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  • Date: May 29, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: depression represents one of the most common mental disorders common, reflecting one of the conditions that most contribute to the global burden of illnesses related to mental health, however, it still presents a significant gap between prevalence and assistance, whether due to lack of access to effective care or due to unavailability or inaccessibility of services. The determinants of Access to and use of health care networks occurs as a result of characteristics of the disorder, as well as sociodemographic and cultural factors of the users. Objective: to analyze the factors associated with depression and social networks assistance according to the National Health Survey. Materials and methods: study population-based, cross-sectional, based on a sample of 11,195 Brazilians, from the 15 years old, who were interviewed in the National Health Survey, conducted by IBGE in partnership with the Ministry of Health, held in the year 2019, with publicly available data. Depression was analyzed according to sociodemographic characteristics and characteristics of continuity of care in the disorder, with absolute and relative frequencies estimated. The potential factors associated with depression and care networks, stratified by health supplementary and SUS, were investigated using the chi-square test (X²), considering the p value <0.001, of health, using the Stata software. Results: in supplementary health, the associated factors indicate female people (63.8%), elderly (61.2%), married (45.7%), living in urban areas (85.6%), without employment during the research period (65.2%) and the lowest level among individuals who perceive themselves as black (11.9%). Among the continuity items care for depression, seeking health services only when there is some problem with depression (71.9%), distance from the health service (83.4%), use of psychotherapy (71.5%) and medication (68.6%) as forms of treatment were the factors that showed potential association with depression in the private service. While in the public sector (SUS), factors associated with depression showed a greater probability of Brazilians with a low level of education (65.5%), residents of the Northeast region (34.8%) and with a family income of up to one minimum wage (62.8%). Not having a diagnosis of another mental illness (91.3%) and not having taken medication for depression in the weeks leading up to the research were the only statistically significant factors, which indicate a probable relationship between depression and the public health care network. Conclusion: the results of the study confirm the prevalence of depression in Brazilians and the disparities in the prevalence of depression and access to care services are related to the sociodemographic profile and continuity of care in the disorder in Brazilians, expressed by behavioral differences that have an impact on the health conditions of people affected by depression. Know the factors associated with depression and the use of the assistance network may guide actions to promote mental health and prevent illnesses, contributing to the development of specific public policies for people in psychological suffering and mental disorder.
  • Spatial Analysis and COVID-19: Systematic Review Methodology and Clusters of Hospitalizations and Deaths in Paraíba
  • Date: May 22, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The new coronavirus pandemic took the world by surprise due to its high infectivity and lethality, causing an excess of deaths estimated at 4.5 million people in the first year alone. It was necessary to organize new ways of coping with the epidemiological situation, and rethinking tools for analyzing and combating COVID-19, including analysis space, as an important strategy for identifying the pattern of distribution of the disease in different territories. Objective: Analyze distribution spatial distribution of hospitalizations for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SRAG) and deaths by COVID-19 in the state of Paraíba, from 2020 to 2022. Methodology: The study was developed in two parts, in the first part a review was carried out systematic approach aimed at surveying studies that evaluated the different methodologies used in the spatial analysis of COVID-19, both the number of cases, such as deaths. The second stage involved analyzing data from hospitalizations due to SARS and deaths due to COVID-19 in Paraíba, evaluating its distribution in the state, from 2020 to 2022. Results: 17 studies that evaluated different spatial analysis methods, of which the most used were the Global Moran Index (I) and the Local Association Index Spatial (LISA) (n=9) and Kernel (n=3). Hospitalizations due to SARS and deaths due to COVID-19 showed a scenario in which hospitalizations in the first year presented high-high clusters on the coast and state capital (Mata Paraibana), in Then there was an internalization of the disease with greater intensity in the Sertão Paraibano, identifying spatial groupings in all periods analyzed. Deaths from COVID-19 showed high-high clusters only in first year of the pandemic, remaining on the coast and capital, in the following years, a random distribution of clusters was observed in the two semesters, not a concentration pattern of the analyzed groups was identified. Conclusion: Spatial analysis helped to better understand the new pandemic coronavirus, geoprocessing tools combined with different methodologies for analyzing the spatial distribution of cases contributed to tackle COVID-19, as well as other diseases.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Trata-se de uma pesquisa de uma abordagem mista do tipo transversal, descritiva e analítica, iniciando através da abordagem quantitativa, e em seguida, aprofundada através da abordagem qualitativa. Realizada na região Nordeste do Brasil, no estado da Paraíba, em dois municípios: um de médio porte na região litorânea, e outro de pequeno porte, localizado no sertão do estado. Participaram desta pesquisa 68 profissionais da saúde, sendo: Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, Enfermeiros, Cirurgiões Dentista, e Médicos, distribuídos em 17 equipes de Atenção Primária à Saúde - APS. Os dados quantitativos foram coletados através do Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale II (AITCS II), e analisados pelo IBM SPSS® Statistics 21.0, de forma descritiva e de teste de normalidade (Shapiro-Wilk) considerado p menor que 0,05 como significativo. Os dados qualitativos foram coletados através de entrevistas gravadas com os participantes de acordo com um instrumento semiestruturado, suas falas foram gravadas, transcritas e analisadas através da técnica de Discursos do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) proposta por Lefévre, Lefévre e Teixeira, e análise de conteúdo (AC). Na análise quantitativa pode-se perceber as fragilidades das equipes em consonância com a literatura pertinente, destacando a fragilidade no eixo da coordenação como destaque em de ambos os municípios, necessitando intervenções e abordagens imediatas nos municípios entrevistados para resolução dos conflitos; na análise qualitativa pode-se perceber a fragilidade diante da compreensão mútua dos diferentes papéis desempenhados por cada profissional e pela gestão; reconhecendo que a diversidade de olhares enriquece a abordagem nos cuidados de saúde, sendo necessária a aplicação de pesquisas como esta na realidade de outros municípios e serviços de saúde.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Esta pesquisa teve como desafio investigar a produção do cuidado em saúde mental na Atenção Básica de Niterói a partir de um Módulo do Programa Médico de Família, equipamento este que se configura como um dispositivo de descentralização e regionalização do sistema de saúde e está presente nas áreas de maior vulnerabilidade social do município. Para tanto, buscou-se identificar as ofertas de cuidado em saúde mental desenvolvidas por uma equipe do Programa Médico de Família, analisar como este cuidado é produzido e como ocorre o processo de matriciamento em saúde mental. O método da cartografia possibilitou acompanhar e analisar, através da observação participante e da construção de um diário de campo, os encontros e desencontros entre profissionais de saúde e usuários. A pesquisa ocorreu entre dezembro de 2022 e março de 2023, momento em que foi possível observar o cotidiano do serviço, participar de visitas domiciliares, reuniões de matriciamento em saúde mental e uma reunião geral entre a atenção especializada em saúde mental e Responsáveis Técnicas da região Leste-Oceânica. Durante a investigação, o tema do matriciamento em saúde mental se destacou e permitiu identificar que problemas organizacionais como a falta de profissionais, falta de tempo e sobrecarga de trabalho impactam na participação dos profissionais da Atenção Básica nos matriciamentos. Foi observado que falta uma maior compreensão dos profissionais da Atenção Básica e de seus gestores sobre a finalidade e atribuições do matriciamento. As reuniões de matriciamento mostraram-se como um importante espaço para discussão, produção e articulação da rede em torno do cuidado em saúde mental.
  • SÍFILIS NA GESTAÇÃO E CONGÊNITA: características maternas e desfechos perinatais na XII Gerência Regional de Saúde de Pernambuco, 2017- 2021
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 13:00
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  • Introdução: A sífilis tem um impacto significante durante a gestação e a infância, pois pode evoluir com complicações como parto prematuro, aborto, natimorto, além de morbidades que prejudicam a saúde infantil. A sífilis congênita é causa de apreensão em diversos locais de mundo. Existem diferentes entraves, durante o pré-natal, para que a gestante tenha o diagnóstico precoce e seja tratada de forma adequada. Objetivo: Analisar os casos de sífilis gestacional e congênita da XII Gerência Regional de Saúde de Pernambuco, no período de 2017 a 2021. Método: Trata-se de estudo inferencial, transversal e documental, realizado a partir de dados secundários da ficha de notificação de sífilis na gestação e sífilis congênita, da Declaração de Nascido Vivo e da Declaração de Óbito, provenientes do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, do Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos e do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade. A pesquisa foi realizada na XII Gerência Regional de Saúde de Pernambuco, no período de 2017 a 2021. Utilizou-se a técnica de linkage entre os sistemas, a fim de fornecer um registro único para cada caso. Os dados foram exportados, tabulados e unificados através do programa Microsoft Office Excel e a planilha resultante foi exportada para o SPSS. O estudo foi submetido à aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultados: A taxa de detecção da sífilis na gestação foi 17,42 casos /1.000 nascidos vivos e a taxa de incidência de sífilis congênita foi de 9,47 casos/1.000 nascidos vivos. Verificou-se que a maioria das mulheres notificadas com sífilis na gestação tem idade entre 19 e 34 anos (62,9%), raça não branca (90,1%), com menos de oito anos de escolaridade (85,0%) e ocupação do lar (58,1%). No que compete às características reprodutivas e de acesso a serviços de saúde, a maioria não teve perdas fetais anteriores (73,7%), são multíparas (72,2%), tiveram acesso a pré-natal na gestação (95,2%), com número de consultas igual ou maior que sete (65,3%). As variáveis que se mostraram associadas à ocorrência de sífilis congênita foram: número de consultas pré-natal (p=0,010); tratamento da gestante (p=0,002), peso do RN (p=0,013) e malformação (p=0,047). Para o tratamento da gestante com sífilis, a variável que se mostrou associada à realização do mesmo foi a escolaridade materna (p=0,019). Conclusões: A XII GERES possui taxa de detecção de sífilis na gestação e de incidência de sífilis congênita muito acima do preconizado, com indicadores maiores que a taxa nacional. As informações obtidas serão capazes de subsidiar a elaboração de ações estratégicas em saúde que visem à diminuição dos impactos causados pela sífilis gestacional e congênita, contribuindo para melhorar a assistência pré-natal e consequentemente reduzir os casos de sífilis congênita.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Os sistemas universais de saúde, destacados como conquistas fundamentais do século XX, tiveram no Brasil a inclusão da democratização da saúde por meio do Movimento da Reforma Sanitária e da criação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). As redes de atenção à saúde, organizações interligadas, visam objetivos comuns de forma cooperativa. A Rede de Atenção Psicossocial (RAPS) foi estabelecida para organizar os serviços de saúde mental, enquanto os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS), importante ponto da rede, devem alinhar-se para superar o modelo manicomial, representando espaços de cuidado, favorecendo a autonomia e reinserção dos usuários nos territórios. Objetivo: Avaliar as estratégias de comunicação nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial na cidade de João Pessoa. Métodos: Método qualitativo, através de entrevista não-padronizada e focalizada. Resumo - Os sistemas universais de saúde, destacados como conquistas fundamentais do século XX, tiveram no Brasil a inclusão da democratização da saúde por meio do Movimento da Reforma Sanitária e da criação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). As redes de atenção à saúde, organizações interligadas, visam objetivos comuns de forma cooperativa. A Rede de Atenção Psicossocial (RAPS) foi estabelecida para organizar os serviços de saúde mental, enquanto os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS), importante ponto da rede, devem alinhar-se para superar o modelo manicomial, representando espaços de cuidado, favorecendo a autonomia e reinserção dos usuários nos territórios. Objetivo: Avaliar as estratégias de comunicação nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial na cidade de João Pessoa. Métodos: Método qualitativo, através de entrevista não-padronizada e focalizada. O cenário de investigação foi situado na cidade de João Pessoa, capital do estado da Paraíba. Para a realização da pesquisa, foram entrevistados os seguintes atores: o gestor e cinco trabalhadores de nível superior de cada um dos centros de Atenção Psicossocial do município de João Pessoa. A amostragem do estudo se deu através da saturação teórica. Os dados foram analisados através do método da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados e Discussão: O estudo identificou a percepção dos profissionais sobre a importância da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial (RAPS) e seu impacto na transformação do paradigma assistencial em saúde mental. Os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) foram reconhecidos como pontos essenciais na produção de cuidados por equipes interprofissionais, integrando-se longitudinalmente com outros dispositivos da RAPS. No que diz respeito à comunicação nos CAPS, foram identificadas formas formais, como reuniões de equipe e matriciamento, e informais, como o uso de prontuários, livros de ocorrência e comunicação não verbal. Estratégias informais incluíram ligação por telefone, diálogos não oficiais e o uso de Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) por meio de aplicativos de mensagens. Contudo, foram observadas fragilidades, como dificuldades na compreensão da Política Nacional de Redução de Danos e desconhecimento de alguns profissionais e serviços em relação aos papéis específicos de cada dispositivo na RAPS. Considerações Finais: O estudo revelou que os profissionais compreendem o papel da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial (RAPS) na saúde mental, destacando a importância dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) como pontos integrados na rede. A comunicação, tanto formal quanto informal, foi considerada crucial para o cuidado longitudinal, embora desafios, como a polarização entre "proibicionismo" e Política de Redução de Danos, tenham sido identificados. Recomendações incluem investimentos em Educação Permanente, capacitações sobre prontuários e fortalecimento da Política Nacional de Redução de Danos na RAPS.
