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  • Democracia “em” jogo: ensino de História Antiga, participação política e jogos
  • Date: May 29, 2024
  • Time: 13:00
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  • Date: Apr 29, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • "Anarquia Punk na Terra do Sol": O Movimento Punk na Paraíba da Redemocratização (1988-1998)
  • Date: Apr 12, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Date: Feb 27, 2024
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Date: Feb 20, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Date: Jan 30, 2024
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A escrita do tempo e a escrita da memória: processo histórico e masculinidade em José Lins do Rego (1924-1934)
  • Date: Dec 22, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Starting from contacts between two diverse discursive spaces, history and literature, this thesis aimed to understand the practices of being a man, which were experienced inside of a mill society, as they were created by the writer José Lins do Rego. By the end of the 19th century and in the first decades of the 20th century, Brazil's modernization process was noted through the increasing industrialization and urbanization processes, its abolition of slavery and in the establishment of its republic. In this shift period, when the spirit of modernity produced changes in many national aspects, the male sensibilities were also affected. In the character shaping of Carlos de Melo, José Lins do Rego aimed to express the emergence of a new masculinity profile on the sugarcane elites. In order to do this investigation, we use the following sources: three novels of the author and his memories, letters, diaries, interviews, besides the other novelists' testimonies and literary criticism about the author's work. In the methodology, we use concepts of culture history and dialogue with literary theory. We analyze narrative aspects such as the structuring stories starred by Carlos de Melo, the characterization of the agrarian sugar space and the characters that made part of them, and social relationships between bosses and employees. We noticed that the author articulated a relationship between the past and the future, weaving a meaning that could explain the decadence process of the patriarchal mandate structure from the practices of being a man of Carlos de Melo. He is a person between two worlds (the rural and the urban ones) and two temporalities (the past and the present).
  • Trajetórias de vida de ex-alunas do “Colégio das freiras”: O Colégio Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora (Sousa-PB, 1958-1985)
  • Date: Dec 21, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This dissertation aims to analyze the life trajectories and development of female Catholic education at Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora School located in Sousa-PB, during the period of 1958 to 1985, when education was exclusively for girls. This paper’s focus is on students in the Pedagogical Course. It is discussed the education of women, centered on teaching, aligned with Catholic faith ideals, and explored how discourses were based on life trajectories and gender identities through educational experiences at the above mentioned institution. Employing Oral History, where former students, teachers, and former principal were interviewed. In addition to oral reports, documentary sources include the school magazines and memoirs detailing the institution's history and educational philosophy. The research draws thought the Cultural History and History of Educational institutions theoretical framework, connecting with the categories of Catholic education, gender, and memory, engaging with authors such as Foucault (2014), Barros (2005), Louro (1997), Soares (2008), Scott (1995), Dominique Julia (2001), Portelli (2001), and Ferreira (2002). Women's identities were shaped by the school's philosophy, aiming to instill attitudes for confessional discipline. We examine life trajectories considering experiences and teachings at Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora School, analyzing these women's teaching professionalization, a prevalent reality during the studied time period. The research methodology involves discussing these women's memories and life experiences, focusing on constructing femininity through their education at the mentioned school.
  • “Entre antigos e modernos: representações de Cleópatra VII na peça ‘Antônio e Cleópatra’, de William Shakespeare, de 1607”
  • Date: Dec 12, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • In this work, we address the contributions of William Shakespeare, one of the most famous exponents of Elizabethan drama, in the representation of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII in the play "Antony and Cleopatra," written in 1607. Drawing from the concepts of reception (JAUSS, 1994) and representation (CHARTIER, 1991), we perceive how the author imbues his writing with the issues of his time, encompassing the reading of texts from authors of the Greco-Roman classical antiquity for the subsequent construction of the representation of historical characters as components of his theatrical plays. With the transformations in 16thcentury England as a backdrop, we examine how changes in the political, religious, social, and cultural spheres provided a conducive environment for a new form of theater. Placing Cleopatra as the central character of our investigation, we utilize the concepts of power/powers (PERROT, 1992) to understand her roles portrayed in the play, based on her relationships with other characters, in order to comprehend the author's relevance in this construction. We also aim to provide an overview of how other artistic representations of Cleopatra are derived from Shakespeare's text and explore the possibilities of using the play as a source for teaching history.
  • Educação Popular e Consciência Sanitária: o Movimento de Educação de Base (MEB) no sertão do Seridó Potiguar (1970-1980)
  • Date: Nov 29, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This dissertation intended to investigate the trajectory of Popular Education in Health, through the Basic Education Movement (MEB), in the Seridó region of northern Rio Grande do Sul, in the 1970s and 1980s. formation of Sanitary Consciousness, through the Rural Radio Education Station of Caicó. The station created in May 1963, five months later incorporated the presence of MEB in its programming schedule. In the activities carried out by the MEB Caicó System, one can identify the grouping and non-directive meetings of young people and adults from the urban peripheries and the countryside; the formation of educational booklets; the conscientious approach to the subject's social role in the world; information and distribution of materials. The body responsible for the MEB was the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (1952) with state funding. From the 1964 Military Coup, the MEB went through several internal and administrative crises that reflected in the program's guidelines and in the closure of some of its main Systems. With the political opening in the 1970s, one can again see awareness being incorporated into the programs and classes broadcast by the Issuer. For our purpose, educational programs from Radio Rural, magazines and newspapers published by MEB Nacional and Local, letters from newly literate students to the station, annual reports from the MEB Caicó System (headquarters city), booklets were consulted. We also used, to support our writing, the authors Freire, 1980; Kadt, 2013; Medeiros, 2008; Thompson, 1963. We can conclude that, through research, Popular Education for health revolutionized the lives of sertanejos from Seridó who, still plagued by the problems of drought, political neglect and poor distribution of land and income, were contemplated by the awareness process in the grid of radio programming.
  • Trabalhadores e trabalhadoras de Caruaru (PE) no contexto de desenvolvimento da feira da Sulanca: labutas e (res)significação (1980-2015)
  • Date: Oct 9, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • In the city of Caruaru, in the interior of Pernambuco, there is one of the largest fairs in Brazil, called Sulanca. This commercial space has a formation that intrigues us, as this fair is part of a large production chain triggered by some processes that occurred throughout the second half of the 20th century, such as the implementation of a new economic activity, sewing and production of clothing as a complement to agricultural income, and, later, as a substitute for agricultural activities. Located in the already consolidated area of social history of work, this Dissertation aims to demonstrate how Sulanca was formed, in the municipality of Caruaru, in Agreste Pernambucano, in the years 1980 to 2015, and how this fair is linked to another commercial enterprise that Here we will call it a “traditional fair”, which takes place weekly and has existed since the mid- to late 18th century, in the search to understand how Sulanca connects other fairs and cities over time. We will also seek to demonstrate how stallholders produce their goods and what labor conditions they were subjected to, in order to broaden our perspective on Sulanca, especially placing it in a process of labor and exploitation.
  • Advisor : ANA MARIA VEIGA
  • Date: Sep 26, 2023
  • Time: 18:00
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  • Black women feel the gender and race asymmetry in the invisibility in which several times they are put in society. The movie industry, which has been considered for a long time as a mean of male chauvinism and racism propagation, is also accused for not giving equal visibility and professional opportunities to all social segments. Hence, this work aims to discuss the lack of visibility from the black film-maker women and also from black women in general, as the protagonists of their stories and of the movie scene. For that, black movie-maker women who, in the last years, made documentaries which theme was racism and its impact in the black women lives were interviewed. It’s expected to assess the difficulties of being black women in the movie industry, what motivated them in the choice of the documentary format to produce their movies and how they think the analyzed movies in this research contribute to the debate about racism and its consequences in the black women lives. The work, in the History field, will be guided in the oral history methodology and in the political possibilities from the conceptual tools from intersectionality and “escrevivência”, a concept forged by Conceição Evaristo.
  • Date: Sep 21, 2023
  • Time: 14:30
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  • This text aims to analyze the region of the bohemian zone of the city of Itabaiana, city of Paraíba State, with a regard to pensions, places of fun and pleasure. We aim to observe the strategies, tactics and sociabilities used by men and women to experience prostitution in the period from 1950 to 1980. The dissertation is divided into three chapters that articulate with the general objective. They are: 1) Discuss how the cattle fair and the introduction of the railroad influenced prostitution in the city; 2) Mapping the memories of the participants who remembered the spaces, characters and especially the festive moments; and 3) Investigating prostitution as a social and urban element, focused on the sexual trade of exchanges and favors in a system governed by codes and moral transgressions, removing the prostitute of the stereotyped place of victim. For a theoretical approach, we used studies on prostitution: Rago (2008), Engel (1989), Esteves (1989), Nascimento (2008), Leite (1992) and Prada (2018). On studies related to the arts of making, Michel de Certeau (1998). As a methodology, we anchor ourselves in the of oral history following the examples of Ferreira and Amado (2006), Meihy (2005), Portelli (2016). The Candau’s concept of memory (2012) and Chartier's representation concept (2002) favored the interlocutors’ memories converging with official documents, memorial books and newspapers to contribute to the construction of the past. By trusting memories and intertwining this documentation, we identify, through the life experiences of the innkeepers, former prostitutes and clients, a representative construction of the past. We emphasize the importance of this research for the theme of historiography in Paraíba as well as the originality for the local history of Itabaiana.
  • Ser professora negra em São Francisco de Itabapoana/ RJ: memórias, protagonismo docente e relações raciais
  • Date: Sep 18, 2023
  • Time: 14:30
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  • The present work aims at building memories of the personal and professional trajectory of black teachers in the municipality of São Francisco de Itabapoana, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Faced with the erasure of black women in the history of the municipality, this study seeks to recognize the role of black teachers and their important contribution to local education. Discussions about the black movement and the blackening of feminism were used to reflect on the construction and writing of the history of subaltern subjects in historiography, with a focus on Regional History. The performance and trajectories of black female teachers form a field of study that has grown in Brazil and gained space in historiography and studies in education. Thinking about black women and teachers, in this race and class perspective, allows us to understand the meanings that these subjects build in relation to racism and ethnic-racial education throughout their personal history. The research analysis subjects were ten teachers who work in basic education and who self-identify as black, aged between 21 and 61 years. As a theoretical reference, authors such as Sueli Carneiro, bell hooks, Nilma Lino Gomes, and Lélia Gonzalez were the basis for the proposed reflections. The methodology used was conducting interviews in a semi-structured format, in order to understand how the life stories of the teachers relate (and relate to each other) with their pedagogical practices. Among the results of the analysis, it is highlighted that there are several factors that constitute the scenario of performance and formation of the identity of black teachers and their teaching practice. It is concluded that the teachers have different conceptions of racial relations and their ways of describing or reacting to racial discrimination, sometimes through the denial of racism or conformism, contribute to thinking that the way they understand racism is related to the processes they went through as black women. The ways of experiencing and building the identity of a black woman are not unilateral or universal. Their experiences and testimonies helped to highlight silenced and marginalized narratives and educational processes, pointing out ways for a more humane and anti-racist education.
  • Experiências, Sensibilidades e Práticas Docentes: Ensino de História e a Memória das Ligas Camponesas, Sapé (2017-2022)
  • Date: Sep 18, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The related research aims to analyze the Teaching of Local History at the Luiz José Gonçalo Municipal School, located in the rural area of the city of Sapé in Paraíba, based on the historical knowledge brought by students to the classroom about the peasant struggles historically experienced in the city. The initial proposal is to focus on the contents of Local History incorporated into the school curriculum by municipal legislation, namely: the Peasant Leagues and the history of Sapé. These two contents gained visibility in Elementary School History classes by allowing students to tell in the classroom the stories heard at home and experienced by their parents and grandparents. Because it is a rural community, the feeling of struggle and resistance brought in the memory of the rural workers who crystallized the image of their union leaders as defenders of their rights is still strong. This knowledge was brought to the classroom from Oral History, making students actively participate in the production of didactic material that were used in the classroom to build historical learning. History classes became an opportunity for us to share and build knowledge together: the narrated stories served to produce the materials that were later discussed in the classroom, making students feel even more valued and protagonists in the construction of their own history. Theoretically, we dialogue with the categories of appropriation from Roger Chartier, to think about how these stories were appropriated by the school community, from experience from Jorge Larrosa, to think about how the subjects involved were affected and transformed, from sensibilities from Sandra Pesavento, to understand the emotions contained in stories told in the classroom and in didactic material from Circe Bittencourt, as being what allows the teacher to problematize knowledge in the classroom. Methodologically, we will work with the memories from the experiences narrated by the students, parents and guardians, supporting us in the writings of Walter Benjamin, which allows, from these narratives, to reflect and preserve the stories that were silenced by the official stories, reinforcing that the study of History Location in a school in the rural area of the city of Sapé is important to understand how the Teaching of History can be able to build a peasant identity of resistance.
  • Date: Sep 1, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Aligned with the New Political History, this study aims to analyze the surveillance carried out by the National Information Service (SNI) on urban unions in the state of Paraíba between 1979 and 1987. Surveillance is understood as an intrinsic element of the National Security State, structured in the first year of the civil-military coup, and aimed at controlling economic development and labor mobilization. By focusing on the reports produced by the Service agents, the objective is to understand the creation of the repressive apparatus and its structuring throughout the military dictatorship, with the establishment of regional agencies in the main capitals of Brazil, the composition of its officers, and the territorialization of the Service's power in the state of Paraíba. It also seeks to understand the logic behind the production of repression reports, imbued with an authoritarian political culture and an anti-communist imaginary. Finally, this study also contributes to the history of the labor movement in Paraíba by seeking to expose, through the analysis of the reports, situations and influential leaders in the struggles of the working class in the territory. The main documentary corpus used for this research consists mainly of the SNI - Recife Agency Archive.
  • O cotidiano da morte nas Freguesias de Cabaceiras e São João do Cariri - PB (1856)
  • Date: Aug 31, 2023
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The year 1856 brought many changes to the daily life of death with the arrival of an “undesirable guest”, cholera. The cholera epidemic was strongly felt in some Provinces of the Brazilian Empire, notably in Paraíba, and especially in the countryside, from the parishes of Cabaceiras and São João do Cariri. Changes and/or even permanence, in that epidemic context, profoundly affected funeral rites. This can be observed in the documentation consulted by us, which we highlight: the Reports of the President of the Province, newspapers, Death Books, Wills and Inventories. In this way, we observe the statistics of the disease; what preparations imminent death brought to the lives of the dying; how their wishes were fulfilled after their departure and what social transformations were brought into the realm of burials. It was based on the research line History and Regionalities, from the PPGH/UFPB, that we realized how the documents allowed us to show how Cabaceiras and São João do Cariri still breathed the Christian customs that dictated the rites of the “good death”, through their funeral wishes. Throughout the work we noticed how the study of death, and its contexts, for a long time was observed only with a pathological look and with purely medical sources. Starting to problematize illnesses as sociocultural products opens up a broad panorama of research and references. Thus, analyzing the daily life of death is, ultimately, an issue that also concerns the social aspect, since it permeates the life and reality of any person, to the detriment of class, race, gender, age, among others, making it, therefore, a connecting factor in any part of the globe, as an insurmountable event that it is.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2023
  • Time: 09:30
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  • This dissertation, linked to the line of research Teaching History and Historical Knowledge, aims to investigate the teaching of Ancient Egypt, in the History curricular component between the years 2016 and 2021. This focus is justified in view of the emergence of mandatory educational reform in Brazil for the implementation of the New Secondary Education, which should take place from January 2022, in accordance with Law 13.415/17. Seeking to find ways for discussions that expand debates on the teaching of History, we chose as a methodological procedure the analysis of teaching experiences, based on the elaboration of a Research Questionnaire, whose study material was the experiences of teachers from public and private schools. who teach History in the first year of high school in Paraíba. With the results of the questionnaire we realized that, regardless of the public or private sphere, there were not many changes. The experiences of teachers in the classroom demonstrate in their teaching practices that Ancient Egypt, undoubtedly appreciated by students, is not developed in its diverse possibilities of approaches available in the current State curriculum. Also according to the questionnaire, these same teachers did not undergo ongoing training on educational standard documents, such as the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and the Secondary Education Curricular Proposal (PCEM/PB).
  • “Aplicabilidade e aplicação da lei 10.639/03 no Ensino de História da Educação Básica do distrito de Cuncas, Barro, Ceará”
  • Date: Aug 4, 2023
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This dissertation has the general objective of analyzing the experiences and youth protagonism through interviews around the applicability of law 10.639/03 developed at the Escola da Rede Municipal Professora Catarina Tavares, in the district of Cuncas, Barro-CE, in view of the relevance in the struggle antiracist. In the perspective of inserting in the local school curriculum the development of applicability around the theme and the importance of the anti-racist struggle and black protagonism in Brazil, it represents a continuity of studies in the area of Education and Teaching of History. Its specific objective was to analyze the impasses, barriers, absences and continuities of the project in the following years in the search for knowledge, appreciation and respect in ethnic-racial relations, as well as to investigate how the district of Cuncas, Barro-CE is articulated and organized in legal terms in the continuing education of educators from Barrense in the approaches proposed in law 10.639/03. The studies that guide the research are based on the tripod identity, curriculum and interculturality. The methodology used was of a qualitative nature, having as its main source the interviews of the participating subjects of the project “I, you and we: we are all Africa”, local, regional and federal documents, images and bibliographical references of authors who problematize the concepts proposed in this dissertation. With the applicability carried out during the experiences of the project carried out, in 2019, new horizons opened up, enabling the development of educational practices that address the culture, history and identity of the Brazilian black people. The proposal of interculturality as a guiding element of the school curriculum can contribute to achieving positive results in terms of education and in the fight against practices
  • ""CONVÉM APROVEITAR E EDUCAR PELOS MÉTODOS PRÓPRIOS": A política educacional do SPI e a educação formal entre os indígenas Potiguara na Paraíba (1932-1967)"
  • Date: Jun 28, 2023
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This research aimed to discuss the indigenous policy and action, in the educational field, of the Indian Protection Service (SPI) among the Potiguara, inhabitants of the northern coast of Paraíba. The analysis took place from the performance of the Indigenous Post Nísia Brasileira, between the years 1932 to 1967. Through bibliographical and documentary research, we discussed the educational policy proposed by the tutelary body and how its implementation and operation occurred. Starting from the republican indigenist thought that founded the SPILTN, we emphasize how the pedagogical character assumed by the organ directed its schooling action to the formation of the indigenous as a citizen and national worker. We highlight how this ideology was based on the positivist conception that being indigenous consisted of a transitory condition, leaving the State to operate the civilizing work in leading these populations to a superior evolutionary state. The official documentation of the São Francisco/Nísia Brasileira Indigenous Post, Regional Inspectorate 4, Indian Protection Service and Nacional Workers Locations legislation and the body's internal bulletins contributed as main sources. We approached daily life from the relations between the different subjects involved in the scope of the school space, emphasizing the extent to which the pedagogical practices were constituted for the disciplining of the indigenous and their conformation to the capitalist logic of training for work. The proposed debate is based on the concept of internal colonialism, systematized by the Mexican sociologist Pablo González Casanova, and docile bodies, elaborated by the Frenchman Michel Foucault. The theoretical construction starts from the reflection on how, even after processes of political independence, nation-states perpetuate colonial practices of domination and internal exploitation, configured within the relationships between elites (economic, political, intellectual and bureaucratic) and subaltern groups. The SPI presented itself, in this sense, as an institution of the state structure reproducing such practices. In the educational sphere, the tutelary agency's schools for indigenous people were configured as disciplinary institutions aimed at the exercise of power through subtle coercion. Among the Potiguara, educational training not only highlights the agency's indigenist action aimed at building the indigenous person as a rural worker, but, above all, as a national citizen. On the other hand, it was possible to observe strategies of resistance, based on this education process, developed by the indigenous people in the face of the attempted homogenization intended by the tutelary body.
  • A (new) Porto do Capim for a difficult river navigation: workers and the edges of urban modernization in the City of Parahyba (1920-1924)
  • Date: Dec 22, 2022
  • Time: 10:30
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  • In a conjuncture marked by clientelism and conflicts between sectors of the dominant class for the direction of hegemonic power of the state, the attempt to restructure the Porto do Capim in the 1920s presented itself as a paradise of easy business, characterized by the diversion of public funds. Inserting itself in the first phase of capitalist modernization in Parahyba, port works were carried out in a context of attempts to order and sanitize a city that, as mentioned by Mario de Andrade (1929), was and continued to be "disassembled with everything mixed in". During this process, central peripheries continue to emerge in the city's dens through streets and alleys marked by the daily practices of the working class, which in turn reject high modernization. Thus, it is precisely with the objective of investigating Porto do Capim as a space for workers that this dissertation is structured. For this purpose, based on the theoretical-methodological propositions of "history from below" and, more specifically, of the English historian E. P. Thompson (1981, 1987, 1997, 1998 and 2001), we analyzed some historical sources, notably newspapers and periodicals (O Norte, O Jornal, A União and O Diário de Pernambuco), photographs (Acervo do Porto de Cabedelo) and various documents from the State and private business associations, such as telegrams from the Commercial Association of Paraíba, Reports from the President of the Province of Paraíba, Reports on Transport and Public Works in Paraíba and the Code of Postures of the City of Parahyba do Norte. Through the crossing of sources and bibliographic materials, our analysis advanced in a series of considerations about Porto do Capim and the working class linked to it, as well as listing other points for the development of future investigations. In this sense, it aims to be another historiographic contribution to the historical understanding of class conflicts experienced in urban modernization processes, often concealed in hegemonic discourses of historical cultures that disregard their effects on subaltern classes. Specifically, this dissertation dialogues with the concerns of the History and Regionalities research line of the PPGH-UFPB, by addressing these issues as linked to political choices about the (re)definition of Paraíba in the global capitalist circuit.
  • Date: Dec 20, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This dissertation studies the formation process of the factory city of Paulista, from the relationship between work, daily life and free time (non-work), between the years 1904 to 1958. The factory city of Paulista, in Pernambuco, in the largest part of this temporal cut, belonged to the municipality of Olinda, as a district, only elevated to municipality in the year of 1935. in the foreground, the Paulista fabric factory, and later, owners of the Paulista Fabric Company. Built in 1891, the Paulista Fabrics Company became the main regulating and leading element in the lives of those who worked and lived there. From the direction of the Lundgren family at the head of the fabric factory, the whole idea, planning and experience of the factory city would take shape and become more concrete. In addition to the economic and political meanings and the links around the spinning and weaving industry, social relations and cultural spaces are evident in the constructions and daily experiences. In this way, the central theme of this dissertation is the construction of the space of the city-factory of Paulista, analyzing the relations between the Paulista Fabric Company and its working villages, emphasizing the experiences of the workers/workers, their dependence on the factory , the different spaces of use in the factory-city, and the relationship between the factory, the private life and free time of the workers/workers, as well as the attempts to control this space and this time by the company's management. For such approaches, various sources were used, such as periodicals, theses and dissertations, memorialist works and documentaries. The investigations and observations of the documentation made it possible to expand a series of questions and perspectives arranged in this dissertation in three parts: the formation of the factory-city, based on the outlines made by the Paulista Fabrics Company, evident from the 1920s onwards; everyday life, including spaces of use, spaces in dispute and the hierarchy of spaces of use and housing, between the 1920s and 1950s; and, finally, non-work in its essence, that is, leisure, education, parties and football, between the late 1920s and 1950s.
  • Date: Dec 16, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The dissertation intended to identify the presence of women in the newspaper O Publicador. We found a variety of publications and a diversity of female figures in this journal who, in some cases, signed published articles and, in others, were the subject of the reported subject. These women carried out different activities, but experienced very similar realities with regard to patriarchal discourses, which represented them as inferior beings in many circumstances because they were female. For this research, we chose to work with all editions of O Publicador available in the Hemeroteca Digital, covering the years between 1864 and 1869. This newspaper circulated in the Province of Parahyba do Norte, daily, during the second half of the 19th century. In addition to being our main source, it is also configured as an object of study, since better understanding the journal's configuration allowed us to know the graphic and editorial elements, in which we find the presence and representations of women. We also use Cultural History, Women's History and the Perspective of Gender, Representation and Experience Studies as a theoretical-methodological arsenal to understand the trajectories of a group of women - who were in conditions of enslavement, abolitionists, actresses and teachers. This research is located in the area of History and Historical Culture, following the research line History and Regionalities. Thus, it was intended to know, above all, which social spaces this female audience circulated from the understanding of their historical time and what kind of conflicts were generated by their experiences. We conclude that through this research we were able to approach the ways in which the presence of women occurred among the sections of the newspaper O Publicador, where the participation of women in this newspaper, in particular, is marked by representations and supply of labor for the work.
  • The "cycle of strikes" of sugarcane workers in Pernambuco (1979-1985): historical culture, historical consciousness and class consciousness
  • Date: Dec 16, 2022
  • Time: 10:30
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  • The misery, hunger and violence to which rural workers and their families were subjected fueled the indignation of the growing class mobilizations for rights and citizenship since the 1950s in Northeast Brazil. Such struggles respectively compromised the Rural Worker Statute (ETR), proposed in 1963, after the great strike of 200,000 sugarcane workers in the same year, thus culminating in the negotiation of the Campo Agreement, through which basic, but essential, rights were negotiated for the category in the state of Pernambuco. The open debate around the agrarian reform generated projects from the political and economic sectors, in order to stabilize the social question of the countryside and the fixation of the peasant on the land. Partially blocked by the military coup in 1964, the organized mobilizations of the rural working class in Pernambuco were resumed with force from the year 1979, after the 3rd National Congress of Rural Workers, during the slow opening to democracy in the country. Given this context, based on the perspective of history from below, the objective is to analyze the narrative construction of the Federation of Rural Workers and Workers of Pernambuco - FETAPE about the “cycle of sugarcane strikes”, a term coined by the anthropologist Lygia Sigaud, a scholar of sugarcane workers in the Zona da Mata region of Pernambuco, when dealing with the mobilizations that took place between 1979 and 1985. The approach of this narrative construction by the workers was carried out on materials produced by Academia Sindical FETAPE, created in 2012, a branch of the Federation responsible for organizing the memories of struggles in rural areas since the 20th century, as well as promoting the maintenance of political formations and the circulation of this narrative among the associated sugarcane working class. As we will try to demonstrate, such narratives are related to the construction of a historical culture linked to forms of historical consciousness and class consciousness of these agents, collectively constructed and that seek to articulate visions about past and present experiences of social struggles, relating them directly to horizons of future. For the development of this Thesis, we used materials produced by Academia Sindical in the present time, among newspapers, leaflets, magazines and other publications; the newspaper Diário de Pernambuco, as well as materials produced by other union entities, with news and texts produced in the “heat of the moment”, that is, during the sugarcane “strike cycle”; and reports from Pernambuco sugarcane workers who reached rural union leadership positions during the decade of struggles. Memories about the exploitation of sugarcane labor, persecutions, organizations of strikes and stoppages, conquests and contradictions of the working class in Pernambuco, refer to workers' narratives that result in their own historical culture, committed to class struggle and social transformation. In this sense, the experiences of sugarcane workers and their interpretations of the present and expectations for the future of struggles are in focus in a reflection that sought support from classic and recent bibliographical analysis on related themes. To this end, the English historian E. P. Thompson's concepts of experience and class are central to the development of this brief analysis of the historical culture of sugarcane workers organized around FETAPE and its Academia Sindical.
  • Digital Games and Ancient History Teaching: An approach from Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
  • Date: Dec 16, 2022
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This text aims to develop an analysis of the digital game Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, in which it presents its narratives in the context of Ancient Greece, during the Peloponnesian War. The game was produced with the support of researchers from classical studies with the aim of making the most believable historical setting possible. Thus, from the discussion of the concepts of historical representation and uses of the past, to understand how the object of study uses historical sources to build its own narrative. In addition, the research seeks to understand how this game can contribute to the teaching of Ancient History in basic education.
  • "Por uma história que atinja a maior parte da população": a produção didática do projeto resgate da história local dos municípios paraibanos
  • Date: Dec 16, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This work aims to analyze a collection of the Didactic Materials Series developed in the 1990s by the Projeto Resgate do Processo Histórico e Cultural dos Municípios Paraibanos. We examined the research carried out in full in six municipalities in Paraíba – Patos, Ingá, Pedras de Fogo, Conde, Cabedelo and Areia – with the objective of analyzing the history of the Project’s conception and performance, the construction of the manuals and the methodology used by the group of research. We insert the case of Serra Branca, which even with the data collection and investigations already carried out from 2007 onwards, has not yet been embodied in a book. The sources used were teaching materials and interviews given by the team of teachers, coordinators and research fellows at the time, and a copy of the project in its original format. This work will be built from the theoretical perspectives of Social History, seeking to specify the outline of Local History, seen as a methodological resource that offers the possibility of situating the significant problems of the history of the present time, insofar as it seeks to analyze the formation of spaces social and community articulation.
  • STUDENT MOVEMENT AT UFPB: From Persecutions to Amnesty
  • Date: Dec 15, 2022
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This article aims to analyze and comprehend the process of persecution in Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) students and their access to repair, in the context of transitional justice, from the enactment of the Amnesty Law (act Nº 6683 of August 28, 1979). During the process of “slow, gradual and safe” political opening, the distention began to unravel the military regime installed in April 1st 1964, which lead to the rise of many women and men fighting for forgiveness and the return of the brazilian men and women who were in exhile. This research takes place in the new political history, from the view of René Rémond (2003), and seeks to create a dialogue between political history and cultural history by means of the concept of Political History from Serge Bernstein (1998) and Motta (2009). We will introduce the concept of Transitional Justice, as stated by Félix Reátegui (2011) and Tosi and Silva (2014), in order to build theoretical foundation and understanding the concept of this transition in Brazil along with its historical context. We will, then, utilize the sources, the processes of amnesty requests from the Paraiban Association of the Amnestied and the National Commitee of Amnesty, as well as documents from the SNI and the Recife Agency, granted to the Commitee for the Truth and Memory Preservation of the State of Paraiba, currently available as part of the collection of the Democracy Memorial of Paraiba, located at the José Américo House Foundation. This documentation can be considered, in the words of Icléa Thiesen (2013), “sensitive documents”, placed in the limits between historic and lived memory, produced by the State, therefore primarily characterized as “oficial”, and because they are memory narratives in which the violations to human rights were perpetrated by agents of the brazilian government and “enable the reconstruction of memories “impaired” by torture, clandestinity and violence” ” (CATELA, 2011, p. 386). By virtue of oral history we were able to collect the testimonies of women and men who operated in the Brazilian Committee for Amnesty, João Pessoa section, were then persecuted by the regime and later submitted their requests for amnesty to the National Comitee of Amnesty. Using oral history we could also obtain information on the “daily life and the material culture of some people or a specific group” (PORTELLI, 1997, p. 27). Interviews were conducted with some of the individuals whose names have come up from the analysis of documents that reported the people who currently stand out in political militancy, wheter in political parties or in social movements. This project is linked to the extension of History Concentration and Historic Culture in the line of History and Regionalities of the Post Graduation in History Program of UFPB.
  • Date: Dec 15, 2022
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This work presents the alternative made by rural women who flee from the unbridled and deadly logic of heteropatriarchy. Through Agroecology, these women fight for the right to exist. With the aim of presenting the socio-historical role of the March for the Life of Women and Agroecology - PB (20152020), this dissertation is divided into three chapters, in addition to the introductory chapter. In the second chapter, I present, through decolonial feminism, a genealogy of rural women's movements in Paraíba, with the theoretical support of authors such as Alves (2017), Duarte (2014), Ferreira (2010), Serrano (2014) and Sobreira (2017), as well as the social political actions of the Polo da Borborema. In the third chapter, I discuss Agroecology and its dialogues with ecofeminism, through the theorists King (1997), Kunhen (2017), Salleh (1994), Shiva (1993), Silliprandi (2018) and Warren (2000) . Finally, in the fourth chapter, I present the results obtained in the digital survey with the Assessoria Serviços e Agriculturas (ASPTA), as well as the interviews with women who participate in - and constitute the - March, seeking to understand the historical memories, the self-writings and the cultural traits that manifest themselves.
  • Advisor : ANA MARIA VEIGA
  • Date: Dec 13, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The overpopulation panic, mainly in emerging countries, led to some birth reduction policies being implemented in Brazil in the 1960s, under the title of birth control and family planning policies. Following these policies, some agencies worked to disseminate contraceptive methods and address family planning campaigns for the Brazilian population, in all regions of the country. In this sense, we seek to understand how the press reported these policies and what speeches were given about contraceptive methods, planning policies and the population context of Paraíba between the years 1965 -1970. We used as a methodology the analysis of newspapers such as A União and Correio da Manhã, newspapers that circulated in Paraíba and Rio de Janeiro, respectively. For this, we rely on the theoretical contribution of the history of women and the history of Paraíba, in order to fill some gaps in the historiography of Paraíba from the press. After analyzing the sources and crossing data with the bibliography, we understand that the press played an important role in forming opinions about contraceptive methods, and also in reproducing eugenic ideas that came from North America and Europe regarding the family planning and birth reduction, although there was no consensus in the press about being in favor or against contraceptive methods.
  • Date: Dec 1, 2022
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This research aims at the debate about Rua da Areia, former urban artery, located in the central area of the City of João Pessoa, between the neighborhoods of Centro and Varadouro, discussing its relations with the city around the existing and experienced dynamics of the old urban network. Thus, the objective of the research was to cover the real and contemporary situation of Rua da Areia, understanding it in the whole process of urbanization of the city of João Pessoa and its processof (des) patrimonialization bringing the idea of preservation of a landscape coming with a singular architecture and great value for the community, as well as the experiences linked to them. Moreover, the theme is justified in order to propose the valorization of local history, through its process of identity and social memory present in the dailylife of the various social groups of the area, understanding how they sustain and change, through power relations and sociability present in the Street. The work also permeates the importance of approaching heritage education as a practice of the exercises of the look from the experience and visits in the field linked to cultural heritage and its affective experiences. It is essential to approach that the dissertation is inserted in the concentration area "History and Historical Culture" of the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Paraíba, in the research line "Teaching History and Historical Knowledge", includin gits formal transformations, a study that takes into account the circulation of the forms led by the population and their memories tied to the context of the research. Thus, it was possible to observe that the unveiling and complexity of the process of (des) patrimonialization of Rua da Areia, linked to territorial disputes and dissent, presented a multiplicity of agents and senses, that is, this ancient artery of the city of João Pessoa showed us na urban dynamics and a diversity of social actor sinter connected to the built heritage, who are in a state of degradation, having their prostheses as a form of resistance to the transformations experienced. Thus, a study of the environment was proposed, in order to contribute to the strength ening and dissemination of pessoense cultural heritage through feelings of belonging and collective memory.
  • Women go fight: experience and resistance of Maria da Penha Nascimento Silva from Paraíba
  • Date: Nov 16, 2022
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The present dissertation has as a main objective to analyse the experiences of resistance in the ‘ 1 Brejo Paraibano’ with a perspective of female protagonism, specially about the unionist Maria da Penha Nascimento Silva (1949-1991), emphasizing her struggle for the labor rights and gender equality, during the resistance movements in Paraiba, between 1970 and 1991. In the 1980s, Penha, with other women from ‘Brejo’ created two women’s movements, MMT/PB ( 2 Movimento de Mulheres Trabalhadoras do Brejo Paraibano) and MMB ( 3 Movimento de Mulheres do Brejo.), with the aim of aware her fellow activists of their rights as women and workers. The theoretical fundaments is supported by Salvatici (2005), Pollak (1989), Perrot (1991, 2006), Rago (1995, 2001, 2012, 2014), Thompson (1981, 2001, 2002), Souza (2019) and others referenced. Based on bibliographical research, semi-structured interviews, informal conversations and analysis of documents (booklets, reports, photos and Maria da Penha's books), our narrative was structured around the struggle experience of the working class and the arising of Penha as a leader in Brejo. Using concepts like memory, resistance, patriarchal society, class struggle and gender, we seek to (re)build the memory of women who fought for gender equality inside of the struggle movements for better working conditions, starting in the life experience of ( 4 paraibana) Maria da Penha. This work hopes not only contributes for a more comprehensive view of History, because for a long time women were in historiographical invisibility, but also reinforce the female protagonism in union organization, recognizing the multiplicity and diversity of actions present in the women and men’s struggles in social movements of countryside and city.
  • Date: Dec 16, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
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  • (Link: This research was developed along with the Graduate Program in History, with the area of concentration directed to studies on History and Historical Culture, within the research line in History and Regionalities. The object of study was the representations present in the narratives about the electoral killing in Cajazeiras, produced in some newspapers that circulated in the Court, in the Province of Pernambuco and Ceará, in addition to the reports present in the Criminal Proceeding and Annals of the Imperial Senate. The time frame was located between a few years of the seventies of the 19th century (1872-1877), period in which the narratives were propagated by the different regions of the Brazilian Empire. For the development of this research, the theoretical contributions of cultural and social history were fundamental in the process of organizing and questioning the data collected. This study had, for example, contributions based on the concepts of representation, by Roger Chartier, political culture, by Serge Berstein and networks of sociability, by Maria Fernanda Martins and Jean-François Sirinelli – to help build an understanding beyond of the narrated “facts”. To achieve the research objectives, discourse analysis from Micro-History and the perspective of Carlo Ginzburg's evidence and the scale games mechanism proposed by Jacques Revel were used as a methodological tool. The electoral slaughter that occurred on August 18, 1872, served as a backdrop for the propagation of a series of narratives that, in most cases, challenged the electoral system of the Brazilian Empire. However, not only were the narratives organized based on contestations. There were also those who supported the agents of the Court and the counterpoints between the two political notions (of liberals and conservatives) were crossed to better understand the political practices promoted between groups in the brazilian outback, the coast and from the court, to keep himself in power. For all these reasons, this research was dedicated to analyzing four segments that complement each other in the dawn of electoral events in the Empire: the role and influence of family networks in Cajazeiras in the foundation of a local power; an overview of the cases of bloody and fraudulent elections in the Second Kingdom of the Empire of Brazil and how the case in Cajazeiras was inserted into this scenario; the way in which the narratives present in the Judiciary Power unveiled different signs of solidarity networks that were present before, during and after the conflict; and how newspapers created representations around the case that led to the production of a “public opinion” about the ways of doing politics and electoral practices in the second half of the XIX century. Thus, it was possible to understand that there were several interests (political, family, personal and economic) in collision routes when thinking about issues beyond the "facts" and the constructed representations served to qualify the "I" and disqualify the "other", that is, who served or not to be in the Brazilian government.
  • As relações familiares no Seridó Potiguar através dos Inventários e Partilhas: As famílias Sousa Castro, Cordeiro Nunes e Tavares (1788 - 1830)
  • Date: Dec 16, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The family relationships, during the 18th and 19th centuries, were one of the main factors in the maintenance of private property. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze the relationships of some families in the northern Rio Grande do Sul seridó, families such as the Dantas Correia, Lopes Galvão, Araújo Pereira, among others, with the family nuclei of Sousa Castro, Cordeiro Nunes and Tavares, showing their strategies maintenance of the property and its descendants, through inventories and divisions. Thus, our text is part of the discussions pointed out by the history and regionalities research line of the graduate program in history and it is supported by the discussion fostered by historian Diniz (2013), who discusses the concept of regionality through the sertão, as well as in the issues raised by Lewin (1993), in kinship relationships through the concept of kinship. In the same line, we also work with Teruya (1995), where she addresses consanguinity relationships and with Macêdo (2007), where there is a discussion about families in serido, focusing on the local elite and their issues. Methodologically, social relations, marriages and sponsorships are discussed through the observation of shared goods and through inventories of parish and civil records.
  • Date: Dec 15, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The urban layout of the city of João Pessoa, former city of Parahyba, until the end of the 19th century was practically limited to its colonial and imperial design, a little beyond downtown and surrounding neighborhoods of Tambiá and Jaguaribe. Some rural areas coexisted with small housing nuclei, in Mandacaru, Penha, Tambaú, Gramame, Zumbi and Cruz das Almas, generally connected by very precarious paths and mostly inhabited by hardworking individuals, developing activities such as fishing, pottery, shellfishing, grass planting and others small economy activities linked to the lives of these populations. However, from the beginning of the 20th century onwards, this urban structure began to rapidly expand beyond the central limits, inherited from its first centuries, and new neighborhoods began to define themselves, such as Jaguaribe and Torrelândia. Considering this process in general terms, the self-construction of Beira Rio, the current São José neighborhood, was formed in 1968, linked to the process of expansion of the city towards the East and North, based on the occupation of the Jaguaribe River valley. With the intense movement of occupation in the region, residents decided to found the Beira Rio Union Association (AUBR) in 1980, and in an institutionalized way, they started to demand measures from the public authorities that would allow them to live well and with quality in Beira Rio, like land regularization, an urbanization project to the construction of collective use equipments, such as a school, health care centers, square, etc. The present work aims to analyze the actions of AUBR, between 1981 and 1989, and how they exerted influence in the act of organizing internal forces to claim their rights guarantees, which consequently resulted in the recognition and regulation of the title of neighborhood by the City Hall of the city of João Pessoa. Thus, we carried out a bibliographic survey and an analysis of the documents in our chronological cut, added to the methodology of Oral History, allowing the interviewees to stop being mere informants and become protagonists of History, with their experiences of life through memory accounts. In this sense, it is worth emphasizing the importance of this research in view of its contribution to the production of scientific knowledge in the context of Graduate Studies in History on the subject of local historiography, since there is a scarce collection on the subject, as well as it seeks to deepen research on the history of neighborhoods in the city of João Pessoa, which still lacks more productions in the field of historiography.
