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  • Fecha: 01-jul-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Recovering degraded areas is a difficult process, where the history and intensity of use of these lands, combined with the prevailing natural conditions, are fundamental variables. In addition, the implementation of existing techniques is often limited due to their high cost. All these factors are even more expressive in biomes with low rainfall and large areas where part of the vegetation cover is suppressed. This work deals with the experimental dispersal of seeds of native plant species of the Caatinga biome, for the purpose of recovering areas degraded by various secular anthropic actions. The methodology consisted of using low-cost rockets, propelled by pressurized water and air, equipped with an active ejection system of the payload, as well as recovery, intended for the aerial dispersal of seeds, based on the nucleation technique, respecting the process of ecological succession. Seeds encapsulated in a bentonite clay pellet, Kraft paper and coconut powder (Cocos nucifera) were used in the experiment to offer resistance to predation, aerodynamic uniformity and greater moisture containment in the species Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill, Cenostigma pyramidale (Tul.) E. Gagnon & G.P. Lewis and Bauhinia cheilantha (Bong.) Steud, common in this biome, and their evolution was monitored in the field, observing if they would germinate. The initial results showed that the vehicle used worked correctly, according to the theoretical predictions made. Regarding the seed germination trials in the field, it was observed that, for Cenostigma pyramidale (Tul.) E. Gagnon & G.P. Lewis and Bauhinia cheilantha (Bong.) Steud, the dispersed material was not successful, while Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill presented only about 20% of favorable result. As possible reasons for this result, we have the high level of degradation of the area, the choice of seed encapsulation material, which did not provide the necessary moisture for germination, acting individually or together.
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Water bodies in an environmental protection area play a crucial role as indicators of human land use practices. Changing the balance of these water bodies can result in negative and irreversible consequences, directly impacting water quality. The sensitivity of these bodies of water to human-induced changes makes them key elements in assessing effects on the environment. The Tambaba Environmental Protection Area aims to preserve green areas. However, with urban expansion and other human actions, the risk of greater environmental impacts in areas close to water bodies in this region has gradually increased. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to evaluate the use and occupation of land by local populations in APA Tambaba, identifying the main environmental impacts caused by socioeconomic activities, using the main rivers in this region as indicators, thus aiming at the effective functionality of the creation of the APA. This study's main specific objectives are to evaluate residents' perception of the APA, analyze land use and identify possible environmental impacts in APA Tambaba, it will investigate the use of rivers by residents, comparing activities before and after the creation of the Conservation. Furthermore, it will evaluate the water quality of the rivers located in this region, in addition to characterizing biodiversity based on zooplankton and phytoplankton communities, also proposing actions to improve the local quality of life and preserve the environment. APA Tambaba was created through State Decree No. 22,882, of March 26, 2002, located between the parallels 7º 25' 00” and 7º 16' 30” South Latitude, and between the meridians 34º 55' 00” and 34º 47' 30” West Longitude, in the Mata Paraibana mesoregion, between the municipalities of Conde, Pitimbu and Alhandra. The rivers that were analyzed were the micro-watersheds of Rio Bucatu and Rio Gurugi, including its tributary Riacho Caboclo, located in Conde-PB; Mucatu River, municipality of Pitimbú-PB; and Rio Graú, with its sources in the municipality of Alhandra and its mouth in Pitimbú. Monitoring of these environments was carried out in the months of July, September and November 2019; January, July and October 2020; January and May 2021 and June 2022. To analyze land use and occupation in APA Tambaba, Geographic Information Systems were used. The topography was mapped using images from the USGS Earth Explorer, analyzing the elevation using a Digital Elevation Model. Land use and occupation before and after the creation of the APA were mapped with data from Mapbiomas, classifying areas such as vegetation, pasture, agriculture, urbanization, water bodies, among others. River mapping was carried out remotely with QGIS and the SCP plugin, considering permanent preservation areas and sample collection points. The survey of the main environmental impacts was carried out through the application of the Rapid Application Protocol, proposed by Callisto. For the socioeconomic characterization of residents in the local communities of APA Tambaba, the Ethnographic Method was used, using the "Snowball" technique to choose key informants. Semi-structured and unstructured interviews, as well as participant observation, were conducted to compare residents' knowledge and activities before and after the creation of the APA. The physical and chemical parameters of the water (ammonia, phosphate, total phosphorus, nitrite, nitrate, oxygen dissolved, temperature, total solids, conductivity, salinity and pH) were analyzed following the standards established in APHA using the appropriate methods for each analysis. The characterization of the zooplankton community will involve collecting samples in triplicates in the rivers of APA Tambaba, filtering 80 L of water per sample. Identification will be carried out through counts and analysis under an optical microscope, using bioindicator species to assess water quality. Likewise, the phytoplankton community will be known through samples collected approximately 20 cm from the water surface, fixed in a 4% formaldehyde solution. Quantification will involve the identification and counting of species using the Utermöhl method, allowing the relative abundance of the species present to be assessed. According to the results obtained, the intensification of agricultural use and real estate expansion in APA Tambaba resulted in a significant reduction in the vegetation area, thus observing little difference between the condition before and after the creation of the Environmental Preservation Area. According to the rapid assessment protocol, among the 13 points evaluated, 3 present natural conditions, 8 altered and 2 impacted. The most frequent changes occurred in the riparian forest (21.30%), in the characteristics of the sediments (18.33%) and in the physical characteristics of the water (18.52%). The points presented Enviar feedback Painéis laterais Histórico Salvas Contribuir Limite de caracteres: 5.000. Use as setas para traduzir mais. Concluído
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Marine shrimp farming is the branch of aquaculture that is most developing in terms of technology, jobs and food production in the world. According to the FAO (2022), global production of captive shrimp grew sharply in about five years only (2015 to 2019), and even though fishing for this crustacean in the world fell by 9.4%, shrimp farming still grew by 36 %. It is carried out with the species Litopenaeus vannamei, endemic to the Pacific, being technically, economically, socially and environmentally viable and with greater success in the Northeast region of Brazil. Its effluents, rich in dissolved phosphorus and nitrogen, can lead to algal blooms, making them unsuitable for other activities and causing impacts on the biodiversity of the receiving bodies. The use of artificial substrate for the proliferation of biofilm is an alternative for the bioremediation of cultivation waters, as the microorganisms in the environment degrade excess organic nutrients, reducing the contaminants generated by the activity. This biotechnology has already been successfully applied to tilapiculture, but this research was carried out with plastic curtains in a vertical position. However, the arrangement of the plastics horizontally with an inclination of 10 cm, allows there to be no accumulation of organic matter and the shrimp to leave the feeding tray and consume the biofilm growing in it without much energy expenditure, as they do not need to swim upwards and descending like curtains. In this research, experiments were carried out in situ, in pre-nursery farms for fattening in the Camarão na Fazenda shrimp farm in Barra de Cunhaú/Canguaretama/RN, with physical and chemical analysis of chlorophyll-a and zooplankton in the water and of growth and health of animals, using pre-nursery facilities with bioremediation (biofilm) and control. Collections were carried out at 2 points, one close to the supply and one close to the drainage, with three replicates at each point. In general, the data demonstrated significant differences between cultivation with bioremediation and control. In the biological parameter (zooplankton), it was possible to notice a lower density of zooplankton organisms and greater biodiversity, at the end of the cultivation cycle with bioremediation, indicating better environmental quality. With the adaptation of the ADT technique - Analysis of Tissue Deterioration (Bucheli et al., 2004) in DHP (Deterioration of Hepatopancreatic Tubules), with the microscopy data, a healthier hepatopancreas was perceived in a more practical and rapid way, with more lipids and more intact hepatopancreatic tubule cells, and in the fresh analysis of the midgut it was possible to visualize well-preserved intestinal tissue and content with a smaller amount of feed (savings for the producer) and a greater quantity and quality of natural food being digested, at the end of cultivation with bioremediation. It can be concluded that the presence of biofilm improved the water quality and the health of farmed animals, making it an appropriate proposal to be installed in pre-nursery farms for fattening in shrimp farming, in order to increase sustainability
  • Pilosocereus Pernambucoensis F.RITTER (Cactaceae – Cactoideae): ETHNOBOTANY, CYTOGENETICS, KARYOTYPE EVOLUTION
  • Fecha: 21-dic-2023
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Cactaceae are plants perfectly adapted to arid and semi-arid environments with exclusive distribution in the American continent. Initially, a literature review was conducted, addressing ethnobotanical uses, systematic and numerical chromosomal variation in the Cactaceae family, particularly in the genus Pilosocereus, with special emphasis on P. pernambucoensis. Historical aspects of ethnobotany and cytogenetics, as well as uses and potentials for secondary metabolite production, were also included. Cactaceae have extensive ethnobotanical use in the American continent, especially by populations in arid and semi-arid environments, serving as food resources, timber, medicinal plants, fodder, and ornamental plants, among others. The family comprises 94 genera and 1,150 species, divided into four subfamilies: Pereskioideae, Opuntioideae, Cactoideae, and Maihuenioideae. Pilosocereus has a wide distribution in the American continent, consisting of 42 species, 29 of which occur in Brazil. For the genus, chromosomal records of 2n = 22 are known in most species, 2n = 44 for four species, and 2n = 88 for a single population of P. gounellei. For Pilosocereus pernambucoensis, there are records of 2n = 44 for several populations in Paraíba, Pernambuco, and Alagoas, and 2n = 22 for a single population in Pernambuco. This species faces taxonomic delimitation issues, with at least three names involved within its boundaries. The genus is frequently found in the northeastern semi-arid region, with several species used by rural communities, primarily as fodder supplements during prolonged droughts. Pilosocereus pachycladus, a species morphologically related to P. pernambucoensis, has a broad distribution in the Northeast Region, with some areas of sympatry and the occurrence of intermediate forms. We analyzed various populations of P. pernambucoensis using conventional staining with Giemsa and the fluorochromes CMA (Chromomycin A3) and DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) to document the occurrence of numerical chromosomal variations. All populations of P. pernambucoensis were tetraploid with 2n = 44 and exhibited identical banding patterns among themselves and with the supposedly related species, P. pachycladus. Despite the occurrence of polyploidy in all analyzed populations of P. pernambucoensis and P. pachycladus, other semi-domesticated species are diploid, and there seems to be no correlation between polyploidy incidence in these species and the domestication process. Counting a morphologically similar species to P. pernambucoensis with 2n = 22 in Pernambuco, geographically close to where a supposed diploid population of P. pernambucoensis was collected, raises questions about this previous record, which might have been the result of a possible identification error.
  • LAND REGULARIZATION (REURB) IN PERMANENT PRESERVATION AREAS: Controversial aspects between the right to housing and an ecologically balanced environment
  • Fecha: 21-dic-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The informal transformation of urban space, linked to the speed of urbanization, has driven spatial marginalization under the compromise of socio-environmental issues in the planning and ordering of cities, which triggers wide structural inequalities in Brazil. The present study aims to propose a solution for the regularization of urban space, especially irregular occupations carried out in areas of permanent preservation, considering the multidimensional context in urban land regularization (REURB) from the perspective of the balance of the urban-environmental crisis. The justification for this work tends to be revealed by the demonstration of inequalities and segregations related to the use and occupation of land in a precarious and irregular manner, in areas of permanent preservation of urban ambience, which conflicts with fundamental rights to housing and the environment. Therefore, the question arises: To what extent is it possible to build a sustainable urban policy, through REURB, to regularize properties located in permanent preservation areas? The hypothesis that permeates this research involves it being fully possible to reconcile harmony between the right to an ecologically balanced environment and the right to housing through land regularization. The general objective of this research is to evaluate urban land regularization in permanent preservation areas as an instrument of public housing and environmental policy, from a socio-environmental perspective. Specifically, the objective is to: I) understand the right to the city, from the perspective of the right to housing and an ecologically balanced environment; II) Analyze the national legal system, with the purpose of finding legal solutions to the problem exposed, especially under the spectrum of the Brand New Forest Code of 2012 (Law nº 12,651/2012) and the Land Regularization Law (Law nº 6,766/1979) ; III) Evaluate the sufficiency of legal requirements for the regularization of informal settlements in areas of permanent preservation, in the dichotomy of the right to housing and the environment. Thus, this work will address the institute of land regularization in areas of permanent preservation, under the auspices of Law No. 13,465/2017, through bibliographic and documentary research, analyzing the requirements authorizing land regularization, as a way of identifying conflicts between the right to the environment and the right to housing, in addition to the procedures necessary to achieve them. In conclusion, it must be inferred that much more than granting land title to properties, it is imperative to carry out an environmental diagnosis, as a way of mitigating and compensating for the environmental impacts arising from irregular urban occupations in areas of permanent preservation, restricting risk areas, which are not susceptible to land regularization, as a way of undermining a new urban agenda around REURB, through municipalism, as elements of essential public policy to enforce rights and promote the dignity of the human person.
  • Anaerobic treatment of organic waste for decentralized biogas production: contributions to UN SDG 7
  • Fecha: 18-dic-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The waste of food compromises significant resources, including land, tons of food, and water, while also contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, resulting in serious global socio-environmental impacts. The objective of the thesis, developed in three articles, was to examine the interest of higher education institutions in generating electricity from biogas, as well as to explore the potential of anaerobic treatment of horticultural food waste in biogas production in alignment with UN SDG 7. In the first article, research was conducted on the use of biogas in electricity generation in dissertations and theses from the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations - BDTD, taking into account the historical periods of biogas identified by De Oliveira and Negro (2019). The study showed that the Southeast and South regions of Brazil led in the number of publications. In the second article, horticultural food waste produced by the Paraibana Company for Supply and Agricultural Services - EMPASA, according to a survey by Santos (2019), was used for treatment and biogas generation. This study revealed that anaerobic digestion can promote environmental sanitation, but the use of endogenous digestate did not favor the production of flammable biogas. In the third article, a 1 m³ domestic biogas digester was used to acclimate horticultural food waste, implementing biweekly digestion cycles with acclimated digestate, adapted from Klang et al. (2015) and Klang et al. (2019), and biogas recirculation, adapted from Latha et al. (2019). The unprecedented combination of Biogas Recirculation and Pre-acclimatization of digestate in a domestic biogas digester, with minimal dependence on inoculum, resulted in a daily production of 0.23 to 0.44 m³ of flammable biogas. This thesis highlights the crucial role of biogas in clean and accessible energy generation (SDG 7), waste management, women's empowerment, combating deforestation, and sustainable development, demonstrating that higher education institutions in Brazil play a fundamental role in the research and development of this technology.
  • Fecha: 27-oct-2023
  • Hora: 13:30
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  • The 21st century is being marked by an unprecedented pandemic. Covid-19, the disease caused by, has affected more than 100 countries on five continents, without ethnic or social distinction. Its impacts are invaluable and directly or indirectly affect the economy, health and human relations worldwide. Gyms are identified as high-risk places for the transmission of Covid-19, as they allow the transmission of the virus. Since the transmission of the disease can occur directly through contact with infected people or with surfaces of objects that have been manipulated by infected individuals. This research aimed to evaluate the incidence of COVID-19 among practitioners of indoor and outdoor physical activities and the possibility of contamination by the virus on the surface of equipment in physical activity establishments through RT-PCR. Users of gyms, practitioners of outdoor physical activity, professionals in the area who worked as personal trainers, both over 18 years old, participated in the research. Indoor gyms had a higher incidence of infected, symptomatic and asymptomatic patients compared to those who practiced outdoor physical activity. The same happened with regard to the finding of genetic material on the surface of the equipment, which was more evident in closed environments. Therefore, the research can verify the presence of genetic material of in equipment for collective use in gyms and outdoor areas, in addition to the incidence of positive individuals for COVID-19 among the samples collected in the same period, characterizing these areas as potential risk environments for the transmission of Covid-19. The collection of material for carrying out the research was carried out for six months, between April and September 2021, when the average infection by in the Municipality of João Pessoa was 1,008 cases per week. The presence of genetic material was found in equipment for collective use at gyms, and the presence of asymptomatic attendees diagnosed as detectable for COVID-19. The comparison between the equipment used in indoor and outdoor practices regarding the presence of genetic material from the virus, showed a lower incidence of genetic material from in equipment used in open spaces, suggesting that in addition to issues of equipment hygiene, issues environmental factors such as temperature and precipitation may also have influenced these results.
  • Vanessa Oliveira Fernandes Câmara
  • Fecha: 11-ago-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Environmental governance in Brazil has undergone intense transformations in the last 20 years. The democratization process initiated in the 1980s generated a gradual shift from the centralized institutional arrangements of the military government to a series of decentralized and participatory decision-making procedures. Society itself no longer accepted such a backward posture. Consolidating democratization with the enactment of the Federal Constitution of 1988, which endorsed the defense of the environment once and for all with a chapter dedicated to disciplining harmful conduct to the environment and envisaging environmental conservation as a public policy of common interest to all. However, it is known that compliance with constitutional provisions continues to be one of the biggest environmental bottlenecks facing Brazilian public management. With the intent of LC 140 in 2011, the challenge of decentralizing environmental management as a result of common powers between the union, states and municipalities to protect the environment seems to have become even more complex. It is in this context that the present study inserts its objectives and discussions. Having as a thematic focus the process of municipalization of environmental management in the state of Paraíba. Therefore, it aimed to evaluate the environmental management in the 223 municipalities of Paraíba under analysis of the existing administrative organizational capabilities in these, to then draw a situational diagnosis and generate technical knowledge for decision making compatible with the state reality. To achieve these objectives, bibliographical research, document analysis and the elaboration of instruments for data collection were carried out, applied with the municipal public managers of the referred municipalities. The methodological path transited through action-research and participant research, within a qualitative approach and critical-collaborative assumptions in order to promote thinking-acting for the training of managers involved in the research. The collected data were constructed and treated using techniques such as simple statistical analysis, content analysis, sometimes with data and information triangulation. Which brought results with several analytical aspects considered positive in the development of the study and for confirmation of the proposed thesis and understanding of all the problems involved. It is necessary to survey the environmental perception of managers for a better understanding and triangulation of quantitative information, as well as knowing the desires and expectations of a promising municipal environmental management. The process of municipal action in environmental management has not been easy, it has been built under significant technical and regulatory constraints, but it has also been a unique opportunity to build knowledge that is increasingly sought with zeal by municipal representatives. Giving rise to a process of municipalization of singular environmental management. And in this sense, the study offers an unprecedented contribution to the development of environmental public policies that seek the sustainability of the state of Paraíba. The results indicate positive points, but that deserve to be strengthened, and aspects that need more attention so that the Paraíba municipalities understand all the potential producer of development of the municipalized environmental management.
  • Fecha: 23-may-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The general objective of the exploratory qualitative and quantitative research was to carry out a diagnosis of groundwater regarding the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons, called BTEX, HPA and TPH present in fossil fuels, arising from the resale activity of gas stations in the city of João Pessoa - PB. Using interdisciplinarity, several control bodies were consulted to survey the profile of gas stations based on the number of stations, infractions, licenses and tanking diagnosis. The identification and mapping of the wells was carried out from the databases of the Groundwater Information System, belonging to the Mineral Resources Research Company – CPRM; of the Water Management Executive Agency; of the Paraíba Water and Sewage Company and visits to identify wells not registered in the official bodies. In another stage, a risk assessment was carried out with all the gas stations in the city using previously selected criteria and which follow an order of greater relevance for the investigation of environmental liabilities. It was considered, considering in this assessment the proximity of the underground well in relation to the underground fuel tanks, average well depth, vulnerability of the aquifers, the classification considering the surroundings of the enterprise, the elevation profile, and the history of accidents at the gas stations. The methodology used, indicated by the Contaminated Areas Management Manual (ACs), established by CETESB (2001), aims to define the existence and location of the contaminated areas under investigation, optimizing technical and economic resources. Based on this information, 38 gas stations from the four zones of the city were selected with averages that showed scenarios conducive to contamination, identified in the risk assessment. Over a two-year period, around 180 visits were made to gas stations and 114 samples were collected from the four zones of the city, 38 for BTEX analysis, 38 for PAH analysis and 38 for TPH analysis. The results of the confirmatory evaluation show that there is no contamination by BTEX in the four zones of the city of João Pessoa and that there is also no contamination caused by PAH and TPH in groundwater in the North, South and West zones. The only evidence of contamination was in the East zone, with the presence of PAH and TPH. For PAH, Naphthalene was found at a concentration above CONAMA Resolution 420, of 144.87 µg.L and Ethylbenzene with 44.81 µg.L, which was below all legislation dealing with this contaminant. TPH was found at two different points and in much higher concentrations (1485.1 and 2379.8 µg.L) than those established by CETESB, 2014, which determines a maximum value of 600 µg.L. The maps produced with the survey data make it possible to identify the city regions with the highest risk assessment averages and the contaminated areas.
  • Ethnobotanical study of food species in the Damping of the Sete Cidades National Park, Piauí, Brazil
  • Fecha: 01-mar-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • An important characteristic of family agriculture is its diversity of food species, composing agrobiodiversity and helping with food and nutritional security, which is strongly influenced by agroforestry homegardens. In this context, agriculture is present practically throughout the country, comprising various edaphoclimatic characteristics and cultures, even in Buffer Zones. Based on these aspects, this study aimed to record the diversity of food species in the Buffer Zone of the “Sete Cidades” National Park, in the rural community of Cachoeira (Piauí, Brazil), seeking to understand the dynamics of which parts are used and the forms of preparation and consumption, in addition to investigating whether there is a consensus among the interviewees about the species they mentioned and a difference in the citations between men and women, using the Local Value (LV) as a parameter. All the residences in the community were visited and all the householders were interviewed, focusing on those whose areas were considered as agroforestry homegardens. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews and complemented by informal conversations. The vernacular names of the cited species were recorded according to the informants. The data were organized in spreadsheets and analyzed both from the perspective of a general context and agroforestry homegardens, recording the botanical families and food species mentioned by the residents, considering their origin, and classifying them as native or exotic, as well as their habits. The plant parts used by the community and the forms of consumption and preparation were also analyzed. The Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) and the LV were calculated, seeking to find differences in knowledge between men and women. The Spearman test was used to verify correlations between the size of the homegardens and the number of species mentioned. The results obtained by calculating the LV were tested using the MannWhitney test to verify significant differences between genders. Thirteen men (48.14%) and 14 women (51.86%) were interviewed in the general context and 9 men (52.94%) and 8 women (47.06%) regarding the homegardens. A total of 295 citations of food uses were recorded, distributed in 58 species, belonging to 26 botanical families, which included 26 native (53.06%) and 23 exotic (46.94%) species. For the homegardens, 130 citations of uses were recorded, distributed in 33 species, belonging to 20 botanical families, including 10 native (30.30%) and 23 exotic (69.70%) species. Anacardiaceae was the most prominent family, considering the number of species. Tree habit stood out among the forms of life and the fruit was the plant part most cited in the community, as well as the consumption in natura. Regarding LV, C. cuneatum Wittm. (pequi) was the most important species for men and women. The ICF was 0.81 for the general context and 0.75 for the agroforestry homegardens, indicating a considerable degree of consensus among the residents. The Spearman’s correlation coefficient was 0.576, indicating moderate correlation. The statistical analysis showed no significant differences in knowledge between genders.
