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The Professional Master's Degree in Management in Learning Organizations has as its main perspective to enable information, know-how and knowledge of academic, social and practical relevance, so that people and public, private or third sector organizations, are able to deal with the new and overcome the challenges of the socio-economic, emerging and volatile realities, in an agile and competent manner.


The Professional Master's Degree in Management in Learning Organizations, of interdisciplinary nature, articulates theoretical and methodological contributions of social sciences, giving priority to the Administration, Education and Information Sciences areas. It is focused on the study of management processes and learning in multiple organizations, considering the imbrication of these processes as social development, human and organizational, productivity, competitiveness, innovation, sustainability and emancipation factors.


The Master’s Degree has a qualified teaching staff and the academic contribution of international, national and local specialists from several fields of knowledge, as a way of enabling the learning process to learn with creativity and quality, as well as the interaction between multiple, individual and collective types of knowledge. Professor’s admission and maintenance by the Program is systematically monitored and evaluated through accreditation and re-accreditation practices.




Aiming to form qualified professionals for the exercise and academic practice of management in companies, institutions, educational systems and social movements, as well as produce and promote knowledge and research advances produced by teachers and students, in addition to national and international scientific production, the MPGOA’s goals are:


I - to contribute to deepening experiences, researches and management processes developed by professionals in learning organizations, demonstrated through methodological rigor in the making and defense of a final paper, compatible with characteristics of the specific area of expertise.


II - to train professionals - managers-educators - for innovative action in planning, monitoring and evaluation in public, private and third sector institutions according to the following perspectives: a) work systems’ socio-educational; b) lifelong learning in the learning organization; c) cognitive democracy; d) work systems’ socio-technical; e) equity and continuous improvement of the management process; f) multifunctionality - holographic perspective; g) democratic management; h) society and economy’s knowledge; i) transdisciplinarity; j) social sustainability; k) social and communication networks.


Target audience


The target audience are the managers and the technical-administrative servers, with a previous degree in any field of knowledge; they are professionals who have the responsibility of operating the goals, values and mission and meeting the proposed demands by the organization to which they belong, through concrete propositions, theoretical reflections and empirical researches.


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