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  • Date: May 28, 2024
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This dissertation text highlights the results of a study of the environment whose proven area was the Historic Center of João Pessoa, promoted in the month of September 2022, among students from the Military Police College Student Rebeca Cristina Alves Simões. We consider that the application of the methodology is capable of providing participating students with a dialogue between the vestiges of the colonial past that persist in the present time, offering them a vision of the perspectives of ruptures, permanences, historical temporalities and multiple uses that geographic spaces can assume over time. The classes invited to participate in the project belonged, at the time of its execution, to the 9th Year of ElementarySchool and, for almost two academic years - due to the Covid-19 Pandemic -, they attended classes in a remote format, so that their involvement in an activity of this nature - gestated around prior planning, preparation, going out into the field and collecting results, it allowed them to reinforce their knowledge about Colonial History, inaddition to studying the different processes, conflicts and historical temporalities present in the region. To analyze the activity, two questionnaires were applied: the first, carried out immediately after the field trip, still in 2022, semi-structured, whose objectives were to detect a socioeconomic and cultural profile of the students involved; understand the teaching-learning process of Local History and propose an assessment of the study of the environment. The second, carried out a year later, in October 2023, also semi-structured, provided abroader view of the results of the activity, allowing the analysis of concepts known by students and necessary to understand the purpose of the activity. Based on the observation that the majority of those involved in the research are inhabitants of the South Zone, far from the old central region and, on the other hand, most of them belong to families from other cities, we were able to delve deeper into the possible factors responsible for misinformation. of students in relation to the city's past establish a dialogue between the place where they live and the city's expansion process and envision the possibility of promoting the identity of Pessoense, so that it can be added to the multiple characteristics of diversity of its population. To establish a dialogue between the issues presented throughout the text, we used texts by Gonçalves (2007), Bittencourt (2008), Honor (2006), Assad (2017), Dias (1996), Pacheco (2017) among others, in addition to primary sources, such as the report by mining engineer Francisco Retumba. In addition to the study of the environment, the result of the work carried out is the script used in the field trip, which can be adopted during similar activities, aime dat teaching theHistory of João Pessoa.
  • Date: May 22, 2024
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Technological progress in the 21st century has had such a significant impact on society that it was necessary to rethink education from new perspectives, including the insertion of so-called new digital technologies into everyday school life, which has already become a reality. This research examined the effectiveness of the podcast as a didactic resource for teaching history, focusing on the history of labor in Brazil, emphasizing the relevance of workers' struggle to guarantee labor rights, comparing the Vargas Era (1930-1945) with the Temer government (2016-108). The work dealt with the podcast and its application in teaching history, since students access digital media daily and study through these means. Therefore, we identified that teaching how to filter this content for learning is important, so that theyknow how to distinguish wellfounded content from content full of inconsistencies. To this end, we carried out a dialogue with the proposal presented by authors such as Freire (2013), Luis andAssis (2009), Bittencourt (2018), Gomes (2002), among others. Based on the results of this research, a workshop proposal was created consisting of five sessions aimed at high school students, especially those in the 3rd Year of High School, with the aim of instructing students to develop a critical sense when listening to a podcast and extract learning from the content, complementing it with other research sources. Furthermore, the objective was to provide instructions on how to produce a podcast, including the script and recording, using the Audiolab application. A workshop was designed and implemented with ten classes aimed at the 3rd Year High School class at Benigno Pessoa de Araújo High School Reference School. The workshops had the general objective of reflecting and evaluating the efficiency of podcast analysis as a teaching resource in teaching history. Furthermore, the objective was to provide instructions and examine podcasts produced by the students themselves. The workshops and podcast production addressed Labor Rights, with an emphasis on the Estado Novo and Labor Reform (Temer Government).