  • Conservation of medicinal plants around the Sete Cidades National Park, Piauí, Brazil
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2023
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • The use of medicinal plants is an ancient practice among human populations and essential for primary health care, especially in less developed countries or regions. Several species of medicinal plants may be under threat due to several factors such as excessive extractivism, habitat loss and climate change. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the conservation priorities and the impacts of climate change on medicinal plant species used in the Cachoeira rural community, around the Sete Cidades National Park, in the state of Piauí, Northeastern Brazil, in addition to compare various quantitative indices of ethnobotany in order to assess whether there is a correlation between the different indices. Data collection on the medicinal plants used was carried out through semi-structured interviews applied to the heads of families in the studied community, with 27 community residents (13 men and 14 women) being interviewed. Based on the data obtained in the interviews, a phytosociological inventory was carried out using the quadrant point method, in order to identify the species cited by residents in the local vegetation. The analysis of the phytosociological data was carried out by adopting the parameters of Relative Density, Relative Frequency, and Relative Dominance. To assess the cultural importance of each species used, data from the interviews were analyzed using eight different quantitative methods and correlated with each other using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, using the Bioestat 5.0 Program. To establish the priority species for conservation, the calculation of the Conservation Priority Index (CPI) was used. In order to evaluate the pressure of use that each species suffers, the Indication of Pressure by Preference of Use of Species (IPPU) was applied. Data on species distribution were also collected. Based on the analysis of environmental variables using a climate model, species distribution modeling was carried out. 24 species of medicinal plants were identified, belonging to 15 families, with Fabaceae and Anacardiaceae being the most expressive in number of species. Only 12 species mentioned in the interviews were sampled in the vegetation, of which seven had a high priority for conservation, a worrying fact that may indicate that there is strong pressure to use medicinal plants in the region. Among the species used, those that obtained the highest values among the cultural indices analyzed were Ximenia americana, Amburana cearensis, Myracrodruon urundeuva, Cariocar cuneatum, Terminalia argentea and Anadenanthera colubrina. A strong correlation was observed, in general, between the cultural indices analyzed among themselves. Of the 12 species sampled in phytosociology, 7 had high conservation priority. It is notable that Ximenia americana stands out among all cultural importance indices, at the same time that it is presented as the species with the highest Conservation Priority, given that a careful look at the conservation of this species is necessary.
  • Traditional knowledge about unconventional food plants - PANC, in the semi-arid region Brazilian
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Eating is an act that requires nutritional balance and desirable sensory characteristics. Such characteristics are found in several plant species, some of which are culturally considered “invisible” because their potential is not widely known, especially those plants restricted to traditional groups. Among these species, Non-Conventional Food Plants (PANC) can be an option to vary the menu. Based on this context, we analyzed databases of ethnobotanical studies, carried out over ten years, on native species from the semi-arid region of Brazil used for human consumption by traditional communities of farmers. These studies were conducted by the research groups of the Ethnobiology Laboratory (LET) and the Laboratory of Ethnobiology and Environmental Sciences (LECA), both of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). This research covered 9 municipalities and 10 communities, in three different mesoregions. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews, in which the vernacular names of the cited species were recorded according to the citation of the informants. The data were organized in spreadsheets and analyzed from the perspective of quantifying the botanical families and species cited by the residents, in addition to evidencing their habits. The plant parts used by the communities and the forms of consumption and preparation were also recorded. The Jaccard similarity coefficient (J) was used to statically verify and compare the list of species mentioned in each municipality, as well as between the mesoregions, and the Informant Consensus Factor (ICF) was tested to verify the quality of the information. A total of 635 people were interviewed, 280 men and 355 women. Regarding the botanical families, 14 different families were mentioned, with emphasis on the families Anacardiaceae and Fabaceae. Thirty different species were cited, among which Sarcomphalus joazeiro (Mart.) Hauenschild (juazeiro), Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Roem. & Schult.) T.D.Penn. (quixaba), and Ximenia americana L. (ameixa) stood out, mentioned in almost all study areas. The J index had an average of 0.3283 for the municipalities and 0.3506 for the mesoregions, and the ICF had an average of 0.87. Regarding the forms of use, the fruit was the most used part, especially consumed “in natura”, the most prominent form, comprising 29 species, followed by the production of juices (6 species) and sweets and jellies (2 species). Spondias tuberosa Arruda (umbu) was the most versatile species. In general, it can be observed that, even within the same semi-arid region, but in different mesoregions, there is a certain degree of variability in the list of food species mentioned in the communities, indicating that there are several species with food potential, which can be verified by the considerable number of PANC used in different forms of preparation, using fruits, tubers and seeds, improving their sensorial characteristics for consumption, which was confirmed by the high consensus among the informants. PANC can be inserted into people’s daily lives, as they are already widely used by traditional communities of farmers; however, more studies should be conducted from the nutritional perspective of these foods.
  • Use of animals by traditional populations: an overview of ethnozoology in Brazil
  • Fecha: 27-feb-2023
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Human beings relate to different animal species in different ways. These interactions are evidenced in ethnozoological studies, which seek to understand the knowledge and uses attributed to the species, perform hypotheses testing and thus provide data that can serve as a subsidy in management and conservation plans. In this sense, the research aimed to record the knowledge, use of the avifauna in the municipality of Congo, present in the state of Paraíba, Northeast Brazil, in addition to evaluating the current panorama of ethnozoological publications in Brazil in order to detect possible gaps. Semi-structured interviews were developed with 50 local farmers (22 men and 28 women). 58 species were identified, distributed in 19 orders, 32 families and 56 genera. The food category had greater local importance, in addition to behavioral changes in some species that are considered a harbinger of rainy and dry periods, and a bad omen. There are also situations of slaughter of specimens due to causing some economic loss to farmers. In the case of analysis focused on ethnozoological publications developed between 1999 and 2022, the main theme addressed in the research is about use, with greater emphasis on zootherapy, being mostly developed in rural areas of the Caatinga biome, followed by the Atlantic Forest. The present case study, together with the current profile of ethnozoological studies outlined in this manuscript, can serve as a guide for the intensification of research focused on specific themes that have a low number of articles produced, expansion, application or standardization of methodological procedures and indication of geographic areas that need these studies.
  • Fecha: 24-feb-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Based on the bioclimatic approach to architecture, which involves an interrelationship between the built environment, climatic elements and human well-being, this study sought to analyze the principles of local bioclimatic architecture and its relationships with thermal comfort conditions in two public schools located in the region. semi-arid region of the Brazilian Northeast, specifically in the city of Cajazeiras/PB. For the bioclimatic assessment of the schools, monitoring and recording of climate variables (air temperature and relative humidity) were used in two stages, using HOBO Data Logger U-10 thermo-hygrometers installed in two classrooms of each school. , unoccupied, with open windows and closed doors. In the first stage, air temperature and relative humidity data were collected in 7 days of the region's dry period (from September 15 to 22, 2021). In the second stage, microclimatic data were collected during 7 days in months of the region's rainy season (January 31, 2022 to February 7, 2022) for comparative analysis purposes. The collection with unoccupied rooms allowed greater control of the data, as it was not influenced by the internal heat produced by the occupation and also by the interference of the cooling system. In addition to the classrooms, two external points, in each of the schools, served as a reference for the external temperature. The results showed that the four monitored internal points presented Thermal Discomfort Index (TDI) ranging from uncomfortable to partially comfortable. In addition, indoor environments, at night and in the early hours of the day, had higher temperatures than outdoor environments. These findings proved that the built environments evaluated in this research are disconnected with the appropriate bioclimatic principles for this semi-arid region of Paraíba. Comparison of climatological data allowed us to observe that classrooms with cross ventilation are more favorable for thermal comfort in the early hours of the day. The relations of the data collected with the materials used in the roof, found that the fiber cement tiles contribute to the increase in temperatures and the ceramic tiles and the inclined slab absorb less thermal radiation towards the interior of the environment. Proximity to vegetation in the immediate surroundings was another differentiating parameter, influencing the decrease in temperatures and, above all, the increase in relative humidity.
  • Fecha: 08-dic-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This work, which falls within the scope of environmental education, had as its main objective to understand how and what the differences on the themes of Environment constitute the object contents of knowledge in public high schools in Campina Grande, Paraíba. More specifically, the objective was: I. To analyze how the Man-nature relationship is manifested in textbooks; II. Identify anthropocentric and biocentric aspects in the approach and insertion of themes related to Environmental Education; III. Understand the discourses of teachers on Environment. The research universe encompassed six state high schools in the city of Campina Grande. The research was guided by the following methodological steps: (1) bibliographic survey, (2) documentary research in schools and (3) phenomenological interview with teachers. The documentary research in schools was carried out through the ecocritical analysis of the contents of high school textbooks in the disciplines of Biology, Geography and Sociology, whose evaluation time frame was the National Textbook Program 2018, totaling 27 books. The phenomenological interviews were carried out in two schools, totaling six participants (two from each subject). The interviews were recorded, transcribed and, after that, analyzed. The books adopted from the National Textbook Program 2018, based on ecocritical analysis, present a language sometimes anthropocentric, sometimes biocentric, but the anthropocentric language prevails in most textbooks. There is a technicist and naive perspective that technology, by itself, will be able to solve socio-environmental problems. Another relevant point is the way in which the Brazilian semiarid region is portrayed in the manuals, conditioning the region exclusively to soil and climate conditions. Regarding phenomenological interviews and teaching participation, it is necessary to remember that in phenomenology there is no “real” in itself, but the “real” as lived by the subject. As for the textbook's contribution to working on environmental issues, the teachers point out three obstacles: time factor, lack of content, lack of contextualization. It was found that most of them carried out environmental training outside the school, which, however, consider having autonomy to work on environmental issues other than those present in the textbooks. Therefore, the thesis was defended that the Anthropocene concept can be a narrative that promotes change, based on the need to replace the binary and dualistic vision that opposes Man-Nature, through the connection of these in the use and application in actions. of education and the environment. Forming citizens who question the technology produced that deteriorates environments, but who also seek to use other technologies in their favor, who recognize that science, technology and research can together build a transformative education, of fair use of the environment, enabling its enjoyment by future generations. Environmental Education can, through these alternatives, bring more significant gains in line with a fully computerized society as we have
  • Fecha: 30-nov-2022
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Unsustainable human activities have strongly degraded urban green areas, compromising the provision of ecosystem services. The general objective of this thesis was to identify the ecosystem services provided by urban green areas (public squares) in the city of Patos/PB. Initially, a bibliographic and documentary survey was carried out, followed by the geographical characterization of the study area, which consisted of public squares located in the urban area of the city of Patos/PB. Public squares were selected based on their importance for holding cultural events, density of vegetation cover, health academies and/or physical structures that promote cultural appreciation and well-being. In total, six public squares were studied: Alcides Carneiro, Pedro Guedes, Getúlio Vargas, Edivaldo Motta, José Francisco Filho and Francisco Guedes. Subsequently, provisioning ecosystem services were evaluated, based on the identification of plant species contained in the squares and the Shannon-Weaver and Simpson biological diversity calculations.Cultural ecosystem services were identified through monitoring (2020 to 2022) of the use of squares for cultural events and other activities. Both of these ecosystem services were verified in all pre-selected public squares. The ecosystem service of climate regulation was evaluated only in Praça Getúlio Vargas, where data were collected on unsustainable human activities that strongly degraded urban green areas, compromising the provision of ecosystem services. The general objective of this thesis was to identify the ecosystem services provided by urban green areas (public squares) in the city of Patos/PB.Temperature and relative humidity of the air in four points with different characteristics of use and ground cover by means of thermo-hygrometer devices on days representative of the dry period in the region. Thematic questionnaires were also applied to the local population regarding the thermal comfort conditions of the Getúlio Vargas square. Then, a perception questionnaire on ecosystem services and urban green areas was applied to visitors from all squares studied. 46 plant species were identified in all public squares evaluated in the city of Patos/PB, most of them 61.0% (n = 25) of exotic origin.The point with the lowest vegetation cover around the Getúlio Vargas square had the following TDIs: partially uncomfortable (7.6%), uncomfortable (46.2%) and very uncomfortable (46.2%). The sampling point inside it, which receives the effects of the shading of the trees, obtained uncomfortable (92.3%) and partially uncomfortable (7.7%) TDIs. The population participating in the perception survey is aware that the public squares of Patos/PB offer ecosystem services to the population of the city, citing as examples the reduction of air temperature (n = 12), socialization (n = 14) and the recreation (n = 12). Cultural ecosystem services are present in all evaluated squares, evidenced by the different uses by the local population and for the realization of cultural events. The public squares of Patos/PB, as urban green areas, have provided different socio-environmental benefits to the city, expressed through ecosystem services. As a result, these areas must be conserved and managed sustainably to ensure the maintenance of ecosystem services.
  • Fecha: 29-nov-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The thesis starts from an analysis of the political and institutional strategies of the environmental policy of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), and the Normative Instruction (IN) nº10/2012 that guided the creation of the Environmental Management Commission (CGA), to elaborate and implement the Sustainable Logistics Management Plan (PGLS), with the premise of valuing the academic community's Environmental Education as an inseparable process from environmental management and the design of environmental policy for the university. Thus, the (dis)articulation between education and environmental management was investigated, in terms of environmental policy strategies and student training, through a study of the perception of students from Campus IV. The methodology consisted of a combination of bibliographic and documentary research techniques on norms, plans and internal/external policy (IN nº10/2012, the Environmental Policy, the PGLS and the Institutional Development Plan (PDI) of UFPB), and a exploratory research with a qualitative-quantitative approach through the use of instruments for data collection such as interviews with CGA Coordinators, and questionnaires applied to Campus IV students. The questionnaire was prepared using Google Forms and applied online and in person to a sample of 500 students. Descriptive statistics were used for quantitative data, and content analysis for qualitative data. The thesis was structured in four articles, the first analyzed the performance of the CGA from the point of view of the interviewed managers, who revealed the loss of internal institutional support, making their role more fragile due to the difficulties in performing their duties. The second article investigated the UFPB's environmental policy through documental research in which environmental education is present in the program established in the Environmental Policy, but in the PDI the objectives, goals and methodologies to promote environmental education in the academic community of the UFPB were not established. This omission compromises the integration between education and environmental management at UFPB, since it does not provide for resources intended for this action. The third article investigated the environmental perception of UFPB Campus IV students and the formation of an environmental knowledge acquired before and after university. The channels in which they claimed to have acquired such knowledge were, in this order: high school, family, Online Journal/Social Media, TV/Radio and the University. In order to confirm this result, a research was carried out in the Pedagogical Political Projects of the undergraduate courses of Campus IV, in which it was verified the existence of 33 subjects, between mandatory and optional with contents on the environment, being 8 in the courses of Mamanguape and 25 in Rio Tinto. Based on these results, it was possible to affirm that the teaching of environmental themes in Campus IV of the UFPB is still little explored in the curricular components. Finally, the fourth article compared the pro-environmental behavior of students from Mamanguape and Rio Tinto based on the imbalance between the environmental contents of the subjects of each teaching unit. The students from Rio Tinto revealed a superior pro-environmental behavior to the students from Mamanguape, and confirmed the general hypothesis of the thesis, that environmental education is an inseparable factor from environmental management. This was attributed to the greater presence of environmental content in education in Rio Tinto, confirming the thesis that Environmental Management will only be able to achieve the established goals when the institution assumes a commitment to EE in the training of students. It appears, therefore, that the UFPB has not sought to articulate the education policy of students for the university's environmental management to EE projects, when understanding this management through technical actions. It is concluded that, in isolation, neither education nor environmental management can fulfill the objective of making the world more environmentally sustainable.
  • LEGISLATION, MORPHOLOGY AND URBAN SUSTAINABILITY Reflections on urban expansion in the southern portion of João Pessoa – PB
  • Fecha: 04-nov-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The present research questions whether the process of recent urban expansion in the southern portion of João Pessoa – defined as the study area –, based on current urban and environmental legislation, has occurred in accordance with the principles that guide the concept of a sustainable city. It also seeks to identify the weaknesses and threats to the preservation/protection areas located around the Gramame River, located on the southern limit of that area, and their relationship with the process in question. The thesis defended is that the aforementioned process, has occurred based on legislations that are not connected with the concept of sustainable city, and whose application and control are not carried out by the government; and, also, that the weaknesses and threats identified stem, mostly, from the recent urbanization process, adopted by the last municipal administrations. In this context, the expansion is shaped, among other aspects, according to the actions of agents that, based on legislation and also on their own interests, dictate the way in which the city should grow. The southern portion of João Pessoa, here represented by the neighborhoods of Gramame, Muçumagro and Barra de Gramame, that border the Gramame River, is the empirical object of this study, having undergone a rapid process of landscape alteration, in the last two decades, particularly marked by the production of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program (PMCMV) and by road and infrastructure constructions, which transformed it into a new location for the real estate sector. The objective is to identify which aspects of the urban expansion model undertaken – in particular those related to land use and occupation – are in desagreement with the principles that underlie the concept of sustainable city. To this end, a bibliographic research was initially carried out on the themes and object addressed. Then, a documentary research was carried out in legislation and Municipal collections, public service concessionaires, Departamento de Estradas de Rodagens (DER), land registry office, as well as in Caixa Econômica Federal (particularly, concerning the PMCMV) and Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatísticas (IBGE) databases. The extensive set of information obtained – referring to the evolution and urban expansion in the study area, the legal frameworks, strategies and agents that guided the changes in the urban landscape, determining its forms; in addition to the aspects of urban sustainability that are impacted by the aforementioned transformations, in particular those related to land use and occupation – subsidized the elaboration of maps, tables and graphs that revealed the processes studied, contributing to the discussions held, and making it possible to analyze/evaluate, qualitatively and quantitatively, the process of urban expansion in the study area, confirming the hypotheses raised. It is proved, therefore, that the laws that focus on the analyzed aspects are not connected with the principles that guide the concept of sustainable city, that its application and control are not carried out by the public power, and that the weaknesses and threats identified stem, mostly, from the urbanization model adopted by recent municipal administrations.
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • Climate Changes already present a negative picture of impacts on the environment and on human society, becoming more serious in naturally semi-arid environments such as the present in the region of the Brazilian Northeast and North of Minas Gerais. In Agriculture in the semiarid region, these changes are felt in agricultural production and in the very survival of the population. This is compounded by the desertification scenario, which, in a synthetic way, is caused by the local anthropic action – resulting from the misuse of the natural landscape, especially with regard to poorly conducted productive activities – associated with Global Warming and prolonged periods of drought that today they are getting longer and longer. Within this worrisome scenario, an action coordinated and led by the government is essential, seeking the integration of actions that reduce the negative effects of the Climate Change, at the same time as establishing a sustainability strategy for the territory. In Paraíba, the PAE/PB was developed, an important Public Policy that culminated in the implementation of PROCASE, a state government initiative financed by IFAD whose main objective was the sustainable improvement of agricultural and non-agricultural income, productive assets, organizational and environmental practices in the most deprived and susceptible territories to desertification in the semi-arid region of Paraíba. During its execution period (2012-2021) the reality of its territory experienced significant changes. All of this was only possible through the integration of actions and pacts between the government and society, which jointly carried out this project. The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to evaluate PROCASE in the light of the concept called Public Environmental Nexus, evaluating its effectiveness, as well as presenting the lessons learned and the correction points to be taken for the continuity of sustainable rural development established in its territory. For this, we sought to conduct research on the project's existing database and promote analysis of this content from the perspective of public management and recommended methodologies for such. The results achieved showed that PROCASE was successful in its execution but warns of the void it leaves after its end if there is no continuity of actions agreed by other government entities, harming the concrete advances achieved.
  • Fecha: 24-ago-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The changes in the landscape have caused a high rate of species extinction and the conservation of biodiversity is a worldwide concern. In this way, the identification of species that are at risk of extinction is important to be able to adopt the risk of conservationist strategies to reverse this scenario, being a publication of the red lists one of the main instruments for the knowledge of the endangered species and the possible causes of its Extinction. In this way, our objective is to evaluate the red lists of the Brazilian flora in a historical and political context and to identify the endangered flora of the caatinga biome and to model the current potential distribution and in future climate scenarios to assess the range change from the current semi-arid limit. Our results showed that the red lists of the Brazilian flora did not present periodicity of publication and the information made available in them also suffered variations over time, with the same information about the species not being presented and without standardization of the evaluation method. As for the endangered flora of the caatinga, we recorded at least 78 native species threatened with extinction, of which more than 60% face a very high risk of extinction in nature, with Cactaceae being the family with the highest number of threatened species. The Conservation Units and Priority Areas for Conservation of the Caatinga are home to more than 70% of the records of threatened species. Climatic modeling indicated a contraction of the original area of occurrence for most species in the future 2030 and 2050, with the exception of Erythroxylum nordestinum, which expanded its area of occurrence in the future.
  • Index of tourist potential of the Immediate Geographic Region of Princesa Isabel, in the semiarid region of Paraíba.
  • Fecha: 07-jun-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Tourism in this research is seen as a multidimensional systemic spatial phenomenon, which reaches beyond the economy. It is, above all, a social phenomenon, carried out by people, that re-signifies territories and (re)produces spaces. In accordance with the hegemonic economic model in the world, it is guided by the consumption of places, for which the landscape is seen as a commodity. In this sense, tourism and its various segments concentrate efforts to attract the masses, as a way of feeding the logic of accumulation, while creating employment and income, albeit in a socially unequal way. The large urban centers and surrounding localities have historically benefited from the processes of construction of tourist spaces to consolidate them, but the tourist potential does not depend on financial investments to exist, although this is an important driver, since the potential - considering the connotation of the future that this term carries - lies in the possibility of use of landscapes, resulting from historically accumulated relationships between society, nature and between them, for the establishment of leisure. Thus, in cities further away from large urban centers and rural spaces, it is more difficult to develop tourism as an alternative to diversify the economy, strengthen social processes and conserve the environment. Intending to elaborate an index to evaluate the tourist potential of the Immediate Geographical Region of Princesa Isabel - RGIPI, composed of five municipalities in the semiarid of Paraíba, this thesis starts from the hypothesis that this region has diverse and underexplored potential and the municipality of Princesa Isabel is the tourist hub, as well as the economic hub. For this, indicators were used to measure the aspects: 1) socioeconomic, based on official data from the municipalities; 2) environmental and spatial, with the help of geoprocessing techniques; 3) legal, political and administrative, through the application of a semi-structured form to public tourism managers and residents; 4) tourist structure, such as attractions, support infrastructure and services and tourist equipment georeferenced in the field, from which the tourist cartography was elaborated, as an unprecedented instrument to subsidize tourism planning in the region. Then, the indicators had their scales normalized, were integrated to form the Tourism Potential Index - IPT of RGIPI, and subsidized an interrelated analysis between the elements. The results showed that the municipality of Princesa Isabel confirmed itself as a regional tourist hub, holding the best-rated tourist heritage in the region, accompanied by Manaíra, São José de Princesa, Juru, and Tavares. A variety of tourist segments with potential to be developed were identified (historical, religious, ecotourism, geotourism, gastronomic, among others), favored by the spatial arrangement of potentially tourist spots, although the support infrastructure, tourist services and equipment, the conditions socioeconomic and environmental issues are important weaknesses. Finally, it is considered that the IPT fulfilled its function by providing a measure of the performance of the components and the tourism system, enabling an analysis of the behavior of the phenomenon and producing knowledge to support the planning and management of tourism in the region.
  • Fecha: 29-abr-2022
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • This research aims to evaluate , through a trend matrix multidimensional, associated with a web database, the sustainability of companies Brazilian sugarcane bioenergy companies. It is classified as applied research, of qualitative and quantitative approach and comparative method. In addition, they were used to Google Trends tool associated with the SWOT matrix to build a matrix multidimensional reference standard for the evaluation of selected companies. How results, it was found that six companies had a level of sustainability equal to or approximate in the transition of the best x worst matrix, respectively, they were: FS (of 19% and 20%), Millenium (from 16% and 18%), Araporã (11% and 11%), Adeco (from 10% and 11%), Adecoagro (from 10% and 11%) and Inpasa (from 7% and 6%). This ranking reveals that companies transit between the two matrices, depending on factors that lead them to be in a better at one time and worse at another time. This confirms what was raised in the theoretical framework of this research, that there is no constant between the of Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats.