  • Efetividade da Acupuntura e Laserterapia em Lactantes com Dor Mamária: ensaio clínico randomizado
  • Date: Feb 28, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • A amamentação é fundamental para a mulher e seu filho, sendo recomendado pelo Ministério da Saúde o aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) até os 6 meses. A dor mamária é um problema frequente nos primeiros dias do puerpério e pode contribuir com o desmame precoce. A Laserterapia e Laser Acupuntura, esta última fomentada pela política nacional de práticas integrativas e complementares, estão entre as novas opções não-farmacológicas para o cuidado a dor mamária. Entretanto ainda existem poucas evidências e experiências no uso dessas práticas individuais e associadas. Objetivos Avaliar a efetividade da laserterapia e laser acupuntura associada ao aconselhamento em amamentação à lactantes com dor nas mamas, para a redução da dor e apoio a manutenção doAME. Metodologia A pesquisa se dividiu em duas etapas. A primeira etapa consistiu em realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura buscando evidências sem limites de tempo para identificar estudos clínicos que envolvam Laserterapia e Acupuntura no desfecho de redução da dor mamária. Foi realizada a busca no Pubmed, no LILACS, IBECS e BDENF através da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, e Scielo utilizando descritores orientados pela metodologia Prisma. A segunda etapa foi um ensaio clínico randomizado realizado em 165 puérperas em uma maternidade de referência para o cuidado humanizado na Paraíba. As mulheres foram, alocadas em Grupo Controle (GC), 82, Grupo Intervenção (GI), 83. As puérperas do GC recebam o aconselhamento para amamentação em atendimento realizado ainda durante a internação na maternidade. As mulheres do GI receberamas mesmas orientações do GC associado a laserterapia local nas mamas e a laser acupuntura. Resultados A pesquisa trouxe luz as evidências associadas a Laserterapia e Laser Acupuntura sendo sistematizada em dois artigos. O primeiro artigo é a revisão sistemática que encontrou três estudos sobre a laserterapia e em cinco estudos sobre a acupuntura. Os resultados dessa revisão sistemática encontraram uma evidência pequena de quea acupuntura e a utilização da laserterapia podem trazer benefícios para a redução de dores mamárias e melhoria na adesão a amamentação. O segundo artigo é sobre o ensaio clínico identificou que a Laserterapia e Laser Acupuntura está relacionada a melhora da média da dor, com um efeito maior no grupo intervenção. A quantidade de mulheres que melhoraram da dor mamária foi de 66,27% no GI e 40,96% no GC com um 1,618 de risco relativo e um número necessário para tratar de 4. Não houveram diferenças entre os grupos nos desfechos secundários. Considerações Finais A Laserterapia e acupuntura tem tido boas evidências no ensaio clínico na melhoria da dor para amamentar. O ensaio clínico não encontrou diferenças na melhora do aleitamento materno, sendo um resultado discordante com um dos estudos da revisão sistemática, porém com metodologia diferentes. Recomenda-se que essas terapias possam ter sua incorporação avaliada nos serviços de saúde, pelo benefício já encontrado, mas são necessários novos estudos para ampliar as evidências sobre a manutenção da amamentação e o aleitamento materno exclusivo.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2024
  • Time: 08:00
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  • A pandemia de Covid-19 corroborou para a necessidade de fortalecimento da Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS). A realização deste estudo tem como propósito compreender como os/as gestores/as municipais gerenciaram as ações na APS e seus desafios durante a pandemia de Covid-19 nos municípios paraibanos. É um estudo transversal exploratório de caráter descritivo e analítico. Os resultados aqui apresentados consistem do levantamento de dados primários, coletados por meio de um questionário, através de um survey eletrônico, aplicado entre os meses de agosto de 2023 a janeiro de 2024. O público alvo foram os/as secretários/as e coordenadores/as da APS, atuantes na gestão de municípios paraibanos. O recorte apresentado neste estudo contou com 222 respondentes de 222 municípios do estado da Paraíba, apenas um município optou por não participar. Dos resultados dos respondentes há expressiva maioria mulheres, com faixa etária de 29 a 39 anos. Em relação a raça/cor/etnia grande parte se autodeclararam pardas e brancas. Em relação a titularidade acadêmica, mais da metade declarou possuir especialização completa e verificouse uma forte concentração de profissionais da enfermagem, a maioria dos/as participantes eram Coordenadores/as da APS. Quanto às medidas adotadas pela gestão municipal no enfrentamento à pandemia de Covid-19, os/as respondentes afirmaram que houve a ampliação da rotina de desinfecção dos estabelecimentos da gestão municipal (além do serviços de saúde), o fornecimento de meios de higienização das mãos em estabelecimentos e espaços públicos e a obrigatoriedade do uso de máscaras em lugares públicos, comerciais e em transportes; a realização de testagem para Covid-19 na população em geral; distribuição de máscaras para população em geral; realização da desinfecção de ruas e lugares públicos e a elaboração de Plano de Contingenciamento. Diante dos dados coletados verifica-se o desafio da APS como coordenadora do cuidado e ordenadora dos Serviços das Redes de Atenção à Saúde (RAS) impactando fortemente o cotidiano de gestores/as durante a pandemia de Covid19. Observa-se a importância da articulação entre SES-PB, COSEMS-PB e Ministério da Saúde como atores importantes no apoio da gestão municipal da APS em situações de crise sanitária. Conclui-se que APS nos municípios paraibanos atuou fortemente nas demandas centradas na Covid-19 no período da pandemia. Os principais desafios de gestores/as da APS estão relacionados com a implementação dos atributos da APS como coordenadora do cuidado e ordenadora das RAS. Estes desafios apontam para possíveis recomendações que poderão contribuir em uma abordagem centrada em medidas de prevenção comunitárias como melhor caminho para efetivo combate a pandemias futuras.
  • Date: Feb 27, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • É crescente a prevalência de ansiedade na população em geral. Entre os motivos, têm-se as aceleradas mudanças nos padrões sociais e as altas exigências/expectativas depositadas em cada etapa de vida, principalmente na juventude. Dentre os ambientes entendidos como estressores, tem-se a universidade, que ao tempo que constrói uma carreira, predispõe ao medo, estresse e ansiedade. Assim, discussões acerca da saúde mental em universitários têm se destacado nos últimos anos. Estudos de prevalência apontam que universitários têm quatros vezes mais chances de adquirirem problemáticas mentais, principalmente os alunos do curso de medicina, que o caracterizam como complexo e carreado de fatores físicos e emocionais, que predispõe ao maior estresse e ansiedade, em relação aos demais cursos de graduação. Nessa perspectiva, o presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura acerca da prevalência de ansiedade nos estudantes da saúde e identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à ansiedade nos estudantes do curso de medicina da UFPB. O percurso metodológico seguiu duas estratégias: capítulo 01 e capítulo 02. O capítulo 01 trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura produzida nos últimos 10 anos, em torno da questão: “qual a prevalência de ansiedade em estudantes de graduação da área da saúde?”. As evidências indicaram uma prevalência significativa de ansiedade em estudantes de graduação na área da saúde, porém, não foi possível identificar uma amostragem considerável de prevalência de ansiedade em todos os cursos, havendo polarização de estudos para o curso de medicina. O capítulo 2 trata-se de um estudo de prevalência, transversal, quantitativo, realizado com os alunos do curso de medicina do Centro de Ciências Médicas (CCM) da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência de ansiedade traço, realizado entre as datas de 08 de outubro de 2022 e 15 de outubro de 2022, por meio do Inventário de Ansiedade Traço (IDATE). Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se o teste Qui-quadrado de Person para a verificação da significância das variáveis e o teste de regressão de Poisson Robusto para a determinação da razão de prevalência entre as variáveis significativas e à ansiedade. Os resultados apontaram que a maioria dos estudantes (62,5%) apresentou ansiedade, sendo superior a prevalência da população geral. A alta taxa de prevalência de ansiedade nos universitários sinaliza para a necessidade de criação de medidas institucionais que objetivem identificar e controlar o adoecimento mental dos estudantes.
  • Date: Feb 27, 2024
  • Time: 08:00
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  • A ansiedade é a resposta natural do nosso corpo, e seu comportamento é relevante para os distúrbios psicossomáticos. Diante da problemática, o tratamento para transtornos de ansiedade continua a vir de diferentes maneiras. Uma abordagem de compromisso inclui uma ou mais intervenções psicofarmacológicas, como ansiolíticos e/ou psicoterapia. Há uma demanda crescente por terapias alternativas devido aos efeitos colaterais induzidos por drogas e dependência química, além de psicoterapia complementar, o Brasil tem introduzido gradativamente práticas complementares por meio do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), que inclui práticas complementares de qualidade, segurança e eficácia, levando em consideração a aprovação da prática pela sociedade. A terapia floral é um complemento ideal para qualquer tratamento que busque equilibrar as emoções do paciente, ou seja, tratamento baseado no princípio de que a mente produz doença. Sendo assim, o estudo objetivou analisar os efeitos da terapia floral na ansiedade e qualidade de vida dos estudantes da área da saúde. No qual, foi desenvolvida duas pesquisa, primeiramente uma revisão sistemática para compreender os benefícios da terapia floral em indivíduos com ansiedade, sendo selecionado 7 ensaios clínicos randomizados que relatavam a utilização da terapia floral, com a média de idade de sua amostra entre 22,1-40,5 anos, e com grupos entre 29-102 participantes, os objetivos possuíam pontos em comum que se tratava de analisar a ansiedade ou estresse, contudo, a população foi diversificada: estudantes, docentes, mulheres em trabalho de parto e indivíduos em geral. Nos estudos foi possível observar que os florais, diminuíram o estresse, auxiliando a alcançarem bem-estar psicológico e físico, promoveu a capacidade de cada participante olhar para si, e encontrar o equilíbrio com o seu eu, características estas que auxiliou no autocontrole e encorajamento, destrinchando crenças limitadoras, permitindo identificarem as diferenças na exaustão mental e física. A segunda pesquisa trata -se de um ensaio clínico randomizado duplo cego, placebo-controlado, de 4 semanas. A pesquisa ocorreu na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), entre outubro e dezembro de 2022. Foram elegíveis e inclusos os estudantes de ambos os sexos, com idade mínima de 18 anos a 59 anos, matriculados do primeiro ao quarto ano do curso de Medicina da UFPB. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de questionários pré e pós teste, com escalas que trabalhavam as temáticas da pesquisa. As informações obtidas por meio dos instrumentos foram tratadas no programa estatístico SPSS® Statistics versão 25.0, com nível de significância de 5% para todas as variáveis. A pesquisa contou com 90 participantes, sendo em sua maioria do sexo feminino da raça branca no grupo intervenção e parda/preta no grupo placebo, os resultados mostraram que a terapia floral é eficaz na diminuição da ansiedade, como também no aumento da qualidade de vida nos aspectos físicos, psicológicos, relações sociais e meio ambiente. Assim, conclui-se que a terapia floral pode ser benéfica para estudantes que possuem ansiedade, de modo a auxiliá-los no melhoramento de suas atividades diárias.
  • Date: Feb 23, 2024
  • Time: 18:00
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  • As CIR são constituídas como um espaço de governança do SUS apresentando forte poder de articulação para construção de estratégias que vislumbrem a superação de obstáculos impostos no processo de regionalização. Sendo assim, configuram-se como espaços regionais e instâncias de cogestão fortalecendo o processo de planejamento, pactuações e negociação, resultando em um espaço de decisões e preenchendo a lacuna da governança nas regiões de saúde. A governança territorial facilita a organização das ações e serviços de saúde executados pelos municípios, estados e regiões a partir de interesses coletivos de forma cooperativa entre os diversos atores com envolvimento em conjunto nos campos sociais, econômicos e institucionais. Sendo assim, o presente estudo justifica-se por sua importância para a gestão em saúde, pois a governança com descentralização e a regionalização são dimensões fundamentais do SUS, enquanto campos abertos a reflexões, tais processos devem ser fortalecidos em um sistema de governança com maior poder decisório e assertivo nas demandas regionais. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo descritivo-exploratório, a partir de dados secundários provenientes da “Pesquisa Nacional das Comissões Intergestores Regionais (CIR)”, tendo como participantes os 133 gestores regionais do SUS. Os dados foram coletados através de questionário eletrônico on-line direcionado aos presidentes, coordenadores e/ou diretores das CIR, entre os anos de 2017 e 2018. Os resultados do estudo mostram que as CIR são representadas em sua maioria por mulheres, com formação na enfermagem e exercendo a função de gestor regional em primeiro mandato. Quanto ao processo de implantação os gestores participam do processo de implantação das CIR e isso se deu por ato legal da CIB com adesão imediata e completa dos municípios das regiões de saúde. Com relação ainda ao processo de implantação, vislumbra-se que a iniciativa, condução e espaço de condução deram-se pelo colegiado de gestão regional e secretarias estaduais de saúde. A respeito da organização políticainstitucional, os dados demonstraram que as pautas das reuniões mais frequentes são pelas solicitações municipais e decisões da CIB e que as discussões acontecem com maior frequência com temas voltados para adesão de políticas públicas e pactuação de fluxos. Considerando as discussões levantadas, compreende-se que a estruturação das CIR ainda é incipiente, com dependência de espaços estaduais, demonstrando-se um enfraquecimento da descentralização e ausência de espaços fixos e exclusivos das CIR. No tocante ao financiamento, foi evidenciado que inexiste aporte de recursos federais para essas comissões e que em sua grande maioria não possui alocação orçamentaria de recursos para custear as despesas dessas comissões, inviabilizando muitas vezes o planejamento e fragilizando o funcionamento das CIR.