  • Relações de trabalho de mulheres em João Pessoa - PB sob a ótica das reclamações trabalhistas ajuizadas durante o Estado Novo (1941-1945)
  • Date: Dec 15, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The understanding of women's work relations depends mainly on the interweaving of gender and class. We understand that the situation of working women has peculiarities that need to be analyzed contextually, given the multiple and articulated forms of social oppression, which should not be analyzed in isolation, because they impact all women, but in different ways and intensities. Our proposal is to understand the work relations of women who sought the intervention of the Labor Justice in Paraíba in search of their rights, from 1941 to 1945. In view of this, we will contextualize the Estado Novo period, establishing its correlation with the 1930s; we will analyze the historiographical reflection about the Labor Justice; we will contextualize the working woman in history; and we will constitute a picture of the working conditions of women, seeking to observe the specificities and particularities of women's work in João Pessoa-PB. We will rely on 40 complaints filed by women in the defined period, researched in the collection of labor cases of the Memorial da Justiça do Trabalho na Paraíba - an organ subordinated to the Service of Documentation and Archive of the Regional Labor Court of the 13th Region, located in the capital of Paraíba. This number does not refer to all the lawsuits filed by women during the Estado Novo period, but to what is left from that period, according to the conservation practice of the Memorial, which, according to its criteria, has selected some for conservation and sent others for disposal. The closed cases from the Labor Court occupy a relevant space in this work: quantitatively, it allows us to determine the number of labor claims filed in the Labor Court in the selected period; to identify which rights were recurrently claimed by the workers; the approximate value of their salaries; the other forms of compensation for the work performed; the organizations that offered protection mechanisms to the workers, among other aspects. Qualitatively, we can obtain information about how the work was performed, workday controls and conditions of the work environment, the ways in which the fulfillment of court decisions favorable to the worker was carried out, among other aspects.
  • PARA ALÉM DOS MUROS HOSPITALARES: a atuação médica na Parahyba na segunda metade do Oitocentos
  • Date: Dec 10, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This dissertation aims to analyze two of many doctors who worked in medicine, in Parahyba, in the half second nineteenth century, as João José Innocencio Poggi, doctor without a degree, and Abdon Felinto Milanez. From the 1850's decade, people who lived in Parahyba were affected by two epidemics: yellow fever, between 1850-51 and cholera, in 1856 and 1862, when the habits of hygiene were getting in the society, to avoid those diseases reaching more victims. In this context, when the speech about hygiene was taking place, we realized about two important doctors, Innocencio Poggi e Abdon Milanez, both were public health inspectors, besides other jobs that they have had. According to the documentation we have researched, like journals and provincial president reports from the period, we understood that those two doctors were part of the political life of the Provincial and Empire. They have worked in places that were focused on politics, not just medicine, for example provincial deputy and vice provincial presidente, that kind of behavior emphasizes this as a political culture from this period. The political culture concept will be used by us to indicate common behaviors between doctor's elite in Parahyba, as the concept of representation, to understand the meanings of disease attributed by people who lived in Parahyba. Using the line of historical research and regionalities from the program of masters degree in History based on theoretical scope about Diseases and Health History, it was possible to analyze the epidemic scenario in Parahyba, in the half second of nineteenth century, besides the representations about diseases from doctors and other people. We realized, yet, the social networking and political alliances that contribute to show those two doctors in the provincial and national scenarios.
  • Fragments of a Life Story, the Afro-Paraibanian Tomás Santa Rosa Jr. (1909-1956): among experiences, intellectualities, sayings and artistic achievements
  • Date: Dec 9, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • [Link: ] This historical research analyzes the participation of an Afro-Brazilian (born in 1909, in Paraíba, and died in 1956, in New Delhi, India) in the political construction and artistic and cultural production of Brazil in the 20th century, through protagonism and the cultural legacy of the historical subject Tomás Santa Rosa Jr. The analyzed documentary corpus is formed by a series of writings of his authorship, published in newspapers, magazines and literary supplements, especially, of the artistic environment of the city of Rio de Janeiro, accessed from the Digital Newspaper Library of the National Library (BNDigital). Added to this is a set of interviews through reports that show his opinions as an artist, critic and teacher. His artistic achievements such as paintings and book covers are interpreted under the aegis of iconology, highlighting the aesthetic dimension of the historical culture he lived through. Upon arriving in Rio de Janeiro (1932), he entered the world of visual arts, where he excelled in the graphic craft (equivalent to what is meant by graphic designer) by carrying out dozens of visual book projects for almost all Rio publishers. In the “art of dressing books” he composed syntheses of images for a good part of the generation of novelists of the early 20th century. Its lines, shapes and colors paint the landscape of the editorial boom of the time. His images represent the way of seeing the literary world, but they also investigate part of the graphic history of the country. Art criticism is the mat to unveil his political and aesthetic thinking. His participation in two exponents of events, help in the understanding of the modernist intelligentsia of his time. His activism is evidenced as lines that sew a trajectory of life, of the black artist, lived in the postabolition. In this sense, the present research was carried out in the History and Regionalities Research Line, and proposes to disseminate studies on the performance of Afro-Brazilians in the post-abolition period, in the light of the Social History of Culture, thus contributing to the guidelines of Law 10.639/03.
  • Urban Trade Union Movement in Paraíba (Brazil): organization, struggles for rights and repression (1958-1964)
  • Date: Oct 27, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • [Link: ] This Dissertation analyzes the performance of the urban trade union movement in Paraíba between the years 1958 and 1964, a context of articulation and effervescence of the struggles that were being waged by sectors of the Brazilian working class, which were dismantled due to the intensification of repressive practices with the enactment of Civil-military coup in 1964. Thus, we point to the understanding that this was a class coup, in which the disarticulation of the working class was constituted as the main target of the political proposal of the civil, business and military elites involved in that process. To do so, we seek to reflect, through union action, the various mobilizations of workers that marked the end of the democratic period, the strategies used by them when resorting to the Labor Court, as well as the strong repression that befell these organizations, with impeachments union mandates, interventions, arrests and denunciations, especially to their main leaders. With the Social History of Labor as a theoretical and methodological perspective, the sources used for this research were the main newspapers in Paraíba in circulation at the time, union actions in the Labor Court, memoirs written by union members working in the period, amnesty processes in unionized workers, Military Police Inquiries and oral statements. These last three sources are part of the collection organized by the Truth and Preservation of Memory of the State of Paraíba Commission. This dissertation is part of the History and Regionalities research line and aims to promote discussions about workers in Paraíba and their class organizations.
  • "The production of a local history: conceptions of history and memory in written production of Celestino Alves"
  • Date: Oct 20, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
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  • (Link: The dissertation presented here is situated in the debate about the acting of dilettantes historians in the production of historical knowledge, especially in the context of local history. Its problem consists in analyzing the conceptions of history and memory present in Retoques da História de Currais Novos (1985), Vaqueiros e Vaquejadas (1986) and Matutos e Tropeiros (1989), productions by the writer Celestino Alves (Currais Novos/RN, april 06, 1929 – december 10, 1991), which deal with the municipality of Currais Novos and the region of Seridó potiguar. In theoretical-methodological terms, based on Michel de Certeau's (1995) concept of historical operation, the author's social place is investigated, his appropriation of sources and methodological operations, in addition to the discursive elaboration of the productions. The research allowed us to identify a historical operation in which the writing of local history is used to rid “traditional” aspects of oblivion in the face of the transformations triggered by modernization, aiming to form identity and social bond from the remembrance of what would be typical of the region, based, inclusively, on notions widespread throughout the 20th century about the Northeast and the Sertão. Thus, the identified conceptions consist of an understanding that history and memory are inseparable and, operating them together, the author uses them to fight forgetting. Therefore, the main conclusions of this work lead to reflections on the importance of studying the works of dilettantes historians and the relationships between history and memory existing in them, as well as on the existing demand in historiography regarding the production of local histories that contribute to a critical and reflective citizen formation.
  • Date: Oct 14, 2021
  • Time: 15:00
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  • (Link: Thinking about the future against what the matrix of colonial power plans/planned is to think about multiplicities, freedoms and the deconstruction of ideas that capture subjectivities, building plural and diverse futures. The work of the writer Margaret Atwood (1939, Ottawa, Canada) is important for this discussion, as in her MaddAddam trilogy (2003, 2010, 2013), as well as in all her written production, she decolonizes the discourses and practices, including the multiple experiences, powers, potencies and manipulations. It directs us to (re)signify the idea/concept/speech of the future, considering that this has been, throughout human history, seen as something too invisible or too grand to be achieved and, therefore, only expected, desired. Knowing the trajectory of Margaret Atwood makes it possible to know about her desires for social change, as she criticizes what is already established as normal and presents new worlds in literature, created by her interpretations of the experiences lived by her and others to open wide, in the present, the pains produced by projects of the past, with the intention of creating open futures and not ends of the world. Therefore, authors like Mignolo (2008; 2017), Walsh (2005), Minois, (2016), Silva (2011), Krenak (2019; 2020); Heilbronter (1963), Gaddis (2003), Freitas (2018), Berardi (2019), Attalli (2008) are essentials. Disobeying a northern epistemology that regulates and plans academic minds and discourses, I think of the union between history and the future as a possible and necessary path for the construction of a biofuture that understands futures, subjectivities and lives as worthy of being lived and experienced, beyond biopolitical commands (FOUCAULT, 1987, 1999, 2008a, 2008b; AGAMBEM, 2004; PELBART, 2011), as becoming, (bio)potency, crowd, place of escape, good meetings (DELEUZE, 1992; HARDT and NEGRI , 2005). Biofuturating is believing in worlds, creating new paths, postponing the ends of so many others.
  • Date: Oct 1, 2021
  • Time: 14:30
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  • [Link:] This work aims to understand how the surveillance exercised over the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) occurred through the Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI) and other information agencies (OI), especially the UFPB Assessoria de Segurança e Informações (ASI/ UFPB), during the Military Dictatorship (1964 - 1985). Therefore, this research uses, as a primary source, the documents that are part of the SNI Fund – Agência Recife and the documents of the ASI/UFPB, which in 2016 was delivered to the Comissão da Verdade e Preservação de Memória do Estado da Paraíba (CEVPM-PB) and today it is under the custody of the Paraíba Democracy Memorial, located at the Fundação Casa de José Américo. The documents in question were produced during the permanence of authoritarian governments, and, therefore, are characterized as “sensitive documents”, as they were inserted in the logic of production that served the repression. (BAUER; GERTZ, 2013, p. 178). In order to cross the information contained in the official documentation and to better understand the processes that constitute the analyzed temporality, we will use some of the testimonies of UFPB members, which were granted in public hearings to CEVPM-PB. Regarding the theoretical paths, this research is inserted in the field of new political history and, along with that, it employs the concept of "political culture", as it is intended to identify the ways of proceeding of the information agencies in the UFPB, through the knowledge of who were being watched and which political currents were under surveillance. We aim, in this way, to demonstrate how the dictatorship, through agencies at its service, both at UFPB and at other universities, persecuted, watched and censored people and ideas. For a more solid understanding, we have included this research in the Line: History and Regionalities of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em História of Universidade Federal da Paraíba (PPGH-UFPB).
  • "Estou pensando sempre em fazer a vontade dos outros, mas os outros não pensam nunca em fazer a minha vontade": the black domestic worker in Lygia Fundes Telles’ ficction (1965-1989)
  • Date: Sep 17, 2021
  • Time: 09:30
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  • (Link: Our objective is to investigate the construction of black domestic workers characters in the works of the São Paulo writer Lygia Fagundes Telles (1923-present). We work on four of the author's works: the short story Antes do Baile Verde (1965), the novel As Meninas (1973), the tale Noturno Amarelo (1977) and the novel As Horas Nuas (1989). As a theoretical tool, we use the notion of black feminism of the intersectionality through its articulation with the categories of class, gender and race (AKOTIRENE, 2019). The main theorists who support us are Silvia Federici (2019) and Lélia Gonzalez (2018a,b) giving us a feminist-Marxist perspective on domestic work and a critique of its race in Brazil. The notion of capitalist domesticity, present in Perrot (1988) and Federici (2019), is also essential to our work. Telles builds her characters with the aim of destroying this domestic and therefore subvert the image of the happy nuclear family headed by a man. By inverting this social pyramid of the domestic, the author, however, does not exempt herself from marking her characters with the attributes that oppress them in the real world.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2021
  • Time: 17:00
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  • (Link: This work aims to analyze the trajectories of Abdias Nascimento and Paulo Freire during the period of exile (1964-1981), showing their relationship with African and Afro-Brazilian causes and projects. Therefore, I will demonstrate the experiences of these intellectuals at that time, highlighting the moments that were important for contact with the ideas, actions and subjects of these contexts, for example, there is Nascimento's participation in the pan-Africanist movement and the revolutionary actions of Freire on the African continent, and which can be found in biographies, sociological and historical studies. Furthermore, I will discuss and relate the works developed by them during this period - Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1968) and Letters to Guinea-Bissau (1978), by Paulo Freire, O quilombismo (1980) and Sitiado em Lagos (1981), by Abdias Nascimento - because through the study and comparison of these works we will be able to understand the formulations, approaches and transformations of both in their respective environments. The project's methodology is based on the use of comparative history, which in this case aims to systematically examine how the same problem crosses two distinct historical-social realities. Based on these perspectives, we will visualize narratives about contemporary colonialism and racism from the Africanist experiences of anti-racist intellectuals approached in this research, which bring to light important discussions about racial issues throughout the 20th century.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • (Link: This dissertation consists of a research on the political and intellectual trajectory of Clóvis Steiger de Assis Moura (1925-2003) in order to understand the path taken by him from his childhood to the publication of the emblematic "Slavery Rebellions" (1959) and to understand how he constructed his interpretation of the history of Brazil, placing the enslaved as an active agent in this process. In the research, we chose to verify the social and political articulations, their circulation in newspapers, magazines and analyze the foundation and articulation process of the Brazilian Institute of Africanist Studies (IBEA) as we understand that the trajectory of the IBEA is traversed by the historical and political experience of its founder Clovis Moura. In this way, I seek to understand how the institute's founding process took place, its articulation and exchange with various national and international entities that studied African history, the research carried out and developed, lectures, practices and contributions from intellectuals linked to the IBEA. To investigate these relationships is to understand how these commitments helped him to build his thesis on active and political blacks in the emancipation process. For a better approach to these issues, we chose to analyze his historical and sociological production that brings his interpretation of Black Praxis and Quilombagem, and how the legacy of these struggles helps us to build an anti-racist society. Therefore, we chose a time frame from 1959, the year of the publication of his first book "Slavery Rebellions", until 1989 with "History of the Brazilian Black". Regarding the sources, we chose to analyze their bibliographic production during the proposed period and documents from the Clóvis Moura collection that is at CEDEM, which contains interviews, articles, photos, letters and documents provided by his family.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2021
  • Time: 10:00
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  • (Link: This dissertation seeks to point out the importance of historical digital games in the interest and knowledge of History by students, the relationship of this relatively new media with historical culture and the Teaching of History, and to present a critique of representations, which can be considered masculinists in these games. With this in mind, I present a study on what I call historical digital games as a specific area of ​knowledge - beyond the field of traditional game studies -, with its own demands and methodologies. Understanding digital games as an area that lacks criticism of how these games favor the historical experience of white, heterosexual and middle-class men, I seek to understand the possibilities of contributions of historical digital games to the teaching of history. Finally, I analyze, from a gender perspective, the representations of women in the digital game Total War: Three Kingdom (Creative Assembly, 2019).
  • Religious configuration of Paraíba (1911-1950): the Adventist presence
  • Date: Aug 25, 2021
  • Time: 14:00
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  • (Link: Adventism arose from the studies of Guilherme Mille which was to be released in 1831 in the United States of America. He preached that Jesus' return would be sometime between 1843 and 1844. From 1845, the Millerite Movement began to divide into several groups and one of them became the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This group grew and the need arose to create a structure to keep pastors and missionaries. In this way, they organized themselves in the 1860s. In the following decade, they began sending missionaries to other countries overseas. Adventist beliefs arrived in Brazil through literature, immigrants, canvassers and, finally, pastors between the 1880s and 1890s. Missionary work developed as a bulletin in the south of the country because of immigrants and then expanded to the North . Only in 1911, Adventism arrived in Paraíba, but it was not until 1921 that it began to develop in the state. This paper analyzes the process of implementing Adventism in Paraíba and seeks to understand the religious field of the state during the period studied. Given the above, it can be seen that this work has academic property for research in the Graduate Program in History at UFPB, in the “History and Regionalities” research line, as it encompasses a problem concerned with understanding the different ways in which historical subjects established relationships with the past and expressed their views through religiosities, which were modified by regionality.
  • Onde estão os livros? Uma história da Biblioteca Pública de Brejinho-PE (1964-2005)
  • Date: Aug 12, 2021
  • Time: 09:30
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  • (Link: The referred undergraduate thesis aims to investigate and analyze the process through which books and printed materials reach cities in the interior of Brazil, specifically in Brejinho, city which the research is realized in, covering the period between 1964-2005. We seek to understand the circumstances in which the Municipal Public Library of this town was established and its development over the years, seeing the public policies emerging from the sphere of federal government and its arrival in the small town; as well as practices developed by municipal management for foundation and maintenance of reading spaces. For this, it is necessary to situate the town in this context, highlighting the main points of its history; it also treated of the question of access to books and the reading in the social sphere, and also the encountered challenges for a formation of a reader society. Thus, the works by authors such as: Chartier (1999), Abreu (1999), Milanesi (2013), Almeida Júnior (2016), Casson (2018), Ferreira (2016), Barbier (2018), Manguel (2004), Darton (2009), Higounet (2003), Febvre and Martin (2017), among others, gave us support for reasoning of work. Along this path, several sources were identified in collection among which we can highlight: the files of Town Hall and of the Chamber of the Councilors, files of Library Manoel Nunes Ferreira, and of the schools São Sebastião and José Severino de Araújo and the Parish of São Pedro‘s Book of Tombo in Itapetim, Parish of São José in São José do Egito and Parish of São Sebastião in Brejinho. Some of the printed are available on the National Library website and were also important for research such as: Jornal do Recife, Diário de Pernambuco, Última Hora, and A Província, as well as data from IBGE and other federal and state agencies when they were needed. In this perspective, it is intended to understand the path followed through printed material and how it arrived in the interior of the state of Pernambuco enabling modifications or not in the current structures, highlighting the importance of reading and the barriers that are constantly imposed for its realization. Therefore, this dissertation is inserted in the line of research History and Regionalities within the History and Historical Culture concentration area of the Graduate Program degree in History from the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB.
  • O jornal A Imprensa e o cinema sob o olhar da Igreja Católica paraibana (1936-1942)
  • Date: Jul 27, 2021
  • Time: 09:00
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  • (Link: This work aims to analyze and understand the project developed by the Archdiocese of the State of Paraíba, in relation to cinema, having as its main focus the discourse produced by its official press, the newspaper A Imprensa between the years 1936 and 1945 regarding the seventh art. To contemplate this objective, the discussion about modernity in the then City of Parahyba (currently João Pessoa) was undertaken, through two fundamental instances that arise in the context of urbanization and modernization of the capital; the newspaper A Imprensa, owned by the Catholic Church in Paraíba, and cinema, from its arrival to the professionalization process in the fields of exhibitor and producer. After completing this discussion, a broad analysis of the newspaper A Imprensa was carried out between the years 1936 and 1942, starting from the structure of the newspaper, discussing its conflicts in the political field, and ending with an analysis of the publication of the encyclical Vigilanti Cura in 1936, contextualizing with the action of Catholic groups that, in the international and national spheres, made efforts to establish a moral censorship for the audiovisual. The analysis was carried out through the precepts established by the theoretical framework of Cultural History, estrablishing, from the trajectory of the printed operation, the social place of the individuals involved with its production, the intentions and existing representations, the political culture that guided it and the multiple meanings and appropriations made by the readership, to whom this publication was destined. Finally, an analysis of the segment destined by the newspaper for the discussion of the audiovisual between the years 1937 and 1945 was undertaken, a section that centralized the discussions carried out in relation to the moralizing project defended by the Archdiocese of the State of Paraíba for the cinema. The sources used in this dissertation consist of volumes of the newspaper A Imprensa, which are found in the Ecclesiastical Archive of the Archdiocese of Paraíba.
  • Work and Everyday Life on the Madeira-Mamoré Railway (1907-1919)
  • Date: Dec 23, 2020
  • Time: 15:30
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  • (Link: At the beginning of the 20th century, the construction of the Madeira-Mamoré Railway (EFMM), designed for the purpose of exploring raw materials from the Amazon region, mobilized a large contingent of men and women subjected to labor relations in a determined hierarchical system by their nationalities, functions, ethnicities and genders. Manuel Ferreira (2005) and Francisco Foot-Hardman (2005) identified a flow of 25,000 to 30,000 workers and laborers circulating there during the construction period (1907-1912), of which around 6,000 died. From 1912, with the opening of the railway, a smaller and more stable number of contract workers and service providers were maintained during the foreign administration of the railway until 1919. The main objective of this Dissertation is to investigate aspects of the constitution of the routine established for and by the workers and laborers of Madeira-Mamoré Company from the structuring of a control system and maintenance of the workforce by the Company during the period of construction and operation of the railway in the first decade of the 20th century, more precisely between 1907 and 1919. For this reason, we chose to analyze elements understood by Agnes Heller (2004) as “organic parts of everyday life”: organization of work through the division of functions and establishment of hierarchies; work and housing spaces, social activities, mobilizations; conflicts, resistance, norms of social behavior, deviant behaviors; sanitary conditions, disciplining bodies, physical and mental health. These elements, discussed by the angle of the work relations established by the company, configure tensions, practices of domination, control, and disciplinary mechanisms that take place in everyday life. To reach the proposed objectives, the problematizations were obtained through an extensive set of historical sources, such as travel literature, poems, academic productions (dissertations, theses, articles and books), memorial reports, newspapers and periodicals, scientific reports, photographic catalogs and criminal proceedings. As part of the study of the social history of work, this Dissertation intends to contribute to the understanding of the concrete experiences of men and women who made their own story while selling their workforce for the construction of the Madeira-Mamoré railway, a fundamental landmark to understand the history of the state of Rondônia and capitalist expansion over the territory of the Amazon region in the 20th century.
  • Date: Dec 16, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • (Link: This dissertation aims to understand the invented tradition present in the trajectory of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosicrucian (AMORC) in the city of Recife, during the time frame from 1959 to 1981. We justify the choice of this period by covering the foundation of the group, in the denomination of Pronaos (1959), its elevation to Chapter (1962) and the expansion to the Lodge (1971). We can say that the consolidation of the group in the Capital Pernambucana occurred in the period between 1971 to 1980, moment of intense activities when compared to the previous periods. We consider it important to approach the Cultural History of Religions in the understanding of Agnolin, Da Matta, Carlos André Silva, Elaine Moura and Benatte to analyze the religious phenomenon, as we understand Religion as a cultural product of its time. The period covered in this research is related to the Counterculture movement, started in the 1960s by young people who criticized the current moral values. Such questions reflected in spirituality, in the search for explanations outside the Judeo-Christian religions. This phenomenon when reaching the spiritual field is understood by the historians of Esoterism as the New Age movement, whose context brought social actors into contact with esoteric ideas disseminated in books, music and in excerpts from newspapers. We see AMORC as a group linked to Western Esotericism, which is defined as a tradition of thoughts present in the West since the Renaissance period. This research leads us to understand how the New Age favored the spread of Esoterism, contributing to influence the expansion of AMORC. It was confirmed through this dissertation that AMORC sought to legitimize its teachings through its “traditional origin”, which alludes to civilizations and events with which, according to its belief, it maintained links. In presenting herself in this way, she tried to distinguish herself from other esoteric orders due to the authenticity with which she claimed to transmit knowledge about Esoterism and Rosicrucianism. We face this fact through the understanding of E. Hobsbawm as an Invention of Tradition, where our work was guided to identify the present elements of this Tradition Invented by AMORC during its trajectory in the city of Recife, like festivities related to Ancient Egypt, as the Pyramid Party, the New Year Rosicrucian, as well as lectures, social events and advertisements in the newspapers. Our theoretical framework in E. Hobsbawm also contextualized cultural changes in the 1960s-81, as well as the works of Amauri Pereira, Magnólia Silva and Silas Guerriero that allowed us to understand the New Age and its presence in Brazilian territory. The understanding of Western Esotericism was based on the views of Antoine Faivre and Wouter Hanegraaff. Our methodology was based on the crossing of private documentation, available in the current Loja Recife - involving meeting minutes, annual reports, letters, photographs - to the periodicals available in the Digital Library of the National Library, specifically, the Diário de Pernambuco.
  • BECOMING A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER: Methodological proposals and experiences in preparing teachers by means of PIDIB from UEPB History Graduation Guarabira-PB (2012-2016)
  • Date: Dec 14, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • (Link: This dissertation is an investigative work about the making of a teacher in basic education in the city of Guarabira, Paraíba (2012-2016) having as analysis object the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program - PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência [PIBID]) of the State University of Paraíba - UEPB (Universidade Estadual da Paraíba [UEPB]). The experiences of teachers and scholarship holders that were part of the implementations and realizations of the Program were problematized, emphasizing the historical knowledge and history teaching. PIBID and its writings have been associated to new and old educational practices, and in other times have collaborated to amplify debates on teacher training, moving a discourse in favor of which kind of professional the degree courses in History intend to form, which habits and practices were sought embody in these subjects who have undergone training within PIBID. The program has appeared in recent years as references to debates about History Teaching and teacher training; this was seen on various symposia and events throughout Brazil that brought it to the center of the debate and the works by it developed. The research dialogued with official documents created by the public powers that regulated actions and objectives in a way to make possible their implementation in basic education schools, having the Universities as partners. When looking at official documents it was observed an object of plural study made by several subjects. These documents presented information on the creation history of PIBID and how the documents started to guide its actions, also the expansion of its capability, including more undergraduate courses and Universities. In the whole of its vast production of didactic materials and in-class activities, we highlight this space presenting works developed by the participants of PIBID that were involved with their teaching training through exchanges of experiences that implied in their teaching re-making. The research also dialogued with the epistemological line of History Teaching and with approaches to teacher training and their profession, experiences, Oral History and memory, encompassing the becoming teacher and the plural relationships that permeate it. From these paths the analysis of the official documents were important to understand how these discourses echoed in school and in the activities of PIBID. The main sources that make up the documentary corpus of the research are interviews, articles, reports, photographs, didactic materials and films that composed the day by day of PIBID at the schools; these documents made possible the construction of this dissertation. The analysis of speeches about the work and the teacher training started from what was proposed, (TARDIF; LESSARD, 2013) and (TARDIF, 2014) are utilized as methodology, making possible to problematize experiences of the teachers and how are they acquired and socialized throughout their teacher training process. When discussing experiences the speeches were elaborated seeking to understand how they interfered in the construction of the methodological proposals that were developed among the participants of PIBID. For this purpose were made use of concepts as of (THOMPSON,1980), (PAIM, 2005) and in parallel with the concepts of History Teaching (BITTENCOURT 2009) permeating this discourse, contributing to historicize the becoming teacher in basic education and methodologies for teacher education in History.
  • ''Where does social justice ends and subversion begins?'' Progressive catholic movements and rural social movements under SNI's vigilance in Paraiba (1975 - 1985)
  • Date: Dec 11, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This research addresses the work of the National Information Service (SNI) and its surveillance of the social movements in the countryside and the Catholic Church led by Archbishop Dom José Maria Pires, in the state of Paraíba during the “slow, gradual and safe” transitional years of 1974-1985. Regarding the theoretical foundation, we utilized the concept of New Political History in dialogue with Social History or, as Barros (2012) pointed out, a social approach of the political. We also use the concepts of Antonio Gramsci, specifically the notions of organic intellect, private devices of hegemony and the theory of amplified state. Together with the approaches related to the question of Class as a process and formation of English historian Thompson (1987), to analyze the formation of the actions developed by workers in rural Paraíba, together with the social-political actions of the Chatolic Church in the state of Paraíba and, consequently, the vigilance endured by the SNI. The primary sources are the documents produced by the SNI - Agência Recife, together with the depositions conceded to the State Commission for the Truth and Memory Preservation of the state of Paraíba, in addition to the bibliographic productions about the period. This work is set in the area of concentration of History and Historical Culture, related to the line of research of History and Regionalities.
  • THE NEW CATHOLIC HERITAGE: the projection of a pastoral activity for a city in change (1894-1953)
  • Date: Dec 9, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • (Link: The present work analyzes the strategies adopted by the Catholic Church for the rearticulation of its pastoral action during the process of socio-cultural changes and urban transformations in the city of João Pessoa between the years 1894 to 1953. The historiographical debate has discussed this process, focusing on the phenomenon of romanization, which was configured as an institutional strengthening of the hierarchical structures of the Roman clergy in reaction to the thus understood secular and anticlerical threats after the end of the 19th century. Our analysis is based on the emergence of a series of institutions and buildings administered or linked to the Archdiocese of Parahyba as workers' circles, schools, hospitals, churches, charities and orphanages, which differed from the religious institutions hitherto existing from the colonial period and imperial, since it dealt with a City in a rapid process of expansion of its urban fabric and reconfiguration of ways of life. We consider these institutions and buildings, some of them centuries old, as vestiges that demonstrate the way in which the Catholic Church has historically expressed itself in relation to a society, its different ways of thinking and acting, insofar as it has institutionally reorganized itself to try, in turn., organize spaces to be occupied by different historical subjects. Given this scenario, we scan the significant scope of the relationship that was established between the State, the Church and several private agents in the development of attitudes in the universe of the city affiliated to the interest of these different instances of power and in the very process of creating what we call new heritage Catholic in the capital of Paraíba. Going through the themes of city, church and heritage, this dissertation was developed from the area of ​​concentration in History and Historical Culture, with the line of research Teaching History and Historical Knowledge.
  • Date: Dec 7, 2020
  • Time: 09:30
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  • (Link: When we are faced with the image of the Capitain America, character of the Marvel Comics, we are led to envision him as a hero full of courage, bearer of a great patriotic spirit who wears, literally, the flag of the United States of America. Created by Joe Simon (1913-2011), and Jack Kirby (1917-1994) at the beginning of the 1940s, he has become an representative icon of the American History in comic books. The aim of our dissertation is to do an analysis of the corpus constituted by stories of the Capitain America in the period from 1941 to 1978, through which we can verify a development of the narrative in the super-hero genre, which is a very emblematic product of the American society, as well observe the character of socio-cultural identity and political ideology present in the stories of the Sentinel of Freedom, analysing central aspects of their discourse over the years. In the first phase, from 1941 to 1954, the profile of the hero was a representation of the American State itself; in the second phase, from 1964 to 1974, under the influence of the post-war tensions, the stories of the Capitain America were cancelled and the character remained ostracized until he resurfaced in the 1960s, a period of political and social crisis which made him adapt himself to the new times in order to keep on existing. Finally in 1974, in the Nomad phase, there is a change in the attitude of the character caused by frustration dued to the Watergate scandal, leading the Capitain America to break relations with the American State and become Nomad, the man without a country.
  • THE RETURN OF THE KING: Luiz Gonzaga’s political and cultural representations, traces of a trajectory
  • Date: Nov 24, 2020
  • Time: 08:30
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  • (Link: This work is the result of an investigation about cultural representations and symbolic power around the singer and composer Luiz Gonzaga (1912-1989), known as 'O Rei do Baião', focusing on his long career, between the 1940s and 1980s, but emphasizing more closely on the last decade, when the 'Rei' gained new prominence on the Brazilian music scene, after a period of relative ostracism in relation to the mainstream media between part of the 1960s and 1970s. Gonzaga, despite to maintain the unique characteristics of his artistic production in the new context, he had to make contact with the new generations and this process was marked by rich musical dialogues. At that time, he became known as 'Gonzagão', not only for the decisive interaction with his son, also a singer and composer Luiz Gonzaga Júnior (1945-1991), but also for becoming one of the main reference figures for many young musicians who emerged on the national scene at the time. The referred research was initially developed in the Paraíba newspapers "A União" and "O Norte", and then there was the insertion of other journals such as “O Correio Braziliense”, “Folha de São Paulo”, “Estado de São Paulo”, “Jornal do Brasil”, and “O Diário de Pernambuco”; with a later expansion of the universe of sources, including other periodicals, iconographies, records and music. Between artistic production and its media outlet, there is the multifaceted figure of this artist, who developed a very peculiar and striking feature in our culture. In the set of his vast musical production, we highlight the last ten years as a period of accurate interest, since this return to the mainstream media implied a redo of some of his artistic and personal steps. Thus, this research was placed in the epistemological line of Cultural History and with a close dialogue with the field of Political and Social History, encompassing the relations of power and culture with social relations. Based on this bias, we inserted studies and concepts about the analysis and importance of the printed source, in this case the newspaper, comparing it with the information contained in other sources and in biographies produced before and after Luiz Gonzaga's death. The bibliographic reference used, fundamentally, included the following authors: Ângelo (2006), Chartier (1991), Bourdieu (1996), Echeverria (2006), Oliveira (1991) and Dreyfus (2012).
  • DAUNTLESS, REBELS AND WALKERS: The Poor Free Black Population in the everyday life of the City of Parahyba do Norte (1850 - 1867).
  • Date: Aug 28, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • [Link: ] The present academic work was developed in association with the History Program (Master Program) of the Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil, on the “History and Regionalism” line of research and has the objective to present and discuss the social complexity of the Free Black and Poor Population at the City of Parahyba at the 19th century. This complexity is understood here as being a variability of social relationships that had been established between these free black and poor individuals and their slaved brothers as well as the individuals that belong to other social categories, living together and sharing experiences at this part of the Province of Paraiba. The development of this study was possible due to the necessity of a more careful analysis of some gaps in the historiography of Paraiba with regard to the free black and poor population at the Province of Paraiba in the 19th century. This work will be guided by the perspectives from Edward Palmer Thompson and his concept of Experience, as well as various kinds of primary historical sources from the period in question. At the same time, we count with the support of documentation such as Passports, baptism records from the N.S. das Neves church, nominal lists, presidential province reports, provincial health ombudsman reports from Paraiba, police office reports, the classic and recent bibliography and the newspapers that were produced at the Paraiba Province between 1850 and 1867. These sources made possible to us to comprehend the period and helped to identify aspects of the everyday life and other experiences from the free black and poor population, as well as their paths between the villages and towns of the province of Paraiba and the trade with other provinces witch as possible due to the presence of this population on that society. From the analysis, cataloguing and crossing of the mentioned sources, it was possible to observe a significant part of the everyday practices of that social group: their eating habits, housing, living conditions, sociability networks and the relations with other social segments.
  • Bodies, gender and culture: the representations of women in the characters of Role Playing Games
  • Date: Aug 21, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • (Link: The exposed research discusses the gender dimension in the construction of the narratives of Role Playing Games (role-playing games) in order to present the universe of pop culture that represents stereotypes of femininity and masculinity in which they correspond to the cultural imaginary and the illustrations that compose the books of the games between 1994 and 2012. The images analyzed were selected from the main Brazilian RPG magazines, such as Dragão Brasil (1994) and Dragon Slayer (2005). The tendency to illustrate women stereotyped in games surrounds the technologies and socio-cultural experiences that discriminate against women and mischaracterize the daily feminist struggle against patriarchy domination practices. Mainly using the concepts of Teresa de Lauretis (1994) and Donna Haraway (2009) to reflect on feminisms and sexual binarism, in addition to the representativeness of women in the gaming culture based on the perspectives of Meagan Marie (2019). The research has its methodology based mainly on the analysis of the magazines, with the purpose of observing these sexist problems and significantly directing the market not to reproduce misogynistic aggressions that still circulate the universe of role games. No language is empty of value, and Role Playing Games continue to be based on patriarchal narrative bases. Based on the silences experienced by women in the historical context of RPG, it is possible to observe in this research that the languages ​​are ideological, and the symbolic power of the image is a relevant resource in the search for the legitimation of the diversity that are the bodies of women.
  • Date: Aug 20, 2020
  • Time: 14:30
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  • The objective of this study is to analyze the circumscribed universe of the arts of healing in Paraíba in the Imperial period, taking as time frame the years that form the decades of 1870 and 1880, whose period marks a gradual increase in the number of curators in action, especially those who received the name common of “healing practitioners”, a group that includes healers, bleeding barbers, apothecaries, among others. To this end, it will take as a foundation the discussions listed from the perspectives followed by the History of Health and Diseases, giving special emphasis to the questions that, within these perspectives, focus their analysis on the discussions that deal with the arts of healing. In this sense, it was aimed to understand the functioning of the disputes that occurred between the different agents of healing and, above all, how these were formed and endorsed over time, as well as the paths through which the so- called scientific and academic medicine in the period ended up validating a power strategy that would yield its multiple influences in the face of society and its socio- cultural habits in front of several different traditional healers. To this end, it will be used a strategic and varied documentary corpus, which includes historical sources such as the Reports of the Presidents of the Paraíba Province, the Reports of the Paraíba Health Inspectorate, memorialist reports, practical health guides circulating in the period, budget requests aid committees in provincial towns and cities, as well as opinions from the Presidential Palace of the Province of Parahyba do Norte, and some of the newspapers of the period. It is based on these sources that we will start from a theoretical-methodological perspective that mixes possibilities between different branches of Cultural History in interfaces with specific segments of Social History of Health. The verticalizations around this approach will allow us to contemplate with more clarity, an approach that puts on the agenda for verisimilitude, since health care; the division of functions that configured the different offices of healing; as well as the understandings about the disease and the experience of their experience in Paraíba in the 19th century, are possible topics to be perceived from certain theoretical and methodological instruments focused specifically on the circumscribed regional segment, therefore this work is inserted in the conceptual segment of historical culture that conceives reflections about history and regionalities.
  • From The Priests' Unions To The Igreja Viva: Catholic Church And Social Issues Of The Countryside In The 1960's Paraiba's Brejo
  • Date: Aug 7, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • (Link: During the 1960’s, in Paraíba's Brejo region, union associations and rural workers movements associatedto the Catholic Church flourished, demonstrating the historical complexity of this religious institution in social, political, cultural and symbolic dimensions. With astrongly anti-communist perspective and promoting harmony between social classes, as guided by its Social Doctrine, the Catholic Church of Paraíba in the early 1960's organized a formation of rural workers' unionsi n order to make the Brejo micro-region something like a “containment belt” of the “subversive” advance of the Peasant Leagues in the rural areas of thestate. These unions, popularly known as "Unions of the Fathers", acted in favor of the working class always within the order. With the 1964 coup, instituted with the support of the Catholic Church itself, these unions went through na emptying process, since it considered that the work to conter communism had ended after the so-called “revolution”. However, over the following years, part of the Catholic Church under went changes in its assessment of the social reality of that period and promoted changes in the way it intervenedin the region. In order to promote struggles for the acquisition of rights, part of the Church reoriented its action in Brejo with the developmentof a new conception expressed in the “Igreja Viva” movement. Based on the analysis of primary sources, such as newspapers, minutes of union meetings, union letters, books from the parishes and documents produced by the lay movements of the Catholic Church of Paraíba, especially from Brejo itself, and in dialogue with the specialized bibliography, and with the theoretical support of Antonio Gramsci and Pierre Bourdieu, we seek, in this Master's Dissertation, to contribute to the process of producing knowledge about the Social and Political History of Brazil, especially the History of Paraíba, through the analysis of the relation ships established by this traditional ecclesiastical institution with the rural working class of the mid-20th century.
  • PATH TO LIBERTY: Rio Branco’s Law on the crisis of the slave system in the Province of Paraíba
  • Date: Aug 6, 2020
  • Time: 10:00
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  • (Link: The main research theme of this study is the analysis of the application and the impacts of the Rio Branco Law of 1871 on the crisis of the Brazilian slave system, specifically in the province of Paraíba in the 1870s and 1880s, considering the cases of children who were born free after the enactment of the Law, known as ingênuos, the diverse and enslaved subjects and families who were granted or conquered manumission mediated by the State, by means of the Emancipation Fund. Throughout the 19th century, several proposals were made for the abolition of slavery, mostly based on an emancipationist perspective, which predicted a gradual and slow abolition of slavery, without affecting agricultural properties, but they were not put into practice. Only in 1871, with the approval of the Rio Branco Law, this emancipationist project was enacted specifically with the purpose of solving the problem of slavery in an ordered and peaceful approach. Together with a slavery crisis in Brazil, the Rio Branco Law was applied in the province of Paraíba, with some results and various limits. Therefore, we analyze the impacts of this legislation on the province of Paraíba. Furthermore, we present some social subjects that were granted liberty by means of the Law of 1871. Our theoretical basis was the discussions related to the Social History of Slavery in dialogue with the Political History, focused on the relation between the Laws and the historical processes, with a great influence of E. P. Thompson and the recent historiography of the Brazilian slavery that guided the studies of the laws as a means of disputes and social conflicts within the slave society. We used a quite varied documentary corpus: Annals of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Federal Senate, Reports of the presidents of province, newspapers, baptism records, reports of the Ministry of Agriculture, and letters of the Classification Boards of Paraíba, which led us to identify the ingênuos from Paraíba, the data on the application of the Emancipation Fund and the enslaved subjects and families that were granted the liberty by this means, as well as to understand the Law of 1871 as a constituent of the slavery crisis of Paraíba. Thus, this work was conducted together with the Postgraduate Program in History, with the concentration area in History and Historical Culture, and in the line of research in History and Regionalities.
  • The dawn of the democratic experience in the city of João Pessoa-PB: Local government, City Council and political participation (1945-1951)
  • Date: Jul 31, 2020
  • Time: 15:00
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  • (Link: This dissertation is inserted in the research line "History and Regionalities" and seeks to understand the establishment of democratic experience (1945-1964) in the municipality of João Pessoa-PB from the analysis of the exercise of local power and political participation of the City Council in the Municipality of Joao Pessoa between 1947 and 1951. For this, we discussed the process of the fall of the dictatorship of the New State (1937 - 1945) and the resumption of the political life of the country from the organization of political parties and the electoral process. Understanding the process of redemocratization in order to reflect on the exercise of local democracy, we studied the political aspects of the capital of Paraiba from the actions of the councilors who composed the first legislature of the City of João Pessoa and the participation of local workers in the political process of then. From the historiographical point of view, this research is placed in the field of the New Political History, from which we use the concept of Political Culture (MOTTA, 2009) seeking to understand the exercise of local power. In methodological terms, in addition to a broad bibliographic review, we work with the minutes of the City Council of João Pessoa, the quantitative data of the electronic archives of the Regional Electoral Court of Paraíba (TRE PB) and some newspapers in circulation at the time. Through the historiographical debates, the conceptual discussions and the analysis of the expressive corpus of documents, we seek to establish a framework of the political process of the municipality and new possibilities of understanding the policy of the capital of Paraiba during the time of the democratic experience.
