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  • Fecha: 31-jul-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The global dilemmas of biodiversity preservation, addressing the climate crisis, eradicating poverty and hunger, promoting peace, empowering women, implementing technological innovations, increasing the number of jobs, and improving quality of life, among many other challenges, are addressed in the 2030 Agenda. The means of continuously improving sustainable development processes generate discussions and alignments on a global scale, as the assets involved are not of a private or merely domestic nature, affecting nations spread across the entire globe. Therefore, public policies with the potential to promote sustainable development deserve to be studied. In this case, the correlation between the Social and Solidarity Economy and the referred UN development agenda is addressed. Thus, this study aims to analyze the role of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force (UNTFSSE) in the international recognition of the social and solidarity economy as a promoter of sustainable development, especially SDG 8, which seeks to foster sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. From a methodological standpoint, a qualitative approach was used, with this research being classified as basic and exploratory, materializing technically as a case study. To achieve the objectives of this study, different data collection techniques were mobilized. Thus, to present the international context of the development agenda, a bibliographic review and document analysis were used. To map the documents produced by the ILO and the UN from 2013 to 2023 on the Social and Solidarity Economy in the context of decent work, document analysis was used. Finally, to investigate the role of the Inter-Agency Task Force, semi-structured interviews and document analysis were employed. The analysis carried out allows us to affirm that the advocacy actions of the Task Force, including facilitating intergovernmental dialogues, drafting strategic recommendations, participating in global events, and creating documents and courses, have been decisive in promoting the international recognition of the SSE as a public policy of singular importance for the sustainable development agenda.
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Food waste in households occurs in much larger quantities than in the corporate environment, contributing to food insecurity and global hunger. Its reduction can directly impact the decrease of social, environmental, and economic effects stemming from this issue. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the factors influencing the intention to reduce food waste at the household level. Based on the theoretical framework presented, a structural model was developed using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as its foundation. The model incorporated the core constructs of TPB (attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control), along with additional constructs (self-identity, anticipated regret, guilt, and sustainability consciousness). The research strategy employed was a survey, with results analyzed using a quantitative approach and the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. The sample consisted of 414 participants aged 18 and above. Statistical procedures revealed that five hypotheses were confirmed, pertaining to the influence of attitude, subjective norms, self-identity, and anticipated regret on individuals' intention to reduce food waste in their households. The conclusions of this study have significant implications for the development of social marketing campaigns aimed at raising awareness about the importance of reducing food waste.
  • The impact of the Amazon Fund on socio-environmental results and strengthening Brazilian Amazonian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2024
  • Hora: 13:00
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  • Environmental degradation and climate change have become more worrying in recent years, prompting global discussions aimed at devising solutions to reverse these trends. One of the alternatives aiming to have a positive impact on the environmental situation is the Amazon Fund, which operates as a mechanism receiving donations from various countries in the process of North-South Cooperation. These funds are allocated to projects implemented by diverse organizations, including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Thinking about the effectiveness of the participation of these organizations in achieving the Fund's objective, CSOs have great potential to develop actions with positive socio-environmental impacts, however, they often face limitations due to insufficient institutional sustainability. Therefore, this study aims to analyze whether the Amazon Fund, through its Calls for Proposals, contributes to the institutional strengthening of CSOs in the Brazilian Amazon region. This research has a qualitative approach, is descriptive and exploratory, and is configured as a case study, bibliographic and documentary in terms of technical procedures, in which a case study examines 6 published Calls for Proposals by the Amazon Fund to identify 3 dimensions of institutional development: financial, technical-managerial, and socio-political. Finally, for data analysis and interpretation, content analysis was applied. The analysis reveals that the public calls bring potential contributions and stipulated requirements within the 3 areas, with the contributions being mainly in the socio-political area, and the requirements in the technical-managerial area. These contributions include financial resources for structures, equipment and some administrative costs, training incentives, operational and managerial technical assistance, knowledge production and transparency initiatives, support services and studies aimed at strengthening the locality. Moreover, they encourage participation in public policies, partnerships, collaborative efforts with diverse stakeholders, and strengthening of other CSOs, the public sector, and local communities. The requirements include fiscal and financial regularity, provision of matching funds, regularization of CSO establishment, proficiency in bureaucratic procedures, financial management, good governance, participatory decision-making process, historical, successful experiences, support to project stakeholders, coordination of stakeholders and comprehensive planning, monitoring, and evaluation frameworks. In conclusion, the study suggests that the Amazon Fund, through Calls for Proposals, promotes institutional development primarily in the socio-political area, contributing to both local and organizational strengthening. However, However, stringent requirements pose challenges for smaller organizations lacking financial resources, experience, and administrative expertise. A large part of the funds resources are allocated to a small number of institutions, indicating a preference for financing developed entities, capable of coordinating collaborative initiatives and sub-projects. Therefore, for smaller organizations to effectively access Amazon Fund resources, collaboration with larger aggregating institutions appears to be a viable strategy.
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Global society is undergoing a process of urbanization, in which most of its population is already living in cities. Likewise, hunger is still a recurring problem, but it has been joined by other understandings such as food (in)security at various levels and, more recently, the issue of malnutrition resulting from the consumption of poorly nutritious food. Realizing that the transformation of this reality must involve the construction of efficient, adequate and territorialized food systems from a social, economic and environmental perspective, international cooperation has called for the action of local governments, in the context of cities. In this context, organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations have built foundations to encourage regions, countries and their entities to develop public food policies with a collective future in mind. Thus, the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact emerged in 2015 with the aim of bringing together global cities so that they can collectively exchange information, disseminate policies and leverage the development of food systems. This paper therefore focuses on the study of the Pact as a working tool for decentralized international cooperation and the role of local governments in the governance of food systems.
  • E-MONEY: Community Development Banks towards currency digital?
  • Fecha: 29-jul-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This dissertation examines the implementation of the Fintech E-Dinheiro within the context of the solidarity economy, focusing on the Community Development Banks (BCDs) of the Brazilian Network. The main objective is to understand how the E-Dinheiro platform can contribute to the inclusion of BCDs in the national financial system and the alleviation of poverty, discussing the tension between the capitalist model and the solidarity economy. The adopted methodology is a qualitative Case Study, integrating a Systematic Literature Review and Document Research. The specific objectives are: 1. Analyze how E-Dinheiro has contributed to the expansion of financial inclusion and access to quality financial services in impoverished territories where BCDs operate in Brazil. 2. Examine how E-Dinheiro has facilitated the integration of BCDs into the national financial system, broadening their access to financial resources and services. 3. Map and analyze the financial volume of transactions on the E-Dinheiro platform over the past 10 years, identifying key patterns and trends. The results highlight the benefits of the E-Dinheiro platform for BCDs and the national financial system, promoting financial inclusion in marginalized communities with services such as microcredit, transfers, and bill payments. The study concludes that, although E-Dinheiro does not solve all the problems of BCDs and the inclusion of marginalized populations in the national financial system, it is essential for rethinking and implementing a model that ensures effective popular participation, based on the principles of the solidarity economy and popular education. The justification emphasizes the crucial importance of the E-Dinheiro platform for Community Development Banks in Brazil, highlighting its relevance in the context of the increasing digitalization of the economy and the challenges and opportunities at the intersection of the solidarity economy and the capitalist model.
  • EVALUATION OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS: The role of users' competence in the use of Electronic Information (SEI) in a Public Health Organization
  • Fecha: 23-jul-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • The present research aims to analyze how the competence of users influences the use of the Electronic Information System (SEI) in a Public Health Organization. To achieve the objective, the following guiding question is proposed: What is the influence of competence of users in using the Electronic Information System (SEI) in a Public Health Organization? For this purpose, it was necessary to contextualize the topic about the SEI, present the concept of competence, make a presentation on the analysis of information systems and construction of the model for the study. The EDCRUS, TAM and Use of information systems models were used. The work proposes a model that includes the analysis of the user's competence to use the SEI, with the application of a questionnaire composed of 60 items with 05-point Likert scales, distributed in the following dimensions: General operations with documents, General operations with processes, Initial procedures in the SEI, Special resources and external users, Perceived ease of use, Perceived usefulness of use and Use. The questionnaire was applied online, using an electronic form, with health professionals from a Public Health Organization in the cities of João Pessoa, Campina Grande and Cajazeiras, all in the state of Paraíba, after approval by CEP/UFPB, through Opinion no. 6,682,009. The data obtained from a total of 211 respondents, of which 159 questionnaires were considered valid, suggest that the proposed model has evidence of validity and reliability, based on content validity, convergent validity (variance extracted above 50% in all constructs) and checking internal consistency (lowest value of Cronbach's alpha = 0.79). Added to the significance test of the F statistic (F=54.7; gl1=6; df2=152 and p-value=<0.001) and the analysis of the coefficient of determination, 67.1% of the dependent variable being explained from the six dependent variables. This model is useful for predicting and describing, allowing researchers and practitioners to identify the underlying reasons for users not using a system and thus implement necessary corrections. Three proposed hypotheses were rejected, all related to the analysis of knowledge and skills about the SEI. The variable perceived usefulness of use was the one that reached the highest value of 훽, usefulness is significantly more related to use. Users use a system when they realize that its functions are useful, leaving the ease or difficulty of using the tool in the background.
  • TRANSPARENCY AND QUALITY OF PUBLIC INFORMATION: an analysis from the citizen’s perspective
  • Fecha: 12-mar-2024
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Information and communication technologies have brought significant advancements in advertising and transparency in the realm of public administration. However, to foster social control of public administration, it is necessary for the information provided to society to be of good quality. This research evaluates the level of quality of information on the portal of transparency of the Brazilian Federal Government from the perspective of citizens. The theoretical framework of this work addresses the themes of social control in Brazil, transparency, access to public information, and information quality, aiming to identify elements for constructing a model based on the PSP/IQ (Model as the Product and Service Performance Model for Information Quality) proposed by Kahn, Strong, and Wang (2002), and the AIMQ research model (Methodology for Information Quality Assessment) by Lee et al. (2002). This allowed for the construction of a questionnaire with 28 items distributed across the following dimensions: reliability, relevance, presentation, timeliness, completeness, utility, comprehensibility, and interpretability, assessed using an 11-point Likert scale. The chosen profile for administering the questionnaire was Brazilian citizens. Data collection was conducted using the Google Forms research management application and was disseminated through social networks such as Instagram and WhatsApp, email, as well as among the academic community of various Brazilian universities and institutional emails of companies and public organizations. The research had 240 respondents and obtained 217 valid responses. The quality of the information published on the portal of transparency of the federal government had an average of 7.11. Thus, the results suggest a moderate level of quality of the information provided on the transparency portal. The constructs: completeness, utility, comprehensibility, and interpretability, had averages below 7.0 suggesting the need for improvements in these aspects of information. The model proposed in this research showed convergent validity, internal consistency, and discriminant validity. The results suggest that 73.9% of the dependent variable, information quality, is explained by the following independent variables proposed in the model: completeness, utility, comprehensibility, and interpretability. This research highlights the importance of measuring the quality of information provided by public sector transparency portals, emphasizing that, although it is difficult to measure information quality from the citizen's perspective, it is essential for the effectiveness of transparency policies. Currently, public information portals are mainly evaluated by checklists that measure transparency based on the disclosure of specific information. Research like this can contribute to the development of new measurement methods, promoting the discussion of methods that aim not only to evaluate the disclosure of information but also the quality perceived by users with the purpose of improving public transparency policies.
  • The Public Center and its role in the solidarity economy policy: a case study of the implementaƟon process of the State Public Center for Solidarity Economy – Eco Paraíba.
  • Fecha: 31-ene-2024
  • Hora: 18:00
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  • This dissertation presents an in-depth analysis of the solidarity economy, its segments and the vast field it covers. The solidarity economy is an innovative economic approach that seeks to promote a more collaborative and just approach in the economic sphere, based on cooperation, solidarity and centered on the search for human fulfillment. The paper explores the foundations and practices of the solidarity economy, conceptualized by Paul Singer as a creation of workers in struggle against capitalism, an economic and political-ideological option that goes against the dominant values of individual competition and the supremacy of capital over labour. It represents a set of alternative experiences for generating work and income, which emerged as a response to the economic crisis of the 1980s and aim to overcome the concentration of wealth, social exclusion, the destruction of ecosystems and the exploitation of human beings. The dissertation also analyzes the local context (political, social and economic) in which ECO Paraíba was implemented, as well as the main challenges faced in its implementation. It also highlights the importance of the participation of the actors involved in the process of implementing public policies, as well as the need for a methodological approach that combines qualitative, descriptive and explanatory research. Finally, the dissertation presents a detailed analysis of the Integrated Actions project and the State Public Center for Solidarity Economy - ECO Paraíba, highlighting its importance for the development of the solidarity economy in Paraíba and its contribution to promoting a fairer and more collaborative approach in the economic sphere.
  • Fecha: 31-ene-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The objective of this study is to analyze people management practices within the scope of the Federal Court of 5th Region, in the perception of public servants with disabilities. In order to achieve this purpose, the following specific objectives were outlined: describe people management practices adopted by the Judiciary, aimed at the inclusion of public servants with disabilities; identify the perceptions of public servants with disabilities regarding people management practices and the degree of greater or lesser inclusion; and map information that assists future actions by the Judiciary Federal as an employer, aimed at the inclusion of PwD. The theoretical constructs that The basis for this investigation were studies on: people management in the public service; management of people and PcDs; PCDs in Public Administration. To achieve the research objectives, A basic qualitative approach was used, of a descriptive nature. The study was carried out with eighteen employees with disabilities, distributed in the judicial bodies of TRF-5, SJPB, SJPE, SJCE, SJRN and SJSE, through interviews, based on a semi-structured script. The interviews were recorded and their transcriptions allowed the distribution of speeches into the following categories: recruitment and selection; capacity and reception (the actual functional exercise);training and development; and performance evaluation. After categorization, the analysis method was used of the content. As the main results achieved, it can be pointed out that the inclusion of PwDs in the public service is not effective with the mere prediction of reserved vacancies in public examinations. AND attention needs to be paid to their post-entry into the institution. Initially, it was noted that there was still randomness in setting the percentage of vacancies for PwD in the notices, suggesting the need for equalization by JF5, based on the number of PwDs already existing in the organization. It was also found that the existence of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams to evaluate PwD, following the biopsychosocial model, is not a reality, even though there is a legal and normative determination to do so. It was also evident that, upon the arrival of the server with a disability, little attention is still paid given to gauging their specific needs, in relation to the provision of accessibility and/or reasonable adaptations, starting with medical expertise, going through the sectors of personnel and the immediate supervisor itself, which generated, in certain cases, failures in the process of capacity, reception, choice of work sectors and assignment of tasks for employees with disabilities, given that there was no consideration regarding its limitations and the barriers to the exercise functional. It was also found that training actions on the subject of PwD are still timid and very recent, with employees reporting several situations of attitudinal barriers associated stigma, stereotypes and prejudices surrounding PwD, or due to pure lack of knowledge. There is need for JF5 to institutionalize the provision of continuous training on the subject for everyone organizational actors, mainly magistrates, directors and civil servants, as they were Several cases have been reported in which PwD felt seen as “unproductive” or “incapable”, or even not accepted for the purposes of exercising rights. It was also found that, in evaluating the performance of PwD, a methodology is still in force that does not take into account the specific conditions of the server with a disability, with the individual almost all of the time being measured in the same way way that people without disabilities and, depending on the type of disability and specific limitation, this causes distortions and misinterpretations, especially when considering it as productive or not in relation to the work demands assigned to him, mainly when he is not observe whether the work sector, assigned tasks, work format, working hours and required goals, are adequate or not. Finally, it was observed how much the theme of ableism structure is still ingrained in society and, consequently, in the Judiciary itself, with difficulty for PwDs themselves to exercise their rights, for fear of being seen as “inferior”, a fact that leads to the strengthening of an institutional change capable of empowering them and providing the organizational environment of knowledge about accessibility and inclusion, to increasingly welcome and better PwDs in your staff. The results presented are intended to promote the interaction with new research, managers, magistrates and employees with and without disabilities, aiming to make the inclusion of PwD a reality in the public sector. Future research is suggested on how PwDs find themselves facing attitudinal barriers at work, especially when it comes to exercise of their own rights, as it was noticed that there is often a certain tendency to hide their condition of PwD, for fear of other people's judgment. New work on practices is also encouraged of GP for PwDs in other bodies of the judiciary, such as state courts and specialized courts, the which will allow comparison with the findings of this study.
  • Weaving an alternative South-South Cooperation: possibilities and limits in public policies for small cotton producers
  • Fecha: 29-ene-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • La Cooperación Sur-Sur surgió como un mecanismo alternativo de la Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo con la capacidad de ofrecer iniciativas horizontales y de solidaridad para resolver las desigualdades de el Sur Global. Aún hay un debate crítico acerca de la legitimidad de esta propuesta que cuestiona la base ideológica del concepto de desarrollo y apertura de la Cooperación Sur-Sur Trilateral a las organizaciones internacionales o países del Norte. Brasil tiene usado la Cooperación Sur-Sur Trilateral como estrategia para ampliación de parcerias multilaterales y transferencia de políticas públicas en la África y Latinoamérica. Entre las áreas prioritarias, se destaca la agricultura, las iniciativas para fortificación socioproductivo de agricultura familiar en asociación con la FAO, cómo el Proyecto Mais Algodão, implementado desde 2013. El Mais Algodão se caracteriza por la adaptabilidad a las agendas internacionales de desarrollo y por la ampliación de las colaboraciones con actores de la sociedad civil. Sin embargo, se observa que la matriz colonial de lo poder implica practicas controvertidas para los principios de horizontalidad y solidaridad que esconden consecuencias de la colonización en lo contexto agrícola y agregan conocimientos y prácticas locales. Así, a partir de una interpretación pós/descolonial, cuestionamos: de cuál forma la Cooperación Sur-Sur Trilateral puede promover políticas horizontales? Ante las innumerables posibilidades de el Sur-Global, los pensamientos de Bienestar y Ubuntu son alternativas a la cooperación tradicional Norte-Sur? En el tercer capítulo, el análisis del Proyecto Mais Algodão muestra que, en el contexto rural, a pesar de los esfuerzos por emprender prácticas horizontales, la propia estructura constitutiva de la Cooperación Trilateral Sur-Sur restringe la participación de los agricultores familiares a una participación consultiva y poco significativa en las fases del Proyecto, mientras que el apoyo a las políticas públicas se centra en la formación de una agenda con intereses en reactivar o fortalecer el sector productivo. En esta investigación, la premisa utilizada fue que la Cooperación Trilateral Sur-Sur debe fortalecer una agenda transformadora y horizontes alternativos para el desarrollo, por lo que parece que los pensamientos del Buen Vivir y Ubuntu son alternativas poderosas a la cooperación tradicional, ya que representan la esencia de la solidaridad, cooperación y horizontalidad. En Mais Algodão, estas perspectivas se centran en la agroecología y las Constituciones de Bolivia y Ecuador, pero se limitan a los proyectos de país y los intereses de las instituciones cooperantes.
  • Fecha: 29-ene-2024
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The energy transition (ET) presupposes a transformation in the energy matrix, facilitating a shift in the techno-economic paradigm based on the promotion of non-greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting sources and energy efficiency. Globally, this process reached its climax with the Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement, which acknowledged the innovation in clean energy technologies, multistakeholder partnerships, and international cooperation as essential tools in fighting climate change. Although the magnitude of this process encounters profound challenges for its feasibility, demanding the coordination of multisectoral actions, it also presents opportunities for overcoming through innovative, mission-oriented policies. In light of the ambitious decarbonization goals by 2050, what role does a subnational entity play in this agenda? As non-state actors, subnational governments have been considered key players in global climate governance, given their potential in articulating net-zero objectives. Accordingly, the aim of this research was to analyze the case of Ceará in light of the mission-oriented approach (MOA), through the promotion of green hydrogen (GH2), using a qualitative methodology of documentary, regulatory, and institutional analysis. The state stands out in the renewable segment, particularly due to the first national project of a GH2 Hub in 2021. The hypothesis posited that a political-institutional arrangement, with coordination among extra-government actors, produces a positive effect on ET, systematized by four specific objectives: a discussion on the climate governance of subnational actors and the contribution of the MOA; an overview of the international political economy of GH2 and its developments in Brazil; a mapping of initiatives and actors involved in the GH2 chain in Ceará; and framing this case in the MOA. The results confirmed the hypothesis and showed that Ceará is playing a significant role in accelerating ET, particularly through the development of a GH2 value chain, which combines multisectoral governance. General alignment with the criteria advocated by the MOA was evidenced, although some divergences were noted. Thus, the realization of GH2 in Ceará may become a successful case in the coming decades, although caution is needed to ensure it does not become merely a commodity, but rather a catalyst for sustainable development.
  • Fecha: 12-ene-2024
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The strategies of intersectorality and territorialization signal the contribution of a practice aimed at valuing the skills and culture of members of a given locality. With this in mind, public policies can develop actions taking into account the territory and the singularities existing in the population, in order to promote quality of life, through the generation of work and income. In view of this, the present work had the general objective of analyzing how social assistance incorporates intersectorality in its policy and can use this strategy as a means to develop actions with the solidarity economy thinking about the development of the territory. To this end, a qualitative approach was used, the objectives were descriptive and the procedures adopted werebibliographic, documentary and field research. Data collection was carried out on the Institutions' websites. Furthermore, a structured interview guide was used with two coordinators of the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in the city of João Pessoa. In the treatment and interpretation of research data, content analysis was carried out, according to the technique of Bardin (2016). With regard to work and income generation actions, the findings indicate that the Municipal Social Assistance Policy of João Pessoa has directed services with a professional focus, aiming to prepare to meet the demands of the labor market, with a vision of individualizing the situation of vulnerability, without taking into account the integration of knowledge, territorial vocations and awareness and organization of individuals in a collective way. The results also demonstrate that there is a lack of work developed in an articulated manner between the sectors, presenting a lack of dialogue and strategy to meet common demandsbetween both policies.
  • MARGINALIZAÇÃO e abandono: O Trabalho informal ambulante em João Pessoa-PB NOS ANOS DE 2020 E 2021, auge da pandemia do Covid-19.
  • Fecha: 20-dic-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This dissertation analyzes the way in which street vendors are treated on the streets of João Pessoa, focusing on this reality in the Covid-19 pandemic context, highlighting the assessment of the position of the municipal public authorities with regard to the implementation of public actions and policies. necessary for the segment in the period studied. The formal employment crisis and the record growth of informality in Brazil and the world presented reflective questions that contextualized our problem and allowed us to substantiate it in the following research question: how did the management of municipal public power in João Pessoa-PB contribute to reducing the implications suffered by street vendors during 2020 and 2021, the height of the Covid-19 pandemic period? The working hypothesis defended that there was disregard for the category and, following a historical trend, the city of João Pessoa replicated the behavior of other municipalities, in various parts of the world, by reserving marginal treatment for street vendors. The general objective was to analyze the context of informal street vendors in the city of João Pessoa during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic period (2020-2021), taking into account the actions developed by municipal public management aimed at these workers. The specific objectives sought to: 1 - carry out bibliographical research, with ‘Systematic Literature Review (RSL)’ to identify studies that addressed the phenomenon of ‘informal street work’ in the sample period chosen for this research and how researchers approached the topic; 2 - define the main implications of the Covid-19 pandemic suffered by the category during the height of the pandemic period; 3 - analyze the actions developed by the municipal government of João Pessoa for the segment of street vendors during the period studied. The results showed that there are still few studies carried out, with scientifically valid and replicable criteria, capable of adequately discussing the researched topic. However, the studies cataloged by RSL2 pointed to a situation of denial of rights and marginalization of the segment in a structural way, which was heightened during the pandemic. During the pandemic, street vendors in the sample analyzed faced economic, physical, mental and emotional implications. However, the conclusions confirmed the hypothesis and highlighted the city hall's inaction towards street vendors during the pandemic period.
  • The political-relational capacity of municipal management in implementing the Program João Pessoa Sustainable
  • Fecha: 07-nov-2023
  • Hora: 18:00
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  • Based on the analysis of the João Pessoa Sustentavel Program, this case study aims to investigate how governments can, or cannot, develop political-relational capacities to implement policies in a complex institutional arrangement, marked by the influence of the guidelines of multilateral financial institution. Result of cooperation between João Pessoa City Hall and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the program will promote the resettlement of 800 families living in risk areas in eight communities – Brasília de Palha, Cafofo/Liberdade, Miramar, Tito Silva, Hildon Bandeira, Vila Tambauzinho, Santa Clara and São Rafael. Once its object of study is a policy permeated by conflicts common to large urban projects, the research seeks to infer whether municipal management has developed politicalrelational capacities (PIRES; GOMIDE, 2016) due to creation of a new institutional arrangement for the implementation of actions. In this context, in dialogue with the national and international debate on state capabilities and governance, the work investigated the instruments used to promote social participation and the dynamics between City Hall and private companies. To observe the indicative elements of capacity building, the research used the policy capacity analysis model proposed by Ramesh et. al. (2016), focusing on the organizational and systemic levels. From the analysis of program documents (plans, minutes, contracts, among others), interviews with key actors involved in governance and affected residents, it was possible to conclude that the arrangement and its instruments provided municipal management with the capacities necessary for the level of intensity of participation foreseen for the program, which is limited to sharing information and consulting the affected population (ARNSTEIN, 1969; PAUL, 1987). On the other hand, the formulation of the program remained restricted to managers, in a typically managerial governance model (PIERRE, 2011). Therefore, without ensuring communities' access to the decision-making and formulation process, the institutional arrangement and its instruments were insufficient to mitigate conflicts and promote the empowerment of territories.