  • Date: Dec 21, 2023
  • Time: 16:00
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  • No Brasil, diferentes modelos assistenciais em saúde mental são encontrados no decorrer de sua história Com os desdobramentos da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira, e as consequentes transformações das práticas do modelo de cuidado em saúde mental, surgem os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial, que através da Portaria/GM no336, foram reestruturados e organizados. Os CAPS são serviços que possuem atenção diária em saúde mental, seguindo os princípios fundamentais da articulação entre saúde mental e atenção básica: promoção da saúde; acolhimento, vínculo e responsabilização; integralidade; intersetorialidade; multiprofissionalidade; organização da atenção à saúde em rede; desinstitucionalização; reabilitação psicossocial; participação da comunidade; promoção da cidadania dos usuários. Os CAPS trabalham com equipe multiprofissional que promovem diversas atividades, tanto em grupo como individuais, como: oficinas terapêuticas e de criação, atividades físicas, atividades lúdicas, arte-terapia; além da medicação. Nestes serviços, a família é considerada como parte fundamental do tratamento, tendo atendimento específico (grupal ou individual) e livre acesso ao serviço, sempre que se fizer necessário. Há uma falta de pesquisas publicadas sobre avaliações e caracterizações dos serviços de saúde mental, pois existem alguns obstáculos que interferem nesse processo de avaliação dos serviços de saúde mental, que são: a falta de concordância por parte da administração pública sobre a avaliação de programas e projetos; a falta de consenso sobre um modelo avaliativo que defina e preconize a forma de funcionamento dos serviços de saúde mental; e a falta de indicadores capazes de quantificar e/ou qualificar os serviços de saúde mental. O processo avaliativo dentro desses serviços torna-se um importante instrumento capaz potencializar a assistência, minimizar ou solucionar problemas, verificar a capacidade de resolubilidade, e ainda, aferir as perspectivas dos diferentes atores dos serviços (usuários, familiares, profissionais etc.). Esse estudo objetiva avaliar a efetividade das práticas cotidianas desenvolvidas pelos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) do Município de João Pessoa, de acordo com a política de saúde mental vigente. Trata-se de um estudo de avaliação de serviços de saúde, que se utiliza de abordagem quantitativa. A amostra foi composta por profissionais vinculados aos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial do Município de João Pessoa, Paraíba, quais sejam: CAPS AD Jovem Cidadão, CAPS III Gutemberg Botelho, CAPS III Caminhar e CAPS AD III David Capristiano. Foi administrado o instrumento de coleta de dados “Avalia CAPS”, em sua versão para profissionais, contando com 38 questões, que avaliam as dimensões da autonomia, integralidade e intersetorialidade. Os dados serão avaliados por meio de estatística descritiva, com a apresentação de médias e desvios-padrão para as variáveis numéricas, e frequências absolutas e relativas para as variáveis categóricas. Com esse estudo, esperamos contribuir para a melhor compreensão do funcionamento dos serviços de saúde mental, possibilitando reflexões e melhorias no cuidado, nas políticas públicas e nos serviços prestados pelos CAPS da cidade de João Pessoa.
  • Date: Dec 21, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) se destacam como integrantes importantes da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial, sendo vistos como organizadores da Rede de Atenção em Saúde Mental, tendo sua assistência prestada integralmente para indivíduos em sofrimento psíquico grave e persistente. Os processos avaliativos adquiriram função política por meio da reformulação do modelo assistencial, servindo como instrumento de potencialização das práticas substitutivas ao modelo hospitalocêntrico. Dessa forma, a dissertação tem como objetivo geral analisar as práticas de cuidado e processo de trabalho no CAPS do município de Queimadas-PB, por meio de indicadores de avaliação e monitoramento. Trata-se de uma pesquisa avaliativa, de abordagem quantitativa, no qual foram analisados o uso de 16 indicadores de monitoramento, avaliação e gestão do CAPS, subdivididos em oito temas: Atenção a Situação de Crise, Qualificação dos Atendimentos Grupais, Trabalho em Rede, Gestão do CAPS, Educação Permanente, Singularização da Atenção, Uso da Medicação, Atenção às Pessoas com Deficiência Intelectual, com recorte temporal ano de 2022. Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva, através do programa excel, com medidas de tendência central e de dispersão. Os resultados do estudo evidenciam o comprometimento contínuo da equipe em qualificar suas práticas nos grupos terapêuticos, um expressivo percentual de 75% dos usuários está integrado à SRT, apresentando Deficiência Intelectual (DI). Dentre as fragilidades identificadas, destacam-se o alto número de encaminhamentos a emergência psiquiátrica de usuários durante situações de crise, a participação limitada de familiares nos grupos destinados a eles, a ausência de supervisão clínico-institucional, uma elevada carga de casos por profissional de referência, a formulação e revisão de Projetos Terapêuticos Singulares e o trabalho intersetorial ocorrendo de maneira insuficiente e limitada. Conclui-se que a efetiva aplicação dos indicadores elaborados pode promover o fortalecimento da cultura avaliativa, aprimorando tanto os CAPS quanto os próprios instrumentos de avaliação. Mais do que permitir a comparação com distintas realidades, essa cultura avaliativa pode contribuir diretamente para a qualificação contínua dos serviços.
  • Date: Dec 20, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Os conselhos de saúde têm importância fundamental no processo participativo nas elaborações das políticas públicas e fiscalizações das ações de saúde. Neste sentido, este estudo intitulado “Análise da Fiscalização da Execução das Ações de Saúde pelos Conselheiros dos Municípios da Planície Litorânea do Piauí: Registros e Percepções” tem como pergunta norteadora como os membros dos Conselhos de Saúde da Planície Litorânea (PI) exercem o papel de fiscalização da efetivação das ações de saúde de seus respectivos municípios? Dessa forma, um dos objetivos é analisar como os conselhos municipais de saúde da Planície Litorânea (PI) exercem o papel de fiscalização na execução das ações de saúde de seus respectivos municípios. Para atingi-lo, utilizou-se como percurso metodológico uma pesquisa de campo cujo corpus foi composto por seis entrevistas guiadas por um roteiro semiestruturado aplicado aos conselheiros de saúde dos municípios da Planície Litorânea – PI. Para a análise das entrevistas, pautou-se na análise do discurso de Michel Pêcheux considerando as categorias de discurso, posição-sujeito, interdiscurso, condições de produção. Além disso, além da pesquisa de campo, utilizou-se também a pesquisa documental para acrescentar elementos para a análise das entrevistas. Dentre os resultados, destacam-se casos de conselheiros representantes dos usuários, mas que são indicados pela gestão; os conselheiros não percebem efetividade na atuação enquanto fiscalizadores; os instrumentos de gestão como o Plano Municipal de Saúde (PMS), Programação Anual de Saúde (PAS) e o Relatório Anual de Gestão (RAG) não são de conhecimento dos conselheiros e o instrumento de fiscalização usado é o livro balancete-contábil; todos os entrevistados solicitaram "capacitações"; relataram que não sentem proximidade com o conselho estadual e nacional de saúde.
  • Date: Dec 19, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Os serviços de saúde devem garantir a equidade de acesso para que todos os povos e comunidades, independente de etnia, cultura e estrato socioeconômico, minimizando as iniquidades e vulnerabilidades. No Brasil, as políticas públicas para comunidades e povos tradicionais são ignoradas ou dadas como inexistentes quanto aos seus direitos de acesso as práticas de saúde. Entre esses grupos minoritários, os povos de etnias ciganas são marginalizados quantos aos seus direitos de assistência à saúde, sendo a Atenção Primária à Saúde o serviço de primeiro contato e de atenção cuidado a saúde desses povos. No Brasil, os ciganos se dividem em três etnias diferentes: os Rom, os Sinti e os Calons, em que estão distribuídos por todo território nacional. O município de Sousa, no sertão da Paraíba, se destaca por possuir a maior comunidade com residência fixa de povos cigano na América Latina. O presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender a percepção dos moradores da comunidade cigana Calon de Pedro Maia, sobre o cuidado na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva com Resumo: Os serviços de saúde devem garantir a equidade de acesso para que todos os povos e comunidades, independente de etnia, cultura e estrato socioeconômico, minimizando as iniquidades e vulnerabilidades. No Brasil, as políticas públicas para comunidades e povos tradicionais são ignoradas ou dadas como inexistentes quanto aos seus direitos de acesso as práticas de saúde. Entre esses grupos minoritários, os povos de etnias ciganas são marginalizados quantos aos seus direitos de assistência à saúde, sendo a Atenção Primária à Saúde o serviço de primeiro contato e de atenção cuidado a saúde desses povos. No Brasil, os ciganos se dividem em três etnias diferentes: os Rom, os Sinti e os Calons, em que estão distribuídos por todo território nacional. O município de Sousa, no sertão da Paraíba, se destaca por possuir a maior comunidade com residência fixa de povos cigano na América Latina. O presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender a percepção dos moradores da comunidade cigana Calon de Pedro Maia, sobre o cuidado na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvida na comunidade cigana Calon de Pedro Maia localizada no município de Sousa-PB. A entrevista foi realizada de junho a julho de 2023, com a participação de 15 ciganos Calons. As entrevistas foram transcritas e analisadas pela Técnica de Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin.Os resultados foram trabalhados em seis categorias temáticas, cujo foco central foi o cuidar da saúde do população cigana no contexto da Atenção Primária à Saúde. Evidenciou-se que o cuidar no olhar da população cigana está relacionada ao cuidado coletivo do ser e sua relação com a natureza, garantida mediante tradição cultural repassada entre as famílias, sendo essa uma importante forma de preservação da identidade desse povo. A assistência à saúde aos povos ciganos ainda é frágil. Desrespeito a cultura e singularidades, discriminação e falta de execução de políticas públicas relacionadas as questões ambientais e estruturais, como saneamento básico, habitação, educação são a cerne do adoecimento entre essa população.A atenção à saúde oferecida pela Atenção Primária local ainda é fragilizada e precisa ser reorganizada para ofertar uma assistência integral, com equidade e respeito as singularidade s da população cigana.
  • Structure, organization and access to oral health services offered in Primary Care in the state of Paraíba according to the population size of the municipalities: analysis based on the 3rd cycle of the PMAQ-AB.
  • Date: Dec 19, 2023
  • Time: 10:30
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  • It is known that the process of evaluating and monitoring health actions and services is essential for the enrichment of Primary Care. Therefore, evaluation of services is structured as a tool that assists management, in terms of organization of services, contributing to decision-making in health. From the perspective of evaluating health services in Brazil, the Ministry of Health established the National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ-AB), with the aim of improving the quality of health care and increasing the supply of these services. The program started in 2011 and ended in 2019, where three cycles were carried out. The present study, of an observational, analytical and cross-sectional nature, with a secondary basis, aims to analyze whether the structure of the health unit and the organization of the oral health team influence access to dental care offered in Primary Care in Paraíba, considering the population size of municipalities, according to data from the 3rd cycle of external evaluation of PMAQ-AB. For this study, Module III was used - (Interview with the user in the Basic Health Unit), which aims to verify the users' perception regarding access and use of health services; Module V- (Observation in the basic health unit), in order to analyze variables related to the infrastructure conditions of the unit and Module VI (Interview with the professional from the Oral Health Team and verification of documents in the Basic Health Unit), to analyze variables related to the organization of oral health services. The outcome variable used was “access to dental services” (booking appointments with the dentist at the health unit). It was observed that the majority of users of primary care in Paraíba are able to schedule an appointment with the dentist, with the highest percentage found for users/residents in small municipalities I - 98.1%. Regarding the structural characteristics and ambiance of the UBS, it was found that the majority of dental offices have good ventilation or air conditioning, have good lighting (natural or artificial) and have environments in adequate conditions, from an acoustic point of view, for all population sizes. A logistic regression model will be carried out in order to determine the influence of the structure of the health unit and the organization of the oral health team influence access to dental care offered in Primary Care in Paraíba, considering the population size of the municipalities.
  • A Prática Interprofissional na Estratégia Saúde da Família: percepções e atitudes de profissionais em município de grande porte do interior nordestino.
  • Date: Dec 15, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A Colaboração Interprofissional (CI) é considerada uma estratégia para modificar as práticas dos serviços de saúde, sendo importante reconhecer como ela está ocorrendo nesses espaços. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o processo de Colaboração Interprofissional dos profissionais da saúde no contexto da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) no município de Campina Grande – PB. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico realizado com a Escala de Avaliação da Colaboração Interprofissional em Equipe II (AITCS II). Esse instrumento é composto por 23 itens distribuídos em 3 dimensões: Parceria, Cooperação e Coordenação. As pontuações das dimensões foram calculadas a partir das médias das questões e o escore médio da AITCS II a partir da média das 3 dimensões. As médias foram classificadas em boa colaboração, avançando em direção à colaboração e necessidade de foco no desenvolvimento de práticas colaborativas. Inicialmente, foi realizado um estudo piloto para avaliar preliminarmente o cenário de pesquisa a partir da distribuição das frequências de resposta e cálculo de medidas de tendência central e de variabilidade segundo categorias profissionais e tempo de inserção do profissional na equipe. Em seguida, foi realizada a coleta dos dados finais, os quais foram analisados a partir dos testes Kruskal Wallis e Mann-Whitney para avaliar a CI segundo sexo, faixa-etária, categorias profissionais, tempo de prática profissional e tempo de inserção na equipe atual, com nível de significância fixado em 5%. As análises foram realizadas através do software SPSS 20.0. No estudo piloto, participaram 30 profissionais médicos, enfermeiros e agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS). A partir dele, observou-se o escore médio da AITCS II avançando à colaboração, com fragilidades principalmente nos quesitos relacionados à coordenação. Também, houve diferenças nas distribuições de respostas entre as categorias profissionais e entre tempos de inserção na equipe atual. No estudo final, participaram 153 profissionais médicos, enfermeiros, ACS e cirurgiões-dentistas. A partir dele, reforçou-se a dimensão coordenação percebida como estando caminhando para a colaboração, porém sendo mais positiva entre aqueles com maior faixa-etária (p = 0,017), menor titulação (p<0,001) e maior tempo de inserção na equipe (p = 0,034), e com os cirurgiões-dentistas avaliando mais negativamente essa dimensão (p=0,05). A dimensão Cooperação também foi percebida como estando caminhando para a colaboração, sem associações significativas com as variáveis, enquanto a Parceria foi avaliada com boa colaboração, tendo menor pontuação entre aqueles com menor titulação (p=0,024). Assim, conclui-se que há diferenças quanto a percepção das atitudes colaborativas nos serviços de saúde entre categorias profissionais, faixa-etária, titulação e tempo de inserção na equipe atual, apontando necessidade de aprimoramento principalmente nos itens relacionados à coordenação.