  • Perspectives on the History of Pirpirituba PB: A Perspective of Teaching Local History through Heritage Education
  • Date: May 20, 2024
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This dissertation addresses teaching practice around Heritage Education and Local History Teaching through research carried out in the city of Pirpirituba PB, with special emphasis on the MonsenhorWalfredo Leal School and the IgrejaMatrizNossa Senhora do Rosário, in dialogue with other assets relevant assets of the city. The work presents itself as a pedagogical proposal aimed at teaching Local History and Heritage Education, aiming to raise awareness and value cultural expressions and memory present in students' daily lives. The final product is the creation of an Activity Book aimed at teachers of History and related areas, with guidance on how to incorporate the proposals of this work with high school students, and can be adapted for any series in the Final Years of Elementary School.
  • Conquering Paraíba: Teaching History Through Games
  • Date: Apr 11, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The incorporation of games and gamification in the classroom emerges as a significant methodological approach for teaching history, providing an enriching and engaging experience for students. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of these tools by utilizing the context of the conquest of Paraíba as a basis to rescue the rich local history, often neglected due to several factors. To achieve this goal, it was decided to adopt the content gamification methodology, involving the use of gaming elements as an educational strategy to infuse a playful and interactive aspect into history learning. and the application of webquests, which are structured online activities designed for researching and exploring specific themes. The learning mediator solution created from this methodology aims to strengthen the discussion and expand the possibilities of more engaging history teaching, in which students can connect in a meaningful way with the past and understand the importance of local historical events for the formation of current society.
  • Being Black on White Pages: Analysis Of Illustrations Of The Process Of Evolution Of The Human Species In Textbooks
  • Date: Feb 29, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This work analyzes illustrations related to the teaching of history on the theme of the process of evolution of the human species in five textbooks. The selection criterion was the availability of access to the material. Our problem was identifying images that symbolize the minimization and invisibility of people of color in these illustrations. Our objective is to identify the presence of whiteness as a structural element in its creation. Specifically, understand whether Law 10,639/2003 changes this visual panorama and expand the availability of teaching support material. The time frame is centered between the years 2002 and 2014, that is, before and after the promulgation of this Law. Our primary source is the textbooks selected from my career as a history teacher in the Final Phase of Elementary School in public schools. education. The theoreticalmethodological path is structured in the bibliographical review of the main theoretical frameworks that underlie discussions on Brazilian educational legislation, basically, PCNs, Law 10,639/2003 and BNCC; in the study of semiotics for the analysis of illustrations, questions about the use of images in education and in the propositional dimension, we will prepare a manual, attached, as paradidactic support material aimed at the pedagogical training of teachers of the history discipline, called, “How to read images for ethnic-racial education”, with the purpose of serving as a subsidy for analyzing this type of illustration in textbooks. In this aspect, it also serves as support for the qualification of teachers in identifying strategies to minimize and/or make the African continent and its representatives invisible in the work material.
  • How much life fits into five years? Readings in History classes on race, gender, and social class based on diary Child of the dark (1960)
  • Date: Feb 28, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This dissertation focuses on the study of History and Literature in the classroom, with the historical source to be analyzed being the work "Quarto de Despejo: Diário de uma Favelada" (1960) by Carolina Maria de Jesus, and a portion of Chapter 12 from the textbook "História, Sociedade e Cidadania" (2018) by Alfredo Boulos, for the 9th grade of Basic Education. In Carolina Maria de Jesus's diary, we examine reflections on her experience as a mother, woman, black person, cardboard collector, and resident of the Canindé Favela (São Paulo). In the textbook, our attention is drawn to the developmental discourse prevalent during the second decade of the 1950s in Juscelino's government. To achieve this goal, we seek to apply historical literacy in our research, thus expanding the construction of teaching and learning from a horizontal, cooperative, anti-sexist, and decolonial perspective in the teaching of History. These discussions contribute to broadening the possibilities of retelling history, considering both the pains and the redefinitions carried out by marginalized women who do not conform to the homogeneous, white, elitist standard often overlooked in textbooks. For our theoretical foundation, we draw on authors such as Pesavento (2004), Bittencourt (2008), Schmidt (2009), Crenshaw (2002), Louro (2012), Lugones, Petit (2009; 2019), hooks (2017), Vergés (2020), Schwarcz (2015), Rocha (2020), Soares (2009; 2011), Pearce (1978), Bassanezi (2022), and others. In this sense, qualitative research takes place through the content analysis of the textual genre "diary." The final product is the script for a theatrical play about the mentioned author.