  • "Poder Local e capital político-familiar: estratégias de poder, familismo e clientelismo da família Leite no sertão paraibano - Desterro-PB (1977-1989)"
  • Date: Jul 17, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Este texto dissertativo tem o objetivo de analisar a atuação política da família Leite no sertão paraibano, na cidade de Desterro - PB, para verificar sua influência na política local e sua rede clientelar e familiar entre 1977 e 1989. Nosso estudo está inserido no recorte temporal da transição “lenta, gradual e segura” do Regime Militar brasileiro. Pretendemos analisar os arranjos políticos e familiares articulados pelo grupo familiar Leite para galgar cargos eletivos e públicos e se manter à frente do Poder Executivo e do Legislativo municipal por, aproximadamente, três décadas do Século XX na cidade de Desterro, perfazendo seis mandatos ininterruptos. Analisamos as práticas políticas do clientelismo e do familismo como meio de poder e de construção da rede de influência dessa família Leite na cidade de Desterro. Para subsidiar a pesquisa, consultamos fontes documentais, como jornais impressos de circulação estadual - O jornal A União e o jornal O Norte – ofícios e telegramas disponíveis nos arquivos da Prefeitura Municipal de Desterro, Atas da Câmara de Vereadores. Também recorremos à pesquisa oral por meio de entrevistas. Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, adotamos a perspectiva de análise da chamada Nova História Política, que nos abre um leque para variadas fontes históricas e nos possibilita pesquisar o campo político de modo a perceber as práticas políticas sem nos prender aos feitos e ao exclusivismo das ações de um único sujeito político (REMOND, 1996); (BERSTEIN, 1998); (MOTA, 2009), mas, também as articulações para conquistar e se manter à frente do governo (MONTEIRO, 2016). Este estudo está inserido na linha de pesquisa: História e Regionalidades do PPGH/UFPB, porque dialoga com a ênfase na historicidade regional e prima por esse espaço de atuação por meio da análise do papel dos agentes envolvidos e dos processos relacionados aos espaços nacionais e aos globais.
  • Date: Jul 17, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • (Link: This text aims to analyze the political performance of the Leite family in the sertão of Paraíba, in the city of Desterro-PB, to verify their influence on local politics and their clientele and family network on local politics between the years of 1977 to 1989. Our study is inserted in the time frame of the “slow, gradual and safe” transition of the Brazilian Military Regime. Our intention was to analyze the political and family arrangements articulated by the Leite family group to rise to elective and public positions, to remain ahead of the municipal executive and legislative power for approximately three decades of the twentieth century in the city of Desterro-PB, covering six uninterrupted terms. We sought the political practices of clientelism and familism as a practice of power and construction of the network of influence of the Leite family in the city of Desterro-PB. To subsidize the research, we consulted documentary sources such as printed newspapers of state circulation - The newspaper A União and the newspaper O Norte. We used letters and telegrams available in the archives of the city hall of Desterro-PB, Minutes of the City Council and we made use of oral research through interviews. From a theoretical and methodological point of view, we adopted the perspective of analysis of the so-called New Political History, which opens up a range for different historical sources and enables us to research the political field in order to perceive political practices without being attached to the deeds, to the exclusivity of the actions of a single political subject (REMOND, 1996); (BERSTEIN, 1998); (MOTA, 2009), but also the articulations to conquer and stay ahead of the government (MONTEIRO, 2016). This study is inserted in the line of Research: History and Regionalities of the PPGH/UFPB, because it dialogues with the emphasis on regional historicity and excels in this space of performance through the analysis of the role of the agents involved and the processes related to the spaces national and global ones.
  • RACIALIZAR A NOTÍCIA, PLEITEANDO IGUALDADE: a experiência da Imprensa Negra contemporânea do Recife (1981-2002)
  • Date: May 28, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • (Link: Racializing the news, pleading for equality: the experience of the Contemporary Black Press of Recife (1981-2002) is inscribed in the studies that highlight the black protagonism and anti-racist struggle through alternative journalism in the contemporary history of Brazil and its Atlantic dialogues. This thesis aims to investigate the performance of five newspapers created by black entities from Pernambuco as an alternative to the small space reserved in the mainstream media for discussing racial issues. Angola, Negritude, NegrAção, Omnira and Djumbay are the titles that compose the analyzed sample. All of them came to light in the last two decades of the twentieth century and brought conflicting interpretations regarding the brazilian socio-racial structure advocated by dominant racial ideologies. Althought presenting quite different editorial focuses, they converged on the combat of racism and the search for full recognition of the black population in the democratic structure of the New Brazilian Republic that was outlined after years of military dictatorship. Thusly, they exhibited multifaceted strategies to unveil brazilian racism and demand policies that recognized the black person in society far from the spectrum of the universalist and assimilationist discourse.
  • Teaching and Memory: a perspective from Middle Egyptian literary texts
  • Date: May 14, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • (Link: In this research, we relate the concepts of cultural memory (Jan Assmann) and historical consciousness (Jörn Rüsen), focusing on two aspects of the study of Ancient Egypt, namely, the academic investigation and the Teaching of History of that civilization. From Rüsen’s observation, the lack of human orientation in time is the starting point for the questions which culminate both in academic research and in historical consciousness arising from scientific historiography and in the historical consciousness of ordinary, non- specialist citizens. Thus, we argue that the Teaching and the Research on Ancient Egypt play an essential role in the formation of a critical historical awareness of the Brazilian – and Western – citizen. In this regard, at first we seek to understand how the Egyptians built their cultural memory after the end of the political crisis called by the Egyptologists the First Intermediate Period (c. 2134 - 2040 BC), based on four Egyptian literary texts traditionally dated in Middle Kingdom (c. 2040 – 1640 BC): the Prophecies of Neferty, the Complaints of Khakheperréseneb, the Debate between a Man and his Soul and the Admonitions of Ipu-wer. We analyzed these sources through content analysis methodology (Laurence Bardin) looking for references a contrario to the Egyptian concept of maet. In a second step, we reflect on the relationship between the Brazilian historical consciousness and the country’s cultural memory in relation to Ancient Egypt. For this purpose, we discussed the results of a questionnaire applied with some teachers from the basic education of João Pessoa – PB and metropolitan region – approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (CEP/UFPB). From the findings of these questionnaires, it was possible to reflect on the limits of the role of history textbooks in consolidating a Brazilian historical consciousness, more specifically on Ancient Egypt – the object of our investigation –, finally examining the role of the Teaching of History in maintaining of an exotic and quite divergent view of Egyptology and historiography about Ancient Egypt, while considering that it is not the aim of the Teaching of History to “transmit” rigorous academic knowledge beyond the walls of the Academy.
  • Date: Feb 28, 2020
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Este trabalho almeja identificar, analisar e compreender a vigilância exercida pelo Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI) em relação aos políticos e militantes de organizações de esquerda no Estado da Paraíba, durante a ditadura militar brasileira (1964 a 1985). Em nível macro, realizamos uma apurada pesquisa nos documentos do Fundo SNI – Agência Recife com o intuito de identificarmos os grupos políticos partidários e as organizações de esquerda que atuavam na Paraíba e eram alvo da vigilância do SNI e dos demais Órgãos de Informações (OIs). Em um nível micro, observamos a vigilância a atores políticos paraibanos, políticos profissionais e militantes de organizações de esquerda, objetivando compreender como e porque esta ocorria. Assim, as fontes utilizadas nesta pesquisa são majoritariamente do acervo do Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI), estes são caracterizados como “documentos sensíveis”, pois, são “conjuntos que foram criados como instrumentos de repressão” (THIESEN, 2013: 4). Também fazemos uso dos depoimentos concedidos em audiências públicas realizadas pela Comissão Estadual da Verdade e Preservação da Memória da Paraíba (CEVPM-PB) e da documentação da Comissão Nacional de Anistia. A pesquisa se localiza no campo da chamada nova história política, mediante a utilização do conceito de cultura política, como exposto por Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta (2009). Também utilizamos de aspectos da teoria dos campos do sociólogo Pierre Bourdieu (1998), especificamente, o conceito de campo político. Este trabalho se coloca na área de concentração História e Cultura Histórica, vinculado à linha de pesquisa História e Regionalidades.
  • O MENINO DE ENGENHO E O ENGENHO DA VIDA: Produção e recepção da literatura zeliniana (1932-1943)
  • Date: Feb 18, 2020
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Este trabalho é baseado na perspectiva de uma história intelectual. Permeia a trajetória de José Lins do Rego buscando contar a evolução de sua projeção pelos ambientes intelectuais do Brasil entre as décadas de 1930 e 1940. Passando pelos debates regionalistas do Nordeste, cujo expoente fora Gilberto Freyre na capital pernambucana, até as reuniões do grupo de Alagoas, nas quais ao lado de escritores como Graciliano Ramos e Rachel de Queiroz discutiu uma nova fase do regionalismo brasileiro. Entretanto, esses debates prévios compuseram uma gênese da escrita Zeliniana, de modo que se verificou que o local da ampliação de seus escritos foi o Rio de Janeiro, espaço central do Brasil no período. Investigou-se também a recepção da literatura do intelectual paraibano pela crítica, os elogios e enquadramentos característicos dos círculos editoriais da época vantajosos e prejudiciais ao autor, uma vez que fizeram com que a obra estivesse disponível a um maior número de pessoas. Problematizouse, como objeto de pesquisa, o chamado ciclo da cana-de-açúcar, com ênfase em Menino de Engenho (1932) e Fogo Morto (1943), anos de recorte da história contada neste trabalho. Estas duas obras oferecem uma proposital representação da política e modernização surgidas nos debates iniciados com a crise oligárquica da “Revolução” de 1930.
  • A TRAJETÓRIA DO MISSIONÁRIO PRESBITERIANO ASHBEL GREEN SIMONTON NO BRASIL IMPERIAL E CATÓLICO: Proselitismo tático, ideias políticas liberais e antiescravismo silencioso (1833-1867).
  • Date: Feb 14, 2020
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho acadêmico discute a trajetória do missionário Ashbel Green Simonton, fundador da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil, que atuou de forma proselitista, utilizando a imprensa e a educação como meios para o desenvolvimento do seu projeto religioso. Realizamos uma análise bibliográfica e documental com vistas a construir seu percurso nos “trópicos” através de mecanismos táticos, uma vez que este país possuía uma religião oficial, com poucos direitos assegurados aos protestantes. Como um cidadão, Simonton deixou rastros das suas ações políticas liberais e conservadoras, de fundamentação religiosa (calvinista), que podem ser percebidas através do seu diário e de exemplares do periódico que dirigiu: o Imprensa Evangelica. Esses documentos favorecem uma vasta gama de possibilidades interpretativas concernentes aos olhares deste estrangeiro no Brasil do século dezenove, bem como suas ações calculadas com vistas ao estabelecimento da denominação presbiteriana. A compreensão da ética calvinista e sua relação com o mundo, abordagem produzida por Max Weber, e o conceito de tática, de Michel de Certeau, contribuirão para a percepção do caminho trilhado por Simonton nos terrenos complexos da vida estrangeira e protestante na segunda metade do Oitocentos. Buscamos perceber e analisar as leituras de mundo de Simonton sobre os vários assuntos do cotidiano “tupiniquim”, desde a organização social, religiosa e jurídica, como também questões relativas ao clima, geografia e escravidão. Temos como objetivos descrever o lugar social de Simonton no primeiro capítulo, esboçar o contexto religioso da inserção do protestantismo no Brasil do século dezenove, bem como discorrer sobre os meios utilizados pelo missionário no segundo capítulo, discutir os seus olhares sobre o Rio de Janeiro e suas ideias políticas liberal-conservadoras no terceiro capítulo e, no quarto capítulo, analisar a sua perspectiva da escravidão nos Estados Unidos e Brasil. A nossa hipótese é que o missionário Simonton perseguiu como alvo maior da sua passagem pelos trópicos a divulgação da sua fé presbiteriana e o estabelecimento desta denominação, resguardando taticamente as ideias políticas que pudessem causar obstáculos à realização do seu intento religioso, como o seu antiescravismo, omitindo-as dos meios públicos e expondo de forma particular para pessoas próximas e no seu diário
  • Brincando na Guerra Fria: uma História do boneco Falcon (1977-1996)
  • Date: Feb 12, 2020
  • Time: 09:30
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  • A História dos Brinquedos é vista, na historiografia brasileira, como parte da História das Crianças. Com base em uma pesquisa nas edições da Revista Brasileira de História e da Revista Brasileira de História da Educação, foi possível identificar esse universo e apreender os brinquedos e a cultura na construção do objeto dessa disssertação. Vários protagonistas foram surgindo na construção da pesquisa e ajudaram a configurar a história cultural dos brinquedos, mais especificamente, do boneco Falcon. Dos Estados Unidos para o mundo, o boneco G.I. Joe surge. No Brasil passa a se chamar Falcon e marca uma geração de crianças. Apesar de ter surgido na década de 1960, é apenas no final da década seguinte que o boneco será trazido para o Brasil, em 1977. Nesse momento, o Falcon chegava imbuído de ideais estadunidenses, como o patriotismo e o militarismo. Apesar de todo o contexto da Guerra Fria, no Brasil, algo além do alinhamento político com os Estados Unidos pesou na existência do Falcon, o Regime Militar, o boneco chega durante o regime e fica até alguns anos depois. Para dialogar com esse objeto, utilizou-se das narrativas de Chartier acerca da representação na História Cultural, algumas produções de Walter Benjamin e Johan Huizinga, para entendimento acerca do universo da ludicidade nesse universo de artefatos da brincadeira, assim como o entendimento de sensibilidades de Sandra Pesavento. O objetivo desse trabalho é elaborar desdobramentos acerca do peso histórico e cultural do brinquedo, assim como perceber as mudanças e permanências em seu universo.A pesquisa tem sua metodologia baseada principalmente na análise de catálogos de brinquedos que circularam na época proposta (1977-1996), assim como recortes de impressos como jornais e revistas, que também veicularam matérias acerca do Falcon. Desta forma, foi possível identificar as representações e as significações do Falcon e de alguns outros brinquedos que também circularam na época com uma temática semelhante, de enaltecer os Estados Unidos e a defesa dos ditos “valores ocidentais”.
  • CIDADE DA PARAHYBA, Cultura e cotidiano nas teias mercantis do Império
  • Date: Aug 31, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (PPGH- UFPB), este trabalho analisa o cotidiano das interações comerciais vivenciadas na capital da província da Parahyba do Norte, entre os anos de 1850 e 1875. Para compreender a dinâmica das trocas ali praticadas no contexto do período imperial, foram exploradas as implicações da atividade mercantil sobre a ocupação do espaço urbano, as relações de sociabilidade e as experiências de aquisição e consumo de bens e serviços então existentes. Através de uma leitura deste objeto de estudo em suas várias modalidades (como os mercados públicos, feiras livres, tavernas e armazéns, entre outras), realizada por intermédio da incorporação de fontes, como: a documentação oficial impressa e manuscrita, na forma dos relatórios da Secretaria do Estado dos Negócios da Fazenda e dos presidentes da província, censos, coleções de leis do Império, livros de notas; e alguns dos diferentes jornais que circularam na Cidade da Parahyba, entre eles: O Governista Parahybano, A Regeneração, A Ordem, O Publicador e O Despertador (produzidos durante as décadas de 1840 a 1880); além de impressos de caráter bibliográfico. Adotando a perspectiva construída por Michel de Certeau (1995 e 2014) no interior dos estudos culturais – elaborando uma história cultural –, que estabelece uma compreensão do espaço como produto de interação e interpretação constantes, e de modificações de forma e sentido decorrentes da ação do consumo. A cidade sob ininterrupta intervenção humana, é aqui concebida como lugar praticado, sendo também lugar da experiência – nas formas da tática e da estratégia – e da memória (LE GOFF, 1990), além de lugar do estabelecimento de redes de sociabilidade (SIRINELLI, 1992 e SIMMEL, 1983) articuladas entre comerciantes, produtores e fregueses. Resultando daí a identificação de relações de mútua influência, expressas em elementos como: os movimentos e lógicas organizacionais do núcleo urbano funcionando entre as demandas higienistas ainda em desenvolvimento (SCHWARCZ, 1993) e as necessidades e costumes locais que insistiam em contrariar as normativas impostas pelo poder público; as teias relacionais vivenciadas por pessoas de origens diversas favorecendo articulações políticas e servindo como mecanismo de mobilidade social; além de fragmentos do cotidiano das práticas e espaços do comércio na cidade da Parahyba.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2019
  • Time: 08:00
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  • Este trabalho pretende contribuir com a historiografia do campesinato paraibano acerca da Liga Camponesa de Sapé, trazendo para a discussão as práticas de violências (físicas e morais) presentes internamente nessa organização, tomando como base as memórias de camponeses que participaram desse movimento sejam como integrantes ou como testemunhas oculares desse acontecimento histórico. Visamos também compreender os diversos mecanismos de resistência utilizados pela Liga de Sapé após o assassinato de seu líder João Pedro Teixeira em 02 de abril de 1962, em que adotou uma postura mais inflexiva diante daquela conjuntura marcada pela intensificação da violência e das arbitrariedades por parte dos grandes proprietários de terra contra o homem do campo. Essa nova conduta envolveu não só os latifundiários, mas também todas as pessoas que eram contrárias aos ideais defendidos pela organização campesina. Deste modo, abriremos espaço para que os relatos de tais camponeses rompessem com o silêncio em torno desses fatos, cujas memórias nos possibilitará entender um pouco mais a respeito da história desse movimento.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O presente trabalho dissertativo analisa o processo de luta por direitos trabalhistas dos assalariados rurais da cana-de-açúcar no Agreste e Brejo paraibano entre os anos de 1980 e 1987, buscando compreender a construção de um projeto voltado para a difusão dos direitos trabalhistas na atividade canavieira da Paraíba, forjado a partir do processo de conscientização/formação política dos trabalhadores e afirmação da legislação nos lugares de trabalho e nos espaços públicos. Nesse entendimento, apresenta-se a atuação de organizações sociais junto à categoria dos trabalhadores canavieiros na conformação dos direitos trabalhistas, tais como alguns segmentos progressistas da Igreja Católica, movimento sindical rural e demais órgãos representativos da classe, atentando também para a aproximação do Judiciário Trabalhista às áreas interioranas da Paraíba. A partir da problemática posta, sob a perspectiva da História Social e da História Social do Trabalho, buscou-se lançar novos olhares sobre as relações de trabalho na zona canavieira paraibana, tal como fomentar discussões significativas a respeito dos “mundos do trabalho” e suas nuances nos domínios dos canaviais. Para a construção da narrativa histórica, utilizou-se documentos (relatórios, material de “clipagem”, correspondências, informativos, entre outros) do acervo do Serviço de Educação Popular (SEDUP), notícias do jornal paraibano A União e litígios trabalhistas findos da Junta de Conciliação e Julgamento de Guarabira, do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho – 13ª Região, arquivados no Núcleo de Documentação Histórica do Centro de Humanidades da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (NDH-CH/UEPB).
  • Trabalho infantojuvenil e lutas por direitos nas Mesorregiões da Mata e do Agreste da Paraíba (1987-1990)
  • Date: Aug 27, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Partindo da pesquisa nos autos da Junta de Conciliação e Julgamento de Guarabira, vinculada ao Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 13ª Região (TRT-13), correspondente ao estado da Paraíba, e que estão disponíveis no Núcleo de Documentação Histórica do Centro de Humanidades da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (NDH-CH/UEPB), pretendo analisar as ações judiciais acionadas por menores e seus representantes contra seus empregadores nos anos de 1987 a 1990, em busca da execução de direitos trabalhistas. O tema sobre trabalho infantil nas Mesorregiões da Mata e Agreste paraibano ainda foi pouco discutido pela historiografia e o acesso a essa documentação permite a nós, historiadores, ampliarmos o debate acerca dos processos históricos vividos pelos menores trabalhadores nestas regiões nos últimos anos da década de 1980. O presente trabalho pretende enfocar a luta pela garantia e ampliação de direitos da infância pós-Ditadura Militar e início do período de redemocratização brasileira, conferindo atenção às relações sociais e de poder que permitiam a exploração da força do trabalho infantojuvenil na região. Para tanto, o debate gira em torno das ações que a classe trabalhadora na Paraíba estabeleceu nas lutas pelos seus direitos, dentre as quais também estavam presentes a participação de crianças e jovens, a participação de entidades como a Diocese de Guarabira e Movimento de Adolescentes e Crianças (MAC), que observaram a questão dos meninos e meninas pobres e por último a Junta de Conciliação e Julgamento de Guarabira como órgão fundamental de mediação dos conflitos.
  • Lutas, Repressão e Conquistas: As Experiências dos Trabalhadores Rurais na Junta de Conciliação e Julgamento de Nazaré da Mata no Contexto do Golpe Civil-Militar (1963-1966)
  • Date: Aug 22, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A presente dissertação analisa as experiências dos trabalhadores rurais na Junta de Conciliação e Julgamento de Nazaré da Mata entre os anos de 1963 e 1966, contexto do golpe civil-militar. Para tanto, buscamos refletir sobre as características mais marcantes das relações de trabalho vigentes na zona canavieira de Pernambuco, a fim de ampliar as possibilidades de questionamento em face dos dados observados a partir da pesquisa realizada nos autos findos da Justiça do Trabalho. Naqueles anos os trabalhadores rurais conquistaram o reconhecimento de seus direitos trabalhistas, com a promulgação do Estatuto do Trabalhador Rural (ETR), em 1963, e no caso de Pernambuco, após uma greve que paralisou todo o setor sucroalcooleiro, impuseram o Acordo do Campo aos proprietários, nos marcos do primeiro governo de Miguel Arraes, quando pela primeira vez foi vislumbrado um quadro de garantias democráticas no campo. Esse breve período de conquistas foi abruptamente atingido pelo golpe de 1964, onde os movimentos reivindicatórios dos trabalhadores foram brutalmente perseguidos e a polícia voltou a servir de capanga dos proprietários. Inaugurava-se assim um novo momento, em que demandar direitos perante a Justiça do Trabalho representava um risco para o trabalhador, que podia ser enquadrado como “comunista”, um “elemento subversivo”, contrário à noção de Segurança Nacional e à ordem social estabelecida. Nesse sentido, procuramos questionar as possibilidades e limites das vivências dos trabalhadores rurais no tribunal, e como elas foram marcadas tanto pela história das relações de trabalho da região, como pelo novo quadro instaurado no país com o início do regime de exceção.
  • Date: May 29, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • A Paraiba, por varios periodos da sua historia, teve no algodao o grande produto da sua economia, o que fez com que o referido estado tambem sofresse influencias das estrategias economicas de empresas originarias de paises centrais na dinamica da economia capitalista mundial. No governo Argemiro de Figueiredo (1935-1940) seria implantado uma forte politica agricola e ao algodao seria enfatizada a modernizacao de seu cultivo e de suas usinas. Nesse periodo houve um incentivo a entrada de empresas estrangerias algodoeiras (ACCO e SANBRA), que influenciaram bastante a economia paraibana. Para implementar tais medidas, forjou-se todo um discurso difundido pelos orgaos de opiniao publica que visavam demonstrar a efetividade da politica agricola movida pelo Estado. O municipio de Inga passou a ser tomado como um grande modelo de sucesso dessa politica. Um discurso que prometia o progresso economico e social a todos os paraibanos atraves da modernizacao da producao algodoeira. Para avaliar os resultados desse progresso, outros politicos como Ruy Carneiro (1940-1945) entraram em cena, julgando e apontando a situacao em que se encontrava a Paraiba. E em meio a todo esse processo estavam os trusts estrangeiros, os pequenos e grandes agricultores, os proprietarios de terras, os comerciantes de algodao e os trabalhadores das usinas, cujos interesses por vezes rivalizavam entre si, apesar dos discursos que sublinhavam os beneficios comuns a toda sociedade do estado. Cabe, entao, analisarmos quais impasses esse processo trouxe para as classes sociais destacadas, durante e no pos-politica agricola de modernizacao do cultivo do algodao na Paraiba.
  • MULHERES TRABALHADORAS EM MOVIMENTO: MMT e MMB na Paraíba nos anos de 1980
  • Date: May 17, 2019
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Neste trabalho dissertativo, trato de uma representação sobre a trajetória do Movimento de Mulheres Trabalhadoras – MMT e do Movimento de Mulheres Trabalhadoras do Brejo – MMB, ao longo da década de 1980. Tais grupos atuaram na Paraíba, mais precisamente, nas mesorregiões do Agreste e da Mata Paraibana, em prol de direitos e liberdade de expressão para as mulheres. Ao descrever essas trajetórias, utilizo de modo qualitativo as narrativas de oito mulheres ligadas aos referidos movimentos, bem como, as escritas que contribuíram para meu embasamento com relação à temática. Dada a realização de entrevistas, a presente dissertação obteve prévia autorização do Comitê de Ética do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Sinalizo que o trabalho recebe, principalmente, as contribuições da História Cultural e da metodologia da História Oral. Assim sendo, na primeira parte, trago uma breve explanação das experiências vividas de modo singular que marcaram a vida das mulheres entrevistadas; também, descrevo o momento da minha aproximação com estas narradoras convidadas a participarem deste trabalho. No segundo momento, disserto sobre as primeiras interpretações a respeito das narrativas apresentadas que começam a desenhar como os grupos foram constituindo-se e passaram a atuar. Nesse sentido, volto-me para o apoio e direcionamento dado pelo trabalho da Igreja Católica e dos sindicatos de trabalhadoras/es que passaram por um processo de renovação e colocaram-se ao lado das/os trabalhadoras/es, tendo possibilitado o espaço e a conscientização necessária para a formação dos grupos. Ainda, discorrendo sobre mudanças, continuo a discussão pautando nuances que se deram no campo da história e possibilitaram que narrativas como essas do MMT e MMB sejam pesquisadas e registradas na escrita. Finalizo essa segunda parte do texto explicando o trabalho de formação dos grupos, considerando o trabalho da coordenação e a colaboração das diversas mulheres e entidades que deram suporte ao MMT e ao MMB. No terceiro e último momento, registro as principais atividades coletivas, o impacto delas na vida das mulheres e quais foram as motivações basilares e obstáculos (dentre eles, as condições postas pela família em ambos os movimentos, e pela Ditadura Militar, no caso do MMT) que justificaram a existência dos grupos de mulheres.
  • "A arte que faz história": uma narrativa de identidades no romance "Viva o Povo Brasileiro".
  • Date: May 17, 2019
  • Time: 10:00
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  • O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo em torno das discussoes que cercam o processo de formacao da nacao brasileira, atraves da representacao literaria do romance Viva o Povo brasileiro, do escritor baiano Joao Ubaldo Ribeiro, cuja ficcao traz contribuicoes significativas no pensar a questao das identidades culturais brasileiras a partir da perspectiva da construcao/representacao. Analisamos como o romance faz sua leitura do Brasil e do seu povo e estabelece atraves da intertextualidade entre episodios ficticios e as experiencias historicas uma critica a discursos historicos e suas contraversoes, em uma narrativa que apresenta multiplas formas de abordagens discursivas na problematizacao de nosso complexo identitario. Os suportes teoricos que norteiam este trabalho se pautam na perspectiva da Historia Cultural em dialogo com seus campos de aproximacao: antropologia, sociologia, historia social, historia da linguagem, teoria literaria, atraves das contribuicoes de Roger Chartier, Linda Hutcheon, Peter Burke, Michel de Certeau, Sturt Hall, Antonio Candido, Alfredo Bosi entre outros, tendo como conceito basilar a nocao de representacao, categoria central nas interfaces da Literatura e da Historia, tendo em vista que e com ele e a partir dele que se estabelece o nexo entre o real e o ficcional, uma vez que as narrativas historicas e literarias sao um construto linguistico inserido no campo das representacoes.
  • "Medirão a sua importância pelo número de soldados": a arregimentação de homens negros para a Guerra do Paraguai (Paraíba, 1864-1870)
  • Date: May 16, 2019
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Este trabalho abordou o recrutamento de homens/soldados negros da Paraíba durante a Guerra do Paraguai (1864-1870). Para tanto, utilizamos documentos produzidos por órgãos político-administrativos com tipologias variadas, como ofícios de Câmaras Municipais, listas de recrutamento/alistamento, cartas oficiais e Relatórios de Presidente de Província, notícias de periódicos, Circulares dos Ministérios da Guerra, Justiça e Negócios Estrangeiros e da Secretária de Polícia e Registros Paroquiais; que articulamos com a historiografia para fundamentar o desenvolvimento da nossa pesquisa, tendo como aporte teórico a história social e a “nova” história militar. Ademais, foi possível investigar as formas de comunicação e as interações entre as autoridades provinciais, seus comandados e as ordens centrais, determinadas pelos Ministérios encarregados de organizar a Guerra do Paraguai, cujo propósito foi de conhecer as motivações e discursos sobre o referido conflito bélico e as repercussões na sociedade oitocentista, a exemplo do envolvimento de uma significativa parcela de homens negros que foram recrutados, principalmente, provenientes de cárceres, para servir no chamado “contingente de guerra”, ou seja, eles formaram parte das tropas que foram enviadas nos vapores, para lutar em território paraguaio. Estes homens, todavia, não foram seres passivos. Eles conseguiram estabelecer novas conexões e inserções sociais (para os negros livres e libertos) e mudança de condição jurídica (de cativo para liberto). Entre os resultados, destacamos a identificação de um período marcado por um “laboratório” de experiências sociais para os homens/soldados negros, que integravam uma rede hierárquica, baseada em trocas de favores e concessões, sendo que estes criaram estratégias de sobrevivência ao recrutamento em tempo de guerra. Outro ponto importante do estudo refere-se à questão da cor/raça e condição jurídica desses sujeitos sociais, ora, disponíveis nas fontes; ora, predomina um “silêncio”. Entretanto, a partir de diversos documentos, conseguimos elaborar algumas trajetórias pessoais desses indivíduos. Enfim, as análises sobre os homens/soldados negros, no contexto da Guerra do Paraguai, foram cruciais para entender as particularidades das negociações e dos conflitos desses sujeitos com as autoridades militares e os poderes administrativos locais e centrais. Cabe salientar, ainda, que esta pesquisa foi realizada na Linha de Pesquisa: História e Regionalidades do Programa de Pós-graduação em História, na Universidade Federal da Paraíba.
  • A Igreja Católica e a Ditadura Militar na Paraíba: uma história de luta pela defesa dos Direitos Humanos nos anos da distensão política (1974-1979)
  • Date: May 3, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Este trabalho aborda a atuacao da Igreja Catolica no estado da Paraiba sob a lideranca do Arcebispo Dom Jose Maria Pires, em face da Ditadura Militar instaurada no Pais em 1964, por meio de um golpe civil-militar. Temos por escopo central pesquisar o periodo da distensao politica, a qual fora iniciada pelos militares em 1974, ate o ano da promulgacao da Lei de Anistia, em 1979. Destarte, esta pesquisa se coloca no campo da Nova Historia Politica em seu dialogo com a Historia Cultural e, nessa perspectiva, utilizamos o conceito de Cultura Politica por entender que ele nos auxilia na compreensao da realidade social, englobando as relacoes de poder em articulacao com as relacoes sociais. As fontes de pesquisa empregadas para a realizacao deste trabalho foram: analise dos principais jornais de circulacao da epoca, como A Uniao, O Norte e Correio da Paraiba; o Dossie do Regime Militar que se encontra no Arquivo da Arquidiocese da Paraiba; a documentacao oriunda do Servico Nacional de Informacoes (SNI) e da Comissao da Verdade da Paraiba, alem de uma ampla revisao bibliografica acerca do periodo. Acrescente-se ainda que o referido texto esta dividido em tres capitulos que buscam elucidar as seguintes tematicas: O processo de abertura politica do Regime Militar; A atuacao da Arquidiocese da Paraiba, com a lideranca do Arcebispo Dom Jose Maria Pires e, por fim, trazer uma discussao sobre os casos de violacao dos Direitos Humanos neste contexto historico de “abertura lenta, gradual e segura”.
  • "Folheterias, poetas resistentes e cordel biográfico"
  • Date: Apr 5, 2019
  • Time: 14:30
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  • a definir
  • Date: Apr 5, 2019
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Esta Dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre a historiografia do cordel brasileiro, abordando as folhetarias e impressos, editores, poetas, leitores/ouvintes e formas de vendas, visando compreender a resistência dos sujeitos que possibilitou o direcionamento dessa literatura à sala de aula, tendo o folheto Dom Helder, o profeta da paz, do cordelista paraibano Medeiros Braga, como principal referência. Analisando o passado histórico e os diversos interesses que possibilitaram o florescimento, o declínio e a renovação dos tradicionais folhetos de feira, vimos no entorno das décadas de 1970 e 1980 o contexto essencial para identificar os aspectos que transformaram sua produção no país, coincidindo com o período de sua grande crise e com o dos primeiros passos em direção ao sistema educacional brasileiro. Certeau (1982) e Farge (2011) embasaram o diálogo com a escrita e os possíveis lugares para a História, enquanto que Burke (2008), Canclini (2015) e Chartier (2002a, 2003, 2004) fomentaram as discussões sobre os conceitos de cultura, hibridismo, interação, apropriação e representação, necessários para entendermos com a historiografia específica que o cordel (assim como qualquer cultura) se reconstrói de acordo com as transformações sociais e a capacidade inventiva de seus agentes. Com isso, vimos que o poeta resiste para permanecer como cordelista e denuncia as injustiças de seu mundo para sobreviver enquanto indivíduo social. E como exemplo de poeta e poesia de resistência, Medeiros Braga apresenta no século XXI o cordel biográfico de Dom Hélder Câmara – símbolo da resistência na luta em defesa da paz e dos direitos humanos durante o Regime Militar (1964-1985) – como uma contribuição ao processo de conscientização política da sociedade.
  • Date: Apr 4, 2019
  • Time: 10:00
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  • O presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir os processos que levaram à construção do Hospital Colônia Getúlio Vargas no povoado de Barreiras, atual cidade de Bayeux-PB, destinado a conter de forma compulsória todo indivíduo que tivesse hanseníase, doença popularmente conhecida na época como Lepra. O recorte temporal escolhido para a pesquisa tem início no ano de 1929 e segue até 1941, ano da inauguração do hospital colônia. Deste o final da década de 1920, o jornal oficial do estado da Paraíba, o A União, começou a veicular notícias que diziam respeito à criação de um leprosário no estado. Esta jornal foi utilizado como principal fonte desta pesquisa e durante todo o período reportado no presente trabalho, esteve publicando notícias sobre os progressos relativos ao empreendimento, demonstrando como os interesses dos médicos, políticos e da sociedade do período, ambicionavam a criação de um aparelhamento anti-leproso neste estado, como método de proteger a sociedade “sadia” da lepra, doença de forte estigma que na época não tinha cura e causava medo à população. Neste trabalho, também é abordado como a filantropia através da Sociedade de Assistência aos Lázaros e Defesa Contra a Lepra, agiu de forma ativa no agenciamento de verbas que seriam destinadas à criação de um preventório para o acolhimento dos filhos sadios dos levados para a colônia. Durante a escrita desta dissertação, dialogo com as perspectivas abordadas por Michel Foucault (2014) acerca dos métodos de controle e disciplina dentro das instituições e também através das ideias de Erving Goffman (1987) sobre as “Instituições Totais”. A pesquisa apresenta como a lepra e o leproso foram postos em cena na e pela imprensa no fomento da criação de uma instituição destinada a cuidar desses enfermos. Conclui-se que o empreendimento do Hospital Colônia Getúlio Vargas fundado no ano de 1941, foi fruto de uma ação dos poderes públicos a nível federal e estadual em conjunto com a mídia da época, principalmente o jornal A União, a fim de construir um local especializado na contenção e no cuidados dos leprosos deste estado.
  • ARQUITETURAS DO PODER: cultura escolar e identidade no Grupo Escolar José Tavares (Queimadas - PB, 1935 - 1940)
  • Date: Mar 8, 2019
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Esse trabalho se envereda pelos caminhos da História da Educação sob a luz de inquietações que partem da perspectiva de pensar o Grupo Escolar José Tavares na Paraíba durante o período de 1935 a 1940, como fruto de diálogos estabelecidos com projetos políticos voltados para o espaço educacional. Para tanto, dialogamos com a conjuntura política que reverberou no Estado durante o período mencionado, momento no qual imperava o Argemirismo. Dentro desse recorte temporal é possível perceber a existência de projetos políticos com interesses direcionados para a educação primária, no tocante à fabricação de uma identidade nacional e regional, que podemos identificar por brasilidade e paraibanidade. Tais projetos ganharam corporeidade na estrutura dos Grupos Escolares. Para realizar essa discussão foi tomado como aporte a leitura de Pinheiro (2002), que destacou o momento de maior número de construções de Grupos Escolares na Paraíba como um Período de Euforia. Também partimos da leitura de Jorge Nagle (2001) com relação ao Entusiasmo pela Educação e Otimismo Pedagógico, e Marta Maria Chagas de Carvalho (1998) que realizou uma reflexão sobre a instituição escolar enquanto uma fôrma cívica pronta para moldar a população dentro dos interesses governamentais. Esse trabalho se mostra ainda aliado às narrativas de Aluízio Araújo. O mesmo teceu suas experiências discentes no Grupo Escolar José Tavares, instituição que nasceu no contexto da discussão a qual essa pesquisa se detém. As memórias de Seu Aluízio revelam traços da Cultura Escolar envolvida pelo projeto de brasilidade e paraibanidade. Além da bibliografia pertinente, metodologicamente a presente dissertação se faz articulada à análise documental de Mensagens e Relatórios de governo da Paraíba, arquivos escolares, Jornal da União, Revista do Ensino, e por fim, as memórias de Aluízio Araújo.
  • Date: Feb 22, 2019
  • Time: 14:00
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  • a Este trabalho analisa o processo politico e de preparacao constitucional ocorrido no inicio do seculo XIX que possibilitou quatro influentes personagens da politica na Provincia da Paraiba, ex lideres da revolucao liberal de 1817 nesta localidade, retornarem a cena politica apos violenta contrarrevolucao e, em 1823, apresentaram-se na Corte do Rio de Janeiro para, de forma considerada bastante liberal e altiva, exercerem o mandato de deputados constituintes na primeira assembleia parlamentar do Brasil independente, a Assembleia Geral Constituinte e Legislativa do Imperio do Brasil. A reuniao destes representantes provinciais para elaborar uma Constituicao ao nascente Estado soberano do Brasil representava a entrada do pais na inovacao parlamentar e constitucional alinhada ao parametro europeu. Os quatros lideres paraibanos presentes na Constituinte de 1823, Augusto Xavier de Carvalho, Joaquim Manuel Carneiro da Cunha, Jose da Cruz Gouveia e Jose Ferreira Nobre, sao analisados sob o aspecto da origem social, da formacao educacional, da atuacao politica anterior a independencia do Brasil e da postura parlamentar por eles exercida na Assembleia. A forma como deliberaram importantes assuntos para a construcao do Estado-nacao, a saber: liberdade de imprensa, criacao de universidades, implantacao de assembleias legislativas provinciais e escravidao recebe atencao especial neste trabalho. Em face da importancia significativa deste periodo politico para a historia do direito constitucional, do legislativo brasileiro e da Paraiba, este trabalho dissertativo justifica-se. Como fontes foram utilizados, sobretudo, os Anais da Assembleia Geral Constituinte e Legislativa do Imperio do Brasil de 1823, catalogados e digitalizados pelo portal eletronico do Senado Federal na forma de Diario. Sao tres grandes volumes responsaveis por trazer ate nos os debates parlamentares desenvolvidos na primeira Constituinte do pais. Como fundamentacao teorica utilizam-se as contribuicoes da Nova Historia Politica, nitidamente marcada por analises dos aspectos culturais. A cultura politica, entendida como o conjunto de tendencias psicologicas em relacao a politica, favoreceu um estudo em que o desdobrar da politica e analisado com vies cultural e nao como um simples desenvolver de fatos. Longe de apresentar meras narrativas lineares ou biografias descontextualizadas, a historia politica cultural vislumbra os sujeitos com seus contextos sociais, o que permite entende-los numa perspectiva social, historica e em suas trajetorias intelectuais. O trabalho esta inserido na linha de Historia e Regionalidades.
  • O PASSADO PRESENTE NO ROMANCE DE AGUALUSA: história e literatura nos limites da ficção
  • Date: Nov 30, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • O Exército é coisa do Rebotalho da Nação: Recrutamento Militar e manutenção da ordem no Brasil(1840-1852).
  • Date: Oct 8, 2018
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Date: Aug 31, 2018
  • Time: 10:00
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  • A presente pesquisa intencionou discutir como se estabelecem as relações que permeiam o processo de envelhecer e ser velho no interior da Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPI), Vila Vicentina Julia Freire. Relações estas, entrelaçadas por uma série de elementos que compõem a trama social do referido espaço, como a fé e a prática da caridade. Neste contexto, os sujeitos que compõem e interagem no espaço delimitado, surgem como protagonistas das narrativas. São voluntários vicentinos, profissionais e idosos, que ao apresentarem as suas histórias de vida, caminhos que os levaram até a Vila Vicentina e perspectivas acerca do lugar e dos sentidos do envelhecer, nos oferecem recursos indispensáveis para pensar as relações, dinâmicas e representações que elaboram e significam o cotidiano. No que se refere ao aporte teórico e metodológico, nortearemos nossas reflexões a partir de autores que dialogam com a História Cultural, como: as contribuições de Chartier (1990) e o conceito de representações, que serão profícuos na construção do texto; Michel de Certeau (2014) para pensar a instituição enquanto espaço praticado; Ecléa Bosi (1994) que lida com a memória de velhos; Le Goff (1994) e Halbwachs (1990) e suas reflexões acerca da memória; além de algumas pesquisas recentes nos campos da história e sociologia que tomam a velhice como eixo central de análises, entre elas, as de Cabral (2002), Cavalcanti (2013), Silva (2012) e Ramos (2008). A História Oral surge como procedimento metodológico principal, empregada a partir do cruzamento de fontes institucionais, com a legislação vigente que rege os diretos do Idoso no Brasil, bem como, os documentos que conduzem a atuação da Sociedade de São Vivente de Paulo, entre os quais, a Regra da SSVP, fontes essas indispensáveis ao desenvolvimento da pesquisa.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • "Nesta prefeitura aqui, só quem manda sou eu!": aspectos do campo político em um pequeno município cearense durante a ditadura civil-militar (1970-1982).