  • Sustainable People Management: contributions to the development of a federal public university”
  • Fecha: 27-oct-2023
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • This research entitled “Sustainable People Management: contributions to the development of a federal public university” had the general objective of verifying how Sustainable People Management (GSP) practices are configured in a federal higher education institution (IFE), with special attention to the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) agenda, which presents itself as an essential tool to promote efficient public management. Thus, we sought to identify these practices; investigate their contributions to institutional development and verify the main barriers to their implementation in the field of public management and, specifically, at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), the locus of the research. This is a study with a qualitative, empirical, exploratory approach that took as data sources official documents and websites, publications on institutional social networks and reports obtained through twelve interviews guided by a structured script, whose respondents were the Management Agents of People (AGP), present in the most diverse administrative units of the institution. The analysis of the content collected in the field was guided by the method proposed by Bardin (1977). As the main results achieved, it can be pointed out that the AGP perceive Sustainable People Management as a relevant and beneficial model for the institution. GSP is seen as a way to promote management practices that go beyond purely environmental results, considering aspects such as employee well-being and organizational sustainability. Furthermore, within the scope of institutionalized practices, it was possible to identify that the university adopted measures aimed at training and developing employees, aiming to improve their skills and competencies. Furthermore, there is a focus on promoting a healthy and inclusive work environment, which values ​​diversity and the well-being of employees. However, there were some barriers to implementing this innovation in people management, such as the discontinuity of projects after a change of managers at central and local levels, institutional communication with low effectiveness regarding such practices, the seasonality of some practices, the lack of engagement on the part of some employees, the absence of specific training, with a vision of sustainability, for the training of employees, especially leaders. The results presented are intended to promote interaction with new research, managers and potential leaders of the public service, aiming to provide support for the formulation of a renewed perspective of the future and for the promotion of sustainable innovations in Public Management. Future research may focus on empirical studies on evaluations of PMS practices and on the governance of people management in Public Administration.
  • Sustainable Development Goals and Human Trafficking in Brazil: progress and challenges in the implementation of public policies.
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2023
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched as a guide to the international development agenda represented a breakthrough with regard to the centrality of the individual as part of the balance between the environment and society, by establishing freedom and human rights as essential for that individuals take part in the development process. In this scenario, phenomena whose core is anchored in exploitative practices, such as human trafficking, gained even more strength and relevance when they were included as specific goals of the SDGs. Mentioned more specifically in target 8.7, human trafficking is characterized as a phenomenon whose possibilities for coping tend to expand as they benefit from the indivisibility and mutuality of the targets, since it is a problem that is related, above all , with the disposition of the labor market, social inequality and poverty. In the face of this scenario of deprivation, it is considered that it is essential to understand freedom in terms of capacity, as the core of the development process in this new agenda, and, consequently, to value the condition of individuals as agents in their social contexts, as well as the availability of accessible opportunities. This research, therefore, aims to answer the following question: how do the SDGs relate to the Brazilian anti-trafficking agenda? And it has the general objective: to understand the relationship between the SDGs and human trafficking, in the light of Amartya Sen's propositions. In the first chapter, the evolution of human trafficking will be described from its main international normative landmarks, in order to demonstrate the persistence of the crime even through changes in social and political contexts, having found in globalization a facility for its occurrence; the second chapter will relate the SDGs to human trafficking in the light of Amartya Sen's propositions, in order to demonstrate the potential of the Capabilities Approach (CA) to analyze human trafficking as part of the development agenda and also its limitations and; finally, it seeks to understand the incorporation of the SDGs in the III National Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons, in order to demonstrate the potential of associating the main anti-trafficking policy in Brazil with the 2030 Agenda.
  • ALDIR BLANC LAW AND NATIONAL CULTURE SYSTEM: the implementation of the Cultural Emergency Law and its influences on the Municipal Culture System of João Pessoa/PB (2020-2022).
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Instituted in an adverse political-institutional environment for Brazilian cultural policies, the LAB was the main emergency public policy to support the cultural sector in all states and municipalities of the country during the pandemic. Considering that the municipalities that have more institutionalised culture systems have better adapted to the federative logic of resource decentralisation and that, in general, the LAB has generated a positive externality by stimulating the SNC policy and the Municipal Culture Systems (SEMENSATO and BARBALHO, 2021), this research has the general objective of analysing the implementation of the LAB in João Pessoa/PB (2020-2022) as to its local influences on the SNC public policy and the state capacities activated or not in municipal public management. By means of a case study (method), the methodological path planned for this research articulates the techniques of participant observation, document analysis and interviews, having as methodological reference the approach of institutional arrangements of implementation (PIRES and GOMIDE, 2018, 2021). Finally, we observed that the implementation of the LAB challenged all dimensions of state capacities, provoking the activation of capacities of the municipality of João Pessoa/PB in the political-relational, technical-administrative and cognitive dimensions - without however having generated structuring activations -, besides having stimulated elements integrating the SMC of the Paraíba capital, especially the CMPC, FUNJOPE and the FMC, in the face of continuous pressure from organised civil society.
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2023
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • In the field of public policy diffusion, despite studies conducted mainly in the United States and Europe (WALKER, 1969; GRAY, 1973; ELKINS and SIMMONS, 2005; SHIPAN and VOLDEN, 2006; BERRY and BERRY, 2007), the number of analyses aimed at understanding the reasons that make a policy diffuse among different countries is still incipient. The same scenario is also denoted regarding to research that focuses on understanding the involvement of international organizations or of the civil society in public policy diffusion (COÊLHO, 2012; FARIA, 2015; OSÓRIO, 2015). In understanding a case of public policy diffusion, it is central to initially identify the actors involved, the interface in which they are inserted, in which arenas they develop their clashes and what are the power disparities between them (LONG, 1988, 1989, 2007). Because it is a complex process, which occurs through structures that are not entirely transparent to the researcher, such as the backstage of the political process, the production of studies associated with other sciences, such as Political Science, Sociology and Law has been increasingly recurrent in the field of public policy dissemination. The study has a sociological perspective with the objective of highlighting the importance of the different actors and the interface in which they are embedded for diffusion processes. In particular, the role of civil society organizations, which, by a non-linear and disproportional "game", have been increasingly able to push common interest issues to public debate around the world in recent decades. This is the case of the public policy of custody hearing in Brazil, whose adoption has been recognized widely as result of the involvement of the Criminal Justice Network (RJC). In opposition to the prevailing public opinion that imprisoned people can have their fundamental rights violated, the RJC has engaged in the achievement of the instrument, whose function is to ensure the legality of the arrest and cooperate to reduce mass incarceration in the country. The results, that counted with the realization of semi-structured interviews with representatives of the RJC, highlighted strategic litigation actions undertaken by its member organizations in the achievement of custody hearings in Brazil since 2011, when the topic was raised as a shared banner among its nine different members.
  • E-GOVERNMENT: Adoption from the perspective of public servants
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2023
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • This research aims to identify the factors that influence the adoption of digital government by public servants involved in the provision of public services in an organization in the State of Paraíba. And in this search, the multicriteria Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method developed by Saaty (1980) and applied Gupta; Bhaskar; Singh (2017). The choice for this method is justified by the scope of the analysis, which was not possible before, when one verifies the adoption in the mandatory perspective, making it possible to fill the research gap that analyzes the adoption of electronic government by public servants. The sample used was 31 permanent servants who work at the State Secretariat for Administration of the State of Paraíba, who, in terms of profile, are mostly male (63.3%), aged between 36 and 45 years, and have public service time of 10 years. The AHP Method, through the hierarchy proposed by Gupta; Bhaskar; Singh (2017), made it possible to verify the weights of the main factors and their subfactors in influencing the adoption of e-government from the perspective of public servants. Among the results found, organizational factors were placed as the main factor influencing the adoption of electronic government by public servants, which points to the importance of the organization's support, in the sense of offering training and technical assistance to its employees, and how much this action may impact acceptability. With regard to the subfactors, the highlight can be seen in the layout of the site and trust in data storage and management, which were placed as subfactors with greater weight, among the technical factors and the confidence factors, respectively. And in comparison the analysis developed by Gupta; Bhaskar; Singh (2017), the results were different from the perspective of specialists, which leads to perceptions of how the analysis of who operates the system, can be the differential in the success or not, in the implementation of electronic government. As for the classification of the subfactors, in terms of influencing the adoption of e-government by public servants, the training subfactor ranked first, which demonstrates the importance of training these servants. And that the allocation of resources with training for the organization's employees, can be one of the solutions to revive the sense of belonging of the server, in the construction of a process of digital transformation in cooperation.
  • THE FORMULATION OF PUBLIC POLICIES AND ITS OPERATIONAL LIMITATION: the construction of the schedule of smart cities in Natal-RN
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2023
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • The research work intends to analyze the construction of public policies from the assumption of smart cities, under the focus of the urban and environmental field, in the formulation of the agenda, in the city of Natal, identifying its operational limitations, using science and technology and innovation to study its evolutionary process at the local level. This municipal public policy paradigm seeks to achieve the ideals of smart cities (with the assumption of its pillars) in promoting sustainable development and the elimination of regional inequalities, delimiting a better quality of life for the citizens of the city of Natal-RN. In this way, it is proposed to carry out an analysis of science, technology and innovation, as fields of study, which gained strong momentum over the decades, constituting a strong field of research with many ramifications and specializations, through urban planning. As a research problem, operational limitations are identified for the elaboration of the smart cities agenda for Natal/RN, which results in innovation in urban planning, with the use of new technologies to satisfy social needs such as housing, sanitation, mobility, inclusion, etc. The objective is to analyze evolutionary aspects of innovation, science and technology processes, with a view to smart cities, promoting sustainable development and solidifying public policies. The present work intends to explain the process of materializing smart cities in Natal-RN The logical method Process Tracing (PT) will be used in bibliographical and documental research. Through the phenomenological method, the objective is to make considerations about the phenomenon of the more inclusive city, whose purpose is to improve the quality of the citizens' habitat.
  • Fecha: 28-jul-2023
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The main objective of this dissertation is to identify which behavioral aspects are related to vaccine hesitation against COVID-19 in the light of social marketing. It is a research of qualitative nature. To obtain the data, interviews were applied with the elaboration of a semi-structured script, where ten people who were interviewed expressed the behavior of vaccine hesitation. The data obtained from the application of questionnaires were categorized according to content analysis of Bardin. The categories of this study were defined a priori, with the three established categories corresponding to the three specific objectives of this research and the subcategories corresponding to the questions of the interview script. The results obtained showed that among the respondents the perception that the pandemic was not severe possibly had implications on the behavior of vaccine hesitancy toward the COVID-19 vaccine. The data obtained from the survey indicates that the main reasons for vaccine hesitancy among respondents are lack of confidence in the efficacy of the vaccine, concern about possible health problems the vaccine could cause, and, in a lower incidence, the cultural, religious, or political influence. Finally, the research highlights the need for social marketing programs and campaigns to overcome vaccine hesitancy in the Brazilian context, given the untapped potential of this approach.
  • Fecha: 28-jul-2023
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Bone marrow donation is the process of donating bone marrow cells capable of treating several potentially fatal pathologies, and often seen as the only treatment option for certain diseases. However, for the donation to occur, there must be compatibility between patient and donor. Thus, social marketing campaigns are needed in order to make people aware of the importance of donating bone marrow and to help find compatible donors for patients who need transplants. In this sense, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a theory that focuses on understanding how people make decisions and engage in specific behaviors. TPB assumes that people's decisions are rational and that available information is systematically used to take a certain action, taking into account the consequences of their actions before deciding to have a certain behavior. From this perspective, discussions about the intention to donate bone marrow are in line with the conception of social marketing, when addressing the aspects that permeate behavioral decisions, since the main purpose of social marketing is to change personal and collective behavior, thus TPB can help you understand how this can be achieved. In addition, TPB can be applied in bone marrow donation campaigns, identifying the factors that lead people to plan and act on bone marrow donation, and using this information to create more effective campaigns to increase donation. For this research, it was decided to study the intention to donate, since the intention is a strong predictor of the behavior, being a predecessor of the actual behavior. In view of this, this research converges with the discussions present in the literature and provides a more accurate analysis of the theme in the Brazilian context, enabling the development of studies that add knowledge to the scope of public health policies, bringing direct contributions to society. The main objective of this study is to identify the extent to which the factors presented influence the intention to register and actually donate bone marrow. The methodological approach of the research is of a quantitative nature, data collection took place through a structured questionnaire, with a final sample of 303 respondents. It should be noted that, in order to empirically analyze the developed hypotheses, the constructs were elaborated: Attitude, Subjective norms, Perceived control, Information, Trust in the service and Intention to register and Intention to donate, which were submitted to descriptive analysis, regression analysis and structural equation modeling. As main results, we observed that the intention to register as a bone marrow donor is influenced by people's approval, personal perceptions, understanding of the donation process and trust in the services performed by the Blood Center. With regard to the act of giving specifically, the intention is influenced by the same factors that influence the intention to register plus the willingness to help others. The intention to register is confirmed as a predictor of the intention to donate bone marrow.
  • WHERE DOES INDIGENOUS FEMALE DIPLOMACY SPEAK?: The voices of Brazilian indigenous women at the Conferences of the Parties (COP26/COP27)
  • Fecha: 28-jul-2023
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • Seeking to harmonize the dynamics of capital growth with the limits of biophysical systems, the Conferences of the Parties (COPs), the decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), was established to be a space for global climate debates for the development of specific protocols and agreements on this topic. With indigenous women gaining strength in debates related to global climate change debate, the articulation of different leaders, through indigenous female diplomacy, emerges so that their knowledge/doings and demands may be incorporated into diplomatic spaces and discussions about climate change like the COPs. Aiming to understand how the voices of Brazilian indigenous women impact on climate decision- making spaces, through an exploratory and decolonial investigation, the research is based on analyzes and semi-structured interviews carried out at COP26, in Glasgow, Scotland, and at COP27, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. At first, the matrix of colonial power in the era of Modernity/Coloniality is approached, exploring the themes of knowledge, climate and gender and discussing indigenous diplomacy as a form of detachment and reappropriation of traditional discourses. Accordingly, the context, establishment and frameworks of the UNFCCC, the main agreements of the COPs and indigenous participation in these conferences are explored. The final chapter analyzes the agendas, discussions, and outcomes of COPs 26 and 27, focusing on the voices and diplomatic practices of Brazilian indigenous women. As a result, using the Collective Subject Discourse (DSC) as a technique for analyzing the discourses of the interviewed Brazilian indigenous women, four Central Ideas (CIs) emerged through their collective voice: (1) The COP for indigenous women: space alignments and denouncements; (2) From communities to COP: Challenges faced in climate decision-making spaces; (3) Indigenous female strategies, articulation and incidence; (4) Fighting climate change: Healing the earth crosses indigenous women.
  • Fecha: 25-jul-2023
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Public procurement represents an important instrument for stimulating innovation and technological development. The growing interest in the use of public contracts as a tool for innovation policy has attracted the attention of many researchers, both in Brazil and abroad. However, there is still a significant gap in empirical studies within the context of Brazilian states that investigate public procurement as an instrument for innovation policy. Given this lack of study on the subject, the research problem guiding this study is: "How do Brazilian states governments use public procurement to implement innovation policy?" Thus, the general objective is to analyze how state governments are mobilizing public procurement in the process of implementing the national innovation policy. To achieve this objective, the following specific objectives have been delimited: to analyze the legal framework of public procurement of innovation in the Brazilian states scenario, to investigate which innovation procurement instruments have been used by the states, and finally, to explore the limits and possibilities from the perspective of secretaries in the state secretariats of Science, Technology, and Innovation regarding public procurement of innovation. By examining legislation and contracts, as well as conducting semi-structured interviews with Science, Technology, and Innovation secretaries, this research obtained a comprehensive view of the state scenario of public procurement of innovation and identified the key factors associated with its implementation. At the end of this analysis, it can be concluded that the use of these contracts as a means of implementing innovation policy is in the early stages, especially due to the low number of identified procurements. Despite the positive perceptions regarding the promotion of innovation in public purchases and the efforts undertaken so far, there are still challenges to be overcome, such as increasing the culture of innovation, training public officials, and bridging the gap between managers and control agencies.
  • Sustainable practices on public administration: the perception of UFPB’s Technical-administrative servants
  • Fecha: 25-jul-2023
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are seen as environments that bring together multiple and interdisciplinary knowledge, which can be considered catalyser instruments in the process of institutionalization of the sustainability. In the Brazilian case, the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES) need to incorporate policies aimed at sustainability as bodies of the Federal Public Administration (ADF), among which the Sustainable Management and Logistics Plan (PLS) stands out. It was observed that researches that addresses sustainability from the perspective of members from the academic community in IFES still represents a small share of the theme and thereby are concentrated on the perception of other actors, mostly using quantitative methodologies. In this sense, this research sought to understand the implementation of sustainable practices at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) based on the perception of technical-administrative servants (TAEs) working at the Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CCSA), in light of the PLS. In particular, the objective was to contextualize the actions aimed at sustainability in the context of the Campus I, to describe the understanding of CCSA’s TAEs regarding the theme in their work environments, as well as to identify the sustainable practices experienced by them in these surroundings. To this end, a qualitative case study of descriptive nature was used, with the use of semi-structured interviews and support of photographic interview with 14 TAEs. As a result, it was observed that the TAES have limited knowledge about the PLS and other instruments related to the theme, what may be an obstacle to its full implementation. In addition, the main sustainable practices identified, such as replacing disposable cups with other durable utensils, and turning off lights and air conditioning, come from individual initiatives of TAEs or are generated by legal imposition, as the case of the implementation of electronic processes. Although they recognize the existence of specific actions aimed at quality of life in the work environment, it was noticed some weakness from the communication instruments used by the institution to disseminate them. Based on the analysis of the UFPB's main normative instruments, it didn’t become clear if there was a specific budget for sustainable practices. In this sense, it was concluded that, although the theme is contemplated in its institutional policies, there is still no effective policy.
  • NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION IN BRAZIL: a study on the Brazilian Company for Research and Industrial Innovation (EMBRAPII)
  • Fecha: 25-jul-2023
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • This research investigates how Brazil promotes innovations in the productive sector. The objective is to understand how the promotion of innovation works in Brazil, based on the analysis of the EMPRAPII model. For this, the case study was adopted as a research method. An analysis of the performance indicators, provided for in the management contract (EMBRAPII/MCTI 2017-2021), was carried out based on the collection of interviews, the annual reports related to the management contract, the parameters set out in the legal framework (Law 13.243/2016 and Decree nº 10.534/2020) as well as in the specialized technical literature. As a result, the research describes the Brazilian model for promoting innovation, through EMBRAPII, which aims to stimulate collaboration between universities, the government and the productive sector, in favor of promoting national development.
  • Fecha: 09-may-2023
  • Hora: 10:30
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  • Public procurements, a significative part of Brazil's Gross Domestic Product (PIB), are very vulnerable to corruption. As a response to this problem, public organizations implemented measures to mitigate integrity risks in their procurement. This process then poses the challenge of how a public organization can assess the set of integrity measures that are implemented in the procuremente, from planning, through selection of suppliers and contractual execution, to identify paths that allow an evolution of these measures . From this perspective, this research aimed to propose a Maturity Model for Procurement Integrity Management (MGIC), which can be used to evaluate measures to mitigate integrity risks implemented by a public organization. For this, initially, we identify the measures proposed in national and international manuals, national regulations, or implemented by public organizations, in a documental research. Based on this set of identified measures, we designe a maturity model, like a list of assessment components, and for each component, four levels of maturity were established, which correspond to a path between an initial level and the maximum level, as ideal for each component. The maturity model designed was then applied to four public organizations, two federal, one state governmet and one municipal, to identify the necessary adjustments, setting up a multiple case study. The results of this application allowed adjustments to be made, and in the final design, the MGIC maturity model was made up of 27 assessment component, which correspond to an articulated set of measures to mitigate integrity risks. The viability of applying the model in different organizations was evidenced, and its usefulness as a tool to assess integrity management and contribute to improving the adopted integrity measures. The analysis of the application also made it possible to identify limitations of the proposed model, such as the difficulty of concluding the evaluation without effective collaboration from the managers of the evaluated Organization; and identify potentialities of the model, such as providing subsidies for the design of an action plan for the implementation and/or evolution of measures to mitigate risks to integrity in public procurement.
  • LGBTI+ SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND PUBLIC POLICIES: analysis of the effects of social movements in the design of public policies aimed at sexual diversity and gender in Paraíba
  • Fecha: 13-mar-2023
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The present work aims to analyze the effects of the LGBTI+ social movement in the design of public policies implemented for sexual diversity and gender in Paraíba. In recent years, the processes of achievements and setbacks of LGBT policy at the federal level have been witnessed. The PT experiences, especially in the Lula government, provided new patterns of socio-state interactions that impacted the relations between social and state actors. In view of this, the LGBT movement occupied institutional spaces and boosted its demands along with state actors. In the investigation, it was found that the LGBTI+ movement and the government of Paraíba operated in a similar way. In this way, subsidized by the concepts of repertoires and institutional fit, public policies mutually constituted in Paraíba are analyzed. Based on the above, the research is an exploratory case study, combining several qualitative methods, such as: a bibliographical review, documental analysis and application of semi-structured interviews with local actors, using content analysis to gather the necessary data. The main result points to the strengthening of demands and policies when actors interact cooperatively in their constitution and implementation.
  • Fecha: 31-ene-2023
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The acceleration of industrialization and urbanization has created serious challenges for sustainable urban development, and the management of urban solid waste has become a major concern in the world and in Brazil. As a result, consumers began to worry about the destination given to waste disposal, seeking to reuse and recycle consumer items and minimize the impacts of this disposal on the environment. In turn, companies would also need to rethink their disposal policy and adapt to a more sustainable production. Therefore, environmental issues are being built more and more frequently in the exchange relationships between companies and consumers, whether the latter are citizens, other companies or the public sector. Knowing that in Brazil a large amount of garbage is disposed of in inappropriate places, which can cause environmental, social and biological damage, the main objective of this work is to analyze the factors that influence teenagers to adopt pro-environmental behaviors through social marketing, encouraging behavioral change through individuals, the central object of social marketing and consequently less damage to the environment. Quantitative data were collected from 228 adolescents in Dona Inês – Paraíba. The results suggest that there is a clear consistency between the intention and behavior of young people in this city. Attitudes towards Nature, Affect and Emotion, Knowledge, Subjective Norms and Behavioral Intent function as the main determinants. The research brings relevant contributions to provide information for the elaboration of social marketing campaigns and public policies that aim at the adoption of pro-environmental behaviors.
  • Fecha: 31-ene-2023
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The acceleration of industrialization and urbanization has created serious challenges for sustainable urban development, and the management of urban solid waste has become a major concern in the world and in Brazil. As a result, consumers began to worry about the destination given to waste disposal, seeking to reuse and recycle consumer items and minimize the impacts of this disposal on the environment. In turn, companies would also need to rethink their disposal policy and adapt to a more sustainable production. Therefore, environmental issues are being built more and more frequently in the exchange relationships between companies and consumers, whether the latter are citizens, other companies or the public sector. Knowing that in Brazil a large amount of garbage is disposed of in inappropriate places, which can cause environmental, social and biological damage, the main objective of this work is to analyze the factors that influence teenagers to adopt pro-environmental behaviors through social marketing, encouraging behavioral change through individuals, the central object of social marketing and consequently less damage to the environment. Quantitative data were collected from 228 adolescents in Dona Inês – Paraíba. The results suggest that there is a clear consistency between the intention and behavior of young people in this city. Attitudes towards Nature, Affect and Emotion, Knowledge, Subjective Norms and Behavioral Intent function as the main determinants. The research brings relevant contributions to provide information for the elaboration of social marketing campaigns and public policies that aim at the adoption of pro-environmental behaviors.
