Policy background
The EU and Brazil established diplomatic relations in 1960 building on close historical, cultural, economic and political ties. The Strategic Partnership, established in 2007, is the base for current relations. The main areas of scientific cooperation are: • marine research • health • transport, including aviation • nanotechnology • sustainable urbanisation • renewable energy • information and communication technologies (ICT) Other areas include cooperation with the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, environmental research and space cooperation.
Funding opportunities
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU research and innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). It is open to the world, which means that participants from all over the world can participate in most calls. In many cases, the EU will fund at least partly the participation of the international partners.
International cooperation in Horizon 2020
Agreements and arrangements • Belém Statement on Atlantic Research & Innovation Cooperation will enhance further collaboration scientific efforts in the Atlantic Ocean between the EU, Brazil and South Africa. • CONFAP allows for Brazilian scientists to join research teams funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Brazilian researchers will be able to undertake short or long term research visits, and collaborate with ERC-funded teams, working across Europe. • Agreement for cooperation (CA) between the European Atomic Energy Community and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil aims to intensify cooperation between the Parties in the areas covered by their respective fusion programs, on the basis of mutual benefit and overall reciprocity, in order to advance in developing fusion energy as future sustainable energy source. • The Cooperation Arrangement between the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) intends to strengthen and further structure scientific and other cooperative activities in the areas of disaster prevention and crisis management. • Joint Declaration on Education and Training focuses on academic exchanges, the creation of an Institute of European Studies, and policy dialogue. Brazil - Background documents
France - Brazil
CAPES-COFECUB Franco-Brazilian Research Exchange Program This program co-finances short-term missions of researchers and scholars and entirely funds scholarships for Brazilian Ph.D. students to conduct studies in France for a maximum period of 18 months.
Overseen in France by the French Committee for the Evaluation of Academic and Scientific Cooperation with Brazil (COFECUB), operator of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI), and the Federal Agency of Support and Evaluation of Postgraduate Education (CAPES) in Brazil, this framework agreement aims to facilitate research projects and create an inter-university exchange system through a joint annual Call for Proposals.
For more information
USP/COFECUB Program This framework agreement was implemented to create an academic exchange system between French and Brazilian professors for developing high-level joint research projects. It is funded by São Paulo University (USP) in Brazil and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI) in France.
For more information
Franco-Brazilian Chairs Program This program was set up to host French researchers or professors in a Brazilian university and is ideally aimed at senior holders of the French "habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR)" (accreditation to supervise research). The visit must be for a minimum period of 45 days and a maximum period of between 3 months and one year depending on the host university. The chairs must be co-directed by a Brazilian supervising professor and include a public lecture or an outreach activity. Successful applicants will receive a monthly stipend from the partner university. The French Embassy in São Paulo will finance the return airfare costs. Posts are open in various universities: · French Chairs in the State of São Paulo · Chairs with the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Minas Gerais) · Chairs with the Rio de Janeiro State University (Rio de Janeiro) For further information, please visit the websites of France's Consulates General in São Paulo and in Rio de Janeiro
Call 2021 for joint
Innovation projects in Brazil and Switzerland Innosuisse and the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial (EMBRAPII) work together to support international innovation projects implemented by partners from Switzerland and Brazil. Research institutions and companies have the opportunity to submit funding applications in regular calls for proposals. This partnership boosts knowledge and technology transfer and makes both countries more competitive.
Participants from Brazil and Switzerland are invited to submit joint project proposals in the research and development of innovative products and applications with a strong market potential. The call is open for all topics. However, projects in following topics are particularly appreciated: § Biotech and medtech § Agriculture and food production § Industry 4.0 § Advanced materials § Information and communication technologies § Clean energy & water § Sustainable cities and communities § Innovation and creativity (social, technical, cultural) und digitalization
Timeline of call process:
1. February 1, 2021 Call launch 2. April 30, 2021 Submission deadline for Pre-proposals 3. Beginning of June 2021: communication of recommendation for next step. 4. August 2, 2021 Submission deadline for Full-proposals 5. End of October 2021: communication of evaluation results and decision.
Application language is in English.
How to take part, eligibility criteria and funding rates: This is an international, bilateral funding measure and is subject to the funding rules of EMBRAPII for brazilian particpants and Innosuisse for Swiss participants. Please refer to the Joint Call Guidelines.
Partnersearch: The search of project partners in Brazil and Switzerland will be supported and organised by Enterprise Europe Network EEN.
EEN Brazil and Switzerland will offer a web-based matchmaking platform to establish contacts between interested organisations.
Contact for partner search: Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) contact point Nicolas Lentze +41 58 469 07 59
More information about the call: A webinar for interested parties will be organized beginning of March 2021. It will provide information on funding conditions, call process, partner search and other aspects of the call. Interested parties will have the opportunity to ask questions to representatives of EMBRAPII, Innosuisse and EEN. For more information please register here.
Contact for call information: Larissa Beutler +41 58 467 16 05
• More information 1. Call Guidelines (PDF, 506 kB, 09.02.2021) 2. Pre-proposal template (PDF, 1 MB, 01.02.2021) 3. Full-proposal submission via: Application platform Innosuisse Analytics 4. Joint Call document (annex for Pre- and Full-proposal) (DOC, 814 kB, 08.02.2021) § Webinar beginning of March 2021: (Registration link soon available) § Matchmaking platform for partner search (b2m platform)
Canada-Brazil Awards - Joint Research Projects Competition: Closed for research projects between April 2020 and September 2022 Who applies: The Canadian professor who will take on the role of Project Lead. Eligible and complete applications will only be reviewed if a corresponding application has been submitted by the Brazil Project Lead to the Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) before the deadline, and has met the eligibility criteria of both countries. Description: The objective of this program is to support team-oriented research projects between Canadian and Brazilian universities collaborating in mutually beneficial areas of research. The collaborations are expected to result in high quality research that will have an impact in Canada and in Brazil through the mobility of both Canadian and Brazilian research students and Project Leads. This program is open to all academic disciplines.
Grants schedule
The table below shows our funding scheme deadlines and anticipated decision dates. The Royal Society funds researchers at the postdoctoral level and above in the UK and overseas. Undergraduate, Masters and PhD students cannot apply for Royal Society funding. Research must be within the Society’s remit of natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. For a full list, see our guidance page. Selected funding is also available for scholars of history of science, UK schools and colleges, small museums and for the exchange of commercial knowledge between industry and academia. See our information on our grants policies and positions and guidance on how to apply for further information. Contact with any further queries.
If cooperating with Brazil is part of your plans, we have some excellent news!! Vinnova has launched a call for proposals focused on the mobility of teams in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in industrial research or experimental development. Swedish companies, public organizations or research organizations can participate. Researchers can come from Sweden to Brazil or vice versa! Watch out for the deadlines, February 26th, March 31th, April 30th and September 30th.