  • Date: Aug 20, 2018
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Esta dissertacao tem como tema de pesquisa a historia politica de um microespaco social situado no interior cearense, a fim de compreender, a partir da analise da trajetoria politica de um individuo, as dinamicas proprias do funcionamento do campo politico em ambitos local e regional no Brasil da ditadura civil-militar, entre os anos de 1970 e 1982. O objetivo desta pesquisa e analisar os fatores que envolviam e chancelavam a entrada de novos agentes no campo politico, tradicionalmente limitado a circulos oligarquicos estreitos, bem como conhecer os elementos geradores de rupturas e permanencias do processo historico, em articulacao entre a politica local, regional e nacional.
  • "A administração da loucura: a Santa Casa da Parahyba do Norte no tratamento dos alienados (1858-1892)"
  • Date: Jun 8, 2018
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Desde a sua fundação, a Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Parahyba foi responsável pela assistência prestada aos moradores da Província que ia desde o atendimento médico em seu Hospital de Caridade, passando pelo acolhimento de crianças abandonadas, recolhimento de esmolas para os presos, celebrações religiosas, até o enterramento de seus habitantes. Uma dessas atividades dizia respeito ao recolhimento de alienados (pessoas reconhecidas com distúrbios mentais) em uma época em que não existiam ainda, nas províncias, instituições próprias para realizar este trabalho ou tratamento adequado para cuidar deste tipo de doente. Desse modo, os alienados, ainda no século XIX, eram trancafiados em prisões ou em suas próprias casas, quando não eram abandonados a própria sorte nas cidades vizinhas. Na Província da Parahyba, estes eram remetidos, através da Delegacia de Polícia, aos quartos escuros do Hospital de Caridade onde dividiam seus males com os demais doentes (não alienados), causando grande incômodo aos pacientes da instituição e aos moradores das casas vizinhas. Por isso este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o tratamento dado aos alienados da Província pela Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Parahyba na segunda metade do século XIX. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa abarca a análise de dados referentes ao atendimento de alienados recebidos pelo Hospital de Caridade da SCMPB até a transferência destes para um novo local chamado de Sitio da Cruz do Peixe, onde seria fundado o Asilo Sant’Ana no final do século XIX. Desse modo, o recorte temporal utilizado compreende o ano de 1858, quando foi realizada uma grande reforma no Hospital de Caridade até o ano de 1892, data de fundação do Asilo Sant’Ana, nos arrabaldes da capital paraibana. A fundamentação teórica traz algumas obras de autores de referência que entre seus trabalhos, tratam do tema da loucura como Moreira, Foucault, Castel, Machado, Amarante, Portocarrero, Goffman e Oda; do atendimento aos alienados na Parahyba Oitocentista, como Castro e Coêlho Filho; trabalhos recentes sobre o tema, frutos de dissertações e teses; e informações existentes nos relatórios de provedoria e nos ofícios de internação existentes no Arquivo da Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Paraíba que nos ajudam a compreender tanto assistência prestada aos alienados no Hospital de Caridade como no espaço destinado ao seu tratamento no Sitio da Cruz Peixe, futuro Asilo Sant’Ana. Os dados analisados mostram as dificuldades enfrentadas pela Santa Casa de Misericórdia durante toda a segunda metade do século XIX na manutenção de alienados em seu Hospital de Caridade, consequência da falta de instituições próprias para esse fim na província, assim como o surgimento do Asilo Sant’Ana na última década do oitocentos, resultado de disputas e reivindicações entre o Governo provincial e os administradores da Santa Casa, além do perigo constante de epidemias que colocavam em risco a saúde da sociedade paraibana na época. Palavras Chave: Alienados. Santa Casa. Paraíba.
  • Date: May 30, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A presente dissertacao, inserida na linha de pesquisa Ensino de Historia e Saberes Historicos, tem por finalidade analisar o “lugar” da mulher na Comunidade Negra Senhor do Bonfim, localizada na zona rural do municipio de Areia/PB. Salientando a sua contribuicao na construcao da identidade de grupo, faremos uso da historia oral a fim de compreender a relacao das mulheres negras com a terra; as suas lutas e resistencias com base na abordagem de sua participacao na comunidade e no territorio. No que diz respeito ao aporte teorico e metodologico iremos nos nortear pelas reflexoes trazidas por Maurice Halbwachs (1990) para que possamos compreender como a memoria individual esta atrelada a uma memoria coletiva; bem como Eclea Bosi (1994) para entendermos a importancia da memoria dos velhos para a construcao da historia do grupo; no que tange a construcao da identidade, Tomaz Tadeu da Silva (2012) e Stuart Hall (2001, 2003) auxiliarao na percepcao de como esta e fabricada a partir das diferencas e de acordo com o contexto vivido; mais proximo a Antropologia, estabelece-se dialogo com Fredrik Barth (1998) e o seu pensamento acerca dos grupos etnicos e a formacao das fronteiras culturais. O conceito de pertencimento de Jacques D’adesky (2001) atrelado ao de territorio de Rogerio Haesbaert (1999, 2006) serao de extrema importancia para a nossa analise no que diz respeito a importancia do lugar em que se vive para as mulheres e principalmente as suas contribuicoes na constituicao de uma identidade. Alem disso, nos valemos do conceito de genero postas por Scott (1990), com o intuito de perceber como se constroem as relacoes sociais dentro do grupo. Tendo em vista as problematicas levantadas acerca da nossa tematica, faremos uso de entrevistas, fontes audiovisuais, censos e documentos institucionais, relacionando-os de maneira dialogica para nortear o caminhar da nossa investigacao.
  • NAS VEREDAS NEGRAS DO SERTÃO: histórias de vida familiar de escravizados no sertão brasileiro ( Vila de Catolé do Rocha/Paraíba, 1836-1866)
  • Date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Este trabalho tem como tema de pesquisa a população escravizada que viveu na Vila de Catolé do Rocha no século XIX. A ideia de pesquisar esse grupo social surgiu, inicialmente, das inquietações e lacunas ainda presentes na historiografia brasileira sobre a região do interior do país, que durante muito tempo deu pouca importância a essa parcela da população, silenciando a história de mulheres e homens escravizados na composição da sociedade sertaneja brasileira. Com esta dissertação, pesquisamos a presença de cativos na Vila de Catolé do Rocha e analisamos algumas das vivências de mulheres, crianças e homens escravizados, com foco nos seus vínculos familiares e parentescos espirituais, tanto em relações com indivíduos de sua mesma condição, quanto com livres e libertos/forros. Tal investigação tem como aporte teórico e metodológico a História Social e a Demografia Histórica. A História Social, cujo pressuposto considera população escrava como sujeitos históricos, e a Demografia Histórica, que se baseia em registros de recenseamento, com a aplicação de técnicas estatísticas, possibilitaram análises quantitativas de fontes eclesiásticas (livros de batismo e de casamento) aliadas à análise qualitativa intensiva dos documentos primários. Entre os resultados, salientamos as ações de resistência ao sistema escravista, a exemplo do estabelecimento de relações parentais, como o compadrio, uma aliança espiritual que permitiu a formação de redes de solidariedade para se sobreviver em sociedade escravista sertaneja do século XIX como também a história de conquista de liberdade por parte de mulheres e homens cativos com base em fontes oficiais. Por fim, este estudo se insere na linha de pesquisa de História e Regionalidades, que são compreendidas como construtos históricos, de caráter simbólico-político, componentes das culturas históricas produzidas, divulgadas e apropriadas por sujeitos historicamente situados, assim, o conhecimento do processo histórico, com ênfase na historicidade regional, é um espaço de atuação que permite a formação de historiadores(as) com melhor conhecimento de suas realidades e dos acervos documentais. Esses processos têm relevância na construção de culturas políticas aplicadas à cidadania e à democracia, e na renovação do ensino de história na educação básica e no ensino superior, possibilitando um aprofundamento no campo da história e da cultura histórica. Palavras-chave: População Negra; Escravidão; Relações Parentais; Resistência; Sertão Brasileiro; Catolé do Rocha; Paraíba; Século XIX.
  • NAS VEREDAS NEGRAS DO SERTÃO: histórias de vida familiar de escravizados no sertão brasileiro ( Vila de Catolé do Rocha/Paraíba, 1836-1866)
  • Date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Time: 14:30
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  • a definir
  • Date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Na perspectiva da História Cultural e Social, esta dissertação vem propor um estudo pertinente sobre os efeitos dos procedimentos intolerantes que foram implantados pelo Santo Oficio da Inquisição na Península Ibérica e em suas Colônias em plena Idade Moderna, tendo como objetivo analisar as relações de causa e efeito estabelecidas, respectivamente, pelo dominante sobre o dominado, ou seja, partindo da causa dessa relação, identificamos a Inquisição e as suas ferramentas, utilizadas como estratégias para implementação do poder, reveladas nas leis que regiam os procedimentos e nos próprios procedimentos, como, por exemplo, a implementação da tortura, bem como os funcionários que executavam o serviço. A partir daí, investigamos as consequências dessa ação, os efeitos no aspecto religioso, cultural e social, para tanto, buscamos analisar desde as formas de resistência diante da ação do dominador, revelando uma atitude tática do dominado numa tentativa de se resguardar diante dos procedimentos da ação do Santo Oficio, até o derradeiro aspecto da diluição de identidade que ocorreu durante esse processo, situação que vai gerar um impacto social que se estende até hoje, uma vez que a questão da identidade judaica dos cristãos novos e seus descendentes revela uma problemática que se propaga pelos séculos e não se extingue no presente, pois cada época apresenta suas reinvindicações próprias de seu contexto histórico, revelada através da análise do material bibliográfico e de outros documentos históricos que vai iluminar essa relação de pertença que pareceu nunca se extinguir por completo. Palavras chave: Inquisição. Cristãos novos. Intolerância. Identidade
  • Date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Na perspectiva da Historia Cultural e Social, esta dissertacao vem propor um estudo pertinente sobre os efeitos dos procedimentos intolerantes que foram implantados pelo Santo Oficio da Inquisicao na Peninsula Iberica e em suas Colonias em plena Idade Moderna, tendo como objetivo analisar as relacoes de causa e efeito estabelecidas, respectivamente, pelo dominante sobre o dominado, ou seja, partindo da causa dessa relacao, identificamos a Inquisicao e as suas ferramentas, utilizadas como estrategias para implementacao do poder, reveladas nas leis que regiam os procedimentos e nos proprios procedimentos, como, por exemplo, a implementacao da tortura, bem como os funcionarios que executavam o servico. A partir dai, investigamos as consequencias dessa acao, os efeitos no aspecto religioso, cultural e social, para tanto, buscamos analisar desde as formas de resistencia diante da acao do dominador, revelando uma atitude tatica do dominado numa tentativa de se resguardar diante dos procedimentos da acao do Santo Oficio, ate o derradeiro aspecto da diluicao de identidade que ocorreu durante esse processo, situacao que vai gerar um impacto social que aparentemente se estende ate os dias atuais, uma vez que a questao da identidade judaica dos cristaos novos e seus descendentes revela uma problematica que ocorre desde a Idade Moderna ate os dias de hoje, porem, com as reivindicacoes proprias de cada contexto historico, revelada atraves da analise do material bibliografico e de outros documentos historicos que vai iluminar essa relacao de pertenca que pareceu nunca se extinguir por completo.
  • Date: Apr 6, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O presente trabalho está inserido na linha de pesquisa História e Regionalidades tendo por objetivo investigar as mulheres proprietárias de terras, entre o período de 1855-1875, na vila de Patos, província da Parahyba do Norte, problematizando as articulações familiares, sociais, econômicas, dentre outros aspectos, sobre a terra como elemento de poder e como essa representatividade estava inserida no sertão paraibano no século XIX. A partir do objetivo proposto, nos apoiamos na História das Mulheres, para uma melhor compreensão da inserção feminina no espaço de afirmação eexpansão da posse de terra, proporcionada por uma diretriz que colaborava na ideia da terra está simbolizada dentro de um status socioeconômico entrelaçado aos aspectos culturais, quedirecionavam hierarquias em uma sociedade patriarcalista e escravista. Partindo da pesquisa realizada na documentação, como os Relatórios dos Presidentes de Províncias, os RegistrosParoquiais de Terras, os Inventários Post-Mortem, as Ordenações Filipinas, o censo de 1872 e osestudos historiográficos, buscamos um melhor entendimento da atuação feminina como sujeito da história, casos em que elas participavam em transações na mercantilização de terras, preservando o poderio familiar entre as propriedades, como também nas doações, exercendo a ramificação familiar entre províncias vizinhas e na condução dos bens da família articulando suas relações de sociabilidade e nos entrelaçados da lógica familiar. Entre outros aspectos, nesses espaços podemos analisar os elementos relacionados à dinâmica do acesso a terra conduzida pelas mulheres. Palavras-chave: Mulheres. Proprietárias. Século XIX.
  • Date: Feb 23, 2018
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A longa duração da Guerra do Paraguai (1864-1870), analisada através dos diários de viagens, correspondências oficiais e documentação referente ao período, expõe de maneira brutal o tratamento dado aos soldados, civis e demais participantes que lutaram na guerra contra o inimigo comum, o Paraguai. As forças aliadas, argentinos, uruguaios e brasileiros, lutaram acima de tudo pela sobrevivência nos campos de batalha caracterizados pela falta de água potável, alimentos em quantidade insuficiente e sem condições de serem ingeridos, cadáveres amontoados ao ar livre, além da ausência de instrumental médico cirúrgico para tratar os doentes. Todos esses fatores levantaram hipóteses acerca de novas interpretações que devem ser dadas à Guerra no que tange aos aspectos do cotidiano e da sobrevivência das tropas e da população civil. Com o início da guerra, o país iniciou um período de reorganização das forças do Exército, incluindo o Corpo de Saúde desta instituição a fim de enviar forças para o front. Desta forma, nosso objetivo foi compreender o cotidiano dos espaços de cura que funcionaram durante o conflito, incluindo o exercício da prática médica e a luta pela sobrevivência desempenhada por civis e enfermos. Para tanto, este trabalho dialoga com um corpus documental diversificado objetivando dar novos significados ao maior conflito bélico vivido pelo Brasil. Realizamos a pesquisa sob o enfoque da Nova História Cultural em diálogo com a História da saúde e das doenças, nos preocupando com novas interpretações, com ações conscientes ou não, com os lugares e a vida cotidiana dos doentes e feridos, na tentativa de dar novas abordagens aos temas que envolvem a Guerra do Paraguai. Sendo assim, nosso trabalho se insere na linha de História e Regionalidades, dialogando com aspectos diversificados do cotidiano dos militares e civis durante o conflito no sul do país. Palavras-chave: Guerra do Paraguai; espaços de cura; doenças;
  • Date: Feb 7, 2018
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Raimundo Nonato da Silva foi um intelectual potiguar que ao longo da sua trajetoria manteve relacoes com diversas instituicoes de poder e saber; como o Instituto Historico e Geografico do Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN) e a Academia Norte-rio-grandense de Letras (ANRL). Tais instituicoes ajudaram a projeta-lo intelectualmente no decorrer de mais de 80 livros publicados. Professor, memorialista, historiografo, jurista, entre outras funcoes, conta com uma vasta producao bibliografica nos campos da memoria, historia, cronica, etc. O presente trabalho intenciona compreender as representacoes narrativas produzidas pela sua escrita sobre o passado, aferindo as suas relacoes com a construcao de uma Cultura Historica (GADAMER, 2009) para a regiao Oeste Potiguar e a maneira como a Cultura Historiografica (DIEHL, 2002, 2009) influenciou neste processo. Para tanto, se pretende refletir acerca do modo como as categorias tempo e espaco aparecem na construcao da sua narrativa em torno da regiao. Admite-se, portanto, que Raimundo Nonato atuou consciente ou inconscientemente como artifice em um processo que representou uma consciencia historica na producao de um passado para a espacialidade. Desta feita, utilizaremos como fonte a colecao de livros Minhas memorias do Oeste Potiguar, escrita entre as decadas de 1980 e 1990; bem como, parte da correspondencia ativa e passiva dada ao longo do recorte temporal proposto. Acredita-se que considerar tal percurso historico e historiografico descortina e historiciza praticas de saber e poder cristalizadas ao longo do tempo.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2017
  • Time: 21:00
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  • A dissertação discute a atuação docente de Pedro Américo de Figueiredo e Mello, artista da segunda metade do século XIX, numa das instituições oficiais o Império, a Academia Imperial de Belas Artes. A Academia, conjuntamente com o IHGB, o Colégio Pedro II, entre outras instituições, fazia parte de um amplo projeto político que emanava da Corte, responsável pela elaboração de uma Identidade Nacional e a construção da ideia de Nação. A partir da Reforma Pedreira (1855), tendo Porto-Alegre como um dos idealizadores, AIBA buscou se consolidar como instituição maior das artes no Império, bem como elaborar uma escola brasileira. Para tal empreendimento, a instituição almejava um perfil docente particular, formado por artistas egressos, dotados de um habitus, que para Bourdieu (1983) é um conjunto de saberes e disposições que são incorporadas pelos sujeitos num processo de socialização. Pedro Américo, recém-formado pela AIBA e ex pensionista do Imperador na Europa, em 1864, se encaixava neste perfil almejado, pois estava imbuído dos ideais do projeto elaborado pela Reforma de 1855, dotando da capacidade em continuidade aos seus objetivos: a formação de um campo artístico. O recorte do estudo se estende do concurso de Pedro Américo para a Academia Imperial, em 1864, até o momento em que o referido pintor se ausenta da instituição na década de 1880. A pesquisa baseia-se em um vasto conjunto de fontes, formado pelas leis e decretos do período imperial, o jornal carioca Correio Mercantil, nos Discursos (1888) de Pedro Américo. E no o acervo da AIBA, que se encontra Museu D. João VI, no Rio de Janeiro, o qual possui correspondências, documentos oficiais importantes para a compreensão do funcionamento da referida instituição.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2017
  • Time: 20:20
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  • A sanção da Lei nº 11.645/2008, que tornou obrigatório o estudo da História e Cultura Afro-brasileira e Indígena nos estabelecimentos de Ensino Fundamental e Médio, públicos e privados, fomentou inúmeros debates acerca de sua implantação, principalmente, no tocante à formação docente e à produção de materiais didáticos pertinentes. A maioria destes materiais apresentam distorções e informações equivocadas a respeito da história e da cultura dos diferentes povos indígenas do Brasil, contribuindo para o reforço de imagens estereotipadas e ações discriminatórias. Acreditamos que o ensino de história local pode contribuir para superar este enfoque superficial e reducionista acerca dos indígenas, uma vez que possibilita a construção e a consolidação de identidades, sejam individuais ou coletivas, bem como o reconhecimento da diferença e da diversidade. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa dedicou-se à análise das representações dos povos indígenas nos materiais didáticos de história da Paraíba, destinados aos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental e publicados entre 1996- 2015, com base nas prescrições curriculares oficiais. Buscamos ressaltar, a partir do método da análise categorial, como os povos indígenas habitantes do estado da Paraíba vêm sendo representados nos materiais publicados antes e depois da Lei nº 11.645/2008, destacando mudanças e permanências.
  • PODER LOCAL NA PARAÍBA DURANTE A EXPERIÊNCIA DEMOCRÁTICA: política e relações de poder no município de Mamanguape (1947 - 1964)
  • Date: Aug 31, 2017
  • Time: 19:30
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  • Date: Aug 31, 2017
  • Time: 19:00
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  • O Encontro entre índios e europeus se deu a partir de mútuas traduções culturais, na qual cada um via o outro de acordo com sua própria visão de mundo. Seguido pelos primeiros cronistas ainda tomado pelo fascínio e encanto do descobrimento do Novo Mundo, os missionários foram principais protagonistas no processo de entendimento da cultura dos nativos, ora visto como povos puros e aptos a serem novos cristãos, ora tomado de astuciosa conduta que prejudicava o contato e a sua conversão para o cristianismo. Sendo a ordem jesuíta a principal instituição no processo de colonização da fé ao longo do século XVI – um projeto realizado entre a Coroa lusitana e a Igreja –, estes missionários foram responsáveis pelo esforço em compreender e assimilar o Outro para poder convertê-lo efetivamente. A busca deste objetivo tinha na linguagem religiosa a chave de compreensão, onde a percepção da religião dos nativos permitiria, apoiado na sua desconstrução, edificar a religião cristã. Dito isto, o objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar como se deu este processo de decodificação da cosmologia Tupinambá a partir dos predicados euro-cristãos, a partir da primeira experiência jesuítica – as missões itinerantes – e a criação de manuais da fé para a conversão nativa – bem como do uso de Tupã e Anhangã para traduzir o sentido de Deus e Diabo.
  • "Entre cartas e escritos: a trajetória do Padre Gabriel Malagrida e o seminário Jesuíta da Parahyba (séculos XVII e XVIII)"
  • Date: Aug 31, 2017
  • Time: 14:30
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  • O trabalho pretende analisar a trajetória do padre Gabriel Malagrida (1689-1761), na Companhia de Jesus, tendo como referência a cultura do Barroco e as regras do carisma inaciano para a compreensão da sua vida religiosa e atuação missionária no Brasil colonial na primeira metade do século XVIII. Para isso, é necessário retornar às bases de sua formação instrucional e doutrinária, que oferecem o suporte inicial para análise do seu comportamento barroco e os principais desdobramentos dessa cultura no seu jesuitismo; ou seja, nas suas práticas cotidianas. A cultura do barroco ajuda a traduzir a atuação do religioso, no Brasil setecentista, como missionário, professor, pregador e, também, como rebelde. Ao mesmo tempo, a pesquisa discorrerá acerca do período em que o Padre Malagrida permaneceu atuando no Novo Mundo, verticalizando seu protagonismo na Capitania da Paraíba do Norte com a construção do Seminário Jesuíta para formação de sacerdotes, anexo ao Colégio de São Gonçalo, sob os moldes e aspirações do Concílio de Trento. Ainda nesse sentido, analisaremos as vicissitudes que convergiram para a escassez de sacerdotes e de um colégio que instruísse os filhos dos colonos locais, no final do século XVII e na primeira metade do século XVIII, motivando, assim, solicitações dos Capitães-Mores, do Senado da Câmara e das autoridades eclesiásticas à Coroa portuguesa requerendo condições necessárias para que os inacianos se fixassem na capitania, atuassem nas missões, fundassem um colégio e, posteriormente, o seminário, atendendo aos pedidos dos moradores da mesma capitania. Também será estudado o antijesuitismo durante governo do Marquês de Pombal e as motivações persecutórias contra a Companhia de Jesus. Por fim, a vida padre Gabriel Malagrida; o processo de criação do Seminário da Paraíba; e a expulsão dos jesuítas da Paraíba, em 1759, são os principais pontos para a construção dessa narrativa histórica.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Date: Aug 28, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Date: Aug 28, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como Castro Alves em sua poética compreendeu a construção de África, bem como sua representação da travessia transatlântica, e ainda nesta perspectiva, compreender o papel de construir uma alusão a Palmares, nitidamente uma resistência dos negros ao sistema escravocrata, ao qual chamamos de África à brasileira. Deste modo, pretendemos viajar na representação que o poeta fez sobre África em Vozes D’África (1868), a travessia em Navio Negreiro (1868) e a construção de uma liberdade, em solo escravagista em Saudação a Palmares (1870). Metodologicamente, para esta pesquisa foi selecionado apenas três poemas para compreensão de seu pensamento, presentes em sua obra Os Escravos (1883), que reuniu sua produção poética postumamente, sempre posicionado contrário a escravidão e a situação do negro pela sociedade escravocrata brasileira. Como suporte teórico, embasamos nossos estudos em Edison Carneiro (1937), Costa e Silva (2006), Afrânio Peixoto (1947), João José Reis (1995), Rocha Pitta (1952), Nina Rodrigues (1976) e Paul Gilroy (2001) que aliados a outros pesquisadores pudemos compreender essa arqueologia do pensamento de Castro Alves. Apesar das inúmeras incongruências que o poeta apresenta em sua poesia, dedica-se a questões incomuns que é o negro e sua consequente escravização, apresentando-o ora como partícipe, agente e lutador, ora apresenta como sofrido e dócil, deixando enigmas em seu pensamento sobre a liberdade na sua poética.
  • Date: Aug 28, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Date: Aug 25, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Date: Aug 21, 2017
  • Time: 17:00
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  • Date: Aug 21, 2017
  • Time: 17:00
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  • Date: Aug 21, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Date: Aug 21, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Os crimes e transgressões praticados pelas mulheres escravizadas em oposição ao sistema escravista, enquanto instrumento de contestação, estiveram presentes no cenário do Brasil vigorado nas relações entre senhores e cativas desde sempre. Desse modo, esse trabalho, com base na história social da escravidão, pesquisou diversas formas de resistência como as fugas, infrações cotidianas e homicídios praticados pelas mulheres escravizadas, identificando essas ações como ato de se contrapor à escravidão. No nosso estudo, as mulheres escravizadas são destacadas como agentes e protagonistas históricas e, para tanto, investigamos as suas lutas, os mecanismos e estratégias de resistências construídas por elas, as quais buscaram melhores condições de vida e espaços de autonomia no cativeiro das suas variadas relações sociais. Analisamos, desse modo, as vivências de mulheres que habitavam as zonas urbana e rural e utilizamos como fontes históricas: jornais da época disponíveis no Acervo Digital da Biblioteca Nacional; registros de ocorrências criminais da Comarca da Província de Pernambuco que estão disponíveis no Arquivo Público Estadual de Pernambuco; e também os pedidos de solicitação de comutação de pena encontrados no Fundo do Ministério da Justiça, localizados no Arquivo Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Todos esses documentos revelaram as transgressões que foram cometidas, os motivos e as circunstâncias em que ocorreram e quais penalidades eram aplicadas às mulheres que se colocaram contra o sistema opressor da escravidão. O período analisado corresponde a os anos 30 e 50 do século XIX, na província de Pernambuco. Por fim, destacamos que o referido estudo está vinculado à Linha de Pesquisa História e Regionalidades do Programa de Pós-graduação em História/UFPB. Palavras - chave: Escravizadas; Pernambuco; Resistência; Século XIX.
  • Date: Aug 11, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • QUEM MANDA NO FUTEBOL DA PARAÍBA? Elites Políticas e Estado Novo (1941-1947)
  • Date: Aug 4, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • O presente trabalho busca investigar aspectos da vida futebolística na Paraíba a partir da formação de suas Ligas, especificamente a Federação Desportiva Paraibana ao longo de sua existência do ano de 1941 a 1947, fundada por obrigatoriedade do decreto lei n.3.199 que regularizou os esportes e profissionalizou o futebol no país, sob a tutela do regime autoritário intitulado Estado Novo. Utilizando como fontes jornais, revistas e documentos oficiais problematizei aspectos importantes da reorganização do campo esportivo nesse período, já que a formação do Conselho Regional dos Desportos ligado diretamente à secretaria do interior do estado Paraíba, associado à entrada de novas forças políticas no seio dessa nova federação provocaram quatro renúncias coletivas e duas intervenções ao longo de sua existência, assim como o fim dos clubes ditos mais tradicionais que já participavam das Ligas anteriores. Questões como a profissionalização dos jogadores, a pluralização do discurso jornalístico e a formação de clubes vinculados a fábricas nesse período também são abordados para a tentativa de se compreender as mudanças e permanências que acompanharam a real aplicabilidade do decreto mencionado. Desta feita será possível analisar o alcance de um projeto nacional para os esportes em confronto com as possíveis tramas sociais que circundavam os bastidores da prática esportiva na Paraíba.
  • Date: Jul 31, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Date: May 4, 2017
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Date: Mar 30, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho analisa as experiências e lutas sociopolíticas de mulheres nas regiões do Seridó e Curimataú paraibanos, durante a década de 1990, intencionando problematizar suas atuações e as mudanças que se gestaram ao longo do processo, uma vez que a constituição de novos espaços de poder foram se edificando, como a formação de duas ONGs, o Centro de Educação Popular, popularmente conhecimento por Cenep, na cidade de Nova Palmeira, e o Centro de Educação e Organização Popular, o Ceop, na cidade de Picuí, entidades sem fins lucrativos com ideologias voltadas para as questões sociais e populares. Também busca refletir sobre as articulações firmadas entre Igreja Católica, adepta à Teologia da Libertação, formação do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) em algumas cidades das regiões, e a fundação de um sindicato, como foi o caso do Sindicato dos Servidores Públicos Municipais do Curimataú (Sinpuc), em 1992. A partir dos documentos e entrevistas coletados, além de leituras sobre a historiografia da época, percebemos que nas regiões do Seridó e Curimataú paraibanos se configurou uma rede de mobilizações civis em torno dessas e de várias outras questões e interesses que compõem o universo sociopolítico. Fica notório, a partir da análise das fontes, um forte compartilhamento de insatisfações sociais, políticas e econômicas, na qual grupos, majoritariamente formados por mulheres, organizaram-se para minar com as problemáticas cotidianas resultantes das administrações públicas e reivindicar lugares de poder restritos a uma dada elite, heranças de práticas e culturas políticas visualizadas tanto em nível de estado quanto em um contexto nacional, fato que influencia diretamente nas articulações civis e populares nas regiões. Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, a dissertação desenvolveu-se no campo da Nova História Política em diálogo com a História Cultural, recebendo contribuições do historiador Edward Palmer Thompson, através do conceito de experiência. Aqui, a categoria cultura se coloca como campo importante de análise, pois possibilita elencar caminhos diferentes de compreensão em torno do pensamento dos sujeitos pesquisados, que opera por meio de costumes, tradições, rituais, desejos e sentimentos, aspectos fundamentais para perceber as experiências vividas e mudanças comportamentais adquiridos ao longo do tempo.
  • José Rodrigues da Costa: um tipógrafo na Cidade da Parahyba (1848-1866)
  • Date: Mar 30, 2017
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Dos prelos da Typographia de José Rodrigues da Costa, foram impressos sucessivamente documentos provinciais dos anos de 1848 a 1862, além de uma média de 12 jornais e seis escritos de autores da província paraibana, entre 1848 a 1866. Devido a importância do proprietário deste estabelecimento tipográfico, enquanto um renomado tipógrafo, este trabalho tem por objetivo dissertar a trajetória de José Rodrigues da Costa enquanto um importante produtor e difusor da cultura escrita na capital da Província da Parahyba do Norte, entre os anos de 1848 e 1866 (ano de sua morte). Para tanto, considero José Rodrigues da Costa um intermediário da cultura escrita partindo pelo o que Robert Darnton (2010) categorizou de intermediários da literatura: aqueles que desempenharam atividades de editores, tipógrafos, impressores, livreiros, etc., que foram responsáveis tanto pela produção quanto pela propagação dos impressos em suas respectivas épocas. Atrelado a isso, é necessário que se acrescente as noções de culturas políticas e redes de sociabilidade, para identificar se as relações sociais estabelecidas pelo tipógrafo influenciaram ou não sua permanência no mercado de impressão na capital. Deste modo, a pesquisa baseia-se em um amplo conjunto de fontes, composto em sua maioria pelos jornais e alguns dos escritos impressos em sua oficina, e pela obra de Eduardo Martins A Tipografia do Beco da Misericórdia: apontamentos históricos (1978), que é referência sobre a trajetória do estabelecimento. Desta forma, foi possível identificar que o tipógrafo foi responsável pela produção de vários gêneros de impressos, e chegou ao ápice de sua atuação enquanto um intermediário da cultura escrita, na minha opinião, quando imprimiu um jornal de sua propriedade, O Publicador, esse que se tornaria um dos mais duradouros jornais da Paraíba no período imperial.
  • MULHERES CATIVAS NA PROVÍNCIA DA PARAÍBA DO NORTE: Tráfico Interno e Conquista da Liberdade (1850-1888)
  • Date: Feb 23, 2017
  • Time: 17:00
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  • O presente trabalho foi elaborado na Linha de Pesquisa de Historia e Regionalidades, tendo como objetivo examinar as experiencias historicas das cativas na provincia da Paraiba do Norte, visibilizando a presenca feminina no comercio de compra e venda de pessoas escravizadas na provincia, e suas acoes para alcancar a liberdade, principalmente, por meio da fuga, entre os anos de 1850 (fim efetivo do trafico Atlantico) e 1888 (abolicao da escravidao do Brasil). Alem disso, buscou-se compreender como se dava o processo de comercializacao de pessoas cativas na provincia paraibana, observando os valores dos impostos, os regulamentos, quem participava desse comercio, o lugar para qual o(a) cativo(a) era transferido, entre outras questoes. Embasado na Historia Social Inglesa, o estudo foi realizado a partir de analises quantitativas e qualitativas, e cruzamento de fontes. Para isto, analisou-se registros como: Livros de Meia Sisa (impostos) de pessoas escravizadas comercializadas dentro e fora da provincia da Paraiba, Relatorios de Presidente de Provincia e jornais paraibanos. As ultimas decadas do seculo XX foram marcadas por intensas transformacoes sociopoliticas que possibilitaram a visibilidade social da mulher e da populacao negra, e tambem a incorporacao dos mesmos como temas na producao historiografica, principalmente, a partir da decada de 1980. No entanto, ainda existem muitas lacunas na historiografia brasileira acerca das experiencias e vivencias das mulheres negras e escravizadas. Tornaram-se imprescindiveis estudos e pesquisas para a recuperacao historica da participacao e importancia das mulheres negras na sociedade brasileira, visto isso, e tentando preencher uma dessas lacunas que o presente trabalho foi construido.
  • Date: Feb 22, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Este trabalho tem como intuito analisar a vila operária de Camaragibe, situada na região metropolitana do Recife, no início do século XX, mais precisamente de 1900-1929, tendo como foco a tentativa de ordenamento e exclusão sobre o operário. Para isso, foi feita uma releitura da historiografia relacionada ao período, com base em jornais da época e documentos internos da Fábrica de Camaragibe que nos possibilitaram uma melhor compreensão de como se estruturou a formação do “operário ideal”. As vilas, no final do século XIX e início do XX, representavam a moradia ideal, sendo vistas como o oposto à habitação proletária que, no discurso dito oficial, era o foco irradiador de doenças e “maus hábitos”. Uma das formas de afastar o trabalhador industrial desse meio seria através de tentativas de ordenamento Entre as características da vila operária de Camaragibe, estava o forte apelo católico que se fazia presente nas mais diversas atividades promovidas pelos diretores desde eventos como Natal, passando pelos bancos escolares, quando os filhos dos operários tinham aulas sobre a Bíblia e os valores cristãos. A tentativa de exclusão se dava através da localidade, que em sua grande maioria situava-se distante dos grandes centros urbanos, com intuito de através do isolamento, afastar o operário do convívio com outros trabalhadores e consequentemente de ideias que pudessem incentivar, greves ou levantes que viessem a atrapalhar a produção. Por fim, este trabalho terá o objetivo de analisar como ocorreram as sociabilidades dentro da vila, e em que medida as ações patronais se chocavam com os interesses dos trabalhadores no cotidiano fabril.
  • Date: Feb 20, 2017
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Date: Feb 17, 2017
  • Time: 16:00
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  • Date: Feb 17, 2017
  • Time: 14:00
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  • A partir da análise de um corpus documental diversificado, que inclui os Anais, Atas e o Regimento Interno da Assembleia Legislativa Provincial da Paraíba, os Relatórios dos Presidentes de Província e jornais do século XIX, buscamos no presente estudo compreender a atuação dos deputados provinciais paraibanos no Segundo Reinado, mais especificamente entre 1855 e 1875, período em que houve uma reconfiguração da política nacional. Partimos do pressuposto de que as Assembleias Legislativas Provinciais, criadas pelo Ato Adicional (1834), constituíram-se como importantes espaços de poder nos quais seus membros puderem discutir e legislar sobre as mais variadas questões, usufruindo, desta forma, de uma considerável autonomia e contribuindo para a construção do Estado nacional brasileiro. Com base no conceito de Culturas Políticas e de Redes de Sociabilidade, analisamos o funcionamento da Assembleia Legislativa Provincial da Paraíba, que era regida por uma série de “rituais”, e elaboramos um estudo prosopográfico dos deputados provinciais que atuaram no recorte temporal adotado, sobretudo dos indivíduos formados em Direito pela Faculdade de Olinda/Recife, onde parte considerável obteve o diploma de curso superior. Corroborando com a historiografia, identificamos que este tipo de formação se configurou como um dos distintivos da elite política nacional, uma vez que a maior parte dos deputados provinciais paraibanos que conseguiu chegar à Câmara dos Deputados era composta por bacharéis em Direito, conforme exemplificam as trajetórias dos políticos paraibanos Felizardo Toscano de Brito e padre Lindolfo Correia das Neves. Tendo em vista a relação dos deputados provinciais e outros agentes da elite política, como os vereadores e os presidentes de província, discutimos também acerca das municipalidades e da instrução pública na Paraíba, assuntos que frequentemente se encontravam no cerne dos debates e que, ao se constituírem como um dos campos de atuação dos deputados provinciais, podem ser considerados relevantes espaços de autonomia.
  • Date: Feb 9, 2017
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a atuacao de Lucia Braga entre os anos de 1982 a 1988, momento em que adentra o campo da politica. No ano de 2017 completa-se 85 anos que o direito ao voto feminino foi institucionalizado no Brasil por meio do Decreto nº 21.076/32. Ate entao, as mulheres nao cabia a participacao na politica partidaria, sendo esse espaco ocupado majoritariamente por homens. Insatisfeitas com esta realidade, algumas mulheres transgrediram as normas vigentes e buscaram defender a participacao feminina no campo politico. Crescendo de forma gradual desde a conquista do direito ao voto, percebeu-se um aumento significativo da participacao feminina na politica partidaria a partir da decada de 1980, momento em que pela primeira vez alguns partidos politicos passaram a inserir as bandeiras de lutas femininas em seus programas politicos. E nesse contexto que Antonia Lucia Navarro Braga inicia sua caminhada junto ao campo da politica. Seu protagonismo nao deve ser desconsiderado, assim como nao se pode desconsiderar o fato de que, apesar de assumir uma aparente autonomia politica, Lucia Braga nunca rompeu de fato com as praticas caracteristicas da politica oligarquica da epoca. Enquanto primeira-dama do Estado, Lucia Braga se faz valer de diversas praticas politicas conservadoras para efetivar muitas de suas acoes. Praticas assistencialistas, populistas e controladoras sao verificadas no desenvolvimento das acoes encabecadas por Lucia Braga e sua equipe da Funsat, a exemplo da distribuicao de cestas basicas, materiais de construcao, e o proprio desenvolvimento do projeto Mutirao, que devido a sua metodologia de trabalho, pode ser apontado como uma forma de exploracao da mao de obra dos usuarios. E por meio de sua atuacao junto a populacao periferica do Estado, proporcionada pelo cargo que ocupou na Funsat que Lucia Braga se configura enquanto um importante nome politico no estado paraibano em meados da decada de 1980. Longe de objetivar negar o capital politico familiar portado por Lucia Braga, aponto a experiencia vivenciada por esta e o cargo que ocupou por ela na Fundacao Social do Trabalho, como os principais delegadores e constituidores de capital politico da entao primeira-dama. Este trabalho se insere na perspectiva da Historia Politica, nao aquela do seculo XIX, voltada apenas para as instituicoes do Estado, para os eventos de curta duracao ou para os grandes eventos, descrita pela primeira geracao da Escola dos Annales como “factual, idealista e psicologizante”. Segue-se a perspectiva da Historia Politica Renovada, que a partir da decada de 1980 teve que se aproximar e buscar aplicar questionamentos das Ciencias Humanas e Sociais e da Ciencia Politica, respondendo, de certa forma, as novas possibilidades propostas pela Nova Historia Cultural. Inserido nessa perspectiva, o conceito de “Capital Politico” foi abordado de forma transversal em todo o trabalho. Como fontes foi feito uso de tres livros autobiograficos, Tempo de viver tempo de contar, A casa da Palmeira e Garfes nossas de cada dia e outras historias; de textos publicados na imprensa local, como o jornal A Uniao, O Norte, O Momento e o Correio da Paraiba. Tambem inserido nesse conjunto de textos pertencentes a imprensa, a Revista da Funsat, fez parte do escopo documental; Alem de informacoes e dados disponiveis nos enderecos eletronicos oficiais do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral e do Tribunal Regional Eleitoral da Paraiba.