  • Fecha: 30-ene-2023
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • The public transport sector is part of a service considered essential by the Federal Constitution of 1988, as it corresponds to an indispensable service for citizens, since it provides displacement of users to various places, such as work, study, leisure, fun, medical care, among many others. With the emergence of the new Coronavirus in the year 2020, the actors of the transport system (government, system operators and users) adopted measures so that the provision of public transport services would not be hampered by the impacts of the pandemic. However, in some locations of the country, strict measures such as Social Isolation was adopted and directly impacted on the provision of business services, causing the suspension of the bus fleet in several municipalities in Brazil for uncertainty for the financial and administrative health of the sector. From a basic, exploratory and descriptive qualitative study, whose data collection occurred through bibliographic and documentary analysis, the research will search for secondary data from the years 2020 to 2022 on the impacts caused by COVID-19 in the urban public transport sector by bus in Brazil, in order to achieve the objective of analyzing the impacts suffered and how the public transport sector by bus has positioned itself in times of pandemic COVID-19 to offer services to the population, contextualize the concepts of public transport, as well as discuss the concept of public transport from the changes imposed by the new Coronavirus, identify and analyze the main changes occurred in the concession of public transport service considered relevant for the pandemic period COVID-19, identify and present the actions taken by the actors of the collective public transport system by bus and present the impacts suffered by the public transport sector. Thus, the research aims to contribute to the expansion of discussions about the public transport sector by bus in Brazil, in view of the need to evaluate it also from the perspective of all actors involved.
  • Looking for talents: selection by skills of public managers at the Federal University of Paraíba
  • Fecha: 26-ene-2023
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Society has been undergoing rapid transformations and public management needs to keep up with them. Considering the importance of the public service having competent managers who can help organizations to achieve their objectives, as they are the bridge between the other public servants and the senior management, this research has as main objective to understand how the process of selection by competences to occupy positions takes place. the role of administrative manager at the Federal University of Paraíba. The selection of leadership is presented as a good management tool, as it seeks the candidate with the skills profile most in line with the needs of the organization. To achieve the objectives of the work, qualitative research was carried out, through interviews with occupants of the management functions of the administrative area of the UFPB and the perception that the leaders have of the selection process for occupying management positions was identified, in addition to identifying the competences that they understand as essential for the occupants of the function. And, finally, a proposal was presented for the selection of the next public managers. After the research, it was identified that to carry out a selection process of public managers, the factors that may impact the appointment of the manager must be observed in advance. At the end of the study, it was verified that the selection process of leadership is still in an initial phase and still needs to make several adjustments in the organization for its effective implementation. To ensure success in appointing the public manager, it is necessary to follow several stages of the selection process, considering the skills required for the role and, as consequence, results in better results for the organization as well.
  • An analysis of the actions carried out by the government of Paraíba and by civil society organizations in the process of integration of Venezuelan refugees
  • Fecha: 10-ene-2023
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • The political and economic crisis in Venezuela, led to a large movement of immigration of its population to neighboring countries, like Brazil, which via the state of Roraima, received thousands of people in vulnerable situations. As a humanitarian emergency, the Federal Government, with the support of Civil Society Organizations, developed the Acolhida Operation, which aims to receive the refugee population from Venezuela, update the documentation, temporarily place them in accommodation and so that they have better opportunities access to public services and social integration in the host country, constituting the axis of the interiorization strategy. It is from the Federal Program that promotes Interiorization that part of the refugees arrive in Paraíba, others, like the indigenous people, arrive on their own. The present work seeks to analyze the actions developed in the state of Paraíba in the integration of Venezuelan refugees. It starts from the premise that the integration process is complex and needs a multidimensional service, with the participation of several actors, so that the reception becomes in fact a process of social integration of refugees. The study was carried out through qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research through bibliographical and documental research. The analysis of the data obtained, through documentary research, was carried out by analytical axes categorized into: i) Introductory Points (Characterization of sociodemographic information); ii) Analysis of migration policy gaps; iii) Analysis of the dimensions and movements necessary for social integration.
  • The diffusion of the investor-state arbitration clause in bits: comparative analysis between Brazil and Argentina in the energy sector (1994-2021)
  • Fecha: 20-dic-2022
  • Hora: 16:00
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  • How to explain the different degrees of similarity and convergence of countries in relation to adherence to international economic standards? This research employs the theoretical framework of the Diffusion of Economic Policies to investigate the influence of its mechanisms in the adoption of different models regarding the resolution of disputes between Investor and State in Bilateral Investment Treaties (bits) countries (Brazil and Argentina), especially in the energy sector. As a general objective, it is intended, from a political perspective, to empirically fill a gap on the diffusion of the permissive clause of Arbitration between foreign investor and the host state in bits, considering the context of international economic competition. To evaluate the degrees of similarity and convergence in the organizational arrangements between the countries compared, control variables obtained from official data and documents were used, as well as International Organizations and institutional repositories with economic and political information of countries. Among the results found, we highlight the conception that the mechanism of competition was primarily responsible for, at first, propelling the two countries to the race for accession to the Washington Convention - CW, resulting in the adherence in Argentina to this international agreement and the inauguration of legislative process for ratification in Brazil, which was not concluded. In a longitudinal analysis of the global context and considering the influence of domestic factors on the adherence of international public policies in each country surveyed, it is observed the adoption of counterintuitive positions. Unlike Argentina, Brazil rejected the initially widespread investor-state arbitration policy and, as of 2015, adopted a position even further away from the CW, faced with the institution of a new dispute resolution policy (the ACFIs). The conclusion signals the importance of observing, from a historical analysis, how institutional and political factors can influence the distinct position regarding the reception of the same policy by relatively similar countries.
  • SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND LGBTI+ PUBLIC POLICIES: analysis of institutional fits in the elaboration of public policies in the State of Paraíba
  • Fecha: 15-dic-2022
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • The present work seeks to analyze the effects of the LGBTI+ social movement on public policies aimed at sexual diversity and gender in Paraíba. In recent years, the processes of conquests and setbacks of LGBT policy at the federal level have been witnessed, however, despite the decline, Brazilian states and municipalities have followed the policy of advancing what has been achieved and providing mechanisms to serve these subjects. Added to this, the complexity of dealing with LGBTI+ demands, light up the role of movements behind these existing political and normative instruments, because, although they essentially carry human rights matters, they are unable to perform the spectrum of solidarity like other socially vulnerable groups. Therefore, observing the period of redemocratization and the post-transition period in the country, PT experiences, especially those experienced during the Lula government, provided new patterns of socio-state interactions. These new models of interaction impacted the relations between social and state actors, mainly in the sexual and gender diversity segment, which began to occupy institutional spaces and influence the design of public policies of interest to them. Supported by these experiences, the LGBTI+ movement and the government of Paraiba have been operationalizing the existing policy instruments, such as the creation of the LGBT+ Reference Centers (Espaço Pedrinho and Luciano Vieira), Fernanda Benvenutty Comprehensive Health Outpatient Clinic for transvestites and transsexuals and the Cris Nagô shelter. For the construction of the work, several research methods were concentrated, starting with the literature review, document analysis through process tracing and application of semi-structured interviews, later, using content analysis methods to gather the necessary data.
  • International Non-Governmental Organizations and the Governance of International Migrations: a Study on Salvadoran Survival Migrants
  • Fecha: 30-sep-2022
  • Hora: 16:30
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  • The historical construction of El Salvador was marked by different expressions of violence. Among these, armed social violence is currently one of the main challenges faced by the country. Consequently, forced migration here referred to as “survival migration” (BETTS, 2013), has been the only alternative for Salvadorans who no longer feel safe. In this scenario, international non-governmental organizations, including humanitarian aid organizations, have been working to support this population of migrants. Based on this debate, the present study starts from the following question: how does the participation of international non-governmental humanitarian aid organizations occur in the governance of migrations caused by armed social violence in El Salvador? To answer the question, a case study on the organizations Médecins Sans Frontières, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and Caritas of El Salvador is carried out. The research is characterized as exploratory-descriptive and has a qualitative approach. As data collection techniques, semi-structured interviews and documental and bibliographic research are used. Among other points, the study concludes that besides developing fieldwork focused on the guarantee of the rights of survival migrants, the organizations studied contribute by spotlighting the issue to other national and international actors. In addition, among the challenges faced by these organizations and identified in the study, budgetary issues and the confrontation with armed social violence when carrying out their activities stand out.
  • “Open chest”: vulnerability of consumers of health services related to breast cancer by the Unified Health System
  • Fecha: 30-sep-2022
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Breast cancer, or malignant neoplasm, has been assuming an increasingly worrying position among the diseases that affect the female population, portraying in Brazil and in the world as a significant cause of death, being the second most frequent type of cancer in the world and the first among women. In this context, as consumers of the health services of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), women with breast cancer may experience vulnerable consumption, as this type of disease is configured as a trigger event in which they are unable to cope. to advocate for their best interest, especially as it is an exchange relationship based on highly complex medical knowledge. In addition, the consumption of SUS services, in general, is performed by patients who are unable to access other providers, according to their preference, which subjects them to a scenario of restricted choice. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the experiences of the vulnerability of consumers of health services related to breast cancer by the Sistema Único de Saúde. Therefore, we carried out qualitative research, through a narrative interview, based on a semi-structured script applied to 12 women affected by breast cancer and consumers of SUS health services. As the main results, we found that women experience vulnerabilities even before being diagnosed with breast cancer, especially during the consumption of health center services, before being referred to cancer referral hospitals. In addition, situations of vulnerable consumption are very common in relation to structural resources, due to the lack of availability of services, such as performing tests and scheduling a return to the doctor in the postoperative period, but we observed that, as the treatment progresses, the patients improve their interpersonal resources, especially in terms of social capital and social support. As a result, they are also better able to deal with their resources, especially in terms of knowledge and emotions. In this way, the research signals the need for improvement in the health service, mainly in the Basic Units, with emphasis on the early detection of breast cancer cases and more welcoming care by the teams that work in this provider entity. In reference hospitals, the difficulty with equipment and medication is highlighted, which generates impotence in women to obtain from the health system what they need to guarantee their well-being. Finally, we analyzed that the perception of women concerning the reception received from professionals is something of paramount importance during their exchange relationships, but that, even understanding the deficiencies in the delivery of health services, such as delays in exams and lack of medication, responses to vulnerability experiences are mostly non-defensive, probably because they feel unable to bring about major changes in the system. This reveals the need to analyze health services related to breast cancer from a systemic perspective, so that there are improvements in delivery at all levels, micro, meso, and macro, for the well-being of these women.
  • FAO, WORLD BANK AND THE PUBLIC POLICY OF LAND REGULARIZATION OF THE STATE OF PIAUÍ: a case study on the influence of International Organizations on the Public Policy Cycle.
  • Fecha: 21-sep-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This research sought to analyze how International Organizations (IOs) influence the formulation of public policies in the domestic context. In this sense, the general objective of this study is to understand the performance of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and the World Bank in the process of formulating the new Land Regularization Policy of the state of Piauí promulgated in 2019 through Law No. 7,294/2019. As specific objectives, we initially draw a historical overview of the formation of the Piauí territory, characterizing the current problem in the state that is land control through foreign and national capital and the socio-environmental impacts, concluding with the response of public management. To answer the guiding question: What instruments are used by International Organizations to disseminate their ideas and influence the cycle of public policy in the domestic context? And performs a proposed analysis and fulfills the second specific objective, we present a literature review on OI and dissemination of public policies. Thus, through a case study, following a qualitative approach, using documentary research and open interviews as a data collection technique, guided by the theoretical model designed by Jakobi (2009), we conclude the study by answering that FAO, through the instruments discursive dissemination and behavior configuration, acted disseminated the Voluntary Guidelines for Responsible Governance of Land, Fisheries and Forest Resources -DVGT, and the
  • FAO, WORLD BANK AND THE PUBLIC POLICY OF LAND REGULARIZATION OF THE STATE OF PIAUÍ: a case study on the influence of International Organizations on the Public Policy Cycle.
  • Fecha: 21-sep-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This research sought to analyze how International Organizations (IOs) influence the formulation of public policies in the domestic context. In this sense, the general objective of this study is to understand the role of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Bank in the formulation process of the new Land Regularization Policy of the state of Piauí enacted in 2019 through law nº. 7.294/2019. To this end, a historical overview of the formation of the Piauí territory was traced to arrive at the state's current problem, which is land control by foreign and national capital and its socio-environmental impacts. Subsequently, it was inquired, from the literature review, about the instruments used by International Organizations to spread their ideals and influence the cycle of public policy in the domestic context. Finally, following a qualitative approach, a case study was conducted adopting, as a data collection technique, documentary research and open interviews, having as analytical parameter the theoretical model designed by Jakobi (2009). We conclude the study arguing that FAO, by means of the argumentative dissemination and behavior configuration instruments, acted by disseminating the Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Land, Fisheries and Forest Resources - DVGT; and that the World Bank, by means of financial aid instruments, technical support and coordination functions, also influenced the process that culminated in the new Land Regularization Policy of the State of Piauí.
  • Fecha: 27-jul-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This study analyzes the state of incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in school management activities of Brazilian basic education. With this intention, the work seeks to describe the profile of school principals, ascertain the existence and frequency of intra-school discussions on the use of ICTs and the participation of the director in external decisions on acquisition of these technologies for school. In addition, we sought to point out in which dimensions of school management has been incorporated the use of ICTs and verify the level of use of electronic data, applications and social networks in school management activities.We used secondary data from the ICT Education 2020 survey, whose sample included 3678 managers of public and private schools in activity, located in urban and rural areas and offering Elementary and High School, in regular mode. In terms of methodology, the research is configured as quantitative, in which were selected metric and non-metric variables that responded to the objectives of the study in order to be dispersion and form, as by cross-table statistical techniques, chi-square test, correlation coefficient and t test for independent samples.With a predominance of female managers, the sample demonstrated recent and high use of the Internet, but reduced participation in training activities on the use of technologies and the Internet. A large part of the managers stated that they recently met with the school team to discuss the use of technologies in school, but a smaller number said they frequently participate in extra-school decision-making processes (in the school network) acquisition of ICTs for use in school. The sample presented the incorporation of information and communication, with more intensity, in school management activities that involve the dimensions of Communication Management, Administrative Management and Pedagogical Management, especially in the use of data in electronic format and use of social networks. There is a high degree of registration or consultation of data and information in electronic format in schools, especially when it refers to the registration data of students, usually required at the time of enrollment, as well as their frequency and grades, information whose registration assists in monitoring educational results, abandonment and dropout. Regarding the use of mobile phone or tablet applications in the management of schools, it was found that it is still low, probably because most of the schools surveyed declared not to have this type of software. In contrast, the level of activities of use of social networks in the management of schools behaved more elevated and balanced, highlighting among them the sending of messages and reports to students, parents and guardians through thesedigital tools. The analysis showed that recent participation in training on the use of technologies and the Internet contributed to a higher average of the use of electronic data, applications and social networks in the management and communication of schools.
  • Fecha: 27-jul-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This research seeks to analyze the possible influences and their consequences in the metamorphoses of the methodological application of the Participatory Budget, more specifically those carried out in the city of João Pessoa - PB, between the years 2013 to 2020. To this end, we analyze two possible aspects for these influences: the changes in the political conjuncture resulting from the various party affiliations of the city manager in the period, because during the time frame, the then Mayor Luciano Cartaxo was affiliated to three different parties (PT, PSD and PV), or if such methodological changes are just adjustments structures in order to increase the efficiency of the participatory instrument for the execution of public works and policies in the municipality. The work is supported by concepts of political project, the understanding of the governing coalition and the understanding of methodologies and methodological aspects of the various metamorphoses of the OP execution models. Still, the relationships formed from the Institutional Design that we call here “rainbow of relationships”. To analyze these influences and their consequences, we analyzed aspects of social participation and the execution of demands in the period. The research is based on an exploratory case study (empirical and documentary), using a qualitative approach as a way to seek as many instruments and elements as possible for the development of the project. Still, it was conceived from the perspective of a militant researcher who empirically experienced the PB in the city of João Pessoa, since, during the 2014 and 2015 cycles, I was the municipal secretary of the instrument in the city. Thus, it was found that the stability of public policy programs such as the PB is directly linked to the good execution and efficiency of these instruments. In the case of João Pessoa, political conjunctures were incapable of producing substantial changes in PB methodologies and practices in the city. The main result found is that such methodological changes are structural adjustments in order to increase the efficiency of the participatory instrument for the execution of public works and policies in the specific case of the experience in the capital of Paraíba.
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Social security has gained attention nationwide, following the recent reforms implemented via Constitutional Amendment (CE) nº 103/2019. This legal modification in itself has fostered debates not only over the frequent deficits in the system, but also regarding its implications for other public policies. This scenario highlights the importance of policies of control in social welfare, particularly with regard to the Regime of Social Security of Public Servants (RSSPS). Hence, this study sought to understand the performance of Paraíba’s Court of Audit (TCE-PB) in relation to welfare councils part of RSSPS present in each of the state’s municipalities, by more specifically: a) looking at welfare councils as spaces for social control and governance of RSSPS, b) analyzing their organizational structure in the municipalities part of the state of Paraíba, and c) investigating TCE-PB’s performance in relation to these councils. Methodologically, the study was conducted under the lens of bibliographic and documentary analyses, covering TCE-PB’s audit reports in RSSPS income statements, between 2009 and 2020. As main results, the study’s findings pointed to the predominance of councils that accumulate deliberative and supervisory attributions across Paraíba, with members elected among their peers or appointed by unions, and with presidents who were chosen from their members, who, in turn, hold monthly meetings. Regarding TCE-PB’s performance, we concluded that the state’s court of audit focused its analysis on the formal aspects of these councils, such as their composition, meetings being held in accordance with local legislation, as well as other aspects that could equally be included in the scope of its performance. Examples of these aspects include parity checking, the presence of representatives of civil society in the composition of these bodies, and the existence of effective debate within their scope.
  • Fecha: 13-jul-2022
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • The debate about sustainability has gained space in contemporary society, being totally linked to the idea of development and responsible future for the next generations. It is noticeable that policies, programs, actions, and projects are being developed by public and private entities in order to promote sustainable development in its various dimensions, education being one of the main facilitators in these processes. Education for Sustainability is a pedagogical effort engaged by different actors. In this way, the central objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between sustainable management practices and Education for Sustainability in Integral Citizen Schools in João Pessoa - PB. The methodological path to reach the general objective is based on a qualitative and interpretativist approach, in which the method to be employed is the thematic oral history with the application of interviews with school managers of citizen schools in the city of João Pessoa - PB. Among the main discussions raised, we highlight the presentation of the managers' trajectories and their relationship with Education for Sustainability; the exposure of the main practices identified in Citizens Comprehensive Schools; and the relationship between sustainable thinking and the reality of citizens comprehensive schools. In conclusion, we present the main contributions of the work, the limiting factors, and possible gaps to be filled in future works. Moreover, it reinforced the role of school managers of integral citizen schools in the construction of an Education for Sustainability, so that their trajectories were understood, their practices and experiences were made explicit, besides, we presented how these managers think and develop Sustainable Development in their schools.
  • Fecha: 13-jul-2022
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • This thesis seeks to explore the ways in which Significant Learning (SL) manifests itself in the use of active methodologies and Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), in the undergraduate program in tourism offered by the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil. Following a qualitative methodology of exploratory nature, the theoretical framework of this case study is anchored in the postulates formulated by American psychologist David Ausubel (1918-2008). At the same time, we conducted online, semistructured interviews with faculty, and one focus group with students from the program in question. The information gathered was then analyzed, via content analysis, and it revealed that the principles of SL were not applied by professors exhaustively, neither were them identified in students’ perceptions of the learning processes of which they are part. Regarding the use of these active methodologies being facilitated by VLE, it was noticed that professors were more inclined toward developing interactionist teaching approaches, that is, in considering organic and environmental influencers in individuals’ formation. Finally, the data suggest that difficulties in teaching through VLE could be minimized if institutional training policies were more strongly applied.
  • Fecha: 07-jul-2022
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Debates on sustainable development and sustainability occasional, over time, diverse in environmental values ​​and environmental issues of society as the approach of sustainability to space in the educational context. In an attempt to demonstrate the agenda of the role of education in building a sustainable society, education for sustainability (ODS) is included in one of the goals of the sustainable development objectives (ODS), which are listed by 2030. EpS transcends the discourse of sustainable development, proposing converting its concepts into social practices, with a view to promoting a change in behavior. This study has as its locus the Mata da Pimenteira State Park (hereinafter referred to as PEMP), located in the municipality of Serra Talhada-PE, having been recognized as a State Conservation Unit in 2012. Since this unit has its purposes to promote education and the incentive to scientific research has as its general objective: the study as a study of EpS studied for the PEMP and its reflection with the 4 - Quality education for all. a, are identified as education actions for sustainability by the PEMP Management; b) Understand the applicability of SDG 4 in Conservation Units; Narrative data analysis for analysis of methods of action procedure analysis 4. through park owners and two residents in their surroundings. Among the lasting results, the change in behavior was considered as educational practices promoted in the PEMP promoted, over the years, to be the behavior of the residents, which can be like EpS. Thus, it is clear how accessible SDG educational actions are and potential 4th Education for all, however, there are still some qualities.
  • The NDB AS INSTRUMENT FOR STRENGTHENING BRICS FINANCIAL COOPERATION: the institutional and operational analysis
  • Fecha: 17-mar-2022
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • The International Financial System is composed of intergovernmental, regional and multilateral organizations, in addition to private organizations and organized civil society; that is, a complex composition based on the interdependence of countries. Such interdependence is capable of influencing commercial and financial flow, in addition to determining coalitions and deciding on regulation, transparency and compliance of the system as a whole. Understanding about a network of countries that together could agree on financial rules and policies was only effectively organized after the second world war, when the United States and the United Kingdom put in place a series of measures to boost the once devastated economy. A specific agreement signed in 1944, in Bretton Woods, materialized the main international financial institutions, the IMF and IBRD (currently the World Bank Group); for decades, through them, developed countries dictated the main rules of economic-financial relations, submitting and submitting emerging countries to rules and limits for participation in the political-financial scenario. It can be seen that the classic institutions of the Bretton Woods Agreement represent the institutionalization and standardization of conditions that reverberate over the world order, thus being understood as mechanisms for maintaining the current system and the countries that lead these institutions. In this sense, the BRICS emerge as a conglomerate that questions the order, without, however, opposing it. To this end, as a result of the sixth BRICS meeting, the New Development Bank was institutionalized, the group's financial representation body on the international scene, and responsible for formalizing the main characteristics once questioned by member countries: celerity, broad opening to poor countries , investment for the development of infrastructure without conditionalities or fiscal bureaucracy. Therefore, this dissertation aims to investigate whether the NDB, through its operations and projects, reflects the group's desire to transform the world financial order: what is the role of the NDB in strengthening financial cooperation between BRICS countries? In order to answer this question, the work will detail international financial governance, focusing on classical institutions and the political representation of these entities; mainly through the existing literature, but also through documents, reports and publications; Once the classic scenario is elaborated, another chapter will be reserved for the bureaucratic-operational details of the NDB, how the projects are developed and how much has already been invested, in a comparison between what is desired by the BRICS and what has effectively materialized as an institutional project. Finally, an analysis of the opinion of specialists in the field that details the political aspects and the future of the BRICS in the international order.
  • The efficacy of international environmental regimes: the case of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CAMLR) in the XXI century
  • Fecha: 21-feb-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The advent of the Antarctic Treaty (TA) in 1959 marked a new era in policy development for this region. Originally, a group made up of twelve nations pledged to protect it, under a strict ban on military activities. However, the following decades would see frequent threats to this socalled neutrality. Following the technological progress and the consequent increase in exploration possibilities, Antarctica came to be seen as a strategic region by several countries, including Brazil. The Southern Ocean, in this context, has changed its status: from an unknown location, it has become a field of resource exploitation. In this context, are international agreements effective in protecting an ecosystem as singular and located in an international territory as Antarctica? The regime governing this continent was strengthened with the creation of the Convention for the Conservation of Marine Living Resources (CAMLR) in 1980. In this scenario, utilizing the theoretical framework of international regime effectiveness, we sought to investigate whether said convention was effective in achieving its goals, from its establishment to 2020. In order to do so, the case study of CAMLR considered its place in a universe of several international environmental agreements, investigating, while focusing on the history of its branches, their organizational structure and operation through committees. The analysis was conducted under a qualitative methodology, using different strategies and techniques: manual content analysis of the annals of meetings of the commission and its committees, counterfactuals, to simulate the role of the committees that operationalize the guidelines for protection of marine resources and, lastly, semi-structured interviews with leaders of the commission’s three committees. As a result, we concluded that the convention possesses a high degree of effectiveness in the activities it was created to perform.
