnologia e uma ciencia multidisciplinar, de grande potencial agregado, que impacta todos os setores da sociedade. Nao obstante, mesmo estando inseridos amplamente em nosso cotidiano, os conceitos e produtos biotecnologicos ainda tem o desafio de se tornarem acessiveis a maioria da populacao. Nesta questao, o papel da escola e fundamental quanto a insercao de discussoes que contemplem as tematicas biotecnologicas para o esclarecimento dos alunos. Assim, no intuito de contribuir com o ensino de Biologia e a divulgacao cientifica no campo biotecnologico, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as percepcoes dos estudantes do Ensino Medio, pertencentes a quatorze escolas da rede publica do estado da Paraiba, frente as tematicas biotecnologicas e desenvolver um produto tecnologico para o ensino e a divulgacao da Biotecnologia. Para isso realizamos: a) uma analise critica das percepcoes dos estudantes acerca da Biotecnologia e de suas aplicacoes b) a construcao do aplicativo educacional BIOTEC, compativel com as plataformas Android e iOS, tambem disponivel no formato Web App, contendo conceitos e aplicacoes da Biotecnologia e c) a aplicacao de uma sequencia didatica com a utilizacao do aplicativo BIOTCEC para estudantes de uma das escolas participantes da pesquisa. Buscou-se realizar uma avaliacao inicial do aplicativo produzido quanto a aceitabilidade e competencia em esclarecer os conceitos biotecnologicos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a Biotecnologia, ainda que compondo o curriculo da Educacao Basica, tem passado de maneira imperceptivel no cotidiano dos estudantes e a avaliacao primaria do aplicativo BIOTEC indicou que o mesmo e uma ferramenta tecnologica adequada para a abordagem das tematicas biotecnologicas em sala de aula, alem de ser um veiculo de divulgacao cientifica. O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Codigo de Financiamento 001.
  • Fecha: 05-jul-2019
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • A Botanica e a area da biologia encarregada do estudo dos vegetais em seus diversos aspectos, morfologicos, anatomicos, fisiologicos, ecologicos. A forma tradicional, conteudista e descontextualizadas com que as aulas de Botanica sao regularmente ministradas tem sido um fator limitante na construcao dos conhecimentos, nesse cenario o professor enfrenta o desafio de buscar estrategias metodologicas e ferramentas pedagogicas que contribuam para a construcao de uma aprendizagem significativa e despertem o interesse dos alunos pelos vegetais. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a montagem e uso colecoes biologicas virtuais como ferramentas didaticas para a melhoria e a contextualizacao do ensino de Botanica, foi realizado entre os meses de agosto de 2018 e maio de 2019, com alunos de tres turmas de segunda serie de ensino medio (quando o projeto foi finalizado os alunos ja cursavam a terceira serie do ensino medio) de uma escola publica da cidade de Bonito de Santa Fe, alto sertao paraibano. A execucao das atividades foi pautada na abordagem mista da pesquisa. Como estrategia metodologica optou-se pela pesquisa acao. A obtencao de dados se deu atraves de questionarios. O trabalho buscou estabelecer relacoes entre os conteudos abordados em sala de aula e a realidade local vivenciada pelos alunos, atraves do conhecimento e valorizacao da biodiversidade vegetal da regiao, por meio de um conjunto diversificado de estrategias metodologicas entre elas aulas expositivas e dialogadas, oficinas pedagogicas, aulas de campo e a construcao de colecoes biologicas. Foram realizadas exposicoes teoricas utilizando recursos audiovisuais; dialogos atraves de debates sobre a importancia economica, ecologica e a necessidade de conservacao das especies nativas do bioma Caatinga; oficinas pedagogicas com tecnicas de herborizacao e coleta e aulas campo para o registro fotografico de especies e coleta de especimes destinadas a preparacao de colecoes biologicas. Finalizando a intervencao pedagogica foram produzidas tres colecoes biologicas, um herbario, uma carpoteca e sementoteca de plantas da caatinga, que posteriormente foram disponibilizadas em um blog na forma de colecao virtuais, a fim de promover uma interacao direta entre os alunos e as Tecnologias da Informacao e Comunicacao (TIC). Apos uma analise comparativa do pre-teste e pos-teste, revelou-se que a utilizacao de metodologias ativas e uma opcao pedagogica viavel para o ensino de Botanica uma vez que promove um ensino mais contextualizado, contribuindo para uma melhor compreensao dos conteudos estudados e favorecendo o protagonismo dos alunos na construcao do conhecimento.