  • Date: Dec 15, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A Reforma Psiquiátrica no Brasil tem promovido uma mudança significativa na assistência à saúde mental, priorizando a desospitalização e a atenção comunitária, tornando os centros de atenção psicossocial (CAPS) fundamentais nesse novo modelo de cuidado. Os CAPS são serviços abertos de base comunitária que atuam sob a perspectiva do modelo de atenção psicossocial. Neste, o objeto de trabalho não é a doença e sim o sujeito em sofrimento psíquico, considerando sua constituição política, histórica e sociocultural, elegendo o território como espaço de produção do cuidado, através de redes intersetoriais, sociais e de apoio. Tendo em vista a importância dos CAPS no contexto da efetivação do modelo de atenção psicossocial e considerando a avaliação de serviços como elemento fundamental do planejamento e gestão do SUS, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a produção do cuidado nos CAPS III da cidade de João Pessoa-PB. Trata-se de estudo descritivo de abordagem quantitativa baseado em análise documental. Foram incluídos no estudo o CAPS Caminhar, CAPS Gutemberg Botelho e CAPS AD Jovem Cidadão. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre dezembro de 2022 a abril de 2023 com recorte temporal de julho a dezembro de 2022. Foram analisados 2.664 prontuários, oito livros de plantão da enfermagem, sete livros de plantão de equipe multiprofissional, dois livros de atividades coletivas, cinco livros de reunião de equipe, um livro de encaminhamentos para outros serviços e um livro de admissão. Foram selecionados 16 indicadores de saúde mental elaborados em pesquisa participativa com trabalhadores e gestores de CAPS III da região Sudeste. Os indicadores possuem metodologia de cálculo por razão, analisando oito dimensões da atenção psicossocial com abrangência temporal mensal, trimestral, semestral ou anual. A análise dos dados foi realizada pelo programa Excel, através de estatística descritiva, apresentando-se os resultados sob a forma de frequência relativa (medianas, mínima e máxima). Os resultados evidenciam a capacidade dos serviços de responder localmente às situações de crise com baixo percentual de encaminhamentos às urgências psiquiátricas (4,8%); o compromisso da equipe em qualificar continuamente suas práticas grupais acontece de maneira relativamente exitosa (40,1%). A formulação (20,9%), revisão de projetos terapêuticos singulares (6,6%) e o trabalho intersetorial (5,5%) acontecem nos serviços, porém de maneira insuficiente e limitada. Entre as fragilidades identificadas estão a inexistência de supervisão clínico-institucional, baixa participação de familiares nos grupos de família (0,9%) e ofertas terapêuticas insuficientes aos familiares de usuários durante a situação de crise (6,3%). Os indicadores de adesão do usuário à medicação, inserção do usuário com deficiência intelectual e participação dos gestores foram inviáveis de serem analisados. Conclui-se que os CAPS atuam na perspectiva do paradigma psicossocial apresentando algumas limitações, e que o conjunto de indicadores de saúde mental estudados contribuem de maneira positiva para a análise da produção do cuidado em saúde mental, podendo ser utilizados no cotidiano dos serviços como uma estratégia de avaliação do processo de trabalho pelos próprios trabalhadores e gestores.
  • Date: Dec 13, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Dentre os contextos mais recente de cuidado e humanização, as Práticas Integrativas vêm ganhado espaço e se tornando uma forma de auxiliar a mulher dentro do ciclo gravídico-puerperal. Práticas como aromaterapia, auriculoterapia, musicoterapia, massagens, reflexologia e florais tem sido crescentemente utilizada e estudada no cuidado a mulher na gestação, parto e puerpério em diversos desfechos. O uso das PICs é muito relevante, pois detém uma forma alternativa de minimizar desconfortos, e promover a melhorias das condições de saúde, numa visão holística e humanística. Esta dissertação está estruturada em duas etapas: a primeira é uma investigação metodológica, que buscou sumarizar os estudos científicos acerca do uso das práticas integrativas e complementares (PICs) no manejo da dor em parturientes, para tal, realizou-se uma Revisão Sistemática. Incluíram-se 17 estudos, que avaliaram 2.371 mulheres. O uso da massoterapia e acupuntura se destacaram, frente ao manejo da dor durante o trabalho de parto. Não houve homogeneidade entre os protocolos de aplicação terapêutica. Quatro estudos obtiveram alto risco de víeis e 13 baixo risco de víeis. As PICs demonstram ser uma alternativa viável, de fácil manejo e boa eficácia anverso a dor do parto, quando comparado a cuidados usuais e/ou placebo. A segunda etapa, se deu por elaboração de um Ensaio Clinico, randomizado, controlado, com dois braços, que propôs avaliar a efetividade do uso da auriculoterapia na dor e ansiedade de mulheres em trabalho de parto. Foram recrutadas mulheres atendidas no Instituto Cândida Vargas – ICV, internas no Centro Obstétrico, em trabalho de parto ativo. A coleta de dados realizou-se com a aplicação de questionários pré e pós-intervenção e escalas associadas ao cenário de pesquisa. Elencou-se um nível de significância de 5% para todas as variáveis. A pesquisa segue os preceitos éticos com aprovação pelo CEP Parecer: (5.722.961) e ReBEC obtendo número de aprovação RBR-6gpvcvr. A idade média no grupo intervenção foi de 26,01 anos e no grupo controle de 25,51 anos. A maioria das parturientes da intervenção (62-75,6%) e controle (71-79,8%) se declaram não brancas, ou seja, parda, preta, indígena e/ou amarela. Observou-se um aumento progressivo da média de dor no grupo controle em comparação à intervenção. Já em relação a ansiedade, mantem um padrão de aumento discreto na escala de ansiedade no controle durante as 2 horas de observação, enquanto o grupo intervenção observa uma diminuição. A análise dos dados mostrou que os escores de dor e ansiedade após 120 minutos são estatisticamente significativos (p-valor <0,05) tanto para a intervenção como para o controle, entretanto, com um aumento da média e mediana da dor e da ansiedade no grupo controle, e com a diminuição da média e mediana no GI. O risco relativo para auriculoterapia é de 2,29, com um número necessário para tratar de (n=03) e da ansiedade é de 79,3% na intervenção e de 61,8% no controle, apresentando um risco relativo para a não piora de 1,62, e um número necessário para tratar de (n=06). A análise de comparação da dor e da ansiedade após a aplicação de auriculoterapia mostrou uma redução estatisticamente significativa de dor e ansiedade no grupo intervenção quando comparado ao controle, tanto na comparação das medianas como ao comparar a proporção de mulheres que obtiveram uma manutenção ou melhora da dor e da ansiedade no durante o trabalho de parto nos dois grupos. A partir da análise pode-se concluir que a auriculoterapia apresenta uma efetividade importante na estabilização e melhora da dor e da ansiedade no trabalho de parto.
  • THE NASF HEALTH WORK PROCESS IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: changes and repercussions.
  • Date: Nov 30, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This study approached health professionals from the Expanded Family Health and Primary Care Center (NASF, in Portuguese). The inclusion of NASF in the Unified Health System (SUS, in Portuguese) with these teams’ interprofessional cooperation expanded the health interventions provided in PHC. This study approached the workflow at NASF in Recife, Brazil, during the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequences of this context, observing workflow components (objectives or goals; means and conditions; object; agent or subject). This study aimed to investigate the changes and consequences in the workflow at NASF-Recife during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive research with a convenience sample, using Bardin’s content analysis as the theoretical epistemological framework. The analysis indicated the following three main categories related to the NASF-Recife professionals’ workflow: a) the care provided to users, b) the COVID-19 pandemic and the workflow at NASF-Recife; and c) the consequences of the pandemic on the NASF-Recife workers and future perspectives. The results point to precautions taken to ensure biosafety, with consequences to the operationalization of care, the use of NASF to fight COVID-19, further precarious infrastructure, changes in how care is understood and managed, some canceled activities, while other ones were included, the Internet used as a tool to operationalize healthcare, and consequences to the health workflow and its components. This research found that fighting COVID-19 caused fatigue in a wide range of aspects of the workflow, as addressed and discussed in this dissertation. In conclusion, the experience of the professionals in this research during the pandemic revealed greater gaps in health infrastructure, organization, and management, which were already present before the pandemic. Such gaps must be revisited and changed concerning the extant workflow means and conditions and the expectations of these workers, given the new adversities and characteristics of a generation of professionals and the population who survived COVID-19.professionals and finally, discuss how the current Primary Care Policy reflects on the health work process of NASF workers. The results observed in the integrative review point to the inversion of the care logic, with the focus on hospital spaces; Lack of studies aimed at PHC work in combating COVID-19; Mental illness of PHC health professionals, due to social isolation, long working hours, fear of contamination of themselves and their families; management weaknesses, regarding adequate support of inputs and training. The results of the second stage, an exploratory-descriptive study, present the following results: It was observed that the work process at NASF-Recife underwent changes resulting from the current PNAB, with the report of charging for productivity, change in the care focus, with emphasis on outpatient profile; the new PNAB also brought a scenario of insecurity regarding the NASF's permanence in the municipality, seen as the devaluation of work, ultimately understood as detrimental to the work carried out by the NASF since its implementation in 2010. Regarding the implications of COVID-19, it was found that the NASF's work process was changed, with the implementation of remote activities and suspension of groups; allocation to other performance spaces; as a vaccination campaign. It was observed that professionals faced difficulties, regarding their emotional state, these deal with the psychological suffering experienced during the pandemic, with reports of fear of contamination; suffering from the loss of co-workers; social isolation. It was observed that the NASF professional was already in psychological distress, due to the scarcity of resources arising from municipal management, with PNAB there was a significant worsening of these problems, with COVID-19 this suffering was intensified, to the point of some professionals require medical leave and psychological support.
  • Assessment of the Impact of Covid-19 on Indigenous Health.
  • Date: Nov 30, 2023
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Covid-19 caused significant impacts on populations, including indigenous people, who suffer a historic milestone in the fight against genocide, their ancestry, culture, territory, search for their rights, given their vulnerable situation. Evidence indicates that pandemics behave severely in indigenous peoples, the social factor, the diversity of forms of organization, the process of physical and cultural changes are determining factors in the presentation of greater biological vulnerability. Indigenous health still follows a dynamic and complex scenario that changes over the years, however, requiring more attention, monitoring this process in these populations represents a major challenge in carrying out notifications, the lack of data disaggregation and possible failures in the inclusion of systems, they contribute to ruptures in the detailed dimension caused by indigenous people, where it is possible, through epidemiological data, to play a supporting role in the construction and execution of public policies. This research seeks to analyze the impact and coping with COVID-19 in the context of indigenous peoples in the Special Indigenous Health Districts of Brazil, as well as systematically review scientific articles that measure the topic of indigenous health in the context of COVID-19. This research addresses two aspects, chapter 1 refers to a systematic review verifying the impact of covid-19 on the indigenous population in the scientific literature, and chapter 2 is a longitudinal, descriptive study with a quantitative and qualitative approach, which will be developed based on epidemiological data collection, as well as the use of theoretical references on Human Infection by the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Indigenous Peoples. The data were extracted from the Indigenous Health Care Information System (SIASI) database, which were organized and tabulated using MicrosoftExcel®, and processed using the Statistical Package of the Social Sciences 20.0 software program. (SPSS). The systematic review resulted in 189 records identified in the databases, 71 duplicates excluded, 123 studies to be read in full, 43 eligible for evaluation, 20 studies included in synthesis, resulting in 15 studies selected for preparation of the review. For data analysis, descriptive analyzes were carried out and incidence rates of Flu Syndrome, Acute Respiratory Flu Syndrome and COVID-19 (coronavirus-19) were obtained, in addition to the mortality rate; temporal trend estimated by the Prais-Winsten Regression model; spatial autocorrelation analysis using the Moran Global and Local Index (IGM/ILM); the cartographic demonstration was carried out using the LISA map (LISA map - Local Indicators of Spatial Association); and spatial scanning technique using the Kulldorff Scan method. The analyzed data may contribute to determining epidemiological patterns by providing necessary subsidies to measure the real impact of Covid-19 on indigenous peoples, such as effective health barrier measures.
  • Date: Nov 23, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Patient safety management plays a fundamental role in reducing risks and damages. This study aims to evaluate the perception of nursing professionals regarding patient safety management in the maternity ward of a hospital in Guinea-Bissau. This was a study with a qualitative approach that took place in the maternity ward of the Nacional Simão Mendes hospital. Nurses and midwives were interviewed, totaling 13 interviewees. The collection was carried out between September and November 2022, using a semi-structured interview. The empirical material was organized and based on Bardin's Content Analysis. The project was approved under CAAE: N° 049/CNES/INASA/2022 (National Health Research Ethics Committee of Guinea-Bissau). The results were presented in six thematic categories: Knowledge about patient safety; Occurrence of adverse events; Understanding of patient safety protocols; Training and continuing education; Strategies for reducing errors in care; and Precarious working conditions and the impact on assistance. It is expected that the results can serve as a guiding element to support the implementation and improvement of public health policies aimed at patient safety and strengthening the culture of safety in care, considering the specificities and singularities of the Guinean health system.