  • Fecha: 24-feb-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The excess generation of urban solid waste is considered a socio-environmental problem caused by the consumerist habit of society. Brazil is inserted in this context, the search for the implementation of sustainable strategies in solid waste management (SWM) has been a challenge for public managers of the entire Brazilian federation, in view of the complexity of factors (cultural, social, environmental, economic , political and technological) related to waste management. On August 2, 2010, the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) was approved, which is considered the main instrument to guide the GRS throughout the national territory. Article 30 of the legislation emphasizes the importance of shared responsibility in the management of urban solid waste (GRSU) with the participation of public authorities, the private sector and civil society. In this context, one of the ways to implement the objectives of the current legislation is the inclusion of collectors of reusable and recyclable materials from associations and/or cooperatives in the GRSU. The present study took place in the municipalities of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Ipojuca and Tamandaré, with the general objective of analyzing the potential, advances and difficulties of the work of collectors of recyclable materials in the management of urban solid waste, aiming at the implementation of the National Solid Waste Policy. in the municipalities on the southern coast of the state of Pernambuco, with the following specific objectives: a) Diagnosing the process of collection and final disposal of urban solid waste in the study area; b) Identify in the Municipal Solid Waste Plans the strategies planned and executed for the inclusion of recyclable material collectors in the management of urban solid waste; c) Diagnose how the logistics of the work of collectors in associations and cooperatives of recyclable materials occur; d) Analyze recycling associations and cooperatives that already carry out the activity, evaluating the positive and/or negative aspects and difficulties they face; e) Propose alternatives so that the social and economic inclusion of collectors in the management of urban solid waste occurs in accordance with the PNRS. The study presents an approach predominantly focused on qualitative research of the descriptive-exploratory type. To achieve the proposed objectives, the following methodological procedures were adopted: interviews with the public managers responsible for the GRSU and with the presidents of the cooperatives of the surveyed municipalities, analysis of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plans (PIGRS), application of semi-structured questionnaires with the collectors of materials, visit the association and the collectors' cooperatives. The analysis of the results of the interviews and of the PGIRS took place through a textual discussion contextualizing the theoretical framework of the research, the results of the application of the questionnaires were presented through tables and graphs based on the analysis of categorical content. The research results showed that the public managers of the study area have not been able to adapt the GRSU in accordance with the objectives and principles of the legislation, in relation to the process of inclusion of collectors in waste management, the research pointed out that through the difficulties, some strategies were implemented that contributed to improve the working conditions of the collectors after approval and regulation of the PNRS, however the actions developed in the GRSU of the municipalities have not provided, in practice, the guarantee of the due social and economic rights of the collectors as recommended by the legislation. The research results contributed to the elaboration of proposals aimed at subsidizing public managers in the study area for the implementation of strategies aimed at improving the process of inclusion of collectors in the GRSU.
  • Fecha: 01-feb-2022
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • This project aims to test the Hypothesis of Ecological Appearance in the Cushion Zone of the Sete Cidades National Park in Piauí, Brazil, seeking to understand the relationship between knowledge, use and conservation of local wood resources in a region with an environmental protection area. It will seek to inventory the plant species used by a rural community around the PARNA, identify local use categories and verify the existence of a relationship between phytosociological variables and the relative importance of useful species in the surroundings of the Conservation Unit. To answer the hypothesis of the ecological appearance will be realized interviews with the residents of rural communities and a phytosociological inventory in the areas of local vegetation. The data of the interviews will be evaluated using value of use and those of the vegetation through the program fitopac. It is hoped to obtain results that can contribute to characterize patterns of use of the available resources in the region of the Sete Cidades National Park, giving conditions to eventual studies of formulation of management and conservation plan in said Conservation Unit. These should seek support from local communities, meeting the needs of preservation of the native Caatinga and Cerrado species, as well as providing alternatives to meet the needs of these communities.
  • Fecha: 01-feb-2022
  • Hora: 08:30
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  • The ethnobotanical search comprises the relationships between plants and human beings, permeated by culture and the environment. Among these relationships, we can highlight the use of plants for the treatment of diseases, an ancient practice, existing in history. The present study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and use of medicinal plants in the semiarid region of Paraíba under different methods to be observed, comparing them with each other and established as priority medicinal species for conservation. 8 study municipalities of semi-structured institutions of studies, northeast, Brazil. In total, 537 people were interviewed, 239 men and 298 women. Species use data were analyzed using Relative Importance (RI), Value in Use (VU) and Relative Frequency of Citation (FRC) methods. To establish priority species for conservation, the Conservation Priority Index (CPI) was used based on phytosociology data. 52 species of plants used in the communities were identified, of the 33 were found in the amount of phytosociology. Fabaceae and Euphorbiaceae were the most representative families in the study. It was noted a correspondence between the main medicinal species according to the methods compared. 2 species were attacked at high risk in at least one of the communities. The reinforcement of the need to establish sustainable use strategies as medicinal plants to avoid the study of resistance to use on the species.
  • Fecha: 31-ene-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Caryocar coriaceum Wittm., whose fruit is popularly known as “pequi”, is a tree species native to northeastern Brazil and, due to its potential utility, represents an important resource in this region, mainly for rural communities that use it for subsistence purposes and as a source of income. This study aimed to identify and characterize the knowledge, forms of use and management of C. coriaceum in rural communities in the Sete Cidades National Park (PNSC) region (Piauí, Brazil), analyzing its ecology and local distribution, seeking to identify possible impacts caused by pequi extractivism, thus providing data for the development of strategies for the conservation of this species. To this end, ethnographic research techniques, including direct observation and semi-structured interviews, were used for data collection, in addition to exploratory research, to analyze the local distribution of C. coriaceum, and bibliographic survey on the biology, ecology and extractivism of this species, aiming at information for the discussion of the possible anthropogenic impacts caused by its exploitation. The interviews were conducted with 27 extractivists (12 men and 15 women). The questionnaire provides information about the knowledge of the species, forms of use and management, period, areas and forms of collection, number of fruits extracted per tree and per collection, forms of transport, storage, processing and commercialization of the resource. A total of 375 use citations were recorded, distributed in the following categories: food (84), construction (81), technology (62), medicinal (57), fodder (50), veterinarian (21), fuel (15), magical-religious (4), and others (1). The first two had the highest VDU, thus being the most important ones. In the medicinal category, the use of pequi oil stood out, mentioned as a relevant product due to its commercialization, complementing the income of those who produce it. The comparative analysis, using the VDU, VDI and VEI indices, indicated a non-homogeneity in the distribution of local knowledge about the species, considering the gender and age of the informants. Regarding the forms of management, in addition to collection (27), protection (8) was the most prominent, followed by tolerance (7), transplantation (3) and sowing (1). Extractive workers collect the resource annually (December – March), in two main areas (Água da Abelha and Morada Nova), to which they travel on foot (85.1%), on motorcycles (11.1%) or bicycles (3.7%). They always perform the collection after the fruit falls, collecting all those under the trees. It is estimated that the number of fruits collected is 20,000/day. The resource is usually transported in bags (77.7%) and there is no specific place for storage. The production of pequi oil is common in the region and is carried out by women. The fruit is sold fresh and/or processed in the form of olive oil. The sale of this derivative is more profitable, despite the complexity of the production process. From the results obtained, we concluded that (1) rural residents in the PNSC region use C. coriaceum for different purposes, whether for wood or non-wood purposes, complementing the family income mainly with the commercialization of pequi oil; (2) there is an overexploitation of this resource, in the collection areas, which is associated with inadequate extraction, mainly by collectors from other regions, as well as the intensive selection of the same collection area and the difficulties and lack of incentive to carry out ex situ management of the species, can cause disturbances in the local populations of C. coriaceum; (3) considering these anthropogenic impacts, it is necessary to develop conservationist strategies, suggesting better planning of extractive activities, monitoring them and guiding collectors for the sustainable management of this species.
  • The possible lives of alliances between sea urchins and human beings: Comparative study of the Sea Urchin Festivals in Suape Bay (PE, Brazil) and Carry-Le-Rouet (Bouches-Du-Rhône, France)
  • Fecha: 15-dic-2021
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Contemporary society tends to experience and perceive the relationship between culture and nature from a dualistic and paradoxical perspective, but a closer look reveals nuances that escape the dichotomous worldview, especially when we observe phenomena of festive effervescence. Thus, this research investigates these possible nuances of the culture-nature relationship materialized in two distinct festivities ‒ the Sea Urchin Festivals in Suape Bay (Pernambuco, Brazil) and Carry- Le-Rouet (Bouches-Du-Rhône, France) ‒ which present great asymmetries between them, but which are considered cultural expressions devoted to the celebration of the marine environment, with the sea urchin as its protagonist. The research was based on an ethnographic study with a comparative perspective and bibliographical research aiming to explore interdisciplinary concepts and approaches observed in these studied festivities. These festivities, originating in two distinct communities, are historically and traditionally linked to artisanal fishing and oscillate, in their way, in the dichotomous pendulum of their potential and threats with nature, sometimes being a factor of preservation, sometimes of environmental impact. By crossing physical or symbolic borders, this study sought to highlight the multiplicity of the world, the intercultural and interdisciplinary connections in the unlikely encounter of these festivities dedicated to commensality. This research considers that festivities are a conscious or unconscious response to the impulse ‒ both natural and social ‒ inherent to human beings to forge relational ties between themselves and with the world around them, and to this end, humanity continues to create and recreating practices and rituals like the two studied festivities. This research concluded that the sea urchin, as an object of admiration, is constituted as practically the only common point between these two festivals, however, it is the cardinal point to establish the phenomenon of sociability among commensals, and, finally, showing the coordinates for the realization of the relationship between culture and nature. It is from the sea urchin that radiates - as radiates the thorns of its skin - the various possibilities of encounters, as well as radiates the threads through which the lives of the Sea Urchin Festivals flow.
  • Fecha: 13-dic-2021
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Urban landscapes have changed as a result of pressure to use ecosystems, in addition to the growth of physical structures and the adequate use of natural resources, especially water and soil. And consequently, it implies compromising the conditions of environmental quality, directly harming urban ecosystems. The research aims to analyze the spatiotemporal variation of the relationship between the suppression of vegetation cover and surface thermal patterns in the urban area of João Pessoa for the years (Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil). And specifically: classify the NDVI and NDWI mean earth surface temperatures, describe the factors that cause the increase of the soil surface temperature and identify the spatial distribution of heat island intensity and urban coolness. For the elaboration of the study, images from the Landsat 5 TM, 7 ETM+ and 8 OLI-TIRS satellites were used. Based on Google Earth Engine Platform (GEE) images. Calculating the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and the Normalized Difference Water Index. The generalized SC algorithm developed by Jiménez-Muñoz and Sobrino (2003) was also applied to derive Ts for all three sensors. To classify the intensity of the island, the thermal differences between the rural and urban environments were considered, recorded through the following parameters: A coolness islands, when the temperature magnitudes are less than 0, a weak magnitude heat island, when the differences between the hottest and coldest spots range from 0°C to 2°C; Medium magnitude, when they vary from 2ºC to 4ºC, Strong magnitude when they vary from 4ºC to 6ºC, very strong when above 6ºC. the main results show the points in which the temperatures above 40°C are concentrated, in the urbanized and verticalized areas of the city, mainly in the Varadouro, Centro, Jaguaribe, Expedicionarios and Torre districts. As for the expansion of very strong heat islands in the city of João Pessoa, expanding to the districts of the Industrial District, Mangabeira, Tambaú, Manaíra, showing a high concentration of heat island. The islands of freshness are located mainly in the Mata do Buraquinho and riverbanks. Therefore, Through the analyzed images, it was possible to observe the spatiotemporal changes that occurred in the city of João Pessoa-PB, between the years 2002, 2006, 2010, 2018 and 2018, consequently, by the occurrence of the expansion of built and verticalized areas, influencing the increase in surface temperature.
  • Fecha: 26-oct-2021
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Weeds are a major problem for agricultural crops around the world, as they cause countless losses such as increased production costs and losses in productivity of the crop of interest. One of the ways of introducing weeds in the planting areas is the use of cattle manure in the fertilization of crops, as the partially humified organic matter can contain viable propagules of weed species. In this sense, studies dealing with this theme are of great importance, especially in regions with a semi-arid and dry sub-humid climate in the Northeast region of Brazil, where agriculture plays an important economic and social role. Given the above, this study aimed to analyze the trade of cattle manure between the municipalities of Caturité, Boqueirão and Lagoa Seca, focusing on the import and propagation of weeds caused by contamination in agricultural crops. To achieve this goal, first a phytosociological study was carried out in two rural properties located in the municipalities of Caturité and Boqueirão in order to identify the weeds inserted in the grazing areas. The Occupied Square method was used, where the parameters of Absolute and Relative Frequency, Absolute and Relative Density, Absolute and Relative Abundance, Relative Importance Index and Similarity Index were analyzed. After the "in loco" study, the cattle manure that is sold to the region of Lagoa Seca was collected in these same properties in order to identify the harmful species that are taken from one location to another by this way of dissemination. The manure was taken to a greenhouse environment, at the Centro de Ciências Agrárias, campus II of the State University of Paraíba, located in the municipality of Lagoa Seca, PB. Through an adaptation of the occupied square method, a phytosociological survey of weeds identified in cattle manure was carried out. Parameters were also analyzed: Absolute and Relative Frequency, Absolute and Relative Density, Absolute and Relative Abundance, Relative Importance Index and Similarity Index. Finally, questionnaires were applied to farmers in the municipality of Lagoa Seca who purchase cattle manure from the municipalities of Caturite and Biqueirão for use in agricultural crops in order to understand the knowledge of farmers about this issue. At the end of the research, it was possible to conclude that the trade of cattle manure for agricultural use between the municipalities of Caturité, Boqueirão and Lagoa Seca in Paraíba is responsible for the dispersion of at least 23 species of weeds between these locations. Among the species identified, the most important ones by this way of dissemination were Amaranthus spinosus L. and Amaranthus retroflexus L. The dispersion of weeds in agricultural crops via cattle manure causes numerous losses to farmers in the municipality of Lagoa seca, mainly related to the increase in costs with hiring a mother of the work to contain the infestations. To mitigate the problem, it is necessary for farmers in Lagoa Seca to adopt new management practices within rural properties, such as the treatment of cattle manure through composting and vermicomposting processes before introducing this fertilizer to agricultural crops.
  • Fecha: 31-ago-2021
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Sustainable development reveals itself as an alternative capable of meeting the demands of ecosystem conservation and species protection. The creation of Protected Areas (PAs) represents advances in guaranteeing the integrity of the natural heritage, now understood as necessary for the future of the world's biodiversity. In view of these assertions, the management of PAs becomes a key point in the ranking of priorities by countries as they are unable to reconcile, in several cases, the different existing conflicts, the disinvestment to which they are submitted and the absence of projects to develop them . Brazil plays a prominent role in the global agenda for sustainable development, as well as in the management of PAs, and it is advisable to think about strategies for fulfilling global agreements, locally and nationally. The present research sought to relate, in three scientific articles, interconnected approaches on the themes of environmental management, institutional indicators and environmental public policies. The central research hypothesis was supported by the fact that the analysis of institutional indicators can facilitate the decision-making process of governments and contribute to the formulation of public environmental policies. To delimit the production of the manuscripts, information from Brazilian national environmental agencies and data from the Superintendence of Environmental Administration (Sudema), responsible for the management of State Parks (PEs) in Paraíba, were used. The first article analyzed the scope of public environmental policies in Brazil from four groups of federal government indicators. The second detailed aspects of the environmental oversight of the state of Paraíba, through the evaluation of indicators. The third discussed environmental public policies, in view of the perception of municipal managers of the environment where the PEs are located. Over a decade, weaknesses in the national environmental agenda, setbacks in the management of state parks in Paraíba and disarticulation of environmental public policies at both levels were evident. The advances achieved by Sudema were recognized, although they are incipient when analyzed in conjunction with other information available in the survey. The authors concluded that, at the national level, the obstacles appeared in the political decision-making position of the last two federal governments, in the depletion of human resources in public bodies and in the disinvestment for inspection actions. At the state level, although the trend was for growth in the variables over the decade, this did not directly result in an improvement in the environmental management of the PEs. As an alternative, the authors point out the need to open up the dialogue about public-private partnerships and the formation of consortia for the state of Paraíba, a situation in which some of the Brazilian National Parks currently find themselves.
  • Social and environmental impacts and conflicts arising from the installation and operation process of the ASMOC Landfill and the GNR power plant Fortaleza Valorização de biogás Ltda de Caucaia / Ceará / Brazil - An analysis through the prism of Ecology
  • Fecha: 18-ago-2021
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The environmental crisis is above all a civilizational crisis with many facets. Among the various problems highlighted by the socio-environmental problem, the issue of solid waste, its poor disposal and socio-environmental conflicts are considered serious problems, especially in urban areas. It is in this context that the need arises to study the social and environmental impacts and conflicts arising from the Metropolitan Sanitary Landfill West of Caucaia (ASMOC) and the Biogas Plant GNR Fortaleza Valorização de Biogás Ltda, both located in the municipality of Caucaia in the State of Ceará, Brazilian Northeast, from the perspective of Political Ecology. In this way, the research aims to identify the social and environmental impacts and conflicts that occur in the study area from the perspective of political ecology. To carry out the research, a bibliographic and documental survey was initially carried out on the subject in question and the area of ​​study. For the mapping and identification of social and environmental impacts in loco, a face-to-face visit was made to georeference the data that integrate the research and photograph the points surrounding the ASMOC landfill and the GNR plant. As well, the Mota & Aquino's Environmental Impact Matrix (2002) was applied and the documental analysis of the EIA/RIMA (Environmental Impact Study and the Environmental Impact Report) and other public documents were carried out. In order to understand and characterize the socio-environmental conflicts in the study area, the theoretical framework founded by several authors in Political Ecology was used: Alier(2011), Porto (2007), Leff (2006), Vayda & Walters (1999), Zimmerer & Basset(2003), Little (2006), Araújo & Gomes, (2017), Scotto (1997), Muniz (2009), Bertrand de Jouvenel(1957), Lopes (2004), Lipietz(2003), Escobar(2005), Miranda(2013), Blaikie & Brookfield (1987), among others. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with social actors around the projects to better understand the emergence of social and environmental impacts and conflicts.The results indicated that there are several impacts and socio-environmental conflicts in the physical, biotic and anthropic environments, such as the expropriation of properties, lack of access to water from the stream and lake located in the surroundings of the projects, lack of paving of streets, among other impacts that enhance diverse conflicts in the study area. The main conflicts that occur in the study area are related to the installation of the landfill and the plant with the participation of the State that licensed the installation of such equipment without public consultation with the surrounding population. The main types of socio-environmental conflicts found are: Conflicts related to transport, the urban struggle for clean air and water, green spaces, cyclists and pedestrians' rights, river defense, soil degradation, workers' struggle for health and occupational safety, environmental racism, the ecologism of the poor, among others. Thus, it is recommended that the landfill and plant management re-evaluate the actions contained in the EIA/RIMA and can carry out what was agreed upon, such as including solid waste collectors, implementing a recycling plant, enabling the surrounding population have access to the biomethane produced, give visibility to the socio-environmental issues experienced by this population and provide environmental education programs and generate employment and income for the local population.
  • Fecha: 16-abr-2021
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Aquaculture presents itself as an important economic activity for the Northeast region of Brazil. In Paraíba it is consolidated and has great economic importance in the two production hubs: Coastal Region and in the Paraíba River Valley. In this region, the municipality of Mogeiro, in the rural region of Paraíba, was chosen, where the Novo Mundo settlement is located, which has 27 family farmers. The riverside population formed by fishermen-farmers and micro-aquaculture farmers has been promoting a change in behavior, in which fishermen-farmers migrated their activity to aquaculture, and in this sense the proposal of this study, which will seek to identify the dynamics of rural development, issues related to productivity (health, management of water resources), as well as identifying and evaluating the local ecological knowledge (CEL) precursor of this behavioral change in the study region. Shrimp farming management workshops will be held, as well as conservation and environmental restoration activities with aquaculture farmers. Finishing the work with the elaboration of a workshop with guidelines on the management of shrimp farming. The productivity among the evaluated producers ranged between 1150 and 3200 kg/ha, showing a large amplitude that may be associated with the different managements employed, as well as the variation in parameters and, above all, the reports of disease occurrence, which are factors involved.
  • Fecha: 26-feb-2021
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Natural capital is the collection of renewable and non-renewable environmental resources that can be used by human beings. In this sense, this thesis aims to get to know the conservation units located in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil, emphasizing their importance as natural capital, reinforcing the importance of conservation units for the management of the natural capital contained in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil , characterize the existing natural capital in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil and the ecosystem services provided by the conservation units, identify the system of legal indicators capable of evaluating the effectiveness of the management of protected areas, select the system of legal indicators capable of evaluating the effectiveness of the management of protected areas, to present the system of indicators capable of evaluating the effectiveness of the management of protected areas, as well as to develop a procedure that allows to evaluate the effectiveness of the management of protected areas to be applied by the managers, through research bibliography and current legislation. At the end, it was observed that 252 conservation units were created in all states that comprise the Seminary Region of Brazil, of which 72 are fully protected and 180 for sustainable use, being the category of private natural heritage reserve (RPPN) the more created (119), however they protect only 0.06% of the semiarid area. The system of legal indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the management of protected areas, proved to be adequate to evaluate the selected integral protection and sustainable use units. After applying the index developed in this thesis, it was found that the nine conservation units studied, located in the Semi-Arid Region of the State of Paraíba, present poor performances, where the best was in the Vale dos Dinossauros Natural Monument (MNVD), which reached only 56% efficiency. The results obtained from the application of the indicator system used in this thesis corroborate the hypotheses raised at the beginning of the research that the efficient management of conservation units contributes positively to the protection and conservation of the natural capital contained in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil, as well as that the use of a system of indicators that makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the management of protected areas to be applied by managers allows a better assessment of the management of these protected areas. In view of the fragility of the Caatinga Biome, there is an urgent need to increase the reach of public policies to protect their ecosystems.
  • GREEN EXERCISE AND SELF-TALK: effects on stress and sustainable practices
  • Fecha: 23-feb-2021
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • his thesis aimed to analyze the relationships and effects of Green Exercises and self-talk about neurophysiological stress and sustainable socio-environmental practices. We hypothesized that individuals who practice green exercises and using self-talks will improve their sustainable practices, present lower internal loads, in addition to showing improvements in psychological states. The Thesis is composed of multiple methodological characteristics: translation, cultural adaptation, and validation; Systematic review, correlational descriptive study, and experimental. To analyze the experimental data, two-way ANOVA of repeated measures were used with analyzes of inter and intergroup; condition x time interaction effects, and Tukey's post hoc test with a significance level of p≤0.05, as well as observing the effect size (η) and observed power (1-β). For the validation of the self-talk questionnaire for sports, quality measures of useful adjustments were used for confirmatory factor analysis as well as Cronbach's Alpha reliability index. For the correlations, Pearson's bivariate, biserial point, and partial correlation were used, in the latter case, the correlations were controlled by age and sex. As a result, it can be said that after the process of translation and cultural adaptation, the S-TQ scale for sports (pt-br) obtained a good level of understanding, technical-scientific and similarity with the original scale, being able to the validation process. About the validation, the viability of the S-TQ pt-br was proved given the internal consistency of Cronbach's α = 0.947 and that all goodness-of-fit indices are within the standards recommended by the literature. Regarding green exercises and their physiological effects, after a systematic review it can be concluded that the practice of green exercises can potentiate the physiological effects in apparently healthy adults, collaborating with the health status and the sustainable well-being of their practitioners. After correlation analysis, it can be concluded that providing the population with a rapprochement with the natural environment for their practice of physical exercises can be beneficial both for the human species and the other animal and plant species present in Brazilian ecosystems, once that the highest number of hours per week in physical exercise in nature correlated with sustainable consumption and the use of self-talks even after this association was controlled by age and sex. The same result was not possible to observe in urban outdoor or indoor environments. Concerning experimental studies, it can be concluded that in 5km runs at a moderate pace, thermal discomfort, temperature, and air relative humidity does not affect the performance of practitioners, however, thermal comfort acts as a protective effect of physiological stress, while thermal discomfort raises the internal training load, promoting an increase in upper respiratory tract infections. This Thesis demonstrates the ecosystem benefits provided by natural environments for physical exercise practitioners even in tropical climate zones, as it concludes that green exercises minimize the effects of neurophysiological stress after physical activity with or without a cognitive activity of self-talk. These results can collaborate with health and sports professionals to plan more sustainable training, as well as can be used by urban planners, managers, and environmentalists for projects to expand and improve access to green areas in urban zones.