  • Tempos misteriosos: uma história da população rural pelas estradas do mundo moderno (Paraíba, 1932-1962)
  • Date: Feb 2, 2017
  • Time: 08:30
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  • Os sertoes misteriosos povoavam a imaginacao e o cotidiano da gente que habitava as suas fronteiras. Entre os espinhos da vegetacao e a vastidao das campinas, viviam criaturas encantadas dotadas de forca e coragem inalcancaveis aos seres humanos. Ao longo do periodo compreendido pela seca de 1932 e o assassinato do lider campones Joao Pedro Teixeira em 1962, agricultores e vaqueiros experimentaram o novo tempo, o qual virou seu mundo de ponta a cabeca. O objetivo dessa dissertacao foi discutir como a populacao agraria viveu a modernizacao do mundo rural. A modernizacao tomava como redeas os projetos renovador, expansionista, democratizador e emancipacionista, conforme Nestor Canclini (2000[1989]), mas tambem se fez acompanhar dos processos de racionalizacao, leia-se desencantamento do mundo, para citar Max Weber (2004[1920]) e Antonio Pierucci (2005[2003]), de ascensao do regime de historicidade futurista, conforme Reinhart Koselleck (2006[2003]) e Francois Hartog (2014[2003]), e de alargamento da esfera publica, na esteira de Jurgen Habermas (2014[1962]). A mudanca se revestiu de jogos de poder, em meio aos quais foi esbocado o conceito de reacao, esse abria para os comportamentos e as representacoes possiveis no cenario que estava posto, considerando os valores, os habitos, as tradicoes daquela gente, mas tambem os conflitos que envolviam os padroes apenas parcialmente compartilhados por eles, nas margens de Edward Thompson (2011[1963]) e Roger Chartier (2002[1985]). Essas reacoes se davam em meio aos territorios que envolviam as diferentes culturas historicas que estavam em jogo, observe-se Elio Flores (2007). A documentacao foi composta dos processos civis e criminais impressos na Revista do Foro; dos suplementos agricolas do jornal A Uniao; da revista Paraiba Agricola; dos folhetos; dos romances regionalistas; para alem dos relatorios, mensagens, leis, entre outras referencias de uso mais pontual. Essa pesquisa assumiu o argumento de que nao houve ingenuidade na forma como a gente camponesa se movimentou no mundo politico, essa populacao barganhou a todo tempo os rumos desse processo, construindo, em meio as suas tradicoes e as referencias do novo tempo, uma cultura politica. A pesquisa mostrou a variedade de leituras do moderno que a gente camponesa inventou e a partir das quais ela se deslocou. O seu mundo povoado de chefes politicos, bandidos e padres passou a dividir espaco com o poder publico e os rumos desses personagens dotaram-se de outros contornos, com menos poder e de forma mais racional. Mas tambem as instituicoes modernas diagnosticaram essas mudancas, homogeneizando esses personagens sobre categorias estanques e menores em relacao aos significados que eles de fato tinham. A construcao da agenda modernizadora foi permeada por lutas de representacao, os quais mudavam de rota na medida em que os projetos alcancavam o cotidiano da populacao camponesa. Em meio a isso, a imprensa agricola foi um suporte importante para a racionalizacao dessas questoes e para a conducao delas enquanto pauta publica. Ainda nessa medida, as experiencias dos criadores de gado, cultivadores de algodao e plantadores de cana mostraram as cenas de violencia simbolica e os conflitos que permearam esse processo. Ao longo desse tempo, a populacao camponesa conquistou cada vez mais espaco no mundo publico, elevando a questao agraria ao primeiro posto das pautas nacionais, e barganhou, por dentro e por fora dos caminhos institucionais, formas de viver o mundo moderno. Para isso, pequenos proprietarios, por vezes, cercavam terrenos outrora comuns e moradores expulsos das usinas negociavam o pagamento pelas suas benfeitorias. Ao passo disso, os diferentes contornos das migracoes e os crescentes dados demograficos desautorizavam que se falasse em exodo rural, a reforma agraria se tornou projeto nas casas legislativas do pais e as ligas camponesas expuseram as muitas movimentacoes da gente camponesa com as ferramentas do moderno, na contramao de como agiram as elites, que, nao raro, rompiam com os preceitos da legalidade. Em outras palavras, a modernizacao foi um cenario importante para a democratizacao, que nao seguiu um caminho estanque, mas esteve envolto de muitos atropelos e novos rumos, pelo menos ate o ano de 1964, quando o golpe civilmilitar levou esse processo a termo.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2016
  • Time: 17:00
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  • This study aims to examine the possibility of relations between the songs of urban music with youth and History Teaching. At another point the study will seek in the school culture and high school tools that relationship with textbooks and evidence ENEM. Used as a source for our research volume 3 of three collections of textbooks of history aimed at high school and the 1998 ENEM of evidence to 2015. By analyzing the textbooks, we conducted a general approach of the book and the use of music the main text of books or in their activities. Regarding the evidence ENEM, we seek to observe what the main themes discussed the issues and analysis from the ESMS Reference Matrix matters containing songs. This research also laid up on an analysis of the importance of secondary education for youth, their relationship with the content and curriculum and the importance of the formulation of historical knowledge, the school knowledges and historical consciousness. This study is linked to the line of research "Teaching of History and Historical Knowledge" Program Graduate of the Federal University of Paraiba, with specialization in "History and Historical Culture." Through it, we seek to trace the main links between the rock and the youth; youth and high school; school Culture and History Education; the songs and secondary education tools (Textbooks and ESMS) observing the progress in education of high school in Brazil. It is also the focus of this study the analysis of the song as a historical document and how to treat / work with it.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2016
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This study follows the line of research, History and Regionalities, linked to the area of History and Historical Culture of PPGH UFPB. It analyzes the moment that Major-Coronel Theodorico Bezerra was president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) in Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 1949-1965 and his life story, from the relations that remained in the hotel industry, trade and industry, until to become a landowner and invest all the profits achieved in Natal at the Farm Irapuru / Tangará, transforming this property into an empire (private world). Besides the family influence, he inherited the contacts in Natal. All this, helped him become a prominent political. This analyze is made from family Bezerra and Ferreira de Souza who had a prominent role in politics of Santa Cruz and the State in the First Republic (1889-1930) and epoch Vargas (1930-1945). Also, is investigated the advertising strategies and electoral frauds used by Major-Coronel Theodorico Bezerra to get the vote of the voters in benefit of himself, of his family and political allies. From this context the aim is to understand how he managed to occupy and stay in direction of the largest and most powerful political party of Rio Grande do Norte state and create a collective memory of himself, from three points: the farm Irapuru / Tangará, the Grande Hotel / Natal and the direction of the PSD Potiguar.
  • Imagens da doença, políticas da notícia: Cenários e representações da aids na imprensa paraibana (1980)
  • Date: Aug 31, 2016
  • Time: 09:30
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  • This dissertation had as main objective to realize through the newspapers – A União, O Norte and Correio da Paraíba – speeches about aids in the local scene, in Paraíba context. Starting up through theoretical considerations that justify the choice of newspapers and the press from Paraíba as objects of this research. At the same step, it presents a narrative that also seeks to justify taking the disease – aids in this case – also as a matter of history, specifically, because it is involved in the human context, revealing reactions, relationships, readings and changes inside the context of the social paradigms. Aids is presented in the scenario of the human sciences as a disease that was previously announced by the press, even before the first cases being diagnosed, this is also the dispute found in Paraiba - the news comes first and helps building images of the disease. On the context of the 1980s, when the first cases of aids, little was known about aids, therefore, images and metaphors were credited to the disease and therefore patients arises. In this scenario limits and ignorance, disease was surrounded by prejudice and personified by the patients, the target of a state that was silent and slow in effective responses to confront the epidemic, the same step that the measures created reinforced prejudices, resulting in violence daily, a scenario already painful for patients. The refusal to accept such violence, Led the movements of homosexuals in the country, to rethink their struggles; thereby organized into groups that exceeded the limits of the field of sexuality, and demanded that the Brazilian state responses against the disease together, bringing the country to become a world reference in fighting aids. In this research, we can identify the debates and speeches made by paraibana press, from the exhaustion of the institution of the risk groups, to the question of the place reserved for aids, addressing the disease and patients as a non-priority issue for the state, through the infeasibility of paraibanos hospitals to provide assistance to the sick, to the need to trigger health in neighboring states, to take care of those who Paraíba refused to attend. Thus, it presents part of this panorama of aids in Paraíba context.
  • História e Protagonismo Negro: Africanidade, Cultural Histórica e Ensino de História na Trajetória Históricas de Abdias Nascimento (1944-1999)
  • Date: Aug 30, 2016
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The work aims to study how the black population has developed a new epistemological perspective guided by the black African historical experience, from the encounter between historical knowledge and socio-cultural activism, in contrast to the production of knowledge and the teaching of Eurocentric history. Therefore, the research was developed from the analysis of the protagonism of Abdias Nascimento, based on what we call abdisian moments: the blackness pedagogy (1944-1968), the pan-Africanist quilombism (1968-1983) and the parliamentary quilombism (1983-1999). The documentary research corpus is based on his theatrical, intellectual and political production around the national and international anti-racist struggles in the XX century (1944-1999). The protagonism of Abdias Nascimento helped the systematization and coordination between the historical process and the historical acts, where the black population took, at the same time, the role of producing, transmitting and receiving historical knowledge, which was set in a dialectical and dialogical way during his anti-racist social praxis, generated and based on the historical culture of black African resistance.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2016
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This study seeks to analyze the workers' associations in the Parahyba do Norte in the period between 1881 and 1930. These workers who lived through in the period the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century in the capital of Parahyba organized politically through mutual aid associations. From this analysis we seek to understand how the working class developed its class identity through relationships, through the associative culture present in the formation of this process. For this, in the introduction, we made a brief overview of the history of work, highlighting the need to study the associational life. At another time of the dissertation, we show how the economic policy and aesthetic exercised in the process of modernization of the capital has affected the living conditions of the working class, we also did the mapping of the associations founded in the period. Then we insert the associations in the scenario presented and observe its workings. Finally, we analyze the case of the Sociedade de Artistas e Operarios Mechanicos e Liberais, where we highlight the process of institutionalizing the relationship with the world of politics and the state. As theoretical foundation we used the referential of Social History English, we use various sources such as: book of minutes, government reports, almanacs and newspapers. The selected documentation allowed to understand how the associations effectively marked the life of the working class in the capital of Parahyba.
  • Date: Aug 29, 2016
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This work intents to analise Maria Carolina de Jesus' two books, Quarto de Despejo (1960) and Casa de Alvenaria (1961), both consisting of diaires from the author between 1955-1961. The first one was written during the time she lived in the Favela do Canindé - São Paulo. Continuation of the first, the second was written after the successful sales of her first book, after witch Carolina goes on to live in a middle class neiborhood and mingle amongst intelectual circles. Based on the reflection of narrative and experience, these two Works are interpreted as significant elaborations about the historical processes in witch they are inserted into. Both naratives offer an interesting way to investigate the transformations happening in Brazil at the time, from the perspective of a singular individual, nevertheless, she faced some of the main issues of her time: the economical and social transformations in a city witch was center of industrialization, the cultural dinamics and the apropiations of a popular culture that renews itself whithin the context of these transformations, the possibilities of survival and of social insertion of folk layers in the urban world, the raising of new manners of social participations and their limits .
  • Date: Aug 16, 2016
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Date: Aug 2, 2016
  • Time: 15:30
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  • This study deals with the teaching of History in Literacy cycle, specifically about the place of this discipline in the process of children's literacy in Vitoria da Conquista county, Ba (20102014). We have analyzed the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (NPLRA), a federal program, which expresses the importance of a diversified curriculum for this cycle, composed of all the areas that composes the curriculum, the use of this Program justifies in the time frame, as we analyze our object before and after the accession in Bahia county to NPLRA. For this, we work with literacy women teachers, coordinators of the Municipal Secretary of Education (MSE) of the aforementioned and school coordinators. We have analyzed the conception of literacy of these professionals because we believe that it directly influences in the direction that school gives to the scholar discipline History. In this sense, we also analyzed the express curriculum and the real curriculum for the concerned discipline and the initial training and continuing training of literacy teachers. We use a diversified corpus documentary that includes: official documents of the Department of Education for the cycle we studied; express curriculum and Decennial Plan of Education of Vitoria da Conquista / BA 2008-218 , project of four Education Degree Course, courses programming and discipline menus that deals with methodology and History teaching in these courses, questionnaire applied with coordinators of SME and transcribed interviews with literacy teachers and school coordinators teachers . We use classic researchers who are dedicated to teaching History, such as Abud (2007), Bittencourt (2009), Cerri (2011) and Fonseca (2009). Our work is guided by the principles of Cultural History and the oral method and is based on the principles of qualitative research. We realize that the school discipline History still holds a supporting place in the scenario of star literacy process by duet between Portuguese and Mathematics.
  • "Memórias Flageladas: Narrativas Sobre as Secas na Região do Cariri Cearense (1958-1970)"
  • Date: Jul 29, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This work - linked to the line of research Regional History Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Paraiba, with Concentration Area in History and Historical Culture - aims to discuss and analyze the memories produced on droughts in the Region of Ceará Cariri engendered on oral narratives and written records, highlighting the particularities and peculiarities of the region, mapping and discussing the ruptures and continuities cultural, geographic and historical on traditional historiography. Thus, it is necessary to understand and situate in time and space characteristics of caririense Region in contrast to the state of Ceará and even the Northeast, contextualizing these features since colonization, analyzing the first crops and economic activities, provided by the favorable climate resulting from Araripe. More sharply, our analysis back to the twentieth century, more precisely in the years 1958 and 1970 to analyze the constant mnemonic and representing variations of these droughts that occurred over the region. Thus, it became interesting to understand how is the process of building the memories of the drought, looking meditate on tensions involving oral narratives and written records, analyzing also disputes by these memories.
  • Date: Jun 20, 2016
  • Time: 09:30
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  • The college degrees have been gaining a challenging character nowadays when it comes to the processes of formation of teachers. Recently, those processes gained a significant contribution and it is called Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) funded by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) with the aiming of developing actions attributed in the politics of formation of future teachers that will develop their teaching skills on the Basic Education. As a challenging process, we aim to recognize and get to know the contributions and the impacts that PIBID brought on the Cariri’s Regional University (URCA), localized in the city of Crato/CE, South of Cariri, inside the History degree in the years of 2009-2014. To analyze our studies, we opted for a quantitative approach when it comes about our data through answer sheets applied, two interviews and discussions about the teaching formation of the History professional in the process of teaching inside the program PIBID. Contributed to this work, forty students included in the program (PIBID), five supervisor teachers of public schools linked to the program and the university, and two coordinators of the History course. We hope that this is one more contribution for future teachers of the basic education to develop their job as an enriching process for the degrees nowadays. We expect that this job is recognized as one more study of case, inside the program of professional formation. We also hope that other works have the same purpose or at least approximate the worries in the academic formation in our institutional ambiances.
  • A CONSTRUÇÃO DA PÁTRIA AMADA: Educação, patrimônio e nacionalismo na Paraíba durante a segunda guerra mundial (1939-1945)
  • Date: Jun 16, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This paper presents reflections of the “A União” journal’s representations about widespread and intensified patriotic practices in the Paraíba state during the World War II (1939-1945). From the perspective of the New Cultural History, the proposal is to analyze how the Brazilian government, through the newspaper, spread nationalistic practices and disclosed patriotic actions, influencing society to build a sense of “paraibanidade” and therefore a new national ideal, which would be necessary to the state of belligerency. The approach of this research is qualitative, and the methodology used was the analysis of material presented in the papers in the established period, as well as the dialogue with theorists who deal with the issue. To construct a narrative that seeks to contribute to Brazilian historiography of Second World War only became possible by merging the theoretical studies with research in the sources. Concerns about how a patriotic education disseminated in Paraíba, essential point for the war context, and more than that, how the Paraíba population felt the consequences of this catastrophic event in their daily lives, establishing relationships of meaning and strength, make up itself as a challenge and the core for the construction of this historiographical narrative.
  • Date: May 17, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This paper presents the life of three women that grows in magistrate of Paraiba. The emphasis that was given to their trajectories in this work moves through the space of their professional lives. At 1950s, specifically starting in the year 1956 until the year 1972, period transition to democracy into a military dictatorship, bond that united these three characters, who although they live very close geographically their experiences, their lives are in dialog in history of Brazil. Thus, these three characters raises issues about gender relations and power relations, which intersect, thinking about how these relationships are given to those women who dared to take place in the working world before denied and broke with gender roles. The strength of the pioneering and the courage to fight are characteristics of these three women of law that opened paths for others today come to occupy.
  • NADA MAIS SUBLIME QUE A LIBERDADE: O processo de abolição da escravidão na Parahyba do Norte (1870-1888).
  • Date: May 13, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This study was developed by the Graduate Program in History with specialization in History and Historical Culture and the search line in History and Rationalities objected as the process which ended slavery in Brazil and more specifically in the province of North Parahyba from the actions of abolitionists, politicians and enslaved people. The cutting time corresponds to the last decades of the XIX century (1870-1888), because at that time the slavery crisis deepened. So we rely on the theoretical contributions of Social History with the considerations of E. P. Thompson, more specifically the concept of experience. The methodology used to achieve the goals was basically discoursed analysis and microhistory. The centuries of slavery were responsible for forging a slave Political Culture able to influence from everyday actions between free and poor, especially with regard to conservative positioning by the political elite, even actions of judges and landowners. We used a diversified documentary corpus that includes: newspapers, correspondence of classification boards, the provincial presidents reporting, freedom and other actions. Our research analyzes three segments that complement each other as follows: a) The acting of the abolitionists, their speeches and actions with the creation of abolitionism and newspaper associations; b) The positioning of two political representatives of the province on slavery to the debate on chinese immigration led by Manoel Pedro Cardoso Vieira with "separate vote" to the project Saraiva-Cotegipe Law of Souza Carvalho Viscount; and c) The resistance of enslaved people through the actions of freedom. Among the results we see that even the province with a small number of slaves there was strong opposition to the end of slavery.
  • Date: May 12, 2016
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Between the years of 1975 and 1984 concerns to historiographical production. Thus, this dissertation brings to light scriptures about the struggling trajectories of Maria de Lourdes de Souza Quincas; Josefa Ermina Cobé Nêm Cobé; Maria do Céu Cobé and Beatriz Pedro da Silva, female community leaders who fought for the rights of rural workers of Engenho Geraldo from Alagoa Nova-PB. They are presented according to a narrative perspective, which objective is building up the history of the struggling years in the community. It is sought to apprehend herein aspects related to those memories belonging to the four female peasant leaders, who acted directly in the struggle for the rights to land ownership promoted by the workers in the community mentioned above. Based on the theoretical support provided on genre debates, by Joan Scott (2006); on self-writings, by M. Foucault and his commentators (1992); on friendship, by F. Ortega (2002) and on memory, by M. Halbwachs (2006), it is intended to contribute to the fortification of social scriptures a possible narrative for further questionings.
  • Date: May 9, 2016
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Our work is a possible example of writing and dialogue about the field of School Subjects and Teaching of History. Through the sources worked by (the) researchers (as) of Paraiba History of Education of the nineteenth century - official documents (reports, speeches, speeches, messages and offices of provincial presidents and directors of Public Instruction), dictionaries, laws and regulations, maps, database, newspapers and historiographical framework, we were uniting information and building knowledge of knowledge, science, chair and history of discipline in Paraiba secondary education - we seek also infer the debate, influence and the limits of discipline History in the school of the nineteenth century Paraíba, as well as concerns about the "quality of education", both with regard to the teacher / student relationship, the association with other knowledge, as the domain of the material used. Another feature of our work was to emphasize the communication between subjects that make up the secondary public education in Paraíba of the nineteenth century - teachers, students, directors of public education, the provincial presidents, inspectors, community - both inside and outside the walls of secondary school. We emphasize also that the figures were extremely important for the evaluation of the number of students - enrollment and attendance - chairs, materials, among others; as well as their relationship with the reports / legislation allowed more consistent interpretations of the configuration of the construction of school knowledge for the teaching of history. Thus, based on the assumptions and possibilities raised by cultural history, we make an approach focusing on school culture and school material culture - works, objects and methods - with emphasis on studies of School Subjects and Teaching of History.
  • Date: Apr 7, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Com a promulgacao da Lei 10.639/2003, tornou-se obrigatorio o Ensino de Historia e Cultura Afro-brasileira na Educacao Basica. Diante dessa nova demanda, a finalidade do nosso trabalho, de modo mais abrangente, e observar, na primeira decada de existencia da lei, de 2003 a 2013, como tal lei se reflete no espaco formativo do professor de historia, nos Cursos de Historia das Instituicoes Publicas de Ensino Superior na Paraiba. Na intencao de cumprir este objetivo, elaboramos uma discussao sobre a Lei 10.639/2003, tracando sua trajetoria entre as reivindicacoes das demandas sociais organizadas, os Projetos de Lei (PL) que antecederam sua regulamentacao e os documentos normativos que orientaram sua implementacao. Na sequencia, enfatizamos os Cursos de Historia das Instituicoes Publicas de Ensino Superior na Paraiba, bem como, consequentemente, a Historia e Cultura Afro-brasileira discutidas nas producoes academicas destas instituicoes. Fundamentada no campo historiografico da Historia Cultural, esta pesquisa procurou compreender a relacao entre o “lugar”, os procedimentos de analise e a construcao de um texto mediante a operacao historiografica de Michel de Certeau (2011), dialogando com Bloch (2001), Burke (1992), Cardoso (1997; 2012a; 2012b), Hobsbawm (2013) e Rusen (2010). Enquanto fonte, utilizamos os Projetos Pedagogicos dos Cursos de Historia (PPC’s), Planos de Curso das disciplinas de Historia da Africa, acoes dos Nucleos de Estudos Afro-brasileiros e Indigenas (NEABI’s), praticas dos Grupos de Pesquisa em Historia e as producoes academicas. Alem disso, alguns pontos nortearam o desenvolvimento deste estudo, tais como: a atuacao de uma demanda social organizada, uma legislacao especifica, o Ensino Superior de Historia comprometido com a diversidade etnico-racial, a presenca das populacoes negras na Historia do Brasil e da Paraiba como sujeitos historicos e, por fim, a utilizacao da producao academica como fonte de pesquisa e Ensino de Historia. Acreditamos que a Universidade deve proporcionar aos alunos, futuros professores da Educacao Basica, subsidios para que possam, em sala de aula, desenvolver uma consciencia historica, favorecendo a abordagem de conceitos e conteudos por meio de procedimentos e metodos que conduzam o discente a atitudes protagonistas na sociedade. Destacamos, em ultimo momento, os avancos significativos no tocante as leis especificas, as producoes academicas e aos debates abordando a Educacao para as relacoes etnico-raciais. Isto posto, percebemos em nossa pesquisa que ainda e preciso mais incentivos por parte das Instituicoes para implementacao da Historia da Africa e da Cultura Afro-brasileira no Ensino Superior que contribua com a formacao do Professor de Historia, especialmente da Educacao Basica.
  • FÉ E PODER: imaginário coletivo sobre o Padre Luiz Santiago na cidade de Cuité – PB - (1929-1941).
  • Date: Mar 29, 2016
  • Time: 09:00
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  • In this research we analyze the image of Luiz Santiago Priest in the collective imaginary of Cuité society between 1929 to 1941 through his trajectory of personal and sacerdotal life, his social-political context, considering his actions and contradictory attitudes. We rescued not only the history of this character but also the history of the borough mentioned. We discussed the function of the political and religious spheres to understand specifically the traditional and charismatic domination in the history of Cuité in the final of the decade of 20‟s and the beginning of 40‟s of the past century. We observed reflections of his influence in the society of that time and nowadays. We showed how the scholar man, priest and politician became, in a certain time, a leader of that society. We hypothesized that, in his different facets, Santiago became a specie of colonel of the region, using all his prestige, social status and power as leadership prerogative, leaving marks of prejudice and religious intolerance. The theoretical framework based our studies are Bourdieu (2006), Chartier (1990), Foucault (2014), Azzi (1987), Ferreira (1994), Mainwaring (1989), Gurjão (1994) and Santiago (1936). Methodologically, we analyzed documents belonged to the character in study, official documents of the Catholic Church, judicial processes, files of the City Hall of Cuité and elements of the historical and geographic context, essential for the study. Finally, the obtained results show an important legacy left by the priest to Cuité and region, especially with regard to religious, scientific and cultural.
  • Date: Feb 29, 2016
  • Time: 14:30
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  • This dissertation is the result of research carried out to obtain the title of Master by the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Paraíba (PPGH-UFPB). We studied the Aliança Renovadora Nacional (Arena), political party created by the military dictatorship established in Brazil in 1964. Through the Institutional Act #2 (AI-2) organizations created in 1945 was extinct and established a system with only two parties: Arena, supporter of the authoritarian regime, and the Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (MDB), opposition party. We aim verticalize the analysis of the Arena performance in Paraíba, focusing on its Regional Directory, in state politics and eventually at the municipal level. Our time frame are the years from 1964 to 1969 in them analyze the performance of the parties in the civil-military coup in Paraíba, the formation of the Arena party Regional Directorate in this state and in the municipalities of Serra Branca and Sousa, seeking to understand the distribution of local oligarchies in two-party system. We examine the electoral performance of the party in the elections held in 1966 and 1968, highlighting the elections of senator and mayor of Campina Grande city, which help us understand the relationship between different internal coalitions that composed it. Finally, we analyze the performance of ARENA in Paraiba elected representatives to state and federal positions, such as power brokers between civil society and the military commanders of the authoritarian regime. Through previously selected documentation, we seek to understand how the various oligarchies distributed in a multi-party system, which despite electoral rivals shared the same political culture, managed to compose a single party, and devise a list of ARENA with the dictatorship, deciphering the reasons for party image creation "Yes, sir."
  • Date: Feb 29, 2016
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This research aims to assay the administration of the Intervener Gratuliano da Costa Brito (1932-1934) in the political and administrative centralization context and re-articulation of the political forces at the national and state levels after 1930. From this analysis we try to understand what were the measures taken by this Government in order to a reorganization of functional sectors in the State of Paraíba as well as political and social impact of these measures on the relationship between the state and local oligarchic forces. Despite the “Revolution" of 1930 has not resulted in profound changes in the current political structure in the First Republic, we understand that it led to significant changes in order to allow the rise of a modern-and-racional proposed model of national state. This process had been developed concurrently with a restructuring of the state administrative machinery that sought to track changes implemented nationwide. Therefore, our aim was to assess how this process occurred in Paraiba and what characteristics have been found throughout it . As a theoretical basis for our analysis we appropriate the contributions of New Political History, as well as the concept of Political Culture. Regarding the sources used we borrow the contributions of several authors who deal with the subject and the period in question, as well as handwritten and printed primary sources relating to the said Government (official documents , periodicals, reports , etc.) .
  • "O Farol de Joana Preta: Heterotopias em Olivedos - PB (1940-1970)"
  • Date: Feb 23, 2016
  • Time: 13:30
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  • The research aimed to scrutinize the memories relating to "Lighthouse and Joan Black," in Olivedos - PB (1940-1970). Space and commercial sexual exchanges, understand the "Lighthouse" among other settings, as a place and practiced as a heterotopic space deviation from theorists such as Foucault (2001) and Certeau (1994). I made use of the oral method and from there I interviewed eleven people selected according to age and knowledge of the historical facts of Olivedos linked to the Lighthouse and Joan Black. For reasons of memory discussion embasei me in theoretical as Candau (2011), with their ratings of memory and Montenegro (2007), for discussion of orality. The look of the research was guided, in the first chapter to Joan Black discussion as protagonist Lighthouse, historicizing the term "black" and their representations to understand how the name of Joan began to be accompanied by the term in the sense surname. In the second chapter problematizei the identity configurations Joan Francelino Lima, comprising from Hall (2000, p. 108), that identities are "fragmented and fractured," multiple. Also in this chapter, I presented the Joan Black tactics for meeting sexual partners and their encounter with the Catholic Church. In the third chapter, I analyzed the Lighthouse and its representations to Olivedos as "practiced place," multiple and named according to the configuration assigned by popular. In the fourth chapter, I analyzed the historical plot that led to deactivation of the lighthouse at the expense of the Municipality of urbanization process. So the historiographical operation here is woven from the space for discussion, as well as Joan identities as protagonist Lighthouse and representation of the History of Women in Olivedos-PB. Thus, these and other stories about Joan and the Lighthouse will be found here from what makes the historian and will be representations of Paraiba history
  • Guerras luso-holandesas na Capitania da Paraíba (1631-1634): um estudo documental e historiográfico
  • Date: Feb 22, 2016
  • Time: 13:30
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  • During the first phase comprising the period of Dutch Brazil (1630-1636), which corresponds, according to Evaldo Cabral de Mello (2007), the phase of conquest and consolidation of military campaigns promoted by the West India Company (West-Indische Compagnie - WIC) in actual northeastern Brazil, the Captaincy of Paraiba was one of the first four captaincies to be conquered, the next to last to surrender. This occurred after three conflicts, of which the Portuguese and Spanish were victorious in two. The purpose of this study is to analyze how they developed the three Dutch invasions in Paraíba, made in December 1631, and in February and December 1634; its impact to the colony, its connection with the conflicts in the neighboring captaincy of Itamaracá, Rio Grande and Pernambuco, and the difficulties that the Dutch had to win the Paraíba captaincy, because our conclusions reveal that the warlike enterprise undertaken by WIC to conquero Paraíba; It consisted of one of the many challenges we faced in those early years. This study was guided on the analysis of four primary sources, written by characters who attended the event in question: the relation written by Fr. Paulo do Rosário, OSB (1632); the travel journal written by Ambrósio Richshoffer (1677), german soldier, who served in the army of WIC; daily memories of Duarte de Albuquerque Coelho (1654), governor of Pernambuco, and the historical annals of Joannes de Laet (1644), a director of WIC in Amsterdam, which was not a direct witness. Such sources express the views of the Portuguese side and the Dutch side in order to build an account of such conflicts by comparing the narratives of both sides of the battlefield. To address these sources, it was decided by a discourse analysis methodology and literary analysis in order to understand the textual and discursive variations of each of the authors, showing how their values interfered in their opinions and judgments about such battles. In the analysis of conflicts, these were based on the approach of the "new military history" field of study emerged in the wake of the "new history", which seeks to rethink the study of military and war forces, not limited to the traditional war history, based in the battles and political and economic factors, but trying to understand the war in their social precepts, cultural, religious and others.
  • Date: Nov 30, 2015
  • Time: 14:30
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  • This present dissertative paper proposes us a reading through visual images that portray black women In the textbooks of History for elementary school produced in 1997 and 2010 and currently in use at public schools from João Pessoa-PB, from 2000 to 2001 and between 2013 and 2014. This study ties in with the History of Education, linked to the following research area Teaching of History and Historical Knowledge, focused on Historical Culture. Thus, this study was grounded by studies of Choppin (2004); Bittencourt (2004) Gatti Jr. (2004) Cassiano (2007) Munakata (2012), dealing with processes of production, choice and textbooks distribution. For this research, we used quantitative and qualitative methodologies, hence, we mapped the History textbooks distributed during the period of time aforementioned, then we came to the following titles: História – Edição Reformulada, with 1997 edition, of the Editora FTD e Projeto Araribá História, with 2010 edition, of the Editora Moderna. Futhermore, based on the theoretical perspective of Chartier (2002), we considered the black female representations made in the literary texts of XIX century, in the novel Casa Grande e Senzala de Freyre (2003) and in the textbook produced from 1980 to 2010. To analyse the iconographies present in the school-books we used studies by Mauad (2007) and Bueno (2011), setting up a method of images reading. This way, we observed the black female images stereotyped in the contents from the History of Brazil, seeking to discuss changes and continuity in the representations enshrined by the school historiography, as in "mulatto" and "black mother", produced by the literary messages, doctors and oficial historiography. Therefore, we comprehend that the representations contained in the visual images of History textbooks may influence on the students' identity construction.
  • Estratégias e Táticas nas Visitações da Inquisição Portuguesa ao Brasil: O Imaginário da Teatralização da Fé, Primeiros Regimentos e Direito Inquisitorial (1552 - 1620)
  • Date: Aug 31, 2015
  • Time: 19:00
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  • From the cultural history perspective and through the comparative method this paper proposes that during visitations by the hole court in Bahia, Pernanbuco, Paraiba and Itamaracá states between the end of the sixteenth and early seventeenth century. “The representatives of faith” developed several strategies of advertisements that supported themselves in several symbolics mechanisms of visual or oral character to highlight a certain drama that has been able to change the social coexistence in colonial territories that was investigated in order to establish a control on religious beliefs and the settlers` moral behavior and, this way, to enable the confrontation of “offenders” behaviors that threatened the expected homogenization of the christianity dreamt by all. In this context of strong religious feelings, the edicts, the monitorio, the preparation of deocesan and inquisitorial visits, the cerimonies, the processions, the sermans of faith, the encouragement to the complaint and confession, the symbolic contained during public presentations, the exhibition of the sabenitos that was processed at the churches, the retualistic procedural and all kind of rituals have been gradually formed into an advertising instrument that by its turn has motivated the speech of “ forgiveness” and “mercy” spreaded by those who represented themselves as “heroes of christianity” the only ones who could cut with their “justice sword” the evil of heterodoxies and apply it according to 1552 and 1613 regulations, the established standards and duties, by transforming this way, the moment of their arrival and remaining in this places in a perfomance of faith that was able to give logical sense to the implemantation and relevance to their “discretionary justice” responsible for directing the sociability of relationships that should be ruled according to the dominant discourse by the “combat armed of faith” and “courage” in order to guarantee “ life after death” and the transcendental “reconnect”
  • Uma cocada nem sempre é apenas uma cocada: Bezerra da Silva e a fabricação do "malandro rife" (1980-1986)
  • Date: Aug 31, 2015
  • Time: 17:00
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  • Bezerra da Silva is the narrator of social utopias established in a territory of Rio suburbs. (Re) known for irreverence of his lyrics and peculiar way to chant them has its phonographic production marked by irony tropes. This project aims to discuss as a periphery singer can transpose spaces reserved for radio broadcasting and record sales with themes about the world of crime and in particular drugs. We intend, therefore, to understand the developments through the interpretation of various social protests, especially in the years 1980-1985 during the civil-military dictatorship, present in the singer phonograms. We are therefore linking music and lyrics to a sociocultural issue, thus entering in the history of cultural.
  • "Nordeste viril: representações da masculinidade no Cinema brasileiro sob o olhar de Guel Arraes (2000-2003)"
  • Date: Aug 31, 2015
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The present dissertation is linked to research line Teaching of History and Historical Knowledge with the area of concentration in History and Historical Culture, the PPGH-UFPB. The culture sometimes moves the society, sometimes it is moved, what causes some of our cultural practices legitimize objects, images and speeches. In this way, the film, as one of the possibilities of the manifestation of the historical culture uses it to produce and legitimise representations that affirm or deny identities. Within these representations found in the northeastern‟s man. Some of these representations we created the imaginary of the northeast is a human rude and truculent member and this took us to build a way of thinking about their masculinity, devoted, especially in the figure of the "goat-male". This work has as proposal addressing how this representation acts through buildings, or even, deconstructions of a masculine culture, entered with the dialectics of power and domination. The research in this theme seeks understand how the "naturalization" in cinema of the maleness/northeastern is strictly related to signs associated with the Northeast, as its landscape, associated with the hardness and the aridity, which thus will establishing the image of the region and corroborating with the construction of the popular imagination. The cultural representation to the man in northeastern cinema will thus weaving multiple realities, traditions and identities that are delineated in historic construct cultural.-space
  • Date: Aug 31, 2015
  • Time: 11:00
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  • Between 1850-1890, administrators tied to province of Amazonas (physicians, engineers, lawyers, president of province) defended the Amazonas climate from detractor and calumnious speeches of european‟s philosophers theses. So, each administrator defended the climate from detractor thesis which dates back to mid-XVIII century, with Buffon and De Pauw as its major inventors; as well as the geographical deterministic sense of “raztelian school” of Geography, with Thomas Buckle, in the XIX century, as its major interpreter of brazilian‟s climate. These theses said that in places near to the equinoctial zone the civilization doesn‟t reached evolved gradients. The time frame of this study was done because of political, economic and cultural upheaval that has transformed the province during the second half of the nineteenth century. The theoretical perspective is anchored in the History of Ideas, and our sources are state papers: reports, messages, and exhibitions.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2015
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This work is part of a research on the historical trajectory of african-Brazilian intellectual, Oliveira Silveira, while black militant, through a historiographical analysis about his poetry, described here within the perspective of "historical records" in the process of rewriting the history of black people in Brazil and in the diaspora. We also intend to analyze the political option for choosing the day of November 20 as the Africanist date in Brazil, within the time frame of 1962 (publication date of Oliveira's first work) and 1988 (the one century anniversary of the slavery abolition in Brazil and criminalization of racism in the Brazilian Constitution). Therefore, the research aims to bring light to black peoples's cultural affirmation in Brazilian society developed by the writer in his Africanists representations built through his poetry and political writings - in which the poet uses his words to fight against racism and to value the black culture in society. The research will be based on the poetry of Oliveira Silveira from 1962/1988 merged with the collective documentation produced under the Unified Black Movement (1978-1988).
  • Em Busca da Integração : A Re(construção) dos Saberes Históricos e os Fundamentos de uma proposta de Ensino Médio Integrado no IFPB (2004-2006)
  • Date: Aug 31, 2015
  • Time: 09:00
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  • .
  • CEMITÉRIO SÃO JOÃO BATISTA DE GUARABIRA-PB: Espaço Pedagógico Para o Ensino de História
  • Date: Aug 28, 2015
  • Time: 17:00
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  • The dissertation presented here arose from the desire to unite two studies of the objects wanted dedicated myself in my academic career since graduation: the cemetery and the teaching of history. My goal was to develop this study to the possibilities of working the graveyard as a source for teaching history. As we show the studies Bellomo (2008) historian, the cemetery can give us information about religious values, genealogical aspects, memory forms of families or community; ethnic studies, architectural, and artistic heritage, ie a range of thematic possibilities that can be worked with the backdrop of the cemeterial space. Here I defend the hypothesis that the cemetery can provide a meaningful learning of history that can differentiated and innovative look for students of basic education which often complain about the cold form of discipline as history is taught in the classroom without much to do with their reality. This study took advantage of running a teaching sequence with the 8th graders and 9th grade of Educational Center Dom Helder Camara, school located in New neighborhood, municipality of Guarabira-PB. This teaching sequence involving lectures in class, a field class at St. John Baptist Cemetery - the oldest cemetery in the city, located in the center of Guarabira and today is off for new tombs - and a lesson where students were able to relate their experiences By means of a textual output. The focus of the classes was acquainted with the concepts of history, memory, identity and heritage in order that students could understand them relate them to the local history and material culture and immaterial of the cemetery. Through the analysis of the narratives of the students, i could see the breaking of prejudice that students had the cemetery, the theory of dialogue with the practice in relation to the concepts worked, questions about issues around the preservation of the tombs, among other features highlighted by students. Moreover, it was considerable excitement involvement of students and the fact that they liked to have been a lesson so different from usual.
  • "As Ligas Camponesas da Paraíba: História e Memória."
  • Date: Aug 28, 2015
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This project seeks to contribute to the historiography concerning the Peasant Leagues of Paraiba, especially by rescuing this story through the memories of the ones from below. Our approach is through the work we developed at the State Commission of Truth and Memory Preservation of Paraiba (CEVPM/PB), through the taking of testimony of former rural workers, leaders of the movement and family members persecuted by the civil-military regime. Through the testmony of the latter, we also gave special attention to the effects of the coup and the civil-military regime for some persecuted politicians linked to the peasant leagues and their families. In most of the analyzed interviews, however, we highlight the struggles and battles fought by organized rural workers and landowners and their agents. Configuring antagonistic social forces, we also analyze how the power relations were given, noting that there was not an absolute domination of the ones on top towards the ones from below. Organized in Peasant Leagues, the peasants amounted forces that reacted in relatively balanced proportions to the arbitrariness of large landowners. This encounter often resulted in bloody battles that ended with casualties on both sides. It was in the light of historiographical aspects of social history, particularly the English tradition, and the New Political History, which we approach our object of study by understanding that power relations also permeate social dynamics.
  • "NÃO É A ANTIMÚSICA, É A MÚSICA EM MOVIMENTO!": Uma História Do Grupo Jaguaribe Carne De Estudos (Paraíba, 1974-2004)
  • Date: Aug 28, 2015
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The main focus of discussion in this work is the Grupo Jaguaribe Carne de Estudos, an artistic and cultural movement founded in 1974 in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba, by brothers Pedro Osmar and Paulo Ró. The group has gone through more than four decades of work, developing a set of activities called “guerrilha cultural” - which ranges from artistic production in various languages (music, poetry, visual arts, etc.) to the support and direct intervention in social, cultural and educational projects. Assuming that you can tell a story of Jaguaribe Carne, this paper aims to reconstitute the group´s trajectory, by highlighting some of its most distinctive features, such as the founders´biography, early activities, performances, collaborators, projects and discography; approach the artistic and cultural production in Brazil and Paraíba during the military regime; discuss the concept of “guerrilha cultural” as well as the possible relations and dialogues between the group from Paraíba and other contemporary movements, such as the “alternatives”, the “desbunde” and the Tropicália; analyze, by taking the concept of hybridity as a theoretical tool to understand popular music, some of the group´s compositions, present in the LP Jaguaribe Carne Instrumental and in the CD Vem no Vento. In terms of methodology, this work develops from a crossing between bibliographical, oral, audio-visual and musical sources.
  • Date: Aug 27, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This dissertation aims to analyze the formation of the political power of José Américo de Almeida, known as americismo, in the period from 1928 to 1935. For a better understanding of this period discussed his ascension in the political scenario of Paraíba, still in the year 1928, at the invitation of the then President of Paraíba, João Pessoa. At that time we highlight their participation as Secretary of Public Security of the State, during the revolt of Princess, as well as its passage in the political command of Paraíba after João Pessoa and their participation and performance in the so-called "revolution of 1930”. In the case of americismo growth in Paraíba and the performance of José Américo de Almeida, the front of the provisional Government in the North/Northeast, seek support in the political history and the concept of political cultures. Other relevant period in the history of Almeida was the arrival at the Ministry of ways and public works in the interim Government of Getúlio Vargas highlighting its action in combating drought and the scourge in the region, in addition to the use of the Federal Inspectorate Works Against droughts for growth of this group and its name beyond the borders of the State. Also gave emphasis the political post in Paraíba rearticulations 30, seeking to understand what factors contributed to the expulsion of Almeida of politics in the year 1935 Paraíba. To carry out this research use the Union newspaper, the years from 1930 to 1934, research also in the collection of the foundation Casa de José Américo, where there is a rich iconographic material, as well as letters and telegrams received and dispatched.