  • For a Teaching of Resistances: Possibilities of educational practices in São Miguel de Taipu-Paraíba/PB
  • Date: Feb 19, 2024
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This research approaches discussions about the effective application of Law 11.645/08 in elementary schools in the municipality of São Miguel de Taipu- Paraíba/PB, 15 years after its approval. The study aims to investigate the role of teachers training in the practice of emphasizing the indigenous peoples, which is the curriculum adopted, and the space given to approach indigenous themes in the real curriculum in History Teaching. The pedagogical choices of History teachers, the contributions of education network supervisors, and the actions of the Department of Education to encourage practice by teachers are also investigated. This research uses the decolonial perspective as theoretical support, with the authors Walsh (2013; 2017), Quijano (2005) and Brighenti (2016). To discuss the curriculum, there are dialogues with Tardif (2002), Bittencourt (2009), and Silva (1999). In-depth indigenous issues, Munduruku (2009; 2021), Kayapó (2023), Krenak (2020) and Kambeba (2013) are used. The methodology used was qualitative research, with bibliographic and documentary analysis, and online questionnaires applied in schools to teachers, supervisors, and coordinators of elementary schools. The objective was to collect objective and subjective data to support the research conclusions. Systematizing these discussions, I describe the execution of an Intercultural Week entitled "The Indigenous theme in Basic Education: Dialoguing with ancestral knowledge", including a thematic exhibition in the 9th grade of Elementary School at "Escola Governador Flávio Ribeiro Coutinho" as well as Continuing Training given for teachers who compose this school, using indigenous themes to expand curricular possibilities for both teachers and students. The study seeks to contribute to teaching practices that promote a more democratic and civic education, valuing cultural diversity and the stories of indigenous peoples in History Teaching.
  • Singing the Protestant Reformation: the protagonism of women at the beginning of the movement
  • Date: Dec 14, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The present work investigates the potential of the song as an effective didactic resource in the teaching of History, with the Protestant Reformation as its thematic focus, focusing on the performance and influence of women reformers and apologists Argula von Grumbach and Marie Dentière. The structuring concepts of the theoretical framework were articulated based on the references of MacGrath (2007, 2012, 2014), Lindberg (2017), Delumeau (1989), Salviano (2021), Napolitano (2002), Bitterncourt (2011), Brum (2020) , Morais (2017), among others. As for thefinal product, a set of four workshops were developed and implemented aimed at the 7th year classes of the Escola Municipal do Ensino Fundamental Professor Lynaldo Cavalcanti in Albuquerque. The overall purpose of these workshops was to reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of song analysis as a pedagogical tool in the context of history teaching. Furthermore, we aim to guide and analyze parodies created by the students themselves. The central theme addressed in the offices, as well as in the production of parodies, was the Protestant Reformation, with an emphasis on the notable figure of the reformer Argula von Grumbach.
  • Date: Aug 23, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The present research has as its central theme to analyse the structural racism in the Teaching of History, observing how this in the repercussion in the invisibility of the protagonism of the black woman in the historical processes studied in the contents of the Basic Education of the Elementary School Final Years. For this, we work several concepts, among them structural racism, black feminism, and gendered racism. As a way to overcome these erasures, we will seek in the active methodologies that help us in the teaching and learning process, the chosen tool are the educational games, which has in its plots and protagonism black women in the historical processes studied in the classroom, but who suffer erasures due to structural racism. For this, we will work on the concept of gamification and its use in the educational environment. For the construction of this research, we will use in the theoretical framework the works of Grada Kilomba, Silvio de Almeida, Achille Mbembe, Lélia Gonzalez, to work on concepts such as race, racism, intersectionality, and blackness. In relation to how racism and gender inequality took root in the social formation of Brazil, we used the following James Pinsky, Emilia Viotti da Costa and Mary De Priore and Darci Ribeiro. On History Teaching, active methodologies, games, and gamification, we used as theoretical reference, Circe Bittencourt, Maria Auxiliadora Schmidt, and Lilian Bacich. The purpose of this research is to help teachers of History of Basic Education to observe structural racism in the contents, through the erasure of the protagonism of black women in school historical knowledge and help them overcome them through active methodologies that assist in the engagement of students, such as games and gamification.