  • Climate Change and Vulnerability in Rural Communities: Indicators and Index for Small Localities
  • Fecha: 01-dic-2020
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The main objective of this thesis is to create indicators of socioclimatic vulnerability for small localities, using a rural community in the Cariri region, in the state of Paraíba as a base and, from the adaptation of an already existing index, to create a new way of calculating this fragility associated to the context of the locality and social group studied, so that a closer estimate of the reality made possible by the climate change process can be obtained. For this, we present a qualitative research of bibliographic approach and a case study. In order to systematize the content and give a better understanding, this thesis is organized in three parts that initially compose the scope of the research and its theoretical basis that, besides conceptualizing and opportunizing the importance of the indicators listed. The third chapter presents a proposal focused on small localities, since the guiding hypothesis is that small rural populations in the State of Paraíba are high-risk groups that present high socio-climatic vulnerability, to the detriment of the strong relationship/dependence with natural resources and agropastoral activities. Therefore, we conclude that the identification of a system of indicators and their subsequent use in the adaptation of an index that calculates climate vulnerability in small rural communities directly contributes to the evolution of research on climate change and its impacts, contributing directly to the adaptation process, development and governance of localities affected by climate extremes
  • Fecha: 29-sep-2020
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • The Corporate Sustainability Indicator Systems appear as instruments that identify the advances towards sustainable development. In this sense, this work has the general objective of conceiving, based on the Corporate Sustainability Grid, a system of indicators that encompasses the economic, environmental, social and cultural dimensions, in order to identify the sustainability level of a sugarcane bioelectricity sector company in the Zona da Mata in Paraiba. With this purpose, three articles were accomplished: the first sought to identify the Corporate Sustainability Indicator Systems with specific use in the sugarcane bioelectricity sector. The research is classified as exploratory and descriptive, with quantitative and bibliometric approach. The Social Network Analysis was chosen, specifically, regarding the centrality degree between the actors of the analyzed network. The results point to the insufficiency of scientific productions about Corporate Sustainability Indicator Systems, having identified only one work directed to sugarcane bioelectricity sector within the research criteria. The second article aims to present the potentialities arising from the generation expansion of the sugarcane bioelectricity in Paraíba in alignment with the perspectives of sustainable development. The research is characterized as exploratory, with quantitative approach. The study area covered the Zona da Mata in Paraíba. To measure the generation potential of the sugarcane bioelectricity, a calculation methodology was used, based on scenarios proposed by Perdoná, in 2015, considering the volume of sugarcane processed in the 2018/19 harvest. In addition, an estimate of annual gross revenue was measured, which could be obtained from the sale of this generated bioelectricity, if it were sold at the 004/2019 Auction. The results show that adopting the scenario consisting of a 100 bar / 540 ° C boiler, a fluidized bed and a regenerative cycle, the Paraíba sugarcane bioelectricity sector would have generated bioelectricity equivalent to 660.47 GWh, and if it had been negotiated at the 004 / 2019 Auction, the sector would have invoiced the equivalent to R$ 124.3 million in gross revenue per year. It is noteworthy to point out that the expansion of the sugarcane bioelectricity for the State provides potentialities aligned with the prospects of sustainable development. Finally, in the third article, a proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Indicator System is presented. It integrated the economic, social, environmental and cultural dimensions, based on the Corporate Sustainability Grid, with applicability to the sugarcane bioelectricity sector of the Zona da Mata in Paraíba. The research is classified as exploratory and descriptive, with quantitative approach. For the system design, it was decided to consult specialists and social actors, by means of the use of a form that served to determine the scores that make it possible to identify the sustainability level of the analyzed company. The research spatial limit includes the Zona da Mata in Paraíba, and the sample is classified by convenience. For the fulfillment of the system, a form with applicability in the plant participating in the research was chosen as data collection. Taking into account the results, the imminently partial satisfactory Scores of Sustainability for the economic dimension, satisfactory scores for the social and environmental dimensions and imminently unsatisfactory for the cultural dimension were identified. In addition, it was possible to identify the Corporate Sustainability Score as imminently satisfactory sustainability, with the analyzed plant being positioned in the Corporate Sustainability Grid in the 27th position.
  • Fecha: 29-sep-2020
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • The Corporate Sustainability Indicator Systems appear as instruments that identify the advances towards sustainable development. In this sense, this work has the general objective of conceiving, based on the Corporate Sustainability Grid, a system of indicators that encompasses the economic, environmental, social and cultural dimensions, in order to identify the sustainability level of a sugarcane bioelectricity sector company in the Zona da Mata in Paraiba. With this purpose, three articles were accomplished: the first sought to identify the Corporate Sustainability Indicator Systems with specific use in the sugarcane bioelectricity sector. The research is classified as exploratory and descriptive, with quantitative and bibliometric approach. The Social Network Analysis was chosen, specifically, regarding the centrality degree between the actors of the analyzed network. The results point to the insufficiency of scientific productions about Corporate Sustainability Indicator Systems, having identified only one work directed to sugarcane bioelectricity sector within the research criteria. The second article aims to present the potentialities arising from the generation expansion of the sugarcane bioelectricity in Paraíba in alignment with the perspectives of sustainable development. The research is characterized as exploratory, with quantitative approach. The study area covered the Zona da Mata in Paraíba. To measure the generation potential of the sugarcane bioelectricity, a calculation methodology was used, based on scenarios proposed by Perdoná, in 2015, considering the volume of sugarcane processed in the 2018/19 harvest. In addition, an estimate of annual gross revenue was measured, which could be obtained from the sale of this generated bioelectricity, if it were sold at the 004/2019 Auction. The results show that adopting the scenario consisting of a 100 bar / 540 ° C boiler, a fluidized bed and a regenerative cycle, the Paraíba sugarcane bioelectricity sector would have generated bioelectricity equivalent to 660.47 GWh, and if it had been negotiated at the 004 / 2019 Auction, the sector would have invoiced the equivalent to R$ 124.3 million in gross revenue per year. It is noteworthy to point out that the expansion of the sugarcane bioelectricity for the State provides potentialities aligned with the prospects of sustainable development. Finally, in the third article, a proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Indicator System is presented. It integrated the economic, social, environmental and cultural dimensions, based on the Corporate Sustainability Grid, with applicability to the sugarcane bioelectricity sector of the Zona da Mata in Paraíba. The research is classified as exploratory and descriptive, with quantitative approach. For the system design, it was decided to consult specialists and social actors, by means of the use of a form that served to determine the scores that make it possible to identify the sustainability level of the analyzed company. The research spatial limit includes the Zona da Mata in Paraíba, and the sample is classified by convenience. For the fulfillment of the system, a form with applicability in the plant participating in the research was chosen as data collection. Taking into account the results, the imminently partial satisfactory Scores of Sustainability for the economic dimension, satisfactory scores for the social and environmental dimensions and imminently unsatisfactory for the cultural dimension were identified. In addition, it was possible to identify the Corporate Sustainability Score as imminently satisfactory sustainability, with the analyzed plant being positioned in the Corporate Sustainability Grid in the 27th position.
  • Application of compost for remediation of lead-contaminated soil
  • Fecha: 29-may-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Solid waste is considered one of the most discussed issues in the environment, in view of the negative consequences of its inadequate disposal, such as soil contamination. The most residues from some economic activities that influence soil contamination are automotive, metallurgical, paint, mining, pesticide, fertilizer and batteries, among others. Most of these activities have heavy metals in their raw material for manufacturing their products, such as lead. The improper disposal of these products can have negative effects on the environment and human health. Considered persistent and cumulative, heavy metals have increasingly contaminated the soil, which is an essential compartment for life on Earth and its preservation is an important issue to be resolved worldwide. For this reason, several studies and researches have been developed with the objective of presenting techniques for decontamination of places affected by heavy metals, with the possibility of reducing the concentration of the contaminant to levels safe for human health. Some decontamination techniques have gained prominence, such as biological treatments, through bioremediation, as well as composting with the action of fungi and bacteria present in the decomposition of organic waste. Research show that the introduction of some groups of microorganisms in contaminated soils was able to promote the immobilization of contaminants, transforming them into soluble compounds. This statement already raises the possibility of using compost to treat other types of contaminants, in this case, heavy metals. The objective of this research is to test whether the microorganisms present in the organic waste composting process are capable of bioremediation of soil contaminated by lead. The research was carried out in an experimental basis at the Federal University of Paraiba-UFPB, on the Department of Systematics and Ecology’s premises, in the vicinity of the Screening House and laboratory tests at the Pernambuco Institute of Technology ITEP. The experiment was developed on a small scale in which organic residues from the University Restaurant (RU) at the Federal University of Paraíba -UFPB were used. Three composting experiments were carried out during 2019, the first one started in April, the second one in June and the third one in November.As for the results of experiment 1, the excess of atypical rains during the period, caused water to enter the buckets, making composting impossible, since the environment became anaerobic. In experiments 2 and 3 the results found that part of the lead was removed, and another part migrated to the slurry in all treatments. Thus, itis concluded that there is a remedial effect from the microbiological community present in composting, which can be used in the remediation of soil contaminated by lead. The bioremediation in treatments C1 and C2 varied from about 5% to 20% in both experiments. In the treatment with greater contamination (600 mg. Kg-1) had inhibition of the bioremediation process. Remediation can be carried out in landfarming treatment, protected from the rain, which would also benefit in the treatment of organic waste, inorder to avoid sending it to landfills, generating the leaching problems that occur in many landfills that do not yet take advantage of this gas production process.
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Estuarine areas are of great environmental, economic, social and cultural relevance. However, throughout human history, these ecosystems have been the target of several anthropogenic actions, which end up harming all these types of environments. The aim of this work was to analyze the environmental conditions, the sanitary conditions and the socio-environmental conflicts present in the Paraíba River Estuary, from Porto do Capim to the mouth of the Paraíba River. For this, the work was carried out in the following stages: survey of the main environmental problems through on-site visits; water quality analysis at 14 points throughout the study site, in two seasonal periods, rainy and dry season. Analysis of bioaccumulation of trace metals in three locations in the estuary. Survey of the basic sanitation conditions of the communities near the Paraíba River and the prevalence of some waterborne diseases. Environmental perception study with students about the estuary. The results showed several anthropic actions that negatively influence the environmental conditions of the estuary. Among the main ones, there was deforestation, discharge of domestic sewage, solid waste disposed inappropriately, burning, loss of biodiversity, among others. The water analysis showed loss in water quality caused by sources of continuous pollution, not dependent on leaching, that is, domestic sewage and also by leaching processes, mainly by agriculture. It was observed in point 1 (P1), that ammonia concentrations were above the values allowed by CONAMA resolution n ° 357/2005. Regarding bioaccumulation, despite the results confirming the presence of trace metals, all were below the values allowed by current legislation. However, aluminum showed high values, especially for the Anamalocardia Mollusca from Porto do Capim, which is under direct influence of the old Roger dump and part of the old city and Bayeux, however there is no standard with maximum values allowed for this element. Regarding sanitary conditions, the data survey demonstrated the precariousness of basic sanitation, mainly access to treated water, sewage and waste collection. Such facts have a direct influence on the number of waterborne diseases, with Ascaridiasis being the main one. Environmental awareness and awareness studies have shown that students are aware of the problems surrounding the estuary, however, many of them are indifferent to this scenario. Thus, it is necessary to implement public policies to improve basic sanitation. The sewage treatement could be with incentive and training for the construction of ecological pits for black and gray waters. There is also a need for continuous and integrated environmental education.
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2020
  • Hora: 11:00
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  • This thesis aimed to provide students from public elementary schools in the Northeast Brazil with a differentiated and innovative way of teaching, using Environmental Education to raise their awareness for the protection of local coastal marine environments. The rhodolith/maërl beds are among the local potential environments to use for that purpose, since they are highly abundant on the Brazilian northeast coast, but still poorly known in the region. As such, the thesis also aimed to contribute to improve the knowledge of this habitat, with respect to local abundance, associated invertebrate communities, ecological importance and the impact of environmental constraints. The study was conducted in two schools in João Pessoa and Mataraca municipalities, in the State of Paraíba, integrating non-formal education, through a sequential program of practical activities, with traditional formal education. The efficiency of the program was tested with a questionnaire. In general, the integrated teaching was effective, since at the end of the program more than 80% of the students responded according to the concepts taught, demonstrating an improved level of ocean literacy. Regarding the rhodolith beds, a literature review was carried out, that confirmed their worldwide distribution and ecological importance, including for the balance of coastal ecosystems and maintenance of marine life. As a further research, the first taxonomic study of the invertebrates associated with rhodoliths was carried out on the beaches of Miramar (municipality of Cabedelo), Seixas (João Pessoa) and Maceió (Pitimbu). Sixty species were collected and identified, from different taxa. Of these, 53 were new records for the beaches under study, some of which may even be new species and/or endemic to rhodoliths. Finally, the rhodolith beds of these beaches, subjected to different anthropogenic impacts, were characterized, from the rhodoliths’ abundance, morphology, growth form, as well as the associated invertebrates, according to the environmental factors assessed at the study sites. In general, Seixas Beach presented the greatest abundance of rhodoliths, and diversity and abundance of associated invertebrates, a result related to the high levels of calcium carbonate in the region, since this is an essential component for the development of calcareous algae. Maceió beach had the lowest abundance of these organisms, mainly associated with the high level of contamination by thermotolerant coliforms and lower water transparency. The invertebrate communities were also analysed from a functional perspective. Miramar and Seixas beaches were similar, where biodiffusors, with free and slow movement and predators predominated; whereas in Maceió Beach these attributes were practically absent, with individuals with limited movement, limited sediment remobilization and suspended feeding. These differences were analysed according to habitat characteristics, whose rhodolith-invertebrate interaction may be more beneficial in Seixas and Miramar beaches.
  • Fecha: 27-feb-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Grande parte dos efluentes domésticos e industriais são lançados diretamente nos rios, reduzindo cada vez mais a disponibilidade dos recursos hídricos para a maioria dos usos, principalmente o uso humano, pois ocasiona a eutrofização, cujos efeitos são negativos para o ambiente aquático, principalmente na proliferação de macrófitas aquáticas; consumo e depleção de oxigênio dissolvido; liberação de gases e produção de maus odores; e a diminuição da biodiversidade local, dentre outros. A bioindicação utiliza-se de organismos que compõem um certo ambiente para caracterizá-lo e ser empregados conhecimentos quantitativos e qualitativos das comunidades biológicas, estas podem indicar a presença, ou não, de poluição no ambiente. O objetivo geral foi avaliar a eficácia do uso do biotratamento por perifíton em um rio urbano com elevado grau de poluição com o apoio e a percepção dos ribeirinhos; através de a) analisar a qualidade de água do Rio Jaguaribe, João PessoaPB, em relação a parâmetros biológicos, físicos e químicos da água e do sedimento; b) Avaliar o uso do biotratamento no melhoramento da qualidade de água do Rio Jaguaribe; c) Avaliar a percepção dos ribeirinhos sobre a qualidade da água e usos do rio Jaguaribe antes e após o biotratamento. No primeiro, realizou-se o biomonitoramento utilizando macroinvertebrados bentônicos, de setembro de 2017 a outubro de 2018, em seis pontos de coleta. Para aferir o conteúdo de matéria orgânica das amostras de sedimento do Rio Jaguaribe, foi utilizado o Método de Calcinação. As análises físicas e químicas foram feitas com uma sonda multiparâmetros e amostras de água foram coletadas para as análises de Nitrogênio e Fósforo dissolvido. Para os macroinvertebrados bentônicos, foram feitas coletas de forma quantitativa com uma draga Van Veen e os animais coletados expressos em densidade e abundância relativa. A partir disso, utilizaram-se o índice BMWP juntamente com os índices de diversidade, de dominância e de equitabilidade, além da riqueza. Os estudos mostram a predominância de animais mais resistentes à poluição (larvas de quironomídeos e oligoquetos), indicando que o Rio Jaguaribe está classificado como Péssimo (Exceto no P3, onde a classificação foi “Ruim”, mesmo apresentando mais concentração de Oxigênio Dissolvido (máximo de 10,1 mg O2.L-1 ) e foi registrada a maior diversidade (H = 1,27 de Shannon) em relação aos outros pontos. Em seguida, na segunda parte da tese, visando contribuir para a melhora da qualidade da água do Rio Jaguaribe, aplicou-se um biotratamento por biorremediação, utilizando-se o perifíton como remediador. Foram selecionados três Pontos para a implantação dos módulos de Biorremediação por perifíton: P1, no Oitizeiro; P3, na São Rafael; e P4 na Tito Silva. Cada módulo é formado por uma armação quadrada de canos PVC 50 mm, que servem como flutuadores, com dimensões de 1,5 m x 1,5 m, contendo cortinas de plástico cristal 15 mm que estavam arranjadas em 05 fileiras de 1,4 m x 0,5 m, uma ao lado da outra, paralelas e seguindo a direção da correnteza do rio. No P1, com 09 módulos no período chuvoso, 16 e 08 módulos, respectivamente, no P4 e P3, no período de estiagem, também no ano de 2019. Para avaliar o efeito do biotratamento, foram analisados parâmetros físicos e químicos da água, coletada a montante e a jusante dos módulos de biorremediação. Os resultados obtidos mostraram diferenças de forma significativa, a jusante nos três pontos, em que houve aumento significativo do Oxigênio Dissolvido e a redução nos valores da Condutividade Elétrica e do Fósforo. Houve também redução nos valores de Nitrato, Ortofosfato e Amônia, porém, não foram significativos. No entanto, para a terceira parte da tese, analisou-se a percepção dos moradores, seguindo-se um questionário semiestruturado e a entrevista foi gravada, com autorização prévia, sobre a atuação dos módulos de Biotratamento na qualidade da água do rio. Ao todo, foram realizadas 23 entrevistas. Após o biotratamento, os entrevistados revelaram que houve melhora na transparência da água, diminuição do odor, aparecimento de mais animais (aves e peixes), corroborados cientificamente por testes estatísticos que revelaram diferenças significativas quanto à diminuição do odor e na aprovação da biorremediação para a melhora da água.
  • Fecha: 18-feb-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Nowadays, ecosystems are being increasingly degraded and altered by human beings and this has brought negative and sometimes irreversible consequences, both for the environment and for man. Aquatic ecosystems, for example, are constantly being attacked through the most different types of pollution that are dumped or directed at them. In this way, sustainable and ecological alternatives have been seen as a viable alternative for the environment and to improve the quality of life of the populations. This project is the result of an international research carried out between UFPB and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança in Portugal, by International Program of UFPB. It is proposed in the present study to evaluate socio-environmental conflicts, water quality and to test a biotreatment with biofilm and macrophytes (BioMac) in two rivers at different latitudes, one tropical and the other temperate. The study areas are Cabelo River, PB , Brazil and the Fervença River, Portugal; Physical, chemical and biological analyzes were performed. Chemical analyzes were analyzed according to APHA. Macrophyte containment structures were constructed and artificial substrates were inserted for the implantation of the biofilm. Through visual, physical, chemical and biological monitoring, it was found that both environments are not of good quality and that the data indicate a high amount of organic pollution in some parts of Cabelo River. The riverside population of Cabelo River interviewed was willing to participate with the project in the hope of watching the river to return to be a pleasant and clean environment. In some houses, the Banana Circle (previous gray water treatment) and the Evapotranspiration Tank (for black water treatment) were implanted in order to prevent these waters from going to the river without previous treatment or polluting the soil. Structures were installed to colonize the biofilm within both rivers, with the aim of reducing the amount of some high nutrients and thereby enabling an increase in the biodiversity and density of the organisms, a fact found informally, at the end of the research, through the visual analysis of the research team, and also some residents and fishermen. In Cabelo River, in most months, the highest values of pH and conductivity, total phosphorus, orthophosphate and ammonia occurred in P1, which receives sewage, while the highest concentrations of nitrite and nitrate occurred in P2 and P3, in most months because they have more oxygen. Significant differences were found in the comparison between each point before and after biotreatment for dissolved oxygen (P1, P4 and P6), temperature (P1, P2 and P3), conductivity (P1, P4, P5 and P6), total phosphorus ( P1, P3 and P6), orthophosphate (P3 and P4), ammonia (P1, P4, P5 and P6), nitrite (P1 and P3), nitrate (P1, P2 and P3); The visual analysis registered differences in macrophyte diversity, with 4 genera before biotreatment and 8 genera after biotreatment in P5. Much more transparent water was observed after biotreatment. In the Fervença River, despite a decrease in nutrient concentrations, these were not significant differences. The predominant macroinvertebrates were of the family Chironomidae and Glossiphonidae in May / 18 and Jul / 18 and Chironomidae and Erpobdellidae in Sep / 18 and Nov / 18, after the installation of the BioMac the macrobenthes decreased the density of the Pollution Indicator Families. The periphyton present in the biofilm was mainly represented by Bacillariophiceae genera. Thus, it can be concluded that the pilot system of biotreatment was effective in both rivers, but it is more efficient in more polluted places, and can be applied in the two latitudes tested. In Cabelo River the water became much more transparent and the mangrove was born at its mouth. Thus, the H1 research hypothesis that Cabelo River is polluted to its full extent, was accepted, because pollution is registered at the points upstream due to sewage and from the P4 caused by the extensive macrophyte banks, the H2 that the residents no longer use the river was accepted and the H3 that the bioremediation system is efficient was also accepted.
  • Fecha: 14-feb-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A relação com o ambiente pode ser compreendida como uma condição inicial de nossa espécie, há a tendência à preocupação com o meio ambiente e os elementos que o constituem em uma relação afetiva e subjetiva. Essa interação ocorre principalmente na formação educacional seja formal ou informal. Isso ocorre com o despertar dos sentidos e sentimentos humanos pelo meio em que estão inseridos que podem ser influenciados nos contextos familiares, comunitários e escolares. Nesse ambiente formal de ensino, a Educação Ambiental (EA) é uma estratégia que favorece esse contato com o ambiente, para a sensibilização, mudanças de paradigmas e solução dos problemas ambientais. Este estudo teve o objetivo central de conhecer as percepções e representações socioambientais de estudantes do 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental Anos Iniciais de escolas urbanas, públicas municipais, centrais e periféricas de cidades da região Nordeste e Sul do Brasil e estudantes do 5º ano do 2º Ciclo de Ensino de escolas de cidades do Norte de Portugal em relação às dimensões afetivas, conectivas e comportamentais do ambiente em que estão inseridos decorrentes de suas vivências ambientais formais e informais. Para tal assumiu-se que a postura perante o ambiente pode ser representada pelas vivências ambientais nos locais e as relações pessoais que se estabelecem. Para explicar esta postura foram investigadas dimensões comportamentais, afetivas da relação com o meio ambiente e com a natureza no geral. Além disso, foi avaliada a importância dedicada pelos estudantes às consequências futuras de suas ações e também variáveis sóciodemográficas e atitudes pro-ambientais. Participaram deste estudo 365 estudantes, matriculados num total de 13 escolas municipais públicas de cidades brasileiras e portuguesas. Esta pesquisa foi composta por instrumentos como questionários sociodemográficos, escalas, observação espacial e atividades voltadas para a Educação Ambiental que mediram dimensões cognitivas e afetivas e comportamentais na relação com o meio ambiente e com a natureza a fim de esboçar um modelo explicativo da postura ambiental que contemple as vivências ambientais, o conhecimento sobre o meio e um perfil psicossocial de afinidade e atitudes socioambientais. Como resultados a utilização dos multimétodos foi adequado para os estudantes expressarem as suas percepções quanto ao meio ambiente em geral, que em suma, verifica-se nos estudantes grandes preocupações e protagonismo perante pensamentos pró-ambientais. Independente das regiões e países os estudantes transcendem a necessidade de mudanças comportamentais e de paradigmas nos humanos com o meio ambiente.