  • A Família Cristã católica: O movimento noelista na Paraíba (1931-1945)
  • Date: Aug 26, 2015
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This work search to discuss and question from texts produced by the Paraíba Noelista Center that are in the newspaper A Imprensa, specifically the section titled “Women's Culture” and the group's meeting minutes that are located in the Archdiocese of Paraíba the model ideal of Catholic Christian family, between the years 1931-1945, with perspective to understanding the social formation, ideological and religious family in Paraíba in the first half of the twentieth century. The Noelista Center in Paraíba is a movement of the branch "Le Noel" that originated in France in the late nineteenth century, by Father Paul Bailly and founder of the movement and also Father Claude Allez. The movement was created in the context of reorganization of the Catholic Church (the process of Romanization) that had as main objective to fight the deviant aspects of modernity. Noel was brought to Brazil in 1914 for the city of Recife and spread through several states of Brazil in the following years, with the core state of Pernambuco and vice core the state of Rio de Janeiro and settled in Paraiba year 1931. Among the movement of the main features in Brazil, stand out: the assistantiality, catechesis, charity and the formation of individual and collective faith. This paper focuses specifically on the analysis of texts produced by noelistas in the Paraiba, because these texts possible to understand debates about family life that report the main dilemmas of the period as virginity, marriage, work, motherhood, etc. Therefore, it is done in this research the intersection between the influences of what would be considered modern for the time and conservative family values postulated by the Catholic Church to understand how this "ideal type" of family adapted to the new models and winds of modernity. So when do these two texts is a privilege, it is possible to dive through the poems that has a character novelists tangles of sensations and dilemmas that relate to the concepts of affection, sociability and religion among the families of the twentieth century.
  • Date: Aug 21, 2015
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This dissertation discusses the treatment given to the works of writer Cassandra Rios who with the production of an erotic literature intensified the fight against immorality in social behavior and the defense of the good morals between the years 1968 and 1977. Supported by conservative groups of Brazilian society, the professionals involved to the repression mechanism of public entertainment (DCDP) worked more rigorously on cultural manifestations of the country. The analysis prioritized the comprehensiveness of speeches that built a Cassandra Rios profile connected to transgression practices and degeneration of moral standards. From reading of veto opinions and some books of the author I identified the elements that justified the charge of breaking of the codes required by the prior censorship law. Such historical and fictional representations provide the opportunity to rethink the combinations of control of the literary production and the institutional repression through tactics resistance of Cassandra Rios front the prohibitions. Thus, I highlight the existence of a kind of "tradition of censorship" to the behaviors treated as immoral represented in literary works as motivation of the "censorial outbreak" which tried to contain the spread of pornography in the 70's. This study was developed in the Postgraduate Program in History at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba in accordance with the analysis of the research line called "Teaching of History and Historical Knowledge".
  • Do fragmento à reorganização: movimento estudantil da UFPB (1976-1979).
  • Date: Aug 6, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • After the Institutional Act number 5 is decreted, in 1968, it was increasingly difficult to keep an organized movement in Brazil. The student movement, beside other movements like workers' one, was not on the sidelines of the situation: being one of the movements more investigated by the national security organs, the student movement sought to go to other paths, whether in armed struggle or inside the student representative organs, watched over by the military dictatorship: the Central Students Directories. In a politic period of the country known by its "safe, progressive and slow distension", one of the challenges of the Federal University of Paraíba (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, UFPB) student movement was the resumption of its biggest representative entity, the Central Students Directory (Diretório Central dos Estudantes, DCE), from 1976. With the resumption of that space, comes up a whole political and cultural project that not only brought together academic students of UFPB, but also part of the civil society from João Pessoa, to the causes that were beyond students' interests. Therefore, this work addresses the path of reconstruction of the student movement of João Pessoa, aiming to verify the means to the resumption of political-oriented students' activities, as well as student movement's operation and its linking to other civil society sectors. By crossing a theme related to regionality and use of the Politics New History and Politics Culture, this work establish links to this postgraduate program concentration area, namely History and Historic Culture and, more specifically, to the Regional History research area.
  • Há tantas formas de se ver o mesmo quadro:uma leitura de O Combate Naval do Riachuelo de Victor Meirelles (1872/1883).
  • Date: Aug 4, 2015
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Le point de départ de notre mémoire est l‟analyse du tableau Bataille de Riachuelo (1872/1883), du peintre brésilien Victor Meirelles de Lima (1832-1903), né à Santa Catarina. La date double montre que ont été réalisé deux oeuvres sur le même thème. Le premier tableau, peint entre 1868 et 1872, a été complètement détruit en conséquence du manque d‟un entretien adéquat pendant et après sa présentation dans l‟Exposition Universelle de Philadelphie, en 1876. Le tableau qui se trouve en exposition au Musée Historique National, à Rio de Janeiro, est la deuxième oeuvre, réalisée en 1883. Les deux tableaux représentent un épisode de la Guerre de la Triple Alliance (1864-1870), pendant la bataille entre une escadre brésilienne et une escadre paraguayenne, sur le fleuve Parana, aux alentours de l‟embouchure de la rivière Riachuelo, le 11 juin 1865. En 1868, le Ministre de la Marine a commandé à Victor Meirelles le tableau qui rendra éternelle cette victoire. Le peintre, fidèle aux principes de la Peinture Historique, peint son tableau qui, ainsi que le second, représente la célébration de cette difficile conquête. Son objectif était de mener le public à s‟identifier à ce moment historique, notamment à la nation victorieuse, à partir du rapport créé entre les représentations pictoriques et la construction du moment historique, à travers la forme imposante de la présentation du thème, soit par les dimensions du tableau, soit par les proportions des événements montrés. Ce mémoire cherche donc à connaître le contexte historique et artistique pour que nous puissions comprendre la production du tableau, en dialogant avec les concepts de l‟Histoire Culturelle, les notions de représentation et la Peinture d‟Histoire. Ainsi, nous pouvons analyser sa composition et l‟historicité qui traverse le moment de sa production.
  • "Ame, assuma e consuma": canções, censura e crônicas sociais no Brasil de Odair José (1972-1979)
  • Date: Jul 31, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This study approaches the work of the singer Odair José as a social chronicle of the Brazilian society from 1972 to 1979. We start off with a short biographical report of the artist and observe his migration to Rio de Janeiro and the importance of this fact to the composition of his songs and his insertion in the so-called brega music. From the lyrics of this artist we establish an analysis of the country in a moment of moral and political repression and of radicalization even in the artistic field. Aspects of the everyday life, of the loving relations, of the social polemics, of the moral transgressions and of the censorship were essential characteristics of his work. By analysing radio files, newspapers, disc sales records and censored lyrics that have recently been liberated by Arquivo Nacional, this research intends to examine historical and political processes through the lyrics of a singer that truly represented a complex Brazil in his songs; a singer that reached a great popular success both in sales and in the radios; was censored by the military regime; and brought to life debates that hadn’t been present in songs yet.
  • A Historiografia acadêmica na Paraíba: o NDIHR e a História Regional (1976-1990)
  • Date: Jul 27, 2015
  • Time: 14:30
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  • La historia de la historiografia paraibanatiene, em las últimas décadas, lo que constituye um campo de estudios privilegiados, sobre todo em relación conel análisis de la producción se caracteriza por "oficial" y "tradicional", como que se gestó por el Instituto Histórico y Geográfico de Paraíba - IHGP -. Por otra parte, todavia hay una necesidad de discutir la historiografía que se ha formulado dentro de las universidades. En este sentido, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es entender el proceso de lacreación de la historiografía académica en Paraíba, a partir del momento en que el Centro de Documentación e Información histórica regional -NDIHR- se implemento em la Universidad Federal de Paraíba -UFPB - en 1976 período enel que un conjunto investigadores desarrollaron una serie de operaciones historiográficas conel fin de sentar las bases de lo que más tarde se llamaría "nueva historiografia Paraiba." Para entender este proceso vamos a discutir tanto el papel de NDIHR, como el concepto de Historia Regional - un concepto que parecía marcar los debates mantenidos por "historiadores académicos" en toda la década de 1980, contribuyendo a sí a la propia reflexión del conocimiento histórico producido en Paraíba - a partir de una serie de actividades académicas y científicas que nos permite percibir, más allá de la especificidad de la historiografía académica y suimportancia para las discusiones sobre el oficio de historiador, las relaciones que estos historiadores y su escritura de lahistoria se hanestablecido com la sociedad se insertaron.
  • "JÁ VEIO TUDO DOS ANTEPASSADOS": História, Memória e Identidade Étnica em Caiana dos Crioulos
  • Date: Jul 17, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • How can we define a maroon? This issue is the main issue of this paper. Therefore, we draw as the object of our research, community of Caiana dos Crioulos, in the municipality of Alagoa Grande - PB and recognized as a legitimate Community Remnant of Quilombo - CRQs, aiming to understand how the ethnic identity of the residents is articulated at different times and how they perceive themselves as Maroons. In this sense, for the research, we use various media, such as oral sources obtained with five interviewed, belonging to community or linked to it in some way; CDs with records of Cocos and Cirandas; reports conveyed by newspapers at different times and provided an overview of the community before his legitimacy as well as baptisms of books and the 1872 Census regarding discussions concerning the nineteenth century period. Regarding the theoretical framework, we work from the concepts of individual memory and collective memory (Maurice Halbwachs), tradition (Caroline Luvizotto), invented tradition (Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger), identity (Maria Lucia Montes), ethnic groups and ethnicity ( Fredrik Barth), place of memory (Pierre Nora), in addition to document concepts and monuments, proposed by Jacques Le Goff, which were of great relevance to the research, as it led to the understanding of the hypotheses that explain the emergence of the community. Through the obtained reports, realized in the versions on community origin which Hebe Mattos characterized as resistance memory, once all are associated with fight against the slave system and the denial of enforcement captivity imposed by his captors. We also realize that the ancestors occupy a prominent place in the collective memory of the inhabitants, as they contributed to the consolidation of cultural practices and ways of perceiving the world that have become traditions and that older residents seek reproduce, passing on to more residents new inheritance of the Maroons. Therefore, the quilombo identity of residents of Caiana dos Crioulos is a field where articulate symbiotically memory and tradition, where the past is constantly elucidated and front reframed the settings of contemporary society.
  • Date: Jun 19, 2015
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This study addressed the process of creating and educational paths taken in Agricultural Employers of Bananeiras, and the helpless child's condition that was entering the institution, between the years 1924 and 1947. We seek, through the raised sources, to trace the trajectory from Learning to Employers, highlighting the characters, primary education, work in the workshops, the practice of scouting, the Swedish gymnastics and agricultural education as an expression of social relations and power locked to articulate a systematic rural teaching model, involving education and productivity at the time. Based on this temporality, we use laws, decrees, regulations, crafts, among other sources in order to highlight the role dispensed to training for the world of work within the educational process, tending to a pragmatic style education to the poor children of the region. The theoretical and methodological bases substantiate the principles of the history of educational institutions (MAGALHÃES, 2004) according to which the structures of educational institutions are inseparable from a certain historical temporality.
  • Date: May 5, 2015
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This thesis aims to discuss, through the memories and the sensibilities, some of the life experiences of people who lived in the city of Cubati, located at the interior of the state of Paraiba during the 1950s until 1980. In this period, occurred in this city the change of agricultural production based on food cultivation for subsistence to a production process and large-scale commercialization of agave, wich was destinated for the domestic and foreign markets. In this city, the process of economic exploitation of agave resulted in some changes on the lifes of the people, changes on their everyday life and working practices. Through political and religious speeches, we realize that the agave was seen as the main route for the salvation of the brazilian Northeast, a region hit by the drought and focus of different public policies. In this sense, political, religious, agronomists and journalists took turns on the production of speeches in defense of the agave, for which attributed an evil and destructive aspect. Through analysis of these discourses (BENJAMIN, 2012) I sought to identify how they were important for the acceptance of agave in Cubati, and also, how they were used for positivization of this type of agriculture. This study has not the objective to privilege the visions created by the elitist groups about the agricultural production of the agave. For the contrary, I intend to identify, through narratives and the sensibilities produced by oral speech, how the process of the exploration of the agave changed the lifes of the workers who lived in this city. After analize the oral sources, I propoused some questions wich could reveal to me the senses, the objectives of these senses and the objectives of the sequences of remembrance of the people who were interviewed. With regard to the work with the oral sources, I used the Oral History Metodology (FERREIRA, 1998), because I realize that it would be the best manner to comprehend the visions of the farmers about the introduction of the agave as a new agricultural product and how it was the manner of work with that strange plant. When we think on the relashionship between the speeches and its various forms of actuation, I based myself in Michel Foucault (1972; 2012), because this philosopher showed us that the speeches are passed by a knowledge-power relation wich start from a particular place/institution playing a role in social, cultural and political relations. Foucault inspired me to think the manner how the workers were related to their memories, and how, when they remembered, exercised the "author function". It was also important to think the relations of the workers with the working world from the look of English historiography, notably through (THOMPSON, 1981; 1997; 1998) realized that the agave‟s workers from Cubati and their memories are inscribed in this study through a poetic, that do not intend to tell just one story. This story is told through the various voices that make up this text.
  • Date: Apr 9, 2015
  • Time: 13:00
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  • After rendering military services by years in India and in The War of the Spanish Succession (1702-1714), the Lusitanian João da Maia da Gama was awarded with the charge of captain-major and governor of Paraiba in 1708. Coming into port at the captainship in a critical period of Brazilian colonial history, João da Maia took part actively in the colonial administration, outlining plans and strategies in the military, economic and political fields, including an involvement in The Mascate War in Pernambuco. Utilizing as main sources the documentation of the Overseas Historical Archive (OHA) and the Historical Documents from the National Library (HDNL), the present dissertation intends to analyse from the political culture standpoint of the Ancient Regime, the performance and the practices by João da Maia da Gama in the exercise of their governmental functions, observing their juridic boundaries and the possibility of autonomy in face to the metropolitan guidelines. Furthermore, it aims at investigating his involvement in commercial activities and observing how his intervention in Pernambuco’s conflict was put into effect – the most remembered action by historiography -, seeking to perceive the plausible political motivations and strategies involved in the governor’s action.
  • TECENDO REDES, CONSTRUINDO LAÇOS DE SOLIDARIEDADE: a formação de famílias negras, a prática do compadrio e a morte de escravizados e libertos no cariri paraibano (São João do Cariri/1850-1872)
  • Date: Mar 26, 2015
  • Time: 09:00
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  • In this text discussed the formation of black families and relations of cronyism established by enslaved the Freguesia de Nossa Senhora dos Milagres, located in the current city of the São João do Cariri, located in the Paraiba cariri, between the years 1850 and 1872. To this end was made study of the Vila Real de São João do Cariri analyzing the presence of the enslaved population in this locality, in order to understand the relationships of solidarity established from the ritual ties of marriage and spiritual kinship. The proposed discussion is based on the Social History, whose research focus the enslaved, using the concept of experience proposed by Thompson. For the construction of the narrative of the nineteenth century period was essential to use the ecclesiastical documents, such as baptism and death seats; the notary records as inventories of Province of President reports and the 1st Brazilian Population Census of 1872. With the passing of these sources show the importance of slavery within Paraiba, especially in Cariri, thus we highlight the Vila de São João do Cariri economy in the imperial period, driven by livestock and by the enslaved presence in this region. These slaves constituted families (parent or nuclear) and established crony relationships with people higher in the social hierarchy and often relatives of their masters. We note the various causes of the deaths of the captives too, the site of his burial, and the clothes that used to be buried. This study is linked to the Research Line Regional History, and helps to extend our knowledge of the history of enslaved and freed in nineteenth century of Brazil.
  • "Parentescos e Sociabilidades: experiências de vida dos escravizados no sertão paraibano (São João do Cariri), 1752-1816"
  • Date: Mar 25, 2015
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Esta investigación examina la población esclavizada en el sertón de São João do Cariri en el periodo de 1752 a 1816. El objetivo principal fue analizar la formación de parentesco y sociabilidad de mujeres, hombres y niños esclavizados en sus experiencias familiares, a partir de investigaciones de rituales de la iglesia Católica. Para ello nos basamos en varias fuentes documentales: como las eclesiásticas (libros de registro de bautismo, confirmación, matrimonio y defunción) y las notariales (inventarios). El análisis de esta documentación se basó en los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos de la Historia Social de la esclavitud, donde evidenciamos el concepto de experiencia formulado por E. P. Thompson. Nos apoyamos también en la Historia Cuantitativa y en la Demografía Histórica, teniendo en vista que trabajamos con fuentes seriadas. De este modo, el cruce de documentos de las fuentes consultadas nos permitió analizar varias formaciones de parentesco y de sociabilidad, fuesen ellas por consanguinidad y/o por el parentesco espiritual firmado en el compadrazgo. Identificamos también extensas familias de esclavos con la presencia de padres y/o madres, hijos, yernos, nueras, nietos, tíos, primos y tales familias se ampliaron con la presencia de compadres y comadres, parentesco formado en el ritual de bautismo. En la confirmación, una vez más estas sociabilidades fueron ampliadas, pues nuevos padrinos y madrinas fueron escogidos. Así, percibimos que muchos esclavizados establecieron sociabilidades no solamente entre los de su misma condición social, mas con personas libres y liberadas. Entendemos este tipo de formaciones de parentesco y sociabilidad como mecanismos estratégicos de los esclavizados en la búsqueda de una mejor supervivencia en el interior del sistema esclavista. Abordamos, de esa manera, la población esclavizada como agentes históricos y que tuvo presencia constante y significativa en uno de los rincones de la América portuguesa, como la Capitania de la Paraíba do Norte, específicamente en la Vila de São João do Cariri. Esta tesis de maestría fue desarrollada junto al Programa de Posgrado en Historia de la Universidade Federal da Paraíba, en la línea de investigación en Historia Regional.
  • "Diáspora Africana na Paraíba do Norte: trabalho, tráfico e sociabilidades na primeira metade do século XIX."
  • Date: Feb 27, 2015
  • Time: 10:00
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  • The main subject of this work is the African population of slaves and free people who lived in Paraíba in the first half of the 19th century. For many decades, historiography has denied, omitted or minimized the participation of African people in the historical process. However, the presence of men and women who came from Africa was constant in this province. Our main goal is to understand how the African population was introduced in Paraíba (a peripheral region in the Atlantic trade of slaves) and how they lived there. In order to achieve it, we have outlined a historiographical route to identify the gaps in a given historical culture. By making usage of the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Marxist Social History, we have made a critique of this portion of historiography that denied the participation of black populations and African populations in particular in the history of the province. Next, by using a variety of sources such as reports and official mail correspondence of governors and presidents of Paraíba, inventories and wills, requests of release, baptism records, manumission and many others, we have managed to comprehend further on the matters issued, approaching social and economic aspects of the region, indicating which were the main routes of importation and what was the everyday-life of African people. We have come to realise that Paraíba was inserted in the Atlantic trade of slaves indirectly which had a complementary character to this slave-holding society. Therefore the quantity of slaves who came from Africa was inferior to the ones sent to other locations such as Recife, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. This factor marked certain specificities in the life of these African people. However the fundamental practise of slavery remained: violence.
  • Circulação de Imagens Lusitanas no Além-Mar: Cultura Histórica e Cultura Artística na azulejaria barroca de Teotónio dos Santos na Paraíba Colonial
  • Date: Feb 23, 2015
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This MsC thesis analyzes the circulation of Lusitanian images in Overseas through tiles panels which shows the Joseph of Egypt’s saga, whose authorship is attributed by experts to the Portuguese tile master Teotónio dos Santos – active in Lisbon during the 1730’s – and is installed in the Franciscan convent built in the Paraíba captaincy during the colonial period, between the 17thand 18thcenturies. Walking through the fields of Cultural History, the Historical Culture and specialized historiography of tiles art, focusing on Paraíba, this work intends to establish a comparison of others panels of this craftsman with the same theme, some of them preserved in Lusitanian Atlantic islands and in Portugal itself, tracing its author style trajectory, trying to identify the iconographic sources of his work and also discusses the movement of iconographic models in Portuguese America.
  • RELICÁRIO URBANO: Uma leitura do Bairro do Roger na Cidade de João Pessoa-PB (2003-2013)
  • Date: Feb 6, 2015
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This work looks for one construction of Roger’s Neighborhood History in João Pessoa city from official and bibliography sources and memory reports of the dwellers and ex-dwellers. We used as methodology the storytelling in order to identify continuities and disruptions that the neighborhood suffered during the time. We approached in a first moment from the literature review intertwined between the local history and the micro-history, in transit with others concepts of memory, identity and citizenship, the trajectory of occupation of a central space localized in the north zone. The local that is situated the neighborhood was stage for the initial development of the city, entering in the local characteristics of Roger’s Neighborhood through testimonials, bibliographies and official documents found at the Metropolitan Curia. We proposed to reflect on bucolic view of the neighborhood due to the specific elements as the “Lixão” (garbage dump) and the penitentiary that collaborated with the negative view disseminated by the press and appropriated by the non-dwellers, individuals that do not have experience in the neighborhood. In the last chapter, we deal about the Teaching of Local History from a reflection on the space that this approach occupy nowadays. We analyzed the ongoing legislation and the reports about the Teaching of Local History from teachers of history of the three public schools of Roger’s Neighborhood. We elaborated, in the end, a source guide that brings productions about the neighborhood and the João Pessoa city in the form of consultancy material and support for teachers, students and those that want to know more about Roger’s Neiborhood.
  • Ritmos e ritos da cidade: modernidade e modernização em Limoeiro - PE (1880-1950)
  • Date: Aug 30, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • (Link: Las reformulaciones en las costumbres, la expansión industrial, la introducción de tecnologías innovadoras y nuevas formas de vida y de interacción social eran la atmósfera urbana de Limoeiro - Pernambuco, en el período comprendido entre las últimas décadas del siglo XIX hasta mediados del siglo XX. En esta tesis, se propone delinear los cambios causados por el fenómeno de la modernización en el entorno urbano de la ciudad por encima. Así como la coexistencia de moderno con lo tradicional. Nuestro punto de partida fue el proyecto de construcción de una línea de ferrocarril que conecta a Recife corriendo salvaje a través de la región de la caña de azúcar importante que hoy comprende la Zona da Mata Norte. Fue a través de esta conexión con la aceleración de la comunicación y las distancias más estrechas, lo que fortaleció el contacto Limoeiro con las innovaciones de estilo de vida moderno que atracaban en la capital del estado. Durante las siete décadas analizadas en este trabajo, el lugar produjo su urbanidad. Modernizatório experimentó su propio ritmo. Mezclado sus tradiciones y modernidad. Analizamos los signos de la modernidad que azotan esta ciudad . Dirigiéndose a fenómenos tales como reformulaciones medios de transporte, la urbanización, el nuevo ocio , el fútbol , la moda y la estética . Buscamos volver a montar las piezas del rompecabezas que forma el pasado Limoeiro . Usar varias fuentes, incluyendo revistas , Provincia de presidentes de informes, fotografías y cronistas informa.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2014
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This study aims to present an approach of how the new unionism contributed to the change in the political culture of the leaders in commerce unionism João Pessoa, between 1986 and 1993. Historical context in which the authentic unionism emerged provided significant changes in the relationship between capital and work from the disruption to the ancient practice of making unionism during the military dictatorship. We believe that this movement was primarily responsible for the change in behavior of the new union leaders that category of workers where there was a prevailing culture of harmony between antagonistic classes. This new unionism will bring out a union opposition to fight what became known as pelegas practices. From an analysis of the political practices of the "old unionism" and change the political culture in commerce unionism João Pessoa. Understand how political culture not only the practices and attitudes of social agents, but these agents have relationships with symbolic elements, whether the acceptance or rejection and certain power projects in the political structure. As theoretical foundation, we will use the concepts of political culture and class identity in order to understand the behavior of union leaders Category shopkeeper. The sources used were built on research papers, oral reports, official documents and works of Brazilian historiography.
  • "Valentes Rio-Grandenses! As Armas!": a questão do recrutamento militar na província do Rio Grande do Norte durante a Guerra do Paraguai (1864-1870)
  • Date: Aug 29, 2014
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This thesis aims to analyze the military mobilization during the war with Paraguay (1864-1870) in the province of Rio Grande do Norte, reflecting on the social impact that recruitment caused social structures, focusing on interference in power structures, relationships provincial social and everyday life. The effort required to finance the war demanded the imperial government a broad movement of conscription ever seen in Brazil, feeling its effects throughout the national territory. In this sense the provincial and orderly routine was modified in order to facilitate the recruitment, both in bureaucratic organization, with fill positions as the modified forms of work. One of the agents more engaged in the issues of war and recruitment were the presidents of the province, a position that has become crucial to the intentions of the imperial government. The expansion of military recruitment meant entering into the field of local government, which demanded the negotiating complex imperial government. Despite the great flood of soldiers in the early years of the conflict (1865-1866), the violence committed by recruiters were not diminished in the following years, especially in the hinterland of the province of Rio Grande do Norte. The resistance of the population favors the recruitment produced constant conflict throughout the provincial territory, leaking and rescues soldiers, attacks on commissions for recruiting, training entourages and confrontations of all kinds. At the same time that need arises regimentation of soldiers to incorporate the military, develops in the province wide movement to summon citizens to arms. The analysis of the sources, namely reports of provincial presidents, atas of the House of Representatives and the Senate, decrees published during the war, codes Posture, and some papers, allowed us the perception of the subject recruitment at the Provincial level, attending to the daily lives and social changes.
  • ENTRE CASAS, RUAS E IGREJAS: crianças abandonadas na cidade da Paraíba oitocentista
  • Date: Aug 22, 2014
  • Time: 15:30
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  • This study aims at analysing available information regarding exposed and orphaned infants in nineteenth century s Paraíba and by these means comprehending the responsibility mechanisms of the province s Holy House of Mercy (Santa Casa de Misericórdia) and Government regarding these children s custody and destination. Some specific objectives stem from the aforementioned general objective and are as follows: situate the Province of Paraíba in the context of growing planning policies for both the people and the city, supported by the ideas of hygienism and philanthropy; comprehend spiritual bonds formed between infants and godparents; study the roles destined to poor exposed and orphaned infants, particularly the ones related to work, for boys, and marriage, for girls. In order to proceed with the research, the following documents were used: reports by purveyors (provedores) and inspectors (mordomos) corresponding to the period from 1860 to 1889; Book of the Exposed (Livro dos Expostos), from 1869 to 1897; Baptism Records (Assentos de Batismo), from 1833 to 1860; reports by Province Presidents, from 1852 to 1889; data on the first census performed in Brazil, in 1872; and local newspapers issued in the nineteenth century. This particular choice of period is due to the transformations which took place in the Province of Paraíba in both hygienic order and city organization, turning it into a civilised place. During the development of the analysis, bibliography connected to Social History was used as resource to observe relations between Paraíba s Province Government posture towards abandoned children and Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco Provinces. Therefore, our endeavour was to discuss particular aspects of Paraíba s Government policies regarding abandoned children during the studied period.
  • "Documentário e Cultura Histórica: o sertão de trabalho e relações de classe em O País de São Saruê (1971)"
  • Date: Aug 22, 2014
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This work analises the representation of backland and its people on the documentary O País de São Saruê(1971) of Vladimir Carvalho. We relate the film discourse to the historic and politic culturearound its film maker. Our hypothesis is that theserepresentaions are build based on work category.
  • "Documentário e Cultura Histórica: o sertão de trabalho e relações de classe em O País de São Saruê (1971)"
  • Date: Aug 22, 2014
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This work analises the representation of backland and its people on the documentary O País de São Saruê(1971) of Vladimir Carvalho. We relate the film discourse to the historic and politic culturearound its film maker. Our hypothesis is that theserepresentaions are build based on work category.
  • Date: Aug 6, 2014
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Within the perspective of Cultural History this research proposes an analysis of a very important document for the History of the Inquisition in Portugal: the inquisitorial Regiment of 1640.This inquisitorial code lasted for 134 years of the 285 years of the Inquisition in Portugal, was compiled during the troubled process of restoration of the portuguese throne and replaced at the end of the controversial Pombal s period. For more than a century the Regiment dictated procedural rules and practices of the Holy Office lusitanian, their rites and labels, your public and private ceremonies; regulated on the application of punishments and served as a moral and religious teaching in the parameter control of the Inquisition under the lusitanian society and its colonies. We have described the Regiment of 1640 as the result of a long historical process. We discuss the idea of Law and Intolerance that have been shaping up in accordance with the economic, social and political factors that are constantly reconfigured through Europe during the scenarios of Middle and Modern Ages and, from these historical changes, walked the long hike until the Modern Inquisition in Portugal; their influences, struggles, conflicts, power relations and socio-cultural impacts. We trace a brief history of the Inquisition s codes, through a comparative analysis in order to better situate in relation to legal changes that converged in the Regiment of 1640. We contextualize the time of writing of 1640 regimental code. We analyzed the obstacles and the contexts of Iberian Peninsula and the inquisitorial real agents who moved in the intricate diplomatic game to redraw the boundaries after the independence of Portugal from Spain. We explore the importance of the central figures of the Inquisition in Portugal during the Portuguese Restoration s strife. We detail each of the three books that make up the regimental code: the book of ministers and officials, the book of procedural practices and the book of feathers. The analysis of the books was made with the intention of presenting the regimental details, the rich detailing of Inquisitorial Law and its justifications for its practical and specific penalties applications. When we historicizing the Inquisitorial Law, we verified its proximity to the Canon Law and its influence on the future development of a secular, scholar and written Law. In Portugal, the limits of Inquisitorial Justice and Secular Justice during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were not clear, observant of the of the monarchy s servants and agents of faith, on many occasions, their eyes walked together on their inspections in Portuguese territory and its colonies. The Roman Curia and the Portuguese Crown divided their influences under inquisitorial features, the real power applied its political and economic power within a regionalized perspective and the papacy outlined the legal and administrative functions of the Holy Office using its supranational power.
  • Date: Aug 6, 2014
  • Time: 15:00
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  • Within the perspective of Cultural History this research proposes an analysis of a very important document for the History of the Inquisition in Portugal: the inquisitorial Regiment of 1640.This inquisitorial code lasted for 134 years of the 285 years of the Inquisition in Portugal, was compiled during the troubled process of restoration of the portuguese throne and replaced at the end of the controversial Pombal s period. For more than a century the Regiment dictated procedural rules and practices of the Holy Office lusitanian, their rites and labels, your public and private ceremonies; regulated on the application of punishments and served as a moral and religious teaching in the parameter control of the Inquisition under the lusitanian society and its colonies. We have described the Regiment of 1640 as the result of a long historical process. We discuss the idea of Law and Intolerance that have been shaping up in accordance with the economic, social and political factors that are constantly reconfigured through Europe during the scenarios of Middle and Modern Ages and, from these historical changes, walked the long hike until the Modern Inquisition in Portugal; their influences, struggles, conflicts, power relations and socio-cultural impacts. We trace a brief history of the Inquisition s codes, through a comparative analysis in order to better situate in relation to legal changes that converged in the Regiment of 1640. We contextualize the time of writing of 1640 regimental code. We analyzed the obstacles and the contexts of Iberian Peninsula and the inquisitorial real agents who moved in the intricate diplomatic game to redraw the boundaries after the independence of Portugal from Spain. We explore the importance of the central figures of the Inquisition in Portugal during the Portuguese Restoration s strife. We detail each of the three books that make up the regimental code: the book of ministers and officials, the book of procedural practices and the book of feathers. The analysis of the books was made with the intention of presenting the regimental details, the rich detailing of Inquisitorial Law and its justifications for its practical and specific penalties applications. When we historicizing the Inquisitorial Law, we verified its proximity to the Canon Law and its influence on the future development of a secular, scholar and written Law. In Portugal, the limits of Inquisitorial Justice and Secular Justice during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were not clear, observant of the of the monarchy s servants and agents of faith, on many occasions, their eyes walked together on their inspections in Portuguese territory and its colonies. The Roman Curia and the Portuguese Crown divided their influences under inquisitorial features, the real power applied its political and economic power within a regionalized perspective and the papacy outlined the legal and administrative functions of the Holy Office using its supranational power.
  • Percursos do amor e do feminino na revista Era Nova: Paraíba dos anos 1920
  • Date: Jul 28, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This paper intends to discuss some questions raised about love through the perspective of gender discussions, in the Era Nova magazine, circulated in Paraíba in the 1920s. We emphasized the relational field of History and Literature, notably the discursive practices of Era Nova, a magazine considered, at the time, as literary, illustrative and informative, meant for the urban middle classes. The texts we gave more attention in this work lead us to the displacement of affective relationships, especially, to the historical conditions that enable the diffusion of love as a reason for conjugal unions, as well as the association of romantic love centered on the consolidation of marriage and motherhood. We approached the intersection and influences occurred around the indications of modern, family values, gender identifications, sociability, sexual exercise and loving practices in daily life of people in the 1920s, in order to point out their social expectations.
  • Revista Era Nova na Paraíba dos anos 1920: percursos do amor e do feminino
  • Date: Jul 28, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This paper intends to discuss some questions raised about love through the perspective of gender discussions, in the Era Nova magazine, circulated in Paraíba in the 1920s. We emphasized the relational field of History and Literature, notably the discursive practices of Era Nova, a magazine considered, at the time, as literary, illustrative and informative, meant for the urban middle classes. The texts we gave more attention in this work lead us to the displacement of affective relationships, especially, to the historical conditions that enable the diffusion of love as a reason for conjugal unions, as well as the association of romantic love centered on the consolidation of marriage and motherhood. We approached the intersection and influences occurred around the indications of modern, family values, gender identifications, sociability, sexual exercise and loving practices in daily life of people in the 1920s, in order to point out their social expectations.
  • Date: Jun 27, 2014
  • Time: 14:30
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  • This dissertation - belonging to the line of research of Regional History in the Post Graduate Program in History of the Federal University of Paraíba, within the area of Historic Culture - comes on the relationship between Paraiba and the formation of the national state during the Regency period (1831- 1840) from the look of political culture . The Regency is the period between the abdication of Emperor d. Pedro I and the adult age of your child d. Pedro II. Aware of the importance of this period for the formation of the national state analyzed by the Annals of the Brazilian Parliament and the provincial government documents, how was the participation of Paraíba deputies in the Chamber of Deputies, we seek to understand their contribution to the debates that traced the course of formation of the nationstate . After the abdication, April 7, 1831, passed the House Representative to discuss important issues for maintaining national unity. Between the first measure taken by the institution include the creation of the National Guard in 1832 as a way to contain the expressions of people and troops who invaded the streets of the Court and have spread to other provinces. In 1834 , after numerous discussions among parliamentarians, about the importance of giving the provinces federal autonomy , the Additional Act was approved. The Additional Act added articles of Law of the Imperial Constitution, something unheard for the new Empire. And among other things, established the creation of a Legislative Assembly in each province. This new formal institution of power allowed the provinces they held some autonomy, while slowly withdrew from councils the power that was characteristic of them since the colonial period. During this period were put into political debate projects liberal and conservative character, and perceive through the Annals of the Brazilian Parliament the involvement of parliamentarians paraibanos in debates that were on the order of the day, at the same time, the defense of their positions was not fixed, but mutable. Changed their position according to the interests of the political group, or even their personal interests. Thus, we analyzed the provincial political scene as well as we seek to demonstrate the relationship between deputies paraibanos and their allied bases in the province, what we understand to be the local political elite.
  • "Valentes Rio-Grandenses! As Armas!": a questão do recrutamento militar na província do Rio Grande do Norte durante a Guerra do Paraguai (1864-1870)
  • Date: Feb 27, 2014
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This thesis aims to analyze the military mobilization during the war with Paraguay (1864-1870) in the province of Rio Grande do Norte, reflecting on the social impact that recruitment caused social structures, focusing on interference in power structures, relationships provincial social and everyday life. The effort required to finance the war demanded the imperial government a broad movement of conscription ever seen in Brazil, feeling its effects throughout the national territory. In this sense the provincial and orderly routine was modified in order to facilitate the recruitment, both in bureaucratic organization, with fill positions as the modified forms of work. One of the agents more engaged in the issues of war and recruitment were the presidents of the province, a position that has become crucial to the intentions of the imperial government. The expansion of military recruitment meant entering into the field of local government, which demanded the negotiating complex imperial government. Despite the great flood of soldiers in the early years of the conflict (1865-1866), the violence committed by recruiters were not diminished in the following years, especially in the hinterland of the province of Rio Grande do Norte. The resistance of the population favors the recruitment produced constant conflict throughout the provincial territory, leaking and rescues soldiers, attacks on commissions for recruiting, training entourages and confrontations of all kinds. At the same time that need arises regimentation of soldiers to incorporate the military, develops in the province wide movement to summon citizens to arms. The analysis of the sources, namely reports of provincial presidents, atas of the House of Representatives and the Senate, decrees published during the war, codes Posture, and some papers, allowed us the perception of the subject recruitment at the Provincial level, attending to the daily lives and social changes.
  • Hadassa Kelly Santos Melo
  • Discursos da Construção do Outro: os povos indígenas nos Sermões do Padre Antônio Vieira (1652-1662)
  • Date: Aug 30, 2013
  • Time: 17:30
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  • The greatest legacy left by Father Antonio Vieira is certainly the vastness of his work. His sermons represent, to historians, a great possibility in terms of interpretation of the past and its contexts, and the processes involving encounters between Natives and Jesuits, in Portuguese America. Mutual resistance processes, which also include the production of representations in order to designate Natives, to provide them with meaning and interpret them, so that dialogues could take place. Throughout this paper, these aspects will be analyzed through representations Father Antonio Vieira set to natives during his missionary services in Maranhao and Grao-Para State (1652-1662). For this purpose, five sermons were chosen amongst those produced by the Father, Fifth Sunday of Lent (1654), Sexagesima (1655), First Octave of Easter (1656), Holy Spirit (1657) and Epiphany(1662). Such preaching expresses how the images built around natives were modified through time, not by the ongoing reflexions around their nature nor the procedures involving their evangelization, which obeyed demands that rose from conflicts with colonists, public authorities and other religious orders as in reference to native workforce usage and responding, as well, to instrumentalized resistance procedures from natives towards the Europeans ethos of living.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2013
  • Time: 14:30
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  • Ce travail lié à la ligne de recherche Histoire Régional du Programme de Master en Histoire de l Université Fédéral de la Paraíba, ciblé en Histoire et Culture Historique a comme objectif d analyser les discours eugéniques et hygiéniques au Brésil, particulièrement à la Paraíba à travers les articles disposés aux journaux A União, A Imprensa et la revue Era Nova. Depuis la seconde moitié du XIX siècle l Eugénie a gagnée des interprétations suggestives dans les pays où elle a été accueillie. Au Brésil, dans les premières décennies du XX siècle entre les évaluations de la sélectivité raciale et les normes hygiéniques, quelques secteurs comme celui de la presse et quelques institutions créés pour la divulguer ont lance main de leurs positionnements et idéalisations. À partir de ces alternances, les périodiques A União, A Imprensa et la revue Era Nova ont reproduit un type de discours que ce sont approximés, mais aussi ce sont éloignés des préceptes de l eugénisme. Le découpage choisi a commencé en 1914, l année où laquelle nous avons trouvé les premiers reportages sur l Eugénie et l hygiénisme à la Paraíba, et il a terminé en 1921, avec la publication d autres articles sur les thèmes. L analyse sur les discours eugéniques et hygiénistes à la Paraíba a été un exercice continu de diagnostic et observation, car entre les relations intellectuelles disposées dans les articles des périodiques et les idées annoncées sur l Eugénie, nous avons constaté que les discours mentionnés outre figurer une sorte d analyse scientifique de son époque ils se configurent aussi comme étant une manifestation politique.
  • Colônia de Férias de Olinda: Presos Políticos e Aparelhos de Repressão em Pernambuco (1964)
  • Date: Aug 30, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This work aims to study the structure of political repression in the state of Pernambuco in 1964. In order to do this, we take as a documental case study, a detention unit with the specific purpose of housing political prisoners, called "Colônia de Férias de Olinda" (Olinda Summer Camp). We seek to understand - using the methods of documentary research and oral history how was the articulation of this unit with the other organs of that state security in the complex network of information in that military government established in the country. We also propose to study administrative inner workings of the Summer Camp, to reveal the strategies and mechanisms used by the agents of repression at the time of arrests, to describe the profile of individuals who passed through the unit, and to find evidences of traumatic memory in the testimony of those who directly or indirectly have had contact with the Olinda Summer Camp.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2013
  • Time: 09:30
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  • This study aims to identify the main actions of the period of the New State in Paraíba, in particular, the period of the Ruy Carneiro s Government, between 1940-1945. Thus, it will seek to analyze the process of centralization of the state and the bureaucratic reform - administrative, from the perspective of power relations established after the coup movement entitled "New State" of 1937. This study contributes to the local historiography citing the relations between this reform in the state apparatus in accordance with the programmatic line of action of the Government. The few studies that underlie the period 1940-1945 do not address in a systematic way the Government of Ruy Carneiro. Overall, what is known about this period, in the state of Paraíba, the news came only in the newspapers of the time and documents, reports, decrees or small texts with specific themes. As a contribution to the local historiography, this research seeks to delve into research on local governments Vargas period, specifically the Ruy Carneiro s Government.
  • Canções e cores da nação brasileira: Uma análise historiográfica das obras de Rodrigues de Carvalho (1903 - 1937)
  • Date: Aug 30, 2013
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Based on three volumes of the Almanach Illustrado do Brasil-Portugal, which totals 610 pages permeated by illustrations, chronicles and a variety of texts destined to the PortugueseBrazilian intellectuals who had the intention to educate and civilize the readers, above all, observing the civic-educational elements present in the almanacs. Produced and edited in Lisbon, these almanacs circulated throughout Brazil, and although a considerable part of the collaborators were Portuguese descent, there was a marked presence of Brazilians in the main sections, as well as correspondents and collaborators spread throughout certain regions of the country. Under the bias of the interdisciplinary approach between cultural history and the history of education, through a qualitative research with a temporal cut from 1899 to 1903, it was emphasized the importance of understanding the civilizing element that substantiated the Portuguese-Brazilian historical relations in relation to sociability networks formation (SIRINELLI, 1996; GOMES, 1993) and the actuation of these intellectuals as cultural mediators (GOMES; HANSEN, 2006), learning with the knowledge of great researchers such as Justino Magalhães (2003, 2010), André Botelho (2002) and Norbert Elias (1993). Among the resources which were used, in addition to the consultation of periodicals published between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, BrazilPortugal: revista quinzennal illustrada is also analyzed, highlighting the numbers published in the year 1900, on commemorative matters produced to the IV Centenary of Discovery of Brazil. About the collective profile of Almanach's collaborators, the data point to a group mostly composed of male writers born in the 1850s, concentrating on the age group between 41 and 60 years old, of Portuguese nationality, in which all collaborated in at least one yournal beyond the almanacs and 94% had published books.As a criterion for selecting and analyzing the sources, the trajectory of the Portuguese and Brazilian intellectuals who linked themselves to the magisterium related to their professional activities, as a guideline for the materiality of the almanacs, regarding the categories of education, civilization and produced in the three annuals. It was considered that these categories are intertwined in a PortugueseBrazilian culture with an elitist and Eurocentric veneer, marked by the defense of national education, which had as its background the civilizing discourse, oriented towards progress and modernization. Education assumes the central place as an adequate instrument to attend to the moral and civic values of the society, along with the liberal, conservative and positivist criteria that cultivated and disseminated normative rules for the society in question. Thus, it is concluded that the Portuguese and Brazilian intellectuals in the figure of cultural mediators integrated in networks of sociability – constructed in multiple spatial-temporal dimensions – were involved in the pedagogical and civilizing mission to instruct the public to which they were destined, besides the limits of almanacs. These almanacs bring to light civic-educational elements that, through the propagation of a liberal culture, make possible the multiplication of political and cultural exchanges between Portugal and Brazil, having the language and the common language as an important element of connection and approximation between the two nations.