  • State capacities and the Food and Nutrition Security policy: an analysis of the actions of state governments in the Northeast region in the pandemic scenario
  • Fecha: 18-ene-2022
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The Covid-19 pandemic has established itself as one of the greatest global health challenges of this century. The fight against the pandemic was marked in Brazil by the mismatch between the strategies of the federal government and state and municipal governments. In addition to the emergency nature of health, the pandemic also affected several other areas, especially the supply and demand for food. As a result, it ended up reducing purchasing power and the capacity to produce and distribute food, affecting people in conditions of social vulnerability more strongly. From this, this research aims to analyze the main SAN actions adopted by state governments in the Northeast region during the pandemic period and to verify the degree of state capacities necessary to implement the measures. Therefore, an exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach was carried out, through the analysis of bibliographic and documentary sources to assess the food and nutrition security actions carried out by state governments in the Northeast region during the period from March 2020 to October 2021. Thus, we sought to observe whether the fundamental principles of a food and nutrition security policy were present in the actions analyzed and, based on that, to verify the degree of state capacities present in the actions, in addition to understanding whether the measures adopted had a specific character. emergency or structuring from the point of view of a food and nutrition security policy. After the analysis, the results obtained showed that just over 90% of the actions taken by the state governments in the Northeast were classified as emergency, focusing mostly on the distribution of food to people in a socially vulnerable situation, on aid for the purchase of foodstuffs and measures relating to the distribution of school meals, either directly or through financial means. Furthermore, it was observed that, among the basic principles of a food and nutrition security policy, the principle of intersectoriality, characterized as the main one, was not observed in almost 60% of the actions, which reflected in the observation of the degree of analyzed capacities, where it was possible to notice that in just over half of the actions analyzed, the degree of political-relational capacity was considered low. On the other hand, the analysis showed a high degree of administrative-bureaucratic capacity required by the actions, which can be reflected in the principles of equity and articulation between budget and management present in the analyzed actions.
  • REFORMING THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM? A look through the operations of the New Development Bank (2015-2021) as a vector of change in the world scenario.
  • Fecha: 16-dic-2021
  • Hora: 10:15
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  • The International Financial System is composed of intergovernmental, regional, multilateral organizations, in addition to private organizations and organized civil society. Such interdependence is capable of influencing the commercial and financial flow, in addition to determining coalitions and deciding on regulation, transparency and compliance of the system as a whole. This systemic composition was organized after the Second World War, when the United States and the United Kingdom agreed on a series of measures to boost the once-devastated economy. A specific agreement signed in 1944, in Bretton Woods, made the main international financial institutions the IMF and IBRD (currently the World Bank Group); through them, developed countries dictate the main rules of economic-financial relations and subject emerging countries to conditions for participation in the political-financial scenario. This research follows the theoretical framework on Global Governance to explain the emergence of the conglomerate formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) that in 2015 institutionalized the Novo Banco do Desenvolvimento, the financial body responsible for complementing the system with investments in infrastructure for sustainable development in countries of the global South. Was it the beginning of a reformist dismantling? Or just another alternative without major impacts on the global financial scenario? Through this case study it is intended to understand whether the reformist discourse mentioned at the group's summits is effective in the operations signed by the NDB.
  • Performance Guarantee Insurance as a mechanism for controlling contractual risks: the case of the Caminhos da Paraíba Program
  • Fecha: 15-dic-2021
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The study aims to analyze the characteristics of the performance bond, a securitization mechanism that allows guaranteeing the quality, price and term of public works contracts. The study reviews the forms of surety for public works, highlighting the importance of these instruments as a contractual risk management tool. To illustrate the relevance of this control mechanism for public procurement, 111 public works contracts, executed between the years 2012 and 2015, were analyzed under the “Caminhos da Paraíba” Program, implemented by the State Department of Highways – DER, of the Paraíba State. The results show that all contracts had term amendments, delaying, on average, the public works by 7.39 months. Moreover, 34% of the contracts had value amendments, raising the cost by R$100,519,857.97 - 16,2% of the initial cost of public works. The study concludes that the current securitization structure adopted by the “Caminhos da Paraíba” Program is ineffective, and that performance bond could be a more adequate control mechanism to manage the identified risks, if there was an adequate contractual governance structure in place in the Paraíba state.
  • Performance Guarantee Insurance as a mechanism for controlling contractual risks: the case of the Caminhos da Paraíba Program
  • Fecha: 15-dic-2021
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The study aims to analyze the characteristics of the performance bond, a securitization mechanism that allows guaranteeing the quality, price and term of public works contracts. The study reviews the forms of surety for public works, highlighting the importance of these instruments as a contractual risk management tool. To illustrate the relevance of this control mechanism for public procurement, 111 public works contracts, executed between the years 2012 and 2015, were analyzed under the “Caminhos da Paraíba” Program, implemented by the State Department of Highways – DER, of the Paraíba State. The results show that all contracts had term amendments, delaying, on average, the public works by 7.39 months. Moreover, 34% of the contracts had value amendments, raising the cost by R$100,519,857.97 - 16,2% of the initial cost of public works. The study concludes that the current securitization structure adopted by the “Caminhos da Paraíba” Program is ineffective, and that performance bond could be a more adequate control mechanism to manage the identified risks, if there was an adequate contractual governance structure in place in the Paraíba state.
  • Challenges to monitoring brazilian climate policy: obstacles to the creation of a monitoring, report and verification system in Brazil
  • Fecha: 15-dic-2021
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • The logic of international pledges in global climate governance has shifted from pre-determined quantitative promises to economy-wide goals, adapted to their implementation context. This change was motivated by the perception of the necessity of aligning socioeconomic goals and incentives on many levels to ensure climate action. Climate policy transparency became more relevant as a coordination and evaluation of heterogeneous policies mechanism. Therefore, the transparency framework based on collection of aggregated statistic data in the form of GHG inventories was transformed to include socioeconomic and environmental factors. The elements of this transparency policy are expressed in UNFCCC by the concept of MRV (Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification). Since this is a highly technical subject, domestic implementation of this system is often partially delegated to non-state actors who supply technical assistance to developing countries, thus supporting UNFCCC implementation. At the domestic level, performing these activities requires the existence of an integrated system for collecting, processing, and disseminating data on emissions, mitigation policies, and their impacts on polluting activities and socioeconomic activity. The construction of this system requires the mobilization of technical resources and the distribution of responsibilities among different political entities, including the states of the federation, due to their competence in environmental matters and importance for the implementation of sectorial mitigation policies. Although this theme was discussed by actors from the federal government, the states, and non-state entities in a Nucleus of Federal Action for Climate created within the federal government's climate governance structures, these discussions were not taken forward and this system was not implemented. Considering the MRV system as a public policy instrument, that is, as the materialization of socio-technical consensus among political actors, this paper analyzes the discussions about its implementation from the elements of public action - actors, representations, institutions, processes, and outcomes - to understand why MRV was never adopted. Within these elements, the hypothesis is that non-state actors, who are part of knowledge-based and legitimized public policy implementation networks, help to build consensus by acting as boundary agents, translating technical knowledge into concrete options for policy arrangements. The results obtained point to the relevance of these actors in providing technical resources and conferring legitimacy to policy processes such as the NAFC. This influence, however, is mediated by the performance and representations of relevant actors in the area of climate policy.
  • EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY: proposal of scale multidimensional conception of sustainability
  • Fecha: 07-dic-2021
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The sustainability discourse has been a recurring issue in recent decades in the debate on the challenges faced by humanity in meeting the agenda of social problems and avoiding environmental degradation. In order to translate the discourse into practice, education for sustainability (EfS) is pointed out as fundamental in this process of training citizens in order to build a sustainable society. This research developed a scale of the multidimensional conception of sustainability of individuals throughout their academic formation in the context of higher education, conducted by the following question: How to measure the multidimensional conception of the sustainability of individuals throughout their education? The possibility of monitoring the conception of sustainability of each individual during their training, obtaining indicators that provide teachers and managers (public and / or private at different educational levels) with subsidies on progress towards the desired result, and that boost management of actions to be increased or implemented to reinforce the individual conception, addresses the need for an instrument. For this, in the literature review presents the multidimensional concept of sustainability, with EfS being the way that articulates and enhances the dimensions for the effectiveness of sustainability. The construction and validation of the scale were realized from the proposed theoretical model and other identified instruments, allowing the assessment of the multidimensional concept of sustainability of individuals in higher education (Administration, Accounting and Public Management) of a federal public institution, composed of 40 items distributed in the following dimensions: Social, Environmental, Material, Economic, Territorial, Cultural, Political-institutional, Ethics and Spiritual in relation to the concept of sustainability. Data considered valid obtained from 233 respondents, allowed to identify high rates of conception among the nine dimensions, but when asked about familiarity with specific terminologies related to sustainability, lower rates were found, demonstrating that educational actions need to be articulated in formation of individuals. Among the satisfactory results verified in the dimensions of sustainability, there was a higher level for Material and a lower level for Territorial, Spiritual and Cultural of respondents in relation to the multidimensional concept of sustainability.
  • Fecha: 30-sep-2021
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • The unprecedented escalation of deaths in the context of the SarS-CoV-2 Pandemic in Brazil has drawn the attention of many involved and aroused practices throughout the population, with the aim of protecting or curing, even if unfounded, such as self-medication. The practice of self-medication is often part of the population's day, but in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic these numbers have grown even more and are alarming, culminating in surprising adverse reactions and thus showing the effects of using medication without an adequate medical prescription. In this context, Social Marketing analyzes these practices and can positively contribute to changing this behavior, acting directly in communities using its tools. The objective of this work is to analyze, through the Health Belief Model, how self-medication practices take place between health professionals and lay people. HBM analyzes health-related habits that can cause the criteria to adopt or abandon healthy behaviors. This research, from an exploratory and qualitative approach, addressed through the factors that are related to the perception of severity, susceptibility, benefits and barriers to the practice of self-medication, linking to cue for action in habits and capacity of requirements to perform. The results indicated the trust in health professionals and the level of information of those involved in the medication for decision-making as the key to maintaining or changing behavior.
  • Fecha: 22-sep-2021
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The participation of subnational governments on global agendas is a recurrent debate, including when it comes to coping with climate change. The localization of this agenda, based on the singularities of local and regional realities, makes it necessary to think about alternatives to minimize the limitations of individual action. The union of local governments has been an alternative used to coordinate actions and seek common interests, an artifice used by several U.S. state governments in response to the 2017 withdrawal of the United States of America from the Paris Agreement on climate change. The bipartisan organization United States Climate Alliance, committed to continuing on the path to reach the Paris Agreement goals, appears as a way to align the local interests of the members with the global aspirations for climate action, promising to lead the internalization of the agenda due to the lack of action left by the federal level. Considering the divergence of agendas between the two actors listed in the investigation, this research was based on the following question: how is the relationship between the coalition and the federal level? Starting from the local level to act on a global agenda, a scenario that is still considered to be the predominant participation of States, this study considered the importance of understanding elements related to multilevel governance and horizontal and vertical collaboration in the performance of this alliance of subnational entities. Thus through analytical-descriptive research, based on the case study method, investigates how the multilevel performance of the US Climate Alliance takes place, with an emphasis on the analysis of the existing collaboration between climate policies at the level of the US Climate Alliance and the US federal level during the term of President Donald Trump (2017-2021). As a result, it was found a low participation of the federal level in the actions of the alliance, concluding that there is no vertical collaboration, although there is considerable collaboration at the horizontal level. Furthermore,the actions of the coalition occurred predominantly within the US domestic scenario.
  • Fecha: 30-jul-2021
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • This paper analyzes Russia's position in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) during the Syrian Civil War and the possible motivations that led to the lack of consensus and cooperation in that body in relation to the Syrian conflict. The Syrian Civil War began after popular demonstrations in 2011 and continues to this day. As the armed conflict unfolded, several groups emerged seeking to seize power and remove Bashar al-Assad from the presidency. However, opposition to the regime is diverse and consists of armed non-state actors and regional and global powers involved. President Assad also received external support, mainly from Russia, in order to keep himself in power and regain territories dominated by the opposition. Because of these involvements and clashes between these groups, the war became more complex and the main consequences reached civilians, as they had to move or seek refuge in other countries. In addition, years of armed conflict have resulted in numerous deaths and an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, which is why action is expected to resolve the problem. In this scenario, the UNSC would be important for being an agency responsible for maintaining peace and security and for approving intervention in extreme cases, but in the case of Syria there was a lack of consensus and cooperation for the resolution of the conflict did not happen. This lack of consensus had as a central factor the veto of Russia, along with the vetoes of another permanent member of the UNSC, China. Here we explore the possible motivations for the Russian position, in which its foreign policy can play a decisive role in its conduct on the international stage. Among the main Russian motivations for the veto are economic issues, as there is a partnership with Syria; strategic and security issues, because its presence in Syria keeps it in the Middle East as well; and its aim to remain a central actor internationally.
  • Information Management as a Well-Being Tool in the Treatment of Oncology Patients in the SUS in João Pessoa from the perspective of the Service's Transformative Research.
  • Fecha: 30-jul-2021
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • In recent decades, health care has evolved, making treatments even more complex, and requiring even greater effort to achieve standards such as efficiency and quality. Health systems generate a large number of information at all times, which makes Information Management (IM) an indispensable tool in communication between professionals, patients and family members. In this context, cancer treatments require even greater information control, when we consider the complexity, high mortality rates and longevity of treatments. The National Cancer Institute's estimate for 2020 was 626,030 new cases of malignant neoplasia in Brazil, specifically in João Pessoa, the number is 3,090 new cases. The need for information management for success and well-being in the treatment of cancer patients demonstrates the relevance of the study, especially when we consider that these treatments are continuous and presuppose the specific care of each particular cancer case. The study is based on the perspective of the Transformative Service Research (TSR), which presents itself as an alternative for understanding the promotion of the well-being of people who consume the public health service. This work aims to analyze the perception of users and public health professionals about information management in the treatment of cancer patients in public hospitals in João Pessoa, understanding their role for the well-being of these patients. Therefore, the research is classified as descriptive and exploratory, with a qualitative approach. In the data collection procedure, interviews will be conducted based on a semi-structured script with health professionals who work in the oncology care of SUS hospitals; in a complementary way, a field diary will be recorded and informal conversations will be held with patients undergoing hospital treatment (chemotherapy or radiotherapy) to provide a better understanding of information management and its consequences for patients' well-being. Data analysis will be based on content analysis, which we hope will support, in addition to the analysis of information management in oncological treatments in public hospitals in Paraná, possible perceptions about improvements that can be applied to increase patients' well-being.
  • Fecha: 27-jul-2021
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • This study aims to analyze the Third Sector performance in the Amazon Fund’s projects that included indigenous peoples among its beneficiaries. There is still a paucity of literature on indigenous participation as well as on indigenous and indigenists associations. Considering that between 2008 and 2021 29 projects were or are being implemented to the benefit of indigenous peoples, the relevance of this REDD+ mechanism to indigenous peoples as well as to development, and to indigenous participation, justify the current analysis. For the purposes of the research approach, a qualitative approach is adopted. As a method for procedure, documents and also the specialized literature are scrutinized, especially meeting minutes and the Amazon Fund’s legislation; public consultations through the Fala.BR online platform (Integrated Ombudsman Platform and Access to Information); as a data collection technique, semistructured interviews are conducted with Third Sector’s project coordinators. As an aid to interpret the data, the content analysis method is used. The analysis on the indigenous participation is focused on the meetings held by the Guidance Committee for the Amazon Fund (COFA); on the role played by the indigenous, indigenist and environmental NGOs; on the implementation of projects with indigenous peoples beneficiaries; and on how the participation has worked taking into account, among others, the Brazilian Policy for Territorial and Environmental Management of Indigenous Lands (PNGATI). The general objective of this master’s thesis is to analyze how the indigenous participation has influenced the functioning of the Amazon Fund regarding to the governance and to the establishment of mechanisms for sustainable development. The specific objectives include a literature review of the International Cooperation for Development (ICD) carried out between developed and developing countries in the environmental field, including the indigenous people’s performance; the analysis of the construction and the operation of the Amazon Fund; understanding the barriers in the Amazon Fund’s governance as regards to indigenous peoples, and identifying the contributions made by indigenous peoples on the projects implemented by the Amazon Fund; characterizing the Amazon Fund’s alternatives to the current development’s model highlighted by the projects implemented by the Third Sector to the benefit of indigenous peoples, both in the elaboration as well as in the implementation of those projects. It can be concluded from the information reviewed that the indigenous participation has influenced the governance of the Amazon Fund in different ways, both as regards to the functioning of the Amazon Fund as well as in respect of the substance of the projects analyzed.
  • GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT, POLITICAL DISPUTE AND PUBLIC OPINION: Analysis of the production of pandemic content by Covid-19 in news portals
  • Fecha: 31-mar-2021
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • In the scope of Governmental Management, the various affects experienced by the occurrence of the state of public calamity by SARS-CoV-2, the theme of this study refers to the relationship between Public Management, political dispute, formation of public opinion and production of media content in the portals of news about the Covid-19 pandemic. The research in relation to the influence of the production of media content in the formation of public opinion puts Government Management in focus to face the crisis generated by the pandemic, whose object of this study concerns the media contents of Covid-19 made available in the news portals more accessed in Brazil (, Notí and and to public opinion polls conducted by Datafolha. The main objective of the research is the analysis of the power of influence of public opinion, through the mapping of the content production of the news portals about the pandemic by Covid-19 and the public opinion polls from March to December 2020. As for the methodology, it is a case study, whose method is of the type documentary research, of a descriptive, qualitative and exploratory nature. From a universe of 2,859 articles published on the three websites, of which 1,213 are content productions about the pandemic, whose sample is made up of 33 news items and, to opinion polls, the search on the Datafolha website resulted in 75 public opinion polls conducted by institute around the pandemic. The results obtained point to the reflection of the media discourse in the formation of public opinion, evidencing the influential power of the content production of the mass communication vehicles in public opinion polls, acting as agents transformer the published opinion, directly influencing in building society's point of view on the topic at hand. It may require that, on news portals, the production of news content illustrates Covid-19's media exposure, whose spectacularization goes far beyond the act of informing, related to the process of forming public opinion.
  • Fecha: 19-mar-2021
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This dissertation proposes to analyze the early deindustrialization of Brazil within the scope of the Sino-Brazilian relationship, which has the South-South Cooperation (CSS) as its driving scenario. This research presents three distinct scenarios, which complement each other, in order to understand whether China acts as a catalyst in the Brazilian early deindustrialization process. To this end, the first scenario presents the conjuncture of South-South Cooperation, from its delimitation by international organizations, going through historical events, ranging from Bandung (1955), passing through BAPA (1978) until the moment of momentum in the South scenario Global (2000-2015), to understand how China uses the speech present in CSS, of equal gains, mutual development and symmetrical partnerships, to foster its alliances with countries in the Global South, on the support of the New Structural Economics (New Structural Economics ), which aims to drive Chinese development based on its international insertion. The second scenario presented is the Brazilian endogenous structure, since it recognizes the existence of structural problems of an economic, political and social basis, which in themselves drive the process of early deindustrialization. For such an understanding of the Brazilian internal structure, the analysis of this second context was guided by classical CEPAL structuralist assumptions, which comprise the position of Brazil as the periphery of the capitalist system, as well as issues ranging from the absence of capital to sustain the national productive transformation, the predominance of inequality, the strong presence of large estates, the maintenance of structural heterogeneity, structural inflation, weak institutions, the absence of a Schumpeterian elite, among other issues. Regarding this second context, it is pointed out that the endogenous structure plays a role and relevance regarding the results presented by the Brazilian economy. The third and last scenario conducts an investigation regarding the deindustrialization process within the framework of the Sino-Brazilian bilateral relationship, where at first the main concepts about early deindustrialization are delimited, understanding that there is a divergence in relation to its delimitation. Consequently, a thorough examination of economic complexity is carried out to complement the structuralist discussion on the central role of the productive structure for a country. Finally, data from the Atlas of Economic Complexity, Chinese investments and loans in Brazil were used to infer the premature change in the Brazilian productive structure within the relationship with China.
  • The “Random Stork” in Action? An analysis of the determinants of teenage pregnancy in the early years of the 21st century in Northeastern Brazil
  • Fecha: 26-feb-2021
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • The present work intends to analyze variables that may be related to teenage pregnancy. The 1803 municipalities of the 9 states in the Northeast of Brazil were analyzed for the years 2000 and 2010, based on the collection of indirect data from official databases. The five variables analyzed were 1- Number of pregnant adolescents / total population of the municipality; 2 - Percentages of mothers who are heads of household; 3 - Illiteracy rate between 15 and 17 years; 4 - Health expenditure per capita; 5 - Percentage of the municipality's population living in extreme poverty; 6 - Resident population. The data were treated in a data analysis software, and their data were distributed and analyzed statistically from a Beta Regression. It can be assessed that the illiteracy rate between 15 and 17 years brings greater influence in the lives of these adolescents, since, since they are illiterate, they do not receive information because they are out of schools and on the margins of society.
  • Fecha: 29-ene-2021
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This study aimed to understand the learning process in the context of the professional practice of air traffic controllers, in the light of experiential learning. The demanding regulation of the sector stems from related responsibilities, given that the air traffic controller professional performance is directly related to the safety and efficiency of air transport. In this context, it is considered relevant to analyze how air traffic controllers learn in the context of their professional practice, in view of contributing to the continuing education and training of these professionals. Therefore, this research was guided by the perspective of experiential learning, understanding that the learning process is constituted by individual elements (cognition, emotions and behavior), by collective aspects (social, political, cultural and environmental elements) and, still, integrated with reflection, as it is considered a characteristic that facilitates learning at both the individual and collective levels. Thus, the research is characterized by an exploratory-descriptive qualitative approach. To perform the data collection, the thematic oral history method and the narrative interview technique were used, in which the research subjects were ten air traffic controllers from the Telecommunications and Air Traffic Service Provider Station in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. The data were interpreted through comprehensive interpretative analysis. It was found that the trajectory of the controller, since entering the air traffic control area, is full of formal education (training course, operational internship (theory and practice), specific courses, periodic theoretical and practical evaluations, and routine simulated practices) throughout the career. It was also found that the learning gained from the experiences in their daily lives – including unwanted situations (air traffic conflicts and occurrences, system and equipment degradation, emergencies and aviation accidents) – contribute significantly to the learning process of controllers, and also that these professionals recognize the importance of the correlation between learning in practice and the theory learned in formal education processes. Finally, it was confirmed that the controllers usually share experiences with peers and superiors both in the work environment, as well as in the external environment of the company through social interactions with co-workers. In view of the presented scenario, there was a strong influence of professional and social experiences for the learning process of air traffic controllers, mediated by reflection, generating constant reviews of the learned terms.
  • Fecha: 16-dic-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • The phenomenon of land grabbing, or foreign land grabbing, has attracted international attention due to the contradictions and social reactions that involve the progress of this process. The phenomenon generally affects traditional communities in poor or developing countries, however, it has been identified that it is also affecting traditional communities in developed countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia. Thus, this dissertation seeks to analyze the foreignization of land in the USA, that is, the USA as a target for land investments. Starting from the contradictions that involve the acquisition of land by foreigners, the research has the central objective of understanding why social movements cooperate against the foreignization of land based on the actions of the US Food Sovereignty Alliance. In this way, specific objectives were defined to analyze the land foreignization in the USA, to study the literature on the transnational cooperation of global civil society and to analyze the social reactions to the land foreignization in the USA. To achieve the proposed objectives, in the methodological scope, a qualitative research was developed, using the deductive method of analysis. The analysis techniques used were bibliographic review, document analysis, in addition to field research for conducting semi-structured interviews, which also took place in a virtual manner. After constructing the panorama of land alienation in the USA, identifying the scale of the phenomenon, the main actors, areas of investment and socioeconomic consequences, we sought to present the approaches of transnational rural movements, globalization from below and Transnational Advocacy Networks (TAN) as main approaches to understand the relationship between the Independent Variable (VI) and the Dependent Variable (DV). Based on the analysis of the USFSA's performance, we identified that social movements cooperate against the foreignization of land due to the need to respond globally to international private actors who tend to limit access to land by traditional communities. Cooperation, which takes place transnationally, can be considered as the main action strategy of these movements that seek support, solidarity and sharing information and experiences at the international level, without neglecting the valorization of grassroots communities.
  • SAFETY CULTURE: translation and validation of a scale to assess brazilian air traffic control.
  • Fecha: 16-dic-2020
  • Hora: 13:30
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  • This dissertation evaluates air traffic controllers safety culture within Infraero. Safety culture can be understood as the extent to which individuals priorize and value safety within a organization. In the context of Air Traffic Management, enhanced safety culture contributes to prevent aeronautical accidents, as people act according to Safety Management Systems (SMS) requirements. The theoretical framework followed in this work, starts explaining Infraero's role within the Brazilian Airspace Control System (SISCEAB). After that, we analyzed safety culture concepts in different areas, and then we checked the approaches adopted in the interesting context, aiming to outline the theoretical model of this research and the measurement scale used. Methodological procedures for adapting and validating a pre-existing scale were carried out, allowing safety culture assessment within Brazilian context through 22 items scale, distributed in the following dimensions: Flexible Culture, Informed Culture, Learning and Reporting Culture, Just Culture and Attitudes of Managers towards safety. The data obtained from 98 Air Traffic Professionals sample allowed to detect low perception levels for aspects related to Flexible Culture, where we proposed actions for improvement. Satisfactory results were verified along Attitudes of Managers related to safety and Just Culture dimensions.