  • Fecha: 31-ene-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Humans and reptiles have interacted for many years, and such interactions are most often marked by conflicting relationships, since humans use these animals in different ways, whether for use in magical-religious rituals, for medicinal purposes, hunting or as pets. Several studies have shown that these conflicting relationships can contribute to the population decline of many reptile species. Another factor that tends to lead to the loss of herpetofauna wealth is the process of fragmentation of ecosystems and loss of native vegetation to make way for monoculture plantations and pasture areas for raising goats and cattle. In this context, this study analyzed students' perception of the richness and importance of reptiles in the hinterland of the state of Paraíba, in addition, ecological and population aspects of reptiles were evaluated in areas of Caatinga with different levels of environmental degradation, as well as tested the applicability of different methods of external attachment of transmitters to estimate the area of use in snakes and chelonians. Data collection on the perception of herpetofauna was carried out at the Dr. Fenelon Nóbrega state school, in the municipality of Salgadinho – PB, between the months of November and December 2018. Environmental education activities consisted of field classes, photographic exhibition and of reptiles, and educational lectures. The post-test was applied in December 2019. For the analyzes of richness, abundance, population estimates and areas of use, two areas of Caatinga with different fragmentation histories were selected and sampled (through pitfalls traps) during four campaigns (February, May, September and December) in 2018 and from January to March 2019. Different techniques were used to fix the transmitters on the individuals (glue, tape and acrylic putty). The students demonstrated that they had a certain knowledge about the wealth of reptiles, especially regarding the identification of venomous snakes, in addition to understanding the ecological and medicinal importance of these animals. Some interviewees reported myths and errors in the taxonomic classification of the group. The application of the post-test showed some changes in the students' perception of the reptile fauna and aspects of the biology of these animals. A clear quantitative difference was observed in species richness, population size estimates and temperature between areas. In the most preserved area, species richness was almost triple that of the most degraded area. This difference may probably be related to structural changes in vegetation, resulting from negative anthropogenic actions. The use of the transmitter fixation technique via adhesive tape proved to be more efficient than fixation using glue, as it did not cause irritation to the specimens and was longer lasting. Despite the low number of individuals monitored, chelonians and snakes showed differences in their areas of use in relation to sex, body size and type of habitat occupied.
  • Fecha: 31-ene-2020
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • O crescente processo de degradação da caatinga, somado a sazonalidade marcante do ambiente e a presença de inúmeras comunidades rurais, direcionam pesquisadores da etnobotânica a investigar a forma como as populações locais se relacionam com a vegetação disponível. A repetição de metodologias em vários lugares diferentes, dá a oportunidade de comparar regiões da caatinga e traçar padrões de uso em todo o estado. Essa tese é fruto de análises de pesquisas realizadas no decorrer de 10 anos. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas em oito cidades do estado da Paraíba, sendo elas Itaporanga, Lagoa e São Mamede (sertão), Cabaceiras, Soledade e Congo (cariri) e Remígio e Solânea (curimataú). Ao todo foram entrevistadas 537 informantes. Foi realizado inventário de vegetação em todos os municípios, através dos métodos de parcelas semipermanentes e pontos quadrantes, a fim de delinear comparação entre os métodos. Os dados apresentados até o momento, podem ser considerados essenciais para a determinação de um padrão de uso de espécies vegetais da caatinga.
  • Fecha: 16-dic-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O Aedes aegypti é amplamente distribuído no mundo. Considerado um vetor disseminador do vírus da Dengue, Zika e Chikungunya, torna-se uma ameaça à saúde pública principalmente em áreas urbanas. A dinâmica de proliferação e transmissão dessas doenças envolve vários fatores, tais como: os fatores climáticos e socioeconômicos de determinadas regiões. Em regiões tropicais, as condições climáticas são potencializadoras da proliferação e reprodução do Ae. aegypti. É diante desse cenário, que se faz necessária a compreensão das condições do clima urbano e sua relação com a proliferação do Ae. aegypti e a distribuição das doenças Dengue, Zika e Chikungunya na cidade de João Pessoa/PB localizada em região tropical. Este estudo é de natureza quanti-qualitativa, com metodologia interdisciplinar e holística baseado no Sistema Ambiental Urbano (S.A.U.). Para a coleta dos dados microclimáticos e socioambiental, foram selecionados alguns bairros da capital paraibana. Para as medições in loco levou-se em consideração os fatores segurança e a quantidade dos equipamentos termohigrometros disponíveis. Dessa forma, os equipamentos (Data Loggers Hobo®) foram instalados nas antenas da EMBRATEL espalhadas pelos bairros do perímetro urbano da cidade de João Pessoa/PB. Para a caracterização socioambiental da área de estudo foi realizado levantamento dos dados que compõe o S.A.U. adaptado, com base nos dados do IBGE. A análise do clima urbano (subsistema termodinâmico) se deu através de descrições físicas do espaço geográfico e medições in loco, em nove bairros, com utilização de Data Loggers Hobo® U12, programados em intervalos horários para medição de temperatura e umidade. No que diz respeito à pluviosidade e velocidade do vento foram utilizados dados diários da estação meteorológica de João Pessoa, obtidos junto ao Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia - INMET. A periodicidade para o levantamento dos dados compreendeu os dois períodos climáticos da área de estudo: o seco (janeiro, fevereiro, setembro e outubro) e chuvoso (março a agosto) de 2018. Posteriormente, os dados microclimáticos (temperatura e umidade) foram organizados em planilha eletrônica do Microsoft Excel® e gerados gráficos: mensal e horário do comportamento das variáveis. Com os dados de precipitação e velocidade do vento coletados pelo INMET foram gerados gráficos mensais do período de coleta. Foi realizado o levantamento do LIRAa (cálculo do Índice de Infestação Predial e Índice de Breteau), a diversidade e quantidade de criadouros e dos dados de notificações de Dengue, Zika e Chikungunya coletados junto a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Município. Foram elaborados mapas com a espacialização das notificações das arboviroses durante o período seco e chuvoso utilizando o Google Earth Pro®. Também foram elaborados gráficos mensais com a relação entre as variáveis microclimáticas e a quantificação das notificações das doenças arboviroses, de cada ponto experimental e a Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP). Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que as variáveis socioambientais do input do S.A.U. indicam que P05 (Mangabeira), P06 (Cruz das Armas) e P07 (Alto do Mateus) possui condições que são favoráveis a proliferação do Ae. aegypti, e possivelmente para a transmissão de arboviroses. A análise microclimática aponta variação de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar de acordo com os diferentes uso e cobertura do solo e com o comportamento da incidência de radiação solar no decorrer das horas em cada ponto monitorado. O mês com elevadas temperaturas e baixa umidade foi março e o mais ameno foi julho (período chuvoso na região). A infestação do mosquito se deu principalmente no período chuvoso (julho), nos pontos P03 - Manaíra, P01 – Castelo Branco Mata do DSE/UFPB e P07 – Alto do Mateus, frequentemente em recipientes/depósitos A1 e A2 (Armazenamento de água para consumo humano). No que se refere às notificações de Dengue e Chikungunya na área de estudo, essas ocorreram principalmente durante o período da região (com picos em maio e junho), pois analisando o ciclo de vida do Ae. aegypti, sua reprodução, eclosão e disseminação ocorre principalmente em março, ou seja, na interfase do período seco para o chuvoso. A análise multivariada não foi significativa entre o clima urbano e as notificações das arboviroses. A pesquisa aponta que a cidade de João Pessoa possui condições socioambientais favoráveis ao Ae. aegypti e uma predisposição microclimática que influencia na reprodução do mosquito e consequentemente na ocorrência de casos de arboviroses. Vale destacar, que a incidência dos casos de Dengue e Chikungunya são multifatoriais (ecologia, microclima, epidemiologia, transporte/movimentação de mercadorias e pessoas, condições sociais e urbanas) e complexas, pois leva em consideração uma gama de fatores microclimáticos e socioambientais na região e seu ciclo de vida. Dessa forma, não houve uma resposta linear das variáveis analisadas, mas sim uma rede imbricada de vários fatores interligados influenciando as notificações de Dengue, Zika e Chikungunya na área de estudo.
  • ANÁLISE DA SUSTENTABILIDADE DO TURISMO DE BASE COMUNITÁRIA A PARTIR DO USO DE INDICADORES:um estudo desenvolvido em comunidades do Nordeste brasileiro
  • Fecha: 26-ago-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O Turismo de Base comunitária (TBC) representa um modelo alternativo ao turismo convencional ou de Massas diante da insustentabilidade já constatada deste. São características do TBC o protagonismo dos membros da própria comunidade no processo de desenvolvimento e tomadas de decisões, a distribuição equitativa da renda, a solidariedade, valorização da cultura e identidades locais bem como a preservação dos recursos naturais da comunidade. Os Indicadores de Sustentabilidade têm sido apontados como instrumentos capazes de auxiliar no processo de busca de um turismo mais sustentável através da mensuração de aspectos econômicos, culturais, sociais e ambientais. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi analisar o nível de sustentabilidade do TBC nas comunidades de Ponta Grossa (Icapuí/CE) e Chã de Jardim (Areia/PB) a partir do uso de indicadores. Para tanto, realizou-se uma adaptação do Sistema de Indicadores de Sustentabilidade para o Turismo (SISDTur) proposto por Hanai (2009) à realidade de pequenas comunidades onde se desenvolve o TBC, como forma de tornar esse sistema mais simplificado e viabilizar o monitoramento dos aspectos da sustentabilidade nessas comunidades. Para o alcance dos objetivos propostos, desenvolveu-se, metodologicamente, uma triangulação de abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas. Entre os instrumentos de coleta de dados foi elaborado e aplicado junto às comunidades um questionário contendo além de questões para a elaboração do perfil sociodemográfico de cada comunidade, as escalas dos índices de Satisfação com a Vida (Satisfaction With Life Scale- SWLS-BP) e Qualidade de Vida (WHOQOL-BREF) e se produziu uma escala para gerar o Índice de Percepção em Relação ao TBC. Foram realizadas entrevistas com os líderes comunitários para a verificação do atendimento aos princípios do TBC. Na sequência, foram realizados testes estatísticos através do Software SPSS com os dados obtidos através dos questionários aplicados para verificação da confiabilidade e estabelecimento de suas correlações. Produziram-se, ainda, índices relacionados ao Abastecimento de Água, Tratamento de Esgotos e Coleta de Resíduos Sólidos nas duas comunidades a partir de dados dos setores censitários do Censo do IBGE 2010. Para a realização da adaptação do SISDTur (Hanai,2009) ao TBC, foram realizados três processos de triagens dos indicadores, sendo o primeiro junto aos especialistas em TBC no Brasil, o segundo a partir de curso e oficina junto às comunidades e a terceira triagem para simplificação e aproximação à realidade de pequenas comunidades. O novo sistema denominado SISDTBC foi aplicado junto a atores sociais das duas comunidades investigadas e os resultados obtidos para todos os índices para a comunidade de Ponta Grossa foram mais altos que os da comunidade de Chã de Jardim. Os resultados obtidos para os de índices de Percepção em Relação ao TBC, Satisfação com a Vida e o de Qualidade de Vida junto aos moradores dessas comunidades sugerem que esses moradores encontram-se satisfeitos com a vida que tem e avaliam o nível de qualidade de vida que possuem como satisfatórios, mesmo não tendo algumas de suas necessidades mais básicas atendidas como acesso à saúde, educação, água, empregos, tratamento de esgotos e coleta de resíduos sólidos. A partir da aplicação do SISDTBC foram gerados os Índices de Sustentabilidade do TBC em cada comunidade e verificou-se que em Chã de Jardim este índice foi considerado parcialmente sustentável enquanto o Índice de Sustentabilidade do TBC em Ponta Grossa foi considerado sustentável. Por fim, são apresentadas as contribuições gerenciais do estudo, limitações da pesquisa e algumas sugestões de estudos futuros.
  • Mixed traction vehicle from the application of social technology methodology in organization of recyclable materials collectors
  • Fecha: 27-jun-2019
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • The collectors of recyclable materials, essential to the effective management solid waste management, often perform daily activities in unhealthy conditions and without equipment to enhance the work of picking. The development and availability of social technologies, for this audience, are tools to change this reality. Thus, the present work had as main objective to evaluate the pplicability of the methodology proposed in the literature, for the development of a social technology, focusing on ergonomics, in an association of recyclable material collectors. The exploratory, participatory and experimental research was carried out from March 2016 to April 2019, with fourteen recyclable material collectors associated with ARENSA. In the first moment, a survey of the current technologies used by the study group was carried out, simultaneously with the ergonomic analysis of the work. Subsequently, social technology was planned and executed for the collection and transportation of recyclable materials with a focus on ergonomics, a mixed traction cart (human and electric). The methodology proposed by the literature for the production of a social technology has not proved to be totally effective, making it necessary to have an interdisciplinary team in the elaboration, execution and evaluation of the project and in order to avoid costs with prototypes, the use of data is recommended in virtual simulation software in three dimensions (3D), minimizing production costs and greater similarity to what the target audience wants. With this virtualization, there is a reduction in rework, in order to improve the stages of the project under construction. The developed prototype presented as positive aspects: Absence of the need for squats, weight lifting and trunk rotation; presence of two types of brakes; greater volumetric capacity, climate protection; Presence of electric motor, Open handles, with design and adjustment for height and opening; Megaphone; rear-view mirrors, reflective strips, greater visibility before society. Therefore, it is essential to invest in social technologies aimed at the professional practice of recyclable material collectors, in order to enable the implementation of the National Policy for Integrated Solid Waste Management and the socioeconomic insertion of these workers.
  • Fecha: 11-jun-2019
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Diversos estudos desenvolvidos no estado da Paraiba, Nordeste do Brasil, descrevem a forma como as populacoes rurais da Caatinga interagem com plantas lenhosas uteis disponiveis na regiao. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo descreve e analisa a inter-relacao de moradores da comunidade Rural de Santa Rita, no Cariri da Paraiba, com as plantas lenhosas uteis, avaliando sua disponibilidade por meio de inventario etnobotanico e da vegetacao. A pesquisa foi conduzida no Municipio do Congo, e os dados foram coletados entre os anos de 2011 e 2012, com entrevista semiestruturada, realizada com os chefes (homem e mulher) de cada residencia. Os dados foram analisados por meio do valor do uso. Para amostragem fitossociologica foram registrados todos os individuos arbustivo-arboreos lenhosos vivos com DNS (Diametro do caule a nivel de solo) ≥ 3 cm, se tomando nota tambem da sua altura estimada. Foram registradas 56 especies vegetais uteis, destas, 42 identificadas, distribuidas em 37 generos e 20 familias, sendo as mais citadas Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemao, Tabebuia aurea (Silva Manso) Benth. & Hook. f. ex S. Moore, e Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Roem & Schult.), T. D. Penn. As principais categorias de uso foram tecnologia, medicinal, combustivel e construcao. Em relacao ao Valor de uso (VU) as especies de maior destaque foram Tabebuia aurea (Silva Manso) Benth. and Hook.f. ex S.Moore (caibrera) (VU = 5,88), A. pyrifolium (3,74), e Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Roem and Schult.) T. D.Penn. (quixabeira) (3,71). Na fitossociologia foram registradas 24 especies pertencentes a 21 generos e 12 familias. Dos 2000 individuos amostrados, 55 nao foram identificados. Se destacaram as seguintes familias botanicas: Euphorbiaceae, (1524 individuos), Fabaceae (271 individuos) e Apocynaceae (117 individuos). Entre as especies, houve destaque para Croton blanchetianus Baill (marmeleiro), com 1400 individuos, seguido por Poincianella pyramidalis Tul. (catingueira) (198 individuos) e Aspidosperma pyrifolium Mart. (pereiro) (117 individuos). O estudo indica que a composicao da vegetacao local na comunidade rural de Santa Rita e oriunda de altos niveis de antropizacao, sendo necessarios maior detalhamento na dinamica de uso e retirada dos individuos que demonstraram maior significado cultural e valor de uso.
  • Fecha: 10-jun-2019
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Esta pesquisa objetiva elaborar uma metodologia para utilizar indicadores nas deliberacoes do Conselho de Protecao Ambiental (COPAM) junto ao processo de obtencao e manutencao de licencas ambientais no Estado da Paraiba. A preservacao, conservacao e/ou controle da degradacao ambiental depende de acoes e decisoes do Estado. O licenciamento ambiental e um instrumento de controle da politica publica ambiental no Brasil. Trata-se de um processo de tomada de decisao, que depende de informacoes disponiveis e organizadas, para facilitar a analise da viabilidade e a sustentabilidade dessas atividades numa perspectiva de possibilitar um desenvolvimento sustentavel. Indicadores podem ser utilizados para facilitar a compreensao dos impactos negativos e positivos da intervencao ambiental antropica. Esses indicadores simplificam uma realidade complexa para subsidiar a tomada de decisao e acompanhar a sustentabilidade a partir da presenca ou nao da intervencao ambiental. O objeto de estudo foi o processo de tomada de decisao do COPAM frente a deliberacao de licencas ambientais. O estudo realizou uma analise de conteudo documental identificando as caracteristicas desse processo propondo melhorias a partir da teoria. As fontes de dados foram os pareceres da Superintendencia de Administracao do Meio Ambiente (SUDEMA), Estudos de Impacto Ambiental elaborados para a extracao de calcario no Estado da Paraiba, Regimento Interno e Atas de reuniao do COPAM. A partir da constatacao de licencas ambientais emitidas para a exploracao de calcario no Estado da Paraiba, depreende-se que as decisoes do COPAM sao de uma racionalidade instrumental focada em uma analise de conformidade legal. Aponta-se para uma decisao limitada quando nao e possivel identificar como o desempenho das praticas de gestao ambiental favorecem a viabilidade da intervencao ambiental. As caracteristicas identificadas no processo de decisao do COPAM apontam fragilidades sobre a analise da viabilidade da presenca da atividade poluidora, como por exemplo: a ausencia de um modelo de tomada de decisao colegiada para alem da conformidade legal; a dependencia da individualidade e competencia dos conselheiros; a elevada quantidade de processos que sao submetidos para apreciacao em cada reuniao; a apresentacao das informacoes multidisciplinares para analise dos conselheiros; a ausencia do uso de indicadores de que subsidiam as decisoes. A pesquisa ratifica que a emissao e homologacao de licencas e uma decisao complexa e requer indicadores para simplificar e subsidiar os decisores. Para viabilizar a intervencao ambiental e promover um desenvolvimento mais sustentavel e necessario melhorar o licenciamento ambiental como instrumento de controle. E proposta na tese uma metodologia de uso de indicadores frente as dimensoes economico-social, e ambiental para a atividade de extracao de calcario. Nesse sentido, a metodologia procura favorecer o processo de tomada de decisao do COPAM, bem como a atuacao do conselho como fiscalizador do desempenho das praticas de gestao ambiental exigidas como nas condicionantes de licencas. A pesquisa tambem contribui ao facilitar a compreensao da sociedade e promover sua participacao no processo de licenciamento ambiental.
  • Fecha: 29-may-2019
  • Hora: 08:30
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  • Estudos recentes tem apontado para interconexoes importantes entre a pratica regular de exercicio fisico outdoor (ambientes naturais) e indoor (ambientes fechados), bem-estar subjetivo e conexao com a natureza, sendo considerada como uma ferramenta importante na melhoria da saude e qualidade de vida das pessoas, assim como no combate aos danos provocados pelo sedentarismo e tambem na incorporacao de habitos saudaveis associados ao exercicio fisico. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar as relacoes entre conexao com a natureza, bem-estar subjetivo e saude de praticantes de exercicios fisicos outdoor e indoor na cidade de Joao Pessoa/PB. Foram analisados dados socioeconomicos, de composicao corporal, de conexao com a natureza, de bem estar subjetivo (emocoes positivas, negativas e experiencia subjetiva com o exercicio em uma amostra de 300 praticantes de exercicios outdoor e indoor. Na analise estatistica foi utilizada a comparacao de medias, frequencias percentuais, teste de Mann – Whitney, teste de correlacao de Spearman, sendo analisadas pelos programas estatistico r (versao 3.4.1 e SPSS), com p<0,005 e 95% de intervalo de confianca, alem de analise de modelo linear pelo Criterio de Informacao Akaike (AIC) e pelo Criterio de Informacao Bayesiano (BIC). Foram observadas diferencas significativas pelo teste de Mann-Whitney e teste de correlacao de Spearman entre o Grupo Outdoor e Grupo Indoor com a relacao Cintura Quadril (RCQ), % gordura corporal, somatorio das dobras cutaneas, fadiga, bem-estar, afetos positivos, afetos negativos e conexao com a natureza. Tambem foram observadas dentro do grupo outdoor (grupo praca e grupo praia) diferencas significativas no Indice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e afetos negativos. Pelo Teste de Spearman observou-se correlacoes negativas entre aflicao e bem-estar, fadiga e bem-estar, afetos negativos e conexao com a natureza, afetos negativos e afetos positivos, Relacao Cintura Quadril (RCQ) e Indice de Massa Corporal (IMC), dobras cutaneas e Relacao Cintura Quadril (RCQ); ja as correlacoes positivas foram entre fadiga e aflicao, afetos positivos e bem-estar, afetos negativos e aflicao, afetos negativos e fadiga, Indice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e aflicao, dobras cutaneas e Indice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Estes resultados demonstram as relacoes existentes entre exercicio outdoor/indoor, meio ambiente, bem estar e saude, sendo um parametro importante para o fortalecimento e ampliacao dos programas de treinamento com exercicios fisicos para a melhoria e manutencao da saude e qualidade de vida da populacao.