  • Citizen's Electronic Health Record: Perception of the Health Care Team Primary Health Care Nursing in Olinda-PE
  • Date: Sep 5, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The implementation of the Electronic Citizen Record (PEC) in the context of Primary Care à Saúde has promoted significant advances in the management of care in Olinda-PE. However, it is noticed that the perception of nursing professionals, the quality of connectivity and the digital competence can influence the effectiveness of this tool. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the perception of these professionals regarding the implementation and use of the SPEC. For this, a descriptive exploratory cross-sectional study was carried out, with quantitative and qualitative approach, involving nursing professionals who use the PEC in health units in Health Region 2 of Olinda (PE). Data collection was carried out by through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The collected data were tabulated and submitted to descriptive and inferential statistical analysis in the Statistical software Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 21. The perceptions of 32 professionals, revealing a generally positive evaluation of the PEC, with emphasis on its functionality and meeting work needs. However, challenges were identified, mostly related to IT infrastructure and connectivity, in addition to a persistent preference for physical records among some professionals. Through Factor Analysis Exploratory, it was possible to regroup the study variables into four main factors, which explained 62.19% of the total variance. The results demonstrated that the success of the PEC does not is restricted to its intrinsic characteristics, but is also linked to the perception and use by professionals, as well as the available infrastructure. It is concluded, therefore, that the PEC's effectiveness is multifactorial and depends on both technological and human aspects. This study emphasizes the need to deepen investigations in this regard, aiming at optimizing the implementation and use of the PEC, and the consequent improvement in customer service Primary Health Care.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2023
  • Time: 08:00
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  • The main objective of this research is to reveal the practices of Food and Nutrition Education (EAN) in Primary Health Care (PHC) carried out from the perspective of Popular Education (PE) in Paraíba, in order to understand the contributions of PE in these practices. The investigative path was built through an investigation with a qualitative approach, of a descriptive nature, which was carried out from the realization of an Integrative Literature Review and semi-structured interviews carried out in a narrative perspective with subjects with experience in PE practices that had an interface with the dimension of the EAN in the PHC, identified using the “snowball” technique. As a result of these data collection strategies, it was possible to develop 2 scientific articles, one of which was carried out based on the integrative review, in which it was possible to seek the approaches currently mentioned in the PE and EAN literature in the PHC context; and a second article on the mapping of experiences identified from the semi-structured interviews carried out and analyzed from the dialectic hermeneutics. The results of the literature review were systematized and presented based on three themes which brought dimensions of the potentialities emerging from the approximation of EP and EAN in PHC, namely: 1) The shared construction of knowledge; 2) Diving into social reality and the political intention of EAN's actions; 3) Methodologies and dynamics to enable a process critical and liberating education. From the interviews, it was possible to identify that among the activities mentioned by the interviewees, the use of strategies that value culture and ancestry to carry out the actions stands out. In addition, the activities presented brought popular knowledge, desires and needs of the territory as the center and basis of the discussions. The conversation wheel appears in the speech of all interviewees as one of the necessary methodologies for carrying out their experiences and among the numerous approaches mentioned, it is possible to verify the artistic character of the actions mentioned, such as paintings, music, cordel, soirée, theater, etc. Dialogicality was the PE principle most mentioned in the interviews, as a major influence on EAN practices. Therefore, this research pointed out that the PE methodology contributed and was mentioned in the EAN practices in PHC and provided a critical and reflective educational process, seeking to break with technical, biological and knowledge transmitting models, without criticism and reflection. In addition, the pedagogical practices immersed in PE build an interdisciplinary and interprofessional dialogical process, with activities that value art and culture, with the aim of creating connections, discussions and proposals with a view to the emancipation of subjects for social transformation.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This study aims to address, historically, in the format of an annotated timeline, the landmarks of Popular Education in Health (PEH) from the narratives of some of its protagonists and to build syntheses of ideas and reflections of the interviewees regarding the main challenges popular education today. This study was constituted in an articulated way and inserted in a broader research project, conducted by the Thematic Group of Popular Education in Health of the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (GT EPS/ABRASCO). This is a research with a qualitative approach, as founded by Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo, from the perspective of systematizing experiences, in the terms proposed by Oscar Jara Holliday. It was developed through two stages: the first was the bibliographical survey of the four interviews previously carried out and published by the GT EPS/ABRASCO with Educadores Populares do Brasil, and the second, the performance of new individual interviews (all the interviews used in the studies follow the perspective of narratives along the lines of oral history). The method of analysis chosen was the dialectic, in the theoretical perspective of Jara Holliday. The results allowed us to travel through the historical landmarks of EPS, dialoguing with the interviewees' experience and their socio-political contexts. The journey of the EPS began in the 1950s/1960s, still closely linked to the education of young people and adults, and went through several milestones: it overcomes the context of the military dictatorship; approaches the initiatives of community medicine, popular health and the Movement for Brazilian Sanitary Reform; achieves its institutionalization of the Unified Health System (SUS), through democratic and participatory government agendas, in force in the country between 2003 and 2016, especially with regard to the achievement of the National Policy of Popular Education in Health within the scope of the Unified Health System (PNEPS-SUS); transits through the democratic rupture imposed by the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff in 2016, from which a series of dismantling of participatory public policies and civilizing setbacks poses several challenges to the EPS; resists with difficulty, creativity and resilience, in its movements and practices, governments of an ultraneoliberal, ultraconservative and anti-democratic nature, in the period 2016-2022, aggravated by the crisis of the covid-19 pandemic; and arrives at its current context of reunion with a national public agenda committed to democracy and the expansion of social participation. In this process, the initiatives and actions that led to these achievements stood out, among them we can highlight the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT), Popular Health Movement (MOPS), Popular Health Education Network (REDPOP), Multiprofessional Advisory Center ( CAMP), National Articulation of Popular Extension (Anepop), National Articulation of Movements and Practices of Popular Education in Health (ANEPS), among others, reflecting the power of popular participation in the implementation of public policies and the scope of EPS in health care . The research also promoted reflections on current challenges, where the setbacks resulting from anti-democratic governments that were in power and are contrary to the principles of EPS were pointed out; the distancing of some EPS actors and collectives from grassroots work, an action front that was so important for the emergence and diffusion of the field; low investment in permanent political training in EPS spaces; weaknesses in the mobilization of social movements in struggles and social resistance; and the difficulty of renewing the cadre of popular educators in the social and political role in the area, since some of the interviewees perceive themselves in the aging process and feel the need to mobilize new members to continue this mission. Thus, this study allowed a look to the past and to its historical construction, providing reflections on the present challenges, in an attempt to instigate new and unpublished viable actions for the continuity of this reference.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Permanent Health Education (EPS) in Paraíba began its movement in 2003, but was only implemented as a policy in 2009. This study aims to analyse how the processes of implementation and strengthening of PHE in Paraíba have been taking place, focusing on the description and analysis of the actions and events carried out, seeking to deepen these PHE processes that have stagnated over the years, identifying potentialities and weaknesses experienced. This is a single case study through interviews, which were recorded, transcribed and analysed. Impressions of data collection were also recorded by the researcher's field diary. Thematic analysis of the interviews and documentary analysis were adopted. The single case study had as its unit of analysis the state of Paraíba and was developed in partnership with the Paraíba State Health Secretariat, through the School of Public Health (ESP) and the Regional Health Managements (GRS). The identification of the participants for this phase of the research was carried out according to the snowball technique, in which the "seeds", which refer to the first participants contacted from each segment, were: 1) Manager linked to ESP, with longer experience in conducting the EPS policy; 2) Regional Managers linked to the GRS located in the municipalities belonging to one of the three Health Macroregions of Paraíba. In addition, documentary research was carried out through official homepages and requests at the entities, including reports, plans, management instruments, ordinances and documents, as well as scientific publications in academic journals. Among the potentialities, we highlight the creation of the School of Public Health of Paraíba; the strengthening of the Teaching-Service Integration Commission (CIES) by the action of its actors/guidelines; the creation of the Strategic Coordination as a specific sector to support the actions and discussion of the EPS guidelines; the consolidation of the Institutional Support function; a closer relationship between state management and municipalities during the pandemic and, among the most significant weaknesses, we have the delay in the beginning of the policy in the state, in contrast to what occurred on the national scene; the CIES as an advisory body; insufficient number of professionals in the Strategic Coordination; the non-use of most resources to fulfil the Macroregional EPS Plan; the lack of support from some partners in monitoring the plans and use of resources and the incipient participation of managers in the CIES were observed as weaknesses. The involvement and dialogue of several individual and institutional agents with the Permanent Health Education Policy in Paraíba was observed. Important actions to strengthen the EPS, in the spaces already established and also to promote new scenarios of follow-up and permanent monitoring, development of research and actions of sustainability of the Policy with articulation and institutional partnerships of the service, management, teaching and community.
  • Date: Aug 28, 2023
  • Time: 17:30
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  • This work aims to evaluate the impact of the use of digital media on the health education process and on the emotional well-being of older adults from a Family Health Strategy and the Reference Center for the Elderly in the city of João Pessoa, Northeast Brazil. Method: this is an action research with a quantitative-qualitative approach while considering both human subjectivity and the use of validated psychometric instruments for the screening of anxiety, using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), depression with the Patient Health Inventory (PHQ-9) and quality of life with the SF-36. The research was conducted through virtual rooms by WhatsApp, where weekly meetings took place with themes chosen by the elderly, bringing information and health education to the participants. Eighteen elderly women aged 60 to 80 years participated in this research. The selection was non-probabilistic for convenience. The health education process was carried out with aspects of the theme analyzed, occurring in eight meetings. Data were collected through interviews and questionnaires based on two semi-structured scripts, before and after the educational period, in order to perform a comparative analysis of the two moments, where descriptive and inferential statistics were used, as well as Bardin's thematic analysis for qualitative evaluation. Results: Although the elderly do not belong to the generation of digital natives, they have a certain understanding of what Digital Social Networks (DSN) are and their majority are active in social interaction applications such as WhatsApp, presenting 44.4% of exclusive use on this platform because it has greater ease of handling and accessibility. It was observed in the interventions that the lack of knowledge reduces mental health care. After the intervention, a statistically significant improvement in mental health was evidenced, obtaining a reduction in signs and symptoms of anxiety, obtaining differences from the medians of 7.5 in the first application to 4.0 in the second application, being p < 0.001, in the same way there was a decrease in signs and symptoms of depression, obtaining in the first application a median of 3.5 to 1.5 in the second application, being p < 0.001, improving mental health care and healthy practices, resulting in the improvement of 5 of 8 domains investigated by the quality of life instrument, namely: limitation by physical aspects, general health status, vitality, social aspects and mental health, where p < 0.001. The process of health education through the use of digital tools with the aid of social networks in educational interventions has the potential to improve knowledge and stimulate emotional well-being in the elderly population, highlighting the importance of using resources such as this in health education actions.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2023
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Covid-19 is a respiratory infection caused by SARS-Cov-2 that can result in persistent symptoms for weeks or months after the acute period. The lack of standardization makes it difficult to manage long-term Covid in primary care. The objective of the study is to develop and validate a research instrument to characterize the long covid in João Pessoa -PB. Content validity was obtained through questionnaires applied to 9 health professionals, while reproducibility was assessed through the test-retest method in 37 individuals. The content validity index was calculated for each instrument item, and Cohen's Kappa coefficient was used to estimate the agreement between test and retest responses. The content validity index of the symptoms was considered high, with 58.4% of the items evaluated as excellent or good. The studied population consisted of 23 women and 14 men, most of whom were classified as brown or black. All participants tested positive for COVID-19, and 97.3% had received at least one dose of the vaccine. The internal consistency of the questionnaire used to assess symptoms was excellent, with a Cronbach's alpha value of 0.873. Test-retest concordance ranged from fair to excellent, with high percentages of concordance observed. In conclusion, the study provides valuable information about the symptoms of COVID-19, its validity and the reproducibility of its evaluation.
  • Assessment of risk factors associated with the post-COVID-19 condition in residents of João Pessoa-PB, 2020-2022
  • Date: Jun 30, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • With the advance of COVID-19, the arrival of new potentially more transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants and the appearance of individuals with persistent multisystemic consequences after the acute phase of the disease emerged as new concerns, afflicting public managers and health professionals. Knowledge of the profile of individuals infected with variants of concern (VOC) and the post-COVID-19 manifestations linked to the cases, allowing the understanding of the chain of events associated with each variant of the virus, enabling better initial clinical management and avoidability of negative outcomes futures. A retrospective cohort study was carried out based on secondary data from notifications of COVID-19 cases and the self-completion of an online questionnaire in a virtual environment. A total of 131 sequenced cases diagnosed with VOC were identified and who agreed to participate in the research. The main manifestations identified for the post-COVID-19 condition were respiratory, neurological and psychosocial, with 41.2%, 29.0% and 20.6%, respectively. In all, 35.9% of the analyzed sample fits as individuals who had or have a post-COVID-19 condition. The multivariate analysis identified that the risk factors associated with the post-COVID-19 condition in residents of João Pessoa-PB were: the presence of dyspnea/desaturation in the acute phase of the disease (p-value<0.001/OR 8.13/CI95 % 3.12-22.84), comorbidities prior to the event (p-value 0.023/OR 4.50/95%CI 1.29-18.57) and VOC Gamma infection (p-value 0.047/OR 3, 14/95%CI 1.14-8.96). The post-COVID-19 condition is yet to increase in the world. Therefore, it is important to maintain, even during the low period of COVID-19 cases, the monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 strains in circulation, especially for the identification of genetic variations of the virus that may result in mutations or recombinations that lead to to increased transmissibility, disease severity, and decreased neutralization by antibodies or vaccines.