  • Reviewing the past and denying history: the meme as a political use of the past by the extreme right
  • Date: Feb 27, 2023
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Faced with a scenario of disputes over narratives that idealize, misrepresent, falsify and deny the recent dictatorial past through contemporary media, this research has a double objective. Initially, I analyzed the political uses of the past and the idea of the Brazilian Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) in internet memes, specifically those that convey revisionist, denialist and history-falsifying approaches. Then, I built a workshop class focused on the work of History teachers with such memes in the classroom. To do so, I resorted to Jörn Rüsen's theory of historical consciousness (2001), which considers historical learning as a process that occurs in different means of socialization. Hence the need to investigate the social circulation of historical knowledge (CERRI, 2010) and the temporal orientation underlying socially disseminated historical ideas (SADDI, 2014), as defended by the Didactics of History. Another axis of theoretical-methodological support is based on the contributions of Historical Education, especially from authors such as GERMINARI (2011), BARCA (2001, 2005), GAGO (2020) and LEE (2001). The objectives in question were achieved from the analysis of memetic pieces as historical sources, whose narratives were verified from the Content Analysis methodology through a qualitative bias, as well as through interpretation strategies elaborated by Sílvio Cadena (2018). In turn, the workshop class was built based on the methodology proposed by Isabel Barca (2018). Throughout the research, I was able to observe how the analyzed memes produce rehabilitating and apologetic versions of the Military Dictatorship. Worryingly, such political use of the past does a lot of harm. One of them is the promotion of practices of disinformation and political-ideological manipulation, considering that such media convey intentionally produced false information. As a result, I observed the damage to the contemporary democratic order. That is why it is important for historians to understand this process and act both in classrooms and in other spaces of socialization based on historical criticism in the interpretation of the experience of time in order to reveal and avoid the abusive use of the past.
  • “Let's Talk About History?”: Coup Narratives, Negationism and Falsification of Historical Knowledge On Youtube
  • Date: Feb 24, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This research to aims analyze the use YouTube as a space for disseminating narratives about the coup d'état that culminated in establishment civil-military dictatorship (1964-1985) in Brazil and how these can be problematized basic education. The proposal presented here starts from experiences in the classroom, in which study of this theme in Basic Education deals with students' narratives reflecting absorption manipulative explanations this historical event from the past and which continues today. Through the popularization videos that relativize, deny and continue to intentionally revise this event with clear political intentions, channel “Vamos Falar de História?” it produces narratives that romanticize the different media through which Brazilian society was affected by the state authoritarianism 21 years of the Dictatorship. Through study the relationship between Coup narratives, the History Present Time, Internet and Historical Consciousness, we seek to understand how several Coup narratives become popular and diverge from each other. With help of the concept historical awareness worked by Jörn Rüsen, the educational product proposal has as its basic presupposition to create didactic situations in which students can, together with their teachers, develop part scientific process historical construction through the development a pedagogical material, a didactic script created as suggestion a educational workshop for teachers of basic education, in order to be a tool for the classroom problematizing curriculum content about the Civil-Military Coup and using as a counterpoint denialist speeches, way to differentiate with the students “what is fact, what is fake”, promoting a reformulation in the presentation content to the students with a didactic perception making scientific history.