  • Ostreicultores e ostreicultura: a sustentabilidade de sistemas produtivos nas zonas costeiras da Paraíba e de Santa Catarina
  • Fecha: 30-abr-2019
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • A constatacao de problemas ambientais e sanitarios que envolvem a ostreicultura no Brasil motivou a presente pesquisa, devido aos impactos ambientais dessa atividade que podem resultar em contaminacao das ostras, comprometendo a saude dos consumidores, dai a necessidade de controle sobre a qualidade da agua com aprimoramento das tecnicas de cultivo, bem como da legislacao. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar os sistemas produtivos de ostras na costa da Paraiba (PB) e de Florianopolis (SC), bem como sua relacao com a sustentabilidade ambiental, social e economica e a qualidade sanitaria da ostra, atraves de um indice de sustentabilidade da ostreicultura. A metodologia utilizada para determinar o perfil dos ostreicultores foi de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para as analises de qualidade da agua e microbiologica foi utilizada a metodologia proposta por APHA (Clesceri et al.,1998) e para avaliar os indicadores de sustentabilidade utilizou-se Pereira (2012). Como resultado da pesquisa verificou-se que a maioria dos ostreicultores da Paraiba possuem baixo nivel de escolaridade, enquanto que em SC a maioria possui nivel superior. Na PB o mais antigo ostreicultor trabalhou com ostras ha 12 anos, mas a maioria trabalha ha 7 anos; ja em SC os ostreicultores das comunidades pesquisadas trabalham no cultivo ha mais de 14 anos. O sistema de cultivo adotado na PB e o de engorda de ostras nativas em sistema fixo; do tipo mesa ou do tipo suspenso, sendo realizados no manguezal e as ostras sao retiradas direto dos bancos naturais. O manejo ocorre geralmente a cada dois meses, nao existindo sistema de depuracao das ostras, nem legalizacao da atividade e o cultivo e realizado de forma artesanal. Ja em SC as ostras sao cultivadas no mar, com especies exoticas e existem dois sistemas de cultivo; do tipo suspenso-fixo e do tipo long-line com uso de lanternas. A semente das ostras e obtida de laboratorio e o manejo ocorre com frequencia rigorosa. Na Baia Norte (SC) a producao e de pequena escala e artesanal e a maioria dos produtores nao possui selo de inspecao sanitaria. Na Baia Sul (SC), a maioria dos produtores e de empresas de medio porte que vendem ostras com selo de inspecao municipal ou federal para outros estados. Em relacao aos niveis dos parametros da qualidade da agua dos cultivos na PB, verificou-se que na maioria dos meses estiveram adequados para a producao, porem em relacao aos dados microbiologicos, os coliformes termotolerantes apresentaram altos niveis em todos os cultivos na maioria dos meses, conforme a legislacao CONAMA e OMS, e presenca de Salmonella em 6 meses de analise. Os dados de coliformes termotolerantes para SC foram secundarios e apenas Ribeirao da Ilha apresentou niveis acima do permitido pela legislacao. No presente trabalho foi criado um indice de sustentabilidade para a ostreicultura com as dimensoes ambiental, social e economica para avaliar as comunidades pesquisadas, sendo assim Porto Novo e Porto de Marcacao foram classificadas com sustentabilidade regular, Santo Antonio de Lisboa e Sambaqui com Boa e Ribeirao da Ilha com Muito Boa.
  • Fecha: 30-abr-2019
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Este estudo apresentou dados novos e relevantes sobre a geomorfologia, geofisica e biota do ambiente recifal do Seixas/PB, sendo um dos pioneiros nesse ambiente recifal com esse nivel de detalhamento. Os estudos geologicos, geofisicos e geoquimicos evidenciaram a existencia de compartimentos (praia, plataforma interna e recife), areas (abrigada, plato recifal e batida) e feicoes geomorfologicas (canal, planicie recifal, crista, frente recifal, pos-recife), indicando que os processos deposicionais do fundo marinho sofreram influencia oceanografica. Nao foi possivel encontrar a rocha-base de sustentacao para a edificacao do recife atraves de tres perfuracoes com profundidade maxima de 250 cm, os resultados das laminas petrograficas, do difratograma de raios-X analisados e do material coletado nos mergulhos realizados na parede externa do recife demonstraram que o recife do Seixas e uma formacao biogenica carbonatica coral-algal recente - associada com a evolucao da linha de costa, com a elevada sedimentacao costeira e agindo em conjunto com a elevacao do nivel do mar (Periodo Quaternario Holocenico) -, apoiada no terraco marinho de abrasao sob a planicie costeira moldada pela Bacia Sedimentar Paraiba, mais precisamente na Sub-bacia Alhandra e dista aproximadamente 30 km do talude continental nordestino. Atualmente, o recife possui 1,18 km2 de area consolidada com altura maxima de 6 m. A partir de uma base consolidada arenitica ocorreu o assentamento e povoamento de organismos bentonicos, passando por processos de sucessoes continuamente. Perfazendo uma area amostral de 225 m², com esforco amostral de 120 h de pesquisas visuais subaquaticas (uso de transectos e fotoquadrados) foi possivel mapear as comunidades macroalgais, coralineas e ictica e verificar que as variaveis ambientais profundidade e granulometria exercem influencia na estruturacao das comunidades. Em uma cobertura dominada por macroalgas (68,99%), corais, hidrocorais e zoantideos (7,62%), estruturas calcarias - rodolitos (9,73%), sedimento nao-consolidado (11,89%) e sedimento consolidado (1,77%), foram identificados 1435 peixes recifais, representados pelas familias Haemulidae (696 individuos), Labridae-Scarinae (272 individuos), Pomacentridae (248 individuos), Acanthuridae (108 individuos) e em menor numero de individuos, as familias Epinephelidae, Mullidae, Sciaenidae, Holocentridae e Gobiidae. Como analise geral, a relacao entre as areas Abrigada e Plato e entre as areas Batida e Plato, aponta a area Plato como um ambiente de ecotono. A nivel de endemismo, quatro familias coralineas da ordem Escleractinia e oito especies da ictiofauna sao endemicas da Provincia Biogeografica Atlantico Sul, corroborando com a caracterizacao geral desta provincia (baixa diversidade com alto grau de endemismo, sobrevivendo em aguas turvas). Atraves de oficinas e mapas conceituais construidos pelos usuarios locais, constatou-se que o grupo dos pescadores e o que mais conhece o ambiente, seja pela necessidade da navegacao (formacao rochosa) e da pesca (locais de maior oferta, maior numero de individuos, sendo o hidrocoral “coral-de-fogo” o mais conhecido devido a fauna associada). A juncao do conhecimento cientifico correlacionado com o contexto biogeografico e saber local adquirido resultaram na aplicacao de tres praticas ambientais (desvendando as criaturas marinhas, trilha ecologica e rota subaquatica) envolvendo a comunidade local conforme premissas da ciencia cidada. O contexto biogeografico marinho atribuido as praticas para o microcosmo recifal do Seixas foi fundamentado pelos processos historicos e ecologicos de como surgiu este ambiente geologico e de onde vieram as comunidades biologicas, demonstrando as conectividades numa visao local ate global dos dias atuais.
  • Predictive modeling to identify archaeological potential as a primary support for environmental planning policies.
  • Fecha: 29-abr-2019
  • Hora: 13:00
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  • The current knowledge of the human past in a particular landscape is necessarily due to the attempt of mental re-creation of the universe that permeated the appropriation of space and how people transformed it. Bringing this past reveals the importance of archaeological sites for the communities that surround them, enabling them to make a sustainable use of these resources. The purpose of this study was to elaborate a predictive model of archaeological potential and to test its extensive applicability in unknown areas. The area selected for the experiment is located in the northeastern semi-arid region, on the border between Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte. For this, a predictive model based on physical and cultural variables was applied, having as reference model an archaeological site with a conjecture pattern extracted from a generic sample of sites already identified in the two States. The characteristics of the variables were normalized in binary classification to generate the reference weights. For the data processing a Geographic Information System was used through the QGIS software. Two validations were carried out in the field, one of directed interventional prospecting and the other non-interventional opportunistic / randomization in the external area. The first one resulted in twelve sites, while the second one recorded fourteen, totaling 26 sites coincident with the areas indicated in the final modeling as medium to high archaeological potential. Although this methodology still lacks specific adjustments for each environment tested, the positive compliance rate with the expected standards allows to assure that it is an essential tool to know the past and that can also be used to help in the elaboration of plans of territorial occupation and utilization cultural heritage in association with public and private management policies on archaeological heritage.
  • Fecha: 07-mar-2019
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Os indicadores de sustentabilidade para atividade turistica surgem como uma ferramenta que busca mensurar o nivel de sustentabilidade, bem como norteia as tomadas de decisoes diante das politicas publicas que viabilizam o desenvolvimento local. Para que essa analise seja mais assertiva, e importante que os indicadores sejam selecionados a partir das caracteristicas locais, considerando os aspectos: culturais, ambientais, sociais, economicos e turisticos. Vale ainda considerar a participacao do poder publico, do trade turistico e da sociedade local em todo processo de utilizacao dos indicadores. Os sistemas de indicadores sao instrumentos que permitem acompanhar e tracar diagnosticos do nivel de sustentabilidade da atividade turistica. Diante do exposto, a motivacao deste trabalho foi avaliar como um sistema de indicadores de sustentabilidade, aplicado de forma participativa junto aos atores sociais locais, pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentavel do turismo no roteiro Caminhos do Frio no Brejo Paraibano. Em resposta a essa questao o objetivo geral consistiu em: Elaborar e aplicar um sistema de indicadores que levasse em conta as caracteristicas locais do Roteiro Caminhos do Frio no Brejo Paraibano, Paraiba, Brasil. A hipotese principal do trabalho foi a de que os sistemas de indicadores de sustentabilidade para atividade turistica, elaborados a partir das caracteristicas locais com participacao dos atores sociais, tem melhor eficiencia na identificacao do nivel de sustentabilidade. A pesquisa classificou-se como metodologica e descritiva, embasada em pesquisa de campo, com a abordagem quali-quantitativa, em forma de estudo de caso, com observacao nao participante. Nesse sentido, elabora-se um sistema de indicadores de sustentabilidade para analise da atividade turistica do Roteiro Caminhos do Frio no Brejo Paraibano, considerando as caracteristicas locais e relatorios de analise da atividade turistica apresentados pela Empresa Paraibana de Turismo – PBTUR, em consonancia com o Instituto de Brasileiro de Turismo – EMBRATUR e do Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano elaborado pelo Programa das Nacoes Unidas para o Desenvolvimento – PNUD. Com base nessas informacoes o sistema de indicadores abrange as dimensoes: social, ambiental, economica, cultural, politica institucional, servicos turisticos e infraestrutura turistica. Assim, para todos os indicadores que compoem essas dimensoes, foram elaborados a definicao, justificativa, objetivo, parametros de medicao, fontes de informacao, tipos de unidade de medida e criterios de analise. Para testar a metodologia, o sistema de indicadores de sustentabilidade foi aplicado e validado no municipio de Areia, integrante do Roteiro Caminhos do Frio no Brejo Paraibano, com a participacao dos atores sociais locais, trade turistico e o poder publico. Nesse sentido, foi possivel identificar que o nivel de sustentabilidade da atividade turistica do Municipio de Areia e parcialmente sustentavel. Tambem foi possivel confirmar a hipotese da pesquisa, pois os resultados dos indicadores apontaram um conjunto de informacoes que pode contribuir com as tomadas de decisao e implementacao de politicas publicas para o fortalecimento do turismo sustentavel no Roteiro Caminhos do Frio no Brejo Paraibano.
  • Fecha: 28-feb-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A participacao social no planejamento e execucao da gestao territorial e ambiental indigena e essencial para a realizacao da gestao participativa em areas de sobreposicao: territorios que sao simultaneamente Unidade de Conservacao (UC) e Terra Indigena (TI). Contudo, apesar de prevista nas normas juridicas vigentes, a participacao e ainda um desafio devido a presenca de interesses conflitantes e divergentes dos atores sociais envolvidos, gestores ambientais, orgao indigenista e os indios. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo geral e analisar os fatores que impedem a realizacao da gestao participativa em areas sobrepostas das TI Potiguara e Potiguara Montemor com as Area de Protecao Ambiental da Barra do Rio Mamanguape e Area de Relevante Interesse Ecologico Manguezais da Foz do Rio Mamanguape na Paraiba. A metodologia utilizada foi uma pesquisa etnografica, com entrevistas semiestruturadas e observacao participante, analise documental, mapeamento com VANT, cartografia social com mapas sociais, analise quantitativa com aplicacao de questionarios durante a Primeira Reuniao de Planejamento do PGTA Potiguara. A analise dos resultados sinaliza que a correlacao de forcas politicas e economicas no ambito dos conflitos socioambientais produz uma fragil efetividade na gestao participativa dos indios Potiguara na gestao territorial da area de sobreposicao. Os fatores limitantes da gestao participativa identificados neste processo foram: Invisibilidade dos indios perante o orgao ambiental gestor das UC; Interesses economicos e politicos; Mediacoes nao discursivas que inviabilizam a comunicacao entre orgaos ambientais e grupos indigenas. Por fim, os dados mostram o empoderamento indigena no processo de elaboracao de seu PGTA, com apoio do Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa Cultura e Sociedade e Ambiente da UFPB, e sugere-se que o direito positivo do Estado nao deve ser aplicado de forma impositiva perante as comunidades tradicionais, devendo respeitar a pluralidade juridica dos povos indigenas e seu Bem Viver.
  • Fecha: 11-feb-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A cidade passa por constantes transformacoes. A forma desordenada de ocupacao urbana desencadeia uma serie de consequencias para o meio urbano e a populacao. A vegetacao e um dos pontos que vem sofrendo supressao. O verde nas cidades tem inumeras funcoes, como: amenizacao climatica, diminuicao da poluicao, aumento da umidade, aumento de area permeavel, bem como conservacao da biodiversidade. O objetivo geral do presente trabalho consiste em realizar um diagnostico da arborizacao urbana na cidade de Patos\PB como forma de propor melhorias, contribuindo para o planejamento urbano e ambiental da cidade. Como objetivo especifico, tem-se: calcular a densidade de arborizacao urbana presente na cidade (bairros); identificar as especies que estao sendo utilizadas na arborizacao urbana, bem como seu estado de uso e conservacao; realizar um estudo de uso e ocupacao do solo como forma de demonstrar a importancia do verde para amenizacao climatica em regioes semiaridas; descrever as caracteristicas paisagisticas de especies nativas da Caatinga como forma de propo-las para o plano de arborizacao na cidade de Patos/PB, visando assim a manutencao da biodiversidade local. A area de estudo escolhida para a realizacao do presente trabalho foi a cidade de Patos/PB, localizado na mesorregiao do Sertao Paraibano. Foi realizado analises geoespaciais da arborizacao presente na cidade, atraves de imagens do Google Earth, utilizando o software livre QGIS 2.18.13 Las Palmas. O metodo de inventario utilizado para o levantamento da arborizacao foi o da amostragem com probabilidade proporcional ao tamanho, proposto por Michi e Couto (1996). Os bairros escolhidos foram Brasilia, Centro, Maternidade; Novo Horizonte; Jatoba; Liberdade. Para a similaridade floristica foi utilizada o Indice de Similaridade de Sorensen e Indice de Bray-Curtis. Foram determinadas a diversidade, pelo Indice de Shannon-Weaver e a equabilidade, pelo Indice de Pielou. Para os parametros fitossociologicos utilizou-se a metodologia de Kent e Coker (1992). No quesito medicao de temperatura, foram escolhidos seis pontos na cidade, de acordo com as diferenciacoes de uso e ocupacao do solo. Foram medidas temperatura no periodo chuvoso e seco (OKE, 2004), bem como os valores de ilhas de calor. Para a analise de potencialidades arboreas paisagisticas, foram analisados 15 trabalhos de fitossociologia da Caatinga. Os resultados obtidos foram os seguintes: A analise comparativa entre os bairros apontou como o bairro com maior numero de arvores/Km de calcada o Liberdade, com 65,56 arvores/km calcada, seguido do bairro Jatoba (58,17). Logo apos vem o bairro Maternidade (53,17), o Bairro Brasilia (40,07) e o bairro Novo Horizonte (39,27). Para a composicao floristica foram quantificados 2758 individuos de 38 especies, distribuidos em 36 generos e 15 familias botanicas. A familia com maior riqueza de especies foi a Fabaceae. O Indice de Shannon-Wiener para os seis bairros em conjunto teve valor de 1,013. Para o Indice de Sorensen todas as ligacoes entre bairros apresentaram similaridade superior a 0,50. Todos os bairros apresentaram valor superior a 88% de exoticas. O uso e ocupacao do solo esta diretamente ligado ao fator temperatura. O bairro que apresentou menor valor foi o P1 (controle) e o que obteve maior foi o P4. A maio ilha de calor no tempo seco foi o P4 e no tempo chuvoso foi no P5. Os trabalhos de fitossociologia na Caatinga apontam diversidade de especies potenciais para uso paisagistico no semiarido. Conclui-se que a vegetacao e um elemento essencial para o meio urbano, onde o levantamento da real situacao, em todos os aspectos, da suporte para um planejamento real e de melhorias.
  • THE CAIÇARA AND THE FISHERMAN: local ethnobotanical knowledge, legislation and occupation of the seafront in the municipality of Lucena, Paraíba, Brazil
  • Fecha: 26-nov-2018
  • Hora: 08:30
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  • This research sought to analyze the traditional artisanal construction of caicara in the municipality of Lucena, Paraiba, through the botanical knowledge of the artisanal fishermen who build them, making use of the arboreal botanical resource extracted from the Atlantic Forest and the Mangrove, with its legal implications for the use of these , as well as the occupation of the seafront. As it is a Qualiquantitative research, Field Research, Ethnography, Bibliographic and Documentary Research were used as methodology, with Rapport techniques, Non-Participant Observation, Free and Formal Interview, using the Semi-structured Form, photographic record, as an instrument. GPS georeferencing and use of digital maps (MapBiomas), registration, numbering, structural measurement (height, width, length and distance from the high tide line) and measurement of the perimeter of wood used in caicaras, Guided Tour, collections for botanical identification of species indicated in the Free List, and Analysis of data obtained by the MPETH Methods, Ethnographic Qualitative Descriptive, Risk Incidence, Use Value and Descriptive Statistics. All activities were authorized by the Z-5 and Z-19 Fishing Colonies through Letters of Consent and the interviewees signed the Free and Informed Consent Form, allowing the disclosure of the data obtained, based on the Ethical Conduct for Research with Human Beings , from the National Health Council (Resolution no. 510/2016). This study obtained authorization to carry it out, issued by the UFPB Ethics Committee, under Protocol no. 0227/2016 and Registration in SISGEN under Registration no. A59DF10. With the results obtained, it can be inferred that caicara is a very important ethnoelement within the local culture, which functions as a place for depositing and storing fishing equipment used by fishermen. In the municipality there are 100 caicaras and the local knowledge involved in this traditional and artisanal culture is at risk of being lost over time, due to the absence of part of this population, in the continuity of the vertical and horizontal transmission of the ethnobotanical knowledge involved in its construction and resource. local forestry used. These resources require adequate management, and must involve municipal, state and federal public bodies, as there is a preferential order for the use of botanical species due to their durability and occurrence, so that they remain available over time and thus can be continuously used by the local fishing community. Nine Atlantic Forest and two Mangrove species were identified. In addition to these factors, environmental justice must be present, through knowledge of current legislation and which, despite being unknown by the local population of Professional Artisanal Fishermen, allows the occupation of the shore to maintain their fishing activity, as well as the use sustainable use of native forest resources. It is concluded that ethnobotanical knowledge and popular culture in this local community of artisanal fishermen need to be preserved, requiring phytosociology studies of the diversity of species used and their availability, to develop the strengthening of the identity and local culture of these fishermen, focusing in the maintenance of the cultural heritage that is the Caicara de Lucena, Paraíba.
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The objective of this work was to identify the environmental and social impacts in the Paraiba River basin resulting from land use and the transposition of the São Francisco River, which generate impacts on water quality, proposing actions that enable the adequate management of water resources. To identify the impacts, semi-structured interviews were carried out with city hall managers and the population living in areas close to the Paraiba River. Water quality analyzes were carried out at 12 sampling points, corresponding to 4 reservoirs and 8 points on the riverbed, between March 2016 and January 2017. After the transposition of the São Francisco River, collections were carried out in the 3 reservoirs that began to receive water from the São Francisco River, in May and July 2017. Several impacts of rural and urban origin were identified, the first being mainly in relation to the indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides. For urban areas, the release of domestic effluents stood out, resulting from the absence or insufficiency of effluent collection and treatment systems. In relation to water quality, the Camalau and Presidente Epitacio Pessoa reservoirs presented better quality, associated with high water transparency, the presence of submerged macrophytes and tucunare fish (Cichla ocelaris). For the points located on the riverbed, interference from cities was evident; After the urban agglomerations, the water was of lower quality than that collected before the river crossed the city. The transfer of water from the São Francisco River to the Paraiba River has changed the quality of the water in the reservoirs. An increase in the concentration of nutrients was observed, mainly Total Phosphorus, Phosphate and Ammonia in the three studied reservoirs, Nitrate in Acude Pocoes and Nitrite in Epitacio Pessoa. The increase in water volumes in the reservoirs did not provide, during the study, an improvement in the Trophic State Indices observed in the reservoirs before the transposition. And, although negative impacts were generated during the Transposition works, the arrival of water in Paraiba rekindled the hope of the population that depends on the river's water, highlighting the need for good water management in the region.
  • Fecha: 29-ago-2018
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector of the food industry in the world. It is not surprising, since it is an activity whose responsibility is to feed a continually growing global population. Brazil is a privileged country in the aquaculture scene, due to the size of its coastline and the richness of its river basins. Therefore, in the not too distant future, Brazil could become a fish production platform, to serve the domestic and international market. However, the most important challenge of aquaculture is the need to ensure its sustainability on a long-term basis. Therefore, it is necessary for legislation to accompany the growth of the sector, creating public policies appropriate to its development, in a sustainable manner, as like all agricultural activities, aquaculture also causes negative impacts on the environment, especially its main input: water. . In this way, monitoring and maintaining better water quality in fish farms, for example, is essential to avoid pollution of other bodies of water by contaminated effluents, but also to obtain better quality in production. To this end, the development of biotreatment systems, with the use of synthetic substrates for biofilm colonization, can be characterized as biotechnology to maintain better quality water for longer within crops. To contribute to the search for more sustainable aquaculture, this research aimed to test the use of biofilm in crops, and research its effect on water quality and product quality, in this case, tilapia production. The results obtained demonstrated that the biofilm was quite effective, not only in improving water quality, reducing the concentrations of nitrogenous, phosphate and chlorophyll-a compounds, increasing oxygen concentrations and water transparency, but also in increasing production, with greater biomass in fish grown in ponds with biofilm.
  • Fecha: 01-ago-2018
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Esta Tese foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de analisar a pesca da lagosta na Paraiba, assim como o perfil socioeconomico dos pescadores, de forma a poder contribuir com a gestao deste recurso pesqueiro. Visando a manutencao desta atividade extrativista e economica de comunidades litoraneas. A pesquisa tem como proposito obter um diagnostico da pesca de lagosta do genero Panulirus na Paraiba, para garantir a sobrevivencia dos recursos em paralelo com a sua extracao. A Tese foi dividida em dois capitulos que irao virar artigos. O primeiro, e intitulado: Mapeamento da pesca artesanal de lagosta no litoral da Paraiba e aspectos socioeconomicos dos pescadores em que abordou-se a etnografia da pesca e dos pescadores de lagosta da Paraiba, com o objetivo de construir um perfil da pesca da lagosta a partir da visao do pescador, para ter dados que permitam tracar uma estrategia de pesca, baseada na sustentabilidade com foco na conservacao do recurso pesqueiro. Para tanto, realizou-se o levantamento socioeconomico dos pescadores de lagosta da Paraiba, entre julho/15 e dezembro/17, atraves de entrevistas baseadas em 40 questoes visando gerar informacoes sobre os pescadores artesanais que auxiliem aos orgaos governamentais delinear futuras politicas de apoio, baseado na realidade local. Os pescadores artesanais que atuam na captura da lagosta na Paraiba sao em sua maioria adultos, com idade entre 31 e 50 anos, casados, que pescam ha mais de 30 anos, e, dependendo das condicoes climaticas, trabalham de 3 a 4 dias por semana. Possuem renda mensal media de 3 salarios minimos, que normalmente e complementada com atividades extras como construcao civil e outras ligadas a pesca. O Segundo capitulo versou sobre a Caracterizacao da populacao de lagostas do genero Panulirus comercializadas na Paraiba – Brasil, em que foram apresentados resultados dos aspectos quantitativos da biologia populacional de lagosta comercializada, bem como o diagnostico da pesca na Paraiba o que gerou uma fonte dados relevante para sua a gestao. Os dados coletados de marco de 2016 a fevereiro de 2017 foram agrupados de acordo com os 6 municipios em que a pesquisa foi realizada. Foram amostradas 650 lagostas. A especie de maior ocorrencia foi Panulirus echinatus (249 individuos). Foram identificadas as epocas de recrutamento mais frequentes no periodo do inverno para as tres especies. A proporcao entre os sexos apresenta um predominio de machos em relacao as femeas para Panulirus argus. Assim, pode-se concluir que a pesca da lagosta no litoral paraibano e feita de forma artesanal, com uma estrutura deficiente e dispersa, em que nao se tem o controle preciso de sua producao, sendo de grande importancia para parte da populacao de pescadores que residem no litoral. Dentre alguns problemas detectados entre os entrevistados, destacam-se a diminuicao da pesca, a invasao de barcos de estados vizinhos, a pesca predatoria e a fiscalizacao ineficaz por parte dos orgaos competentes, a falta de infraestrutura para o beneficiamento e a discordancia da epoca do defeso. Tudo isso indica que a pratica da pesca artesanal realizada na Paraiba nao e sustentavel, ela degrada, polui, extingue, e os pescadores sao conscientes do que fazem e de suas consequencias. Ainda assim, continuam repetindo esse ciclo vicioso em prol de aumentar o ganho, ja que alguns nao tem outras alternativas.