  • CITIES NETWORK AS PUBLIC POLICY TRANSFER SPACES: A bibliographic analysis of the Mercocidades Network and its Bank of Good Practices
  • Fecha: 11-dic-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • In the current global dynamic, city networks have become important spaces for participation and sharing of policies, successful results of the gains resulting from the evolution and consequent ease of communications between the various actors of the international system. Networks such as the Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Municipal Associations (FLACMA), MERCOCIDADES and many others have emerged in order to serve as a space for bringing together issues common to the aspirations that involve their participants. Within this current framework, city networks therefore present themselves as an advantageous south-south cooperation mechanism, as they offer a capillarized and horizontal structure, where these spaces have the capacity to provide a dialogue between peers, facilitating processes transfers / dissemination of good practices, which enhances management strategies and the application of resources in a more rational and efficient way. In this work, therefore, the intention is to explore the theme about the MERCOCIDADES Network based on a look at the bank's best practices initiative in order to verify if this Network would indeed correspond to the expectations of studies on policy diffusion.
  • Fecha: 11-dic-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The present study has as main objective to analyze the impact of trust and trustworthiness in the intention of adopting and using electronic government services. To meet this objective, it is proposed to answer the following question: what is the influence of trust and trustworthiness in the intention to adopt and use electronic government services? For this, a distinction was made between the concepts of trust and trustworthiness in the electronic government literature, in addition was made a review of the models of adoption and use of services in general and of electronic government in particular. The study proposed an e-government adoption model applied to the Brazilian context and which considered the concepts of trust and trustworthiness. The equation modeling technique was used and applied through partial least square with the application of a questionnaire composed of 36 items with 11-point Likert scales that were arranged in 10 constructs adapted from the specialized literature on the topic. The questionnaire was applied entirely online. The study confirmed 9 of the 12 hypotheses that were suggested. Among the hypotheses that have been confirmed are 2 hypotheses that address that trust in government and trust in the internet are necessary factors for the creation of trust in electronic government. Hypotheses that stated that ability, integrity and experience are important factors in building trust in government were confirmed by the study, while hypotheses that addressed benevolence and disposition to trust as important factors for trust in government have not been confirmed. This result demonstrates the importance of addressing trust in the process of formulating and implementing public policies. In addition, the study also confirmed the hypothesis that states that trust in e-government mitigates the risk perceived by citizens in relation to e-government services. In addition, the hypotheses also confirmed that e-government and the perceived risk are important for citizens' intention to use in relation to e-government services. Finally, these results demonstrate the necessary factors for the creation of trust and that it, according to the literature consulted at study, is essential for citizens to choose to use these types of government services.
  • Social learning of Judicial Analysts in the notary management of the paraíba Court of Justice (TJ-PB)
  • Fecha: 11-dic-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • This study aimed to analyze the context and the social learning process of judicial analysts in the notary management of the Paraíba Court of Justice (TJ-PB). The crisis of inefficiency in the Judiciary requires results-oriented action, especially in terms of administrative management and prioritization of the First Degree of Jurisdiction (Resolution CNJ n. 194/2014). Based on understanding the relevance of judicial registries as key pieces in the search for a faster and more effective Justice system, to understand the social learning process of notary administrators appears as a relevant contribution to training and development of managerial skills in the TJ- PB, in line with the National People Management Policy within the Judiciary Branch (Resolution CNJ n. 240/2016). The theoretical framework addressed the Social Theory of Learning, the social context of managerial learning and the Administration of Justice. The research was guided by a qualitative and exploratory approach, in an interpretive perspective, and used the Thematic Oral History method with the application of semi-structured interviews. Eight analysts working in different notary offices across the state participated in the survey. The analysis process gave rise to three themes, and each revealed categories of meanings, analyzed in a comprehensive and interpretive way. The results made it possible to characterize the context with several unfavorable factors to a qualified and efficient performance of notary administrators, noting, above all, a gap in technical and professional training and the development of managerial skills related to notary management. However, in view of this conjuncture that a tendency to help each other was revealed, so that the interviewees themselves realized that it is within a context of social participation and practice that learning occurs, configuring a social process, and not simply cognitive. The relationships and social interaction pointed to implications on the notary management, so that the engagement and active social participation of the members enables effective learning and ensures a good performance of the judicial unit. From a culture of collaboration, two strategies emerged from the learning process, with social interaction as an essential element: the contact between beginners and veterans within the notary office, as well as networks of information and collective experiences shared with managers from other offices, including the existence of communities of practice. Thus, assimilating the organizational environment as a learning space, the panorama presented allowed us to conclude by the need to encourage actions that assist in the learning processes and development of managerial competencies of the judicial analysts, so that the area of People Management and the Superior School of the Judiciary become fundamental in the conduction of this purpose, including the development and implementation of a Management Learning Program at TJ-PB.
  • It is better to be left than missing: an analysis of the factors that influence household food waste.
  • Fecha: 27-nov-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Issues related to social well-being are gaining more and more notoriety in society and behavior change is configured as a key aspect for improvements to occur in this sense. Food waste is configured as a Wicked Problem, as it presents several damages, environmental, economic and social, its causes are not well structured and its effects are difficult to identify. The present study seeks to analyze the factors that influence food waste at the domestic level from a social marketing perspective. To this end, a theoretical framework was built addressing social marketing and its application in health and food, in addition to a topic dealing with food waste in the supply chain and aspects of food practices. The questionnaire was used as a research instrument composed of six constructs, the application occurred through social networks and 423 responses were obtained. It was observed that the culture of abundant food is present in the lives of the individuals surveyed, but families do not have a strong aversion to reheated food, individuals have an awareness of price from intermediate to high and understand that food waste significantly impacts the family budget . In addition, they consider the time insufficient to carry out their daily activities and eating habits are in agreement with aspects of food planning. Individuals consider wasting little food, despite the culture of abundance and insufficient time, this can be explained mainly by the adoption of food planning habits. In view of this, the results of the research bring relevant contributions for providing information for the elaboration of social marketing campaigns and public policies that aim to reduce domestic food waste.
  • Fecha: 30-oct-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • In order to meet global demands for greater transparency, citizen participation and collaboration, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) was formed in 2011. Following this and other events, governments around the world have, gradually, adopted a new information model generated by the public sector. This new model is known as Open Government Data (OGD) and determines the availability of data without legal or technical restrictions, enabling the information to be reused with the purpose of creating new products and services. With the gradual adoption of the OGD in the national public administrations, the Academy has mobilized to investigate which are the benefits and barriers in the process for opening government data. However, despite considerable contributions in the literature, it’s possible to affirm that there is a lack of analyses that take in consideration the influence of institutional factors on the OGD. Given this scenario, the goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between the institutional dimensions and the levels of government data openness in different countries. To reach that goal, the research follows a quantitative approach, from the standpoint of a cross-sectional study design research. In regards to the operationalization of the variables, we have used secondary data referring to 2016 and made available in sources such as the Web Foundation, the UN statistical division, the OGP and the V-Dem Institute. Furthermore, the analysis took place in two stages, a descriptive analysis and a multivariate analysis, with the application of a multiple linear regression model. The results found that, up to the date of this analysis, most countries were in the initial stages of their OGD initiatives and that institutional dimensions such as the degree of existence of a OGD-specific policy, the development of e- government programs, the participation of the country in the OGP and the administrative quality of government are factors directly related to the level of data openness in each country. With these results, therefore, it’s possible to conclude that institutional dimensions matter when it comes to explaining the performance of governments to opening their data, and that together with the technical and management challenges, the OGD initiatives also imply great institutional challenges for national public organizations.
  • Brazilian-Chinese space technical and scientific cooperation: the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite Program (CBERS) and state planning.
  • Fecha: 29-oct-2020
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • This dissertation analyzes Sino-Brazilian cooperation from a national perspective, as an extension of the Grand Strategy of emerging powers, in the International System. The study considers that this cooperation, in the space sector, appears as an opportunity for both countries to approach and formulate compatible solutions, between their similarities and their challenges; however, it gradually evolves asymmetrically among the actors, based on domestic dynamics. In this context, it is evident the distinction in the performance between Brazil and China, throughout the cooperation, in favor of their objectives, as the asymmetries materialized. This allows the evaluation of cooperation, as an act of interest to the res publica, pointing out its errors and successes and possible improvements, in the Brazilian performance. Since, CBERS was the first technically successful international cooperation program, in the space area, between emerging countries. To this end, this dissertation interacts with the perspectives of the primary agents of Public Policy, the executing institutions and the State, as the coordinator of the actions of domestic actors. Which allows to underline, in Brazil, strictly personal performances, domestic institutional disputes and economic contingencies, as important extrinsic factors, in this cooperation. Thus, it is possible to verify the intricacies of this cooperation and the performance of the actors involved. Therefore, the case of the China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite Program is analyzed, in the context of the war-peace continuum, from the perspective of medium and long-term state planning.
  • Fecha: 27-oct-2020
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • Studies on human milk donation associated with the knowledge of social marketing theory and action enrich the field of study, making it possible for the institutions involved to progress through the information obtained. Thus, the general objective of this work is to analyze how the Human Milk Banks act in favor of the donation of human milk from the perspective of the agents involved. For this, the research had a qualitative and exploratory approach, being divided into field research and documentary research. The interviewed subjects were human milk donors, those responsible for recipients, non-donor mothers and professionals from the HMB, totaling 22 interviews. In general, it was identified that the main actions taken by the professionals of the HMB suffer structural difficulties, such as partnerships with primary care and financial and material resources, interfering in the dissemination of information about the donation. This all causes disparities between the numbers of donors and recipients, guided by the lack of knowledge about the milk donation process. These circumstances indicate that it is essential to reformulate the information system on human milk donation, starting with the implementation of the topic on the women's health and family health agenda, considering that the results point to the need to disseminate information even in the pre -natural, so that women can absorb information properly, generating awareness and facilitating adherence.
  • Fecha: 26-oct-2020
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • This research sought to analyze the projects financed by the World Bank in the state of Paraíba from the concept of Institutional Capacity. Its objective is to investigate how this concept is approached in the current project, the Sustainable Rural PB, in what way it is perceived by the project's implementers and how it comes to alter the bureaucratic apparatus of the organs of the State of Paraíba. For this reason, we base ourselves on the hypothesis that the introjection of this concept is capable of altering the bureaucratic structure and the organs and institutions of the state. In this sense, through qualitative research, an exploratory type study was carried out through documentary research and interviews. The method used made it possible to analyze through the perceptions of the project implementers from the conceptual dimensions, implementation and institutional arrangements, measurement and challenges of Institutional Capacity. This study sought to broaden the agenda of capacity research in institutions and focused on the analysis of implementing bureaucracies, especially to understand how concepts are absorbed, incorporated and practiced within these institutions. The results found can be highlighted the recognition by the actors of the importance of strengthening Institutional Capacity in projects. Another aspect that deserves to be highlighted are the institutional arrangements and partnerships created to execute and implement the project, as a determining factor to achieve the objectives. As a result, the challenge to achieve Institutional Capacity is the institutional awareness that would become the shared and incorporated responsibility of the actors involved. The study revealed and confirmed the hypothesis that for the attainment of Institutional Capacity the bureaucratic apparatus of the state will not only have to be modified to meet the bank's requirements, but it will also be necessary to create new structures, new arrangements and appropriation of the bank's methodology as a routine work methodology of the institutions and agencies of the State of Paraíba.
  • Fecha: 06-oct-2020
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • This dissertation aimed to map the allocation of resources and the degree of efficiency of their use to public expenditure, in the period from 2015 to 2018, occurred in the management of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), comparing the expenditure with active personnel (teachers and administrative technicians) in the sixteen Teaching Centers, to measure allocation and evaluate the efficiency of spending. The research carried out was quantitative and classified as a case study, having as subjects of the research the data collected in the organ's Rectory, in the Accounting System of the Union (SIAFI) and in the Teaching Centers themselves. The data were analyzed and interpreted by means of data envelopment analysis (DEA), which aimed to evaluate the efficiency related to the remuneration of civil servants and the performance coefficient of graduate students in graduation, in the face-to-face modality. At the institutional level, our analysis resulted in the possibility of a broad understanding of how to invest the resource in personnel and what would be the return for the entity. However, through the results achieved, it was possible to determine trends and indicators that could be used as aid tools for decision making. Finally, we conclude that there was a decrease in the capital resources available in most of the Centers, with an asymmetric distribution of resources among the Centers, without taking into account individual efficiency (final product - graduate student), since the transfer of resources it is due more to the specifics of the courses than to the planning factors. Furthermore, we also concluded that: although the scenario was an economic crisis, UFPB managed, as far as possible, to successfully execute capital expenditures, continuing the equipment (constant and necessary) that public assets need to offer decent, free and quality education.
  • The Solidary Police Units (SPU) in João Pessoa/PB: an analysis of the community police model in altiplano, bankers and mandacaru neighborhoods, from the views of their residents.
  • Fecha: 30-sep-2020
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • This research had as general goal to make an analysis of the public security policy implemented and based on the community police philosophy, from the residents of the Altiplano, Bancários and Mandacaru neighborhoods, in João Pessoa/PB. The theme is notorious for having turned its philosophy into a strategy adopted by police institutions worldwide; in Brazil it started to be acted on more effectively, since the end of the last century, for contemplating changes in the concept of public security and institutional transformation. Its study is relevant, as it presents the results of the perceptions regarding the philosophy used by the community police in three communities with diverse characteristics in terms of economic and social level, in terms of their demographic locations and their history of crime and violence. Its importance is reinforced in the evidence presented in the literature, which portrays the non-participation of the residents of the neighborhoods served due to different public factors. Relevance and opportunity are characterized by the need to expand the debate in the search for a solution to public security problems and, in particular, the necessary involvement of the scientific community. To understand the residents' perceptions regarding the practice of community policing adopted in the neighborhoods of this exploratory research, a survey was carried out to describe the phenomenon in a sample of 93 residents. The questionnaire structured in 4 parts, composed of 35 questions formatted in frequency scales of fixed response, was applied between March and July 2020. The choice of neighborhoods was made by the researcher's convenience. The tested hypotheses were limited to: i) analyzing the distance between discourse and practice around this public security philosophy; ii) identify the degree of effective participation of residents in community policing; and iii) assess how they perceive integration with the Community Police. The results revealed that there is a relative distance between discourse and practice, being just a continuation of the traditional form of policing; that there is no necessary citizen participation at any stage of the project; and that the respondents do not perceive as positive the interaction between Community Police and citizens of the surveyed neighborhoods. Due to its exploratory essence, this research did not seek to generalize its results because it only reflects the vision of the residents of the surveyed neighborhoods. In addition to the present limitations, beside to the exploratory methodology and instruments limited to the sample size, the non-inclusion of security agents is added as an obstacle to the study, due to institutional restrictions, which would provide a broader discussion on the theme and knowledge of perceptions of these other Community Police participants. It is recommended to expand the study to the other neighborhoods of João Pessoa/PB and to raise awareness of higher security agencies to participate in this effort for knowledge.
  • Fecha: 04-sep-2020
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • REAF was created in 2004 with the aim of raising a dialogue for proposing public policies for family farming in Mercosur countries. It was the result of the articulation of rural movements in South America, represented by the Confederação de Organizações de Produtores Familiares do Mercosul Ampliado (COPROFAM) and also a favorable political moment in the region, from the elections of progressive governments in the early 2000s. The bloc began to attach greater importance to the social, structural and democratic deficit, opening spaces for dialogue with civil society, including REAF, which demonstrated, until 2014, a positive example of social participation for the region. The constitution of the Gender work group (GT) was proposed by the Brazilian government, which demonstrated a major role in developing the agenda for rural South American women. Thus, this dissertation seeks to analyze the scope of the participation of Brazilian social organizations in the production of REAF's gender policy guidelines, between 2004 and 2018. With this objective, we seek to analyze the ways in which these groups have taken their demands to the regional sphere and dialogued with governments and other organizations, to draw attention to gender issues in rural areas, in addition to understanding how conjunctural changes have affected the participation of these groups. The analysis of the Brazilian case is carried out based on the participation of the Movimento Interestadual das Quebradeiras de Coco Babaçu (MIQCB), Movimento da Mulher Trabalhadora Rural do Nordeste (MMTR-NE), Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Agricultores e Agricultoras Familiares (CONTAG) and Conselho Nacional das Populações Extrativistas (CNS), organizations most often over the years in regional meetings. The methodology used is of a qualitative nature. This is a case study of social participation in a regional government organization. We work with the theoretical perspective of Social Participation in Regional Integration, with some contributions from feminist literature on the political subject and rural social movements. Procedural methods were document analysis, especially minutes of meetings and other official publications; semi-structured interviews directed to mixed and rural women's organizations that have a gender agenda and representatives of the Brazilian government under the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) and Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA); and observation, from the fieldwork developed at the national (in Brazil) and regional meetings of the XXX REAF, in May and June 2019, respectively. We used the Content Analysis technique and the textual analysis software IRaMuTeQ, which made it possible to infer that Brazilian organizations played a crucial role in the construction of the agenda, especially between 2004-2014, mainly because they were already presente in spaces of social participation at the national level, and already articulated with other movements in Latin America. The scope of participation is related to the proposition of public policies for rural women and Family Farming as a whole, denouncing acts, discussing and surveying a unified agenda for organizations, articulating networks and obtaining visibility, which have even influenced participants from other countries, both formally and informally. On the other hand, from 2015, regional political crises have negatively influenced the development of actions and social participation, especially with the emergence of conservative governments, which has reduced the incidence of Brazilian movements on the actions of the GT, mainly because the participation was significantly reduced.
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  • Fecha: 24-ago-2020
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • WHAT DOES A FEDERAL LEVEL ADVICE DO? Analysis of decision making by the National Council of Social Assistance (CNAS) - 2003-2018
  • Fecha: 30-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This dissertation aims to analyze the decision-making production of the National Council of Social Assistance (CNAS), exploring the decisions produced over the period of 2003-2018. It was also proposed to discuss the construction of the social assistance sector and how CNAS inserts yourself in this construction, to classify decisions by types of decisions, to identify decision patterns and to draw explanatory hypotheses considering endogenous and exogenous factors to the council. This issue is part of the debate of participatory institutions (PIs) and is part of the study agenda that deals with the effectiveness of PIs. The agenda has advanced to answer questions of co-variations between IPs and outcomes (outcomes) on public policies. In order to contribute to the debate, we opted for a different strategy, to analyze decisions (outputs) as a research limit and as a necessary condition for the occurrence of effects (outcomes). We used the exploratory and descriptive methodology, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, and a case study. For the analysis, we consider the decisions produced by CNAS that are expressed in the form of homologated resolutions, collected through the public and official platform of the council, and classified by the typology based on the public policy cycle model, in the version adapted by Gurza Lavalle, Guicheney, Vello and Rodrigues (2018). We note that in the period 2003-2018, CNAS published 550 normative resolutions. The results revealed that the majority (38.7%) gathers the decisions that self-regulate the board, which deal with management, definition of rules and internal themes to CNAS itself, followed by decisions that affect the moments of planning and definition of general criteria in the social assistance policy, with 36.2%; these two predominant types of decisions make up the board's decision-making pattern. We observed that when acquiring institutional maturity, with more age in its life cycle, CNAS has more active moments focused on the definition of general policy criteria. Throughout the 16 years of analytical analysis, CNAS maintained regularity of decisions and the years 2006 (59 resolutions) and 2007 (48 resolutions) were the moments when the council appears most, with high production of decisions. Almost ten years after the peak of production, there was a marked variation in the number of decisions taken (14 resolutions in 2015), as well as the year 2017, with 22 resolutions. The work inquired about the incidence of CNAS in public social assistance policy and the case highlights that even though the council spends more of its energies on self-regulation and self-management decisions, the proximity in percentage terms to the policy definition decisions shows that this does not it prevented substantive public policy issues from being discussed and decided, which shows that the CNAS played a fundamental role in structuring the social assistance system and public policy.
  • CONSELHO DAS CIDADES: análise da produção decisória de 2004-2017
  • Fecha: 28-jul-2020
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • A presente pesquisa de dissertação tem como objetivo mapear as decisões produzidas pelo Conselho das Cidades, no período de 2004 a 2017, publicadas através de suas resoluções; classificá-las de acordo com a Tipologia de Análise de Padrões Decisórios – desenvolvida por Gurza Lavalle, Voigt e Serafim (2016), atualizada e adaptada por Gurza Lavalle, Guicheney, Vello e Rodrigues (2018); e verificar a existência e variação de padrões decisórios nesta instituição participativa, explorando fatores explicativos (endógenos e exógenos) para a existência e mudança de tais padrões. Na metodologia utilizou-se a modalidade de estudo de caso, de caráter descritivo e exploratório, e as abordagens: qualitativa, com uso de técnicas bibliográficas, documental, e a aplicação da Tipologia de Análise de Padrões Decisórios; e quantitativa, com uso das técnicas estatísticas para auxiliar a análise dos dados. A análise voltou-se a produção decisória do Conselho das Cidades, no período de 2004 a 2017, no sentido de explorar o que de fato os conselhos fazem: tomar decisões (saídas), a partir da análise das resoluções emitidas pelo conselho. Assim, verificou-se no ConCidades por meio do mapeamento realizado a produção de 179 resoluções aprovadas em Plenário e publicadas em Diário Oficial no período analisado. Mediante aplicação da Tipologia de Padrões Decisórios identificou-se que no ConCidades há predominância do tipo de decisões de Definição Geral da Política - DEF (53,63% das decisões produzidas), este considerado o padrão decisório presente em todos os períodos do conselho que há a produção de decisões aprovadas e publicadas. Além disso, pode ser confirmada que há variação na produção decisória do ConCidades em relação à quantidade de decisões produzidas ao longo dos anos, e que os fatores explicativos endógenos e exógenos ajudam a explorar a variação dessa produção. Contudo, em relação à variação do padrão decisório não se confirma no caso do ConCidades, porque verificou-se que o padrão decisório do conselho (DEF) é constante ao longo dos anos, e que mesmo havendo a presença de outros tipos de decisões estes se mostraram de forma secundária se comparado às decisões do tipo DEF, além de oscilarem durante o período analisado.
  • questions about the materialization of ultra-processed açaí in the 21st century.
  • Fecha: 27-jul-2020
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Based on the theory of agri-food regimes, we investigated the materialization process of food in the current corporate agri-food regime, coordinated by the spirit of financialization. In this sense, in the first part of the research, we developed a review of the state-of-the-art literature on agri-food regimes, as well as highlighting, mainly, two phenomena: flex crops and ultraprocessed foods. We understand that through the articulation between these phenomena it becomes possible to map structural elements of the materialization process of food in the 21st century. In the second stage of the research, we propose a case study on the Agro-industrial Complex of Açaí (Euterpe Oleracea Mart.), based on a case study method. The construct starts from the characteristics that an agricultural crop must contain in order to become a financialized commodity. Among several natural, historical and cultural elements that the culture of Açaí is immersed in, we highlight a main contradiction: why Açaí is consumed as a minimally processed food with high nutritional values in the Northern region of Brazil and, in other regions of Brazil and of the world, is it consumed as an ultra-processed food (Mix of Açaí)? To justify the elements of a financialized agricultural commodity, the following structures were analyzed: the agro-industrial complexes, the future market, flex crops, land markets and land grabbing, ultra-processed foods, and public policies. Therefore, we point out that there is a direct interaction between the corporate agri-food regime, the financialization and flexibilization of agricultural crops, the production of ultra-processed foods and the expansion of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), such relations are incentive or constrained by public policies. This research is positioned in the field of Food Sovereignty and Security.
  • MANAGER COMPETENCIES OF THE PROFESSOR-MANAGER: a study with Undergraduate Course Coordinators at the Federal University of Paraíba
  • Fecha: 23-jul-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • The academic management of Federal Institutions of Higher Education is characterized by the professor acting as manager, in which he becomes responsible for the academic and managerial activities of a course, and often the professor-manager takes over the academic management without having developed the necessary competencies for the position. The main objective of this research is to understand the competences developed by professors as Course Coordinators of the Graduation Course at Campus I of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). For this, it was a qualitative research of descriptive approach, in which a bibliographical, documental and field research was carried out. A semi-structured interview script was used with twenty course coordinators and the procedures adopted to treat and interpret the research data were carried out by means of content analysis. The competences elucidated by the undergraduate course coordinators were divided into six categories: Academic Competencies (Pedagogical); Management Competencies (Administrative); Institutional Competencies; Political Competencies; Technical/Technological Competencies; Socio-emotional Competencies. The findings indicate that the process of developing the competencies of course coordinators occurs through daily practice; by the influence of personal characteristics of those interviewed; through observation and exchange of experiences with colleagues who have been course coordinators and with the technicaladministrative staff who work in the secretariats of the coordinators; by reading the legislation of the UFPB; by the realization of courses offered by the university that help them in the use of electronic systems, among other processes. The results also demonstrate that academic management is complex and involves facing many challenges, in which the course coordinator seeks to develop competencies that enable it possible to fulfill his functions and managerial activities, since there are many duties of the professor-manager.