  • Date: Oct 5, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This research was developed with the objective of reflecting on the perspectives of approaching the Social History of Work in History Teaching, in order to broaden the discussions around the importance of teaching the History of Work in Brazil. In order to do so, I resorted to the theoretical and methodological approaches of Social History of Work, mainly to the concept of experience in the Thompsonian perspective, to carry out a study of the basic curriculum of History prescribed by the National Curricular Parameters and by the National Curricular Common Base, counting on the contributions developed by Silva (2015), Sacristan (2000), Cury (2018), Bittencourt (2011) etc. Added to questions raised from the experiences as a teacher in the final years of Elementary School in a private school in the city of Conde - PB. Through this reflection, I realized that the approach in the Teaching of History of a Social History of Work in its current and critical perspective is conditioned to the particular interest of the teacher, because in the national curricula, the traditional approach is maintained, crystallized, which has not yet been reached by advances. historiographies of the area. In this sense, the gap between the Teaching of History and the Social History of Work is perceptible as an important knowledge for basic training, putting teachers in the face of the difficulty of updating this knowledge in a significant and didactic way in the classroom. Based on this problem, I developed a proposal for a didactic intervention, problematizing the use of photography as a didactic tool and as research sources for the Social History of Work in the school space. In approaching the reflections made by Ciavatta (2002), Kossoy (2012) and Mauad (1996), among others, I could see that the photographs, in addition to representing particular characteristics of the Worlds of Work - not accessible through written documents - stimulate the development of identity processes through visual skills, as well as representations of social conceptions of work and workers historically constructed, being therefore a fundamental source for the teaching and learning process of the Social History of Work. Through photographic practice, students can be inserted into the knowledge production process and school and community spaces are transformed into objects of investigation.
  • Freirian Dialogue and Charges in History Teaching:A learning perspective in the History class
  • Date: Aug 29, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The present study proposes to analyze and apply Paulo Freire's dialogical proposal in the teaching of History as a learning tool, based on his works: “Pedagogia do Oprimido”, from 2019, and “EducaçãocomoPrática da Liberdade”, from 1976. To instrumentalize the dialogue, we resort to the use of cartoons, which bring content not only with written text, but also images and caricatures, in order to help History teachers in basic education carry out dialogued classes, whose perspective is to promote teaching and learning and the teacher/student relationship horizontally. In this way, this research seeks to contribute so that the dialogued classes in the teaching of History, with the use of cartoons, establish a problematizing and teaching-learning relationship, with the participation of students in the classroom, which promotes a more democratic learning proposal and criticism, making the student learn to say his own word. As a methodological procedure, we adopted a methodology descriptive, through a bibliographic survey with a quali-quantitative approach in authors such as: FREIRE (2019); FREIRE (1976); ALBUQUERQUE JÚNIOR (2019); BITTENCOURT (2008).
  • Me and Others Playing Lives and Transforming Stories through Historical Consciousness, Medea Myth and Theater of the Oppressed
  • Date: Aug 25, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The study “Me and Others Staging Lives and Producing Stories through Historical Awareness, Culture of Violence and the Culture of Peace at Maria Geny School” is based on the Professional Master's Program (ProfHistory) – at the Federal University of Paraíba, and at the School State Elementary and High School Teacher Maria Geny de Sousa Timóteo, from the State Education of Paraíba, involving the teaching-learning process of teachers and students in the production of historical knowledge. We prioritize the analysis of historical consciousness from the relationship between the culture of violence and the culture of peace, based on the study of Greek mythology, highlighting the pedagogical elements of the Myth of Medea in the relationship between Classical Greece and Contemporary Brazil through Theater of the Oppressed, used here as a tool for social, political, economic and cultural transformation. The product of the dissertation consists in the elaboration of a material for the study and formation of teachers, presenting the reading, interpretation and possibilities of transforming the culture of violence into a culture of peace of manifestations of social and school violence.
  • Date: Aug 25, 2022
  • Time: 09:30
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  • The school is the place where the formation of citizens begins. Its role goes beyond its walls, because in its interior society is reflected through the students who are in it, and, many times, problems of all kinds are identified and worked pedagogically, in the search for paths and solutions. The present study aims to identify and analyze in the teacher's manuals of history textbooks if and how the ethnic-racial issue appears, in accordance with Law n°10.639/2003 and 11645/2008, in order to contribute to the discussion about prejudice at school and to raise awareness of society in favor of strengthening the identity, culture and history of Afro-descendant peoples throughout the history of our country. When looking at the manuals, we propose to analyze the editorial guidelines on ethnic-racial relations, realizing if they are present, what they delimit, how they approach, what kind of support they offer to teachers. Therefore, we aim to reflect on the guidelines given to the History teacher in order to combat discrimination. In the course of the research, we observed a reduced presence of the theme in the didactic materials under analysis and in this sense we prepared as a final product an orientation manual for teachers with a focus on the final years of Elementary School, but which can be adapted and implemented in other levels of education seeking contribute to a history teaching focused on the racial and cultural diversity present in Brazilian society.