  • HELPING HANDS ASSOCIATION: sustainable development and empowerment of women artisans in the Municipality of Lucena/PB.
  • Fecha: 20-abr-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The relationship between women's empowerment and sustainable development is one of the themes that are most debated today, bringing to discussion categories of analysis such as equity, freedom, job market, family relationships, conservation of the environment environment, development, sustainability, which involve the scenarios of the world of women's work and which has been the subject of analysis. The achievements achieved by Women, from the 1960s onwards, provided greater autonomy and confidence in themselves in pursuit of their goals, many of them related to the work developed with natural resources. From this perspective, this thesis aims to general analysis of the process of empowering women artisans to sustainable development, based on the experience of the group that forms the Association Helping Hands in the Municipality of Lucena/PB. To this end, it was necessary to carry out following specific objectives: Assess the social capital accumulated by women who are part of the Maos que se Ajudam Association and their capacity for self-management; Characterize the relationships of women artisans in their productive practices and Reconstruct the memory of the process of organizing the Association Maos que se Ajudam, through identification of their leaders, their behaviors, their system of rules, their forms of exercising power. The research methodology, above all, qualitative, consisted of the combination of several approaches, starting with research documentary and bibliographical documents, followed by field research, in which data through interviews with the last presidents of the Association, with the managers of the bodies that encourage it, as well as questionnaires applied together to other associates. The technique of the life trajectory of one of the artisans against the Association, which revealed itself as a leader, aiming to evaluate the process of individual and collective empowerment. A survey was carried out ethnographic study with participant observation in the kitchen space next to the cocadeiras, involving the researcher in the cocada preparation activities. As a final result, it was found that the empowerment of women artisans from the Maos Association that Help is still in the development process. They revealed through their experiences in the association, empowerment at the personal, relational and collective levels, however, they still need to strengthen their associative culture. On the other hand, although they have used the share capital in the formation of this Association, it has not yet contributed to learning that leads to more effective self-management. With the third President elected and, the first chosen among women artisans, the possibility that the self-management process will happen and consequently women's empowerment is definitively established.
  • ASSOCIAÇÃO MÃOS QUE SE AJUDAM: desenvolvimento sustentável e empoderamento de mulheres artesãs do Município de Lucena/PB.
  • Fecha: 20-abr-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • AZEVEDO, Patricia Morais de. ASSOCIACAO MAOS QUE SE AJUDAM: desenvolvimento sustentavel e empoderamento de mulheres artesas do Municipio de Lucena/PB. 2018. 241f. Tese (Doutorado) – Programa de Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Joao Pessoa, 2018. A relacao entre empoderamento das mulheres e desenvolvimento sustentavel e um dos temas que mais se debate na atualidade, trazendo a discussao categorias de analise como equidade, liberdade, mercado de trabalho, relacoes familiares, conservacao do meio ambiente, desenvolvimento, sustentabilidade, que envolvem os cenarios do mundo do trabalho das mulheres e que vem sendo alvo de analise. As conquistas alcancadas pelas mulheres, a partir da decada de 1960, proporcionaram maior autonomia e confianca das mesmas na busca por seus objetivos, muitos deles relacionados aos trabalhos desenvolvidos com os recursos naturais. Nesta perspectiva, esta tese tem como objetivo geral analisar o processo de empoderamento das mulheres artesas para o desenvolvimento sustentavel, a partir da experiencia do grupo que forma a Associacao Maos que se Ajudam no Municipio de Lucena/PB. Para tanto, foi necessario realizar os seguintes objetivos especificos: Avaliar o capital social acumulado pelas mulheres que fazem parte da Associacao Maos que se Ajudam e sua capacidade de autogestao; Caracterizar as relacoes das mulheres artesas em suas praticas produtivas e Reconstruir a memoria do processo de organizacao da Associacao Maos que se Ajudam, mediante identificacao de suas liderancas, seus comportamentos, seu sistema de regras, suas formas de exercicio do poder. A metodologia da pesquisa, de cunho, sobretudo, qualitativo, consistiu na combinacao de varias abordagens, comecando pela pesquisa documental e bibliografica, seguida da pesquisa de campo, na qual foram levantados dados por meio de entrevistas com as ultimas presidentas da Associacao, com os gestores dos orgaos dela incentivadores, como tambem de questionarios aplicados junto aos demais associados. Foi utilizada, ainda, a tecnica da trajetoria de vida de uma das artesas frente a Associacao, a qual se revelou como uma lideranca, visando avaliar o processo de empoderamento individual e coletivo. Foi realizada uma pesquisa etnografica com observacao participante no espaco da cozinha junto as cocadeiras, envolvendo a pesquisadora nas atividades do preparo da cocada. Como resultado final, verificou-se que o empoderamento das mulheres artesas da Associacao Maos que se Ajudam ainda esta em processo de desenvolvimento. Elas revelaram atraves das suas experiencias na associacao um empoderamento nos niveis pessoal, relacional e coletivo, porem necessitam ainda fortalecer sua cultura associativista. Por outro lado, embora elas tenham usado o capital social na formacao desta Associacao, o mesmo ainda nao contribuiu para um aprendizado que conduza a uma autogestao mais eficaz. Com a terceira Presidenta eleita e, a primeira escolhida entre as mulheres artesas, surge a possibilidade de que o processo autogestionario venha a acontecer e consequentemente o empoderamento das mulheres se estabeleca definitivamente.
  • Conhecimento Ecológico Local e Dinâmica da Pesca Artesanal do Camarão Marinho (penaeidae): Subsídios para a conservação.
  • Fecha: 16-mar-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi estudar e analisar o conhecimento ecologico local dos pescadores de camarao e a dinamica na pesca artesanal realizada no municipio de Lucena-PB, gerando subsidio para a conservacao do camarao marinho. As especies de camaroes economicamente mais importantes na pesca do arrastao de praia foram estudadas: Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (espigudo) e o camarao Litopenaeus schmitti (camarao branco). Tres pontos de coleta foram determinados para as coletas P1, P2 e P3, estes levaram em conta o desembarque pesqueiro e concentracoes de arrastos. As coletas se realizaram duas vezes ao mes durante o ano de 2016. Para os fatores abioticos foram coletadas 3 replicas de agua e sedimento marinho em cada ponto, totalizando 216 amostras. As amostras biologicas foram compradas diretamente na hora do desembarque dos arrastos, uma rede foi escolhida aleatoriamente ao acaso para retirada de 1kg de cada especie de camarao. Foi realizada a biometria de 5.292 individuos do camarao sete-barbas e 1.406 do camarao branco. Um estudo preliminar foi realizado de outubro/2014 a outubro/2015 em toda a costa do municipio de Lucena (Lucena, Fagundes e Costinha). Foram diferenciados dois tipos de pesca na regiao e de 2.628 individuos analisados, predominou o Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (camarao espigudo) com 1.957 individuos, seguido do Penaeus schmitti (camarao branco) com 671 individuos. Nos pontos 1 e 2 ocorreram as duas especies, predominando o espigudo, enquanto no ponto 3 apenas o camarao branco foi registrado. O regime pluviometrico regional interferiu na salinidade ao longo dos meses do ano, determinando correlacoes positivas ou negativas entre as especies encontradas dependendo do ponto analisado. Alem disso parametros fisicos e quimicos da agua tambem foram analisados. No ano de 2016 as coletas concentraram-se apenas na cidade sede de Lucena onde houve a aplicacao de formularios semiestruturados entre os meses de agosto e setembro de 2016 com (8) donos de arrastos e (43) ajudantes (puxadores de rede). A faixa etaria entre os donos da rede variou entre 40 e 49 anos e entre os ajudantes de 35 a 24 anos. A escolaridade apresentada na maioria foi o fundamental incompleto, porem ainda com incidencia preocupante de analfabetos. A atividade de pesca ocorre todos os dias da semana com excecao dos domingos e os precos da producao do camarao sofrem alteracoes de acordo com a sazonalidade. Os donos de rede em sua maioria (87,50%) concordam com a implantacao do defeso para a pesca do camarao, demonstrando preocupacao com o comprometimento da cadeia produtiva. Ainda demonstram percepcao e conhecimento sobre o ambiente em que vivem, apontando impactos ambientais relacionados com a carcinicultura. Na analise do conhecimento ecologico local desses pescadores foi utilizado primeiramente a tecnica de bola de neve (“snowball”) para identificar os especialistas da pesca do camarao, a partir deste foram aplicados os formularios semi estruturados. Os fatores bioticos e abioticos foram coletados de acordo com o conhecimento dos pescadores e analisados atraves de tabela de cognicao comparada, Analise de Componentes principais e etnotaxonomia. O conhecimento etnoecologico dos pescadores de camarao com arrastao de praia em Lucena, PB trouxeram questoes acerca dos fatores bioticos e abioticos escassos na academia na regiao. As riquezas desses conhecimentos poderao auxiliar em futuros planos de manejo na regiao e contribuir para a conservacao das especies de camaroes como tambem na continuidade desta atividade. Analisando a dinamica da pesca e populacional dos camaroes. As variaveis ambientais demonstraram que a batimetria, Materia organica, oxigenio dissolvido, pluviosidade e nitrito foram as correlacoes mais significativas com relacao a ocorrencia das especies de camarao na enseada de Lucena.O rendimento por unidade de esforco foi maior em P1, alem disso as maiores capturas do camarao L. schmitti ocorreram nesta area. A producao do camarao X. kroyeri foi maior em P3. Em P2 ha influencia do descarte fluvial continental e este prejudica a execucao da atividade pesqueira com o arrastao de praia nos meses com maior pluviosidade. O camarao X. kroyeri foi o mais abundante nas amostras, este demonstrou ocorrencia de dois picos reprodutivos, sendo o mais significativo nos meses de outubro a janeiro. O recrutamento aparece nos meses de inverno. Ja para o camarao L. schmitti o comportamento reprodutivo foi o inverso, porem observou-se que os individuos que ocorrem nos pontos de pesca sao em sua maioria juvenis recem-saidos do estuario ou adultos oriundos de areas mais distante da costa. Um possivel defeso para a regiao devera levar em conta as caracteristicas das especies de camarao, para o X. kroyeri e L. schmitti seria sugerido os meses com ocorrencia de femeas com gonadas maturas. Este estudo tambem demonstrou que houve reducao no tamanho da especie X. kroyeri ao longo dos ultimos 20 anos.
  • Fecha: 26-feb-2018
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • O planejamento de recursos hidricos, como um instrumento fundamental do processo de gestao da agua, e tratado nesta tese. Seu principal objetivo foi o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual de planejamento estrategico e integrado de recursos hidricos, em que a bacia hidrografica do rio Gramame, situada no Litoral Sul do estado da Paraiba, foi utilizada para o desenvolvimento do modelo. Tres tecnicas de planejamento estrategico – Matriz SWOT, Analise de Constelacao e Analise da Cadeia Causal – foram aplicadas e introduzidas no modelo conceitual visando o seu aprimoramento. Os procedimentos metodologicos contaram com ampla revisao bibliografica e documental, realizacao de grupos focais, aplicacao de questionarios e aplicacao de entrevistas complementares. Como resultados, a partir dos grupos focais, observou-se uma grande contribuicao em relacao as variaveis da analise interna, forcas e fraquezas, da bacia hidrografica do rio Gramame, o que demonstrou conhecimento especializado dos grupos focais da area de estudo em questao. A partir das Analises de Constelacao, observou-se a fraca integracao entre os orgaos responsaveis pela gestao da agua e demais recursos naturais existentes na bacia hidrografica, em funcao principalmente da baixa capacidade financeira, tecnica e politica para efetivacao de suas competencias. De modo geral, os participantes dos grupos focais consideraram o planejamento de recursos hidricos efetuado na bacia hidrografica do rio Gramame como pouco integrado. A partir da construcao das Cadeias Causais foram identificadas as causas tecnicas, gerenciais, politico-sociais, socioeconomicas e culturais dos principais problemas bacia hidrografica (fontes de poluicao pontual e difusa; falta de articulacao institucional; e modificacao degradatoria dos ecossistemas aquaticos). O modelo conceitual foi desenvolvido com base no conhecimento adquirido nas etapas anteriores e buscou estabelecer uma proposta de integracao multitematica e estabelecimento de estrategias de planejamento dos recursos hidricos, de forma continua, com a participacao da sociedade. Foi concebido como um esquema de fluxo, dividido em seis fases – pre-planejamento, diagnostico, estabelecimento de causalidades, planejamento, implementacao integrada das acoes e acompanhamento – alem de prever um ciclo revisional. Os resultados obtidos deverao influenciar no processo de planejamento de bacias hidrograficas, haja vista a introducao de instrumentos metodologicos no modelo que ampliam suas potencialidades, em particular a do rio Gramame.
  • Fecha: 26-feb-2018
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • No Brasil, a familia de Cactaceae e representada por diversas especies nativas, podendo ser registradas em biomas como a Caatinga. Ao considerar regioes como o Nordeste brasileiro, sao varias as especies de cactos utilizadas por populacoes tradicionais (ex. agricultores). Logo, por possuir valores economicos, sociais e culturais esses cactos sao acometidos por varios tipos manejo, seja ex situ e/ou in situ e, consequentemente, podem estar passando pelo processo de domesticacao incipiente. A domesticacao e um processo evolutivo continuo conduzido pelo ser humano, o qual favorece os fenotipos que apresentam algum tipo de vantagem (social, cultural e/ou economica). Nesse sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo registrar o conhecimento, uso e, em especial, o manejo e documentar possiveis mecanismos de selecao artificial de Cereus jamacaru DC. subsp. jamacaru (mandacaru) na comunidade rural de Santa Rita, municipio do Congo, Nordeste do Brasil, alem de avaliar suas consequencias em aspectos geneticos e padrao fenologico. Entrevistas semiestruturadas foram realizadas com 100% dos mantenedores domiciliares (n=104) da comunidade. Realizou-se tambem, analises fenologicas e geneticas a fim de avaliar o padrao fenologico, a estrutura e a diversidade genetica de populacoes de C. jamacaru subsp. jamacaru submetidos a diferentes tipos de manejo. Para a realizacao das analises fenologicas e geneticas foram selecionados e georeferenciados 90 individuos de mandacaru, sendo 30 por populacao (silvestre, manejada e cultivada). A categoria de uso proeminente na comunidade foi a forragem e, que tanto os manejos do tipo in situ (coleta e tolerancia) como ex situ (plantio e transplante) sao realizados pelos agricultores. Ao avaliar a diversidade genetica observou-se que nao ha diferenca significativa entre as populacoes silvestre, cultivada e manejada. Ja na analise de variancia molecular (AMOVA), nota-se que a maior parte da variacao ocorre dentro das populacoes (99.76%). Entretanto, baseado na distancia genetica de Nei, a populacao cultivada segue mais distinta da populacao silvestre e manejada. Ao considerar as fenofases (floracao e frutificacao) registrou-se que estas se estendem ao longo de todo ano, e que em todas as areas as populacoes de mandacaru apresentam pico da fenofase em meses similares, sendo assim, estatisticamente significativos (p<0.05). Contudo, apenas a floracao da populacao silvestre nao se mostrou significativa. Ao correlacionar a pluviosidade com as fenofases das populacoes de mandacaru, apenas a populacao silvestre mostrou-se significativa (Floracao: r = 0.42; P < 0.05 e Frutificacao: r = 0.46; P < 0.05). Portanto, a partir dos tipos de manejo registrados e os resultados geneticos e fenologicos e notorio a importancia de estudos com especies de Cactaceae, como o mandacaru, que, dependendo da regiao pode apresentar padroes semelhantes ou diferentes de floracao, frutificacao e diversidade genetica e, consequentemente, avaliar a ocorrencia do possivel processo de domesticacao incipiente que tais especies podem estar envolvidas. Ja que diversos cactos sao valorizados culturalmente e economicamente por populacoes tradicionais no Semiarido do Nordeste do Brasil.
  • O capital humano no processo de adaptação a variações climáticas no semiárido paraibano
  • Fecha: 23-feb-2018
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Variacoes climaticas sao eventos diarios que afetam todo o planeta, de uma forma que pode ser mais ou menos danosa, de acordo com a forca de cada evento e com a maneira como o ambiente fisico e os seres estao preparados para lidar com estas mudancas. Nos ultimos 170, as caracteristicas climaticas do planeta vem passando por modificacoes que estao sendo vistas como resultado do aumento do forcamento radioativo causado pela elevacao da concentracao de gases do efeito estufa na atmosfera. A mudanca na estrutura climatica leva a uma variacao nas paisagens naturais, que respondem ao clima a partir de suas caracteristicas ecofisiologicas. Com base nestas informacoes, o desenvolvimento de modelo de distribuicao de especies pode ser construido a partir da relacao entre as caracteristicas fisiologicas de especies vegetais e animais e as novas condicoes climaticas esperadas com o aumento da temperatura media global. Em comunidades rurais, a construcao de processos de subsistencia tende a considerar os usos de recursos naturais. Uma provavel mudanca na distribuicao destes recursos pode acarretar a uma mudanca na estrutura funcional de comunidades rurais. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar a estrutura de subsistencia sustentavel de uma comunidade rural do municipio de Cabaceiras, estado da Paraiba, e as variacoes que poderiam ocorrer nesta estrutura a partir da mudanca da distribuicao dos principais recursos vegetais utilizados na comunidade. A regiao e marcada por periodos de estiagem e tem a seca como o principal evento de cunho socioclimatico que afeta o local. Neste contexto, partimos da hipotese que o capital humano, que abrange dentre outras caracteristicas o conhecimento das populacoes, seria uma das forcas capazes de fortalecer a estrutura de sustentabilidade desta comunidade rural frente aos efeitos das secas. Para avaliar a resposta da comunidade, inicialmente propomos um indice capaz de indicar a pressao que a preferencia de uso pode trazer a cada especie, e a partir desde dado modelamos a distribuicao das especies mais utilizadas. Registramos um aumento na distribuicao destas especies que pode sugerir, pelas suas caracteristicas de sucessao ecologica, um provavel aumento de zonas de degradacao na regiao Nordeste. Estas informacoes fazem parte do rol de dados que caracterizam o capital natural da regiao em estudo. As demais dotacoes de capital que caracterizam a subsistencia sustentavel foram analisadas qualitativamente a fim de obtermos uma descricao da maneira como cada um dos capitais esta influenciando na subsistencia atual e como poderia influenciar nos proximos anos. Identificamos que a principal dotacao que mantem a estrutura da comunidade e o capital social, que se relaciona com o capital humano e financeiro, este ultimo bastante dependente de programas publicos de distribuicao de renda. Ao mesmo tempo, a cultura local, alocada na definicao de capital humano, funciona como passivo no aporte de capital financeiro. Propomos que a comunidade faca uso do seu capital social como forma de influenciar nas demais dotacoes de capital, a partir de construcao de estruturas que caracterizem o capital fisico, a fim de resguardar recursos do capital natural que possam se tornar escassos em periodos de seca. Acreditamos que este conjunto de acoes possa fortalecer o capital financeiro local, assim como o conjunto de dotacoes de capital, o que iria caracterizar um processo de subsistencia sustentavel, passivel de ser manter a estrutura da comunidade rural.
  • O capital humano no processo de adaptação às variações climáticas no semiárido paraibano
  • Fecha: 23-feb-2018
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • Variacoes climaticas sao eventos diarios que afetam todo o planeta, de uma forma que pode ser mais ou menos danosa, de acordo com a forca de cada evento e com a maneira como o ambiente fisico e os seres estao preparados para lidar com estas mudancas. Nos ultimos 170, as caracteristicas climaticas do planeta vem passando por modificacoes que estao sendo vistas como resultado do aumento do forcamento radioativo causado pela elevacao da concentracao de gases do efeito estufa na atmosfera. A mudanca na estrutura climatica leva a uma variacao nas paisagens naturais, que respondem ao clima a partir de suas caracteristicas ecofisiologicas. Com base nestas informacoes, o desenvolvimento de modelo de distribuicao de especies pode ser construido a partir da relacao entre as caracteristicas fisiologicas de especies vegetais e animais e as novas condicoes climaticas esperadas com o aumento da temperatura media global. Em comunidades rurais, a construcao de processos de subsistencia tende a considerar os usos de recursos naturais. Uma provavel mudanca na distribuicao destes recursos pode acarretar a uma mudanca na estrutura funcional de comunidades rurais. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar a estrutura de subsistencia sustentavel de uma comunidade rural do municipio de Cabaceiras, estado da Paraiba, e as variacoes que poderiam ocorrer nesta estrutura a partir da mudanca da distribuicao dos principais recursos vegetais utilizados na comunidade. A regiao e marcada por periodos de estiagem e tem a seca como o principal evento de cunho socioclimatico que afeta o local. Neste contexto, partimos da hipotese que o capital humano, que abrange dentre outras caracteristicas o conhecimento das populacoes, seria uma das forcas capazes de fortalecer a estrutura de sustentabilidade desta comunidade rural frente aos efeitos das secas. Para avaliar a resposta da comunidade, inicialmente propomos um indice capaz de indicar a pressao que a preferencia de uso pode trazer a cada especie, e a partir desde dado modelamos a distribuicao das especies mais utilizadas. Registramos um aumento na distribuicao destas especies que pode sugerir, pelas suas caracteristicas de sucessao ecologica, um provavel aumento de zonas de degradacao na regiao Nordeste. Estas informacoes fazem parte do rol de dados que caracterizam o capital natural da regiao em estudo. As demais dotacoes de capital que caracterizam a subsistencia sustentavel foram analisadas qualitativamente a fim de obtermos uma descricao da maneira como cada um dos capitais esta influenciando na subsistencia atual e como poderia influenciar nos proximos anos. Identificamos que a principal dotacao que mantem a estrutura da comunidade e o capital social, que se relaciona com o capital humano e financeiro, este ultimo bastante dependente de programas publicos de distribuicao de renda. Ao mesmo tempo, a cultura local, alocada na definicao de capital humano, funciona como passivo no aporte de capital financeiro. Propomos que a comunidade faca uso do seu capital social como forma de influenciar nas demais dotacoes de capital, a partir de construcao de estruturas que caracterizem o capital fisico, a fim de resguardar recursos do capital natural que possam se tornar escassos em periodos de seca. Acreditamos que este conjunto de acoes possa fortalecer o capital financeiro local, assim como o conjunto de dotacoes de capital, o que iria caracterizar um processo de subsistencia sustentavel, passivel de ser manter a estrutura da comunidade rural.
