
Other Information

Areas of Concentration


Area 1 – Theory and Linguistic Analysis

Lines of Research

  1. Linguistic Diversity and Variation


In this line of research, linguistic variation and regularity, in various contexts of use, are studied focusing synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Phonetic phonological, morphological, syntactic semantic, discursive, and lexical aspects are evaluated under formalist and functionalist approaches, contributing to the understanding of change and variation mechanisms.


Camilo Rosa Silva

Denilson Pereira de Matos

Dermeval da Hora Oliveira

Leonardo Wanderley Lopes

Maria Fabiana Bonfim de Lima Silva

Rubens Marques de Lucena


  1. Language, Meaning and Cognition


This line of research aims at gathering projects that are devoted to the study of the significance, of the relationship between language, speech, context and cognition, starting from different theoretical and methodological concepts.



Erivaldo Pereira do Nascimento

Jan Edson Rodrigues Leite

Lucienne C. Espíndola

Mônica Mano Trindade Ferraz

  1. Language Acquisition and Linguistic Processing

This line gathers researches on two interlinked fields: language acquisition and linguistic processing. In the first one, from the interactionist perspective, it interests to observe the acquisition and development of speech, writing (literacy), and deaf sign languages. In addition, there are also researches in acquisition driven under the innatist perspective, which focuses on the recognition of the grammar of the native language. In the second one, from the generative perspective, it interests to study the comprehension and production of adult language based on language processing. In both fields, there is also the interest in the study of the so-called language disorders or pathologies.


Evangelina Maria Brito de Faria

Giorvan Ânderson dos Santos Alves

José Ferrari Neto

Márcio Martins Leitão

Marianne Carvalho Bezerra Cavalcante

Rosana Costa Oliveira


Area 2 – Linguistics and Social Practices

Lines of Research

  1. Applied Linguistics

This line gathers studies that focus on processes of teaching-learning of language, investigations into literacy practices, labor and socio-professional training, linguistic policies, as well as on the impact of the history of ideas on language in Language Teaching.


Betânia Passos Medrado

Carla Lynn Reichmann

María del Pilar Roca Escalante

Regina Celi Mendes Pereira da Silva

Rosalina Maria Sales Chianca

Socorro Cláudia Tavares de Sousa


  1. Discourse and Society

This line gathers studies on the relation between address, subject and society from the following theoretical and methodological perspectives: French Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Dialogic Discourse Analysis, Linguistics of Enunciation, Visual Speech (Theory of Multimodality).


Danielle Barbosa Lins de Almeida

Maria Ester Vieira de Sousa

Maria de Fátima Almeida

Maria Regina Baracuhy Leite

Pedro Farias Francelino

Oriana de Nadai Fulaneti


  1. Oral/Written: Institutional and Non-Institutional Practices


This line investigates oral, written and non-verbal texts, and is dedicated to studies about canonical, not canonical and popular cultures productions that involve practices of reading and writing texts.



Maria Ignez Ayala

Beliza Áurea de Arruda Mello

Maria Claurênia Abreu de Andrade Silveira



Traduzido por: Edilza Detmering