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Ciclo de Seminários PPCEM - UFPB: Manufaturação aditiva (robocasting) e epoxy gel casting para o fabrico de biomateriais

Manufaturação aditiva (robocasting) e epoxy gel casting para o fabrico de biomateriais


Susana Olhero

U de Aveiro (PT)


21-10-20, 14 h PT/UK, 10 h BR, 15 h FR


Nesta apresentação far-se-á referência às principais etapas do processamento de materiais cerâmicos e a sua importância nas propriedades dos produtos finais. Serão abordadas diferentes técnicas de processamento por via coloidal, de forma a contextualizar as vantagens e desvantagens quer do epoxy gel casting como técnica de consolidação direta, quer do robocasting como técnica de manufatura aditiva. Ambas as tecnologias serão demonstradas no fabrico de componentes cerâmicos para aplicações biomédicas, como por exemplo microcomponentes para transdutores ultrasónicos obtidos por epoxy gel casting e scaffolds porosos à base de fosfatos de cálcio produzidos por robocasting para regeneração óssea.

Susana Olhero (SO) is Doctorate from University of Aveiro in the field of Material Science and Engineering since December 2006. From 2007 to 2015, she was working as a researcher in collaboration with University of Porto/Portugal and University of Birmingham/UK, in a post-doc position financed by FCT. In 2015 SO got an Auxiliary Research position at CICECO/UA with an IF grant from FCT (IF/00948/2014). Currently, Susana Olhero is a Principal Researcher in CICECO/UAVR (FCT grant since 2019) and member of the Executive Board of Department of Materials Engineering and Ceramics (DEMaC)/University of Aveiro. The focus of her research during this last years has been the development of 3D structures by near net shaping colloidal-based techniques, including gel casting and more recently additive manufacturing, of various functional materials such as calcium phosphate based, lead-free functional ceramics and cements, with high focus in biomedical applications. Susana Olhero is author of 72 publications in peer review international journals, 2 book chapters and 1 national patent, with over 1600 citations, h-index 24. Susana Olhero supervised/Co-supervised 2 PhD, 11 Master Thesis and several research fellows (Pos-doc and PhD) from her Projects. In what concerns projects, she had 4 self-proposed financed projects under her responsibility as Principal Researcher, PI (2 financed by FCT and 2 EU/FP7 and H2020) and 3 more as Co-PI in collaboration with other research units in UAVR or other National Institutions. She is also involved in national co-promotion projects as team member and other collaborative works with local companies in order to develop innovative ideas to make national SMEs more competitive at National and International levels.