  • Competências gerenciais de professores-gestores no contexto da pós-graduação: uma análise sob a perspectiva de coordenadores de cursos da Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Fecha: 20-jul-2020
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • No contexto das universidades públicas federais, os cargos de natureza administrativa, a exemplo da coordenação de cursos, costumam ser ocupados por professores da própria instituição, revelando o papel do professor-gestor no ensino superior. Todavia, as atividades gerenciais não demandam do professor as mesmas competências referentes ao exercício de pesquisa, de extensão e de ensino, o que requer a mobilização de diferentes competências frente as atividades desempenhadas. Pelo exposto, este estudo teve como objetivo geral compreender o desenvolvimento de competências gerenciais do professor-gestor no contexto da pós-graduação na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), norteando-se na perspectiva de que esses profissionais exercem atividades com elevada responsabilidade. Assim, o caminho percorrido envolve etapas de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e caráter exploratório, mediante a utilização do método da história oral e aplicação de entrevistas narrativas com quinze coordenadores de cursos da pós-graduação stricto sensu do Campus I da UFPB. O tratamento dos dados e a análise se deram a partir da análise narrativa, possibilitando a identificação de dimensões e categorias, algumas já preestabelecidas, outras emergidas dos dados, com isso, foi possível apontar elementos que impulsionam o desenvolvimento de competências gerenciais no professor-gestor da pós-graduação. Os resultados revelaram que os professoresgestores, em sua maioria, assumiram a gestão sem interesse, não tiveram um preparo prévio e sentem limitações no desenvolvimento das atividades gerenciais em decorrência de não terem formação na área de gestão, como consequência, a aprendizagem ocorre no cotidiano das atividades. Os achados mostraram que os professores-gestores mobilizam competências cognitivas, funcionais, comportamentais e políticas, sendo a repercussão maior em torno das capacidades políticas. De modo geral, os coordenadores alegaram um acúmulo de atribuições que transcende a carga horária destinada ao trabalho, alegaram um ambiente de pressão, devido as exigências das instâncias superiores, em destaque a CAPES, frente as avaliações que determinam a manutenção do programa nesse sistema, evidenciaram, também, dificuldades relacionais, principalmente com docentes, diante dos egos e de conflitos existentes no ambiente e demonstraram, ainda, insatisfação frente aos desafios provenientes de limitações de recursos financeiros e bolsas, bem como a carência de infraestrutura. Desse modo, o panorama apresentado permitiu esboçar a necessidade de intervenções por parte da UFPB em relação a investimentos que possam preparar melhor os docentes, tanto no que se refere a atividade gerencial, como para enfrentamento de diferentes questões que revelaram um ambiente instável em que o professor-gestor atua.
  • Trichotomy in Social Enterprises under the Agrarian Reform Overlay: A Case Study at Che Guevara Settlement Casserengue-PB
  • Fecha: 14-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • This work was linked to the PGPCI Public Policies line. This dissertation consisted of analyzing how the social enterprise of Che Guevara settlement correlated incidences of sociotechnical management, socio-political responsibility and income production in the period from 2008 to 2018. The settlement was created in November 2007 and the association was founded in January 2008, reason for choosing the referred time frame. The three approaches mentioned above are suggested as components of trichotomy of social enterprises and make it possible to oxygenate the associative and economic vitality of those entities. Social enterprises are distinguished in formal and informal ways. The formal ones such as associations, cooperatives, rural warehouses, among others; and the informal ones are the productive groups of women, youth groups, groups of handicrafts. This distinction avoids being restricted to bureaucratic-juridical-legal aspects and, at the same time, expands the scope of the definition of social enterprises, to varied initiatives of people structured in groups, collectives and semi-collectives. Admitting as socioeconomic organizations based on the singularities existing in each location, whether in the camp, settlement or even in urban spaces. This work was guided by six concomitant and sequential steps: definition of the object of study, establishment of the general and specific objectives, methodology definition, structuring the justification arguments, delineation of the key concepts of readings and notes in the final considerations. The theoretical-methodological scope established was characterized by the following aspects: interpellation as a qualitative research, of an applied nature, with exploratory purposes and interspersed for a retrospective period. The tools used for data collection were based on bibliographic research, audio recording via whatsapp6, participant observation document analysis and secondary sources consultation. There is a range of academic-scientific investigations in the literature on the subject addressed. This work is added to an empirical perspective, regarding the activities performed by the Association and the Che Guevara Settlement, which is contemporary with the proposal of the management model aimed at MST (Landless Workers' Movement) social companies. As a result, it was presented on socio-technical management that the work of the partners was concentrated in four aspects: plot of land around the residence, plot of productive unit, seed bank and in the social enterprise Socio-political responsibility pervades two arenas: CMDRS and Regional and State Seeds Commission and the income came from three axes: collective gardening, animal management and the production of fruit cakes and pulps. Without illative presumption, the triad was considered: socio-technical management, socio-political responsibility and income production, corresponding to a relevant analytical matrix to measure the associative and economic vitality in social enterprises.
  • Entre os ditos e os não ditos: manifestações do discurso da sustentabilidade em uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior no nordeste do Brasil
  • Fecha: 09-jul-2020
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Esta pesquisa tem por escopo analisar o discurso da sustentabilidade manifestado por uma instituição pública dedicada ao ensino superior localizada na região nordeste do Brasil, a Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), durante o intervalo de tempo entre os anos de 2009 e 2020. Enquadrando-se como pesquisa qualitativa exploratória e estudo de caso, faz uso da Análise Sociológica do Discurso (ASD) como metodologia para observação dos dados colhidos: buscase com ela expor contextos, ideologias e silêncios que se camuflam em meio ao discurso organizacional mas contribuem para moldá-lo. Utiliza como fonte de dados a documentação produzida pela instituição durante o período delimitado, em particular seus Planos de Desenvolvimento Institucional e Relatórios de Gestão, assim como o conteúdo midiático produzido e veiculado por seu canal de televisão e sua revista. A pesquisa se vale também de conversas mantidas com servidores ligados à gestão organizacional e de observações registradas por meio de fotografias. Aos dados coletados foram feitas perguntas do tipo: Quem fala? De que posição fala? Do que se fala? O que está em jogo? Como se organiza a fala? Tais questionamentos levaram à descoberta de posições discursivas, configurações narrativas e espaços semânticos que revelaram o discurso de uma instituição voltada à sua função social e que se vale do ensino, pesquisa e atividades de extensão para ser ativa no contato com a sociedade, mas que coloca seus desafios internos em segundo plano. Depreende-se que, apesar de compreender a importância da sustentabilidade, ações internas no sentido de transformar a UFPB em um laboratório vivo para pesquisa e experimentação neste sentido são desaceleradas em virtude de deficiências na comunicação interna, da falta de organismos com autonomia para gerir o assunto e da priorização de ações voltadas ao combate a problemas socioeconômicos históricos. Ao final do estudo, são feitas sugestões para a aceleração do processo de conversão da UFPB em uma universidade sustentável, bem como recomendações para futuros pesquisadores que pretendam se valer da ASD em estudos organizacionais.
  • Capacidade estatal: diagnóstico da implementação da política pública de economia solidária no Estado da Paraíba
  • Fecha: 07-jul-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Esta pesquisa analisa a Economia Solidária como instrumento de política pública de desenvolvimento. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo do tipo exploratório, por meio de pesquisa documental e de campo. A abordagem adotada foi qualitativa. Verifica-se como se dá o processo implementação da política pública de economia solidária no Estado da Paraíba, como estratégia para uma melhor qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Demonstra-se as principais configurações e o desenho institucional adotado pela gestão governamental para alcançar um possível caminho de superação das desigualdades sociais, econômicas e políticas. O método científico utilizado na pesquisa possibilitou o debate teórico e o levantamento de dados empíricos sobre os atores estudados, bem como a identificação dos fatores que facilitaram ou dificultaram a implementação da referida política. A partir disso, realizou-se a elaboração de um diagnóstico que levou em consideração as dimensões natureza da política, desenho da política e gestão da política. O intuito deste estudo foi de alavancar esta agenda governamental no território paraibano, revelando o nível de capacidade estatal da gestão estadual. Aborda-se um breve histórico da Economia Solidária no Brasil, englobando seu conceito, princípios e desdobramentos. Ressalta-se os tipos de ações adotadas para a estruturação da Secretaria Executiva de Economia Solidária e o modelo de gestão praticado na condução desta política pública paraibana, destacando os equipamentos públicos existentes. Enfatiza-se o contexto de criação do Plano Estadual, as principais normas vigentes e a atuação do Poder Executivo Estadual na consolidação da agenda de economia solidária. Revela-se as principais barreiras e desafios enfrentados pelos gestores públicos na condução desta política. Aponta-se nos resultados que os fatores analisados influenciaram diretamente a atuação estatal, mobilizando suas capacidades técnico-administrativas e político-relacionais. O estudo revelou que a desarticulação entre as variáveis que compõem as dimensões examinadas representou obstáculos à implementação da política de economia solidária na Paraíba, mas que apesar dos limites, a referida política também avançou.
  • Percepções de agentes estatais sobre o processo de implementação do Orçamento Democrático Estadual da Paraíba: Uma análise no segmento educação da 14ª GRE
  • Fecha: 13-abr-2020
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Esta pesquisa versou sobre a implementação do Orçamento Democrático da Paraíba na 14ª Gerência Regional de Ensino (GRE), que engloba 12 municípios vizinhos. Além disso, utilizouse como parâmetro as obras e ações realizadas no segmento educação. O estudo sobre o processo de implementação de políticas públicas tem buscado entender o estado em ação e como são postas em prática as decisões políticas, a capacidade do estado em oferecer de forma satisfatória e legitima a resposta que a sociedade demanda. Possui como objetivo geral analisar a percepção dos conselheiros do OD e do representante do poder público sobre o processo de implementação e as respostas às demandas solicitados ao Orçamento Democrático da Paraíba, a partir de quatro determinantes da política institucional, com ênfase no segmento educação da 14ª GRE do estado da Paraíba. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa, com a utilização do software SPSS, aplicação da correlação de postos de Spearman, regressão multivariada e o Alfa de Cronbach para verificação e confiabilidade dos dados obtidos da aplicação de questionário aos 29 conselheiros eleitos representantes do Orçamento Democrático da Paraíba na 14ª GRE. Também foi realizado a análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2011) em uma entrevista realizada ao representante do poder público estadual, além de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. A partir desses dados foi observado pontos de maior relevância nas questões imbuídas aos determinantes da política institucional para a melhor efetividade da implementação das políticas públicas com a participação social. Conclui-se que existe resultados satisfatórios no Orçamento Democrático da Paraíba, e que há a necessidade de um melhor alinhamento nesse modelo de gestão com atenção ao uso específico de instrumentos de implementação para cada realidade, a participação social tem delineamento preponderante na implementação da política do Orçamento Democrático, contudo, foi constatado um déficit principalmente no determinante estratégia que foca na comunicação interna entre os membros e uma transparência comprometida em relação a alguns dados, dificultando o andamento efetivo e qualitativo da implementação.
  • Study of environmental sustainability at the Public Ministry of Paraíba under the view of the environmental agenda for Public Administration - A3P
  • Fecha: 30-ene-2020
  • Hora: 09:30
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  • Sustainability and environmental responsibility are ubiquitous terms in the debates of modern society. The concern about changes in behavior on the part of citizens and institutions, given the scarcity of natural resources, highlights the concern of public organizations with the future of the planet, in the performance of their social role. This research evaluated the main environmental problems within the scope of the Public Ministry of Paraíba (MPPB) taking as a parameter the six thematic axes of the Environmental Agenda of Public Administration (A3P). A3P is a Program of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), of voluntary adhesion, which aims to implement socio-environmental responsibility in the administrative and operational activities of the public administration. It is characterized as an exploratorydescriptive research, with a qualitative approach, covering the administrative headquarters and other annexes of MPPB, located in João Pessoa / PB. The methodology comprises bibliographic research, document collection, applied interviews and field research. The speeches obtained with the application of the interviews were categorized in the light of the content analysis of Bardin (2007). It was found that MPPB does not institute its Environmental Policy, nor does it have a Sustainable Management Plan (PGS). The results demonstrate that the MPPB has started its path towards sustainability through isolated socioenvironmental practices, with low adherence to the A3P axes. The main obstacles presented were: the reality of each sector, which implies the punctual adoption of sustainable practices at the manager's discretion, the absence of a socio-environmental management program or even of a commission or body responsible for this articulation; the lack of knowledge of sustainable practices already implemented in the institution; lack of training and awareness of its members regarding the environmental issue, in addition to the scarcity of financial resources. However, there are high expectations regarding the implementation of a PGS in the MPPB, mainly within the policies implemented by the institution's Strategic Planning, which has been replicating projects carried out in the A3P standard. In view of these findings and the concerns pointed out by the interviewees, we suggest: prioritizing the definition of an institutional Environmental Policy, constituting a Management Committee, for the purpose of developing and implementing a PGS that meets the environmental management program instituted for A3P adherence and the conducting an organizational diagnosis, collecting data on the socio-environmental situation MPPB, to establish, according to the institution's need, sustainability practices and rationalization of expenditures and processes in the Public Ministry of Paraíba.
  • GESTÃO DE RISCOS EM COMPRAS PÚBLICAS: um estudo na Central de Compras do Governo do Estado da Paraíba
  • Fecha: 17-dic-2019
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • O presente estudo exploratório buscou compreender o fenômeno da gestão de riscos – GR em compras públicas, com um recorte para a modalidade de pregão, utilizando referências de metodologias de GR internacionais e nacionais, com ênfase numa pesquisa de campo realizada no âmbito da Central de Compras do Estado da Paraíba. A questão norteadora deste trabalho consiste em: como aperfeiçoar os procedimentos de compras públicas por meio do pregão utilizando a gestão de riscos? A fundamentação teórica cobriu os aspectos conceituais dos temas centrais relacionados ao escopo da pesquisa, tais quais as compras públicas, a boa governança pública e, de forma mais detalhada, a gestão de riscos. Para alcançar resultados consistentes, o trabalho buscou utilizar as principais referências existentes que visam contribuir para a identificação, análise, avaliação e tratamento de riscos, como o COSO ERM, o ISO 31000:2018 e o Modelo de Três Linhas de Defesa. No cenário brasileiro, temos o Manual de Gestão de Integridade, Riscos e Controle Interno – GIRC do Ministério de Planejamento, Desenvolvimento e Gestão, a Instrução Normativa Conjunta nº 01/2016 desse Ministério e da Controladoria Geral da União, e o Modelo de Avaliação da Maturidade Organizacional em Gestão de Riscos do TCU como medidas contributivas para a implementação da GR pelas agências públicas nacionais. No tocante ao aspecto metodológico, esta pesquisa configura-se como um estudo qualitativo básico, exploratório, cuja coleta de dados ocorreu através de entrevistas semiestruturadas em profundidade por meio de grupos focais e análise documental, empregando abordagens do método snowball de Baldin e Munhoz (2011). Esta pesquisa de campo e bibliográfica se embasou no método da análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2016), sendo abordadas as etapas de análise e tratamento de dados propostas de forma complementar por Mozzato e Grzybovski (2011). Os resultados evidenciados propuseram identificarmos o mapeamento dos regulamentos de pregão, assim como o fluxograma dos procedimentos operacionalizados pela Central de Compras, proporcionando identificarmos os principais objetivos e os riscos que permeiam os seus alcances, de forma correlacionada às tipologias de riscos referenciadas na fase teórica. Continuamente, aplicamos as características do gerenciamento de riscos com base no padrão da ABNT NBR ISO 31000:2018, de forma ampla, junto ao campo empírico pesquisado, tornando possível visualizar as nuances da GR adotada pela respectiva agência pública, o que tornou possível vislumbrar a maturidade da organização sobre esse ramo da governança. Concluímos que a implementação ou a melhoria dos processos de gestão de riscos, de forma regulamentada, é uma ferramenta relevante para otimizar o alcance dos objetivos esperados pelos pregões executados pelas agências públicas. Sendo recomendável, inclusive por meio do recente Decreto Federal de Governança Pública, a institucionalização de atividades inovadoras neste sentido, buscando a modernização da cultura dos stakeholders para que se alinhem às boas práticas contemporâneas de governança, gestão de riscos e integridade, gerando valor público de forma sustentável.
  • Fecha: 23-oct-2019
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • O presente trabalho intenciona comprovar a importância visceral que os embates de Opinião Pública (OP) têm para influenciar diretamente os aspectos concernentes à Gestão Pública (GP) na conjuntura da democracia: seja nas suas decisões; no trato com as crises de imagem; preocupação com a reputação; nas escolhas de seus agentes ou no agendamento das prioridades. As ações, os planejamentos, as relações com outras instituições, o terceiro setor e os poderes da república, todos passam, cada vez mais em termos qualitativos, por elementos que se conformam em disputas de narrativas sempre mais acirradas. Tal contexto resulta da busca pela hegemonia da adesão popular em algum nível. Tentou-se provar que esta busca de legitimidade social pelo agente público deve se dar permanentemente para que ele logre o êxito almejado. Isto requer aderência à área do marketing. Tais aspectos ocorrem num momento em que as informações estão cada vez mais rápidas pelas vias digitais, meio este que lhes possibilitam uma maior fluidez e pluralidade. A informação, tida como matériaprima é bastante importante nesta batalha, razão por que mereceu toda a atenção ao longo desta pesquisa, levada a cabo mediante um olhar de Marketing Governamental com vista a aperfeiçoar os procedimentos usados nesses embates, a partir do que o estudo do caso indicar. O processo gerador de informação pode ter, no marketing, elementos que gerem inspiração para a constituição de um modelo genérico de maneira a poder se tornar um instrumento útil de valor mais vasto. Tal modelo pode fornecer um framework capaz de ser guia para o que se pretende mostrar como sendo uma necessidade do setor público quando o assunto for a gestão desta condição da democracia. Em outras palavras; propiciar um manual que permita o pensar em termos de gestão dos embates de Opinião Pública da maneira mais eficaz e científica possível. Com estas considerações, as teorias clássicas importantes da ciência política e comunicação social fundamentarão a problemática da Opinião Pública para conduzir as sugestões gerenciais de ordem prática voltadas para a rotina da administração pública. Portanto, nossa hipótese busca afirmar que a Opinião Pública deve ser concebida como um fator intangível das questões administrativas no sistema político moderno que merecem uma atenção equivalente aos setores tangíveis da ação do gestor público. Com essa abordagem, optou-se por denominar esse panorama de interligações deste estudo como sendo um “Fator Opinião Pública”. Um fator que se dá por meio de 5 dimensões, que são os terrenos com motivos e regras específicos a partir dos quais ocorrem esses embates afetos à seara da Gestão Pública. Finalmente, por meio de um estudo de caso pormenorizado, procurou-se provar que são necessárias técnicas gerenciais para lidar com estas 5 dimensões nas quais essas disputas ocorrem, a saber: A Dimensão de embates Administrativos; a de embates Políticos; a referente às disputas Eleitorais; as que envolvem Crises de Imagem e, por último, os embates que tratam da Reputação do Gestor.
  • As competências profissionais de procuradores municipais no combate preventivo à corrupção: um estudo na região metropolitana de João Pessoa.
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2019
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • A dissertacao teve por objetivo central identificar os elementos constituem a competencia profissional dos advogados publicos no combate preventivo da corrupcao, tomando-se como cenario o contexto de atuacao dos procuradores publicos de municipios da regiao metropolitana de Joao Pessoa. A institucionalizacao da advocacia publica e seus respectivos membros para o desempenho das atividades de controle de legalidade e defesa do poder publico foi ponto de partida de reflexao para o questionamento, considerando que os estudos existentes apenas referendavam discussoes no campo teorico, inexistindo, portanto, uma analise empirica dessa afirmacao diante da conformacao de seu papel de funcao essencial a justica como procuraturas constitucionais no Estado Democratico de Direito. Foram delineados objetivos especificos que se propuseram a caracterizar o contexto de atuacao dos procuradores municipais, identificar as competencias de tais profissionais, em especial no combate preventivo a corrupcao e sugerir elementos ou dimensoes de competencias para esses advogados publicos. As lentes teoricas da competencia profissional surgiram como uma alternativa viavel para proceder a analise, eis que reuniam componentes de formacao e de potencial construcao capazes de identificar os elementos que compoe o perfil do profissional destinado a cumprir a missao institucional dos advogados publicos na sua percepcao como agentes de estado, com principios, valores e objetivos comuns, e, por via de consequencia, apontar se eles corroboram com o modelo de uma advocacia publica institucionalizada. A dinamicidade estruturante da teoria da competencia requisitou uma melhor compreensao de sua multiplicidade de conceitos e adaptabilidade de seus elementos para, sem perder a sua essencia originaria, amolda-la a especificidade da funcao publica estudada mediante uma revisao, ou melhor, uma adequacao teorica para, entao, utiliza-la como ferramenta de analise. Os componentes centrais de competencia profissional (cognitiva, funcional, comportamental, etica / valores) do modelo de Cheetham e Chivers (1998), tambem foram aproveitados como referencia para a analise de dados. As informacoes coletadas convergem para os elementos legitimidade, organicidade e mobilizacao integrativa como evidencias de competencias especificas a conformarem o acervo de competencia profissional dos procuradores publicos no combate preventivo a corrupcao, levando a proposta de novos estudos para a construcao de um modelo.
  • Análise dos programas de integridade no setor público brasileiro
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar em que medida os programas de integridade implementados na administração pública direta brasileira estão em consonância com as boas práticas internacionais de compliance. O estudo é situado no campo da Gestão Pública, mais especificamente na área de gestão das agências governamentais - embora reúna fundamentos de governança corporativa, incorporados ao setor público por meio da adoção dos princípios pós-gerencialistas da Nova Governança Pública. O presente diagnóstico possui caráter exploratório, veiculado a partir da aplicação de método comparativo transversal cross section de análise entre os dados coletados e os indicadores propostos. A amostra é composta de 12 (doze) programas de integridade de órgãos da administração direta pertencentes às três esferas de governo da federação, dentre estes, 7 (sete) vinculados à administração federal, 2 (dois) à estadual e mais 3 (três) alocados na esfera municipal. Os dados foram levantados a partir da análise de uma série de documentos referentes ao processo de implementação de boas práticas de integridade em cada um dos órgãos que compõem a amostra, tais como manuais, guias, planos de integridade, códigos de ética e conduta, relatórios de investigações e auditorias, portarias, resoluções, editais, contratos, entre outros. Os indicadores foram desenvolvidos com base nas diretrizes e boas práticas de compliance indicadas pelo regime internacional anticorrupção e revisão sistemática de literatura sobre o tema. Academicamente, o estudo discute as melhores práticas de compliance e sua aplicação às organizações do setor público, além de propor indicadores associados ao processo de implementação destas. Em geral, os resultados evidenciam que os programas avaliados têm um grau de aderência de 69,44% às boas práticas internacionais de compliance. Não obstante, algumas diretrizes de compliance têm baixa implementação efetiva nos programas de integridade, tais como due diligence, com 39,58% de aderência, e investigações internas, com 41,67%. Verificou-se, ainda, que os entes municipais têm o menor grau de aderência aos indicadores, com 52,78%. Em contrapartida, os programas da esfera estadual totalizam 79,17% de aderências às boas práticas de compliance.
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2019
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar os processos de implementação do Sistema de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional nos municípios paraibanos que aderiram ao SISAN, de 2010 a 2018, e, como problema de pesquisa, investigar De que forma aspectos relacionados à descentralização, nas dimensões administrativa, fiscal e política, contribuem para entender o processo de implementação do SISAN nos municípios paraibanos que aderiram ao Sistema de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional de 2010 a 2018. Empreendeuse um estudo de caso por meio de pesquisa de campo, revestindo-se de caráter descritivo e exploratório e um desenho de pesquisa qualitativo. Constatou-se que cinco municípios paraibanos aderiram ao SISAN: João Pessoa, Sumé, Monteiro, Patos e Cabedelo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com atores do governo e da sociedade civil e que compõem as instâncias de controle social e de coordenação da Política de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. Evidenciou-se que os principais entraves para a institucionalização da Política nos municípios correspondem às três dimensões de análise nos aspectos das relações intergovernamentais (política), institucionalização da Câmara Intersecretarial de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (CAISAN) e Conselho Municipal de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (administrativa), bem como Dotação Orçamentária específica para as ações de SAN (fiscal). Foi possível mensurar também que o entendimento, por parte dos gestores, é crucial para a efetivação e condução das políticas públicas de SAN e que a incoerência em relação aos objetivos da política pode torná-la inefetiva.
