[LP3] Linha de Pesquisa Qualidade do Ambiente Construído EM CONSTRUÇÃO
Caracterização do fluxo de calor em alvenaria com blocos EVA(2018);
Emmily Gérsica Santos Gomes e Aluísio Braz de Melo
PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção
How uncomfortable and unhealthy can social (low-cost) housing in Brazil become with use?(2021);
Gianna Monteiro Farias Simões, Solange Maria Leder e Lucila Chebel Labaki
Building and Environment
Energy Justice in Slum Rehabilitation Housing: An Empirical Exploration of Built Environment Effects on Socio-Cultural Energy Demand(2020);
Ramit Debnath, Gianna Monteiro Farias Simões, Ronita Bardhan, Solange Maria Leder, Roberto Lamberts e Minna Sunikka-Blank
More space, please: spatial adaptations (modifications) and their impact on the habitability of Social Houses (2022)
Gianna Monteiro Farias Simões e Solange Maria Leder
Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, v. 22
Energy poverty: the paradox between low income and increasing household energy consumption in Brazil
Gianna Monteiro Farias Simões e Solange Maria Leder
Energy and Buildings