  • Date: May 31, 2023
  • Time: 17:00
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  • Judicialization is a tool for citizens to access health care, given that the decisions appealed by judges are intended to ensure the social right, guaranteed in the constitution and other normatives. The increase in judicialization as a form of access to health services led the National Council of Justice to develop several measures to enable the construction of decisions, based on technical subsidies provided by the Nucleus of Technical Support to the Judiciary, in order to reduce the likelihood of conflicting court decisions on issues concerning health care. The study aims to analyze the profile of judicialization in health concerning the access to surgical procedures in the state of Paraíba. This is a quantitative, descriptive and documental study, carried out on the website of the Court of Justice of Paraíba, in the Jurisprudence section, under "Registry of Agreements and Decisions". A search was conducted for decisions in the second instance, of lawsuits filed against the denial of surgical procedures, within a timeframe of January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2021. After the extraction of the data and was carried out the categorization of the data, given that these are relevant premises in the judicialization of health. Resultados: The results show that the judicialization presents itself as a tool for access to health services, due to the inefficiency of the State. The difficulty in accessing the judiciary is corroborated by the scenario in Paraíba of a reduction in the number of districts, being reinforced by the inexistence of guidelines in the State Health Plan that aim to reduce judicialization concerning the access to surgical procedures, reinforcing the inequity of access to social rights and consequently to health services.
  • Integrative and Complementary Practices in Primary Health Care in João Pessoa-PB
  • Date: May 29, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The study aimed to understand and evaluate the offer, work, and continuing education around Integrative and Complementary Practices (IPC) from the perspective of health professionals in Primary Health Care (PHC) of a capital city in the northeast of Brazil. In the quantitative stage a cross-sectional study was developed, with analysis of modules I and II of the 3rd Cycle of the National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care; and in the qualitative stage interviews were conducted with PHC professionals. In the quantitative stage 186 health professionals were interviewed considering the five health districts of a northeastern capital. Of these, 88.7% offered some practice, being nurses the ones who offered the most (96.2%). Auriculotherapy (83.3%), the use of medicinal plants and herbal medicines (77.9%) and community therapy (48.9%) were the most offered practices. 86.5% of the interviewees reported receiving managerial support, however, a shortage of inputs was observed, in which seeds or crystals for auriculotherapy (56.7%), vegetable drug (15.2%), manipulated herbal medicine (12.5%) or industrialized (4.1%) were not made available in sufficient quantities. 82.2% of the interviewees participated in moments of continuing education related to the practices offered by the municipal management (93%), in the health unit itself (90.8%). In the qualitative study, twelve professionals who worked in family health teams participated. Data collection was carried out from semi-structured interviews. For understanding and systematization of data, it was adopted the thematic content analysis. Among the interviewees, most were female nurses (4), followed by dental surgeons (3), social workers (2), physiotherapists, psychologists, and physical educators (1). From the thematic analysis, four units of analysis and eight thematic categories emerged: perception of PHC in health care, work process and change in the production of care, conflict between models of health care: service centered goals x PHC, visibility of PHC: record in users' records, management support, management of inputs for the development of PHC in PHC, continuing health education focused on PHC: supply involving various PHC actors and the supply of PHC in PHC and the pandemic period. On the one hand, the offer of IPC in the municipality was observed, however, improvements in the management of the work process, inputs, managerial support, continuing education in health were needed, aiming at the qualification and expansion of the offer of different PIC in PHC.
  • Date: May 24, 2023
  • Time: 16:00
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  • Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors are one of the most frequent neoplasms in pediatric patients. Faced with the challenges of coping with cancer, in 2012 Law 12,732 was created, which establishes that, in the Unified Health System (SUS), the first treatment of patients with proven malignant neoplasm must be instituted within 60 days after diagnosis. Thus, the present study aims to analyze the factors associated with the time between diagnosis and initiation of treatment of children and adolescents with CNS tumors in reference centers in Paraíba, from 2010 to 2019, using data available in Hospital Records of Cancer (CHR). This is a historical, analytical study with a quantitative approach, the sample consisted of 115 records. The selected variables were classified into demographic, clinical and treatment. The outcome of interest corresponded to the time to start treatment, being categorized into intervals ≤ 60 days and > 60 days. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, using the technique of survival analysis, the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regression. The mean age of the children and adolescents was 9 years (±5.22), the majority being female 53.0% (n=61), with brown skin color 65.4% (n=70), of the first health macro-region 46.1% (n=53) and attended at Hospital Napoleão Laureano 58.3% (n=67). The brain (85.1%; n=98) was most affected, with the brain being the most affected detailed region (33.9%; n=39). Most referrals occurred through the SUS (83.2%; n=89), pediatric oncology (44.3%; n=51) and the most important basis for diagnosis was tumor histology (86.8%; n=99). The first hospital treatment was radiotherapy (28.7%; n=33), the number of hospital treatments was 1 (60.9%; n=70), the pathological state at the end of the first hospital treatment was stability of the disease in 56.6% (n=13). The time interval between the diagnosis and the start of treatment occurred within the period established by law in 59.3% (n=67) of the cases. In the survival analysis, 37 cases exceeded the time period of the law, with the probability of the patient arriving up to 61 days to have the diagnosis of 97.3%, in the Cox regression, the primary location for the cerebellum was significant (p=0.008); histology/tumor markers (p=0.012) and imaging tests (p=0.005) were the most important basis for diagnosis. It was found that the time between diagnosis and initiation of treatment was adequate for most cases, but a significant number of patients exceed this time. Thus, it is suggested that there are weaknesses in compliance with the law and access to the state's reference centers, requiring a better organization of the flow in the RAS and public health mobilizations.
  • MUNICIPAL HEALTH MANAGER IN BRAZIL UNDER A REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE: profile, challenges and possibilities in the management of strategic themes for the SUS
  • Date: May 24, 2023
  • Time: 11:00
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  • Public management practices in the SUS have different expressions and have been conducted by health managers of the three federal entities. Among these, the secretaries municipalities are strategic political actors in the definition and conformation of policy directions health in the country. The responsibilities of these entities were significantly expanded by throughout the process of decentralization of social policies established by the Constitution of 1988, which is an important strategy for social inclusion and democratization of society Brazilian. In this sense, the present study proposed to analyze the profile and perception of municipal health managers and presidents of COSEMS in the northeast region, on the strategic challenges linked to SUS management in the region. This is a cross-sectional study, descriptive and exploratory with a mixed approach, with 141 study participants municipal health secretaries and 5 presidents of COSEMS in the northeast region. the collection of information occurred through an electronic questionnaire, available via the web for the municipal managers and through a semi-structured interview directed to the COSEMS representatives. The results show that the municipal health secretary of the Northeast region is mostly represented by women, brown and black, aged between 30 and 50 years old, with no previous management experience. Furthermore, the findings point to the existence of challenges related to financial resources for the development of actions directed to primary care and regionalization and the need for greater MS participation in local management practices to strengthen health planning.
  • Date: May 22, 2023
  • Time: 11:00
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  • The COVID-19 disease, whose etiological agent is the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has become an emerging topic and a public health problem, which affects the lives of the population and the professionals who work in it. In view of this context, in Brazil, Primary Health Care (PHC) has taken the necessary adjustments to face COVID-19, which have reformulated some professional practices, among the professional activities in this scenario, dentistry stands out as a protagonist in the fight to COVID-19. In this sense, the objective of the study is to evaluate the performance of the Dental Surgeon in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic, where a quantitative study will be carried out, with an exploratory cross-sectional characteristic, of a descriptive and analytical nature, with a survey of secondary data that have as a source the results obtained through the parent questionnaire of the online survey “Work Process of the Family Health Strategy in the COVID-19 pandemic in light of the essential attributes of primary health care”, which analyzed the work of Primary Health Care professionals, during the COVID-19 pandemic, where a systematic sample of participants will then be carried out, representative of the universe of dentists who participated in the research and of questions pertinent to the objective of the present study. Data collection will be carried out and then analyzed by the SPSS v.20.0 program where we will formulate graphs and tables for a better understanding of the reader. The work will provide a better understanding of the subject that still has little research in the area, allowing to collaborate not only with the academic environment, but with society in general.
  • Date: May 12, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The National Immunization Program (PNI), over the years, has become an important strategy for preventing injuries and promoting health in Primary Health Care, with positive impacts on reducing child morbidity and mortality. The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic brought changes in habits and routines that negatively impacted vaccine rates in children under two years of age. This study aimed to understand the perception of the Family Health team about the challenges to achieve vaccination coverage in children under two years of age, in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is an exploratory, descriptive research with a qualitative approach, carried out in three Basic Family Health Units in the municipality of Goiana, Pernambuco. The study included 12 professionals included in the Family Health Strategy, namely: doctors, nurses, community health agents and nursing technicians, who worked in the period between 2020 and 2021. Data were collected from June to July 2022 , through the application of an interview script, and its content analyzed using the Thematic Content Analysis technique proposed by Bardin. The results were presented in two categories: 1) Challenges and limits to maintain vaccination coverage; 2) Strategies adopted to deal with absences in the vaccination sector. These categories were divided into subcategories and based on the relevant literature. It was evidenced, among the challenges, that the Covid-19 pandemic allowed a wave of fear and insecurity in the population due to the spread of the virus, which implied the discontinuity of preventive services offered by Primary Health Care, causing a significant drop in coverage vaccination, especially in children under two years of age. Weaknesses related to the physical structure of the units, insufficient workers and reduction of inputs that negatively impacted the supply of vaccines for children were also observed. The study showed that, in order to deal with these challenges, the teams had to adapt their communication, using digital means such as WhatsApp to exchange information; readjustment of the physical space to better accommodate children and mothers, preventing the spread of the virus; active search for children with overdue vaccines. The research findings provoked reflections on the importance of the work of professionals, especially Community Health Agents, in identifying and actively searching for those who are absent. We understand that childhood vaccination is an extremely effective and inexpensive strategy to control epidemics of vaccine-preventable diseases, especially during pandemic periods.
  • Date: Apr 27, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This master's thesis analyzes the training profile and the performance, of Family and Community Doctors inserted in the context of a clinic of Primary Health Care that provides services to a health plan operator, in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. It started from a cartographic study that took place between June/2021 and January/2022. The production of the data was done by a closed electronic questionnaire, in-depth interviews and cartographic diaries. With this, five analyzers were defined: “the encounter with the differences social services", "from SUS training to the enchantment with supplementary health", "the disenchantment and precariousness in supplementary health", "the size of the territory" and “implication and over-implication in supplementary health research”. it was observed as soon as these physicians choose to act in Supplementary Health, in the context of the precariousness of the Unified Health System, and by bringing the their socio-demographic profile with the users of the clinic, in addition to the best availability of light-hard and hard technologies that help in the practice professional. On the other hand, this choice makes their work precarious, pushing them away the guarantee of basic labor rights and entails a loss of the dimension territorial with a weakening of the family and community approach. It is also observed the presence of micropolitical disputes of ethical-political projects
  • Date: Mar 16, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The rural setting has historically been marked by popular clashes, social disparities, and inequities in health. The rural population has long lacked the attention of public policies, especially the Unified Health System, due to unfavorable health conditions and the organization of Primary Health Care services. In the rural area, despite the expansion of the Family Health Strategy units, the dispersion of the population and the vast territorial area and poorly qualified management have been aggravating factors for the coverage of the strategy, insufficient for a resolutive Primary Health Care. This study aimed to analyze the conceptions of the professionals of the Family Health Strategy about the daily work in rural territories of municipalities in the Northeast of Brazil. This is a qualitative study that took place in four municipalities located in the interior of the State of Paraíba: Juru, Manaíra, Princesa Isabel and Tavares. A team from the Family Health Strategy from the rural area of each municipality participated in the research, totaling twenty-three interviewees. The semi-structured interviews were conducted between May and July 2022 and the empirical material was organized in the Atlas.ti22® software and based on Content Analysis. The results are presented in three thematic axes: constructions and organization of the work in the Family Health team in rural areas; professional view on the specificities in caring for the rural population; challenges and potentialities in the work in the rural Family Health Strategy. For each axis, categories emerged that gave rise to subcategories that emerged from the speeches. The meanings produced by the narratives showed that the rural territory studied is permeated with barriers and socio-spatial singularities that influence the organization of the work process and the schedule in the Family Health Strategy. There is a fragmentation in the work planning process of some teams, especially in oral health. The performance of decentralized actions such as home visits and care at the anchor posts was signaled as a way to overcome the sociogeographic barriers. The study also revealed that difficulties such as sociogeographic access, related to transportation and displacement, problems in the infrastructure of the anchor units, the lack of resources and professional turnover are common difficulties found in Brazilian territories that compromise the longitudinality of care. As for the potentialities, the professional bond, the importance of teamwork, and the provision and retention of medical professionals through the Doctors for Brazil program were highlighted. Despite the challenges imposed on the work in rural territories and taking into account the specificities linked to this territory and the working conditions, the professionals find satisfaction in developing their work. It is expected that the results can guide the improvement of public health policies for the rural population, reducing the inequities existing in the work in rural areas, as well as the strengthening of Primary Health Care, based on the specificities and singularities of this population considered vulnerable.