  • A educação e o Desenvolvimento sustentável em políticas públicas na Paraíba: As Escolas Cidadãs Integrais
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2019
  • Hora: 10:30
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  • Muito se fala sobre estar a favor de uma educacao de qualidade, no entanto, nem sempre e discutido que tipo de educacao estamos falando. Estados, Organizacoes Internacionais, empresas privadas e outros atores ja se utilizaram da ideia da educacao como solucao para diversos problemas, inclusive para gerar desenvolvimento em seus mais diversos significados. Dentre os debates que tratam de educacao no nivel internacional atualmente podemos citar aqueles que resultaram na Agenda 2030 ou Agenda do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel, que inclui os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel disseminados pela ONU. Essa agenda traz uma importante contribuicao para o debate de educacao inclusive dentro de paises e estados nao necessariamente centrais nos processos de decisao da mesma. Tomamos o caso do Estado da Paraiba para analisar uma das iniciativas do governo que ja demonstra proximidade com a Agenda, o Programa Escolas Cidadas Integrais para compreender quais as semelhancas e diferencas entre suas as ideias sobre o papel da educacao. Enquanto verificamos que existe grande preocupacao de ambas em gerar uma educacao que promova o desenvolvimento integral do ser humano, a tematica da sustentabilidade ambiental e de uma compreensao critica da realidade encontram-se ausentes, o que pode ser um desafio que a Agenda deva superar para atingir os Objetivos que espera ate 2030.
  • A governança corporativa das empresas estatais da União
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2019
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Esta pesquisa versou sobre a governança corporativa das estatais da União de controle direto. Possui como objetivo geral comparar as estruturas de governança das empresas públicas e sociedades de economia mista da União, a partir da regulação da Lei das Estatais (Lei n° 13.303/2016). Trata-se de uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa, de caráter comparativo, do tipo transversal (crosssection). A amostra é composta por 45 casos (empresas estatais – empresas públicas e sociedades de economia mista). A partir da análise dos 64 (sessenta e quatro) indicadores de governança, foi possível identificar que existem diferenças na estrutura de governança das empresas estatais no que se refere aos instrumentos de gestão, controle e auditoria; transparência das informações; conselhos, comitês e diretoria; ética e conflitos de interesse. Conclui-se que, apesar da expiração do prazo legal, nem todas as empresas estatais da União conseguiram efetivamente atender, em sua totalidade, às melhores práticas de governança corporativa.
  • Economia Popular: O perfil de competências empreendedoras dos pequenos comerciantes do São João de Campina Grande/PB
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2019
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Esta dissertação teve como objetivo principal identificar o perfil de Competências Empreendedoras de pequenos comerciantes do São João de Campina Grande – PB à luz da Economia Popular. Para obtenção dos dados, foi realizada a aplicação de entrevistas, a partir de um roteiro semiestruturado, junto a vinte e nove pequenos comerciantes que trabalham no “Parque do Povo”, durante a festa de São João da referida cidade. Os discursos obtidos com a aplicação das entrevistas foram categorizados na perspectiva da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2007). As categorias e subcategorias do trabalho foram definidas aprioristicamente, sendo que as três categorias estabelecidas correspondem aos três objetivos específicos da pesquisa e as subcategorias correspondem às questões do roteiro de entrevista. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os pesquisados, em média, trabalham no Parque do Povo há 17,65 anos e a maior parte deles possui apenas o Ensino Fundamental incompleto, tendo o gênero feminino apresentado mais anos de estudo. Os entrevistados trabalham com familiares, amigos e funcionários e se autodeclaram como trabalhadores autônomos. Associam o termo “gestão” à experiência prática, investimento, despesas, organização, funções e especificidades de suas atividades. Além da relevância histórica, a festa proporciona a muitos trabalhadores a oportunidade de ter ou aumentar uma renda (mesmo que sazonalmente) e ter visibilidade, o que proporciona a chance de expansão de seus negócios e manutenção de um empreendimento durante o ano todo. No que se refere aos conhecimentos necessários para a realização do trabalho, os resultados revelaram que esses são oriundos de experiências de trabalhos anteriores, experiência prática e de alguns casos empíricos. Por fim, a pesquisa mostrou que a maior parte dos pesquisados pertence a pelo menos uma das três associações vinculadas à festa e que essas associações buscam reivindicações coletivas em prol de objetivos comuns aos associados, possuindo estatuto e regimento interno.
  • Objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável e saneamento básico: uma análise da política pública de financiamento condicionado para o Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida.
  • Fecha: 30-jul-2019
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável são a nova agenda de desenvolvimento da Organização das Nações Unidas, aprovada em setembro de 2015. Ela traz o discurso de que será necessário ir além dos três pilares — social, ambiental e econômico —, pois o desenvolvimento só será alcançado se a ele forem incorporados os princípios dos direitos humanos e da boa governança. Cada país deve se apropriar dos objetivos de modo a respeitar a sua história e capacidade de alcançá-los, reconhecendo também a importância do setor privado e o seu envolvimento na construção de uma sociedade mais justa e ambientalmente resiliente. A partir da discussão sobre justiça como equidade de John Rawls e da abordagem das capacidades de Amartya Sen e Martha Nussbaum, esta pesquisa ressalta como a condição sanitária afeta a qualidade de vida das pessoas, por estar relacionada a outros âmbitos como a saúde, a educação e o trabalho. Assim, buscou-se examinar como as modificações no Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida podem contribuir para o alcance do "ODS 6 – Água Limpa e Saneamento" e, consequentemente, promover a justiça socioambiental. Através da análise documental do Programa, verificou-se que a letra da legislação regulamentadora converge para os princípios da justiça socioambiental ao prever melhorias na qualidade de vida das pessoas. Contudo, para o setor privado as constantes modificações dos requisitos não trazem a segurança jurídica necessária para que haja investimentos de forma a atender a demanda de moradias adequadas para população mais vulnerável, apesar dos dados mostrarem que é essa parcela que ainda continua com privações humanas. Portanto, para que essas pessoas tenham a liberdade substantiva de escolher o modo de vida que querem, é necessária uma mudança na forma que o Brasil desenha suas políticas públicas de saneamento básico e de habitação, de modo que haja maior envolvimento dos investidores, podendo assim favorecer a melhoria na qualidade de vida das pessoas.
  • Fecha: 30-jul-2019
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Esta pesquisa se propõe a avaliar o desenho e a implementação do Programa de Intercâmbio Internacional Gira Mundo na modalidade estudante. Para descrever a teoria do programa e então avaliar o desenho e a implementação, utilizou-se a metodologia do modelo lógico, recurso que diagrama o funcionamento do programa considerando os recursos, atividades, produtos e os resultados (curto, médio e longo prazo), revelando as relações de causalidade que envolvem todos esses componentes. O modelo foi elaborado a partir da análise dos documentos oficiais do programa, da observação direta e através da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores do programa. Na avaliação dos pressupostos lógicos que constituem o desenho do Gira Mundo e como seus elementos estão inter-relacionados para o alcance dos resultados pretendidos, foram constadas sólidas relações de causalidade entre seus principais pontos. Entretanto, os resultados demonstram a existência de deficiências no desenho do programa, tais como a ausência de metas específicas, falta de clareza em relação a algumas pretensões, não criação dos instrumentos adequados para gerenciamento e avaliação, ficando evidente que o programa não dispõe de ferramentas para mensuração dos seus resultados. No que tange a implementação, foram analisadas as edições de 2016 a 2018, com o objetivo de investigar se o programa foi executado conforme estabelecido pelo desenho, detalhando-se a evolução dos recursos empregados a cada ano e o quantitativo de beneficiários atingidos. Os resultados denotam que não houve uniformidade quanto ao processo de execução do programa, sendo identificadas falhas em todas as edições. Entre os problemas observados, foi constatado que uma parcela dos estudantes foi beneficiada em desacordo com o critério de elegibilidade referente a nota no exame de proficiência, conforme estabelecido pelo Decreto n° 36.539/2015. Além disso, grande parte dos alunos não cumpriram com todas as etapas previstas no desenho do programa. Considerando as três edições, 350 estudantes da rede pública foram contemplados com bolsas de estudos no exterior, que, somadas, perfazem a importância de R$ 11.098.724,99 (onze milhões, noventa e oito mil, setecentos e vinte e quatro reais e noventa e nove centavos).
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2019
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Nas ultimas duas decadas ocorreram avancos no trato de questoes relacionadas a seguranca e defesa nacional. Ainda nos dias de hoje, e um imperativo estrategico o desenvolvimento de capacitacoes tecnologicas independentes, conforme apontado pelos principais documentos oficiais do governo brasileiro, como a Politica Nacional de Defesa (PND) e a Estrategia Nacional de Defesa (END). A END aponta para a necessidade de um processo de revitalizacao para o setor da Base Industrial de Defesa (BID), cuja responsabilidade e garantir a capacidade operacional das Forcas Armadas (FFAA) atraves da producao e fornecimento continuo de equipamentos e materiais de defesa, como tambem o desenvolvimento de tecnologias avancadas de forma independente. Uma das diretrizes demandava a criacao de um arcabouco juridico especial para o setor, o que se traduziu no Regime Especial Tributario para a Industria de Defesa (RETID), regulamentado pela Lei no 12.598/2012. Tal regime garante, atraves de criterios estabelecidos na lei, a suspensao da taxacao ou conversao a aliquota zero de Cofins e Cofins-Importacao, PIS/Pasep e PIS/Pasep-Importacao, e suspensao ou isencao de IPI, para as Empresas Estrategicas de Defesa (EED) e pessoas juridicas preponderantemente fornecedoras de EED. Com isso, se busca incentivar as empresas atuantes no setor da BID e desonerar a cadeia produtiva, a fim de tonar as empresas mais competitivas e estimula-las a desenvolver tecnologias de interesse das FFAA. Portanto, o presente trabalho analisa se o RETID tem contribuido dentro do objetivo de obtencao de tecnologias nacionais no setor de defesa. Tambem e analisado a repercussao deste regime na BID; sua efetividade, a partir de informacoes e opinioes de empresas e de especialistas, e tambem de estudos desenvolvidos sobre o tema; e, por fim, traca sugestoes e solucoes de melhoria. Diagnosticou-se que o RETID e eficaz, porem e pouco efetivo, devido a entraves impostos pela legislacao e de sua timida aderencia por parte das empresas ao longo dos anos, como tambem seu desempenho esta bastante atrelado a capacidade e regularidade de aquisicoes das FFAA. Em face disso, o RETID pouco tem contribuido para o desenvolvimento de capacidades tecnologicas na BID, sendo necessario redesenha-lo.
  • Fecha: 23-jul-2019
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Este estudo teve como objetivo propor diretrizes para a implementação da gestão por competências como política governamental para o desenvolvimento turístico de municípios do Brejo paraibano. Inicialmente, elaborou-se uma fundamentação teórica para basear o estudo, abordando os seguintes tópicos: Gestão Municipal, Desenvolvimento Territorial, Gestão por Competências, Origem e evolução do significado da Gestão por Competências, Gestão por Competências no Setor Público e Gestão por competências em municípios: Uma abordagem em construção. A proposta partiu de uma abordagem de gestão por competências multinível: o nível regional (competências de uma região que integra um território); nível municipal (competências necessárias para a gestão municipal de excelência) e; nível individual (competências dos gestores e servidores públicos municipais). A pesquisa é do tipo qualitativa e tem caráter exploratório e descritivo. Foi realizada nos municípios de Areia, Alagoa Grande, Bananeiras e Pilões, por meio de entrevista com roteiro semiestruturado, abordando os três níveis de análise com gestores, servidores, presidentes de associações regionais, diretores de centros acadêmicos universitários da região pesquisada, prefeito, ex-prefeitos, secretários e diretores municipais. Os resultados da pesquisa foram apresentados seguindo a proposta de níveis e as principais categorias identificadas no estudo foram: a) nível regional: Integração Regional, Parcerias e Infraestrutura; b) nível municipal: Planejamento e Recursos Financeiros e; nível individual: Profissionalização da Gestão. A partir das categorias que emergiram, foram propostas as seguintes diretrizes: Criação do Consórcio Intermunicipal para o Desenvolvimento do Brejo Paraibano – CIDBP, Elaboração de um Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento do Brejo Paraibano – PLEB, Mapeamento de Competências e; Sistema de Capacitação e Nomeação de Servidores Comissionados por Competências. Ao final, conclui-se que a proposição de uma nova abordagem para profissionalizar a gestão de municípios é desafiadora porque envolve uma perspectiva multinível de análise e tem potencial para o desenvolvimento de territórios, que pode abranger o espaço de um município ou até microrregiões.
  • GESTÃO DE PROJETOS NO TERCEIRO SETOR: avaliação de projetos sociais na economia solidária
  • Fecha: 19-jul-2019
  • Hora: 13:30
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  • O presente estudo explora o fenômeno da gestão de projetos sociais em âmbito local. Para isso, se propôs a responder o seguinte questionamento: como o corpo de conhecimentos existente em gestão de projetos se aplica aos projetos sociais? O caminho da pesquisa passa por compreender como de fato os projetos sociais são conduzidos, bem como suas especificidades e desafios. Com esse intento, o trabalho utiliza como referência de análise o Guia de Conhecimento em Gestão de Projetos do PMI, o PMBOK. O recorte escolhido para o foco empírico foram os projetos sociais solidários no campo da Economia Solidária, dentro da concepção geral de Terceiro Setor. Em particular, o foco do estudo é o funcionamento dos processos de gestão dentro da lógica substantiva dos empreendimentos solidários. O trabalho se desenvolve a partir de três revisões sistemáticas da literatura cobrindo o conceito de projeto, o gerenciamento de projetos como disciplina, o gerenciamento de projetos no terceiro setor, a conceituação de terceiro setor e a origem e o desenvolvimento da economia solidária. Em termos metodológicos a pesquisa se configura como uma pesquisa qualitativa básica, na qual dados de relatórios de projetos passados e de entrevistas com cinco organizações são analisados por meio do método comparativo constante para compreender a realidade investigada. Esse percurso permitiu apresentar uma conceituação para projetos sociais e identificar sua ligação com as políticas públicas na área. Por meio de um mapeamento dos códigos obtidos em uma matriz baseada no PMBOK, a pesquisa conseguiu definir, por exemplo, uma ampla vivência dos processos de gerenciamento dos stakeholders e da integração, em contraste com uma participação mínima do gerenciamento das aquisições. Reconhece-se no planejamento da gestão de riscos e do cronograma as maiores oportunidades para uso do PMBOK em favor de uma atuação menos reativa diante dos desafios desse contexto. Os resultados indicam também como esses projetos se beneficiariam do PMBOK, por exemplo com a ampliação do repertório de documentos, ferramentas, técnicas e modelos de ciclos de vida aplicáveis. Foram identificados também temas emergentes em que os projetos sociais solidários têm a agregar para ao conhecimento existente, como a sustentabilidade e o networking, este último reconhecido como uma capacidade social e colaborativa. A pesquisa reconhece ainda pontos em que os projetos sociais solidários se identificam com a mentalidade ágil de gerenciamento.
  • CORRUPÇÃO MUNICIPAL: fatores relacionados aos municípios com baixo e alto índice de corrupção.
  • Fecha: 19-jun-2019
  • Hora: 11:00
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  • Esta pesquisa analisa os municípios que foram classificados a partir do nível de corrupção. Tem-se como tema o fenômeno da corrupção ligado aos conceitos da transparência pública, da accountability e da teoria principal-agente, com ênfase no processo de governança pública, como ferramenta de redução dos casos de corrupção. A metodologia é caracterizada por uma pesquisa quantitativa, com a aplicação da Regressão Logística e análise descritiva. É possível verificar o alcance dos objetivos através da aplicação da variável dependente, gerada pela base de dados dos relatórios da Controladoria Geral da União (CGU), relacionada ao nível de corrupção como baixo ou alto índice (MBC/MAC) nas variáveis independentes, como: a) da Escala Brasil Transparente (EBT), feita pela transparência reativa; b) do índice Firjan IFDM; c) do índice IDHM; d) da população absoluta; e e) do controle social. Com o modelo da variável dependente e das variáveis independentes, foi possível examinar os dados através da técnica estatística da regressão logística no software estatístico SPSS, no qual a variável dependente é dicotômica. Observou-se, a partir das análises descritivas e da regressão logística, que: a) a Região Nordeste foi a que mais apresentou casos de corrupção; b) as Regiões Nordeste e Sudeste obtiveram as maiores notas, dez (10,00), auferidas pela transparência reativa; c) o controle social é um fator preditivo do nível de corrupção; e d) o IDHM traz uma relação social e econômica, sendo um fator explicativo do nível de corrupção. Neste sentido, um bom IDHM está ligado a um bom desempenho dos municípios relacionado à atuação do controle social. Por fim, recomenda-se, para estudos futuros, a aplicação de novas variáveis independentes, como: a) o PIB per capita; b) a Receita Arrecadada; c) a utilização da Escala Brasil Transparente - EBT 360º; e d) a Taxa de Analfabetismo.
  • Política Pública de Reforma Agrária e Aquisição Global de Terras: análise de dados nos governos do PT 2003 a 2014
  • Fecha: 06-ago-2018
  • Hora: 11:00
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  • A desigualdade fundiaria no Brasil persiste, assim tambem como os conflitos que ela tem gerado. Mesmo diante de uma politica publica de reforma agraria que determina a democratizacao das terras para todos que desejam trabalhar nela. A reforma sempre foi uma bandeira de defesa do Partido dos Trabalhadores, que tem sua origem nas bases dos movimentos sociais. Ao chegar ao poder em 2003, o PT teria o dever de efetivar e realizar a tao sonhada reforma. Porem, e durante a sua gestao por volta dos anos 2007/2008 que o cenario internacional vivencia uma das maiores crises economicas do seculo 21, com o qual resultou na ascensao de um fenomeno conhecido como land grabbing ou aquisicao global de terras, que vai de contra os principios da politica publica de reforma agraria, pois ela contribui para persistencia da concentracao de terras implicando na nao resolucao do problema da estrutura agraria. Portanto, a pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o que os governos do PT entre 2003 a 2014 fizeram para com a politica publica de reforma agraria e a aquisicao global de terras, ja que o Brasil participou ativamente desse processo. Por meio de analises teoricas e dados secundarios de banco de dados oficiais, como, o Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria e Land Matrix. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram uma real insatisfacao com os dados do PT ao mesmo tempo em que levou a questionar sua politica de atuacao no cenario internacional por meio do land grabbing.
  • GOVERNANÇA NAS REGIÕES DE SAÚDE: Um estudo na Comissão Intergestores Regional (CIR) de saúde da Paraíba.
  • Fecha: 31-jul-2018
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • A pesquisa tem como tema a análise dos principais aspectos que interferem nas políticas públicas de saúde, com ênfase no processo de governança e de colaboração entre agentes públicos que atuam na Comissão Intergestores Regional (CIR), mais precisamente no perímetro que circunscreve a 1a Região de saúde da Paraíba. Na perspectiva técnica e política exposta, privilegiam-se as principais normas relacionadas ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988, cujas normas incentivam a relação de cooperação entre instituições e agentes públicos. Tendo como objetivo compreender o processo de governança colaborativa a partir das atuações nas práticas de gestão com colaboração dos agentes públicos envolvidos nas reuniões dessa comissão. No tocante à metodologia, pode ser caracterizada como sendo uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativa, básica, descritiva e exploratória, ocorrendo por meio da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, tendo como instrumentos de coleta de dados a aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado e a observação direta, cujos sujeitos participantes foram os secretários de saúde e seus respectivos técnicos. O modelo explicativo de Governança colaborativa, elaborado por Ansell e Gash (2008), mostrou-se efetivo como instrumento de pesquisa analítica, pois orientou o levantamento de dados e a verificação da percepção dos agentes públicos de saúde integrantes desta comissão. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que a colaboração deve ser vista como um fator relevante à atividade política e ao conjunto da técnica em Gestão Pública, servindo de norte à eficiência governamental em prol da qualidade das práticas de gestão e do desempenho no SUS, pois o processo ainda é incipiente, mas vem evoluindo, sendo necessário investimento no aprimoramento e na qualificação de alguns dos agentes públicos de saúde da CIR pesquisada.
  • Fecha: 30-jul-2018
  • Hora: 18:30
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  • O objetivo central desta dissertacao e analisar os vinculos entre a Educacao para a Sustentabilidade e a comunidade da Escola Municipal Governador Leonel Brizola. Para tanto, foram estabelecidos tres objetivos especificos: identificar o processo de Educacao para a Sustentabilidade no Municipio de Joao Pessoa/PB; contextualizar a comunidade escolar e suas especificidades; identificar os vinculos da Educacao para a Sustentabilidade na comunidade da escola estudada. A fim de alcancar os objetivos deste estudo, a pesquisa parte de uma investigacao empirica, por meio de uma perspectiva qualitativa, de carater interpretativista. A coleta de dados foi realizada atraves de documentos, observacao direta e entrevistas individuais e em grupo. O processo de analise do municipio, das especificidades da comunidade e das dimensoes que envolvem o Projeto Escolas Sustentaveis do Ministerio da Educacao, evidenciou que a presenca apenas das tres dimensoes (estrutura fisica, gestao e curriculo), propostas pelo Programa, nao seriam suficientes para integrar a comunidade e promover a Educacao para a Sustentabilidade. A reflexao sobre estes aspectos fez emergir cinco elementos que servem de alicerces para a construcao de uma escola sustentavel: seguranca, saude, cultura e lazer, trabalho e saneamento basico.
  • Fecha: 27-jul-2018
  • Hora: 15:00
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  • A energia que há muito tempo é debatida, ganha maior destaque com o fim da guerra fria quando o cenário mundial foi modificado e novos assuntos surgiram e ganharam espaço no sistema internacional, como por exemplo, meio ambiente, energia, direitos humanos, entre outros. A energia a partir deste momento ganhou mais destaque e passou a ser motivo de intensos debates e razão para a consolidação de acordos entre muitos países. Neste cenário, a cooperação também ganha força e acaba sendo meio para que as relações energéticas se tornassem mais vantajosas para os participantes dos acordos. Este trabalho dedica-se a analisar a cooperação energética tendo como unidade de análise a América do Sul e mais precisamente a relação estabelecida entre o Brasil e a Bolívia. Tendo como objetivo geral analisar a natureza da cooperação energética entre Brasil e Bolívia revelada através dos acordos firmados entre os países para responder: quais foram os momentos de aproximação/afastamento entre Brasil e Bolívia? Para isso, o trabalho está dividido em três capítulos: o primeiro trata de energia como elemento da agenda internacional, trazendo a cooperação como caminho para concretização dessa agenda. O segundo expõe os antecedentes históricos da relação escolhida para a análise e dá início a análise dos acordos. E por fim, o terceiro capítulo narra a virada para a esquerda na América do Sul e continua a análise dos acordos após essa mudança política. A análise dos acordos foi realizada tendo como norte a análise de conteúdo definida por Bardin (2010). Cabe ainda ressaltar que a temática energética foi escolhida devido a sua importância e relevância no sistema internacional e a análise da América do Sul por ser a mesma rica em recursos energéticos, e a relação Brasil – Bolívia por apresentar pontos em que a cooperação internacional sempre esteve presente e foi escolhida como caminho para minimizar conflitos e maximizar ganhos.
  • Fecha: 27-jul-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A aquisição transnacional de terras se configura como um processo de acumulação de terras a nível mundial que se intensificou com a tripla crise do capitalismo neoliberal dos anos 2000 e com a crescente crise ambiental, que é consequência direta do insustentável modo de produção capitalista global. Nesse ínterim, a especulação sobre terras em larga escala por atores públicos e privados diversos colocou-se como uma alternativa às incertezas do mercado financeiro internacional e como uma saída às falhas do desabastecimento energético e alimentar. Esse processo também se caracteriza por seus violentos efeitos negativos arraigados na expulsão de camponeses de suas terras e na ameaça à segurança alimentar e nutricional das populações mais vulneráveis. Essas contradições têm despertado o ativismo da Via Campesina - movimento social transnacional formado no começo dos anos 1990 por organizações camponesas de diversas partes do mundo - que têm se colocado enfaticamente contra o processo de aquisição transnacional de terras. A complexidade do fenômeno, bem como a multiplicidade de atores envolvidos com interesses diversos, contribuiu para que a agenda a respeito da governança global sobre a terra agricultável ganhasse lugar nos fóruns e discussões internacionais. No escopo do debate da governança, destacam-se dois regimes internacionais: os Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment that Respects, Livelihoods, and Resources (PRAI) e as Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in The Context of National Food Security (Diretrizes Voluntárias). Este trabalho caracteriza a atuação e posição da Via Campesina contra o processo de aquisição transnacional de terras dando maior foco à atuação do movimento nas estruturas de governança global acima citadas. Para tanto, o trabalho – a partir de uma metodologia qualitativa – se utiliza primeiramente de revisão bibliográfica extensiva e análise documental, almejando esclarecer o objetivo supracitado.