  • Date: Aug 30, 2013
  • Time: 08:00
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  • This study has as main objective of analyze the conquest and the occupation of hinterland of the Captaincy of Paraiba North as well as the formation of the first local elites that were forming in the region between the years 1690-1772. During these years the hinterland of the North Capitanias of the State of Brazil went through a process of internalization of their territories, especially after the expulsion of the Holandeses in 1654. Like this, we undertook an investigation about the process that precedes the establishment of the settlers in the hinterland of Piranhas and Piancó: the war against indigenous peoples and the distribution of land allotments. This tense process of disputes could not have been successful without the participation of conquerors who, at the expense of their strengths and resources, and by strength of sword and of faith, dilated else the Portuguese dominions in America. Finally we seek to understand how the first conquerors of the region analyzed here, especially the family group of Oliveira Ledo, became the first and principal nucleus of the local elite, through access to real mercês granted by the monarch through the services provided under the achievement.
  • João Aurélio Travassos Pires Junior
  • Date: Aug 29, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The concept of miscegenation has changed throughout the years. When it comes to Colonial Brazil, the study of this notion is key for the understanding of its historiography and also for the establishment of the social sciences in the country, being Gilberto Freyre the first and most reliable author to have developed a historiography of miscegenation in Brazil. The present dissertation study aims at analyzing different takes on the the concept of miscegenation, that are found in representative historiographical works that are important for the development of the theme and for the understanding of the concept as well. This study intends to observe the transformations that the concept of miscegenation has suffered, using the reading of five authors that are relevant to the comprehension of the topic: Gilberto Freyre, Carl Degler, Charles Boxer, Serge Gruzinski and Larissa Viana. The referred authors are representative of different historiographical cultures besides they represent different and divergent past points of view about miscegenation. Therefore, there is a trail that begins with the analysis of the concept by Freyre and the balance of antagonism that follows, identifies foreign readings that endorsed it as well as disagreed with it. Next, it is proposed a reading about the inovation of the concept found in the works of french historian Serge Gruzinski and finally it is noted, by reading the works of historian Larissa Viana, an unusual point of view about miscegenation, which is connected to the notion of identity, a current discussion that represents the themes of the most recente cultural studies.
  • João Aurélio Travassos Pires Junior
  • Date: Aug 29, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The concept of miscegenation has changed throughout the years. When it comes to Colonial Brazil, the study of this notion is key for the understanding of its historiography and also for the establishment of the social sciences in the country, being Gilberto Freyre the first and most reliable author to have developed a historiography of miscegenation in Brazil. The present dissertation study aims at analyzing different takes on the the concept of miscegenation, that are found in representative historiographical works that are important for the development of the theme and for the understanding of the concept as well. This study intends to observe the transformations that the concept of miscegenation has suffered, using the reading of five authors that are relevant to the comprehension of the topic: Gilberto Freyre, Carl Degler, Charles Boxer, Serge Gruzinski and Larissa Viana. The referred authors are representative of different historiographical cultures besides they represent different and divergent past points of view about miscegenation. Therefore, there is a trail that begins with the analysis of the concept by Freyre and the balance of antagonism that follows, identifies foreign readings that endorsed it as well as disagreed with it. Next, it is proposed a reading about the inovation of the concept found in the works of french historian Serge Gruzinski and finally it is noted, by reading the works of historian Larissa Viana, an unusual point of view about miscegenation, which is connected to the notion of identity, a current discussion that represents the themes of the most recente cultural studies.
  • "Entre Defesa e Ordem: os corpos militares da Paraíba na trama da subordinação à Capitania de Pernambuco (1755-1799)"
  • Date: Aug 29, 2013
  • Time: 13:30
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  • This master's research, linked to the Regional History and concentrated in History and Historical culture, intends to analyse the composition, operation and distribution of military bodies settled in the captaincy of Paraíba in the period from 1755 to 1799, at which time this was subordinated, military and administratively, to the captaincy of Pernambuco, giving a particular focus to the government of Jerônimo José de Melo e Castro (1764-1797) and to the military reforms made by Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, Count of Oeiras, future Marquess of Pombal and the present main secretary of the king José I (1755/6-1777). Moreover, we aim to peer the involvement of members of these bodies, notably those from the top of military corps, in the plots of power that engendered this colonial society and, at the same time, evaluate how the loss of political and administrative autonomy interfered in the maintenance of the troops and governing capability of captains mores of the captaincy of Paraíba. For this purpose, we adopted as a research referencial, as well as the concerning bibliography, with emphasis on the perspective of "New Political History" and the resulting notion of "Political Culture", the documentation of the Overseas Historical Archive.
  • Caminhos da Reforma Agrária: O Processo Histórico da Reforma Agrária no Alto Sertão Paraibano, da Luta Pela Terra à Luta na Terra (1985-2012)
  • Date: Aug 29, 2013
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This study investigated the historical process of Agrarian Reform in High Hinterland of Paraíba in the period 1985-2012, showing the process of occupation of the backcountry, highlighting the importance of cotton activity not only for the economy, but also for maintenance of working relationships not typically capitalist, serving as a damper for conflicts between landowners and peasants in this region. As it is located in a region full semiarid Paraiba this research has its area of concentration of study in Brazil Regional History. The work shows the first phase of the fights in public areas and the process of formation of the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) in High Hinterland of Paraíba. Another aspect studied is the second phase of the struggles that took place in private areas and the creation and operation of the Central Associations of Paraiba backwoods settlements of Upper (CAAASP), identifying the major changes that have occurred in the lives of peasants as well as the impacts of these changes in the region. The story of this journey was systematized, bringing an overview of the processes, facts and achievements of the people in the struggle for land and the land in this region in search of better living conditions . To rescue the history of the struggle for land in High Hinterland of Paraíba this work becomes an invitation to the academic community for further research, both on the topic of Agrarian Question and the Field of Social Movements, how about a multitude of issues relevant to life rural communities in the region.
  • Date: Aug 28, 2013
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This study has as its main object of analysis and social market relations established between the port of Buenos Aires and Salvador Bahia, in the period of the Iberian Union. We undertook an analysis of the cyclical action of Iberian colonization in Brazil, comprising therefore a war for sugar and by trade with the River Plate as a major factor transformation of commercial and administrative reality of colonial Brazil. Having been the European manufacturing and enslaved blacks responsible for the largest share of exports from the port of Salvador Bahia, to the port of Buenos Aires, we investigate under what arrangements settled trade of such products in the Platine region, since, by law, were part of the forbidden and illegal. We ended up detecting that local practices in Buenos Aires, to "legalize the illegal" became a commercial culture itself, which nurtured colony in Brazil equal match, and the fruits of the earth rioplatense: wheat flour, suet and meat drought, largely consumed in Brazil and colony, through the port of San Salvador Bahia, fueled not only several ships that they made the trade in the Atlantic Ocean, as well as European possessions, linking well, Salvador Bahia and the port of Buenos Aires to circuits and connections Inter colonial mercantile, woven in the first half of the seventeenth century.
  • HERBERT DANIEL E SUAS ESCRITURAS DE MEMÓRIA: exercícios autobiográficos e os traços estéticos de uma existência (1967-1984)
  • Date: Aug 28, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • La presente dissertation vise à analyser les expériences de Herbert Daniel à partir des travaux Passagens para o próximo sonho e Meu corpo daria um romance (1946- 1992), la corrélation avec les différents modes de connaissance, les normativités annonçant façons de subjectivité dans les années 1964-1984. Son entrée dans les organisations gauchistes, l'opposition contre la dictature militaire de 1964, en accord avec les doctrines idéologiques des organisations gauchistes qui ont abouti à un deserotizado du corps, un sujet subjugué. L'exil et l'amitié, il a créé avec Cláudio Mesquita, à la fois très important de comprendre le processus de l'excrétion des relations sociales rigides et les pauvres et nouvelle façon de penser sur la politique et lui-même.
  • "USOS DO PASSADO :Leitura da História na perspectiva jornalística de Laurentino Gomes no livro '1808'"
  • Date: Aug 26, 2013
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Through the growing number of works of historical content written by journalists, accompanied by a significant rate of sales in the Brazilian publishing market, this paper proposes a case study having as object the book 1808 - As a mad queen, a prince and a nervous corrupt court deceived Napoleon and changed the history of Portugal and Brazil, the journalist Laurentino Gomes. As in the production of this type parameter are historiographical works and procedures aimed to understand how an author who has no historical training develops your "mechanics" of production, ie, a method of writing, the "handle" works of historians and extract these elements to the disclosure of their interpretations and construction of his narrative about the past, whose intention goes through the configuration of a palatable and attractive text about what happened. It is perceived that such production provides a fine line between history and journalism, to use elements from both camps. In this dissertation, raised the hypothesis that the work of Laurentino Gomes can be understood as a product of historical culture, when considering that revisiting the past is not an exclusivity of the historian. Although books like this said journalist contributing to the popularization of historical knowledge, not always depict plausibly, ie without anachronisms. Appears that 1808, to be "made-up" as a work of history, although its author emphasizes that this is journalism, brings the main epistemological implication of the fact to be taken by society as historiographical reference, as if the "make history "in the sense of institutionalized and metodizado knowledge was not restricted to the production of professional métier. Therefore, the practice of writing about the past can t historiographical legitimacy, but it is legitimized by the market-intakes and the social practices of reading, inserted in the cultural industry "past as a commodity."
  • "USOS DO PASSADO :Leitura da História na perspectiva jornalística de Laurentino Gomes no livro '1808'"
  • Date: Aug 26, 2013
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Through the growing number of works of historical content written by journalists, accompanied by a significant rate of sales in the Brazilian publishing market, this paper proposes a case study having as object the book 1808 - As a mad queen, a prince and a nervous corrupt court deceived Napoleon and changed the history of Portugal and Brazil, the journalist Laurentino Gomes. As in the production of this type parameter are historiographical works and procedures aimed to understand how an author who has no historical training develops your "mechanics" of production, ie, a method of writing, the "handle" works of historians and extract these elements to the disclosure of their interpretations and construction of his narrative about the past, whose intention goes through the configuration of a palatable and attractive text about what happened. It is perceived that such production provides a fine line between history and journalism, to use elements from both camps. In this dissertation, raised the hypothesis that the work of Laurentino Gomes can be understood as a product of historical culture, when considering that revisiting the past is not an exclusivity of the historian. Although books like this said journalist contributing to the popularization of historical knowledge, not always depict plausibly, ie without anachronisms. Appears that 1808, to be "made-up" as a work of history, although its author emphasizes that this is journalism, brings the main epistemological implication of the fact to be taken by society as historiographical reference, as if the "make history "in the sense of institutionalized and metodizado knowledge was not restricted to the production of professional métier. Therefore, the practice of writing about the past can t historiographical legitimacy, but it is legitimized by the market-intakes and the social practices of reading, inserted in the cultural industry "past as a commodity."
  • "USOS DO PASSADO :Leitura da História na perspectiva jornalística de Laurentino Gomes no livro '1808'"
  • Date: Aug 26, 2013
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Through the growing number of works of historical content written by journalists, accompanied by a significant rate of sales in the Brazilian publishing market, this paper proposes a case study having as object the book 1808 - As a mad queen, a prince and a nervous corrupt court deceived Napoleon and changed the history of Portugal and Brazil, the journalist Laurentino Gomes. As in the production of this type parameter are historiographical works and procedures aimed to understand how an author who has no historical training develops your "mechanics" of production, ie, a method of writing, the "handle" works of historians and extract these elements to the disclosure of their interpretations and construction of his narrative about the past, whose intention goes through the configuration of a palatable and attractive text about what happened. It is perceived that such production provides a fine line between history and journalism, to use elements from both camps. In this dissertation, raised the hypothesis that the work of Laurentino Gomes can be understood as a product of historical culture, when considering that revisiting the past is not an exclusivity of the historian. Although books like this said journalist contributing to the popularization of historical knowledge, not always depict plausibly, ie without anachronisms. Appears that 1808, to be "made-up" as a work of history, although its author emphasizes that this is journalism, brings the main epistemological implication of the fact to be taken by society as historiographical reference, as if the "make history "in the sense of institutionalized and metodizado knowledge was not restricted to the production of professional métier. Therefore, the practice of writing about the past can t historiographical legitimacy, but it is legitimized by the market-intakes and the social practices of reading, inserted in the cultural industry "past as a commodity."
  • "USOS DO PASSADO :Leitura da História na perspectiva jornalística de Laurentino Gomes no livro '1808'"
  • Date: Aug 26, 2013
  • Time: 10:00
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  • Through the growing number of works of historical content written by journalists, accompanied by a significant rate of sales in the Brazilian publishing market, this paper proposes a case study having as object the book 1808 - As a mad queen, a prince and a nervous corrupt court deceived Napoleon and changed the history of Portugal and Brazil, the journalist Laurentino Gomes. As in the production of this type parameter are historiographical works and procedures aimed to understand how an author who has no historical training develops your "mechanics" of production, ie, a method of writing, the "handle" works of historians and extract these elements to the disclosure of their interpretations and construction of his narrative about the past, whose intention goes through the configuration of a palatable and attractive text about what happened. It is perceived that such production provides a fine line between history and journalism, to use elements from both camps. In this dissertation, raised the hypothesis that the work of Laurentino Gomes can be understood as a product of historical culture, when considering that revisiting the past is not an exclusivity of the historian. Although books like this said journalist contributing to the popularization of historical knowledge, not always depict plausibly, ie without anachronisms. Appears that 1808, to be "made-up" as a work of history, although its author emphasizes that this is journalism, brings the main epistemological implication of the fact to be taken by society as historiographical reference, as if the "make history "in the sense of institutionalized and metodizado knowledge was not restricted to the production of professional métier. Therefore, the practice of writing about the past can t historiographical legitimacy, but it is legitimized by the market-intakes and the social practices of reading, inserted in the cultural industry "past as a commodity."
  • Date: Aug 8, 2013
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This work - belonging to the line of research of Teaching of History and Historical Knowledge in the Post Graduation Program in History of the Federal University of Paraíba, within the área of Historic Culture has as objetive perceive the social place of Tristão de Alencar Araripe both from the standpoint of family and political, as historiography. Tristão was a member of one of the main families of Ceará, which is still remembered for the participation of some of its members in the political events in 1817 and 1824. Under this influence, Tristão opened the writing of history of Ceará. His book, History of the Province of Ceará from earliest times to 1850, published in 1867, is the first methodological effort to write the history of Ceará - Colony to Empire. Tristão wrote his story at the very moment that the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute (IHGB) proposed the writing of national history of the Empire of Brazil. One of the strategies to perceive the social place of Tristão is to analyze their relationship with the Institute. The influence of IHGB gave different contours in their work. The defense here is that Tristão wanted to contribute to the writing of national history of the Empire of Brazil. The pretense of Tristão was a national story from the stories local, provincial.
  • Date: Aug 6, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • (link: 1601 and 1602, the Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio, received one of his most important orders. It was the last job to finish the series dedicated to the apostle Matthew in Contarelli Chapel in Rome, a painting called St. Matthew and the Angel. By decision of the Church, Caravaggio's version lacked decorum and had to be replaced. With a new contract, Caravaggio painted a second version of St. Matthew and the Angel, which was immediately put in its destination place. Following this event, a Marquis from the Roman nobility named Vincenzo Giustiniani, who had bought the unwelcomed version of St. Matthew and the Angel, ordered Caravaggio a painting that excelled all of the paintings in the world, Love Triumphant (Amor Vincit Omnia). The reason for the change in perspective between the three paintings, the representation of subjects so diverse among themselves and the abrupt transformation of approach, aesthetic and configuration, formed the scope of this work. These three paintings by the Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) revealed in this dissertation a dissident and provocative artist between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in a Rome recognized in historical literature for its splits and political-religious conspiracies, deeply marked by the Religious Reforms of the period. In this conjuncture, the paintings of Caravaggio made it possible to study not only the Baroque artist, but also the social relations involved, the influences of the Baroque, the idiosyncrasies of Caravaggio, the Artistic Culture, expanding what we understand as History of Paintings and covering concepts pertinent to objectives and methodology adopted, as evidence-based analysis (Clue Paradigm), Memory, Imaginary and the allegorical and pictorial representations. Notably, in the production of historical consciousness of work, we permeate our writing with printed sources from the seventeenth century and the fundamental and specific works on Caravaggio and Art History. Through the performance of the object of study we came to conclusions on Modern History, Tridentine Rome, Catholic cosmogony, the body, religious beliefs, paganism, sacred and profane, signs and clues that reveal the clash between the artist's vision and the vision of Church and society.
  • Date: Aug 6, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • (link: 1601 and 1602, the Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio, received one of his most important orders. It was the last job to finish the series dedicated to the apostle Matthew in Contarelli Chapel in Rome, a painting called St. Matthew and the Angel. By decision of the Church, Caravaggio's version lacked decorum and had to be replaced. With a new contract, Caravaggio painted a second version of St. Matthew and the Angel, which was immediately put in its destination place. Following this event, a Marquis from the Roman nobility named Vincenzo Giustiniani, who had bought the unwelcomed version of St. Matthew and the Angel, ordered Caravaggio a painting that excelled all of the paintings in the world, Love Triumphant (Amor Vincit Omnia). The reason for the change in perspective between the three paintings, the representation of subjects so diverse among themselves and the abrupt transformation of approach, aesthetic and configuration, formed the scope of this work. These three paintings by the Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) revealed in this dissertation a dissident and provocative artist between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in a Rome recognized in historical literature for its splits and political-religious conspiracies, deeply marked by the Religious Reforms of the period. In this conjuncture, the paintings of Caravaggio made it possible to study not only the Baroque artist, but also the social relations involved, the influences of the Baroque, the idiosyncrasies of Caravaggio, the Artistic Culture, expanding what we understand as History of Paintings and covering concepts pertinent to objectives and methodology adopted, as evidence-based analysis (Clue Paradigm), Memory, Imaginary and the allegorical and pictorial representations. Notably, in the production of historical consciousness of work, we permeate our writing with printed sources from the seventeenth century and the fundamental and specific works on Caravaggio and Art History. Through the performance of the object of study we came to conclusions on Modern History, Tridentine Rome, Catholic cosmogony, the body, religious beliefs, paganism, sacred and profane, signs and clues that reveal the clash between the artist's vision and the vision of Church and society.
  • Date: Jul 19, 2013
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This work is appealing for the universe of memories and feelings of women, political prisoners during the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964 - 1985), who survived the traumatic experience of lucid torture. Having as a main source movie Que Bom Te Ver Viva, full length documentar produced by Lúcia Murat from 1988 - 1989. We assume that the art of Lucia Murat in Que Bom Te Ver Viva meets, while self consciousness and memory that is human history, the function of raising individual particularities, writing it self, the generically human. In this perspective, grasp the film as an important means of production, dissemination and reception of individual and collective experiences of the past and presente, and thereby as a material linked to identity and social dimensions that are justified from their membership of a historical culture formed in the time of the events, the circumstances of film production. Indeed, analyzing the images of orality and Que Bom Te Ver Viva, means, Immediately talk to a social representation that contributes to a historical and cultural participation of women in the armed struggle against the dictatorship, the discourser of the Brazilian feminist movement in the 1980s, such as: violence against women, women's sexual freedom, gender relations and power involving sexes.
  • Da conivência ao despertar militante: o movimento universitário e a ditdura militar na cidade de Campina Grande-PB (1964-1968)
  • Date: Jul 4, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This research addresses the role of the university movement in the city of Campina Grande - PB, during the first phase of the military dictatorship (1964/1968). The theme relates to the Research Line Regional History Program Undergraduate History UFPB in concentration area History and Historical Culture. The study addresses the influences campinenses appropriated by militants, who led them in times of repression, to confront the government and the ideas advocated by them. As the Government did not give up his attempt to inhibit the student demonstrations, which were strengthened with the support of popular students campinenses also embarked on this fight. Thus, we analyze the university of Campina Grande mediate-1968 until the publication of the Institutional Act Number Five, highlighting the strength of correlations between the military police and university campinenses. As a theoretical basis, we use the concept of political culture, political history and the new concepts of the new cultural history, as representation, tactics, among others. The sources used were extracted from research papers, oral reports, official documents and works of historiography and Brazilian Paraiba.
  • Date: Jun 10, 2013
  • Time: 10:00
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  • In this dissertation we discussed the form that the education/instruction was considered in the press of Paraíba in the nineteenth century, point out the aspects of the educational and political cultures in the Province of Parahyba do Norte. The documental corpus used as support for this work was the editorials of the newspapers of Paraiba, available in the Historical and Geographicof Paraiba Institute and in Digital Hemeroteca of the National Library. Also used, in a smaller proportion, were the Province Presidents’ Reports in the decade of 1880. The range proposed for the elaboration of the present work is the years started from 1881 until 1889. Due the characteristics of our sources this was the moment in that was possible to delimit an educational debate among conservator and liberal parties. Our goal was to understand the educational culture spread through the texts of the political agents and journalists of Paraíba. We observed the speeches of conservatives and liberates, pointing out the divergences and similarities between them. Taking into account the accessibility to the impressed material of the epoch, we can say that the press of the nineteenth century had a considerable broadcast, being responsible for the popularization of ideas and speeches, besides, probably, it was one of the only channel of communication of this period. In the pages of the nineteenth century press was presented the everyday of the society, in special the themes related to the politics and the disputes of the parties. Among the considered themes, the instruction was the protagonist in several moments, being a frequent subject and source of intense debates. This work is related to the Program of Masters degree in History of the Federal University of Paraíba, in the branch of History Teaching and Historical Known.
  • Date: May 10, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This dissertation is linked to the online research Regional History, the Post-Graduate in History of the Federal University of Paraíba, with a major in History and Historical Culture. Is engaged in the family life of enslaved the city of Crato, Ceará south. The time frame chosen starts in 1871, the year of enactment of Law 2040 of September 28 - also known as the Rio Branco Law or Law of the Free Womb - and ends in 1884, the year it was declared abolished slavery in the province of Ceará. The spread of unions sacramentadas the religious norm and consensus among the enslaved population, the stability of family arrangements that were able to provide, and the social relations established in the act of baptism of their children, are also observed. Sources that support the research are mainly, inventories - with lists of registration of enslaved and autos sharing, attached to them -, and seats baptism of naive cratenses. The dissertation is theoretical and methodological social history of slavery, developed mainly from the 1980s and whose assumptions highlight the historical subjects - the enslaved.
  • Date: Mar 27, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This study is linked to the online research Regional History, the Graduate Program in History Federal University of Paraíba, with a major in History and Historical Culture, and aims to examine the creation and operation of the National Guard in the province of Paraiba (1831-1850). The creation of the National Guard, on August 18, 1831, was one among the various measures undertaken by the government regent, to ensure the unity of the national Brazilian state. This institution should be composed of those who were considered citizens of the Empire of Brazil, so they were prescribed in the Constitution of 1824. Therefore, besides investigating the creation of this institution in the province of Paraiba, we present the procedures involving its organization and functioning, as well as legal profiles / Ethnic some characters that composed their ranks. We will also provide a brief discussion of citizenship in the nineteenth century, shedding light on how this citizenship was experienced by militiamen in the province because, to them, fell the privilege of being part of the militia. We will review the daily actions of the missionaries of the order and attempts to find some guards to escape the ordinary service of the Guard - which, contrary to what had just tried the Act creating the National Guard from 1831: the "patriotism" of his militia. And when it comes to positions of command in the militia, will discuss the importance of this position gave the chosen, and over the years has become highly political.
  • Date: Mar 25, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This work intends to analyze the advertisements for slaves contained in Brazilian periodicals that circulated in the last decades of slavery. Through the ads will be possible to understand aspects of the social condition in which lived the captives and its forms of struggle and resistance. Initially, he has been trying to discuss the role of the press in the marketing of the slaves, as well as the economic, social and political changes that occurred in Paraiba during the period in question. This is because a large number of commercial transactions involving slaves was initiated through advertisements or in the newspaper where typography was printed. Then we tried to analyze the condition of captivity in which lived the captives, such as: housing, clothing, food, hygienic conditions and, since these factors were instrumental in the development of diseases and, consequently, the health problems. Finally, it was intended to be understood, in particular, the escape of slaves, ads to draw a profile of the captives who were fleeing and presents them not as victims or rebels, but as historical subjects who thought and acted by means of negotiations, struggles, conflicts and solidarity networks to survive before the complex world that was the captivity.
  • Patrimônios Materiais; Sertão; Paraíba Colonial; Cultura Histórica; Cultura
  • Date: Feb 28, 2013
  • Time: 15:00
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  • The main objective of this work is to undertake a historical research on material patrimonies in the sertão of Rio Piranhas, during the second half of the eighteenth century. Concerning the theoretical aspects the research was supported by the New Political History, and in this field, by the discussion of Political Culture concept. This work was also guided by other theoretical discussions, as it relates to patrimonialism, material culture and the Historical Culture. Thus, we intend to discuss the importance of judicial and notarial documents of Pombal municipality, in the sertão of Paraíba state, within the Political Culture of the Old Regime. We aim to understand how social actors sought to appropriate of the space (during the conquering process) and, therefore, the resources provided by nature, constituting their properties. An analysis of social relations in the sertão of Rio Piranhas, perceived as generating mechanisms that favored the accumulation of material goods and the consequent social rising became visible. The connections with other spaces, establishing friendly and conflict relations, constituting assets and wealth and managing them, is an appreciated aspect in this work. In order to unravel these problems, we used documental sources such as inventories and wills deposited in the Fórum Promotor Francisco Nelson da Nóbrega, in Pombal municipality, sertão of Paraiba. We also used powers of attorney found in the Cartório de 1º Ofício de Notas Coronel João Queiroga, in Pombal municipality. Requirements transcribed by João de Lyra Tavares and a few documental records from the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino were used in our research as well.
  • O livro didático ideal em questão: estudo da teoria da formação histórica de Jörn Rüssen em livros didáticos de história (PNLD-2008)
  • Date: Oct 30, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The historical consciousness is an intellectual ability that allows men to guide themselves through time. The formation of historical consciousness can be stimulated through movies, books, music, TV programs, especially at school through history books. The German theorist Jörn Rüsen shows in his work O livro didático ideal criteria for the development of narrative competence and, therefore, historical consciousness. Such text is talked about in this final paper. The main point here is to identify what is far and near from the criteria of historical formation that Rüsen presents and the elements in the collection of the school book distributed by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático PNLD-2008. The justification for such research lies on the recent appropriation of Rüsen s work in Brazil. The theoretical reference used is focused on Jörn Rüsen s theory about historical formation, especially his thoughts over the school book. The methodology employed is based on categories of narrative competence perception, interpretation and orientation developed by the same author. The comparison performed allowed us to gather evidence on how the source of our study stimulates historical formation.
  • O livro didático ideal em questão: estudo da teoria da formação histórica de Jörn Rüssen em livros didáticos de história
  • Date: Oct 30, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The historical consciousness is an intellectual ability that allows men to guide themselves through time. The formation of historical consciousness can be stimulated through movies, books, music, TV programs, especially at school through history books. The German theorist Jörn Rüsen shows in his work O livro didático ideal criteria for the development of narrative competence and, therefore, historical consciousness. Such text is talked about in this final paper. The main point here is to identify what is far and near from the criteria of historical formation that Rüsen presents and the elements in the collection of the school book distributed by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático PNLD-2008. The justification for such research lies on the recent appropriation of Rüsen s work in Brazil. The theoretical reference used is focused on Jörn Rüsen s theory about historical formation, especially his thoughts over the school book. The methodology employed is based on categories of narrative competence perception, interpretation and orientation developed by the same author. The comparison performed allowed us to gather evidence on how the source of our study stimulates historical formation.
  • AS "MULHERES MALDITAS": Crenças e práticas de feitiçaria no nordeste da América Portuguesa
  • Date: Oct 30, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This work is devoted to the study of cases of witchcraft in the context of northeastern Portuguese America, it has as main sources, inquisitorial documentation for the period. In this work, we shall dwell on the analysis of cases of witchcraft perpetrated by women and our thematic approach focuses on magical beliefs and practices specifically European having as theoretical support history of mentalities. Throughout our research we have seen the convergence of an ancient stereotype Witch specimen whose model, expressed in literary records and iconography, has been made since ancient times and can also be seen in elements of popular religious culture developed of Portuguese America, and as among representatives of the dominant religion that worked here in defense of the faith. Therefore, this work is relevant historiographical field devoted to the subject in that the perspective from which it developed, introduces new elements to the analysis of a Historical Culture of witchcraft, in default of stringent temporal divisions heeded by historians, if consrói from permanence and change, a process where the elements that make up the image of the witch change, losing and acquiring meanings, under the auspices of religious hybridity from the ethnic touch so characteristic of our training.
  • Pessoas que lembram: festas e lazer nas memórias e histórias de moradores de Serra Branca-PB (1940-1970).
  • Date: Oct 5, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The objective of this work is to present and analyse the engendred memories of the proportionated experiences by the leisure in Serra Branca city in Paraíba, such as the carnival and Nossa Senhora's da Conceição Celebrations, by cultural programs in the old cinema called Educational Cine, by Radio Castelo Branco, by soccer games of the local teams- Vasco da Gama and Flamengo. We understand memory as an important means of development, dissemination and reception of relations with the past allows us to establish links with the area of concentration this program graduate, namely History and Historical Culture, and more specifically, with the line of research Teaching of History and Historical Knowledge. The temporal cut - decades of 1940 to 1970 has been defined considering the complex relations between present and past, caracteristics of memory. The relevance of this work lies in fact that it seeks to contribute together with productions about local history, here delimited as history of cities, specifically in the Paraiba's case. Objectifying to apprehend the lived experiences for some locals from Serra Branca evaluating the importance of these experiences to elaboration of a local history designed by a cultural cut. Employing reflections about: history, memory, local history, cutural pratices, celebrations , leisure and experience, through of a varied theorical contribution , which enabled to transit between theory and analysis from the produced sources , in the case of these last, resorting to the methodology of oral history, performing interviews with residents from the cited Town.
  • Dom José Maria Pires, sua atuação política e defesa dos Direitos Humanos de 1966 a 1980 na Paraíba.
  • Date: Sep 28, 2012
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This essay discusses the political activity of Dom José Maria Pires forward from the Diocese of Araçuaí and Archdiocese of Paraíba analyzing their political posturings and his vehement defence of human rights. Although supporting the military coup of 1964, when he was Bishop of that diocese mineira, Dom José has changed its stance about the military regime already in the same year, facing the authoritarianism of the military and defending the victims of the dictatorial regime. Arriving in Paraíba, in 1966, he remained steadfast in the fight against the arbitrariness of the military and sought alternatives to solving problems such as famine and drought, creating two relevant initiatives: the water Drop Operation and the living Church Project. Both concerns are greater than the mere paternalism as present in the ecclesial institution. These initiatives of the Archbishop have evolved in practice marked by radical human rights settlements present in this religious Division. Thus, we highlight two great ranches: Mucatu and Alagamar. In both there was the Human rights violations through the practice of violence, unjust imprisonment, torture and deaths. In Mucatu there were hundreds of people expelled and the destruction of a House that functioned as Office and Church of that community; in Military Police Alagamar, was tortured and terrified peasants. That said, the Bishop denounced these atrocities through sermons, pastoral letters and their presence in these communities. It was in the name of God, the poor and their release policy which the Bishop acted, getting the nickname of Communist and subversive owners and other sectors of society. Throughout the text, also will discuss the political culture and historic culture present in this very charismatic leader.
  • Do Desenvolvimentismo á conduta militar:As peripercias da política campinense(1963-1969)
  • Date: Sep 27, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This research is related to the city of Campina Grande PB, highlight a uniqueness of the public policies in use in the city which is considered a leading city in the region. We find in the boiling of the politics of the 60 s, the ideal timing to measure the power of the city. At that time the so-called Queen of Borborema headed some measures to make its industrialization possible, building the myth of leading vocation the city has in inland of the northeast region. The administration of Williams Arruda is seen as the main period of the development projects during all the political and socialagitation resulting from the coup d'etat against the Brazilian Democratic Institutions in 1964. Moreover, the impact of the developmental measures in the economy of the city, considering the changes in access to the public services in the city, such as the changes in the educational area, in which the main objective was to stimulate the qualified, working force for the factories to come at that time. For the research we used data published by IBGE, results released by TRE-PB, news sources from that time as well as existing academic work on the subject to bring out the debate. The research satisfies the line of research Regional History , focusing the discussion of the political history of Campina Grande, and in the possibilities to contextualization with the national sociopolitical context.
  • Entre a História e a Memória: Adélia de França uma professora negra na Paraíba (1926-1976).
  • Date: Sep 24, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The work entitled, Between history and memory: Adélia de França a black teacher from Paraíba in the twentieth century (1926 1976) , it has the aim to revisit her teaching career, taking into account her social place and ethnic belonging in the history context from Paraíba education. In this perspective, we seek to learn from the experience of other women the similarities and differences in deeds and plots (individual and collective), as well as, we can perceive the achievements and challenges in claiming in the society and in the history, demarked by its specific. The undertaken studies were constituted by a set of methodological procedures, such as: the bibliographical research, the analysis of written documentary sources from official and personal character, and the production of oral sources, considering the memories of witnesses (family, ex-students), the latter based on the theoretical and methodological theories of oral history, postulated by Alberti (2005), Bosi (1994) among others; we also use other sources which were produced during the research (photographs). We use the contributions of the Social History studied by Thompson (1987; 1998; 2001), Hobsbawm (1998a; 1998b; 1998c) e Burke (2012). We also point out this research fits in the debates on the Teaching of History and Historical Knowledge, as we propose through the triggering of memory, historiography the teaching practices, seeking to recall the forgotten, the marginalized and the silenced in the history in a/an (in)visualized scenario.
  • Entre a História e a Memória: Adélia de França uma professora negra na Paraíba (1926-1976).
  • Date: Sep 24, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The work entitled, Between history and memory: Adélia de França a black teacher from Paraíba in the twentieth century (1926 1976) , it has the aim to revisit her teaching career, taking into account her social place and ethnic belonging in the history context from Paraíba education. In this perspective, we seek to learn from the experience of other women the similarities and differences in deeds and plots (individual and collective), as well as, we can perceive the achievements and challenges in claiming in the society and in the history, demarked by its specific. The undertaken studies were constituted by a set of methodological procedures, such as: the bibliographical research, the analysis of written documentary sources from official and personal character, and the production of oral sources, considering the memories of witnesses (family, ex-students), the latter based on the theoretical and methodological theories of oral history, postulated by Alberti (2005), Bosi (1994) among others; we also use other sources which were produced during the research (photographs). We use the contributions of the Social History studied by Thompson (1987; 1998; 2001), Hobsbawm (1998a; 1998b; 1998c) e Burke (2012). We also point out this research fits in the debates on the Teaching of History and Historical Knowledge, as we propose through the triggering of memory, historiography the teaching practices, seeking to recall the forgotten, the marginalized and the silenced in the history in a/an (in)visualized scenario.
  • Sylvia Brandão Ramalho de Brito
  • A dialética do castigo: memórias de um Frade no Brasil Holandês.
  • Date: Sep 14, 2012
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This study focuses on the analysis of a narrative written during the dutch invasion to Brazil, the book entitled O Valeroso Lucideno e Triunfo da Liberdade. The work, published in 1648, in Lisbon, by the religious Manoel Calado, has João Fernandes Vieira, a "senhor de engenho" of Pernambuco, as financier and protagonist. The book, in which the central component was guided by providential history, had a strategic purpose. The work can be understood as a political project, guided by the marks of the historiography of the period, whose efforts lay in the discursive theory of "boa razão de Estado". In addition to understanding which were the justifications of "guerra da liberdade divina", our work aims to scrutinize the relationship between a panegyric written and aspirations of ennoblement. Finally, we look at the speech used by the religious in order to understand what ideals he stood for and meant to disclose in his writings.
  • Sylvia Brandão Ramalho de Brito
  • A dialética do castigo: memórias de um Frade no Brasil Holandês.
  • Date: Sep 14, 2012
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This study focuses on the analysis of a narrative written during the dutch invasion to Brazil, the book entitled O Valeroso Lucideno e Triunfo da Liberdade. The work, published in 1648, in Lisbon, by the religious Manoel Calado, has João Fernandes Vieira, a "senhor de engenho" of Pernambuco, as financier and protagonist. The book, in which the central component was guided by providential history, had a strategic purpose. The work can be understood as a political project, guided by the marks of the historiography of the period, whose efforts lay in the discursive theory of "boa razão de Estado". In addition to understanding which were the justifications of "guerra da liberdade divina", our work aims to scrutinize the relationship between a panegyric written and aspirations of ennoblement. Finally, we look at the speech used by the religious in order to understand what ideals he stood for and meant to disclose in his writings.
  • Na levada do pandeiro: a música de Jackson do Pandeiro entre 1953 e 1967
  • Date: Sep 12, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This research presents an analysis about part of the work of Jackson do Pandeiro, situated between the years of 1953 and 1967. Such analysis aims to point his work as an important exemple of cultural hybridism found in Brazilian music. To better understand this hybridization, pervades our analysis the formation of national and of Northeastern identities that were being built, especially from 1920s. We understand this period of Jackson do Pandeiro‟s work as a contribution to the scaling ideas of Brazilian nationality and of northeasternity , in order to make us comprehend how these formulations of identity are rather part of a historical process, and not a data frozen in time and in static spaces. In this sense, the study is related to a research line of Regional History, since it helps us to comprehend the construction of a specific region, Brasilian Northeast, parting from its relationship with agents and spaces, either national or global ones.
  • Na levada do pandeiro: a música de Jackson do Pandeiro entre 1953 e 1967
  • Date: Sep 12, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This research presents an analysis about part of the work of Jackson do Pandeiro, situated between the years of 1953 and 1967. Such analysis aims to point his work as an important exemple of cultural hybridism found in Brazilian music. To better understand this hybridization, pervades our analysis the formation of national and of Northeastern identities that were being built, especially from 1920s. We understand this period of Jackson do Pandeiro‟s work as a contribution to the scaling ideas of Brazilian nationality and of northeasternity , in order to make us comprehend how these formulations of identity are rather part of a historical process, and not a data frozen in time and in static spaces. In this sense, the study is related to a research line of Regional History, since it helps us to comprehend the construction of a specific region, Brasilian Northeast, parting from its relationship with agents and spaces, either national or global ones.
  • Nos caminhos do progresso, nas veredas da modernização: representações da cidade de Sousa-PB (1951-1963).
  • Date: Sep 6, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • (link This dissertation aims to demonstrate the ways a regular backcountry - The magazine letters Hinterland - represented the city of Sousa in his first two phases of movement were from 1951 to 1963. Taking into consideration the role that social media takes, we dare say that the magazine's editors anchored in the social place that assumed, extrapolated content literarário the same and from articles and notes stamped in a political magazine where a lot of criticism and claims was evidenced. Such criticisms are made because the reality of the nation at that time to be quite different from the experienced in the early twentieth century, as well as most Brazilian cities, Sousa undertook important material gains during that period that gave an air of modern. During the 1930s, the city continued to grow, and this time, the commercial and industrial activities have been strengthened at the expense of infrastructure improvements such as street paving, improvements in the system of water supply and electric light, street cleaning, etc.. We can say that the claims made by the literate elite who composed letters Hinterland were based obseravação of "precarious" infrastructure of the city, which subsisted since the beginning of the century and that kept in their view, that Sousa alçasse fly higher toward development. From the year 1955, the city began to be represented otherwise since the municipal government decided to follow developmentalism Juscelinian investing and infrastructure in an attempt to boost economic growth Sousa. This study adds to the research line regional history of the Graduate Program in the History of the Federal University of Paraiba with a major in History and Historical Culture.
  • Nos caminhos do progresso, nas veredas da modernização: representações da cidade de Sousa-PB (1951-1963).
  • Date: Sep 6, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • (link This dissertation aims to demonstrate the ways a regular backcountry - The magazine letters Hinterland - represented the city of Sousa in his first two phases of movement were from 1951 to 1963. Taking into consideration the role that social media takes, we dare say that the magazine's editors anchored in the social place that assumed, extrapolated content literarário the same and from articles and notes stamped in a political magazine where a lot of criticism and claims was evidenced. Such criticisms are made because the reality of the nation at that time to be quite different from the experienced in the early twentieth century, as well as most Brazilian cities, Sousa undertook important material gains during that period that gave an air of modern. During the 1930s, the city continued to grow, and this time, the commercial and industrial activities have been strengthened at the expense of infrastructure improvements such as street paving, improvements in the system of water supply and electric light, street cleaning, etc.. We can say that the claims made by the literate elite who composed letters Hinterland were based obseravação of "precarious" infrastructure of the city, which subsisted since the beginning of the century and that kept in their view, that Sousa alçasse fly higher toward development. From the year 1955, the city began to be represented otherwise since the municipal government decided to follow developmentalism Juscelinian investing and infrastructure in an attempt to boost economic growth Sousa. This study adds to the research line regional history of the Graduate Program in the History of the Federal University of Paraiba with a major in History and Historical Culture.