  • DIREITO AO ACESSO À ÁGUA: conflitos socioambientais na Bacia Hidrográfica Piranhas-Açu
  • Fecha: 12-dic-2017
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • O estudo dos conflitos pelo direito ao acesso a agua em bacias hidrograficas onde foram construidas ou se encontram em construcao grandes barragens, e cada vez mais necessario. Nos periodos normais de chuva, a abundancia de agua nos lagos formados por tais barragens e a possibilidade de abertura e fechamento de comportas mediante a necessidade, camuflam contradicoes e conflitos que so afloram nos periodos de escassez aguda dos recursos hidricos. Esta e a realidade que vem afligindo o semiarido nordestino submetido a uma rigorosa seca desde 2011. O objetivo desta tese e analisar os conflitos pelo direito ao acesso a agua numa das bacias hidrograficas do semiarido que abrange os estados da Paraiba e do Rio Grande do Norte, a Bacia Hidrografica Piranhas-Acu, a luz da acao do Estado em periodo de escassez aguda dos recursos hidricos. Para tanto, utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliografica, documental e de campo. Para estudar os atores sociais envolvidos nos conflitos, utilizou-se o metodo geopolitico de Thual (1996) complementado por Vianna (2002). Definiu-se dois conflitos como objeto de investigacao: a) o da Comunidade Mae D’agua, que tem como causa a proibicao total, por parte dos orgaos gestores hidricos, da utilizacao de agua do acude Mae D’agua para a irrigacao, a pecuaria e a piscicultura, e, parcial, para o abastecimento humano e dessedentacao animal e; b) o da Comunidade Barra de Santana, relacionado a construcao de uma barragem, a de Oiticica, que impoe a realocacao da populacao residente na area bem como de toda a infraestrutura instalada na Comunidade. Constatou-se que o Estado burocratico e subordinado aos interesses das oligarquias regionais, e ineficiente na prevencao dos efeitos da seca. Ele so toma decisao em favor dos camponeses dependentes das aguas dos reservatorios para viver, quando a crise hidrica alcanca seu patamar mais critico. No caso da construcao de barragens ele, atraves dos seus organismos de gestao hidrica so ouve a populacao quando o conflito toma grandes proporcoes. Verificou-se tambem que a populacao atingida pela escassez e ate pela ausencia total de agua e capaz de se organizar, se articular em movimentos sociais tradicionais ou ate mesmo de criar novos movimentos para defender seus direitos. Desse modo, a acao dos movimentos sociais tem colocado em cheque a tradicional politica de “combate as secas”, propondo e construindo mecanismos de uma politica de “convivencia com a seca” de modo a respeitar os reais interesses do segmento mais pobre da populacao.
  • Investigação da qualidade da água nas cisternas de placas e polietileno no semiárido paraibano
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2017
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • A utilizacao de aguas de chuva tem sido bastante incentivadas no semiarido paraibano, como forma de sustentabilidade hidrica, por meio de captacao e armazenamento em cisternas de placa e de polietileno. Assim, o objetivo da pesquisa e avaliar as condicoes da qualidade das aguas de chuva e de acudes armazenadas em cisternas de placa, de polietileno como fatores de sustentabilidade no Semiarido Paraibano. A metodologia dos estudos consiste na coleta de agua das cisternas de placas e de polietileno nos municipios de Cabaceiras e Sao Sebastiao de Lagoa de Roca localizados no semiarido do estado da Paraiba, a fim de realizar as analises fisico-quimicas e bacteriologicas. Com o resultados obtidos dos parametros foram realizados os teste estatisticos dos parametros, por meio dos testes de media, bem como a verificacao da conformidade com as normas legais para a qualidade da agua destinadas ao abastecimento humano. Os resultados analisados ate o momento estao respondendo a primeira hipotese formulada na tese, ou seja, se ha diferencas significativas entre as aguas de chuva armazenadas nas cisternas de placa e de polietileno. Os primeiros resultados, apesar de nao serem em numero suficiente que permitam conclusoes definitivas sobre o comportamento da qualidade das aguas armazenadas, dao uma ideia de que ha importantes constatacoes que nao sao ainda conhecidas na literatura.
  • Fecha: 24-mar-2017
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • A bacia hidrografica do rio Banabuiu inserida no semiarido cearense apresentam elevado grau de degradacao ambiental, ocasionado pelo mau uso do solo e pelo baixo desenvolvimento social e economico. A falta de planejamento e gestao ambiental, tem agravado a desigualdade social e a degradacao dos recursos ambientais, principalmente os recursos hidricos.Em funcao disso, necessita de estudos aprofundados que proporcionem conhecimentos amplos que permitam um desenvolvimento sustentavel. Por isso, estabelecer uma proposta metodologica para um planejamento e gestao da bacia hidrografica do Banabuiu atraves indices de sustentabilidade ambiental integrados de pode contribuir com o desenvolvimento sustentavel da regiao. Os metodos para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa seguiram adaptacoes das metodologias proposta por Rodriguez (1994), Rodriguez, Silva & Cavalcanti (2002), Amorim & OLIVEIRA (2007) e Sousa (2010). Os procedimentos metodologicos envolveram uma Srevisao bibliografica e levantamento de banco de dados referentes ao tema estudado, aquisicao de mapas e imagens da area de estudo, visita ao campo e avaliacao dos resultados como apoio de geotecnologias. Foi estabelecido um conjunto de indicadores, que foram dividires em dois grupos, sendo um grupo com os indicadores socioambiental, este subdividido em com tres dimensoes: ambiental, social e economica. O outro grupo foi composto por indicadores geoambiental, este subdividido em com cinco dimensoes: solos, clima, vegetacao, geomorfologia e geologia. O indice de sustentabilidade ambiental integrado (ISAi), partiu-se da integracao das medias dos indices de sustentabilidade socioambiental (ISSa), a partir dos indicadores das dimensoes ambiental, social e economica com o indice de sustentabilidade Geoambiental (ISGa), a partir dos indicadores das dimensoes solos, vegetacao, clima, geomorfologia e geologia. Os primeiros resultados mostram que os municipios Quixada e Morada Nova apresentam nivel de sustentabilidade Potencialmente Sustentavel, que foi o melhor nivel apresentados entre todos. No entanto, a maioria dos municipios apresentou-se como sustentabilidade media, Enquanto Banabuiu e Monsenhor Tabosa, que apresentam sustentabilidade Potencialmente insustentavel, e Mombaca, que apresenta nivel Potencialmente insustentavel, sao os que mais influenciam e contribuem negativamente para a sustentabilidade da referia bacia, como destaque para o municipio de Mombaca que e o menos sustentavel entre todos. Com isso, tornam-se necessarias acoes de planejamento e gestao ambiental para esses municipios com o foco na sustentabilidade ambiental, por meio de intervencoes efetivas e eficazes capazes de melhorarem esses indicadores, provendo o uso sustentavel dos solos, da agua, da vegetacao e dos recursos minerais e ambientais da bacia.
  • Fecha: 07-mar-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Paleo-Arqueologia e Educacao Ambiental tem amplos papeis sociais a cumprir, sendo importantes para a compreensao de questoes ambientais naturais e humanas, e a utilizacao destas ciencias em conjunto deveria ser de sumo interesse por parte dos educadores e da comunidade em geral. Pode ser dito que a ocorrencia de aprendizado sobre a conservacao e respeito ao Meio Ambiente necessita de conhecimento sobre as historias da Terra e humana, sendo assim, para que isto seja realizado, recorre-se a Paleo-Arqueologia. Isso pode ser verificado em pesquisas que utilizaram a Paleontologia e Arqueologia interdisciplinarmente, de forma ludica, didatica, ligadas a Educacao Ambiental, ou com um processo de formacao continuada. Baseando-se nisso, este estudo teve como objetivo principal desvelar processos de formacao continuada de professores na perspectiva de uma EA contextualizada para o Semiarido paraibano enfatizando a Paleo-Arqueologia como forma de sensibilizacao ambiental. Este estudo tem cunho Qualitativo, e utilizou como metodo a Pesquisa Colaborativa e elementos da Teoria do Biorregionalismo, com o desenvolvimento de atividades com intervalos mensais, realizadas entre fevereiro de 2014 e fevereiro de 2016, com um grupo inicial de professores dos Ensinos Fundamental e Medio de nove escolas publicas do municipio de Sao Joao do Cariri, Paraiba. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionarios aplicados ao corpo docente, para serem avaliadas suas opinioes sobre as condicoes de trabalho, seus perfis, e suas percepcoes/concepcoes sobre Formacao Continuada, Paleo-Arqueologia, Educacao Ambiental e temas afins, de relatorios das atividades realizadas pelos professores com seus alunos, de fichas de acompanhamento, e da aplicacao da tecnica do Grupo Focal. Tambem foram realizadas atividades vivenciais ludico pedagogicas com os professores. Para se analisar praticamente todos os dados obtidos durante esta pesquisa foi utilizada a tecnica da Analise de Conteudo. Os dados obtidos inicialmente demonstraram que grande parte dos professores nao possuia conhecimentos aprofundados em questoes educacionais atuais, ambientais e paleo-arqueologicas. Em alguns momentos, eles demonstraram ter opinioes equivocadas sobre esses temas, mas ja possuiam boa capacidade de compartilhar os seus conhecimentos com seus alunos, nao significando que esse repasse estivesse ocorrendo de maneira totalmente correta. Com a realizacao das atividades vivenciais e os dados obtidos durante as mesmas e apos elas, se observou que a realizacao deste processo de formacao continuada foi de grande valia, pois houve um grande aumento de conhecimento dos professores quanto aos temas tratados durante ela, e ocorreram mudancas substancialmente positivas na forma como os professores passaram a tratar e utilizar Paleo-Arqueologia para realizar Educacao Ambiental em conjunto com seus alunos, demonstrando que elas podem ser empregadas em conjunto para que ocorra a formacao continuada de docentes e para o desenvolvimento de atividades de sensibilizacao ambiental. Sendo assim, espera-se que a sensibilizacao dos professores e estas mudancas que ocorreram ao longo do desenvolvimento do estudo sejam perenes, tanto em sala de aula quanto no cotidiano, e que as informacoes assimiladas por eles continuem a ser repassadas a seus alunos. Sendo assim, a formacao continuada e e sempre sera necessaria, para incorporar questoes ambientais diversas e diferenciadas de forma contextualizada no cotidiano dos professores, propiciando uma nova percepcao nas relacoes entre o ser humano, sociedade e natureza, promovendo assim, uma reavaliacao de valores e atitudes na convivencia coletiva e individual, reforcando a necessidade de ser e agir como cidadaos na busca de solucoes para problemas ambientais.
  • Fecha: 07-mar-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Paleo-Arqueologia e Educacao Ambiental tem amplos papeis sociais a cumprir, sendo importantes para a compreensao de questoes ambientais naturais e humanas, e a utilizacao destas ciencias em conjunto deveria ser de sumo interesse por parte dos educadores e da comunidade em geral. Pode ser dito que a ocorrencia de aprendizado sobre a conservacao e respeito ao Meio Ambiente necessita de conhecimento sobre as historias da Terra e humana, sendo assim, para que isto seja realizado, recorre-se a Paleo-Arqueologia. Isso pode ser verificado em pesquisas que utilizaram a Paleontologia e Arqueologia interdisciplinarmente, de forma ludica, didatica, ligadas a Educacao Ambiental, ou com um processo de formacao continuada. Baseando-se nisso, este estudo teve como objetivo principal desvelar processos de formacao continuada de professores na perspectiva de uma EA contextualizada para o Semiarido paraibano enfatizando a Paleo-Arqueologia como forma de sensibilizacao ambiental. Este estudo tem cunho Qualitativo, e utilizou como metodo a Pesquisa Colaborativa e elementos da Teoria do Biorregionalismo, com o desenvolvimento de atividades com intervalos mensais, realizadas entre fevereiro de 2014 e fevereiro de 2016, com um grupo inicial de professores dos Ensinos Fundamental e Medio de nove escolas publicas do municipio de Sao Joao do Cariri, Paraiba. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionarios aplicados ao corpo docente, para serem avaliadas suas opinioes sobre as condicoes de trabalho, seus perfis, e suas percepcoes/concepcoes sobre Formacao Continuada, Paleo-Arqueologia, Educacao Ambiental e temas afins, de relatorios das atividades realizadas pelos professores com seus alunos, de fichas de acompanhamento, e da aplicacao da tecnica do Grupo Focal. Tambem foram realizadas atividades vivenciais ludico pedagogicas com os professores. Para se analisar praticamente todos os dados obtidos durante esta pesquisa foi utilizada a tecnica da Analise de Conteudo. Os dados obtidos inicialmente demonstraram que grande parte dos professores nao possuia conhecimentos aprofundados em questoes educacionais atuais, ambientais e paleo-arqueologicas. Em alguns momentos, eles demonstraram ter opinioes equivocadas sobre esses temas, mas ja possuiam boa capacidade de compartilhar os seus conhecimentos com seus alunos, nao significando que esse repasse estivesse ocorrendo de maneira totalmente correta. Com a realizacao das atividades vivenciais e os dados obtidos durante as mesmas e apos elas, se observou que a realizacao deste processo de formacao continuada foi de grande valia, pois houve um grande aumento de conhecimento dos professores quanto aos temas tratados durante ela, e ocorreram mudancas substancialmente positivas na forma como os professores passaram a tratar e utilizar Paleo-Arqueologia para realizar Educacao Ambiental em conjunto com seus alunos, demonstrando que elas podem ser empregadas em conjunto para que ocorra a formacao continuada de docentes e para o desenvolvimento de atividades de sensibilizacao ambiental. Sendo assim, espera-se que a sensibilizacao dos professores e estas mudancas que ocorreram ao longo do desenvolvimento do estudo sejam perenes, tanto em sala de aula quanto no cotidiano, e que as informacoes assimiladas por eles continuem a ser repassadas a seus alunos. Sendo assim, a formacao continuada e e sempre sera necessaria, para incorporar questoes ambientais diversas e diferenciadas de forma contextualizada no cotidiano dos professores, propiciando uma nova percepcao nas relacoes entre o ser humano, sociedade e natureza, promovendo assim, uma reavaliacao de valores e atitudes na convivencia coletiva e individual, reforcando a necessidade de ser e agir como cidadaos na busca de solucoes para problemas ambientais.
  • Fecha: 16-feb-2017
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A adubacao organica com uso de residuos encontrados nas propriedades para fertilizacao do solo e melhoria das condicoes de crescimento das especies vegetais e uma das praticas internacionalmente preconizadas para uma agricultura de base ecologica sustentavel. Os solos da maioria das propriedades de areas dependentes de chuva da regiao semiarida do nordeste brasileiro possuem baixos teores de elementos como nitrogenio e fosforo dificultando o alcance de resultados de producao que permitam a manutencao satisfatoria da atividade agricola nessas areas. Como consequencia, ano apos ano as safras esperadas tornam-se cada vez mais raras e, com o agravante da escassez hidrica, muitos agricultores nao mais acreditam na viabilidade do cultivo de algumas especies, mesmo aquelas que historicamente tem ocupado espacos importantes nessas propriedades, como milho, feijao e mandioca. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade agroecologica (socio-economico-ambiental) da Mandiocultura com uso de residuos organicos e cultivos simultaneos, na area dependente de chuva do Projeto Pontal Sequeiro, Petrolina-PE. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e coleta de solo nas comunidades Vira Beiju, Lajedo e Amargosa. As analises do solo e dos residuos encontrados foram realizadas na Embrapa Semiarido e revelaram a necessidade de correcao da acidez (pH entre 4,2 e 5,5) em todas as comunidades, adicao de fontes de fosforo (P<3,, materia organica (<5,5 e zinco (<6,, principalmente na Comunidade Vira Beiju. Foram identificadas diversas atividades geradoras de residuos que podem ser utilizados na agricultura local, porem no periodo avaliado (estiagem) apenas o esterco caprino foi encontrado em maior quantidade (5,0m3/mes), em todas as comunidades, sendo comercializado para obtencao de renda. A criacao de animais foi a atividade mais geradora de residuos no momento da entrevista, apesar dos cultivos terem sido os mais apontados como grandes geradores de residuos, pela maioria dos entrevistados (89%). Assim, o curral foi o local de maior geracao de residuos na propriedade, no periodo avaliado (88,9%). Outros residuos tambem foram encontrados, porem em quantidades pouco significantes e carecem de analises mais detalhadas com vistas a conhecer sua composicao quimica e reacao no solo. Foram lancados ensaios a campo com a cultura da mandioca e uso do residuo mais promissor dos encontrados (esterco) e cultivo simultaneo com o feijao, num redesenho de base ecologica. Observou-se que a correcao do solo inicialmente teve resultados surpreendentes quando comparados com uso do esterco, porem um aprofundamento maior nesses resultados se faz necessario para alcancarmos melhores conclusoes, assim como as analises microbiologicas que foram realizadas nos solos cultivados com e sem a adicao do esterco.
  • Tecendo redes a partir da aliança entre a economia solidária, o feminismo e a agroecologia: uma experiência de desenvolvimento alternativo no semiárido potiguar
  • Fecha: 17-oct-2016
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A valorizacao do territorio, do meio ambiente e da igualdade de genero no semiarido, sugere padroes de desenvolvimento alternativos, o que mobilizou pequenos produtores e organizacoes para a construcao da Rede Xique Xique de Comercializacao Solidaria. A proposta dos diversos atores sociais e politicos envolvidos era criar uma rede que viabilizasse a comercializacao direta dos bens produzidos no semiarido potiguar a partir de uma experiencia de desenvolvimento que aliasse a Economia Solidaria (EcoSol), o feminismo e a agroecologia, em razao dos compromissos que assumem com a justica social. A criacao da Rede, porem, passou a articular a formacao politica e a qualificacao tecnica das/os produtoras/es, em parceria com outras redes sociais e com o poder publico. A EcoSol propoe o fortalecimento economico, social e ambiental das comunidades a partir da cooperacao e da autogestao do trabalho coletivo, com base na premissa de que a formacao de relacoes produtivas mais justas, sustentaveis e nao hierarquizadas pode ser uma experiencia viavel de desenvolvimento alternativo, nao focado no crescimento economico, mas na geracao de bem-estar. Estas perspectivas tambem sao promovidas pela agroecologia, que defende, ademais, sistemas produtivos que alie a agricultura a ecologia, bem como pelo feminismo, que percebeu a EcoSol e a agroecologia estrategias feministas de empoderamento. Nesse contexto, a indagacao central da presente tese e analisar se a agroecologia, o feminismo e a EcoSol, por meio da Rede Xique Xique, tem contribuido para fomentar experiencias alternativas de desenvolvimento no semiarido potiguar. O objetivo geral pretendido, pois, e avaliar os reflexos da EcoSol, aliada a agroecologia, no empoderamento das mulheres do semiarido potiguar, por meio de experiencias de desenvolvimento alternativo promovidas pela Rede Xique Xique. Quanto a metodologia, trata-se de pesquisaparticipante, com abordagens qualitativas, do tipo descritivo-exploratorio, com coleta de dados via pesquisa de campo com realizacao de entrevistas semiestruturadas e abertas. Ademais, utilizaram-se fontes de informacao documental e bibliografica. Apos interacoes com organizacoes parceiras, profissionais da area, consumidores e grupos de mulheres da Rede, observou-se que a organizacao das mulheres promovida pela Rede, voltada para uma formacao politica feminista, configura-se uma experiencia de desenvolvimento alternativo, pois se identificou mudancas nos padroes produtivos e relacionais femininos, com uma maior valorizacao do trabalho coletivo e da seguranca alimentar, alem tambem de se perceber a ampliacao dos espacos de participacao social das mulheres, face as suas atuacoes em associacoes, foruns, grupos informais. Os membros da Rede, em regra, nao separam a vida do trabalho; lutam por politicas que reconhecam as potencialidades do semiarido; estao dispostos a se aperfeicoarem, o que faz da Rede um relevante apoio tanto na promocao e preservacao dos bens ambientais do semiarido potiguar, como na correcao da historica desigualdade de genero, sobretudo no meio rural. Subsistem, porem, os desafios da descontinuidade dos grupos e das politicas publicas, alem da desproporcao dos investimentos publicos, fatores decisivos para o incremento das experiencias fomentadas pela Rede e para o cumprimento dos seus principios.
  • Fecha: 17-oct-2016
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Na atualidade existe a necessidade do desenvolvimento e aplicacao de tecnicas de monitoramento ambiental, que apresentem e fornecam dados confiaveis, praticos e de facil obtencao as principais esferas do poder publico e populacao inserida em um determinado ecossistema, sobretudo os ecossistemas lacustres das cidades de medio porte, como e o caso de Joao Pessoa. Uma dessas tecnicas e a aplicacao de Indices de Sustentabilidade, que aglutinam aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos das dimensoes social, ambiental, economica e institucional que auxiliam e estruturam o planejamento da gestao ambiental e urbana do municipio, avaliando criticamente a eficacia da metodologia de gerenciamento urbano, relacionando a possiblidade de propor adaptacoes as intervencoes urbanas e o uso de outras ferramentas de monitoramento, como tecnicas de sensoriamento remoto. Desta forma os recursos naturais de um territorio, seja uma bacia hidrografica ou uma cidade se tornam os principais indicadores ambientais relacionados a sustentabilidade e podem ser influenciados por diversos fatores relacionados aos meios biotico, fisico e social. As relacoes entre os meios biotico e abiotico fazem parte de um sensivel equilibrio, motivo pelo qual as alteracoes que interferem nessas relacoes presentes no ambiente urbano podem alterar a sua qualidade. Assim, desenvolver um indice que melhor representem a tendencia de sustentabilidade ambiental, fornecendo informacoes de advertencia a sociedade e ao poder publico e consequentemente, propor acoes de conservacao e harmonizacao entre o ambiente urbano e os servicos ecossistemicos fornecidos pelos rios e areas verdes no municipio de Joao Pessoa, bem como apresentar os novos desenhos fisiograficos decorrente da evolucao da urbanizacao das areas proximas aos rios envolvidos na pesquisa, compoe a estrutura principal deste trabalho. A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho e focada na avaliacao do desempenho das quatro dimensoes da sustentabilidade dos rios Cuia, Jaguaribe, Cabelo, Aratu e Jacarape. Conclui – se que neste trabalho sao reveladas as vulnerabilidades e potencialidades de um socioecossistema urbano em descompasso com os planos e projetos de desenvolvimento das cidades em relacao a harmonia com os ambientes naturais, ainda presentes, onde o elevado grau de urbanizacao sem o devido planejamento deteriora continuamente as condicoes ambientais, bem como reflete a maior necessidade do poder publico e da sociedade, trabalhar de maneira integrada na conservacao do meio ambiente, equidade social e desenvolvimento economico.
  • Fecha: 23-sep-2016
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Animais peconhentos dividem espaco com a populacao humana muitas vezes causando acidentes fatais. Este e um problema de saude publica, que requer cuidados especificos e acoes permanentes e incisivas. A maioria dos episodios de envenenamento ocorrem nas zonas rurais, entretanto, areas urbanas sao constantemente afetadas, o que caracteriza o perfil sinantropico destes animais. As diferencas entre os dados de notificacao e a biologia dos acidentes, culminaram em subnotificacoes que refletem diretamente na epidemiologia dos casos, como tambem no controle, prevencao e tratamento de acidentes. Verificou-se que sao necessarios investimentos em taxonomia e biologia animal, para uma mais precisa relacao entre estes eventos epidemiologicos e o agente causador de empeconhamento.