  • Factors Associated with the Evaluation of Teamwork in the Extended Family Health and Primary Care Centers
  • Date: Mar 14, 2023
  • Time: 07:00
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  • Introduction. Teamwork is understood as the union of several people who join efforts to solve a certain problem they have in common. On the other hand, when two or more people work together to perform a task, this dynamic allows the sharing of knowledge from several professional categories, and thus collaboration facilitates the production of efficient care. In this context, the joint work between NASF-AB teams and the Family Health Teams (FHT) allows the development of strategies such as permanent education for professionals and users, identification of health problems, and development of expanded therapeutic approaches. In order to consolidate and support the insertion of the Family Health Strategy in the health service network and increase coverage, resolution, regionalization, and territorialization, as well as to expand the actions of the Family Health Care Units (FHU), the Ministry of Health created the Family Health Support Centers (NASF) in 2008, under Ordinance GM No. 154 of 24/01/2008. In 2017, the NASFs were renamed with the reformulation of the National Primary Care Policy (PNAB) and were renamed Expanded Family Health and Primary Care Centers - NASF-AB. Objective. To analyze the factors associated with the evaluation of teamwork among NASF-AB professionals from two capital cities of Brazil. Materials and Method. This is a quantitative cross-sectional study with 182 NASF-AB professionals. Two capital cities of Brazil were defined as case-units: João Pessoa, capital of Paraíba (PB), and Campo Grande, capital of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS). The collection process was carried out from February to March 2020. To collect the data, a structured questionnaire was applied to a random sample of upper-level workers that make up the NASF-AB teams. To verify the homogeneity of the sample between the municipalities, the chi-square test (χ2) was performed to compare the frequency of each independent and dependent variable in the municipalities of João Pessoa and Campo Grande. To verify the individual association between the dependent and independent variables the outcomes were adjusted in the Binary Logistic Regression models and entered in the Multiple Logistic Regression model. Associations were expressed as Odds Ratio (OR) values and 95% confidence interval (95%CI). The research was approved by the HSE of the two cities, and by the Health Sciences Research Ethics Committees of UFPB opinion no. 3.281.041 and of UFMS opinion no.3.584.953. Results. It was verified, the predominance of the female gender (n=151; 83%), between 25 to 45 years of age (n= 153; 84%), the majority had more than five years of graduation (n=137; 75.2%). Workers satisfied with communication between their team partners (OR= 4.83; 95% CI 1.52 - 16.49). Workers with more time in NASF-AB (OR= 5.82; 95%CI 1.39 - 40.77) and who felt fulfilled with their work in NASF-AB (OR= 2.85; 95%CI 1.31 - 6.40) were more likely to evaluate positively the interprofessional work between NASF-AB and FHS. Final Considerations. It can be stated that this study was able to achieve its objectives. The instrument used to assess personal factors and satisfaction with the interprofessional work, the relationship between NASF-AB members and a positive evaluation of the work made it possible to identify the profiles and interpersonal relationships among NASF-AB workers with NASF-AB and NASF-AB with ESF. Translated with (free version)
  • The interprofessional education and collaborative work in the family health residences in the municipality of João Pessoa – PB
  • Date: Feb 16, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Introduction: The reorganization of training processes, both in graduate and postgraduate programs, has awakened the most diverse reflections regarding the importance of teamwork, collaborative practices, and interprofessional education. Objective: To understand the perception of residents and graduates about the role of interprofessional education and the elements of collaborative work within the two Residency Programs in Family Health in the Municipality of João Pessoa - Paraíba. Method: This is exploratory and descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research and a protocol were adopted and a semi-structured instrument was developed. Graduates who had completed their residency in March 2022 and were chosen for accessibility and convenience participated in the survey. Data collection was carried out remotely with screen recording (image and audio) with the permission of the participants. The interviews from May to June 2022. Using the saturation criterion, the records were analyzed from the perspective of Bardin's content analysis, in the thematic categorization modality. Results and discussion: The analysis resulted in four categories: collaborative interprofessional work, collaborative interprofessional practice, effects of residency on interprofessional work, and interprofessionality in the pandemic period. An understanding of the importance of interprofessionality for training in residency programs was observed, through the understanding of how graduates perceive it and, because of this, put it into practice, even immersed in a pandemic context, triggering changes in interpersonal practices stimulated by the program. Final considerations: The graduates presented mastery of the concept of interprofessionality in their speeches and understood the role of interprofessional education in professional practices and health care. In the light of the graduates' perspective, it was found that the residency programs in family health, despite perceived weaknesses, are excellent fields of action for the development of interprofessionality, favoring an expanded clinical view and comprehensive care in assistance.
  • Date: Jan 31, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Objective: To analyze longitudinally the relationship between sleep duration and consumption of ultra-processed foods in school adolescents. Methods: Longitudinal study, conducted between 2014 and 2017, with adolescents aged 10 to 14 years. Data collection was conducted through face-to-face interview, with application of questionnaire, on an individual basis. the variables selected were sociodemographic factors, school shift, sleep duration, sedentary behavior, weight, height, BMI/age, food consumption, level of physical activity. To test the longitudinal association between sleep duration, BMI, and consumption of ultra-processed foods the bank was evaluated in panel, with unbalanced data, and the criterion for the individual to remain in the analysis was to have at least 2 measures of the main dependent and independent variables in the study. Sleep duration was considered the independent variable in which it was divided into quartiles, quartile 25 being used as the reference, and the percentage of consumption of ultraprocessed foods (in relation to the total calories consumed by the individual) was considered the dependent variable. Results: A higher mean weight was observed among boys in all years of the study. BMI/age values changed little between the sexes, girls showed a higher percentage of overweight and obesity in the last two years (2016 30.7% and 2017 27.5%) and reduced physical activity practice. Sedentary behavior for both genders decreased over the years and the consumption of ultra-processed food seems higher among girls, especially in the last two years of the study, 37.1 % and 39.8% respectively. When looking at the consumption of ultra-processed foods by gender, girls had the highest mean consumption of ultra-processed foods in all variables (age, education, sleep, physical activity, sedentary behavior). The mean consumption of ultraprocessed food was higher among adolescents who slept less than 9 hours a day. Conclusion: According to this study, sleep influenced the consumption of ultraprocessed foods in adolescents, showing that as sleep time increases the consumption of foods classified as ultraprocessed decreases, an important factor to warn about the importance of adequate sleep time and healthy lifestyle.
  • Impact of pharmaceutical care in intensive care units of maternity hospital: a systematic review of primary studies
  • Date: Nov 28, 2022
  • Time: 18:00
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  • The pharmaceutical professional, based on the Clinical Services Provided by Pharmacists (SCF), plays an important role in terms of promoting and recovering the health of patients, by optimizing pharmacotherapy and directly influencing the improvement of clinical, humanistic and economic outcomes. Clinical pharmacy is considered the area of pharmacy aimed at the rational use of medicines and in a hospital environment it has the potential to reduce medication errors, adverse drug reactions and length of stay. In this sense, the present study evaluated the outcomes of the process generated from the pharmaceutical intervention in intensive care units in the maternal and child environment, by carrying out a systematic review, which followed the PRISMA and COCHRANE recommendations, respecting all the steps, and being carried out by two independent reviewers. 08 primary studies were included (02 cohort, 04 cross-sectional and 02 community trials), totaling a population of approximately 1,400 patients. The quality of the included studies ranged from low to high risk of bias according to the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for the cohort and cross-sectional studies, and from moderate to severe risk of bias according to the ROBINS-I for the studies. non-randomized interventional trials. The results showed that the interventions of the clinical pharmacist reduce DRP, ME, ADR, PHAE, ID, TO, TF, OV in critically ill ICU patients in a maternal-infant environment, in addition to having a possible influence on cost reduction for the hospital institution. Thus, showing that the pharmaceutical professional, through his clinical skills, has a positive impact on the clinical, humanistic and economic outcomes of patients in intensive care. Given the scarcity of primary and secondary studies on the subject, it is suggested that new studies be carried out in order to promote evidence-based health literature and, thus, serve as support for the appropriate clinical management of patients in intensive care in the aforementioned environment.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Economic, political and social inequalities directly result in the implications of the health crisis and how the population is affected. The Brazilian population experiences a daily lack of social justice and health inequities, influenced by economic, cultural, gender and skin color/ethnic factors, intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, a large portion of the population does not meet the basic needs for a satisfactory daily life. The COVID-19 pandemic interferes with the ways of life of all Brazilians and socioeconomic factors, in parallel with social inequalities, make these ways of life a plurality of possibilities and perceptions, thus we are seeking to understand how the impacts of the pandemic occurred in the perception of change in ways of life. Objective: To analyze how social inequalities relate to the perception of changes in the ways of life of residents of the city of João Pessoa-PB due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: this is a mixed approach study, with subsequent discussion of the data through the triangulation of methods. The quantitative stage was carried out by an online survey made available on the Google Forms platform, being publicized through social media and contacts with representatives with articulation in various areas of the city. The sample was non-probabilistic with unrestricted self-selection and residents of the municipality of João Pessoa - PB from 18 to 59 years old could participate. For the sample calculation, a prevalence of 50% was considered, with a margin of error of four percentage points, and a confidence interval of 95%, thus estimating a sample of 600 participants. Representativeness in the municipality was sought by the following strata: sex, skin color/ethnicity, income and education. Through the analysis of latent classes, we will find the interactions, homogeneities and heterogeneities between sociodemographic factors and perceptions of ways of life. Thus, we will find the groups for the in-depth interview in which we will carry out the qualitative analysis. For the interviews, subjects will be selected in each group formed in the analysis of latent classes, considering the theoretical saturation criterion. From the triangulation of the results, we will seek to understand how the different population subgroups are being affected in their ways of living, suggesting to decision makers the implementation of more efficient strategies to face the consequences left by the pandemic, as well as the safety of the items. essential for accessing and maintaining health.
  • POPULAR EDUCATION IN HEALTH AND COVID-19: Analysis of experiences to fight the pandemic in the city of João Pessoa-PB
  • Date: Jan 31, 2022
  • Time: 19:00
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  • INTRODUCTION: Popular education is understood as a theoretical and practical movement of knowledge construction, which is structured from man's contact with the world and with work, and aims to contribute to the construction of a critical awareness of the popular classes. Over the years, popular education and popular education experiences in health have been very important with regard to facing social inequalities and in the search for autonomy of popular communities in the country. Since the beginning of 2020, we have been facing an atypical period for everyone due to the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic. This moment reveals problems that go beyond the disease, such as the great structural vulnerability to which different communities in the country are exposed on a daily basis. On the other hand, we can see the importance of collaborative actions, solidarity networks and the need we have to live collectively. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the experiences of Popular Education in Health developed within the scope of Primary Health Care in the city of João Pessoa-PB to face COVID-19. METHOD: This is a descriptive and exploratory field research with a qualitative approach, carried out with eleven protagonists of popular health education experiences developed in the context of primary care to help communities face the COVID-19 pandemic. The production of research data was carried out through semi-structured interviews guided by a questionnaire; the interviews were conducted using the Google Meet platform, recorded and later transcribed and analyzed by the researcher. The material referring to the research results was analyzed from the perspective of analysis of hermeneutics-dialectic founded by Minayo. The research was carried out in accordance with the ethical principles of Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council and was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Medical Sciences Center –CCM of the Federal University of Paraíba-UFPB, under number CAAE 40491120.5. 0000.8069 and opinion number 4,452,938. RESULTS: The research results show the development of several experiences aimed at fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, which had as methodological assumptions the principles and bases of popular health education, mainly from the initiative of social movements, primary health care professionals and extension projects of the Federal University of Paraíba. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: There is a strong increase in solidarity campaigns within poor communities in the city of João Pessoa. These initiatives become the main alternative to fight the hunger that was spreading in these localities. In addition, prevention and health promotion strategies are also highlighted, organized in conjunction with health professionals and social movements in the communities to fight COVID19, which were organized with a view to both prevention and to bring knowledge to the community of dialogic form, aiming at deconstruction of false information disseminated in the media.
  • REPERCUSSIONS OF MASTECTOMY IN WOMEN WITH BREAST CANCER: self-perception of identity and accessibility in the face of public policies
  • Date: Nov 29, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • INTRODUCTION: Today, even with the numerous campaigns emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis of BREAST CANCER, the rate of mastectomies performed remains quite high due to late detection. The repercussions of mastectomy can be very complex, and interfere in the woman's routine and way of life, which makes the post-mastectomy readaptation process difficult. In view of this, the public health system has laws, resolutions and public policies, which offer services in order to support women with mastectomies, however, there are some problems that sometimes make accessibility impossible. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the repercussions of mastectomy in women with breast cancer who participate in support groups, emphasizing self-perception of identity, adaptation and accessibility to public services that support the peculiarities of this specific population. METHODOLOGY: This is a field study, descriptive, with a qualitative approach, carried out in Paraíba with two support groups that assist women with breast cancer, in Cajazeiras, and in the capital João Pessoa. The sample, delimited according to the saturation criterion, consisted of 20 women. The interviews were conducted using a semi-structured form. Data analysis was performed using Bardin's Content Analysis in the three articles, and (articles 1 and 2) were discussed in the light of the adaptivity theory of sister Callista Roy, while in (article 3), after the creation of pre-categories with the aid of Bardin's analysis, each category was transformed into a corpus and analyzed separately using the software Interface de R pour les Analyzes Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires (IRAMUTEQ), using the tool: Similarity analysis. The figures and descriptive analysis generated by the software guided the discussion paths, organizing the contextualization of the study results. The Project is approved by the Research Ethics Committee, under opinion nº 4.095.949, issued by the Health Sciences Center of the Federal University of Paraíba. RESULTS: The results of the study were expressed in three articles, (Article 1) deals with the self-perception of identity of women with mastectomies, (Article 2) concerns the adaptive process of women after mastectomy, and (Article 3) deals with perception of women with mastectomies on accessibility to public support services. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: It was observed that the women participating in the support groups presented a spontaneous behavior in the responses, which facilitated the identification of significant difficulties in recognizing their identity. Some women needed to resort help from professionals, in addition to family and social support, to recognize that life changes required a different dynamic, adapted to the new condition, which highlights the importance of public services that support women after mastectomy.
  • PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE THIRD SECTOR AND THE STATE OF PARAÍBA: analysis of the Pernambuco-Paraíba Pediatric Cardiology Network
  • Date: Oct 29, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The partnership between the Third Sector and the State has become a consistent practice in the provision of health care in Brazil since the 1990s. The reasons for the growth and consolidation of this practice stem from the pressures that social demands exert on the relationship between society and State, caused by capitalism and its deepening. In this sense, this study analyzed the implementation strategy of the Pernambuco – Paraíba Pediatric Cardiology Network (RCP), an agreement between the Círculo do Coração Foundation and the State of Paraíba. This is a case study, descriptive and exploratory with a qualitative approach, having as study subjects 2 managers and 9 CPR professionals. The collection of information took place through official documents of the RCP, State Management documents, reports, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. speech. The results point to an implementation strategy of unidirectional coordination and horizontal regionalization, with the possibility of being replicated, but qualifying the democratization of the implementation process, through the spaces of management and social control.
  • PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE THIRD SECTOR AND THE STATE OF PARAÍBA: analysis of the Pernambuco-Paraíba Pediatric Cardiology Network
  • Date: Oct 29, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The partnership between the Third Sector and the State has become a consistent practice in the provision of health care in Brazil since the 1990s. The reasons for the growth and consolidation of this practice stem from the pressures that social demands exert on the relationship between society and State, caused by capitalism and its deepening. In this sense, this study analyzed the implementation strategy of the Pernambuco – Paraíba Pediatric Cardiology Network (RCP), an agreement between the Círculo do Coração Foundation and the State of Paraíba. This is a case study, descriptive and exploratory with a qualitative approach, having as study subjects 2 managers and 9 CPR professionals. The collection of information took place through official documents of the RCP, State Management documents, reports, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. speech. The results point to an implementation strategy of unidirectional coordination and horizontal regionalization, with the possibility of being replicated, but qualifying the democratization of the implementation process, through the spaces of management and social control.
  • Date: Oct 27, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Health care experiences a complex context of new circumstances of vulnerability in health. Interprofessional Education (EIP) stands out as a strategy that can promote a reformulation and regulation of the professional activity with a disposition for collaboration between different professional categories in the service. Its objective was to understand the perception of students about training to work in the SUS, from the perspective of interprofessionalism and collaborative practices in a team; and investigate experiences and experiences in training from the perspective of interprofessionalism and collaborative practices in a team. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach, carried out with students enrolled in the last period of the Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Social Work courses of two Public Education Institutions in northeastern Brazil. The focus group was used as a technique for collecting empirical data, which were transcribed and analyzed from the perspective of thematic content analysis. The study followed the ethical precepts set out in Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council, approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Paraíba under opinion number 3,222,362. The potential of supervised internships as learning scenarios for EIP was observed. Students reported that through teamwork it was possible to learn with, about each other and among themselves. The students highlighted weaknesses in training, which point to the need to institutionalize the EIP in the curricula, permanent education movement in health and teacher development. Therefore, the intentionality in this formative path is important for learning with, about others and among themselves. The EIP is a training strategy aimed at the production of care committed to individuals and their families, communities and territories.
  • CONTRIBUTIONS OF PMAQ-AB TO ACCESS TO HEALTH SERVICES IN JOÃO PESSOA: perceptions of health workers in a Health District of João Pessoa – PB.
  • Date: Oct 22, 2021
  • Time: 08:30
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  • The Unified Health System (SUS) is a proposal for innovation in the field of health management and care in Brazil. In this context, the Family Health Strategy (ESF) is inserted, which seeks the development of Primary Health Care (PHC) with coverage, quality and access to services. In order to corroborate these precepts, in 2011 the Program for Quality Improvement and Access to Primary Care (PMAQ-AB) was created, which aims to expand the access and quality of health care in PHC. This study aimed to analyze the contributions of the PMAQ-AB to the population's access to PHC health services in João Pessoa/PB, from the perceptions of health workers in a Sanitary District in the city of João Pessoa-PB. This is a descriptive exploratory research with a qualitative approach, in which semi-structured interviews were conducted remotely with 15 health workers, from the Health District IV of the aforementioned municipality. The results indicate that there was an expansion of access to health services, driven by the PMAQ-AB. However, weaknesses are still identified in the management of resources with transparency, the effective participation of workers, limiting the process of building a critical-reflective view of public managers and ESF workers on access to health services in the PHC.
  • POLITICAL ACTIONS OF FAMILY DOCTORS IN BRAZIL: discourses and projects in dispute and their relationship with neoliberal policies
  • Date: Oct 21, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Family Medicine is an important medical specialty in the structuring of primary care in health systems and, in recent years, family physicians have occupied ever more spaces in policy development, service management and the private healthcare market. This research intends to analyze the primary care and family medicine model discourses sustained by relevant actors in the specialty development in Brazil, notably the Brazilian Society of Family and Community Medicine, and family physicians who lead the specialty discourse from high positions in corporations, linked to the government or in the academy. These discourses were analyzed considering the recommendations of international organizations (the World Bank and the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization), the Unified Health System (SUS) policies, and the private healthcare plans and insurances market. Data were produced from literature review on the subject and analysis of public domain documents and products, created by entities and subjects involved in the object of study. The data were analyzed using the method of critical discourse analysis. From this analysis, this study identified a discursive inclination in groups allied to medical-financial capital, towards liberal-privatization models of family medicine and selective primary care projects. While also finding resistance discourses, which intend to defend the SUS and recover Primary Health Care’s historical role in building the conditions to guarantee the right to health. The research also enabled the exploration of possible scenarios in which the SUS will play a leading role in the future, and to identify strategic points of discursive dispute, policy and practice, especially considering the role, voice and practice of family medicine.
  • POLITICAL ACTIONS OF FAMILY DOCTORS IN BRAZIL: discourses and projects in dispute and their relationship with neoliberal policies
  • Date: Oct 21, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Family Medicine is an important medical specialty in the structuring of primary care in health systems and, in recent years, family physicians have occupied ever more spaces in policy development, service management and the private healthcare market. This research intends to analyze the primary care and family medicine model discourses sustained by relevant actors in the specialty development in Brazil, notably the Brazilian Society of Family and Community Medicine, and family physicians who lead the specialty discourse from high positions in corporations, linked to the government or in the academy. These discourses were analyzed considering the recommendations of international organizations (the World Bank and the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization), the Unified Health System (SUS) policies, and the private healthcare plans and insurances market. Data were produced from literature review on the subject and analysis of public domain documents and products, created by entities and subjects involved in the object of study. The data were analyzed using the method of critical discourse analysis. From this analysis, this study identified a discursive inclination in groups allied to medical-financial capital, towards liberal-privatization models of family medicine and selective primary care projects. While also finding resistance discourses, which intend to defend the SUS and recover Primary Health Care’s historical role in building the conditions to guarantee the right to health. The research also enabled the exploration of possible scenarios in which the SUS will play a leading role in the future, and to identify strategic points of discursive dispute, policy and practice, especially considering the role, voice and practice of family medicine.
  • Factors associated with the teamwork climate in the family health strategy
  • Date: Aug 9, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • INTRODUCTION: The global Health Systems are increasingly challenged to provide resolute and quality responses to the dynamic and complex health needs of the population, demanding a change in the care logic, in which health services and professionals are encouraged to act in the perspective of interprofessional collaboration. In this context, the Primary Health Care-PHC stands out, which best incorporated this model of work organization, proposed by the Family Health Strategy-ESF. It presents itself as a favorable space for collaborative work, thus enabling the development of studies on the subject. OBJECTIVE: In this context, this study has as general objective: To analyze the team atmosphere in the Family Health Strategy in a capital of Brazil, and as specific objectives: to draw a profile of professionals and the work of the Family Health Strategy; assess the climate of the team of workers in the Family Health Strategy; verify the factors associated with the scores of the Team Climate Scale-ECE. METHOD: This is a case study, with a quantitative nature, defining a Brazilian capital as a case-unit (João Pessoa-PB). The target population for the study were those with higher education in the FHS (dental surgeons, doctors and nurses) and community health workers. Data collection was performed by a trained team, which applied a structured questionnaire to the research subjects. Data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis and the appropriate validation tests, chi-square and ANOVA were used. The research was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Federal University of Paraíba. RESULTS: The results are presented in the form of two original articles, the first: WORKING IN THE FAMILY HEALTH STRATEGY IN A NORTHEAST BRAZILIAN CAPITAL deals with the professional profile and characteristics of teamwork, with a population mostly female, young man with a high degree of fixation on the FHS and professional satisfaction and with a predominance of individual and disjointed practices. In the second: TEAM WORK CLIMATE AND ITS ASSOCIATED FACTORS IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE, the team climate was addressed through the ECE results, giving rise to a hierarchical block model on the factors that relate to the analyzed variables and ECE, pointing out that in the studied reality there is a satisfactory team atmosphere, but that elements related to the work process, satisfaction and professional achievement interfere positively and/or negatively with collaborative work. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: In the PHC of João Pessoa/PB, there are advances and challenges that permeate the team climate and consequently the interprofessional collaboration, which are involved in the professional profile and work process of the teams, requiring investments in strategies that qualify the work and strengthen collaborative practices.
  • Mothers in the Production of Care for People with Disabilities
  • Date: Jul 29, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Introduction: Care for People with Disabilities (PwD) are mostly performed by women, with the mother as the main provider. In the centrality of these culturally imposed charges, women produce several existential connections to guarantee the care of the other, in different contexts, through the articulation of institutional networks and Living Networks. The study of the movements constructed by women, mothers of PwD, in the exercise of caring for themselves and their children, contributes to the understanding of the fabric of their own networks of sociability and care. Objective: This study aims to analyze the agencies for the production of care operated by mothers of PwD, in the city of João Pessoa - PB, in their daily experiences. Method: For this, a cartography of the care productions of these mothers was carried out, from a qualitative approach, in an exploratory and analytical study. Several cartographic devices were used, which allowed the tracking of affections and tensions that the encounter with "others" brought about for the production of care for PwD by their mothers, such as: conversations with mothers who have children with disabilities, in-depth virtual interview with one of them, and the geoprocessing mapping of the network. All productions were registered in a cartographic diary and processed in a research group. Results: The cartographic route resulted in three (03) products, namely: (i) a theoretical-methodological discussion about the power of mothers as guides for the study of care productions for their children; (ii) a mapping of health institutions, showing access and barriers of the specialized network in the care of PwD in the Unified Health System in João Pessoa; and (iii) the cartography of the movements of a guide mother as an effective Rede Viva in production to guarantee the care of herself and her disabled child. Conclusions: Given the above, it was possible to deepen the theoretical methodologically the concept-mother-guide tool for the discussion of care networks for PwD. In this path, movements between institutional and living networks built by PwD mothers that are crossed by different power relations were evidenced. With regard to the articulations that happen to guarantee the care operated by the mothers of PwD, it is observed the existence of territorial barriers and the power of inventive care productions that are not linked to the clinical diagnosis and that, in fact, are woven, assembled. and dismantled, in a living process.
  • Caring for yourself and others: Occupational Health in focus in times of pandemic from the perspective of Primary Health Care professionals
  • Date: Jun 29, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Occupational Health (OT) is characterized as a field of political-ideological practices and interdisciplinary knowledge that takes into account the relationship between work, health and the environment as determinants of the health-disease process. In the context of Primary Health Care (PHC), ST actions are still a challenge for managers and health workers, especially in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, which call for more surveillance and health care for workers in the territory . From this perspective, the objective of the study is to understand the meanings related to the themes addressed by professionals from the Family Health Strategy (FHS) about TS in times of pandemic. This is an exploratory research with a qualitative approach, carried out with 16 professionals from the FHS of João Pessoa, including physicians, nurses and dentists, between June and September 2020, through the Skype digital platform. The interview technique was used, being guided by a semi-structured script. For data analysis, the Thematic Content Analysis technique proposed by Bardin was used. This research is part of a larger project entitled “The TS in the PHC territory: from context to meaning for workers”, which was approved by the Research Ethics Committee under CAEE: 87110318.0.0000.5188. It was observed that the pandemic contributed to the worsening of the precariousness of work in the FHS and the lack of promotion, prevention and surveillance actions in TS. Health workers had to reorganize work processes to face the pandemic, and based on local collective agreements and the support of medical residencies and multidisciplinary health professionals, they managed to self-manage the work. Aiming at health maintenance, they developed individual survival alternatives to minimize the impacts that the pandemic imposed on its biopsychosocial and spiritual dimensions, such as monitoring vital signs, maintaining healthy eating, physical exercise, assertive adherence to biosafety measures and the practice of spirituality. With regard to health care for users-workers, professionals performed actions to manage the risk of infection by COVID-19, health education actions on disease prevention measures; ensure the continuity of care and monitoring of users with chronic diseases through teleservice; and guaranteed time off work for users with COVID-19, through medical certificates, actions that helped to minimize the risk of spreading the disease in the work environment and in the community and, above all, ensure employability. The study made it possible to understand the reality experienced by FHS professionals in times of pandemic, denoting the need to value this worker, since they had the ability to understand the new demands and reorganize the work process, based on the implementation of new strategies of care for themselves and other workers in the territory of operation, thus ensuring the continuity of health care.