  • EDUCAÇÃO ALIMENTAR E NUTRICIONAL: Estratégias lúdicas facilitadoras do ensino de Biologia na Educação de Jovens e Adultos
  • Fecha: 05-jul-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A Educacao de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) configura-se como uma modalidade de ensino marcada pela evasao e baixos indices de aprendizagem. Apesar dos inumeros desafios, a disciplina de Biologia na EJA deve ser capaz de relacionar ciencia, tecnologia, saude, ambiente e demais temas necessarios ao acolhimento e a formacao integral dos estudantes. Com o objetivo de promover o conhecimento cientifico por meio de momentos ludicos nas aulas de Biologia, a Educacao Alimentar e Nutricional (EAN) na EJA, foi escolhida como tema agregador de diversos conteudos para a producao de metodologias ativas, na facilitacao da aprendizagem e no despertar do protagonismo e autonomia do estudante. O estudo foi desenvolvido na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Medio Prof. Jose Baptista de Mello (EEEFM Prof. Jose Baptista de Mello), da rede publica estadual de ensino, localizada na cidade de Joao Pessoa – PB, nas turmas de Ciclo 5 EJA/noturno que contam com 96 estudantes matriculados, porem com uma media de 60 frequentes. Optou-se por uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, utilizando o metodo etnografico com enfoque na observacao participante. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo foram aplicados questionarios pre-teste, os quais serviram de embasamento para a confeccao das estrategias produzidas. Apos a aplicacao das estrategias foram aplicados questionarios pos-teste, a fim de se levantar a relevancia das estrategias produzidas. Como resultado, foram produzidas cinco estrategias pedagogicas. A primeira configurou-se na forma de Oficina Pedagogica, na qual foram trabalhadas duas atividades intituladas Mitos X Verdade e Nutriquiz. A segunda consistiu em um jogo intitulado Construindo uma Piramide Alimentar, o qual constou de uma atividade de investigacao. A terceira constituiu-se em um jogo intitulado De olho no rotulo, cujo objetivo foi orientar a leitura consciente dos rotulos de alimentos. A quarta consistiu na aplicacao de uma sequencia didatica intitulada Diversidade de microrganismos que abordou temas relativos a seguranca alimentar e endoparasitoses e, a quinta estrategia configurou-se em uma peca teatral intitulada O lipidio vai a juri popular, na qual se oportunizou o protagonismo do estudante na sua elaboracao. Ao final da execucao, todas as estrategias produzidas foram reunidas em uma cartilha pedagogica, disponibilizada em repositorio online, para servir de aporte aos professores no ensino e aprendizagem em Biologia na EJA. Os resultados obtidos a partir do pos-teste ilustram que, enquanto proposta facilitadora do ensino por meio da motivacao e contextualizacao dos conteudos com o cotidiano dos estudantes, as estrategias aplicadas mostraram-se assertivas e alinhadas ao que se propos neste estudo. Conclui-se que, atraves da observacao e dos dados obtidos, que a participacao e o envolvimento dos estudantes melhoraram a partir da aplicacao das estrategias, alem de ter sido verificada que a percepcao dos estudantes quanto aos habitos alimentares foi ampliada no que concerne a capacidade de compreender as dimensoes ecologicas, sociais, politica e ambiental que envolvem a cultura alimentar.
  • ALFABETIZAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E BIOTECNOLOGIA: O uso de metamodelos de linguagem e de metodologias ativas no ensino de Biologia
  • Fecha: 19-jun-2019
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • Aproximar as aulas de Biologia aos contextos dos estudantes e as praticas sociais, talvez seja o maior desafio a ser superado pelos professores nas proximas decadas. A utilizacao de metodologias ativas que possibilitem o entendimento cientifico critico e, que estimulem a curiosidade e o interesse pela investigacao cientifica, devem constituir um dos eixos norteadores de acoes pedagogicas na educacao basica, sendo tal aproximacao uma meta a ser atingida pela realizacao deste trabalho. Nesta perspectiva, a pesquisa em foco teve por objetivo analisar a repercussao pedagogica alcancada a partir do uso de metamodelos de linguagem e de metodologias ativas, no ensino de Biologia. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em turmas de ensino medio da rede publica do Estado da Paraiba, por meio da pesquisa-acao como estrategia de investigacao, onde foram utilizados questionarios (pre-teste e pos-teste) e grupo focal, alem de observacao participante para identificar conhecimentos previos e indicadores e alcances pedagogicos. A ideia de metamodelos foi incorporada a elaboracao dos questionarios e posteriormente foi utilizada como ferramenta de analise para compreensao dos estilos de aprendizagem dos alunos, a elaboracao dos questionarios e o grupo focal tambem estiveram na pauta da ideia de niveis e de indicadores de Alfabetizacao Cientifica. A analise dos questionarios pre -teste foi essencial para elaboracao de sequencias didaticas, a partir das quais priorizou-se a adocao de metodologias ativas como estrategias facilitadoras da aprendizagem. As atividades foram avaliadas de forma continua permitindo a realizacao de uma analise qualitativa e comparativa entre metodologias ativas e metodologias tradicionais para ensinar biotecnologia no ensino medio. O estudo revelou que os indicadores dos metamodelos associados a adocao de metodologias ativas foram determinantes para o envolvimento dos estudantes em todas as atividades realizadas, bem como para consolidar conhecimentos e promover habilidades vinculadas as tendencias de aprendizagens manifestadas inicialmente. O conjunto das acoes pedagogicas executadas passou a compor o material didatico-pedagogico, orientador da aplicacao das metodologias ativas, culminando na elaboracao de um site educacional vindo, deste modo, a contribuir com o desenvolvimento de novas praticas pedagogicas que estejam diretamente relacionadas com o ensino de Biologia com carater cientifico, contextualizado e critico.
  • A alfabetização ecológica no espaço escolar: estudos e ações ambientais voltadas ao ensino de biologia
  • Fecha: 19-jun-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O Seculo XXI nos impoe desafios diversos, no que se refere a compreensao sobre a relacao sociedade-natureza e exige da humanidade uma revisao de valores e mudanca profunda na forma de pensar e agir, fenomenos que so se concretizarao por meio de processos educativos. O ambiente escolar representa, neste contexto, um locus potencialmente influente, no tocante, a promocao da Alfabetizacao Ecologica, enquanto processo compromissado com a formacao de sujeitos com identidade planetaria e identificados com a dimensao socioambiental. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de desenvolver, no espaco escolar, estudos e intervencoes ambientais contextualizadas, orientadas pelas postulacoes da Alfabetizacao Ecologica, como fundamento pedagogico na formacao de sujeitos responsabilizados com a dimensao ambiental intra e extraescolar. A pesquisa, de carater qualitativo, foi realizada numa Escola da Educacao Basica, no Estado da Paraiba. Como estrategia pedagogica, foi adotada a pesquisa-acao que se embasou nos seguintes aspectos: a apreensao do contexto socioambiental, aporte teorico, selecao dos conteudos de Ecologia a serem utilizados como caminho de mediacao e a estruturacao de Oficinas Pedagogicas. Foram realizadas cinco oficinas tematicas, mediadas por metodologias ativas, nas quais os conhecimentos pertinentes foram produzidos, associados ao desenvolvimento e implementacao de praticas e experiencias sustentaveis, com repercussao para a comunidade escolar e circundante. O estudo alem de conceder o status de protagonistas aos alunos participantes tornou visivel algumas questoes ambientais do cotidiano escolar e propos alternativas pedagogicas para tratar os principais problemas ambientais no espaco escolar e no municipio. Como produto didatico-pedagogico das atividades desenvolvidas, foi elaborado um guia de praticas pedagogicas sustentaveis para ensinar ecologia. Este guia intitulado: “Ecoalfabetizacao: Estudos e Praticas em Educacao Ambiental Voltadas ao Espaco Escolar”, estara disponibilizado aos professores de Ciencias, Biologia e areas afins da Educacao Basica, como instrumento de orientacao as aulas de Educacao Ambiental e de Biologia na subarea Ecologia.