

Internationalization at PPGL


PPGL is part of a bigger project of internationalization of The Federal University at Paraíba CAPES/PRINT/UFPB

Within the wider theme “Territories of Diversity: education, language, cultural mediation and public policies”, the program fosters exchange with different institutions in different countries such as The United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Portugal, the USA, France, Mexico, Canada Argentina, South Africa; Switzerland, Italy, Germany and Colombia.


The theme brings together research regarding different cultural, social, informational and language mediation developed in diverse graduate programs (Language, Economics, Law, Eduacation, etc.) taking as the transversal axis the educational processes, the public policies and human rights. The different researches developed by each program share a pathway, which highlights the need to discuss the construction and application of scientific knowledge in contexts marked by diversity.


Researchers in these programs are equally interested in the discussions that rethink boundaries, spatial planning and the territories, which are important issues to the contemporary world, be they geared to the management, to the discussion of public policies or to the actions of mediation. Mediation is here understood, from a social perspective, as an integrative practice and as an educational function which considers information and knowledge as processes of transversal formation. This is an educational practice in its broad sense, which articulates aspects of social pedagogy, social psychology, linguistics, humanities, human rights, scientific field of information and of public policies. Education, mediation and political processes are also understood as processes cross-cut by languages and their expressions, by the actions and claims, by informational aspects and by the (re)construction of spaces in their relationship with time.


From the methodological point of view, quantitative and qualitative aspects are articulated as mechanisms for the construction of new models, new cross-cut scientific viewpoints, able to produce both theoretical and practical innovation.


The choice of this subject is justified by the pioneering spirit of UFPB and of the graduate programs represented in discussions, proposals and actions in the field of public policies and human rights (Education, PPGDH, PPGCJ, PPGPS, PPGS and Economics); researches about cultures, religion, and literatures of minorities (PPGL, PPGCR, PPGM); in the consolidated experiences of programs that analyze phenomena of inclusion and exclusion in social, informational and technological contexts (PPGA, PPGCI, PPGPS, PPGS).