  • COMPETÊNCIAS SOCIOEMOCIONAIS NO SERVIÇO PÚBLICO: um estudo com gerentes do atendimento do INSS
  • Fecha: 27-jul-2018
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • O objetivo geral deste trabalho é analisar as Competências Socioemocionais (CSE) de gerentes de Agências da Previdência Social (APS). As competências socioemocionais são capacidades, habilidades e atitudes relacionadas ao processamento emocional que resultam em desempenho superior na vida pessoal e no trabalho. O referencial teórico foi dividido em três partes: a trajetória da ação gerencial no setor público, as competências gerenciais no serviço público e competências socioemocionais. Esta última parte se divide nas subseções: mensuração do constructo CSE e a necessidade de uma escala para mensurar o constructo CSE de gestores públicos. A metodologia deste trabalho tem caráter quali-quantitativo, exploratória e descritiva, e se divide em duas etapas: entrevista em grupo por meio de um focus group e aplicação de um questionário por meio de uma pesquisa do tipo survey. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida junto a gestores de APS. Na primeira etapa participaram 16 gestores e na segunda etapa 424 servidores em cargos de gestão de atendimento responderam o questionário. Os dados produzidos na primeira etapa foram analisados de forma compreensiva e interpretativa, enquanto que os dados da etapa quantitativa foram analisados por meio do software SPSS e do R, que subsidiaram a realização da análise de correlação, de confiabilidade e fatorial exploratória e confirmatória. Também foi verificada diferença de médias entre os grupos de gênero e gerentes mais experientes e menos experientes por meio do teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. O principal resultado deste trabalho foi a validação de uma escala para medir as CSE de gerentes de APS. Também foram verificadas algumas diferenças entre grupos para as competências socioemocionais definidas na escala (consciência emocional, equilíbrio emocional, trabalho em equipe, autodomínio e criatividade emocional). As mulheres e os gestores mais experientes expressam determinadas competências socioemocionais com mais frequência que os homens e que os gestores menos experientes, respectivamente. A escala final possui 25 itens e poderá ser validada em outros contextos profissionais.
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2018
  • Hora: 14:00
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  • A temática da qualidade dos serviços públicos com enfoque no serviço de transporte público por ônibus demostra relevância, considerando o aumento no quantitativo de automóveis nas vias, além dos engarrafamentos, atrasos e aumento dos índices poluentes. Dessa forma, melhorar a qualidade do transporte público contribui para minimizar esses efeitos e atrair novos usuários para o serviço, sendo essencial avaliar a qualidade ofertada e envolver os usuários nesse processo. Sendo assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em analisar as variáveis que influenciam na percepção de qualidade do transporte público por ônibus e na satisfação dos usuários com o serviço. Por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura verificou-se que o construto qualidade do transporte público por ônibus tem natureza multidimensional, composto por diversas variáveis que permitem sua avaliação. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um instrumento de mensuração do construto através de um modelo com oito passos necessários para sua validação. Em seguida, analisamos a relação entre as dimensões da qualidade e a satisfação com os serviços por meio de um modelo de regressão linear múltipla. Como estratégia de pesquisa foi adotada o levantamento, por meio da abordagem quantitativa. A amostra foi aplicada com 834 respondentes, usuários dos serviços de transporte público nas cidades de João Pessoa e Campina Grande. A escala de mensuração desenvolvida resultou em 7 dimensões e 26 itens de avaliação, com consistência psicométrica das suas variáveis. O relacionamento entre as dimensões da qualidade e a satisfação foi verificado através de um modelo de previsão. O ajuste do modelo revelou que todas as dimensões da qualidade exercem influência positiva na satisfação, com maior grau de influência relativa da confiabilidade, seguida da segurança geral e conforto. O estudo contribui com a construção de uma escala de mensuração específica para o serviço e aplicável ao contexto nacional. O instrumento pode ser utilizado pelos gestores de trânsito local para avaliar a qualidade dos serviços e promover ações de melhoria contínua para seus usuários.
  • Fecha: 26-jul-2018
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • No Brasil, o saneamento basico e um dos pontos mais vulneraveis das cidades, principalmente nos bairros mais pobres dos grandes centros urbanos e em pequenos municipios. Desde o fim do Plano Nacional de Saneamento (Planasa), a gestao municipal do setor foi inserida num contexto marcado pela ausencia de um marco legal, e com o surgimento da Lei 11.445/07, Lei Nacional do Saneamento Basico, pos fim a esse vacuo institucional. Apos mais de dez anos da lei, estudos sobre as politicas e a gestao municipal dos servicos sao ainda incipientes. Assim, considerando que a gestao dos servicos de saneamento basico se apresenta segundo diferentes modelos, e o foco do trabalho esta em municipios de pequeno porte no estado da Paraiba, o presente trabalho busca analisar de forma comparativa a gestao dos servicos de saneamento (abastecimento de agua e esgotamento sanitario) nos municipios de Alhandra, Caapora, Coxixola e Pedras de Fogo, a luz de diferentes modelos de gestao. O estudo tomou como categorias de analise, as funcoes de planejamento, regulacao, fiscalizacao, prestacao e o controle social, trazidas na Lei 11.445/07. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, foi necessario um estudo empirico, com uma abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, complementada por um enfoque quantitativo. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, fez-se uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas, aplicacao de formulario complementar e obtencao de dados secundarios no Sistema Nacional de Informacoes sobre Saneamento (SNIS). Com base nos resultados, verificou-se que em cada modelo de gestao existem caracteristicas tanto relacionadas ao modelo Planasa quanto a nova lei nacional do saneamento basico. Nos municipios atendidos pela companhia estadual de saneamento, o planejamento, a regulacao, a fiscalizacao e controle social sao incipientes, havendo pouco exercicio da titularidade municipal. No municipio atendido por autarquia municipal, foi verificada uma cobertura total de abastecimento de agua, tarifas medias inferiores ao da companhia estadual, mas com uma consideravel inadimplencia, somada a uma gestao municipal ainda incipiente nas funcoes de gestao, e a inexistencia de instancias de participacao e controle social. No municipio com abastecimento de agua realizado pela gestao comunitaria no meio rural, verificou-se uma maior atencao em relacao ao planejamento e ao controle social, por meio da elaboracao do Plano Municipal de Saneamento Basico e a atuacao da comunidade nas decisoes da gestao. Por outro lado, verificou-se uma necessidade de se melhorar a infraestrutura do sistema de abastecimento. Com base no estudo, foi possivel perceber carencias importantes e uma necessidade de mudanca do atual quadro da gestao do saneamento basico em pequenos municipios no estado da Paraiba. Sugere-se a realizacao de estudos que contemplem a percepcao dos usuarios dos servicos, alem da ampliacao do escopo de analise para modelos de gestao com a prestacao dos servicos realizada pela administracao publica direta e por empresas privadas.
  • Fecha: 25-jul-2018
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • Trata-se de um estudo sobre a participação política dos jovens argentinos e chilenos que objetiva apresentar as principais discussões em torno desse tema. Mediante uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL), foi possível perceber que os estudiosos tem se debruçado sobre as seguintes categorias temáticas, no Chile: Perspectiva histórica sobre o tema; Aspectos geracionais; Reflexões sobre as políticas de juventude; Repertórios e novas configurações de participação juvenil; Imaginários sobre os jovens nos discursos institucionais e nas políticas públicas; Participação no contexto de consumo de massa; Impressões dos jovens sobre política; Já no contexto Argentino: Jovens e educação/Política no contexto Escolar/ Movimentos sociais/estudantil; jovens no contexto urbano; Representações e formações discursivas; Perspectiva histórica e Políticas para a juventude. Essas categorias temáticas nos ajudaram a compreender a difícil relação histórica entre os jovens e o Estado nos processos de formulação de políticas públicas voltadas para esses atores sociais que foram negligenciados e mal interpretados desde a sua irrupção enquanto sujeitos sociais importantes, não apenas sob essa perspectiva, mas também, ajuda-nos a compreender sua importância no aprimoramento e aprofundamento da democracia nos países em análise.
  • Fecha: 23-jul-2018
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um instrumento de mensuração da qualidade e performance do sistema público de saúde. O estudo toma parte no campo da gestão pública, contudo, não deixa de abranger a administração hospitalar e da saúde. A análise preliminar dos estudos até então realizados evidencia a problemática na gestão dos diversos sistemas de saúde do mundo. Em especial, o sistema brasileiro que enfrenta grande dificuldade em equilibrar recursos e despesas a fim de oferecer um serviço de qualidade à população. Observou-se grande escassez de ferramentas validadas na gestão do sistema público de saúde brasileiro, o SUS. A partir da revisão da literatura, mais de 400 indicadores foram identificados como potencialmente úteis para medir qualidade e performance do sistema de saúde. Por meio do preenchimento de formulários, a opinião de especialistas em gestão de saúde foi utilizada para qualificação de indicadores. Utilizando de metodologia de construção de escalas de mensuração, foi proposto um índice de qualidade do sistema público de saúde baseado nos municípios da Paraíba. O índice é composto de cinco indicadores validados estatisticamente e aplicados para construção de um ranking de qualidade do sistema público de saúde dos municípios paraibanos. Academicamente, o estudo discute os diferentes aspectos de sistemas de saúde do mundo, além de propor indicadores associados à qualidade em saúde. A pesquisa propõe relacionar a qualidade da saúde pública ao índice de desenvolvimento humano municipal. Assim, esse trabalho contribuiu para a área, na medida em que oferece um instrumento de mensuração simples e de fácil utilização que pode auxiliar os gestores, em diferentes níveis governamentais, na tomada de decisão para alocar recursos e desenvolver estratégias. O índice ainda tem potencial de ser automatizado e implantado em portal de Internet, contribuindo para a transparência das informações para o público em geral.
  • Fecha: 20-jul-2018
  • Hora: 13:30
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  • Este trabalho de dissertação se insere na temática da governança e da participação social, política e administrativa na gestão pública, tendo como foco de estudo o planejamento do setor turismo, que é discutido no Brasil há pouco mais de 50 anos. Atualmente a mais importante política pública orientada para esse fim é o Programa de Regionalização do Turismo – Roteiros do Brasil (PRT), lançado em 2004 no primeiro governo Lula e reeditado em 2013 no primeiro governo Dilma Rousseff. Este programa tem ainda como meta principal integrar definitivamente o país no mercado turístico internacional. Esta política determina aos níveis locais/regionais a constituição das Instâncias de Governança Regional, caracterizadas como arranjos institucionais que devem, obrigatoriamente, pautarem-se pela participação de diversos segmentos da sociedade. Nesse sentido, os objetivos desta pesquisa estiveram em compreender como se efetivam estes arranjos institucionais, quais as suas peculiaridades, como se caracterizam pragmaticamente e em que medida a participação social na gestão pública e a governança associada a ela foi paradigmática no setor de turismo. Para isto, optou-se por um trabalho comparativo entre duas experiências distintas de implementação desta política: o Conselho do Polo Turístico do Seridó do Rio Grande do Norte e o Fórum de Turismo do Brejo na Paraíba. No alcance desses objetivos, realizou-se uma revisão da bibliografia em torno da questão da participação e consequentemente da governança atrelada a ela na gestão pública do turismo. Nesse sentido, foram utilizados trabalhos e pesquisas realizadas pelo grupo de pesquisa do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Turismo da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte intitulado “Planejamento e Organização do Turismo – GEPPOT” e o Grupo de Pesquisa “Desenvolvimento, Planejamento e Turismo” atrelado ao curso de graduação em Turismo da UFPB. Estes bancos de dados foram insumos para compreender o panorama histórico e atual da política de regionalização, além de compreender melhor como funcionam e se caracterizam os arranjos de governança em ambos os estados, comparando-os. Além disso, foi realizada uma entrevista de perfil semiestruturado com representantes das duas regiões, o que permitiu atualizar informações contidas nos trabalhos supracitados. A partir dos resultados, pôde-se concluir que ambas as experiências de arranjos de governança possuem conflitos e contradições flagrantes em suas formas de organização. O conselho do Polo Seridó fica um pouco aquém na comparação com o Fórum do Brejo, pois este espaço conseguiu efetivamente se firmar em torno dos pressupostos participativos e regionais da política pública e se caracteriza como um modelo sui generis de governança turística, no qual o setor privado tem bastante força e liderança. Em contraposição, o conselho do Polo Seridó permanece imerso nas mesmas problemáticas atribuídas a falta de capacidade técnica e institucional do poder público
  • REFUGIADOS DA BIRMÂNIA NA TAILÂNDIA: da solidariedade na acolhida à criação de Políticas Públicas
  • Fecha: 20-jul-2018
  • Hora: 10:30
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  • Esse estudo trata da acolhida de refugiados da Birmânia na Tailândia, com ênfase na solidariedade da população tailandesa dos vilarejos na fronteira entre os dois países e na consequência disso na elaboração de políticas públicas para os refugiados. Uma particularidade do caso estudado é o fato de a Tailândia não ter assinado os protocolos internacionais sobre refugiados e não ter, por esse motivo, nenhuma vinculação legal diante da comunidade internacional em acolher refugiados. Logo, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral analisar a agenda de Políticas Públicas tailandesas no que concerne a acolhida de refugiados. O método de pesquisa descritiva e analítica de tipo qualitativa foi escolhido por ter sido considerado o mais adequado para os objetivos aqui propostos. O procedimento foi o estudo de caso, utilizando como técnica metodológica a pesquisa documental unida a entrevistas semiestruturadas. As análises dos dados primários gerados nas entrevistas fundamentaram a análise de conteúdo e as reflexões interpretativas do pesquisador. Os resultados dessa análise triangulados com dados das outras fontes (bibliografia, documentos, dentre outros) confirmam a hipótese inicial a respeito da solidariedade como um dos motores principais da acolhida dos refugiados pela população tailandesa fronteiriça, assim como também o fato dessa solidariedade ter permeado as políticas públicas.
  • Fecha: 20-jul-2018
  • Hora: 08:00
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  • A ascensao do crime organizado transnacional ao patamar de ameaca a seguranca internacional trouxe mudancas significativas as estrategias de combate ao problema pelos Estados. Seu carater difuso e de atuacao em rede, adaptado a nova realidade economica do pos-Guerra Fria, exige a concatenacao de esforcos estatais para seu enfrentamento, sob pena de restar infrutifera qualquer politica nesse sentido. A cooperacao emerge como alternativa importante para garantir resultados mais efetivos. O Brasil e o Paraguai ocupam papel de destaque no desenvolvimento de atividades ilicitas transnacionais no continente sul-americano, existindo entre eles uma dinamica de complementariedade entre oferta e demanda de produtos e servicos ilegais. A fronteira entre ambos os paises corresponde a rota mais tradicional do narcotrafico, do trafico de armas e do contrabando na America do Sul, razao pela qual Brasil e Paraguai tem reunido esforcos para o enfrentamento da questao. A presente dissertacao busca analisar como se desenvolve a cooperacao entre o Brasil e o Paraguai para o combate ao crime organizado na fronteira entre ambos os paises. Para tanto, faz-se um resgate conceitual do crime organizado transnacional, inserindo o fenomeno na perspectiva de mercados ilicitos transnacionais, e sua caracterizacao na fronteira Brasil-Paraguai. Em seguida, abordam-se as politicas institucionais e a gestao publica brasileira no tema. Por fim, observam-se as iniciativas empreendidas na regiao de fronteira, em termos de cooperacao bilateral, no combate aos ilicitos transfronteiricos, desde 1988 ate 2017.
  • Políticas Públicas de Proteção e Defesa do Consumidor: a experiência da plataforma virtual no estado da paraíba
  • Fecha: 19-jul-2018
  • Hora: 19:00
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  • Os problemas decorrentes das relacoes de consumo demandam esforcos e gastos publicos, tendo em vista os inumeros processos administrativo e judiciais. Nesse cenario ha a necessidade de intervencao estatal atraves da criacao de politicas publicas, executadas por meio de programas com adocao de mecanismos que agreguem solucao consensual de litigios e o uso de novas tecnologias. Esses programas devem ser capazes de promover a instrumentalizacao dos direitos do consumidor e o consequente acesso a justica, sendo realizados atraves de acoes compativeis com as necessidades atuais, utilizando-se, como ferramenta a rede mundial de computadores. Nesse sentindo, este estudo tem como objetivo descrever os resultados da plataforma virtual de resolucao de consensual de solucao de conflitos, no estado da Paraiba, buscando identificar quais os fatores que explicam esses resultados. Entende-se que a plataforma virtual e caracteriza como um programa inserido na Politica Nacional das Relacoes e Consumo, atuando num papel de mediacao, facilitando a comunicacao entre as partes. Para o alcance dos objetivos adotamos como caminho metodologico um estudo caracterizado como empirico, do tipo descritivo, utilizando-se do metodo comparativo em uma abordagem mista, descrita em tres dimensoes. A escolha da amostra foi realizada de forma aleatoria nao probabilistica. Conclui-se no presente trabalho que o programa, no periodo estudado, apresenta crescimento de sua utilizacao. Os resultados apontam ainda que os fornecedores sao os principais responsaveis pelos resultados dos indicadores da plataforma. Inferiu-se ainda, o indice de resolutividade da amostra e a partir desta, a necessidade de mudancas na metodologia de mensuracao do indicador.
  • Fecha: 19-jul-2018
  • Hora: 10:00
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  • Esta dissertação apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa sobre as relações contemporâneas sino-brasileiras no campo energético. Com base na literatura sobre cooperação internacional e parceria estratégica, o estudo de natureza qualitativa coletou, descreveu e analisou dados relacionados ao processo de intensificação da inserção da China no setor elétrico brasileiro entre os períodos de 2010 e 2017. Enfatizando o caso da atuação da State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) no Brasil e da aquisição da Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz S.A. (CPFL) por esta empresa em 2017, a pesquisa objetivou compreender os motivos para a permissão do governo brasileiro ao aumento da participação chinesa no setor e seus efeitos nas relações bilaterais na área energética e desenvolvimento da indústria elétrica nacional. Partindo de uma hipótese inicial de que o posicionamento adotado pelo governo brasileiro tenha sido decorrente de seus interesses na manutenção dos investimentos chineses no setor elétrico doméstico, o trabalho utilizou o método do Process Tracing para analisar as dimensões política, científico-tecnológica e financeiro-comercial das relações bilaterais na área energética, sendo a conclusão da pesquisa a existência de marcantes convergências entre os interesses brasileiros e chineses no campo energético, mas também, a observação de uma curiosa fragilidade presente nas dinâmicas sino-brasileiras atuais.
  • A APRENDIZAGEM NA GESTÃO DE POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS: Uma análise dos processos de Monitoramento e Avaliação na gestão do Programa Mais Médicos
  • Fecha: 13-jul-2018
  • Hora: 14:30
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  • Objetiva descrever o processo de policy learning orientado pelos processos de monitoramento e avaliacao (M&A) do Programa Mais Medicos (PMM) no estado do RN. Consiste em um estudo de caso descritivo de abordagem qualitativa. Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal e adota como recorte temporal o ano de 2017. Utiliza como fontes de dados os instrumentos normativos do PMM nos ambitos nacional e estadual, atas das reunioes ordinarias mensais da Comissao Coordenadora Estadual (CCE/RN) e entrevistas semiestruturadas junto aos seus componentes. Desenvolve analise de conteudo como estrategia de analise dos dados, realizada por meio de categoriais referentes ao conceito de policy learning. Descreve os aspectos gerais de gestao, aprendizagem no ambito do PMM (niveis, agentes, objeto, momentos, resultados, processos, etc.) e operacionalizacao do M&A. Observa a incipiencia das atividades de avaliacao e enfase do monitoramento a analise de processos – viabilizado pelo acompanhamento mensal dos medicos supervisores dos profissionais medicos alocados nos municipios contemplados pelo Programa. Conclui que as informacoes oriundas do M&A influencia um escopo limitado de decisoes de gestao, a saber: realizacao de visitas tecnicas aos municipios; articulacao de agentes; pactuacao de compromissos e acordos junto a gestao municipal; movimentacao e desligamento de profissionais medicos; e identificacao de demandas para qualificacao dos medicos. processo de tomada de decisao. Considerando as limitacoes inerentes ao uso das informacoes manejadas pelo M&A nas mudancas voltadas para o aprimoramento do programa, reconhece que a aprendizagem envolve elementos de mudanca cultural e institucionalizacao de deliberacoes e mudancas de gestao.
  • O Impacto do Programa Nacional de Apoio a Gestão Administrativa e Fiscal dos Municípios Brasileiros (PNAFM) na eficiência fiscal das prefeituras.
  • Fecha: 10-jul-2018
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • O arranjo institucional decorrente da Constituicao Federal de 1988 estabelece novas bases para o sistema federativo brasileiro alterando profundamente as relacoes intergovernamentais. Estados e municipios ganharam centralidade no processo decisorio sobre politicas publicas com a transferencia de recursos e responsabilidades sobre a prestacao da maioria dos servicos basicos, algo que exige dos entes, entre outras capacidades, condicoes fiscais para a implementacao das intervencoes. Varios foram os esforcas envidados para elevar a performance fiscal dos municipios brasileiros. A mais recente tentativa diz respeito a criacao do Programa Nacional de Apoio a Gestao Administrativa e Fiscal dos Municipios Brasileiros – PNAFM que busca atraves do incentivo financeiro auxiliar as gestoes municipais na elevacao do padrao gerencial. Diante desse quadro, torna-se oportuno analisar o possivel impacto do programa sobre o publico-alvo. Convem destacar nesse momento que, num contexto de escassez de recursos e crescimento constante da demanda por servicos publicos de qualidade, avaliar o impacto das politicas e/ou programas publicos torna-se uma necessidade de primeiro grau para garantir a continuidade dos investimentos e promover a reformulacao de acoes ineficientes e ineficazes. Guiada pela ideia de equilibrio entre receitas e despesas e tomando o resultado operacional do exercicio financeiro como proxy de eficiencia fiscal, a presente pesquisa buscou por meio do modelo de regressao, atraves do metodo da “diferenca em diferenca”, investigar o impacto dessa acao nos entes participantes do programa. Observou-se ao final que, o PNAFM teve baixa adesao, com apenas 11% da expectativa inicial atingida, o que sugere deficiencias de formulacao do programa e baixa capilaridade da politica publica. Alem disso, o deficit operacional per capita cresceu nos municipios no patamar superior a 70% no comparativo entre 2001 e 2012, reduzindo a capacidade de atendimento as demandas sociais por parte do poder publico local. Por fim, com um resultado de apenas 0.30 de diferenca entre as diferencas dos grupos de controle e tratamento apos a implementacao do programa, a hipotese de que o PNAFM produziu resultados positivos sobre os municipios aderentes nao encontra sustentacao estatistica nos dados. Pelo contrario, os dados permitem inferir com 99% de chance de acerto que, a participacao no PNAFM nao contribuiu para a melhoria do desempenho fiscal dos municipios.
  • Fecha: 26-jun-2018
  • Hora: 09:00
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  • A presente dissertacao propoe-se a verificar se as decisoes do Conselho Nacional de Saude sao efetivas, considerando a efetividade decisoria como o cumprimento das resolucoes e a incorporacao dos temas deliberados na agenda governamental. Tambem teve como escopo analisar e descrever o desempenho decisorio do conselho, considerando as resolucoes produzidas no periodo de 2007 a 2017 e desvendar os mecanismos que incidem no processo de construcao da agenda governamental, tomando com unidade de analise resolucoes sobre politicas publicas. As perspectivas teoricas-analiticas consideradas retomam as agendas de pesquisa sobre a efetividade da participacao/instituicoes participativas e adota alguns elementos dos modelos descritivos da literatura sobre construcao da agenda governamental. A abordagem utilizada foi a qualitativa, tratando-se estudo de caso, constituindo-se em pesquisa exploratoria e descritiva. Como instrumento de coleta de dados utilizou-se da entrevista semiestruturada com atores-chave e documentacao indireta. As analises dos dados gerados fundamentaram-se nas evidencias extraidas dos documentos e intepretacao das entrevistas, utilizando-se da tecnica de analise de conteudo. Os resultados revelaram que o conselho nacional de saude tem um desempenho baixo em termos de producao de resolucoes com potencial de incidencia nas politicas publicas. A maioria das resolucoes sobre financiamento do Sistema Unico de Saude nao foram cumpridas pelo governo. O tema da alimentacao saudavel para combater a obesidade, deliberado pelo conselho, foi incorporado na agenda governamental. Os mecanismos utilizados foram a construcao de uma rede articulada intersetorial, a mobilizacao cooperativa entre entidades da sociedade civil e empreendedores de politicas atuantes na burocracia, a reestruturacao das instituicoes, a insercao da tematica nos espacos participativos, bem como, a qualificacao politica do corpo tecnico e a utilizacao da forca politica de outros orgaos ligados a Presidencia da Republica. As variaveis utilizadas para analisar a dimensao institucional revelaram que o desenho do Conselho Nacional de Saude foi essencial para o uso dos mecanismos e na definicao das estrategias utilizadas pelos empreendedores de politicas.