  • The sayings and unspoken oe about women in textbooks: representations of gender in the didactic collection History of caves to the third millennium
  • Date: Aug 15, 2022
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This work aims to analyze the way in which the history of women from the perspective of gender relations was incorporated as historical knowledge in the history didactic collection: from caves to the third millennium, destined to the modality of Basic Education. The methodological strategy employed was descriptive and analytical in nature. In a first stage, a literature review was made about the incorporation of women and the gender category in historiography, as well as the literature about the textbook, especially history. Next, we analyzed the textbooks of the mentioned collection, seeking to understand how the participation of women in the different historical processes was presented and the way gender relations were approached. It was found, through these analyses, that the didactic narrative employed in the collection studied places women mostly on the margins of the historical events presented, and their images are sometimes decontextualized and their experiences highlighted separately to the main text. Gender relations have rarely been identified and questioned. Finally, a website was created in order to disseminate information about gender issues and provide reflection on the need for their incorporation in history classes.
  • Date: Jun 14, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The present work proposes to reflect on the changes in the High School curriculum in Paraiba, considering the changes defined by the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC) and by Law 1.3415/2017 that defined the High School Reform. The discussion presents the challenges of Brazilian education and indicators from organizations such as the OECD and the World Bank, as well as data from international assessments, such as the International Student Assessment Program (PISA), and national assessments, such as the Education Development Index Basic (IDEB) to analyze the reform measures that justify the curricular changes as strategic for the development of the country. During the research it is possible to notice that the approval of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), the implementation of the High School Reform and the revision of state curricula reflect regulatory precepts of current education. Understanding the reformist measures as legal acts of the national state, I propose to use the strategies of the BNCC and, therefore, of the High School Curriculum, for the training of teachers, using gamification as a strategy for student engagement and diversification of teaching methodologies Story. Considering Digital Culture as one of the skills required by the BNCC, we propose the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC) in teacher training in order to reconcile historiographical training with the development of technological skills required of young people by the productive sectors. As a didactic-pedagogical product, presented as a final requirement of the Professional Master's Degree in History Teaching (ProfHistória), we applied five teacher training workshops on Gamification and History Teaching, with the aim of sharing the experiences acquired during ProfHistória and, therefore, In this way, contribute to the continuing education of History teachers, considering the curricular changes underway.
  • Matildas, Terezas, Camilas and Ophélias: Protagonizing 20th Century Women in History Teaching with Comics
  • Date: Feb 24, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This research was constituted in the analysis of the silencing and underrepresentation of women in the textbook, while it was constituted as a proposal for teaching history, whose protagonism of women is materialized as the content of history classes and, for that, we propose the Comics as teaching and learning tools. The time frame defined was Brazil in the 20th century, due to the fact that the 9th year of elementary school II studies events that occur in the aforementioned century to the present day. There was the application of two questionnaires, whose objective was to verify the perception of the students about women and their previous knowledge in general. There was also an analysis of the textbook used by the municipal schools Maria do Carmo and João Jacinto in the city of Bayeux/PB in order to understand how women are represented. The textbook is Estudar História: from the origins of man to the digital age of the modern publishing house, valid from 2020 to 2023. In order to discuss and understand the problems of this work, we established dialogues with works organized by Mary Del Priori (2004), Carla Bassanezi and Joana Maria Pedro (2013), with regard to the approach to the historical performances of women in the twentieth century, in addition to Koselleck (2006), Hartog (2013), Albuquerque (2019), among other authors that address on History and Teaching of History. For the discussion about historical learning and comic books in the teaching of History, we will dialogue with Bittencourt (2008), Vygotsky (2001, 2010), Paulo Freire (2002) (2019), Rubem Alves (2000), among others. As a result of this work, four comics were created, each of them featuring female characters linked to national narratives and contexts, in order to be used as paradidactic material to support the History textbook.