  • Do rock ao repente: identidades híbridas nas canções de Zé Ramalho no contexto da década de 1970.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This dissertation has as object of study the songs composed by Zé Ramalho of Paraíba, during the 1970s. These songs were produced and recorded in the context of the rise of a group of musicians who moved from Northeast to the southeast of the country to try to make a living out of music, the "onda nordestina" which was attended by Zé Ramalho, Alceu Valença, Geraldo Azevedo, Ednardo, Belchior and Fagner. Starting from the concept of hybridization, proposed by the argentine anthropologist Néstor García Canclini, we intent to identify, through which artistic procedure (musical and poetic) Zé Ramalho, select and blend elements that were present in the context of the 1970s. We appeal to the ideas of researchers of popular music in Brazil that claim the ambiguous character of this object of study and defend the need to develop researches that dialogue with different disciplines and that include the parameters present in the song: the poetic and musical. Among these researchers, should be highlighted Wisnik José Miguel, José Leonardo de Moraes, Marcos Napolitano and Luiz Tatit. Linked to the discussion about popular music, we propose a more general about the categories of popular and national identity, elements of our historical culture, which lay roots in interpretations about Brazilian culture, based on theoretical ideas of the so-called Cultural Studies.
  • Os Indígenas na Primeira História da Paraíba: um estudo sobre a História da Parahyba de Maximiano Lopes Machado
  • Date: Aug 27, 2012
  • Time: 09:00
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  • (Link: This work attempted to develop a study about Maximiano Lopes Machado s book História da provincia da Parayba, noticing the manner that he inserts the indigenous from Paraíba, mainly the Tabajaras and Potiguaras tribes, in his work. Even finished in 1885, this book was published only in 1912 by Geography and History Institute of Paraíba. This institution, created in 1905, recognized that intellectual, with Irineu Joffily and Irineu Ferreira Pinto, as founders of Paraíba historiography. The GHIP was founded to enable a formulation of an Official History of Paraíba, emphasizing a common history for all paraibanos, forging an identity for those who were born in this territory, named as the paraibanidade. Founded during the republican period, this historiography attempted to raise a history that showed, among other matters, how Paraíba had collaborated to the advent of that political regime. In this sense, it was attempted to comprehend how Machado s work, produced in XIX Century, before The Republic Proclamation, could have contributed to this historiograpical project elaborated by GHIP. Accordingly, attempting to understand the manner how História da provincial da Parahyba has contributed to forge a paraibana identity and its perspective influence the way that the paraibana society recognizes the indigenous in its historical, social and identity compositions. Therefore, it was sought to investigate about an indigenous historical culture of Paraíba s according to the concentration area in History and Historical Culture in which this research is linked.
  • "Entre Britos e Gaudêncios: cultura política e poder familiar nos Cariris Velhos 1930-1960."
  • Date: Aug 24, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This study intends to approach the constitution of symbolic Power and of current politic of families Brito and Gaudêncio in Cariris Velhos between 1930 and 1960. Considering that the events happened that to beginning of movement of 1930 caused breaking in the administration plan of Brazilian estates, but also expressed of oligarchy politic permanent. The case of Brito and Gaudencio´s families is an example of adaptation of oligarchy after 1930. The divergence between two families favored to formation of identity of São João do Cariri and the Serra Branca. So, beginning to analyze of politic culture oligarchy in home family, understanding the building of history culture of two town. Understanding he history culture was building by area societies local, that apprehend area of concentration of regional history. This way like theory fundament using the idea of politic culture and symbolic power like mechanician to understand as way of power used by two families. The fountain used approach to research in newspaper, reports spoken, officer documents and works of history paraibana.
  • Geração Coca-Cola: escrita de si, memória e cultura jovem em Feliz Ano Velho, de Marcelo Rubens Paiva
  • Date: Aug 17, 2012
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The objective of this study is to investigate the universe of Brazilian youth culture in the 80s, in particular, its projection around a genre of writings focused on the theme of youth living experience in the context of Brazil‟s political openness and democratization. To this end, we selected the book Happy old year, of Marcelo Rubens Paiva, published in the the early 1980s, more precisely in 1982, while projecting portrait of the experience of youth who experienced the dilemmas of the time, giving the individual experience of Marcelo, associated with the event of an accident that left him in a wheelchair, the status of the testimony of a Young inserted in to the effervescent world transformations that marked the historical setting of Brazil at the time, including his experience in political activism and his narrative of memory surrounding the disappearance of his father, a victim of the repression of the years of lead. It is through autobiographical writing that the dilemmas faced by Marcelo gain projection in relation to the historical universe in which it is inserted, linking individual memory and social memory.
  • Vivendo à sombra das leis: Antonio Soares Brederode entre a justiça e a criminalidade. Capitania da Paraíba (1787-1802).
  • Date: Jun 1, 2012
  • Time: 09:30
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  • Assuming Ouvidoria of Paraíba for ten years, Antonio Felipe Soares de Andrada de Brederode has been responsed for a great number of letters and occupations sent to Conselho Ultramarino, available, nowadays, by the Project Rescue Baron of Rio Branco. Accused of involving with several business types, extorting the richest men of the comarca and abuse of power, Antonio Brederode promoted serious tensions in the power s relationships existent in the captaincy. Using the theoretical referencial of the New Political History, the present work aimes to observe the practices of this ouvidor under the lens of the Political Culture of portuguese Ancient Regime. Through this study, it is intended to understand a little about how the Ouvidoria of Paraíba worked, as well as to introduce the officials responsible for the justice s administration. It is also aimed, through the alliances with and against Antonio Brederode, to identify the groups which used to hold the economical and political power of the captaincy and their relation to the ouvidor.
  • "Instrução, Disciplina e Civilização: uma perspectiva de leitura acerca das aulas públicas e particulares na Parahyba do Norte (1860-1889)".
  • Date: May 31, 2012
  • Time: 09:00
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  • The responsible experts for the ideas that allowed public and private organization for education in the North Parahyba Province, in the eighteenth century, understood that the instruction should be the path to reach civilization. It was essential knowing how to read, write and count, beyond disseminating the moralizing precepts that confirmed the resignation of the social body. Based on these presuppositions, this lecture aims to collaborate with the historical production of Paraiba, taking into account the instruction and the processes of discipline, while guiding elements of the formation of civilized subjects. Our bibliography corresponds to: newspapers of Parahyba Province collected at The Historical and Geographic of Paraiba Institute HGPI; General Instruction of Regulations from 1860,1884 and 1886, Law No. 178, 30th November, 1864, and the bureaucratic documents - requirements, laws, petitions - gathered in the Waldemar Bispo Duarte Historical Archive - FUNESC. The reference period for this study is from 1860, the decade where there is a major reform in Paraiba s public and private education until 1889, in the end of The Imperial Time. The school s culture conceptions were employed here as something beyond the walls delimiting the school s environment. This work has ties to the line of research - Teaching History and Historical Knowledge - Graduate Program in History of the Federal University of Paraiba, whose area of concentration is the Historical and Cultural History.
  • 'Insultos', 'elogios' e resistências': participação de repentistas negros em cantorias do Nordeste (1870-1930).
  • Date: Apr 30, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The research developed - linked to the search line History of the Regional Program of Graduate Studies in the Historyof the Federal University of Paraiba, with area of concentration in History and Historical Culture,has as its theme, the participation of repentistas blacks in singing northeast of the end of the century XIX and beginning of the century XX. This time adopted in points for the period in which blacks were faced with a backdrop provided by the abolition, which was associated with the new form of "integration", even though still excluding this segment in the early Republic. Using bursts that were corporated by Cordel Literature, as well as classics of the beginning of the century XX, they intend to discuss how repentistas blacks were represented by their opponents in singing in which they participated. Accordingly, we found the "insults" that put the repentista black in the context of inferiority, exclusion, "compliments," that mask the prejudices, but which shows positive visions of the Black opponent, since this, in the course of battle, exposes their knowledge, techniques, and finally, resistance, since the black Singer that highlighted in singing when positioned against certain representations, conferred by opponents "white" about their race and practices. Checking the continuity of these representations stereotyped and discriminatory in the present, this study will enable the understanding about the maintenance of the speeches, as well as a reflection on the position of black populations faced with the situations excludentes to them and (still) being checked.
  • "O 'Tempo das Carnes' no Siará Grande: dinâmica social, produção e comércio de carnes secas na vila de Santa Cruz do Aracati (séc. XVIII)"
  • Date: Apr 27, 2012
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This study has as the main analysis’ focus the social dynamics of Santa Cruz do Aracati village, Siará Grande captaincy, during the production and commercialization of jerked meat in the XVIII century. We perform a conjunctural examination of the captaincies’ hinterlands situated on the north of Brazil State, working with the conquest basis: the conjuncture on Pernambuco captaincy in the XVII century second half, the land distribution and the pastoral activity. Being the jerked meat a fundamental product in matters of internal supply and, during a lot of time, essential to maintain the dynamics of locals and regionals routes, we investigate how this gender production and commercialization had established in the Aracati village and, mainly, how it projected itself as an important hinterland’s port in the north captaincies. We still analyze the violence cases, crimes, murders and thefts occured in the village mainly during the called “meats age”, besides of trying to investigate how the free workers and slaves organize themselves in the jerked meat manufacture process. And, at last, we scrutinize the commercial dynamics of the village, trying to recompose the mercantile routes and connections developed in the XVIII century second half, also paying attention to the jerked meat consumption on the Portuguese America subject.
  • Date: Apr 20, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The image of Africa in contemporary hegemonic film does not make up a mere object to be aesthetic appreciation or depreciation, and moreover, that image is a tangible indicator of a contemporary political practice whose roots are embedded in the Eurocentric colonial discourse of the nineteenth century. In this dissertation, the intellectual effort is directed towards showing the ways in which hegemonic contemporary cinema represents the African continent, what is done after a historical review of how this image of Africa was built by European intellectuals in the late nineteenth century , which served the interests invented this image, which supplied him with arguments legitimizing support and ways by which this image was popularized. At the end, is made a sketch of the bridge that connects the political situation of the late nineteenth century, which spawned the invention of Africa, the beginning of the century, which means that the image remains popular, and some considerations on the relationship between films and craft of the historian. More than mere curiosity or pursuit of scholarship, this dissertation is a conscious attempt to engage in a broad intellectual effort of decolonization of knowledge.
  • Date: Apr 20, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The image of Africa in contemporary hegemonic film does not make up a mere object to be aesthetic appreciation or depreciation, and moreover, that image is a tangible indicator of a contemporary political practice whose roots are embedded in the Eurocentric colonial discourse of the nineteenth century. In this dissertation, the intellectual effort is directed towards showing the ways in which hegemonic contemporary cinema represents the African continent, what is done after a historical review of how this image of Africa was built by European intellectuals in the late nineteenth century , which served the interests invented this image, which supplied him with arguments legitimizing support and ways by which this image was popularized. At the end, is made a sketch of the bridge that connects the political situation of the late nineteenth century, which spawned the invention of Africa, the beginning of the century, which means that the image remains popular, and some considerations on the relationship between films and craft of the historian. More than mere curiosity or pursuit of scholarship, this dissertation is a conscious attempt to engage in a broad intellectual effort of decolonization of knowledge.
  • "Os modos de dizer e de fazer (d)a convivência: enunciados e invenções de Semiárido"
  • Date: Mar 30, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The performance of some institution in Brazilian Semi-arid followed the production, distribution and sell from several materials which try to propagate the enunciation knowledges and sayings from convenience. The purpose of this work is to questionate the discourse of acquaintance with the Semi-arid which is transmitted by the cordéis and songs aiming to apprehend how they reveal through the ways of saying and doing these discourse enunciate images and conceptions about the Semi-arid, its people and cultural practices as well as which cultural policies it envolves and what historical culture its produces. The data used were the following: the cordéis produced by ASA (Articulação no Semiárido), and the ones produced by INSA (Instituto Nacional do Semiárido) as well as the Belo Sertão CD: The acquaintance with the Semi-arid by means of songs. In this work the contribution from Michel Foucault is used. The results shows that these productions serves as instruments to institutionals discourses based on communication strategies although they do not limits themselves to promotion of acquaintance in the Semi-arid. The results also demonstrate that these discourses reveal complex procedures of social, economic and political exclusions operation that mobilize past, present and future to show interpretation about the Semi-arid its people and cultural practices. It also reveals that the acquaintances‟ discourses enunciate knowledges and practices to be observed. By means of these questions it was determined that the vinvulation of this study is associated with Regional History research and the area of concentration is History and Historical Culture.
  • O Bairro de Jaguaribe na Memória de Seus Moradores Idosos
  • Date: Mar 26, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This work is linked to the research of Teaching History and Historical understanding of the Graduate Program in History from the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, with a major in History and Historical Culture, it aims is to analyze the memory accounts of the elderly residents of the neighborhood Jaguaribe in order to understand from them, the changes occurring in this space that comprises the city of João Pessoa. In other words, we intend to study the memory of the elderly residents of Jaguaribe to elucidate how these observed changes and continuities that space over time. In this regard, we chose the memory of the elderly about Jaguaribe as a reference for this work by the fact that the neighborhood can be characterized as an important place of daily life, marked by the subjectivity of those who reside or resided there, the affection that these subjects are develop over the place, which leads us to propose questions such as: the extent to which these affective relations interfere in the record that these people work out of this place in your memory? Thus, the perspective of memory can be considered as one of the factors that contribute to studies and research related to neighborhoods, particularly from the testimony of the elders. Through the stories of these residents can reveal many details of the history and culture of a historic neighborhood, especially when it is based on this analysis aspects that relate to everyday life in the present or the past, beyond those that are linked to changes that levels are established in the social, cultural, economic and structural place over time.
  • O Bairro de Jaguaribe na Memória de Seus Moradores Idosos
  • Date: Mar 26, 2012
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This work is linked to the research of Teaching History and Historical understanding of the Graduate Program in History from the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, with a major in History and Historical Culture, it aims is to analyze the memory accounts of the elderly residents of the neighborhood Jaguaribe in order to understand from them, the changes occurring in this space that comprises the city of João Pessoa. In other words, we intend to study the memory of the elderly residents of Jaguaribe to elucidate how these observed changes and continuities that space over time. In this regard, we chose the memory of the elderly about Jaguaribe as a reference for this work by the fact that the neighborhood can be characterized as an important place of daily life, marked by the subjectivity of those who reside or resided there, the affection that these subjects are develop over the place, which leads us to propose questions such as: the extent to which these affective relations interfere in the record that these people work out of this place in your memory? Thus, the perspective of memory can be considered as one of the factors that contribute to studies and research related to neighborhoods, particularly from the testimony of the elders. Through the stories of these residents can reveal many details of the history and culture of a historic neighborhood, especially when it is based on this analysis aspects that relate to everyday life in the present or the past, beyond those that are linked to changes that levels are established in the social, cultural, economic and structural place over time.
  • Date: Oct 7, 2011
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This research aimed to do an appreciation of the historical representations (historiography and historical culture) of a black protagonist of the seventeenth century, Zumbi dos Palmares, produced between 1970 and 2005. The analysis was around of the intellectual production (Clovis Moura, Decio Freitas, Birth and Joel Rufino dos Santos) and of the performance of the leaderships of the Black Movement Unified (MNU), established in 1978 (Amauri Mendes Pereira, Edson Cardoso, Helena Machado, Marcos Cardoso, Milton Barbosa, Yedo Ferreira, Oliveira Silveira and Lelia Gonzalez). The proposal was understand through the historiographical review and oral history, the implications political and pedagogical (teaching of history) of the choices of activist intellectuals and black "militants" on the interpretations of the experiences of black resistance and the construction of meanings of the ascension of Zumbi dos Palmares as a black brazilian hero.
  • Cultura Histórica, Razão Instrumental e Ética Pluralista: reflexões sobre as relações entre mídia e guerra do Iraque.
  • Date: Sep 6, 2011
  • Time: 14:30
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  • The historical culture produced by the media of mass communication conveys the idea of the world from the perspective of the big capital, which is the sponsor of the mediatic apparatus that forges the conscience of people, educating them for capitalism. These media, together with those economic interests form a large piece of the cultural production in the contemporary world. The power of the Capital upon the historical culture produced within the society brings harmful consequences for citizenship and democracy. These come to be mere accessories of the economic logic, which works with the principles of the instrumental reason. Our purpose with this thesis is to unfold the conditioning in the historical culture generated by the magazine Veja about the Iraq War that is underlying its speech. We intend to place these facts in the long duration and investigate how much the modern paradigm, responsible for forging the idea of superiority in the Western civilization, is present in the roots of the historical culture induced by this media. We seek to establish some ethical references, attached to multiculturalism emancipatory, in order to criticize the paradigm that legitimizes ideologically the fundamental actions which we intend to analyze. This critique must be used as raw material for the settings of the new conter-hegemonic historical culture. The cultural richness existing in the world may be contemplated, according to the Educational National Plan of the Human Rights in Brazil.
  • CIVILIZANDO OS FILHOS DA "RAINHA", CAMPINA GRANDE: modernização, urbanização e grupos escolares (1935 a 1945)
  • Date: Aug 24, 2011
  • Time: 14:30
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  • This study sought to establish a dialogue between the history of educational institutions and the history of cities, holding us back, particularly, to the specificities of the city of Campina Grande Rainha da Borborema. From this broader perspective to research aimed to reflect on the implementation of new municipal schools and their relationship to the process of modernization and urbanization of that city, in the period 1935 to 1945. The delimitation of the period was established by virtue of having been published a major Education Reform in Paraíba in 1935 and was also the year that Vergneaud Vanderley was appointed mayor of Campina Grande, beginning, its administration, the movement of modernization, marked by the redevelopment of areas of the city and pulled by the urbanization of new locations. The year 1945 was taken into consideration for being considered by historiography, a landmark of Brazilian political history that ended the dictatorship of the New State. In the course of the research discussed the creation of the new municipal schools, namely: Monsenhor Sales, Clementino Procópio and José Tavares, stressed both its architectural features, representative of the modernization process of education and city. We also verified that these groups not only attended school to the demands arising from local elites, but, overall, met the needs of medium and popular segments. Accordingly, to achieve our goals we rely, in addition to the following authors, Nagle (1974), Sousa (2003), Magellan (2004), Pinheiro (2002), Oliveira (2005), Agra (2006), published in the news newspapers A Voz da Borborema and União, trying to understand the contained therein about the city of Campina Grande. We work with the publications of Campinense memoirists such as Dinoá (1993) and Pimentel (1938), and documents collected in school groups under study here, especially the enrollment books.
  • Angeli e a República dos Bananas: representações cômicas da política brasileira na revista Chiclete com Banana (1985-1990)
  • Date: Aug 24, 2011
  • Time: 09:00
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  • (Link: The present study has the goal to analyze the comic representations produced by the cartoonist Angeli about Brazilian politics, within a period which starts in 1985, with Brazil's re-democratization, until 1990. We used the twenty four issues of bi-monthly magazine series Chiclete com Banana as source for our research, through the analysis of the examples we selected images which proportioned us to build a small panorama of the chosen period, whose refers throughout the years the publication lasted. This research established itself on the usage of charges, comic stripes and cartoons produced by the artist as testimonials of his era, identifying these as a neutral approach impregnated with meaning, corresponding to the artist's point of view but also considering his insertion in a social and professional group within the scope of his production, This study is bound to the line of research Teaching of History and Historical Knowledge from the Postgraduate Program of the Federal University of Paraíba, concentrated on History and Historical Culture , through this study we strive for outlining the main characteristics of the new political situation configured after the ending of the military regime in Brazil, from the point of view of the referred artist, his perception and his critical perspective about the politics and the politicians of the New Republic.
  • A Cultura Histórica Iluminista: entre o projeto político e o livro didático
  • Date: Aug 22, 2011
  • Time: 10:00
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  • This work has as its object of analysis high school History textbooks and the treatment their authors give to the Enlightenment. Assuming that the systematization and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the Modern age were carried on including through the organization of teaching materials designed to the education systems that began to be assembled at the time, we consider the textbook as a cultural object of the Enlightenment. In its turn, the contemporary historiography has revisited the theme of the Enlightenment in Modernity, from an approach that goes beyond the association established between Enlightenment philosophy and the Age of Reason as a French phenomenon. Our analysis aims to understand how the Enlightenment is addressed in Brazilian current textbooks, the predominant theoretical perspectives and how the central concepts of that philosophy are treated. The analysis of textbooks is justified by the fact that in our culture they constitute an important tool for conveying the historical knowledge, other than promoting teacher and student training on the subject. Furthermore, the ideas and proposals of the Enlightenment modern thinkers are still present from our point of view in basic elements of contemporary historical culture and politics.
  • "Ó Pátria Amada, Idolatrada, Salve, Salve! Festa escolares e comemorações cívicas na Paraíba (1937-1945)."
  • Date: Jul 5, 2011
  • Time: 14:00
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  • This work is linked to the research of Teaching History and Historical understanding of the Graduate Program in History from the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB, with a major in History and Historical Culture, it aims is to analyze the school parties and civic celebrations in Paraíba during the New State (1937-1945).We seek to emphasize the importance given to the parties that functioned as essential tools in training and dissemination of a national education, patriotic, civic and service of a moralizing estanovismo . From the articles published in the pages of A União newspaper, A Imprensa, Revista do Ensino, as well as in our references, we discuss the social, cultural and civic celebrations that the policies have had on society in Paraiba, because this type of celebration went beyond the school s walls involving also the local community. While in effect, the dictatorial government of Getúlio Vargas and his staff and stakeholders were responsible for some changes in the festival calendar of the schools, this means that besides the existing dates that we selected to work here, as the Day of Fatherland, Day Work, Flag Day and Arbor Day, new holidays have been added, there was then we prefer to call the invention of new traditions, a concept used by Hobsbawm (1997) and adopted by us as a way to better understand how these changes occurred in the civic calendar and festive and cultural life in school. Among these new holidays invented give prominence to the anniversary of Getúlio Vargas (April 19), anniversary of establishment of the New State (Nov. 10), Youth Day (April 19) and Race Day (celebrated in the homeland of the Week). In this scenario of changes and amendments, the big parades have become a constant in Paraíba streets, these streets that at times of celebration, had a euphoric movement of people who thronged the quest to see the students marching in salute of the ideals New State Policy.
  • A Guerra do Paraguai na Literatura Didática: Um Estudo Comparativo
  • Date: Jun 27, 2011
  • Time: 14:30
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  • This work is linked to the History Teaching and Historical Knowledge research line of the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Paraíba, which has Historical Culture as area of concentration. Our goal was to analyze, in a comparative study, the approaches on previously selected issues of History textbooks, produced in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, concerning a specific subject: the war in Paraguay. Considering the debate about this theme carried on the academic level and in the light of new historiographical studies, we emphasized two moments for the analysis of textbooks, the first of which falls on those whose authors (Nelson Piletti and Joana Neves & Elza Nadai) wrote at least since the 1980s, submitting to periodic reviews their works which were published and used until the late 1990s meaning that these school textbooks have passed through the period of the so-called revisionism and neorevisionism regarding the historiography of the Paraguayan War. We stress that, precisely because of the comparative character of the study, we used the 1980s and 1990s editions of the these works. The second stage of analysis investigates the book of the professor Gilberto Cotrim, in editions of 1999 and 2005. In the 1990s, when the first edition of Cotrim was published, the discussions about the Paraguayan War between the so-called revisionist and neorevisionists were intensified. Therefore we attempted to correlate such subject in the selected textbooks, in its various editions, with the bibliography and academic production of the time, and observe the historiographical influences for its production, noticing if there were changes in the concepts of the text and in the interpretation of the authors of textbooks, as a consequence of the historiographical renewal and revisionism, especially of those concepts which concern the causes of conflict. For this purpose, we discussed various aspects that support this objective, such as the transformations in the very materiality and design of textbooks over the issues analyzed, without, however, having the intention to deepen or focus on this latter discussion.
  • Conquistas da fé na gentilidade brasílica: a catequese jesuítica na aldeia do Geru (1683-1758)
  • Date: Jun 2, 2011
  • Time: 14:00
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  • At the turn of the 17th century the action of Jesuits towards the ―sertão‖ of the Portuguese colony in the New World intensified. The Indian villages were turned into a battlefield where local culture and knowledge shared space with the European Christian tradition. The conversion process was based on conquest for souls, land and power. The Jesuitic catechetical action on the north of the captaincy of Bahia resulted in the production of texts about the language and customs of people, who lived along the banks of the River Real. Thus, the Catechism and Grammar in the Kiriri language were written by Luiz Mamiani. These writings are important to understand the historical culture of Jesuits in the colonial period, and their contribution to the constitution of a new Christendom. Based on the relevance of such records, this work aims to point out some signs of catechesis and the method used by Mamiani. For that, this paper discusses the knowledge involved in the construction of Jesuitic historical culture in the ―sertão‖ of the captaincy of Sergipe Del Rey. Moreover, Mamiani s writings also reflect the influence of baroque rhetoric with disguised images, which showed life between two distinct worlds. In the writings of Jesuits of Geru village in Sergipe, the Christian Europe comes across the Indian Portuguese America. Two apparently distant worlds intersected in the Jesuit sermons. It is possible to see that for the conquest of the Portuguese America, they used not only firearms but also words.
  • Date: Jun 2, 2011
  • Time: 00:00

  • Política e assistencialismo na Paraíba: o governo de José Américo de Almeida (1951-1956)
  • Date: May 25, 2011
  • Time: 14:30
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  • (Link: Through this research, in development with the Pos-Graduate Program in History/UFPB, I approach the government of José Américo de Almeida (1951-1956), elected by direct vote after a fierce political campaign in Paraíba. I settled this issue, because it is a subject little explored by the historiography of Paraiba. The fundamental questions that guide this work are the political circumstances in which José Américo ascends to power in 1950, the violent election, considered one of the most radical and bloody campaigns have disputed in Paraiba, where among the many clashes between supporters and militants of PSD and UDN, we will emphasize the fateful episode of Bandeira Square (Praça da Bandeira), in Campina Grande, because it was an event that gained space in various media at the regional and national level, analyzing the reasons that caused the conflict, the phenomenon of drought of 1951-52 drought and its effects for the northeastern states and, in particular, in Paraíba, the re-establishment of drought industry in the state of Paraiba through policies to combat the drought - especially hydraulic solutions, construction and paving of roads - introduced by Jose Américo over this period, such measures to avoid, according to the governor, the population movements that had already occurred largely since the year 1950. Throughout our work we show that the homily of the "great minister in 1932" seems contradictory and dubious at the same time as the construction of dams, paving and construction of roads were inserted into a political project "of support for flagellate populations, "why not benefit from all the cities affected by the effects of drought, instead of favoring some cities and districts - politically allied to the" americismo "- at the expense of others? As background for this discussion, we will analyze the role of the newspaper A União - official press organ of the largest circulation throughout the state - which has spread the view that the dams would become the best solution to the problem of dry. For this work, besides the use of secondary literature, were analyzed and observed some major news regarding the Government, found in the newspaper A União. We also searched the Public File of the State which is in the Espaço Cultural (Cultural Center), the Casa Jose Américo de Almeida Foundation and the private library of Mr. Maurilio de Almeida.
  • Date: Apr 27, 2011
  • Time: 00:00

  • Os Sentidos da Festa: (Re)Significações Simbólicas dos brincantes do Reisado de Congo em Barbalha - CE (1960-1970)
  • Date: Mar 31, 2011
  • Time: 14:00
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  • Vinculado à linha de pesquisa Ensino de História e Saberes Históricos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB, com área de concentração em História e Cultura Histórica, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo compreender como se deram algumas das (re)significações simbólicas ocorridas no Reisado de Congo do município de Barbalha, localizado no Cariri (sul) cearense, durante as décadas de 1960 e 1970. Respectivamente, tratam-se de períodos em que a prática do folguedo ocorria de forma mais ou menos autônoma no meio rural, que passou a se apresentar na Festa de Santo Antônio, padroeiro da cidade, por intermédio do poder municipal. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa se fez uso dos relatos orais de mestres e ex-brincantes do Reisado. Eles ajudaram a entender como se deram as construções simbólicas, históricas sociais e culturais em torno do folguedo, sua estruturação e, sobretudo, as mudanças ocasionadas na prática e nos brincantes a fim de enquadrá-los no novo cenário de atração turística no festejo do santo e de afirmação da tradição. Como é do conhecimento de muitos, o incentivo à manutenção dos saberes e fazeres do povo fez parte do projeto político militar de construção da identidade nacional e foi nesse cenário que se configuraram as intensas mudanças na forma de expressão cultural popular barbalhense.

  • Nas trilhas do 'Rei do Cangaço' e de suas Representações (1922-1927)
  • Date: Mar 18, 2011
  • Time: 14:00
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  • The cangaço is configured in the history of Brazilian Northeast, as a relevant movement leaving traces in memory, popular culture and imagery. This movement was not something sudden, but covering a long period, taking down roots in the eighteenth century through the nineteenth and flourishing with greater notoriety in the first half of the twentieth. Countless individuals have emerged as key leaders of gangs. One subject in special marks the social imaginary and the history of the region: the bandit Virgolino Ferrreira da Silva, or only Lampião. For twenty years he swept the interior of seven Northeastern states, becoming a parallel power to the official one. Lampião‟s life was endowed with contradictions, which generated multiple representations on it. Over his image were built speeches which represent him as villain, righteous, ruffian, murderous, rapist, strategist, champion of justice, etc.. Each representation elaborated on the outlaws comes loaded with the stigmas of the interests of various groups and social sectors. An important area of building representations about Lampião was the Northeastern press that, although in its news represent the design of the ruling elite, trying to get negative images about the outlaw, attributed to Lampião the place as the King of Cangaço eventually because of his boldness, courage and constant leakage on the strategies of the steering forces. Having the newspapers as a support document, we turned our attention to two events established in the literature about the cangaço: Lampião‟s stay in Juazeiro do Norte (CE) in 1926 and the defeat of the bandit in Mossoró (RN) in 1927. We analyze the representations constructed in these two different Lampião moments trying to understand how they contributed to the construction of a historical culture of cangaço. To achieve this objective, we use the theoretical concept of representation, from the perspective of the historian Roger Chartier.
  • Date: Mar 18, 2011
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: Feb 18, 2011
  • Time: 00:00

  • "É o meu parecer": a censura política à música de protesto nos anos de chumbo do regime militar do Brasil (1969 a 1974)
  • Date: Oct 20, 2010
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This Master Dissertation is linked to the Research Line: Regional History , of Post-Graduation Program in History of the Paraíba Federal University, which has Historical Culture and History as its Area of Concentration. Our research have as objective to analyze above all, the use of the political censorship on protest music during the called shot years of the military dictatorship in Brazil. With this intent we have focused mainly on the judgments elaborated by the censors themselves, between 1969 and 1974, during the censure practice, to justify the vetos on the protest songs, censureds for having political protests opposite the political regime in vigour, established in Brazil by the militaries with the stroke of 1964. Therefore, we have tried to demonstrate that, besides the moral censorship which held in the country during the military dictatorship and that had been applied since the mid 40 s, also during that military regime themselves, there was a political censorship on the Brazilian popular music, wich acted with more vigour during the shot years and mainly on the protest music, which directioned more its contestations for the political situation in Brazil at that moment. Besides, no refuse wich happened in that period themselves a moral censorship on the popular music made in Brazil. Though, we have tried to show too that there was, at certain moments, an interconnection between the political and moral motivations for the censorship of determinates songs.
  • FOLHEANDO PÁGINAS, DESCOBRINDO HISTÓRIAS: a Revista de História e a difusão da historiografia dos Annales no Brasil
  • Date: Sep 24, 2010
  • Time: 00:00
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  • In this Dissertation we analyze the diffusion of the Annales historiography in Brazil, from the historiographical production printed during the first decade of circulation of the Revista de História, periodical from São Paulo founded, in 1950, by the historian Eurípedes Simões de Paula from University of São Paulo. To examine this matter we have established, initially, the social and institutional place of this periodical, through analysis that considered its materiality, the profile of its collaborators and the intellectual trajectory of its founder. Then, we evaluated the series of works published in that journal, with the goal of position the place that the annaliste historiography occupied in that publication. The data obtained using these examinations were fundamental to explain the reasons that justified the dissemination of the Annales historiography in the pages of Revista de História. Such information, together with the research undertook around the Annales magazines, helped us to realize that the spread of annaliste historiography did not cease to relate to a set of practices, which intended, above all, to legitimate positions in the intellectual and political fields. In this context, we have seen how the transfer of such ideas was fed, primarily, by issues which are not restricted, only, to the interest in the development of historiographical knowledge.
  • Date: Sep 3, 2010
  • Time: 00:00

  • A repercussão do conceito de experiência de E.P> Thompson na historiografia brasileira (1980-1988)
  • Date: Aug 31, 2010
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Este trabalho – vinculado à linha de pesquisa Ensino de História e Saberes Históricos do Programa de Pós-graduação em História da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, com área de concentração em História e Cultura Histórica – tem por objetivo analisar a repercussão da historiografia do historiador inglês Edward Palmer Thompson no Brasil, em especial o seu conceito de experiência. O recorte escolhido começa no ano de 1980 e vai até o ano de 1998. Para avaliarmos como se processou esse movimento de repercussão, abordamos, em nossa análise, parte da produção historiográfica do historiador brasileiro Sidney Chalhoub, assim como a sua atuação como professor universitário, e a participação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) como instituição irradiadora e difusora da historiografia de Thompson no país. Além das obras de história, utilizamos como fontes para este trabalho, entrevistas realizadas com Chalhoub e as ementas dos programas das disciplinas ministradas no curso de História da Unicamp no período 1980-1998, que se encontram arquivadas na Secretaria de Graduação da Unicamp. A dissertação tem como inspiração os estudos historiográficos e insere-se no campo da história da historiografia.
  • A repercussão do conceito de experiência de E.P> Thompson na historiografia brasileira (1980-1988)
  • Date: Aug 31, 2010
  • Time: 09:00
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  • This study situated in the research field of History Teaching and Historical Knowledge of the History Post-graduation Course of Universidade Federal da Paraíba, and concentrated in History and Historical Culture has the aim of analyzing the repercussion of the historiography of the English Historian Edward Palmer Thompson in Brazil, specifically, his concept of experience. The period chosen to be analyzed goes from 1980 up to 1998. In order to evaluate how this repercussion movement happened, we dealt with the historiographical production of the Brazilian Historian, Sidney Chalhoub, as well as his contribution as a Professor and the participation of Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) as the disseminator and propagator institution of Thompson s historiography in the country. In addition to the history works, we used as resources for this study, the interviews with Chalhoub, the ementas of the programs of the disciplines taught in the History Course of Unicamp in the period of 1980-1998 that were filed in the Secretaria de Graduação da Unicamp. This dissertation has been inspired by the historiographical studies and it is present in the history of historiography.
  • A repercussão do conceito de experiência de E.P> Thompson na historiografia brasileira (1980-1988)
  • Date: Aug 31, 2010
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Este trabalho – vinculado à linha de pesquisa Ensino de História e Saberes Históricos do Programa de Pós-graduação em História da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, com área de concentração em História e Cultura Histórica – tem por objetivo analisar a repercussão da historiografia do historiador inglês Edward Palmer Thompson no Brasil, em especial o seu conceito de experiência. O recorte escolhido começa no ano de 1980 e vai até o ano de 1998. Para avaliarmos como se processou esse movimento de repercussão, abordamos, em nossa análise, parte da produção historiográfica do historiador brasileiro Sidney Chalhoub, assim como a sua atuação como professor universitário, e a participação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) como instituição irradiadora e difusora da historiografia de Thompson no país. Além das obras de história, utilizamos como fontes para este trabalho, entrevistas realizadas com Chalhoub e as ementas dos programas das disciplinas ministradas no curso de História da Unicamp no período 1980-1998, que se encontram arquivadas na Secretaria de Graduação da Unicamp. A dissertação tem como inspiração os estudos historiográficos e insere-se no campo da história da historiografia.
  • Date: Aug 31, 2010
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: Aug 30, 2010
  • Time: 00:00

  • RPG e história: o descobrimento do Brasil
  • Date: Aug 27, 2010
  • Time: 15:00
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  • This work - linked to the research line Teaching of History and Historical Knowledge, with a Concentration Area in Historical Culture - aim to discuss the role-playing game, also considered literature Interactive Role-Playing Games (RPG). Translated into our language as Jogo de Interpretação de Personagens, since its inception in the 70s in the United States by students Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson RPG went through several transformations, including marketing. In Brazil by means of a movement that seeks to improve the image of the hobby after alleged involvement in crimes, the game gained ground in the classroom as a methodological tool for teaching, including teaching of history. This work arose out of concern around the game assume the character of a teaching resource in the teaching of history, has as main source RPG written by Luiz Eduardo Ricon, O Descobrimento do Brasil, launched during the celebrations of 500 years of Brazil. Through an analysis of the references used by the author, our proposal fits in an attempt to characterize the type of product such as Historical Culture of the cultural industry builds from the moment that suggests a narrative about the Discovery and History of Brazil, bringing representations revolve around the very idea of national identity.
  • Pátrio-biografia: Horácio de Almeida e a sua história da Paraíba
  • Date: Aug 27, 2010
  • Time: 09:00
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  • Horácio de Almeida was one of the most proficuous intellectuals from Paraíba. With a degree in Law by the Faculty of Recife, he collaborated with various local newspapers and had a large production about the history of the state of Paraíba, such as Brejo de Areia (1958) and History of Paraíba (1966 and 1978). In addition, he took an active part in the IHGP and in many other intellectual organizations in Paraíba and other states. His production, specially the historiographical kind, always related to the construction of the history and identity of his birth place. There was a latent concern in building a history of Paraíba with happenings and characters singular to such space. Our research s intention is to comprehend the construction of such discursive and symbolic specifities, called paraibanidade by Dias (1996), in Almeidas s texts, more specifically in the two works questioned by us above mentioned. In order to do so, we present the places and time of production of this intellectual, with whom this author dialogued and what s his comprehension on what history is, in the elaboration of this identity of Paraíba which evidenced the honour and strength of the men from Paraíba, using different instruments such as the speeches in research institutions and spaces in the press. We call this universe of meaningful instruments of Historical Culture, which is the dimension of the representations of the social past, to which formation acts the historians themselves, the press, the cultural producers and all the divulgers of the historical knowledge, whether they re professionals or not.
  • Date: Jul 27, 2010
  • Time: 00:00

  • O retorno de Katari: cultura histórica e processo de emergência política do movimento Cocalero na Bolívia (1995-2006)
  • Date: Jul 23, 2010
  • Time: 00:00
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  • (Link: This work discusses the process of political emergence of the cocalero movement in Bolivia, specifically of the peasant coca growers whose production is centered in the tropical valleys of the department of Cochabamba, in the Chapare region. Assuming that the study of the cocaleros' own experiences is a key to understand the development of their identity and their making of as a subject of collective action, we analyzed the changes and reconfigurations within that broad contemporary social movement, amid the reality of direct struggles against the Bolivian neoliberal state. The experiences of the cocaleros during the 1980s, in the context of the War on Drugs held by the U.S. led them to assume, first, a defensive posture against attempts to eradicate their source of livelihood; which gradually took the form of a political project itself, based on demands of recognition of the indigenous nations from the Andes, greater political participation of popular segments and advocacy of a historical culture based on the ancestrality of their practices and worldview. The time frame of our research covers the period from 1995, year in which was founded the ASP the Asamblea por la Soberanía de los Pueblos, organization that would lead the instrumento político cocalero called MASIPSP, or Movimiento al Socialismo - Instrumento Político por la Soberanía de los Pueblos until the year 2006, when the presidential candidate for the MAS-IPSP assumed for the first time the most important political office in the country. The dissertation has as inspiration the productions and reflections of authors (writers and filmmakers) who belong to the specific regionality known as the South, which, like the Bolivian social movements, perceive Latin America and other regions of the world as places incorporated in a subordinate way to the process of hegemonic globalization finding that leads to an imminent reflection on possible prospects of sociopolitical, economic, cultural and epistemic decolonization of these regions.
  • Date: Jul 16, 2010
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: May 27, 2010
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: Mar 30, 2010
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: Mar 17, 2010
  • Time: 00:00

  • (Des)alinhando alguns Fios da Modernidade Pedagógica: um Estudo sobre Educação Infantil em Campina Grande-PB (1919-1945)
  • Date: Feb 19, 2010
  • Time: 00:00
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  • Paisagem cinematográfica: o NUDOC e a produção cultural nas décadas de 1980-1990
  • Date: Aug 28, 2009
  • Time: 15:00
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  • (Link: This dissertation is related to the history of the cinema from Paraíba, having as a specific object the Film Documentation Center of the Federal University of Paraíba (NUDOCUFPB), established in 1979, which is a major locus of reflection and film production in the 1980s. Thus, we aimed to discuss its foundation, placed in the context of "modernization", as a result of the development of expansion policies of the Federal University of Paraíba in that time, when it stimulated the growth of the place of research and production, connected to the perspective of reflection and interference in local reality. NUDOC boosted film production and became an important place of intellectual and technical preparation for several filmmakers that still remain in this activity. In addition, we intended, in our analysis, to specify the paths of this film production, observing also the critics made for the ideological and aesthetic options adopted. Besides, we examined some of the films produced by the Center, linking this production with the concept of historical culture, understanding that the film institutions participate of the structure of historical cultures, either confirming or rejecting hegemonic perspectives.
  • Date: Aug 28, 2009
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: Jun 15, 2009
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: May 29, 2009
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  • Date: May 26, 2009
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  • Date: Mar 14, 2009
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  • Date: Mar 9, 2009
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  • Date: Feb 27, 2009
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  • Date: Feb 27, 2009
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  • Date: Feb 27, 2009
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  • Date: Feb 19, 2009
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  • Date: Mar 30, 2007
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: Mar 30, 2007
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: Mar 16, 2007
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: Mar 15, 2007
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: Dec 19, 2006
  • Time: 00:00

  • Date: Dec 11, 2006
  • Time: 00:00